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synced 2024-11-13 03:45:13 +01:00
4.7.6 ModMii Update (English) & Spanish ModMii Installer
4.7.6 Changelog: * Added ONEEK support. ONEEK is a mod of S\UNEEK by OverjoY and his team with many added features including support for wbfs games, multiple emulated nands and more. By default ModMii will build ONEEK but it continues to support the original S\UNEEK and can be activated in ModMii's Options. Note that Switch2Uneek is not an option when building ONEEK as the two apps are not compatible. * Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.8 build 69 and also updated MyMenuifyMod to v1.4. * Fixed harmless bug where a System Menu was not downloaded under uncommon scenarios. * Slightly modified Ascii2hex.bat to support rare cases where the old version would cause ModMii to close unexpectedly. Thanks to geovalley for reporting and solving this problem. * No more stupid changelog jokes... the keyword being "stupid".
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@echo off
set currentversion=4.7.5
set currentversion=4.7.6
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat
@ -352,16 +352,24 @@ echo.
echo Where;
echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled
support\sfk echo [Cyan]SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access
support\sfk echo [Cyan]NEEK2O - build NEEK2O mod of s\uneek by OverjoY and obcd
echo ModMii.exe [base command] NEEK:E
echo ModMii.exe [base command] NEEK:D
echo Where;
echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled
support\sfk echo [Cyan]SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access
echo ModMii.exe [base command] SSD:E
echo ModMii.exe [base command] SSD:D
echo Where;
echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled
support\sfk echo [Cyan]SNEEK Verbose Output
support\sfk echo [Cyan]SNEEK Verbose Output
echo ModMii.exe [base command] SNKVERBOSE:E
echo ModMii.exe [base command] SNKVERBOSE:D
@ -673,6 +681,29 @@ support\sfk filter temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _" VERBOSE:%removeme%"__ -write -yes>n
::-----------ON: Option---------------
findStr /I " ON:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noNEEKcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul)
support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* ON:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul
set /p NEEKcmd= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
if /i "%NEEKcmd%" EQU "E" set NEEK2O=ON
if /i "%NEEKcmd%" EQU "D" set NEEK2O=OFF
::overwrite option in settings.bat
support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set NEEK2O=" -write -yes>nul
echo Set NEEK2O=%NEEK2O%>>Support\settings.bat
::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt
set /p removeme= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
support\sfk filter temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _" ON:%removeme%"__ -write -yes>nul
::-----------SSD: Option---------------
findStr /I " SSD:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSSDcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul)
@ -1347,8 +1378,9 @@ IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB
IF "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off
IF "%SSD%"=="" set SSD=off
IF "%sneekverbose%"=="" set sneekverbose=off
IF "%NEEK2O%"=="" set NEEK2O=on
IF "%SSD%"=="" set SSD=off
::IF "%discexverify%"=="" set discexverify=off
IF "%overwritecodes%"=="" set overwritecodes=off
@ -2312,11 +2344,12 @@ echo.
echo ===========
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]OverJoy
echo =======
echo OverJoy created JoyFlow, a modification of WiiFlow that runs on s\uneek.
echo He's also accomplished some seriously amazing things, like building a custom
echo DI module for s\uneek that allows it to load Wii games in wbfs format.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]OverjoY and obcd
echo ================
echo OverjoY created JoyFlow, a modification of WiiFlow that runs on s\uneek.
echo He then teamed up with obcd to accomplish some seriously amazing things,
echo like building their mod of s\uneek, NEEK2O, that allows it to load games
echo in wbfs format and select from multiple emulated NANDs.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Arikado and the Dop-Mii Team
echo ============================
@ -2415,6 +2448,7 @@ echo.
echo French Translators: mamule, xav91 and ketufe
echo Dutch Translator: Hielkenator
echo Italian Translators: Wasabi, Step and Robylin
echo Spanish Translators: ledebene and Burton
if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Wait a few seconds to proceed...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul)
set /p CREDIT6= Press the "Enter" Key to continue:
@ -2750,10 +2784,15 @@ if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" echo V = Verbose Output maximized whe
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "off" echo NEEK = NEEK2O - build mod of s\uneek (Disabled)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" echo NEEK = NEEK2O - build mod of s\uneek (Enabled)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:skip
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" echo SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access (Disabled)
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access (Enabled)
if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "off" echo SV = SNEEK Verbose Output (Disabled)
if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo SV = SNEEK Verbose Output (Enabled)
@ -2789,8 +2828,13 @@ if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "36" goto:Option36
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "sv" goto:OptionSneekverbose
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "NEEK" goto:OptionNEEK2O
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "v" goto:OptionModMiiverbose
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:skip
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "SSD" goto:OptionSSD
if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "f" goto:Optionfont
if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder2
@ -2846,6 +2890,7 @@ goto:OPTIONS
set ROOTSAVE=off
set effect=No-Spin
@ -2861,6 +2906,7 @@ set AUTOUPDATE=on
Set ModMiiverbose=off
Set SSD=off
Set sneekverbose=off
Set NEEK2O=on
@ -2916,6 +2962,7 @@ echo Set AUTOUPDATE=%AUTOUPDATE%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set ModMiiverbose=%ModMiiverbose%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set SSD=%SSD%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set sneekverbose=%sneekverbose%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set NEEK2O=%NEEK2O%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set SNKFONT=%SNKFONT%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set wiicheat=%wiicheat%>> Support\settings.bat
echo Set WiiWarecheat=%WiiWarecheat%>> Support\settings.bat
@ -3006,6 +3053,15 @@ goto:OPTIONS
Set sneekverbose=off
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:OptionNEEK2Ooff
Set NEEK2O=on
Set NEEK2O=off
if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionModMiiverboseoff
Set ModMiiverbose=on
@ -5011,7 +5067,7 @@ set HMInstaller=
set yawmQ=
set PRIQ=
set ThemeSelection=
set ThemeSelection=N
echo ModMii v%currentversion%
echo by XFlak
@ -5397,6 +5453,7 @@ if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE21
if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip
if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "B" goto:quickskip
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:SNKPAGE4c
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" (goto:SNKPAGE4d) else (goto:SNKPAGE4b)
@ -5916,10 +5973,14 @@ echo.
echo * SNEEK+DI and UNEEK+DI always uses the 1st partition if multiple are found.
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" (set neekURL=http://code.google.com/p/custom-di/) else (set neekURL=http://code.google.com/p/sneek/)
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: SNEEK is not directly supported by ModMii.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Any problems you have with SNEEK that are not a direct result
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] of ModMii should be reported here: http://code.google.com/p/sneek/
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] of ModMii should be reported here: %neekURL%
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] This is also a great place to learn more about SNEEK in general.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Another great resource is the guide here: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI
@ -6520,6 +6581,9 @@ goto:SNKPAGE4c
set SNKS2U=
::skip this page if NEEK2O is enabled
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5)
::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5)
@ -6584,7 +6648,9 @@ goto:SNKPAGE4d
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU%
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "ON" goto:DOIT
if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip
SET NANDcount=0
SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1
@ -6621,6 +6687,10 @@ if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You are about to install SNEEK+DI and
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You are about to install UNEEK+DI and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You are about to install SNEEK and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You are about to install UNEEK and build a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" echo NEEK2O Enabled (can be changed in options)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" NEQ "on" echo NEEK2O Disabled (can be changed in options)
@ -6633,6 +6703,9 @@ if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You are about to build UNEEK+DI
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You are about to build UNEEK
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You are about to build SNEEK
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" echo NEEK2O Enabled (can be changed in options)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" NEQ "on" echo NEEK2O Disabled (can be changed in options)
@ -13485,6 +13558,7 @@ goto:clear
set cleardownloadsettings=
set firmwarechange=yes
if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" set firmwarechange=no
@ -18587,7 +18661,8 @@ goto:skipnormalextraction
if /i "%filename%" NEQ "WiiBackupManager.exe" goto:notWBM
if exist "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager
support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -r
rename "%Drive%"\%dlname:~0,-4% WiiBackupManager
rename "%Drive%"\%dlname:~6,-4% WiiBackupManager
if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts
if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip
@ -19550,41 +19625,6 @@ if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul
::get sneek rev number
set sneekrev=0
set tempsneekrev=none
set usesneektemp=off
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget http://code.google.com/p/sneek/downloads/list
if exist list move /y list sneekrev.bat>nul
if not exist sneekrev.bat goto:skip
support\sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -rep _"*FS-SD module r"_"set sneekrev="_ -write -yes
support\sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -+"set sneekrev" -write -yes
support\sfk filter -quiet "sneekrev.bat" -rep _" </a>*"__ -write -yes
call sneekrev.bat
del sneekrev.bat>nul
if not exist temp\tempsneekrev.bat goto:NoTempSneekFiles
call temp\tempsneekrev.bat
::if temp files are equal to the new ones, use temp files
if /i "%TEMPSNEEKREV%" EQU "%SNEEKREV%" set usesneektemp=on
::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files
if /i "%SNEEKREV%" EQU "0" set usesneektemp=on
if /i "%TEMPSNEEKREV%" EQU "none" set usesneektemp=off
if /i "%SNEEKREV%" NEQ "0" echo set tempsneekrev=%sneekrev%>temp\tempsneekrev.bat
if not exist temp\tempsneekrev.bat goto:sneekwarning
if /i "%sneekrev%" EQU "0" set sneekrev=%tempsneekrev%
::get sneekY rev number
@ -19600,6 +19640,7 @@ if not exist sneekYrev.bat goto:skip
support\sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -spat -rep _"*fsmodule-usb\x5fr"_"set sneekYrev="_ -write -yes
support\sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -+"set sneekYrev" -write -yes
support\sfk filter -quiet "sneekYrev.bat" -rep _" </a>*"__ -write -yes
support\sfk filter "sneekYrev.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul
call sneekYrev.bat
del sneekYrev.bat>nul
@ -19613,9 +19654,11 @@ if /i "%TEMPsneekYREV%" EQU "%sneekYREV%" set usesneekYtemp=on
::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files
if /i "%sneekYREV%" EQU "0" set usesneekYtemp=on
if /i "%TEMPsneekYREV%" EQU "none" set usesneekYtemp=off
if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "on" set sneekYREV=%TEMPsneekYREV%
if /i "%sneekYREV%" NEQ "0" echo set tempsneekYrev=%sneekYrev%>temp\tempsneekYrev.bat
if /i "%sneekYREV%" NEQ "0" (echo set tempsneekYrev=%sneekYrev%>temp\tempsneekYrev.bat) & (support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\tempsneekYrev.bat" -rep _=*_"=%sneekYrev%"_ -write -yes)
if not exist temp\tempsneekYrev.bat goto:sneekwarning
if /i "%sneekYrev%" EQU "0" set sneekYrev=%tempsneekYrev%
@ -19623,16 +19666,64 @@ if /i "%sneekYrev%" EQU "0" set sneekYrev=%tempsneekYrev%
::get NEEK2O rev number
if /i "%NEEK2O%" NEQ "on" goto:skipNEEK2OREV
set NEEK2Orev=0
set tempNEEK2Orev=none
set useNEEK2Otemp=off
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget http://code.google.com/p/custom-di/downloads/list
if exist list move /y list NEEK2Orev.bat>nul
if not exist NEEK2Orev.bat goto:skip
support\sfk filter -quiet "NEEK2Orev.bat" -rep _"*module V"_"set NEEK2Orev="_ -write -yes
support\sfk filter -quiet "NEEK2Orev.bat" -+"set NEEK2Orev" -write -yes
support\sfk filter -quiet "NEEK2Orev.bat" -rep _" </a>*"__ -write -yes
support\sfk filter "NEEK2Orev.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul
call NEEK2Orev.bat
del NEEK2Orev.bat>nul
if not exist temp\tempNEEK2Orev.bat goto:NoTempNEEK2OFiles
call temp\tempNEEK2Orev.bat
::if temp files are equal to the new ones, use temp files
if /i "%TEMPNEEK2OREV%" EQU "%NEEK2OREV%" set useNEEK2Otemp=on
::if no internet and temp files exist, use temp files
if /i "%NEEK2OREV%" EQU "0" set useNEEK2Otemp=on
if /i "%TEMPNEEK2OREV%" EQU "none" set useNEEK2Otemp=off
if /i "%useNEEK2Otemp%" EQU "on" set NEEK2OREV=%TEMPNEEK2OREV%
if /i "%NEEK2OREV%" NEQ "0" (echo set tempNEEK2Orev=%NEEK2Orev% >temp\tempNEEK2Orev.bat) & (support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\tempNEEK2Orev.bat" -rep _=*_"=%NEEK2Orev%"_ -write -yes)
if not exist temp\tempNEEK2Orev.bat goto:NEEK2Owarning
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:NEEK2Obuild
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Building SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Building UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Building UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Building SNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Building SNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Building UNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Building UNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Building SNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" echo NEEK2O Enabled (can be changed in options)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" NEQ "on" echo NEEK2O Disabled (can be changed in options)
::download unrar if missing
if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo.
if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR
@ -19737,43 +19828,62 @@ echo.
echo Downloading dimodule.elf
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:NEEK2ODLDIMODULE
if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf
if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\sneeky-dimodule.elf>nul
if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf>nul
if not exist temp\sneeky-dimodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf
if not exist temp\dimodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf
if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\sneeky-dimodule.elf>nul
if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf
if not exist temp\dimodule.elf goto:sneekwarning
if not exist temp\sneeky-dimodule.elf (goto:sneekwarning) else (copy /y temp\sneeky-dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf>nul)
if /i "%useNEEK2Otemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf
if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\NEEK2O-dimodule.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-dimodule.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/dimodule.elf
if exist dimodule.elf move /Y dimodule.elf temp\NEEK2O-dimodule.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-dimodule.elf (goto:sneekwarning) else (copy /y temp\NEEK2O-dimodule.elf temp\dimodule.elf>nul)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:NEEK2OMOREMODULES
echo Downloading fsmodule-usb.elf
if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf
if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\sneeky-fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
if not exist temp\fsmodule-usb.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf
if not exist temp\sneeky-fsmodule-usb.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf
if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\sneeky-fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
if not exist temp\sneeky-fsmodule-usb.elf (goto:sneekwarning) else (copy /y temp\sneeky-fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul)
if not exist temp\fsmodule-usb.elf goto:sneekwarning
echo Downloading fsmodule-sd.elf
if /i "%usesneekYtemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf
if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\sneeky-fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
if not exist temp\fsmodule-sd.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf
if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
if not exist temp\sneeky-fsmodule-sd.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf
if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\sneeky-fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
if not exist temp\fsmodule-sd.elf goto:sneekwarning
if not exist temp\sneeky-fsmodule-sd.elf (goto:sneekwarning) else (copy /y temp\sneeky-fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul)
@ -19788,7 +19898,7 @@ if exist temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf copy /Y temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf temp\esmodule.e
if not exist temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/esmodule.elf
if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf>nul
if exist temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf copy /Y temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul
if exist temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf (copy /Y temp\esmodule-sdoff.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul) else (goto:sneekwarning)
@ -19799,12 +19909,82 @@ if exist temp\esmodule-sdon.elf copy /Y temp\esmodule-sdon.elf temp\esmodule.elf
if not exist temp\esmodule-sdon.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneeky-compiler.googlecode.com/files/esmodule-sdon.elf
if exist esmodule-sdon.elf move /Y esmodule-sdon.elf temp\esmodule-sdon.elf>nul
if exist temp\esmodule-sdon.elf copy /Y temp\esmodule-sdon.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul
if exist temp\esmodule-sdon.elf (copy /Y temp\esmodule-sdon.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul) else (goto:sneekwarning)
if not exist temp\esmodule.elf goto:sneekwarning
echo Downloading fsmodule-usb.elf
if /i "%useNEEK2Otemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf
if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-usb.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-usb.elf
if exist fsmodule-usb.elf move /Y fsmodule-usb.elf temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-usb.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-usb.elf (goto:sneekwarning) else (copy /y temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-usb.elf temp\fsmodule-usb.elf>nul)
echo Downloading fsmodule-sd.elf
if /i "%useNEEK2Otemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf
if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-sd.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/fsmodule-sd.elf
if exist fsmodule-sd.elf move /Y fsmodule-sd.elf temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-sd.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-sd.elf (goto:sneekwarning) else (copy /y temp\NEEK2O-fsmodule-sd.elf temp\fsmodule-sd.elf>nul)
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "ON" goto:SSDoff
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" goto:SSDoff
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" goto:SSDon
echo Downloading esmodule.elf
if /i "%useNEEK2Otemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/esmodule.elf
if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf>nul
if exist temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf copy /Y temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/esmodule.elf
if exist esmodule.elf move /Y esmodule.elf temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf>nul
if exist temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf (copy /Y temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdoff.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul) else (goto:sneekwarning)
echo Downloading esmodule.elf (with SD Access On)
if /i "%useNEEK2Otemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/esmodule-sdon.elf
if exist esmodule-sdon.elf move /Y esmodule-sdon.elf temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf>nul
if exist temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf copy /Y temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul
if not exist temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/esmodule-sdon.elf
if exist esmodule-sdon.elf move /Y esmodule-sdon.elf temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf>nul
if exist temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf (copy /Y temp\NEEK2O-esmodule-sdon.elf temp\esmodule.elf>nul) else (goto:sneekwarning)
echo Downloading armboot.bin
if /i "%usesneektemp%" EQU "off" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneek.googlecode.com/files/armboot.bin
@ -19883,38 +20063,86 @@ rename "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "bootmiiuneek"
::save rev information
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:NEEK2Orevinfo
if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (with SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (with SD Access On)rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (with SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (with SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose and SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose and SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose and SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose and SD Access On) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV%>"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%sneekYREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
::NEEK2O sd access temporarily always disabled
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (with SD Access On) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (with SD Access On) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
::NEEK2O sd access temporarily always disabled
if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose and SD Access On) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose and SD Access On) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt
@ -20066,7 +20294,6 @@ if exist temp\WAD\cIOS249-v14.wad del temp\WAD\cIOS249-v14.wad>nul
if exist temp\WAD\cBC-NMMv0.2a.wad del temp\WAD\cBC-NMMv0.2a.wad>nul
if exist temp\WAD\cBC-DML.wad del temp\WAD\cBC-DML.wad>nul
move temp\WAD\*.wad temp\>nul
::Build setting.txt
@ -20105,6 +20332,12 @@ if exist temp\ModThemes rd /s /q temp\ModThemes
if exist temp\WAD rd /s /q temp\WAD
::---------if building uneek+di or sneek+di add games\wbfs folder to usb---------
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~1,1%" NEQ "D" goto:notDI
if not exist "%DRIVEU%\games" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\games" >nul
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "off" goto:notDI
if not exist "%DRIVEU%\wbfs" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\wbfs" >nul
::---------building cdf.vff----------
@ -20226,20 +20459,43 @@ echo.
::both sneek install and nand build
if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:skip
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:NEEK2O3report
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have%snksuccess% installed SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have%snksuccess% installed UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have%snksuccess% installed SNEEK rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have%snksuccess% installed UNEEK rev%sneekYREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have%snksuccess% installed SNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have%snksuccess% installed UNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have%snksuccess% installed SNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have%snksuccess% installed UNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV% and built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
::only install sneek
if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" goto:NEEK2O1report
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have successfully installed UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have successfully installed UNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK rev%sneekYREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You have successfully installed UNEEK+DI NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You have successfully installed UNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You have successfully installed SNEEK NEEK2O rev%NEEK2OREV%
::only build nand
if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You have%snksuccess% built a %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure%
@ -20281,7 +20537,7 @@ echo.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] WARNING: SNEEK is not directly supported by ModMii.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Any problems you have with SNEEK that are not a direct result
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] of ModMii should be reported here: http://code.google.com/p/sneek/
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] of ModMii should be reported here: %neekURL%
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] This is also a great place to learn more about SNEEK in general.
support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Another great resource is the guide here: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI
@ -20320,13 +20576,16 @@ echo * When using SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI, you can access the Game/DI Menu
echo by pressing "1" on the WiiMote. To access other settings
echo (including Region Options), you must press "+" from within the DI Menu.
echo * To add Games to the Game/DI Menu, you can use ModMii to extract
echo Wii Games to your FAT32 USB External Hard Drive.
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" echo NEEK2O is also able to load games from USB:\WBFS
if /i "%NEEK2O%" EQU "on" echo which means you can also use WiiBackupManager.
echo * ShowMiiWads can be used to decrypt your real Wii's BootMii NAND
echo dump (nand.bin) to use as an emulated NAND, and it can add custom
echo channels/WADs to an emulated NAND.
echo ShowMiiWads is available here: http://code.google.com/p/showmiiwads/
echo ShowMiiWads is available on ModMii's Download Page 2.
echo * For more SNEEK info, like formatting a USB Hard Drive for SNEEK,
echo or installing the HBC to an emulated NAND, visit: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI
@ -22760,14 +23019,14 @@ goto:downloadstart
set name=MyMenuifyMod
set category=fullextract
::set category=fullextract
set code1=URL
set code2=http://mymenuifymod.googlecode.com/files/MyMenuifyModv1.3.dols.rar
set code2=http://mymenuifymod.googlecode.com/files/MyMenuifyModv1.4.zip
set version=*
set dlname=MyMenuifyModv1.3.dols.rar
set wadname=MyMenuifyModv1.3.dols.rar
set dlname=MyMenuifyModv1.4.zip
set wadname=MyMenuifyModv1.4.zip
set filename=boot.dol
set md5=b4886e823647c5fd41a07982178ce116
set md5=52bf835b36893e669fb0aa41f22899b6
set path1=apps\MyMenuifyMod\
@ -22867,15 +23126,15 @@ goto:downloadstart
set name=Wii Backup Manager v0.3.8 build60
set name=Wii Backup Manager v0.3.8 build69
set category=fullextract
set code1=URL
set code2="http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/WiiBackupManager-0.3.8Build60.zip"
set code2="http://filetrip.net/d26675-Wii-Backup-Manager-0-4-3-build-69.html"
set version=*
set dlname=WiiBackupManager-0.3.8Build60.zip
set dlname=26675-WiiBackupManager-0.3.8Build69.zip
set wadname=WiiBackupManager.zip
set filename=WiiBackupManager.exe
set md5=d6619d36060f1d3215682ab860399e79
set md5=33d03403440e005b0d155ce9185307ad
set path1=WiiBackupManager\
ModMii Installer/ModMii Installer (Spanish).bat
Normal file
ModMii Installer/ModMii Installer (Spanish).bat
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
@echo off
title=ModMii Installer
mode con cols=85 lines=25
color 1f
set currentversion=0.0.0
set UPDATENAME=ModMiiSpanishUpdate
set ModMiiInstallerpath=%cd%
set InstallerVersion=2.7
set ModMiimin=/min
if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat
if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul
if exist "%UPDATENAME%.txt" del "%UPDATENAME%.txt">nul
if exist "%UPDATENAME%.bat" del "%UPDATENAME%.bat">nul
::get desktop location (%DESKTOPDIR%) using findDesktop.vbs
call getdesktop.bat
set proceed=
echo ModMii Installer v%InstallerVersion%
echo by XFlak
echo Donde le gustaria instalar ModMii?
echo L = Instalacion Local
echo * Instalado en %homedrive%\ModMii
echo D = instalacion en el escritorio
echo * Instalado en %DESKTOPDIR%\ModMii
echo C = instalacion portatil personalizado
echo * instalado en ubicacion definida por el usuario
echo E = Salir sin instalar
set /p proceed= Escriba la seleccion aqui:
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "E" exit
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "C" goto:updaterpage2
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "L" set InstallPath=%homedrive%\ModMii
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "L" goto:updaterpage3
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "D" set InstallPath=%DESKTOPDIR%\ModMii
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "D" goto:updaterpage3
echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta
@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
set InstallPathTemp=
echo ModMii Installer v%InstallerVersion%
echo by XFlak
echo Introduzca la letra de la unidad (o ruta) para la instalacion ModMii:
echo ========
echo E:\ModMii
echo F:
echo G:\PortableApps\ModMii
echo B = Atras
echo E = Salir sin instalar
set /p InstallPathTemp= Escriba la seleccion aqui:
IF "%InstallPathTemp%"=="" echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta
IF "%InstallPathTemp%"=="" goto:updaterpage2
if /i "%InstallPathTemp%" EQU "B" goto:updaterpage
if /i "%InstallPathTemp%" EQU "E" exit
::remove quotes from variable (if applicable)
echo "set InstallPathTemp=%InstallPathTemp%">temp.txt
sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat
call temp.bat
del temp.bat>nul
del temp.txt>nul
set fixslash=
if /i "%InstallPathTemp:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes
if /i "%InstallPathTemp:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes
if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set InstallPathTemp=%InstallPathTemp:~0,-1%
if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheck
::if second char is ":" check if drive exists
if /i "%InstallPathTemp:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck
if exist "%InstallPathTemp:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.)
echo %InstallPathTemp:~0,2% no existe, por favor, intentelo de nuevo...
@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
set InstallPath=%InstallPathTemp%
set shortcut=
echo ModMii Installer v%InstallerVersion%
echo by XFlak
echo Instalar ModMii accesos directos al escritorio, Menu Inicio, ambos o ninguno?
echo D = Escritorio solo
echo S = Menu Inicio solo
echo A = Todo lo anterior
echo N = Nada
echo B = Atras
echo E = Salir sin instalar
set /p shortcut= Escriba la seleccion aqui:
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "E" exit
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "D" goto:updaterpageconfirm
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "S" goto:updaterpageconfirm
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "A" goto:updaterpageconfirm
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "N" goto:updaterpageconfirm
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "L" goto:backto1
if /i "%proceed%" EQU "D" goto:backto1
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "B" goto:updaterpage2
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "B" goto:updaterpage
echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta
@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
set updateconfirm=
echo ModMii Installer v%InstallerVersion%
echo by XFlak
echo Instale ModMii usando la siguiente configuracion?
echo * Instale ModMii en la siguiente ubicacion:
echo - %InstallPath%
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "D" echo * Crear un acceso directo ModMii en el escritorio solo
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "S" echo * Crear un acceso directo ModMii en el menu Inicio solo
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "A" echo * Crear accesos directos ModMii en el escritorio y menu inicio
if /i "%shortcut%" EQU "N" echo * No crear accesos directos ModMii en el escritorio y menu Inicio
echo Y = Si
echo B = Atras
echo E = Salir sin instalar
set /p updateconfirm= Escriba la seleccion aqui:
if /i "%updateconfirm%" EQU "E" exit
if /i "%updateconfirm%" EQU "Y" goto:proceed
if /i "%updateconfirm%" EQU "B" goto:updaterpage3
echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta
@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
if exist list.bat del list.bat>nul
start %ModMiimin%/wait wget "http://code.google.com/p/nusad/downloads/list?can=3&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+ReleaseDate+Size+DownloadCount"
if exist list* (move /y list* list.bat>nul) else (goto:updatefail)
sfk filter -quiet "list.bat" -+"%UPDATENAME%" -rep _".txt*"__ -rep _"*%UPDATENAME%-"_"set newversion="_ -rep _" </a>*"__ -write -yes
sfk filter "list.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul
call list.bat
del list.bat>nul
start %ModMiimin%/wait wget http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/%UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt
if not exist %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt goto:updatefail
move /y %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt %UPDATENAME%.bat
call %UPDATENAME%.bat
echo ModMii ha fallado la descarga, compruebe la conexion a Internet y la configuracion del firewall.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user