diff --git a/ModMii French/ModMii.bat b/ModMii French/ModMii.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..def49b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ModMii French/ModMii.bat @@ -0,0 +1,23708 @@ +@echo off +setlocal + +::Declare variables +set name= +set code1= +set code2= +set version= +set path1= +set wadname= +set dlname= +set md5= +set NEXT= +set patch= +set category= +set basewad=none +set basewadb=none +set ModMiipath=%cd% +set cygwin=nodosfilewarning + +set currentversion=4.5.7 +set agreedversion= +if exist settings.bat call settings.bat + +::Update name is also used in the following update link http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/%UPDATENAME% +set UPDATENAME=ModMiiFrenchUpdate.txt +if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat +if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat + + +::how to pass variables to ModMii via command line +::"ModMii" a b c d e f g h i +::equals +::"ModMii" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 + +set one=%1 +set two=%2 +set three=%3 +set four=%4 +set five=%5 +set six=%6 +set seven=%7 +set eight=%8 +set nine=%9 + +if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:cmdlinewizard +if /i "%one%" EQU "H" goto:cmdlinehelp +if /i "%one%" EQU "help" goto:cmdlinehelp +if /i "%one%" EQU "-help" goto:cmdlinehelp +goto:notcmd + +:cmdlinehelp +cls +::-------------CMD LINE DL WIZARD DOESN'T WORK WHEN converted to EXE--------- +echo Utilisation de ModMii en lignes de commandes: +echo. +echo ASSISTANT DE TELECHARGEMENT - Utilisation en mode Express: +echo. +echo "ModMii.bat" W VIRGIN FirmwareActuel REGION FirmwareDesire ChainesWii Protection REGIONCHANGED2 +echo. +echo Exemple: +echo "ModMii.bat" W Y 3.2 U 4.2 Y Y +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Assurez\x2dvous que les param\xe8tres soient valables sinon les r\xe9sultats ne seront pas fiables +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 (ie. si le firmware actuel est 4.3, la r\xe9gion ne peut pas \xeatre J ou K +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 du fait que ModMii ne supporte pas ce sc\xe9nario) +echo. +echo 1) W +echo 2) Vierge: Est-ce que votre Wii est vierge? "Y" (Oui), "N" (Non) +echo 3) Firmware actuel: "4.3","4.2","4.1","4.0","3.X" (3.0-3.5), "O" (autre <2.2) +sfk echo -spat 4) R\xe9gion: \x22U\x22,\x22E\x22,\x22J\x22,\x22K\x22,\x22RC\x22 (la r\xe9gion a chang\xe9 de cor\xe9enne vers une autre) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Si votre Wii a \xe9t\xe9 chang\xe9e, sans \xeatre d'origine cor\xe9enne, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 s\xe9lectionnez la r\xe9gion actuellement pr\xe9sente +sfk echo -spat 5) Firmware souhait\xe9: \x224.2\x22, \x224.1\x22, \x223.2\x22 +sfk echo -spat 6) WiiChannels: T\xe9l\xe9charger toutes les chaines Wii (et IOS56)? "Y" (Oui), "N" (Non) +sfk echo -spat 7) Protection: T\xe9l\xe9charger les protections suppl\xe9mentaires anti brick? "Y" (Oui), "N" (Non) +sfk echo -spat 8) REGIONCHANGED2: en quelle r\xe9gion avez\x2dvous modifi\xe9 votre Wii cor\xe9enne? "U","E","J" +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Ne rien \xe9crire si votre Wii n'est pas d'origine cor\xe9enne. +echo. + + +::this will stop the batch file from opening, and keep the cmd box open +cmd.exe + + +:cmdlinewizard + +set MENU1=%one% +set VIRGIN=%two% +set FIRMSTART=%three% +set REGION=%four% +set FIRM=%five% + +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set PIC=Y +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set NET=Y +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set WEATHER=Y +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set NEWS=Y +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set SHOP=Y +if /i "%six%" EQU "Y" set SPEAK=Y + +set protect=%seven% +set REGIONCHANGE=%eight% + +goto:defaultsettings + + +:notcmd + +title=ModMii +mode con cols=85 lines=54 +color 1f + +::start /? to view the different "start" parameters +::Increase your dos box size with MODE. +::mode con lines=45 +::mode con cols=xxx + + + + + +::SET FILENAME=%~nx0 //this returns the name of the batch file running (doesn't work when packaged in an exe) +::SET PATHNAME=%0 //this returns the filename but also with absolute path + + + +::secret way to bypass scam warning +if exist skipscam.txt goto:DefaultSettings + +set warning= +echo ModMii +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] CE LOGICIEL N'EST PAS PAYANT. +echo. + +if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul + +echo SI VOUS AVEZ PAYE POUR CE LOGICIEL OU OBTENU DANS UN PACKAGE PAYANT +echo VOUS VOUS ETES FAIT AVOIR. DEMANDEZ A ETRE REMBOURSE. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] VOUS ETES RESPONSABLES DE VOS ACTES! +echo. +echo CE PACKAGE EST LIVRE SANS GARANTIE, EXPLICITE OU IMPLICITE. +echo VOUS SEUL POUVEZ ETRE TENU RESPONSABLE DES DOMMAGES CAUSES +echo A VOTRE CONSOLE WII! +echo. + +echo. +if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul +echo. +echo Tapez la phrase "I Agree" +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 et appuyez sur \x22Entr\xe9e\x22 pour continuer. +echo. +if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Si vous n'arrivez pas \xe0 suivre ces instructions, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 c'est que vous n'avez rien \xe0 faire dans le hack. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul + +set /p warning= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" sfk echo -spat En ayant \x22skipscam.txt\x22 sauv\xe9 dans le m\xeame dossier que ModMii, il vous \xe9vitera l'avertissement au d\xe9marrage.>skipscam.txt +if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" attrib +r +h +s skipscam.txt +if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" goto:DefaultSettings + +if /i "%warning%" EQU "I Agree" goto:skip +echo. +echo ModMii en cours de fermeture... +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +Exit +:skip + +::Save version agreed to +if exist settings.bat sfk filter -quiet settings.bat -ls!"set AGREEDVERSION=" -write -yes +echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> settings.bat + + +:DefaultSettings + +title=ModMii +mode con cols=85 lines=54 +color 1f + + +::----LOAD SETTINGS (if exist)---- +if exist settings.bat call settings.bat + +::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------ +IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off +IF "%PCSAVE%"=="" set PCSAVE=Auto +IF "%OPTION1%"=="" set OPTION1=off +IF "%OPTION36%"=="" set OPTION36=on +IF "%CMIOSOPTION%"=="" set CMIOSOPTION=off +IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD +IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB +IF "%ACTIVEIOS%"=="" set ACTIVEIOS=on +IF "%AUTOUPDATE%"=="" set AUTOUPDATE=on +IF "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off +IF "%sneekverbose%"=="" set sneekverbose=off +::IF "%discexverify%"=="" set discexverify=off +IF "%SNKFONT%"=="" set SNKFONT=B +IF "%overwritecodes%"=="" set overwritecodes=off +IF "%cheatregion%"=="" set cheatregion=All +IF "%cheatlocation%"=="" set cheatlocation=B + +IF "%wiicheat%"=="" set wiicheat=ON +IF "%WiiWarecheat%"=="" set WiiWarecheat=ON +IF "%VCArcadecheat%"=="" set VCArcadecheat=OFF +IF "%WiiChannelscheat%"=="" set WiiChannelscheat=ON +IF "%Gamecubecheat%"=="" set Gamecubecheat=ON +IF "%NEScheat%"=="" set NEScheat=ON +IF "%SNEScheat%"=="" set SNEScheat=ON +IF "%N64cheat%"=="" set N64cheat=ON +IF "%SMScheat%"=="" set SMScheat=ON +IF "%Segacheat%"=="" set Segacheat=ON +IF "%NeoGeocheat%"=="" set NeoGeocheat=ON +IF "%Commodorecheat%"=="" set Commodorecheat=ON +IF "%MSXcheat%"=="" set MSXcheat=ON +IF "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON +IF "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON + +::check if drive folder exists--if second char is ":" check if drive exists +if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck +if exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD) +:skipcheck + +::check if DRIVEU folder exists--if second char is ":" check if DRIVEU exists +if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck +if exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVEU=COPY_TO_USB) +:skipcheck + +::.NET Framework 3.5 check+installation +if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation + +sfk echo -spat ModMii n\xe9cessite que .NET Framework 3.5 soit install\xe9 +echo. + +set FrameworkAttempt=0 +:NETFRAMEWORK + +SET /a FrameworkAttempt=%FrameworkAttempt%+1 + +if exist "temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe" goto:semiskip +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de l'installeur .NET Framework 3.5 +echo. + +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 "http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/0/3/703455ee-a747-4cc8-bd3e-98a615c3aedb/dotNetFx35setup.exe" + +::start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait "http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/0/3/703455ee-a747-4cc8-bd3e-98a615c3aedb/dotNetFx35setup.exe" + +if not exist temp mkdir temp +if exist dotNetFx35setup.exe move /y dotNetFx35setup.exe temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe +:semiskip + +echo Lancement de l'installeur, veuillez attendre la fin de l'installation... +echo. +start /wait temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe + + +if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation + +if /i "%FrameworkAttempt%" EQU "3" goto:GiveUpOnFramework + +sfk echo -spat Installation echou\xe9e, nouvel essai... +echo. +echo. +goto:NETFRAMEWORK + + +:GiveUpOnFramework +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat L'installation de .NET Framework 3.5 a echou\xe9 plusieurs fois +echo Vous pouvez essayer d'installer .NET Framework 3.5 par le biais de Windows Update +echo. +echo ModMii ne pourra pas fonctionner correctement sans .NET Framework 3.5 +sfk echo -spat Appuyez sur une touche pour lancer quand m\xeame ModMii... +pause>nul + +:skipframeworkinstallation + + + + +:Clear_Download_Log +::if exist %DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5 echo ;ModMii Log > %DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5 +if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5>nul + +::skip update when using cmd line +if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:MENUafterbadvars + +if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=) +if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" goto:UpdateModMii + +::......................................................MAIN MENU.............................................. + +:MENU + +if exist ModMiiFrenchUpdate.bat del ModMiiFrenchUpdate.bat +if exist ModMiiFrenchUpdate.txt del ModMiiFrenchUpdate.txt + +::----restore settings if applicable (download queue and sneek nand builder)---- +IF "%MENU1%"=="" goto:NOCLEAR +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "O" goto:Cleartempsettings +goto:NOCLEAR +:Cleartempsettings +Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVETEMP% +Set Option1=%Option1TEMP% +:NOCLEAR + +::---SET TEMP SETTINGS FOR DL QUE--- +Set ROOTSAVETEMP=%ROOTSAVE% +Set Option1TEMP=%Option1% + + +if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=) + + +::variable that interfere with cmd line wizard +SET VIRGIN= +SET FIRMSTART= +set STUB= +set PIC= +set NET= +set WEATHER= +set NEWS= +set SHOP= +set SPEAK= +set MIIQ= +set REGION= +set UpdatesIOSQ= +:MENUafterbadvars + + +mode con cols=85 lines=54 +SET lines=54 + +set MORE= +SET DEC= +SET HEX= +SET VER= +SET CONFIRM= +set loadorgo=go +set SMAPP= + +SET EXPLOIT=default +set exploitselection= +set COPY= +set DLTOTAL=0 +set OPTIONS= +set DB=N +set FORMAT=NONE +set cfgfullrelease=NONE +set SNEEKTYPE= +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP% +set USBGUIDE= +set UPAGE1= +set LOADER= +set SNEEKTYPE= +set SNEEKSELECT= +set patchIOSnum=36 or 236 + +::if second char is ":" check if drive exists +if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck +if not exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD +:skipcheck + +::if second char is ":" check if driveU exists +if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck +if not exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_USB +:skipcheck + +:CLEAR +set EULAU= +set EULAE= +set EULAJ= +set EULAK= +set RSU= +set RSE= +set RSJ= +set RSK= +set BC= +set SM3.2U= +set SM4.1U= +set SM4.2U= +set SM4.3U= +set SM3.2E= +set SM4.1E= +set SM4.2E= +set SM4.3E= +set SM3.2J= +set SM4.1J= +set SM4.2J= +set SM4.3J= +set SM4.1K= +set SM4.2K= +set SM4.3K= +set SM4.3U-DWR= +set SM4.2U-DWR= +set SM4.1U-DWR= +set SM4.3E-DWR= +set SM4.2E-DWR= +set SM4.1E-DWR= +set SM4.3J-DWR= +set SM4.2J-DWR= +set SM4.1J-DWR= +set SM4.3K-DWR= +set SM4.2K-DWR= +set SM4.1K-DWR= +set SM4.3U-DWG= +set SM4.2U-DWG= +set SM4.1U-DWG= +set SM4.3E-DWG= +set SM4.2E-DWG= +set SM4.1E-DWG= +set SM4.3J-DWG= +set SM4.2J-DWG= +set SM4.1J-DWG= +set SM4.3K-DWG= +set SM4.2K-DWG= +set SM4.1K-DWG= + +set IOS30= +set IOS30P= +set IOS30P60= +set IOS40P60= +set IOS20P60= +set IOS11P60= +set IOS50P= +set IOS52P= +set IOS60= +set IOS60P= +set IOS70= +set IOS70P= +set IOS80= +set IOS80P= +set IOS236= + +set IOS70K= +set IOS80K= +set BB1= +set BB2= +set HM= +set h4= +set h5= +set h51= +set w19= +set w20= +set IOS236Installer= +set SIP= +set JOY= +set Y4M= +set dop= +set locked= +set AccioHacks= +set MyM= +set HBB= +set WII64= +set WIISX= +set bootmiisd= +set pwns= +set twi= +set YUGI= +set BATHAXX= +set ROTJ= +set TOS= +set smash= +set mmm= +set yawm= +set neogamma= +set cfg249= +set cfg222= +set usbfolder= +set WiiMC= +set fceugx= +set snes9xgx= +set vbagx= +set SGM= +set WIIX= +set cfgr= +set flow= +set wbm= +set CheatCodes= +set f32= +set USBX= +set JOYF= +set S2U= +set HBF= +set Pri= +set HAX= +set CM5= +set MP= +set MII= +set P= +set PK= +set S= +set SK= +set IU= +set IE= +set IJ= +set WU= +set WE= +set WJ= +set NU= +set NE= +set NJ= +set WSU= +set WSE= +set WSJ= +set M10= +set IOS9= +set IOS12= +set IOS13= +set IOS14= +set IOS15= +set IOS17= +set IOS21= +set IOS22= +set IOS28= +set IOS31= +set IOS33= +set IOS34= +set IOS35= +set IOS36= +set IOS36v3608= +set IOS37= +set IOS38= +set IOS41= +set IOS48v4124= +set IOS43= +set IOS45= +set IOS46= +set IOS53= +set IOS55= +set IOS56= +set IOS57= +set IOS58= +set IOS61= + +set A0e= +set A0c= +set A0e_60= +set A0e_70= +set A01= +set A01_60= +set A01_70= +set A40= +set A42= +set A45= +set A70= +set A72= +set A75= +set A78= +set A7b= +set A7e= +set A84= +set A87= +set A8a= +set A94= +set A97= +set A9a= +set A81= +set A8d= +set A9d= +set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= +set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2= +set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5= +set DarkWii_Red_4.3U= +set DarkWii_Red_4.2U= +set DarkWii_Red_4.1U= +set DarkWii_Red_4.3E= +set DarkWii_Red_4.2E= +set DarkWii_Red_4.1E= +set DarkWii_Red_4.3J= +set DarkWii_Red_4.2J= +set DarkWii_Red_4.1J= +set DarkWii_Red_4.3K= +set DarkWii_Red_4.2K= +set DarkWii_Red_4.1K= + +set DarkWii_Green_4.3U= +set DarkWii_Green_4.2U= +set DarkWii_Green_4.1U= +set DarkWii_Green_4.3E= +set DarkWii_Green_4.2E= +set DarkWii_Green_4.1E= +set DarkWii_Green_4.3J= +set DarkWii_Green_4.2J= +set DarkWii_Green_4.1J= +set DarkWii_Green_4.3K= +set DarkWii_Green_4.2K= +set DarkWii_Green_4.1K= + +set cIOS222[38]-v4= +set cIOS223[37-38]-v4= +set cIOS222[38]-v5= +set cIOS223[37]-v5= +set cIOS224[57]-v5= +set cIOS249[37]-v19= +set cIOS249[38]-v19= +set cIOS249[57]-v19= +set cIOS249[38]-v20= +set cIOS250[38]-v20= +set cIOS249[56]-v20= +set cIOS250[56]-v20= +set cIOS249[57]-v20= +set cIOS250[57]-v20= +set cIOS249-v17b= +set cIOS249-v14= +set cIOS250-v14= +set cIOS202[37]-v5= +set cIOS202[38]-v5= +set cIOS202[57]-v5= +set cIOS223[57]-v5= +set cIOS224[37]-v5= +set cIOS250[57]-v19= +set cIOS250-v17b= +set cIOS250[37]-v19= +set cIOS250[38]-v19= +set cIOS249[37]-v21= +set cIOS250[37]-v21= +set cIOS249[38]-v21= +set cIOS250[38]-v21= +set cIOS249[56]-v21= +set cIOS249[53]-v21= +set cIOS250[53]-v21= +set cIOS249[55]-v21= +set cIOS250[55]-v21= +set cIOS250[56]-v21= +set cIOS249[57]-v21= +set cIOS250[57]-v21= +set cIOS249[58]-v21= +set cIOS250[58]-v21= +set cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4= +set cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4= + +if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall2 + +if /i "%cleardownloadsettings%" EQU "yes" goto:DownloadSettings + +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED + +if /i "%list%" EQU "C" goto:list +if /i "%oldlist%" EQU "C" goto:oldlist +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "C" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "C" goto:LIST4 + +SET COUNT=1 +SET COUNT2=1 +SET COUNT3=1 +SET COUNT4=1 +SET COUNT5=1 +SET COUNT6=1 +SET COUNT7=1 +SET COUNT8=1 +SET CURRENTDL=0 + +::for cmdlineDLwizard +if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:DOWNLOAD + +set MENU1= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Choisir une option: +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 W = Assistant ModMii (pour d\xe9marrer le hack de votre Wii!) +echo. +echo U = USB-Loader Setup + Guide +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 H = Solutions HackMii (HBC \xe0 l'envers \x2f Fixer les IOS non vuln\xe9rables) \x2b Guide +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Installation de SNEEK, r\xe9cup\xe9ration de Nand, extraction de jeux +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Page 1 T\xe9l\xe9chargement (Menus Syst\xe8me, IOSs, MIOSs, Cha\xeenes, etc.) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 2 = Page 2 T\xe9l\xe9chargement (Apps, fichiers USB-Loader, CheatCodes, etc.) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 3 = Page 3 T\xe9l\xe9chargement (Th\xe8mes Menu Syst\xe8me) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 4 = Page 4 T\xe9l\xe9chargement (cIOSs, cMIOSs) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 A = T\xe9l\xe9chargements avanc\xe9s personnalis\xe9s +echo. +If Exist download_queue.bat echo L = Charger les fichiers en liste d'attente +If Exist download_queue.bat echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 C = Cr\xe9er les fichiers de configuration pour BootMii, Wad Manager ou MMM +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 FC = Supprimer les fichiers devenus inutiles apr\xe8s le Hack +echo. +echo. +echo O = Options +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 CR = Cr\xe9dits +echo. +echo E = Sortie +echo. +echo *********MORE INFO********* +echo. +sfk echo [RED] V = Visitez tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow pour toutes questions, commentaires ou voter +echo. +echo Utilisez l'assistant de ModMii pour configurer automatiquement votre carte SD avec +sfk echo -spat le n\xe9cessaire pour hacker, upgrader/downgrader votre Wii et plus encore. +sfk echo -spat Lors de l'utilisation de l'assistant, un guide personnalis\xe9 est fait en fonction des +sfk echo -spat r\xe9ponses que vous aurez donn\xe9. Concr\xe8tement, lancez le programme, laissez le +sfk echo -spat t\xe9l\xe9charger et vous obtiendrez les fichiers n\xe9cessaires au hack de votre Wii! +echo. +sfk echo -spat [RED] \x20 Les dons facultatifs peuvent \xeatre fait via paypal.com \xe0 XFlak40@hotmail.com +echo. +echo *************************** +echo. +set /p MENU1= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:LoadWizardSettings +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:UPAGE1 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE1 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:LIST +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:ADVANCED +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "E" goto:exitnow +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:OPTIONS +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WPAGE2 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" set BACKB4DRIVE=Menu +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "C" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "CR" goto:Credits +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "V" goto:openwebpage + + + +If not Exist download_queue.bat goto:eastereggs +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" call download_queue.bat +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" set BACKB4QUEUE=Menu +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:DownloadQueue + +:EasterEggs +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "encule" echo Vas te faire enculer trou du cul! +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "fuck you" echo Vas te faire enculer trou du cul! +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "pute" echo Je ne suis pas une pute, TU es une pute! +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "chatte" sfk echo -spat Eh bien, vous \xeates ce que vous mangez ;) +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "bite" sfk echo -spat Que pensez\x2dvous quand on vous traite de bite..? +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "aide" echo Google est ton ami! +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "decompiler" sfk echo -spat Tu r\xeaves l'ami! + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:MENU + +:openwebpage +start www.tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow +goto:MENU + +:exitnow +if exist "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5>nul +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5>nul +EXIT + +::..................................................Credits......................................................... +:Credits +cls +mode con cols=85 lines=65 +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo Remerciements +echo ********************************************************************************* +sfk echo -spat \x20 *Remerciements particuliers aux personnes suivantes, qui ont consacr\xe9 leur temps* +sfk echo -spat \x20 *\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\xe0 m'aider quand j'en avais besoin \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * +echo * DeadlyFoez, cwstjdenobs, Leathl, Violator, WiiCrazy, Giantpune, WiiPower * +echo * diddy81, DaMysteryMan, pepxl, ChokeD, longtom1, tj_cool, mauifrog and xzxero * +echo ********************************************************************************* +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * Merci \xe0 mon cousin, Violator, qui m'a fait entrer en premier sur la scene Wii. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * DeadlyFoez pour avoir donne des id\xe9es sur ModMii. +echo. +echo * Leathl pour libwiisharp, patchios, nusfilegrabber, showmiiwads, etc. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * cwstjdenobs pour la cr\xe9ation de YAWMM et toute son aide sur ModMii. +echo. +echo * tj_cool, xzxero et burritoboy9984 (aka. Erik) pour leurs guides. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * Team Twiizers pour la cr\xe9ation du r\xe9volutionnaire HackMii Installer. +echo. +echo * Waninkoko pour ses CIOS et autres homebrews tels que WAD manager. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * Hermes pour la cr\xe9ation de son efficace CIOS 222/223/224. +echo. +echo * davebaol et xabby666 pour leur cIOS rev 21d2x EHCI module. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * Comex pour la cr\xe9ation de son exploit tres utilis\xe9 : Bannerbomb. +echo. +echo * Crediar, Daco Taco et Phpgeek pour la protection anti brick avec le priiloader. +echo. +echo * Arikado et la team Dop-Mii pour Dop-Mii. +echo. +echo * WiiWu et la team Dop-Mii pour Multi-Mod Manager (MMM). +echo. +echo * WiiNinja et WB3000 pour leur travail sur NUSD. +echo. +echo * WiiPower pour Neogamma et le reste. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * WiiCrazy pour Crap (fabrication de cha\xeenes Forwarder) et Crazy Intro. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * WiiGator pour la cr\xe9ation de son Gamecube Backup Launcher. +echo. +echo * oggzee, usptactical, gannon et Dr.Clipper pour le Configurable USB Loader. +echo. +echo * Giantpune pour l'USB Loader GX et le reste. +echo. +echo * Wiimm pour son Wiimms ISO Tools. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * diddy81 et symular syn de la Wii Theme Team pour leurs th\xe8mes captivants. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * Narolez pour son code NForwarder et FIX94 pour m'avoir aid\xe9 \xe0 le compiler. +echo. +echo * pepxl pour son travail sur les graphismes (y compris l'icone de cette appli). +echo. +echo * mamule (I), xav91 (F), ketufe (F), Wasabi (I) et Step (I) pour la traduction. +echo. +echo * Wii.py devs: Megazig, Omega, Xuzz, SquidMan, Matt_P et The Lemon Man. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 * Daeken pour l'\xe9criture de Struct.py et marcan pour son code LZ77. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au menu principal. +pause>nul + +goto:menu + + +::..................................................OPTIONS.................................................. +....... +:OPTIONS + +Set WLAST= +Set Options= +set cheatoption= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Entrer l'option # (ou la lettre) pour activer/d\xe9sactiver +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = Changer la lettre du lecteur (R\xe9glage actuel: %Drive%) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 DU = Changer la lettre pour le support USB (R\xe9glage actuel: %DriveU%) +echo * Uniquement pour l'USB-Loader \ installation de SNEEK +echo. +echo CC = Options Cheat Code + + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 PC = Emplacement de sauvegarde des programmes PC (R\xe9glage actuel: %PCSAVE%) +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a F32 Formatter et WiiBackupManager enregistr\xe9s sur %HomeDrive% +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Raccourcis install\xe9s sur le Menu D\xe9marrer et Bureau + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Programmes enregistr\xe9s sur support mobile avec les param\xe8tres ci-dessus + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Programmes PC enregistr\xe9s sur %homedrive% avec des raccourcis +echo si vous utilisez ModMii sur %homedrive% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Programmes PC enregistr\xe9s sur %homedrive% ne fonctionnent pas sur support mobile +:skip + + +echo. +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 RS = Sauvegarde \xe0 la racine (activ\xe9) +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 RS = Sauvegarde \xe0 la racine (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Sauvegarde IOSs\MIOSs \xe0 la racine au lieu du dossier wad +echo * Ne modifie pas les IOSs\MIOSs +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Utile pour les homebrews Wii qui n\xe9cessitent des IOS/MIOS +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 plac\xe9s \xe0 la racine +echo. +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Garder le dossier 00000001 pour les IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc. (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Garder le dossier 00000001 pour les IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc. (activ\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Utile pour les applis qui n\xe9cessitent les IOSs\MIOSs plac\xe9s +echo dans le dossier 00000001 +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 U = Mise \xe0 jour des IOSs. +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Assistant de t\xe9l\xe9chargement des IOS actifs (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Assistant de t\xe9l\xe9chargement des IOS actifs (activ\xe9) +echo. +if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 36 = Ajouter l'IOS36v3608 dans le Guide ModMii (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 36 = Ajouter l'IOS36v3608 dans le Guide ModMii (activ\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Votre IOS36 actuel peut \xeatre patch\xe9. Pas l'IOS36 t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 +echo. + +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 CM = Ajouter le cMIOS dans le Guide ModMii (desactive) +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 CM = Ajouter le cMIOS dans le Guide ModMii (activ\xe9) +echo * Un cMIOS permet de lire des backups GameCube +echo. + + +if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 V = Sortie console optimis\xe9e quand ModMii utilise wget (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 V = Sortie console optimis\xe9e quand ModMii utilise wget (activ\xe9) +echo. + +if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "off" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 SV = Sortie console SNEEK (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 SV = Sortie console SNEEK (activ\xe9) +echo. + +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" echo F = Couleur Font.bin pour SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (BLANC) +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" echo F = Couleur Font.bin pour SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (NOIR) +echo. + +if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 C = Cr\xe9er le fichier Custom.md5 pour tout v\xe9rifier +echo Wads, dols, elfs et apps dans %DRIVE% +if exist Custom.md5 echo C2 = Comparer le fichier dans %DRIVE% avec Custom.md5 +:nodrivefolder +if exist Custom.md5 echo C3 = Effacer Custom.md5 +echo. +if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Mise \xe0 jour auto de ModMii au d\xe9marrage (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Mise \xe0 jour auto de ModMii au d\xe9marrage (activ\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = V\xe9rifier les nouvelles versions de ModMii maintenant +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Enregistrer les param\xe8tres +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 R = Restaurer les param\xe8tres par d\xe9faut +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +set /p OPTIONS= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "RS" goto:ROOTSAVE +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "PC" goto:PCSAVE +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "1" goto:Option1 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "N" goto:UpdateModMii +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "A" goto:AutoUpdate +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "36" goto:Option36 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CM" goto:CMIOSOPTION +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "sv" goto:OptionSneekverbose +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "v" goto:OptionModMiiverbose +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "f" goto:Optionfont + +if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder2 +::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" sfk list "%DRIVE%" wad dol app elf +md5gento="%DRIVE%"\Custom.md5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.wad>Custom.md5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.dol>>Custom.md5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.app>>Custom.md5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.elf>>Custom.md5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.bin>>Custom.md5 +::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.exe>>Custom.md5 + +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" sfk filter Custom.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" goto:Options + +if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C2" Set DB=C +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C2" goto:Finish +:nodrivefolder2 + +if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" del Custom.md5 +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" goto:Options +:nocustomMD5 + +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "D" set BACKB4DRIVE=OPTIONS +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "D" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DU" set BACKB4DRIVEU=OPTIONS +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DU" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CC" goto:cheatcodeoptions + +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "U" goto:ACTIVEIOS +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:RestoreSettings +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "decompiler" "ModMii.exe" decompiler +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "decompiler" goto:OPTIONS +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "skipscam" sfk echo -spat En ayant 'skipscam.txt' dans le dossier d'installation de ModMii vous pouvez passer l'alerte Scam au d\xe9marrage.>skipscam.txt +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "skipscam" attrib +r +h +s skipscam.txt +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "skipscam" goto:OPTIONS + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:OPTIONS + + + + + + + +:RestoreSettings +set ROOTSAVE=off +set PCSAVE=Auto +set OPTION1=off +set OPTION36=on +set CMIOSOPTION=off +set Drive=COPY_TO_SD +set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB +set ACTIVEIOS=on +set AUTOUPDATE=on +Set ModMiiverbose=off +Set sneekverbose=off +Set SNKFONT=B + +:defaultcheatsettings +set overwritecodes=off +set cheatregion=All +set cheatlocation=B + +:selectallcheats +set wiicheat=ON +set WiiWarecheat=ON +set VCArcadecheat=OFF +set WiiChannelscheat=ON +set Gamecubecheat=ON +set NEScheat=ON +set SNEScheat=ON +set N64cheat=ON +set SMScheat=ON +set Segacheat=ON +set NeoGeocheat=ON +set Commodorecheat=ON +set MSXcheat=ON +set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON +set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:cheatcodeoptions +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:cheatcodeoptions +goto:savesettingsnow + + + + +:SaveSettings +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +:savesettingsnow +echo ::ModMii Settings > settings.bat +echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> settings.bat +echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> settings.bat +echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> settings.bat +echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> settings.bat +echo Set OPTION36=%OPTION36%>> settings.bat +echo Set CMIOSOPTION=%CMIOSOPTION%>> settings.bat +echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>> settings.bat +echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU%>> settings.bat +echo Set overwritecodes=%overwritecodes%>> settings.bat +echo Set cheatregion=%cheatregion%>> settings.bat +echo Set cheatlocation=%cheatlocation%>> settings.bat +echo Set ACTIVEIOS=%ACTIVEIOS%>> settings.bat +echo Set AUTOUPDATE=%AUTOUPDATE%>> settings.bat +echo Set ModMiiverbose=%ModMiiverbose%>> settings.bat +echo Set sneekverbose=%sneekverbose%>> settings.bat +echo Set SNKFONT=%SNKFONT%>> settings.bat +echo Set wiicheat=%wiicheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set WiiWarecheat=%WiiWarecheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set VCArcadecheat=%VCArcadecheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set WiiChannelscheat=%WiiChannelscheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set Gamecubecheat=%Gamecubecheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set NEScheat=%NEScheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set SNEScheat=%SNEScheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set N64cheat=%N64cheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set SMScheat=%SMScheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set Segacheat=%Segacheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set NeoGeocheat=%NeoGeocheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set Commodorecheat=%Commodorecheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set MSXcheat=%MSXcheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set TurboGraFX-16cheat=%TurboGraFX-16cheat%>> settings.bat +echo Set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%>> settings.bat +echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> settings.bat +if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:OPTIONS +if exist settings.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Param\xe8tres enregistr\xe9s. +echo. +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:cheatcodeoptions +goto:OPTIONS + + + + + + +:ROOTSAVE +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" goto:ROOTSAVEoff +Set ROOTSAVE=ON +goto:OPTIONS + +:ROOTSAVEoff +Set ROOTSAVE=OFF +goto:OPTIONS + + +:PCSAVE +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Auto" (set PCSAVE=Portable) & (goto:options) +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" (set PCSAVE=Local) & (goto:options) +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set PCSAVE=Auto) & (goto:options) + + +:Option1 +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:Option1off +Set Option1=ON +goto:OPTIONS + +:Option1off +Set Option1=OFF +goto:OPTIONS + +:OPTION36 +if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "ON" goto:OPTION36off +Set OPTION36=ON +goto:OPTIONS + +:OPTION36off +Set OPTION36=OFF +goto:OPTIONS + +:CMIOSOPTION +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:CMIOSOPTIONoff +Set CMIOSOPTION=ON +goto:OPTIONS + +:CMIOSOPTIONoff +Set CMIOSOPTION=OFF +goto:OPTIONS + + +:OptionSneekverbose +if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionSneekverboseoff +Set sneekverbose=on +goto:OPTIONS + +:OptionSneekverboseoff +Set sneekverbose=off +goto:OPTIONS + +:OptionModMiiverbose +if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionModMiiverboseoff +Set ModMiiverbose=on +goto:OPTIONS + +:OptionModMiiverboseoff +Set ModMiiverbose=off +goto:OPTIONS + +:Optionfont +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" goto:OptionfontB +Set SNKFONT=W +goto:OPTIONS + +:OptionfontB +Set SNKFONT=B +goto:OPTIONS + +:ACTIVEIOS +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" goto:ACTIVEIOSoff +Set ACTIVEIOS=ON +goto:OPTIONS + +:ACTIVEIOSoff +Set ACTIVEIOS=OFF +goto:OPTIONS + +:AUTOUPDATE +if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" goto:AUTOUPDATEoff +Set AUTOUPDATE=ON +goto:OPTIONS + +:AUTOUPDATEoff +Set AUTOUPDATE=OFF +goto:OPTIONS + + + + + +:cheatcodeoptions +set cheatoption= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo OPTIONS CHEATS CODE +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 R = T\xe9l\xe9charger des codes pour la r\xe9gion: (%cheatregion%) +echo. +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 O = Ecrire les txtcodes par dessus les existants (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 O = Ecrire les txtcodes par dessus les existants (activ\xe9) +echo. +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" echo L = Emplacement(s) de sauvegarde des cheats: (1 et 2) +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" echo L = Emplacement(s) de sauvegarde des cheats: (1: txtcodes) +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" echo L = Emplacement(s) de sauvegarde des cheats: (2: codes\X\L) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1: - txtcodes: Emplacement utilis\xe9 par la plupart des apps, +echo comme CFG USB-Loader +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 2: - codes\X\L\: Emplacement utilis\xe9 par Accio Hacks +echo X = Lettre de l'ID de la console (ie. Wii = R) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = 1\xe8re lettre du titre du jeu ('#' s'il commence par un chiffre) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Console de s\xe9lection ou d\xe9s\xe9lection de t\xe9l\xe9chargement des cheats pour: +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 La console s\xe9lectionn\xe9e est en vert [Green] +echo. +echo. +if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]1 = Wii) else (echo 1 = Wii) +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]2 = WiiWare) else (echo 2 = WiiWare) + +::if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]3 = VC Arcade) else (echo 3 = VC Arcade) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]3 = VC Arcade (d\xe9sactiv\xe9 \xe0 cause d'une erreur geckocodes.org) + +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]4 = cha\xeenes Wii) else (echo 4 = Chaines Wii) +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]5 = Gamecube) else (echo 5 = Gamecube) +if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]6 = NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 6 = NES/Famicom VC) +if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) +if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]8 = Nintendo 64 VC) else (echo 8 = Nintendo 64 VC) +if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]9 = Sega Master System VC) else (echo 9 = Sega Master System VC) +if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) else (echo 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 11 = NeoGeo VC) else (echo 11 = NeoGeo VC) +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 12 = Commodore 64 VC) else (echo 12 = Commodore 64 VC) +if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 13 = MSX VC) else (echo 13 = MSX VC) +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) else (echo 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) else (echo 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) +echo. +echo. +echo A = Tout +echo C = Effacer +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Sauvegarde des param\xe8tres +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = Param\xe8tres des Cheat par d\xe9faut +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +set /p cheatoption= Entrez votre choix ici: + + + +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "1" goto:wiicheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "2" goto:WiiWarecheat +::if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "3" goto:VCArcadecheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "4" goto:WiiChannelscheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "5" goto:Gamecubecheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "6" goto:NEScheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "7" goto:SNEScheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "8" goto:N64cheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "9" goto:SMScheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "10" goto:Segacheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "11" goto:NeoGeocheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "12" goto:Commodorecheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "13" goto:MSXcheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "14" goto:TurboGraFX-16cheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "15" goto:TurboGraFX-CDcheat +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:selectallcheats +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "C" goto:deselectallcheats +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "R" goto:cheatregion +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "l" goto:cheatlocation +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "O" goto:overwritecodes +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:countconsoles +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:countconsoles + +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:defaultcheatsettings + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:countconsoles +set countconsoles=0 +if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 + +if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" echo Select at least one console to download cheats for +if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul +if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" goto:cheatcodeoptions + +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:Options +if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + + +:overwritecodes +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" goto:overwritecodesoff +Set overwritecodes=ON +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:overwritecodesoff +Set overwritecodes=OFF +goto:cheatcodeoptions + + +:cheatregion +if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "all" Set cheatregion=USA&&goto:cheatcodeoptions +if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "USA" Set cheatregion=PAL&&goto:cheatcodeoptions +if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "PAL" Set cheatregion=JAP&&goto:cheatcodeoptions +if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "JAP" Set cheatregion=all&&goto:cheatcodeoptions + + +:cheatlocation +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" Set cheatlocation=T&&goto:cheatcodeoptions +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" Set cheatlocation=C&&goto:cheatcodeoptions +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" Set cheatlocation=B&&goto:cheatcodeoptions + + + + +:wiicheat +if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "OFF" (set wiicheat=ON) else (set wiicheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + + +:WiiWarecheat +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiWarecheat=ON) else (set WiiWarecheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:VCArcadecheat +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set VCArcadecheat=ON) else (set VCArcadecheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:WiiChannelscheat +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiChannelscheat=ON) else (set WiiChannelscheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:Gamecubecheat +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Gamecubecheat=ON) else (set Gamecubecheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:NEScheat +if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NEScheat=ON) else (set NEScheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:SNEScheat +if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SNEScheat=ON) else (set SNEScheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:N64cheat +if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set N64cheat=ON) else (set N64cheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:SMScheat +if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SMScheat=ON) else (set SMScheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:Segacheat +if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Segacheat=ON) else (set Segacheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:NeoGeocheat +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NeoGeocheat=ON) else (set NeoGeocheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:Commodorecheat +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Commodorecheat=ON) else (set Commodorecheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:MSXcheat +if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set MSXcheat=ON) else (set MSXcheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:TurboGraFX-16cheat +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:TurboGraFX-CDcheat +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF) +goto:cheatcodeoptions + +:deselectallcheats +set wiicheat=OFF +set WiiWarecheat=OFF +set VCArcadecheat=OFF +set WiiChannelscheat=OFF +set Gamecubecheat=OFF +set NEScheat=OFF +set SNEScheat=OFF +set N64cheat=OFF +set SMScheat=OFF +set Segacheat=OFF +set NeoGeocheat=OFF +set Commodorecheat=OFF +set MSXcheat=OFF +set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF +set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF +goto:cheatcodeoptions + + + +:DRIVECHANGE +set drivetemp=%DRIVE% +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Choisissez la destination d'enregistrement des fichiers + +::the below msg is only for people building a nand +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:donotskip +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (goto:donotskip) else (goto:skip) +:donotskip +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: les wads install\xe9s sur une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e seront \xe9galement enregistr\xe9s ici +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Il n'y aura donc plus besoin de les re-t\xe9l\xe9charger si vous remontez une Nand +:skip + +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 R\xe9glage actuel: %Drive% +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Notes:* Pour continuer avec le r\xe9glage actuel, appuyez sur \x22entr\xe9e\x22 +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Vous pouvez utiliser le glisser/d\xe9poser du dossier +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 dans cette fen\xeatre pour ne pas avoir \xe0 le faire manuellement +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Si vous continuez \xe0 rencontrer des erreurs, essayez d'utiliser +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 les param\xe8tres par d\xe9faut +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo EXEMPLES +echo. +echo. +echo L: +echo. +echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_SD +echo Note: %%userprofile%% raccourci ne fonctionnant pas sous Windows XP +echo. +echo ModMii\4.2U +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: cr\xe9e les dossiers ModMii\4.2U ou le programme a \xe9t\xe9 sauvegard\xe9 +echo. +echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = R\xe9glage par defaut: COPY_TO_SD +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +set /p Drivetemp= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) +echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt +sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat +call temp.bat +del temp.bat +del temp.txt + + + + +if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% + +if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "D" set DRIVETEMP=COPY_TO_SD + + + + + +:doublecheck +set fixslash= + +if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes +if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes +if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1% +if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheck + + +::if second char is ":" check if drive exists +if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck +if exist "%DRIVETEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) +sfk echo -spat %DRIVETEMP:~0,2% n'existe pas, merci d'essayer \xe0 nouveau... +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:DRIVECHANGE +:skipcheck + + + +set DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP% +set REALDRIVE=%DRIVE% + +::autosave drive setting to settings.bat +sfk filter settings.bat -!"Set Drive=" -write -yes>nul +echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>>settings.bat + + +if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5>nul + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE + + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE) else (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE) +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) else (goto:download) +:skip + + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" set B4SNKCONFIRM=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% + +goto:Options + + + + + + + + +:DRIVEUCHANGE +set driveUtemp=%DRIVEU% +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Choisissez la destination d'enregistrement des fichiers pour votre disque dur USB +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 R\xe9glage actuel: %DriveU% +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Notes:* Pour continuer avec le r\xe9glage actuel, appuyez sur \x22entr\xe9e\x22 +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Vous pouvez utiliser le glisser/d\xe9poser du dossier +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 dans cette fen\xeatre pour ne pas avoir \xe0 le faire manuellement +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Si vous continuez \xe0 rencontrer des erreurs, essayez d'utiliser +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 les param\xe8tres par d\xe9faut +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo EXEMPLES +echo. +echo. +echo L: +echo. +echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_SD +echo Note: %%userprofile%% raccourci ne fonctionnant pas sous Windows XP +echo. +echo ModMii\4.2U +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: cr\xe9e les dossiers ModMii\4.2U ou le programme a \xe9t\xe9 sauvegard\xe9 +echo. +echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = R\xe9glage par defaut: COPY_TO_SD +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +set /p DriveUtemp= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) +echo "set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP%">temp.txt +sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat +call temp.bat +del temp.bat +del temp.txt + + + +if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVEU% + +if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "D" set DRIVEUTEMP=COPY_TO_USB + +:doublecheckU +set fixslash= +if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes +if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes +if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,-1% +if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckU + + + +::if second char is ":" check if drive exists +if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck +if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) +sfk echo -spat %DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2% n'existe pas, merci d'essayer \xe0 nouveau... +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:DRIVECHANGE +:skipcheck + + + +set DRIVEU=%DRIVEUTEMP% + +::autosave drive setting to settings.bat +sfk filter settings.bat -!"Set DriveU=" -write -yes>nul +echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU%>>settings.bat + +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" set B4SNKCONFIRM=DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX2 + +::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +::if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DOWNLOAD + + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:skip +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DownloadQueue +:skip +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:Download + +goto:Options + + + + + + + +:UpdateModMii +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Version actuelle %CurrentVersion% +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour... +echo. +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/%UPDATENAME% + +if not exist %UPDATENAME% goto:updatefail + +ren %UPDATENAME% ModMiiFrenchUpdate.bat + +call ModMiiFrenchUpdate.bat + +if %currentversion% GEQ %newversion% (goto:menu) else (exit) + +:updatefail +sfk echo -spat \x20 Echec du contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour, v\xe9rifier votre connexion internet ainsi que les r\xe9glages du firewall. +@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul +goto:menu + + + + + +::-------------------------------File Cleanup------------------------------------ +:FileCleanup +cls + +set cleanitems=0 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + + +::smash stack USA check +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin +set md5=aa93aab9bfdd25883bbd826a62645033 +set nextgoto=cleancheck1 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck1 +set SmashCheck=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashCheck=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::PWNS USA +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlie\data.bin +set md5=b94f40d57a4b5577eb2479f63cbe79df +set nextgoto=cleancheck2 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck2 +set PWNSU=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSU=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::PWNS JAP +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlij\data.bin +set md5=1f7e42a30492d2fa116a2fe5ebc685d1 +set nextgoto=cleancheck3 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck3 +set PWNSJ=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSJ=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::PWNS EURO +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlip\data.bin +set md5=a6b8f03f49baa471228dcd81d3fd623a +set nextgoto=cleancheck4 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck4 +set PWNSE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::TWILIGHT USA +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin +set md5=02639bd145730269a98f69a4fd466225 +set nextgoto=cleancheck5 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck5 +set TWIU=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIU=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::TWILIGHT JAP +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin +set md5=b51cd6a64bc911cc5c8e41ed5d9fd8ae +set nextgoto=cleancheck6 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck6 +set TWIJ=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIJ=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::TWILIGHT EURO +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin +set md5=704bd625ea5b42d7ac06fc937af74d38 +set nextgoto=cleancheck7 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck7 +set TWIE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + + +::YUGI USA +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoe\data.bin +set md5=0319cb55ecb1caea34e4504aa56664ab +set nextgoto=cleancheck8 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck8 +set YUGIU=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIU=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::YUGI EURO +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin +set md5=8e8aca85b1106932db5ec564ac5c9f0b +set nextgoto=cleancheck9 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck9 +set YUGIE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::YUGI EURO 50hz +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin +set md5=fd15710a20ec01d01324c18bf4bf3921 +set nextgoto=cleancheck10 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck10 +::set YUGIE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::YUGI JAP +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoj\data.bin +set md5=2f7dfe45a01d01cbf7672afd70b252b4 +set nextgoto=cleancheck11 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck11 +set YUGIJ=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIJ=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::smash stack JAP check +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin +set md5=9a23e5543c65ea2090c5b66a9839216a +set nextgoto=cleancheck12 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck12 +set SmashJCheck=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashJCheck=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::BATHAXX USA +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbe\data.bin +set md5=5dac3152baabbc6ca17bedfd5b7350c9 +set nextgoto=cleancheck13 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck13 +set BATHAXXU=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BATHAXXU=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::BATHAXX JAP +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbj\data.bin +set md5=8ce86646c463565798dda77ea93118eb +set nextgoto=cleancheck14 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck14 +set BATHAXXJ=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BATHAXXJ=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::BATHAXX EURO +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbp\data.bin +set md5=1f44f39d7aad36c7c93a7592e52fa217 +set nextgoto=cleancheck15 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck15 +set BATHAXXE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BATHAXXE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::ROTJ USA +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlge\data.bin +set md5=448a3e6bfb4b6d9fafd64c45575f9cb4 +set nextgoto=cleancheck16 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck16 +set ROTJU=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJU=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::ROTJ JAP +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgj\data.bin +set md5=b64e489f15dea67b4ab8dd5315064295 +set nextgoto=cleancheck17 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck17 +set ROTJJ=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJJ=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::ROTJ EURO +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgp\data.bin +set md5=6e225b61b74bd8529374086e476487d3 +set nextgoto=cleancheck18 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck18 +set ROTJE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::smash stack PAL check +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin +set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab +set nextgoto=cleancheck19 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck19 +set SmashPCheck=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashPCheck=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::smash stack PAL - No Save - check +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin +set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12 +set nextgoto=cleancheck20 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck20 +set SmashP2Check=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashP2Check=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + + + +::smash stack KOR check +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin +set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab +set nextgoto=cleancheck21 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck21 +set SmashKCheck=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashKCheck=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::smash stack KOR - No Save - check +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin +set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12 +set nextgoto=cleancheck22 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck22 +set SmashK2Check=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashK2Check=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + + +::Eri HaKawai USA +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4e\data.bin +set md5=4b62b5c6e00ee8943fec265c5d53ad19 +set nextgoto=cleancheck23 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck23 +set TOSU=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSU=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::Eri HaKawai PAL +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4p\data.bin +set md5=08d01800a4703ec6349c3a8d454bf8e1 +set nextgoto=cleancheck24 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck24 +set TOSE=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSE=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + +::Eri HaKawai JAP +set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4j\data.bin +set md5=275c3adcbf1b0f015e807489c791ffc7 +set nextgoto=cleancheck25 +goto:markmatch +:cleancheck25 +set TOSJ=off +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSJ=on +if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 + + +goto:nextpage + + + +::----mark matches----- +:markmatch +set match= +if exist "%path2clean%" (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) +:checkexisting +set match=yes +::assume match, if its not, it will change to 'no' further below +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%path2clean%" +if errorlevel 1 set match=no +:nocheckexisting +goto:%nextgoto% + + +:nextpage + +if /i "%cleanitems%" NEQ "0" goto:FileCleanup2 + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo NETTOYAGE DES FICHIERS +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Aucun fichier inutile pr\xe9sent dans %DRIVE% +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Retour au menu principal... +echo. + +@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul +goto:MENU + + + + + +:FileCleanup2 +set clean= +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo NETTOYAGE DES FICHIERS +echo. +echo Lorsque vous avez fini de hacker votre Wii, +echo vous pouvez effacer certains fichiers pour gagner de la place +echo et vous assurez que personnes ne pourra lancer des applis +echo dangereuses sur votre Wii. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: au lieu de supprimer des fichiers, vous pouvez les d\xe9placer dans un dossier +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 non accessible par l'HBC (t\xe9l\xe9chargeable via PAGE 2 TELECHARGEMENT). + +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous supprimer les fichiers suivants %DRIVE%? +echo. +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD echo * dossier WAD +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 echo * dossier 00000001 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 echo * dossier 00010008 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 echo * dossier 00010002 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 echo * dossier 00010001 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn echo * Bannerbomb +if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (USA) +if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (JAP) +if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (EURO) +if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (EURO) - No Save +if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (KOR) +if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (KOR) - No Save + + +if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (USA) +if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (EURO) +if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (JAP) + +if /i "%BATHAXXU%" EQU "on" echo * BATHAXX (USA) +if /i "%BATHAXXE%" EQU "on" echo * BATHAXX (EURO) +if /i "%BATHAXXJ%" EQU "on" echo * BATHAXX (JAP) + +if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the JODI (USA) +if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the JODI (EURO) +if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the JODI (JAP) + +if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (USA) +if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (EURO) +if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (JAP) + +if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (USA) +if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (EURO) +if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (JAP) +if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (USA) +if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (EURO) +if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (JAP) +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii echo * apps\DOP-Mii +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM echo * apps\MMM +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher echo * apps\MIOSPatcher +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader echo * apps\Priiloader +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM echo * apps\YAWMM +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer echo * apps\HackMii_Installer +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod echo * apps\IOS236-v5-Mod +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP echo * apps\SIP +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer echo * apps\WiiExplorer +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * dol's situ\xe9s \xe0 la racine du p\xe9riph\xe9rique +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * elf's situ\xe9s \xe0 la racine du p\xe9riph\xe9rique +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * wad's situ\xe9s \xe0 la racine du p\xe9riph\xe9rique +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * md5's situ\xe9s \xe0 la racine du p\xe9riph\xe9rique +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: Tous les fichiers ci\x2ddessus, \xe0 l'exception de vos propres WADs, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 peuvent \xeatre r\xe9cuper\xe9s par la suite avec ModMii +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui, effacer tous les fichiers +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p clean= Entrez votre choix ici: +if /i "%clean%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow +if /i "%clean%" EQU "N" goto:MENU +if /i "%clean%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +if /i "%clean%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:FileCleanup + +:cleannow +set clean2= +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Etes\x2dvous sur de vouloir supprimer d\xe9finitivement les fichiers ci\x2ddessus? (Y/N) +echo. +set /p clean2= Entrez votre choix ici: +if /i "%clean2%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow3 +if /i "%clean2%" EQU "N" goto:MENU +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:FileCleanup + +:cleannow3 + + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo NETTOYAGE DES FICHIERS... +echo. +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol del "%DRIVE%"\*.dol> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf del "%DRIVE%"\*.elf> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad del "%DRIVE%"\*.wad> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 del "%DRIVE%"\*.md5> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WAD> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00000001> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010008> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010002> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010001> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip del "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip> nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz> nul + + +::advanced deletions +if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin> nul +if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin> nul + +if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul +if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul + +if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul +if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul + +if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlie> nul +if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlij> nul +if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlip> nul + +if /i "%BATHAXXU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbe> nul +if /i "%BATHAXXJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbj> nul +if /i "%BATHAXXE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbp> nul + +if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlge> nul +if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgj> nul +if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgp> nul + +if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4e> nul +if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4p> nul +if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4j> nul + +if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzde> nul +if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdp> nul +if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdj> nul +if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoe> nul +if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryop> nul +if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoj> nul + + +echo FICHIERS EFFACES +echo. +echo. +@ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul +goto:MENU + + +::--------------------Wizard Settings Detected---------------- +:LoadWizardSettings +set LoadWizSettings= +if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:WPAGE1 + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Assistant d'enregistrement des param\xe8tres ! +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous lancer l'assistant d'enregistrement des param\xe8tres maintenant? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: Vous pourrez visualiser et confirmer les s\xe9lections avant de lancer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui, charger Wizard_Settings.bat +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Non, continuer avec l'assistant de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +echo D = Effacer Wizard_Settings.bat pour ne plus voir cette page +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xe0 l'avenir et continuer avec l'assistant de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p LoadWizSettings= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip +call Wizard_Settings.bat +IF "%USBGUIDE%"=="" set USBGUIDE=n +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "Y" set ThemeSelection=r +if /i "%Mii%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y +if /i "%pri%" EQU "Y" set PRIQ=Y +if /i "%H5%" EQU "Y" set RECCIOS=Y +if /i "%HM%" EQU "Y" set HMInstaller=Y +if /i "%yawmm%" EQU "Y" set yawmq=Y +if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "Y" set IOS236InstallerQ=Y +goto:WPAGELAST +:skip + +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" del Wizard_Settings.bat +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE1 +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE1 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:LoadWizardSettings + + + + + + +::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?............................... +:WPAGE1 +set VIRGIN= + +set Advanced= +set HMInstaller= +set RECCIOS= +set yawmQ= +set PRIQ= +set protect= +set ThemeSelection= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Est-ce que votre Wii est vierge? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ( ie. sans hack / non modifi\xe9e / nouvelle / juste achet\xe9e ) +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: R\xe9pondre \x22Oui\x22 meme si votre Wii n'est pas vierge afin d'upgrader +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 tous les hacks de votre Wii (hacker \xe0 nouveau votre Wii) +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, t\xe9l\xe9charger tous les fichiers n\xe9cessaires au hack ou re-hack +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p VIRGIN= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:backtoloadwiz +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +:backtoloadwiz +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:LoadWizardSettings + +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE2 +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE2 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE1 + +::...................................Wizard Page2 - Current Firmware............................... +:WPAGE2 +set FIRMSTART= + +set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE2 + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Solutions HackMii +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo. +echo Quelle est la version du firmware de votre Wii? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: pour le v\xe9rifier, allumez votre wii, cliquez sur le bouton +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 en bas \xe0 gauche du menu, cliquez sur param\xe8tres Wii, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 vous verrez la version du firmware en haut \xe0 droite de votre \xe9cran. +echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) + +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:skipnote +echo. +echo Note: si le firmware actuel est v2.2 ou moins, vous devrez utiliser un +echo autre exploit [ie. Twilight Hack (U/E/J), Smash Stack (U/J) +echo ou Indiana Pwns (U/E)] au lieu de BannerBomb. +echo. +:skipnote +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo 4.3 = 4.3 +echo 4.2 = 4.2 +echo 4.1 = 4.1 +echo 4.0 = 4.0 +echo 3.X = 3.0 - 3.5 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 O = Autre (inf\xe9rieur \xe0 2.2) +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. + +set /p FIRMSTART= Entrez votre choix ici: + + + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE3 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE3 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" goto:WPAGE3 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set FIRMSTART=3.X +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" goto:WPAGE3 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE3 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3 + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIIBACK + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE1 +goto:incorrectkey + +:HACKMIIBACK +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "B" goto:MENU + +:incorrectkey +echo vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE2 + + +::...................................Wizard Page3 - REGION............................... +:WPAGE3 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3hard +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3hard +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION +:WPAGE3hard +set REGION= +set REGIONCHANGE= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Quelle est la r\xe9gion de votre Wii? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: pour le v\xe9rifier, allumez votre wii, cliquez sur le bouton +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 en bas \xe0 gauche du menu, cliquez sur param\xe8tres Wii, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 vous verrez la version du firmware en haut \xe0 droite de votre \xe9cran. +echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) +echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: si vous avez chang\xe9 de r\xe9gion, indiquez la r\xe9gion actuelle +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:skipmessage +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: si vous avez chang\xe9 de r\xe9gion mais que votre r\xe9gion d'origine +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 n'est pas cor\xe9enne, indiquer la r\xe9gion actuelle. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: si vous n'\xeates pas sur que votre r\xe9gion d'origine est cor\xe9enne, vous +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pouvez controler son num\xe9ro de s\xe9rie. Les cor\xe9ennes commencent par \x22LK\x22. +:skipmessage +echo. +echo. + +echo U = USA +echo E = Euro (PAL) +echo J = JAP +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 K = Cor\xe9enne +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "H" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 RC = la r\xe9gion a chang\xe9 (de cor\xe9enne vers une autre r\xe9gion) + +echo. +echo. + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "O" goto:skipupdatewarning +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Note aux utilisateurs de Wii cor\xe9enne: +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Si vous effectuez une mise \xe0 jour en ligne vers 4.3 vous +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] aurez besoin d'une copie cor\xe9enne de Super Smash Bros Brawl +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] pour hacker votre Wii +echo. +:skipupdatewarning + + + +if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:SkipOtherRegions +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo. +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo. +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Note aux utilisateurs de Wii cor\xe9enne: +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo. +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Les Wii vierges 4.3 cor\xe9ennes ne peuvent \xeatre hack\xe9es +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] qu'avec une copie cor\xe9enne de Super Smash Bros Brawl + +:SkipOtherRegions + +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. + +set /p REGION= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE2 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3C +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:notRC +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:notRC +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:WPAGE3B +:notRC + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE3 + +::...................................Wizard Page3B - REGION CHANGED KOREAN............................... +:WPAGE3B +set REGIONCHANGE= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 En quelle region avez-vous chang\xe9 votre Wii? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: pour le v\xe9rifier, allumez votre Wii, cliquez sur le bouton +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 en bas \xe0 gauche du menu, cliquez sur r\xe9glages Wii, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 vous verrez la version du firmware en haut \xe0 droite de votre \xe9cran. +echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo U = USA +echo E = Euro (PAL) +echo J = JAP +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p REGIONCHANGE= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "u" set REGIONCHANGE=U +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "e" set REGIONCHANGE=E +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "j" set REGIONCHANGE=J + +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE3b + + + + + + + +::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit............................... +:WPAGE3C + +SET EXPLOIT=default +set exploitselection= +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE3D + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3Cnext +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3CnextLATER + +goto:WPAGE4 + +::Only virgin 4.3 U/E/J wii's or <2.2 U/E/J Wii's will make it this far +:WPAGE3Cnext + +::VIRGIN Korean 4.3 Wii's auto-select smashstack +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set EXPLOIT=? +::this is so "B" works when selecting new firmware +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set exploitselection=yes +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3D + +:WPAGE3CnextLATER + +set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE3c + +set exploitselection=yes + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "H" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous devez poss\xe9der un des jeux originaux ci\x2ddessous pour hacker votre Wii +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Si votre homebrew channel ne peut pas charger les applis correctement, +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 vous devrez avoir un des jeux suivants pour r\xe9soudre le probl\xe8me. +echo. +echo Indiquez le jeu que vous allez utiliser: +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo S = Super Smash Bros Brawl +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo L = LEGO Indiana Jones +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LB = LEGO Batman +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LS = LEGO Star Wars +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo Y = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo TOS = Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo T = Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ? = dans le doute, t\xe9l\xe9chargez\x2dles tous et d\xe9cidez plus tard +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:skipOmsg +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] Remarques importantes: +echo. + + +sfk echo -spat \x20 Vous pouvez aussi utiliser un DVD de jeu pour mettre \xe0 jour en v3.0-4.2 (ie. NSMBW) +sfk echo -spat \x20 puis r\xe9p\xe9tez l'assistant de t\xe9l\xe9chargement en utilisant votre nouveau firmware afin +sfk echo -spat \x20 de hacker votre Wii sans utiliser l'un des jeux ci\x2ddessus +echo. +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: passer en 4.3 par internet n\xe9cessitera l'un des jeux ci\x2ddessus +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] (\xe0 l'exception de Twilight Princess) pour hacker votre Wii + + +echo. +echo. + +:skipOmsg + +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p EXPLOIT= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 +:backtowpage3b +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3B + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:twilightnotavailable +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" goto:WPAGE3D +:twilightnotavailable + + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:skip +goto:notU +:skip +:notU + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:skip +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:skip +goto:notE +:skip +:notE + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:skip +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:skip +goto:notJ +:skip +:notJ + + +::ALL except KOR +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:skip + +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE3D +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" goto:WPAGE3D +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" goto:WPAGE3D +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" goto:WPAGE3D +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" goto:WPAGE3D +:skip +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" goto:WPAGE3D +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE3D + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE3C + + + + +::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit............................... +:WPAGE3D +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION +SET UpdatesIOSQ= + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" LSS "4.3" goto:WPAGE4 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE4 +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:WPAGE4 + +::Only 4.3 Wii's without active IOS "ON" will make it this far + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo by XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous t\xe9l\xe9charger les derniers IOS actifs? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez le Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3, alors vous avez probablement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 d\xe9j\xe0 les derniers IOS. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Si votre Wii n'a vraiment jamais \xe9t\xe9 modifi\xe9e avant, vous pouvez dire Non. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Si votre Wii a un DarkCorp/cIOSCorp d'install\xe9, vous pouvez dire Oui +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 pour l'\xe9craser. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Si vos disques originaux Wii ou WiiWare ne fonctionnent pas correctement, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 s\xe9lectionnez Oui pour fixer ce probl\xe8me. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p UpdatesIOSQ= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE4 +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE4 + + +::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:backtowpage3 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:backtowpage3 + +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3C + +:backtowpage3 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 + +:backtowpage3b +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3B + + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE3D + + + + + + +::...................................Wizard Page4 - New Firmware............................... +:WPAGE4 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION +set FIRM= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Choisissez le nouveau firmware pour upgrader/downgrader votre Wii. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: si votre firmware actuel est identique au nouveau firmware, le Menu Syst\xe8me +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ne sera pas t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION:[def] installer un firmware inf\xe9rieur \xe0 4.0 sur une Wii boot2v4 entrainera +echo un Brick. Mais, Yet Another Wad Manager (YAWMM) ou MMM ne vous autorisera +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 pas \xe0 (des)installer quoi que ce soit de dangereux. Vous pouvez v\xe9rifier +echo manuellement votre version de boot2 en utilisant MMM, DOP-Mii ou BootMii. +echo. +echo. +echo. + +::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] 4.3 = 4.3 [NON RECOMMANDE]) else (echo 4.3 = 4.3) + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.3 = 4.3 [RECOMMANDE]) else (echo 4.3 = 4.3) + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.2 = 4.2 [RECOMMANDE]) else (echo 4.2 = 4.2) + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:SkipGreen4.1 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:SkipGreen4.1 + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.1 = 4.1 [RECOMMANDE] +goto:skipWhite4.1 + + +:SkipGreen4.1 +echo 4.1 = 4.1 + +:skipWhite4.1 + + + +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p FIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE5 +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE5 +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE5 + + + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b +if /i "%exploitselection%" EQU "yes" goto:backtoExploits +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:backtoExploits + +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3 + +:backtoExploits +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:backtowpage3c +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:backtowpage3c +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:backtowpage3b +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3D + +:backtowpage3c +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3C + +:backtowpage3b +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE4 + +::...................................Wizard Page5 - MORE Channels?............................... +:WPAGE5 +set MORE= +set PIC= +set NET= +set Weather= +set NEWS= +set MiiQ= +set Shop= +set Speak= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous t\xe9l\xe9charger l'une des cha\xeenes suivantes? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo * Photo +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Internet +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * M\xe9t\xe9o +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * News +echo * Mii +echo * Shopping +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Wii Speak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo A = Toutes +echo S = Certaines +echo N = Aucune +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p MORE= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE20 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13 + +:forsneeknand +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4d +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE6 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE6 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE5 + + + + +::...................................Wizard Page6 - Photo Channel............................... +:WPAGE6 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set PIC=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE7 + +set PIC= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Photo? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p PIC= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE7 +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE7 +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE6 + + + +::...................................Wizard Page7 - Internet?............................... +:WPAGE7 + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE10 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NET=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE8 + +set NET= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Internet? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p NET= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE8 +if /i "%NET%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE8 +if /i "%NET%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%NET%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE7 + + + +::...................................Wizard Page8 - Weather............................... +:WPAGE8 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Weather=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE9 + +set Weather= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene M\xe9t\xe9o? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WEATHER= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE9 +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE9 +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE7 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE8 + +::...................................Wizard Page9 - NEWS............................... +:WPAGE9 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NEWS=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE10 + +set NEWS= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene News? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p NEWS= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE10 +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE10 +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE8 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE9 + +::...................................Wizard Page10 - Mii............................... +:WPAGE10 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set MiiQ=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE11 + +set MiiQ= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Mii? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p MiiQ= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE11 +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE11 +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Koreanbacktophoto +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE9 + +:Koreanbacktophoto +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE10 + +::...................................Wizard Page11 - Shop............................... +:WPAGE11 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Shop=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE12 + +set Shop= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Shopping? +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: l'IOS56 sera \xe9galement t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SHOP= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE12 +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE12 +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE10 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE11 + + +::...................................Wizard Page12 - Speak............................... +:WPAGE12 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE13 + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Speak=Y +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE13 + +set Speak= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Wii Speak? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p Speak= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13 +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13 +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE12 + + + +::...................................Wizard Page13 - MORE Advanced Channels?............................... +:WPAGE13 +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19B +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE12 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM + +set Advanced= +set HMInstaller= +set RECCIOS= +set yawmQ= +set PRIQ= +set protect= +set ThemeSelection= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous t\xe9l\xe9charger un des fichiers suivants: +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo * HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo * HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo * HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo * HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v2 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Korean2.2NoExploit +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * HackMii Installer et Twilight Hack avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles +:Korean2.2NoExploit + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles? + +:skip4.3extra +echo. +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * cIOSs et cMIOS recommand\xe9s) else (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * cIOSs recommand\xe9s) +echo. +echo * Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM) +echo. +echo * IOS236 Installer et Simple IOS Patcher +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 avec IOS36v3351 pour installer l'IOS236 patch\xe9 +echo. +echo * Priiloader v0.4 (236 Mod) (avec hacks.ini) +echo. +echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Des protections suppl\xe9mentaires contre le brick +echo. +echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Un th\xe8me Menu Syst\xe8me +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p Advanced= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:BACK2MORE +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:BACK2MORE + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:BACK2WPAGE11 +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 + +:BACK2MORE +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 + +:BACK2WPAGE11 +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 + +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13B +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE13 + + +::...................................Wizard Page13B - HAckMii Installer............................... +:WPAGE13B + + +set HMInstaller= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58)? +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58)? +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58)? +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v2 (avec IOS58)? +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et Twilight Hack avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles? + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra + +sfk echo -spat \x20T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles? + +:skip4.3extra +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Note: Hackmii Installer peut installer l'Homebrew Channel et/ou Bootmii +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p HMInstaller= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE14 +if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE14 +if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 + + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE13B + + +::...................................Wizard Page14 - cIOSs and cMIOSs............................... +:WPAGE14 +set RECCIOS= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. + +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger les cIOSs et cMIOS recommand\xe9s suivants?) else (sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger les cIOSs recommand\xe9s suivants?) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo *cIOS202[57]-v5.wad +echo. +echo *cIOS222[38]-v5.wad +echo. +echo *cIOS223[37-38]-v4.wad +echo. +echo *cIOS224[57]-v5.wad +echo. +echo *cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4.wad +echo. +echo *cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4.wad +echo. +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip +echo *RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2.wad +:quickskip +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p RECCIOS= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE17 +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE17 +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13B + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE14 + +::...................................Wizard Page15 and 16 removed............................... + + +::...................................Wizard Page17 - YAWMM............................... +:WPAGE17 +set yawmQ= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: les autres Wad Managers peuvent ne pas \xeatre compatibles avec les +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOSs qui ne sont pas bas\xe9s sur l'IOS38 si vous n'utilisez pas YAWMM +echo comme gestionnaire principal de wad, vous ratez quelque chose. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p yawmQ= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE18 +if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE18 +if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE14 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE17 + + +::...................................Wizard Page18 - IOS236 Installer............................... +:WPAGE18 +set IOS236InstallerQ= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger IOS236 Installer et Simple IOS Patcher (avec IOS36v3351)? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p IOS236InstallerQ= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19 +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE19 +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE17 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE18 + +::...................................Wizard Page19 - Priiloader............................... +:WPAGE19 +set PRIQ= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger Priiloader? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: Multi-Mod Manager et Hacks.ini seront \xe9galement t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p PRIQ= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19B +if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE19B +if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE18 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE19 + + +::...................................Wizard Page19B - Extra Brick Protection............................... +:WPAGE19B +set protect= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger des protections suppl\xe9mentaires contre le brick? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Ceci t\xe9l\xe9chargera les IOS des Menus Syst\xe8me suivants qui prot\xe8geront toutes les Wii +sfk echo -spat \x20 (m\xeame les LU64) des bricks lors d'accidentels up\x2fdowngrades. +echo. +echo * IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS11 requis pour SMv2.0-2.1 +echo * IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS20 requis pour SMv2.2 +echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS30 requis pour SMv3.0-3.3 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" echo * IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS40 requis pour SMv3.3K +echo * IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS50 requis pour SMv3.4 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" echo * IOS52v15661(IOS52v5661[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS52 requis pour SMv3.5K + +echo * IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS60 requis pour SMv4.0-4.1 + +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "RC" echo * IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS70 requis pour SMv4.2 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" echo * IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS70 requis pour SMv4.2 + + +echo * USB-Loader Forwarder Channel +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Vous devez toujours avoir au moins une cha\xeene forwarder install\xe9e sur votre Wii, +sfk echo -spat \x20 Ainsi, en cas de mise \xe0 jour accidentelle, vous serez en mesure de rehacker votre +sfk echo -spat \x20 Wii sans compter sur un exploit sp\xe9cifique n\xe9cessitant un jeu Wii. + + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" echo. +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) sera t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 m\xeame si vous r\xe9pondez Non +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pour vous prot\xe9ger contre les bricks avec erreurs 003 + + +echo. +echo. +echo NOTES: +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x2dLes num\xe9ros de version ont \xe9t\xe9 augment\xe9s pour survivre +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 aux mises \xe0 jour officielles. +echo. +echo -A l'exception des forwarders d'USB-Loader, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 leur installation ne r\xe9duira pas la taille de la m\xe9moire de la wii +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 comme une cha\xeene ou une sauvgarde de jeu. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p protect= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%protect%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 +if /i "%protect%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE20 +if /i "%protect%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2PRI +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced2 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2MORE2 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:Back2MORE2 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Back2SHOP2 +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2Speak2 + + +:BACK2PRI +if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE19 + +:BACK2ADVANCED2 +if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 + +:BACK2SPEAK2 +if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 + +:Back2SHOP2 +if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 + +:BACK2MORE2 +if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE19B + + +::...................................Wizard Page20 - Theme Selection............................... +:WPAGE20 +set ThemeSelection= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +:quickskip + + +sfk echo -spat \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous installer un th\xe8me personnalis\xe9 sur votre Wii? + + +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo R = DarkWii Red Theme +echo WWWR = Voir DarkWii Red Theme par la team Wii Theme sur youtube +echo. +echo. +echo R = DarkWii Green Theme +echo WWWG = Voir DarkWii Green Theme par la team Wii Theme sur youtube +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Non, je veux le m\xeame vieux Menu Syst\xe8me ennuyeux +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. + +set /p ThemeSelection= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "WWWR" (start www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFliF-K-epM)&&(goto:WPAGE20) +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "WWWG" (start http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0CnTo5kRI)&&(goto:WPAGE20) + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE19B +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE21 +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE21 +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE21 + +:forsneeknand +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4B +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE5 +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE5 +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE5 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE20 + + + +::...................................Wizard Page21 - Theme Selection............................... +:WPAGE21 +set USBGUIDE= + +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous la mise en place d'un USB-Loader maintenant? +echo. +echo. +echo Notes +echo ===== +echo. +echo * Un USB Loader permet de charger des jeux Wii depuis un disque dur externe. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Cette \xe9tape peut \xeatre fait ult\xe9rieurement depuis le Menu principal de ModMii. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p USBGUIDE= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE20 +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:UPAGE1 +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGE21 + + +::...................................Wizard Last Page - Confirmation............................... +:WPAGELAST + +set WLAST= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Est\x2dce que les r\xe9glages sont corrects? +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Wii actuellement vierge (non modifi\xe9e) +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Wii d\xe9j\xe0 modifi\xe9e +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:RCSTATUS +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware actuel est %FIRMSTART%%REGION% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware actuel est inf\xe9rieur \xe0 2.2%REGION% + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware souhait\xe9 est %FIRM%%REGION% +goto:noRCSTATUS +:RCSTATUS + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Wii cor\xe9enne mais la r\xe9gion a d\xe9j\xe0 \xe9t\xe9 chang\xe9 en %FIRMSTART%%REGIONCHANGE% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Wii cor\xe9enne mais la r\xe9gion a d\xe9j\xe0 \xe9t\xe9 chang\xe9e en %REGIONCHANGE% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware souhait\xe9 est %FIRM%%REGIONCHANGE% + +:noRCSTATUS +echo. +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Photo +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Internet +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene M\xe9t\xe9o +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene News +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Mii +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Shopping (et IOS56) +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger la cha\xeene Wii Speak +echo. + +if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip4.3extra +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v2 (avec IOS58) +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer, Twilight Hack avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger HackMii Installer avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles + +:skip4.3extra + + +if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger les cIOSs et cMIOS recommand\xe9s) else (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger les cIOSs recommand\xe9s) +:smallskip + +if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM) + +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger IOS236 Installer et Simple IOS Patcher +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 avec l'IOS36v3351 pour installer l'IOS236 patch\xe9 +:skip + + +if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger Priiloader +if /i "%protect%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger des protections suppl\xe9mentaires contre les bricks + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger Dark Wii Red Theme +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger Dark Wii Green Theme + +::--------- +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb +echo. + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32 +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set FORMATNAME=NTFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set FORMATNAME=WBFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Disque dur externe format\xe9 en %FORMATNAME% +goto:skip2 +:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Disque dur externe format\xe9 en %FORMATNAME% +:skip2 + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger Configurable USB-Loader +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger WiiFlow +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger Configurable USB-Loader et WiiFlow +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a R\xe9glages et config de l'USB-Loader sauvegard\xe9s sur disque dur USB +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a R\xe9glages et config de l'USB-Loader sauvegard\xe9s sur carte SD + + +:skipusb + + +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Sauvegarder les r\xe9glages pour une utilisation ult\xe9rieure +if exist Wizard_Settings.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Existing Wizard_Settings.bat va \xeatre renomm\xe9 +echo. +:skip +echo Y = Oui +echo N = Non / Menu principal +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WLAST= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "S" goto:SaveWizardSettings +:skip +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGELAST +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DriveChange +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "N" goto:Menu +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced +if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2PROTECT +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2PROTECT +if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2PROTECT +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:backtoUpage2 + + +:BACK2ADVANCED +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 + +:BACK2SPEAK +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 + +:BACK2PROTECT +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21 + +:backtoUpage2 +if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE2 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WPAGELAST + + + +::-------------Save Wizard Settings:------------------- +:SaveWizardSettings + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. + +set countwiz=0 + +:renameWIZARDsettings +if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:skip +SET /a countwiz=%countwiz%+1 +if exist Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat goto:renameWIZARDsettings +move Wizard_Settings.bat Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat +:skip + + +echo ::ModMii v%currentversion% - Wizard Settings - %DATE% - %TIME% >> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set VIRGIN=%VIRGIN%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set REGION=%REGION%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set FIRMSTART=%FIRMSTART%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set FIRM=%FIRM%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set REGIONCHANGE=%REGIONCHANGE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set PIC=%PIC%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set NET=%NET%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set WEATHER=%WEATHER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set NEWS=%NEWS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set MiiQ=%MiiQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set Shop=%Shop%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set Speak=%Speak%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set HMInstaller=%HMInstaller%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set yawmQ=%yawmQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set IOS236InstallerQ=%IOS236InstallerQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set PRIQ=%PRIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set protect=%protect%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set ThemeSelection=%ThemeSelection%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set EXPLOIT=%EXPLOIT%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set MORE=%MORE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set ADVANCED=%ADVANCED%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set UpdatesIOSQ=%UpdatesIOSQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set RECCIOS=%RECCIOS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set USBGUIDE=%USBGUIDE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set UPAGE1=%UPAGE1%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set LOADER=%LOADER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat +echo set USBCONFIG=%USBCONFIG%>> Wizard_Settings.bat + + +if exist Wizard_Settings.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 T\xe9l\xe9chargement des r\xe9glages sauvegard\xe9s. +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul + +goto:WPAGELAST + +::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1 - Format?............................... +:UPAGE1 +set FORMAT=NONE +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Comment voulez\x2dvous que votre disque dur externe soit format\xe9? +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] 1 = FAT32 (RECOMMANDE) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Green] \x2b:[def] La Wii peut acc\xe9der aux apps, jeux, jaquettes et musique stock\xe9s en FAT32 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Id\xe9al si vous n'avez pas toujours de carte SD pour lancer l'USB-Loader +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Compatible avec l'\xe9mulation de Nand SNEEK/Triiforce. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] Ne peut pas stocker des fichiers de plus de 4GB. Cette limite ne s'applique +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pas aux jeux Wii, qui peuvent \xeatre d\xe9coup\xe9s. Cela n'affectera pas non plus +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 les lecteurs de vid\xe9os haute d\xe9finition. +echo. +echo. +echo 2 = NTFS +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Green] \x2b:[def] Peut stocker des fichiers de plus de 4GB +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 CFG USB-Loader peut acc\xe9der aux jeux, jaquettes et musique stock\xe9s en NTFS +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] La Wii ne peut pas acc\xe9der aux apps stock\xe9es en NTFS et rend la carte SD +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 incompatible avec l'\xe9mulation de Nand SNEEK/Triiforce. +echo. +echo. +echo 3 = FAT32 et NTFS +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: les petits lecteurs flash ne peuvent pas \xeatre partitionn\xe9s +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Green] \x2b:[def] Vous pouvez acc\xe9der aux apps Wii sur la partition FAT32, tout en +echo conservant des fichiers de plus de 4 GB sur la partition NTFS +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] Acc\xe8s un peu plus long par rapport aux autres options +echo. +echo. +echo 4 = Actuellement en WBFS et je ne veux pas changer +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] WBFS peut seulement \xeatre lu par la Wii et servir \xe0 stocker des jeux Wii +echo. +echo. +echo 5 = Actuellement en FAT32/WBFS et je ne veux pas changer +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] WBFS peut seulement \xeatre lu par la Wii et servir \xe0 stocker des jeux Wii +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo. +set /p FORMAT= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skip +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +:skip +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21 + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=* +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=* + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE1b +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:UPAGE1b +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE1b +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:UPAGE1b +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE1b + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:UPAGE1 + + + +::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1b - Loader?............................... +:UPAGE1b +set LOADER= +set usbfolder= +set FLOW= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo Quel USB-Loader souhaitez-vous utiliser? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 1 = Configurable USB-Loader (RECOMMANDE) +echo. +echo. +echo 2 = WiiFlow +echo. +echo. +echo 3 = Les deux +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p LOADER= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1 + +set wbm=* + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "1" set LOADER=CFG +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "2" set LOADER=FLOW +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "3" set LOADER=ALL + + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" goto:nextstep +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" goto:nextstep +if /i "%LOADER%" NEQ "ALL" goto:skip + +:nextstep +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE2 +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:DriveChange +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE2 +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:DriveChange +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE2 +:skip + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:UPAGE1b + + +::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page2 - Config on USB vs SD?............................... +:UPAGE2 +set USBCONFIG= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Ou souhaitez-vous installer l'USB-Loader, les jaquettes et fichiers de configuration? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] USB = USB (RECOMMANDE)[def] (fichiers enregistr\xe9s sous "COPY_TO_USB") +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] \x2b:[def] une Carte SD n'est pas n\xe9cessaire pour lancer un USB-Loader +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 les fichiers USB-Loader prennent un peu moins de place +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] temps de chargement un peu plus lent (presque n\xe9gligeable) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo SD = SD (fichiers sauves sous "%DRIVE%") +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] \x2b:[def] temps de chargement un peu plus lent (presque n\xe9gligeable) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] \x2d:[def] ne peut pas lancer d'USB-Loader sans carte SD +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 les fichiers USB-Loader prennent un peu plus de place +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p USBCONFIG= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1b +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + +::if using wizard+usb-loader setup, set up both drive letters +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGELAST +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:WPAGELAST + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2 +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:WPAGELAST +:skip + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVE% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVEU=UPAGE2 +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE + + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2 +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:DriveChange + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:UPAGE2 + + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page1 - SNEEK SELECT............................... +:SNKPAGE1 +set SNEEKSELECT= +set SNKS2U= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Que voulez-vous faire? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo 1 = Installation de SNEEK +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 2 = Cr\xe9er une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e (pour SNEEK) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 3 = Les 2 (recommand\xe9 pour les premi\xe8res utilisations de SNEEK) +echo. +echo 4 = Extraction de jeux (pour SNEEK) +echo * Supporte les formats ISO, CISO et WBFS +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 N\xe9cessaire: +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Votre Wii doit avoir bootmii d'install\xe9 pour utiliser SNEEK. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Si ce n'est pas le cas, lancez l'assistant de t\xe9l\xe9chargement de Modmii. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a UNEEK et UNEEK+DI n\xe9cessite un disque dur externe format\xe9 en +echo FAT32 avec des clusters de 32K ou moins. Si vous ne savez pas comment +echo formater votre disque ainsi, lancez l'installation d'USB-Loader de ModMii. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a SNEEK+DI et UNEEK+DI utilisent toujours la premi\xe8re partiton rencontr\xe9e. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: SNEEK n'est pas directement support\xe9 par ModMii. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Tous les probl\xe8mes rencontr\xe9s avec SNEEK qui ne sont pas une cons\xe9quence directe +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] de ModMii doivent \xeatre rapport\xe9s ici: http://code.google.com/p/sneek/ +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] C'est \xe9galement un bon site pour en apprendre plus sur SNEEK. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Un autre site utile ici: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNEEKSELECT= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE1 + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page2 - SNEEK TYPE............................... +:SNKPAGE2 +set SNEEKTYPE= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" echo Quel type de SNEEK voulez vous installer? +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" sfk echo -spat \x20 Pour quel type de SNEEK souhaitez\x2dvous cr\xe9er une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e? +echo. +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: NAND cr\xe9\xe9e compatible tout type de SNEEK sauf +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pour UNEEK+DI et SNEEK+DI n\xe9cessitant une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e en 4.2U/E ou 4.3U/E +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Toutes les Wii peuvent utiliser des r\xe9gions de NAND \xe9mul\xe9e diff\xe9rentes. +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo. +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Utilisateurs avanc\xe9s: si vous compilez vous\x2dm\xeame SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI avec +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 le support de Menu Syst\xe8me hackes autres que ceux cit\xe9s, +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 vous pouvez choisir "S" ou "U" pour d\xe9bloquer plus d'options de cr\xe9ation NAND +echo. +echo UD = UNEEK+DI +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a nand/m\xe9moire de Wii \xe9mul\xe9e sur HDD externe en fat32 +echo * charge les jeux Wii d'un HDD externe en fat32 +echo * vous pouvez lancer les applis de votre carte SD par l'HBC +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a l'acces au lecteur DVD est d\xe9sactiv\xe9 pendant l'ex\xe9cution de UNEEK+DI +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 mais peut \xeatre utilis\xe9 par des applis (ie. WiiXplorer) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a fonctionne seulement sur des Nand \xe9mul\xe9es 4.2U/E et 4.3E +echo. +echo SD = SNEEK+DI +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a nand/m\xe9moire de Wii \xe9mul\xe9e sur carte SD +echo * charge des jeux Wii d'un HDD externe en fat32 +echo * vous pouvez lancer les applis sur HDD externe en fat32 par l'HBC +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a l'acces au lecteur DVD est d\xe9sactiv\xe9 durant l'ex\xe9cution de SNEEK+DI +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 mais peut \xeatre utilis\xe9 par des applis (ie. WiiXplorer) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a fonctionne seulement sur des Nand \xe9mul\xe9es 4.2U/E et 4.3E +echo. +echo U = UNEEK +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a nand/m\xe9moire de Wii \xe9mul\xe9e sur un HDD externe en fat32 +echo * vous ne pouvez pas charger les jeux de votre HDD +echo * vous pouvez lancer des applis de votre carte SD par l'HBC +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a l'acces au lecteur DVD est activ\xe9 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a lancement de backups dvd avec Darkcorp install\xe9 sur la Nand \xe9mul\xe9e +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20(les Wii r\xe9centes ont un lecteur DVD inviolable) +echo. +echo S = SNEEK +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a nand/m\xe9moire de Wii \xe9mul\xe9e sur carte SD +echo * vous ne pouvez pas charger les jeux de votre HDD +echo * vous pouvez lancer des applis sur HDD externe en fat32 par l'HBC +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a l'acces au lecteur DVD est activ\xe9 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a lancement de backups dvd avec Darkcorp install\xe9 sur la Nand \xe9mul\xe9e +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20(les Wii r\xe9centes ont un lecteur DVD inviolable) +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +set /p SNEEKTYPE= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:DRIVECHANGE + +::if only building nand, no need to set drive, only driveU +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVECHANGE +goto:skip2 +:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE +:skip2 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE2 + + + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page3 - SNEEK REGION............................... +:SNKPAGE3 + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU% + +set DITYPE=off +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on + + +set REGION= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Choisissez la r\xe9gion pour votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e: +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: SNEEK+DI et UNEEK+DI ne fonctionnent que sur des Nand \xe9mul\xe9es en +echo 4.2U/E ou 4.3U/E. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Rappel: vous pouvez utiliser une r\xe9gion diff\xe9rente que celle de votre Wii. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \Note: si vous souhaitez synchroniser vos wiimotes avec votre Nand r\xe9elle +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 et votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e, vous devrez s\xe9lectionner la r\xe9gion r\xe9elle de la +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Wii en plus d'utiliser le setting.txt pour la Wii. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo U = USA +echo E = Euro (PAL) +if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "off" echo J = JAP +if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "off" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 K = Cor\xe9enne +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p REGION= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKPAGE3% +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set defaultserial=LU521175683 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set defaultserial=LEH133789940 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 + + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" (set serialdigits=11 or 12) else (set serialdigits=12) + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKPAGE4 + +if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "on" goto:skip +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKPAGE4 +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKPAGE4 +:skip + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE3 + + + + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK VERSION............................... +:SNKPAGE4 +set SNKVERSION= + + +::If region is USA and building NAND for DI, force 4.2 and go to next page +::if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip +::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SNKVERSION=4.2 +::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4d +:::skip + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Choisissez le firmware pour votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e: +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: SNEEK+DI et UNEEK+DI ne fonctionnent que sur des Nand \xe9mul\xe9es en +echo 4.2U/E ou 4.3U/E. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Rappel: vous pouvez utiliser une r\xe9gion diff\xe9rente que celle de votre Wii. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Attention:[def] 4.3U n'a pas le hack Region Free activ\xe9 par d\xe9faut. +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Cela s'applique uniquement aux jeux WiiWare/VC (aka cha\xeenes), +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 le menu DI/Game est compatible jeux Wii de toutes r\xe9gions. +:skip +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo 4.3 = 4.3 +echo. +echo 4.2 = 4.2 +echo. +::anything under 4.2 is not an option for NANDs for DI +if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "ON" goto:skip +echo 4.1 = 4.1 +:skip +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKVERSION= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE3 + + + +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" goto:SNKPAGE4a +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" goto:SNKPAGE4a + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" goto:SNKPAGE4a +:skip + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE4 + + +::...................................SNEEK Page4a - HomeBrew Filter............................... +:SNKPAGE4a + +set SNKHBF= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo by XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Voulez\x2dvous installer l'Homebrew Filter Channel sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Tout comme l'Homebrew Channel, l'Homebrew Filter Channel peut lancer des +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 homebrews situ\xe9s sur carte SD ou HDD en fat32. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Il n'est pas possible d'installer la derni\xe8re version de l'Homebrew Channel +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 sur une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e, c'est pourquoi l'Homebrew Filter est une excellente +echo alternative. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKHBF= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4 +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE4a + + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page4a2 - cIOS............................... +:SNKPAGE4a2 + +set SNKCIOS= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo by XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Voulez\x2dvous installer le cIOS249 rev14 sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e? +echo. +echo. +echo Certains homebrews fonctionneront uniquement sur SNEEK/UNEEK +echo avec le CIOS rev14 (exemple: SaveGame Manager GX). +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKCIOS= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4b +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4b + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE4a2 + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page4b - Priiloader For SNEEK............................... +:SNKPAGE4b + +set SNKPRI= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo by XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Voulez\x2dvous installer Priiloader v0.4 et hacks.ini sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e? +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Cela vous permettra d'activer des hacks sur le Menu Syst\xe8me de votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e, +sfk echo -spat \x20 mais aussi d'autobooter des applis telles que JoyFlow. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: pour acceder au Priiloader sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e, maintenez \x22reset\x22 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 lors du d\xe9marrage de votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e. +echo. +echo. + +sfk echo -spat [Red] AVERTISSEMENT: Dans certains cas, vous avez environ 10 secondes pour quitter +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Priiloader (sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e) avant qu'il ne r\xe9ponde plus. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Vous devrez enregistrer vos param\xe8tres rapidement et faire +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]plusieurs essais pour sauvegarder tous vos r\xe9glages un par un. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Un moyen pour acc\xe9der au Priiloader (sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e) sans la +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]limite de 10 secondes est de changer rapidement l'option \x22return to\x22 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]sur \x22Priiloader\x22. Lancez votre Menu Syst\xe8me \xe9mul\xe9, pressez \x22home\x22 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]et s\xe9lectionnez \x22Menu Wii\x22. Cela lancera Priiloader sur votre Nand +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]\xe9mul\xe9e en outre passant la limite de 10 secondes. Lorsque vous aurez +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]termin\xe9 avec Priiloader, modifiez le param\xe8tre \x22return to\x22. + +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKPRI= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4c +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4c + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE4b + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page4c - JoyFlow............................... +:SNKPAGE4c +set SNKJOY= + +::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKJOY=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE4d) + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Voulez\x2dvous une cha\xeene forwarder de JoyFlow sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e? +echo. +echo. + +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: Le dol Forwarder de JoyFlow peut \xeatre ajout\xe9 au menu \x22installed file\x22 du Priiloader. +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Les param\xe8tres d'autoboot du Priiloader devront \xeatre modifi\xe9s +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 si vous voulez que votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e autoboot sur \x22installed file\x22 +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a JoyFlow, USB-Loader pour UNEEK+DI est une belle alternative +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pour charger les jeux ou cha\xeenes Wii via un Menu Syst\xe8me \xe9mul\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKJOY= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4b +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4d +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4d + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE4c + + + +::...................................SNEEK Page4d - SNEEK SERIAL............................... +:SNKPAGE4d + + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU% + +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip +SET NANDcount=0 +:NANDname +SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1 +if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\nand%NANDcount%" (set nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\nand%NANDcount%) & goto:quickskip +goto:NANDname +:quickskip + +set SNKSERIAL= + +set settingtxtExist=no +if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt set settingtxtExist=yes + +set nandexist=no +if exist "%nandpath%"\title set nandexist=yes +if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket set nandexist=yes +if exist "%nandpath%"\sys set nandexist=yes +if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 set nandexist=yes + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo CREATION DE NAND SNEEK +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Quel num\xe9ro de s\xe9rie souhaitez\x2dvous utiliser pour cr\xe9er le setting.txt? +echo. +echo. +if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] setting.txt d\x2dj\xe0 pr\x2dsent dans: +if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" echo %nandpath% +if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] Laissez vide la s\x2dlection pour continuer avec ce setting.txt +if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" echo. +if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: le setting.txt existant doit avoir la r\x2dgion '%REGION%' fonctionnelle +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez les %serialdigits% chiffres du num\xe9ro de s\xe9rie +echo. +echo Exemple: %defaultserial% +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = Num\xe9ro de s\xe9rie par d\xe9faut %defaultserial% +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Aucun, continuer avec la cr\xe9ation du setting.txt +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: setting.txt est n\xe9cessaire \xe0 la cr\xe9ation de Nand, ne choisir "N" que +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 si vous pr\xe9voyez de copier manuellement un setting.txt existant +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xe0 cet endroit: +echo %nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data\ +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: si vous souhaitez synchroniser vos wiimotes avec votre Nand r\xe9elle +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 et votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e, vous devrez indiquer le num\xe9ro +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 de s\xe9rie de votre Wii (ou le setting.txt du dump de votre Nand) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKSERIAL= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "B" goto:quickskip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" (goto:SNKPAGE4d) else (goto:SNKPAGE4b) +:quickskip + + +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE20 +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "D" set SNKSERIAL=%defaultserial% + + +if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" goto:settingsexist +IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=9999999999999 +goto:skip + +:settingsexist +IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=current +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:WPAGE20 + +:skip + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badkey) +if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badkey) + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip +if "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey) +:skip + +::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" goto:skip +::if not "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey) +:::skip + +if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badkey) + +::next page +goto:WPAGE20 + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKPAGE4d + + + + + +::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder Confirmation............................... +:SNKNANDCONFIRM +set SNKNANDCONFIRM= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:notalsoinstalling +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez installer SNEEK+DI et cr\xe9er une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez installer UNEEK+DI et cr\xe9er une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez installer SNEEK et cr\xe9er une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez installer UNEEK et cr\xe9er une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +goto:skip + +:notalsoinstalling + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez cr\xe9er une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez cr\xe9er SNEEK+DI +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez cr\xe9er UNEEK+DI +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez cr\xe9er UNEEK +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Vous allez cr\xe9er SNEEK +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +goto:nonandinstallation + +:skip + +if not exist temp\install2sneek mkdir temp\install2sneek + +echo. +echo. +echo Installer les WADs de: temp\install2sneek\ +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 pour \xe9muler la Nand: %nandpath%\ +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: Vous pouvez placer des WADs suppl\xe9mentaires dans \x22temp\x5cinstall2sneek\x22 pour les installer +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 sur votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e. Une fois l'installation termin\xe9e, ModMii les d\xe9placera dans le +echo dossier "temp". +echo. + + +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "N" goto:none +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "current" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a setting.txt va \xeatre cr\xe9\xe9 avec le num\xe9ro de s\xe9rie: %SNKSERIAL% +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a le setting.txt existant va \xeatre conserv\xe9 +echo. +:none + +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Homebrew Filter Channel +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" echo. + +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement cIOS249 rev14 +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo. + +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Priiloader v0.4 +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. + +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement JoyFlow +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" echo. + +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Switch2Uneek +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo. + + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Dark Wii Red Theme +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Dark Wii Green Theme +echo. +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Priiloader v0.4 +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" echo. + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Photo +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Internet +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene M\xe9t\xe9o +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene News +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Mii +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Shopping +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Wii Speak + +echo. +if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: une Nand \xe9mul\xe9e existe d\xe9ja dans: +if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" echo %nandpath% +if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]la Nand \xe9mul\xe9e existante va \xeatre supprim\xe9e\x2fremplac\xe9e +:nonandinstallation +echo. +echo Y = Oui, le faire maintenant! +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +set /p SNKNANDCONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKCONFIRM% +if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER +:skip +if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SNEEKINSTALLER + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM + + +::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder............................... +:SNKNANDBUILDER + +::temporarily force wads to be saved to "root" of "temp" folder +Set ROOTSAVE=on +::set DRIVE=temp//happens later + +if not exist "%nandpath%" mkdir "%nandpath%" +if not exist temp\install2sneek mkdir temp\install2sneek + +::backup setting.txt if applicable +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\setting.txt >nul +::delete existing nand if exists +if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo. +if exist "%nandpath%"\title sfk echo -spat Effacement de la Nand \xe9mul\xe9e existante... +if exist "%nandpath%"\title rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\title +if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\ticket +if exist "%nandpath%"\sys rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\sys +if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared1 +::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder +if exist "%nandpath%"\import rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\import +if exist "%nandpath%"\meta rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\meta +if exist "%nandpath%"\shared2 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared2 +if exist "%nandpath%"\tmp rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\tmp +if exist "%nandpath%"\wfs rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\wfs + + + +::if user selects S2U but has emulated nand on root without nandslot.bin, move existing nand to nands folder +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:quickskip + +SET /a NANDcountPLUS1=%NANDcount%+1 + +if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\title goto:quickskip +echo. +sfk echo -spat D\xe9placement de la Nand \xe9mul\xe9e existante dans le dossier \x5cnands\x5c%NANDcountPLUS1% ... + +if not exist "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" + +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\title move /y "%DRIVEU%"\title "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\title" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\ticket move /y "%DRIVEU%"\ticket "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\ticket" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\sys move /y "%DRIVEU%"\sys "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\sys" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared1" +::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\import move /y "%DRIVEU%"\import "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\import" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\meta move /y "%DRIVEU%"\meta "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\meta" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared2" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\tmp move /y "%DRIVEU%"\tmp "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\tmp" +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\wfs move /y "%DRIVEU%"\wfs "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\wfs" + +:quickskip + + + +::all +if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MII=* + + + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKU +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKE +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKJ +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKK + +:SNKU +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=* +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +:SKIPSM + +::SMAPP is patched for UNEEK+DI Support +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000098 +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000088 +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007c +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=* +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=* +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* +if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=* +goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS + +:SNKE +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=* +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009b +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008b +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007f +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=* +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=* +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* +if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=* +goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS + +:SNKJ +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=* +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000095 +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000085 +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000079 +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=* +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=* +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* +if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=* +goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS + +:SNKK +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=* +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* +goto:SKIPSM +:skip + +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009e +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008e +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000082 +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set PK=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=* + + +:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70P=* +if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80P=* + + + +::activeios +set M10=* +set IOS9=* +set IOS12=* +set IOS13=* +set IOS14=* +set IOS15=* +set IOS17=* +set IOS21=* +set IOS22=* +set IOS28=* +set IOS31=* +set IOS33=* +set IOS34=* +set IOS35=* +set IOS36v3608=* +set IOS37=* +set IOS38=* +set ios41=* +set ios43=* +set ios45=* +set ios46=* +set IOS48v4124=* +set IOS53=* +set IOS55=* +set IOS56=* +set IOS57=* +set IOS58=* +set IOS61=* +set BC=* + +if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249-v14=* + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set EULAU=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set EULAE=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set EULAJ=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set EULAK=* + +if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set HAX=* +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set JOYF=* +if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" set HBF=* +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set S2U=* + + + +::subract 1 from %SMAPP% to get %SMTHEMEAPP% +sfk dec %SMAPP%>dec.txt + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dec.txt) do call :processdec %%A +goto:nextstep + +:processdec +set dec=%* +goto:EOF +:nextstep + +del dec.txt +SET /a dec=%dec%-1 +sfk hex %dec% -digits=8 >hex.txt + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhex %%A +goto:nextstep + +:processhex +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop +set SMTHEMEAPP=%* +goto:EOF +:nextstep + +del hex.txt + +::change caps to lower case for hex numbers if applicable +if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "A" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%a +if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "B" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%b +if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "C" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%c +if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "D" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%d +if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "E" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%e +if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "F" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%f + + +goto:DLCOUNT + + + + +::...................................SNEEK SNK DISC EXtractor............................... +:SNKDISCEX + +IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" goto:checkwbfs +IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" set ISOFOLDER=%DRIVEU%\WBFS + +goto:skip + +:checkwbfs +if exist "A:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=A:\WBFS +if exist "B:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=B:\WBFS +if exist "C:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=C:\WBFS +if exist "D:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=D:\WBFS +if exist "E:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=E:\WBFS +if exist "F:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=F:\WBFS +if exist "G:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=G:\WBFS +if exist "H:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=H:\WBFS +if exist "I:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=I:\WBFS +if exist "J:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=J:\WBFS +if exist "K:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=K:\WBFS +if exist "L:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=L:\WBFS +if exist "M:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=M:\WBFS +if exist "N:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=N:\WBFS +if exist "O:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=O:\WBFS +if exist "P:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=P:\WBFS +if exist "Q:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Q:\WBFS +if exist "R:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=R:\WBFS +if exist "S:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=S:\WBFS +if exist "T:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=T:\WBFS +if exist "U:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=U:\WBFS +if exist "V:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=V:\WBFS +if exist "W:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=W:\WBFS +if exist "X:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=X:\WBFS +if exist "Y:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Y:\WBFS +if exist "Z:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Z:\WBFS +IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" set ISOFOLDER=%DRIVEU%\WBFS +:skip + + +set drivetemp=%ISOFOLDER% + +if exist gametotal.txt del gametotal.txt + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo EXTRACTEUR DE JEUX +echo (POUR SNEEK) +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez le chemin ou vos jeux Wii sont sauv\xe9s +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Les sous dossiers sont \xe9galement scann\xe9s +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Les formats support\xe9s incluent les fichiers ISO, CISO et WBFS +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 R\xe9glage actuel: +echo. +echo %ISOFOLDER% +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Notes: \x2a Pour continuer avec le r\xe9glage actuel +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 laissez vide la s\xe9lection et appuyez sur \x22entr\xe9e\x22 +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Vous pouvez utiliser le glisser\x2fd\xe9poser du dossier directement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 dans cette fen\xeatre pour \xe9viter de taper le chemin +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo EXEMPLES +echo. +echo. +echo L: +echo. +echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\WiiGames +echo Note: %%userprofile%% raccourci ne fonctionnant pas sous Windows XP +echo. +echo WiiGames\ISOs +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: Ceci controle le dossier des jeux Wii \x2fISOs ou ModMii \xe0 \xe9t\xe9 enregistr\xe9 +echo. +echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +set /p DRIVETEMP= Entrez votre choix ici: + +::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) +echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt +sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat +call temp.bat +del temp.bat +del temp.txt + + +if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 +if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + +:doublecheckISOFOLDER +set fixslash= +if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes +if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes +if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1% +if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckISOFOLDER + + +if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" goto:notexist + + +::---get game list------- +echo. +echo Recherche des jeux Wii dans les dossiers... +::wit list-l --unit GB --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt +wit list-l --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt +copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul +sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _"Total: "_"set gametotal="_ -rep _" discs*"__ -write -yes>nul +call gametotal.bat +del gametotal.bat +if /i "%gametotal%" EQU "0" goto:notexistiso + +set ISOFOLDER=%DRIVETEMP% +set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKDISCEX +goto:DRIVEUCHANGE + + +:notexist +sfk echo -spat Le dossier s\xe9lectionn\xe9 n'existe pas +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKDISCEX + +:notexistiso +del gamelist.txt>nul +echo Le dossier choisi ne contient pas de fichiers ISO, CISO ou WBFS +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:SNKDISCEX + + +::...................................SNK DISC EXtractor2............................... +:SNKDISCEX2 + +echo. +sfk echo -spat V\xe9rification de l'espace disponible... + +::wit beta--> isosize command +::wit isosize --unit bytes -r "%ISOFOLDER%" + +::---get required MB------- +copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul +::sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*"~ "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MB*"__ -write -yes>nul +sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*", "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MiB*"__ -write -yes>nul +call gametotal.bat +del gametotal.bat + +if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ 1000 (set units=GB) else (set units=MB) + + + +::---get approx required GB------- +hy %MegaBytesRequired% 1024 />nul +::above command stores output in a "hy" file + +move /y hy gigabytesrequired.txt>nul +sfk filter gigabytesrequired.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gigabytesrequired.txt) do call :process %%A +goto:nextstep + +:process +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop +set GigaBytesRequired=%* +goto:EOF +:nextstep + +del gigabytesrequired.txt + + +::---check for free space (not 100% accurate-will catch most cases without enough free space)--- + +if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" +dir "%DRIVEU%">freespace.bat + +sfk filter freespace.bat -+"bytes " -+"octets " -+"Directory " -!"Directory of" -!"Directory di" -rep _" byte"*__ -rep _" octets"*__ -rep _,__ -rep _.__ -rep _" "__ -rep _*")"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"dirs"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"Directory"_"set freespace="_ -write -yes>nul +sfk filter freespace.bat -spat -rep _\xff__ -write -yes>nul + +::Italian-dir cmd: 14 Directory 546.480.881.664 byte disponibili + +call freespace.bat +del freespace.bat + +::Math in batch doesn't work with large numbers +::SET /a freespaceKB=%freespace%/1024 + + +hy %freespace% 1048576 />nul +::above command stores output in a "hy" file + +move /y hy megabytes.txt>nul +sfk filter megabytes.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (megabytes.txt) do call :process %%A +goto:nextstep + +:process +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop +set freespaceMB=%* +goto:EOF +:nextstep + +del megabytes.txt + +::echo MegaBytesRequired is %MegaBytesRequired% +::echo GigaBytesRequired is %GigaBytesRequired% +::echo Total Free Space is approximately %freespaceMB% MB [%freespace% bytes] +::pause + +if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ %freespaceMB% (goto:needmorespace) else (goto:DISCEXCONFIRM) + + +::-------------------------------------DISCEX NEED MORE SPACE!!!--------------- +:needmorespace +cls +set continue= +::resize window +set lines= +set gametotal= +SET /a LINES=%gametotal%+42 +if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 +mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo EXTRACTEUR DE JEUX +echo (POUR SNEEK) +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]ATTENTION: IL N'Y A PAS ASSEZ D'ESPACE LIBRE +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Vous allez convertir %gametotal% jeux Wii +echo. +echo du dossier source: %ISOFOLDER% +echo au dossier de destination: %DRIVEU%\games +echo. + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in gamelist.txt and turn each line of gamelist.txt into a variable +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process %%A +goto:nextstep + +:process +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop +echo %* +goto:EOF +:nextstep + +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%units%" EQU "GB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]"%DRIVEU%" n\xe9cessite approx. %GigaBytesRequired%GB d'espace libre +if /i "%units%" EQU "MB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]"%DRIVEU%" n\xe9cessite %MegaBytesRequired%MB d'espace libre +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]Lib\xe9rez plus d'espace ou s\xe9lectionnez un dossier source plus petit et re\x2dessayez +echo. +echo. +echo. + +echo C = Continuer de toute facon +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p continue= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt +if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%continue%" EQU "C" goto:DISCEXCONFIRM + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:needmorespace + + + +::-------------------------------------DISCEX CONFIRM--------------- +:DISCEXCONFIRM +cls +set DISCEXCONFIRM= + +::resize window +set lines= +set gametotal= +SET /a LINES=%gametotal%+45 +if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 +mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo EXTRACTEUR DE JEUX +echo (POUR SNEEK) +echo. +echo Vous allez convertir les %gametotal% jeux Wii suivants +echo. +echo du dossier source: %ISOFOLDER% +echo au dossier de destination: %DRIVEU%\games +echo. + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in gamelist.txt and turn each line of gamelist.txt into a variable +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process %%A +goto:nextstep + +:process +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop +echo %* +goto:EOF +:nextstep + + +echo. +echo. +echo Voulez-vous commencer? +echo. +echo. +::echo Notes: * chaque convertion de jeu prend environ 5-15 minutes +::echo. +::echo * assurez-vous d'avoir assez d'espace sur: %DRIVEU% +::sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 sinon l'extraction \xe9chouera d\xe8s qu'il n'y aura plus assez d'espace +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p DISCEXCONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" del gametotal.txt +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" del gametotal.txt + + +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:DISCEXSTART +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "B" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:DISCEXCONFIRM + + + +::----------------Start WIT DISCEXTRACTION--------------- +:DISCEXSTART +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo EXTRACTEUR DE JEUX +echo (POUR SNEEK) +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Mise \xe0 jour de la liste des titres des jeux Wii (titles.txt) +echo. +echo. + +if exist titles.txt move /y titles.txt titles_old.txt >nul +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 www.wiitdb.com/titles.txt +if exist titles.txt del titles_old.txt >nul +if not exist titles.txt move /y titles_old.txt titles.txt >nul + +::rename existing games to new standard +dir "%DRIVEU%"\games /A:D /b > GameTitleIDs.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processdir %%A +goto:nextstep +:processdir +set CurrentTitleID=%* +if /i "%CurrentTitleID:~-8,1%" EQU "[" rename "%DRIVEU%\games\%CurrentTitleID%" "%CurrentTitleID:~-7,6%">nul +goto:EOF +:nextstep + +if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txt>nul + + +::reverse slashes for target folder %DRIVEU%\games which becomes %DRIVEUfix%/games +echo set DRIVEUfix=%DRIVEU%>temp.bat +sfk filter temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes>nul +call temp.bat +del temp.bat + +::IMPORTANT NOTE: destination directory must use "/" and not "\" +::target directory, including "games" folder, is creating automatically with the following wit command + +::wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress +::wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress +wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%I" --progress + +::an empty cygdrive folder may be created previous directory, so delete it! +cd .. +if exist cygdrive rd /s /q cygdrive +cd /d %ModMiipath% + + +::-----create csv list of all games in "%DRIVEU%"\games\ ----- + +echo @echo Off>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + +echo dir games /A:D /b redirect GameTitleIDs.txt >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + + +echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processmii @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo :processmii>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo set CurrentTitleID=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" rename "games\@@CurrentTitleID@@" "@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@"redirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" set CurrentTitleID=@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectTitleID.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +::if title ID not in titles.txt just add title ID only +echo for /F @@@@A in ("TitleID.txt") do If @@@@~zA equ 0 (echo @@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@redirectredirectGamelist.txt) else (FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectredirectGamelist.txt)>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + +echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + + +echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist.txt) do call :processmii2 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo :processmii2>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo echo @@Line:~9@@,@@Line:~0,6@@redirectredirectgamelist2.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + +echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo sort "Gamelist2.txt" -o "Gamelist-sorted.txt">>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + +echo echo Number,Title,Title IDredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo echo ,,redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo set countline=0 >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist-sorted.txt) do call :processmii3 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo :processmii3>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo SET /a countline=@@countline@@+1>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + + +echo echo @@countline@@,@@line@@redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + +echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat + + +sfk filter "%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat -spat -rep _@@_%%_ -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul +sfk filter -quiet titles.txt -spat -rep _,_;_ -rep _" "_" "_ >%DriveU%\titles.txt + + +cd /d "%DriveU%\" +call "Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat" +cd /d %ModMiipath% + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Green]EXTRACTION DES JEUX POUR SNEEK TERMINEE +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Une liste de vos jeux peut \xeatre trouv\xe9e ici: %DriveU%\Game-List[ModMii].csv +sfk echo -spat \x20 Pour mettre \xe0 jour cette liste \xe0 tout moment, ex\xe9cutez %DriveU%\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au menu principal. +pause>nul +goto:MENU + + + +::........................................LIST / BATCH....................................... +:LIST +Set List= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] PAGE 1 TELECHARGEMENT [def] \x20 \x20 \x20 par XFlak +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Choisir les fichiers \xe0 ajouter/supprimer de la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 (les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s sont marqu\xe9s d'une \x2a) +echo. +sfk echo -spat D = T\xe9l\xe9charger les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s \x20 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 \x20 DR = Menu Drive +sfk echo -spat C = Effacer la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement \x20 (vide) = Page suivante \x20 M = Menu principal +echo. +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo R = Renommer le dossier actuel %Drive%\WAD en %Drive%\WAD# +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (sinon les wads seront sauvegard\xe9s dans le dossier WAD actuel) +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 S\xe9lectionner un groupe: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](U)[def]SA, [Red](E)[def]URO, [Red](J)[def]AP, [Red](K)[def]OR, [Red](I)[def]OSs actifs, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red](PR)[def]otection suppl\xe9mentaire +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Menus Syst\xe8me \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 IOSs\MIOS Non-Fakesigned \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Autres WADs +echo %SM3.2U% 3.2U = 3.2U SM %IOS9% 9 = IOS9v1034 %RSU% RSU = Region Select v2(U) +echo %SM4.1U% 4.1U = 4.1U SM %IOS12% 12 = IOS12v526 %RSE% RSE = Region Select v2(E) +echo %SM4.2U% 4.2U = 4.2U SM %IOS13% 13 = IOS13v1032 %RSJ% RSJ = Region Select v2(J) +echo %SM4.3U% 4.3U = 4.3U SM %IOS14% 14 = IOS14v1032 %RSK% RSK = Region Select v2(K) +echo %SM3.2E% 3.2E = 3.2E SM %IOS15% 15 = IOS15v1032 %EULAU% EU = EULA v3(U) +echo %SM4.1E% 4.1E = 4.1E SM %IOS17% 17 = IOS17v1032 %EULAE% EE = EULA v3(E) +echo %SM4.2E% 4.2E = 4.2E SM %IOS21% 21 = IOS21v1039 %EULAJ% EJ = EULA v3(J) +echo %SM4.3E% 4.3E = 4.3E SM %IOS22% 22 = IOS22v1294 %EULAK% EK = EULA v3(K) +echo %SM3.2J% 3.2J = 3.2J SM %IOS28% 28 = IOS28v1807 %BC% BC = BC v6 +echo %SM4.1J% 4.1J = 4.1J SM %IOS30% 30NP = IOS30v2576 + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20%SM4.2J% 4.2J = 4.2J SM \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS31% 31 = IOS31v3608\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]IOSs Fakesigned + +echo %SM4.3J% 4.3J = 4.3J SM %IOS33% 33 = IOS33v3608 +echo %SM4.1K% 4.1K = 4.1K SM %IOS34% 34 = IOS34v3608 %IOS11P60% 11 = IOS11(IOS60P) +echo %SM4.2K% 4.2K = 4.2K SM %IOS35% 35 = IOS35v3608 %IOS20P60% 20 = IOS20v16174(IOS60P) +echo %SM4.3K% 4.3K = 4.3K SM %IOS36% 36a = IOS36v3351 %IOS30P60% 30 = IOS30(IOS60P) +echo %IOS36v3608% 36 = IOS36v3608 %IOS30P% 30P = IOS30-Patched +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Cha\xeenes[def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS37% 37 = IOS37v5663\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS40P60% 40 = IOS40(IOS60P) +echo %IOS38% 38 = IOS38v4124 %IOS50P% 50 = IOS50-Patched +echo %P% P = Photo 1.1(U/E/J) %IOS41% 41 = IOS41v3607 %IOS52P% 52 = IOS52-Patched +echo %PK% PK = Photo 1.1 (KOR) %IOS43% 43 = IOS43v3607 %IOS60P% 60 = IOS60-Patched +echo %S% SH = Shopping (U/E/J) %IOS45% 45 = IOS45v3607 %IOS70K% 70K = IOS70(IOS60P) +echo %SK% SK = Shopping (KOR) %IOS46% 46 = IOS46v3607 %IOS70P% 70 = IOS70-Patched +echo %IU% IU = Internet (USA) %IOS48v4124% 48 = IOS48v4124 %IOS80K% 80K = IOS80(IOS60P) +echo %IE% IE = Internet (EUR) %IOS53% 53 = IOS53v5663 %IOS80P% 80 = IOS80-Patched +echo %IJ% IJ = Internet (JAP) %IOS55% 55 = IOS55v5663 %IOS236% 236 = IOS236(IOS36P) +echo %WU% WU = Meteo (USA) %IOS56% 56 = IOS56v5662 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20%WE% WE = Meteo (EUR) \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS57% 57 = IOS57v5919\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] Fichiers SNEEK +echo %WJ% WJ = Meteo (JAP) %IOS58% 58 = IOS58v6176 +echo %NU% NU = News (USA) %IOS60% 60NP = IOS60v6174 %A0e% 0e = 0e.app IOS80v6943 +echo %NE% NE = News (EUR) %IOS61% 61 = IOS61v5662 %A0e_70% 0e_70 = 0e.app IOS70v6687 +echo %NJ% NJ = News (JAP) %IOS70% 70NP = IOS70v6687 %A0e_60% 0e_60 = 0e.app IOS60v6174 +echo %WSU% WSU = WiiSpeak(USA) %IOS80% 80NP = IOS80v6944 %A01% 01 = 01.app IOS80v6943 +echo %WSE% WSE = WiiSpeak(EUR) %M10% M10 = MIOSv10 %A01_70% 01_70 = 01.app IOS70v6687 +echo %WSJ% WSJ = WiiSpeak(JAP) %A01_60% 01_60 = 01.app IOS60v6174 +echo %MII% Mii = Mii (RF) %A0c% 0c = 0c.app MIOSv10 +echo. + + + + +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +set /p LIST= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2 + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 + +IF "%LIST%"=="" goto:OLDLIST + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "U" goto:UALL +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "E" goto:EALL +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "J" goto:JALL +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "K" goto:KALL +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "I" goto:IOSACTIVE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PR" goto:PROTECTIONFILES +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:allsneekfiles + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3U" goto:Switch4.3U +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3E" goto:Switch4.3E +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3J" goto:Switch4.3J +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3K" goto:Switch4.3K +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2U" goto:Switch3.2U +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1U" goto:Switch4.1U +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2U" goto:Switch4.2U +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2E" goto:Switch3.2E +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1E" goto:Switch4.1E +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2E" goto:Switch4.2E +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2J" goto:Switch3.2J +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1J" goto:Switch4.1J +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2J" goto:Switch4.2J +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1K" goto:Switch4.1K +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2K" goto:Switch4.2K +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "MII" goto:SwitchMII +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "P" goto:SwitchP +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PK" goto:SwitchPK +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "SH" goto:SwitchS +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "SK" goto:SwitchSK +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IU" goto:SwitchIU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IE" goto:SwitchIE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IJ" goto:SwitchIJ +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WU" goto:SwitchWU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WE" goto:SwitchWE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WJ" goto:SwitchWJ +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NU" goto:SwitchNU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NE" goto:SwitchNE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NJ" goto:SwitchNJ +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSU" goto:SwitchWSU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSE" goto:SwitchWSE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSJ" goto:SwitchWSJ +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "M10" goto:SwitchM10 + + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "9" goto:Switch9 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "12" goto:Switch12 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "13" goto:Switch13 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "14" goto:Switch14 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "15" goto:Switch15 + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "17" goto:Switch17 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "20" goto:Switch20P60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "11" goto:Switch11P60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "21" goto:Switch21 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "22" goto:Switch22 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "28" goto:Switch28 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30" goto:Switch30P60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30P" goto:Switch30P +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "31" goto:Switch31 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "33" goto:Switch33 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "34" goto:Switch34 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "35" goto:Switch35 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "36a" goto:Switch36 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "37" goto:Switch37 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "38" goto:Switch38 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "36" goto:Switch36v3608 + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "40" goto:Switch40P60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "41" goto:Switch41 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "43" goto:Switch43 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "45" goto:Switch45 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "46" goto:Switch46 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "50" goto:Switch50P +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "52" goto:Switch52P +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "53" goto:Switch53 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "55" goto:Switch55 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "56" goto:Switch56 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "57" goto:Switch57 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "58" goto:Switch58 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "60" goto:Switch60P +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "61" goto:Switch61 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70" goto:Switch70P +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70K" goto:Switch70K +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80K" goto:Switch80K +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80" goto:Switch80P +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "236" goto:SwitchIOS236 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30NP" goto:SwitchIOS30 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "48" goto:SwitchIOS48v4124 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "60NP" goto:SwitchIOS60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70NP" goto:SwitchIOS70 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80NP" goto:SwitchIOS80 + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSU" goto:SwitchRSU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSE" goto:SwitchRSE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSJ" goto:SwitchRSJ +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSK" goto:SwitchRSK + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EU" goto:SwitchEULAU +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EE" goto:SwitchEULAE +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EJ" goto:SwitchEULAJ +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EK" goto:SwitchEULAK + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "BC" goto:SwitchBC + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e" goto:SwitchA0e +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01" goto:switchA01 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e_70" goto:SwitchA0e_70 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01_70" goto:switchA01_70 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e_60" goto:SwitchA0e_60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01_60" goto:switchA01_60 +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0c" goto:SwitchA0c + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:list + + + +:Switch3.2U +if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" goto:switch3.2Uoff +set SM3.2U=* +goto:list +:switch3.2Uoff +set SM3.2U= +goto:list + +:Switch4.1U +if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Uoff +set SM4.1U=* +goto:list +:switch4.1Uoff +set SM4.1U= +goto:list + +:Switch4.2U +if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Uoff +set SM4.2U=* +goto:list +:switch4.2Uoff +set SM4.2U= +goto:list + +:Switch4.3U +if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Uoff +set SM4.3U=* +goto:list +:switch4.3Uoff +set SM4.3U= +goto:list + +:Switch3.2E +if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" goto:switch3.2Eoff +set SM3.2E=* +goto:list +:switch3.2Eoff +set SM3.2E= +goto:list + +:Switch4.1E +if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Eoff +set SM4.1E=* +goto:list +:switch4.1Eoff +set SM4.1E= +goto:list + +:Switch4.2E +if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Eoff +set SM4.2E=* +goto:list +:switch4.2Eoff +set SM4.2E= +goto:list + +:Switch4.3E +if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Eoff +set SM4.3E=* +goto:list +:switch4.3Eoff +set SM4.3E= +goto:list + +:Switch3.2J +if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" goto:switch3.2Joff +set SM3.2J=* +goto:list +:switch3.2Joff +set SM3.2J= +goto:list + +:Switch4.1J +if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Joff +set SM4.1J=* +goto:list +:switch4.1Joff +set SM4.1J= +goto:list + +:Switch4.2J +if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Joff +set SM4.2J=* +goto:list +:switch4.2Joff +set SM4.2J= +goto:list + +:Switch4.3J +if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Joff +set SM4.3J=* +goto:list +:switch4.3Joff +set SM4.3J= +goto:list + +:Switch4.1K +if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Koff +set SM4.1K=* +goto:list +:switch4.1Koff +set SM4.1K= +goto:list + +:Switch4.2K +if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Koff +set SM4.2K=* +goto:list +:switch4.2Koff +set SM4.2K= +goto:list + +:Switch4.3K +if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Koff +set SM4.3K=* +goto:list +:switch4.3Koff +set SM4.3K= +goto:list + +:SwitchMii +if /i "%Mii%" EQU "*" goto:switchMiioff +set Mii=* +goto:list +:switchMiioff +set Mii= +goto:list + +:SwitchP +if /i "%P%" EQU "*" goto:switchPoff +set P=* +goto:list +:switchPoff +set P= +goto:list + +:SwitchPK +if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" goto:switchPKoff +set PK=* +goto:list +:switchPKoff +set PK= +goto:list + +:SwitchS +if /i "%S%" EQU "*" goto:switchSoff +set S=* +goto:list +:switchSoff +set S= +goto:list + +:SwitchSK +if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" goto:switchSKoff +set SK=* +goto:list +:switchSKoff +set SK= +goto:list + +:SwitchIU +if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" goto:switchIUoff +set IU=* +goto:list +:switchIUoff +set IU= +goto:list + +:SwitchIE +if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" goto:switchIEoff +set IE=* +goto:list +:switchIEoff +set IE= +goto:list + +:SwitchIJ +if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchIJoff +set IJ=* +goto:list +:switchIJoff +set IJ= +goto:list + +:SwitchWU +if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" goto:switchWUoff +set WU=* +goto:list +:switchWUoff +set WU= +goto:list + +:SwitchWE +if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" goto:switchWEoff +set WE=* +goto:list +:switchWEoff +set WE= +goto:list + +:SwitchWJ +if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchWJoff +set WJ=* +goto:list +:switchWJoff +set WJ= +goto:list + +:SwitchNU +if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" goto:switchNUoff +set NU=* +goto:list +:switchNUoff +set NU= +goto:list + +:SwitchNE +if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" goto:switchNEoff +set NE=* +goto:list +:switchNEoff +set NE= +goto:list + +:SwitchNJ +if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchNJoff +set NJ=* +goto:list +:switchNJoff +set NJ= +goto:list + +:SwitchWSU +if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" goto:switchWSUoff +set WSU=* +goto:list +:switchWSUoff +set WSU= +goto:list + +:SwitchWSE +if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" goto:switchWSEoff +set WSE=* +goto:list +:switchWSEoff +set WSE= +goto:list + +:SwitchWSJ +if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchWSJoff +set WSJ=* +goto:list +:switchWSJoff +set WSJ= +goto:list + +:SwitchM10 +if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" goto:switchM10off +set M10=* +goto:list +:switchM10off +set M10= +goto:list + +:Switch9 +if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS9off +set IOS9=* +goto:list +:switchIOS9off +set IOS9= +goto:list + +:Switch12 +if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS12off +set IOS12=* +goto:list +:switchIOS12off +set IOS12= +goto:list + +:Switch13 +if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS13off +set IOS13=* +goto:list +:switchIOS13off +set IOS13= +goto:list + +:Switch14 +if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS14off +set IOS14=* +goto:list +:switchIOS14off +set IOS14= +goto:list + +:Switch15 +if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS15off +set IOS15=* +goto:list +:switchIOS15off +set IOS15= +goto:list + +:Switch17 +if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS17off +set IOS17=* +goto:list +:switchIOS17off +set IOS17= +goto:list + +:Switch21 +if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS21off +set IOS21=* +goto:list +:switchIOS21off +set IOS21= +goto:list + +:Switch22 +if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS22off +set IOS22=* +goto:list +:switchIOS22off +set IOS22= +goto:list + +:Switch28 +if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS28off +set IOS28=* +goto:list +:switchIOS28off +set IOS28= +goto:list + +:Switch40P60 +if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS40P60off +set IOS40P60=* +goto:list +:switchIOS40P60off +set IOS40P60= +goto:list + +:Switch30P60 +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS30P60off +set IOS30P60=* +goto:list +:switchIOS30P60off +set IOS30P60= +goto:list + +:Switch30P +if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS30Poff +set IOS30P=* +goto:list +:switchIOS30Poff +set IOS30P= +goto:list + +:Switch31 +if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS31off +set IOS31=* +goto:list +:switchIOS31off +set IOS31= +goto:list + +:Switch33 +if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS33off +set IOS33=* +goto:list +:switchIOS33off +set IOS33= +goto:list + +:Switch34 +if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS34off +set IOS34=* +goto:list +:switchIOS34off +set IOS34= +goto:list + +:Switch35 +if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS35off +set IOS35=* +goto:list +:switchIOS35off +set IOS35= +goto:list + +:Switch36 +if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS36off +set IOS36=* +goto:list +:switchIOS36off +set IOS36= +goto:list + +:Switch37 +if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS37off +set IOS37=* +goto:list +:switchIOS37off +set IOS37= +goto:list + +:Switch38 +if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS38off +set IOS38=* +goto:list +:switchIOS38off +set IOS38= +goto:list + +:Switch41 +if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS41off +set IOS41=* +goto:list +:switchIOS41off +set IOS41= +goto:list + +:Switch43 +if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS43off +set IOS43=* +goto:list +:switchIOS43off +set IOS43= +goto:list + +:Switch45 +if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS45off +set IOS45=* +goto:list +:switchIOS45off +set IOS45= +goto:list + +:Switch46 +if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS46off +set IOS46=* +goto:list +:switchIOS46off +set IOS46= +goto:list + +:Switch50P +if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS50Poff +set IOS50P=* +goto:list +:switchIOS50Poff +set IOS50P= +goto:list + +:Switch52P +if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS52Poff +set IOS52P=* +goto:list +:switchIOS52Poff +set IOS52P= +goto:list + +:Switch11P60 +if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS11P60off +set IOS11P60=* +goto:list +:switchIOS11P60off +set IOS11P60= +goto:list + +:Switch20P60 +if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS20P60off +set IOS20P60=* +goto:list +:switchIOS20P60off +set IOS20P60= +goto:list + +:Switch53 +if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS53off +set IOS53=* +goto:list +:switchIOS53off +set IOS53= +goto:list + +:Switch55 +if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS55off +set IOS55=* +goto:list +:switchIOS55off +set IOS55= +goto:list + +:Switch56 +if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS56off +set IOS56=* +goto:list +:switchIOS56off +set IOS56= +goto:list + +:Switch57 +if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS57off +set IOS57=* +goto:list +:switchIOS57off +set IOS57= +goto:list + +:Switch58 +if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS58off +set IOS58=* +goto:list +:switchIOS58off +set IOS58= +goto:list + + +:Switch60P +if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS60Poff +set IOS60P=* +goto:list +:switchIOS60Poff +set IOS60P= +goto:list + +:Switch61 +if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS61off +set IOS61=* +goto:list +:switchIOS61off +set IOS61= +goto:list + +:Switch70P +if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS70Poff +set IOS70P=* +goto:list +:switchIOS70Poff +set IOS70P= +goto:list + +:Switch80P +if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS80Poff +set IOS80P=* +goto:list +:switchIOS80Poff +set IOS80P= +goto:list + +:SwitchIOS236 +if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS236off +set IOS236=* +goto:list +:switchIOS236off +set IOS236= +goto:list + +:Switch70K +if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS70Koff +set IOS70K=* +goto:list +:switchIOS70Koff +set IOS70K= +goto:list + +:Switch80K +if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS80Koff +set IOS80K=* +goto:list +:switchIOS80Koff +set IOS80K= +goto:list + +:SwitchIOS30 +if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS30off +set IOS30=* +goto:LIST +:switchIOS30off +set IOS30= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchIOS48v4124 +if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS48v4124off +set IOS48v4124=* +goto:LIST +:switchIOS48v4124off +set IOS48v4124= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchIOS60 +if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS60off +set IOS60=* +goto:LIST +:switchIOS60off +set IOS60= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchIOS70 +if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS70off +set IOS70=* +goto:LIST +:switchIOS70off +set IOS70= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchIOS80 +if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS80off +set IOS80=* +goto:LIST +:switchIOS80off +set IOS80= +goto:LIST + + + + +:Switch36v3608 +if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS36v3608off +set IOS36v3608=* +goto:LIST +:switchIOS36v3608off +set IOS36v3608= +goto:LIST + + + +:SwitchEULAU +if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAUoff +set EULAU=* +goto:LIST +:switchEULAUoff +set EULAU= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchEULAE +if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAEoff +set EULAE=* +goto:LIST +:switchEULAEoff +set EULAE= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchEULAJ +if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAJoff +set EULAJ=* +goto:LIST +:switchEULAJoff +set EULAJ= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchEULAK +if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAKoff +set EULAK=* +goto:LIST +:switchEULAKoff +set EULAK= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchRSU +if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSUoff +set RSU=* +goto:LIST +:switchRSUoff +set RSU= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchRSE +if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSEoff +set RSE=* +goto:LIST +:switchRSEoff +set RSE= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchRSJ +if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSJoff +set RSJ=* +goto:LIST +:switchRSJoff +set RSJ= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchRSK +if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSKoff +set RSK=* +goto:LIST +:switchRSKoff +set RSK= +goto:LIST + +:SwitchBC +if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" goto:switchBCoff +set BC=* +goto:LIST +:switchBCoff +set BC= +goto:LIST + +:switchA0e +if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0eoff +set A0e=* +goto:LIST +:switchA0eoff +set A0e= +goto:LIST + + +:switchA0e_70 +if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0e_70off +set A0e_70=* +goto:LIST +:switchA0e_70off +set A0e_70= +goto:LIST + +:switchA0e_60 +if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0e_60off +set A0e_60=* +goto:LIST +:switchA0e_60off +set A0e_60= +goto:LIST + +:switchA0c +if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0coff +set A0c=* +goto:LIST +:switchA0coff +set A0c= +goto:LIST + +:switchA01 +if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" goto:switchA01off +set A01=* +goto:LIST +:switchA01off +set A01= +goto:LIST + +:switchA01_70 +if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" goto:switchA01_70off +set A01_70=* +goto:LIST +:switchA01_70off +set A01_70= +goto:LIST + +:switchA01_60 +if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" goto:switchA01_60off +set A01_60=* +goto:LIST +:switchA01_60off +set A01_60= +goto:LIST + + + + +:SELECTALL + +:PROTECTIONFILES +set IOS11P60=* +set IOS20P60=* +set IOS30P60=* +set IOS40P60=* +set IOS50P=* +set IOS52P=* +set IOS60P=* +set IOS70K=* +set IOS80K=* + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PR" goto:list + +:UALL +set MII=* +set P=* +set S=* +set IU=* +set WU=* +set NU=* +set WSU=* +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "U" goto:list + +:EALL +set MII=* +set P=* +set S=* +set IE=* +set WE=* +set NE=* +set WSE=* +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "E" goto:list + +:JALL +set MII=* +set P=* +set S=* +set IJ=* +set WJ=* +set NJ=* +set WSJ=* +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "J" goto:list + +:KALL +set MII=* +set PK=* +set SK=* +::set IOS70K=* +set IOS80K=* + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "K" goto:list + + + + + + +:BASEWADS +set IOS37=* +set IOS38=* +set IOS57=* +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "B" goto:list + +:IOSACTIVE +set M10=* +set IOS9=* +set IOS12=* +set IOS13=* +set IOS14=* +set IOS15=* +set IOS17=* +set IOS21=* +set IOS22=* +set IOS28=* +set IOS31=* +set IOS33=* +set IOS34=* +set IOS35=* +set IOS36v3608=* +set IOS37=* +set IOS38=* +set IOS53=* +set IOS55=* +set IOS56=* +set IOS57=* +set IOS58=* +set IOS61=* +set IOS80P=* +set IOS41=* +set IOS43=* +set IOS45=* +set IOS46=* +set IOS48v4124=* + +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "I" goto:list + +:allsneekfiles +set A0e=* +set A0c=* +set A01=* +set A0e_70=* +set A01_70=* +set A0e_60=* +set A01_60=* +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:LIST + + +::not in any list + +set SM3.2U=* +set SM4.1U=* +set SM4.2U=* +set SM4.3U=* +set SM3.2E=* +set SM4.1E=* +set SM4.2E=* +set SM4.3E=* +set SM3.2J=* +set SM4.1J=* +set SM4.2J=* +set SM4.3J=* +set SM4.1K=* +set SM4.2K=* +set SM4.3K=* +set IOS236=* +set IOS36=* +set IOS30P=* + +set IOS70P=* +set ios30=* + +set ios60=* +set ios70=* +set ios80=* +set IOS36=* + + + +set EULAU=* +set EULAE=* +set EULAJ=* +set EULAK=* +set RSU=* +set RSE=* +set RSJ=* +set RSK=* +set BC=* + + + +goto:list + + + +::........................................Additional OLDLIST / BATCH....................................... +:OLDLIST +Set OLDLIST= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] PAGE 2 TELECHARGEMENT [def] \x20 \x20 \x20 par XFlak + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Choisir les fichiers \xe0 ajouter/supprimer de la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 (les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s sont marqu\xe9s d'une *) +echo. +sfk echo -spat D = T\xe9l\xe9charger les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s \x20 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 \x20 DR = Menu Drive +sfk echo -spat C = Effacer la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement \x20 (vide) = Page suivante \x20 M = Menu principal +echo. +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo R = Renommer le dossier actuel %Drive%\WAD en %Drive%\WAD# +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (sinon les wad seront sauvegard\xe9s dans le dossier WAD actuel) +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S\xe9lectionner un groupe: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](U)[def]SB-Loader, [Red](J)[def]ust for Fun, [Red](E)[def]xploits +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Fichiers USB-Loader \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Just For Fun! +echo. +echo %usbfolder% CFG = CFG-Loader (Full v249) %WiiMC% WMC = WiiMC (Media Player) +echo %cfg249% CFG249 = CFG-Loader (Beta v249) %fceugx% NES = FCEUGX (NES Emulator) +echo %cfg222% CFG222 = CFG-Loader (Beta v222) %snes9xgx% SNES = SNES9xGX (SNES Emulator) +echo %cfgr% CFGR = Configurator-CFG-Loader %vbagx% VBA = VBAGX (GB/GBA Emulator) +echo %wbm% WBM = WiiBackupManager %WII64% W64 = Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator) +echo %FLOW% FLOW = WiiFlow %WIISX% WSX = WiiSX beta2.1 (PS1 Emulator) +echo %USBX% USBX = USB-Loader Fwdr Chnl %HBB% HBB = Homebrew Browser +echo %neogamma% NEO = Neogamma Backup Disc Loader %SGM% SGM = SaveGame Manager GX +echo %CheatCodes% CC = %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes %WIIX% WX = WiiXplorer +echo %AccioHacks% AH = AccioHacks %locked% LA = Locked HBC Folder (Pass: UDLRAB) +echo %F32% F32 = FAT32 GUI Formatter %JOYF% JFF = Joy Flow Forwarder Channel/dol +echo %JOY% JF = Joy Flow +echo %S2U% S2U = Switch2Uneek +echo. + + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Apps Wii \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Exploits +echo. +echo %HM% HM = HackMii Installer %BB1% BB1 = Bannerbomb v1 +echo %bootmiisd% BSD = BootMii SD Files %BB2% BB2 = Bannerbomb v2 +echo %yawm% YAWM = Yet Another Wad Manager Mod %Pwns% PWNS = Indiana Pwns (USA\EUR\JAP) +echo %MMM% MMM = Multi-Mod Manager %Smash% SS = Smash Stack (USA\EUR\JAP\KOR) +echo %dop% DOP = Dop-Mii v13 %YUGI% YU = YU-GI-OWNED (USA\EUR\JAP) +echo %IOS236Installer% 236 = IOS236 Installer %BATHAXX% BH = BATHAXX (USA\EUR\JAP) +echo %SIP% SIP = Simple IOS Patcher %ROTJ% RJ = Return of the JODI (USA\EUR\JAP) +echo %Pri% Pri = Priiloader v0.4 (236 Mod) %Twi% Twi = Twilight Hack (USA\EUR\JAP) +echo %HAX% HAX = Priiloader Hacks %TOS% EH = Eri HaKawai (USA\EUR\JAP) +echo %W20% W20 = Wanin's cIOS v20b Installer +echo %W19% W19 = Wanin's cIOS v19 Installer +echo %h4% H4 = Hermes cIOS v4 Installer +echo %H5% H5 = Hermes cIOS v5 Installer +echo %H51% H51 = Hermes cIOS v5.1 Installer +echo %MP% MP = MIOS Patcher 0.2 (WiiGator) +echo %CM5% CM = cMIOS rev5 Installer (Waninkoko) +echo %HBF% HBF = Homebrew Filter +::echo %Y4M% Y4M = YAWMM 4 ModMii +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] LEGENDE:[def] \x22=\x22 Downloads en auto update +echo. + + +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. + +set /p OLDLIST= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=OLDLIST +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=OLDLIST +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2 + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAllOLD +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "J" goto:SelectJust4FunOLD +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "U" goto:USBLOADERSELECT +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "E" goto:ExploitsSELECT + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 +IF "%OLDLIST%"=="" goto:LIST3 + + + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "h4" goto:Switchh4 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "h5" goto:Switchh5 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "h51" goto:Switchh51 + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "w19" goto:Switchw19 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "w20" goto:Switchw20 + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "MP" goto:SwitchMP +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "CM" goto:SwitchCM +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "AH" goto:SwitchAccioHacks +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BSD" goto:Switchbootmiisd + + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BB1" goto:SwitchBB1 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BB2" goto:SwitchBB2 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HM" goto:SwitchHM +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "LA" goto:Switchlocked +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "dop" goto:Switchdop +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HBB" goto:SwitchHBB +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "W64" goto:SwitchWII64 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WSX" goto:SwitchWIISX +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "pwns" goto:Switchpwns +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Twi" goto:SwitchTwi +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Yu" goto:SwitchYUGI +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BH" goto:SwitchBATHAXX +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "RJ" goto:SwitchROTJ +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "EH" goto:SwitchTOS + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "ss" goto:Switchsmash +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "mmm" goto:Switchmmm +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "236" goto:SwitchIOS236Installer +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SIP" goto:SwitchSIP +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "JF" goto:SwitchJOY +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "yawm" goto:Switchyawm +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "neo" goto:Switchneogamma +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg249" goto:Switchcfg249 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg222" goto:Switchcfg222 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg" goto:Switchusbfolder +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WMC" goto:SwitchWiiMC +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "NES" goto:Switchfceugx +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SNES" goto:Switchsnes9xgx +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "VBA" goto:Switchvbagx +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SGM" goto:SwitchSGM +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WX" goto:SwitchWIIX +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfgr" goto:Switchcfgr +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "wbm" goto:Switchwbm +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cc" goto:SwitchCheatCodes + + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "f32" goto:Switchf32 +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "FLOW" goto:SwitchFLOW +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "USBX" goto:SwitchUSBX +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "JFF" goto:SwitchJOYF +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "S2U" goto:SwitchS2U +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HBF" goto:SwitchHBF + +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Pri" goto:SwitchPri +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HAX" goto:SwitchHAX + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:OLDLIST + + +:Switchh4 +if /i "%H4%" EQU "*" goto:switchH4off +set H4=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchH4off +set H4= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchh5 +if /i "%H5%" EQU "*" goto:switchH5off +set H5=* +goto:oldlist +:switchH5off +set H5= +goto:oldlist + +:SwitchH51 +if /i "%H51%" EQU "*" goto:switchH51off +set H51=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchH51off +set H51= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchw19 +if /i "%W19%" EQU "*" goto:switchW19off +set W19=* +goto:oldlist +:switchW19off +set W19= +goto:oldlist + +:Switchw20 +if /i "%w20%" EQU "*" goto:switchw20off +set w20=* +goto:oldlist +:switchw20off +set w20= +goto:oldlist + + +:SwitchCM +if /i "%CM5%" EQU "*" goto:switchCM5off +set CM5=* +goto:oldlist +:switchCM5off +set CM5= +goto:oldlist + + +:SwitchAccioHacks +if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" goto:switchAccioHacksoff +set AccioHacks=* +goto:oldlist +:switchAccioHacksoff +set AccioHacks= +goto:oldlist + +:SwitchMP +if /i "%MP%" EQU "*" goto:switchMPoff +set MP=* +goto:oldlist +:switchMPoff +set MP= +goto:oldlist + + + + +:Switchbootmiisd +if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" goto:switchbootmiisdoff +set bootmiisd=* +goto:oldlist +:switchbootmiisdoff +set bootmiisd= +goto:oldlist + + + + +:SwitchBB1 +if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" goto:switchBB1off +set BB1=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchBB1off +set BB1= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchBB2 +if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" goto:switchBB2off +set BB2=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchBB2off +set BB2= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchHM +if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" goto:switchHMoff +set HM=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchHMoff +set HM= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchpwns +if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" goto:switchpwnsoff +set pwns=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchpwnsoff +set pwns= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchTwi +if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" goto:switchTwioff +set Twi=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchTwioff +set Twi= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:SwitchYUGI +if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" goto:switchYUGIoff +set YUGI=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchYUGIoff +set YUGI= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchBATHAXX +if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" goto:switchBATHAXXoff +set BATHAXX=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchBATHAXXoff +set BATHAXX= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchROTJ +if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchROTJoff +set ROTJ=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchROTJoff +set ROTJ= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchTOS +if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" goto:switchTOSoff +set TOS=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchTOSoff +set TOS= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:Switchsmash +if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" goto:switchsmashoff +set smash=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchsmashoff +set smash= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:Switchdop +if /i "%dop%" EQU "*" goto:switchdopoff +set dop=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchdopoff +set dop= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchlocked +if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" goto:switchlockedoff +set locked=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchlockedoff +set locked= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:SwitchHBB +if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" goto:switchHBBoff +set HBB=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchHBBoff +set HBB= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:SwitchWII64 +if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" goto:switchWII64off +set WII64=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchWII64off +set WII64= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:SwitchWIISX +if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" goto:switchWIISXoff +set WIISX=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchWIISXoff +set WIISX= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchmmm +if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" goto:switchmmmoff +set mmm=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchmmmoff +set mmm= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:SwitchIOS236Installer +if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS236Installeroff +set IOS236Installer=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchIOS236Installeroff +set IOS236Installer= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchSIP +if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" (set SIP=) else (set SIP=*) +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchJOY +if /i "%JOY%" EQU "*" (set JOY=) else (set JOY=*) +goto:OLDLIST + + +:Switchyawm +if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" goto:switchyawmoff +set yawm=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchyawmoff +set yawm= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchneogamma +if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" goto:switchneogammaoff +set neogamma=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchneogammaoff +set neogamma= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchcfg249 +if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" goto:switchcfg249off +set cfg249=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchcfg249off +set cfg249= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchcfg222 +if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" goto:switchcfg222off +set cfg222=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchcfg222off +set cfg222= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchcfgr +if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" goto:switchcfgroff +set cfgr=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchcfgroff +set cfgr= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchwbm +if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" goto:switchwbmoff +set wbm=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchwbmoff +set wbm= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchCheatCodes +if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" goto:switchCheatCodesoff +set CheatCodes=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchCheatCodesoff +set CheatCodes= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchF32 +if /i "%F32%" EQU "*" goto:switchF32off +set F32=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchF32off +set F32= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchFLOW +if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" goto:switchFLOWoff +set FLOW=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchFLOWoff +set FLOW= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchUSBX +if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" goto:switchUSBXoff +set USBX=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchUSBXoff +set USBX= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchJOYF +if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" goto:switchJOYFoff +set JOYF=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchJOYFoff +set JOYF= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchS2U +if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" goto:switchS2Uoff +set S2U=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchS2Uoff +set S2U= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchHBF +if /i "%HBF%" EQU "*" goto:switchHBFoff +set HBF=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchHBFoff +set HBF= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchusbfolder +if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" goto:switchusbfolderoff +set usbfolder=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchusbfolderoff +set usbfolder= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchWiiMC +if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" goto:switchWiiMCoff +set WiiMC=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchWiiMCoff +set WiiMC= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchfceugx +if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" goto:switchfceugxoff +set fceugx=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchfceugxoff +set fceugx= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchsnes9xgx +if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" goto:switchsnes9xgxoff +set snes9xgx=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchsnes9xgxoff +set snes9xgx= +goto:OLDLIST + +:Switchvbagx +if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" goto:switchvbagxoff +set vbagx=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchvbagxoff +set vbagx= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchSGM +if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" goto:switchSGMoff +set SGM=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchSGMoff +set SGM= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchWIIX +if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" goto:switchWIIXoff +set WIIX=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchWIIXoff +set WIIX= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchPri +if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" goto:switchPrioff +set Pri=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchPrioff +set Pri= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchHAX +if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" goto:switchHAXoff +set HAX=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchHAXoff +set HAX= +goto:OLDLIST + +:SwitchY4M +if /i "%Y4M%" EQU "*" goto:switchY4Moff +set Y4M=* +goto:OLDLIST +:switchY4Moff +set Y4M= +goto:OLDLIST + + +:SELECTALLOLD + +:USBLOADERSELECT +set cfg249=* +set cfg222=* +set usbfolder=* +set cfgr=* +set wbm=* +set neogamma=* +set CheatCodes=* +set AccioHacks=* +set FLOW=* +set USBX=* +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "U" goto:OLDLIST + +:SelectJust4FunOLD +set WiiMC=* +set fceugx=* +set snes9xgx=* +set vbagx=* +set SGM=* +set WIIX=* +set HBB=* +set WII64=* +set WIISX=* +set locked=* +set JOYF=* +set JOY=* +set S2U=* +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "J" goto:OLDLIST + + +:ExploitsSELECT +set BB1=* +set BB2=* +set Twi=* +set YUGI=* +set BATHAXX=* +set ROTJ=* +set TOS=* +set smash=* +set pwns=* +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "E" goto:OLDLIST + +::not in any list +set mmm=* +set f32=* +set HM=* +set dop=* +set yawm=* +set Pri=* +set HAX=* +::set Y4M=* +set IOS236Installer=* +set SIP=* +set h4=* +set h5=* +set h51=* +set w19=* +set w20=* +set CM5=* +set MP=* +set HBF=* +set bootmiisd=* + +goto:OLDLIST + + +::........................................Additional LIST3 / BATCH....................................... +:LIST3 +Set LIST3= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] PAGE 3 TELECHARGEMENT [def] \x20 \x20 \x20 par XFlak + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Choisir les fichiers \xe0 ajouter/supprimer de la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 (les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s sont marqu\xe9s d'une \x2a) +echo. +sfk echo -spat D = T\xe9l\xe9charger les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s \x20 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 \x20 DR = Menu Drive +sfk echo -spat C = Effacer la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement \x20 (vide) = Page suivante \x20 M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20[Red]NE PAS INSTALLER DES THEMES SANS PROTECTION: BOOTMII, PRIILOADER ET SAUVEGARDE NAND + + + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]INSTALLER SEULEMENT DES THEMES POUR LA VERSION/REGION DE VOTRE MENU SYSTEME! +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20S\xe9lectionner un groupe: [Red](A)[def]ll, Th\xe8mes pour [Red](U)[def]SA, [Red](E)[def]uro, [Red](J)[def]ap, [Red](K)[def]orean +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Th\xe8mes Menu Syst\xe8me originaux pour [Red](US)[def]A, [Red](EU)[def]ro, [Red](JA)[def]p, [Red](KO)[def]rean +echo. +echo. +echo %MyM% MyM = MyMenuify +echo. +echo. + + +if "%selectedtheme%"=="" set selectedtheme=R + + +if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "R" goto:skipred + + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 WWW = Voir [Red]DarkWii Red Theme[def] sur youtube +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Changer de liste pour t\xe9l\xe9charger [Green]DarkWii Green Theme[def] +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]CSMs DarkWii Red \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Menus Syst\xe8me DarkWii Red \x20 \x20 Th\xe8mes Wii originaux +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWR% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = 97.app SM4.3U +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWR% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = 87.app SM4.2U +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWR% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = 7b.app SM4.1U +echo %A72% 72 = 72.app SM4.0U +echo %A42% 42 = 42.app SM3.2U +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWR% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = 9a.app SM4.3E +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWR% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = 8a.app SM4.2E +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWR% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = 7e.app SM4.1E +echo %A75% 75 = 75.app SM4.0E +echo %A45% 45 = 45.app SM3.2E +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWR% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = 94.app SM4.3J +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWR% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = 84.app SM4.2J +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWR% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = 78.app SM4.1J +echo %A70% 70 = 70.app SM4.0J +echo %A40% 40 = 40.app SM3.2J +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWR% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = 9d.app SM4.3K +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWR% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = 8d.app SM4.2K +echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWR% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = 81.app SM4.1K +:skipred + + +if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "G" goto:skipgreen + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 WWW = Voir [Green]DarkWii Green Theme[def] sur youtube +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Changer de liste pour t\xe9l\xe9charger [Red]DarkWii Red Theme[def] + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]CSMs DarkWii [Green]Green \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Menus Syst\xe8me DarkWii [Green]Green \x20 \x20 [Red]Th\xe8mes Wii originaux +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWG% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = 97.app SM4.3U +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWG% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = 87.app SM4.2U +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWG% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = 7b.app SM4.1U +echo %A72% 72 = 72.app SM4.0U +echo %A42% 42 = 42.app SM3.2U +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWG% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = 9a.app SM4.3E +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWG% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = 8a.app SM4.2E +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWG% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = 7e.app SM4.1E +echo %A75% 75 = 75.app SM4.0E +echo %A45% 45 = 45.app SM3.2E +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWG% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = 94.app SM4.3J +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWG% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = 84.app SM4.2J +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWG% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = 78.app SM4.1J +echo %A70% 70 = 70.app SM4.0J +echo %A40% 40 = 40.app SM3.2J +echo. +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWG% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = 9d.app SM4.3K +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWG% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = 8d.app SM4.2K +echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWG% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = 81.app SM4.1K +:skipgreen + + +echo. +echo. +echo. + + + +set /p LIST3= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST3 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST3 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2 + + +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1" goto:LIST +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 +IF "%LIST3%"=="" goto:LIST4 + +::common +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll4 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "U" goto:UTHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "E" goto:ETHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "J" goto:JTHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "k" goto:KTHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "US" goto:SMUTHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "EU" goto:SMETHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "JA" goto:SMJTHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "KO" goto:SMKTHEMES +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "MyM" goto:SwitchMyM +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "70" goto:switchA70 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "42" goto:switchA42 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "45" goto:switchA45 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "40" goto:switchA40 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "72" goto:switchA72 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "75" goto:switchA75 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "78" goto:switchA78 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "7b" goto:switchA7b +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "7e" goto:switchA7e +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "84" goto:switchA84 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "87" goto:switchA87 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "8a" goto:switchA8a +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "94" goto:switchA94 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "97" goto:switchA97 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "9a" goto:switchA9a +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "81" goto:switchA81 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "8d" goto:switchA8d +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "9d" goto:switchA9d + +::Red +if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "R" goto:skipred +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=G)&&(goto:LIST3) +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "WWW" (start www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFliF-K-epM)&&(goto:LIST3) +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3U +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2U +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1U +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3E +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2E +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1E +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3J +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2J +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1J +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3K +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2K +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1K +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWR +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWR +:skipred + + +::Green +if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "G" goto:skipgreen +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=R)&&(goto:LIST3) +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "WWW" (start www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0CnTo5kRI)&&(goto:LIST3) +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll4 +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3U +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2U +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1U +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3E +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2E +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1E +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3J +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2J +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1J +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3K +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2K +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1K +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWG +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWG +:skipgreen + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:LIST3 + + +:SwitchMyM +if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" (set MyM=) else (set MyM=*) +goto:LIST3 + + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3U +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2U +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1U +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3E +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2E +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1E +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1J +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2J +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3J +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1K +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2K +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3K +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=*) +goto:LIST3 + + +:SwitchSM4.3U-DWR +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWR=) else (set SM4.3U-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2U-DWR +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWR=) else (set SM4.2U-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1U-DWR +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWR=) else (set SM4.1U-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.3E-DWR +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWR=) else (set SM4.3E-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2E-DWR +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWR=) else (set SM4.2E-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1E-DWR +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWR=) else (set SM4.1E-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.3J-DWR +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWR=) else (set SM4.3J-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2J-DWR +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWR=) else (set SM4.2J-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1J-DWR +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWR=) else (set SM4.1J-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.3K-DWR +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWR=) else (set SM4.3K-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2K-DWR +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWR=) else (set SM4.2K-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1K-DWR +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWR=) else (set SM4.1K-DWR=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3U +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2U +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1U +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3E +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2E +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1E +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1J +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2J +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3J +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1K +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2K +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3K +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=*) +goto:LIST3 + + +:SwitchSM4.3U-DWG +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWG=) else (set SM4.3U-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2U-DWG +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWG=) else (set SM4.2U-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1U-DWG +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWG=) else (set SM4.1U-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.3E-DWG +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWG=) else (set SM4.3E-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2E-DWG +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWG=) else (set SM4.2E-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1E-DWG +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWG=) else (set SM4.1E-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.3J-DWG +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWG=) else (set SM4.3J-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2J-DWG +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWG=) else (set SM4.2J-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1J-DWG +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWG=) else (set SM4.1J-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.3K-DWG +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWG=) else (set SM4.3K-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.2K-DWG +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWG=) else (set SM4.2K-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchSM4.1K-DWG +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWG=) else (set SM4.1K-DWG=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA40 +if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" goto:switchA40off +set A40=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA40off +set A40= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA42 +if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" goto:switchA42off +set A42=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA42off +set A42= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA45 +if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" goto:switchA45off +set A45=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA45off +set A45= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA70 +if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" goto:switchA70off +set A70=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA70off +set A70= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA72 +if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" goto:switchA72off +set A72=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA72off +set A72= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA75 +if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" goto:switchA75off +set A75=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA75off +set A75= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA78 +if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" goto:switchA78off +set A78=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA78off +set A78= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA7b +if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" goto:switchA7boff +set A7b=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA7boff +set A7b= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA7e +if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" goto:switchA7eoff +set A7e=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA7eoff +set A7e= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA84 +if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" goto:switchA84off +set A84=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA84off +set A84= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA87 +if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" goto:switchA87off +set A87=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA87off +set A87= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA8a +if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" goto:switchA8aoff +set A8a=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA8aoff +set A8a= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA94 +if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" goto:switchA94off +set A94=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA94off +set A94= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA97 +if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" goto:switchA97off +set A97=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA97off +set A97= +goto:LIST3 + +:switchA9a +if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" goto:switchA9aoff +set A9a=* +goto:LIST3 +:switchA9aoff +set A9a= +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchA81 +if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" (set A81=) else (set A81=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchA8d +if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" (set A8d=) else (set A8d=*) +goto:LIST3 + +:SwitchA9d +if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" (set A9d=) else (set A9d=*) +goto:LIST3 + + +:SelectAll4 + +:UTHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "U" goto:LIST3 + +:ETHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "E" goto:LIST3 + +:JTHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "J" goto:LIST3 + +:KTHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "K" goto:LIST3 + +:SMUTHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3U-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2U-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1U-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3U-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2U-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1U-DWG=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "US" goto:LIST3 + +:SMETHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3E-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2E-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1E-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3E-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2E-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1E-DWG=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "EU" goto:LIST3 + +:SMJTHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3J-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2J-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1J-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3J-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2J-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1J-DWG=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "JA" goto:LIST3 + +:SMKTHEMES +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3K-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2K-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1K-DWR=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3K-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2K-DWG=* +if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1K-DWG=* +if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "KO" goto:LIST3 + + + +::not in any list +set MyM=* + +:SelectJMyMApps +set A40=* +set A70=* +set A78=* +set A84=* +set A94=* + +:SelectUMyMApps +set A42=* +set A72=* +set A7b=* +set A87=* +set A97=* + +:SelectKMyMApps +set A81=* +set A8d=* +set A9d=* + +:SelectEMyMApps +set A45=* +set A75=* +set A7e=* +set A8a=* +set A9a=* + +goto:LIST3 + + + +::........................................Additional LIST4 / BATCH....................................... +:LIST4 +Set LIST4= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] PAGE 4 TELECHARGEMENT [def] \x20 \x20 \x20 par XFlak +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Choisir les fichiers \xe0 ajouter/supprimer de la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 (les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s sont marqu\xe9s d'une \x2a) +echo. +sfk echo -spat D = T\xe9l\xe9charger les fichiers s\xe9lectionn\xe9s \x20 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 \x20 DR = Menu Drive +sfk echo -spat C = Effacer la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement \x20 (vide) = Page suivante \x20 M = Menu principal +echo. +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo R = Renommer le dossier actuel %Drive%\WAD en %Drive%\WAD# +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (sinon les wad seront sauvegard\xe9s dans le dossier WAD actuel) +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +sfk echo -spat S\xe9lectionner un groupe: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](REC)[def]ommended CIOSs, [Red](cM)[def]IOSs, [Red](v4)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v5)[def] cIOSs +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red](v14)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v17b)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v19)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v20)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v21)[def] cIOSs, v21[Red](d2x)[def] cIOSs +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v17b cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hermes v4 cIOSs +echo %cIOS249-v17b% 24917 = cIOS249-v17b %cIOS223[37-38]-v4% 223 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4 +echo %cIOS250-v17b% 25017 = cIOS250-v17b %cIOS222[38]-v4% 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4 +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v19 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hermes v5 cIOSs +echo %cIOS249[37]-v19% 24937 = cIOS249[37]-v19 %cIOS202[57]-v5% 202 = cIOS202[57]-v5 +echo %cIOS249[38]-v19% 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19 %cIOS222[38]-v5% 222 = cIOS222[38]-v5 +echo %cIOS249[57]-v19% 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 %cIOS223[37]-v5% 22337 = cIOS223[37]-v5 +echo %cIOS250[37]-v19% 25037 = cIOS250[37]-v19 %cIOS223[57]-v5% 22357 = cIOS223[57]-v5 +echo %cIOS250[38]-v19% 2501938 = cIOS250[38]-v19 %cIOS224[37]-v5% 22437 = cIOS224[37]-v5 +echo %cIOS250[57]-v19% 25057 = cIOS250[57]-v19 %cIOS224[57]-v5% 224 = cIOS224[57]-v5 +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v20 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cMIOSs +echo %cIOS249[56]-v20% 249 = cIOS249[56]-v20 %RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2% 10 = WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10) +echo %cIOS250[57]-v20% 250 = cIOS250[57]-v20 %RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2% 0.2 = WiiGator cMIOS-v4 v0.2 +echo %cIOS249[57]-v20% 24957 = cIOS249[57]-v20 %RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5% 5 = Waninkoko cMIOS-v4 rev5 +echo %cIOS249[38]-v20% 24938 = cIOS249[38]-v20 + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %cIOS250[38]-v20% 25038 = cIOS250[38]-v20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v14 cIOSs +echo %cIOS250[56]-v20% 25056 = cIOS250[56]-v20 %cIOS249-v14% 24914 = cIOS249-v14 +echo %cIOS250-v14% 25014 = cIOS250-v14 +echo. + + +set d2x-beta-rev=4 +if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v21 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 d2x cIOSs +echo %cIOS249[37]-v21% 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21 %cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4% 249d2x37 = cIOS249[37]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[37]-v21% 2502137 = cIOS250[37]-v21 %cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4% 250d2x37 = cIOS250[37]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS249[38]-v21% 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21 %cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4% 249d2x38 = cIOS249[38]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[38]-v21% 2502138 = cIOS250[38]-v21 %cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4% 250d2x38 = cIOS250[38]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% + +echo %cIOS249[53]-v21% 2492153 = cIOS249[56]-v21 %cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4% 249d2x53 = cIOS249[53]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[53]-v21% 2502153 = cIOS250[56]-v21 %cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4% 250d2x53 = cIOS250[53]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% + +echo %cIOS249[55]-v21% 2492155 = cIOS249[56]-v21 %cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4% 249d2x55 = cIOS249[55]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[55]-v21% 2502155 = cIOS250[56]-v21 %cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4% 250d2x55 = cIOS250[55]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% + + +echo %cIOS249[56]-v21% 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21 %cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4% 249d2x56 = cIOS249[56]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[56]-v21% 2502156 = cIOS250[56]-v21 %cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4% 250d2x56 = cIOS250[56]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS249[57]-v21% 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21 %cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4% 249d2x57 = cIOS249[57]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[57]-v21% 2502157 = cIOS250[57]-v21 %cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4% 250d2x57 = cIOS250[57]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS249[58]-v21% 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21 %cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4% 249d2x58 = cIOS249[58]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo %cIOS250[58]-v21% 2502158 = cIOS250[58]-v21 %cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4% 250d2x58 = cIOS250[58]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% + + +if exist modules\d2x-beta goto:quickskip +if exist modules\d2x-beta-disabled goto:quickskip + +echo. +:quickskip + +if exist modules\d2x-beta echo BETAOFF = betas d2x inactives +if exist modules\d2x-beta-disabled echo BETAON = betas d2x actives + + +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo. + +set /p LIST4= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2 + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAllLIST4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "REC" goto:RECOMMENDEDCIOSS + +if not exist modules\d2x-beta goto:quickskip +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "BETAOFF" ren "modules\d2x-beta" "d2x-beta-disabled" +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "BETAOFF" goto:LIST4 +:quickskip + +if not exist modules\d2x-beta-disabled goto:quickskip +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "BETAON" ren "modules\d2x-beta-disabled" "d2x-beta" +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "BETAON" goto:LIST4 +:quickskip + + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v4" goto:v4cIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5" goto:v5cIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v17b" goto:v17bcIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v14" goto:v14cIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v19" goto:v19cIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v20" goto:v20cIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v21" goto:v21cIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "d2x" goto:v21d2xcIOSs +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "cM" goto:cMIOSs + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "1" goto:LIST +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 +IF "%LIST4%"=="" goto:LIST + + + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "202" goto:SwitchcIOS202[57]-v5 + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "222" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22337" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22357" goto:SwitchcIOS223[57]-v5 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22437" goto:SwitchcIOS224[37]-v5 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "224" goto:SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5 + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24937" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v19 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491938" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v19 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24938" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v20 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25038" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v20 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v20 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v20 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24957" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v20 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25056" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v20 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491957" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v19 + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25037" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v19 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501938" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v19 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25057" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v19 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "10" goto:SwitchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "0.2" goto:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "5" goto:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2224" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v4 + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "223" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37-38]-v4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24917" goto:SwitchcIOS249-v17b +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25017" goto:SwitchcIOS250-v17b +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24914" goto:SwitchcIOS249-v14 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25014" goto:SwitchcIOS250-v14 + + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492137" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502137" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492138" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502138" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492153" goto:SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502153" goto:SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492155" goto:SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502155" goto:SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21 + +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492156" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502156" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492157" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502157" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492158" goto:SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502158" goto:SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x37" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x38" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x53" goto:SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x55" goto:SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x56" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x57" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x58" goto:SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x37" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x38" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x53" goto:SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x55" goto:SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x56" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x57" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x58" goto:SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21d2x4 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:LIST4 + + +:SwitchcIOS202[57]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS202[57]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS202[57]-v5off +set cIOS202[57]-v5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS202[57]-v5off +set cIOS202[57]-v5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS222[38]-v5off +set cIOS222[38]-v5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS222[38]-v5off +set cIOS222[38]-v5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS223[37]-v5off +set cIOS223[37]-v5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS223[37]-v5off +set cIOS223[37]-v5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS223[57]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS223[57]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS223[57]-v5off +set cIOS223[57]-v5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS223[57]-v5off +set cIOS223[57]-v5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS224[37]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS224[37]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS224[37]-v5off +set cIOS224[37]-v5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS224[37]-v5off +set cIOS224[37]-v5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS224[57]-v5off +set cIOS224[57]-v5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS224[57]-v5off +set cIOS224[57]-v5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[37]-v19off +set cIOS249[37]-v19=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249[37]-v19off +set cIOS249[37]-v19= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[38]-v19off +set cIOS249[38]-v19=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249[38]-v19off +set cIOS249[38]-v19= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[38]-v20off +set cIOS249[38]-v20=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249[38]-v20off +set cIOS249[38]-v20= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[38]-v20off +set cIOS250[38]-v20=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250[38]-v20off +set cIOS250[38]-v20= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[56]-v20off +set cIOS249[56]-v20=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249[56]-v20off +set cIOS249[56]-v20= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[57]-v20off +set cIOS249[57]-v20=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249[57]-v20off +set cIOS249[57]-v20= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[57]-v20off +set cIOS250[57]-v20=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250[57]-v20off +set cIOS250[57]-v20= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[56]-v20off +set cIOS250[56]-v20=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250[56]-v20off +set cIOS250[56]-v20= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[57]-v19off +set cIOS249[57]-v19=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249[57]-v19off +set cIOS249[57]-v19= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[37]-v19off +set cIOS250[37]-v19=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250[37]-v19off +set cIOS250[37]-v19= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[38]-v19off +set cIOS250[38]-v19=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250[38]-v19off +set cIOS250[38]-v19= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[57]-v19off +set cIOS250[57]-v19=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250[57]-v19off +set cIOS250[57]-v19= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2 +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2off +set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2off +set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2 +if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2off +set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2off +set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5 +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5off +set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5off +set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v4 +if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS222[38]-v4off +set cIOS222[38]-v4=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS222[38]-v4off +set cIOS222[38]-v4= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS223[37-38]-v4 +if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS223[37-38]-v4off +set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS223[37-38]-v4off +set cIOS223[37-38]-v4= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249-v17b +if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249-v17boff +set cIOS249-v17b=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS249-v17boff +set cIOS249-v17b= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250-v17b +if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250-v17boff +set cIOS250-v17b=* +goto:LIST4 +:switchcIOS250-v17boff +set cIOS250-v17b= +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249-v14 +if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249-v14=) else (set cIOS249-v14=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250-v14 +if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250-v14=) else (set cIOS250-v14=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[37]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[37]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[38]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[38]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[53]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[53]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[53]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[53]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[55]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[55]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[55]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[55]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[56]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[56]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[57]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[57]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[58]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[58]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[58]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[58]-v21=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21d2x4 +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4=) else (set cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4=*) +goto:LIST4 + +:SELECTALLLIST4 + + +:RECOMMENDEDCIOSS +set cIOS202[57]-v5=* +set cIOS222[38]-v5=* +set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* +set cIOS224[57]-v5=* +set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=* +set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "REC" goto:LIST4 + + +:v4cIOSs +set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* +set cIOS222[38]-v4=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v4" goto:LIST4 + +:v5cIOSs +set cIOS202[57]-v5=* +set cIOS222[38]-v5=* +set cIOS224[57]-v5=* +set cIOS223[57]-v5=* +set cIOS224[37]-v5=* +set cIOS223[37]-v5=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5" goto:LIST4 + +:v17bcIOSs +set cIOS249-v17b=* +set cIOS250-v17b=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v17b" goto:LIST4 + +:v14cIOSs +set cIOS249-v14=* +set cIOS250-v14=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v14" goto:LIST4 + +:v19cIOSs +set cIOS249[37]-v19=* +set cIOS249[38]-v19=* +set cIOS249[57]-v19=* +set cIOS250[37]-v19=* +set cIOS250[38]-v19=* +set cIOS250[57]-v19=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v19" goto:LIST4 + +:v20cIOSs +set cIOS249[56]-v20=* +set cIOS250[57]-v20=* +set cIOS249[38]-v20=* +set cIOS250[38]-v20=* +set cIOS250[56]-v20=* +set cIOS249[57]-v20=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v20" goto:LIST4 + +:v21cIOSs +set cIOS249[37]-v21=* +set cIOS250[37]-v21=* +set cIOS249[38]-v21=* +set cIOS250[38]-v21=* +set cIOS249[53]-v21=* +set cIOS250[53]-v21=* +set cIOS249[55]-v21=* +set cIOS250[55]-v21=* +set cIOS249[56]-v21=* +set cIOS250[56]-v21=* +set cIOS249[57]-v21=* +set cIOS250[57]-v21=* +set cIOS249[58]-v21=* +set cIOS250[58]-v21=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v21" goto:LIST4 + +:v21d2xcIOSs +set cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "d2x" goto:LIST4 + +:cMIOSs +set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* +set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=* +set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=* +if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "cM" goto:LIST4 + +goto:LIST4 + + +::........................................Advanced Custom Downloads........................................ +:ADVANCED +cls +set loadorgo=load + +set ADVPATCH= +set ADVSLOT= +set ADVVERSION= + +set wadnameless= +set patchname= +set slotname= +set versionname= +set patchcode= +set slotcode= +set versioncode= + +Set ADVLIST= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo TELECHARGEMENTS AVANCES PERSONNALISES +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Choisir un fichier pour le t\xe9l\xe9chargement avanc\xe9 personnalis\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo M = Menu principal DR = Menu Drive +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 U = T\xe9l\xe9chargement personnalis\xe9 (tr\xe8s avanc\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (t\xe9l\xe9chargement\x2fpatch d'IOS, MIOS ou Menu Syst\xe8me) +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] IOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOSs + + +set d2x-beta-rev=4 +if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat + +echo. +echo 9 = IOS9v1034 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4 +echo 12 = IOS12v526 222 = cIOS222[38]-v5 +echo 13 = IOS13v1032 223 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4 +echo 14 = IOS14v1032 22337 = cIOS223[37]-v5 +echo 15 = IOS15v1032 224 = cIOS224[57]-v5 +echo 17 = IOS17v1032 24914 = cIOS249-v14 +echo 21 = IOS21v1039 24917 = cIOS249-v17b +echo 22 = IOS22v1294 24937 = cIOS249[37]-v19 +echo 28 = IOS28v1807 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19 +echo 30 = IOS30v2576 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 +echo 31 = IOS31v3608 24938 = cIOS249[38]-v20 +echo 33 = IOS33v3608 249 = cIOS249[56]-v20 +echo 34 = IOS34v3608 24957 = cIOS249[57]-v20 +echo 35 = IOS35v3608 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21 +echo 36 = IOS36v3608 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21 +echo 37 = IOS37v5663 2492153 = cIOS249[53]-v21 +echo 38 = IOS38v4124 2492155 = cIOS249[55]-v21 +echo 41 = IOS41v3607 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21 +echo 43 = IOS43v3607 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21 +echo 45 = IOS45v3607 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21 +echo 46 = IOS46v3607 249d2x37 = cIOS249[37]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 53 = IOS53v5663 249d2x38 = cIOS249[38]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 55 = IOS55v5663 249d2x53 = cIOS249[53]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 56 = IOS56v5662 249d2x55 = cIOS249[55]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 57 = IOS57v5919 249d2x56 = cIOS249[56]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 58 = IOS58v6176 249d2x57 = cIOS249[57]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 60 = IOS60v6174 249d2x58 = cIOS249[58]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +echo 61 = IOS61v5662 +echo 70 = IOS70v6687 +echo 80 = IOS80v6944 +echo. +if exist modules\d2x-beta goto:quickskip +if exist modules\d2x-beta-disabled goto:quickskip +echo. +:quickskip + +if exist modules\d2x-beta echo BETAOFF = betas d2x inactives +if exist modules\d2x-beta-disabled echo BETAON = betas d2x actives + +echo. +set /p ADVLIST= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=ADVANCED +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:Custom + +if not exist modules\d2x-beta goto:quickskip +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETAOFF" ren "modules\d2x-beta" "d2x-beta-disabled" +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETAOFF" goto:ADVANCED +:quickskip + +if not exist modules\d2x-beta-disabled goto:quickskip +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETAON" ren "modules\d2x-beta-disabled" "d2x-beta" +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETAON" goto:ADVANCED +:quickskip + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "9" set IOS9=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "12" set IOS12=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "13" set IOS13=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "14" set IOS14=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "15" set IOS15=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "17" set IOS17=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "21" set IOS21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22" set IOS22=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "28" set IOS28=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "30" set IOS30=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "31" set IOS31=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "33" set IOS33=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "34" set IOS34=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "35" set IOS35=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "36" set IOS36v3608=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "37" set IOS37=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "38" set IOS38=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "41" set IOS41=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "43" set IOS43=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "45" set IOS45=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "46" set IOS46=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "53" set IOS53=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "55" set IOS55=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "56" set IOS56=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "57" set IOS57=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "58" set IOS58=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60" set IOS60=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "61" set IOS61=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "70" set IOS70=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "80" set IOS80=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "222" set cIOS222[38]-v5=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22337" set cIOS223[37]-v5=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "224" set cIOS224[57]-v5=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24937" set cIOS249[37]-v19=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" set cIOS249[38]-v19=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24938" set cIOS249[38]-v20=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249" set cIOS249[56]-v20=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24957" set cIOS249[57]-v20=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" set cIOS249[57]-v19=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" set cIOS222[38]-v4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "223" set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" set cIOS249-v17b=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" set cIOS249-v14=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" set cIOS249[37]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" set cIOS249[38]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" set cIOS249[56]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" set cIOS249[53]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" set cIOS249[55]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" set cIOS249[57]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" set cIOS249[58]-v21=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" set cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" set cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" set cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" set cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" set cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" set cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4=* + +set ADVTYPE=IOS +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "9" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "12" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "13" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "14" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "15" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "17" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "21" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "28" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "30" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "31" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "33" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "34" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "35" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "36" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "37" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "38" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "41" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "43" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "45" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "46" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "53" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "55" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "56" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "57" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "58" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "61" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "70" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "80" goto:DLSETTINGS2 + +set ADVTYPE=CIOS +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "222" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22337" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "224" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24937" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24938" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "223" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24957" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" goto:DLSETTINGS2 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" goto:DLSETTINGS2 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:ADVANCED + + + +::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 2 - PATCH IOS-------------------------------- +:ADVPAGE2 +set loadorgo=go +set ADVPATCH= +set patchcode= +set patchname= + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip +set wadnameless=%wadname% +echo BLAH%wadname%>wadnametemp.bat +sfk filter wadnametemp.bat -rep _BLAH_"set wadnameless="_ -rep _-64-__ -rep _RVL-__ -rep _.wad__ -write -yes>nul +call wadnametemp.bat +del wadnametemp.bat +if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:ADVPAGE3 +:skip + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Comment souhaitez-vous patcher %wadnameless%? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo A = Les 3 patchs disponibles +echo N = Aucun Patch +echo. +echo FS = FakeSigning Patch +echo ES = ES Identify Patch +echo NP = Nand Permission Patch +echo. +echo X = FakeSigning Patch + ES Identify Patch +echo Y = FakeSigning Patch + Nand Permission Patch +echo Z = ES Identify Patch + Nand Permission Patch +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p ADVPATCH= Entrez votre choix ici: + + + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip +::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:MENU +:skip +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" set patchcode= -FS -ES -NP +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" set patchcode= +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "FS" set patchcode= -FS +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "ES" set patchcode= -ES +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "NP" set patchcode= -NP +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "X" set patchcode= -FS -ES +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Y" set patchcode= -FS -NP +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Z" set patchcode= -ES -NP + +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" set patchname=[FS-ES-NP] +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" set patchname= +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "FS" set patchname=[FS] +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "ES" set patchname=[ES] +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "NP" set patchname=[NP] +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "X" set patchname=[FS-ES] +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Y" set patchname=[FS-NP] +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Z" set patchname=[ES-NP] + +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "X" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Y" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Z" goto:ADVPAGE3 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:ADVPAGE2 + + +::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 3 - SLOT-------------------------------- +:ADVPAGE3 +set ADVSLOT= +set SLOTCODE= +set SLOTNAME= + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Changement du slot d'installation pour %wadnameless%%patchname% +echo. +echo Entrez un nouveau slot d'installation ici +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: soyez prudent avec le slot d'IOS choisi, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] s'il \xe9crase un IOS crucial il y a un +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] RISQUE DE BRICK +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Note: MAXIMUM 254 +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Non, laisser le slot inchang\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p ADVSLOT= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 + +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + +if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:BACKTOMENUFIRST +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE2 +:BACKTOMENUFIRST +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU + + +set SLOTCODE= -slot %ADVSLOT% +set SLOTNAME=slot%ADVSLOT% + +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:ADVPAGE4 + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%ADVSLOT:~3%"=="" ( +:: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars + goto:badkey +) + +::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) +if %ADVSLOT% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) + + + +if %ADVSLOT% LEQ 254 goto:ADVPAGE4 + + + + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:ADVPAGE3 + + + +::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 4 - Version-------------------------------- +:ADVPAGE4 +Set ADVVERSION= +set VERSIONNAME= +set VERSIONCODE= + + +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" set SLOTCODE= +if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" set SLOTNAME= + + + +set versionreal=%version% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" set versionreal=4 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "223" set versionreal=4 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" set versionreal=14 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" set versionreal=17 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24937" set versionreal=19 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" set versionreal=19 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" set versionreal=19 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249" set versionreal=20 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24957" set versionreal=20 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24938" set versionreal=20 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "222" set versionreal=65535 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22337" set versionreal=65535 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "224" set versionreal=65535 + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" set versionreal=21 +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" set versionreal=%ciosversion% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" set versionreal=%ciosversion% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" set versionreal=%ciosversion% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" set versionreal=%ciosversion% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" set versionreal=%ciosversion% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" set versionreal=%ciosversion% +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" set versionreal=%ciosversion% + +set /a versionplus1=%versionreal%+1 + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Souhaitez-vous changer la version de %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%? +echo. +echo. +echo Note: MAXIMUM 65535 +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo MAX = MAX (65535) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Non, laisser la version inchang\xe9e (%versionreal%) +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass +if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo. +if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo V1 = Version + 1 (%versionplus1%) +:bypass +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p ADVVERSION= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 + + + +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE3 +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "MAX" set ADVVERSION=65535 +if /i "%versionreal%" EQU "65535" goto:alreadymaxxed + +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:alreadymaxxed +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "v1" set ADVVERSION=%versionplus1% +:alreadymaxxed + +set versioncode= -v %ADVVERSION% +set versionname=v%ADVVERSION% + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:ADVCONFIRM +:skip +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:CONFIRM + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%ADVVERSION:~5%"=="" ( +:: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars + goto:badkey +) + +::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) +if %ADVVERSION% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) + + +if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip +if %ADVVERSION% LEQ 65535 goto:ADVCONFIRM +:skip +if %ADVVERSION% LEQ 65535 goto:CONFIRM + + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:ADVPAGE4 + + + + + + +::------------------------------------ADVANCED page CONFIRM - Version-------------------------------- +:ADVCONFIRM +set ADVCONFIRM= + +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONNAME= +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONCODE= + +set changes= +if /i "%wadnameless%" EQU "%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%" set changes=none + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo TELECHARGEMENTS AVANCES PERSONNALISES +echo. +echo. + +if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges +sfk echo -spat \x20 Les r\xe9glages sont\x2dils corrects? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 T\xe9l\xe9charger %wadnameless% et patcher en cons\xe9quence +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %wadnameless%[Red]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% +goto:yeschanges +:nochanges + +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Vous n'avez s\xe9lectionn\xe9 aucun changement \xe0 effectuer pour %wadnameless% +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Si vous souhaitez t\xe9l\xe9charger %wadnameless%, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 vous pouvez le faire \xe0 partir de la page 1 de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +:yeschanges + +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%changes%" NEQ "none" echo Y = Oui, c'est parti! +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p ADVCONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 +if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4 +if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges2 + +if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set DLTOTAL=1 +if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set loadorgo=go +::if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set on=* +if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" cls +if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS +:nochanges2 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:ADVCONFIRM + + + + + + + + +::...................................Custom- User-Defined Custom Download............................... +:CUSTOM + +set DEC=none +set HEX= +set countIOS=0 + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez le num\xe9ro de l'IOS que vous souhaitez t\xe9l\xe9charger +::echo soit en Decimal (x,xx,xxx; ie. 9,60,249), soit en Hexa (xx; ie. F9=249) +sfk echo -spat \x20 ou entrez "SM" ou "MIOS" pour t\xe9l\xe9charger un Menu Syst\xe8me ou MIOS +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: Soyez certain que le num\xe9ro d'IOS saisi existe actuellement +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 # = T\xe9l\xe9charger le num\xe9ro d'IOS +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 SM = T\xe9l\xe9charger un Menu Syst\xe8me +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 MIOS = T\xe9l\xe9charger un MIOS +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p DEC= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 + + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%DEC:~3%"=="" ( +:: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars + goto:badkey +) + +::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) +if %DEC% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) + + + +if %DEC% LEQ 254 goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 + + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:CUSTOM + + + +:CUSTOMPAGE2 +set VER= +set ADVPATCH= +set patchcode= +set patchname= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" sfk echo -spat \x20 Quelle version de Menu Syst\xe8me souhaitez\x2dvous t\xe9l\xe9charger? (ie. XXX) +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT1 +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" sfk echo -spat \x20 Quelle version de MIOS souhaitez\x2dvous t\xe9l\xe9charger? (ie. 4, 5, 8, 10) +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT1 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \Quelle version d'IOS %DEC% souhaitez\x2dvous t\xe9l\xe9charger? +:NEXT1 +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION:[def] - Soyez certain que la version saisie existe actuellement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2d Les versions les plus r\xe9centes peuvent \xeatre des stubs +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%DEC%" NEQ "SM" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a = T\xe9l\xe9charger la version la plus r\xe9cente +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a = T\xe9l\xe9charger le Menu Syst\xe8me cor\xe9en le plus r\xe9cent +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p VER= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%VER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%VER%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOM + +set version=%VER% +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass + + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%VER:~5%"=="" ( + goto:badkey +) + + +::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) +if %VER% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) + + + +:bypass + +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:nopatches +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:nopatches + +::for IOSs Only +if /i "%VER%" NEQ "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-v%VER% +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-vNEW +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:ADVPAGE2 +if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:ADVPAGE2 + +:nopatches +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:CONFIRM +if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:CONFIRM + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 + + + + +:CONFIRM +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONNAME= +if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONCODE= + + +set VERFINAL=%VER% +if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set VERFINAL=NEW + + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. + +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" sfk echo -spat \x20 Etes\x2dvous certain de vouloir t\xe9l\xe9charger le Menu Syst\xe8me v%VER%? +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT2 +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" sfk echo -spat \x20 Etes\x2dvous certain de vouloir t\xe9l\xe9charger le MIOS v%VER%? +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT2 + + +sfk echo -spat \x20 Etes\x2dvous certain de vouloir t\xe9l\xe9charger l'IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% + + + + +:NEXT2 +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]ATTENTION: ce t\xe9l\xe9chargement va \xe9chouer si le fichier n'existe pas. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, d\xe9marrer maintenant le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +echo N = Non, redirigez moi vers le Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p CONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU + +if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:CUSTOMDL + + +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skip +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skip +if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4 +:skip +if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:CONFIRM + + + +:CUSTOMDL +cls +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" sfk echo -spat [Red] Tentative de t\xe9l\xe9chargement du Menu Syst\xe8me v%VER% +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT3 +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" sfk echo -spat [Red] Tentative de t\xe9l\xe9chargement du MIOS v%VER% +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT3 + +sfk echo -spat [Red] Tentative de t\xe9l\xe9chargement de l'IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% + + +:NEXT3 +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Notez que ce t\xe9l\xe9chargement personnalis\xe9 n'est pas control\xe9 +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] et pas n\xe9cessairement s\xe9curis\xe9. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Soyez certain de savoir ce que vous faites! A vos risques et p\xe9rils! +echo. + + + +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" set HEX=00000002 +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" set HEX=00000101 +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skiphexcalc +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skiphexcalc + +sfk hex %DEC% -digits=8 >hex.txt + + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhexx %%A +goto:skiphexcalc + +:processhexx +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop +set hex=%* +goto:EOF + + +:skiphexcalc + +if exist hex.txt del hex.txt + +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD >nul + +sfk echo -spat Si vous rencontrez une trop grande p\xe9riode d'inactivit\xe9, lancez UnfreezeMii.bat pour continuer +echo. +nusd 00000001%HEX% "%VER%" + +echo. + + +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad sfk echo -spat [Red]ECHEC du t\xe9l\xe9chargement! +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad echo. +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] La raison la plus fr\xe9quente est que le fichier n'existe pas. +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Recontr\xf4lez vos valeurs personnalis\xe9es. +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad echo. +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad echo Appuyez sur une touche pour retourner au Menu principal. +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad pause>nul +if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad goto:menu + +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:SYSMENU +if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:MIOS2 + + + + + +::IOS + +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=) + +move /Y 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad + +if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:skip +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" copy /Y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul +:skip +rd /s /q 00000001%HEX% + + +echo. + +if /i "IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" EQU "IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%.wad" goto:nopatching + + +patchios "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode% +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Note: les patchs ne sont pas toujours r\xe9ussis, lire le log PatchIOS pour plus de d\xe9tails +echo. +:nopatching + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad sfk echo -spat [Green] Le fichier personnalis\xe9 a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 et sauvgard\xe9 ici: +if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad echo. + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad + + +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Erreur: le fichier n'a pas \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul +goto:MENU + + + +:SYSMENU +move /Y 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\WAD\SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad + +if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:skip +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" copy /Y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul +:skip +rd /s /q 00000001%HEX% + +echo. + +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad sfk echo -spat [Green]Le fichier personnalis\xe9 a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 et sauvegard\xe9 ici: +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad echo. + +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] "%Drive%"\WAD\SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad + + +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD\SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Erreur: le fichier n'a pas \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul +goto:MENU + + + + + + + +:MIOS2 +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=) +move /Y 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad + +if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:skip +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" copy /Y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul +:skip +rd /s /q 00000001%HEX% + +echo. +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad sfk echo -spat [Green]Le fichier personnalis\xe9 a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 et sauvegard\xe9 ici: +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad echo. + +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad + + +if not exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Erreur: le fichier n'a pas \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 +echo. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul +goto:MENU + + + + + + + +::...................................CONFIG File Menu............................... +:CONFIGFILEMENU +set configfile= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Quelle application Wii souhaitez-vous configurer? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 BM = BootMii (cr\xe9er bootmii.ini) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 MMM = Multi-Mod Manager (cr\xe9er mmmconfig.txt) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 WM = Wad Manager (cr\xe9er wm_config.txt) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p configfile= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%configfile%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%configfile%" EQU "B" goto:MENU + +if /i "%configfile%" EQU "BM" goto:BMCONFIG +if /i "%configfile%" EQU "WM" goto:WMCONFIG +if /i "%configfile%" EQU "MMM" goto:MMMCONFIG + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:CONFIGFILEMENU + + + + +::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... +:BMCONFIG +set BMVIDEO= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Ceci va cr\xe9er un fichier bootmii.ini dans %DRIVE%\bootmii\ +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pour d\xe9terminer comment BootMii sera lanc\xe9. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Choisir le mode vid\xe9o que Bootmii doit utiliser : +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo N = NTSC +echo 50 = PAL50 +echo 60 = PAL60 +echo P = Progressive +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p BMVIDEO= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "N" set BMVIDEO=NTSC +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "50" set BMVIDEO=PAL50 +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "60" set BMVIDEO=PAL60 +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "P" set BMVIDEO=PROGRESSIVE +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "NTSC" goto:BMCONFIG2 +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL50" goto:BMCONFIG2 +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL60" goto:BMCONFIG2 +if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PROGRESSIVE" goto:BMCONFIG2 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:BMCONFIG + + + + + + + +::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... +:BMCONFIG2 +set BMBOOT= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Choisissez les param\xe8tres de l'autoboot de Bootmii +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo O = OFF (BootMii) +echo H = HBC (Homebrew Channel) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = SYSMENU (Menu Syst\xe8me) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p BMBOOT= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG + +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "O" set BMBOOT=OFF +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "H" set BMBOOT=HBC +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "S" set BMBOOT=SYSMENU + +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" set BMDELAY=0 +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" goto:BMCONFIG3 +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" goto:BMCONFIG3 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:BMCONFIG2 + + + +::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... +:BMCONFIG3 +set BMDELAY= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" echo Combien de secondes doit attendre Bootmii pour lancer l'HBC? +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" sfk echo -spat \x20 Combien de secondes doit attendre Bootmii pour lancer le Menu Syst\xe8me? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 R\xe9glages possibles: +echo. +echo 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p BMDELAY= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2 + + +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "0" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "1" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "2" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "3" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "4" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "5" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "6" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "7" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "8" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "9" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "10" goto:BMCONFIG4 + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:BMCONFIG3 + + + + + +::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... +:BMCONFIG4 +set BMSD= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Souhaitez\x2dvous aussi t\xe9l\xe9charger les fichiers SD n\xe9cessaires au lancement +echo de BootMii? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: Ce sont les m\xeames que ceux g\xe9n\xe9r\xe9s par Hackmii installer lors de +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 l'installation de Bootmii en Boot2 ou en pr\xe9parant la SD +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Y = Oui +echo. +echo N = Non +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p BMSD= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG3 +:skip +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2 + +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:BMCONFIG5 +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "N" goto:BMCONFIG5 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:BMCONFIG4 + + + + + + +::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR page 5............................... +:BMCONFIG5 +set BMCONFIRM= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Ces r\xe9glages sont\x2dils corrects? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Mode vid\xe9o r\xe9gl\xe9 sur %BMVIDEO% +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a AutoBoot r\xe9gl\xe9 sur %BMBOOT% +if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:nodelay +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a D\xe9lai d'AutoBoot r\xe9gl\xe9 sur %BMDELAY% secondes +:nodelay +echo. +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9charger les fichiers SD de Bootmii pour lancer Bootmii +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, cr\xe9er bootmii.ini avec ces r\xe9glages +if exist "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: le bootmii.ini existant sera \xe9cras\xe9 +echo. +echo N = Non, ramenez moi au Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p BMCONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG4 +if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU +if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDBMCONFIG + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:BMCONFIG5 + + +:BUILDBMCONFIG +if not exist "%Drive%"\bootmii mkdir "%Drive%"\bootmii + + +echo # BootMii Config File> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # Created by ModMii>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # Video mode, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # NTSC, PAL50, PAL60, PROGRESSIVE>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo VIDEO=%BMVIDEO%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # Autoboot, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # SYSMENU, HBC, OFF>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo AUTOBOOT=%BMBOOT%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # BOOTDELAY, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +echo BOOTDELAY=BLAH>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini +sfk filter "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini -rep _BLAH_%BMDELAY%_ -write -yes>nul + +start notepad "%Drive%\bootmii\bootmii.ini" + +cls +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set DLTOTAL=1 +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set bootmiisd=* +if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS + +goto:MENU + + + + + + +::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR (wmconfig.txt)............................... +:WMCONFIG +set WMCIOS= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Bien qu'optionnel, ceci va cr\xe9er un fichier wm_config.txt dans %DRIVE%\WAD\ +echo Vous verrez toutes les invites si vous n'avez pas ce fichier. +echo. +echo Note: fonctionne uniquement avec YAWMM, Wad Manager Multi-Mod +echo et WAD Manager Folder Mod +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Entrez l'IOS que doit charger Wad Manager +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Note: le MAX est 254 +echo les choix courants sont 36, 249, 250, etc. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 l'installation d'\xe9mulation de Nand n'est valable que pour les 249 ou 250 +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo N = Aucun (Wad Manager vous demandera de choisir) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMCIOS= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG2 + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" ( + goto:badkey +) + +::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) +if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) + +if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:WMCONFIG2 + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WMCONFIG + + +::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 2............................... +:WMCONFIG2 +set WMDEVICE= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez le p\xe9riph\xe9rique FAT que vous souhaitez charger automatiquement. +echo. +echo Note: Vous pouvez entrer soit le chiffre soit le mot +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo 1 = SD +echo 2 = USB +echo 3 = USB2 +echo 4 = GCSDA +echo 5 = GCSDA +echo. +echo N = Aucun (Wad Manager vous demandera de choisir) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMDEVICE= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "1" SET WMDEVICE=sd +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=usb2 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "4" SET WMDEVICE=gcsda +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "5" SET WMDEVICE=gcsdb + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:WMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:WMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb2" goto:WMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3 + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WMCONFIG2 + + +::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 3............................... +:WMCONFIG3 +:: NAND Emulation installation only available if cIOS249 or cIOS250 selected +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B +set WMNAND=N +goto:WMCONFIG4 + +:WMCONFIG3B + +set WMNAND= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Emulation de Nand +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez le dispositif de Nand que vous souhaitez s\xe9lectionner automatiquement. +echo. +echo. +echo Note: les outils PC tels que ShowMiiWads sont mieux pour installer des wads +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 sur Nand \xe9mul\xe9e. Il est donc conseill\xe9 de laisser l'\xe9mulation de Nand +echo sur Disabled +echo. +echo Note: vous pouvez entrer le chiffre ou le mot +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo 1 = Disable +echo 2 = USB +echo 3 = SD +echo. +echo N = Aucun (Wad Manager vous demandera de choisir cIOS249 ou cIOS250) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMNAND= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "3" SET WMNAND=SD +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "2" SET WMNAND=USB +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "1" SET WMNAND=Disable + + +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "SD" goto:WMCONFIG4 +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "USB" goto:WMCONFIG4 +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "Disable" goto:WMCONFIG4 +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG4 +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG2 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WMCONFIG3 + +::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 4............................... +:WMCONFIG4 +set WMPATH= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Entrez le chemin du dossier que vous souhaitez explorer initialement. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: si vous n'avez pas de dossier de d\xe9marrage, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 le dossier par d\xe9faut sera /WAD +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: soyez certain que le dossier existe, sinon vous aurez une erreur +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Exemples: +echo /WAD/Forwarders +echo /myWad +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: '/' d\xe9finit un dossier de d\xe9marrage \xe0 la racine du p\xe9riph\xe9rique +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Aucun (la valeur pas d\xe9faut est /WAD) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMPATH= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "N" SET WMPATH=/WAD +if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4BACK +if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG4 +goto:WMCONFIG5 + +:WMCONFIG4BACK +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B +goto:WMCONFIG2 + + + + + +::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 5............................... +:WMCONFIG5 +set WMPASS= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez un mot de passe pour acc\xe9der \xe0 Wad Manager en utilisant LRUD +echo. +echo L = Gauche +echo R = Droite +echo U = Haut +echo D = Bas +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: le mot de passe est entr\xe9 avec la WiiMote ou le controleur GC +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 max 10 caract\xe8res +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Note: si vous n'avez pas de mot de passe, la valeur par d\xe9faut est +echo aucun mot de passe +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Exemples: +echo UDLR +echo UDLRUDLRUD +echo UUUUUUU +echo L +echo. +echo. +echo N = Aucun (sans mot de passe) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMPASS= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4 +if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +IF "%WMPASS%"=="" echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +IF "%WMPASS%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +IF "%WMPASS%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG5 + + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%WMPASS:~10%"=="" ( + sfk echo -spat ERREUR: le mot de passe ne peut contenir plus de 10 caract\xe8res + @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul + goto:WMCONFIG5 +) + + + +::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 6............................... +:WMCONFIG6 +set WMCONFIRM= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Ces r\xe9glages sont\x2dils corrects? +echo. +echo. +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo * Aucun cIOS choisi +if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo * Version du cIOS = %WMCIOS% +echo. +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Aucun p\xe9riph\xe9rique FAT choisi +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a P\xe9riph\xe9rique FAT = %WMDEVICE% +echo. +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:nanddevice +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:nanddevice +goto:skipnanddevice + +:nanddevice +if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Aucun p\xe9riph\xe9rique de Nand choisi +if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a P\xe9riph\xe9rique de Nand = %WMNAND% +echo. +:skipnanddevice + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Dossier de d\xe9marrage = %WMPATH% +echo. +if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "N" echo * Aucun mot de passe +if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo * Mot de passe = %WMPASS% +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, cr\xe9er wm_config.txt avec ces r\xe9glages +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: le fichier wm_config.txt existant sera \xe9cras\xe9 +echo. +echo N = Non, ramenez moi au Menu principal. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMCONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG5 +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDWMCONFIG + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:WMCONFIG6 + + +:BUILDWMCONFIG +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD +echo ;wm_config.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt +if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo cIOSVersion=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt +if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo NANDDevice=%WMNAND%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt +echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt +if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt +start notepad "%Drive%\WAD\wm_config.txt" +goto:MENU + + + + + + + + +::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt)............................... +:MMMCONFIG +set WMCIOS= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Bien qu'optionnel, ceci va cr\xe9er le fichier mmmconfig.txt dans %DRIVE%\ +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez l'IOS qui doit \xeatre charg\xe9 par Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) +echo. +echo Note: le MAX est 254 +echo les choix courants sont 36, 249, 250, etc. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo N = Aucun (ne pas recharger d'IOS) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMCIOS= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG2 + +::limit user input to X# of digits +if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" ( + goto:badkey +) + +::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) +if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) + +if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:MMMCONFIG2 + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:MMMCONFIG + + +::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 2............................... +:MMMCONFIG2 +set WMDEVICE= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Entrez le p\xe9riph\xe9rique FAT que vous souhaitez lancer automatiquement. +echo. +echo Note: vous pouvez entrer le chiffre ou le mot +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = SD (par d\xe9faut si mmmconfig.txt n'existe pas) +echo 2 = USB +echo 3 = SMB +echo. +echo N = Aucun (MMM vous demandera de choisir) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMDEVICE= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "1" SET WMDEVICE=sd +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=smb + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:MMMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:MMMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "smb" goto:MMMCONFIG3 + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG3 + +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:MMMCONFIG2 + + + +::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 3............................... +:MMMCONFIG3 +set WMPATH= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Entrez le chemin du dossier que vous souhaitez explorer automatiquement. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: si vous n'avez pas de dossier de d\xe9marrage, celui par d\xe9faut est /WAD +echo. +echo Note: soyez certain que le dossier existe, sinon vous aurez une erreur. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo Exemples: +echo /WAD/Forwarders +echo /myWad +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: '/' d\xe9finit un dossier de d\xe9marrage \xe0 la racine du p\xe9riph\xe9rique +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Aucun (par d\xe9faut ce sera /WAD) +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMPATH= Entrez votre choix ici: + + +if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "N" SET WMPATH=/WAD +if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG2 +if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:MMMCONFIG3 + +::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 4............................... +:MMMCONFIG4 +set WMCONFIRM= +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Ces r\xe9glages sont\x2dils corrects? +echo. +echo. +if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo * Ne pas recharger d'IOS +if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo * Chargement automatique = %WMCIOS% +echo. +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Aucun p\xe9riph\xe9rique FAT choisi +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a P\xe9riph\xe9rique FAT choisi = %WMDEVICE% +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Dossier de d\xe9marrage = %WMPATH% +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, cr\xe9er mmmconfig.txt avec ces r\xe9glages +if exist "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Note: le fichier mmmconfig.txt existant sera \xe9cras\xe9 +echo. +echo N = Non, ramenez moi au Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p WMCONFIRM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG3 +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU +if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDMMMCONFIG + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:MMMCONFIG4 + + +:BUILDMMMCONFIG +if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" +echo ;mmmconfig.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt +if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo AutoLoadIOS=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt +if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo FatDevice=>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt + +echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt + +start notepad "%Drive%\mmmconfig.txt" +goto:MENU + + + + + + + + + + + +::........................................HACKMII SOLUTION....................................... +:HACKMIISOLUTION +set SETTINGSHM= + +set BB1= +set BB2= +set SMASH= +set PWNS= +set BATHAXX= +set ROTJ= +set TOS= +set TWI= +set YUGI= + + +set IOS30P60=* +set IOS31=* +set IOS33=* +set IOS34=* +set IOS35=* +set IOS36v3608=* +set IOS58=* + +set HM=* +set mmm=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* + +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set BATHAXX=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set TWI=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set BATHAXX=* + +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits2 +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* +set SMASH=* + +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set BATHAXX=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* +:notallexploits2 + + +SET DLTOTAL=0 + +if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SMASH%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%PWNS%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 + + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo Solutions HackMii +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Les %DLTOTAL% fichiers suivants vont \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s sur "%DRIVE%": +echo. +if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" echo * HackMii Installer +if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo * BannerBomb v1 (pour Wii 3.0 - 4.1) +if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo * BannerBomb v2 (pour Wii 4.2) +if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" echo * Indiana Pwns (USA, EURO and JAP) +if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Twilight Hack v0.1 Beta1 (pour Wii 3.3 et inf\xe9rieur) +if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" echo * BATHAXX (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" echo * Return of the JODI (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" echo * Eri HaKawai (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" echo * Smash Stack (USA, EURO, JAP et KOR) +if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" echo * Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" echo * IOS31v3608 +if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" echo * IOS33v3608 +if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" echo * IOS34v3608 +if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" echo * IOS35v3608 +if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36v3608 +if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" echo * IOS58v6176 +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 D\xe9marrer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement? +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, g\xe9n\xe9rer le guide et lancer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 G = G\xe9n\xe9rer le guide seulement +echo. +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SETTINGSHM= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "B" goto:%backb4HACKMIISOLUTION% +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "Y" goto:COPY + +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" goto:HMguide + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:HACKMIISOLUTION +cls + + + + +::...................................Download............................... +:Download + +cls +set cleardownloadsettings=yes +goto:clear + +:DownloadSettings +set cleardownloadsettings= + +set firmwarechange=yes +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" set firmwarechange=no + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:U +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:E +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:J +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:K +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:REGIONCHANGEDKOREAN + +:REGIONCHANGEDKOREAN +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" set IOS80K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70K=* +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:U +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:E +if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:J + + +:U +if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=* +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWR=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWG=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPgreenSM + +:nofirmwarechange +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* +:SKIPgreenSM +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=* +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=* +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* +if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=* +goto:BUGGEDSMIOS + + + +:E +if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=* +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWR=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWG=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPgreenSM + +:nofirmwarechange +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* +:SKIPgreenSM +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=* +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=* +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* +if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=* +goto:BUGGEDSMIOS + + + +:J +if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=* +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWR=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWG=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPgreenSM + +:nofirmwarechange +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* +:SKIPgreenSM +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=* +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=* +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* +if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=* +goto:BUGGEDSMIOS + + + +:K +if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=* +:skip + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWR=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWR=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWG=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWG=* +goto:SKIPSM +:SKIPgreenSM + +:nofirmwarechange +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* +:SKIPredSM + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM +set MyM=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* +:SKIPgreenSM +:SKIPSM + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set PK=* +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=* + + + + + +:BUGGEDSMIOS +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "3.2" set IOS30P60=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:COMMONSETTINGS +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70P=* +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80P=* + +:COMMONSETTINGS +if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set IOS56=* + +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:skipactiveios +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipactiveios +::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:skipactiveios + + +:ACTIVEIOS +set M10=* +set IOS9=* +set IOS12=* +set IOS13=* +set IOS14=* +set IOS15=* +set IOS17=* +set IOS21=* +set IOS22=* +set IOS28=* +set IOS31=* +set IOS33=* +set IOS34=* +set IOS35=* +if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "on" set IOS36v3608=* +set IOS37=* +set IOS38=* +set ios41=* +set ios43=* +set ios45=* +set ios46=* +set IOS48v4124=* +set IOS53=* +set IOS55=* +set IOS56=* +set IOS57=* +set IOS58=* +set IOS61=* +:skipactiveios + +if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set Mii=* + + + +if /i "%protect%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoExtraProtection +set IOS11P60=* +set IOS20P60=* +set IOS30P60=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set IOS40P60=* +set IOS50P=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set IOS52P=* +set IOS60P=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "RC" set IOS70P=* +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" set IOS70K=* +set usbx=* +::--Note: IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) will be downloaded for regionchanged korean wii's even with No Extra Brick Protection +:NoExtraProtection + + +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoUSBSETUP +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* +set wbm=* +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=* +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=* +:NoUSBSETUP + + + +if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:notvirgin +:virgin +set HM=* +set IOS58=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set Twi=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set BATHAXX=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* +if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* +set SMASH=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set BATHAXX=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* +:notallexploits + +::set Y4M=* +::set IOS236=* +set IOS236Installer=* +set SIP=* +set IOS36=* + +set cIOS202[57]-v5=* +set cIOS222[38]-v5=* +set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* +set cIOS224[57]-v5=* +set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=* +set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set M10= +set pri=* +set HAX=* +set mmm=* + +goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE + + + +:notvirgin + +set mmm=* +::set Y4M=* + + + +if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Y" goto:noHMInstallerforNonVirgin +set HM=* +set IOS58=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:gonow +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:gonow +goto:skipextra2 + +:gonow +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set TWI=* +set SMASH=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set BATHAXX=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* + +:skipextra2 + +:noHMInstallerforNonVirgin + +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set SIP=* +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set IOS36=* +if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set IOS236Installer=* + +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS202[57]-v5=* +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS222[38]-v5=* +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS224[57]-v5=* +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4=* +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=* + +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set M10= +:quickskip + +if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" set YAWM=* + + +if /i "%PRIQ%" NEQ "Y" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +set pri=* +set HAX=* +set mmm=* +::set IOS236=* +goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE + +::...................................Download Queue............................... +:DOWNLOADQUEUE +::mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% +set settings= + +::Count how many downloads there are! +:DLCOUNT + +SET DLTOTAL=0 + +if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 + +if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" SET /a 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"%locked%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%HBF%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%P%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%S%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 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"%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 + +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" SET /a DLTOTAL=%DLTOTAL%+1 + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS +if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS + +SET /a LINES=%DLTOTAL%+20 + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" SET /a LINES=%LINES%+12 + +if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize +mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% +:noresize + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Solutions HackMii +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo. + + +::-----------DL QUEUE SETTINGS--------- +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:skiploadDLcue + +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "%ROOTSAVETEMP%" set matchrs=Green +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" NEQ "%ROOTSAVETEMP%" set matchrs=Red + +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "%OPTION1TEMP%" set match1=Green +if /i "%OPTION1%" NEQ "%OPTION1TEMP%" set match1=Red + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Chargement de la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Les options de la liste appraissent en [Red]Rouge [def]quand elles sont diff\xe9rentes de +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 vos r\xe9glages sauvgard\xe9s et en [Green]vert [def] si elles correspondent +echo. +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%matchrs%]Sauvegarde racine: sauvegarde les IOSs\MIOSs \xe0 la racine au lieu du dossier WAD (activ\xe9) +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%matchrs%]Sauvegarde racine: sauvegarde les IOSs\MIOSs \xe0 la racine au lieu du dossier WAD (d\xe9sActiv\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Utile pour les applis Wii n\xe9cessitant des IOS \ MIOS \xe0 la racine +echo. +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Garder le dossier 00000001 pour les IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc. (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Garder le dossier 00000001 pour les IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc. (activ\xe9) +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Utile pour les applis Wii n\xe9cessitant des IOS \ MIOS dans le dossier 00000001 +echo. +echo. + +:skiploadDLcue + + +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Aucun fichier n'a \xe9t\xe9 s\xe9lectionn\xe9 pour le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:skipall + +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Les %DLTOTAL% fichiers suivants vont \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s sur "%DRIVE%" ou "%DRIVEU%":) else (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 les %DLTOTAL% fichiers suivants vont \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s sur "%DRIVE%":) +goto:skipall +:skip + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Les %DLTOTAL% fichiers suivants vont \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s sur "%DRIVE%": +:skipall + +echo. + + +if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" echo * EULA v3 (USA) +if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" echo * EULA v3 (PAL) +if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" echo * EULA v3 (JAP) +if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" echo * EULA v3 (KOR) + +if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a R\xe9gion s\xe9lectionn\xe9e v2 (USA) +if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a R\xe9gion s\xe9lectionn\xe9e v2 (PAL) +if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a R\xe9gion s\xe9lectionn\xe9e v2 (JAP) +if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a R\xe9gion s\xe9lectionn\xe9e v2 (KOR) + +if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" echo * BC v6 + + + +if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 3.2U +if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1U +if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2U +if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3U +if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 3.2E +if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1E +if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2E +if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3E +if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 3.2J +if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1J +if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2J +if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3J +if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1K +if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2K +if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3K +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3U avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2U avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1U avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3E avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2E avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1E avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3J avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2J avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1J avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3K avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2K avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1K avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Red +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3U avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2U avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1U avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3E avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2E avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1E avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3J avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2J avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1J avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3K avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2K avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1K avec th\xe8me Dark Wii Green + +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.3U) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.2U) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.1U) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.3E) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.2E) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.1E) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.3J) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.2J) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.1J) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.3K) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.2K) +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Red (4.1K) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.3U) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.2U) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.1U) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.3E) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.2E) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.1E) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.3J) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.2J) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.1J) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.3K) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.2K) +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Th\xe8me Dark Wii Green (4.1K) +if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v2576 +if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v12576(IOS30v2576[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS52v15661(IOS52v5661[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS60v6174 +if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v6687 +if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v6944 +if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP] +if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) + +if /i "%cIOS202[37]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS202[37]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS202[38]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS202[38]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS202[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS202[57]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS222[38]-v4 +if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS223[37-38]-v4 +if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS222[38]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS223[37]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS223[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS223[57]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS224[37]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS224[37]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS224[57]-v5 +if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249-v14 +if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249-v17b +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[37]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[38]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[57]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250-v14 +if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250-v17b +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[37]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[38]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[57]-v19 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[38]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[38]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[56]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[56]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[57]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[57]-v20 +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[37]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[37]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[38]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[38]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[53]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[53]-v21 + +if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[55]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[55]-v21 + +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[56]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[56]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[57]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[57]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[58]-v21 +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[58]-v21 + +::for d2x beta's! +set d2x-beta-rev=4 +if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat + + +if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[37]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[38]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[53]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[55]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[56]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[57]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[58]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[37]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[38]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[53]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[55]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[56]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[57]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[58]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev% +if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo * WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10) +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo * cMIOS-v4 WiiGator GCBL v0.2 +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" echo * cMIOS-v4 Waninkoko rev5 +if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo * BannerBomb v1 (pour Wii 3.0 - 4.1) +if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo * BannerBomb v2 (pour Wii 4.2) +if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" echo * Indiana Pwns (USA, EUR et JAP) +if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Twilight Hack v0.1 Beta1 (pour Wii 3.3 et inf\xe9rieur) +if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" echo * BATHAXX (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" echo * Return of the JODI (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" echo * Eri HaKawai (USA, EURO et JAP) +if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" echo * Smash Stack (USA, EURO, JAP et KOR) +if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" echo * HackMii Installer +if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" echo * Fichiers SD pour BootMii +if /i "%h4%" EQU "*" echo * Hermes cIOS v4 Installer +if /i "%h5%" EQU "*" echo * Hermes cIOS v5 Installer +if /i "%h51%" EQU "*" echo * Hermes cIOS v5.1 Installer +if /i "%CM5%" EQU "*" echo * cMIOS rev5 Installer +if /i "%MP%" EQU "*" echo * MIOS Patcher 0.2 +if /i "%w19%" EQU "*" echo * Waninkokos cIOS X v19 Installer +if /i "%w20%" EQU "*" echo * Waninkokos cIOS X v20b Installer +if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" echo * IOS236 Installer +if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" echo * Simple IOS Patcher +if /i "%Y4M%" EQU "*" echo * YAWMM 4 ModMii +if /i "%dop%" EQU "*" echo * DOP-Mii +if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" echo * AccioHacks +if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" echo * MyMenuify +if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a V\xe9rrouiller le dossier Apps pour l'HBC (mot de Passe=UDLRAB) +if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" echo * Homebrew Browser +if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" echo * Wii64 (Nintendo 64 Emulator) +if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" echo * WiiSX (PlayStation 1 Emulator) +if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" echo * Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) +if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" echo * Yet Another Wad Manager Mod +if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Configurable USB Loader (version 249 officielle la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Configurable USB Loader (version 249 la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Configurable USB Loader (version 222 la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Configurateur pour Configurable USB Loader (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" echo * WiiFlow +if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Neogamma Backup Disc Loader (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" echo * %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes: txtcodes issus de geckocodes.org + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:local +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:local +:skip +if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" echo * Wii Backup Manager +if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" echo * FAT32 GUI Formatter +goto:skiplocal +:local +if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" echo * Wii Backup Manager (avec des raccourcis vers %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) +if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" echo * FAT32 GUI Formatter (avec des raccourcis vers %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) +:skiplocal + +if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Cha\xeene Forwarder USB-Loader +if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Cha\xeene/dol Forwarder Joy Flow +if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" echo * Switch2Uneek +if /i "%HBF%" EQU "*" echo * Homebrew Filter +if /i "%JOY%" EQU "*" echo * Joy Flow +if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" echo * Priiloader v0.4 (236 Mod) +if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" echo * Priiloader Hacks.ini +if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a WiiMC (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a FCEUGX NES Emulator (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a SNES9xGX SNES Emulator (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a VBAGX GB/GBA Emulator (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a SaveGame Manager GX (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a WiiXplorer (version la plus r\xe9cente) +if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Cha\xeene Mii (Region Free) +if /i "%P%" EQU "*" echo * Photo 1.1 (USA/PAL/JAP) +if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" echo * Photo 1.1 (KOR) +if /i "%S%" EQU "*" echo * Shopping (USA/PAL/JAP) +if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" echo * Shopping (KOR) +if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" echo * Internet (USA) +if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" echo * Internet (PAL) +if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" echo * Internet (JAP) +if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a M\xe9t\xe9o (USA) +if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a M\xe9t\xe9o (PAL) +if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a M\xe9t\xe9o (JAP) +if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" echo * News (USA) +if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" echo * News (PAL) +if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" echo * News (JAP) +if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" echo * Wii Speak (USA) +if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" echo * Wii Speak (PAL) +if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" echo * Wii Speak (JAP) + +if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" echo * MIOS v10 +if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" echo * IOS9v1034 +if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" echo * IOS12v526 +if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" echo * IOS13v1032 +if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" echo * IOS14v1032 +if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" echo * IOS15v1032 +if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" echo * IOS17v1032 +if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" echo * IOS21v1039 +if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" echo * IOS22v1294 +if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" echo * IOS28v1807 +if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" echo * IOS31v3608 +if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" echo * IOS33v3608 +if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" echo * IOS34v3608 +if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" echo * IOS35v3608 + + +if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36v3351 + +if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36v3608 +if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" echo * IOS37v5663 +if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" echo * IOS38v4124 + +if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" echo * IOS41v3607 +if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" echo * IOS43v3607 +if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" echo * IOS45v3607 +if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" echo * IOS46v3607 +if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" echo * IOS48v4124 +if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" echo * IOS53v5663 +if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" echo * IOS55v5663 +if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" echo * IOS56v5662 +if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" echo * IOS57v5919 +if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" echo * IOS58v6176 +if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" echo * IOS61v5662 +if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" echo * IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP]) +if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" echo * 0000000e.app d'IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK) +if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" echo * 00000001.app d'IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK) +if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" echo * 0000000e.app d'IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK) +if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" echo * 00000001.app d'IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK) +if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" echo * 0000000e.app d'IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK) +if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" echo * 00000001.app d'IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK) +if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" echo * 0000000c.app de MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS) +if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000040.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 3.2J (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000042.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 3.2U (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000045.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 3.2E (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000070.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.0J (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000072.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.0U (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000075.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.0E (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000078.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1J (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 0000007b.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1U (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 0000007e.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1E (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000081.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.1K (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000084.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2J (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000087.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2U (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 0000008a.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2E (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 0000008d.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.2K (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000094.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3J (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 00000097.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3U (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 0000009a.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3E (pour Mymenuify) +if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a 0000009d.app du Menu Syst\xe8me 4.3K (pour Mymenuify) + + + + +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. + +sfk echo -spat \x20 D\xe9marrer maintenant le t\xe9l\xe9chargement? +echo. +echo. +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:zerodownloads +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:WorUSB +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:WorUSB + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, d\xe9marrer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement + +:WorUSB +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, cr\xe9er le guide et d\xe9marrer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 G = Cr\xe9er seulement le guide +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = Oui, cr\xe9er le guide et d\xe9marrer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 G = Cr\xe9er seulement le guide +echo. + +:zerodownloads + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Ajouter d'autres fichiers \xe0 la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Ajouter d'autres fichiers \xe0 la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Ajouter d'autres fichiers \xe0 la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:NoNewDownloads +If not Exist download_queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Sauvegarder la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +If Exist download_queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Sauvegarder la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement (la liste existante sera renomm\xe9e) +If Exist download_queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S\x2b = Sauvegarder la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement \x2b (ajouter les fichiers existants \xe0 la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement) +echo. +:NoNewDownloads + +echo B = Retour +echo. +echo M = Menu principal +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p SETTINGS= Entrez votre choix ici: + + + +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" set lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:noexistingqueue +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveDownloadQueue + +If not Exist download_queue.bat goto:noexistingqueue +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue +:noexistingqueue + + + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "1" goto:notbatch +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:LIST +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS +:notbatch + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "2" goto:notoldbatch +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS +:notoldbatch + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "3" goto:NotBatchApp +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS +:NotBatchApp + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "4" goto:NotLIST4 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS +:NotLIST4 + + +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:COPY + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:generateguideonly +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:generateguideonly +goto:badkey + +:generateguideonly +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:guide + + +:badkey +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +cls + + + + + +:SaveDownloadQueue +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. + +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue2 +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue2 + + +:renameDownloadQueue +if not exist Download_Queue.bat goto:SaveDownloadQueue2 +SET /a COUNT8=%COUNT8%+1 +if exist Download_Queue%COUNT8%.bat goto:renameDownloadQueue +move Download_Queue.bat Download_Queue%count8%.bat + +:SaveDownloadQueue2 +echo. + +echo ::ModMii - telechargement liste - %DATE% - %TIME% >> Download_Queue.bat +echo ::Queue Settings>> Download_Queue.bat +echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> Download_Queue.bat +echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> Download_Queue.bat + +echo ::Queue>> Download_Queue.bat + +::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo SET VIRGIN=%VIRGIN%>> Download_Queue.bat +::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo SET FIRMSTART=%FIRMSTART%>> Download_Queue.bat +::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo SET REGION=%REGION%>> Download_Queue.bat +::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo SET REGIONCHANGE=%REGIONCHANGE%>> Download_Queue.bat +::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo SET FIRM=%FIRM%>> Download_Queue.bat + +if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAU=%EULAU%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAE=%EULAE%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAJ=%EULAJ%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAK=%EULAK%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" echo SET RSU=%RSU%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" echo SET RSE=%RSE%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" echo SET RSJ=%RSJ%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" echo SET RSK=%RSK%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" echo SET BC=%BC%>> Download_Queue.bat + +if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM3.2U=%SM3.2U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1U=%SM4.1U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2U=%SM4.2U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3U=%SM4.3U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM3.2E=%SM3.2E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1E=%SM4.1E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2E=%SM4.2E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3E=%SM4.3E%>> 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cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4=%cIOS250[53]-v21d2x4%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4=%cIOS250[55]-v21d2x4%>> Download_Queue.bat + +if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4=%cIOS250[56]-v21d2x4%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4=%cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4=%cIOS250[58]-v21d2x4%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo SET RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo SET RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" echo SET RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3U=%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2U=%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1U=%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3E=%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2E=%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1E=%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3J=%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2J=%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1J=%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3K=%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2K=%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1K=%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3U=%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2U=%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1U=%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3E=%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2E=%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1E=%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3J=%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2J=%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1J=%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3K=%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2K=%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%>> Download_Queue.bat +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1K=%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%>> Download_Queue.bat + +sfk filter Download_Queue.bat -unique -write -yes>nul + +if exist Download_Queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement sauvegard\xe9e. +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:LIST +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:FINISH +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:FINISH + + + + + + +::...................................Copy (rename %Drive%\wad if applicable)............................... +:COPY +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD goto:DLSettings +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DLSettings +::if /i "%DRIVE%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" goto:DLSettings + +Set COPY= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 Le dossier %Drive%\WAD existe d\xe9j\xe0, que voulez\x2dvous faire? +echo. +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 M = Fusionner les t\xe9l\xe9chargements dans le dossier %Drive%\WAD. +echo Les doublons seront ignor\xe9s. +echo. +echo R = Renommer le dossier %Drive%\WAD en %Drive%\WAD# +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 et d\xe9marrer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +echo C = Annuler / Menu principal +echo. +echo E = Sortie +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p COPY= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%COPY%" EQU "M" goto:DLSettings +if /i "%COPY%" EQU "E" EXIT +if /i "%COPY%" EQU "C" goto:MENU + +if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" goto:COPY + +:COPY2 +SET /a COUNT=%COUNT%+1 +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT% goto:COPY2 +move "%Drive%"\WAD "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT% +::rename "%Drive%"\WAD WAD%COUNT% +if /i "%LIST%" EQU "R" goto:LIST +if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "R" goto:OLDLIST +if /i "%list3%" EQU "R" goto:LIST3 +if /i "%list4%" EQU "R" goto:LIST4 +goto:DLSETTINGS + + +::.................................................ACTUAL DOWNLOAD CODE........................................................................... +:DOWNLOADSTART +if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:NEXT +set retry=1 +set attempt=1 + +::DBUPDATE.bat check (added in v4.5.0) +::instead of putting out ModMii updates for minor things, the update check can be used to create\download a DBUPDATE.bat file to modify variables like "wadname", "md5", etc. +if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" + +:DOWNLOADSTART2 + + +::change drive to usb if applicable +set DRIVE=%REALDRIVE% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipchange + +if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% +if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% +if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "apps\WiiFlow\" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% +:skipchange + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set DRIVE=temp + +if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" +if not exist temp mkdir temp + +:actualDL +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:NEXT +if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" SET /a CURRENTDL=%CURRENTDL%+1 + + +if /i "%CURRENTDL%" NEQ "1" echo. +if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" sfk echo -spat [Red]T\xe9l\xe9chargement %CURRENTDL% de %DLTOTAL%: %name% +if /i "%retry%" NEQ "1" sfk echo -spat [Yellow]Re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9chargement %CURRENTDL% de %DLTOTAL%: %name% +echo. + +::---------Exceptions---------------- +if /i "%category%" EQU "cfg" goto:CFGDOWNLOADER +if /i "%category%" EQU "cfgr" goto:CFGRDOWNLOADER +if /i "%category%" EQU "TANTRIC" goto:TANTRIC +if /i "%category%" EQU "GOOGLEUPDATE" goto:GOOGLEUPDATE +if /i "%category%" EQU "CHEATS" goto:CHEATS +if /i "%category%" EQU "ManualUpdate" goto:MANUALUPDATE +if /i "%category%" EQU "fullextract" goto:fullextract +if /i "%category%" EQU "themes" goto:THEMES +if /i "%basewad%" NEQ "none" goto:CIOSMAKER +if /i "%name%" EQU "Hackmii Installer" goto:wget +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "PriiloaderHacks.zip" goto:DownloadhacksToRoot + + + + + + +::-----------Exceptions for DL Wizard Only---------- +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skipwizardexceptions + +if /i "%name%" EQU "IOS36" goto:savetoroot + +:skipwizardexceptions +::---------------------------- + + +::-----ROOT SAVE OPTION for IOSs (does not apply to wizard)----- +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skip +if /i "%category%" EQU "ios" goto:noskip +if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:noskip +goto:skip +:noskip +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" goto:savetoroot +:skip + + +if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp +if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp +if /i "%code1%" EQU "URL" goto:DownloadURL + + + +::--------------------------NUSD.EXE Downloader--------------- +:nusd +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +:checkifwadexist +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:nocheckexisting +set md5check= +set md5altcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail +IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass +if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" goto:no01check +if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:nocheckexisting +if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul + +:no01check +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et la v\xe9rification a \xe9t\xe9e faite, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +set alreadyexists=yes +if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + + + + +::--skip downloading IOS60 as base if it already exists-- +if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:notpatchingIOS60 +if /i "%code2%" NEQ "0000003C" goto:notpatchingIOS60 + +if exist temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +goto:notpatchingIOS60 + + +:patchios60now +patchios "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% +goto:wadverifyretry + + +:notpatchingIOS60 +::SAVE TO WAD FOLDER ONLY + +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD + +if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp +sfk echo -spat Si vous rencontrez une longue p\xe9riode d'inactivit\xe9, lancez UnfreezeMii.bat pour continuer +echo. + +nusd %code1%%code2% %version% +move /y %code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%wadname% + +::Patchios (mostly for system menu IOSs) +if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:skippingpatchios +patchios temp\%wadname% -FS -ES -NP -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% +:skippingpatchios + +if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +copy /y %code1%%code2% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul +rd /s /q %code1%%code2% + +:AlreadyinTemp +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% >nul +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul + + + +:wadverifyretry +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, re\x2dessayez le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5check= +set md5altcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail +IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass +if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9lecharg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + + + + +:savetoroot + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) +:checkexisting +set md5check= +set md5altcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail +IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass +if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9lecharg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%"\%wadname% +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" goto:no01check +if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:nocheckexisting +if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul +:no01check + +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et a \xe9t\xe9 v\xe9rifi\xe9, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +set alreadyexists=yes +if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + +::--skip downloading IOS60 as base if it already exists-- +if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:notpatchingIOS60 +if /i "%code2%" NEQ "0000003C" goto:notpatchingIOS60 + +if exist temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +if exist temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now +goto:notpatchingIOS60 + + +:patchios60now +patchios "%Drive%"\%wadname% -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% +::echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:checkretryroot + +::SAVE TO ROOT FOLDER ONLY +:notpatchingIOS60 + + +if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp +echo sfk echo -spat Si vous rencontrez une longue p\xe9riode d'inactivit\xe9, lancez UnfreezeMii.bat pour continuer +echo. + +nusd %code1%%code2% %version% +move /y %code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%wadname% + +::Patchios (mostly for system menu IOSs) +if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:skippingpatchios +patchios temp\%wadname% -FS -ES -NP -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% +:skippingpatchios + +if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +copy /y %code1%%code2% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul +rd /s /q %code1%%code2% + +:AlreadyinTemp +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\%wadname% >nul +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul + + +:checkretryroot +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, relancez le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5check= +set md5altcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\%wadname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail +IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass +if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\%wadname% +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +echo %md5% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + + + + + + +::-------------------------------cIOS Maker----------------------------------------------------- +:CIOSMAKER + +if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4% + +echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) +:checkexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et a \xe9t\xe9 v\xe9rifi\xe9, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +set alreadyexists=yes +if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + + + +::missing modules folder error message and skip +if not exist modules sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Dossier \x22modules\x22 manquant. Il est n\xe9cessaire pour cr\xe9er les cIOSs/cMIOSs +if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Re\x2dtelchargez ModMii \xe0 partir de tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow +if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +if not exist modules @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul +if not exist modules goto:NEXT + + +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD + +:downloadbasewad +::download base wad to "%Drive%" +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement des wad de base: %basewad% +echo. + + + + +::----Check base IOS----------- +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if exist temp\%basewad%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) +:checkexisting +set md5basecheck= +set md5basealtcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail +IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass +if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail +IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass +if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Cette base existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier va \xeatre effac\xe9e et le fichier t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +del temp\%basewad%.wad +goto:downloadbasewad + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les wad de base existent d\xe9j\xe0 et ont \xe9t\xe9 contol\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +::if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basealt% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:basealreadythere +:nocheckexisting + + +sfk echo -spat Si vous rencontrez un longue p\xe9riode d'inactivit\xe9, lancez UnfreezeMii.bat pour continuer +echo. + +nusd %code1%%code2% %version% +if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD +move %code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%basewad%.wad +rd /s /q %code1%%code2% + + +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist temp\%basewad%.wad goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Les wad de base sont manquants, les t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:downloadbasewad + +:checkexisting +set md5basecheck= +set md5basealtcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail +IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass +if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail +IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass +if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +del temp\%basewad%.wad +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:downloadbasewad + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les wad de base ont \xe9t\xe9 correctement t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +::if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basealt% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + + +:basealreadythere + +::unpack base wad +echo. +sfk echo -spat D\xe9compactage des wad de base: %basewad% +echo. + +if exist %basecios% rd /s /q %basecios% +mkdir %basecios% +wadmii -in temp\%basewad%.wad -out %basecios% + + + + + + + +:downloadbasewadb +::download SECOND base wadB to "%Drive%" (if applicable) +if /i "%basewadb%" EQU "none" goto:nobasewadb + +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement des wad de base: %basewadb% +echo. + + +::----Check base IOS B----------- +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) +:checkexisting +set md5basebcheck= +set md5basebaltcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail +IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass +if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail +IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass +if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ces wad de base existent d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9e \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +del temp\%basewadb%.wad +goto:downloadbasewadb + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les wad de base ont \xe9t\xe9 correctement t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5basebcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5baseb% *%basewadb%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +::if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basebalt% *%basewadb%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:baseBalreadythere +:nocheckexisting + + +sfk echo -spat Si vous rencontrez un longue p\xe9riode d'inactivit\xe9, lancez UnfreezeMii.bat pour continuer +echo. + +nusd %code1b%%code2b% %versionb% +if not exist temp\WAD mkdir temp\WAD +move %code1b%%code2b%\%code1b%%code2b%.wad temp\%basewadb%.wad +rd /s /q %code1b%%code2b% + + + +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Les wad de base sont manquants, les t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:downloadbasewadb + +:checkexisting +set md5basebcheck= +set md5basebaltcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail +IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass +if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad +if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail +IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass +if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ces wad de base existent d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9e \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +del temp\%basewadb%.wad +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:downloadbasewadb + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les wad de base ont \xe9t\xe9 correctement t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5basebcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +::if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basealt% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + + + +:baseBalreadythere + +::----unpack base wad +echo. +sfk echo -spat D\xe9compactage des wad de base: %basewadb% +echo. + +mkdir %basewadb% +wadmii -in temp\%basewadb%.wad -out %basewadb% + +::----specific for cios223v4[37+38] + +::delete IOS37 modules that are from 38 and patched +del %basecios%\00000001.app +del %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app + +move %basewadb%\00000001.app %basecios%\00000001.app +move %basewadb%\%lastbasemodule%.app %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app +rd /s /q %basewadb% + + +:nobasewadb + + + + + +::------for theming system menu's only---------- +if /i "%category%" NEQ "SMTHEME" goto:skip +goto:diff_download +:SMTHEME2 + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Patch du syst\xe8me pour le th\xe8me, patientez s'il vous plait... +echo. + +rename %basecios%\00000001.app 00000001-original.app +jptch %basecios%\00000001-original.app temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff %basecios%\00000001.app +del %basecios%\00000001-original.app + +goto:repackwad +:skip + + + + + +::-----cios/cmios stuff------------ +::rename *.cert and *.footer (doesn't need to be patched), rename components that need to be patched (excluding tik and tmd) + +echo. +echo Patch des fichiers composants de base +echo. + +ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.cert %code1%%code2new%.cert +ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.footer %code1%%code2new%.footer + +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff ren %basecios%\00000000.app 00000000-original.app +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff ren %basecios%\00000001.app 00000001-original.app +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff ren %basecios%\00000002.app 00000002-original.app +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff ren %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app %lastbasemodule%-original.app + +::rename tik & tmd for cMIOSs +if /i "%code2%" NEQ "00000101" goto:notcMIOS + +::ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik %code1%%code2new%-original.tik +ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd %code1%%code2new%-original.tmd +:notcMIOS + + +::-------------diff patch files---------------- +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff jptch %basecios%\00000000-original.app modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff %basecios%\00000000.app +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff jptch %basecios%\00000001-original.app modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff %basecios%\00000001.app +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff jptch %basecios%\00000002-original.app modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff %basecios%\00000002.app +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff jptch %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app + + +::patch tmd and tiks when they've been renamed to *-original.tik\tmd (for cMIOSs) +if /i "%code2%" NEQ "00000101" goto:NotRenamedOriginal +::if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd +goto:deletefiles + +:NotRenamedOriginal +if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd + +::use different tik diff files depending on what base wad downloaded +if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik +if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik2.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik + + +::delete un-needed original files that have already been patched +:deletefiles + +if exist %basecios%\00000000-original.app del %basecios%\00000000-original.app +if exist %basecios%\00000001-original.app del %basecios%\00000001-original.app +if exist %basecios%\00000002-original.app del %basecios%\00000002-original.app +if exist %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app del %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app + +::--for cMIOS's that have tiks and tmds renamed to -original +if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik +if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd +if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad + +if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik +if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd + + + + +::copy over extra components + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Copie des modules personnalis\xe9s +echo. + +::222v4 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v4" copy modules\Hermes\mloadv3.app %basecios%\0000000f.app + +::223v4 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" copy modules\Hermes\mloadv3.app %basecios%\0000000f.app + +::222v5 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v5" copy modules\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\0000000f.app + +::223v5 base37 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37]-v5" copy modules\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\0000000f.app + +::224v5 base57 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS224[57]-v5" copy modules\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\00000013.app + + + +::249v19 base37 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000014.app + +::249v19 base38 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000014.app + +::249v20 base38 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app + +::249v20 base56 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app + +::249v19 base57 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000014.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000015.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000016.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000018.app + +::249v20 base57 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000014.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000015.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000016.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app + +::249v17b +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy modules\W17bModules\0000000f.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy modules\W17bModules\00000010.app %basecios%\00000010.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy modules\W17bModules\00000011.app %basecios%\00000011.app + +::249v14 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy modules\W14Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy modules\W14Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000010.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy modules\W14Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app + +::249v21 base 37/38/56 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v21" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v21" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-v21" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-v21" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v21" goto:yes +goto:skip +:yes +copy modules\W21Modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app +copy modules\W21Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app +copy modules\W21Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app +copy modules\W21Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app +copy modules\W21Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app +copy modules\W21Modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app +copy modules\W21Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app +:skip + + +::249v21 base57 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app + +::249v21 base58 +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app +if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app + + +::249 d2x base 37/38/56 +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v21d2x" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v21d2x" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-v21d2x" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-v21d2x" goto:yes +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v21d2x" goto:yes +goto:skip +:yes +if exist modules\d2x-beta\mload.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\FAT.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\SDHC.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\EHCI.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\DIPP.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\ES.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\FFSP.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app) +:skip + + + + + +::249 d2x base 57 +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21d2x" goto:yes +goto:skip +:yes + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\mload.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\FAT.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\SDHC.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\EHCI.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\DIPP.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\ES.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\FFSP.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) +:skip + + + + + +::249 d2x base 58 +if /i "%basecios:~0,18%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21d2x" goto:yes +goto:skip +:yes + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\mload.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\FAT.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\SDHC.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\USBS.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\DIPP.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) else (copy modules\W21Modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\ES.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) + +if exist modules\d2x-beta\FFSP.app (copy modules\d2x-beta\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) else (copy modules\d2xModules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) +:skip + + + + + +::------hex edit d2x 00.app--------- +set d2xNumber= +set d2xhexNumber= +set baseNumber= +set basehexNumber= +set d2xsubversion= +set string= +set string1= + +if /i "%basecios:~15,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:repackwad + +echo. +sfk echo -spat  Signature de 00000000.app avec les d\xe9tails de cIOS + +sfk hexdump -pure -nofile %basecios%\00000000.app>hexdump.txt +FINDSTR /N . hexdump.txt>hexdump2.txt +move /y hexdump2.txt hexdump.txt>nul +::del %basecios%\00000000.app>nul + + +::----convert some values from dec to hex---- +echo "set d2xNumber=%d2x-beta-rev%">d2xrev.bat +sfk filter -spat d2xrev.bat -rep _\x22__ -rep _"-*"__ -write -yes>nul +call d2xrev.bat +del d2xrev.bat + + +sfk hex %d2xNumber% -digits=8 >hex.txt + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processdec2hex %%A +goto:skiphexcalc + +:processdec2hex +set d2xhexNumber=%* +goto:EOF +:skiphexcalc +if exist hex.txt del hex.txt + +::----- + +set baseNumber=%basewad:~3,2% +sfk hex %baseNumber% -digits=8 >hex.txt + +::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processdec2hex %%A +goto:skiphexcalc + +:processdec2hex +set basehexNumber=%* +goto:EOF +:skiphexcalc +if exist hex.txt del hex.txt + +::----- + +set cIOSFamilyName=d2x +if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat + +::----- + +set string1=%d2xNumber% +set versionlength=1 +::letter by letter loop +:loopy + if /i "%string1%" EQU "" goto:endloopy + set string1=%string1:~1% + set /A versionlength=%versionlength%+1 + goto loopy +:endloopy + + +echo set d2xsubversion=@d2x-beta-rev:~%versionlength%,16@>d2xsubversion.bat +sfk filter d2xsubversion.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul +call d2xsubversion.bat +del d2xsubversion.bat>nul + +::----- + +::Loop through txt file +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hexdump.txt) do call :processhexedit %%A +goto:nextstep + +:processhexedit +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop + +set hexline=%* + +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "1:" set hexline2=1EE7C10500000001%d2xhexNumber%%basehexNumber% +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "1:" goto:quickskip + +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "2:" set string=%cIOSFamilyName% +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "2:" goto:string2hex + +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "3:" set string=%d2xsubversion% +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "3:" goto:string2hex + +if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "4:" goto:nextstep + +::to enter in a line of hex instead of string, do the following +::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" set hexline2=%hexline:~2% +::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" goto:quickskip +::OR +::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" set hexline2=012345678910111213141516171819202 +::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" goto:quickskip + + + +:string2hex +set hexline2= +set length=0 + + +::letter by letter loop +:loop + if /i "%string%" EQU "" goto:endloop + set letter=%string:~0,1% + set string=%string:~1% + set /A length=%length%+1 + +set hexvalue=00 +if /i "%letter%" EQU "0" (set hexvalue=30) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "1" (set hexvalue=31) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "2" (set hexvalue=32) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "3" (set hexvalue=33) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "4" (set hexvalue=34) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "5" (set hexvalue=35) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "6" (set hexvalue=36) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "7" (set hexvalue=37) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "8" (set hexvalue=38) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "9" (set hexvalue=39) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "a" (set hexvalue=61) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "b" (set hexvalue=62) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "c" (set hexvalue=63) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "d" (set hexvalue=64) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "e" (set hexvalue=65) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "f" (set hexvalue=66) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "g" (set hexvalue=67) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "h" (set hexvalue=68) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "i" (set hexvalue=69) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "j" (set hexvalue=6A) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "k" (set hexvalue=6B) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "l" (set hexvalue=6C) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "m" (set hexvalue=6D) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "n" (set hexvalue=6E) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "o" (set hexvalue=6F) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "p" (set hexvalue=70) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "q" (set hexvalue=71) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "r" (set hexvalue=72) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "s" (set hexvalue=73) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "t" (set hexvalue=74) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "u" (set hexvalue=75) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "v" (set hexvalue=76) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "w" (set hexvalue=77) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "x" (set hexvalue=78) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "y" (set hexvalue=79) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "z" (set hexvalue=7A) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "-" (set hexvalue=2D) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "+" (set hexvalue=2B) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "_" (set hexvalue=5F) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "(" (set hexvalue=28) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU ")" (set hexvalue=29) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "[" (set hexvalue=5B) & (goto:gotvalue) +if /i "%letter%" EQU "]" (set hexvalue=5D) & (goto:gotvalue) + +:gotvalue +set hexline2=%hexline2%%hexvalue% + goto loop + +:endloop + + +:add0s +if %length% EQU 16 (goto:noextra0s) +set hexline2=%hexline2%00 +set /A length += 1 +goto:add0s +:noextra0s + + + +:quickskip +echo %hexline2%>>hexdump2.txt + +goto:EOF + + +:nextstep +::copy over remaining lines (after "4:") +sfk filter hexdump.txt -inc 4: to *>>hexdump2.txt +sfk filter hexdump2.txt -rep _"*:"__ +hextobin %basecios%\00000000.app>nul + +del hexdump.txt>nul +del hexdump2.txt>nul + + +::---------pack files into cIOS wad--------------- +:repackwad +echo. +echo Compactage des Wad +echo. + +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (wadmii -in "%basecios%" -out "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%.wad") else (wadmii -in "%basecios%" -out "%Drive%\%wadname%.wad") + +::delete unpacked files +rd /s /q %basecios% + + + +::Change version number and slot number (using patchios) only if required +:patchios + +if /i "%ciosslot%" EQU "unchanged" goto:skip + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Modification du num\xe9ro de version et/ou du num\xe9ro de slot +echo. +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (patchios "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%) else (patchios "%Drive%"\%wadname%.wad -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%) +echo. +:skip + + +if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" set wadname=%wadname%.wad +if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (goto:wadverifyretry) else (goto:checkretryroot) + + + + + +::----------------------------------------THEMES------------------------------------- +:THEMES + +if not exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes mkdir "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes + + +echo %md5% *MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + + + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) +:checkexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et la v\xe9rification a \xe9t\xe9 faite, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +::if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + + + + + +::-------------Download base app---------------------- +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement du fichier app de base du Menu Syst\xe8me %wadname:~-4%: 000000%version%.app +echo. + +set dlname=000000%version%_%wadname:~-4%.app + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if not exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% goto:nocheckexisting +set md5basecheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail +IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass +if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ces wad de base existent d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9e \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% +if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les wad de base existent d\xe9j\xe0 et ont \xe9t\xe9 contol\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:diff_download +:nocheckexisting + + +if exist temp\%dlname% goto:AlreadyinTemp + +nusfilegrabber.exe %version% +move /Y 000000%version%.app temp\%dlname% + +:AlreadyinTemp +copy /y temp\%dlname% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% >nul + + + + +::----Check base APP----------- +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Les wad de base sont manquants, les t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5basecheck= + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% +if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail +IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass +if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% +if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname% +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +::echo %md5base% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les app de base ont \xe9t\xe9 correctement t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:diff_download + + + + + +::-------------------diff download to build csm file--------------------- +:diff_download + +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement %codeURL:~34,-5% Diff file +echo. + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if not exist temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff goto:nocheckexisting +set md5diffcheck= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5diff% temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff +if errorlevel 1 set md5diffcheck=fail +IF "%md5diffcheck%"=="" set md5diffcheck=pass +if /i "%md5diffcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les fichiers existent d\xe9j\xe0 et ont \xe9t\xe9 contol\xe9s, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5diffcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5diff% *WAD\%codeURL:~34,-5%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 +goto:build_csm +:nocheckexisting + + +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 %codeURL% +move /Y %codeURL:~34,-5%.diff temp + + + + +::----Check Diff file after downloading----------- +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Les wad de base sont manquants, les t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5diffcheck= + +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5diff% temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff +if errorlevel 1 set md5diffcheck=fail +IF "%md5diffcheck%"=="" set md5diffcheck=pass +if /i "%md5diffcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +::echo %md5diff% *WAD\%codeURL:~34,-5%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Les fichiers ont \xe9t\xe9 t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9s correctement, poursuivre... +echo. +::if /i "%md5diffcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5diff% *WAD\%codeURL:~34,-5%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 +goto:build_csm + + + + + + + +:build_csm + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du th\xe8me (%wadname%.csm), patientez s'il vous plait... +echo. + +jptch "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% temp\%wadname%.diff "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm + + + +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + + +::------------------------------------------CFG USB Loader Downloader-------------------------------------- +:CFGDOWNLOADER + +::choice=1 for most recent 249 and choice=2 for most recent 222 +if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set cfgchoice=1 +if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set cfgchoice=2 +::if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set cfgIOS=249 +::if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set cfgIOS=222 + + +::if /i "%name%" EQU "USB-Loader Folder" goto:doesntexist + +if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Cette appli existe d\xe9j\xe0... + + +::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version +sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +echo. +echo La version actuelle est %currentcode% +echo. +sfk echo -spat Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour... +echo. + +:doesntexist + +::Download updates.txt +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://cfg-loader.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/updates.txt + + +::Most Recent Version Download Link +sfk filter updates.txt -ls+url>cfgurl.txt +FINDSTR /N url cfgurl.txt>cfgurl2.txt +sfk filter cfgurl2.txt -rep _"url = "__>cfgurl.txt +del cfgurl2.txt +sfk filter cfgurl.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgurl="_>cfgDLsettings.bat +del cfgurl.txt + +::Most Recent Version Release Number +sfk filter updates.txt -ls+release>cfgrelease.txt +FINDSTR /N release cfgrelease.txt>cfgrelease2.txt +sfk filter cfgrelease2.txt -rep _"release = "__>cfgrelease.txt +del cfgrelease2.txt +sfk filter cfgrelease.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgrelease="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat +del cfgrelease.txt + +::Most Recent Version Release Date +sfk filter updates.txt -ls+date>cfgdate.txt +FINDSTR /N date cfgdate.txt>cfgdate2.txt +sfk filter cfgdate2.txt -rep _"date = "__>cfgdate.txt +del cfgdate2.txt +sfk filter cfgdate.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgdate="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat +del cfgdate.txt + +::Most Recent FULL Version number, used to download most recent 'usb-loader' folder +sfk filter updates.txt -ls+"release = " -rep _"release = "__>cfgFullRelease.txt +sfk filter cfgFullRelease.txt ++release -write -yes>nul +FINDSTR /N release cfgFullRelease.txt>cfgFullRelease2.txt +::sfk filter cfgFullRelease2.txt -rep _" (release)"__>cfgFullRelease.txt +del cfgFullRelease.txt +sfk filter cfgFullRelease2.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgfullrelease="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat +del cfgFullRelease2.txt + + +del updates.txt +call cfgDLsettings.bat +del cfgDLsettings.bat + + +if /i "%name%" EQU "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)" goto:usbloaderFolder + +if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist + + +if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgrelease%" goto:noupdate + +sfk echo -spat Mise \xe0 jour de %currentcode% vers %cfgrelease% +echo. +goto:update + +:noupdate +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Votre verion actuelle %currentcode% est \xe0 jour, passer au t\xe9l\xe9chargement +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:next + + + + +::Download most recent version of cfg loader +:doesntalreadyexist +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement d'une version plus r\xe9cente: %cfgrelease% +:update +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %cfgurl% +if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg +move /Y *.dol "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol> nul + + +:geticon +if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\icon.png goto:meta + +if exist temp\cfgicon.png goto:skip +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://code.google.com/p/cfg-loader/logo?cct=1263052802 +move /Y "logo@cct=1263052802" temp\cfgicon.png>nul + +:skip +copy /Y temp\cfgicon.png "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\icon.png>nul + + +:meta +if exist temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml goto:skip +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/meta.xml" +move /Y meta.xml temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml>nul +:skip + +copy /Y temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml>nul +sfk filter "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml -rep _cfgrelease_"%cfgrelease%"_ -rep _cfgdate_"%cfgdate%"_ -write -yes>nul + + +::----simple version check after downloading---- +if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +::get current version from meta.xml +sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgrelease%" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais n'a pas pu \xeatre mis \xe0 jour correctement. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Re\x2dessayez de t\xe9l\xe9charger une version plus r\xe9cente du fichier. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + +:usbloaderFolder + + +if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:skip + +if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgfullrelease%" goto:noupdate + +sfk echo -spat Mise \xe0 jour de %currentcode% vers %cfgfullrelease% +echo. + +:skip + + +::Download most recent full version for USB-Loader Folder + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement du plus r\xe9cent Configurable USB-Loader: Version %cfgfullrelease% +if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" Echo. +if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" sfk echo -spat Note: le dossier USB-Loader existant sera renomm\xe9 +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://cfg-loader.googlecode.com/files/Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip + + + +::Move most recent usb-loader folder to root of drive +7za x -aoa Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip + +::rename exisiting usb-loader folder if applicable +:renameusbloader +if not exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" goto:moveusbloader +SET /a COUNT9=%COUNT9%+1 +if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%" goto:renameusbloader +move "%Drive%\usb-loader" "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%" +goto:moveusbloader + + +:moveusbloader +if not exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" mkdir "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" +xcopy /y /S "Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\usb-loader" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\apps\USBLoader_cfg" mkdir "%DRIVE%\apps\USBLoader_cfg" +copy /Y "Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\apps\USBLoader" "%DRIVE%\apps\USBLoader_cfg">nul +del Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip +rd /s /q Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10% + + +::save version info for next time!---OFF---- +::if exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt" attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt" +::echo set cfgfullreleaseOLD=%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt" +::attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt" + + + +::------extra for USB-Loader Setup Guide------- +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "NONE" goto:skip +::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the \wbfs folder exists +if not exist "%Drive%\wbfs" mkdir "%Drive%\wbfs" +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music mkdir "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music + +echo >"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\music\Save MP3s Here To Play at USB-Loader Menu" +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo music = usb:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo music = sd:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" + +echo unlock_password = AAAA>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo disable_remove = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo disable_format = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo admin_unlock = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" + +sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _BLAHBLAH_1_> nul + +:skip + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip +echo covers_path = usb:/usb-loader/covers>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo covers_path_2d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/2d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo covers_path_3d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/3d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo covers_path_disc = usb:/usb-loader/covers/disc>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +echo covers_path_full = usb:/usb-loader/covers/full>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _usb:_ntfs:_> nul +:skip + +::partition = auto is now the default value +::Will select first valid from: WBFS1, FAT1, NTFS1 +::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the /wbfs folder exists +::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" echo partition = FAT1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" echo partition = NTFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" echo partition = FAT1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" echo partition = WBFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" +::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" echo partition = WBFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" + + +::----simple version check after downloading---- +if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +::get current version from meta.xml +sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat" +del currentcode.bat" +if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgfullrelease%" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe dej\xe0 mais n'a pas pu \xeatre mis \xe0 jour correctement. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Tentez de t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau une version plus r\xe9cente du fichier. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + +:noupdate +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Votre version actuelle %currentcode% est \xe0 jour, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:next + + +::------------------------------------------CONFIGURATOR FOR CFG USB Loader Downloader-------------------------------------- +:CFGRDOWNLOADER + +::set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVE% +::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% + +::Download updates.txt +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "http://gwht.wdfiles.com/local--files/configurable-options/updates.txt" + + +::Most Recent Version Download Link +sfk filter updates.txt -ls+url>cfgrurl.txt +FINDSTR /N url cfgrurl.txt>cfgrurl2.txt +sfk filter cfgrurl2.txt -rep _"url = "__>cfgrurl.txt +del cfgrurl2.txt +sfk filter cfgrurl.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgrurl="_>cfgrDLsettings.bat +del cfgrurl.txt + +::Most Recent Version Release Number +sfk filter updates.txt -ls+release>cfgrrelease.txt +FINDSTR /N release cfgrrelease.txt>cfgrrelease2.txt +sfk filter cfgrrelease2.txt -rep _" "__ -rep _"release="__>cfgrrelease.txt +del cfgrrelease2.txt +sfk filter cfgrrelease.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgrrelease="_>>cfgrDLsettings.bat +del cfgrrelease.txt + +del updates.txt +call cfgrDLsettings.bat +del cfgrDLsettings.bat + +::Download most recent version + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" goto:skip +echo. +sfk echo -spat Cette appli existe d\xe9j\xe0... +echo. +set cfgrreleaseOLD= +attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +copy /y "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat">nul +attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +call "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat" +del "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat" +echo la version actuelle est %cfgrreleaseOLD% +echo. +sfk echo -spat Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour... +echo. +if %cfgrreleaseOLD% GEQ %cfgrrelease% goto:noupdate +:skip + +Echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la version la plus r\xe9cente: %cfgrrelease% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %cfgrurl% +if not exist "%Drive%"\USB-Loader mkdir "%Drive%"\USB-Loader + +::Move most recent usb-loader folder to root of drive +7za x -aoa CfgLoaderConfiguratorv%cfgrrelease%.zip +move /Y "CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" +move /Y "ConfiguratorHelp.chm" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" +move /Y "Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" +move /Y "Readme.txt" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" + +::save version info for next time! +if exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +echo set cfgrreleaseOLD=%cfgrrelease%>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" + + + +::----simple version check after downloading---- +if exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +::get current version +set cfgrreleaseOLD= +attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +copy /y "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat">nul +attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +call "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat" +del "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat" +if %cfgrreleaseOLD% GEQ %cfgrrelease% goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais n'a pas pu \xeatre mis \xe0 jour correctement. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Re\x2dessayez de t\xe9l\xe9charger une version plus r\xe9cente du fichier. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:noupdate +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Votre version actuelle %cfgrreleaseOLD% est \xe0 jour, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:next + + +::--------------------------TANTRIC APPS AUTO-UDPATE------------------------ +:TANTRIC + + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist + +echo. +echo cette appli existe deja... + + +::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +echo. +echo La version actuelle est %currentcode% +echo. +sfk echo -spat Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour... +echo. + +:doesntexist +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%updateurl%" +sfk filter -quiet update.xml -+"app version" -rep _"_""_ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet update.xml -rep _""""__>code.bat +del update.xml>nul +call code.bat +del code.bat>nul + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist + + +if %currentcode% GEQ %newcode% goto:noupdate +echo mise a jour de %currentcode% a %newcode% +goto:update + +:noupdate +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Votre version actuelle %currentcode% est \xe0 jour, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:next + +:doesntalreadyexist + +::Download most recent version +Echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement d'une version plus r\xe9cente: %newcode% +:update +echo. +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%code1%%newcode%%code2%" +if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1% + + +set wadname="%zip1%%newcode%%zip2%" + +7za x -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%" +::7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r + + +::----simple version check after downloading---- +if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +::get current version from meta.xml +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +if %currentcode% GEQ %newcode% goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais n'a pas pu \xeatre mis \xe0 jour correctement. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Re\x2dessayez de t\xe9l\xe9charger une version plus r\xe9cente du fichier. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + + + + +::--------------------------GOOGLE CODE 'MANUAL' AUTO-UDPATE------------------------ +:GOOGLEUPDATE + + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Cette appli existe d\xe9j\xe0... + +::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version +::--------WARNING, if version doesn't start with "R", it will FAIL--------- +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*R"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +echo. +echo La version actuelle est %currentcode% +echo. +sfk echo -spat Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour... +echo. + +:doesntexist +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %updateurl% +move /y %updatedlname% code.bat>nul + +sfk filter -quiet code.bat -rep _"*name=R"_"set newcode="_ -rep _".dol&*"__ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet code.bat -ls+"set newcode" -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet code.bat -unique -write -yes +call code.bat +del code.bat>nul + +set newcode0check=%newcode:~0,1% +if /i "%newcode0check%" EQU "0" (set newcodeNoZeros=%newcode:~1,10%) else (set newcodeNoZeros=%newcode%) + + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist + +if %currentcode% GEQ %newcodeNoZeros% goto:noupdate +sfk echo -spat Mise \xe0 jour %currentcode% vers %newcodeNoZeros% +goto:update + +:noupdate +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Votre version actuelle %currentcode% est \xe0 jour, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:next + +:doesntalreadyexist + +::Download most recent version +Echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement d'une version plus r\xe9cente: %newcodeNoZeros% + +:update +echo. + +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%code1%%newcode%%code2%" + +if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1% + +::----move file to new location!---- +set wadname="%wadname1%%newcode%%wadname2%" +move /y %wadname% "%DRIVE%\%path1%\boot.dol">nul + + +::----not needed (yet), only applies when downloading zips, not dols--- +::set wadname="%zip1%%newcode%%zip2%" +::7za x -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%" + + +::geticon if doesn't exist +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %iconurl% +if exist "icon.png" move /Y "icon.png" "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png" + +::meta +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %metaurl% +move /Y meta.xml "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" + +::create "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer" folder if downloading WiiXplorer +if /i "%name%" NEQ "WiiXplorer (Most Recent Release)" goto:skip +if not exist "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer" mkdir "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer" +:skip + +::----simple version check after downloading---- +if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +::get current version from meta.xml +::-----warning, replacing "R" too, careful when applying to other thigns------ +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*R"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +if %currentcode% EQU %newcodeNoZeros% goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais n'a pas pu \xeatre mis \xe0 jour correctement. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Re\x2dessayez de t\xe9l\xe9charger une version plus r\xe9cente du fichier. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + + + + + +::--------------------------------------Cheat Codes: txtcodes from geckocodes.org------------------------------ +:CHEATS + +::set cheatregion=all + +if exist "codeindex.txt" del "codeindex.txt" >nul +if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt" + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 T\xe9l\xe9chargement des codes r\xe9gion %cheatregion% de cheat pour les consoles suivantes: +echo. +if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * WiiWare +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Arcade +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Cha\xeenes Wii +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Gamecube +if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC NES/Famicom +if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Super NES/Famicom +if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Nintendo 64 +if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Sega Master System +if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Sega Genesis/Mega Drive +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC NeoGeo +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Commodore 64 +if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC MSX +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC TurboGraFX-16 +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC TurboGraFX-CD +echo. +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" echo Emplacement(s) de sauvegarde des cheats: (txtcodes et codes\X\L) +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" echo Emplacement(s) de sauvegarde des cheats: (txtcodes) +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" echo Emplacement(s) de sauvegarde des cheats: (codes\X\L) +echo. +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Ecrasement des txtcodes existants (d\xe9sactiv\xe9) +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Ecrasement des txtcodes existants (activ\xe9) +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Note: Les param\xe8tres ci\x2ddessus peuvent \xeatre personnalis\xe9s dans les options de code triche +echo. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 R\xe9cup\xe9ration de la liste de triche \xe0 partir de geckocodes.org +echo Patientez... +echo. + + +::---get game/iso list and game count------- +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes mkdir "%drive%"\txtcodes +:skip + + + + +::-----------used to get full list of all games--------------- +goto:skipcheatrepeat +:cheatrepeat +if exist codeindex.txt copy /y codeindex.txt codeindextemp.txt >nul +if exist codeindex.txt (copy /y codeindextemp.txt+"index*=all" codeindex.txt >nul) else (move /y "index*=all" "codeindex.txt">nul) +if exist "index*=all" del "index*=all" >nul +if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt" >nul +goto:%nextcheatlist% +:skipcheatrepeat + + + + + +::--------------ALL REGION--------------- +if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "all" goto:skipall + +::-------Wii Games-------- +set nextcheatlist=allwiiwarecheats +if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------WiiWare------ +:allwiiwarecheats +set nextcheatlist=allvccheats +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------VC Arcade------ +:allVCcheats +set nextcheatlist=allwiichannelcheats +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Wii Channels------ +:allwiichannelcheats +set nextcheatlist=allGCcheats +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Gamecube------ +:allGCcheats +set nextcheatlist=allNEScheats +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NES------ +:allNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=allSNEScheats +if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SNES------ +:allSNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=allN64cheats +if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------N64------ +:allN64cheats +set nextcheatlist=allSMScheats +if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SMS------ +:allSMScheats +set nextcheatlist=allGenesischeats +if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Genesis------ +:allGenesischeats +set nextcheatlist=allNEOcheats +if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NEO------ +:allNEOcheats +set nextcheatlist=allCOMcheats +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------COMMODORE------ +:allCOMcheats +set nextcheatlist=allMSXcheats +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------MSX------ +:allMSXcheats +set nextcheatlist=allT16cheats +if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------T16------ +:allT16cheats +set nextcheatlist=allTCDcheats +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------TCD------ +:allTCDcheats +set nextcheatlist=skipall +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=*&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +:skipall + + + +::--------------USA REGION--------------- +if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "USA" goto:skipUSA + +::-------Wii Games-------- +set nextcheatlist=USAwiiwarecheats +if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------WiiWare------ +:USAwiiwarecheats +set nextcheatlist=USAvccheats +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------VC Arcade------ +:USAVCcheats +set nextcheatlist=USAwiichannelcheats +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Wii Channels------ +:USAwiichannelcheats +set nextcheatlist=USAGCcheats +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Gamecube------ +:USAGCcheats +set nextcheatlist=USANEScheats +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NES------ +:USANEScheats +set nextcheatlist=USASNEScheats +if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SNES------ +:USASNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=USAN64cheats +if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------N64------ +:USAN64cheats +set nextcheatlist=USASMScheats +if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SMS------ +:USASMScheats +set nextcheatlist=USAGenesischeats +if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Genesis------ +:USAGenesischeats +set nextcheatlist=USANEOcheats +if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NEO------ +:USANEOcheats +set nextcheatlist=USACOMcheats +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------COMMODORE------ +:USACOMcheats +set nextcheatlist=USAMSXcheats +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------MSX------ +:USAMSXcheats +set nextcheatlist=USAT16cheats +if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------T16------ +:USAT16cheats +set nextcheatlist=USATCDcheats +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------TCD------ +:USATCDcheats +set nextcheatlist=skipUSA +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=E&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +:skipUSA + + + + + +::--------------PAL REGION--------------- +if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "PAL" goto:skipPAL + +::-------Wii Games-------- +set nextcheatlist=PALwiiwarecheats +if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------WiiWare------ +:PALwiiwarecheats +set nextcheatlist=PALvccheats +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------VC Arcade------ +:PALVCcheats +set nextcheatlist=PALwiichannelcheats +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Wii Channels------ +:PALwiichannelcheats +set nextcheatlist=PALGCcheats +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Gamecube------ +:PALGCcheats +set nextcheatlist=PALNEScheats +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NES------ +:PALNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=PALSNEScheats +if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SNES------ +:PALSNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=PALN64cheats +if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------N64------ +:PALN64cheats +set nextcheatlist=PALSMScheats +if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SMS------ +:PALSMScheats +set nextcheatlist=PALGenesischeats +if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Genesis------ +:PALGenesischeats +set nextcheatlist=PALNEOcheats +if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NEO------ +:PALNEOcheats +set nextcheatlist=PALCOMcheats +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------COMMODORE------ +:PALCOMcheats +set nextcheatlist=PALMSXcheats +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------MSX------ +:PALMSXcheats +set nextcheatlist=PALT16cheats +if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------T16------ +:PALT16cheats +set nextcheatlist=PALTCDcheats +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------TCD------ +:PALTCDcheats +set nextcheatlist=skipPAL +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=P&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +:skipPAL + + + + + +::--------------JAP REGION--------------- +if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "JAP" goto:skipJAP + +::-------Wii Games-------- +set nextcheatlist=JAPwiiwarecheats +if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------WiiWare------ +:JAPwiiwarecheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPvccheats +if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------VC Arcade------ +:JAPVCcheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPwiichannelcheats +if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Wii Channels------ +:JAPwiichannelcheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPGCcheats +if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Gamecube------ +:JAPGCcheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPNEScheats +if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NES------ +:JAPNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPSNEScheats +if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SNES------ +:JAPSNEScheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPN64cheats +if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------N64------ +:JAPN64cheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPSMScheats +if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------SMS------ +:JAPSMScheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPGenesischeats +if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------Genesis------ +:JAPGenesischeats +set nextcheatlist=JAPNEOcheats +if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------NEO------ +:JAPNEOcheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPCOMcheats +if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------COMMODORE------ +:JAPCOMcheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPMSXcheats +if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------MSX------ +:JAPMSXcheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPT16cheats +if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------T16------ +:JAPT16cheats +set nextcheatlist=JAPTCDcheats +if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +::-------TCD------ +:JAPTCDcheats +set nextcheatlist=skipJAP +if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=J&l=all" +goto:cheatrepeat + +:skipJAP + + + +sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -+"index.php?c=******" -write -yes + + + +goto:nextstep +::----------DISABLED------------ +::-----remove titles that already exist (if applicable)--------- +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:nextstep +if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes\*.txt goto:nextstep +::echo Checking for new cheat codes +::echo This could take a minute, please wait... +::echo. +sfk echo -spat Les codes de triche suivants existent d\xe9j\xe0 et seront effac\xe9s de la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement: +echo. +dir /b "%drive%"\txtcodes>existingcodes.txt +sfk filter -quiet existingcodes.txt -+.txt -rep _.txt__ -write -yes +::Loop through the existing list of codes (existingcodes.txt) and remove each existing game from codeindex.txt +for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (existingcodes.txt) do call :processthis %%A +goto:nextstep + +:processthis +::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file +::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop + +set removetitleID=%* +echo Passer %removetitleID%.txt... +sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -!%removetitleID% -write -yes +goto:EOF +:nextstep + + +if exist existingcodes.txt del existingcodes.txt + + +sfk filter codeindex.txt -unique -write -yes>nul +FINDSTR /N href codeindex.txt>codeindexfull.txt +del codeindex.txt + +::totalcodes +setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION +set totalcodes=0 +set codenumber=0 +for /f "delims=" %%i in (codeindexfull.txt) do set /a totalcodes=!totalcodes!+1 +setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION + +echo. +:processcode + +copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexfull2.txt>nul + +if /i "%totalcodes%" EQU "%codenumber%" goto:nextstep +set /a codenumber=%codenumber%+1 + +sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*title='*["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -rep _"set titleid=set titleid="_"set titleid="_ -write -yes + +::sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*'Wii ["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -write -yes + + + +FINDSTR /N set codeindexfull2.txt>codeindex.bat +del codeindexfull2.txt + +sfk filter -quiet codeindex.bat -ls+"1:" -rep _"1:"__ -write -yes +call codeindex.bat +del codeindex.bat + + +::now get game name!! +copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexTitle.bat>nul +::add in delay so sfk has access to codeindexTitle.bat (Foez reported bug) +::@ping -n 1 -w 1500> nul + +sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*c=%titleid%"_"set titlename="_ -rep _" [%titleid%]*"_"""_ -rep _>__ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -ls+"set titlename=" -write -yes +call codeindexTitle.bat +del codeindexTitle.bat + + +::if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skipconsoleinfo + +::now get console!! +copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexConsole.bat>nul +sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*sysn' title='"_"set console="_ -rep _"'>[*"_"""_ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -rep _"""__ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -ls+"set console=" -write -yes +call codeindexConsole.bat +del codeindexConsole.bat + +::get console code +set consolecode= +if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii" set consolecode=R +if /i "%console%" EQU "WiiWare" set consolecode=W +if /i "%console%" EQU "VC Arcade" set consolecode=D +if /i "%console%" EQU "GameCube" set consolecode=G +::Wii Channels(H)-currently no codes, so unsure of "Wii Channels" +if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii Channels" set consolecode=H +if /i "%console%" EQU "NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=F +if /i "%console%" EQU "Super NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=J +if /i "%console%" EQU "Nintendo 64 VC" set consolecode=N +if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Master System VC" set consolecode=L +if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC" set consolecode=M +if /i "%console%" EQU "NeoGeo VC" set consolecode=E +if /i "%console%" EQU "Commodore 64 VC" set consolecode=C +if /i "%console%" EQU "MSX VC" set consolecode=X +if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-16 VC" set consolecode=P +if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-CD VC" set consolecode=Q + +::get first letter of titlename (actually second letter cuz first one is ") +set letter1=%titlename:~1,1% +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "0" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "1" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "2" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "3" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "4" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "5" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "6" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "7" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "8" set letter1=# +if /i "%letter1%" EQU "9" set letter1=# + +:skipconsoleinfo + +::echo %titlename% +::echo %titleid% +::echo %console% +::echo %consolecode% +::echo %letter1% + +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement code %codenumber% de %totalcodes%: %titlename% [%titleid%] + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" mkdir "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" +:skip + +if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:overwritecheat + + +::----copy existing codes to alternate location if missing---- +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Copie de codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt a txtcodes\%titleid%.txt +if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul +:skip +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Copie de txtcodes\%titleid%.txt vers codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt +if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul +:skip + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat +:skip + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip +if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat +:skip + +echo %titleid%.txt existe d\xe9j\xe0 +echo Passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement... +echo. +goto:processcode + +:overwritecheat +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip +if exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Ecrasement de %drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt... +:skip +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip +if exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Ecrasement de %drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt... +:skip + +:downloadcheat +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "http://www.geckocodes.org/txt.php?txt=%titleid%" + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" copy /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul + +::for some reason VC downloads fail, and they leave index.html as a trace instead +::if exist index.html del index.html + +goto:processcode + +:nextstep + +del codeindexfull.txt +del codeindexfull2.txt + +goto:NEXT + + +::--------------------------------------Manual Update for Neogamma and YAWMM------------------------------ +:MANUALUPDATE + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:UpdateCheck + +echo. +sfk echo -spat Cette appli existe d\xe9j\xe0... + + +::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +echo. +echo La version actuelle est %currentcode% +echo. +sfk echo -spat Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour... +echo. + + +:UpdateCheck +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%updateurl%" +move /y ManualUpdate.txt ManualUpdate.bat>nul + +call ManualUpdate.bat +del ManualUpdate.bat>nul + +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:Update + +if /i "%currentcode%" EQU "%newcode%" goto:noupdate +::echo Updating from %currentcode% to %newcode% +sfk echo -spat Mise \xe0 jour vers une version plus r\xe9cente... + + +goto:update + +:noupdate +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] votre version actuelle %currentcode% est \xe0 jour, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement + +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:next + +::Download most recent version +:update +echo. +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2% + +if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1% + +if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\neogamma" goto:normal +7za x -aoa "*-NeoGammaR9*.zip" -o"%Drive%" apps neogamma -r +7za e -aoa "*-NeoGammaR9*.zip" -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -x!"gameconfig.txt" -x!"sourcecode" -r +goto:skip +:normal + +7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r +:skip + + + +::----simple version check after downloading---- +if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +::get current version from meta.xml +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +del currentcode.bat +if /i "%currentcode%" EQU "%newcode%" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais n'a pas pu \xeatre mis \xe0 jour correctement. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Re\x2dessayez de t\xe9l\xe9charger une version plus r\xe9cente du fichier. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. + +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + +::------------------------NUS File Grabber Downloader--------------------- + +:DownloadApp + +if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:MYMAPP + +::SNEEKAPP +if not exist "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES mkdir "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES +goto:skip + +:MYMAPP +if not exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes mkdir "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes +:skip + + +set filename=%wadname% +if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" set path1=SNEEKFILES\ +if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" set path1=MyMenuify_Themes\ +set md5alt=%md5% +goto:DownloadURL + + +:DownloadApp2 + + +set dlname=%wadname:~0,8%.app + +if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp + +nusfilegrabber.exe %version% +move /Y "%dlname%" temp\%wadname% + +:AlreadyinTemp +if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%>nul +if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES\%wadname%>nul + +goto:URLverifyretry + + +::-------------------------Download from URLs------------------------------ +:DownloadURL + +echo %md5% *%path1%%filename%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et la v\xe9rification a \xe9t\xe9 faite, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + +if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp2 +if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp2 + + +:DownloadURL2 +if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2% +if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% temp\%wadname% +7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r + + + + +:URLverifyretry +if "%DRIVErestore%"=="" set DRIVErestore=%Drive% +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + + +:fullextract + +set LocalAbsolute= +set DRIVErestore=%Drive% + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:doit +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:doit +goto:skip +:doit +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\) +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\) +:skip +if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" +echo %md5% *%LocalAbsolute%%path1%%filename%>> "%Driverestore%"\Download_Log.md5 + + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et la v\xe9rification a \xe9t\xe9 faite, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + + + +:fullextract2 + +if exist temp\%wadname% goto:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists + +if not exist temp\%dlname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2% + +if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% temp\%wadname% + +:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists + +::extract selected apps differently... +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "indiana-pwns.zip" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "indiana-pwns.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "bathaxx.zip" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "bathaxx.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "return-jodi.zip" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "return-jodi.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "EriHaKawai-USA+PAL.zip" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "EriHaKawai-USA+PAL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v9-IDCL.zip" 7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/WAD *.%version% -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v9-IDCL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + + +if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "JoyFlow_Forwarder_wad_dol.zip" goto:skipjoyflow +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" (7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/ *.wad *.dol -r) else (7za X -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r) +goto:skipnormalextraction +:skipjoyflow + + +if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "switch2uneek_ModMiiBundle.zip" goto:skipS2U + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" 7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/ switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad -r +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:skipnormalextraction +::for when MENU1 not equal to "S" +7za x -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r -x!switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad + +if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" +if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt echo NOFILE>"%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:skipnormalextraction +echo 00000000>dump.txt +sfk filter dump.txt +hextobin "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin +del dump.txt>nul +goto:skipnormalextraction +:skipS2U + +if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "Homebrew_Filter_r32.wad" goto:skipHBF + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:tinyskip +if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" +:tinyskip + +if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%wadname%" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\%path1%%wadname%">nul +goto:skipnormalextraction +:skipHBF + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:doit +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:doit +goto:skip +:doit +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\) +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\) +:skip +if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" +echo %md5% *%LocalAbsolute%%path1%%filename%>> "%Driverestore%"\Download_Log.md5 + + + + +if /i "%filename%" NEQ "WiiBackupManager.exe" goto:notWBM +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager +7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -r +rename "%Drive%"\%dlname:~0,-4% WiiBackupManager + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) +:createshortcuts +nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "WiiBackupManager" +nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe" "~$folder.programs$\WiiBackupManager" "WiiBackupManager" +:skip +goto:skipnormalextraction +:notWBM + + +if /i "%filename%" NEQ "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:notF32 +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\FAT32_GUI_Formatter mkdir "%DRIVE%"\FAT32_GUI_Formatter +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe">nul + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) +:createshortcuts +nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "FAT32 GUI Formatter" +nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" "~$folder.programs$\FAT32 GUI Formatter" "FAT32 GUI Formatter" +:skip +goto:skipnormalextraction +:notF32 + + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "twilight_hack_v0.1_beta1.zip" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "twilight_hack_v0.1_beta1.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction +if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps homebrew_browser -r +if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" goto:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "YU-GI-OWNED-ALL.zip" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "YU-GI-OWNED-ALL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" 7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% -x!*.cfg +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%DOP-Mii" -r >nul +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%DOP-Mii v13" -r >nul +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%config" -r >nul +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%apps" -r >nul +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" mkdir "%DRIVE%\config" +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" move /y "%Drive%\%path1%\DOP-Mii.cfg" "%Drive%\config\DOP-Mii.cfg" >nul +if /i "%wadname%" EQU "DOP-Mii_v13.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction + + +7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!README +:skipnormalextraction + +if /i "%SAVEZIP%" EQU "off" del %wadname% +goto:URLverifyretry +::DONE (will retry if necessary) + + + + +:DownloadhacksToRoot +echo %md5% *hacks.ini>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if not exist "%Drive%"\hacks.ini goto:nocheckexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\hacks.ini +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\hacks.ini +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et la v\xe9rification a \xe9t\xe9 faite, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +goto:NEXT +:nocheckexisting + + +if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2% +if exist %wadname% move /y %wadname% temp\%wadname% +7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r + + + +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\hacks.ini goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\hacks.ini +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\hacks.ini +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +goto:NEXT + + + + +::---------------HackMii Installer WGET Download CODE----------------------- + +:wget + +echo %md5% *apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 + +::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- +if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:nocheckexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:pass +sfk echo -spat [Green]Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 et la v\xe9rification a \xe9t\xe9 faite, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +echo. +COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf> nul +COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\bootmini.elf "%Drive%"\bootmini.elf> nul +goto:alreadyhavehackmii +:nocheckexisting + + + + +if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --reject "*.html" --reject "%2A" %code2%* +move /y get.*.* temp\%wadname% + +::7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r +if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer +7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer *.%version% *.txt -r +7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r + + + +::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- +if exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:checkexisting + +:missing +if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:missingretry +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier est manquant, le t\xe9l\xe9charger \xe0 nouveau. +echo. +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:checkexisting +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass + +:fail +if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Ce fichier existe d\xe9j\xe0 mais \xe9chec de la v\xe9rification MD5. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] La version actuelle du fichier sera effac\xe9e et le fichier sera re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9. +echo. +del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf +if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% +SET /a retry=%retry%+1 +SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 +goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 + +:multiplefail +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Magenta] Ce fichier n'a pas pu \xeatre t\xe9l\xe9charg\xe9 correctement plusieurs fois, passer le t\xe9l\xe9chargement. +echo. +goto:NEXT + +:pass +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Green]T\xe9l\xe9chargement r\xe9ussi +echo. +::goto:NEXT + + +:alreadyhavehackmii +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:RenameBootToHackMii +if /i "%virgin%" EQU "N" goto:next +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:RenameBootToHackMii +goto:next + + +::-----Bannerbomb MMM instead of HackMii installer------ +:RenameBootToHackMii +if exist "%Drive%"\apps\MMM\MMMv13.4boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\MMM\MMMv13.4boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul +goto:next + + +::----------------------NEXT---------------------- +:NEXT + +::if using nand builder, copy files to install folder +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:skip +if /i "%category%" EQU "themes" goto:skip +if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "PriiloaderHacks.zip" goto:skip +if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" (set movename="%wadname%.wad") else (set movename="%wadname%") +if /i "%category%" EQU "fullextract" set movename="%filename%" + +:move +move /Y "%Drive%"\%movename% "%DRIVE%"\install2sneek\%movename% >nul +:skip + +set basewad=none +set basewadb=none +set on= +set category= +set alreadyexists= + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:customcopyandpatch + + + +goto:%NEXT% + + + + +::-----------------------------------------cUSTOM COPY AND PATCH (only for advanced downloads)-------------------------------- +:customcopyandpatch + +if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2 + +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Red] Cr\xe9ation d'une copie de %wadname% et modification en + +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] * %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% +echo. + +::if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" set wadname=%wadname%.wad +if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4% + + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad + + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:copyisthere + +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD >nul +if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:copyisthere + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] %WADNAME% est manquant, v\xe9rifiez votre connexion internet. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul +goto:MENU + +:copyisthere + +if /i "%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" EQU "%wadnameless%.wad" goto:nopatching + +echo. +patchios "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode% +echo. +sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Note: les patchs ne sont pas toujours r\xe9ussis, lire le log PatchIOS pour plus de d\xe9tails +echo. +:nopatching + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad sfk echo -spat [Green] Le fichier a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 et sauvegard\xe9 ici: +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad echo. +if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad + + +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Erreur: le fichier n'a pas \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 + +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul + +goto:MENU + + + + +::---------------------------------------SNEEKINSTALLER---------------------------------- +:SNEEKINSTALLER +cls +if not exist temp mkdir temp + +if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:checkdriveU +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (goto:checkdriveU) else (goto:skip) +:checkdriveU +if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" +:skip + +::delete all files that may interfere with SNEEK +if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin +if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin + + +::Special handling of bootmii\armboot.bin to avoid deleting Bootmii-SD Files +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin goto:skip + +::No Bootmii-SD Files +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf del "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf goto:skip + +::RENAME Bootmii Booter Folder +set countbootmii=0 +:renamebootmii +SET /a countbootmii=%countbootmii%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii% goto:renamebootmii +move "%DRIVE%"\bootmii "%DRIVE%"\bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii%>nul +:skip + + +::Don't delete anything from USB if making Sneek or Sneek+di +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skip +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin +if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin +:skip + + +::get sneek rev number + +set sneekrev=0 +set tempsneekrev=none +set usesneektemp=off + +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://code.google.com/p/sneek/downloads/list +if exist list move /y list sneekrev.bat>nul + +if not exist sneekrev.bat goto:skip +sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -rep _"*FS-SD module r"_"set sneekrev="_ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -+"set sneekrev" -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes +call sneekrev.bat +del sneekrev.bat +:skip + +if not exist temp\tempsneekrev.bat goto:NoTempSneekFiles +call temp\tempsneekrev.bat + +::if temp files are equal to the new ones, use temp files +if /i "%TEMPSNEEKREV%" EQU "%SNEEKREV%" set usesneektemp=on + +::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files +if /i "%SNEEKREV%" EQU "0" set usesneektemp=on +if /i "%TEMPSNEEKREV%" EQU "none" set usesneektemp=off +:NoTempSneekFiles + +if /i "%SNEEKREV%" NEQ "0" echo set tempsneekrev=%sneekrev%>temp\tempsneekrev.bat +if not exist temp\tempsneekrev.bat goto:sneekwarning + +if /i "%sneekrev%" EQU "0" set sneekrev=%tempsneekrev% + + + + +::get sneekY rev number + +set sneekYrev=0 +set tempsneekYrev=none +set usesneekYtemp=off + +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://code.google.com/p/sneeky-compiler/downloads/list +if exist list move /y list sneekYrev.bat>nul + +if not exist sneekYrev.bat goto:skip + +sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -spat -rep _"*fsmodule-usb\x5fr"_"set sneekYrev="_ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -+"set sneekYrev" -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes +call sneekYrev.bat +del sneekYrev.bat +:skip + +if not exist temp\tempsneekYrev.bat goto:NoTempsneekYFiles +call temp\tempsneekYrev.bat + +::if temp files are equal to the new ones, use temp files +if /i "%TEMPsneekYREV%" EQU "%sneekYREV%" set usesneekYtemp=on + +::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files +if /i "%sneekYREV%" EQU "0" set usesneekYtemp=on +if /i "%TEMPsneekYREV%" EQU "none" set usesneekYtemp=off +:NoTempsneekYFiles + +if /i "%sneekYREV%" NEQ "0" echo set tempsneekYrev=%sneekYrev%>temp\tempsneekYrev.bat +if not exist temp\tempsneekYrev.bat goto:sneekwarning + +if /i "%sneekYrev%" EQU "0" set sneekYrev=%tempsneekYrev% + + + + + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Construction de SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Construction de UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Construction de UNEEK rev%sneekYrev% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Construction de SNEEK rev%sneekYrev% +echo. + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de Sneek Installer + +set wadname=SNEEKInstallerv0.6c-cred.rar +set md5=bcdd0ddb85dc63c1ad7fad0007b6b606 + +if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" + +if not exist temp\SNEEKInstaller\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:nocheck + +set md5check= +sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% temp\SneekInstaller\SneekInstaller.exe + +if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail +if "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass +if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:AlreadyinTemp + +:nocheck +if exist temp\SneekInstaller rd /s /q temp\SneekInstaller +mkdir temp\SneekInstaller + +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneek.googlecode.com/files/%wadname% +if exist %wadname% unrar x -y %wadname% temp\SneekInstaller +if exist %wadname% del %wadname%>nul + + +:AlreadyinTemp +if not exist temp\SNEEKInstaller\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:sneekwarning + + +::create empty sneek installer config file +type NUL > temp\sneekinstaller\sinst.ini +echo. + + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement Autoit +if exist temp\autoit3.exe goto:AlreadyinTemp +if not exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getfile.pl?autoit3/autoit-v3-sfx.exe +if exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe 7za e -aoa autoit-v3-sfx.exe -otemp autoit3.exe -r +if exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe del autoit-v3-sfx.exe>nul +:AlreadyinTemp +echo. + + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de 0000000e.app \xe0 partir de l'IOS80 +if exist temp\0000000e_IOS80.app goto:AlreadyinTemp + +nusfilegrabber.exe 0e +move /Y 0000000e.app temp\0000000e_IOS80.app + +:AlreadyinTemp +copy /Y temp\0000000e_IOS80.app temp\0000000e.app>nul +if not exist temp\0000000e.app goto:sneekwarning +echo. + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DL01 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DL01 +goto:skipDL01 +:DL01 + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de 00000001.app \xe0 partir de l'IOS60 +if exist temp\00000001_IOS60.app goto:AlreadyinTemp +nusfilegrabber.exe 01_60 +move /Y 00000001.app temp\00000001_IOS60.app + +:AlreadyinTemp +copy /Y temp\00000001_IOS60.app temp\00000001.app>nul +if not exist temp\00000001.app goto:sneekwarning +echo. + + + +::FONT.BIN +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de font.bin \xe9criture blanche (peut \xeatre modifi\xe9e en noir dans les options) +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de font.bin \xe9criture noire (tpeut \xeatre modifi\xe9e en blanc dans les options) + +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" set fonturl=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/fontb.bin +if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" set fonturl=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/fontw.bin + +if not exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 %fonturl% + +if exist font%SNKFONT%.bin move /Y font%SNKFONT%.bin temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin>nul +:skip + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:save2DriveU +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK +if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul +if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning +echo. +goto:DLDIMODULE + +:save2DriveU +if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK +if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul +if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning +echo. + + + +:DLDIMODULE +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de dimodule.elf + +if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf + +if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf + +if not exist temp\dimodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf + +if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf + +if not exist temp\dimodule.elf goto:sneekwarning +echo. +:skipDL01 + + + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de fsmodule\x2dusb.elf +if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf + +if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul + +if not exist temp\fsmodule-usb.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf + +if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul + +if not exist temp\fsmodule-usb.elf goto:sneekwarning +echo. + + + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de fsmodule\x2dsd.elf +if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf +if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul + +if not exist temp\fsmodule-sd.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf +if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul + +if not exist temp\fsmodule-sd.elf goto:sneekwarning +echo. + + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de esmodule.elf + +if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/esmodule.elf +if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul + +if not exist temp\esmodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/esmodule.elf +if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul + +if not exist temp\esmodule.elf goto:sneekwarning +echo. + +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de armboot.bin +if /i "%usesneektemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneek.googlecode.com/files/armboot.bin +if exist armboot.bin move /Y armboot.bin temp\armboot.bin>nul + +if not exist temp\armboot.bin start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneek.googlecode.com/files/armboot.bin +if exist armboot.bin move /Y armboot.bin temp\armboot.bin>nul + +if not exist temp\armboot.bin goto:sneekwarning +echo. + + +echo En construction... +echo. +::create autoit script + +echo WinWait ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>custom.au3 +echo WinActivate ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3 + + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK")>>custom.au3 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK")>>custom.au3 +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3 + +if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","Verbose output")>>custom.au3 + + +::ControlSetText vs ControlSend + +echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]","%ModMiipath%\temp")>>custom.au3 +echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:3]","%ModMiipath%\temp")>>custom.au3 + + + +if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEabsolute=%DRIVE%) else (set DRIVEabsolute=%ModMiipath%\%DRIVE%) +echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3 + +::how to only change field if empty +::echo $a = ControlGetText ("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")>>custom.au3 +::echo if $a = "" Then ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3 + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip + +if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEUabsolute=%DRIVEU%) else (set DRIVEUabsolute=%ModMiipath%\%DRIVEU%) +echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:4]","%DRIVEUabsolute%")>>custom.au3 +:skip + +echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3 + + + + +cd temp\SneekInstaller +start /I %ModMiimin%SneekInstaller.exe +cd.. +cd.. + +echo start /wait temp\AutoIt3.exe custom.au3>run.bat +call run.bat +del run.bat + +@ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul + +taskkill /im SneekInstaller.exe /f >nul +del custom.au3>nul + +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" move /y "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "%DRIVE%\bootmiiuneek">nul + +::save rev information +if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt +goto:skipsneekverbose + +:sneekverbose +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYrev%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt +:skipsneekverbose + + + + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER +goto:finishsneekinstall3 + + +:sneekwarning +if exist ioskpatch.exe del ioskpatch.exe +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 [Yellow] ATTENTION: certains fichiers n\xe9cessaires \xe0 l'installation de SNEEK sont manquants. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Abandon de l'installation de SNEEK, controlez votre connexion internet +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] et tentez de re\x2dinstaller SNEEK. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul +goto:MENU + + + + + +::------------------------wad2nand-install wads from install2sneek to emu nand-------------------- +:wad2nand + + +if exist temp\common-key.bin copy /y temp\common-key.bin common-key.bin>nul + +set line1="" +set line2="" +set line3=" " +set line4=" 1.5" +set line5=" English" +set line6=" " +set line7=" true" +set line8=" %nandpath%" +set line9=" true" +set line10=" false" +set line11=" False" +set line12=" false" +set line13=" true" +set line14=" false" +set line15=" false" +set line16=" ShowMiiWads" +set line17=" " +set line18=" " +set line19=" 930" +set line20=" 396" +set line21=" 50" +set line22=" 200" +set line23=" Normal" +set line24=" " +set line25=" " +set line26=" temp\install2sneek" +set line27=" " +set line28=" " +set line29=" " +set line30=" " +set line31=" 1" +set line32=" temp\install2sneek" +set line33=" " +set line34="" + + +echo %line1%>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line2%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line3%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line4%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line5%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line6%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line7%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line8%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line9%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line10%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line12%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line13%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line14%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line15%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line16%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line17%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line18%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line19%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line20%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line21%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line22%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line23%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line24%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line25%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line26%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line27%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line28%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line29%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line30%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line31%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line32%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line33%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg +echo %line34%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg + + +sfk filter -quiet "ShowMiiWads.cfg" -rep _"""__ -write -yes +sfk filter -quiet "ShowMiiWads.cfg" -rep _"'"_"""_ -write -yes + + +cls +echo Chargement de ShowMiiWads +echo. +sfk echo -spat Installation de wads \xe0 partir de: %nandpath%\WAD\install2sneek\ +sfk echo -spat pour \xe9muler la NAND: %nandpath%\ +echo. +echo Attendez que ShowMiiWads finisse son travail... + +SMW-Mod.exe + +if exist common-key.bin move /y common-key.bin temp\common-key.bin>nul + +::del "%nandpath%"\WAD\ShowMiiWads_Sneek_Mod.exe>nul + +del ShowMiiWads.cfg>nul + + +if exist temp\install2sneek\JoyFlowHNv10-HBJF.wad del temp\install2sneek\JoyFlowHNv10-HBJF.wad>nul +if exist temp\install2sneek\switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad del temp\install2sneek\switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad>nul + +move temp\install2sneek\*.wad temp\>nul + +::restore setting.txt if applicable +if not exist "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" mkdir "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt>nul + +::Build setting.txt if applicable +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:skip +if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "N" goto:skip + +settings %SNKSERIAL% >nul + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" move /y KORsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" move /y USAsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" move /y EURsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" move /y JPNsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul + +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" del KORsetting.txt +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "E" del EURsetting.txt +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "J" del JPNsetting.txt +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" del USAsetting.txt + +:skip + + + +::-----------patch SM .app file for UNEEK+DI... Always do this for 4.3X and 4.2U/E---------------- + +IF "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:finishsneekinstall + +::----------always DL most recent and save with ModMii exe----------- + + + + + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip +echo. +sfk echo -spat Copie du th\xe8me custom + +::if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" move /y temp\DarkWii_Red_4.3U.csm "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMTHEMEAPP%.app + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set themecolour=Red +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set themecolour=Green + +move /y "temp\MyMenuify_Themes\DarkWii_%themecolour%_%SNKVERSION%%REGION%.csm" "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMTHEMEAPP%.app +:quickskip + + +if exist temp\MyMenuify_Themes rd /s /q temp\MyMenuify_Themes +if exist temp\WAD rd /s /q temp\WAD +if exist temp\Download_Log.md5 del temp\Download_Log.md5>nul + + +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement d'IOSKPatch.exe pour patcher le Menu Syst\xe8me pour la compatibilit\xe9 UNEEK+DI +start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://sneek.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/IOSKpatch/IOSKPatch.exe +if exist IOSKPatch.exe move /Y IOSKPatch.exe temp\IOSKPatch.exe>nul +if exist temp\IOSKPatch.exe copy /Y temp\IOSKPatch.exe IOSKPatch.exe>nul +if not exist IOSKPatch.exe sfk echo -spat Impossible de t\xe9l\xe9charger IOSKPatch, le Menu Syst\xe8me ne sera pas patch\xe9 +echo. + + + +::ModMii only makes UNEEK+DI nands for 4.3U/E/J/K and 4.2U/E Nands (for now) + +sfk echo -spat Patch du Menu Syst\xe8me %SMAPP%.app pour la compatibilit\xe9 UNEEK+DI + +move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%_original.app >nul +ioskpatch.exe "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%_original.app "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app -p >nul + + +del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%_original.app >nul + +:skippatchSMios + + +if /i "%SNKPRI%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri +echo. +sfk echo -spat T\xe9l\xe9chargement de Priiloader\x2dv0.4.app +echo. +if not exist temp\Priiloader-v0.4.app start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/Priiloader-v0.4.app +if exist Priiloader-v0.4.app move /Y Priiloader-v0.4.app temp\Priiloader-v0.4.app>nul + +if not exist temp\Priiloader-v0.4.app (sfk echo -spat Impossible de t\xe9l\xe9charger Priiloader-v0.4.app, Priiloader ne sera pas install\xe9 sur la Nand \xe9mul\xe9e) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:finishsneekinstall) + +move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app >nul + +copy /Y temp\Priiloader-v0.4.app "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app>nul + +if not exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data mkdir "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data >nul +move /Y temp\hacks.ini "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini >nul + +if /i "%SNKJOY%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri + +sfk echo -spat Ajout du dol forwarder de JoyFlow dans \x22installed file\x22 du Priiloader. +echo. + +if exist temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol move /y temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin + +:skipSNKpri + +if exist temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol del temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol>nul + + +goto:finishsneekinstall + + + + +::----------------------------------SNEEK INSTALL FINISH------------------------------------ +:finishsneekinstall + +if exist ioskpatch.exe del ioskpatch.exe>nul + +::RESTORE DRIVE SETTINGS +set DRIVE=%REALDRIVE% + +::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:finishsneekinstall3 + +::clear download queue +set MENUREAL=S +goto:CLEAR + +:finishsneekinstall2 +set MENU1=1 + +::queue up files that need to TRULY be saved to %Drive% +if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set JOY=* +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set S2U=* +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set MMM=* + +goto:DLCOUNT + +:finishsneekinstall3 +set MENUREAL= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. + + +::both sneek install and nand build +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 correctement SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev% et construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev% et construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 SNEEK rev%sneekYrev% et construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 UNEEK rev%sneekYrev% et construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +:skip + +::only install sneek +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 correctement SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 correctement UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYrev% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 correctement UNEEK rev%sneekYrev% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez install\xe9 correctement SNEEK rev%sneekYrev% +:skip + +::only build nand +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez correctement construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez correctement construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez correctement construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Vous avez correctement construit une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e %SNKVERSION%%REGION% +:skip + + +echo. +echo. + + + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:skipsdmsg +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:skipsdmsg +:skip +if /i "%Drive%" EQU "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Copiez le contenu du dossier COPY_TO_SD sur votre carte SD +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Assurez-vous que %DRIVE% est bien la lettre de votre carte SD +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Si %DRIVE% n'est pas la lettre de votre carte SD, copiez le contenu +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo du dossier %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD +echo. +:skipsdmsg + +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:UDRIVEMSG +if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "U" goto:skipUDRIVEMSG +:UDRIVEMSG +if /i "%DRIVEU%" EQU "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Copier le contenu du dossier COPY_TO_USB sur votre disque dur FAT32 +if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Assurez-vous que %DRIVEU% est la lettre de votre disque dur +if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Si %DRIVEU% n'est pas la lettre de votre disque dur, copiez le contenu +if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo du dossier %DRIVEU% sur votre disque dur +echo. +:skipUDRIVEMSG + +if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ATTENTION: SNEEK n'est pas directement support\xe9 par ModMii. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Les probl\xe8mes rencontr\xe9s avec SNEEK et qui ne d\xe9coulent pas +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] de ModMii peut \xeatre rapport\xe9s ici: http://code.google.com/p/sneek/ +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] C'est aussi un endroit pour en apprendre plus sur SNEEK en g\xe9n\xe9ral. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Une autre excellente source est le guide : tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI +:skip + +echo. +echo ASTUCES RAPIDES POUR SNEEK: +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Si vous avez des probl\xe8mes avec S/UNEEK ou Mighty Channels, copiez cert.sys +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 issu d'un dump de Nand dans le dossier sys de votre Nand \xe9mul\xe9e. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Quand vous lancez n'importe quelle version de SNEEK pour la premiere fois, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 il peut s'\xe9couler un certain temps avant le lancement du Menu Syst\xe8me, +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 mais il sera plus rapide d\xe8s le second lancement. +echo. +if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:quickskip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Si vous avez BootMii en Boot2, SNEEK d\xe9marrera automatiquement +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 quand la Wii sera allum\xe9e. Pour ne plus avoir cette action, renommez +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 autrement le dossier BootMii sur la SD. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Si vous avez BootMii en IOS, vous devrez lancer BootMii en IOS +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 pour d\xe9marrer SNEEK. Vous pouvez \xe9galement le faire manuellement \xe0 partir +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 de l'HBC ou automatiquement par les r\xe9glages de l'autoboot du Priiloader. +echo. +:quickskip + +if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" goto:quickskip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Acc\xe9dez \xe0 UNEEK/UNEEK+DI en lan\xe7ant switch2uneek depuis l' +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Homebrew Channel. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser MMM pour installer la +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cha\xeene forwarder switch2uneek sauvegard\xe9e par ModMii sur la SD. +echo. +:quickskip + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Quand vous utilisez SNEEK+DI ou UNEEK+DI, vous pouvez acc\xe9der au menu +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 jeux/DI en pressant "1" sur la WiiMote. Pour acc\xe9der aux autres r\xe9glages +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (incluant les options de region), vous devez appuyer sur \x2b \xe0 partir du +echo menu DI. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Pour ajouter des jeux au menu jeux/DI, vous pouvez utiliser ModMii pour +echo extraire les jeux Wii sur votre disque dur externe USB en FAT32. +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a ShowMiiWads peut \xeatre utilis\xe9 pour d\xe9crypter votre dump de NAND r\xe9elle +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (nand.bin) et l'utiliser comme une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e pour y ajouter ensuite +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 des chaines/WADs customis\xe9s. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ShowMiiWads est r\xe9cuperable ici: http://code.google.com/p/showmiiwads/ +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Pour plus d'infos sur SNEEK comme le formatage de disque dur USB pour SNEEK +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ou l'installation d'HBC sur une NAND \xe9mul\xe9e, visitez: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI +echo. +echo. +echo Appuyez sur une touche pour revenir au Menu principal. +pause>nul + +goto:MENU + + + + + +::.........................................FINISH / Verify.................................. +:FINISH + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:wad2nand +if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall3 + +::title=ModMii +setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION +set loglines=0 + + + +if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" goto:countnew +if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:countcustom + +:countnew +if not exist %DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5 goto:donecounting +sfk filter "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul +for /f "delims=" %%i in (%DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1 +If /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 +If /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1 + + +goto:donecounting + + +:countcustom +if exist Custom.md5 for /f "delims=" %%i in (Custom.md5) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1 + +:donecounting + +::resize window +SET /a LINES=%loglines%+38 +if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 +mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% + +setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION + +::check ACTUAL drive letter +::SD +if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDrive=%ModMiipath:~0,2%) else (set ActualDrive=%DRIVE:~0,2%) +if /i "%ActualDrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive%) else (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive% and %ModMiipath:~0,2%) + + +::USB +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip +if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDriveU=%ModMiipath:~0,2%) else (set ActualDriveU=%DRIVEU:~0,2%) +if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:skip +if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ActualDrive%" goto:skip +set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% and %ActualDriveU% +:skip + +::echo %DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% + +Set FINISH= +cls + +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo par XFlak +echo. +if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" echo LOG TELECHARGEMENTS +if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" echo LOG TELECHARGEMENTS PERSONNALISES + +if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" set log=download_log.md5 +if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" set log=custom.md5 + +echo. + +if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Le dossier "modules" est absent. Il est n\xe9cessaire pour la v\xe9rification des fichiers et pour la cr\xe9ation des cIOSs/cMIOSs +if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Re\x2dt\xe9l\xe9chargez ModMii \xe0 partir de tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow + + +If /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" goto:checkcfgbootdol +If /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" goto:checkcfgbootdol +If /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" goto:checkcfgbootdol +goto:next + +:checkcfgbootdol +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set driveWE=%DRIVEU%) else (set driveWE=%DRIVE%) + +If not exist "%driveWE%"\apps\usbloader_cfg\meta.xml echo %driveWE%\apps\usbloader_cfg (CFG USB-Loader): Manquant +If not exist "%driveWE%"\apps\usbloader_cfg\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%driveWE%\apps\usbloader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set cfgcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +echo %driveWE%\apps\usbloader_cfg (CFG USB-Loader): Version %cfgcurrentcode% trouvee +:next + +::check for configurator for configurable +If /i "%cfgr%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe echo %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\usb\x2dloader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe: Trouv\xe9 (impossible de d\xe9tecter la version) +If exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt (goto:next) else (copy /y "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.bat>nul ) +attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" +call "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.bat +del "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\usb\x2dloader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe: Version %cfgrreleaseOLD% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for neogamma +If /i "%neogamma%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\neogamma\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\NeoGamma: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\neogamma\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\neogamma\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set neocurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\NeoGamma: Version %neocurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for yawm +If /i "%yawm%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmm\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\yawmm: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmm\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\yawmm\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set yawmcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\yawmm: Version %yawmcurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for WiiMC +If /i "%WiiMC%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMC\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\WiiMC: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMC\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\WiiMC\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set WMCcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\WiiMC: Version %WMCcurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for fceugx +If /i "%fceugx%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\fceugx\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\fceugx: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\fceugx\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\fceugx\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set fceugxcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\fceugx: Version %fceugxcurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for snes9xgx +If /i "%snes9xgx%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\snes9xgx\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\snes9xgx\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set snescurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx: Version %snescurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for vbagx +If /i "%vbagx%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\vbagx\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\vbagx: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\vbagx\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\vbagx\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set vbagxcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\vbagx: Version %vbagxcurrentcode% trouv\xe9e + +:next + +::check for SGM +If /i "%SGM%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SaveGameManagerGX\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\SaveGameManagerGX: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SaveGameManagerGX\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\SaveGameManagerGX\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set SGMcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\SaveGameManagerGX: Version %SGMcurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for WIIX +If /i "%WIIX%" NEQ "*" goto:next +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\WiiExplorer: Manquant +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer\meta.xml goto:next +sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\WiiExplorer\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set WIIXcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat +call currentcode.bat +sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\apps\WiiExplorer: Version %WIIXcurrentcode% trouv\xe9e +:next + +::check for CheatCodes +If /i "%CheatCodes%" NEQ "*" goto:next + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip +If exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\txtcodes: Trouv\xe9 +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo %DRIVE%\txtcodes: Manquant +:skip + +if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip +If exist "%DRIVE%"\codes sfk echo -spat %DRIVE%\codes: Trouv\xe9 +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo %DRIVE%\codes: Manquant +:skip +:next + + +if exist currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat + +echo. + +If not exist "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 goto:SkipNewWADCheck +if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" goto:SkipNewWADCheck +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:justSDcheck +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" sfk filter "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" fvc -x -v "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 +if /i "%DRIVEU%" EQU "%DRIVE%" goto:SkipNewWADCheck +echo. +:justSDcheck +fvc -x -v "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 +:SkipNewWADCheck + +If not exist Custom.md5 goto:SkipCustomCheck +if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:SkipCustomCheck +fvc -x -v Custom.md5 +:SkipCustomCheck + + + +echo. +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" Echo *Si certains fichiers sont invalides ou manquants, +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" sfk echo -spat \x20 s\xe9lectionnez R\xe9p\xe9ter le t\xe9l\xe9chargement (R). +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" Echo *Si certains fichiers sont invalides ou manquants, +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" sfk echo -spat \x20 t\xe9l\xe9chargez \xe0 nouveau les fichiers. +echo. +echo *Si vous rencontrez des erreurs, assurez-vous d'avoir +echo suffisament d'espace ici: %DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% +echo *Controlez votre connexion internet +sfk echo -spat \x20 (essayez de d\xe9sactiver le firewall/supprimer les proxy si activ\xe9s). + + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:skipcopytoSDmsg +echo. +if /i "%Drive%" EQU "COPY_TO_SD" echo *Si les fichiers sont bons, copiez le contenu du dossier COPY_TO_SD sur la carte SD +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo *Si les fichiers sont bons, assurez-vous que %DRIVE% est la lettre de votre carte SD +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo *Si %DRIVE% n'est pas la lettre de votre carte SD, copiez le contenu du +if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo dossier %DRIVE% dans votre carte SD +:skipcopytoSDmsg +echo. +echo. + +if exist "%DRIVE%" echo O = Ouvrir le fichier de destination (%Drive%) + +if exist "%DRIVE%"\%log% sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = Log: Ouvrir %Log% pour voir quels fichiers ont \xe9t\xe9 control\xe9s +if exist %log% sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = Log: Ouvrir %Log% pour voir quels fichiers ont \xe9t\xe9 control\xe9s + +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero +echo. +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 R = R\xe9p\xe9ter le t\xe9l\xe9chargement +If not Exist download_queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Sauvegarder la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement +If Exist download_queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Sauvegarder la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement (la liste existante sera \xe9cras\xe9e) +If Exist download_queue.bat sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S+= Sauvegarder la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement+ (ajoute les fichiers \xe0 la liste de t\xe9l\xe9chargement) +:dltotaliszero + +if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" echo. +if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = V\xe9rifie SEULEMENT les nouveaux t\xe9l\xe9chargements +if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:next +if exist Custom.md5 echo. +if exist Custom.md5 sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 C = V\xe9rifie les fichiers gr\xe2ce \xe0 Custom.md5 +:next + +if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:tinyskip +if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB (goto:tinyskip) else (goto:nocustoms) +:tinyskip +echo. +if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD echo CC = Copier le contenu de CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD vers %Drive% +if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB echo CCU = Copier le contenu de CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB vers %DriveU% +:nocustoms + +echo. +echo M = Menu Principal +echo. +echo E = Sortie +echo. +set /p FINISH= Entrez votre choix ici: + +if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CC" goto:miniskip +if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:miniskip +if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul +xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD" "%DRIVE%" +goto:FINISH +:miniskip + +if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CCU" goto:miniskip +if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB goto:miniskip +if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" >nul +xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB" "%DRIVEU%" +goto:FINISH +:miniskip + +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "E" goto:exitnow + +if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:drivedoesnotexist2 +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" explorer "%DRIVE%" +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" goto:Finish +:drivedoesnotexist2 + +if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:opencustommd5 +if not exist "%DRIVE%\%log%" goto:nolog +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" start notepad "%DRIVE%\%log%" +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" goto:Finish + +:opencustommd5 +if not exist "%log%" goto:nolog +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" start notepad "%log%" +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" goto:Finish + +:nolog + +if not exist Custom.md5 goto:skip +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" SET DB=C +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" goto:Finish +:skip + +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" SET DB=N +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" goto:FINISH + +if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero2 + +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" mode con cols=85 lines=54 +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" goto:DLSettings2 +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:SaveDownloadQueue +If not Exist download_queue.bat goto:dltotaliszero2 +if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue +:dltotaliszero2 + + +echo Vous avez saisi une valeur incorrecte +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:FINISH + + + + + + +::..........................DOWNLOAD SETTINGS................................ +:DLSETTINGS + +set REALDRIVE=%DRIVE% + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:guide +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMguide +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:USBguide +:DLSETTINGS2 + +if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5>nul +SET CURRENTDL=0 + +cls + + +:EULAU +if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=EULAE +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=EULA v3 (USA) +set code1=00010008 +set code2=48414B45 +set version=3 +set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[U].wad +set md5=f30393cd89cb20007c501efab75dab0c +set md5alt=%md5% +set category=ios +goto:downloadstart + +:EULAE +if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=EULAJ +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=EULA v3 (PAL) +set code1=00010008 +set code2=48414B50 +set version=3 +set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[E].wad +set md5=e835877a6460beeb0d6756c43a800465 +set md5alt=%md5% +set category=ios +goto:downloadstart + +:EULAJ +if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=EULAK +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=EULA v3 (JAP) +set code1=00010008 +set code2=48414B4A +set version=3 +set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[J].wad +set md5=1b73948a1b3729cd29f0939652e856b3 +set md5alt=%md5% +set category=ios +goto:downloadstart + +:EULAK +if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=RSU +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=EULA v3 (KOR) +set code1=00010008 +set code2=48414B4B +set version=3 +set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[K].wad +set md5=21c48127696cf028a3bc19b3d34aef11 +set md5alt=%md5% +set category=ios +goto:downloadstart + +:RSU +if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=RSE +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=Region Select v3 (USA) +set code1=00010008 +set code2=48414C45 +set version=2 +set wadname=Region-Select-NUS-v2[U].wad +set md5=27950cf84c554a851c42c33688f301c5 +set md5alt=%md5% +set category=ios +goto:downloadstart + +:RSE +if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=RSJ +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=Region Select v3 (PAL) +set code1=00010008 +set code2=48414C50 +set version=2 +set wadname=Region-Select-NUS-v2[E].wad +set 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Wii's) +set code1=00000001 +set code2=0000003C +set version=6174 +set wadname=IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad +set md5=69b79026dc661384d0892b2100e5f3ec +set md5alt=%md5% +set ciosslot=11 +set ciosversion=16174 +set category=patchios +goto:downloadstart + + + +:IOS20P60 + +if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=IOS30P60 +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 2.2 System Menu IOS that even works for LU64+ Wii's) +set code1=00000001 +set code2=0000003C +set version=6174 +set wadname=IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad +set md5=8dc15c43700eb1713050aeec9181ea0b +set md5alt=%md5% +set ciosslot=20 +set ciosversion=16174 +set category=patchios +goto:downloadstart + + + +:IOS30P60 + +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=IOS40P60 +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 3.2 System Menu IOS that even works for LU64+ Wii's) +set code1=00000001 +set code2=0000003C +set version=6174 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"%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=DarkWii_Green_4.2K +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.1K) +set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.1K +set md5=dc072b23ca104eedb2fd46deafbd4f1e +set codeURL=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/DarkWii_Green_4.1K.diff +set md5diff=3033ea57ce850735278b5ce5a1a570c4 +::000000**.app +set version=81 +set md5base=7eedbf1a146b29b63edbb55e04f81f98 +set category=themes +goto:downloadstart + +:DarkWii_Green_4.2K +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=DarkWii_Green_4.3K +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.2K) +set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.2K +set md5=e6d03a45c9dac9aeeb670ddd487e2d38 +set codeURL=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/DarkWii_Green_4.2K.diff +set md5diff=3056493d9b3104016b150b6933e5eeca +::000000**.app +set version=8d +set md5base=9d72a1966370e44cb4c456c17a077bec +set category=themes +goto:downloadstart + +:DarkWii_Green_4.3K +if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" set on=* +set NEXT=Finish +if /i "%on%" NEQ "*" goto:%NEXT% +set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.3K) +set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.3K +set md5=d1cc289d1b9f444ae9258b98a2050a8e +set codeURL=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/DarkWii_Green_4.3K.diff +set md5diff=b0cd220c1b5a883d3f31c0d48b14a896 +::000000**.app +set version=9d +set md5base=e6f2b0d4d5e0c095895f186009bf9516 +set category=themes +goto:downloadstart + + +::--------------------------------------Custom Guide (for DL Wizard only)------------------------------------- + +:guide +set installwads= + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:USBguide + + +:guidestart +set guidename=ModMiiGuide.txt + +SET COUNT7=1 +cls +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du Guide, patientez... +if /i "%SETTINGS%" NEQ "G" sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du Guide, patientez... votre t\xe9l\xe9chargement va d\xe9marrer rapidement. + +if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul +if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename +SET /a COUNT6=%COUNT6%+1 +if exist "%DRIVE%"\ModMiiGuide%COUNT6%.txt goto:guide +move "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%DRIVE%"\ModMiiGuide%count6%.txt >nul +:norename + + + +sfk echo -spat ModMii %currentversion% Guide Personnalis\xe9>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat G\xe9n\xe9r\xe9 le %DATE% - %TIME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat Contr\xf4le des mises \xe0 jour sur tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat Ce guide a \xe9t\xe9 g\xe9n\xe9r\xe9 en utilisant les param\xe8tres suivants:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a La Wii est actuellement vierge (non\x2dmodifi\xe9e)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a La Wii est d\xe9j\xe0 modifi\xe9e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Koreansetting +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:RCSTATUS +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Le firmware actuel est %FIRMSTART%%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Le firmware actuel est plus petit que 2.2%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:skipKoreansetting + +:RCSTATUS +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a La Wii est cor\xe9enne mais son ancienne r\xe9gion \xe9tait %FIRMSTART%%REGIONCHANGE%>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a La Wii est cor\xe9enne mais son ancienne r\xe9gion \xe9tait %REGIONCHANGE%>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware souhait\xe9 est %FIRM%%REGIONCHANGE%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:skipKoreansetting + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +:Koreansetting +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Le firmware actuel est %FIRMSTART%K>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware actuel est plus petit que 2.2K (les Wii cor\xe9ennes ne se hackent pas comme les Wii des autres r\xe9gions.)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipKoreansetting +if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "RC" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Le firmware souhait\xe9 est %FIRM%%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Photo>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Internet>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene m\xe9t\xe9o>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene News>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%MiiQ%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Mii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Shopping (et de l IOS56)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de la cha\xeene Wii Speak>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:skipvirginstandard + + +if /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:skip4.3extra +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v1 (avec IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de HackMii Installer et BannerBomb v2 (avec IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de HackMii Installer et Twilight Hack avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra + +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a HackMii Installer avec IOS58 et tous les exploits disponibles>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +:skip4.3extra + +if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement des cIOSs et cMIOS recommand\xe9s>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%) else (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement des cIOSs recommand\xe9s>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%) +:smallskip + + +if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement de l'IOS236 Installer et de Simple IOS Patcher (avec IOS36v3351)?>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%pri%" EQU "*" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement du Priiloader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipvirginstandard +if /i "%protect%" EQU "Y" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement des protections suppl\xe9mentaires contre le brick>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Installer le th\xe8me Dark Wii Red>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Installer le th\xe8me Dark Wii Green>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" NEQ "ON" goto:skipupdatelog +if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipupdatelog +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Mettre \xe0 jour les IOS actifs (peut \xeatre modifi\xe9 dans les options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:skip +:skipupdatelog +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Ne pas mettre \xe0 jour les IOS actifs (peut \xeatre modifi\xe9 dans les options)>>"%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skip + +if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:semiskip +if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:tinyskip +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Installer un cMIOS (peut \xeatre modifi\xe9 dans les options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:semiskip +if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Ne pas installer de cMIOS (peut \xeatre modifi\xe9 dans les options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:tinyskip + + +::--------- +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32 +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set FORMATNAME=NTFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set FORMATNAME=WBFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Disque dur externe format\xe9 en %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:skip2 +:skip +sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Disque dur externe d\xe9j\xe0 format\xe9 en %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skip2 + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Configurable USB\x2dLoader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement WiiFlow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a T\xe9l\xe9chargement Configurable USB\x2dLoader et WiiFlow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Reglages et config de l'USB\x2dLoader sauvegard\xe9s sur disque dur USB>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x2a Reglages et config de l'USB\x2dLoader sauvegard\xe9s sur carte SD>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipusb + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat Ce logiciel n'est pas \xe0 vendre. Si vous avez pay\xe9 pour ce logiciel ou un pack contenant ce logiciel, vous \xeates fait avoir.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo CE PACKAGE EST LIVRE SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE, IMPLICITE OU EXPLICITE.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PERSONNE EN DEHORS DE VOUS NE PEUT ETRE TENU RESPONSABLE POUR LES DOMMAGES CAUSES PAR SON UTILISATION A VOTRE WII!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A UTILISER A VOS RISQUES ET PERILS!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo REMARQUES IMPORTANTES:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Ce guide ne n\xe9cessite pas de connexion WIFI sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Une carte SD formatt\xe9e en FAT32 est n\xe9cessaire (meilleurs r\xe9sultats obtenus avec des cartes non\x2dSDHC, SDHC ne fonctionnant qu'en 4.0 et suivant).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Si vous rencontrez des erreurs durant une des \xe9tapes, reformattez votre carte SD en FAT ou FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Eteignez le WiiConnect24 et retirez toutes les manettes/cartes m\xe9moires gamecube pendant le hack de la Wii (sauf indications contraires).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Si votre Wii venait \xe0 freezer, appuyez 5 secondes sur le bouton power pour l'\xe9teindre et recommencez.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a N'acceptez pas de mises \xe0 jour de Nintendo sans vous \xeatre assur\xe9 qu'elle est sans risque. La derni\xe8re mise \xe0 jour (en 4.3) date de juin 2010 et il ne faut pas la faire. Si vous acceptez une mise \xe0 jour officielle de Nintendo apr\xe8s le hack, vous perdrez certaines voir toutes les modifications r\xe9alis\xe9es.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Ne d\xe9sinstallez jamais un Menu Syst\xe8me ou un IOS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a N'installez pas de wads ou de th\xe8mes non test\xe9s sans avoir install\xe9 Bootmii ou le Priiloader.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +::----USB-Loader Notes---- +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipall +if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:skipthis + +sfk echo -spat \x2a Des cIOS sont n\xe9cessaires pour utiliser les USB\x2dLoaders, si vous n'avez pas de cIOS, lancez le guide de ModMii pour hacker votre Wii avant de passer aux r\xe9glages de votre USB-Loader.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a cIOS249 rev18 ou plus est n\xe9cessaire pour utiliser des disques durs format\xe9s en FAT32 ou NTFS (cIOS222 rev4 ou plus fonctionne \xe9galement, mais il faudra t\xe9l\xe9charger la version 222 du Configurable USB\x2dloader ou modifier votre fichier config.txt pour le Configurable USB\x2dLoader)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipthis + +sfk echo -spat \x2a Tous les disques durs ne sont pas compatibles avec la Wii, pour une liste de compatibilit\xe9, consultez cette page: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Si vous avez des questions, un guide plus d\xe9taill\xe9 peut \xeatre consult\xe9 ici: http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipall +::------------------------- + + +sfk echo -spat \x2a Ce guide personnalis\xe9 est un bon d\xe9but, mais le hack Wii est toujours en \xe9volution. Controlez les mises a jour en ligne et souvenez\x2dvous que Google est votre ami.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat \x2a Si vous avez des questions, un guide plus d\xe9taill\xe9 peut \xeatre trouv\xe9 ici: http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +::-----------------------------------------virgin Korean non-4.3 Wiis----------------------------------- +If /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:nonkorean +If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:nonkorean +If /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:nonkorean + + +::---------------------------------RESTORING THE TRUCHA BUG for Korean Wiis (4.2 and under)------------------------- + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) LANCEMENT DE Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) EN UTILSANT BANNERBOMB>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ===========================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Lancement de BannerBomb v2 en cliquant sur le bouton de la carte SD du menu principal et en allant sur "yes" quand load boot.dol/elf apparait>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Lancement de BannerBomb v1 en allant dans Réglages, Gestion des données, Chaînes, carte SD et en allant sur "yes" quand load boot.dol/elf apparait>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Note: si cela ne marche pas pour vous, visitez http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/ pour plus de variantes ou d'autres versions de bannerbomb.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Cela va lancer Multi-Mod Manager.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +:KOREANEXTRA +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLATION DE L'IOS58 EN UTILISANT Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ============================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Dans le menu principal de Multi-Mod Manager, descendez pour choisir "WAD Manager".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Installez maintenant l'IOS58v6176.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Naviguez dans les wads et sélectionnez-les séparement pour les installer individuellement.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +sfk echo -spat Attention de ne pas installer d'autres wads qui auraient été précédemment sauvegardés dans ce dossier (ils sont peut être surs, mais sans garantie).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +sfk echo -spat Assurez-vous que les fichiers sont installés correctement.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +sfk echo -spat Vous pouvez passer à l'étape suivante apres avoir réussi à installer les wads, mais ne quittez pas MMM.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLION DE L'HOMEBREW CHANNEL (HBC) et BOOTMII>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Retournez au menu principal de MMM, choisissez "App Manager" et appuyez sur A.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Lancez HackMii_Installer>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ceci va lancer Hackmii Installer (et silencieusement/automatiquement installer BootMii en IOS). Utilisez l'installeur pour installer l'Homebrew Channel (HBC) et Bootmii en Boot2 si possible. Si vous ne pouvez pas installer BootMii en Boot2, vous devez quand même préparer une carte SD pour BootMii (car le dossier "BootMii" est nécessaire pour lancer BootMii en IOS ou Boot2).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% + +goto:nandbackup + + + +::---------------------------virgin NON-Korean Wiis----------------------------------- + +::---------------------------------HACKMII INSTALLER----------------------------- + +:nonkorean + +If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:TBRGUIDE + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLATION DE l'HOMEBREW CHANNEL (HBC) et BOOTMII>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +::---------------------------EXPLOITS GUIDES------------------------------ +:EXPLOITS + +set exploitnum=0 +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%TWI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%PWNS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%SMASH%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 + +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo EXPLOITS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo -------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo Vous ne devrez utiliser qu'un seul de ces exploits>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution +echo Note: Si cette Wii a déjà été modifiée et a déjà l'HBC, BootMii en Boot2, ou un forwarder d'installé, vous pouvez l'utiliser au lieu d'utiliser un exploit (comme ça vous n'aurez pas besoin de jeux particuliers).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si vous utilisez BootMii en Boot2 pour installer l'HBC, copiez le dossier "BootMii" de votre précédente installation de BootMii à la racine de votre carte SD (ou téléchargez-le avec ModMii). Redémarrez votre Wii, BootMii devrait se lancer, allez dans dans le menu SD, chargez bootmini.elf. Cela lancera le Hackmii Installer vous invitant à reinstaller l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si vous utilisez une chaîne Forwarder, sauvegardez simplement le boot.elf/dol de l'application que vous voulez lancer (ie. SD:\apps\hackmii_installer\boot.elf ou SD:\apps\MMM\boot.dol) à l'emplacement SPECIFIQUE utilisé par le Forwarder (ie. SD:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol). Lancez alors la chaîne et le Hackmii Installer se chargera en vous invitant à reinstaller l'HBC. +echo Note: si votre chaîne forwarder ne lance que les dol et pas les elf, lancez le boot.dol de MMM, et utilisez son "App Manager" pour lancer le Hackmii Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Alternativement, vous pouvez mettre à jour votre Wii en v3.0-4.2 en utilisant un DISQUE (ie. NSMBW). Répétez ensuite le guide de ModMii en utilisant votre nouveau firmware et vous pourrez utiliser la faille Bannerbomb (qui n'utilise pas de disques particuliers pour fonctionner)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo ATTENTION: la mise à jour en ligne en v4.3 rend les Wii coréennes non hackables (s'il n'y a pas auparavant l'HBC v1.0.7 minimum, BootMii en Boot2v4, ou une chaîne forwarder d'installé)>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipforwardersolution + +:EXPLOITSNOW + +echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Lancer BannerBomb v1 en allant dans réglages, Gestion des données, Chaînes, carte SD et choisir "yes" quand load boot.dol/elf apparait>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Note: si cela ne marche pas pour vous, visitez http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/ pour plus de variantes ou d'autres versions de bannerbomb.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + + +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Lancement de BannerBomb v2 en cliquant sur le bouton de la carte SD du menu principal et en allant sur "yes" quand load boot.dol/elf apparait>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Note: si cela ne marche pas pour vous, visitez http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/ pour plus de variantes ou d'autres versions de bannerbomb.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +If /i "%SMASH%" NEQ "*" goto:skipSmashStackGuide + +echo SMASH STACK EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de Super Smash Brothers Brawl>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu Super Smash Brothers Brawl sans la carte SD insérée dans la Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Créez une sauvegarde si elle n'existe pas encore.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Allez ensuite dans le gestionnaire de stages et effacez/sauvegardez tous les stages. Quittez ensuite le jeu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu Super Smash Brothers Brawl, allez dans le gestionnaire de stages.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo F. L'exploit se lance.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si vous avez oublié d'effacer les stages, vous aurez droit à un crash sans gravité.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipSmashStackGuide + + + +If /i "%PWNS%" NEQ "*" goto:skipPWNSGuide + +echo EXPLOIT INDIANA PWNS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo -------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de LEGO Indiana Jones>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu LEGO Indiana Jones au moins une fois>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (sinon vous serez incapable de copier la sauvegarde hackée sur la Wii).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Sauvegardez votre sauvegarde personnelle de LEGO Indiana Jones avant de copier les fichiers de votre carte SD (si vous le souhaitez):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo a) Mettez votre carte SD dans votre Wii et allumez-la.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo b) Allez dans les options Wii - Gestion de données - Données de sauvegarde - Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo c) Trouvez votre sauvegarde Indiana, cliquez dessus, cliquez sur "Copier" et cliquez sur "Oui". Maintenant effacez la sauvegarde de votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo d) Connectez votre carte SD à votre PC et copiez le dossier "private" de la carte SD sur le PC. Si un dossier "private" est déjà présent vous pouvez le renommer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Allez dans Options Wii - Gestion des données - Wii - Carte SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, copiez la sauvegarde Indiana Pwns qui correspond à votre région sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu Lego Indiana Jones. Chargez le nouveau fichier de sauvegarde.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous arrivez dans le hall principal, marchez vers la caméra.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Entrez dans la première porte sur votre droite (à la gauche d'Indy) et allez dans la cours.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Marchez jusqu'à la salle d'art, vous allez apercevoir un podium avec 2 personnages dessus, allez voir celui de gauche.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Appuyez deux fois sur gauche (en scrollant les objets) pour aller sur l'option de choix (silhouette noire avec une flèche blanche vers une autre silhouette noire)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Appuyez sur A pour lancer l'exploit.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipPWNSGuide + + + +If /i "%YUGI%" NEQ "*" goto:skipYUGIGuide + +echo EXPLOIT YU-GI-OWNED>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu Yu-Gi-Oh au moins une fois>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (sinon vous serez incapable de copier la sauvegarde hackée sur la Wii).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Sauvegardez votre sauvegarde personnelle de Yu-Gi-Oh avant de copier les fichiers de votre carte SD (si vous le souhaitez):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo a) Mettez votre carte SD dans votre Wii et allumez-la.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo b) Allez dans les options Wii - Gestion de données - Données de sauvegarde - Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo c) Trouvez votre sauvegarde Yu-Gi-Oh, cliquez dessus, cliquez sur "Copier" et cliquez sur "Oui". Maintenant effacez la sauvegarde de votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo d) Connectez votre carte SD à votre PC et copiez le dossier "private" de la carte SD sur le PC. Si un dossier "private" est déjà présent vous pouvez le renommer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Allez dans Options Wii - Gestion des données - Wii - Carte SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, copiez la sauvegarde Yu-Gi-Oh qui correspond à votre région sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu Yu-Gi-Oh. La faille se lance.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" echo Note aux utilisateurs européens: la faille YU-GI-OWNED PAL est en 60Hz. Si elle ne fonctionne pas sur une TV 50Hz, naviguez sur "SD:\private\wii\title\", renommez "RYOP" en autre chose, renommez "RYOP-50hz" en "RYOP" et reessayez. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipYUGIGuide + +If /i "%BATHAXX%" NEQ "*" goto:skipBATHAXXGuide + +echo EXPLOIT BATHAXX>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo --------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de LEGO Batman>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu LEGO Batman au moins une fois>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (sinon vous serez incapable de copier la sauvegarde hackée sur la Wii).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Sauvegardez votre sauvegarde personnelle de LEGO Batman avant de copier les fichiers sur votre carte SD (si vous le souhaitez):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo a) Mettez votre carte SD dans votre Wii et allumez-la.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo b) Allez dans Options WII - Gestion des données - Données de sauvegarde - Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo c) Trouvez votre sauvegarde LEGO Batman, cliquez dessus, cliquez sur "Copier" et cliquez sur "Oui". Maintenant effacez la sauvegarde de votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo d) Connectez votre carte SD à votre PC et copiez le dossier "private" de la carte SD sur le PC. Si un dossier "private" est déjà présent vous pouvez le renommer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Allez dans Options Wii - Gestion des données - Wii - Carte SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, copiez la sauvegarde LEGO Batman qui correspond à votre région sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu LEGO Batman. Chargez la nouvelle sauvegarde.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Vous êtes maintenant dans la batcave, prenez l'ascenseur sur la droite.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Quand vous êtes dans la salle des trophées, entrez dans le manoir Wayne.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Déplacez le curseur sur la 11ème colonne et 4ème ligne.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Lancez l'exploit.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipBATHAXXGuide + + +If /i "%ROTJ%" NEQ "*" goto:skipROTJGuide + +echo EXPLOIT RETURN OF THE JODI>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo -------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de LEGO Star Wars>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu LEGO Star Wars au moins une fois>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (sinon vous serez incapable de copier la sauvegarde hackée sur la Wii).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Sauvegardez votre sauvegarde personnelle de LEGO Star Wars avant de copier les fichiers sur votre carte SD (si vous le souhaitez):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo a) Mettez votre carte SD dans votre Wii et allumez-la.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo b) Allez dans Options WII - Gestion des données - Données de sauvegarde - Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo c) Trouvez votre sauvegarde LEGO Star Wars, cliquez dessus, cliquez sur "Copier" et cliquez sur "Oui". Maintenant effacez la sauvegarde de votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo d) Connectez votre carte SD à votre PC et copiez le dossier "private" de la carte SD sur le PC. Si un dossier "private" est déjà présent vous pouvez le renommer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Allez dans Options Wii - Gestion des données - Wii - Carte SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, copiez la sauvegarde LEGO Star Wars qui correspond à votre région sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu LEGO Star Wars. Chargez la nouvelle sauvegarde.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Dès que le niveau se lance, allez à droite et vous verrez 2 personnages flottants >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Allez dans la partie devant eux et vous verrez apparaitre "Return of JODI" >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Lancez l'exploit. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipROTJGuide + + +If /i "%TOS%" NEQ "*" goto:skipTOSGuide + +echo ERI HAKAWAI EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo -------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu Tales of Symphonia au moins une fois>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (sinon vous serez incapable de copier la sauvegarde hackée sur la Wii).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Sauvegardez votre sauvegarde personnelle de Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World avant de copier les fichiers sur votre carte SD (si vous le souhaitez):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo a) Mettez votre carte SD dans votre Wii et allumez-la.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo b) Allez dans Options WII - Gestion des données - Données de sauvegarde - Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo c) Trouvez votre sauvegarde Tales of Symphonia , cliquez dessus, cliquez sur "Copier" et cliquez sur "Oui". Maintenant effacez la sauvegarde de votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo d) Connectez votre carte SD à votre PC et copiez le dossier "private" de la carte SD sur le PC. Si un dossier "private" est déjà présent vous pouvez le renommer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Allez dans Options Wii - Gestion des données - Wii - Carte SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, copiez la sauvegarde Tales of Symphonia qui correspond à votre région sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu Tales of Symphonia. Chargez la nouvelle sauvegarde.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Une fois que le jeu commence (vous voyez un chien qui vous salut), pressez "+" pour accéder à un menu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Sélectionnez "Status" ou "Etat" et appuyez sur "A".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Sélectionnez "Eri HaKawai" et appuyez sur "A" pour lancer l'exploit.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipTOSGuide + + + +If /i "%TWI%" NEQ "*" goto:skipTWIGuide + +echo EXPLOIT TWILIGHT HACK>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo --------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PREREQUIS: * Un original de Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Une carte non-SDHC formattée en FAT16 ou FAT32 (les cartes SDHC ne fonctionnent pas)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A. Lancez le jeu Twilight Princess au moins une fois>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (sinon vous ne pourrez pas copier la sauvegarde hackée sur la Wii).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo B. Sauvegardez votre sauvegarde personnelle de Twilight Princess avant de copier les fichiers sur votre carte SD (si vous le souhaitez):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo a) Mettez votre carte SD dans votre Wii et allumez-la.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo b) Allez dans Options WII - Gestion des données - Données de sauvegarde - Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo c) Trouvez votre sauvegarde Twilight Princess, cliquez dessus, cliquez sur "Copier" et cliquez sur "Oui". Maintenant effacez la sauvegarde de votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo d) Connectez votre carte SD à votre PC et copiez le dossier "private" de la carte SD sur le PC. Si un dossier "private" est déjà présent vous pouvez le renommer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo C. Copiez les fichiers depuis %DRIVE% sur votre carte SD (si ce n'est déjà fait) et insérez-la dans votre Wii.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo D. Allez dans Options Wii - Gestion des données - Wii - Carte SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, copiez la sauvegarde Twilight Princess qui correspond à votre région sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo E. Démarrez le jeu Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Chargez la nouvelle sauvegarde.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo Note: Regardez en haut du disque en premier.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo S'il y a RVL-RZDE-0A-2 USA inscrit dessus, vous devez charger TwilightHack2 lors de la prochaine étape.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo S'il y a quelque chose d'autre, chargez TwilightHack0.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo F. Sur l'écran titre du jeu, appuyez sur A et B.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" echo Chargez la sauvegarde the twilight hack.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo Chargez la sauvegarde the twilight hack (voir plus loin!).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo Si vous avez accidentellement chargé le mauvais fichier et continué le hack, le jeu va freezer, mais pas de panique!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo Appuyez simplement 5 secondes sur le bouton power, redémarrer la Wii et recommencez.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo G. Pour lancer l'exploit, parlez au premier personnage que vous voyez.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +:skipTWIGuide + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMsolution2 + + +:HACKMIIGUIDE +If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:PRIIGUIDE + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ceci va lancer le Hackmii Installer (et silencieusement/automatiquement installer BootMii en IOS). Lancer l'installateur pour installer l'Homebrew Channel (HBC) et Bootmii en Boot2 si possible. Si vous ne pouvez pas installer BootMii en Boot2, vous devez quand même faire "prepare an SD Card" pour BootMii (le dossier "BootMii" est nécessaire pour lancer BootMii en IOS ou Boot2).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Note: si vous avez le message d'erreur "no vulnerable IOS", lancez de nouveau ModMii et cette fois sélectionnez l'option "Hackmii Solutions" au lieu de "Guide ModMii" et suivez les nouvelles instructions.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Après avoir quitté le hackmii installer, vous avez l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Appuyez sur le bouton "home". En haut à droite, vous pouvez apercevoir l'IOS utilsé par l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si l'HBC utilise un autre IOS que l'IOS58 ou que l'HBC est à l'envers, souvenez-vous de ce problème, c'est traité plus loin dans ce guide (il faudra re-installer l'HBC).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si elle utilise l'IOS58 et qu'elle n'est pas à l'envers, vous pouvez passez l'étape de re-installation de l'HBC.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +:nandbackup + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) CREATION DE LA SAUVEGARDE NAND>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ==============================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +echo Quand vous êtes sur l'HBC, lancez BootMii en appuyant sur "HOME" et en cliquant sur "Lancer BootMii".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Appuyez 3 fois sur le bouton Power pour aller sur les options, et appuyez sur le bouton Reset. [Vous pouvez utiliser une manette gamecube pour vous deplacer]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Appuyez sur reset pour choisir la première option et suivez les indications à l'écran pour sauvegarder votre Nand. [les Bad blocks ne sont pas un problème.]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Sauvegardez le dossier Bootmii, les fichiers NAND.bin et keys.bin sinon ils seront écrasés (ou renommez les). Ils servent en cas de grosse nécessité, donc sauvegardez-les.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Retournez sur l'Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Note: Si Bootmii est installé en boot2, il se lancera tant que le dossier "BootMii" sera présent à la racine de la SD.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +::----------------------------RESTORING THE TRUCHA BUG (using IOS236 Installer)-------------------------- +:TBRGUIDE + +If /i "%IOS236Installer%" NEQ "*" goto:PRIIGUIDE + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLATION DE L'IOS236 PATCHE>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =============================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Démarrez l'Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo TRES IMPORTANT!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Dans l'Homebrew channel, si vous n'avez pas de connexion internet active, vous verrez une icone clignotante dans le coin en bas à droite de l'écran indiquant son incapacité à initialiser le réseau. Vous devez attendre que l'icone cesse de clignoter ou le laisser clignoter pendant 30-60 secondes avant de le relancer au risque d'avoir des erreurs. Si vous rencontrez cette erreur sans risque, éteignez la Wii et répétez cette étape depuis le début. Pour augmenter vos chances de réussite, ajouter une connexion internet active dans les réglages de la Wii, mais précisez bien "Non" quand on vous demande de faire une mise à jour.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous ne devez effectuer l'une des méthodes ci-dessous.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Méthode A: Utilisation d'IOS236 Installer>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo -------------------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +echo Apres avoir attendu 30-60 secondes que l'HBC initialise une connexion, lancez "IOS236 Installer v5 MOD". >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Note: cette application doit être lancée par l'HBC v1.0.7 ou plus pour fonctionner correctement.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Il devrait dire "IOS236 installation is complete!" et revenir à l'Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si vous rencontrez des erreurs, re-essayez, elles devraient finir par disparaitre.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si elles persistent, essayez d'utiliser Simple IOS Patcher.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ces 2 méthodes permettent d'installer avec succès IOS236, vous pouvez passer à l'étape suivante.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Methode B: Utilisation de Simple IOS Patcher>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ---------------------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Après avoir attendu 30-60 secondes que l'HBC initialise une connexion, lancez "Simple IOS Patcher". >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Note: cette application doit être lancée par l'HBC v1.0.7 ou plus pour fonctionner correctement.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Choisissez "IOS36" (déjà sélectionné par défaut) et appuyez sur A,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Sélectionnez "Install IOS to slot" et choisissez 236,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Sélectionnez "Install patched IOS36" laissant les 4 patchs réglés sur "yes" et appuyez sur "A",>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Choisissez "Load IOS from SD card".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Confirmez votre choix avec le bouton "A",>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Lorsque vous y êtes invité, appuyez sur "A" pour continuer l'installation.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Lorsque l'installation est termin"e, vous serez de retour au menu principal,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ensuite, appuyez sur le bouton "B" pour quitter.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si vous rencontrez des erreurs, re-essayez, elles devraient finir par disparaitre.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si elles persistent, essayez d'utiliser IOS236 Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ces 2 méthodes permettent d'installer avec succès IOS236, vous pouvez passer à l'étape suivante.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +::--------------------------INSTALL PRIILOADER------------------------------- +:PRIIGUIDE + +if /i "%installwads%" EQU "done" goto:skip +if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" goto:installwads +if /i "%PRI%" NEQ "*" goto:installwads +:skip +if /i "%PRI%" NEQ "*" goto:reinstallHBC + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLATION DU PRIILOADER>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ==========================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Lancez "Priiloader 236" par l'Homebrew Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Après le chargement de l'installation du priiloader, appuyez sur "+" pour l'installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Le Priiloader doit vous indiquer 2 erreurs en "jaune". C'est normal.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo loader.ini couldn't delete error -106 >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo password.txt couldn't delete error -106 >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Après avoir correctement installé le Priiloader, éteignez votre Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo et redémarrez-la tout en maintenant le bouton RESET jusqu'à ce que vous voyez le menu principal.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Vous pouvez installer maintenant les hacks du Menu Système (en allant dans l'option System Menu hacks).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo HACKS RECOMMANDES: Block Disc Updates, Block Online Updates, Replace Health Screen, Auto-Press A at Health Screen, Region-Free Everything, remove no copy save file protection et Move Disc Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Le menu du Priiloader est blanc par défaut, vous pouvez le passer en noir si vous voulez, dans les options.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Une fonction spéciale du Priiloader est que vous pouvez booter sur une appli ou un fichier au lieu du Menu Système. Certaines applis (comme crazyIntro) ne peuvent pas se lancer sans lui.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Pour les détails, visitez http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/system-hacks/priiloader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%installwads%" EQU "done" goto:reinstallHBC + + +::----------------------Install Wads (MMM)----------------------------- + +:installwads + +::---------CREATE MMMCONFIG To Autoload 236-------- +set patchIOSnum=236 +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:skipmmmfly +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" goto:skipmmmfly +echo ;MMMCONFIG (By ModMii)> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt +echo AutoLoadIOS=%patchIOSnum%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt +:skipmmmfly + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLATION DE WADS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ==================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +::MMM Instructions +echo Chargez Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) par l'HomeBrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si IOS%patchIOSnum% n'est pas chargé, sélectionnez "Load another IOS" et sélectionnez IOS%patchIOSnum% >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Note: si cette étape échoue avec l'erreur -ret 2011 ou autre, vous devez relancer le patch IOS%patchIOSnum%. Si la Wii a déjà été hackée, vous pouvez tenter de lancer le cIOS250 (ou autre comme 202,222,223,224,236,249)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Dans le menu de Multi-Mod Manager, descendez pour choisir "WAD Manager".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +goto:skipy4m +::YAWMM 4 ModMii Instructions +echo Demarrez l'Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo TRES IMPORTANT!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Dans l'HBC, si vous n'avez pas de connexion internet active, vous verrez un icone clignotant dans le coin en haut à droite de l'écran.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous devez attendre que l'icone arrête de clignoter ou attendre 30-60 secondes avant de recommencer à lancer l'application. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Apres avoir attendu 30-60 secondes que l'HBC initialise le réseau, lancez "YAWMM 4 ModMii". >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Note: Cette application nécessite d'être lancée par l'HBC v1.0.7 ou plus pour fonctionner correctement.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Appuyez sur "A" pour continuer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Appuyez sur "A" à nouveau pour lire la carte SD. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo TRES IMPORTANT!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Attendez 30-60 secondes pour voir si l'appli freeze. Si elle freeze, éteignez la Wii et recommencez au début. Si après avoir attendu 30-60 secondes, l'appli ne freeze pas, cela confirme qu'elle peut être utilisée.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipy4m + + + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Installer les WADS suivants à partir du dossier wad (cette liste de WAD est propre aux réponses que vous avez donné à l'assistant).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Soyez prudent de ne pas installer de wads enregistrés auparavant dans ce dossier (ils sont peut être sans risque, mais sans garantie).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Appuyez sur "+" pendant 2 secondes pour sélectionner tous les wads du dossier. Appuyez sur "A" à nouveau pour tous les installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si certains fichiers ne s'installent pas correctement, ils seront à nouveau marqués pour l'installation, il suffit juste de les re-installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo After the installation finishes read the install report to make sure all the files installed properly.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Votre liste de wads à installer est la suivante:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS52v15661(IOS52v5661[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1U_v449>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2U_v481>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3U_v513>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1E_v450>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2E_v482>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3E_v514>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1J_v448>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2J_v480>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3J_v512>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1K_v454>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2K_v486>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3K_v518>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%cIOS202[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS202[57]-v5>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS222[38]-v5>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS223[37-38]-v4>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS224[57]-v5>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[56]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21d2x4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[57]-v21d2x%d2x-beta-rev%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo * RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" echo * Mii-Channel-NUS-v6>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%P%" EQU "*" echo * Photo-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" echo * Photo-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3[K]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%S%" EQU "*" echo * Shopping-Channel-NUS-v20>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" echo * Shopping-Channel-NUS-v20[K]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" echo * Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" echo * Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" echo * Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" echo * Weather-Channel-NUS-v7[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" echo * Weather-Channel-NUS-v7[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" echo * Weather-Channel-NUS-v7[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" echo * NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" echo * NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" echo * NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" echo * Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" echo * Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" echo * Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" echo * RVL-mios-v10>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" echo * IOS9-64-v1034>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" echo * IOS12-64-v526>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" echo * IOS13-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" echo * IOS14-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" echo * IOS15-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" echo * IOS17-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" echo * IOS21-64-v1039>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" echo * IOS22-64-v1294>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" echo * IOS28-64-v1807>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" echo * IOS31-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" echo * IOS33-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" echo * IOS34-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" echo * IOS35-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" echo * IOS37-64-v5663>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" echo * IOS38-64-v4124>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" echo * IOS41-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" echo * IOS43-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" echo * IOS45-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" echo * IOS46-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" echo * IOS48-64-v4124>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" echo * IOS53-64-v5663>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" echo * IOS55-64-v5663>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" echo * IOS56-64-v5662>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" echo * IOS57-64-v5919>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" echo * IOS58-64-v6176>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" echo * IOS61-64-v5662>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" echo * IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBX%" NEQ "*" goto:nousbx +echo * USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v9-IDCL>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo C'est une chaîne forwarder qui va charger le premier fichier trouvé dans la liste suivante:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usb-loader\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usb-loader\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_cfg\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_cfg\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\WiiFlow\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\WiiFlow\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Note: l'IOS58 peut lancer des applis d'une carte SD,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo un HDD en FAT32/NTFS/ext2/ext3/ext4. Elles doivent avoir leurs meta.xml>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo pour avoir un accès hardware direct.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo. +echo Vous devez toujours avoir au moins une chaîne forwarder installée sur votre Wii,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Dans le cas d'une mise à jour accidentelle, vous pourrez rehacker votre Wii sans utiliser de faille spécifiques à un jeu>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:nousbx + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" goto:SKIP +echo Note: Lorsque vous installez un nouveau Menu Système, le Priiloader est désinstallé, pensez donc à le re-installer (surtout si vous n'avez pas bootmii en boot2)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:SKIP + +set installwads=done +if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" goto:PRIIGUIDE + + +::------------------------reinstall HBC / Fix Upsidedown homebrew channel---------------------------- +:reinstallHBC +If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:MyMGuide + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) RE-INSTALLATION DE L'HOMEBREW CHANNEL (si besoin)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ====================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Vous avez précédemment vérifié quel IOS est utilisé par l'homebrew channel (HBC). Si l'IOS utilisé par l'HBC est le 58 et qu'elle n'est pas à l'envers, vous pouvez passer cette étape.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si l'HBC utilise un IOS autre que le 58 ou que l'HBC est à l'envers, vous devez la re-installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Lancez HackMii_Installer par l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Utilisez le Hackmii Installer pour fixer/re-installer l'HBC. Une fois l'HBC re-installée, vous pouvez passer à l'étape suivante de ce guide.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +::echo If you already exited MMM, you can load the HackMii_Installer from the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si l'HBC n'arrive pas à lancer le HackMii_Installer (écran noir), utilisez la méthode de la première étape>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + + +::------------------------Install Custom Theme Using MyMenuify---------------------------- +:MyMGuide +If /i "%MyM%" NEQ "*" goto:noMyM + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLER UN MENU WII PERSONNALISE EN UTILISANT MYMENUIFY (facultatif)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ===================================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo AVERTISSEMENT: NE PAS INSTALLER DES THEMES SANS PROTECTION: BOOTMII, PRIILOADER ET SAUVEGARDE NAND>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo SEULEMENT INSTALLER DES THEMES POUR VOTRE VERSION/REGION DE MENU SYSTEME! >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Pour installer des thèmes lancez MyMenuify avec l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Allez à SD:\MyMenuify_Themes et sélectionnez le thème que vous souhaitez installer >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo correspondant à votre Menu Wii spécifique.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si jamais vous décidez de restaurer le thème original de la Wii,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo utilisez MyMenuify et installez le fichier app original pour votre Wii qui>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo est également enregistré dans SD:\MyMenuify_Themes>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:noMyM + +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:USBGUIDESTEP1 + + +::--------------------After Modding----------------------- +:AFTERMODDING + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) APRES LE HACK>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =============>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Après avoir hacké votre Wii, vous pouvez effacer les ficiers inutiles>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo en utilisant "Supprimer les fichiers devenus inutiles" de ModMii. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Si vous décidez de ne pas utiliser le nettoyage de fichiers et que votre Wii freeze dès que vous tentez d'acceder au menu de la carte SD, vous devrez effacer le dossier "aktn" qui contient (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn) ou renommer le dossier "private".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Si vous décidez de ne pas utiliser le nettoyage de fichiers et que votre Wii freeze dès que vous tentez d'acceder au menu de la carte SD, vous devrez effacer le dossier "aktn" qui contient (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn) ou renommer le dossier "private".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Une fois à cette étape, vous avez pratiquement terminé.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Il reste à télécharger les dernières versions des applications et les enregistrer>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo sur votre carte SD (ou disque dur USB FAT32), ainsi elles pourront être lancées à partir de l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:skip +echo Pour pouvoir jouer à vos jeux à partir d'un disque dur USB, lancez le menu de ModMii qui traite des caractéristiques des USB-Loader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skip + +echo Pour télécharger des applications, vous devez:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Consulter les pages de téléchargement proposées par ModMii, elles contiennent de nombreuses applications utiles disponibles au téléchargement.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Télécharger l'Homebrew Browser via ModMii pour obtenir de nombreuses applications populaires, mais c'est une application Wii uniquement online (http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/how-to-use/hbb)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo * Pour ceux qui n'ont pas internet sur leur Wii, consultez cette liste d'applications (wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_all_homebrew).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Une autre source utile est webrewwii.blogspot.com>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Après avoir obtenu n'importe quelle application, vous devriez avoir un fichier boot.dol et quelques fois un fichier icon.png ainsi qu'un meta.xml.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Pour que l'HBC puisse lire correctement votre SD/USB, votre carte doit être structurée comme ceci SD:/apps/nom de l'application/boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo si vous avez un *.dol qui n'est pas nommé autrement, renommez le en boot.dol, sinon il ne sera pas reconnu par l'HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (note: si présents, l'icon.png et le meta.xml doivent être placés au même endroit que le boot.dol)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +::---------------------support XFLAK----------------------- +:supportxflak + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) SUPPORT XFLAK>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =============>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo SI MODMII FONCTIONNE CORRECTEMENT POUR VOUS, VOTEZ POUR CE PROGRAMME ICI (tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo LES DONS PEUVENT ETRE FAIT SI VOUS LE SOUHAITEZ VIA PAYPAL SUR CE COMPTE XFLAK40@HOTMAIL.COM>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo CONSULTEZ UN CLASSEMENT DE MES CHAINES ICI (tinyurl.com/topchannels)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo CONSULTEZ MES VIDEOS SUR CRAZY INTRO ICI (tinyurl.com/crazyintro)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +sfk filter "%Drive%"\%guidename% -lsrep _.__ -write -yes>nul +start notepad "%Drive%\%guidename%" + + +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION + +goto:DLSETTINGS2 + + + + + +::--------------------------------------HACKMII SOLUTIONS GUIDE-------------------------------------- +:HMguide +set guidename=ModMiiGuide_HackMiiFix.txt + +SET COUNT7=1 +cls +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du guide, patientez... +if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" NEQ "G" sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du guide, patientez, votre t\xe9l\xe9chargement va demarrer rapidement. + +if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" >nul +if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename1 +SET /a COUNT6=%COUNT6%+1 +if exist "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_HackMiiFix%COUNT6%.txt goto:HMguide +move "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_HackMiiFix%count6%.txt >nul +:norename1 + + + + +echo ModMii %currentversion% Guide de solutions HackMii>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Créé le %DATE% - %TIME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Controlez les mises à jour sur tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ce guide a été fait avec les paramètres suivants:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Le firmware actuel est %FIRMSTART%%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Le firmware actuel est plus petit que 2.2>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ce logiciel n'est pas à vendre. Si vous avez payez pour ce logiciel ou pour un pack le contenant, vous vous êtes fait avoir.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo CE PACKAGE EST LIVRE SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE, QUELLES SOIENT IMPLITES OU EXPLICITES.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PERSONNE EN DEHORS DE VOUS NE PEUT ETRE TENU RESPONSABLE DE DOMMAGES CAUSES SUR VOTRE WII!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo VOUS L'UTILISEZ A VOS RISQUES ET PERILS!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo NOTES IMPORTANTES:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ------------------>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Ce guide ne nécessite pas de connexion WIFI sur votre Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Une carte SD formattée en FAT32 est nécessaire (meilleurs résultats obtenus avec des cartes non-SDHC, les SDHC ne fonctionnent qu'en 4.0 et supérieur).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo *Si vous rencontrez des erreurs pendant une des étapes, re-formattez votre carte SD en FAT ou FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Eteignez le WiiConnect24 et retirez toutes les manettes/cartes mémoires gamecube durant le hack de la Wii (sauf indications contraires).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +echo *Si votre Wii venait à freezer, appuyez 5 secondes sur le bouton power pour l'éteindre et recommencez.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *N'acceptez pas de mises à jour de Nintendo sans vous être assuré qu'elle est sans risque. La dernière mise à jour (en 4.3) date de juin 2010 et il ne faut pas la faire. Si vous acceptez une mise à jour officielle de Nintendo après le hack, vous perdrez certaines voir toutes les modifications réalisées.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Ne désinstallez jamais un Menu Système ou un IOS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *N'installez pas de wads ou de thèmes non testés sans avoir installé Bootmii ou le Priiloader.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Ce guide personnalisé est un bon début, mais le hack Wii est toujours en évolution. Controlez les mises à jour en ligne et souvenez vous que Google est votre ami.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Si vous avez des questions, un guide plus détaillé peut être trouvé ici: http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +set exploitnum=0 +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%TWI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%PWNS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%SMASH%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 +If /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1 + + +echo %COUNT7%) LANCEZ Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ==============================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Démarrez l'Homebrew Channel (HBC) et chargez Multi-Mod Manager (MMM). Une fois chargé, passez à l'étape suivante.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si vous n'avez pas l'HBC ou qu'elle n'arrive pas à lancer d'applis (écran noir), vous devrez lancer MMM en utilisant une autre méthode.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + + +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo EXPLOITS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo Vous ne devrez effectuer qu'UNE SEULE des failles suivantes>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution +echo Note: Si cette Wii a déjà été modifiée et qu'elle a encore une chaîne forwarder installée, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour lancer MMM au lieu d'une faille. Sauvegardez juste le boot.dol de l'application que vous lancez (ie. SD:\apps\MMM\boot.dol) à l'emplacement précis utilisé par votre chaîne forwarder (ie. SD:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol). Ainsi en lançant la chaîne, vous lancerez l'application.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Autrement, vous pouvez mettre à jour en v3.0-4.2 en utilisant un DISQUE (ie. NSMBW). Puis répétez le guide de ModMii avec votre nouveau firmware et en utilisant la faille Bannerbomb (qui ne nécessite pas de disque spécifique pour fonctionner)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skipforwardersolution +if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:skipforwardersolution +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo ATTENTION: la mise à jour online en v4.3 rend les Wii coréennes non hackables (sauf s'il y avait auparavant l'HBC v1.0.7 ou plus, BootMii en Boot2v4 ou une chaîne forwarder installée.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skipforwardersolution + +goto:EXPLOITSNOW + + +:HMsolution2 + +::If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v2 by selecting the SD Card Button on the main system menu screen and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v1 by going to Settings, Data Management, Channels, SD Card and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/ for more variations of either version of bannerbomb.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLER DES IOSs EN UTILISANT Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =================================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Dans le menu principal de Multi-Mod Manager, descendez pour sélectionner "WAD Manager".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Si vous ne pouvez pas charger votre carte SD, sélectionnez "Load another IOS", puis sélectionnez IOS36.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si la Wii a déjà été hackée, essayez de charger l'IOS250 (ou d'autres comme 202,222,223,224,236,249).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Maintenant, marquez chacun des WADs suivants pour l'installation en sélectionnant chaque WAD et en appuyant sur "+">>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous pouvez maintenir "+" pour marquer tous les fichiers de la liste pour l'installation.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" echo * IOS31v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" echo * IOS33v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" echo * IOS34v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" echo * IOS35v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" echo * IOS58v6176>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Après avoir marqué tous les WAD, appuyez sur "A" deux fois pour tous les installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Soyez prudent de ne pas installer de wads enregistrés auparavant dans ce dossier (ils sont peut être sans risque, mais sans garantie).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Si certains fichiers ne s'installent pas correctement, ils seront à nouveau marqués pour l'installation, il suffit juste de les re-installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Apres avoir reussi l'installation, passez à l'étape suivante mais ne quittez pas MMM.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLATION DE L'HOMEBREW CHANNEL (HBC)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ========================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Dans le menu principal de MMM, sélectionnez "App Manager" puis choisissez HackMii_Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Utilisez le Hackmii Installer pour fixer/re-installer l'HBC. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait, vous devriez installer BootMii en Boot2 (si possible).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Une fois que vous avez re-installé l'HBC, vous en avez fini avec ce guide.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo Si vous avez quitte MMM, vous pouvez lancer HackMii_Installer à partir de l'Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si l'HBC n'arrive pas à lancer d'applis (écran noir), au lieu de lancer MMM avec la méthode décrit à l'étape 1, dans le menu principal de MMM sélectionnez "App Manager" et choisir HackMii_Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ceci lancera HackMii Installer, utilisez-le pour re-installer l'Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Après avoir hacké votre Wii, si elle freeze quand vous tentez d'acceder au menu carte SD, vous devrez effacer le dossier "aktn" ou Bannerbomb est sauvegardé (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn) ou renommer le dossier "private".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Après avoir hacké votre Wii, si elle freeze quand vous tentez d'acceder au menu carte SD, vous devrez effacer le dossier "aktn" ou Bannerbomb est sauvegardé (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn) ou renommer le dossier "private".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +GOTO:supportxflak + + + +::--------------------------------------------USB-Loader Set-Up Guide------------------------------------------ +:USBguide +set guidename=ModMiiGuide_USBLoaderSetup.txt + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32 +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set FORMATNAME=NTFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set FORMATNAME=WBFS +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS + + +SET COUNT7=1 +cls +if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du Guide, patientez... +if /i "%SETTINGS%" NEQ "G" sfk echo -spat Cr\xe9ation du Guide, patientez, votre t\xe9l\xe9chargement va demarrer rapidement. + +if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" >nul +if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename +SET /a COUNT6=%COUNT6%+1 +if exist "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_USBLoaderSetup%COUNT6%.txt goto:usbguide +move "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_USBLoaderSetup%count6%.txt >nul +:norename + +echo ModMii %currentversion% Guide personnalisé de l'USB-Loader>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Généré le %DATE% - %TIME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Controlez les mises à jour sur tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + + + +echo Ce guide a été généré en utilisant les paramètres suivant:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip +echo * Disque dur externe formaté en %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:skip2 +:skip +echo * Disque dur externe déjà formaté en %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:skip2 +if /i "%USBFolder%" EQU "*" echo * Télécharger Configurable USB-Loader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" echo * Télécharger WiiFlow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo * Réglages et config de l'USB-Loader sauvegardés sur disque dur USB>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo * Réglages et config de l'USB-Loader sauvegardés sur carte SD>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ce logiciel n'est pas à vendre. si vous avez payé pour ce logiciel ou un pack le comprenant, vous vous êtes fait avoir.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo CE PACKAGE EST LIVRE SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE, EXPLICITES OU IMPLICITES.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo PERSONNE EN DEHORS DE VOUS NE PEUT ETRE TENU POUR RESPONSABLE DES DEGATS OCCASIONNES SUR VOTRE WII!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo A UTILISER A VOS RISQUES ET PERILS!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo NOTES IMPORTANTES:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ------------------>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Des cIOSs sont nécessaires pour utiliser l'USB-Loader, si vous n'avez pas de cIOSs, lancez le guide de ModMii pour hacker votre Wii avant de passer aux réglages de votre USB-Loader.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *cIOS249 rev18 ou plus est nécessaire pour utiliser des disques dur formatés en FAT32 ou NTFS (cIOS222 rev4 ou plus fonctionne également, mais il faudra télécharger la version 222 du Configurable usb-loader ou modifier votre fichier config.txt pour le Configurable USB-Loader)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Tous les disques durs ne sont pas compatibles avec la Wii, pour une liste de compatibilité, consultez cette page: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo *Si vous avez des questions, un guide plus détaillé peut être consulté ici: http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +:USBGUIDESTEP1 + +if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo ======================================================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo LE RESTE DU GUIDE EST FAIT SUR VOTRE ORDINATEUR POUR CONFIGURER VOTRE CLE USB-LOADER>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ======================================================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +:skip + + +if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "3" goto:skippartition +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) PARTITION ET FORMAT DE DISQUE DUR>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si vous avez des fichiers placés sur votre disque dur, vous devriez les sauvegarder maintenant car toutes les données seront perdues après cette étape.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Clic droit sur "Poste de travail" et choisir "Géreré, une nouvelle fenêtre va s'ouvrir, dans le panneau de gauche cliquez sur "Gestion des disques".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Clic droit sur le lecteur que vous voulez partitionner (assurez-vous de sélectionner le lecteur de droite!) et choisir "Effacer le Volume...">>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Dans la moitié basse du menu de la fenêtre, repérez l'espace non alloué, clic droit dessus et sélectionnez "Nouveau volume simple...">>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Entrez la "taille du volume" que vous souhaitez pour votre partition FAT32, et cliquez sur "Suivant".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Choisissez une lettre pour cette partition et cliquez sur "Suivant" (notez bien cette lettre, elle va nous servir plus tard)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous n'êtes pas obligé de changer le système de fichiers en FAT32 (C'est seulement une option si la taille du volume est inférieure à 32GB)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si FAT32 n'est pas dans les options, sélectionner "ne pas formater ce volume" et cliquez sur "Suivant">>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo (ce n'est pas grave si vous formatez le volume parce que vous allez le mettre en FAT32 plus tard)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Dans la moitié basse du menu de la fenêtre, repérez l'espace restant non alloué (pour la partition NTFS), clic droit dessus et selectionnez "Nouveau volume simple....">>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Cliquez sur "Suivant" (pour formater tout l'espace restant du lecteur).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Choisissez une lettre pour cette partition et cliquez sur "suivant".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Assurez-vous que le système de fichiers est sur NTFS puis nommez la partition/volume,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous pouvez décocher la case "formatage rapide", cliquez sur "Suivant" puis sur "Terminé".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +::-----FAT32 format on unformatted partition------ +echo Si vous décidez de formater la première partition en FAT32, vous pouvez passer le reste de cette étape.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +::echo Demarrer le fichier WiiBackupManager.exe situe ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Assurez vous de choisir la lettre correspondant a la partition que vous voulez formater en FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Assurez-vous que le systeme de fichiers est fixe a FAT32 et la taille de cluster est 32KB, puis cliquez sur "Start".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableF32 +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableF32 +:skip + +echo Lancez FAT32 Formatter GUI à partir des raccourcis sur votre Menu Démarrer ou Bureau>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:noportableF32 + +:portableF32 +echo Démarrez le fichier FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe situé ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:noportableF32 + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Assurez-vous de choisir la lettre correspondant à la partition que vous voulez formater en FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous pouvez éventuellement décochez la case "Formatage rapide" puis cliquez sur "Start".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +:skippartition + + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:skipformat +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skipcopytousb +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skipcopytousb + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) FORMATAGE DU DISQUE DUR (si besoin)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =====================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo En premier vérifiez si votre lecteur a besoin d'être formaté en controlant l'actuel type/système de fichiers du lecteur.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Ouvrez "Poste de travail", clic droit sur le disque dur externe que vous voulez utiliser et selectionnez "propriétés".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Notez la lettre du lecteur du disque dur externe parce qu'elle va etre utilisée plus tard.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Si le "systeme de fichiers" est déjà %FORMATNAME%, vous pouvez passer cette étape.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Si vous avez des fichiers présents sur votre disque dur, vous devriez les sauvegarder maintenant car toutes les données vont être effacées une fois le formatage effectué.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:formatNTFS +::echo Demarrer le fichier WiiBackupManager.exe situe ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Assurez vous de choisir la lettre correspondant a la partition que vous voulez formater en FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Assurez-vous que le systeme de fichiers est fixe a FAT32 et la taille de cluster est 32KB, puis cliquez sur "Start".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableF32 +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableF32 +:skip + +echo Lancez FAT32 Formatter GUI à partir des raccourcis sur votre Menu Démarrer ou Bureau>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:noportableF32 + +:portableF32 +echo Démarrez le fichier FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe situé ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +:noportableF32 + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Assurez-vous de choisir la lettre correspondant à la partition que vous voulez formater en FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Vous pouvez éventuellement décochez la case "Formatage rapide" puis cliquez sur "Start".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +goto:notformatNTFS + +:formatNTFS +::echo Demarrer le fichier WiiBackupManager.exe situe ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Assurez vous de choisir la lettre correspondant a la partition que vous voulez formater en NTFS.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +::echo Assurez-vous que le systeme de fichiers est fixe a NTFS et la taille de cluster est 32KB, puis cliquez sur "Start".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Clic droit sur "Poste de travail" et selectionnez "Gérer", une nouvelle fenêtre va s'ouvrir, dans le panneau de gauche cliquez sur "Gestion des disques".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Clic droit sur la lettre que vous souhaitez formater (soyez certain de sélectionner le lecteur de droite!) et sélectionnez "Formater...">>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Sélectionnez "NTFS" comme système de fichiers à utiliser et entrez un nom pour votre disque/volume, vous pouvez également décocher la case "Formatage rapide" et cliquez sur "OK", puis cliquez à nouveau sur "OK".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +:notformatNTFS + + +:skipformat + + + +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipcopytousb +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) COPIE DE FICHIERS SUR LE DISQUE DUR>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ===================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Tout copier dans le dossier %DRIVEU% à la racine de votre disque/partition FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +:skipcopytousb + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo %COUNT7%) GESTION DES SAUVEGARDES WII AVEC WII BACKUP MANAGER (optionnel)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ===============================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + + + +if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableWBM +if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip +if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableWBM +:skip + +echo Lancez WiiBackupManager à partir des raccourcis sur votre Menu Démarrer ou Bureau.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +goto:noportableWBM + +:portableWBM +echo Démarrez le fichier WiiBackupManager.exe situé ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +:noportableWBM + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Vous pouvez utiliser ce programme pour gérer/transférer vos copies numériques de vos jeux Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Il est simple à utiliser, mais un tutoriel détaillé sur l'utilisation de Wii Backup Manager se trouve ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/backup-launchers/iso/wbfs-managers/wii-backup-manager>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Note: Pour copier un disque ORIGINAL Wii, insérez-le dans votre Wii, lancez le Configurable USB-Loader et appuyez sur le signe plus "+". Un disque Original Wii ne peut pas être lu/copié en passant par un ordinateur (à moins d'avoir un des rares lecteur LG capable de le faire)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" echo OU>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" echo - Lancez WiiFlow, allez à la page 2 des préférences WiiFlow et sélectionnez "Install" puis sélectionnez "Go".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" echo Attention: Ripper sur du NTFS est TRES instable, il est fortement recommandé de seulemnt ajouter des jeux sur une partiton NTFS à partir de l'ordinateur.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" echo Attention: Ripper sur du NTFS est TRES instable, il est fortement recommandé de seulemnt ajouter des jeux sur une partiton NTFS à partir de l'ordinateur.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +if /i "%USBFOLDER%" NEQ "*" goto:skip +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo %COUNT7%) CONFIGURER/PERSONNALISER CONFIGURABLE USB-LOADER>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo =========================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +SET /a COUNT7=%COUNT7%+1 +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Pour Configurer/personnaliser votre USB-Loader, utilisez le Configurateur pour Configurable USB-Loader récupérable ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo Optionnel: des thèmes supplémentaires pour le Configurable USB-Loader peuvent être trouvés ici:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo http://wii.spiffy360.com/themes.php>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo * NOTES IMPORTANTES SUR LES REGLAGES PAR DEFAUT:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo ---------------------------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Deux options potentiellement dangereuses sont vérrouillées:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo 1) la possibilité d'effacer/deplacer des jeux>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo 2) la possibilité de formater un disque dur>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo Pour débloquer ces options, lorsque vous êtes dans le menu du configurable USB-Loader, appuyez sur "1" pendant 5 secondes, puis entrez le mot de passe pour déverrouiller ces options. Le mot de passe est "AAAA", vous pouvez le changer dans les réglages en utilisant le Configurateur pour Configurable USB-Loader. Appuyez sur "1" encore pendant 5 secondes pour vérrouiller à nouveau l'USB-Loader (ou il se verrouillera automatiquement quand vous quitterez l'USB-Loader).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% +echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% + +:skip + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:AFTERMODDING + +GOTO:supportxflak