From 88840e198d79dcac0333e6a6f4e5060a520774ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xflak40 <> Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 01:42:23 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] 5.5.2 Changelog Made changes to how ModMii checks for and performs updates. ModMii v5.5.2 performs exactly the same as ModMii v5.5.1 except that it will be able to install future updates. Going forward, all versions of ModMii older than v5.5.2 will be updated to v5.5.2 before being able to update further (ie. v5.6.X when released). --- ModMii English/ModMii.bat | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/ModMii English/ModMii.bat b/ModMii English/ModMii.bat index 1ff1b7f..70c7454 100644 --- a/ModMii English/ModMii.bat +++ b/ModMii English/ModMii.bat @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ @echo off setlocal :top -set currentversion=5.5.1 +set currentversion=5.5.2 set currentversioncopy=%currentversion% set agreedversion= if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat @@ -15,18 +15,13 @@ chcp 437>nul ::chcp 850>nul ::chcp 1252>nul -set UPDATENAME=NUSAutoUpdate +set UPDATENAME=ModMii +::set UPDATENAME=ModMii_IT_ + if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul -if "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"=="" goto:notfreshinstall -if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat attrib -h "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat -if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat del "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat>nul -if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat attrib -h "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat -if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat del "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat>nul -:notfreshinstall - ::-------------------CMD LINE SUPPORT---------------------- @@ -2155,9 +2150,6 @@ if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" goto:UpdateModMii :MENU -if exist %UPDATENAME%.bat del %UPDATENAME%.bat>nul -if exist %UPDATENAME%.txt del %UPDATENAME%.txt>nul - if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul if exist temp\DLgotos-copy.txt del temp\DLgotos-copy.txt>nul @@ -4365,46 +4357,131 @@ echo Checking for updates... echo. -if exist list.bat del list.bat>nul +if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul -start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "" +start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "" -if exist list* (move /y list* list.bat>nul) else (goto:updatefail) -support\sfk filter -quiet "list.bat" -+"%UPDATENAME%" -rep _".txt*"__ -rep _"*%UPDATENAME%-"_"set newversion="_ -rep _" *"__ -write -yes -support\sfk filter "list.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul -call list.bat -del list.bat>nul +if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:updatefail) -if %currentversion% GTR %newversion:~0,5% (echo This version is newer than the latest public release) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) +support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\list.txt" ++"ModMii" ++"zip" ++"" -rep _*"files/ModMii"__ -rep _".zip"*__ -write -yes + + +if /i "%UPDATENAME%" NEQ "ModMii" support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\list.txt" ++"%UPDATENAME:~-3%" -write -yes + +if /i "%UPDATENAME%" EQU "ModMii" support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\list.txt" -!"_" -write -yes + +support\sfk filter -spat -quiet "temp\list.txt" -rep _*"\x5f"__ -write -yes + +set /p newversion= nul + + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:skip + +if %currentversion% GTR %newversion% (echo This version is newer than the latest public release) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) -::before %updatename% is called %newversion% can be more than 5 chars (ie. if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (echo This version is up to date) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) -::if %newversion% has exactly 5 chars (#.#.#), get changelog and update -if "%newversion:~5%"=="" goto:getchangelog +:skip +if %currentversion% GTR %newversion% (echo This version is newer than the latest public release) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:OPTIONS) -::only make it this far if newversion is greater than current version (ie. not beta shit) and has >5 chars (ie. #.#.#.#). Now check if DL DB needs to be updated (ie. partial update) -set NEWDBUPDATEVERSION=%newversion% -set DBUPDATEVERSION=none -if exist temp\DBUPDATE%newversion:~0,5%.bat call temp\DBUPDATE%newversion:~0,5%.bat -if %NEWDBUPDATEVERSION% EQU %DBUPDATEVERSION% (echo This version is up to date) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) +if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (echo This version is up to date) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:OPTIONS) -:getchangelog -start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -if not exist %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt goto:updatefail +::openchangelog +start + +:updateconfirm +set updatenow= + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo by XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo. +support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] An Update is available, would you like to update to v%newversion% now? +echo. +echo. +echo. +echo It is recommended you read the changelog that just opened in your browser. +echo. +echo. +echo. +support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Y = Yes - Perform Update Now! (RECOMMENDED) +echo. +echo N = No, do not update +echo. +echo. +echo. +set /p updatenow= Enter Selection Here: + +if /i "%updatenow%" NEQ "N" goto:skip +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU) +:skip + +if /i "%updatenow%" EQU "Y" goto:updatenow + +:badkey +echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key +@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul +goto:updateconfirm + + +:updatenow + +cls +echo ModMii v%currentversion% +echo by XFlak +echo. +echo. +echo Updating from v%currentversion% to v%newversion% +echo. +echo. +echo Please Wait... +echo. + +if not exist "" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 + +if not exist "" goto:updatefail + +copy /y support\7za.exe support\7za2.exe>nul + + +echo @echo off>Updatetemp.bat +echo mode con cols=85 lines=54 >>Updatetemp.bat +echo color 1f>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo ModMii v%currentversion%>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo by XFlak>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo.>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo.>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo Updating from v%currentversion% to v%newversion%>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo.>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo.>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo Please Wait...>>Updatetemp.bat +echo echo.>>Updatetemp.bat + + +echo if exist "support\ModMii.bat" ren "support\ModMii.bat" "ModMii-v%currentversion%.bat">>Updatetemp.bat +echo if exist "support\ModMiiSkin.bat" ren "support\ModMiiSkin.bat" "ModMiiSkin-v%currentversion%.bat">>Updatetemp.bat +echo support\7za2 x -aoa>>Updatetemp.bat +echo del^>nul>>Updatetemp.bat +echo del support\7za2.exe^>nul>>Updatetemp.bat +echo Start ModMii.exe>>Updatetemp.bat +echo exit>>Updatetemp.bat +start Updatetemp.bat +exit -ren %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt %UPDATENAME%.bat -call %UPDATENAME%.bat -set newversion=%newversion:~0,5% -if %currentversion% GEQ %newversion% (goto:menu) else (exit) :updatefail echo Update check has failed, check your internet connection and firewall settings. @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul set currentversion=%currentversioncopy% -goto:menu + +if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:menu)