ModMii v6.1.2 Changelog:

Minor Changes
This commit is contained in:
xflak40 2012-05-02 01:53:44 +00:00
parent 9a28fdd783
commit 222e596d81
2 changed files with 14 additions and 91 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if not exist support cd..
::::PUSHD "%~dp0"
set currentversion=6.1.1
set currentversion=6.1.2
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul
if not exist support\skipscam.txt goto:nocheck
findStr /I /C:"%USERPROFILE%" "support\skipscam.txt" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Trigger=
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Trigger=1
@ -2063,7 +2063,6 @@ color 1f
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:DefaultSettings
if exist support\skipscam.txt set AGREEDVERSION=%CURRENTVERSION%
set warning=
echo ModMii
@ -2113,49 +2112,11 @@ set /p warning= Enter Selection Here:
if /i "%warning%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip
set warning=
echo Enter the paypal email address you used to send your ModMii donation.
echo Note: it may take up to a few hours after donating before your email
echo address can be validated.
set /p warning= Enter Selection Here:
echo %warning%>temp\key.txt
echo modmii>temp\modmii.txt
::if exist temp\modmii.txt del temp\modmii.txt>nul
::download exe and zip
if not exist temp\activator.exe start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 ""
if exist activator.exe move /y activator.exe temp\activator.exe>nul
if exist temp\keys.txt del temp\keys.txt>nul
if exist temp\ del temp\>nul
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3
if exist move /y temp\>nul
if not exist temp\ goto:nowifi
if not exist temp\activator.exe goto:nowifi
cd temp
start activator.exe
echo An internet connection is required to validate your email address,
echo please try again later.
@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
if /i "%warning%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip
if exist support\skipscam.txt attrib -r -h -s support\skipscam.txt
echo "%USERPROFILE%">support\skipscam.txt
attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt
set Trigger=1

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Exit
set currentversion=6.1.1
set currentversion=6.1.2
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
@ -167,13 +167,11 @@ set wabmp=support\bmp\default.bmp
if not exist support\skipscam.txt goto:nocheck
findStr /I /C:"%USERPROFILE%" "support\skipscam.txt" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Trigger=
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Trigger=1
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:skip
if exist support\skipscam.txt set AGREEDVERSION=%CURRENTVERSION%
::Splash Screen for Scam Warning
::if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" EQU "%CURRENTVERSION%" goto:nosplash
@ -207,47 +205,11 @@ if /i "%waoutput%" EQU "I Agree" goto:skip
if /i "%waoutput%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip
set waoutput=
set watext=Enter the paypal email address you used to send your ModMii donation.~~Note: it may take up to a few hours after donating before your email address can be validated.~~Also note that an internet connection is required to validate your email address.
start /w support\wizapp NOBACK EB
if errorlevel 2 Exit
call "%wabat%"
echo %waoutput%>temp\key.txt
::echo modmii>temp\modmii.txt
if exist temp\modmii.txt del temp\modmii.txt>nul
::download exe and zip
if not exist temp\activator.exe start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 ""
if exist activator.exe move /y activator.exe temp\activator.exe>nul
if exist temp\keys.txt del temp\keys.txt>nul
if exist temp\ del temp\>nul
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3
if exist move /y temp\>nul
if not exist temp\ goto:skip
if not exist temp\activator.exe goto:skip
cd temp
start activator.exe
if exist support\skipscam.txt attrib -r -h -s support\skipscam.txt
echo "%USERPROFILE%">support\skipscam.txt
attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt
set Trigger=1