commit 90ef4e3a2f1fd8a137051058bb3640914ed909a2
Author: xflak40 <>
Date: Sat Jul 23 14:09:24 2011 +0000
diff --git a/ModMii English/ModMii.bat b/ModMii English/ModMii.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a37b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ModMii English/ModMii.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,23328 @@
+@echo off
+set ModMiipath=%cd%
+set cygwin=nodosfilewarning
+set currentversion=4.6.1
+set agreedversion=
+if exist settings.bat call settings.bat
+if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat
+if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul
+if "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"=="" goto:notfreshinstall
+if "%UPDATENAME%"=="" goto:notfreshinstall
+if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat attrib -h "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat
+if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat del "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat>nul
+if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat attrib -h "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat
+if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat del "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat>nul
+mode con cols=85 lines=54
+color 1f
+::SET FILENAME=%~nx0 //this returns the name of the batch file running (doesn't work when packaged in an exe)
+::SET PATHNAME=%0 //this returns the filename but also with absolute path
+if exist skipscam.txt goto:DefaultSettings
+if exist ipromisetodonate.txt goto:DefaultSettings
+set warning=
+echo ModMii
+echo by XFlak
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT FOR SALE.
+if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!
+if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul
+echo Please type the word "I" followed by the word "Agree"
+echo with a space between those two words and
+echo then press "Enter" to continue.
+if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul
+echo If you can't follow those instructions,
+echo then you have no business modding anything.
+if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul
+set /p warning= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" echo Having 'skipscam.txt' saved in the same folder as ModMii will skip the scam warning at startup.>skipscam.txt
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" attrib +r +h +s skipscam.txt
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" goto:DefaultSettings
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "ipromisetodonate" echo Having 'ipromisetodonate.txt' saved in the same folder as ModMii will skip the scam warning at startup.>ipromisetodonate.txt
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "ipromisetodonate" attrib +r +h +s ipromisetodonate.txt
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "ipromisetodonate" goto:DefaultSettings
+if /i "%warning%" EQU "I Agree" goto:skip
+echo Exiting ModMii...
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::Save version agreed to
+if exist settings.bat sfk filter -quiet settings.bat -ls!"set AGREEDVERSION=" -write -yes
+echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> settings.bat
+::----LOAD SETTINGS (if exist)----
+if exist settings.bat call settings.bat
+::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------
+IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off
+IF "%PCSAVE%"=="" set PCSAVE=Auto
+IF "%OPTION1%"=="" set OPTION1=off
+IF "%OPTION36%"=="" set OPTION36=on
+IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD
+IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB
+IF "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off
+IF "%sneekverbose%"=="" set sneekverbose=off
+::IF "%discexverify%"=="" set discexverify=off
+IF "%overwritecodes%"=="" set overwritecodes=off
+IF "%cheatregion%"=="" set cheatregion=All
+IF "%cheatlocation%"=="" set cheatlocation=B
+IF "%wiicheat%"=="" set wiicheat=ON
+IF "%WiiWarecheat%"=="" set WiiWarecheat=ON
+IF "%VCArcadecheat%"=="" set VCArcadecheat=OFF
+IF "%WiiChannelscheat%"=="" set WiiChannelscheat=ON
+IF "%Gamecubecheat%"=="" set Gamecubecheat=ON
+IF "%NEScheat%"=="" set NEScheat=ON
+IF "%SNEScheat%"=="" set SNEScheat=ON
+IF "%N64cheat%"=="" set N64cheat=ON
+IF "%SMScheat%"=="" set SMScheat=ON
+IF "%Segacheat%"=="" set Segacheat=ON
+IF "%NeoGeocheat%"=="" set NeoGeocheat=ON
+IF "%Commodorecheat%"=="" set Commodorecheat=ON
+IF "%MSXcheat%"=="" set MSXcheat=ON
+IF "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON
+IF "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON
+::check if drive folder exists--if second char is ":" check if drive exists
+if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
+if exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD)
+::check if DRIVEU folder exists--if second char is ":" check if DRIVEU exists
+if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
+if exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVEU=COPY_TO_USB)
+::.NET Framework 3.5 check+installation
+if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation
+echo ModMii requires .NET Framework 3.5 be installed
+set FrameworkAttempt=0
+SET /a FrameworkAttempt=%FrameworkAttempt%+1
+if exist "temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe" goto:semiskip
+echo Downloading .NET Framework 3.5 Installer
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 ""
+::start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait ""
+if not exist temp mkdir temp
+if exist dotNetFx35setup.exe move /y dotNetFx35setup.exe temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe
+echo Launching installer and waiting for installation to finish...
+start /wait temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe
+if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation
+if /i "%FrameworkAttempt%" EQU "3" goto:GiveUpOnFramework
+echo Installation Failed, retrying...
+echo .NET Framework 3.5 Installation Failed Multiple Times
+echo Alternatively, you can try installing .NET Framework 3.5 by performing a Windows Update
+echo Some ModMii features may not work properly without .NET Framework 3.5 installed
+echo Hit any key to use ModMii anyways
+::if exist %DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5 echo ;ModMii Log > %DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5
+if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5>nul
+::skip update when using cmd line
+if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:MENUafterbadvars
+if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=)
+if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" goto:UpdateModMii
+::......................................................MAIN MENU..............................................
+if exist %UPDATENAME%.bat del %UPDATENAME%.bat>nul
+if exist %UPDATENAME%.txt del %UPDATENAME%.txt>nul
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt del temp\simplelog.txt>nul
+if exist temp\DLgotos-copy.txt del temp\DLgotos-copy.txt>nul
+::----restore settings if applicable (download queue and sneek nand builder)----
+IF "%MENU1%"=="" goto:NOCLEAR
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "O" goto:Cleartempsettings
+Set Option1=%Option1TEMP%
+Set Option1TEMP=%Option1%
+if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=)
+::variable that interfere with cmd line wizard
+set STUB=
+set PIC=
+set NET=
+set NEWS=
+set SHOP=
+set SPEAK=
+set MIIQ=
+set REGION=
+set UpdatesIOSQ=
+mode con cols=85 lines=54
+SET lines=54
+set MORE=
+set loadorgo=go
+set SMAPP=
+SET EXPLOIT=default
+set exploitselection=
+set COPY=
+set DLTOTAL=0
+set DB=N
+set cfgfullrelease=NONE
+set UPAGE1=
+set LOADER=
+set patchIOSnum=36 or 236
+::if second char is ":" check if drive exists
+if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
+if not exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD
+::if second char is ":" check if driveU exists
+if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
+if not exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_USB
+set basewad=none
+set basewadb=none
+set AdvNumber=0
+if exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt del temp\DLnamesADV.txt>nul
+if exist temp\DLgotosADV.txt del temp\DLgotosADV.txt>nul
+set EULAU=
+set EULAE=
+set EULAJ=
+set EULAK=
+set RSU=
+set RSE=
+set RSJ=
+set RSK=
+set BC=
+set SM3.2U=
+set SM4.1U=
+set SM4.2U=
+set SM4.3U=
+set SM3.2E=
+set SM4.1E=
+set SM4.2E=
+set SM4.3E=
+set SM3.2J=
+set SM4.1J=
+set SM4.2J=
+set SM4.3J=
+set SM4.1K=
+set SM4.2K=
+set SM4.3K=
+set SM4.3U-DWR=
+set SM4.2U-DWR=
+set SM4.1U-DWR=
+set SM4.3E-DWR=
+set SM4.2E-DWR=
+set SM4.1E-DWR=
+set SM4.3J-DWR=
+set SM4.2J-DWR=
+set SM4.1J-DWR=
+set SM4.3K-DWR=
+set SM4.2K-DWR=
+set SM4.1K-DWR=
+set SM4.3U-DWG=
+set SM4.2U-DWG=
+set SM4.1U-DWG=
+set SM4.3E-DWG=
+set SM4.2E-DWG=
+set SM4.1E-DWG=
+set SM4.3J-DWG=
+set SM4.2J-DWG=
+set SM4.1J-DWG=
+set SM4.3K-DWG=
+set SM4.2K-DWG=
+set SM4.1K-DWG=
+set IOS30=
+set IOS30P=
+set IOS30P60=
+set IOS40P60=
+set IOS20P60=
+set IOS11P60=
+set IOS50P=
+set IOS52P=
+set IOS60=
+set IOS60P=
+set IOS70=
+set IOS70P=
+set IOS80=
+set IOS80P=
+set IOS236=
+set IOS70K=
+set IOS80K=
+set BB1=
+set BB2=
+set HM=
+set h4=
+set h5=
+set h51=
+set w19=
+set w20=
+set IOS236Installer=
+set SIP=
+set JOY=
+set Y4M=
+set dop=
+set locked=
+set AccioHacks=
+set MyM=
+set HBB=
+set WII64=
+set WIISX=
+set bootmiisd=
+set pwns=
+set twi=
+set YUGI=
+set ROTJ=
+set TOS=
+set smash=
+set mmm=
+set yawm=
+set neogamma=
+set cfg249=
+set cfg222=
+set usbfolder=
+set WiiMC=
+set fceugx=
+set snes9xgx=
+set vbagx=
+set SGM=
+set WIIX=
+set cfgr=
+set flow=
+set wbm=
+set CheatCodes=
+set f32=
+set USBX=
+set JOYF=
+set S2U=
+set HBF=
+set Pri=
+set HAX=
+set CM5=
+set MP=
+set MII=
+set P=
+set PK=
+set S=
+set SK=
+set IU=
+set IE=
+set IJ=
+set WU=
+set WE=
+set WJ=
+set NU=
+set NE=
+set NJ=
+set WSU=
+set WSE=
+set WSJ=
+set M10=
+set IOS9=
+set IOS12=
+set IOS13=
+set IOS14=
+set IOS15=
+set IOS17=
+set IOS21=
+set IOS22=
+set IOS28=
+set IOS31=
+set IOS33=
+set IOS34=
+set IOS35=
+set IOS36=
+set IOS36v3608=
+set IOS37=
+set IOS38=
+set IOS41=
+set IOS48v4124=
+set IOS43=
+set IOS45=
+set IOS46=
+set IOS53=
+set IOS55=
+set IOS56=
+set IOS57=
+set IOS58=
+set IOS61=
+set A0e=
+set A0c=
+set A0e_60=
+set A0e_70=
+set A01=
+set A01_60=
+set A01_70=
+set A40=
+set A42=
+set A45=
+set A70=
+set A72=
+set A75=
+set A78=
+set A7b=
+set A7e=
+set A84=
+set A87=
+set A8a=
+set A94=
+set A97=
+set A9a=
+set A81=
+set A8d=
+set A9d=
+set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=
+set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=
+set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=
+set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=
+set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=
+set cIOS222[38]-v4=
+set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=
+set cIOS222[38]-v5=
+set cIOS223[37]-v5=
+set cIOS224[57]-v5=
+set cIOS249[37]-v19=
+set cIOS249[38]-v19=
+set cIOS249[57]-v19=
+set cIOS249[38]-v20=
+set cIOS250[38]-v20=
+set cIOS249[56]-v20=
+set cIOS250[56]-v20=
+set cIOS249[57]-v20=
+set cIOS250[57]-v20=
+set cIOS249-v17b=
+set cIOS249-v14=
+set cIOS250-v14=
+set cIOS202[37]-v5=
+set cIOS202[38]-v5=
+set cIOS202[57]-v5=
+set cIOS223[57]-v5=
+set cIOS224[37]-v5=
+set cIOS250[57]-v19=
+set cIOS250-v17b=
+set cIOS250[37]-v19=
+set cIOS250[38]-v19=
+set cIOS249[37]-v21=
+set cIOS250[37]-v21=
+set cIOS249[38]-v21=
+set cIOS250[38]-v21=
+set cIOS249[56]-v21=
+set cIOS249[53]-v21=
+set cIOS250[53]-v21=
+set cIOS249[55]-v21=
+set cIOS250[55]-v21=
+set cIOS250[56]-v21=
+set cIOS249[57]-v21=
+set cIOS250[57]-v21=
+set cIOS249[58]-v21=
+set cIOS250[58]-v21=
+set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=
+set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6=
+if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall2
+if /i "%cleardownloadsettings%" EQU "yes" goto:DownloadSettings
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED
+if /i "%list%" EQU "C" goto:list
+if /i "%oldlist%" EQU "C" goto:oldlist
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "C" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "C" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "C" goto:ADVANCED
+::for cmdlineDLwizard
+if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:DOWNLOAD
+if not exist temp mkdir temp
+set MENU1=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Choose an Activity:
+echo W = ModMii Wizard + Guide (Start Here to Mod Your Wii!)
+echo U = USB-Loader Setup + Guide
+echo H = HackMii Solutions (Upside-Down HBC/No Vulnerable IOS Fix) + Guide
+echo S = SNEEK Installation, Nand Builder, Game Bulk Extractor
+echo 1 = Downloads Page 1 (System Menu's, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.)
+echo 2 = Downloads Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.)
+echo 3 = Downloads Page 3 (System Menu Themes)
+echo 4 = Downloads Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs)
+echo A = Advanced Custom Downloads
+If Exist download_queue.bat echo L = Load Download Queue
+If Exist download_queue.bat echo.
+echo C = Build Config Files for BootMii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager
+echo FC = File Cleanup: Remove un-needed files after Modding
+echo O = Options
+echo CR = Credits
+echo E = Exit
+echo *********MORE INFO*********
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [RED] V = Visit to ask questions, provide feedback or vote
+echo Use the ModMii Wizard to automatically set-up your SD card with all you need
+echo to fully softmod your Wii and/or upgrade/downgrade your Wii and much more.
+echo When using the ModMii Wizard, a custom guide is built based on your answers
+echo to a few simple questions. Literally run the program once, let it download,
+echo and you will have all the files you need on your SD card to modify your Wii!
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [RED] Donations are optional and can be made via to
+echo ***************************
+set /p MENU1= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:LoadWizardSettings
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:UPAGE1
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE1
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:LIST
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:ADVANCED
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "E" goto:exitnow
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:OPTIONS
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WPAGE2
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" set BACKB4DRIVE=Menu
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:DRIVECHANGE
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "C" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "CR" goto:Credits
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "V" goto:openwebpage
+If not Exist download_queue.bat goto:noload
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:noload
+if exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt del temp\DLnamesADV.txt>nul
+if exist temp\DLgotosADV.txt del temp\DLgotosADV.txt>nul
+call download_queue.bat
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "fuckyou" echo Fuck you too asshole!
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "fuck you" echo Fuck you too asshole!
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "bitch" echo I'm not a bitch, YOU'RE the Bitch!
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "pussy" echo Well, you are what you eat ;)
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "dick" echo Who do you think your calling a dick... DICK!
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "help" echo Google is your friend
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "decompiler" echo Close but no cigar!
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5>nul
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5>nul
+mode con cols=85 lines=65
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Credits
+echo *********************************************************************************
+echo * Special thanks to the following people, who have gone out of their way *
+echo * numerous times to help me when they didn't have to *
+echo * *
+echo * DeadlyFoez, cwstjdenobs, Leathl, Violator, WiiCrazy, Giantpune, WiiPower *
+echo * diddy81, DaMysteryMan, pepxl, ChokeD, longtom1, tj_cool, mauifrog and xzxero *
+echo *********************************************************************************
+echo * Thanks to my cuz, Violator, who first got me into the Wii scene.
+echo * DeadlyFoez for always being there to bounce ModMii ideas off of.
+echo * Leathl for libwiisharp, patchios, nusfilegrabber, showmiiwads, etc.
+echo * cwstjdenobs for creating YAWMM and all his work to help support ModMii.
+echo * tj_cool, xzxero and burritoboy9984 (aka. Erik) for their awesome Guides.
+echo * Team Twiizers for creating the revolutionary HackMii Installer.
+echo * Waninkoko for creating CIOS and other excellent apps like WAD manager.
+echo * Hermes for creating his efficient CIOS 222/223/224.
+echo * davebaol and xabby666 for their cIOS rev 21d2x EHCI module.
+echo * Comex for creating the heavily utilized bannerbomb exploit.
+echo * Crediar, Daco Taco and Phpgeek for brick protection via Priiloader.
+echo * Arikado and the Dop-Mii team for Dop-Mii.
+echo * WiiWu and the Dop-Mii team for Multi-Mod Manager (MMM).
+echo * WiiNinja and WB3000 for their work on NUSD.
+echo * WiiPower for Neogamma and much more.
+echo * WiiCrazy for Crap (Forwarder Channel Maker) and Crazy Intro.
+echo * WiiGator for creating his Gamecube Backup Launcher.
+echo * oggzee, usptactical, gannon and Dr.Clipper for Configurable USB Loader.
+echo * Giantpune for USB Loader GX and much much more.
+echo * Wiimm for Wiimms ISO Tools.
+echo * diddy81 and symular syn of the Wii Theme Team for their amazing themes.
+echo * Narolez and FIX94 for their amazing Forwarder code.
+echo * WiiShizzza for the new ModMii icon and pepxl for the first ModMii icon.
+echo * mamule(F), xav91(F), ketufe(F), Wasabi(I) and Step(I) for translating ModMii.
+echo * devs: Megazig, Omega, Xuzz, SquidMan, Matt_P and The Lemon Man
+echo * Daeken for writing and marcan for his LZ77 code
+echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
+Set Options=
+set cheatoption=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Enter the option # (or letter) to enable/disable it
+echo D = Change Drive letter (Current Setting: %Drive%)
+echo DU = Change Drive letter for USB (Current Setting: %DriveU%)
+echo CC = Cheat Code Options
+echo PC = PC Programs Save Location (Current Setting: %PCSAVE%)
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" echo * F32 Formatter and WiiBackupManager saved to %HomeDrive%
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" echo * Shortcuts will be installed to Start Menu and Desktop
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" echo * PC programs saved portably to one of the above Drive Settings
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+echo * PC programs saved to %homedrive% with shortcuts if running ModMii from %homedrive%
+echo * PC programs saved portably if not running ModMii from %homedrive%
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" echo RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder (Enabled)
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" echo RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder (Disabled)
+echo * Does NOT affect Download Wizard and only applies to IOSs\MIOSs
+echo * Useful for Wii Apps that require IOSs\MIOSs saved to Root
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" echo 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" echo * Folder sometimes required for offline usage of a few Wii Apps
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" echo 1 = Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like Dop-Mii
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" echo 1 = Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like d2x\Hermes cIOS Installers
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" echo 1 = Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# and 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" echo * Useful for offline usage of a handful of Wii Apps
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" echo U = Update IOSs. Wizard to download all active IOSs (Disabled)
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" echo U = Update IOSs. Wizard to download all active IOSs (Enabled)
+if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "OFF" echo 36 = Include IOS36v3608 in ModMii Wizard's Active IOS Downloads (Disabled)
+if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "ON" echo 36 = Include IOS36v3608 in ModMii Wizard's Active IOS Downloads (Enabled)
+echo * Your existing IOS36 may be patched. The downloaded IOS36 is not
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "OFF" echo CM = cMIOS included in ModMii Wizard Guides (Disabled)
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" echo CM = cMIOS included in ModMii Wizard Guides (Enabled)
+echo * A cMIOS allows older non-chipped Wii's to play GameCube backup discs
+if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" echo V = Verbose Output maximized when using wget or Sneek Installer (Disabled)
+if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" echo V = Verbose Output maximized when using wget or Sneek Installer (Enabled)
+if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "off" echo SV = SNEEK Verbose Output (Disabled)
+if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo SV = SNEEK Verbose Output (Enabled)
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" echo F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (WHITE)
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" echo F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (BLACK)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" echo H = Hex Edit cIOS Signatures and cIOS Korean Common Key (Enabled)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" echo * Recommended Setting - change only if your PC cannot Hex Edit cIOSs
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" echo properly even after performing windows updates
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" echo H = Hex Edit cIOS Signatures and cIOS Korean Common Key (Disabled)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" echo * Warning: ModMii will not validate cIOSs but they should still work
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" echo * Loaders will be unable to detect the version of the installed cIOS
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" echo * Default option "Block IOS Reload = AUTO" won't work with CFG and GX
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" echo * Non-Korean Wii's will not be able to load Korean games
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "S" echo H = Hex Edit cIOS Signatures but not cIOS Korean Common Key
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "S" echo * Warning: ModMii will not validate cIOSs but they should still work
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "S" echo * Default option "Block IOS Reload = AUTO" won't work with CFG and GX
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "S" echo * Non-Korean Wii's will not be able to load Korean games
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "K" echo H = Hex Edit cIOS Korean Common Key but not cIOS Signatures
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "K" echo * Warning: ModMii will not validate cIOSs but they should still work
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "K" echo * Loaders will be unable to detect the version of the installed cIOS
+if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder
+echo C = Create Custom.md5 file to verify all
+echo Wads, dols, elfs and apps in %DRIVE%
+if exist Custom.md5 echo C2 = Verify files in %DRIVE% against Custom.md5
+if exist Custom.md5 echo C3 = Delete Custom.md5
+if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "OFF" echo A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start (Disabled)
+if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" echo A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start (Enabled)
+echo N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now
+echo S = Save Settings R = Restore Default Settings M = Main Menu
+set /p OPTIONS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "RS" goto:ROOTSAVE
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "PC" goto:PCSAVE
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "1" goto:Option1
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "N" goto:UpdateModMii
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "A" goto:AutoUpdate
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "36" goto:Option36
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "H" goto:HEXEDIT
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "sv" goto:OptionSneekverbose
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "v" goto:OptionModMiiverbose
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "f" goto:Optionfont
+if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder2
+::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" sfk list "%DRIVE%" wad dol app elf +md5gento="%DRIVE%"\Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.wad>Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.dol>>Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.app>>Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.elf>>Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.bin>>Custom.md5
+::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.exe>>Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" sfk filter Custom.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" goto:Options
+if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C2" Set DB=C
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C2" goto:Finish
+if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" del Custom.md5
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" goto:Options
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CC" goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "U" goto:ACTIVEIOS
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:RestoreSettings
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "decompiler" "ModMii.exe" decompiler
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "decompiler" goto:OPTIONS
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+set ROOTSAVE=off
+set PCSAVE=Auto
+set OPTION1=off
+set OPTION36=on
+set Drive=COPY_TO_SD
+set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB
+Set ModMiiverbose=off
+Set sneekverbose=off
+set overwritecodes=off
+set cheatregion=All
+set cheatlocation=B
+set wiicheat=ON
+set WiiWarecheat=ON
+set VCArcadecheat=OFF
+set WiiChannelscheat=ON
+set Gamecubecheat=ON
+set NEScheat=ON
+set SNEScheat=ON
+set N64cheat=ON
+set SMScheat=ON
+set Segacheat=ON
+set NeoGeocheat=ON
+set Commodorecheat=ON
+set MSXcheat=ON
+set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON
+set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:cheatcodeoptions
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo ::ModMii Settings > settings.bat
+echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> settings.bat
+echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> settings.bat
+echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> settings.bat
+echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> settings.bat
+echo Set OPTION36=%OPTION36%>> settings.bat
+echo Set CMIOSOPTION=%CMIOSOPTION%>> settings.bat
+echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>> settings.bat
+echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU%>> settings.bat
+echo Set overwritecodes=%overwritecodes%>> settings.bat
+echo Set cheatregion=%cheatregion%>> settings.bat
+echo Set cheatlocation=%cheatlocation%>> settings.bat
+echo Set ACTIVEIOS=%ACTIVEIOS%>> settings.bat
+echo Set AUTOUPDATE=%AUTOUPDATE%>> settings.bat
+echo Set ModMiiverbose=%ModMiiverbose%>> settings.bat
+echo Set sneekverbose=%sneekverbose%>> settings.bat
+echo Set SNKFONT=%SNKFONT%>> settings.bat
+echo Set HEXEDIT=%HEXEDIT%>> settings.bat
+echo Set wiicheat=%wiicheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set WiiWarecheat=%WiiWarecheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set VCArcadecheat=%VCArcadecheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set WiiChannelscheat=%WiiChannelscheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set Gamecubecheat=%Gamecubecheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set NEScheat=%NEScheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set SNEScheat=%SNEScheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set N64cheat=%N64cheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set SMScheat=%SMScheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set Segacheat=%Segacheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set NeoGeocheat=%NeoGeocheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set Commodorecheat=%Commodorecheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set MSXcheat=%MSXcheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set TurboGraFX-16cheat=%TurboGraFX-16cheat%>> settings.bat
+echo Set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%>> settings.bat
+echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> settings.bat
+if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:OPTIONS
+if exist settings.bat echo Settings Saved.
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" goto:ROOTSAVEoff
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Auto" (set PCSAVE=Portable) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" (set PCSAVE=Local) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set PCSAVE=Auto) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" (set HEXEDIT=N) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" (set HEXEDIT=S) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "S" (set HEXEDIT=K) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "K" (set HEXEDIT=Y) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "off" (set OPTION1=on) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "on" (set OPTION1=nus) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "nus" (set OPTION1=all) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "all" (set OPTION1=off) & (goto:options)
+if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "ON" goto:OPTION36off
+if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionSneekverboseoff
+Set sneekverbose=on
+Set sneekverbose=off
+if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionModMiiverboseoff
+Set ModMiiverbose=on
+Set ModMiiverbose=off
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" goto:OptionfontB
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" goto:ACTIVEIOSoff
+set cheatoption=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo R = Region to download cheats for: (%cheatregion%)
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" echo O = Overwrite existing txtcodes (Disabled)
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" echo O = Overwrite existing txtcodes (Enabled)
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" echo L = Location(s) to save cheats: (Both 1 and 2)
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" echo L = Location(s) to save cheats: (1: txtcodes)
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" echo L = Location(s) to save cheats: (2: codes\X\L)
+echo 1: - txtcodes: location used by most apps, including CFG USB-Loader
+echo 2: - codes\X\L\: location used by Accio Hacks
+echo X = Console ID Letter (ie. Wii = R)
+echo L = 1st letter of game title ('#' if it starts with a number)
+echo Select or deselect consoles to download cheats for:
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Selected consoles are marked in [Green]Green
+if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]1 = Wii) else (echo 1 = Wii)
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]2 = WiiWare) else (echo 2 = WiiWare)
+::if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]3 = VC Arcade) else (echo 3 = VC Arcade)
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]3 = VC Arcade (Disabled due to error)
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]4 = Wii Channels) else (echo 4 = Wii Channels)
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]5 = Gamecube) else (echo 5 = Gamecube)
+if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]6 = NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 6 = NES/Famicom VC)
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 7 = Super NES/Famicom VC)
+if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]8 = Nintendo 64 VC) else (echo 8 = Nintendo 64 VC)
+if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]9 = Sega Master System VC) else (echo 9 = Sega Master System VC)
+if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) else (echo 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC)
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 11 = NeoGeo VC) else (echo 11 = NeoGeo VC)
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 12 = Commodore 64 VC) else (echo 12 = Commodore 64 VC)
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 13 = MSX VC) else (echo 13 = MSX VC)
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) else (echo 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC)
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) else (echo 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC)
+echo A = All
+echo C = Clear
+echo S = Save Settings
+echo D = Default Cheat Settings
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p cheatoption= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "1" goto:wiicheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "2" goto:WiiWarecheat
+::if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "3" goto:VCArcadecheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "4" goto:WiiChannelscheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "5" goto:Gamecubecheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "6" goto:NEScheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "7" goto:SNEScheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "8" goto:N64cheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "9" goto:SMScheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "10" goto:Segacheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "11" goto:NeoGeocheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "12" goto:Commodorecheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "13" goto:MSXcheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "14" goto:TurboGraFX-16cheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "15" goto:TurboGraFX-CDcheat
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:selectallcheats
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "C" goto:deselectallcheats
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "R" goto:cheatregion
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "l" goto:cheatlocation
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "O" goto:overwritecodes
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:countconsoles
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:countconsoles
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:defaultcheatsettings
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+set countconsoles=0
+if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1
+if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" echo Select at least one console to download cheats for
+if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:Options
+if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" goto:overwritecodesoff
+Set overwritecodes=ON
+Set overwritecodes=OFF
+if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "all" Set cheatregion=USA&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "USA" Set cheatregion=PAL&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "PAL" Set cheatregion=JAP&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "JAP" Set cheatregion=all&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" Set cheatlocation=T&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" Set cheatlocation=C&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" Set cheatlocation=B&&goto:cheatcodeoptions
+if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "OFF" (set wiicheat=ON) else (set wiicheat=OFF)
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiWarecheat=ON) else (set WiiWarecheat=OFF)
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set VCArcadecheat=ON) else (set VCArcadecheat=OFF)
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiChannelscheat=ON) else (set WiiChannelscheat=OFF)
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Gamecubecheat=ON) else (set Gamecubecheat=OFF)
+if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NEScheat=ON) else (set NEScheat=OFF)
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SNEScheat=ON) else (set SNEScheat=OFF)
+if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set N64cheat=ON) else (set N64cheat=OFF)
+if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SMScheat=ON) else (set SMScheat=OFF)
+if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Segacheat=ON) else (set Segacheat=OFF)
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NeoGeocheat=ON) else (set NeoGeocheat=OFF)
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Commodorecheat=ON) else (set Commodorecheat=OFF)
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set MSXcheat=ON) else (set MSXcheat=OFF)
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF)
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF)
+set wiicheat=OFF
+set WiiWarecheat=OFF
+set VCArcadecheat=OFF
+set WiiChannelscheat=OFF
+set Gamecubecheat=OFF
+set NEScheat=OFF
+set SNEScheat=OFF
+set N64cheat=OFF
+set SMScheat=OFF
+set Segacheat=OFF
+set NeoGeocheat=OFF
+set Commodorecheat=OFF
+set MSXcheat=OFF
+set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF
+set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF
+set drivetemp=%DRIVE%
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the drive letter (or Path) to save files for your SD Card
+::the below msg is only for people building a nand
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:donotskip
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (goto:donotskip) else (goto:skip)
+echo Note: WADs installed to emulated NAND will also be saved to this location
+echo so they will not need to be redownloaded to build future NANDs
+echo Current Setting: %Drive%
+echo Notes: * To continue using Current Settings
+echo leave the selection blank and hit enter.
+echo * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder into this
+echo window to save yourself having to manually type it
+echo * If you continue to experience errors, try using default settings
+echo L:
+echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_SD
+echo Note: %%userprofile%% shortcut doesn't work on Windows XP
+echo ModMii\4.2U
+echo Note: this creates ModMii\4.2U folders where this program is Saved
+echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder
+echo D = Default Setting: COPY_TO_SD
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p Drivetemp= Enter Selection Here:
+::remove quotes from variable (if applicable)
+echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat
+call temp.bat
+del temp.bat
+del temp.txt
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE%
+set fixslash=
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes
+if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1%
+if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheck
+::if second char is ":" check if drive exists
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
+if exist "%DRIVETEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.)
+echo %DRIVETEMP:~0,2% doesn't exist, please try again...
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::autosave drive setting to settings.bat
+sfk filter settings.bat -!"Set Drive=" -write -yes>nul
+echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>>settings.bat
+if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5>nul
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) else (goto:download)
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE%
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE%
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE%
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE%
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE%
+set driveUtemp=%DRIVEU%
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the drive letter (or Path) to save files for your USB Hard Drive
+echo Current Setting: %DriveU%
+echo Notes: * To continue using Current Settings
+echo leave the selection blank and hit enter.
+echo * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder into this
+echo window to save yourself having to manually type it
+echo * If you continue to experience errors, try using default settings
+echo L:
+echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_USB
+echo Note: %%userprofile%% shortcut doesn't work on Windows XP
+echo ModMii\4.2U
+echo Note: this creates ModMii\4.2U folders where this program is Saved
+echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder
+echo D = Default Setting: COPY_TO_USB
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p DriveUtemp= Enter Selection Here:
+::remove quotes from variable (if applicable)
+echo "set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP%">temp.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat
+call temp.bat
+del temp.bat
+del temp.txt
+if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+set fixslash=
+if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes
+if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes
+if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,-1%
+if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckU
+::if second char is ":" check if drive exists
+if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
+if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.)
+echo %DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2% doesn't exist, please try again...
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::autosave drive setting to settings.bat
+sfk filter settings.bat -!"Set DriveU=" -write -yes>nul
+echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU%>>settings.bat
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX2
+::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE
+::if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DOWNLOAD
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:skip
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DownloadQueue
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:Download
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Current Version is %CurrentVersion%
+echo Checking for updates...
+if exist list.bat del list.bat>nul
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget ""
+if exist list* (move /y list* list.bat>nul) else (goto:updatefail)
+sfk filter -quiet "list.bat" -+"%UPDATENAME%" -rep _".txt*"__ -rep _"*%UPDATENAME%-"_"set newversion="_ -rep _" *"__ -write -yes
+sfk filter "list.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul
+call list.bat
+del list.bat>nul
+if %currentversion% GTR %newversion:~0,5% (echo This version is newer than the latest public release) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu)
+::before %updatename% is called %newversion% can be more than 5 chars (ie.
+if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (echo This version is up to date) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu)
+::if %newversion% has exactly 5 chars (#.#.#), get changelog and update
+if "%newversion:~5%"=="" goto:getchangelog
+::only make it this far if newversion is greater than current version (ie. not beta shit) and has >5 chars (ie. #.#.#.#). Now check if DL DB needs to be updated (ie. partial update)
+set NEWDBUPDATEVERSION=%newversion%
+if exist temp\DBUPDATE%newversion:~0,5%.bat call temp\DBUPDATE%newversion:~0,5%.bat
+if %NEWDBUPDATEVERSION% EQU %DBUPDATEVERSION% (echo This version is up to date) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu)
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget
+if not exist %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt goto:updatefail
+ren %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt %UPDATENAME%.bat
+call %UPDATENAME%.bat
+set newversion=%newversion:~0,5%
+if %currentversion% GEQ %newversion% (goto:menu) else (exit)
+echo Update check has failed, check your internet connection and firewall settings.
+@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul
+::-------------------------------File Cleanup------------------------------------
+set cleanitems=0
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::smash stack USA check
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin
+set md5=aa93aab9bfdd25883bbd826a62645033
+set nextgoto=cleancheck1
+set SmashCheck=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashCheck=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlie\data.bin
+set md5=b94f40d57a4b5577eb2479f63cbe79df
+set nextgoto=cleancheck2
+set PWNSU=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSU=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlij\data.bin
+set md5=1f7e42a30492d2fa116a2fe5ebc685d1
+set nextgoto=cleancheck3
+set PWNSJ=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSJ=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlip\data.bin
+set md5=a6b8f03f49baa471228dcd81d3fd623a
+set nextgoto=cleancheck4
+set PWNSE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin
+set md5=02639bd145730269a98f69a4fd466225
+set nextgoto=cleancheck5
+set TWIU=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIU=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin
+set md5=b51cd6a64bc911cc5c8e41ed5d9fd8ae
+set nextgoto=cleancheck6
+set TWIJ=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIJ=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin
+set md5=704bd625ea5b42d7ac06fc937af74d38
+set nextgoto=cleancheck7
+set TWIE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoe\data.bin
+set md5=0319cb55ecb1caea34e4504aa56664ab
+set nextgoto=cleancheck8
+set YUGIU=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIU=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin
+set md5=8e8aca85b1106932db5ec564ac5c9f0b
+set nextgoto=cleancheck9
+set YUGIE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::YUGI EURO 50hz
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin
+set md5=fd15710a20ec01d01324c18bf4bf3921
+set nextgoto=cleancheck10
+::set YUGIE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoj\data.bin
+set md5=2f7dfe45a01d01cbf7672afd70b252b4
+set nextgoto=cleancheck11
+set YUGIJ=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIJ=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::smash stack JAP check
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin
+set md5=9a23e5543c65ea2090c5b66a9839216a
+set nextgoto=cleancheck12
+set SmashJCheck=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashJCheck=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbe\data.bin
+set md5=5dac3152baabbc6ca17bedfd5b7350c9
+set nextgoto=cleancheck13
+set BATHAXXU=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BATHAXXU=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbj\data.bin
+set md5=8ce86646c463565798dda77ea93118eb
+set nextgoto=cleancheck14
+set BATHAXXJ=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BATHAXXJ=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbp\data.bin
+set md5=1f44f39d7aad36c7c93a7592e52fa217
+set nextgoto=cleancheck15
+set BATHAXXE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BATHAXXE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlge\data.bin
+set md5=448a3e6bfb4b6d9fafd64c45575f9cb4
+set nextgoto=cleancheck16
+set ROTJU=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJU=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgj\data.bin
+set md5=b64e489f15dea67b4ab8dd5315064295
+set nextgoto=cleancheck17
+set ROTJJ=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJJ=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgp\data.bin
+set md5=6e225b61b74bd8529374086e476487d3
+set nextgoto=cleancheck18
+set ROTJE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::smash stack PAL check
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin
+set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab
+set nextgoto=cleancheck19
+set SmashPCheck=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashPCheck=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::smash stack PAL - No Save - check
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin
+set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12
+set nextgoto=cleancheck20
+set SmashP2Check=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashP2Check=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::smash stack KOR check
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin
+set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab
+set nextgoto=cleancheck21
+set SmashKCheck=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashKCheck=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::smash stack KOR - No Save - check
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin
+set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12
+set nextgoto=cleancheck22
+set SmashK2Check=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashK2Check=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::Eri HaKawai USA
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4e\data.bin
+set md5=4b62b5c6e00ee8943fec265c5d53ad19
+set nextgoto=cleancheck23
+set TOSU=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSU=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::Eri HaKawai PAL
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4p\data.bin
+set md5=08d01800a4703ec6349c3a8d454bf8e1
+set nextgoto=cleancheck24
+set TOSE=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSE=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::Eri HaKawai JAP
+set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4j\data.bin
+set md5=7884370e1b8960ed09ed61395007affd
+set nextgoto=cleancheck25
+set TOSJ=off
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSJ=on
+if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1
+::----mark matches-----
+set match=
+if exist "%path2clean%" (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
+set match=yes
+::assume match, if its not, it will change to 'no' further below
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%path2clean%"
+if errorlevel 1 set match=no
+if /i "%cleanitems%" NEQ "0" goto:FileCleanup2
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo No Unnecessary Files Exist in %DRIVE%
+echo Returning to Main Menu...
+@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul
+set clean=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo After you are finished modding your Wii,
+echo you can delete certain files to free up space
+echo and ensure no one can access potentially dangerous apps on your Wii.
+echo Note: Instead of deleting apps, you can move them to a Locked Folder
+echo in the HBC (downloadable via Download Page 2).
+echo Would you like to delete the following from %DRIVE%?
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD echo * WAD Folder
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 echo * 00000001 Folder
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 echo * 00010008 Folder
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 echo * 00010002 Folder
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 echo * 00010001 Folder
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn echo * Bannerbomb
+if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (USA)
+if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (JAP)
+if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (EURO)
+if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (EURO) - No Save
+if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (KOR)
+if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (KOR) - No Save
+if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (USA)
+if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (EURO)
+if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (JAP)
+if /i "%BATHAXXU%" EQU "on" echo * BATHAXX (USA)
+if /i "%BATHAXXE%" EQU "on" echo * BATHAXX (EURO)
+if /i "%BATHAXXJ%" EQU "on" echo * BATHAXX (JAP)
+if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the JODI (USA)
+if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the JODI (EURO)
+if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the JODI (JAP)
+if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (USA)
+if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (EURO)
+if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (JAP)
+if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (USA)
+if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (EURO)
+if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (JAP)
+if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (USA)
+if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (EURO)
+if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (JAP)
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii echo * apps\DOP-Mii
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM echo * apps\MMM
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher echo * apps\MIOSPatcher
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader echo * apps\Priiloader
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM echo * apps\YAWMM
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer echo * apps\HackMii_Installer
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod echo * apps\IOS236-v5-Mod
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP echo * apps\SIP
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer echo * apps\WiiExplorer
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol echo * dol's from root of device
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf echo * elf's from root of device
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad echo * wad's from root of device
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 echo * md5's from root of device
+echo Note: All the above files, with the exception of custom WADs,
+echo can be retrieved again later using ModMii
+echo Y = Yes, delete files now
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p clean= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%clean%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow
+if /i "%clean%" EQU "N" goto:MENU
+if /i "%clean%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%clean%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+set clean2=
+echo Are you sure you want to permanently delete the above files? (Y/N)
+set /p clean2= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%clean2%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow3
+if /i "%clean2%" EQU "N" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol del "%DRIVE%"\*.dol> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf del "%DRIVE%"\*.elf> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad del "%DRIVE%"\*.wad> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 del "%DRIVE%"\*.md5> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WAD> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00000001> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010008> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010002> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010001> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip del "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip> nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz> nul
+::advanced deletions
+if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin> nul
+if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin> nul
+if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul
+if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul
+if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul
+if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul
+if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlie> nul
+if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlij> nul
+if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlip> nul
+if /i "%BATHAXXU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbe> nul
+if /i "%BATHAXXJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbj> nul
+if /i "%BATHAXXE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbp> nul
+if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlge> nul
+if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgj> nul
+if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgp> nul
+if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4e> nul
+if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4p> nul
+if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4j> nul
+if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzde> nul
+if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdp> nul
+if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdj> nul
+if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoe> nul
+if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryop> nul
+if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoj> nul
+@ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul
+::--------------------Wizard Settings Detected----------------
+set LoadWizSettings=
+if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:WPAGE1
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Wizard Saved Settings Detected!
+echo Would you like to load the Wizard's Saved Settings now?
+echo Note: You will be able to view and confirm the loaded settings
+echo before starting your download
+echo Y = Yes, Load Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo N = No, Continue with the Download Wizard
+echo D = Delete Wizard_Settings.bat to stop seeing this page
+echo in the future then continue with the Download Wizard
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p LoadWizSettings= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip
+call Wizard_Settings.bat
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "Y" set ThemeSelection=r
+if /i "%Mii%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y
+if /i "%pri%" EQU "Y" set PRIQ=Y
+if /i "%H5%" EQU "Y" set RECCIOS=Y
+if /i "%HM%" EQU "Y" set HMInstaller=Y
+if /i "%yawmm%" EQU "Y" set yawmq=Y
+if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "Y" set IOS236InstallerQ=Y
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" del Wizard_Settings.bat
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE1
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE1
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?...............................
+set VIRGIN=
+set Advanced=
+set HMInstaller=
+set yawmQ=
+set PRIQ=
+set protect=
+set ThemeSelection=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Is your Wii a virgin?
+echo ( ie. free of softmods / un-modified / brand new / stock )
+echo Note: Answer "Yes" even if your Wii is not a virgin in order to
+echo upgrade ALL your Wii's softmods (aka re-hack your Wii)
+echo Y = Yes, download ALL files to hack or re-hack my Wii
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p VIRGIN= Enter Selection Here:
+if exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:backtoloadwiz
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:LoadWizardSettings
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE2
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page2 - Current Firmware...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo HackMii Solutions
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo.
+echo What is your current firmware version?
+echo Note: to check this, turn on your wii, click the Wii button in the
+echo bottom left of the main system menu, click Wii Settings,
+echo then you should see the firmware in the top right of the screen
+echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.)
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:skipnote
+echo Note: If current firmware is v2.2 or under, you may need to use an
+echo alternate exploit [ie. Twilight Hack (U/E/J), Smash Stack (U/J)
+echo or Indiana Pwns (U/E)] instead of BannerBomb.
+echo 4.3 = 4.3
+echo 4.2 = 4.2
+echo 4.1 = 4.1
+echo 4.0 = 4.0
+echo 3.X = 3.0-3.5
+echo O = Other (under 2.2)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p FIRMSTART= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set FIRMSTART=3.X
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIIBACK
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE1
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page3 - REGION...............................
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3hard
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3hard
+set REGION=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What is your Region?
+echo Note: to check this, turn on your wii, click the Wii button in the
+echo bottom left of the main system menu, click Wii Settings,
+echo then you should see the firmware in the top right of the screen
+echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.)
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Note: If your Wii was Region Changed choose the region you are currently on
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:skipmessage
+echo Note: If your Wii is Region Changed but was originally NOT Korean,
+echo choose the region you are currently on.
+echo Note: If your not sure if your Wii was originally Korean, you can check
+echo the serial number on the Wii. Korean Wii's start with "LK".
+echo U = USA
+echo E = Euro (PAL)
+echo J = JAP
+echo K = Korean
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "H" echo RC = Region Changed (from Korean to another region)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "O" goto:skipupdatewarning
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Note to Korean Users:
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] If you perform an online update to v4.3 you will require
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] a Korean copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl to softmod your Wii
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:SkipOtherRegions
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo.
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo.
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Note to Korean Users:
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo.
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Virgin Korean 4.3 Wii's can only be softmodded
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] with a Korean copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p REGION= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE2
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:notRC
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:notRC
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:WPAGE3B
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page3B - REGION CHANGED KOREAN...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What has your Wii's Region been changed to?
+echo Note: to check this, turn on your wii, click the Wii button in the
+echo bottom left of the main system menu, click Wii Settings,
+echo then you should see the firmware in the top right of the screen
+echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.)
+echo U = USA
+echo E = Euro (PAL)
+echo J = JAP
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p REGIONCHANGE= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit...............................
+SET EXPLOIT=default
+set exploitselection=
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3Cnext
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3CnextLATER
+::Only virgin 4.3 U/E/J wii's or <2.2 U/E/J Wii's will make it this far
+::VIRGIN Korean 4.3 Wii's auto-select smashstack
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set EXPLOIT=?
+::this is so "B" works when selecting new firmware
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set exploitselection=yes
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3D
+set exploitselection=yes
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "H" echo You must own, rent, or borrow one of the following games to mod your Wii
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo If your homebrew channel can't load apps properly, you must own, rent,
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo or borrow one of the following two games to fix the problem.
+echo Select the game you wish to use:
+echo S = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo L = LEGO Indiana Jones
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LB = LEGO Batman
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LS = LEGO Star Wars
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo Y = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo TOS = Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo T = Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo.
+echo ? = If you're not sure, download all of the above and decide later
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:skipOmsg
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] Important Notes:
+echo Alternatively, you can update your Wii to v3.0-4.2 using a DISC (ie. NSMBW)
+echo then repeat the Download Wizard using your new Firmware in order to hack your
+echo Wii without requiring one of the above games
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] WARNING: Online update to v4.3 will require one of the above games
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] (except Twilight Princess) to mod your Wii
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p EXPLOIT= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3B
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:twilightnotavailable
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:skip
+::ALL except KOR
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:skip
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" goto:WPAGE3D
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE3D
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit...............................
+SET UpdatesIOSQ=
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" LSS "4.3" goto:WPAGE4
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE4
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:WPAGE4
+::Only 4.3 Wii's without active IOS "ON" will make it this far
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to download active IOSs?
+echo N = No
+echo You're on System Menu 4.3, so you likely already have the latest IOSs.
+echo If your Wii has truly never been modified before, you can say No.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo If your Wii has DarkCorp/cIOSCorp installed, you can say Yes to overwrite it.
+echo If original Wii discs or WiiWare are not working properly, say Yes to fix it.
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p UpdatesIOSQ= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE4
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE4
+::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:backtowpage3
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:backtowpage3
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3C
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3B
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page4 - New Firmware...............................
+set FIRM=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Select the new firmware you would like to upgrade/downgrade to.
+echo Note: if current firmware = new firmware, a system menu is not downloaded
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Warning:[def] installing firmware below 4.0 on boot2v4 wii's results in Brick.
+echo But, Yet Another Wad Manager (YAWMM) or MMM will not permit you to
+echo (un)install anything that will brick you.
+echo You can manually check your boot2 version using MMM, DOP-Mii or Bootmii.
+::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] 4.3 = 4.3 [NOT RECOMMENDED]) else (echo 4.3 = 4.3)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.3 = 4.3 [RECOMMENDED]) else (echo 4.3 = 4.3)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" (sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.2 = 4.2 [RECOMMENDED]) else (echo 4.2 = 4.2)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:SkipGreen4.1
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:SkipGreen4.1
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.1 = 4.1 [RECOMMENDED]
+echo 4.1 = 4.1
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p FIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE5
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE5
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE5
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:backtowpage3b
+if /i "%exploitselection%" EQU "yes" goto:backtoExploits
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:backtoExploits
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:backtowpage3c
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:backtowpage3c
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:backtowpage3b
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3D
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3C
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:wpage3
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page5 - MORE Channels?...............................
+set MORE=
+set PIC=
+set NET=
+set Weather=
+set NEWS=
+set MIIQ=
+set Shop=
+set Speak=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to download any of the following channels:
+echo * Photo
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Internet
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Weather
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * News
+echo * Mii
+echo * Shopping
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Wii Speak
+echo A = All
+echo S = Some
+echo N = None
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p MORE= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE4
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE20
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE6
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE6
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page6 - Photo Channel...............................
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set PIC=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE7
+set PIC=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Photo Channel?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p PIC= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE7
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE7
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page7 - Internet?...............................
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE10
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NET=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE8
+set NET=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Internet Channel?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p NET= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE8
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE8
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page8 - Weather...............................
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Weather=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE9
+set Weather=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Weather Channel?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WEATHER= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE9
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE9
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE7
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page9 - NEWS...............................
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NEWS=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE10
+set NEWS=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download News Channel?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p NEWS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE10
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE10
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE8
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page10 - Mii...............................
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set MIIQ=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE11
+set MIIQ=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Mii Channel?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p MIIQ= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE11
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE11
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Koreanbacktophoto
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE9
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page11 - Shop...............................
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Shop=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE12
+set Shop=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Shopping Channel?
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo.
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo.
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo.
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo Note: IOS56 will also be downloaded
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SHOP= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE12
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE12
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE10
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page12 - Speak...............................
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE13
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Speak=Y
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE13
+set Speak=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Wii Speak Channel?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p Speak= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page13 - MORE Advanced Channels?...............................
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19B
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE12
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM
+set Advanced=
+set HMInstaller=
+set yawmQ=
+set PRIQ=
+set protect=
+set ThemeSelection=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to download any of the following:
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo * HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo * HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo * HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo * HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v2 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Korean2.2NoExploit
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra
+echo * Download HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits?
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo * Recommended cIOSs and cMIOS) else (echo * Recommended cIOSs)
+echo * Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)
+echo * IOS236 Installer and Simple IOS Patcher
+echo with IOS36v3351 for installing a patched IOS236
+echo * Priiloader v0.7 (236 Mod) (with hacks_hash.ini)
+echo * Extra Brick Protection
+echo * A System Menu Theme
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p Advanced= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:BACK2MORE
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:BACK2MORE
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:BACK2WPAGE11
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13B
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page13B - HAckMii Installer...............................
+set HMInstaller=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)?
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)?
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)?
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v2 (with IOS58)?
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Download HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits?
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra
+echo Download HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits
+echo Note: The Hackmii Installer can install the Homebrew Channel and/or Bootmii
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p HMInstaller= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE14
+if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE14
+if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page14 - cIOSs and cMIOSs...............................
+set d2x-beta-rev=6
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo Download the following recommended cIOSs and cMIOS?) else (echo Download the following recommended cIOSs?)
+echo *cIOS202[57]-v5.wad
+echo *cIOS222[38]-v5.wad
+echo *cIOS223[37-38]-v4.wad
+echo *cIOS224[57]-v5.wad
+echo *cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad
+echo *cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip
+echo *RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2.wad
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p RECCIOS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE17
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE17
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13B
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page15 and 16 removed...............................
+::...................................Wizard Page17 - YAWMM...............................
+set yawmQ=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)?
+echo Note: Other Wad Managers may not be compatible with cIOSs with non-IOS38 base
+echo If you're not using YAWMM as your main wad manager, you're missing out.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p yawmQ= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE18
+if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE18
+if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE14
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page18 - IOS236 Installer...............................
+set IOS236InstallerQ=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download IOS236 Installer and Simple IOS Patcher (with IOS36v3351)?
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p IOS236InstallerQ= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE19
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE17
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page19 - Priiloader...............................
+set PRIQ=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Priiloader?
+echo Note: Multi-Mod Manager and Hacks.ini will also be downloaded
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p PRIQ= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19B
+if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE19B
+if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE18
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page19B - Extra Brick Protection...............................
+set protect=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Download Extra Brick Protection?
+echo This will download the following System Menu IOSs which will protect all Wii's
+echo (even newer LU64 Wii's) from bricking in the event of 'accidental' up/downgrading.
+echo * IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS11 required for SMv2.0-2.1
+echo * IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS20 required for SMv2.2
+echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS30 required for SMv3.0-3.3
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" echo * IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS40 required for SMv3.3K
+echo * IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS50 required for SMv3.4
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" echo * IOS52v15661(IOS52v5661[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS52 required for SMv3.5K
+echo * IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS60 required for SMv4.0-4.1
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "RC" echo * IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS70 required for SMv4.2
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" echo * IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) - IOS70 required for SMv4.2
+echo * USB-Loader Forwarder Channel
+echo You should always have at least one forwarder channel installed on your Wii,
+echo that way, in the event of accidental update, you'll be able to rehack your Wii
+echo without relying on an exploit requiring a specific Wii Game.
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" echo.
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" echo Note: IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) will be downloaded even if you answer no
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" echo to protect against 003 Bricks
+echo NOTES:
+echo -Version numbers have been increased to survive official updates.
+echo -With the exception of the USB-Loader Forwarder Channel,
+echo Installing these will NOT reduce the amount of memory your Wii
+echo has for Channels or Game Saves.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p protect= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE20
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2PRI
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced2
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2MORE2
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:Back2MORE2
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Back2SHOP2
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2Speak2
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE19
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page20 - Theme Selection...............................
+set ThemeSelection=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip
+echo Would you like to install a custom Theme on your Wii?
+echo R = DarkWii Red Theme
+echo WWWR = View DarkWii Red Theme on youtube
+echo G = DarkWii Green Theme
+echo WWWG = View DarkWii Green Theme on youtube
+echo N = No, I want the same old boring, boring System Menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p ThemeSelection= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "WWWR" (start
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "WWWG" (start
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE19B
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE21
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE21
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE21
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE5
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE5
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE5
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE5
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Page21 - Theme Selection...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to set up a USB-Loader now?
+echo Notes
+echo =====
+echo * A USB-Loader allows the Wii to play games off an external Hard Drive.
+echo * This step can always be done by itself later on from ModMii's Main Menu.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p USBGUIDE= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE20
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:UPAGE1
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................Wizard Last Page - Confirmation...............................
+set WLAST=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Are these settings correct?
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" echo * Wii is currently a virgin (un-modified)
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" echo * Wii is already modified
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:RCSTATUS
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Current firmware is %FIRMSTART%%REGION%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Current firmware is less than 2.2%REGION%
+echo * Desired firmware is %FIRM%%REGION%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Wii is Korean but has previously been region changed to %FIRMSTART%%REGIONCHANGE%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Wii is Korean but has previously been region changed to %REGIONCHANGE%
+echo * Desired firmware is %FIRM%%REGIONCHANGE%
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Photo Channel
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Internet Channel
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Weather Channel
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo * Download News Channel
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Mii Channel
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Shopping Channel (and IOS56)
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Wii Speak Channel
+if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip4.3extra
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v2 (with IOS58)
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Download HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra
+echo * Download HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo * Download recommended cIOSs and cMIOS) else (echo * Download recommended cIOSs)
+if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip
+echo * Download IOS236 Installer and Simple IOS Patcher
+echo with IOS36v3351 for installing a patched IOS236
+if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Priiloader
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Extra Brick Protection
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Install Dark Wii Red Theme
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Install Dark Wii Green Theme
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip
+echo * External Hard Drive to be Formatted as %FORMATNAME%
+echo * External Hard Drive already Formatted as %FORMATNAME%
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" echo * Download Configurable USB-Loader
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" echo * Download WiiFlow
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" echo * Download Configurable USB-Loader and WiiFlow
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to USB Hard Drive
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to SD Card
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip
+echo S = Save Wizard Settings For Future Use
+if exist Wizard_Settings.bat echo Existing Wizard_Settings.bat will be renamed
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No / Main Menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WLAST= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "S" goto:SaveWizardSettings
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DriveChange
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "N" goto:Menu
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced
+if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2PROTECT
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2PROTECT
+if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2PROTECT
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:backtoUpage2
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21
+if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::-------------Save Wizard Settings:-------------------
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+set countwiz=0
+if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:skip
+SET /a countwiz=%countwiz%+1
+if exist Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat goto:renameWIZARDsettings
+move Wizard_Settings.bat Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat
+echo ::ModMii v%currentversion% - Wizard Settings - %DATE% - %TIME% >> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set VIRGIN=%VIRGIN%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set REGION=%REGION%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set FIRMSTART=%FIRMSTART%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set FIRM=%FIRM%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set REGIONCHANGE=%REGIONCHANGE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set PIC=%PIC%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set NET=%NET%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set WEATHER=%WEATHER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set NEWS=%NEWS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set MIIQ=%MIIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set Shop=%Shop%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set Speak=%Speak%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set HMInstaller=%HMInstaller%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set yawmQ=%yawmQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set IOS236InstallerQ=%IOS236InstallerQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set PRIQ=%PRIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set protect=%protect%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set ThemeSelection=%ThemeSelection%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set EXPLOIT=%EXPLOIT%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set MORE=%MORE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set ADVANCED=%ADVANCED%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set UpdatesIOSQ=%UpdatesIOSQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set RECCIOS=%RECCIOS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set USBGUIDE=%USBGUIDE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set UPAGE1=%UPAGE1%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set LOADER=%LOADER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+echo set USBCONFIG=%USBCONFIG%>> Wizard_Settings.bat
+if exist Wizard_Settings.bat echo Download Wizard Settings Saved.
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1 - Format?...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo How would you like your external Hard Drive Formatted?
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 1 = FAT32 (RECOMMENDED)
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Pros:[def] The Wii can access apps, games, covers and music stored on FAT32
+echo Ideal if you don't always have an SD card to launch the USB-Loader
+echo Compatible with SNEEK/Triiforce Nand Emulation.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] Cannot store files greater than 4GBs. The limit does not apply
+echo to Wii games, which can be split into parts. This will likely not
+echo affect you unless the drive is also used to store high-def videos
+echo 2 = NTFS
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Pros:[def] Capable of storing files greater than 4GB
+echo CFG USB-Loader can access games, covers and music stored on NTFS
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] The Wii cannot access apps stored on NTFS, so an SD card
+echo is required to run the USB-Loader (or a SM Channel)
+echo Incompatible with SNEEK/Triiforce Nand Emulation.
+echo 3 = Partioned partially as FAT32 and partially as NTFS
+echo Note: Small flash drives cannot be partitioned
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Pros:[def] You can access Wii apps on the FAT32 partition while still
+echo being able to save files greater than 4GBs on the NTFS partition
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] A little more work to setup than the other options
+echo 4 = Drive is currently formatted as WBFS and I don't want to change
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] WBFS can ONLY be read by the Wii and ONLY used to store Wii Games
+echo 5 = Drive is currently partitioned as FAT32/WBFS and I don't want to change
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] WBFS can ONLY be read by the Wii and ONLY used to store Wii Games
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p FORMAT= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skip
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=*
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=*
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE1b
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:UPAGE1b
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE1b
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:UPAGE1b
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE1b
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1b - Loader?...............................
+set LOADER=
+set usbfolder=
+set FLOW=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What USB-Loader would you like to use?
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 1 = Configurable USB-Loader (RECOMMENDED)
+echo 2 = WiiFlow
+echo 3 = Both
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p LOADER= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1
+set wbm=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "1" set LOADER=CFG
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "2" set LOADER=FLOW
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "3" set LOADER=ALL
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" goto:nextstep
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" goto:nextstep
+if /i "%LOADER%" NEQ "ALL" goto:skip
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE2
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:DriveChange
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE2
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:DriveChange
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page2 - Config on USB vs SD?...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Where would you like to save your USB-Loader app, covers and config files?
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] USB = USB (RECOMMENDED)[def] (Files saved to "COPY_TO_USB")
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Pros:[def] SD Card not required to launch USB-Loader
+echo USB-Loader files take up a small %% of USB Hard Drive free space
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] Slightly slower loading time (almost negligible)
+echo SD = SD (Files saved to "%DRIVE%")
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Pros:[def] Slightly faster loading time (almost negligible)
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cons:[def] Cannot launch the USB-Loader without SD Card
+echo USB-Loader files can take up a large %% of SD Card free space
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p USBCONFIG= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1b
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+::if using wizard+usb-loader setup, set up both drive letters
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:DriveChange
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page1 - SNEEK SELECT...............................
+set SNKS2U=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Which of the following SNEEK Actions would you like to perform?
+echo 1 = SNEEK Installation
+echo 2 = Emulated NAND Builder (for SNEEK)
+echo 3 = All the above (Recommended for first time SNEEK users)
+echo 4 = Game Bulk Extractor (for SNEEK)
+echo * Supported formats include ISO, CISO and WBFS files
+echo Requirements:
+echo * Your Wii must have BootMii installed in order to run SNEEK. If you
+echo don't have it installed, run ModMii's Download Wizard.
+echo * UNEEK and UNEEK+DI require the External Hard Drive be formatted
+echo as FAT32 using cluster sizes 32K or lower. If you don't know how to
+echo format your drive this way, run ModMii's USB-Loader Setup.
+echo * SNEEK+DI and UNEEK+DI always uses the 1st partition if multiple are found.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: SNEEK is not directly supported by ModMii.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Any problems you have with SNEEK that are not a direct result
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] of ModMii should be reported here:
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] This is also a great place to learn more about SNEEK in general.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Another great resource is the guide here:
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNEEKSELECT= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKPAGE2
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:SNKPAGE2
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKPAGE2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page2 - SNEEK TYPE...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" echo What type of SNEEK would you like to install?
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" echo What type of SNEEK would you like to build an emulated NAND for?
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo Note: NANDs built for any type of SNEEK work with any other type of SNEEK except
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo UNEEK+DI and SNEEK+DI which require 4.2U/E or 4.3U/E emulated NANDs.
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo However, ANY region Wii can use ANY region emulated NAND
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo.
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo Advanced Users: If you self-compile SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI with hacks to support
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo System Menu's other than those mentioned in the note above,
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo you can select "S" or "U" to unlock more NAND building options
+echo UD = UNEEK+DI
+echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on FAT32 External Hard Drive
+echo * Load Wii games off your FAT32 External Hard Drive
+echo * You can load apps off an SD Card via the Homebrew Channel
+echo * DVD-Drive access is disabled for games while running UNEEK+DI
+echo but can be used in apps (ie. WiiXplorer)
+echo * Only works with 4.2U/E and 4.3E emulated NANDs
+echo SD = SNEEK+DI
+echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on SD Card
+echo * Load Wii games off your FAT32 External Hard Drive
+echo * You can load apps off a FAT32 USB HDD via the Homebrew Channel
+echo * DVD-Drive access is disabled for games while running SNEEK+DI
+echo but can be used in apps (ie. WiiXplorer)
+echo * Only works with 4.2U/E and 4.3E emulated NANDs
+echo U = UNEEK
+echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on FAT32 External Hard Drive
+echo * You cannot load any games off your Hard Drive
+echo * You can load apps off an SD Card via the Homebrew Channel
+echo * DVD-Drive access is enabled
+echo * Backup disc loading requires DarkCorp installed on emulated nand
+echo (Newer Wii's have a DVD-Drive that prevents backup disc loading)
+echo S = SNEEK
+echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on SD Card
+::echo * You can load ONE game at a time off your FAT32 External Hard Drive
+echo * You cannot load any games off your Hard Drive
+echo * You can load apps off a FAT32 USB HDD via the Homebrew Channel
+echo * DVD-Drive access is enabled
+echo * Backup disc loading requires DarkCorp installed on emulated nand
+echo (Newer Wii's have a DVD-Drive that prevents backup disc loading)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNEEKTYPE= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+::if only building nand, no need to set drive, only driveU
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page3 - SNEEK REGION...............................
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU%
+set DITYPE=off
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on
+set REGION=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What Region would you like to make your emulated NAND?
+echo Note: SNEEK+DI and UNEEK+DI only work with 4.2U/E or 4.3U/E emulated NANDs.
+echo However, ANY region Wii can use ANY region emulated NAND.
+echo Note: If you want your wiimotes be synced up to your real NAND
+echo and your emulated NAND simultaneously, then you must choose
+echo the real region of your Wii
+echo (in addition to using the setting.txt for your Wii)
+echo U = USA
+echo E = Euro (PAL)
+if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "off" echo J = JAP
+if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "off" echo K = Korean
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p REGION= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKPAGE3%
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set defaultserial=LU521175683
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set defaultserial=LEH133789940
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set defaultserial=LJM101175683
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set defaultserial=LJM101175683
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" (set serialdigits=11 or 12) else (set serialdigits=12)
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKPAGE4
+if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "on" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKPAGE4
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKPAGE4
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK VERSION...............................
+::If region is USA and building NAND for DI, force 4.2 and go to next page
+::if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip
+::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SNKVERSION=4.2
+::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE5
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What Firmware Version would you like your SNEEK emulated NAND to be?
+echo Note: SNEEK+DI and UNEEK+DI only work with 4.2U/E or 4.3U/E emulated NANDs.
+echo However, ANY region Wii can use ANY region emulated NAND.
+if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Warning:[def] 4.3U specifically does NOT have Region Free hacks enabled by default.
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo This only applies to WiiWare/VC Games (aka Channels),
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo the DI/Game Menu can still play Wii Games of All Regions.
+echo 4.3 = 4.3
+echo 4.2 = 4.2
+::anything under 4.2 is not an option for NANDs for DI
+if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "ON" goto:skip
+echo 4.1 = 4.1
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKVERSION= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE3
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" goto:SNKPAGE4a
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" goto:SNKPAGE4a
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" goto:SNKPAGE4a
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4a - HomeBrew Filter...............................
+set SNKHBF=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like the Homebrew Filter Channel on your emulated NAND?
+echo Like the Homebrew Channel, the Homebrew Filter Channel is able to
+echo launch homebrew from an SD Card or FAT32 Hard Drive.
+echo It's not possible to install the latest version of the Homebrew Channel
+echo to emulated nands and the Homebrew Filter is a great alternative.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKHBF= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a2
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4a2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4a2 - cIOS...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to install cIOS249 rev14 to your emulated NAND?
+echo Some apps that require a cIOS will only work on s\uneek with cIOS rev14.
+echo For example, SaveGame Manager GX will work on s\uneek with cIOS rev14.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKCIOS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4b
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4b
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4b - Priiloader For SNEEK...............................
+set SNKPRI=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like Priiloader v0.4 and hacks.ini on your emulated NAND?
+echo Doing this will allow you to enable system menu hacks on your emulated NAND.
+echo It will also permit autobooting sneek to apps of your choice (ie. JoyFlow).
+echo Note: to access Priiloader on your emulated NAND, hold reset just as
+echo your emulated NAND is booting up.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: In some cases you may have about 10 seconds to exit Priiloader
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red](on your emulated NAND) before it becomes unresponsive.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]You will have to save your Priiloader settings quickly and it
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]may take a few tries to save all your settings a little bit at a time.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]One method of accessing Priiloader (on your emulated NAND) without the
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]10 second time limit is to quickly change its 'return to' setting to
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]'Priiloader'. Then launch the emulated system menu, hit home, then
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]select the Wii Menu. It will take you to Priiloader (on your emulated
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]NAND) bypassing the 10 second time limit. When you are finished with
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Priiloader you can change the "return to" settings.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKPRI= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a2
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4c
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4c
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4c - JoyFlow...............................
+set SNKJOY=
+::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKJOY=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE4d)
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like a JoyFlow Forwarder Channel on your emulated NAND?
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo Note: JoyFlow Forwarder dol will also be added as priiloader's
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo installed file. Priiloader's autoboot settings will still need
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo to be changed if you would like your emulated nand to autoboot
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo the installed file.
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo.
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo.
+echo *JoyFlow is USB-Loader for UNEEK+DI that is a visually appealing
+echo alternative to loading Wii games\channels via the emulated System Menu
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKJOY= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4b
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4d
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4d
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4d - Switch2UNEEK...............................
+set SNKS2U=
+::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5)
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to use Switch2Uneek?
+echo Switch2Uneek is a utility to help you easily switch between
+echo your Emulated Uneek Nand and your Real Nand.
+echo If you answer "Y", you must access UNEEK by launching switch2uneek
+echo from the Homebrew Channel. Alternatively, can use MMM to install
+echo the switch2uneek forwarder channel that will be saved to your SD card.
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKS2U= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4c
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE5
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE5
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK SERIAL...............................
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU%
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip
+SET NANDcount=0
+SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1
+if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\nand%NANDcount%" (set nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\nand%NANDcount%) & goto:quickskip
+set settingtxtExist=no
+if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt set settingtxtExist=yes
+set nandexist=no
+if exist "%nandpath%"\title set nandexist=yes
+if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket set nandexist=yes
+if exist "%nandpath%"\sys set nandexist=yes
+if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 set nandexist=yes
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What Serial Number Would you like to use to create setting.txt?
+if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] setting.txt already exists in:
+if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" echo %nandpath%
+if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] Leave the selection blank to keep using this setting.txt
+if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" echo.
+if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] WARNING: Existing setting.txt must be Region '%REGION%' to work
+echo Enter your %serialdigits% digit serial number now
+echo Example: %defaultserial%
+echo D = Default Serial %defaultserial%
+echo N = None, skip building setting.txt
+echo Note: setting.txt required to build nand, only select "N" if
+echo you plan to manually copy a pre-existing setting.txt
+echo to this location: %nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data\
+echo Note: If you want your wiimotes be synced up to your real NAND
+echo and your emulated NAND simultaneously, then you must use the
+echo serial for your Wii (or the setting.txt from your NAND Dump)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKSERIAL= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "B" goto:quickskip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" (goto:SNKPAGE4d) else (goto:SNKPAGE4b)
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE20
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "D" set SNKSERIAL=%defaultserial%
+if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" goto:settingsexist
+IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=9999999999999
+IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=current
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:WPAGE20
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+if "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" goto:skip
+::if not "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badkey)
+::next page
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder Confirmation...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:notalsoinstalling
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You are about to install SNEEK+DI and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You are about to install UNEEK+DI and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You are about to install SNEEK and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You are about to install UNEEK and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" echo You are about to build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You are about to build SNEEK+DI
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You are about to build UNEEK+DI
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You are about to build UNEEK
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You are about to build SNEEK
+if not exist temp\install2sneek mkdir temp\install2sneek
+echo Install wads from: temp\install2sneek\
+echo to Emulated Nand: %nandpath%\
+echo Note: You can optionally save additional WADs you would like installed to your
+echo emulated nand to "temp\install2sneek". After they're done installing
+echo ModMii will move the WADs from "temp\install2sneek" to "temp".
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "N" goto:none
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "current" echo * setting.txt will be created using this serial number: %SNKSERIAL%
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" echo * Existing setting.txt will be kept
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Homebrew Filter Channel
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" echo.
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo * Install cIOS249 rev14
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo.
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Priiloader v0.4
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo.
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" echo * Install JoyFlow
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" echo.
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Switch2Uneek
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo.
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Install Dark Wii Red Theme
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Install Dark Wii Green Theme
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" echo.
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Photo Channel
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Internet Channel
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Weather Channel
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo * Install News Channel
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Mii Channel
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Shopping Channel
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Wii Speak Channel
+if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]WARNING: An emulated nand already exists in:
+if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" echo %nandpath%
+if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Existing emulated nand will be Deleted\Replaced
+echo Y = Yes, do it now!
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SNKNANDCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:skip
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder...............................
+::temporarily force wads to be saved to "root" of "temp" folder
+::set DRIVE=temp//happens later
+if not exist "%nandpath%" mkdir "%nandpath%"
+if not exist temp\install2sneek mkdir temp\install2sneek
+::backup setting.txt if applicable
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\setting.txt >nul
+::delete existing nand if exists
+if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo.
+if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo Deleting existing emulated nand...
+if exist "%nandpath%"\title rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\title
+if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\ticket
+if exist "%nandpath%"\sys rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\sys
+if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared1
+::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder
+if exist "%nandpath%"\import rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\import
+if exist "%nandpath%"\meta rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\meta
+if exist "%nandpath%"\shared2 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared2
+if exist "%nandpath%"\tmp rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\tmp
+if exist "%nandpath%"\wfs rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\wfs
+::if user selects S2U but has emulated nand on root without nandslot.bin, move existing nand to nands folder
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:quickskip
+SET /a NANDcountPLUS1=%NANDcount%+1
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\title goto:quickskip
+echo Moving existing emulated nand to \nands\%NANDcountPLUS1% folder...
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\title move /y "%DRIVEU%"\title "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\title"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\ticket move /y "%DRIVEU%"\ticket "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\ticket"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\sys move /y "%DRIVEU%"\sys "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\sys"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared1"
+::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\import move /y "%DRIVEU%"\import "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\import"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\meta move /y "%DRIVEU%"\meta "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\meta"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared2"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\tmp move /y "%DRIVEU%"\tmp "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\tmp"
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\wfs move /y "%DRIVEU%"\wfs "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\wfs"
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MII=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKU
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKE
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKJ
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKK
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=*
+::SMAPP is patched for UNEEK+DI Support
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000098
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000088
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007c
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=*
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=*
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=*
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=*
+if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009b
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008b
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007f
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=*
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=*
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=*
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=*
+if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000095
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000085
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000079
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=*
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=*
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=*
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=*
+if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009e
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008e
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000082
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set PK=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70P=*
+if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80P=*
+set M10=*
+set IOS9=*
+set IOS12=*
+set IOS13=*
+set IOS14=*
+set IOS15=*
+set IOS17=*
+set IOS21=*
+set IOS22=*
+set IOS28=*
+set IOS31=*
+set IOS33=*
+set IOS34=*
+set IOS35=*
+set IOS36v3608=*
+set IOS37=*
+set IOS38=*
+set ios41=*
+set ios43=*
+set ios45=*
+set ios46=*
+set IOS48v4124=*
+set IOS53=*
+set IOS55=*
+set IOS56=*
+set IOS57=*
+set IOS58=*
+set IOS61=*
+set BC=*
+if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249-v14=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set EULAU=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set EULAE=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set EULAJ=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set EULAK=*
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set HAX=*
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set JOYF=*
+if /i "%SNKHBF%" EQU "Y" set HBF=*
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set S2U=*
+::subract 1 from %SMAPP% to get %SMTHEMEAPP%
+sfk dec %SMAPP%>dec.txt
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dec.txt) do call :processdec %%A
+set dec=%*
+del dec.txt
+SET /a dec=%dec%-1
+sfk hex %dec% -digits=8 >hex.txt
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhex %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+del hex.txt
+::change caps to lower case for hex numbers if applicable
+if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "A" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%a
+if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "B" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%b
+if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "C" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%c
+if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "D" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%d
+if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "E" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%e
+if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "F" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%f
+::...................................SNEEK SNK DISC EXtractor...............................
+IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" goto:checkwbfs
+if exist "A:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=A:\WBFS
+if exist "B:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=B:\WBFS
+if exist "C:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=C:\WBFS
+if exist "D:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=D:\WBFS
+if exist "E:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=E:\WBFS
+if exist "F:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=F:\WBFS
+if exist "G:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=G:\WBFS
+if exist "H:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=H:\WBFS
+if exist "I:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=I:\WBFS
+if exist "J:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=J:\WBFS
+if exist "K:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=K:\WBFS
+if exist "L:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=L:\WBFS
+if exist "M:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=M:\WBFS
+if exist "N:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=N:\WBFS
+if exist "O:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=O:\WBFS
+if exist "P:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=P:\WBFS
+if exist "Q:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Q:\WBFS
+if exist "R:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=R:\WBFS
+if exist "S:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=S:\WBFS
+if exist "T:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=T:\WBFS
+if exist "U:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=U:\WBFS
+if exist "V:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=V:\WBFS
+if exist "W:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=W:\WBFS
+if exist "X:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=X:\WBFS
+if exist "Y:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Y:\WBFS
+if exist "Z:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Z:\WBFS
+set drivetemp=%ISOFOLDER%
+if exist gametotal.txt del gametotal.txt
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo (FOR SNEEK)
+echo Enter the Path where your Wii Games are saved
+echo * Subfolders are also scanned
+echo * Supported formats include ISO, CISO and WBFS files
+echo Current Setting:
+echo Notes: * To continue using Current Settings
+echo leave the selection blank and hit enter.
+echo * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder into this
+echo window to save yourself having to manually type it
+echo L:
+echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\WiiGames
+echo Note: %%userprofile%% shortcut doesn't work on Windows XP
+echo WiiGames\ISOs
+echo Note: this checks the WiiGames\ISOs folder where ModMii is saved
+echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p DRIVETEMP= Enter Selection Here:
+::remove quotes from variable (if applicable)
+echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat
+call temp.bat
+del temp.bat
+del temp.txt
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+set fixslash=
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes
+if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes
+if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1%
+if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckISOFOLDER
+if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" goto:notexist
+::---get game list-------
+echo Scanning directory for Wii Games...
+::wit list-l --unit GB --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt
+wit list-l --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt
+copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul
+sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _"Total: "_"set gametotal="_ -rep _" discs*"__ -write -yes>nul
+call gametotal.bat
+del gametotal.bat
+if /i "%gametotal%" EQU "0" goto:notexistiso
+echo The folder you selected does not exist
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+del gamelist.txt>nul
+echo The folder you selected does not contain any ISO, CISO or WBFS Files
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................SNK DISC EXtractor2...............................
+echo Checking if enough free space exists...
+::wit beta--> isosize command
+::wit isosize --unit bytes -r "%ISOFOLDER%"
+::---get required MB-------
+copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul
+::sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*"~ "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MB*"__ -write -yes>nul
+sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*", "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MiB*"__ -write -yes>nul
+call gametotal.bat
+del gametotal.bat
+if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ 1000 (set units=GB) else (set units=MB)
+::---get approx required GB-------
+hy %MegaBytesRequired% 1024 />nul
+::above command stores output in a "hy" file
+move /y hy gigabytesrequired.txt>nul
+sfk filter gigabytesrequired.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gigabytesrequired.txt) do call :process %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+set GigaBytesRequired=%*
+del gigabytesrequired.txt
+::---check for free space (not 100% accurate-will catch most cases without enough free space)---
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%"
+dir "%DRIVEU%">freespace.bat
+sfk filter freespace.bat -+"bytes " -+"octets " -+"Directory " -!"Directory of" -!"Directory di" -rep _" byte"*__ -rep _" octets"*__ -rep _,__ -rep _.__ -rep _" "__ -rep _*")"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"dirs"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"Directory"_"set freespace="_ -write -yes>nul
+sfk filter freespace.bat -spat -rep _\xff__ -write -yes>nul
+::Italian-dir cmd: 14 Directory 546.480.881.664 byte disponibili
+call freespace.bat
+del freespace.bat
+::Math in batch doesn't work with large numbers
+::SET /a freespaceKB=%freespace%/1024
+hy %freespace% 1048576 />nul
+::above command stores output in a "hy" file
+move /y hy megabytes.txt>nul
+sfk filter megabytes.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (megabytes.txt) do call :process %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+set freespaceMB=%*
+del megabytes.txt
+::echo MegaBytesRequired is %MegaBytesRequired%
+::echo GigaBytesRequired is %GigaBytesRequired%
+::echo Total Free Space is approximately %freespaceMB% MB [%freespace% bytes]
+if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ %freespaceMB% (goto:needmorespace) else (goto:DISCEXCONFIRM)
+::-------------------------------------DISCEX NEED MORE SPACE!!!---------------
+set continue=
+::resize window
+set lines=
+set gametotal=
+SET /a LINES=%gametotal%+42
+if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54
+mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES%
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo (FOR SNEEK)
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]WARNING: YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FREE SPACE
+echo You are attempting to convert %gametotal% Wii Games
+echo From Source Folder: %ISOFOLDER%
+echo To Target Folder: %DRIVEU%\games
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in gamelist.txt and turn each line of gamelist.txt into a variable
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+echo %*
+if /i "%units%" EQU "GB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]"%DRIVEU%" requires approx. %GigaBytesRequired%GB of free space
+if /i "%units%" EQU "MB" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]"%DRIVEU%" requires %MegaBytesRequired%MB of free space
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]Create more free space or select a smaller source folder and try again
+echo C = Continue anyways
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p continue= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt
+if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%continue%" EQU "C" goto:DISCEXCONFIRM
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::-------------------------------------DISCEX CONFIRM---------------
+::resize window
+set lines=
+set gametotal=
+SET /a LINES=%gametotal%+45
+if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54
+mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES%
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo (FOR SNEEK)
+echo You are about to convert the following %gametotal% Wii Games
+echo From Source Folder: %ISOFOLDER%
+echo To Target Folder: %DRIVEU%\games
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in gamelist.txt and turn each line of gamelist.txt into a variable
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+echo %*
+echo Would you like to proceed?
+::echo Notes: * Each game could take approximately 5-15 minutes to convert
+::echo * Make sure you have enough free space here: %DRIVEU%
+::echo otherwise extraction will fail when free space is depleted
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p DISCEXCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" del gametotal.txt
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" del gametotal.txt
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "B" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::----------------Start WIT DISCEXTRACTION---------------
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo (FOR SNEEK)
+echo Updating Wii Game Title Database (titles.txt)
+if exist titles.txt move /y titles.txt titles_old.txt >nul
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist titles.txt del titles_old.txt >nul
+if not exist titles.txt move /y titles_old.txt titles.txt >nul
+::rename existing games to new standard
+dir "%DRIVEU%"\games /A:D /b > GameTitleIDs.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processdir %%A
+set CurrentTitleID=%*
+if /i "%CurrentTitleID:~-8,1%" EQU "[" rename "%DRIVEU%\games\%CurrentTitleID%" "%CurrentTitleID:~-7,6%">nul
+if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txt>nul
+::reverse slashes for target folder %DRIVEU%\games which becomes %DRIVEUfix%/games
+echo set DRIVEUfix=%DRIVEU%>temp.bat
+sfk filter temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes>nul
+call temp.bat
+del temp.bat
+::IMPORTANT NOTE: destination directory must use "/" and not "\"
+::target directory, including "games" folder, is creating automatically with the following wit command
+::wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress
+::wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress
+wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%I" --progress
+::an empty cygdrive folder may be created previous directory, so delete it!
+cd ..
+if exist cygdrive rd /s /q cygdrive
+cd /d %ModMiipath%
+::-----create csv list of all games in "%DRIVEU%"\games\ -----
+echo @echo Off>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo dir games /A:D /b redirect GameTitleIDs.txt >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processmii @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo :processmii>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo set CurrentTitleID=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" rename "games\@@CurrentTitleID@@" "@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@"redirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" set CurrentTitleID=@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectTitleID.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+::if title ID not in titles.txt just add title ID only
+echo for /F @@@@A in ("TitleID.txt") do If @@@@~zA equ 0 (echo @@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@redirectredirectGamelist.txt) else (FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectredirectGamelist.txt)>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist.txt) do call :processmii2 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo :processmii2>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo echo @@Line:~9@@,@@Line:~0,6@@redirectredirectgamelist2.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo sort "Gamelist2.txt" redirect "Gamelist-sorted.txt">>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo echo Number,Title,Title IDredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo echo ,,redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo set countline=0 >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist-sorted.txt) do call :processmii3 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo :processmii3>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo SET /a countline=@@countline@@+1>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo echo @@countline@@,@@line@@redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+sfk filter "%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat -spat -rep _@@_%%_ -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul
+sfk filter -quiet titles.txt -spat -rep _,_;_ -rep _" "_" "_ >%DriveU%\titles.txt
+cd /d "%DriveU%\"
+call "Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat"
+cd /d %ModMiipath%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Green]GAME BULK EXTRACTION FOR SNEEK COMPLETE
+echo A list of your games can be found here: %DriveU%\Game-List[ModMii].csv
+echo To update this list at any time, run %DriveU%\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat
+echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
+::........................................LIST / BATCH.......................................
+Set List=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] DOWNLOAD PAGE 1 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20by XFlak
+echo Choose files to add/remove to download queue (Selected files marked with an *)
+echo D = Download Selected Files 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 M = Main Menu
+echo C = Clear Download Queue (blank) = Cycle Pages DR = Drive Menu
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo R = Rename Current %Drive%\WAD folder to %Drive%\WAD#
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo (otherwise WADs are saved to existing WAD Folder)
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+sfk echo -spat \x20Select Group: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](U)[def]SA, [Red](E)[def]URO, [Red](J)[def]AP, [Red](K)[def]OR, Active [Red](I)[def]OSs, Extra [Red](PR)[def]otection
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] System Menus \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Non-Fakesigned IOSs\MIOS \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Other WADs
+echo %SM3.2U% 3.2U = 3.2U SM %IOS9% 9 = IOS9v1034 %RSU% RSU = Region Select v2(U)
+echo %SM4.1U% 4.1U = 4.1U SM %IOS12% 12 = IOS12v526 %RSE% RSE = Region Select v2(E)
+echo %SM4.2U% 4.2U = 4.2U SM %IOS13% 13 = IOS13v1032 %RSJ% RSJ = Region Select v2(J)
+echo %SM4.3U% 4.3U = 4.3U SM %IOS14% 14 = IOS14v1032 %RSK% RSK = Region Select v2(K)
+echo %SM3.2E% 3.2E = 3.2E SM %IOS15% 15 = IOS15v1032 %EULAU% EU = EULA v3(U)
+echo %SM4.1E% 4.1E = 4.1E SM %IOS17% 17 = IOS17v1032 %EULAE% EE = EULA v3(E)
+echo %SM4.2E% 4.2E = 4.2E SM %IOS21% 21 = IOS21v1039 %EULAJ% EJ = EULA v3(J)
+echo %SM4.3E% 4.3E = 4.3E SM %IOS22% 22 = IOS22v1294 %EULAK% EK = EULA v3(K)
+echo %SM3.2J% 3.2J = 3.2J SM %IOS28% 28 = IOS28v1807 %BC% BC = BC v6
+echo %SM4.1J% 4.1J = 4.1J SM %IOS30% 30NP = IOS30v2576
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20%SM4.2J% 4.2J = 4.2J SM \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS31% 31 = IOS31v3608\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]Fakesigned IOSs
+echo %SM4.3J% 4.3J = 4.3J SM %IOS33% 33 = IOS33v3608
+echo %SM4.1K% 4.1K = 4.1K SM %IOS34% 34 = IOS34v3608 %IOS11P60% 11 = IOS11(IOS60P)
+echo %SM4.2K% 4.2K = 4.2K SM %IOS35% 35 = IOS35v3608 %IOS20P60% 20 = IOS20v16174(IOS60P)
+echo %SM4.3K% 4.3K = 4.3K SM %IOS36% 36a = IOS36v3351 %IOS30P60% 30 = IOS30(IOS60P)
+echo %IOS36v3608% 36 = IOS36v3608 %IOS30P% 30P = IOS30-Patched
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Channels[def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS37% 37 = IOS37v5663\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS40P60% 40 = IOS40(IOS60P)
+echo %IOS38% 38 = IOS38v4124 %IOS50P% 50 = IOS50-Patched
+echo %P% P = Photo 1.1(U/E/J) %IOS41% 41 = IOS41v3607 %IOS52P% 52 = IOS52-Patched
+echo %PK% PK = Photo 1.1 (KOR) %IOS43% 43 = IOS43v3607 %IOS60P% 60 = IOS60-Patched
+echo %S% SH = Shopping (U/E/J) %IOS45% 45 = IOS45v3607 %IOS70K% 70K = IOS70(IOS60P)
+echo %SK% SK = Shopping (KOR) %IOS46% 46 = IOS46v3607 %IOS70P% 70 = IOS70-Patched
+echo %IU% IU = Internet (USA) %IOS48v4124% 48 = IOS48v4124 %IOS80K% 80K = IOS80(IOS60P)
+echo %IE% IE = Internet (EUR) %IOS53% 53 = IOS53v5663 %IOS80P% 80 = IOS80-Patched
+echo %IJ% IJ = Internet (JAP) %IOS55% 55 = IOS55v5663 %IOS236% 236 = IOS236(IOS36P)
+echo %WU% WU = Weather (USA) %IOS56% 56 = IOS56v5662
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20%WE% WE = Weather (EUR) \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS57% 57 = IOS57v5919\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] (S)NEEK Files
+echo %WJ% WJ = Weather (JAP) %IOS58% 58 = IOS58v6176
+echo %NU% NU = News (USA) %IOS60% 60NP = IOS60v6174 %A0e% 0e = IOS80v6943
+echo %NE% NE = News (EUR) %IOS61% 61 = IOS61v5662 %A0e_70% 0e_70 = IOS70v6687
+echo %NJ% NJ = News (JAP) %IOS70% 70NP = IOS70v6687 %A0e_60% 0e_60 = IOS60v6174
+echo %WSU% WSU = WiiSpeak(USA) %IOS80% 80NP = IOS80v6944 %A01% 01 = IOS80v6943
+echo %WSE% WSE = WiiSpeak(EUR) %M10% M10 = MIOSv10 %A01_70% 01_70 = IOS70v6687
+echo %WSJ% WSJ = WiiSpeak(JAP) %A01_60% 01_60 = IOS60v6174
+echo %MII% Mii = Mii (RF) %A0c% 0c = MIOSv10
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+set /p LIST= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "ADV" goto:Advanced
+IF "%LIST%"=="" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "U" goto:UALL
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "E" goto:EALL
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "J" goto:JALL
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "K" goto:KALL
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "I" goto:IOSACTIVE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:allsneekfiles
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3U" goto:Switch4.3U
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3E" goto:Switch4.3E
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3J" goto:Switch4.3J
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3K" goto:Switch4.3K
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2U" goto:Switch3.2U
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1U" goto:Switch4.1U
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2U" goto:Switch4.2U
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2E" goto:Switch3.2E
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1E" goto:Switch4.1E
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2E" goto:Switch4.2E
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2J" goto:Switch3.2J
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1J" goto:Switch4.1J
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2J" goto:Switch4.2J
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1K" goto:Switch4.1K
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2K" goto:Switch4.2K
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "MII" goto:SwitchMII
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "P" goto:SwitchP
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PK" goto:SwitchPK
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "SH" goto:SwitchS
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "SK" goto:SwitchSK
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IU" goto:SwitchIU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IE" goto:SwitchIE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IJ" goto:SwitchIJ
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WU" goto:SwitchWU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WE" goto:SwitchWE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WJ" goto:SwitchWJ
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NU" goto:SwitchNU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NE" goto:SwitchNE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NJ" goto:SwitchNJ
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSU" goto:SwitchWSU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSE" goto:SwitchWSE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSJ" goto:SwitchWSJ
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "M10" goto:SwitchM10
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "9" goto:Switch9
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "12" goto:Switch12
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "13" goto:Switch13
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "14" goto:Switch14
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "15" goto:Switch15
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "17" goto:Switch17
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "20" goto:Switch20P60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "11" goto:Switch11P60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "21" goto:Switch21
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "22" goto:Switch22
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "28" goto:Switch28
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30" goto:Switch30P60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30P" goto:Switch30P
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "31" goto:Switch31
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "33" goto:Switch33
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "34" goto:Switch34
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "35" goto:Switch35
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "36a" goto:Switch36
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "37" goto:Switch37
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "38" goto:Switch38
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "36" goto:Switch36v3608
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "40" goto:Switch40P60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "41" goto:Switch41
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "43" goto:Switch43
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "45" goto:Switch45
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "46" goto:Switch46
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "50" goto:Switch50P
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "52" goto:Switch52P
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "53" goto:Switch53
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "55" goto:Switch55
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "56" goto:Switch56
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "57" goto:Switch57
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "58" goto:Switch58
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "60" goto:Switch60P
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "61" goto:Switch61
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70" goto:Switch70P
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70K" goto:Switch70K
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80K" goto:Switch80K
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80" goto:Switch80P
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "236" goto:SwitchIOS236
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30NP" goto:SwitchIOS30
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "48" goto:SwitchIOS48v4124
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "60NP" goto:SwitchIOS60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70NP" goto:SwitchIOS70
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80NP" goto:SwitchIOS80
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSU" goto:SwitchRSU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSE" goto:SwitchRSE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSJ" goto:SwitchRSJ
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSK" goto:SwitchRSK
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EU" goto:SwitchEULAU
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EE" goto:SwitchEULAE
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EJ" goto:SwitchEULAJ
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EK" goto:SwitchEULAK
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "BC" goto:SwitchBC
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e" goto:SwitchA0e
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01" goto:switchA01
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e_70" goto:SwitchA0e_70
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01_70" goto:switchA01_70
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e_60" goto:SwitchA0e_60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01_60" goto:switchA01_60
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0c" goto:SwitchA0c
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" goto:switch3.2Uoff
+set SM3.2U=*
+set SM3.2U=
+if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Uoff
+set SM4.1U=*
+set SM4.1U=
+if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Uoff
+set SM4.2U=*
+set SM4.2U=
+if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Uoff
+set SM4.3U=*
+set SM4.3U=
+if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" goto:switch3.2Eoff
+set SM3.2E=*
+set SM3.2E=
+if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Eoff
+set SM4.1E=*
+set SM4.1E=
+if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Eoff
+set SM4.2E=*
+set SM4.2E=
+if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Eoff
+set SM4.3E=*
+set SM4.3E=
+if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" goto:switch3.2Joff
+set SM3.2J=*
+set SM3.2J=
+if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Joff
+set SM4.1J=*
+set SM4.1J=
+if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Joff
+set SM4.2J=*
+set SM4.2J=
+if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Joff
+set SM4.3J=*
+set SM4.3J=
+if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.1Koff
+set SM4.1K=*
+set SM4.1K=
+if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.2Koff
+set SM4.2K=*
+set SM4.2K=
+if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" goto:switch4.3Koff
+set SM4.3K=*
+set SM4.3K=
+if /i "%Mii%" EQU "*" goto:switchMiioff
+set Mii=*
+set Mii=
+if /i "%P%" EQU "*" goto:switchPoff
+set P=*
+set P=
+if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" goto:switchPKoff
+set PK=*
+set PK=
+if /i "%S%" EQU "*" goto:switchSoff
+set S=*
+set S=
+if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" goto:switchSKoff
+set SK=*
+set SK=
+if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" goto:switchIUoff
+set IU=*
+set IU=
+if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" goto:switchIEoff
+set IE=*
+set IE=
+if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchIJoff
+set IJ=*
+set IJ=
+if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" goto:switchWUoff
+set WU=*
+set WU=
+if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" goto:switchWEoff
+set WE=*
+set WE=
+if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchWJoff
+set WJ=*
+set WJ=
+if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" goto:switchNUoff
+set NU=*
+set NU=
+if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" goto:switchNEoff
+set NE=*
+set NE=
+if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchNJoff
+set NJ=*
+set NJ=
+if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" goto:switchWSUoff
+set WSU=*
+set WSU=
+if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" goto:switchWSEoff
+set WSE=*
+set WSE=
+if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchWSJoff
+set WSJ=*
+set WSJ=
+if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" goto:switchM10off
+set M10=*
+set M10=
+if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS9off
+set IOS9=*
+set IOS9=
+if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS12off
+set IOS12=*
+set IOS12=
+if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS13off
+set IOS13=*
+set IOS13=
+if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS14off
+set IOS14=*
+set IOS14=
+if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS15off
+set IOS15=*
+set IOS15=
+if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS17off
+set IOS17=*
+set IOS17=
+if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS21off
+set IOS21=*
+set IOS21=
+if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS22off
+set IOS22=*
+set IOS22=
+if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS28off
+set IOS28=*
+set IOS28=
+if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS40P60off
+set IOS40P60=*
+set IOS40P60=
+if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS30P60off
+set IOS30P60=*
+set IOS30P60=
+if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS30Poff
+set IOS30P=*
+set IOS30P=
+if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS31off
+set IOS31=*
+set IOS31=
+if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS33off
+set IOS33=*
+set IOS33=
+if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS34off
+set IOS34=*
+set IOS34=
+if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS35off
+set IOS35=*
+set IOS35=
+if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS36off
+set IOS36=*
+set IOS36=
+if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS37off
+set IOS37=*
+set IOS37=
+if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS38off
+set IOS38=*
+set IOS38=
+if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS41off
+set IOS41=*
+set IOS41=
+if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS43off
+set IOS43=*
+set IOS43=
+if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS45off
+set IOS45=*
+set IOS45=
+if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS46off
+set IOS46=*
+set IOS46=
+if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS50Poff
+set IOS50P=*
+set IOS50P=
+if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS52Poff
+set IOS52P=*
+set IOS52P=
+if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS11P60off
+set IOS11P60=*
+set IOS11P60=
+if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS20P60off
+set IOS20P60=*
+set IOS20P60=
+if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS53off
+set IOS53=*
+set IOS53=
+if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS55off
+set IOS55=*
+set IOS55=
+if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS56off
+set IOS56=*
+set IOS56=
+if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS57off
+set IOS57=*
+set IOS57=
+if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS58off
+set IOS58=*
+set IOS58=
+if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS60Poff
+set IOS60P=*
+set IOS60P=
+if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS61off
+set IOS61=*
+set IOS61=
+if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS70Poff
+set IOS70P=*
+set IOS70P=
+if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS80Poff
+set IOS80P=*
+set IOS80P=
+if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS236off
+set IOS236=*
+set IOS236=
+if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS70Koff
+set IOS70K=*
+set IOS70K=
+if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS80Koff
+set IOS80K=*
+set IOS80K=
+if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS30off
+set IOS30=*
+set IOS30=
+if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS48v4124off
+set IOS48v4124=*
+set IOS48v4124=
+if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS60off
+set IOS60=*
+set IOS60=
+if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS70off
+set IOS70=*
+set IOS70=
+if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS80off
+set IOS80=*
+set IOS80=
+if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS36v3608off
+set IOS36v3608=*
+set IOS36v3608=
+if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAUoff
+set EULAU=*
+set EULAU=
+if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAEoff
+set EULAE=*
+set EULAE=
+if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAJoff
+set EULAJ=*
+set EULAJ=
+if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" goto:switchEULAKoff
+set EULAK=*
+set EULAK=
+if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSUoff
+set RSU=*
+set RSU=
+if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSEoff
+set RSE=*
+set RSE=
+if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSJoff
+set RSJ=*
+set RSJ=
+if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" goto:switchRSKoff
+set RSK=*
+set RSK=
+if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" goto:switchBCoff
+set BC=*
+set BC=
+if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0eoff
+set A0e=*
+set A0e=
+if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0e_70off
+set A0e_70=*
+set A0e_70=
+if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0e_60off
+set A0e_60=*
+set A0e_60=
+if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" goto:switchA0coff
+set A0c=*
+set A0c=
+if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" goto:switchA01off
+set A01=*
+set A01=
+if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" goto:switchA01_70off
+set A01_70=*
+set A01_70=
+if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" goto:switchA01_60off
+set A01_60=*
+set A01_60=
+set IOS11P60=*
+set IOS20P60=*
+set IOS30P60=*
+set IOS40P60=*
+set IOS50P=*
+set IOS52P=*
+set IOS60P=*
+set IOS70K=*
+set IOS80K=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PR" goto:list
+set MII=*
+set P=*
+set S=*
+set IU=*
+set WU=*
+set NU=*
+set WSU=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "U" goto:list
+set MII=*
+set P=*
+set S=*
+set IE=*
+set WE=*
+set NE=*
+set WSE=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "E" goto:list
+set MII=*
+set P=*
+set S=*
+set IJ=*
+set WJ=*
+set NJ=*
+set WSJ=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "J" goto:list
+set MII=*
+set PK=*
+set SK=*
+::set IOS70K=*
+set IOS80K=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "K" goto:list
+set IOS37=*
+set IOS38=*
+set IOS57=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "B" goto:list
+set M10=*
+set IOS9=*
+set IOS12=*
+set IOS13=*
+set IOS14=*
+set IOS15=*
+set IOS17=*
+set IOS21=*
+set IOS22=*
+set IOS28=*
+set IOS31=*
+set IOS33=*
+set IOS34=*
+set IOS35=*
+set IOS36v3608=*
+set IOS37=*
+set IOS38=*
+set IOS53=*
+set IOS55=*
+set IOS56=*
+set IOS57=*
+set IOS58=*
+set IOS61=*
+set IOS80P=*
+set IOS41=*
+set IOS43=*
+set IOS45=*
+set IOS46=*
+set IOS48v4124=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "I" goto:list
+set A0e=*
+set A0c=*
+set A01=*
+set A0e_70=*
+set A01_70=*
+set A0e_60=*
+set A01_60=*
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:LIST
+::not in any list
+set SM3.2U=*
+set SM4.1U=*
+set SM4.2U=*
+set SM4.3U=*
+set SM3.2E=*
+set SM4.1E=*
+set SM4.2E=*
+set SM4.3E=*
+set SM3.2J=*
+set SM4.1J=*
+set SM4.2J=*
+set SM4.3J=*
+set SM4.1K=*
+set SM4.2K=*
+set SM4.3K=*
+set IOS236=*
+set IOS36=*
+set IOS30P=*
+set IOS70P=*
+set ios30=*
+set ios60=*
+set ios70=*
+set ios80=*
+set IOS36=*
+set EULAU=*
+set EULAE=*
+set EULAJ=*
+set EULAK=*
+set RSU=*
+set RSE=*
+set RSJ=*
+set RSK=*
+set BC=*
+::........................................Additional OLDLIST / BATCH.......................................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] DOWNLOAD PAGE 2 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20by XFlak
+echo Choose files to add/remove to download queue (Selected files marked with an *)
+echo D = Download Selected Files 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 M = Main Menu
+echo C = Clear Download Queue (blank) = Cycle Pages DR = Drive Menu
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo R = Rename Current %Drive%\WAD folder to %Drive%\WAD#
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo (otherwise WADs are saved to existing WAD Folder)
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Select Group: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](U)[def]SB-Loader, [Red](J)[def]ust for Fun, [Red](E)[def]xploits
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] USB-Loader Files \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Just For Fun!
+echo %usbfolder% CFG = CFG-Loader (Full v249) %WiiMC% WMC = WiiMC (Media Player)
+echo %cfg249% CFG249 = CFG-Loader (Beta v249) %fceugx% NES = FCEUGX (NES Emulator)
+echo %cfg222% CFG222 = CFG-Loader (Beta v222) %snes9xgx% SNES = SNES9xGX (SNES Emulator)
+echo %cfgr% CFGR = Configurator-CFG-Loader %vbagx% VBA = VBAGX (GB/GBA Emulator)
+echo %wbm% WBM = WiiBackupManager %WII64% W64 = Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator)
+echo %FLOW% FLOW = WiiFlow %WIISX% WSX = WiiSX beta2.1 (PS1 Emulator)
+echo %USBX% USBX = USB-Loader Fwdr Chnl %HBB% HBB = Homebrew Browser
+echo %neogamma% NEO = Neogamma Backup Disc Loader %SGM% SGM = SaveGame Manager GX
+echo %CheatCodes% CC = %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes %WIIX% WX = WiiXplorer
+echo %AccioHacks% AH = AccioHacks %locked% LA = Locked HBC Folder (Pass: UDLRAB)
+echo %F32% F32 = FAT32 GUI Formatter %JOYF% JFF = Joy Flow Forwarder Channel/dol
+echo %JOY% JF = Joy Flow
+echo %S2U% S2U = Switch2Uneek
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Wii Apps \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Exploits
+echo %HM% HM = HackMii Installer %BB1% BB1 = Bannerbomb v1
+echo %bootmiisd% BSD = BootMii SD Files %BB2% BB2 = Bannerbomb v2
+echo %yawm% YAWM = Yet Another Wad Manager Mod %Pwns% PWNS = Indiana Pwns (USA\EUR\JAP)
+echo %MMM% MMM = Multi-Mod Manager %Smash% SS = Smash Stack (USA\EUR\JAP\KOR)
+echo %dop% DOP = Dop-Mii %YUGI% YU = YU-GI-OWNED (USA\EUR\JAP)
+echo %IOS236Installer% 236 = IOS236 Installer %BATHAXX% BH = BATHAXX (USA\EUR\JAP)
+echo %SIP% SIP = Simple IOS Patcher %ROTJ% RJ = Return of the JODI (USA\EUR\JAP)
+echo %Pri% Pri = Priiloader v0.7 (236 Mod) %Twi% Twi = Twilight Hack (USA\EUR\JAP)
+echo %HAX% HAX = Priiloader Hacks.ini %TOS% EH = Eri HaKawai (USA\EUR\JAP)
+echo %W20% W20 = Wanin's cIOS v20b Installer
+echo %W19% W19 = Wanin's cIOS v19 Installer
+echo %h4% H4 = Hermes cIOS v4 Installer
+echo %H5% H5 = Hermes cIOS v5 Installer
+echo %H51% H51 = Hermes cIOS v5.1 Installer
+echo %MP% MP = MIOS Patcher 0.2 (WiiGator)
+echo %CM5% CM = cMIOS rev5 Installer (Waninkoko)
+echo %HBF% HBF = Homebrew Filter
+::echo %Y4M% Y4M = YAWMM 4 ModMii
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] LEGEND:[def] \x22=\x22 Auto-Updating Downloads
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+set /p OLDLIST= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAllOLD
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "J" goto:SelectJust4FunOLD
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "E" goto:ExploitsSELECT
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED
+IF "%OLDLIST%"=="" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "h4" goto:Switchh4
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "h5" goto:Switchh5
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "h51" goto:Switchh51
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "w19" goto:Switchw19
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "w20" goto:Switchw20
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "MP" goto:SwitchMP
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "CM" goto:SwitchCM
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "AH" goto:SwitchAccioHacks
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BSD" goto:Switchbootmiisd
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BB1" goto:SwitchBB1
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BB2" goto:SwitchBB2
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HM" goto:SwitchHM
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "LA" goto:Switchlocked
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "dop" goto:Switchdop
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HBB" goto:SwitchHBB
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "W64" goto:SwitchWII64
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WSX" goto:SwitchWIISX
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "pwns" goto:Switchpwns
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Twi" goto:SwitchTwi
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Yu" goto:SwitchYUGI
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BH" goto:SwitchBATHAXX
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "RJ" goto:SwitchROTJ
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "EH" goto:SwitchTOS
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "ss" goto:Switchsmash
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "mmm" goto:Switchmmm
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "236" goto:SwitchIOS236Installer
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SIP" goto:SwitchSIP
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "JF" goto:SwitchJOY
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "yawm" goto:Switchyawm
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "neo" goto:Switchneogamma
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg249" goto:Switchcfg249
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg222" goto:Switchcfg222
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg" goto:Switchusbfolder
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WMC" goto:SwitchWiiMC
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "NES" goto:Switchfceugx
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SNES" goto:Switchsnes9xgx
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "VBA" goto:Switchvbagx
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SGM" goto:SwitchSGM
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WX" goto:SwitchWIIX
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfgr" goto:Switchcfgr
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "wbm" goto:Switchwbm
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cc" goto:SwitchCheatCodes
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "f32" goto:Switchf32
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "FLOW" goto:SwitchFLOW
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "USBX" goto:SwitchUSBX
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "JFF" goto:SwitchJOYF
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "S2U" goto:SwitchS2U
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HBF" goto:SwitchHBF
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Pri" goto:SwitchPri
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HAX" goto:SwitchHAX
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%H4%" EQU "*" goto:switchH4off
+set H4=*
+set H4=
+if /i "%H5%" EQU "*" goto:switchH5off
+set H5=*
+set H5=
+if /i "%H51%" EQU "*" goto:switchH51off
+set H51=*
+set H51=
+if /i "%W19%" EQU "*" goto:switchW19off
+set W19=*
+set W19=
+if /i "%w20%" EQU "*" goto:switchw20off
+set w20=*
+set w20=
+if /i "%CM5%" EQU "*" goto:switchCM5off
+set CM5=*
+set CM5=
+if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" goto:switchAccioHacksoff
+set AccioHacks=*
+set AccioHacks=
+if /i "%MP%" EQU "*" goto:switchMPoff
+set MP=*
+set MP=
+if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" goto:switchbootmiisdoff
+set bootmiisd=*
+set bootmiisd=
+if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" goto:switchBB1off
+set BB1=*
+set BB1=
+if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" goto:switchBB2off
+set BB2=*
+set BB2=
+if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" goto:switchHMoff
+set HM=*
+set HM=
+if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" goto:switchpwnsoff
+set pwns=*
+set pwns=
+if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" goto:switchTwioff
+set Twi=*
+set Twi=
+if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" goto:switchYUGIoff
+set YUGI=*
+set YUGI=
+if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" goto:switchBATHAXXoff
+set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" goto:switchROTJoff
+set ROTJ=*
+set ROTJ=
+if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" goto:switchTOSoff
+set TOS=*
+set TOS=
+if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" goto:switchsmashoff
+set smash=*
+set smash=
+if /i "%dop%" EQU "*" goto:switchdopoff
+set dop=*
+set dop=
+if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" goto:switchlockedoff
+set locked=*
+set locked=
+if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" goto:switchHBBoff
+set HBB=*
+set HBB=
+if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" goto:switchWII64off
+set WII64=*
+set WII64=
+if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" goto:switchWIISXoff
+set WIISX=*
+set WIISX=
+if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" goto:switchmmmoff
+set mmm=*
+set mmm=
+if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" goto:switchIOS236Installeroff
+set IOS236Installer=*
+set IOS236Installer=
+if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" (set SIP=) else (set SIP=*)
+if /i "%JOY%" EQU "*" (set JOY=) else (set JOY=*)
+if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" goto:switchyawmoff
+set yawm=*
+set yawm=
+if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" goto:switchneogammaoff
+set neogamma=*
+set neogamma=
+if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" goto:switchcfg249off
+set cfg249=*
+set cfg249=
+if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" goto:switchcfg222off
+set cfg222=*
+set cfg222=
+if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" goto:switchcfgroff
+set cfgr=*
+set cfgr=
+if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" goto:switchwbmoff
+set wbm=*
+set wbm=
+if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" goto:switchCheatCodesoff
+set CheatCodes=*
+set CheatCodes=
+if /i "%F32%" EQU "*" goto:switchF32off
+set F32=*
+set F32=
+if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" goto:switchFLOWoff
+set FLOW=*
+set FLOW=
+if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" goto:switchUSBXoff
+set USBX=*
+set USBX=
+if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" goto:switchJOYFoff
+set JOYF=*
+set JOYF=
+if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" goto:switchS2Uoff
+set S2U=*
+set S2U=
+if /i "%HBF%" EQU "*" goto:switchHBFoff
+set HBF=*
+set HBF=
+if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" goto:switchusbfolderoff
+set usbfolder=*
+set usbfolder=
+if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" goto:switchWiiMCoff
+set WiiMC=*
+set WiiMC=
+if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" goto:switchfceugxoff
+set fceugx=*
+set fceugx=
+if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" goto:switchsnes9xgxoff
+set snes9xgx=*
+set snes9xgx=
+if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" goto:switchvbagxoff
+set vbagx=*
+set vbagx=
+if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" goto:switchSGMoff
+set SGM=*
+set SGM=
+if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" goto:switchWIIXoff
+set WIIX=*
+set WIIX=
+if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" goto:switchPrioff
+set Pri=*
+set Pri=
+if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" goto:switchHAXoff
+set HAX=*
+set HAX=
+if /i "%Y4M%" EQU "*" goto:switchY4Moff
+set Y4M=*
+set Y4M=
+set cfg249=*
+set cfg222=*
+set usbfolder=*
+set cfgr=*
+set wbm=*
+set neogamma=*
+set CheatCodes=*
+set AccioHacks=*
+set FLOW=*
+set USBX=*
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "U" goto:OLDLIST
+set WiiMC=*
+set fceugx=*
+set snes9xgx=*
+set vbagx=*
+set SGM=*
+set WIIX=*
+set HBB=*
+set WII64=*
+set WIISX=*
+set locked=*
+set JOYF=*
+set JOY=*
+set S2U=*
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "J" goto:OLDLIST
+set BB1=*
+set BB2=*
+set Twi=*
+set YUGI=*
+set BATHAXX=*
+set ROTJ=*
+set TOS=*
+set smash=*
+set pwns=*
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "E" goto:OLDLIST
+::not in any list
+set mmm=*
+set f32=*
+set HM=*
+set dop=*
+set yawm=*
+set Pri=*
+set HAX=*
+::set Y4M=*
+set IOS236Installer=*
+set SIP=*
+set h4=*
+set h5=*
+set h51=*
+set w19=*
+set w20=*
+set CM5=*
+set MP=*
+set HBF=*
+set bootmiisd=*
+::........................................Additional LIST3 / BATCH.......................................
+Set LIST3=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] DOWNLOAD PAGE 3 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20by XFlak
+echo Choose files to add/remove to download queue (Selected files marked with an *)
+echo D = Download Selected Files 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 M = Main Menu
+echo C = Clear Download Queue (blank) = Cycle Pages DR = Drive Menu
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Select Group: [Red](A)[def]ll, Themes for [Red](U)[def]SA, [Red](E)[def]uro, [Red](J)[def]ap, [Red](K)[def]orean
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20System Menu's w/ Themes for [Red](US)[def]A, [Red](EU)[def]ro, [Red](JA)[def]p, [Red](KO)[def]rean
+echo %MyM% MyM = MyMenuify
+if "%selectedtheme%"=="" set selectedtheme=R
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "R" goto:skipred
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 WWW = View [Red]DarkWii Red Theme[def] on youtube
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Switch Download List to [Green]DarkWii Green Theme[def]
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DarkWii Red CSMs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 DarkWii Red System Menus \x20 \x20 Original Wii Themes
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWR% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = SM4.3U
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWR% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = SM4.2U
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWR% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = SM4.1U
+echo %A72% 72 = SM4.0U
+echo %A42% 42 = SM3.2U
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWR% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = SM4.3E
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWR% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = SM4.2E
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWR% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = SM4.1E
+echo %A75% 75 = SM4.0E
+echo %A45% 45 = SM3.2E
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWR% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = SM4.3J
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWR% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = SM4.2J
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWR% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = SM4.1J
+echo %A70% 70 = SM4.0J
+echo %A40% 40 = SM3.2J
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWR% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = SM4.3K
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWR% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = SM4.2K
+echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWR% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = SM4.1K
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "G" goto:skipgreen
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 WWW = View [Green]DarkWii Green Theme[def] on youtube
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Switch Download List to [Red]DarkWii Red Theme[def]
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DarkWii [Green]Green[Red] CSMs \x20 \x20 \x20 DarkWii [Green]Green[Red] System Menus \x20 \x20 Original Wii Themes
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWG% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = SM4.3U
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWG% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = SM4.2U
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWG% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = SM4.1U
+echo %A72% 72 = SM4.0U
+echo %A42% 42 = SM3.2U
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWG% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = SM4.3E
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWG% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = SM4.2E
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWG% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = SM4.1E
+echo %A75% 75 = SM4.0E
+echo %A45% 45 = SM3.2E
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWG% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = SM4.3J
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWG% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = SM4.2J
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWG% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = SM4.1J
+echo %A70% 70 = SM4.0J
+echo %A40% 40 = SM3.2J
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWG% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = SM4.3K
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWG% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = SM4.2K
+echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWG% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = SM4.1K
+set /p LIST3= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST3
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST3
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1" goto:LIST
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED
+IF "%LIST3%"=="" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll4
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "U" goto:UTHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "E" goto:ETHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "J" goto:JTHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "k" goto:KTHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "US" goto:SMUTHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "EU" goto:SMETHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "JA" goto:SMJTHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "KO" goto:SMKTHEMES
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "MyM" goto:SwitchMyM
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "70" goto:switchA70
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "42" goto:switchA42
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "45" goto:switchA45
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "40" goto:switchA40
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "72" goto:switchA72
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "75" goto:switchA75
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "78" goto:switchA78
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "7b" goto:switchA7b
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "7e" goto:switchA7e
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "84" goto:switchA84
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "87" goto:switchA87
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "8a" goto:switchA8a
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "94" goto:switchA94
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "97" goto:switchA97
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "9a" goto:switchA9a
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "81" goto:switchA81
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "8d" goto:switchA8d
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "9d" goto:switchA9d
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "R" goto:skipred
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=G)&&(goto:LIST3)
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "WWW" (start
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3U
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2U
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1U
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3E
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2E
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1E
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3J
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2J
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1J
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3K
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2K
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1K
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWR
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWR
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "G" goto:skipgreen
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=R)&&(goto:LIST3)
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "WWW" (start
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll4
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3U
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2U
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1U
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3E
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2E
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1E
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3J
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2J
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1J
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3K
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2K
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1K
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWG
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWG
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" (set MyM=) else (set MyM=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWR=) else (set SM4.3U-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWR=) else (set SM4.2U-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWR=) else (set SM4.1U-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWR=) else (set SM4.3E-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWR=) else (set SM4.2E-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWR=) else (set SM4.1E-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWR=) else (set SM4.3J-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWR=) else (set SM4.2J-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWR=) else (set SM4.1J-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWR=) else (set SM4.3K-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWR=) else (set SM4.2K-DWR=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWR=) else (set SM4.1K-DWR=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=*)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWG=) else (set SM4.3U-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWG=) else (set SM4.2U-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWG=) else (set SM4.1U-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWG=) else (set SM4.3E-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWG=) else (set SM4.2E-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWG=) else (set SM4.1E-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWG=) else (set SM4.3J-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWG=) else (set SM4.2J-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWG=) else (set SM4.1J-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWG=) else (set SM4.3K-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWG=) else (set SM4.2K-DWG=*)
+if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWG=) else (set SM4.1K-DWG=*)
+if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" goto:switchA40off
+set A40=*
+set A40=
+if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" goto:switchA42off
+set A42=*
+set A42=
+if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" goto:switchA45off
+set A45=*
+set A45=
+if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" goto:switchA70off
+set A70=*
+set A70=
+if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" goto:switchA72off
+set A72=*
+set A72=
+if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" goto:switchA75off
+set A75=*
+set A75=
+if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" goto:switchA78off
+set A78=*
+set A78=
+if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" goto:switchA7boff
+set A7b=*
+set A7b=
+if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" goto:switchA7eoff
+set A7e=*
+set A7e=
+if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" goto:switchA84off
+set A84=*
+set A84=
+if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" goto:switchA87off
+set A87=*
+set A87=
+if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" goto:switchA8aoff
+set A8a=*
+set A8a=
+if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" goto:switchA94off
+set A94=*
+set A94=
+if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" goto:switchA97off
+set A97=*
+set A97=
+if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" goto:switchA9aoff
+set A9a=*
+set A9a=
+if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" (set A81=) else (set A81=*)
+if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" (set A8d=) else (set A8d=*)
+if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" (set A9d=) else (set A9d=*)
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "U" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "E" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "J" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "K" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3U-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2U-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1U-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3U-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2U-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1U-DWG=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "US" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3E-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2E-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1E-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3E-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2E-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1E-DWG=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "EU" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3J-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2J-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1J-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3J-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2J-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1J-DWG=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "JA" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3K-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2K-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1K-DWR=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3K-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2K-DWG=*
+if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1K-DWG=*
+if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "KO" goto:LIST3
+::not in any list
+set MyM=*
+set A40=*
+set A70=*
+set A78=*
+set A84=*
+set A94=*
+set A42=*
+set A72=*
+set A7b=*
+set A87=*
+set A97=*
+set A81=*
+set A8d=*
+set A9d=*
+set A45=*
+set A75=*
+set A7e=*
+set A8a=*
+set A9a=*
+::........................................Additional LIST4 / BATCH.......................................
+Set LIST4=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] DOWNLOAD PAGE 4 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20by XFlak
+echo Choose files to add/remove to download queue (Selected files marked with an *)
+echo D = Download Selected Files 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 M = Main Menu
+echo C = Clear Download Queue (blank) = Cycle Pages DR = Drive Menu
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo R = Rename Current %Drive%\WAD folder to %Drive%\WAD#
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo (otherwise WADs are saved to existing WAD Folder)
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20Select Group: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](REC)[def]ommended CIOSs, [Red](cM)[def]IOSs, [Red](v4)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v5)[def] cIOSs
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red](v14)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v17b)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v19)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v20)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v21)[def] cIOSs, v21[Red](d2x)[def] cIOSs
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v17b cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hermes v4 cIOSs
+echo %cIOS249-v17b% 24917 = cIOS249-v17b %cIOS223[37-38]-v4% 223 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4
+echo %cIOS250-v17b% 25017 = cIOS250-v17b %cIOS222[38]-v4% 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v19 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hermes v5 cIOSs
+echo %cIOS249[37]-v19% 2491937 = cIOS249[37]-v19 %cIOS202[57]-v5% 202 = cIOS202[57]-v5
+echo %cIOS250[37]-v19% 2501937 = cIOS250[37]-v19 %cIOS222[38]-v5% 222 = cIOS222[38]-v5
+echo %cIOS249[38]-v19% 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19 %cIOS223[37]-v5% 22337 = cIOS223[37]-v5
+echo %cIOS250[38]-v19% 2501938 = cIOS250[38]-v19 %cIOS223[57]-v5% 22357 = cIOS223[57]-v5
+echo %cIOS249[57]-v19% 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 %cIOS224[37]-v5% 22437 = cIOS224[37]-v5
+echo %cIOS250[57]-v19% 2501957 = cIOS250[57]-v19 %cIOS224[57]-v5% 224 = cIOS224[57]-v5
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v20 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cMIOSs
+echo %cIOS249[38]-v20% 2492038 = cIOS249[38]-v20 %RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2% 10 = WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10)
+echo %cIOS250[38]-v20% 2502038 = cIOS250[38]-v20 %RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2% 0.2 = WiiGator cMIOS-v4 v0.2
+echo %cIOS249[56]-v20% 2492056 = cIOS249[56]-v20 %RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5% 5 = Waninkoko cMIOS-v4 rev5
+echo %cIOS250[56]-v20% 2502056 = cIOS250[56]-v20
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20%cIOS249[57]-v20% 2492057 = cIOS249[57]-v20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v14 cIOSs
+echo %cIOS250[57]-v20% 2502057 = cIOS250[57]-v20 %cIOS249-v14% 24914 = cIOS249-v14
+echo %cIOS250-v14% 25014 = cIOS250-v14
+set d2x-beta-rev=6
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v21 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 d2x cIOSs
+echo %cIOS249[37]-v21% 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21 %cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6% 249d2x37 = cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[37]-v21% 2502137 = cIOS250[37]-v21 %cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6% 250d2x37 = cIOS250[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS249[38]-v21% 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21 %cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6% 249d2x38 = cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[38]-v21% 2502138 = cIOS250[38]-v21 %cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6% 250d2x38 = cIOS250[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS249[53]-v21% 2492153 = cIOS249[53]-v21 %cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6% 249d2x53 = cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[53]-v21% 2502153 = cIOS250[53]-v21 %cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6% 250d2x53 = cIOS250[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS249[55]-v21% 2492155 = cIOS249[55]-v21 %cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6% 249d2x55 = cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[55]-v21% 2502155 = cIOS250[55]-v21 %cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6% 250d2x55 = cIOS250[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS249[56]-v21% 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21 %cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6% 249d2x56 = cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[56]-v21% 2502156 = cIOS250[56]-v21 %cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6% 250d2x56 = cIOS250[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS249[57]-v21% 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21 %cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6% 249d2x57 = cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[57]-v21% 2502157 = cIOS250[57]-v21 %cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6% 250d2x57 = cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS249[58]-v21% 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21 %cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6% 249d2x58 = cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo %cIOS250[58]-v21% 2502158 = cIOS250[58]-v21 %cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6% 250d2x58 = cIOS250[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+if not exist modules\More-cIOSs echo.
+if exist modules\More-cIOSs echo BETA = d2x beta settings
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD echo.
+set /p LIST4= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST4
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST4
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "R" goto:COPY2
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAllLIST4
+if not exist modules\More-cIOSs goto:quickskip
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "BETA" (set backbeforebetaswitch=LIST4) & (goto:betaswitch)
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v4" goto:v4cIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5" goto:v5cIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v17b" goto:v17bcIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v14" goto:v14cIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v19" goto:v19cIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v20" goto:v20cIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v21" goto:v21cIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "d2x" goto:d2xcIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "cM" goto:cMIOSs
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "1" goto:LIST
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED
+IF "%LIST4%"=="" goto:LIST
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "202" goto:SwitchcIOS202[57]-v5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "222" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22337" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22357" goto:SwitchcIOS223[57]-v5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22437" goto:SwitchcIOS224[37]-v5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "224" goto:SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491937" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v19
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491938" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v19
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492038" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v20
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502038" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v20
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492056" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v20
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502057" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v20
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492057" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v20
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502056" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v20
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491957" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v19
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501937" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v19
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501938" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v19
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501957" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v19
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "10" goto:SwitchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "0.2" goto:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "5" goto:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2224" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v4
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "223" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37-38]-v4
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24917" goto:SwitchcIOS249-v17b
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25017" goto:SwitchcIOS250-v17b
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24914" goto:SwitchcIOS249-v14
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25014" goto:SwitchcIOS250-v14
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492137" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502137" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492138" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502138" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492153" goto:SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502153" goto:SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492155" goto:SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502155" goto:SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492156" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502156" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492157" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502157" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492158" goto:SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502158" goto:SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x37" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x38" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x53" goto:SwitchcIOS249[53]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x55" goto:SwitchcIOS249[55]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x56" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x57" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x58" goto:SwitchcIOS249[58]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x37" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x38" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x53" goto:SwitchcIOS250[53]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x55" goto:SwitchcIOS250[55]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x56" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x57" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x58" goto:SwitchcIOS250[58]-d2x-v6
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%cIOS202[57]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS202[57]-v5off
+set cIOS202[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS202[57]-v5=
+if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS222[38]-v5off
+set cIOS222[38]-v5=*
+set cIOS222[38]-v5=
+if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS223[37]-v5off
+set cIOS223[37]-v5=*
+set cIOS223[37]-v5=
+if /i "%cIOS223[57]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS223[57]-v5off
+set cIOS223[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS223[57]-v5=
+if /i "%cIOS224[37]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS224[37]-v5off
+set cIOS224[37]-v5=*
+set cIOS224[37]-v5=
+if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS224[57]-v5off
+set cIOS224[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS224[57]-v5=
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[37]-v19off
+set cIOS249[37]-v19=*
+set cIOS249[37]-v19=
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[38]-v19off
+set cIOS249[38]-v19=*
+set cIOS249[38]-v19=
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[38]-v20off
+set cIOS249[38]-v20=*
+set cIOS249[38]-v20=
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[38]-v20off
+set cIOS250[38]-v20=*
+set cIOS250[38]-v20=
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[56]-v20off
+set cIOS249[56]-v20=*
+set cIOS249[56]-v20=
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[57]-v20off
+set cIOS249[57]-v20=*
+set cIOS249[57]-v20=
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[57]-v20off
+set cIOS250[57]-v20=*
+set cIOS250[57]-v20=
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[56]-v20off
+set cIOS250[56]-v20=*
+set cIOS250[56]-v20=
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249[57]-v19off
+set cIOS249[57]-v19=*
+set cIOS249[57]-v19=
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[37]-v19off
+set cIOS250[37]-v19=*
+set cIOS250[37]-v19=
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[38]-v19off
+set cIOS250[38]-v19=*
+set cIOS250[38]-v19=
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250[57]-v19off
+set cIOS250[57]-v19=*
+set cIOS250[57]-v19=
+if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2off
+set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=*
+set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=
+if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2off
+set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=*
+set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=
+if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5off
+set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=*
+set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=
+if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS222[38]-v4off
+set cIOS222[38]-v4=*
+set cIOS222[38]-v4=
+if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS223[37-38]-v4off
+set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*
+set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=
+if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS249-v17boff
+set cIOS249-v17b=*
+set cIOS249-v17b=
+if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" goto:switchcIOS250-v17boff
+set cIOS250-v17b=*
+set cIOS250-v17b=
+if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249-v14=) else (set cIOS249-v14=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250-v14=) else (set cIOS250-v14=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[37]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[37]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[38]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[38]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[53]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[53]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[53]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[53]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[55]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[55]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[55]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[55]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[56]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[56]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[57]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[57]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[58]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[58]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[58]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[58]-v21=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6=*)
+if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6=) else (set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6=*)
+set cIOS202[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS222[38]-v5=*
+set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*
+set cIOS224[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=*
+set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "REC" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*
+set cIOS222[38]-v4=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v4" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS202[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS222[38]-v5=*
+set cIOS224[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS223[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS224[37]-v5=*
+set cIOS223[37]-v5=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS249-v17b=*
+set cIOS250-v17b=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v17b" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS249-v14=*
+set cIOS250-v14=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v14" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS249[37]-v19=*
+set cIOS249[38]-v19=*
+set cIOS249[57]-v19=*
+set cIOS250[37]-v19=*
+set cIOS250[38]-v19=*
+set cIOS250[57]-v19=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v19" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS249[56]-v20=*
+set cIOS250[57]-v20=*
+set cIOS249[38]-v20=*
+set cIOS250[38]-v20=*
+set cIOS250[56]-v20=*
+set cIOS249[57]-v20=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v20" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS249[37]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[37]-v21=*
+set cIOS249[38]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[38]-v21=*
+set cIOS249[53]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[53]-v21=*
+set cIOS249[55]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[55]-v21=*
+set cIOS249[56]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[56]-v21=*
+set cIOS249[57]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[57]-v21=*
+set cIOS249[58]-v21=*
+set cIOS250[58]-v21=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v21" goto:LIST4
+set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "d2x" goto:LIST4
+set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=*
+set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=*
+set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=*
+if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "cM" goto:LIST4
+::........................................Advanced Custom Downloads........................................
+set loadorgo=load
+if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul
+if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul
+set wadnameless=
+set name=
+set wadname=
+set dlname=
+set ciosslot=
+set ciosversion=
+set md5=
+set md5alt=
+set basewad=none
+set basewadb=none
+set md5base=
+set md5basealt=
+set code1=
+set code2=
+set version=
+set md5baseb=
+set md5basebalt=
+set code1b=
+set code2b=
+set path1=
+set versionb=
+set basecios=
+set diffpath=
+set code2new=
+set lastbasemodule=
+set category=
+set wadnameless=
+set patchname=
+set slotname=
+set slotcode=
+set versionname=
+set versioncode=
+set DEC=
+set HEX=
+set VER=
+set wadfolder=
+set verfinal=
+set alreadyexists=
+set patch=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Choose a file for Advanced Custom Download
+echo D = Download Selected Files 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 M = Main Menu
+echo C = Clear Download Queue (blank) = Cycle Pages DR = Drive Menu
+echo Note: To return to this page from other Download Pages enter "ADV"
+echo U = User-Defined Custom Download (Very Advanced)
+echo *Download\Patch ANY IOS, MIOS or System Menu
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] IOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOSs
+set d2x-beta-rev=6
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+echo 9 = IOS9v1034 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4
+echo 12 = IOS12v526 222 = cIOS222[38]-v5
+echo 13 = IOS13v1032 223 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4
+echo 14 = IOS14v1032 22337 = cIOS223[37]-v5
+echo 15 = IOS15v1032 224 = cIOS224[57]-v5
+echo 17 = IOS17v1032
+echo 21 = IOS21v1039 24914 = cIOS249-v14
+echo 22 = IOS22v1294 24917 = cIOS249-v17b
+echo 28 = IOS28v1807
+echo 30 = IOS30v2576 2491937 = cIOS249[37]-v19
+echo 31 = IOS31v3608 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19
+echo 33 = IOS33v3608 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19
+echo 34 = IOS34v3608 2492038 = cIOS249[38]-v20
+echo 35 = IOS35v3608 2492056 = cIOS249[56]-v20
+echo 36 = IOS36v3608 2492057 = cIOS249[57]-v20
+echo 37 = IOS37v5663
+echo 38 = IOS38v4124 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21
+echo 41 = IOS41v3607 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21
+echo 43 = IOS43v3607 2492153 = cIOS249[53]-v21
+echo 45 = IOS45v3607 2492155 = cIOS249[55]-v21
+echo 46 = IOS46v3607 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21
+echo 48 = IOS48v4124 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21
+echo 53 = IOS53v5663 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21
+echo 55 = IOS55v5663
+echo 56 = IOS56v5662 249d2x37 = cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo 57 = IOS57v5919 249d2x38 = cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo 58 = IOS58v6176 249d2x53 = cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo 60 = IOS60v6174 249d2x55 = cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo 61 = IOS61v5662 249d2x56 = cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo 70 = IOS70v6687 249d2x57 = cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+echo 80 = IOS80v6944 249d2x58 = cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%
+if not exist modules\More-cIOSs echo.
+if exist modules\More-cIOSs echo BETA = d2x beta settings
+echo %AdvNumber% Advanced Downloads in Queue
+set /p ADVLIST= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:Custom
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED
+IF "%ADVLIST%"=="" goto:LIST
+if not exist modules\More-cIOSs goto:quickskip
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETA" (set backbeforebetaswitch=ADVANCED) & (goto:betaswitch)
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "9" goto:IOS9
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "12" goto:IOS12
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "13" goto:IOS13
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "14" goto:IOS14
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "15" goto:IOS15
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "17" goto:IOS17
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "21" goto:IOS21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22" goto:IOS22
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "28" goto:IOS28
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "30" goto:IOS30
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "31" goto:IOS31
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "33" goto:IOS33
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "34" goto:IOS34
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "35" goto:IOS35
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "36" goto:IOS36v3608
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "37" goto:IOS37
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "38" goto:IOS38
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "41" goto:IOS41
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "43" goto:IOS43
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "45" goto:IOS45
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "46" goto:IOS46
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "48" goto:IOS48v4124
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "53" goto:IOS53
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "55" goto:IOS55
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "56" goto:IOS56
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "57" goto:IOS57
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "58" goto:IOS58
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60" goto:IOS60
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "61" goto:IOS61
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "70" goto:IOS70
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "80" goto:IOS80
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "222" goto:cIOS222[38]-v5
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22337" goto:cIOS223[37]-v5
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "224" goto:cIOS224[57]-v5
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491937" goto:cIOS249[37]-v19
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" goto:cIOS249[38]-v19
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492038" goto:cIOS249[38]-v20
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492056" goto:cIOS249[56]-v20
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492057" goto:cIOS249[57]-v20
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" goto:cIOS249[57]-v19
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" goto:cIOS222[38]-v4
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "223" goto:cIOS223[37-38]-v4
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" goto:cIOS249-v17b
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" goto:cIOS249-v14
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" goto:cIOS249[37]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" goto:cIOS249[38]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" goto:cIOS249[56]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" goto:cIOS249[53]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" goto:cIOS249[55]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" goto:cIOS249[57]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" goto:cIOS249[58]-v21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" goto:cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" goto:cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" goto:cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" goto:cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" goto:cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" goto:cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" goto:cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+dir modules\More-cIOSs /a:d /b>temp\list.txt
+::count # of folders in advance to set "mode"
+for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a d2xTOTAL=!d2xTOTAL!+1
+SET /a LINES=%d2xTOTAL%+21
+if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize
+mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES%
+Set betacios=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Select the beta d2x cIOS you would like to build:
+if /i "%d2xTOTAL%" EQU "0" (echo No d2x-betas were found in the modules\More-cIOSs Folder) & (goto:quickskip)
+echo N = None, build the d2x cIOSs that came with ModMii v%currentversion%
+set MorecIOSsNum=0
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist %%A
+set CurrentcIOS=%*
+if not exist "modules\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" goto:EOF
+set /a MorecIOSsNum=%MorecIOSsNum%+1
+echo %MorecIOSsNum% = %CurrentcIOS%
+echo WWW = Check for Updates at
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p betacios= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%betacios%" EQU "M" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:MENU)
+if /i "%betacios%" EQU "B" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:%backbeforebetaswitch%)
+if /i "%betacios%" EQU "WWW" (start & (goto:betaswitch)
+if /i "%betacios%" EQU "N" (rd /s /q modules\d2x-beta) & (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:d2xfix)
+if "%betacios%"=="" goto:badkey
+if /i "%d2xTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+echo set betacios=%betacios% >temp\temp.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _.__ -lerep _" "__ -write -yes
+call temp\temp.bat
+del temp\temp.bat>nul
+if %betacios% LSS 1 goto:badkey
+if /i %betacios% GTR %MorecIOSsNum% goto:badkey
+::----copy folders over----
+set MorecIOSsNum2=0
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist2 %%A
+set CurrentcIOS=%*
+if not exist "modules\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" goto:EOF
+set /a MorecIOSsNum2=%MorecIOSsNum2%+1
+if /i "%MorecIOSsNum2%" EQU "%betacios%" goto:quickskip
+if exist modules\d2x-beta rd /s /q modules\d2x-beta
+mkdir modules\d2x-beta
+copy /y "modules\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\*" "modules\d2x-beta">nul
+del temp\list.txt>nul
+mode con cols=85 lines=54
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::d2x check for changed DL names and md5's for Advanced downloads only
+if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:%backbeforebetaswitch%)
+findStr "d2x" temp\DLnamesADV.txt >nul
+IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:%backbeforebetaswitch%)
+FINDSTR /N . temp\DLnamesADV.txt>temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt -+d2x -rep _cIOS*[_cIOS249[_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "__ -write -yes
+set loadorgo=load4switch
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt) do call :processDLCheckswitch %%A
+set advDLCheck=%*
+echo set advDLcheckNUM=%advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat -rep _:*__ -write -yes
+call temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat
+del temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat>nul
+echo %advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheck.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheck.bat -rep _"%advDLcheckNUM%:"_"set advDLcheck="_ -write -yes
+call temp\advDLcheck.bat
+del temp\advDLcheck.bat>nul
+call temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat
+set oldfullname=%name%
+set advDLCheck0=%advDLCheck%
+set d2x-beta-rev=6
+set advDLCheck=%advDLCheck:~0,17%%d2x-beta-rev%
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+set string=%d2x-beta-rev%
+set d2xVersionLength=0
+if defined string (
+ set string=%string:~1%
+ set /A d2xVersionLength += 1
+ goto:loopd2xVersionLength
+ )
+echo set alt-d2x-beta-rev=@advDLcheck0:~17,%d2xVersionLength%@>temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat
+sfk filter temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul
+call temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat
+del temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat>nul
+if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "%alt-d2x-beta-rev%" goto:EOF
+set slotnum=%slotcode:~7%
+if "%slotnum%"=="" set slotnum=249
+set newname=cIOS%slotnum%%basecios:~7,10%%d2x-beta-rev%
+::update temp\AdvDL#.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat -rep _"set MD5="*_"set MD5=%MD5%"_ -rep _"set md5alt="*_"set md5alt=%md5alt%"_ -rep _"set ciosversion="*_"set ciosversion=%ciosversion%"_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "*_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -rep _"set wadname="*_"set wadname=%wadname%"_ -rep _"set wadnameless="*_"set wadnameless=%newname%"_ -write -yes
+::update temp\DLnamesADV.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADV.txt -lerep _"%oldfullname%"_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -write -yes
+if exist temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt del temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt>nul
+::set loadorgo=go
+mode con cols=85 lines=54
+::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 2 - PATCH IOS--------------------------------
+set loadorgo=go
+set patchcode=
+set patchname=
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+set wadnameless=%wadname%
+echo BLAH%wadname%>wadnametemp.bat
+sfk filter wadnametemp.bat -rep _BLAH_"set wadnameless="_ -rep _-64-__ -rep _RVL-__ -rep _.wad__ -write -yes>nul
+call wadnametemp.bat
+del wadnametemp.bat>nul
+if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:ADVPAGE3
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo How would you like to patch %wadnameless%?
+echo A = All 3 available patches
+echo N = No Patches
+echo FS = FakeSigning Patch
+echo ES = ES Identify Patch
+echo NP = Nand Permission Patch
+echo X = FakeSigning Patch + ES Identify Patch
+echo Y = FakeSigning Patch + Nand Permission Patch
+echo Z = ES Identify Patch + Nand Permission Patch
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p ADVPATCH= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" set patchcode= -FS -ES -NP
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" set patchcode=
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "FS" set patchcode= -FS
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "ES" set patchcode= -ES
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "NP" set patchcode= -NP
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "X" set patchcode= -FS -ES
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Y" set patchcode= -FS -NP
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Z" set patchcode= -ES -NP
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" set patchname=[FS-ES-NP]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" set patchname=
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "FS" set patchname=[FS]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "ES" set patchname=[ES]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "NP" set patchname=[NP]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "X" set patchname=[FS-ES]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Y" set patchname=[FS-NP]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Z" set patchname=[ES-NP]
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "FS" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "ES" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "NP" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "X" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Y" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "Z" goto:ADVPAGE3
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 3 - SLOT--------------------------------
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo To change the IOS slot # for %wadnameless%%patchname%
+echo Enter a new IOS slot # now
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] WARNING: Be careful what IOS slot # you choose, if it overwrites a crucial IOS
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] YOU MAY BRICK
+echo Note: Must be between 3 and 254
+echo N = No, leave slot unchanged
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p ADVSLOT= Enter Selection Here:
+::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE2
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED
+set SLOTCODE= -slot %ADVSLOT%
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:ADVPAGE4
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%ADVSLOT:~3%"=="" (
+:: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars
+ goto:badkey
+::Reject negative numbers - and reject 1 and 2 (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than)
+if %ADVSLOT% LSS 3 (goto:badkey)
+if %ADVSLOT% LEQ 254 goto:ADVPAGE4
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 4 - Version--------------------------------
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" set SLOTCODE=
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" set SLOTNAME=
+set versionreal=%version%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" set versionreal=4
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "223" set versionreal=4
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" set versionreal=14
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" set versionreal=17
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491937" set versionreal=19
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" set versionreal=19
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" set versionreal=19
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492056" set versionreal=20
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492057" set versionreal=20
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492038" set versionreal=20
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "222" set versionreal=65535
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22337" set versionreal=65535
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "224" set versionreal=65535
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" set versionreal=21
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" set versionreal=%ciosversion%
+if /i "%ADVTYPE%" NEQ "CIOS" goto:miniskip
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip
+set wadnameless=cIOS%ADVSLOT%%wadname:~7%
+set slotname=
+set /a versionplus1=%versionreal%+1
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you like to change the version # of %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%
+echo Note: MAX is 65535
+echo MAX = MAX (65535)
+echo N = No, leave version unchanged (%versionreal%)
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass
+if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo.
+if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo V1 = Version + 1 (%versionplus1%)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p ADVVERSION= Enter Selection Here:
+::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1
+if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE3
+if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "MAX" set ADVVERSION=65535
+if /i "%versionreal%" EQU "65535" goto:alreadymaxxed
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:alreadymaxxed
+if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "v1" set ADVVERSION=%versionplus1%
+set versioncode= -v %ADVVERSION%
+set versionname=-[v%ADVVERSION%]
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:CONFIRM
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%ADVVERSION:~5%"=="" (
+:: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars
+ goto:badkey
+::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than)
+if %ADVVERSION% LSS 1 (goto:badkey)
+if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::------------------------------------ADVANCED page CONFIRM - Version--------------------------------
+set changes=
+if /i "%wadname:~0,-4%" EQU "%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%" set changes=none
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges
+echo Are these settings correct?
+echo Download %wadname% and Patch it accordingly
+if /i "%ADVTYPE%" NEQ "CIOS" goto:miniskip
+if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOS[Red]%ADVSLOT%[def]%wadname:~7%[Red]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %wadnameless%[Red]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] You have not selected any changes to be made to %wadnameless%
+echo If you want to download %wadnameless%
+echo you can do so from the Batch/Additional Download Pages
+if /i "%changes%" NEQ "none" echo Y = Yes, add Advanced Download to Queue
+echo N = No, go back to Advanced Custom Downloads Menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p ADVCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1
+if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4
+if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges2
+if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1
+if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SaveADVdlSettings
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+echo "set name=Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set wadname=%wadname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set ciosslot=%ciosSLOT%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set ciosversion=%ciosVERSION%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set md5=%md5%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set md5alt=%md5alt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set basewad=%basewad%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set md5base=%md5base%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set md5basealt=%md5basealt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set code1=%code1%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set code2=%code2%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set version=%version%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set basewadb=%basewadb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set md5baseb=%md5baseb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set md5basebalt=%md5basebalt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set code1b=%code1b%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set code2b=%code2b%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set versionb=%versionb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set basecios=%basecios%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set diffpath=%diffpath%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set code2new=%code2new%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set lastbasemodule=%lastbasemodule%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set category=%category%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set wadnameless=%wadnameless%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set patchname=%patchname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set slotname=%slotname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set slotcode=%slotcode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set versionname=%versionname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set versioncode=%versioncode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set cIOSFamilyName=%cIOSFamilyName%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set cIOSversionNum=%cIOSversionNum%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+::echo "goto:downloadstart">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt
+echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+::...................................Custom- User-Defined Custom Download...............................
+set DEC=none
+set HEX=
+set countIOS=0
+set patchname=
+set slotname=
+set versionname=
+set HEX=
+set VER=
+set wadfolder=
+set verfinal=
+set slotcode=
+set versioncode=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the Number of the IOS you would like to download
+::echo either in Decimal (x,xx,xxx; ie. 9,60,249), or in Hex (xx; ie. F9=249)
+echo or enter "SM" or "MIOS" to download a System Menu or MIOS
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: Make sure the IOS number you input actually exists
+echo # = Download the IOS number
+echo SM = Download a System Menu
+echo MIOS = Download an MIOS
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p DEC= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%DEC:~3%"=="" (
+:: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars
+ goto:badkey
+::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than)
+if %DEC% LSS 1 (goto:badkey)
+if %DEC% LEQ 254 goto:CUSTOMPAGE2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+set VER=
+set patchcode=
+set patchname=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" echo What Version of the System Menu would like to download? (ie. XXX)
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT1
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" echo What Version of MIOS would like to download? (ie. 4, 5, 8, 10)
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT1
+echo What Version of IOS %DEC% would like to download?
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNINGS:[def] - Make sure the version you input actually exists
+echo - Most recent version may be stubbed
+if /i "%DEC%" NEQ "SM" echo * = Download the most recent version
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" echo * = Download the most recent Korean System Menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p VER= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOM
+set version=%VER%
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%VER:~5%"=="" (
+ goto:badkey
+::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than)
+if %VER% LSS 1 (goto:badkey)
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:nopatches
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:nopatches
+::for IOSs Only
+if /i "%VER%" NEQ "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-v%VER%
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-vNEW
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:ADVPAGE2
+if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:ADVPAGE2
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:CONFIRM
+if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:CONFIRM
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set VERFINAL=NEW
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" echo Are you sure you want to try downloading System Menu v%VER%?
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT2
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" echo Are you sure you want to try downloading MIOS v%VER%?
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT2
+echo Are you sure you want to try downloading IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: this download will fail if the file does not exist.
+echo Y = Yes, add Advanced Download to Queue
+echo N = No, go back to Advanced Custom Downloads Menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p CONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:ADVANCED
+::if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "A" goto:CUSTOMDL
+if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1
+if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SaveADVdlSettings2
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skip
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skip
+if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4
+if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "set name=Advanced Download: System Menu v%VER%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat) & (echo "Advanced Download: System Menu v%VER%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt) & (goto:miniskip)
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "set name=Advanced Download: MIOS v%VER%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat) & (echo "Advanced Download: MIOS v%VER%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt) & (goto:miniskip)
+echo "set name=Advanced Download: IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "Advanced Download: IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt
+echo "set DEC=%DEC%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set VERFINAL=%VERFINAL%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set patchname=%patchname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set slotname=%slotname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set versionname=%versionname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set HEX=%HEX%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set VER=%VER%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set wadfolder=%wadfolder%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set PATCHCODE=%PATCHCODE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set slotcode=%slotcode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set versioncode=%versioncode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+echo "set category=userdefined">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat
+::echo "Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt
+echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+::...................................CONFIG File Menu...............................
+set configfile=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Which Wii App would you like to configure?
+echo BM = BootMii (create bootmii.ini)
+echo MMM = Multi-Mod Manager (create mmmconfig.txt)
+echo WM = Wad Manager (create wm_config.txt)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p configfile= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%configfile%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%configfile%" EQU "B" goto:MENU
+if /i "%configfile%" EQU "BM" goto:BMCONFIG
+if /i "%configfile%" EQU "WM" goto:WMCONFIG
+if /i "%configfile%" EQU "MMM" goto:MMMCONFIG
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo This will create a bootmii.ini file in %DRIVE%\bootmii\
+echo to determine how BootMii is launched.
+echo Enter the Video Mode you would like BootMii to use:
+echo N = NTSC
+echo 50 = PAL50
+echo 60 = PAL60
+echo P = Progressive
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p BMVIDEO= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "50" set BMVIDEO=PAL50
+if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "60" set BMVIDEO=PAL60
+if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "NTSC" goto:BMCONFIG2
+if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL50" goto:BMCONFIG2
+if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL60" goto:BMCONFIG2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)...............................
+set BMBOOT=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo What would you like BootMii to AutoBoot?
+echo O = OFF (BootMii)
+echo H = HBC (Homebrew Channel)
+echo S = SYSMENU (System Menu)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p BMBOOT= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "O" set BMBOOT=OFF
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "H" set BMBOOT=HBC
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" set BMDELAY=0
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" goto:BMCONFIG3
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" echo How many seconds should BootMii to wait to autoboot the HomeBrew Channel?
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" echo How many seconds should BootMii to wait to autoboot the System Menu?
+echo Possible Settings:
+echo 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p BMDELAY= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "0" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "1" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "2" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "3" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "4" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "5" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "6" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "7" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "8" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "9" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "10" goto:BMCONFIG4
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)...............................
+set BMSD=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Would you also like to download BootMii SD Files required to launch BootMii?
+echo Note: these are the same files generated by the HackMii Installer
+echo by installing BootMii as Boot2 or by Preparing an SD Card
+echo Y = Yes
+echo N = No
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p BMSD= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG3
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:BMCONFIG5
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "N" goto:BMCONFIG5
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR page 5...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Are these settings correct?
+echo Video Mode is set to %BMVIDEO%
+echo AutoBoot is set to %BMBOOT%
+if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:nodelay
+echo AutoBoot Delay is set to %BMDELAY% seconds
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" echo * Download BootMii SD Files to Launch BootMii
+echo Y = Yes, Create bootmii.ini with these settings
+if exist "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo Note: existing bootmii.ini will be overwritten
+echo N = No, take me back to the Main Menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p BMCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG4
+if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if not exist "%Drive%"\bootmii mkdir "%Drive%"\bootmii
+echo # BootMii Config File> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # Created by ModMii>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # Video mode, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # NTSC, PAL50, PAL60, PROGRESSIVE>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo VIDEO=%BMVIDEO%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # Autoboot, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # SYSMENU, HBC, OFF>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo AUTOBOOT=%BMBOOT%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # BOOTDELAY, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+echo BOOTDELAY=BLAH>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini
+sfk filter "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini -rep _BLAH_%BMDELAY%_ -write -yes>nul
+start notepad "%Drive%\bootmii\bootmii.ini"
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set DLTOTAL=1
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set bootmiisd=*
+if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS
+::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR (wmconfig.txt)...............................
+set WMCIOS=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo This will create a wm_config.txt file in %DRIVE%\WAD\, and it is optional.
+echo You will get all the prompts if you don't have this file.
+echo Note: only works for YAWMM, Wad Manager Multi-Mod and WAD Manager Folder Mod
+echo Enter the IOS # you would like Wad Manager to load automatically
+echo Note: MAX is 254
+echo Common choices are 36, 249, 250, etc.
+echo NAND Emulation installation only available for 249 or 250
+echo N = None (Wad Manager will prompt you for selection)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMCIOS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG2
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" (
+ goto:badkey
+::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than)
+if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey)
+if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:WMCONFIG2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 2...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the FAT device you would like to load automatically.
+echo Note: you can enter either the number or the word
+echo 1 = SD
+echo 2 = USB
+echo 3 = USB2
+echo 4 = GCSDA
+echo 5 = GCSDA
+echo N = None (Wad Manager will prompt you for selection)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMDEVICE= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=usb2
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "4" SET WMDEVICE=gcsda
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "5" SET WMDEVICE=gcsdb
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:WMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:WMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb2" goto:WMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 3...............................
+:: NAND Emulation installation only available if cIOS249 or cIOS250 selected
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B
+set WMNAND=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo NAND Emulation
+echo Enter the NAND device you would like to select automatically.
+echo Note: PC tools like ShowMiiWads are better at installing wads to
+echo emulated nand. So I recommend leaving NAND Emulation Disabled
+echo Note: you can enter either the number or the word
+echo 1 = Disable
+echo 2 = USB
+echo 3 = SD
+echo N = None (Wad Manager will prompt selection if cIOS249 or cIOS250 selected)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMNAND= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "1" SET WMNAND=Disable
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "SD" goto:WMCONFIG4
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "USB" goto:WMCONFIG4
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "Disable" goto:WMCONFIG4
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG4
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 4...............................
+set WMPATH=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the Start-up Path you would like to load initially.
+echo Note: If you don't have a startupPath, the default is /WAD
+echo Note: Be sure that the path exists, else you will get an error.
+echo Examples:
+echo /WAD/Forwarders
+echo /myWad
+echo /
+echo Note: '/' sets the StartupPath to the root of the device
+echo N = None (the default is /WAD)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMPATH= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4BACK
+if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG4
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B
+::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 5...............................
+set WMPASS=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter a Password to access Wad Manager ONLY using LRUD; where
+echo L = Left
+echo R = Right
+echo U = Up
+echo D = Down
+echo Note: Password is entered on the WiiMote or GC Controller, max 10 characters
+echo Note: If you don't have a password, the default is no password
+echo Examples:
+echo UDLR
+echo L
+echo N = None (No Password)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMPASS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4
+if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+IF "%WMPASS%"=="" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+IF "%WMPASS%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+IF "%WMPASS%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG5
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%WMPASS:~10%"=="" (
+ echo. ERROR: Password cannot be more than 10 Digits
+ @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+ goto:WMCONFIG5
+::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 6...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Are these settings correct?
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo Prompt cIOS Selection
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo cIOSVersion=%WMCIOS%
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo Prompt FAT Device Selection
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:nanddevice
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:nanddevice
+if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" echo Prompt NAND Device Selection
+if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo NANDDevice=%WMNAND%
+echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%
+if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "N" echo No Password
+if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS%
+echo Y = Yes, Create wm_config.txt with these settings
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt echo Note: existing wm_config.txt will be overwritten
+echo N = No, take me back to the main menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG5
+if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD
+echo ;wm_config.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo cIOSVersion=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt
+if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo NANDDevice=%WMNAND%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt
+echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt
+if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt
+start notepad "%Drive%\WAD\wm_config.txt"
+::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt)...............................
+set WMCIOS=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo This will create a mmmconfig.txt file in %DRIVE%\, and it is optional.
+echo Enter the IOS # you would like Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) to load automatically
+echo Note: Max is 254
+echo Common choices are 36, 249, 250, etc.
+echo N = None (Do Not Auto-Reload IOS)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMCIOS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG2
+::limit user input to X# of digits
+if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" (
+ goto:badkey
+::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than)
+if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey)
+if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:MMMCONFIG2
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 2...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the FAT device you would like to load automatically.
+echo Note: you can enter either the number or the word
+echo 1 = SD (default if mmmconfig.txt does not exist)
+echo 2 = USB
+echo 3 = SMB
+echo N = None (MMM will prompt you for selection)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMDEVICE= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=smb
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:MMMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:MMMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "smb" goto:MMMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 3...............................
+set WMPATH=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Enter the Start-up Path you would like to load initially.
+echo Note: If you don't have a startupPath, the default is /WAD
+echo Note: Be sure that the path exists, else you will get an error.
+echo Examples:
+echo /WAD/Forwarders
+echo /myWad
+echo /
+echo Note: '/' sets the StartupPath to the root of the device
+echo N = None (the default is /WAD)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMPATH= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG2
+if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:MMMCONFIG3
+::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 4...............................
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Are these settings correct?
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo Do Not Auto-Reload IOS
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo AutoLoadIOS=%WMCIOS%
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo Prompt FAT Device Selection
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%
+echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%
+echo Y = Yes, Create mmmconfig.txt with these settings
+if exist "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt echo Note: existing mmmconfig.txt will be overwritten
+echo N = No, take me back to the main menu
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p WMCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG3
+if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%"
+echo ;mmmconfig.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo AutoLoadIOS=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo FatDevice=>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+start notepad "%Drive%\mmmconfig.txt"
+::........................................HACKMII SOLUTION.......................................
+set BB1=
+set BB2=
+set SMASH=
+set PWNS=
+set ROTJ=
+set TOS=
+set TWI=
+set YUGI=
+set IOS30P60=*
+set IOS31=*
+set IOS33=*
+set IOS34=*
+set IOS35=*
+set IOS36v3608=*
+set IOS58=*
+set HM=*
+set mmm=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set TWI=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits2
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=*
+set SMASH=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=*
+set cleardownloadsettings=yes
+set cleardownloadsettings=
+set firmwarechange=yes
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" set firmwarechange=no
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:U
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:E
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:J
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:K
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" set IOS80K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70K=*
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:U
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:E
+if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:J
+if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWR=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWG=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=*
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=*
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=*
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=*
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=*
+if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=*
+if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWR=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWG=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=*
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=*
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=*
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=*
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=*
+if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=*
+if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWR=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWG=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=*
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=*
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=*
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=*
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=*
+if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=*
+if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWR=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWR=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWG=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWG=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=*
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM
+set MyM=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=*
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set PK=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "3.2" set IOS30P60=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70P=*
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80P=*
+if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set IOS56=*
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:skipactiveios
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipactiveios
+::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:skipactiveios
+set M10=*
+set IOS9=*
+set IOS12=*
+set IOS13=*
+set IOS14=*
+set IOS15=*
+set IOS17=*
+set IOS21=*
+set IOS22=*
+set IOS28=*
+set IOS31=*
+set IOS33=*
+set IOS34=*
+set IOS35=*
+if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "on" set IOS36v3608=*
+set IOS37=*
+set IOS38=*
+set ios41=*
+set ios43=*
+set ios45=*
+set ios46=*
+set IOS48v4124=*
+set IOS53=*
+set IOS55=*
+set IOS56=*
+set IOS57=*
+set IOS58=*
+set IOS61=*
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set Mii=*
+if /i "%protect%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoExtraProtection
+set IOS11P60=*
+set IOS20P60=*
+set IOS30P60=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set IOS40P60=*
+set IOS50P=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set IOS52P=*
+set IOS60P=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "RC" set IOS70P=*
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" set IOS70K=*
+set usbx=*
+::--Note: IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) will be downloaded for regionchanged korean wii's even with No Extra Brick Protection
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoUSBSETUP
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=*
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=*
+set wbm=*
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=*
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=*
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:notvirgin
+set HM=*
+set IOS58=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set Twi=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=*
+if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=*
+set SMASH=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=*
+::set Y4M=*
+::set IOS236=*
+set IOS236Installer=*
+set SIP=*
+set IOS36=*
+set cIOS202[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS222[38]-v5=*
+set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*
+set cIOS224[57]-v5=*
+set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=*
+set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=*
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=*
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set M10=
+set pri=*
+::set HAX=*
+set mmm=*
+set mmm=*
+::set Y4M=*
+if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Y" goto:noHMInstallerforNonVirgin
+set HM=*
+set IOS58=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=*
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:gonow
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:gonow
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set TWI=*
+set SMASH=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set BATHAXX=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=*
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=*
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set SIP=*
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set IOS36=*
+if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set IOS236Installer=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS202[57]-v5=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS222[38]-v5=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS224[57]-v5=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=*
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=*
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set M10=
+if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" set YAWM=*
+if /i "%PRIQ%" NEQ "Y" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE
+set pri=*
+::set HAX=*
+set mmm=*
+::set IOS236=*
+::...................................Download Queue...............................
+set settings=
+set d2x-beta-rev=6
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+::d2x check for changed DL names and md5's for Advanced downloads only
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:DLCOUNT
+if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:DLCOUNT
+findStr "d2x" temp\DLnamesADV.txt >nul
+FINDSTR /N . temp\DLnamesADV.txt>temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt -+d2x -rep _cIOS*[_cIOS249[_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "__ -write -yes
+set loadorgo=load4queue
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt) do call :processDLCheck %%A
+set advDLCheck=%*
+echo set advDLcheckNUM=%advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat -rep _:*__ -write -yes
+call temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat
+del temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat>nul
+echo %advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheck.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheck.bat -rep _"%advDLcheckNUM%:"_"set advDLcheck="_ -write -yes
+call temp\advDLcheck.bat
+del temp\advDLcheck.bat>nul
+call temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat
+set oldfullname=%name%
+set advDLCheck0=%advDLCheck%
+set d2x-beta-rev=6
+set advDLCheck=%advDLCheck:~0,17%%d2x-beta-rev%
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+set string=%d2x-beta-rev%
+set d2xVersionLength=0
+if defined string (
+ set string=%string:~1%
+ set /A d2xVersionLength += 1
+ goto:loopd2xVersionLength
+ )
+echo set alt-d2x-beta-rev=@advDLcheck0:~17,%d2xVersionLength%@>temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat
+sfk filter temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul
+call temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat
+del temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat>nul
+if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "%alt-d2x-beta-rev%" goto:EOF
+set slotnum=%slotcode:~7%
+if "%slotnum%"=="" set slotnum=249
+set newname=cIOS%slotnum%%basecios:~7,10%%d2x-beta-rev%
+::update temp\AdvDL#.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat -rep _"set MD5="*_"set MD5=%MD5%"_ -rep _"set md5alt="*_"set md5alt=%md5alt%"_ -rep _"set ciosversion="*_"set ciosversion=%ciosversion%"_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "*_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -rep _"set wadname="*_"set wadname=%wadname%"_ -rep _"set wadnameless="*_"set wadnameless=%newname%"_ -write -yes
+::update temp\DLnamesADV.txt
+sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADV.txt -lerep _"%oldfullname% "_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -write -yes
+if exist temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt del temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt>nul
+set loadorgo=go
+::Count how many downloads there are!
+if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul
+if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul
+if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (USA)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAU">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (PAL)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAE">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAK">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v3 (USA)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSU">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v3 (PAL)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSE">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v3 (JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v3 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSK">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" (echo "BC">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BC">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Red Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Green Theme">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1U)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2U)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3U)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1E)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2E)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3E)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1J)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2J)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3J)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1K)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2K)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3K)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1U)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2U)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3U)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1E)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2E)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3E)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1J)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2J)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3J)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1K)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2K)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3K)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v2576">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS40P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v12576(IOS30v2576[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30P">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS11P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS20P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS50P">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS52v15661(IOS52v5661[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS52P">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS60v6174">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS60P">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v6687">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70P">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v6944">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP]">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80P">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" (echo "Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) v13.4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "mmm">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" (echo "Yet Another Wad Manager Mod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "yawm">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%Y4M%" EQU "*" (echo "YAWMM 4 ModMii">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Y4M">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%dop%" EQU "*" (echo "Dop-Mii v13">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "dopmii">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" (echo "HackMii Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HackmiiInstaller">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" (echo "BootMii SD Files">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "bootmiisd">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" (echo "Bannerbomb v1">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BannerBomb1">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" (echo "Bannerbomb v2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BannerBomb2">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" (echo "Smash Stack (USA, PAL, JAP and KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "smash">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" (echo "Indiana Pwns">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "pwns">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" (echo "BATHAXX (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BATHAXX">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Return of the JODI (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ROTJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" (echo "Eri HaKawai (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "TOS">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" (echo "YU-GI-OWNED (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "YUGI">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" (echo "Twilight Hack v0.1 Beta1 (for Wii's 3.3 and below)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Twi">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS236 Installer v5 Mod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS236Installer">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" (echo "Simple IOS Patcher v1.12">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SIP">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" (echo "Priiloader v0.7 (236 Mod)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Priiloader">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" (echo "Priiloader Hacks">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PriiHacks">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" (echo "MyMenuify">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Mym">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:local
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:local
+if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" (echo "FAT32 GUI Formatter">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "F32">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Backup Manager v0.3.8 build60">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WBM">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" (echo "FAT32 GUI Formatter (saved with shortcuts to %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "F32">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Backup Manager v0.3.8 build60 (saved with shortcuts to %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WBM">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "usbfolder">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 249 version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cfg249">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 222 version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cfg222">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurator for Configurable USB Loader (Most recent version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cfgr">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiFlow r304-249">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "FLOW">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" (echo "Neogamma Backup Disc Loader (most recent release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "neogamma">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" (echo "Accio Hacks">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "AccioHacks">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" (echo "%cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes: txtcodes from">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CheatCodes">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" (echo "USB-Loader Forwarder Channel v9">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "USBX">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%JOY%" EQU "*" (echo "JoyFlow">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "JOY">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" (echo "Joy Flow Forwarder Channel\dol">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "JOYF">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%HBF%" EQU "*" (echo "Homebrew Filter r32">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HBF">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" (echo "Switch2Uneek">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "S2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiMC - Media Player (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIIMC">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" (echo "FCEUGX - NES Emulator for the Wii (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "fceugx">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" (echo "SNES9xGX - SNES Emulator for the Wii (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "snes9xgx">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" (echo "Visual Boy Advance GX - GB/GBA Emulator for the Wii (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "vbagx">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WII64">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiSX beta2.1 (Playstation 1 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIISX">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" (echo "SaveGame Manager GX (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SGM">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiXplorer (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIIX">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" (echo "Homebrew Browser v0.3.9c">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HBB">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" (echo "Locked Apps Folder for HBC (PASS=UDLRAB)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "locked">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%h4%" EQU "*" (echo "Hermes cIOS v4 Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Hermesv4">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%h5%" EQU "*" (echo "Hermes cIOS v5 Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Hermesv5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%h51%" EQU "*" (echo "Hermes cIOS v5.1 Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Hermesv51">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%w19%" EQU "*" (echo "Waninkokos cIOS v19 Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "waninv19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%w20%" EQU "*" (echo "Waninkokos cIOS v20 Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "waninv20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%CM5%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS rev5 Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cMIOSrev5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%MP%" EQU "*" (echo "MIOS Patcher 0.2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "MIOSPatcher">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" (echo "MII Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "MII">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%P%" EQU "*" (echo "Photo Channel 1.1 (USA / PAL / JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" (echo "KOREAN Photo Channel 1.1">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO_K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%S%" EQU "*" (echo "Shopping Channel (USA / PAL / JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SHOP">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" (echo "KOREAN Shopping Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SHOP_K">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAl NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" (echo "MIOSv10">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "M10">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS9">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS9">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS12">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS12">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS13">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS13">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS14">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS15">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS15">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS17">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS17">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS22">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS22">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS28">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS28">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS31">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS31">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS33">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS33">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS34">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS34">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS35">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS35">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS36v3351">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS36">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS36v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS36v3608">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS37">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS37">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS38">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS38">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS41">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS41">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS43">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS43">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS45">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS45">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS46">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS46">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS48">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS48v4124">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS53">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS53">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS55">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS55">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS56">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS56">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS57">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS57">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS58">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS58">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS61">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS61">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" (echo " from IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" (echo " from IOS80 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" (echo " from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e_70">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" (echo " from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01_70">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" (echo " from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e_60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" (echo " from MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0c">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" (echo " from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01_60">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 3.2J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER40">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 3.2U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER42">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 3.2E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER45">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.0J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER70">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.0U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER72">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.0E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER75">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.1J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER78">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.1U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER7b">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.1E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER7e">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.1K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER81">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.2J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER84">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.2U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER87">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.2E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER8a">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.2K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER8d">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.3J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER94">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.3U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER97">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.3E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER9a">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" (echo " from System Menu 4.3K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER9d">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS236">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v4">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37-38]-v4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37-38]-v4">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS202[37]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS202[37]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS202[37]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS202[38]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS202[38]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS202[38]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS202[57]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS202[57]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS202[57]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS223[57]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[57]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[57]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS224[37]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS224[37]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS224[37]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249-v14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249-v14">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250-v14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250-v14">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249-v17b">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249-v17b">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250-v17b">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250-v17b">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[53]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[53]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[55]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[55]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[58]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[58]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[53]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[53]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[55]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[55]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[58]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[58]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS-v4 WiiGator GCBL v0.2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS-v4 Waninkoko rev5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
+if exist temp\DLnames.txt sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnames.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if exist temp\DLgotos.txt sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV.txt) do call :processDLGotosADV %%A
+echo %*>>temp\DLgotos.txt
+if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:quickskip
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADV.txt) do call :processDLnamesADV %%A
+echo %*>>temp\DLnames.txt
+if exist "temp\DLgotos.txt" copy /y "temp\DLgotos.txt" "temp\DLgotos-copy.txt">nul
+if not exist temp\DLnames.txt goto:miniskip
+for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\DLnames.txt) do set /a DLTOTAL=!DLTOTAL!+1
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" SET /a LINES=%LINES%+12
+if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize
+mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES%
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo HackMii Solutions
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo.
+::-----------DL QUEUE SETTINGS---------
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:skiploadDLcue
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "%ROOTSAVETEMP%" set matchrs=Green
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" NEQ "%ROOTSAVETEMP%" set matchrs=Red
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "%OPTION1TEMP%" set match1=Green
+if /i "%OPTION1%" NEQ "%OPTION1TEMP%" set match1=Red
+echo Download Queue Loaded
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Queue Options appear [Red]Red [def]when they differ from
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 your saved settings and [Green]Green [def]if they match
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%matchrs%]Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder (Enabled)
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%matchrs%]Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder (Disabled)
+echo * Useful for Wii Apps that require IOSs\MIOSs saved to Root
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Do not Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" echo * Folder sometimes required for offline usage of a few Wii Apps
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like Dop-Mii
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like d2x\Hermes cIOS Installers
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# and 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" echo * Useful for offline usage of a handful of Wii Apps
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" echo No files were marked for download
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:skipall
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (echo The following %DLTOTAL% files will be downloaded to "%DRIVE%" or "%DRIVEU%":) else (echo The following %DLTOTAL% files will be downloaded to "%DRIVE%":)
+echo The following %DLTOTAL% files will be downloaded to "%DRIVE%":
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+if not exist temp\DLnames.txt goto:nextstep
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnames.txt) do call :processDLlist %%A
+echo %DLNUM%) %*
+echo Begin Downloading now?
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:zerodownloads
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:WorUSB
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:WorUSB
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WorUSB
+echo Y = Yes, Begin Downloading
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo G = Generate Guide Only
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" echo G = Generate Guide Only
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo G = Generate Guide Only
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" echo A = Add more files to batch download list
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" echo A = Add more files to batch download list
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" echo A = Add more files to batch download list
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" echo A = Add more files to batch download list
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" echo A = Add more files to batch download list
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" echo A = Add more files to batch download list
+if /i "%BACKB4QUEUE%" NEQ "Menu" goto:yessave
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:NoNewDownloads
+If not Exist download_queue.bat echo S = Save Download Queue
+If Exist download_queue.bat echo S = Save Download Queue (existing Download Queue will be renamed)
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" echo.
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:NoNewDownloads
+If Exist download_queue.bat echo S+ = Save Download Queue+ (add above files to existing Download Queue)
+echo B = Back
+echo M = Main Menu
+set /p SETTINGS= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE%
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%BACKB4QUEUE%" NEQ "Menu" goto:yessave
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:noexistingqueue
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveDownloadQueue
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:noexistingqueue
+If not Exist download_queue.bat goto:noexistingqueue
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:notbatch
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:LIST
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS)
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "1" goto:notbatch
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE%
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS)
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "2" goto:notoldbatch
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE%
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS)
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "3" goto:NotBatchApp
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE%
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS)
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "4" goto:NotLIST4
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE%
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS)
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "A" goto:NotAdv
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE%
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS)
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:COPY
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:generateguideonly
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:generateguideonly
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:generateguideonly
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:guide
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo Saving Download Queue
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue2
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue2
+if not exist Download_Queue.bat goto:SaveDownloadQueue2
+if exist Download_Queue%COUNT8%.bat goto:renameDownloadQueue
+move Download_Queue.bat Download_Queue%count8%.bat>nul
+set AdvNumberCOPY=%AdvNumber%
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY=0
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY=0
+set GetAdvNumberOnly=Y
+if exist Download_Queue.bat call Download_Queue.bat
+set GetAdvNumberOnly=
+set /a AdvNumberCOPY=%AdvNumberCOPY%+%AdvNumber%
+set AdvNumberCOPY2=%AdvNumber%
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY2=0
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY2=0
+set AdvNumberCOPY3=%AdvNumberCOPY2%
+::set AdvNumber=0
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+if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[53]-v21=%cIOS250[53]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[55]-v21=%cIOS249[55]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[55]-v21=%cIOS250[55]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[56]-v21=%cIOS249[56]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[56]-v21=%cIOS250[56]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[57]-v21=%cIOS249[57]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[57]-v21=%cIOS250[57]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[58]-v21=%cIOS249[58]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[58]-v21=%cIOS250[58]-v21%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6=%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo SET cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6=%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v6%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo SET RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo SET RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" echo SET RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3U=%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2U=%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1U=%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3E=%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2E=%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1E=%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3J=%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2J=%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1J=%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.3K=%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.2K=%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Red_4.1K=%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3U=%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2U=%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1U=%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3E=%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2E=%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1E=%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3J=%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2J=%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1J=%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.3K=%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2K=%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%>> Download_Queue.bat
+if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1K=%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%>> Download_Queue.bat
+sfk filter Download_Queue.bat -unique -write -yes>nul
+if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV.txt) do call :process1 %%A
+set AdvDLX=%*
+set /a AdvNumberCOPY2=%AdvNumberCOPY2%+1
+echo "echo %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY2%.batredirectredirecttemp\DLGotosADV.txt">>Download_Queue.bat
+if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:quickskip
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADV.txt) do call :process2 %%A
+echo "echo %* redirectredirecttemp\DLnamesADV.txt">>Download_Queue.bat
+if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip
+copy /y temp\DLGotosADV.txt temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt>nul
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt) do call :process3 %%A
+set AdvDLX=%*
+set /a AdvNumberCOPY3=%AdvNumberCOPY3%+1
+echo "if exist %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat del %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.batredirectnul">>Download_Queue.bat
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%AdvDLX%) do call :process4 %%A
+echo "echo quote%*quoteredirectredirect%AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat">>Download_Queue.bat
+sfk filter -quiet temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt -le!"%AdvDLX:~5%" -write -yes
+echo "sfk filter -quiet %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat -rep _quotequotequote__ -write -yes">>Download_Queue.bat
+echo ":endofqueue">>Download_Queue.bat
+sfk filter Download_Queue.bat -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul
+sfk filter -quiet Download_Queue.bat -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet -spat Download_Queue.bat -rep _quote_\x22_ -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet Download_Queue.bat -rep _"set AdvNumber="*_"set AdvNumber=%AdvNumberCOPY%"_ -write -yes
+::sfk filter Download_Queue.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul
+if exist Download_Queue.bat echo Download Queue Saved
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:LIST
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:FINISH
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:FINISH
+::...................................Copy (rename %Drive%\wad if applicable)...............................
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD goto:DLSettings
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DLSettings
+::if /i "%DRIVE%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" goto:DLSettings
+Set COPY=
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+echo %Drive%\WAD Folder already exists, what would you like to do?
+echo M = Merge downloads with existing %Drive%\WAD Folder.
+echo Duplicates will be skipped.
+echo R = Rename the existing %Drive%\WAD Folder to %Drive%\WAD#
+echo and begin downloading.
+echo C = Cancel/Main Menu
+echo E = Exit
+set /p COPY= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%COPY%" EQU "M" goto:DLSettings
+if /i "%COPY%" EQU "E" EXIT
+if /i "%COPY%" EQU "C" goto:MENU
+if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" goto:COPY
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT% goto:COPY2
+move "%Drive%"\WAD "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT%>nul
+::rename "%Drive%"\WAD WAD%COUNT%
+if /i "%LIST%" EQU "R" goto:LIST
+if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "R" goto:OLDLIST
+if /i "%list3%" EQU "R" goto:LIST3
+if /i "%list4%" EQU "R" goto:LIST4
+::.................................................ACTUAL DOWNLOAD CODE...........................................................................
+if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2
+if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4queue" goto:processDLCheck2
+if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4switch" goto:processDLCheck2switch
+set retry=1
+set attempt=1
+::DBUPDATE.bat check (added in v4.5.0)
+::instead of putting out ModMii updates for minor things, the update check can be used to create\download a DBUPDATE.bat file to modify variables like "wadname", "md5", etc.
+if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat"
+::change drive to usb if applicable
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipchange
+if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU%
+if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU%
+if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "apps\WiiFlow\" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU%
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set DRIVE=temp
+if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%"
+if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" SET /a CURRENTDL=%CURRENTDL%+1
+if /i "%CURRENTDL%" NEQ "1" echo.
+if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" sfk echo [Red]Downloading %CURRENTDL% of %DLTOTAL%: %name%
+if /i "%retry%" NEQ "1" sfk echo [Yellow]Re-Downloading %CURRENTDL% of %DLTOTAL%: %name%
+if /i "%category%" EQU "cfg" goto:CFGDOWNLOADER
+if /i "%category%" EQU "cfgr" goto:CFGRDOWNLOADER
+if /i "%category%" EQU "TANTRIC" goto:TANTRIC
+if /i "%category%" EQU "GOOGLEUPDATE" goto:GOOGLEUPDATE
+if /i "%category%" EQU "CHEATS" goto:CHEATS
+if /i "%category%" EQU "ManualUpdate" goto:MANUALUPDATE
+if /i "%category%" EQU "fullextract" goto:fullextract
+if /i "%category%" EQU "themes" goto:THEMES
+if /i "%basewad%" NEQ "none" goto:CIOSMAKER
+if /i "%name%" EQU "Hackmii Installer" goto:wget
+if /i "%category%" EQU "userdefined" goto:CustomDL
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:DownloadhacksToRoot
+::-----------Exceptions for DL Wizard Only----------
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skipwizardexceptions
+if /i "%name%" EQU "IOS36" goto:savetoroot
+::-----ROOT SAVE OPTION for IOSs (does not apply to wizard)-----
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skip
+if /i "%category%" EQU "ios" goto:noskip
+if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" (goto:noskip) else (goto:skip)
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" (goto:savetoroot) else (goto:nusd)
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "URL" goto:DownloadURL
+::--------------------------NUSD.EXE Downloader---------------
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5check=
+set md5altcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail
+IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" goto:no01check
+if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:nocheckexisting
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:no01check)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+set alreadyexists=yes
+if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::--skip downloading IOS60 as base if it already exists--
+if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:notpatchingIOS60
+if /i "%code2%" NEQ "0000003C" goto:notpatchingIOS60
+if exist temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+patchios "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD
+if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp
+echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity run UnfreezeMii.bat to continue
+nusd %code1%%code2% %version%
+move /y %code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%wadname%>nul
+::Patchios (mostly for system menu IOSs)
+if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:skippingpatchios
+patchios temp\%wadname% -FS -ES -NP -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%
+if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+copy /y %code1%%code2% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul
+rd /s /q %code1%%code2%
+copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5check=
+set md5altcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail
+IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+::---prevent cIOSs from downloading twice when hex editing disabled---
+if /i "%basewad%" EQU "none" goto:notacios
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" goto:notacios
+sfk echo [Yellow] Unable to verify because ModMii's Hex Editing option is not enabled
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadname%" -write -yes
+if /i "%name:~0,17%" NEQ "Advanced Download" echo "%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadname%: Found but unable to verify">>temp\simplelog.txt
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 -ls!"%md5%" -write -yes
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
+set md5check=
+set md5altcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail
+IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%"\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" goto:no01check
+if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:nocheckexisting
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:no01check)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+set alreadyexists=yes
+if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::--skip downloading IOS60 as base if it already exists--
+if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:notpatchingIOS60
+if /i "%code2%" NEQ "0000003C" goto:notpatchingIOS60
+if exist temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+if exist temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad copy /y temp\IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad "%Drive%"\%wadname%>nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:patchios60now
+patchios "%Drive%"\%wadname% -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%
+::echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp
+echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity run UnfreezeMii.bat to continue
+nusd %code1%%code2% %version%
+move /y %code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%wadname%>nul
+::Patchios (mostly for system menu IOSs)
+if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:skippingpatchios
+patchios temp\%wadname% -FS -ES -NP -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%
+if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+copy /y %code1%%code2% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul
+rd /s /q %code1%%code2%
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\%wadname% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadname% goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5check=
+set md5altcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\%wadname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail
+IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+::---prevent cIOSs from downloading twice when hex editing disabled---
+if /i "%basewad%" EQU "none" goto:notacios
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" goto:notacios
+sfk echo [Yellow] Unable to verify because ModMii's Hex Editing option is not enabled
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%DRIVE%\%wadname%" -write -yes
+if /i "%name:~0,17%" NEQ "Advanced Download" echo "%DRIVE%\%wadname%: Found but unable to verify">>temp\simplelog.txt
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 -ls!"%md5%" -write -yes
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+echo %md5% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%md5altcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5alt% *%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::-------------------------------cIOS Maker-----------------------------------------------------
+if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4%
+::echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+set alreadyexists=yes
+if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::missing modules folder error message and skip
+if not exist modules sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Missing "modules" folder - Required to make cIOSs/cMIOSs
+if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Redownload ModMii from
+if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Skipping download
+if not exist modules @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul
+if not exist modules goto:NEXT
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD
+::download base wad to "%Drive%"
+echo Downloading Base Wad: %basewad%
+::----Check base IOS-----------
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if exist temp\%basewad%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
+set md5basecheck=
+set md5basealtcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail
+IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail
+IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This base wad already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del temp\%basewad%.wad
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base Wad already exists and has been verified, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basealt% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity run UnfreezeMii.bat to continue
+nusd %code1%%code2% %version%
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD
+move %code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%basewad%.wad>nul
+rd /s /q %code1%%code2%
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist temp\%basewad%.wad goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The basewad is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5basecheck=
+set md5basealtcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail
+IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail
+IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del temp\%basewad%.wad
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base Wad has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basealt% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::unpack base wad
+echo Unpacking Base Wad: %basewad%
+if exist %basecios% rd /s /q %basecios%
+mkdir %basecios%
+wadmii -in temp\%basewad%.wad -out %basecios%
+::download SECOND base wadB to "%Drive%" (if applicable)
+if /i "%basewadb%" EQU "none" goto:nobasewadb
+echo Downloading Base Wad: %basewadb%
+::----Check base IOS B-----------
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
+set md5basebcheck=
+set md5basebaltcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail
+IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail
+IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This base wad already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del temp\%basewadb%.wad
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base Wad already exists and has been verified, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5basebcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5baseb% *%basewadb%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basebalt% *%basewadb%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity run UnfreezeMii.bat to continue
+nusd %code1b%%code2b% %versionb%
+if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD
+move %code1b%%code2b%\%code1b%%code2b%.wad temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul
+rd /s /q %code1b%%code2b%
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The basewad is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5basebcheck=
+set md5basebaltcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail
+IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail
+IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del temp\%basewadb%.wad
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base Wad has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5basebcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5basealt% *%basewad%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----unpack base wad
+echo Unpacking Base Wad: %basewadb%
+mkdir %basewadb%
+wadmii -in temp\%basewadb%.wad -out %basewadb%
+::----specific for cios223v4[37+38]
+::delete IOS37 modules that are from 38 and patched
+del %basecios%\
+del %basecios%\
+move %basewadb%\ %basecios%\>nul
+move %basewadb%\ %basecios%\>nul
+rd /s /q %basewadb%
+::------for theming system menu's only----------
+if /i "%category%" NEQ "SMTHEME" goto:skip
+echo Patching System Theme, please wait...
+rename %basecios%\
+jptch %basecios%\ temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff %basecios%\
+del %basecios%\
+::-----cios/cmios stuff------------
+::rename *.cert and *.footer (doesn't need to be patched), rename components that need to be patched (excluding tik and tmd)
+echo Patching A handful of BaseWad Component Files
+ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.cert %code1%%code2new%.cert
+ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.footer %code1%%code2new%.footer
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff ren %basecios%\
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff ren %basecios%\
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff ren %basecios%\
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff ren %basecios%\
+::rename tik & tmd for cMIOSs
+if /i "%code2%" NEQ "00000101" goto:notcMIOS
+::ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik %code1%%code2new%-original.tik
+ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd %code1%%code2new%-original.tmd
+::-------------diff patch files----------------
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff jptch %basecios%\ modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff %basecios%\
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff jptch %basecios%\ modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff %basecios%\
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff jptch %basecios%\ modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff %basecios%\
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff jptch %basecios%\ modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff %basecios%\
+::patch tmd and tiks when they've been renamed to *-original.tik\tmd (for cMIOSs)
+if /i "%code2%" NEQ "00000101" goto:NotRenamedOriginal
+::if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd
+if exist modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd
+::use different tik diff files depending on what base wad downloaded
+if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik
+if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik modules\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik2.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik
+::delete un-needed original files that have already been patched
+if exist %basecios%\ del %basecios%\
+if exist %basecios%\ del %basecios%\
+if exist %basecios%\ del %basecios%\
+if exist %basecios%\ del %basecios%\
+::--for cMIOS's that have tiks and tmds renamed to -original
+if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik
+if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd
+if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad
+if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik
+if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd
+::Korean Key Patch
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" goto:nokorpatch
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "S" goto:nokorpatch
+if /i "%basewad:~3,2%" EQU "38" goto:nokorpatch
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" goto:nokorpatch
+echo Patching to support the Korean Common Key
+sfk hexdump -pure -nofile %basecios%\>hexdump.txt
+FINDSTR /N . hexdump.txt>hexdump2.txt
+move /y hexdump2.txt hexdump.txt>nul
+::first patch
+sfk filter hexdump.txt -rep _D00A203A1C21_E00A203A1C21_ -write -yes>nul
+::find line1-3
+sfk filter hexdump.txt -+2C575B54E75A011F27B8A5F2 -rep _:*__>line1-3.txt
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (line1-3.txt) do call :process101 %%A
+set line0Num=%*
+if exist line1-3.txt del line1-3.txt>nul
+set /A line1Num=%line0Num%+3
+set /A line2Num=%line0Num%+4
+::2nd set of patches
+set line1toreplace=%line1Num%:000000000000000063B82BB4F4614E2E
+set line2toreplace=%line2Num%:13F2FEFBBA4C9B7E0000000000000000
+if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v3869" (set line1toreplace=10127:63B82BB4F4614E2E13F2FEFBBA4C9B7E) & (set line2toreplace=)
+if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5661" (set line1toreplace=10486:00000000000000000000000063B82BB4) & (set line2toreplace=10487:F4614E2E13F2FEFBBA4C9B7E00000000)
+IF "%line1toreplace%"=="" goto:skip
+sfk filter hexdump.txt -lsrep _%line1toreplace:~0,5%*_%line1toreplace%_ -write -yes>nul
+IF "%line2toreplace%"=="" goto:skip
+sfk filter hexdump.txt -lsrep _%line2toreplace:~0,5%*_%line2toreplace%_ -write -yes>nul
+sfk filter hexdump.txt -rep _"*:"__ +hextobin %basecios%\>nul
+del hexdump.txt>nul
+::copy over extra components
+echo Copying over Custom Modules
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v4" copy modules\Hermes\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" copy modules\Hermes\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v5" copy modules\Hermes\ %basecios%\
+::223v5 base37
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37]-v5" copy modules\Hermes\ %basecios%\
+::224v5 base57
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS224[57]-v5" copy modules\Hermes\ %basecios%\
+::249v19 base37
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v19 base38
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v20 base38
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v20 base56
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v19 base57
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy modules\W19Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v20 base57
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy modules\W20Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy modules\W17bModules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy modules\W17bModules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy modules\W17bModules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy modules\W14Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy modules\W14Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy modules\W14Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v21 base 37/38/56
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v21" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v21" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-v21" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-v21" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v21" goto:yes
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v21 base57
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249v21 base58
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+::249 d2x base 37/38/56
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+::249 d2x base 57
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+::249 d2x base 58
+if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v" goto:yes
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\W21Modules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\ (copy modules\d2x-beta\ %basecios%\ else (copy modules\d2xModules\ %basecios%\
+::------hex edit d2x
+set d2xNumber=
+set d2xhexNumber=
+set baseNumber=
+set basehexNumber=
+set d2xsubversion=
+set string=
+set string1=
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "N" goto:repackwad
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "K" goto:repackwad
+if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad
+echo Signing with cIOS details
+sfk hexdump -pure -nofile %basecios%\>hexdump.txt
+FINDSTR /N . hexdump.txt>hexdump2.txt
+move /y hexdump2.txt hexdump.txt>nul
+::----convert some values from dec to hex----
+if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:minijump
+echo "set cIOSversionNum=%d2x-beta-rev%">cIOSrev.bat
+sfk filter -spat cIOSrev.bat -rep _\x22__ -rep _"-*"__ -write -yes>nul
+call cIOSrev.bat
+del cIOSrev.bat
+sfk hex %cIOSversionNum% -digits=8 >hex.txt
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processdec2hex %%A
+set cIOShexNumber=%*
+if exist hex.txt del hex.txt>nul
+set baseNumber=%basewad:~3,2%
+::base # for 37+38=75
+if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" set baseNumber=75
+sfk hex %baseNumber% -digits=8 >hex.txt
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processdec2hex %%A
+set basehexNumber=%*
+if exist hex.txt del hex.txt
+set cIOSsubversion=
+::-----cIOSFamilyName (this part required for d2x betas only)-------
+if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:tinyjump
+set cIOSFamilyName=d2x
+if exist modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call modules\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
+::-----version string (ie. beta1) (this part required for d2x betas only)------
+set string1=%cIOSversionNum%
+set versionlength=1
+::letter by letter loop
+ if /i "%string1%" EQU "" goto:endloopy
+ set string1=%string1:~1%
+ set /A versionlength=%versionlength%+1
+ goto loopy
+echo set cIOSsubversion=@d2x-beta-rev:~%versionlength%,16@>cIOSsubversion.bat
+sfk filter cIOSsubversion.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul
+call cIOSsubversion.bat
+del cIOSsubversion.bat>nul
+::Loop through txt file
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hexdump.txt) do call :processhexedit %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+set hexline=%*
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "1:" set hexline2=1EE7C10500000001%cIOShexNumber%%basehexNumber%
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "1:" goto:quickskip
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "2:" set string=%cIOSFamilyName%
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "2:" goto:string2hex
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "3:" set string=%cIOSsubversion%
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "3:" goto:string2hex
+::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "4:" goto:nextstep
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "4:" set hexline2=00000000000000000000000000000000
+if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "4:" goto:quickskip
+::to enter in a line of hex instead of string, do the following
+::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" set hexline2=%hexline:~2%
+::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" goto:quickskip
+::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" set hexline2=01234567891011121314151617181920
+::if /i "%hexline:~0,2%" EQU "#:" goto:quickskip
+set hexline2=
+set length=0
+::letter by letter loop
+ if /i "%string%" EQU "" goto:endloop
+ set letter=%string:~0,1%
+ set string=%string:~1%
+ set /A length=%length%+1
+set hexvalue=00
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "0" (set hexvalue=30) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "1" (set hexvalue=31) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "2" (set hexvalue=32) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "3" (set hexvalue=33) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "4" (set hexvalue=34) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "5" (set hexvalue=35) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "6" (set hexvalue=36) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "7" (set hexvalue=37) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "8" (set hexvalue=38) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "9" (set hexvalue=39) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "a" (set hexvalue=61) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "b" (set hexvalue=62) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "c" (set hexvalue=63) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "d" (set hexvalue=64) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "e" (set hexvalue=65) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "f" (set hexvalue=66) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "g" (set hexvalue=67) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "h" (set hexvalue=68) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "i" (set hexvalue=69) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "j" (set hexvalue=6A) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "k" (set hexvalue=6B) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "l" (set hexvalue=6C) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "m" (set hexvalue=6D) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "n" (set hexvalue=6E) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "o" (set hexvalue=6F) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "p" (set hexvalue=70) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "q" (set hexvalue=71) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "r" (set hexvalue=72) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "s" (set hexvalue=73) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "t" (set hexvalue=74) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "u" (set hexvalue=75) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "v" (set hexvalue=76) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "w" (set hexvalue=77) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "x" (set hexvalue=78) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "y" (set hexvalue=79) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "z" (set hexvalue=7A) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "-" (set hexvalue=2D) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "+" (set hexvalue=2B) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "_" (set hexvalue=5F) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "(" (set hexvalue=28) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU ")" (set hexvalue=29) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "[" (set hexvalue=5B) & (goto:gotvalue)
+if /i "%letter%" EQU "]" (set hexvalue=5D) & (goto:gotvalue)
+set hexline2=%hexline2%%hexvalue%
+ goto loop
+if %length% EQU 16 (goto:noextra0s)
+set hexline2=%hexline2%00
+set /A length += 1
+echo %hexline2%>>hexdump2.txt
+::copy over remaining lines (after "4:")
+::sfk filter hexdump.txt -inc 4: to *>>hexdump2.txt
+sfk filter hexdump2.txt -rep _"*:"__ +hextobin %basecios%\>nul
+del hexdump.txt>nul
+del hexdump2.txt>nul
+::---------pack files into cIOS wad---------
+echo Repacking Wad
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (wadmii -in "%basecios%" -out "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%.wad") else (wadmii -in "%basecios%" -out "%Drive%\%wadname%.wad")
+::delete unpacked files
+rd /s /q %basecios%
+::Change version number and slot number (using patchios) only if required
+if /i "%ciosslot%" EQU "unchanged" goto:skip
+echo Changing version number and/or slot number
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (patchios "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%) else (patchios "%Drive%"\%wadname%.wad -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion%)
+if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" set wadname=%wadname%.wad
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (goto:wadverifyretry) else (goto:checkretryroot)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes mkdir "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes
+echo %md5% *MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+::if /i "%md5check%" EQU "pass" echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::-------------Download base app----------------------
+echo Downloading Base app from System Menu %wadname:~-4%:
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5basecheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail
+IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This base app already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname%
+if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base App already exists and has been verified, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if exist temp\%dlname% goto:AlreadyinTemp
+nusfilegrabber.exe %version%
+move /Y temp\%dlname%>nul
+copy /y temp\%dlname% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% >nul
+::----Check base APP-----------
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5basecheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname%
+if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail
+IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass
+if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This base app already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname%
+if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname%
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+::echo %md5base% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base App has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5base% *WAD\%wadname%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::-------------------diff download to build csm file---------------------
+echo Downloading %codeURL:~34,-5% Diff file
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5diffcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5diff% temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff
+if errorlevel 1 set md5diffcheck=fail
+IF "%md5diffcheck%"=="" set md5diffcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5diffcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This Diff file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Diff file already exists and has been verified, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5diffcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5diff% *WAD\%codeURL:~34,-5%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 %codeURL%
+move /Y %codeURL:~34,-5%.diff temp>nul
+::----Check Diff file after downloading-----------
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5diffcheck=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5diff% temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff
+if errorlevel 1 set md5diffcheck=fail
+IF "%md5diffcheck%"=="" set md5diffcheck=pass
+if /i "%md5diffcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This Diff file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del temp\%codeURL:~34,-5%.diff
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+::echo %md5diff% *WAD\%codeURL:~34,-5%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Diff file has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing...
+::if /i "%md5diffcheck%" EQU "pass" echo %md5diff% *WAD\%codeURL:~34,-5%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2
+echo Building Theme (%wadname%.csm), please wait...
+jptch "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%dlname% temp\%wadname%.diff "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%.csm
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+echo %md5% *WAD\%wadname%.wad>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+::------------------------------------------CFG USB Loader Downloader--------------------------------------
+::choice=1 for most recent 249 and choice=2 for most recent 222
+if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set cfgchoice=1
+if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set cfgchoice=2
+::if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set cfgIOS=249
+::if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set cfgIOS=222
+::if /i "%name%" EQU "USB-Loader Folder" goto:doesntexist
+if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist
+echo This app already exists...
+::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version
+sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+echo Current version is %currentcode%
+echo Checking for updates...
+::Download updates.txt
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget
+::Most Recent Version Download Link
+sfk filter updates.txt -ls+url>cfgurl.txt
+FINDSTR /N url cfgurl.txt>cfgurl2.txt
+sfk filter cfgurl2.txt -rep _"url = "__>cfgurl.txt
+del cfgurl2.txt
+sfk filter cfgurl.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgurl="_>cfgDLsettings.bat
+del cfgurl.txt
+::Most Recent Version Release Number
+sfk filter updates.txt -ls+release>cfgrelease.txt
+FINDSTR /N release cfgrelease.txt>cfgrelease2.txt
+sfk filter cfgrelease2.txt -rep _"release = "__>cfgrelease.txt
+del cfgrelease2.txt
+sfk filter cfgrelease.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgrelease="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat
+del cfgrelease.txt
+::Most Recent Version Release Date
+sfk filter updates.txt -ls+date>cfgdate.txt
+FINDSTR /N date cfgdate.txt>cfgdate2.txt
+sfk filter cfgdate2.txt -rep _"date = "__>cfgdate.txt
+del cfgdate2.txt
+sfk filter cfgdate.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgdate="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat
+del cfgdate.txt
+::Most Recent FULL Version number, used to download most recent 'usb-loader' folder
+sfk filter updates.txt -ls+"release = " -rep _"release = "__>cfgFullRelease.txt
+sfk filter cfgFullRelease.txt ++release -write -yes>nul
+FINDSTR /N release cfgFullRelease.txt>cfgFullRelease2.txt
+::sfk filter cfgFullRelease2.txt -rep _" (release)"__>cfgFullRelease.txt
+del cfgFullRelease.txt
+sfk filter cfgFullRelease2.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgfullrelease="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat
+del cfgFullRelease2.txt
+del updates.txt
+call cfgDLsettings.bat
+del cfgDLsettings.bat
+if /i "%name%" EQU "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)" goto:usbloaderFolder
+if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist
+if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgrelease%" goto:noupdate
+echo Updating from %currentcode% to %cfgrelease%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Your current version of %currentcode% is up to date, skipping download
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::Download most recent version of cfg loader
+Echo Downloading most recent version: %cfgrelease%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %cfgurl%
+if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg
+move /Y *.dol "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol> nul
+if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\icon.png goto:meta
+if exist temp\cfgicon.png goto:skip
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget
+move /Y "logo@cct=1263052802" temp\cfgicon.png>nul
+copy /Y temp\cfgicon.png "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\icon.png>nul
+if exist temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml goto:skip
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget ""
+move /Y meta.xml temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml>nul
+copy /Y temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml>nul
+sfk filter "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml -rep _cfgrelease_"%cfgrelease%"_ -rep _cfgdate_"%cfgdate%"_ -write -yes>nul
+::----simple version check after downloading----
+if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::get current version from meta.xml
+sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgrelease%" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed to update properly.
+sfk echo [Yellow] Retrying to download the most recent release of the file.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:skip
+if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgfullrelease%" goto:noupdate
+echo Updating from %currentcode% to %cfgfullrelease%
+::Download most recent full version for USB-Loader Folder
+echo Downloading most recent Full/Official Configurable USB-Loader: Version %cfgfullrelease%
+if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" Echo.
+if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" Echo Note: Existing USB-Loader Folder will be renamed
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget,
+::rename exsiting usb-loader folder if applicable
+if not exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" goto:extractusbloader
+if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%" goto:renameusbloader
+move "%Drive%\usb-loader" "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%">nul
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" mkdir "%DRIVE%\usb-loader"
+if not exist %Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg mkdir %Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg
+7za e -aoa Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0, -o"%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg" Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\apps\USBLoader\* -r
+7za e -aoa Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0, -o"%Drive%\USB-Loader" Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\usb-loader\* -r
+del Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,>nul
+::save version info for next time!---OFF----
+::if exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt" attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt"
+::echo set cfgfullreleaseOLD=%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt"
+::attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\rev.txt"
+::------extra for USB-Loader Setup Guide-------
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "NONE" goto:skip
+::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the \wbfs folder exists
+if not exist "%Drive%\wbfs" mkdir "%Drive%\wbfs"
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music mkdir "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music
+echo Save music Here>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\music\Save MP3s Here To Play at USB-Loader Menu"
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo music = usb:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo music = sd:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo unlock_password = AAAA>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo disable_remove = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo disable_format = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo admin_unlock = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _BLAHBLAH_1_> nul
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip
+echo covers_path = usb:/usb-loader/covers>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo covers_path_2d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/2d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo covers_path_3d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/3d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo covers_path_disc = usb:/usb-loader/covers/disc>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+echo covers_path_full = usb:/usb-loader/covers/full>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _usb:_ntfs:_> nul
+::partition = auto is now the default value
+::Will select first valid from: WBFS1, FAT1, NTFS1
+::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the /wbfs folder exists
+::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" echo partition = FAT1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" echo partition = NTFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" echo partition = FAT1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" echo partition = WBFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" echo partition = WBFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt"
+::----simple version check after downloading----
+if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::get current version from meta.xml
+sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgfullrelease%" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed to update properly.
+sfk echo [Yellow] Retrying to download the most recent release of the file.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Your current version of %currentcode% is up to date, skipping download
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::------------------------------------------CONFIGURATOR FOR CFG USB Loader Downloader--------------------------------------
+::Download updates.txt
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget ""
+::Most Recent Version Download Link
+sfk filter updates.txt -ls+url>cfgrurl.txt
+FINDSTR /N url cfgrurl.txt>cfgrurl2.txt
+sfk filter cfgrurl2.txt -rep _"url = "__>cfgrurl.txt
+del cfgrurl2.txt>nul
+sfk filter cfgrurl.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgrurl="_>cfgrDLsettings.bat
+del cfgrurl.txt>nul
+::Most Recent Version Release Number
+sfk filter updates.txt -ls+release>cfgrrelease.txt
+FINDSTR /N release cfgrrelease.txt>cfgrrelease2.txt
+sfk filter cfgrrelease2.txt -rep _" "__ -rep _"release="__>cfgrrelease.txt
+del cfgrrelease2.txt>nul
+sfk filter cfgrrelease.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgrrelease="_>>cfgrDLsettings.bat
+del cfgrrelease.txt>nul
+del updates.txt>nul
+call cfgrDLsettings.bat
+del cfgrDLsettings.bat>nul
+::Download most recent version
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" goto:skip
+echo This app already exists...
+set cfgrreleaseOLD=
+attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+copy /y "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat">nul
+attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+call "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat"
+del "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat">nul
+echo Current version is %cfgrreleaseOLD%
+echo Checking for updates...
+if %cfgrreleaseOLD% GEQ %cfgrrelease% goto:noupdate
+Echo Downloading most recent version: %cfgrrelease%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %cfgrurl%
+if not exist "%Drive%"\USB-Loader mkdir "%Drive%"\USB-Loader
+::Move most recent usb-loader folder to root of drive
+7za e -aoa -o"%Drive%"\usb-loader\ * -r
+::----simple version check after downloading----
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+::save version info for next time!
+if exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+echo set cfgrreleaseOLD=%cfgrrelease%>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Your current version of %cfgrreleaseOLD% is up to date, skipping download
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::--------------------------TANTRIC APPS AUTO-UDPATE------------------------
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist
+echo This app already exists...
+::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+echo Current version is %currentcode%
+echo Checking for updates...
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%updateurl%"
+sfk filter -quiet update.xml -+"app version" -rep _"_""_ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet update.xml -rep _""""__>code.bat
+del update.xml>nul
+call code.bat
+del code.bat>nul
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist
+if %currentcode% GEQ %newcode% goto:noupdate
+echo Updating from %currentcode% to %newcode%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Your current version of %currentcode% is up to date, skipping download
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::Download most recent version
+Echo Downloading most recent version: %newcode%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%code1%%newcode%%code2%"
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1%
+set wadname="%zip1%%newcode%%zip2%"
+7za x -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"
+::7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r
+del %wadname%
+::----simple version check after downloading----
+if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::get current version from meta.xml
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+if %currentcode% GEQ %newcode% goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed to update properly.
+sfk echo [Yellow] Retrying to download the most recent release of the file.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+::--------------------------GOOGLE CODE 'MANUAL' AUTO-UDPATE------------------------
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist
+echo This app already exists...
+::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version
+::--------WARNING, if version doesn't start with "R", it will FAIL---------
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*R"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+echo Current version is %currentcode%
+echo Checking for updates...
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %updateurl%
+move /y %updatedlname% code.bat>nul
+sfk filter -quiet code.bat -rep _"*name=R"_"set newcode="_ -rep _".dol&*"__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet code.bat -ls+"set newcode" -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet code.bat -unique -write -yes
+call code.bat
+del code.bat>nul
+set newcode0check=%newcode:~0,1%
+if /i "%newcode0check%" EQU "0" (set newcodeNoZeros=%newcode:~1,10%) else (set newcodeNoZeros=%newcode%)
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist
+if %currentcode% GEQ %newcodeNoZeros% goto:noupdate
+echo Updating from %currentcode% to %newcodeNoZeros%
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Your current version of %currentcode% is up to date, skipping download
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::Download most recent version
+Echo Downloading most recent version: %newcodeNoZeros%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%code1%%newcode%%code2%"
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1%
+::----move file to new location!----
+set wadname="%wadname1%%newcode%%wadname2%"
+move /y %wadname% "%DRIVE%\%path1%\boot.dol">nul
+::----not needed (yet), only applies when downloading zips, not dols---
+::set wadname="%zip1%%newcode%%zip2%"
+::7za x -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"
+::del %wadname%
+::geticon if doesn't exist
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %iconurl%
+if exist "icon.png" move /Y "icon.png" "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png"
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %metaurl%
+move /Y meta.xml "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml"
+::create "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer" folder if downloading WiiXplorer
+if /i "%name%" NEQ "WiiXplorer (Most Recent Release)" goto:skip
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer" mkdir "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer"
+::----simple version check after downloading----
+if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::get current version from meta.xml
+::-----warning, replacing "R" too, careful when applying to other thigns------
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*R"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+if %currentcode% EQU %newcodeNoZeros% goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed to update properly.
+sfk echo [Yellow] Retrying to download the most recent release of the file.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+::--------------------------------------Cheat Codes: txtcodes from
+::set cheatregion=all
+if exist "codeindex.txt" del "codeindex.txt" >nul
+if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt"
+echo Downloading %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes for the following console(s):
+if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * WiiWare
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Arcade
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii Channels
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Gamecube
+if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * NES/Famicom VC
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Super NES/Famicom VC
+if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Nintendo 64 VC
+if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Sega Master System VC
+if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" echo * NeoGeo VC
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Commodore 64 VC
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * MSX VC
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * TurboGraFX-16 VC
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * TurboGraFX-CD VC
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" echo Location(s) to save cheats: (txtcodes and codes\X\L)
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" echo Location(s) to save cheats: (txtcodes)
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" echo Location(s) to save cheats: (codes\X\L)
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" echo Overwrite existing txtcodes (Disabled)
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" echo Overwrite existing txtcodes (Enabled)
+echo Note: The above settings can be customized in the Cheat Code Options
+echo Grabbing current list of cheats from,
+echo Please wait...
+::---get game/iso list and game count-------
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes mkdir "%drive%"\txtcodes
+::-----------used to get full list of all games---------------
+if exist codeindex.txt copy /y codeindex.txt codeindextemp.txt >nul
+if exist codeindex.txt (copy /y codeindextemp.txt+"index*=all" codeindex.txt >nul) else (move /y "index*=all" "codeindex.txt">nul)
+if exist "index*=all" del "index*=all" >nul
+if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt" >nul
+::--------------ALL REGION---------------
+if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "all" goto:skipall
+::-------Wii Games--------
+set nextcheatlist=allwiiwarecheats
+if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allvccheats
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+::-------VC Arcade------
+set nextcheatlist=allwiichannelcheats
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+::-------Wii Channels------
+set nextcheatlist=allGCcheats
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allNEScheats
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allSNEScheats
+if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allN64cheats
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allSMScheats
+if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allGenesischeats
+if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allNEOcheats
+if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allCOMcheats
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allMSXcheats
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allT16cheats
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=allTCDcheats
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+set nextcheatlist=skipall
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "*&l=all"
+::--------------USA REGION---------------
+if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "USA" goto:skipUSA
+::-------Wii Games--------
+set nextcheatlist=USAwiiwarecheats
+if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USAvccheats
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::-------VC Arcade------
+set nextcheatlist=USAwiichannelcheats
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::-------Wii Channels------
+set nextcheatlist=USAGCcheats
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USANEScheats
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USASNEScheats
+if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USAN64cheats
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USASMScheats
+if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USAGenesischeats
+if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USANEOcheats
+if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USACOMcheats
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USAMSXcheats
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USAT16cheats
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=USATCDcheats
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=skipUSA
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::--------------PAL REGION---------------
+if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "PAL" goto:skipPAL
+::-------Wii Games--------
+set nextcheatlist=PALwiiwarecheats
+if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALvccheats
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::-------VC Arcade------
+set nextcheatlist=PALwiichannelcheats
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::-------Wii Channels------
+set nextcheatlist=PALGCcheats
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALNEScheats
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALSNEScheats
+if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALN64cheats
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALSMScheats
+if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALGenesischeats
+if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALNEOcheats
+if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALCOMcheats
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALMSXcheats
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALT16cheats
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=PALTCDcheats
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=skipPAL
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::--------------JAP REGION---------------
+if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "JAP" goto:skipJAP
+::-------Wii Games--------
+set nextcheatlist=JAPwiiwarecheats
+if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPvccheats
+if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::-------VC Arcade------
+set nextcheatlist=JAPwiichannelcheats
+if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+::-------Wii Channels------
+set nextcheatlist=JAPGCcheats
+if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPNEScheats
+if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPSNEScheats
+if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPN64cheats
+if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPSMScheats
+if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPGenesischeats
+if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPNEOcheats
+if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPCOMcheats
+if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPMSXcheats
+if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPT16cheats
+if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=JAPTCDcheats
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+set nextcheatlist=skipJAP
+if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist%
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all ""
+sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -+"index.php?c=******" -write -yes
+::-----remove titles that already exist (if applicable)---------
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:nextstep
+if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes\*.txt goto:nextstep
+::echo Checking for new cheat codes
+::echo This could take a minute, please wait...
+echo The following cheats already exist and will be removed from the download queue:
+dir /b "%drive%"\txtcodes>existingcodes.txt
+sfk filter -quiet existingcodes.txt -+.txt -rep _.txt__ -write -yes
+::Loop through the existing list of codes (existingcodes.txt) and remove each existing game from codeindex.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (existingcodes.txt) do call :processthis %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+set removetitleID=%*
+echo Skipping %removetitleID%.txt...
+sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -!%removetitleID% -write -yes
+if exist existingcodes.txt del existingcodes.txt
+sfk filter codeindex.txt -unique -write -yes>nul
+FINDSTR /N href codeindex.txt>codeindexfull.txt
+del codeindex.txt
+set totalcodes=0
+set codenumber=0
+for /f "delims=" %%i in (codeindexfull.txt) do set /a totalcodes=!totalcodes!+1
+copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexfull2.txt>nul
+if /i "%totalcodes%" EQU "%codenumber%" goto:nextstep
+set /a codenumber=%codenumber%+1
+sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*title='*["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -rep _"set titleid=set titleid="_"set titleid="_ -write -yes
+::sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*'Wii ["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -write -yes
+FINDSTR /N set codeindexfull2.txt>codeindex.bat
+del codeindexfull2.txt
+sfk filter -quiet codeindex.bat -ls+"1:" -rep _"1:"__ -write -yes
+call codeindex.bat
+del codeindex.bat
+::now get game name!!
+copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexTitle.bat>nul
+::add in delay so sfk has access to codeindexTitle.bat (Foez reported bug)
+::@ping -n 1 -w 1500> nul
+sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*c=%titleid%"_"set titlename="_ -rep _" [%titleid%]*"_"""_ -rep _>__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -ls+"set titlename=" -write -yes
+call codeindexTitle.bat
+del codeindexTitle.bat
+::if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skipconsoleinfo
+::now get console!!
+copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexConsole.bat>nul
+sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*sysn' title='"_"set console="_ -rep _"'>[*"_"""_ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -ls+"set console=" -write -yes
+call codeindexConsole.bat
+del codeindexConsole.bat
+::get console code
+set consolecode=
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii" set consolecode=R
+if /i "%console%" EQU "WiiWare" set consolecode=W
+if /i "%console%" EQU "VC Arcade" set consolecode=D
+if /i "%console%" EQU "GameCube" set consolecode=G
+::Wii Channels(H)-currently no codes, so unsure of "Wii Channels"
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii Channels" set consolecode=H
+if /i "%console%" EQU "NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=F
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Super NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=J
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Nintendo 64 VC" set consolecode=N
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Master System VC" set consolecode=L
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC" set consolecode=M
+if /i "%console%" EQU "NeoGeo VC" set consolecode=E
+if /i "%console%" EQU "Commodore 64 VC" set consolecode=C
+if /i "%console%" EQU "MSX VC" set consolecode=X
+if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-16 VC" set consolecode=P
+if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-CD VC" set consolecode=Q
+::get first letter of titlename (actually second letter cuz first one is ")
+set letter1=%titlename:~1,1%
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "0" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "1" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "2" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "3" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "4" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "5" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "6" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "7" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "8" set letter1=#
+if /i "%letter1%" EQU "9" set letter1=#
+::echo %titlename%
+::echo %titleid%
+::echo %console%
+::echo %consolecode%
+::echo %letter1%
+echo Downloading Cheat %codenumber% of %totalcodes%: %titlename% [%titleid%]
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" mkdir "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%"
+if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:overwritecheat
+::----copy existing codes to alternate location if missing----
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Copying from codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt to txtcodes\%titleid%.txt
+if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Copying from txtcodes\%titleid%.txt to codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt
+if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip
+if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat
+echo %titleid%.txt already exists,
+echo Skipping download...
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip
+if exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Overwriting %drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt...
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip
+if exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Overwriting %drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt...
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget ""
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" copy /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul
+::for some reason VC downloads fail, and they leave index.html as a trace instead
+::if exist index.html del index.html
+del codeindexfull.txt
+del codeindexfull2.txt
+::--------------------------------------Manual Update for Neogamma and YAWMM------------------------------
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:UpdateCheck
+echo This app already exists...
+::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+echo Current version is %currentcode%
+echo Checking for updates...
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "%updateurl%"
+move /y ManualUpdate.txt ManualUpdate.bat>nul
+call ManualUpdate.bat
+del ManualUpdate.bat>nul
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:Update
+if /i "%currentcode%" EQU "%newcode%" goto:noupdate
+::echo Updating from %currentcode% to %newcode%
+echo Updating to most recent version...
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Your current version of %currentcode% is up to date, skipping download
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::Download most recent version
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2%
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1%
+if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\neogamma" goto:normal
+7za x -aoa "*-NeoGammaR9*.zip" -o"%Drive%" apps neogamma -r
+7za e -aoa "*-NeoGammaR9*.zip" -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -x!"gameconfig.txt" -x!"sourcecode" -r
+7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r
+del %wadname%
+::----simple version check after downloading----
+if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::get current version from meta.xml
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+del currentcode.bat
+if /i "%currentcode%" EQU "%newcode%" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed to update properly.
+sfk echo [Yellow] Retrying to download the most recent release of the file.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+::------------------------NUS File Grabber Downloader---------------------
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:MYMAPP
+if not exist "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES mkdir "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES
+if not exist "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes mkdir "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes
+set filename=%wadname%
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" set path1=SNEEKFILES\
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" set path1=MyMenuify_Themes\
+set md5alt=%md5%
+set dlname=%wadname:~0,
+if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp
+nusfilegrabber.exe %version%
+move /Y "%dlname%" temp\%wadname%
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\MyMenuify_Themes\%wadname%>nul
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES\%wadname%>nul
+::-------------------------Download from URLs------------------------------
+echo %md5% *%path1%%filename%>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%"
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%"
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp2
+if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp2
+if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2%
+if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% temp\%wadname%
+7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r
+if "%DRIVErestore%"=="" set DRIVErestore=%Drive%
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%"
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%"
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+set LocalAbsolute=
+set DRIVErestore=%Drive%
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:doit
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:doit
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\)
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\)
+if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%"
+echo %md5% *%LocalAbsolute%%path1%%filename%>> "%Driverestore%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%"
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%"
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%
+if exist temp\%wadname% goto:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists
+if not exist temp\%dlname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2%
+if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% temp\%wadname%
+::extract selected apps differently...
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "USBLoader(s)" 7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/WAD *.%version% -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "USBLoader(s)" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "" goto:skipjoyflow
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" (7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/ *.wad *.dol -r) else (7za X -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r)
+if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "" goto:skipS2U
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" 7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/ switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad -r
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:skipnormalextraction
+::for when MENU1 not equal to "S"
+7za x -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r -x!switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%"
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt echo NOFILE>"%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:skipnormalextraction
+echo 00000000>dump.txt
+sfk filter dump.txt +hextobin "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin
+del dump.txt>nul
+if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "Homebrew_Filter_r32.wad" goto:skipHBF
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:tinyskip
+if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD"
+if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%wadname%" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\%path1%%wadname%">nul
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:doit
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:doit
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\)
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\)
+if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%"
+echo %md5% *%LocalAbsolute%%path1%%filename%>> "%Driverestore%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%filename%" NEQ "WiiBackupManager.exe" goto:notWBM
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager
+7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -r
+rename "%Drive%"\%dlname:~0,-4% WiiBackupManager
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip)
+nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "WiiBackupManager"
+nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe" "~$folder.programs$\WiiBackupManager" "WiiBackupManager"
+if /i "%filename%" NEQ "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:notF32
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\FAT32_GUI_Formatter mkdir "%DRIVE%"\FAT32_GUI_Formatter
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe">nul
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip)
+nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "FAT32 GUI Formatter"
+nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" "~$folder.programs$\FAT32 GUI Formatter" "FAT32 GUI Formatter"
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps homebrew_browser -r
+if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" 7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% -x!*.cfg
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%DOP-Mii" -r >nul
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%DOP-Mii v13" -r >nul
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%config" -r >nul
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%apps" -r >nul
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" mkdir "%DRIVE%\config"
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" move /y "%Drive%\%path1%\DOP-Mii.cfg" "%Drive%\config\DOP-Mii.cfg" >nul
+if /i "%wadname%" EQU "" goto:skipnormalextraction
+7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!README
+::DONE (will retry if necessary)
+echo %md5% *hacks.ini>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist "%Drive%"\hacks.ini goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\hacks.ini
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\hacks.ini
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget %code2%
+if exist %wadname% move /y %wadname% temp\%wadname%
+7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\hacks.ini goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\hacks.ini
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\hacks.ini
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+echo Note that custom downloads are not verified, and are not necessarily safe.
+echo Make sure you know what you're doing! Use at your own risk!
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" set HEX=00000002
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" set HEX=00000101
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skiphexcalc
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skiphexcalc
+sfk hex %DEC% -digits=8 >hex.txt
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhexx %%A
+::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file
+::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop
+set hex=%*
+if exist hex.txt del hex.txt>nul
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD
+echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity run UnfreezeMii.bat to continue
+nusd 00000001%HEX% "%VER%"
+::if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad goto:missing
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:SYSMENU
+if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:MIOS2
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=)
+if exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad move /Y 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul
+if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal%
+if exist 00000001%HEX% copy /Y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal%
+copy /y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul
+if exist 00000001%HEX% rd /s /q 00000001%HEX%
+if /i "IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" EQU "IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%.wad" goto:nopatching
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (patchios "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode%) & (echo.) & (echo Note: Patches are not always successful, read the PatchIOS log above for details)
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%DRIVE%\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" -write -yes
+if exist "%DRIVE%\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" (echo "%DRIVE%\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found">>temp\simplelog.txt) else (echo "%DRIVE%\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Missing">>temp\simplelog.txt)
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing)
+move /Y 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad>nul
+if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal%
+if exist 00000001%HEX% copy /Y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul
+rd /s /q 00000001%HEX%
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%Drive%\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad" -write -yes
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad (echo "%Drive%\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Found">>temp\simplelog.txt) else (echo "%Drive%\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Missing">>temp\simplelog.txt)
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing)
+if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=)
+move /Y 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad>nul
+if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal%
+if exist 00000001%HEX% copy /Y 00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS
+if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS)
+if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal%
+copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul
+rd /s /q 00000001%HEX%
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%Drive%\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad" -write -yes
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad (echo "%Drive%\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Found">>temp\simplelog.txt) else (echo "%Drive%\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Missing">>temp\simplelog.txt)
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing)
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Magenta] Most likely reason is that the file does not exist.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Magenta] Double check your custom values.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+sfk echo [Green]Advanced Download Successful
+::---------------HackMii Installer WGET Download CODE-----------------------
+echo %md5% *apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf>> "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5
+::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
+if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:nocheckexisting
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+sfk echo [Green]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download
+COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf> nul
+COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\bootmini.elf "%Drive%"\bootmini.elf> nul
+if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --reject "*.html" --reject "%2A" %code2%*
+move /y get.*.* temp\%wadname%
+::7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r
+if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer
+7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer *.%version% *.txt -r
+7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r
+::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload----
+if exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:checkexisting
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass
+if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail
+sfk echo [Yellow] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification.
+sfk echo [Yellow] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded.
+del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf
+if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+set multiplefail=Y
+sfk echo [Green]Download Successful
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:RenameBootToHackMii
+if /i "%virgin%" EQU "N" goto:next
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:RenameBootToHackMii
+::-----Bannerbomb MMM instead of HackMii installer------
+if exist "%Drive%"\apps\MMM\MMMv13.4boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\MMM\MMMv13.4boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul
+::if using nand builder, copy files to install folder
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:skip
+if /i "%category%" EQU "themes" goto:skip
+if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "" goto:skip
+if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" (set movename="%wadname%.wad") else (set movename="%wadname%")
+if /i "%category%" EQU "fullextract" set movename="%filename%"
+move /Y "%Drive%"\%movename% "%DRIVE%"\install2sneek\%movename% >nul
+if /i "%category%" EQU "userdefined" goto:quickskip
+if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" EQU "Y" goto:customcopyandpatch
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -le!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes
+::-----------------------------------------cUSTOM COPY AND PATCH (only for advanced downloads)--------------------------------
+if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2
+if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4%
+::remove original md5 from download_log only if it appears ONCE in the log.
+::If there are 2 in the log it means the original cIOS was also in the queue
+findstr %md5% "%DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5">temp\simplecountlines.txt
+SET simplecountlines=0
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\simplecountlines.txt) do call :simplecountlines %%A
+SET /a simplecountlines=%simplecountlines%+1
+if exist temp\simplecountlines.txt del temp\simplecountlines.txt>nul
+if /i "%simplecountlines%" EQU "1" sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 -ls!"%md5%" -write -yes
+::move from WAD folder
+if "%alreadyexists%" EQU "yes" goto:makeacopy
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad move /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:copyisthere
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD >nul
+::move from root
+if "%alreadyexists%" EQU "yes" goto:makeacopy
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad move /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul
+::remove original md5 from download_log
+sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 -le!"%wadname%.wad" -write -yes
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (goto:copyisthere) else (goto:missing)
+patchios "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode%
+echo Note: Patches are not always successful, read the PatchIOS log above for details
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:there
+::----check after Advanced downloading----
+if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry
+sfk echo [Magenta] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download.
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -ls!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" -write -yes
+echo "%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Missing">>temp\simplelog.txt
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download.
+SET /a retry=%retry%+1
+SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1
+::prevent cIOSs showing error message when hex editing disabled
+if /i "%basewad%" EQU "none" goto:notacios
+if /i "%HEXEDIT%" EQU "Y" goto:notacios
+sfk echo [Yellow] Unable to verify because ModMii's Hex Editing option is not enabled
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" -write -yes
+echo "%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found but unable to verify">>temp\simplelog.txt
+if /i "%multiplefail%" EQU "Y" (sfk echo [Magenta] Base wad failed hash check multiple times, Advanced download probably corrupted) else (sfk echo [Green]Advanced Download Successful)
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt sfk filter -quiet temp\simplelog.txt -ls!"%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" -write -yes
+if /i "%multiplefail%" EQU "Y" (echo "%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found but potentially corrupt">>temp\simplelog.txt) else (echo "%DRIVE%\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found">>temp\simplelog.txt)
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\simplelog.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -ls!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes
+if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%"
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:checkdriveU
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (goto:checkdriveU) else (goto:skip)
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%"
+::delete all files that may interfere with SNEEK
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin
+::Special handling of bootmii\armboot.bin to avoid deleting Bootmii-SD Files
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin goto:skip
+::No Bootmii-SD Files
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf del "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf goto:skip
+::RENAME Bootmii Booter Folder
+set countbootmii=0
+SET /a countbootmii=%countbootmii%+1
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii% goto:renamebootmii
+move "%DRIVE%"\bootmii "%DRIVE%"\bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii%>nul
+::Don't delete anything from USB if making Sneek or Sneek+di
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skip
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin
+if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin
+::get sneek rev number
+set sneekrev=0
+set tempsneekrev=none
+set usesneektemp=off
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget
+if exist list move /y list sneekrev.bat>nul
+if not exist sneekrev.bat goto:skip
+sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -rep _"*FS-SD module r"_"set sneekrev="_ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -+"set sneekrev" -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes
+call sneekrev.bat
+del sneekrev.bat
+if not exist temp\tempsneekrev.bat goto:NoTempSneekFiles
+call temp\tempsneekrev.bat
+::if temp files are equal to the new ones, use temp files
+if /i "%TEMPSNEEKREV%" EQU "%SNEEKREV%" set usesneektemp=on
+::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files
+if /i "%SNEEKREV%" EQU "0" set usesneektemp=on
+if /i "%TEMPSNEEKREV%" EQU "none" set usesneektemp=off
+if /i "%SNEEKREV%" NEQ "0" echo set tempsneekrev=%sneekrev%>temp\tempsneekrev.bat
+if not exist temp\tempsneekrev.bat goto:sneekwarning
+if /i "%sneekrev%" EQU "0" set sneekrev=%tempsneekrev%
+::get sneekY rev number
+set sneekYrev=0
+set tempsneekYrev=none
+set usesneekYtemp=off
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget
+if exist list move /y list sneekYrev.bat>nul
+if not exist sneekYrev.bat goto:skip
+sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -spat -rep _"*fsmodule-usb\x5fr"_"set sneekYrev="_ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -+"set sneekYrev" -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes
+call sneekYrev.bat
+del sneekYrev.bat
+if not exist temp\tempsneekYrev.bat goto:NoTempsneekYFiles
+call temp\tempsneekYrev.bat
+::if temp files are equal to the new ones, use temp files
+if /i "%TEMPsneekYREV%" EQU "%sneekYREV%" set usesneekYtemp=on
+::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files
+if /i "%sneekYREV%" EQU "0" set usesneekYtemp=on
+if /i "%TEMPsneekYREV%" EQU "none" set usesneekYtemp=off
+if /i "%sneekYREV%" NEQ "0" echo set tempsneekYrev=%sneekYrev%>temp\tempsneekYrev.bat
+if not exist temp\tempsneekYrev.bat goto:sneekwarning
+if /i "%sneekYrev%" EQU "0" set sneekYrev=%tempsneekYrev%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Building SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Building UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Building UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Building SNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
+echo Downloading Official Sneek Installer
+set wadname=SNEEKInstallerv0.6c-cred.rar
+set md5=bcdd0ddb85dc63c1ad7fad0007b6b606
+if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat"
+if not exist temp\SNEEKInstaller\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:nocheck
+set md5check=
+sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% temp\SneekInstaller\SneekInstaller.exe
+if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail
+if "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass
+if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:AlreadyinTemp
+if exist temp\SneekInstaller rd /s /q temp\SneekInstaller
+mkdir temp\SneekInstaller
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist %wadname% unrar x -y %wadname% temp\SneekInstaller
+if exist %wadname% del %wadname%>nul
+if not exist temp\SNEEKInstaller\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:sneekwarning
+::create empty sneek installer config file
+type NUL > temp\sneekinstaller\sinst.ini
+echo Downloading Autoit
+if exist temp\autoit3.exe goto:AlreadyinTemp
+if not exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe 7za e -aoa autoit-v3-sfx.exe -otemp autoit3.exe -r
+if exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe del autoit-v3-sfx.exe>nul
+echo Downloading from IOS80
+if exist temp\ goto:AlreadyinTemp
+nusfilegrabber.exe 0e
+move /Y temp\
+copy /Y temp\ temp\>nul
+if not exist temp\ goto:sneekwarning
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DL01
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DL01
+echo Downloading from IOS60
+if exist temp\ goto:AlreadyinTemp
+nusfilegrabber.exe 01_60
+move /Y temp\
+copy /Y temp\ temp\>nul
+if not exist temp\ goto:sneekwarning
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" echo Downloading Black font.bin (this can be changed to White in Options)
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" echo Downloading White font.bin (this can be changed to Black in Options)
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" set fonturl=
+if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" set fonturl=
+if not exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3 %fonturl%
+if exist font%SNKFONT%.bin move /Y font%SNKFONT%.bin temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin>nul
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:save2DriveU
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK
+if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul
+if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK
+if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning
+echo Downloading dimodule.elf
+if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf
+if not exist temp\dimodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf
+if not exist temp\dimodule.elf goto:sneekwarning
+echo Downloading fsmodule-usb.elf
+if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
+if not exist temp\fsmodule-usb.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
+if not exist temp\fsmodule-usb.elf goto:sneekwarning
+echo Downloading fsmodule-sd.elf
+if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
+if not exist temp\fsmodule-sd.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
+if not exist temp\fsmodule-sd.elf goto:sneekwarning
+echo Downloading esmodule.elf
+if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul
+if not exist temp\esmodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul
+if not exist temp\esmodule.elf goto:sneekwarning
+echo Downloading armboot.bin
+if /i "%usesneektemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist armboot.bin move /Y armboot.bin temp\armboot.bin>nul
+if not exist temp\armboot.bin start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist armboot.bin move /Y armboot.bin temp\armboot.bin>nul
+if not exist temp\armboot.bin goto:sneekwarning
+echo Building...
+::create autoit script
+echo WinWait ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>custom.au3
+echo WinActivate ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","Verbose output")>>custom.au3
+::ControlSetText vs ControlSend
+echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]","%ModMiipath%\temp")>>custom.au3
+echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:3]","%ModMiipath%\temp")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEabsolute=%DRIVE%) else (set DRIVEabsolute=%ModMiipath%\%DRIVE%)
+echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3
+::how to only change field if empty
+::echo $a = ControlGetText ("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")>>custom.au3
+::echo if $a = "" Then ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip
+if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEUabsolute=%DRIVEU%) else (set DRIVEUabsolute=%ModMiipath%\%DRIVEU%)
+echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:4]","%DRIVEUabsolute%")>>custom.au3
+echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3
+cd temp\SneekInstaller
+start /I %ModMiimin%SneekInstaller.exe
+echo start /wait temp\AutoIt3.exe custom.au3>run.bat
+call run.bat
+del run.bat
+@ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul
+taskkill /im SneekInstaller.exe /f >nul
+del custom.au3>nul
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" move /y "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "%DRIVE%\bootmiiuneek">nul
+::save rev information
+if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
+if exist ioskpatch.exe del ioskpatch.exe
+sfk echo -spat \x20 [Yellow] WARNING: Some files Required for the SNEEK install are missing.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Aborting SNEEK Installation, check your internet connection
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Then repeat the SNEEK Installation to try again.
+echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
+::------------------------wad2nand-install wads from install2sneek to emu nand--------------------
+if exist temp\common-key.bin copy /y temp\common-key.bin common-key.bin>nul
+set line1=""
+set line2=""
+set line3=" "
+set line4=" 1.5"
+set line5=" English"
+set line6=" "
+set line7=" true"
+set line8=" %nandpath%"
+set line9=" true"
+set line10=" false"
+set line11=" False"
+set line12=" false"
+set line13=" true"
+set line14=" false"
+set line15=" false"
+set line16=" ShowMiiWads"
+set line17=" "
+set line18=" "
+set line19=" 930"
+set line20=" 396"
+set line21=" 50"
+set line22=" 200"
+set line23=" Normal"
+set line24=" "
+set line25=" "
+set line26=" temp\install2sneek"
+set line27=" "
+set line28=" "
+set line29=" "
+set line30=" "
+set line31=" 1"
+set line32=" temp\install2sneek"
+set line33=" "
+set line34=""
+echo %line1%>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line2%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line3%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line4%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line5%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line6%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line7%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line8%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line9%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line10%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line12%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line13%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line14%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line15%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line16%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line17%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line18%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line19%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line20%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line21%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line22%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line23%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line24%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line25%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line26%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line27%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line28%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line29%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line30%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line31%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line32%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line33%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+echo %line34%>>ShowMiiWads.cfg
+sfk filter -quiet "ShowMiiWads.cfg" -rep _"""__ -write -yes
+sfk filter -quiet "ShowMiiWads.cfg" -rep _"'"_"""_ -write -yes
+echo Loading ShowMiiWads
+echo installing wads from: temp\install2sneek\
+echo to emulated nand: %nandpath%\
+echo Please wait for ShowMiiWads to finish doing it job...
+if exist common-key.bin move /y common-key.bin temp\common-key.bin>nul
+::del "%nandpath%"\WAD\ShowMiiWads_Sneek_Mod.exe>nul
+del ShowMiiWads.cfg>nul
+if exist temp\install2sneek\JoyFlowHNv10-HBJF.wad del temp\install2sneek\JoyFlowHNv10-HBJF.wad>nul
+if exist temp\install2sneek\switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad del temp\install2sneek\switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad>nul
+move temp\install2sneek\*.wad temp\>nul
+::restore setting.txt if applicable
+if not exist "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" mkdir "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data"
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt>nul
+::Build setting.txt if applicable
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "N" goto:skip
+settings %SNKSERIAL% >nul
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" move /y KORsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" move /y USAsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" move /y EURsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" move /y JPNsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" del KORsetting.txt
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "E" del EURsetting.txt
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "J" del JPNsetting.txt
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" del USAsetting.txt
+::-----------patch SM .app file for UNEEK+DI... Always do this for 4.3X and 4.2U/E----------------
+IF "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:finishsneekinstall
+::----------always DL most recent and save with ModMii exe-----------
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip
+echo Copying over Custom Theme
+::if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" move /y temp\DarkWii_Red_4.3U.csm "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set themecolour=Red
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set themecolour=Green
+move /y "temp\MyMenuify_Themes\DarkWii_%themecolour%_%SNKVERSION%%REGION%.csm" "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\
+if exist temp\MyMenuify_Themes rd /s /q temp\MyMenuify_Themes
+if exist temp\WAD rd /s /q temp\WAD
+if exist temp\Download_Log.md5 del temp\Download_Log.md5>nul
+echo Downloading IOSKPatch.exe to Patch System Menu for UNEEK+DI Compatability
+start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist IOSKPatch.exe move /Y IOSKPatch.exe temp\IOSKPatch.exe>nul
+if exist temp\IOSKPatch.exe copy /Y temp\IOSKPatch.exe IOSKPatch.exe>nul
+if not exist IOSKPatch.exe echo Unable to download IOSKPatch, System Menu will not be able to be patched
+::ModMii only makes UNEEK+DI nands for 4.3U/E/J/K and 4.2U/E Nands (for now)
+echo Patching System Menu for UNEEK+DI Compatability
+move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ >nul
+ioskpatch.exe "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ -p >nul
+del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ >nul
+if /i "%SNKPRI%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri
+echo Downloading
+if not exist temp\ start %ModMiimin%/wait wget -t 3
+if exist move /Y temp\>nul
+if not exist temp\ (echo Unable to download, Emulated NAND will not have priiloader installed) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:finishsneekinstall)
+move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\ >nul
+copy /Y temp\ "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\>nul
+if not exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data mkdir "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data >nul
+move /Y temp\hacks.ini "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini >nul
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri
+echo Adding JoyFlow forwarder dol to Priiloader's installed file.
+if exist temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol move /y temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin
+if exist temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol del temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v9.dol>nul
+::----------------------------------SNEEK INSTALL FINISH------------------------------------
+if exist ioskpatch.exe del ioskpatch.exe>nul
+::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:finishsneekinstall3
+::clear download queue
+set MENU1=1
+::queue up files that need to TRULY be saved to %Drive%
+if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set JOY=*
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set S2U=*
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set MMM=*
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+::both sneek install and nand build
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have installed UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have installed SNEEK rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have installed UNEEK rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+::only install sneek
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have successfully installed UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have successfully installed UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
+::only build nand
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have successfully built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have successfully built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have successfully built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have successfully built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:skipsdmsg
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:skipsdmsg
+if /i "%Drive%" EQU "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Copy the contents of the COPY_TO_SD folder to SD Card
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Make sure that %DRIVE% is your SD card Drive Letter
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * If %DRIVE% is not your SD card Drive Letter, copy the contents of
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo the %DRIVE% folder to your SD card
+if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "U" goto:skipUDRIVEMSG
+if /i "%DRIVEU%" EQU "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Copy the contents of the COPY_TO_USB folder to FAT32 Hard Drive
+if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Make sure that %DRIVEU% is your USB HDD Drive Letter
+if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo * If %DRIVEU% is not your USB HDD Drive Letter, copy the contents of
+if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo the %DRIVEU% folder to your USB Hard Drive
+if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: SNEEK is not directly supported by ModMii.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Any problems you have with SNEEK that are not a direct result
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] of ModMii should be reported here:
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] This is also a great place to learn more about SNEEK in general.
+sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Another great resource is the guide here:
+echo * If you have problems with S/UNEEK or Mighty Channels, copy cert.sys
+echo from an original nand dump to your emulated nand's sys folder.
+echo * When launching any form of SNEEK for the first time,
+echo it could take a long time to load the System Menu,
+echo but it will be much quicker the second time around.
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:quickskip
+echo * If you have BootMii as Boot2, SNEEK will start immediately
+echo when the Wii powers on. To stop this from happening, rename
+echo the BootMii folder on the SD Card to something else.
+echo * If you have BootMii as IOS, you will need to launch BootMii as IOS
+echo to start SNEEK. You can do so manually from the Homebrew Channel (HBC),
+echo or automatically via Priiloader's Autoboot Settings.
+if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" goto:quickskip
+echo * Access UNEEK/UNEEK+DI by launching switch2uneek from the
+echo Homebrew Channel. Alternatively, can use MMM to install the
+echo switch2uneek forwarder channel that ModMii saved to your SD card.
+echo * When using SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI, you can access the Game/DI Menu
+echo by pressing "1" on the WiiMote. To access other settings
+echo (including Region Options), you must press "+" from within the DI Menu.
+echo * To add Games to the Game/DI Menu, you can use ModMii to extract
+echo Wii Games to your FAT32 USB External Hard Drive.
+echo * ShowMiiWads can be used to decrypt your real Wii's BootMii NAND
+echo dump (nand.bin) to use as an emulated NAND, and it can add custom
+echo channels/WADs to an emulated NAND.
+echo ShowMiiWads is available here:
+echo * For more SNEEK info, like formatting a USB Hard Drive for SNEEK,
+echo or installing the HBC to an emulated NAND, visit:
+echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
+::.........................................FINISH / Verify..................................
+if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul
+if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:wad2nand
+if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall3
+set loglines=0
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" goto:countnew
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:countcustom
+if not exist %DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5 goto:donecounting
+sfk filter "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul
+for /f "delims=" %%i in (%DRIVE%\Download_Log.md5) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1
+set loglinesNEW=%loglines%
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\simplelog.txt) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1
+If /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+If /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" set /a loglines=%loglines%+1
+if exist Custom.md5 for /f "delims=" %%i in (Custom.md5) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1
+::resize window
+SET /a LINES=%loglines%+35
+if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54
+mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES%
+::check ACTUAL drive letter
+if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDrive=%ModMiipath:~0,2%) else (set ActualDrive=%DRIVE:~0,2%)
+if /i "%ActualDrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive%) else (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive% and %ModMiipath:~0,2%)
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip
+if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDriveU=%ModMiipath:~0,2%) else (set ActualDriveU=%DRIVEU:~0,2%)
+if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:skip
+if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ActualDrive%" goto:skip
+set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% and %ActualDriveU%
+::echo %DrivesNeedingFreeSpace%
+echo ModMii v%currentversion%
+echo by XFlak
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" echo DOWNLOAD LOG
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" echo DOWNLOAD LOG - Custom Log
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" set log=download_log.md5
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" set log=custom.md5
+if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Missing "modules" folder - Required to verify files and make cIOSs/cMIOSs
+if not exist modules sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Redownload ModMii from
+If /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" goto:checkcfgbootdol
+If /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" goto:checkcfgbootdol
+If /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" goto:checkcfgbootdol
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set driveWE=%DRIVEU%) else (set driveWE=%DRIVE%)
+If not exist "%driveWE%"\apps\usbloader_cfg\meta.xml echo %driveWE%\apps\usbloader_cfg (CFG USB-Loader): Missing
+If not exist "%driveWE%"\apps\usbloader_cfg\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%driveWE%\apps\usbloader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set cfgcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %driveWE%\apps\usbloader_cfg (CFG USB-Loader): Found Version %cfgcurrentcode%
+::check for configurator for configurable
+If /i "%cfgr%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe echo %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt echo %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe: Found (unable to detect version)
+If exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt (goto:next) else (copy /y "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.bat>nul )
+attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt"
+call "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.bat
+del "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\cfgrrev.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe: Found Version %cfgrreleaseOLD%
+::check for neogamma
+If /i "%neogamma%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\neogamma\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\NeoGamma: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\neogamma\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\neogamma\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set neocurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\NeoGamma: Found Version %neocurrentcode%
+::check for yawm
+If /i "%yawm%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmm\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\yawmm: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmm\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\yawmm\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set yawmcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\yawmm: Found Version %yawmcurrentcode%
+::check for WiiMC
+If /i "%WiiMC%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMC\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\WiiMC: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMC\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\WiiMC\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set WMCcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\WiiMC: Found Version %WMCcurrentcode%
+::check for fceugx
+If /i "%fceugx%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\fceugx\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\fceugx: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\fceugx\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\fceugx\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set fceugxcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\fceugx: Found Version %fceugxcurrentcode%
+::check for snes9xgx
+If /i "%snes9xgx%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\snes9xgx\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\snes9xgx\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set snescurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx: Found Version %snescurrentcode%
+::check for vbagx
+If /i "%vbagx%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\vbagx\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\vbagx: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\vbagx\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\vbagx\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set vbagxcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\vbagx: Found Version %vbagxcurrentcode%
+::check for SGM
+If /i "%SGM%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SaveGameManagerGX\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\SaveGameManagerGX: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SaveGameManagerGX\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\SaveGameManagerGX\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set SGMcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\SaveGameManagerGX: Found Version %SGMcurrentcode%
+::check for WIIX
+If /i "%WIIX%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer\meta.xml echo %DRIVE%\apps\WiiExplorer: Missing
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer\meta.xml goto:next
+sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\apps\WiiExplorer\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set WIIXcurrentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat
+call currentcode.bat
+echo %DRIVE%\apps\WiiExplorer: Found Version %WIIXcurrentcode%
+::check for CheatCodes
+If /i "%CheatCodes%" NEQ "*" goto:next
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip
+If exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo %DRIVE%\txtcodes: Found
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo %DRIVE%\txtcodes: Missing
+if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip
+If exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo %DRIVE%\codes: Found
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo %DRIVE%\codes: Missing
+if exist currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat
+If not exist "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5 goto:SkipNewWADCheck
+if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" goto:SkipNewWADCheck
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:justSDcheck
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" sfk filter "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" fvc -x -v "%DRIVEU%"\Download_Log.md5
+if /i "%DRIVEU%" EQU "%DRIVE%" goto:SkipNewWADCheck
+if /i "%loglinesNEW%" NEQ "0" fvc -x -v "%DRIVE%"\Download_Log.md5
+If not exist Custom.md5 goto:SkipCustomCheck
+if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:SkipCustomCheck
+fvc -x -v Custom.md5
+if exist temp\simplelog.txt (echo.) else (goto:nextstep)
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\simplelog.txt) do call :processSimpleLog %%A
+echo %*
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" Echo *If any files are Invalid or Missing, select Repeat Download (R).
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" Echo *If any files are Invalid or Missing, retry downloading the files.
+echo *If experiencing errors, make sure you have free space here: %DrivesNeedingFreeSpace%
+echo Check internet connection (try disabling firewall/bypasing proxy if applicable).
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:skipcopytoSDmsg
+if /i "%Drive%" EQU "COPY_TO_SD" echo *If the files are good, copy the contents of the COPY_TO_SD folder to SD Card
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo *If the files are good, make sure that %DRIVE% is your SD card Drive Letter
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo *If %DRIVE% is not your SD card Drive Letter, copy the contents of
+if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo the %DRIVE% folder to your SD card
+if exist "%DRIVE%" echo O = Open File Location (%Drive%)
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\%log% echo L = Log: View %Log% to see which files were checked
+if exist %log% echo L = Log: View %Log% to see which files were checked
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero
+echo R = Repeat Download (select this if you experience errors)
+If not Exist download_queue.bat echo S = Save Download Queue
+If Exist download_queue.bat echo S = Save Download Queue (existing Download Queue will be renamed)
+If Exist download_queue.bat echo S+= Save Download Queue+ (add files to existing Download Queue)
+if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" echo.
+if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" echo N = Verify NEW Downloads only
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:next
+if exist Custom.md5 echo.
+if exist Custom.md5 echo C = Verify Files against Custom.md5
+if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:tinyskip
+if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB (goto:tinyskip) else (goto:nocustoms)
+if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD echo CC = Copy Contents of CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD to %Drive%
+if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB echo CCU = Copy Contents of CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB to %DriveU%
+echo M = Main Menu
+echo E = Exit
+set /p FINISH= Enter Selection Here:
+if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CC" goto:miniskip
+if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:miniskip
+if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul
+xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD" "%DRIVE%"
+if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CCU" goto:miniskip
+if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB goto:miniskip
+if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" >nul
+xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB" "%DRIVEU%"
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "E" goto:exitnow
+if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:drivedoesnotexist2
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" explorer "%DRIVE%"
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" goto:Finish
+if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:opencustommd5
+if not exist "%DRIVE%\%log%" goto:nolog
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" start notepad "%DRIVE%\%log%"
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" goto:Finish
+if not exist "%log%" goto:nolog
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" start notepad "%log%"
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" goto:Finish
+if not exist Custom.md5 goto:skip
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" SET DB=C
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" goto:Finish
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" SET DB=N
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" goto:FINISH
+if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero2
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" copy /y "temp\DLgotos-copy.txt" "temp\DLgotos.txt">nul
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" mode con cols=85 lines=54
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" goto:DLSettings2
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:SaveDownloadQueue
+If not Exist download_queue.bat goto:dltotaliszero2
+if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:SaveDownloadQueue
+echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key
+@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
+::..........................DOWNLOAD SETTINGS................................
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:guide
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMguide
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:USBguide
+if exist "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5 del "%Drive%"\Download_Log.md5>nul
+::clear a bunch of stuff
+set name=
+set wadname=
+set dlname=
+set ciosslot=
+set ciosversion=
+set md5=
+set md5alt=
+set basewad=none
+set basewadb=none
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+set md5basealt=
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+set code2=
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+set VER=
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+set AdvancedDownload=
+::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
+for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLgotos.txt) do call :processDLnext %%A
+set CurrentDLNAME=%*
+::if /i "%name:~0,17%" EQU "Advanced Download" set AdvancedDownload=Y
+if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" set AdvancedDownload=Y
+if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" call "%CurrentDLNAME%"
+if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" goto:downloadstart
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+::System Menu wads with embedded Themes
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+set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiGreen
+set ciosslot=unchanged
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+set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiGreen
+set ciosslot=unchanged
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+set code2=48414341
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+set md5alt=%md5%
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+set name=JAP Wii Speak Channel
+set code1=00010001
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+set category=ios
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+set version=1032
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+set category=ios
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+set version=1807
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+set category=ios
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+set version=3607
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+set category=ios
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+set code1=00000001
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+set md5alt=%md5%
+set category=ios
+set name=IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 3.4 System Menu IOS that even works for LU64+ Wii's)
+set code1=00000001
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+set version=4889
+set wadname=IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP]).wad
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+set md5alt=%md5%
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+set ciosversion=15661
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+set category=ios
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+set code1=00000001
+set code2=00000038
+set version=5662
+set wadname=IOS56-64-v5662.wad
+set md5=e6341c6c30c44fa9735c9cc6090133d8
+set md5alt=1f6487d137fcd494cb2c35986ad6b490
+set category=ios
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+set code1=00000001
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+set version=6176
+set wadname=IOS58-64-v6176.wad
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+set category=ios
+set name=IOS60v6174 (4.1 System Menu IOS)
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+set code2=0000003C
+set version=6174
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+set md5=a8cfd7a77016227203639713db5ac34e
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+set category=ios
+set name=IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP] (patched 4.1 System Menu IOS)
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+set version=6174
+set wadname=IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad
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+set md5alt=%md5%
+set ciosslot=60
+set ciosversion=16174
+set category=patchios
+::IOS60 installed to a bunch of different SM IOS slots for brick protection
+set name=IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 2.0-2.1 System Menu IOS that even works for LU64+ Wii's)
+set code1=00000001
+set code2=0000003C
+set version=6174
+set wadname=IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad
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+set ciosslot=11
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+set name=IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 2.2 System Menu IOS that even works for LU64+ Wii's)
+set code1=00000001
+set code2=0000003C
+set version=6174
+set wadname=IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad
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+set ciosslot=20
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+set category=patchios
+set name=IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 3.2 System Menu IOS that even works for LU64+ Wii's)
+set code1=00000001
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+set version=6174
+set wadname=IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad
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+set ciosslot=30
+set ciosversion=16174
+set category=patchios
+set name=IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) (patched 3.3K System Menu IOS)
+set code1=00000001
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+set version=6174
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+set category=patchios
+set name=IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])-for Region Changed Korean Wii's
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+set version=6174
+set wadname=IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).wad
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+set md5alt=%md5%
+set ciosslot=70
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+set name=IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])-for Region Changed Korean Wii's
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+set ciosversion=16174
+set category=patchios
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+set code1=00000001
+set code2=0000003D
+set version=5662
+set wadname=IOS61-64-v5662.wad
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+set from IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK)
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+set from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)
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+set from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)
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+set from IOS80 v6687 (SNEEK)
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+set from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)
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+set from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)
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+set from MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS)
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+set from System Menu 3.2J (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 3.2U (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 3.2E (for MyMenuify)
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+::set code2=APP
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+set from System Menu 4.0J (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.0U (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.0E (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.1J (for MyMenuify)
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+set version=78
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+set from System Menu 4.1K (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.1U (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.1E (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.2J (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.2U (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.2E (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.2K (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.3J (for MyMenuify)
+set code1=MYMAPP
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+set from System Menu 4.3U (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.3E (for MyMenuify)
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+set from System Menu 4.3K (for MyMenuify)
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+set code2=""
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+set path1=
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+set version=*
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+set code2=
+set version=*
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+set version=*
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+set filename=data.bin
+set md5=704bd625ea5b42d7ac06fc937af74d38
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+set md5=5dac3152baabbc6ca17bedfd5b7350c9
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+set code1=URL
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+set version=*
+set dlname=""
+set filename=data.bin
+set md5=448a3e6bfb4b6d9fafd64c45575f9cb4
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+set name=Eri HaKawai (USA, PAL and JAP)
+set code1=URL
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+set filename=data.bin
+set md5=7884370e1b8960ed09ed61395007affd
+set path1=private\wii\title\rt4j\
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+set code1=URL
+set code2=""
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+set filename=data.bin
+set md5=0319cb55ecb1caea34e4504aa56664ab
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+set category=fullextract
+set code1=URL
+set code2=""
+set version=*
+set dlname=""
+set filename=st_080805_0933.bin
+set md5=aa93aab9bfdd25883bbd826a62645033
+set path1=private\wii\app\rsbe\st\
+set name=Dop-Mii v13
+set category=fullextract
+set code1=URL
+set code2=""
+set version=*
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+set filename=boot.dol
+set md5=7cbd40d4987d17d85d4184bafc886c1c
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+set category=fullextract
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+set code2=""
+set version=*
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+set wadname=LockedApps(Categorii).zip
+set filename=boot.dol
+set md5=6f277fd19e359db7d6f84dbad1076a29
+set path1=apps\_apps_locked\
+set name=Accio Hacks
+set code1=URL
+set code2=
+set version=*
+set dlname="AH.php@dl"
+set filename=boot.dol
+set md5=15a27faca136b2817cee74c568ec4e64
+set path1=apps\AccioHacks\
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+set version=*
+set filename=boot.dol
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+set path1=apps\MyMenuify\
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+set code2=""
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+set path1=bootmii\
+::--------Manual Update File-----
+set category=ManualUpdate
+set name=Neogamma Backup Disc Loader (most recent release)
+set version=txt
+set code2=""
+set wadname="*-NeoGammaR9*.zip"
+set updateurl=
+set path1=apps\neogamma
+::--------Manual Update File-----
+set category=ManualUpdate
+set name=Yet Another Wad Manager Mod
+set code2=""
+set updateurl=
+set version=*
+set path1=apps\yawmm
+set name=YAWMM 4 ModMii
+set code1=URL
+set code2=
+set version=*
+set dlname=""
+set filename=boot.dol
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+set path1=apps\YAWMM4ModMii\
+set name=Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)
+set wadname=Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)
+set category=cfg
+set name=Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 249 version)
+set category=cfg
+set name=Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 222 version)
+set category=cfg
+set name=Configurator for Configurable USB Loader (Most recent version)
+set category=cfgr
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+set code1=URL
+set code2=
+set version=*
+set filename=boot.dol
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+set category=CHEATS
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+set code2=""
+set version=*
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+set code2=""
+set version=*
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+set filename=USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v9-IDCL.wad
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+set md5alt=%md5%
+set category=fullextract
+set path1=WAD\
+set name=Joy Flow Forwarder Channel\dol
+set code1=ZIP
+set code2=""
+set version=*
+set filename=JoyFlowHNv10-HBJF.wad
+set md5=903993f0c03ef158467187c0ed4f771d
+set md5alt=%md5%
+set category=fullextract
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+set name=JoyFlow
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+set code2=""
+set version=*
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+set md5alt=%md5%
+set category=fullextract
+set path1=WAD\
+::below is for building emu nand
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:downloadstart
+set filename=switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v9-S2RL.wad
+set md5=d9e5ec35e112549045f9144addf06af1
+set md5alt=%md5%
+set path1=\
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+set code1=ZIP
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+set version=*
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+set md5alt=%md5%
+set category=fullextract
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+set code1=URL
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+set code1=
+set code2= (New Install).zip
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+set zip2= (New Install).zip
+::set version=*
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+set category=TANTRIC
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+set code1= Ultra GX
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+::set version=*
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+set code1= GX
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+::set version=*
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+set updateurl=
+set code1= Boy Advance GX
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+::set version=*
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+set version=ini
+set dlname=""
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+::WANIN'S V21 BASE 58
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+set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.1J)
+set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.1J
+set md5=fddea93a6f9da9c9260a8c0eb9a26615
+set codeURL=
+set md5diff=15ae33a7be1f43dece97493a2d20557f
+set version=78
+set md5base=f2eadf12d18e793373060222b870057d
+set category=themes
+set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.2J)
+set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.2J
+set md5=0d8813b6a9d263677f04e657d5acf81d
+set codeURL=
+set md5diff=3bc7f831ebe77fa02728bed66e31546f
+set version=84
+set md5base=b08998e582c48afba3a14f6d9e1e9373
+set category=themes
+set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.3J)
+set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.3J
+set md5=e98c914c06a1fb116ad6dc738ccc577f
+set codeURL=
+set md5diff=5079f0b903bbcab6f5ba07b22b728bb4
+set version=94
+set md5base=5b3ee6942a3cda716badbce3665076fc
+set category=themes
+set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.1K)
+set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.1K
+set md5=dc072b23ca104eedb2fd46deafbd4f1e
+set codeURL=
+set md5diff=3033ea57ce850735278b5ce5a1a570c4
+set version=81
+set md5base=7eedbf1a146b29b63edbb55e04f81f98
+set category=themes
+set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.2K)
+set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.2K
+set md5=e6d03a45c9dac9aeeb670ddd487e2d38
+set codeURL=
+set md5diff=3056493d9b3104016b150b6933e5eeca
+set version=8d
+set md5base=9d72a1966370e44cb4c456c17a077bec
+set category=themes
+set name=DarkWii Green Theme (4.3K)
+set wadname=DarkWii_Green_4.3K
+set md5=d1cc289d1b9f444ae9258b98a2050a8e
+set codeURL=
+set md5diff=b0cd220c1b5a883d3f31c0d48b14a896
+set version=9d
+set md5base=e6f2b0d4d5e0c095895f186009bf9516
+set category=themes
+::--------------------------------------Custom Guide (for DL Wizard only)-------------------------------------
+set installwads=
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:USBguide
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMguide
+set guidename=ModMiiGuide.txt
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" echo Generating Guide, please wait.
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" NEQ "G" echo Generating Guide, please wait, your downloads will begin shortly.
+if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename
+if exist "%DRIVE%"\ModMiiGuide%COUNT6%.txt goto:guide
+move "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%DRIVE%"\ModMiiGuide%count6%.txt >nul
+echo ModMii %currentversion% Custom Guide>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Generated on %DATE% - %TIME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Check for updates at>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This Guide was generated using the following parameters:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" echo * Wii is currently a virgin (un-modified)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" echo * Wii is already modified>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Koreansetting
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "RC" goto:RCSTATUS
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Current firmware is %FIRMSTART%%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Current firmware is less than 2.2%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Wii is Korean but has previously been region changed to %FIRMSTART%%REGIONCHANGE%>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Wii is Korean but has previously been region changed to %REGIONCHANGE%>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo * Desired firmware is %FIRM%%REGIONCHANGE%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Current firmware is %FIRMSTART%K>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Current firmware is less than 2.2K (Korean Wii's are hacked differently than Wii's from other regions.)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "RC" echo * Desired firmware is %FIRM%%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Photo Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Internet Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Weather Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo * Download News Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Mii Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Shopping Channel (and IOS56)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Wii Speak Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:skipvirginstandard
+if /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:skip4.3extra
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v1 (with IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo * Download HackMii Installer and BannerBomb v2 (with IOS58)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Download HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:skip4.3extra
+echo * HackMii Installer with IOS58 and all available exploits>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo * Download recommended cIOSs and cMIOS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%) else (echo * Download recommended cIOSs>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%)
+if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" echo * Download Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" echo * Download IOS236 Installer and Simple IOS Patcher (with IOS36v3351)?>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%pri%" EQU "*" echo * Download Priiloader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%protect%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Extra Brick Protection>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Install Dark Wii Red Theme>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Install Dark Wii Green Theme>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" NEQ "ON" goto:skipupdatelog
+if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipupdatelog
+echo * Update active IOSs (can be disabled in options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * Do not update active IOSs (can be enabled in options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:semiskip
+if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:tinyskip
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" echo * Install a cMIOS (can be disabled in Options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" echo * Do not Install a cMIOS (can be enabled in Options)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip
+echo * External Hard Drive to be Formatted as %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * External Hard Drive already Formatted as %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" echo * Download Configurable USB-Loader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" echo * Download WiiFlow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" echo * Download Configurable USB-Loader and WiiFlow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to USB Hard Drive>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo IMPORTANT NOTES:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *This guide does NOT require a Wifi connection on your Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *An SD card formatted to FAT(32) required (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo *If you get errors during any of the steps reformat your SD card as FAT or FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Turn off WiiConnect24 and take out all gamecube memory cards/controllers when modding the Wii (unless instructed otherwise).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo *If your Wii ever freezes, hold the power button on the Wii for 5 seconds to power it off then try again.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Don’t ever accept a new Nintendo update without first googling to see if it’s safe. The last update (to 4.3) was released in late June 2010 and is NOT safe to accept. If you accept an official Nintendo update after modding the Wii, you may lose some or all of your modifications.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Never uninstall a system menu or IOS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Do not install untested wads/themes without Bootmii or Priiloader installed.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::----USB-Loader Notes----
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipall
+if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:skipthis
+echo *cIOS(s) required to use USB-Loaders, if you are missing cIOS(s) run the ModMii Wizard function to softmod your Wii before setting up your USB-Loader and/or external Hard-Drive.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *cIOS249 rev18 or higher required to use Hard Drives Formatted as FAT32 or NTFS (cIOS222 rev4 or higher also works, but you would need to download the 222 version of configurable usb-loader or modify your config.txt file for configurable USB-Loader)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Not all external hard drive's are compatible with the Wii, for a list of which USB Hard Drive's are compatible, see this webpage:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *This custom guide is great start, but Wii modding is always evolving. Check for updates online, and remember, google is your friend.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::-----------------------------------------virgin Korean non-4.3 Wiis-----------------------------------
+If /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:nonkorean
+If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:nonkorean
+If /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:nonkorean
+::---------------------------------RESTORING THE TRUCHA BUG for Korean Wiis (4.2 and under)-------------------------
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) LAUNCH Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) USING BANNERBOMB>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ===============================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v2 by selecting the SD Card Button on the main system menu screen and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v1 by going to Settings, Data Management, Channels, SD Card and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit for more variations of either version of bannerbomb.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This will launch Multi-Mod Manager.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALL IOS58 USING Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ===========================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo In Multi-Mod Manager's main menu, Go down to select "WAD Manager".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Now install IOS58v6176.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Navigate to the wad and hit A twice to install the IOS individually.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Be careful not to install any additional wads that may have been previously saved in this folder (they may be safe, but I cannot say for sure).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Make sure the file installed properly.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Only move onto the next step after successfully installing the wad, but do NOT exit MMM.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALLING THE HOMEBREW CHANNEL (HBC) and BOOTMII>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo =================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Back in the MMM main menu, choose "App Manager" and press A.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch the HackMii_Installer>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This runs the Hackmii Installer (and silently/automatically installs BootMii as IOS). Use the installer to install the Homebrew Channel (HBC) and Bootmii as Boot2 if possible. If you cannot install BootMii as Boot2, you also need to 'prepare an SD Card' for BootMii (as the 'BootMii' folder is required to launch BootMii as IOS or Boot2).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+::---------------------------virgin NON-Korean Wiis-----------------------------------
+::---------------------------------HACKMII INSTALLER-----------------------------
+If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:TBRGUIDE
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo =================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::---------------------------EXPLOITS GUIDES------------------------------
+set exploitnum=0
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%TWI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%PWNS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%SMASH%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo EXPLOITS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo -------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo You only need to perform ONE of the following exploits>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution
+echo Note: if this Wii was previously modified, and it has either the HBC, BootMii as Boot2, or a Forwarder Channel installed, you can use that instead of an exploit (as it does not require physically owning a specific game).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If using BootMii as Boot2 to install the HBC, copy the 'BootMii' folder from your previous BootMii install to the root of your SD Card (or download it using ModMii). Then boot your wii, BootMii will load, go To the SD menu, load bootmini.elf. This will load the Hackmii Installer allowing you to reinstall the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If using a Forwarder Channel, just save the boot.elf/dol from the app you want to load (ie. SD:\apps\hackmii_installer\boot.elf or SD:\apps\MMM\boot.dol) to the location used by your SPECIFIC Forwarder Channel (ie. SD:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol). Then start the channel and the Hackmii Installer will load allowing you to reinstall the HBC. Note, if your forwarder channel only loads dol's and not elf's, launch MMM's boot.dol, then use its "App Manager" to load the Hackmii Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Alternatively, you can update your Wii to v3.0-4.2 using a DISC (ie. NSMBW). Then repeat the ModMii Wizard using your new Firmware and then you will be able to use the BannerBomb Exploit (which does not require a specific disc to work)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo WARNING: Online update to v4.3 makes Korean Wii's unhackable (unless it previously had HBC v1.0.7, BootMii as Boot2v4, or a forwarder channel installed)>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v1 by going to Settings, Data Management, Channels, SD Card and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit for more variations of either version of bannerbomb.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v2 by selecting the SD Card Button on the main system menu screen and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit for more variations of either version of bannerbomb.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%SMASH%" NEQ "*" goto:skipSmashStackGuide
+echo SMASH STACK EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "Super Smash Brothers Brawl">>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Insert the Super Smash Brothers Brawl Game.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch the game withOUT the SD card in your wii, create a save file if you don't have one already,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Then go into the stage builder and delete all the stages. Then exit the game.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Afterwards, insert your SD Card, start the game and go to the stage builder,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo it should launch the boot.elf/dol file saved on the root of your SD card.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you forgot to delete the stages, you will experience an annoying but harmless crash.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%PWNS%" NEQ "*" goto:skipPWNSGuide
+echo INDIANA PWNS EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo -------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of LEGO Indiana Jones>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo A. Load the LEGO Indiana Jones game at least once>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo B. Backup your personal LEGO Indiana Jones save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo c) Find your Indiana save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo C. Copy the files from the %DRIVE% to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo then copy over the "Indiana Pwns" save that corresponds to your region.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo E. Play the Lego Indiana Jones game. Load the new save file.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You will be in the Main hall, walk towards the camera,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo enter the first door on the right (Indy's left) and go into the 'Courtyard'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Walk to the end and enter the 'Art Room', you will see a podium with 2 characters on it, talk to the left one.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Hit left twice (scrolling through his items) to choose the switch option (Black silhouette with a white arrow to another black silhouette)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Hit A to launch the boot.elf/dol file saved on the root of your SD card.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%YUGI%" NEQ "*" goto:skipYUGIGuide
+echo YU-GI-OWNED EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's">>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo A. Load the Yu-Gi-Oh game at least once>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo B. Backup your personal Yu-Gi-Oh save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo c) Find your Yu-Gi-Oh save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo C. Copy the files from the %DRIVE% to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo then copy over the "Yu-Gi-Oh" save that corresponds to your region.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo E. Start the Yu-Gi-Oh game. The exploit is launched after continuing past the opening menu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" echo Note to European Users: The default YU-GI-OWNED PAL exploit is 60Hz. If it does not work on your 50Hz TV, navigate to "SD:\private\wii\title\" and rename "RYOP" to something else then rename "RYOP-50hz" to "RYOP" and try again. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BATHAXX%" NEQ "*" goto:skipBATHAXXGuide
+echo BATHAXX EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo --------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "LEGO Batman">>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * SD card (not SHDC) formatted as FAT16 or FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo A. Load the LEGO Batman game at least once>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo B. Backup your personal LEGO Batman save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo c) Find your LEGO Batman save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo C. Copy the files from the %DRIVE% to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo then copy over the "LEGO Batman" save that corresponds to your region.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo E. Start the LEGO Batman game. Load the new save file.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You are now in the batcave, take the elevator on the right side.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Then in the trophy room, go to the upper corner and go through the door>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo to the "Wayne Manor". Now you can select a character.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Choose the last enabled character in the lowest row to launch the exploit.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%ROTJ%" NEQ "*" goto:skipROTJGuide
+echo RETURN OF THE JODI EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo -------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "LEGO Star Wars">>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * SD card (not SHDC) formatted as FAT16 or FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo A. Load the LEGO Star Wars game at least once>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo B. Backup your personal LEGO Star Wars save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo c) Find your LEGO Star Wars save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo C. Copy the files from the %DRIVE% to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo then copy over the "LEGO Star Wars" save that corresponds to your region.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo E. Start the LEGO Star Wars. Load the first save slot (on the left, at 0.0 percent). >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo As soon as the level loads, run to the right and you'll see two floating characters >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Go to the area in front of them and you'll see 'Return of JODI' show up >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo press the "A" button to launch the exploit. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%TOS%" NEQ "*" goto:skipTOSGuide
+echo ERI HAKAWAI EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World">>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * SD card (not SHDC) formatted as FAT16 or FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo A. Load the Tales of Symphonia game at least once>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo B. Backup your personal Tales of Symphonia save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo c) Find your Tales of Symphonia save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo C. Copy the files from the %DRIVE% to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo then copy over the "Tales of Symphonia" save that corresponds to your region.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo E. Start Tales of Symphonia and load the save data. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:noskip
+If /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" (goto:noskip) else (goto:quickskip)
+echo For Jap users, there are 2 different versions of the game.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If your game is version "RVL-RT4J-0A-0 JPN" use the top save,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo if you have "RVL-RT4J-0A-1 JPN" use the second save.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you have any other version of the disc, it probably won't work.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Once the game starts (and you see a dog waving at you) press PLUS to enter the game's menu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Scroll down to "Status" and press A.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:noskip
+If /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "U" goto:noskip
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:noskip
+If /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "J" goto:noskip
+echo Then scroll down to the second character (named "Giantpune"). Highlight him, and press A.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:noskip
+If /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "E" goto:noskip
+echo Then scroll down to the second character (named "Eri HaKawai"). Highlight him, and press A.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%TWI%" NEQ "*" goto:skipTWIGuide
+echo TWILIGHT HACK/EXPLOIT>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo --------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo A. Load the Twilight Princess game at least once>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo B. Backup your personal Twilight Princess save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo c) Find your Twilight Princess save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo C. Copy the files from the %DRIVE% to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Now delete the Zelda save file on the Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Switch to the SD card tab and select the "Twilight Hack" save that corresponds to your game region.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Click copy and then yes. Now exit out of the menu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo E. Insert the The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess disc and run the game.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo Note: Look at the bottom of the game disc first.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo If it has RVL-RZDE-0A-2 USA in its inner ring, you'll have to load TwilightHack2 in the next step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo If it says something else, load TwilightHack0.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo F. On the title screen of the game, press A and B to go to the main menu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" echo Now load the twilight hack save file.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo Now load the twilight hack save file (see the note above!).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo If you accidentally load the wrong file and continue with the hack, the game will freeze but do not panic,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo just hold down the power button for 5 seconds to turn it off, then turn it back on, and start over.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo G. The game will start like normal. To execute the hack, talk to the first character you see, or try to leave the room.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMsolution2
+If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:PRIIGUIDE
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This runs the Hackmii Installer (and silently/automatically installs BootMii as IOS). Use the installer to install the Homebrew Channel (HBC) and Bootmii as Boot2 if possible. If you cannot install BootMii as Boot2, you also need to 'prepare an SD Card' for BootMii (as the 'BootMii' folder is required to launch BootMii as IOS or Boot2).>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: If you get a 'no vulnerable IOS' error message, run ModMii again and this time select the 'Hackmii Solutions' option instead of 'ModMii Wizard' and follow the new instructions before continuing this guide.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After you exit the hackmii installer, you will be taken to the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Hit the home button. In the top right corner you will see the IOS used by the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If the HBC is using an IOS other than IOS58 or your homebrew channel is upside-down, make a note of it as it applies later in the guide (you will have to reinstall the HBC).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If it is using IOS58 and your HBC is not upside-down, you can skip the Reinstall The Homebrew Channel step when you get to it.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) MAKING A NAND BACKUP>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ====================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo While inside the Homebrew Channel, load BootMii by pressing home and clicking Launch Bootmii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Press the power button on the wii 3 times to get to the last option, then press the reset button. [You can also navigate with a Gamecube controller]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Press reset to choose the first option, then follow the directions on the screen to make your NAND backup. [Bad blocks are no problem.]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Backup the Bootmii folder, NAND.bin, and keys.bin elsewhere and erase from the sd card (or rename it). You'll need these in case of emergencies, so don't lose them.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Go back to The Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: if Bootmii was installed as boot2, then it will show up as soon as the Wii is turned on AS LONG AS it finds the bootmii folder (mentioned above) on the root of the SD card.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::----------------------------RESTORING THE TRUCHA BUG (using IOS236 Installer)--------------------------
+If /i "%IOS236Installer%" NEQ "*" goto:PRIIGUIDE
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALL A PATCHED IOS236>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ========================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Start the Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo VERY IMPORTANT!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo In the Homebrew channel, if you do not have a working internet connection already set up, you will see an icon flashing in the bottom right corner of the screen indicating its inability to initialize the network. You MUST wait for the icon to stop flashing OR let it flash for 30-60 seconds before proceeding otherwise these apps will error shortly after being launched. If you encounter this harmless error, power off the Wii and repeat this step from the beginning. To increase your chances of success, add a working internet connection to your Wii via the official Wii Settings Menu, but be sure to say "No" when asked to perform an update.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You only need to perform ONE of the below methods.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Method A: Using IOS236 Installer>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo -------------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, launch "IOS236 Installer v5 MOD". >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work properly.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo It should say "IOS236 installation is complete!" and return to The Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you continue to experience errors you can try using Simple IOS Patcher instead.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Once either method successfully installs IOS236, you can move onto the next step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Method B: Using Simple IOS Patcher>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ---------------------------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, launch "IOS236 Installer". >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work properly.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Choose "IOS36" (already selected by default) and push A,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Select "Install IOS to slot" and choose 236,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Select "Install patched IOS36" leaving the 4 patches set to "yes" and press A,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Choose "Load IOS from SD card".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Confirm your choice with the A button,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo When prompted, push A to continue the installation.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo When the installation is over you'll be back at the Main Menu,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Then push B button to exit.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you continue to experience errors you can try using IOS236 Installer instead.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Once either method successfully installs IOS236, you can move onto the next step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::--------------------------INSTALL PRIILOADER-------------------------------
+if /i "%installwads%" EQU "done" goto:skip
+if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" goto:installwads
+if /i "%PRI%" NEQ "*" goto:installwads
+if /i "%PRI%" NEQ "*" goto:reinstallHBC
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALL PRIILOADER>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ==================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch "Priiloader 236 Mod" via the Homebrew Channel>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After the Priiloader Installer loads, press + to install it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You may get an error for "loader.ini" and/or "password.txt" simply ignore these.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After successfully installing Priiloader, access it by powering off the Wii,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo then powering it back on while holding reset until you see the Priiloader menu.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You should install some system menu hacks now (by going to System Menu hacks option).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo RECOMMENDED HACKS: Block Disc Updates, Block Online Updates, Replace Health Screen, Auto-Press A at Health Screen, Region-Free Everything, remove no copy save file protection, and Move Disc Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo The priiloader menu is white by default, you can change it to black in the Priiloader settings if you prefer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo One of the special functions of Priiloader is that it can autoboot any app/file instead of the system menu. Some apps (like crazyIntro) can't be used without it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo For details on how to do so, visit>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%installwads%" EQU "done" goto:reinstallHBC
+::----------------------Install Wads (MMM)-----------------------------
+::---------CREATE MMMCONFIG To Autoload 236--------
+set patchIOSnum=236
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:skipmmmfly
+if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" goto:skipmmmfly
+echo ;MMMCONFIG (By ModMii)> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+echo AutoLoadIOS=%patchIOSnum%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALL WADS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ============>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::MMM Instructions
+echo Load Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) via the HomeBrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If IOS%patchIOSnum% is not already loaded, select "Load another IOS", then select IOS%patchIOSnum% >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: If this step fails with error -ret 2011 or other, you may need to retry patching IOS%patchIOSnum%. If the Wii was previously softmodded, you can try loading cIOS250 (or others like 202,222,223,224,236,249)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo In Multi-Mod Manager's main menu, go down to select "WAD Manager".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::YAWMM 4 ModMii Instructions
+echo Start the Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo VERY IMPORTANT!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo In the Homebrew channel, if you do not have an internet connection set up, you will see an icon flashing in the bottom right corner of the screen indicating its inability to initialize the network.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You MUST wait for the icon to stop flashing OR let it flash for 30-60 seconds before proceeding otherwise this specific app will freeze shortly after being launched. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, launch "YAWMM 4 ModMii". >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work properly.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Press "A" to continue.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Press "A" again to read from the SD slot. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo VERY IMPORTANT!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Wait for 30-60 seconds to see if the app freezes. If so, power off the Wii and repeat this step from the beginning. If after waiting 30-60 seconds, the app still doesn't freeze, this confirms that it is safe to use.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Install the following WADs from the WAD folder (this list of WADs is unique to how you answered the Wizard's questions).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Be careful not to install any additional wads that may have been previously saved in this folder (they may be safe, but I cannot say for sure).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Hold + for 2 seconds to select all the WADs in the folder. Then Press A twice to install them all.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If any files fail to install properly, they will remain marked for installation, so just retry installing those files.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo After the installation finishes read the install report to make sure all the files installed properly.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Your unique list of wads to install are as follows:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS52v15661(IOS52v5661[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" echo * IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" echo * IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1U_v449>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2U_v481>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3U_v513>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1E_v450>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2E_v482>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3E_v514>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1J_v448>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2J_v480>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3J_v512>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1K_v454>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2K_v486>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3K_v518>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiRed>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo * SystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiGreen>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%cIOS202[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS202[57]-v5>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS222[38]-v5>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS223[37-38]-v4>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS224[57]-v5>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v6%" EQU "*" echo * cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" echo * RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" echo * Mii-Channel-NUS-v6>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%P%" EQU "*" echo * Photo-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" echo * Photo-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3[K]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%S%" EQU "*" echo * Shopping-Channel-NUS-v20>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" echo * Shopping-Channel-NUS-v20[K]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" echo * Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" echo * Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" echo * Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" echo * Weather-Channel-NUS-v7[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" echo * Weather-Channel-NUS-v7[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" echo * Weather-Channel-NUS-v7[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" echo * NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" echo * NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" echo * NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" echo * Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS[U]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" echo * Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS[E]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" echo * Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS[J]>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" echo * RVL-mios-v10>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" echo * IOS9-64-v1034>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" echo * IOS12-64-v526>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" echo * IOS13-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" echo * IOS14-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" echo * IOS15-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" echo * IOS17-64-v1032>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" echo * IOS21-64-v1039>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" echo * IOS22-64-v1294>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" echo * IOS28-64-v1807>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" echo * IOS31-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" echo * IOS33-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" echo * IOS34-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" echo * IOS35-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36-64-v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" echo * IOS37-64-v5663>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" echo * IOS38-64-v4124>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" echo * IOS41-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" echo * IOS43-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" echo * IOS45-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" echo * IOS46-64-v3607>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" echo * IOS48-64-v4124>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" echo * IOS53-64-v5663>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" echo * IOS55-64-v5663>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" echo * IOS56-64-v5662>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" echo * IOS57-64-v5919>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" echo * IOS58-64-v6176>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" echo * IOS61-64-v5662>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" echo * IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBX%" NEQ "*" goto:nousbx
+echo * USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v9-IDCL>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This is a forwarder channel that will load the first file it finds from the following list:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usb-loader\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usb-loader\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_cfg\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_cfg\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\WiiFlow\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\WiiFlow\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo SD+USB:\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Notes: IOS58 is required to launch apps from an SD Card and hard drives formatted as>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo FAT32, NTFS, ext2, ext3 and ext4. It also supports meta.xml arguments>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo and is able to launch apps with direct hardware access.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You should always have at least one forwarder channel installed on your Wii,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo that way, in the event of accidental update, you will be able to rehack your Wii without relying on a disc based exploit>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" goto:SKIP
+echo Note: Whenever you install a new System Menu, Priiloader is uninstalled. So be sure to reinstall it afterwards (especially if you do not have bootmii as boot2)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+set installwads=done
+::------------------------reinstall HBC / Fix Upsidedown homebrew channel----------------------------
+If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:MyMGuide
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) REINSTALL THE HOMEBREW CHANNEL (if applicable)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ==============================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Earlier you should have checked what IOS is used by the Homebrew Channel (HBC). If the IOS used by your HBC is IOS58 and your HBC is not upside-down, you can skip this step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If the HBC is using an IOS other than IOS58 or your HBC is upside-down, you should reinstall the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch the HackMii_Installer via the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Use the Hackmii Installer to fix/re-install the HBC. Once you've successfully reinstalled the HBC, you can move onto the next step of the guide.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo If you already exited MMM, you can load the HackMii_Installer from the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If the HBC is failing to load the HackMii_Installer (just blackscreens), instead launch the Hackmii Installer using the method described in the First Step>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::------------------------Install Custom Theme Using MyMenuify----------------------------
+If /i "%MyM%" NEQ "*" goto:noMyM
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ========================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo To install themes launch MyMenuify from the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Navigate to SD:\MyMenuify_Themes and select the theme you would like to install>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo that corresponds to your specific System Menu Version.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you ever decide to restore the original Menu Wii theme, you simply need>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo to launch MyMenuify again and install the original .app file for your>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo specific System Menu Version which was also saved to SD:\MyMenuify_Themes>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::--------------------After Modding-----------------------
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) AFTER MODDING>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo =============>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After you are done modding your Wii, you can optionally delete any unnecesarry files>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo by using ModMii's "File Cleanup" Feature. >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo If you choose not to use the File Cleanup feature, in order to avoid having your Wii freeze when accessing the SD Card Menu, you should delete the 'aktn' folder where bannerbomb is saved (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn), or rename the entire 'private' folder.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo If you choose not to use the File Cleanup feature, in order to avoid having your Wii freeze when accessing the SD Card Menu, you should delete the 'aktn' folder where bannerbomb is saved (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn), or rename the entire 'private' folder.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo At this point you're practically done.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Now you should be downloading the latest homebrew applications and setting them up on>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo your SD Card (or FAT32 USB Hard Drive) so they can be launched via the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:skip
+echo For playing your backups off a USB hard drive, run the USB-Loader Setup feature from ModMii's Main Menu>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo For downloading applications, you should:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * Check out ModMii's batch download pages as it has many popular apps available for download.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * Download Homebrew Browser via ModMii to get many popular apps, but this is an online only Wii application (>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * For those without internet on their Wii, check out this list of Homebrew applications (>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Another great resource is>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After getting whatever apps you want, you should get a boot.dol file and possibly a icon.png and meta.xml.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo For HBC to read your SD/USB correctly, your card must be structured SD:/apps/application name/boot.dol>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you have a *.dol not named boot.dol, rename it boot.dol, otherwise it will not be recognized by the HBC.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (optional: the icon.png and meta.xml should be saved in the same place as the boot.dol)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::---------------------support XFLAK-----------------------
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) SUPPORT XFLAK>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo =============>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo CHECK OUT MY TOP CHANNELS HERE (>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo CHECK OUT MY CRAZY INTRO VIDEOS HERE (>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+sfk filter "%Drive%"\%guidename% -lsrep _.__ -write -yes>nul
+start notepad "%Drive%\%guidename%"
+::--------------------------------------HACKMII SOLUTIONS GUIDE--------------------------------------
+set guidename=ModMiiGuide_HackMiiFix.txt
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" echo Generating Guide, please wait.
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" NEQ "G" echo Generating Guide, please wait, your downloads will begin shortly.
+if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" >nul
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename1
+if exist "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_HackMiiFix%COUNT6%.txt goto:HMguide
+move "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_HackMiiFix%count6%.txt >nul
+echo ModMii %currentversion% HackMii Solutions Guide>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Generated on %DATE% - %TIME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Check for updates at>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This Guide was generated using the following parameters:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Current firmware is %FIRMSTART%%REGION%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Current firmware is less than 2.2>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo IMPORTANT NOTES:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *This guide does NOT require a Wifi connection on your Wii.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *An SD card formatted to FAT(32) required (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *If you get errors during any of the steps reformat your SD card as FAT or FAT32>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Turn off WiiConnect24 and take out all gamecube memory cards/controllers when modding the Wii (unless instructed otherwise).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *If your Wii ever freezes, hold the power button on the Wii for 5 seconds to power it off then try again.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Don’t ever accept a new Nintendo update without first googling to see if it’s safe. The last update (to 4.3) was released in late June 2010 and is NOT safe to accept. If you accept an official Nintendo update after modding the Wii, you may lose some or all of your modifications.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Never uninstall a system menu or IOS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Do not install untested wads/themes without Bootmii or Priiloader installed.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *This custom guide is great start, but Wii modding is always evolving. Check for updates online, and remember, google is your friend.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+set exploitnum=0
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%TWI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%PWNS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%SMASH%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%BATHAXX%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+If /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" SET /a exploitnum=%exploitnum%+1
+echo %COUNT7%) LAUNCH Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ==============================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Start the Homebrew Channel (HBC) and load Multi-Mod Manager (MMM). Once you've loaded MMM, move onto the next step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you are missing the HBC or it is failing to load any apps (just blackscreens), you will need to launch MMM using another method.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo EXPLOITS>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo You only need to perform ONE of the following exploits>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%exploitnum%" GEQ "2" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" goto:skipforwardersolution
+echo Note: if this Wii was previously modified, and it still has a Forwarder Channel installed, you can use that to launch MMM instead of an exploit. Just save the boot.dol from the app you want to load (ie. SD:\apps\MMM\boot.dol) to the location used by your SPECIFIC Forwarder Channel (ie. SD:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol). Then start the channel and the app will load.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Alternatively, you can update your Wii to v3.0-4.2 using a DISC (ie. NSMBW). Then repeat the ModMii Wizard using your new Firmware and then you will be able to use the BannerBomb Exploit (which does not require a specific disc to work)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skipforwardersolution
+if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:skipforwardersolution
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo WARNING: Online update to v4.3 makes Korean Wii's unhackable (unless it previously had HBC v1.0.7, BootMii as Boot2v4, or a forwarder channel installed.>>"%DRIVE%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v2 by selecting the SD Card Button on the main system menu screen and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo Run BannerBomb v1 by going to Settings, Data Management, Channels, SD Card and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit for more variations of either version of bannerbomb.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALL SOME IOSs USING Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ===============================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo In Multi-Mod Manager's main menu, Go down to select "WAD Manager".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you cannot load your SD card, select "Load another IOS", then select IOS36.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If the Wii was previously softmodded, try loading cIOS250 (or others like 202,222,223,224,236,249).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Now mark each of the following WADs for installation by navigating to each WAD and hitting +>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Alternatively, you can hold + to mark all the WADs in the list for installation.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" echo * IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" echo * IOS31v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" echo * IOS33v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" echo * IOS34v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" echo * IOS35v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" echo * IOS36v3608>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" echo * IOS58v6176>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo After you've marked the above WADs, press 'A' twice to install them all.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Be careful not to install any additional wads that may have been previously saved in this folder (they may be safe, but I cannot say for sure).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If any files fail to install properly, they will remain marked for installation, so just retry installing those files.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Only move onto the next step after successfully installing the above WADs, but do NOT exit MMM.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) INSTALL THE HOMEBREW CHANNEL (HBC)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ==================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo In MMM's main menu, select "App Manager" and then select the HackMii_Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Use the Hackmii Installer to fix/re-install the HBC. If you haven't done so already, you should also install BootMii as Boot2 (if possible).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Once you've successfully reinstalled the HBC, you are finished with this guide.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you already exited MMM, you can load the HackMii_Installer from the Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If the HBC is failing to load any apps (just blackscreens), instead launch MMM using the method described in Step 1, then in MMM's main menu, select "App Manager" and then select the HackMii_Installer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This will launch the HackMii Installer, use it to reinstall your Homebrew Channel.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo After you are done modding your Wii, in order to avoid having your Wii freeze when accessing the SD Card Menu, you should either delete the 'aktn' folder where bannerbomb is saved (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn), or rename the entire 'private' folder.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo After you are done modding your Wii, in order to avoid having your Wii freeze when accessing the SD Card Menu, you should either delete the 'aktn' folder where bannerbomb is saved (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn), or rename the entire 'private' folder.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+If /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::--------------------------------------------USB-Loader Set-Up Guide------------------------------------------
+set guidename=ModMiiGuide_USBLoaderSetup.txt
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" echo Generating Guide, please wait.
+if /i "%SETTINGS%" NEQ "G" echo Generating Guide, please wait, your downloads will begin shortly.
+if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" >nul
+if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename
+if exist "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_USBLoaderSetup%COUNT6%.txt goto:usbguide
+move "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%Drive%"\ModMiiGuide_USBLoaderSetup%count6%.txt >nul
+echo ModMii %currentversion% USB-Loader Setup Custom Guide>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Generated on %DATE% - %TIME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Check for updates at>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This Guide was generated using the following parameters:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip
+echo * External Hard Drive to be Formatted as %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * External Hard Drive already Formatted as %FORMATNAME%>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBFolder%" EQU "*" echo * Download Configurable USB-Loader>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" echo * Download WiiFlow>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to USB Hard Drive>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to SD Card>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo IMPORTANT NOTES:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ---------------->>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *cIOS(s) required to use USB-Loaders, if you are missing cIOS(s) run the ModMii Wizard function to softmod your Wii before setting up your USB-Loader and/or external Hard-Drive.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *cIOS249 rev18 or higher required to use Hard Drives Formatted as FAT32 or NTFS (cIOS222 rev4 or higher also works, but you would need to download the 222 version of configurable usb-loader or modify your config.txt file for configurable USB-Loader)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *Not all external hard drive's are compatible with the Wii, for a list of which USB Hard Drive's are compatible, see this webpage:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo *If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ======================================================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ======================================================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "3" goto:skippartition
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ============================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you have anything saved on the hard drive, you should back it up now as all the data will be lost once you complete this step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Right-click 'My Computer' and select 'Manage', a new window will open, on left panel click 'Disk Management'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Right-click the drive you want to partition (make sure you select the right drive!), then select 'Delete Volume...'>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo On the lower half menu of the window, locate the unallocated space, right-click it, and select 'New Simple Volume...'>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Enter the 'volume size' you want your FAT32 partition to be, and click 'Next'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Choose a Drive letter for this partition, and click 'Next' (Make note of the drive letter, as it will be needed later)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You will likely not be able to change the file system to FAT32 (it will only be an option if the volume size is under 32GB)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If FAT32 isn't an option, select 'Do not format this volume', and click 'Next'>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo (it doesn't matter if you format the volume because you are going to format it as FAT32 later on)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo On the lower half menu of the window, locate the remaining unallocated space (for the NTFS partition), right-click it, and select 'New Simple Volume....>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Click 'Next' (to format the all remaining space on the drive).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Choose a Drive letter for this partition, and click 'Next'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Ensure the file system is set to NTFS then name the partition/volume,>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You may optionally uncheck the 'Perform a quick format' box, click 'Next', then click 'Finish'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::-----FAT32 format on unformatted partition------
+echo If you managed to format the first partition as FAT32, then you can skip the remainder of this step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo At the top of the WiiBackupManager window, navigate to: Tools--Format Drives...>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to the partition you want to format as FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Make sure the file system is set at FAT32 and the cluster size is 32KB, then click start.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableF32
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableF32
+echo Launch FAT32 GUI Formatter from shortcuts on your Start Menu or Desktop>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe saved here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to the partition you want to format as FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You may optionally uncheck the 'Quick Format' box, then click start.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:skipformat
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skipcopytousb
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skipcopytousb
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) FORMAT THE EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE (if applicable)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ==============================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo First check if your drive needs to be formatted by checking the current Format\File-System of the drive.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Open 'My Computer', right-click the external hard drive you want to use, then select 'properties'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Make note of the Drive Letter of the external hard drive as this will be important later.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If the 'File-System' is already %FORMATNAME%, you can skip this step.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo If you have anything saved on the hard drive, you should back it up now as all the data will be lost once you format it.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:formatNTFS
+::echo Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo At the top of the WiiBackupManager window, navigate to: Tools--Format Drives...>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to the partition you want to format as FAT32.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Make sure the file system is set at FAT32 and the cluster size is 32KB, then click start.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableF32
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableF32
+echo Launch FAT32 GUI Formatter from shortcuts on your Start Menu or Desktop>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe saved here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to your external hard drive.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You may optionally uncheck the 'Quick Format' box, then click start.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo At the top of the WiiBackupManager window, navigate to: Tools--Format Drives...>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to the partition you want to format as NTFS.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+::echo Make sure the file system is set at NTFS, then click start.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Right-click 'My Computer' and select 'Manage', a new window will open, on left panel click 'Disk Management'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Right-click the drive you want to format (make sure you select the right drive!), then select 'Format...'>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Select 'NTFS' as the File system to use and input a name for the Hard-Drive/Volume.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You may optionally uncheck the 'Perform a quick format' box, then click 'OK', then click 'OK' again.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipcopytousb
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo %COUNT7%) COPY FILES TO HARD DRIVE>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ========================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Copy everything inside the %DRIVEU% folder to the root of your FAT32 hard-drive\partition.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ======================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableWBM
+if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
+if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableWBM
+echo Launch WiiBackupManager from shortcuts on your Start Menu or Desktop>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo You can use this program to manage/transfer your electronic backups of Wii Games.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo It is very simple to use, but a detailed tutorial on using Wii Backup Manager can be found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Note: Original Wii Disc's cannot be read/copied by using a computer (unless you have one of the rare LG Drives that is capable of doing so)>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo To copy ORIGINAL Wii Disc's, insert the disc into your Wii and...>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBFOLDER%" EQU "*" echo - Launch Configurable USB-Loader, and hit the plus sign '+'.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" echo OR>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" echo - Launch WiiFlow, go to page 2 of WiiFlow's Settings and select "Install", then select "Go".>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" echo Warning: Ripping to NTFS is VERY unstable, it is highly recommended to only add games to an NTFS hard drive using your computer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" echo Warning: Ripping to NTFS is VERY unstable, it is highly recommended to only add games to an NTFS hard drive using your computer.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBFOLDER%" NEQ "*" goto:skip
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ======================================================>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo To Configure/Customize your USB-Loader, use the Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Optional: additional themes can be found here:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo * IMPORTANT NOTES ON DEFAULT SETTINGS:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo ------------------------------------>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo Two potentially dangerous features have been locked:>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo 1) The ability to remove/delete games>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo 2) the ability to format a hard drive.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo .>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+echo To unlock these features, while in the configurable USB-Loader menu, hold '1' for 5 seconds, then enter the password to unlock these features. The password is 'AAAA', you can change the password/settings by using the Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader. Hold '1' again for 5 seconds to lock the USB-Loader again (or it will lock automatically again once you exit the USB-Loader).>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%
+if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:AFTERMODDING