Add files via upload

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XFlak 2022-04-03 02:23:31 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 416c5aba66
commit 413aca6cb3
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -1,8 +1,59 @@
::get info and return to caller UNLESS temp\currentversion.txt is detected
::get info and return to caller UNLESS temp\currentversion.txt is detected, not currentversionInfo.txt
@echo off
set newversion=6.6.3
set changelogURL=
if exist temp\currentversion.txt (set /p currentversion= <temp\currentversion.txt) else (goto:ReturnToCaller)
::Enable new hidden "set debug=on" setting when testing offline updater.bat changes, careful that this file does not accidentally get deleted during development\testing, save a copy of updater.bat the same folder as ModMii.exe and rename it Updatetemp.bat to test
::note when ModMii downloads updater.bat it is renamed to Updatetemp.bat for legacy purposes
if /i "%debug%" EQU "on" copy "Updatetemp.bat" "Updatetemp_backup.bat">nul
::check if patch required for ModMii 6.6.3 and lower
::do not change the below from 6.6.3 for the foreseable future, effective 6.6.4 variable will get updated
if "%currentversion%"=="" set currentversion=6.6.3
if exist temp\currentversionInfo.txt set /p currentversion= <temp\currentversionInfo.txt
if exist temp\skin.txt (set updatermode=skin) else (set updatermode=classic)
if %currentversion% GEQ 6.6.4 goto:skip
::if "support\nusd.exe" modmii will override version to 0.0.0 to force a full update, no need to apply patch if missing
if not exist "support\nusd.exe" goto:skip
::if hashes match, then skip patching
support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify ab70e9288c5a1da685c7174ff53763d5 "support\nusd.exe"
if not errorlevel 1 goto:skip
echo Auto-patching ModMii to fix some NUS download issues
echo Downloading patch files...
start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "" -O temp\
if exist temp\ support\7za x -aoa "temp\" -o"Support" -r
if exist temp\ del temp\>nul
::check if hashes match now
support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify ab70e9288c5a1da685c7174ff53763d5 "support\nusd.exe"
if not errorlevel 1 (set patchresult=pass) else (set patchresult=fail)
if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound
if /i "%patchresult%" EQU "pass" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Success.mp3") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Fail.mp3")
if /i "%patchresult%" EQU "pass" (support\sfk echo [Green]Patching successful!) else (support\sfk echo [Red]Patching failed!)
::pop up for both skin and classic
if /i "%patchresult%" EQU "pass" (set watext=ModMii auto-patched itself to fix some NUS download issues) & (start /w support\wizapp MB INFORMATION)
if /i "%patchresult%" NEQ "pass" (set watext=ModMii tried and failed to patch itself to fix some NUS download issues) & (start /w support\wizapp MB STOP)
if not exist temp\currentversion.txt goto:ReturnToCaller
set /p currentversion= <temp\currentversion.txt
title ModMiiUpdater
if exist temp\skin.txt (set updatermode=skin) else (set updatermode=classic)
@ -37,11 +88,14 @@ if exist "support\ModMiiSkin.bat" ren "support\ModMiiSkin.bat" "ModMiiSkin-v%cur
support\7za2 x -aoa
del support\7za2.exe>nul
if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Success.mp3"
Start ModMii.exe
if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Fail.mp3"
echo Update failed, check your internet connection and firewall settings.
echo Press any key to return to ModMii v%currentversion%
@ -89,6 +143,7 @@ del>nul
start support\wizapp2.exe PB CLOSE
del support\7za2.exe>nul
del support\wizapp2.exe>nul
if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Success.mp3"
Start ModMiiSkin.exe
@ -100,6 +155,7 @@ start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100
start support\wizapp PB CLOSE
set watext=~~Update check has failed, check your internet connection and firewall settings.~~Click any button to return to ModMiiSkin v%currentversion%
if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Fail.mp3"
start /w support\wizapp NOBACK TB
::set wabmp=%wabmplast%