mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 13:53:34 +01:00
6.1.3 Changelog:
Updated versions of DML from its newest google code page are now supported by ModMii. Other minor changes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if not exist support cd..
::::PUSHD "%~dp0"
set currentversion=6.1.2
set currentversion=6.1.3
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat
if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul
if not exist support\skipscam.txt goto:nocheck
findStr /I /C:"%USERPROFILE%" "support\skipscam.txt" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Trigger=1
::-------------------CMD LINE SUPPORT----------------------
@ -1405,6 +1399,8 @@ set digit=0
if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" goto:quickskip
set /a digit=%digit%+1
set testme=
if /i "%digit%" EQU "1" set testme=%macaddress:~0,1%
@ -1868,19 +1864,18 @@ set /p removeme= <temp\cmdinput2.txt
support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _" DMLRev:%removeme%"__ -write -yes>nul
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" goto:noDMLRevcmd
if exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" goto:noDMLRevcmd
::set googlecode=dios-mios-lite-source-project
::set googlecode=diosmioslite
::---------------SKIN MODE-------------
if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" goto:noDMLRevcmd
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 "http://dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf"
if not exist "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" (echo "%CurrentDMLRev%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (echo check this URL for available versions: http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit)
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 "http://diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad"
if not exist "diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" (echo "%CurrentDMLRev%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (echo check this URL for available versions: http://code.google.com/p/diosmioslite/downloads/list?can=1) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit)
if not exist "temp\DML" mkdir "temp\DML"
move /y "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf">nul
move /y "diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad">nul
@ -2061,8 +2056,9 @@ color 1f
::SET PATHNAME=%0 //this returns the filename but also with absolute path
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:DefaultSettings
::Bushing from Team Twizzers specifically requested ModMii include a scam warning
if exist support\skipscam.txt set AGREEDVERSION=%CURRENTVERSION%
set warning=
echo ModMii
@ -2112,11 +2108,48 @@ set /p warning= Enter Selection Here:
if /i "%warning%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip
if /i "%warning%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip
if exist support\skipscam.txt attrib -r -h -s support\skipscam.txt
echo "%USERPROFILE%">support\skipscam.txt
attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt
set Trigger=1
set warning=
echo Enter Your Password Now
echo Note: passwords are case sensitive and your default password is the
echo transaction ID number (aka confirmation number) from your paypal donation.
echo If you wish to change your password send instructions using the same
echo email address you used to send your donation to xflak40@hotmail.com
echo Also note that it may take a few hours to process new donations or
echo password change requests.
set /p warning= Enter Your Password Here:
echo %warning% >temp\key.txt
support\sfk filter -quiet temp\key.txt -lerep _" "__ -write -yes
echo modmii>temp\modmii.txt
::if exist temp\modmii.txt del temp\modmii.txt>nul
if exist sxf.exe del sxf.exe>nul
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/74562700/sxf.exe"
if exist sxf.exe move /y sxf.exe temp\sxf.exe>nul
if not exist temp\sxf.exe goto:nowifi
cd temp
start sxf.exe
echo An internet connection is required to validate your password,
echo please try again later.
@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul
@ -3861,7 +3894,7 @@ if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (echo This ver
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" (start http://modmii.zzl.org/changelog.html) else (start http://5dca4ce5.miniurls.co/)
start http://5dca4ce5.miniurls.co/
@ -6807,35 +6840,36 @@ goto:NEEKrevSelect2
if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul
if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul
::set googlecode=dios-mios-lite-source-project
::set googlecode=diosmioslite
echo Checking which DML versions are hosted online...
::get all list
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list"
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/diosmioslite/downloads/list?can=1"
if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi)
copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/" ++"diosmioslitesv" ++".wad" -!zip -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".wad*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _diosmioslitesv__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
::get featured list
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/" ++"diosmioslitesv" ++".wad', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.wad -rep _".wad*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _diosmioslitesv__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
::get local list
if not exist "temp\DML\*.elf" goto:nolocallist
if not exist "temp\DML\*.wad" goto:nolocallist
dir "temp\DML\*.elf" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
dir "temp\DML\*.wad" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -ls!"DML.elf" -ls!"DMLdebug.elf" -ls!"._DML.elf" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".elf"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"diosmioslitesv"__ -rep _".wad"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul
@ -6869,12 +6903,10 @@ echo.
echo Select the version of DML you would like to build:
echo * DML r12+ requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
echo * DML requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
echo * DML Debug Mode saves logs to the SD Card.
::echo * DML Debug Mode saves logs to the SD Card.
echo * USB Gecko debug can only be enabled by compiling the source manually.
set RevCount=0
@ -6891,8 +6923,8 @@ findStr /I /C:"%CurrentDMLRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Featured)
if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" echo %RevCount% = DMLr%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" echo %RevCount% = DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%
if not exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" echo %RevCount% = diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%
if exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" echo %RevCount% = diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%
@ -7339,14 +7371,14 @@ echo.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML r12+ is installed to real NAND and accessed via an emulated NAND.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML is installed to real NAND and accessed via an emulated NAND.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML (Dios Mios Lite) is a tool which allows you to run Gamecube games
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo from an SD Card. Compatability is not 100% and it only works with
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (for now). For best results your SD card should be formatted
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo using 64KB sector sizes when running DML.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML r12+ requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo.
if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo.
@ -7867,7 +7899,7 @@ if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo.
if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1
::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1)
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo * Install DML (Dios Mios Lite) to Real NAND
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo * Install DML (Dios Mios Lite) v%CurrentDMLRev% to Real NAND
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo.
@ -7975,8 +8007,7 @@ goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM
::force non-donators to view credits (but not in cmd line mode)
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:skipcreditcheck
::force non-donators to view credits-but not in cmd line mode
if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:skipcreditcheck
start http://99acb462.miniurls.co
@ -8731,8 +8762,7 @@ echo.
echo Note: * Theme and Priiloader modifiers are disabled
echo for Emulated NANDs 4.0 or less
echo Note: Theme modifiers are disabled for Emulated NANDs 4.0 or less
@ -16139,7 +16169,7 @@ if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo
if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSK">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" (echo "BC">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BC">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%cBC%" EQU "*" (echo "NMM">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NMM">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (echo "DML-r%CurrentDMLRev% ">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DML">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (echo "DML %CurrentDMLRev% ">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DML">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt)
@ -20630,7 +20660,7 @@ if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" copy /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcode
if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul
::for some reason VC downloads fail, and they leave index.html as a trace instead
::if exist index.html del index.html>nul
if exist index.html del index.html>nul
@ -20647,6 +20677,7 @@ If exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo "echo Cheat Codes: Found">>temp\ModMii_Lo
If not exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo "support\sfk echo Cheat Codes: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat
if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" goto:skip
if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip
If exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo "echo Cheat Codes: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat
If not exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo "support\sfk echo Cheat Codes: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat
@ -20824,6 +20855,12 @@ if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" set DRIVE=Program Files
if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%"
::no md5 check for dml
if /i "%name:~0,4%" NEQ "dios" goto:notdios
if exist "temp\DML\%wadname%" (goto:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists) else (goto:nocheckexisting)
::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload----
if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting
set md5check=
@ -21013,6 +21050,16 @@ goto:skipnormalextraction
if /i "%name:~0,4%" NEQ "dios" goto:skipdios
if not exist "temp\DML" mkdir "temp\DML"
if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD"
if exist "temp\%wadname%" move /y "temp\%wadname%" "temp\DML\%wadname%" >nul
copy /y "temp\DML\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul
if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:notWBM
if exist "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager
mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager
@ -22621,7 +22668,7 @@ if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo NMM (No More Memory-Cards) Installed >>"%nandpat
if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%.WAD Constructed (install to real NAND) >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt"
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.WAD Downloaded (install to real NAND) >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt"
@ -22854,7 +22901,7 @@ echo but it will be much quicker the second time around.
if /i "%SNKcBC%" NEQ "DML" goto:skipDMLmsg
echo * Install the DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%.WAD using MMM to your
echo * Install the diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.WAD using MMM to your
echo REAL NAND in order for your Emulated NAND to use DML. DML currently
echo requires SNEEK+DI r157 or higher and neek2o has yet to support DML.
@ -25888,28 +25935,18 @@ set dlname=NMMv0.2a-cred.rar
set name=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%
set wadname=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%
set ciosslot=unchanged
set ciosversion=
::set md5=aaaaa5a3f60d762cf5c3f64f57ba82c9
set name=diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%
set code1=ZIP
set code2="http://diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad"
set version=*
set dlname="diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad"
set wadname=diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad
set filename=diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad
::set md5=136163e2bcae838b0f7b20fec154f000
::set md5alt=%md5%
set basewad=RVL-mios-v10
set md5base=851c27dae82bc1c758be07fa964d17cb
set md5basealt=%md5baseb%
set code1=00000001
set code2=00000101
set version=10
set basecios=DML-r%CurrentDMLRev%
set diffpath=%basecios%
set code2new=00000100
set lastbasemodule=
set cIOSFamilyName=
set cIOSversionNum=
set URL=http://dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf
set dlname=DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf
set category=fullextract
set path1=WAD\
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Exit
set currentversion=6.1.2
set currentversion=6.1.3
set currentversioncopy=%currentversion%
set agreedversion=
@ -163,14 +163,9 @@ set wabmp=support\bmp\default.bmp
::Bushing from Team Twizzers specifically requested ModMii include a scam warning
if not exist support\skipscam.txt goto:nocheck
findStr /I /C:"%USERPROFILE%" "support\skipscam.txt" >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Trigger=1
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:skip
if exist support\skipscam.txt set AGREEDVERSION=%CURRENTVERSION%
::Splash Screen for Scam Warning
::if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" EQU "%CURRENTVERSION%" goto:nosplash
@ -205,11 +200,40 @@ if /i "%waoutput%" EQU "I Agree" goto:skip
if /i "%waoutput%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip
if exist support\skipscam.txt attrib -r -h -s support\skipscam.txt
echo "%USERPROFILE%">support\skipscam.txt
attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt
set Trigger=1
set waoutput=
::Enter Your Password Now
set watext= ENTER YOUR PASSWORD NOW~Note: passwords are case sensitive and your default password is the transaction ID # (aka confirmation #) from your paypal donation. To change your password send instructions from your paypal email address to xflak40@hotmail.com. It may take a few hours to process new donations or password changes. Lastly note that an internet connection is required to validate your password.
start /w support\wizapp NOBACK EB
if errorlevel 2 Exit
call "%wabat%"
echo %waoutput% >temp\key.txt
support\sfk filter -quiet temp\key.txt -lerep _" "__ -write -yes
::echo modmii>temp\modmii.txt
if exist temp\modmii.txt del temp\modmii.txt>nul
if exist sxf.exe del sxf.exe>nul
start /min /wait support\wget -t 3 "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/74562700/sxf.exe"
if exist sxf.exe move /y sxf.exe temp\sxf.exe>nul
if not exist temp\sxf.exe goto:skip
cd temp
start sxf.exe
@ -222,6 +246,7 @@ start /w support\wizapp FINISH NOBACK NOCANCEL TB
::Save version agreed to
if exist Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -ls!"set AGREEDVERSION=" -write -yes
@ -1729,7 +1754,7 @@ if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU)
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" (start http://modmii.zzl.org/changelog.html) else (start http://5dca4ce5.miniurls.co/)
start http://5dca4ce5.miniurls.co/
::set updatenow=
@ -1894,7 +1919,7 @@ if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install cIOS249 rev14
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install NMM (No More Memory-Cards)
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install DML-r%CurrentDMLRev% to Real NAND
if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install DML (Dios Mios Lite) v%CurrentDMLRev% to Real NAND
if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Install Priiloader
@ -2340,7 +2365,7 @@ goto:SNKPAGE2
if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul
if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul
::set googlecode=dios-mios-lite-source-project
::set googlecode=diosmioslite
::echo Checking which DML versions are hosted online...
@ -2353,7 +2378,7 @@ start support\wizapp PB OPEN
::get all list
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list"
start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/diosmioslite/downloads/list?can=1"
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20
@ -2361,15 +2386,15 @@ start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20
if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi)
copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/" ++"diosmioslitesv" ++".wad" -!zip -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".wad*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _diosmioslitesv__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 40
::get featured list
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/" ++"diosmioslitesv" ++".wad', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.wad -rep _".wad*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _diosmioslitesv__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60
@ -2377,11 +2402,11 @@ start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60
::get local list
if not exist "temp\DML\*.elf" goto:nolocallist
if not exist "temp\DML\*.wad" goto:nolocallist
dir "temp\DML\*.elf" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
dir "temp\DML\*.wad" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -ls!"DML.elf" -ls!"DMLdebug.elf" -ls!"._DML.elf" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".elf"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"diosmioslitesv"__ -rep _".wad"__ -write -yes>nul
support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul
start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 80
@ -2425,7 +2450,7 @@ set wafile=
set wainput=
Set watext=~~ Select the version of DML you would like to build:~~DML r12+ requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
Set watext=~~ Select the version of DML you would like to build:~~DML requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+
::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt
@ -2439,8 +2464,8 @@ findStr /I /C:"%CurrentDMLRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Featured)
if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%;
if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%;
if not exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag%;
if exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%;
@ -2798,7 +2823,7 @@ set waoutput=
::recall checked items
if not "%SNKcBCMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%SNKcBCMarked%
set watext= Would you like to use DML or NMM?~~DML r12+ is installed to real NAND and accessed via an emulated NAND (or NeoGamma) to allow you to play gamecube games off an SD Card.~~NMM allows you to save\load GameCube game saves using an SD Card instead of a GC Memory Card.
set watext= Would you like to use DML or NMM?~~DML is installed to real NAND and accessed via an emulated NAND (or NeoGamma) to allow you to play gamecube games off an SD Card.~~NMM allows you to save\load GameCube game saves using an SD Card instead of a GC Memory Card.
set wainput= ^&Dios Mios Lite (DML); ^&No More Memory-Cards (NMM)
@ -3183,8 +3208,8 @@ if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:skipcred
if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:skipcred
if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:skipcred
if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:skipcred
start http://99acb462.miniurls.co
@ -3293,4 +3318,3 @@ if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU
if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" goto:MENU
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