mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 13:53:34 +01:00
6.0.3 Changelog:
DML support fixed. Thanks to the DML team for the major progress they've recently made. If there is anything ModMii can do to support you better please don't hesitate to message me about it. Removed ModMii's DML debug mode option as it is now redundant. Updated the cmd line version of theme mii (by scooby74029) to v1.1, System Menu themes are now constructed quicker and random errors are less likely. Thanks scooby! Fixed a minor bug in ModMii Classic's Options Menu where you could not toggle the play a sound at finish setting. Thanks goes out to JoostinOnline for reporting this bug! ModMii, it will support your whether you like it or not. Other Minor Changes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@echo off
set currentversion=6.0.2
set currentversion=6.0.3
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat
@ -557,14 +557,6 @@ echo Where;
echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled
support\sfk echo [Cyan]DML Debug Mode
echo ModMii.exe [base command] DMLDebug:D
echo ModMii.exe [base command] DMLDebug:E
echo Where;
echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled
support\sfk echo [Cyan]Channel Effect
echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:NS
echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:S
@ -850,27 +842,6 @@ support\sfk filter temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _" RS:%removeme%"__ -write -yes>nul
::-----------DMLDebug: Option---------------
findStr /I " DMLDebug:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noDMLDebugcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul)
support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* DMLDebug:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul
set /p DMLDebugcmd= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
if /i "%DMLDebugcmd%" EQU "E" set DMLDebug=debug
if /i "%DMLDebugcmd%" EQU "D" set DMLDebug=
::overwrite option in settings.bat
support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set DMLDebug=" -write -yes>nul
echo Set DMLDebug=%DMLDebug%>>Support\settings.bat
::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt
set /p removeme= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
support\sfk filter temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _" DMLDebug:%removeme%"__ -write -yes>nul
::-----------CE: Option---------------
findStr /I " CE:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noCEcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul)
@ -1812,22 +1783,25 @@ support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* DMLRev:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -w
set /p CurrentDMLRev= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt
::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt (first compensate for underscores)
support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x5cx5f_ -write -yes>nul
set /p removeme= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _" DMLRev:%removeme%"__ -write -yes>nul
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" goto:noDMLRevcmd
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" goto:noDMLRevcmd
::set googlecode=dios-mios-lite-source-project
::---------------SKIN MODE-------------
if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" goto:noDMLRevcmd
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 "http://dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip"
if not exist "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" (echo "%CurrentDMLRev%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (echo check this URL for available versions: http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit)
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 "http://dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf"
if not exist "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" (echo "%CurrentDMLRev%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (echo check this URL for available versions: http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit)
if not exist "temp\DML" mkdir "temp\DML"
move /y "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip">nul
move /y "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf">nul
@ -2086,7 +2060,6 @@ if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat
::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------
IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off
IF "%DMLDebug%"=="" set DMLDebug=
IF "%effect%"=="" set effect=No-Spin
IF "%PCSAVE%"=="" set PCSAVE=Auto
IF "%OPTION1%"=="" set OPTION1=off
@ -2969,10 +2942,6 @@ if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "off" echo SV = SNEEK Verbose Output (Disabl
if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo SV = SNEEK Verbose Output (Enabled)
if /i "%DMLDebug%" EQU "debug" echo DML = DML Debug Mode (Enabled)
if /i "%DMLDebug%" NEQ "debug" echo DML = DML Debug Mode (Disabled)
if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" echo F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (WHITE)
if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" echo F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (BLACK)
@ -2994,14 +2963,13 @@ set /p OPTIONS= Enter Selection Here:
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "RS" goto:ROOTSAVE
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DML" goto:DMLdebug
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "PC" goto:PCSAVE
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "1" goto:Option1
::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CE" goto:OptionCE
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "N" goto:UpdateModMii
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "A" goto:AutoUpdate
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "36" goto:Option36
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "36" goto:AudioOption
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "SO" goto:AudioOption
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "sv" goto:OptionSneekverbose
@ -3067,7 +3035,6 @@ goto:OPTIONS
set ROOTSAVE=off
set DMLDebug=
set effect=No-Spin
set PCSAVE=Auto
set OPTION1=off
@ -3122,7 +3089,6 @@ echo.
echo ::ModMii Settings > Support\settings.bat
echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set DMLDebug=%DMLDebug%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set effect=%effect%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> Support\settings.bat
@ -3180,9 +3146,6 @@ Set ROOTSAVE=OFF
if /i "%DMLdebug%" EQU "debug" (set DMLdebug=) else (set DMLdebug=debug)
if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Auto" (set PCSAVE=Portable) & (goto:options)
@ -6649,26 +6612,29 @@ echo Checking which DML versions are hosted online...
::get all list
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list?can=2&q=zip&sort=-releasedate&colspec=Filename%20Summary%20Uploaded%20ReleaseDate%20Size%20DownloadCount"
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list"
if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi)
copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" -!DMLr9.zip -!DMLr11.zip -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
::get featured list
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".zip', 'Featured'" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
::get local list
if not exist "temp\DML\*.zip" goto:nolocallist
if not exist "temp\DML\*.elf" goto:nolocallist
dir "temp\DML\*.zip" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".zip"__ -write -yes>nul
dir "temp\DML\*.elf" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -ls!"DML.elf" -ls!"DMLdebug.elf" -ls!"._DML.elf" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".elf"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul
@ -6705,8 +6671,7 @@ echo.
echo * DML r12+ requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
if /i "%DMLDebug%" EQU "debug" echo D = Toggle DML Debug Mode (Current Setting: Enabled)
if /i "%DMLDebug%" NEQ "debug" echo D = Toggle DML Debug Mode (Current Setting: Disabled)
echo * DML Debug Mode saves logs to the SD Card.
echo * USB Gecko debug can only be enabled by compiling the source manually.
@ -6725,8 +6690,8 @@ findStr /I /C:"%CurrentDMLRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Featured)
if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" echo %RevCount% = DMLr%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" echo %RevCount% = DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%
if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" echo %RevCount% = DMLr%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" echo %RevCount% = DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%
@ -6741,14 +6706,6 @@ echo.
set /p DMLrev= Enter Selection Here:
if /i "%DMLrev%" NEQ "D" goto:notoggle
if /i "%DMLdebug%" EQU "debug" (set DMLdebug=) else (set DMLdebug=debug)
::overwrite option in settings.bat
support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set DMLdebug=" -write -yes>nul
echo Set DMLDebug=%DMLDebug%>> Support\settings.bat
if /i "%DMLrev%" EQU "M" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:MENU)
if /i "%DMLrev%" EQU "B" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (set DML=) & (set CurrentDMLRev=) & (goto:%B4DMLRevSelect%)
@ -11314,7 +11271,7 @@ echo %cIOS249[57]-v19% 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 %cIOS224[57]
echo %cIOS250[57]-v19% 2501957 = cIOS250[57]-v19
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] (cM)IOSs
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko (v20) cIOSs [def] \x20 \x20 %DML%\x20DML = DML %CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug%
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko (v20) cIOSs [def] \x20 \x20 %DML%\x20DML = DML %CurrentDMLRev%
echo %cIOS249[38]-v20% 2492038 = cIOS249[38]-v20 %RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2% 10 = WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10)
@ -15942,7 +15899,7 @@ if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo
if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSK">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" (echo "BC">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BC">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%cBC%" EQU "*" (echo "NMM">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NMM">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (echo "DML-r%CurrentDMLRev% %DMLdebug%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DML">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (echo "DML-r%CurrentDMLRev% ">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DML">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
@ -17563,29 +17520,44 @@ support\wadmii -in temp\%basewad%.wad -out %basecios%
if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" NEQ "DML" goto:SkipDML-stuff
::download DML+installer if missing
::download DML currentrev if missing
echo Downloading %dlname%
if exist "temp\DML\%dlname%" goto:EXTRACT
if not exist "%dlname%" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "%URL%"
if not exist "%dlname%" (rd /s /q %basewad%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [Magenta] %dlname% Failed to Download properly, Skipping download.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT)
if exist "temp\DML\%dlname%" goto:getfixelf
if not exist "%dlname%" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "%URL%"
if not exist "%dlname%" (rd /s /q %basewad%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [Magenta] %dlname% Failed to Download properly, Skipping download.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT)
if not exist "temp\DML" mkdir "temp\DML"
move /y "%dlname%" "temp\DML\%dlname%">nul
echo Downloading FixELF
if exist "temp\DML\FixELF.exe" goto:gotfixelf
if not exist "DMLr43.zip" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25620767/DML/DMLr43.zip"
if not exist "DMLr43.zip" (rd /s /q %basewad%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [Magenta] %dlname% Failed to Download properly, Skipping download.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT)
support\7za e -aoa "DMLr43.zip" -o"temp\DML" *.* -r>nul
if not exist "temp\DML\FixELF.exe" (Corrupted archive detected and deleted...) & (del "temp\DML\DMLr43.zip">nul) & (goto:NEXT)
del DMLr43.zip>nul
support\7za e -aoa "temp\DML\%dlname%" -o"temp\DML" *.* -r>temp\7zalog.txt
findStr /I /C:"Everything is Ok" "temp\7zalog.txt" >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (Corrupted archive detected and deleted...) & (del temp\7zalog.txt>nul) & (del "temp\DML\%dlname%">nul) & (goto:NEXT)
del temp\7zalog.txt>nul
move /y "%basecios%\00000001.app" "temp\DML\MIOS.app">nul
@ -17598,7 +17570,7 @@ if exist 00000001.app del 00000001.app>nul
echo Running Crediar's FixELF to patch MIOS.app
FixELF MIOS.app DML%DMLdebug%.elf 00000001.app>nul
FixELF MIOS.app "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" 00000001.app>nul
@ -17825,8 +17797,8 @@ move /y "temp\TMCL.exe" "temp\TMCL.bak">nul
cd /d temp
TMCL.exe "%mym1%" -A "..\%basecios%\00000001-original.app" -o "temp.csm">nul
TMCL.exe "%mym2%" -A "temp.csm" -o "..\%basecios%\00000001.app">nul
TMCL.exe "%mym1%" "..\%basecios%\00000001-original.app" "temp.csm">nul
TMCL.exe "%mym2%" "temp.csm" "..\%basecios%\00000001.app">nul
cd /d ..
if exist "temp\temp.csm" del "temp\temp.csm">nul
@ -18651,8 +18623,8 @@ echo.
echo Downloading ThemeMii Cmd Line
set ThemeMiiZip=thememii_cmd_3.5NetFramework.zip
set md5TMCL=641eadbcbb9970f066d7852286f03133
set ThemeMiiZip=thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip
set md5TMCL=25b32f4e282e4c0bef2b21ca86a8df9a
::if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat"
@ -18764,8 +18736,8 @@ move /y "temp\TMCL.exe" "temp\TMCL.bak">nul
cd /d temp
TMCL.exe "%mym1%" -A "%dlname%" -o "temp.csm">nul
TMCL.exe "%mym2%" -A "temp.csm" -o "%wadname%.csm">nul
TMCL.exe "%mym1%" "%dlname%" "temp.csm">nul
TMCL.exe "%mym2%" "temp.csm" "%wadname%.csm">nul
cd /d ..
if exist "temp\temp.csm" del "temp\temp.csm">nul
@ -22194,7 +22166,7 @@ if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo NMM (No More Memory-Cards) Installed >>"%nandpat
if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug%.WAD Constructed (install to real NAND) >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt"
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%.WAD Constructed (install to real NAND) >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt"
@ -22426,7 +22398,7 @@ echo but it will be much quicker the second time around.
if /i "%SNKcBC%" NEQ "DML" goto:skipDMLmsg
echo * Install the DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug%.WAD using MMM to your
echo * Install the DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%.WAD using MMM to your
echo REAL NAND in order for your Emulated NAND to use DML. DML currently
echo requires SNEEK+DI r157 or higher and neek2o has yet to support DML.
@ -25448,8 +25420,8 @@ goto:downloadstart
set name=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug%
set wadname=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug%
set name=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%
set wadname=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%
set ciosslot=unchanged
set ciosversion=
::set md5=aaaaa5a3f60d762cf5c3f64f57ba82c9
@ -25460,14 +25432,14 @@ set md5basealt=%md5baseb%
set code1=00000001
set code2=00000101
set version=10
set basecios=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug%
set basecios=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%
set diffpath=%basecios%
set code2new=00000100
set lastbasemodule=
set cIOSFamilyName=
set cIOSversionNum=
set URL=http://dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip
set dlname=DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip
set URL=http://dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf
set dlname=DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if not "%cmdinput%"=="" start ModMii.exe %cmdinput%
if not "%cmdinput%"=="" Exit
set currentversion=6.0.2
set currentversion=6.0.3
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat
::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------
IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off
IF "%DMLDebug%"=="" set DMLDebug=
IF "%GUIDEOnly%"=="" set GUIDEOnly=off
IF "%effect%"=="" set effect=No-Spin
@ -412,7 +411,6 @@ goto:OPTIONS
::--------------------Restore Default Settings---------------------
set ROOTSAVE=off
set DMLDebug=
set effect=No-Spin
set PCSAVE=Auto
set OPTION1=off
@ -461,7 +459,6 @@ goto:OPTIONS
echo ::ModMii Settings > Support\settings.bat
echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set DMLDebug=%DMLDebug%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set effect=%effect%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> Support\settings.bat
@ -651,7 +648,7 @@ set waoutput=
set watext=~~~~ SNEEK Options
set wainput= Build ^&neek2o instead of the original NEEK; ^&SD card access enabled for SNEEK\SNEEK+DI; SNEEK ^&Verbose Output; ^&DML Debug Mode; ^&White Font.bin for S\UNEEK+DI (instead of Black)
set wainput= Build ^&neek2o instead of the original NEEK; ^&SD card access enabled for SNEEK\SNEEK+DI; SNEEK ^&Verbose Output; ^&White Font.bin for S\UNEEK+DI (instead of Black)
::check correct boxes
@ -659,7 +656,6 @@ set waoutput=
if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Build #neek2o instead of the original NEEK
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #SD card access enabled for SNEEK\SNEEK+DI
if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; SNEEK #Verbose Output
if /i "%DMLDebug%" EQU "debug" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #DML Debug Mode
if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #White Font.bin for S\UNEEK+DI (instead of Black)
echo set waoutput=%waoutput%>temp\temp.bat
@ -691,9 +687,6 @@ findStr /I /C:"2" "%wabat%" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set sneekverbose=on) else (set sneekverbose=off)
findStr /I /C:"3" "%wabat%" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set DMLDebug=debug) else (set DMLDebug=)
findStr /I /C:"4" "%wabat%" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKFONT=W) else (set SNKFONT=B)
@ -1774,7 +1767,7 @@ if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install cIOS249 rev14
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install NMM (No More Memory-Cards)
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%%DMLdebug% to Real NAND
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install DML-r%CurrentDMLRev% to Real NAND
if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install Priiloader
@ -2233,7 +2226,7 @@ start support\wizapp PB OPEN
::get all list
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list?can=2&q=zip&sort=-releasedate&colspec=Filename%20Summary%20Uploaded%20ReleaseDate%20Size%20DownloadCount"
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list"
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20
@ -2241,14 +2234,15 @@ start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20
if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi)
copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" -!DMLr9.zip -!DMLr11.zip -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 40
::get featured list
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".zip', 'Featured'" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60
@ -2256,10 +2250,11 @@ start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60
::get local list
if not exist "temp\DML\*.zip" goto:nolocallist
if not exist "temp\DML\*.elf" goto:nolocallist
dir "temp\DML\*.zip" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".zip"__ -write -yes>nul
dir "temp\DML\*.elf" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -ls!"DML.elf" -ls!"DMLdebug.elf" -ls!"._DML.elf" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".elf"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 80
@ -2287,9 +2282,6 @@ if /i "%DMLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" goto:DMLrevsfound
set watext=~~~~Unable to connect to the internet and no DML versions saved locally
::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD"
::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD"
start /w support\wizapp TB
set DML=
@ -2309,9 +2301,6 @@ set wainput=
Set watext=~~ Select the version of DML you would like to build:~~DML r12+ requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
if /i "%DMLDebug%" EQU "debug" set wainput=Disable DML Debug Mode (Currenly Enabled);;
if /i "%DMLDebug%" NEQ "debug" set wainput=Enable DML Debug Mode (Currenly Disabled);;
::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processDMLlist %%A
@ -2323,8 +2312,8 @@ findStr /I /C:"%CurrentDMLRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Featured)
if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%;
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.zip" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%;
if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%;
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%;
@ -2332,8 +2321,6 @@ goto:EOF
::remove last ; to delete empty selection
set wainput=%wainput:~0,-1%
::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD"
::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD"
start /w support\wizapp LB SINGLE
@ -2351,17 +2338,6 @@ call "%wabat%"
if "%waoutput%"=="" goto:DMLrevsfound
if /i "%waoutput:~0,22%" EQU "Disable DML Debug Mode" goto:toggle
if /i "%waoutput:~0,21%" EQU "Enable DML Debug Mode" goto:toggle
if /i "%DMLdebug%" EQU "debug" (set DMLdebug=) else (set DMLdebug=debug)
::overwrite option in settings.bat
support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set DMLdebug=" -write -yes>nul
echo Set DMLDebug=%DMLDebug%>> Support\settings.bat
set CurrentDMLRev=%waoutput%
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