/* mini - a Free Software replacement for the Nintendo/BroadOn IOS. boot2 chainloader Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Hector Martin "marcan" Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Sven Peter Copyright (C) 2009 Andre Heider "dhewg" # This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2; # see file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ #include "types.h" #include "elf.h" #include "nand.h" #include "memory.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "string.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "powerpc.h" #include "utils.h" #include "panic.h" #include "boot2.h" static u8 boot2[0x80000] MEM2_BSS ALIGNED(64); static u8 boot2_key[32] MEM2_BSS ALIGNED(32); static u8 boot2_iv[32] MEM2_BSS ALIGNED(32); static u8 sector_buf[PAGE_SIZE] MEM2_BSS ALIGNED(64); static u8 ecc_buf[ECC_BUFFER_ALLOC] MEM2_BSS ALIGNED(128); static u8 boot2_initialized = 0; static u8 boot2_copy; static u8 pages_read; static u8 *page_ptr; typedef struct { u32 len; u32 data_offset; u32 certs_len; u32 tik_len; u32 tmd_len; u32 padding[3]; } boot2header; typedef struct { u64 signature; u32 generation; u8 blocks[0x40]; } __attribute__((packed)) boot2blockmap; static boot2blockmap good_blockmap MEM2_BSS; #define BLOCKMAP_SIGNATURE 0x26f29a401ee684cfULL #define BOOT2_START 1 #define BOOT2_END 7 static u8 boot2_blocks[BOOT2_END - BOOT2_START + 1]; static u32 valid_blocks; static tmd_t tmd MEM2_BSS; static tik_t tik MEM2_BSS; static u8 *boot2_content; static u32 boot2_content_size; // find two equal valid blockmaps from a set of three, return one of them static int find_valid_map(const boot2blockmap *maps) { if(maps[0].signature == BLOCKMAP_SIGNATURE) { if(!memcmp(&maps[0],&maps[1],sizeof(boot2blockmap))) return 0; if(!memcmp(&maps[0],&maps[2],sizeof(boot2blockmap))) return 0; } if(maps[1].signature == BLOCKMAP_SIGNATURE) { if(!memcmp(&maps[1],&maps[2],sizeof(boot2blockmap))) return 1; } return -1; } // translate a page offset into boot2 to a real NAND page number using blockmap static inline u32 boot2_page_translate(u32 page) { u32 subpage = page % BLOCK_SIZE; u32 block = page / BLOCK_SIZE; return boot2_blocks[block] * BLOCK_SIZE + subpage; } // read boot2 up to the specified number of bytes (aligned to the next page) static int read_to(u32 bytes) { if(bytes > (valid_blocks * BLOCK_SIZE * PAGE_SIZE)) { gecko_printf("tried to read %d boot2 bytes (%d pages), but only %d blocks (%d pages) are valid!\n", bytes, (bytes+(PAGE_SIZE-1)) / PAGE_SIZE, valid_blocks, valid_blocks * BLOCK_SIZE); return -1; } while(bytes > ((u32)pages_read * PAGE_SIZE)) { u32 page = boot2_page_translate(pages_read); nand_read_page(page, page_ptr, ecc_buf); nand_wait(); if(nand_correct(page, page_ptr, ecc_buf) < 0) { gecko_printf("boot2 page %d (NAND 0x%x) is uncorrectable\n", pages_read, page); return -1; } page_ptr += PAGE_SIZE; pages_read++; } return 0; } int boot2_load(int copy) { boot2blockmap *maps = (boot2blockmap*)sector_buf; u32 block; u32 page; int mapno; u32 found = 0; boot2header *hdr; u8 iv[16]; boot2_content = NULL; boot2_content_size = 0; pages_read = 0; memset(&good_blockmap, 0, sizeof(boot2blockmap)); valid_blocks = 0; // find the best blockmap for(block=BOOT2_START; block<=BOOT2_END; block++) { page = (block+1)*BLOCK_SIZE - 1; nand_read_page(page, sector_buf, ecc_buf); nand_wait(); // boot1 doesn't actually do this, but it's probably a good idea to try to correct 1-bit errors anyway if(nand_correct(page, sector_buf, ecc_buf) < 0) { gecko_printf("boot2 map candidate page 0x%x is uncorrectable, trying anyway\n", page); } mapno = find_valid_map(maps); if(mapno >= 0) { gecko_printf("found valid boot2 blockmap at page 0x%x, submap %d, generation %d\n", page, mapno, maps[mapno].generation); if(maps[mapno].generation >= good_blockmap.generation) { memcpy(&good_blockmap, &maps[mapno], sizeof(boot2blockmap)); found = 1; } } } if(!found) { gecko_printf("no valid boot2 blockmap found!\n"); return -1; } // traverse the blockmap and make a list of the actual boot2 blocks, in order if(copy == 0) { for(block=BOOT2_START; block<=BOOT2_END; block++) { if(good_blockmap.blocks[block] == 0x00) { boot2_blocks[valid_blocks++] = block; } } } else if(copy == 1) { for(block=BOOT2_END; block>=BOOT2_START; block--) { if(good_blockmap.blocks[block] == 0x00) { boot2_blocks[valid_blocks++] = block; } } } else { gecko_printf("invalid boot2 copy %d\n", copy); return -1; } gecko_printf("boot2 blocks:"); for(block=0; blocklen != sizeof(boot2header)) { gecko_printf("invalid boot2 header size 0x%x\n", hdr->len); return -1; } if(hdr->tmd_len != sizeof(tmd_t)) { gecko_printf("boot2 tmd size mismatch: expected 0x%x, got 0x%x (more than one content?)\n", sizeof(tmd_t), hdr->tmd_len); return -1; } if(hdr->tik_len != sizeof(tik_t)) { gecko_printf("boot2 tik size mismatch: expected 0x%x, got 0x%x\n", sizeof(tik_t), hdr->tik_len); return -1; } // read tmd, tik, certs if(read_to(hdr->data_offset) < 0) { gecko_printf("error while reading boot2 certs/tmd/ticket"); return -1; } memcpy(&tik, &boot2[hdr->len + hdr->certs_len], sizeof(tik_t)); memcpy(&tmd, &boot2[hdr->len + hdr->certs_len + hdr->tik_len], sizeof(tmd_t)); memset(iv, 0, 16); memcpy(iv, &tik.titleid, 8); aes_reset(); aes_set_iv(iv); aes_set_key(otp.common_key); memcpy(boot2_key, &tik.cipher_title_key, 16); aes_decrypt(boot2_key, boot2_key, 1, 0); memset(boot2_iv, 0, 16); memcpy(boot2_iv, &tmd.contents.index, 2); //just zero anyway... #if defined(CAN_HAZ_USBGECKO) && !defined(NDEBUG) u32 *kp = (u32*)boot2_key; gecko_printf("boot2 title key: %08x%08x%08x%08x\n", kp[0], kp[1], kp[2], kp[3]); #endif boot2_content_size = (tmd.contents.size + 15) & ~15; gecko_printf("boot2 content size: 0x%x (padded: 0x%x)\n", (u32)tmd.contents.size, boot2_content_size); // read content if(read_to(hdr->data_offset + boot2_content_size) < 0) { gecko_printf("error while reading boot2 content"); return -1; } boot2_content = &boot2[hdr->data_offset]; boot2_copy = copy; gecko_printf("boot2 copy %d loaded to %p\n", copy, boot2); return 0; } void boot2_init(void) { boot2_copy = -1; boot2_initialized = 0; if(boot2_load(0) < 0) { gecko_printf("failed to load boot2 copy 0, trying copy 1...\n"); if(boot2_load(1) < 0) { gecko_printf("failed to load boot2 copy 1!\n"); return; } } // boot2 content flush would flush entire cache anyway so just do it all dc_flushall(); boot2_initialized = 1; } static u32 match[] = { 0xBC024708, 1, 2, }; static u32 patch[] = { 0xBC024708, 0, // tid hi 0, // tid low }; static u32 boot2_patch(ioshdr *hdr) { u32 i, num_matches = 0; u8 *ptr = (u8 *) hdr + hdr->hdrsize + hdr->loadersize; for (i = 0; i < hdr->elfsize; i += 1) { if (memcmp(ptr+i, match, sizeof(match)) == 0) { num_matches++; memcpy(ptr+i, patch, sizeof(patch)); gecko_printf("patched data @%08x\n", (u32)ptr+i); } } return num_matches; } u32 boot2_run(u32 tid_hi, u32 tid_lo) { u32 num_matches; ioshdr *hdr; gecko_printf("booting boot2 with title %08x-%08x\n", tid_hi, tid_lo); mem_protect(1, (void *)0x11000000, (void *)0x13FFFFFF); aes_reset(); aes_set_iv(boot2_iv); aes_set_key(boot2_key); aes_decrypt(boot2_content, (void *)0x11000000, boot2_content_size / 16, 0); hdr = (ioshdr *) 0x11000000; if ((tid_hi != match[1]) || (tid_lo != match[2])) { patch[1] = tid_hi; patch[2] = tid_lo; num_matches = boot2_patch(hdr); if (num_matches != 1) { gecko_printf("Wrong number of patches (matched %d times, expected 1), panicking\n", num_matches); panic2(0, PANIC_PATCHFAIL); } } hdr->argument = 0x42; u32 vector = 0x11000000 + hdr->hdrsize; gecko_printf("boot2 is at 0x%08x\n", vector); return vector; } u32 boot2_ipc(volatile ipc_request *req) { u32 vector = 0; switch (req->req) { case IPC_BOOT2_RUN: if(boot2_initialized) { // post first so that the memory protection doesn't kill IPC for the PowerPC ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, boot2_copy); ipc_flush(); vector = boot2_run((u32)req->args[0], (u32)req->args[1]); } else { ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, -1); } break; case IPC_BOOT2_TMD: if (boot2_initialized) ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, &tmd); else ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, -1); break; default: gecko_printf("IPC: unknown SLOW BOOT2 request %04X\n", req->req); } return vector; }