
6.6.0 Changelog - 2021:02-28:
Summary (6.6.0)
- New\updated website, exploits, recommended cIOSs, System Menu IOSs, apps, modding steps, videos, discord server and donations page.
- Major improvements to ModMii's custom generated guides, updates to many of ModMii's downloads, and fixed a handful of broken links.
General (6.6.0)
- Updated links to ModMii's new site; modmii.github.io and migrated the project from sourceforge to github.
- Added str2hax exploit to ModMii, enabling you to softmod using a FAT32 HDD in place of an SD Card to do most things. This is always included as an exploit option in all of ModMii's guides.
- Rewrote ModMii's updater to be able to adapt to potential website changes. Updates should work even if github goes down or ModMii moves to a different home for some other reason.
- ModMii's File Cleanup feature now also removes the Priiloader Launcher (new) and ModMii Guides.
- Added a dedicated "Extra Brick Protection" setting to Options menu. Previously it had a shared setting with "Update IOSs".
- Added d2x version selector to the main Options menu in addition to Download Page 4 and Advanced Downloads Page.
- Added hermes cIOS setting to Options menu; when enabled 202 & 222-224 are included in recommended cIOSs. Default is disabled since they are generally redundant with other recommended cIOSs
- Added a check to prevent creating dead-end shortcuts if PC Apps are not downloaded successfully.
- Created a new ModMii Discord Support Server for users who prefer to use Discord instead of email or gbatemp: https://discord.gg/cMnBRACQwQ
- Donations now accepted (again) at modmii.github.io/donations.html. No easter eggs or perks given in exchange for donations. Support is given freely and equally.
CIOS (6.6.0)
- Updated default version of d2x from v8-final to v10-beta52 and rev number maxxed out to 65535.
- ModMii and wii.guide have coordinated updating our recommended cIOSs to install d2x cIOS with base 38 to slot 251. Previously ModMii didn't install anything to this slot, and wii.guide recommended base 58 to this slot. There are 2 games that are supported by d2x base 38 that do not fully work with the standard d2x base 57 & 56 setup in slots 249 & 250. Wii.guide previously recommended installing d2x base 58 to slot 251, but this only worked for 1 of these games. Similarly ModMii previously recommended Hermes cIOSs by default which worked in these cases. Today I am proud to say that these two great Wii modding resources are fully aligned in their recommended cIOS setup. More info here: https://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/Wii_cIOS_base_Compatibility_List
- Made three new changes to the patched IOS60v6174 that ModMii installs to System Menu IOS slots; 1) tagged 00000000.app for better sysCheck IOS detection; 2) changed version number from 16174 to 65535 since it is no longer needed for sysCheck IOS detection; and 3) replaced Nintendo's RSA Public key with RC24's enabling it to support RiiConnect24, including Wii Mail. With this System Menu IOS you can use RiiConnect24 without having to be on SM4.3. Note that for full RiiConnect24 functionality you will still need to use the RiiConnect24 patcher, but you can skip updating to 4.3 and installing RC24's IOS80 (which carries some small 003 brick potential). ModMii's sysCheck updater will accept both the current and previous versions as being up to date since these changes are non-vital improvements.
- Hermes cIOSs 202 & 222-234 are no longer included in recommended cIOSs by default since they are generally redundant with other recommended cIOSs. This can be re-enabled in ModMii's Options.
- Adjusted the tag on the IOS236 WAD from Download Page 1 so that it reports the same detailed info in sysCheck logs as the version installed by the IOS236 Installer homebrew. This WAD is still not used in any ModMii functions, but it remains available for download.
Wizards/Guides (6.6.0)
- Removed IOS236 installation from main modding procedure; instead Priiloader and WADs are installed using ahbprot access. IOS236 WAD, IOS236 installer and Simple IOS Patcher still available in Download Pages.
- Replaced MMM with Some YAWMM Mod for ModMii's main wizard and sysCheck Updater wizard as it has support for Motion+ controllers. WiiMod Lite is not supported because of reasons identified here: http://tiny.cc/0ihotz
- MMM is still used in some guides where it's launched directly from an exploit to install WADs then use it's App Launcher to load the next app without having to rename files and repeat an exploit. Notes added to these guides on how to proceed you only have Motion+ remotes.
- Bundled a new stand-alone script saved to ModMii's Support folder: ExploitAppSelector.bat. It does exactly what it says and works when saved to the root of any SD or COPY_TO_SD folder, or ModMii's main\support folders. ModMii wizards that launch MMM via an exploit also save this script to COPY_TO_SD and reference it in guides to help users change the app launched by exploits.
- Added a new first step to guides to explicitly check the format of your SD card (or HDD) and to format it as FAT32 if necessary. Not applicable to Region Change Guides and sysCheck Updater guides as these users will already have done this. These steps were already present in ModMii's USB-Loader setup guides.
- In the ModMii main wizard, if a user indicates his wii is not a virgin and knows specifically what he wants to update, and they decide to change SM versions but say no to installing Priiloader, ModMii will override this poor decision and include Priiloader in its guide. I don't think many people are using ModMii this way, but just in case.
- Added KoreanKii to region change guides as an optional step to add or remove the Korean Key.
- Updated many gifs used in ModMii guides as well as created new ones for ModMii's new videos.
- Nintendont is now downloaded as a Gamecube "plugin" when setting up a USB-Loader with one of ModMii's wizards. All apps still available on a stand-alone basis in classic download pages.
- Major improvements to the content and formatting of ModMii's custom guides. "Fun Facts" and other pro-tips were added in an attempt to help first-time modders learn more about what they're doing instead of just following steps.
- Added support for the LetterBomb exploit to ModMii's guides. This was essentially already supported in the form of Wilbrand's Mailbox Bomb. However, now when ModMii prompts users for their Wii's MAC Address they will be given the option to skip this for now and enter it later. Wilbrand's Mailbox Bomb is constructed if a MAC address is provided; but if skipped, ModMii will not prepare the exploit directly but instead instruct users to download and save LetterBomb to their SD Card. If on SM4.3, LetterBomb is always set to be a secondary exploit option.
- SysCheck Updater guides now include a copy of the original sysCheck in a spoiler.
- Alphabetized WADs in ModMii's guides as well as downloads in general.
App Updates (6.6.0)
- Priiloader updated to v0.9 with lots of new features; ModMii bundles it with the Priiloader Launcher app and a modified hacks_hash with the "Lock System Menu with Black Screen" hack removed. Added some important info and warnings to meta.xml; e.g. how to access Priiloader, how it can be removed when updating or (un)installing a new System Menu, name changed to "Priiloader Installer", etc.
- Reordered paths for USB-Loader Forwarder Channel to prioritize USBLoaderGX first, WiiFlow second, and CFG third. Also the removed splash screen to speed up load time.
- Updated Any Region Changer (ARC) to ARC ModMii Edition (ARCME) by scooby74029; if ARCME detects a region mismatch, you only have to select the "Auto Fix Settings" to correct it. Older versions of ARC required you to set a Region, save, then change the video mode back to it's previous setting, and save again. ARCME's "Auto Fix Settings" takes care of all that (i.e. it does not change the video mode but changes everything else to align with the installed System Menu region). It's a minor improvement over the original but don't forget it also supports Motion+ remotes so ARCME FTW!
- Updated USBLoaderGX to blackb0x's r1272 mod v5 released in Feb 2021. It's changelog is quite impressive, you should read it: http://tiny.cc/gxenhanced
- Updated WiiFlow Lite to Fledge68's v5.4.8
- Updated Nintendont to v6.490.
- Updated Wii64 beta 1.1 to beta 1.2; which was released 3 years ago, sorry for missing it! Please report if you notice something like this!
- Updated Savegame Manager GX to rev76 by Dj_Skual.
- Updated Homebrew Browser from v0.3.9c to v0.3.9e.
- Updated sysCheck to the latest, slightly modified, version of sysCheck HDE. The only change is an updated URL to re-enable uploading of reports; thanks to the RC24 team for maintaining this functionality!
- Two versions of Bootmii SD Files are now considered valid. The older version hosted online by Team Twiizer, and now also the newer version that the latest HackMii Installer creates when preparing an SD card.
- Added custom meta.xml and icon.png to the HackMii Installer. The installer itself is still downloaded from the original source and NOT mirrored.
- Updated Configurable USB Loader MOD Patched to the latest version 70r78.11 by nitro from 2017/01/15 (mighty.dol plugin also updated) http://tiny.cc/r5kqtz
- CFG USBLoader downloads will only update\overwrite apps folder, existing usb-loader config files will not be overwritten. Previous behaviour would have renamed the usb-folder if detected; now it just skips any duplicates when copying config files.
- No longer creates a custom CFG USBLoader config.txt to avoid potential user error\overwrite if manually copying files over to SD or USB.
SysCheck Updater (6.6.0)
- d2x v8-final and v10-beta52 are considered equivalent by ModMii's sysCheck updater.
- SysCheck updater will now consider cIOSs valid regardless of their installed version number (i.e. d2x v10 will be considered valid if it's v65535, v21010 or some other number).
- Added check for RiiConnect24's IOS31 to ModMii's sysCheck Updater, if detected users will be prompted whether they want to keep or overwrite RiiConnect24.
- Added check to sysCheck updater to abort if console type is detected as vWii
SNEEK (6.6.0)
- Added checks for SNEEK when building UNEEK, and vice versa. Users are prompted if there's a conflict to choose whether to skip or overwrite SD files for one with the other. This is especially helpful for users trying to set up a SNEEK and UNEEK dual-boot configuration. Users are instructed how to have both SNEEK and UNEEK (with or without DI) set up simultaneously to allow quickly switching between them using USBLoaderGX.
- Added many more SNEEK notes to help users get started, and notes are now also displayed if using ModMii Skin.
Videos (6.6.0)
- 9 new or updated videos added to ModMii guides (although the KoreanKii videos are so short they almost don't count)
- str2hax and Priiloader v0.9 videos by Foxlet and directed by XFlak.
- Some YAWMM Mod, ARCME, KoreanKii removal videos recorded by Clutz450, edited by alexander1970 and directed by XFlak.
- KoreanKii installation video by JoostinOnline.
- LetterBomb and Downloading LetterBomb videos by DeadlyFoez. He recorded these ages ago but they were never used until now.
- Updated HackMii Installer video recorded by Foxlet, combined with older footage from DeadlyFoez, edited by alexander1970, directed by XFlak. This video now shows what the installer looks like if you can install Bootmii as boot2 as well as if you cannot.
Fixed dead links (6.6.0)
- Updated ModMii's cheat code downloader to use codes.rc24.xyz since geckocodes.org has shut down.
- Updated broken links for Accio Hacks, FAT32 GUI Formatter and UnRAR (UnRAR required for SNEEK installations). Broken links were only problematic if the files had not been previously downloaded and saved to ModMii's temp folder.
- If you happen to type "scam" after typing "skip" and accidentally press enter at the scam warning screen, ModMii will no longer prompt you with the aforementioned screen until the next software update. Yes I know this isn't a dead link, but if you made it this far into the changelog and are still paying attention you earned an egg!
- Reuploaded and updated links for ModMii's youtube videos.
Other (6.6.0)
- Other minor changes.
- So this is the final FINAL update... again... see you for the next one!
6.5.1 Changelog - 2019-03-24:
- Updated the ModMii Installer. It does a better job of avoiding false-positive antivirus alerts. It also now includes an Uninstaller.
- Updated download links in response to pending filetrip shutdown.
- Other minor changes.
6.5.0 Changelog:
- Updated MD5 for latest USBLoader GX released in Dec 2018. Also changed download link to always download r1271 as opposed to most recent release to avoid potential unstable releases.
- Updated YAWMM to the modified rev5e version from the Complete Softmod Guide that supports Motion+ remotes, AHBPROT and WiiU (vWii).
6.4.9 Changelog:
- Added warning to main menu suggesting users should download files from NUS before Nintendo Wii servers shut down in 2019.
- Bundled prepared download queues for users to easily grab files from NUS for future use.
- Changed recommended cIOS249 to base 57 from 56, and cIOS250 to base 56 from 57. Syscheck updater will consider both configurations as up to date.
- Added USB-Loader GX and made it the default\recommended USB-Loader.
- Added Nintendont to ModMii Classic's download page 2.
- Updated MyMenuifyMod to v1.6 to support wiimote plus remotes.
- Fixed broken links to guide images and gifs.
- With 3 kids and counting who's got time for changelog jokes?
- Other minor changes.
6.4.8 Changelog:
- Fixed twilight princess, any region changer and wii backup manager downloads.
6.4.5 Changelog:
- Updated bundled version of wget to v1.19.4 and some minor tweaks to keep things up and running.
6.4.4 Changelog:
- Updated postloader link.
6.4.3 Changelog:
- Fixed UnRAR links and parsing of neek2o versions available online.
6.4.2 Changelog:
- Fixed bannerbomb download links and modmii website links.
6.4.1 Changelog:
- Fixed nswitch download link.
6.4.0 Changelog:
- Update all dead or dying links (e.g. google drive).
6.3.9 Changelog:
- Update to fix an issue preventing the hackmii installer from downloading.
6.3.8 Changelog:
- Updated download links for gif's.
6.3.7 Changelog:
- Minor fixes to save files to copy_to_usb instead of copy_to_sd where applicable.
6.3.6 Changelog:
- Housekeeping to migrate ModMii to sourceforge from googlecode before it shuts down. Multiple updates were required to retain continuous updates of old versions, one to update the existing auto update code on googlecode, and another update from sourceforge.
- Changed website from modmii.zzl.org to modmii.comuf.com. Didn't change the name in the website graphic because missing artwork, but mostly just cuz... lazy.
- Updated links for various other apps from googlecode to their new homes.
- Converted autoupdating download links to static ones for various inactive projects.
- CFG USB Loader switched to CFG USB Loader Mod.
- Probably some other stuff I can't remember.
- Added flux capacitor because this is old as shit!
- Check out my new projects! ~search for my "xflak40" wordpress webpage
6.3.1 Changelog:
- Updated autoit download link.
- Updated md5 of fat32 gui formatter.
- Changed auto update code as googlecode will soon cease support for hosting new downloads. I don't expect there to be many updates going forward (if any), but at least the capability is there just in case.
6.3.0 Changelog:
- Replaced broken dropbox links with person66's googledrive links. Thanks person66!
- Replaced broken dropbox gif links with nusad google code links.
- This is pretty much ModMii final; it's been a wild and crazy ride. I've learned a lot, made a lot of friends and wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything. Thanks to everyone, without each and every one of you there wouldn't have been a community to support in the first place.
6.2.7 Changelog:
- Fixed issue where ModmiiSkin (i.e. ModMii Classic CMD Line Mode) always saved usb-loader files to the SD card even when USB hard drive was chosen.
- WiiFlow downloads now identified as updated successfully.
- NewerSMB.bat added to ModMii's support folder to assist in setting up Riivolution and Newer Super Mario Bros.
- Woohoo! People are still using ModMii!
6.2.6 Changelog:
- Fixed bugs introduced in 6.2.5 where Abstinence Wizard did not download an exploit and Casper.
6.2.5 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where BC wasn't being installed to emunands when using ModMii Classic.
- Abstinence Wizard now queues WiiFlow for download if selected.
- Updated MD5 for nswitch.
- Other minor changes.
6.2.4 Changelog:
- SysCheck download updated to v2.1.0.b19 (detects latest HBC).
- Fixed recently introduced WiiFlow Download Bug.
- Minor changes to ModMiiSkin.exe launcher by person66.
6.2.3 Changelog:
- ModMii now instructs users to install Bootmii as IOS because v1.2 of the HackMii installer no longer automatically\silently installs it at startup.
- ModMii's d2x cIOS beta selector will omit WiiU\vWii cIOSs going forward.
6.2.2 Changelog:
- ModMii now grabs v1.2 of the HackMii Installer and the LULZ 236 Mod of Priiloader.
6.2.1 Changelog:
- Bugfix for WiiFlow download.
- What was supposed to be my final ModMii update didn't even last a full day. As such, I dub this ModMii update version "Final For Now".
6.2.0 Changelog:
- Added IOS62 to Active IOS downloads.
- Updated ModMii's Shop Channel download to v21.
- Added support for new neek2o revs with separate di modules for SD\USB (i.e. dimodule-usb.elf and dimodule-sd.elf)
- Postloader forwarder updated from v3 to v4
- MyMenuify Mod updated from v1.4 to v1.5
- Replaced\mirrored nusad google code download links with dropbox links.
- Updated WiiFlow download to grab the most recent version hosted here: http://code.google.com/p/wiiflow/downloads/list
- Replaced Joyflow with WiiFlow because WiiFlow can now run via an emulated NAND and JoyFlow is no longer being developed. Also replaced JoyFlow forwarder with WiiFlow v14b forwarder.
- Added instructions for users to manually save DML (or Dios Mios) WADs to temp\DML so ModMii can find them. Also disabled ModMii's ability to automatically download versions hosted online because the DML devs keep changing how\where there files are saved and I do not want to mirror their downloads elsewhere.
- This update is most likely going to be the last ModMii update. There'll probably only ever be another update if there's a bug, another nintendo update, a bug-free alternative for MMM with wiimote+ support, or if an old friend asks me for a favour. This project has been a lot of fun for me; I've learned a lot and made a lot of friends along the way that will last a lifetime. I want to thank everyone for their support during this crazy adventure, I will truly cherish every minute of it. And while I won't be actively working on ModMii anymore, I don't plan on disappearing so I'll still be around to answer questions. Also, you'll hopefully hear more from me when I eventually create my "XFlak" webpage for my other small projects that I've been working on, so keep your eyes peeled for that. And if you're an old friend reading this, even if it's 10 years from now, you should still be able to reach me via my xflak40@hotmail.com email address. Thanks everyone, it's been real.
6.1.5 Changelog:
- Fixed very rare bug that caused System Menu theme downloads to fail. Bug only affected users running ModMii portably (i.e. not installed to C:) on a PC that had previously run an older version of ModMii (v6.0.2 or older) to also build a System Menu theme. Thanks to Etheboss for reporting the bug.
- Some changes made to address the rare ModMii Skin progress bar bug where it would freeze at 100%. The bug was only reported by two users but they were not able to test these changes.
- Removed all linkbucks popups from ModMii, ModMii Skin and the ModMii Installer (v6.2).
- Easter egg hunt is over because Chuck Norris demands it.
6.1.4 Changelog:
- Minor changes and typo corrections.
6.1.3 Changelog:
- Updated versions of DML from its newest google code page are now supported by ModMii.
- Other minor changes.
6.1.2 Changelog:
- Minor changes.
6.1.1 Changelog:
- Wilbrand exploit is now built properly even for those with Windows date settings not in mm/dd/yyyy format.
6.1.0 Changelog:
- Letterbomb was replaced by Wilbrand. Wilbrand was created by giantpune and he has given ModMii the unique privilege of being the first to use and share Wilbrand. Wilbrand, named after the inventor of TNT, is a discless Wii Message Board exploit, or "bomb" if you will. ModMii users will no longer need to be instructed to manually download the Letterbomb exploit; instead ModMii will prompt users for their Wii's unique MAC address and build the exploit on the fly. Unlike Letterbomb, ModMii will only require a wifi connection the first time it constructs the Wilbrand exploit. ModMii will only build the Wilbrand exploit for 4.3 system menu's; however, Wilbrand is supported on all system menu's from 3.0 to 4.3. The reason ModMii does not offer Wilbrand exploits for system menu's 3.0 - 4.2 is because bannerbomb, another discless exploit, can be used instead and it does not require knowing your Wii's MAC Address. Wilbrand is available on ModMii's Download Page 2 as well as other wizard\guide functions. A big thank you goes out to giantpune for creating Wilbrand and allowing ModMii to share it with the world.
- ModMii's forwarder dol builder and all of ModMii's supported forwarder channels were updated from v11c to v12 and now support 3TB+ hard drives. Thanks for this goes out to FIX94 and the WiiXplorer team.
- Fixed bug that sometimes occurred when building an "Advanced cIOS" from ModMii's Advanced Downloads page. If a new IOS slot was not identified then version number patches were not applied. Thanks to JoostinOnline for spotting and reporting this bug.
- Fixed rare bug where the wrong guide was generated if installing a custom theme without also using MMM to install at least one WAD.
- sysCheck updated from 2.1.0.b17 to 2.1.0.b18 on ModMii's download page 2.
- WiiFlow-Mod was renamed back to WiiFlow at the request of the WiiFlow team.
- Other minor changes.
ModMii versions 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 were all part of an elaborate April Fools Joke.
7.0.1 Changelog:
- Corrected an issue that some users were having when updating to ModMii v7.0.0.
- Hey Vegeta, what does the internet say about ModMii's download count?
- Other minor changes and bugfixes.
7.0.0 Changelog:
- The ModMii user interface was totally rewritten in this update and now not only works on Windows but also on Macs and Linux. Note that when ModMii is being run on a Mac or linux System Menu themes are not supported. Big thanks goes out to DeadlyFoez who played a major role in this update.
- Chuck Norris doesn't use ModMii, ModMii uses Chuck Norris.
- Other minor changes and bugfixes.
6.0.7 Changelog:
- ModMii now uses TMDedit by person66 to patch TMDs for future d2x beta cIOSs. This will allow davebaol to add or remove modules in future cIOSs without requiring further changes made to ModMii in order to support it.
- Updated Casper to v0.3, thanks giantpune!
- Updated name of WiiFlow to WiiFlow-Mod
- ModMii no longer needlessly downloads 00000001.app from IOS60 when using the latest sneek installer v0.7a. This version of the sneek installer is used when building neek2o rev70+ or neek rev186+.
- Added check to Casper2Bootmii for the temp\DownloadQueues folder and creates it if it's missing. This will fix errors that some may have encountered if that folder was missing.
- Fixed error when saving an advanced cIOS to a download queue when its slot was not changed.
- Other minor changes.
6.0.6 Changelog:
- Changed how ModMii builds d2x cIOSs. It now parses ciosmaps.xml and direcly applies all the patches listed within it. This gives davebaol more flexibility to change the patches made to the existing base IOS modules. This change was necessary to support future d2x v9+ betas.
- Updated d2x-beta-md5-updater.bat, mainly used by davebaol to facilitate d2x beta distributions, to be 33% faster.
- Added Casper2BootMii.bat to ModMii's Support folder. Users can run this file in order to set up their SD card to be able to load bootmii on virgin Wii's using Casper.
- Other Minor Changes.
6.0.5 Changelog:
- d2x v8-final is now bundled with ModMii instead of v7-final.
- Updated ModMii Skin Launcher (by person66). It now includes a 10ms sleep in order to maintain 0 CPU usage even on older computers. This issue was not present for most users, but person66 personally experienced the old ModMiiSkin.exe process using 20%-40% of his CPU.
- Updated ModMii's Syscheck Updater to consider homebrew channel installations of v1.0.0 (in addition to v1.1.0) as up to date when running off of IOS58. This change is to compensate for the latest version of syscheck which incorrectly labels HBC v1.1.0 and v1.0.0.
- Now when updating ModMii using ModMii Skin the ModMiiSkin process is killed in order to permit updates to ModMiiSkin.exe itself (if applicable).
- Fixed bug where ModMii Skin would not operate properly if the drive settings ended with a forward slash or back slash.
- Fixed bug where the back button on the SD Card Drive selection page sometimes crashed ModMii Skin.
- Other Minor Changes.
6.0.4 Changelog:
- Updated md5 hash and sysCheck Updater recognition for v1.0 of the HackMii Installer. A big thanks goes out to Team Twiizers for this unexpected update.
- settings.exe was updated to v1.1 by obcd (v1.0 by cwstjdenobs). setting.txt's built for an Emulated NAND of one region but based on a different region's serial number will now also be able to establish a wifi connection.
- Added an option to change the setting.txt to ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier. This will allow you to modify an Emulated NAND to be able to establish a wifi connection when running on a different real Wii.
- Fixed bug that only occurred when running ModMii Skin on Windows XP and it would not wait for ModMii Classic to finish running before reporting the Download Log. Thanks to person66 for his revisions to ModMii's Launcher (aka shortcut-er).
- Fixed bug where drag and drop support did not work when items were dragged into ModMii.bat and ModMiiSkin.bat. This bug did not apply when items were dragged onto ModMii.exe and ModMiiSkin.exe.
- Other Minor Changes.
6.0.3 Changelog:
- DML support fixed. Thanks to the DML team for the major progress they've recently made. If there is anything ModMii can do to support you better please don't hesitate to message me about it.
- Removed ModMii's DML debug mode option as it is now redundant.
- Updated the cmd line version of theme mii (by scooby74029) to v1.1, System Menu themes are now constructed quicker and random errors are less likely. Thanks scooby!
- Fixed a minor bug in ModMii Classic's Options Menu where you could not toggle the play a sound at finish setting. Thanks goes out to JoostinOnline for reporting this bug!
- ModMii, it will support you whether you like it or not.
- Other Minor Changes.
6.0.2 Changelog:
- Updated syscheck to v2.1.0.b17 and removed the beta syscheck download as the latest version should work for everyone. Some minor changes were made to ModMii's sysCheck Updater feature to better analyze the latest syscheck logs.
- Updated all DarkWii System Menu Themes (CSMs and System Menu WADs) to v2 (updated iplsettings to 4.3, thanks diddy81!). The only noticable change is that 4.3E Emulated NANDs with themes installed for their first boot will now also be able to accept the EULA to use the Shopping channel and WiiConnect24 (other system menu version's never experienced the problem with v1 themes).
- Updated the HackMii Installer video included in ModMii's custom guides. Thanks DeadlyFoez!
- ModMii, now match making Mii's in time for Valentine's Day!
- Other Minor Changes.
6.0.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where ModMii's Emulated NAND Builder would fail to function properly.
- Fixed bug where ModMii Skin and the ModMii Installer would fail to collect user selections properly if there was an "&" symbol in your Windows username.
- Fixed bug where ModMii would behave unexpectedly if there was an "&" symbol in the Path where ModMii was saved.
- Other minor changes.
6.0.0 Changelog:
- ModMii now comes bundled with ModMii Skin, a GUI wrapper that uses\requires "ModMii Classic". Not all features of ModMii Classic are supported in ModMii Skin. ModMii Skin supports the following functions: ModMii Wizard, Abstinence Wizard, USB-Loader Setup, HackMii Solutions, Region Change, Load a Download Queue, SNEEK Installation and NAND builder and Options (including updates).
- Hot Keys are also supported in ModMii Skin for that "ModMii Classic" feel. For example, you can switch between ModMii Skin and ModMii Classic by typing "M" at either Main Menu then hitting Enter.
- ModMii Installer updated to v6.0. It is able to install ModMii v6.0.0 and above. It too has a "Skin" and gives you the option of making shortcuts to ModMii or ModMii Skin on the Desktop and\or the Start Menu. Older versions of the installer will install ModMii v5.5.2, then it will automatically run ModMii after installation and prompt you to update to the most recent version.
- wizapp.exe is now bundled with ModMii and the ModMii Installer in order to support Skin Mode.
- Added play sound at finish option and it's enabled by default. If enabled, it will play a success sound when downloads are successful and an error sound if there are errors. Thanks to my cuz Violator for making these unique short tracks for me on such short notice.
- Updated WiiFlow on ModMii's Download Page 2. It is now an autoupdating download that will grab the most recent release of WiiFlow.
- Updated how the latest hosted version of postloader is detected to support recent changes that were made to the googlecode webpage.
- Updated md5 of postloader channel forwarder so the updated version isn't considered "invalid".
- You may have noticed reading this changelog somewhere new. ModMii has a new official website, modmii.zzl.org. Some highlights include a support page with links to the official ModMii forum as well as the new official ModMii IRC channel. Thanks goes out to DeadlyFoez who pretty much put the whole thing together by himself. Also thanks to RobGee789 for graphics and CaseyOmah for helping DeadlyFoez out with some html code.
- Big thanks to person66 for updating his script to launch ModMii and ModMii Skin with an icon, arguments and other useful functions. I also want to thank RobGee789 and M3RK for the awesome graphics they made for ModMii Skin.
- No animals were harmed in the making of this skin.
- Other minor changes.
5.5.2 Changelog:
- Made changes to how ModMii checks for and performs updates. ModMii v5.5.2 performs exactly the same as ModMii v5.5.1 except that it will be able to install future updates. Going forward, all versions of ModMii older than v5.5.2 will be updated to v5.5.2 before being able to update further (ie. v5.6.X when released).
5.5.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where ModMii would crash when using the ModMii Wizard if downloading WiiFlow.
- Fixed bug where you could not go return to the page prior to inputting your serial number when building an emulated nand for uneek2o or uneek2o+di (bug did not effect Abstinence Wizard).
- Reverted WiiFlow on ModMii's Download Page 2 back to r304 at FIX94's request. When his mod if WiiFlow is more stable it will be added back to ModMii as an autoupdating download.
5.5.0 Changelog:
- Abstinence Wizard added to ModMii's main menu. You can use this Wizard to prepare the necessary files to load NEEK on any Wii even if it has not been modifed. In short, to avoid voiding your warranty (or for other reasons) if you choose to abstain from softmodding your Wii, you can still play your games off a USB HDD by using the Abstinence Wizard. The recent release of giantpune's 'Casper' (available on ModMii's Download Page 2) is what made this wizard possible. Thanks giantpune!
- Updated WiiFlow on ModMii's Download Page 2. It is now an autoupdating download that will grab the most recent release of FIX94's feature rich and very stable and Mod of WiiFlow.
- Other minor changes.
5.2.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where DML was not downloaded when building an emulated NAND.
5.2.0 Changelog:
- Added a DML rev selector and updated DML build process to support DML rev12+. DML was also moved from Download Page 1 to Download Page 4. I want to extend a big thank you to crediar for continuing to work on DML and addressing the issues that DML was facing when running from bootmii IOS. Your solution to install DML on the real NAND to slot 257 solved a lot of problems and the scene thanks you. I also want to recognize WiiPower who has become increasingly involved in the DML project.
- Added an option to build DML with debug\logging mode enabled.
- Updated NeoGamma on ModMii's Download Page 2 from R9 beta50 to R9 beta56. This version of NeoGamma is able to use DML to play gamecube game backups from an SD Card without requiring NEEK or an emulated NAND.
- Added support to build d2x cIOSs with base IOS60, IOS70 and IOS80.
- ModMii's SD\USB Forwarder creator was updated from v11b to v11c. ModMii's other forwarder channels were also updated to v11c.
- neek2o rev70+ now uses SNEEKInstallerv0.7a instead of SNEEKInstallerv0.6c.
- Now when PC programs are downloaded with local save settings (or possibly Auto) they will be saved to a Program Files folder wherever ModMii is saved instead of always being saved to C:\ModMii\Program Files.
- Other minor changes.
5.1.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier would crash if the neek2o option was disabled.
- Bugfix: Forgot to include changelog joke in the last update.
5.1.0 Changelog:
- Added a Region Change Wizard complete with custom guides to the Main Menu. Any Region Changer v1.1b Mod06 Offline was also added to Download Page 2.
- Added neek\neek2o rev selector, now users can choose from a list of available versions hosted on googlecode. ModMii's neek installion now use v0.7a of the Sneek Installer when installing versions of neek greater than 185. Older versions of neek and neek2o will continue to use v0.6c of the Sneek Installer for now.
- The ModMii Wizard Guides for already modifed Wii's now always asks users if they want to install active IOSs and patched System Menu IOSs. This means that users only wanting to update one thing (eg. Shopping Channel) can build custom guides that ONLY update that one thing.
- Added drag and drop support for ModMii Download Queues. Just drag the download queue onto ModMii.exe (or a ModMii shortcut) and ModMii will load it and save a copy to temp\DownloadQueues\.
- Added drag and drop support for ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier. Just drag the folder containing your Emulated NAND onto ModMii.exe (or a ModMii shortcut) and ModMii will load your Emulated NAND and prompt you to select which modifications to make.
- Added drag and drop support for ModMii's File Cleanup Feature. Just drag your SD Card (or Copy_to_SD folder) onto ModMii.exe (or a ModMii shortcut) and ModMii will load it and wait for confirmation before proceeding with the File Cleanup.
- Added disc-based exploits as an option when running ModMii via command line. Some other minor changes were made to ModMii's command line usage. See ModMii's command line help menu for more info (call "ModMii.exe help" from a cmd window).
- Added a work around for a bug in the command line version of Theme Mii when it is running portably. If "TMCL.exe" is running portably (ie. not saved to C:\) it produces different output. If ModMii determines TMCL.exe is saved portably it copies it to C:\ModMii\temp\ before using it. Note that this wasn't a dangerous bug because ModMii was correctly reporting the generated themes as invalid.
- Fixed a bug where ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier sometimes got lost (ie. running in the wrong location) and was unable to locate certain required files. The bug only occured when new WADs were NOT being installed to the Emulated NAND.
- Other minor changes.
5.0.0 Changelog:
- ModMii's generated guides are no longer text files; instead they are custom html files viewable in your internet browser. Although none of the softmodding steps actually changed, the guides were rebuilt from the ground up. They now include images, videos, credits, a print button and more. DeadlyFoez played a key role in this update not only by helping come up with the idea but also creating the template for ModMii's custom guides and recording almost all of the videos and images they use. Within 1.5 weeks since our initial conversation we were able to collaborate and bring the idea to life in time to release it for Christmas. Working together on this was a truly rewarding and fun experience for both of us and we hope it brings a little "Team Your Mom" XMAS cheer to you this year.
- When accessing the credits from the main menu using "CR" it will open a new browser tab instead of displaying the credits in the main ModMii Window.
- ModMii Wizard Guides for already modified Wii's to update the HBC or Bootmii no longer include exploits. Instead, if users cannot load the hackmii installer from the HBC, BootMii or a forwarder channel they are instructed to use ModMii's HackMii Solutions Guide instead.
- Added videos to the ModMii Wizard to help users determine their system menu version and Homebrew channel version.
- When ModMii opens the Letterbomb webpage it also opens a separate panel with an instructional video on finding your MAC address and downloading Letterbomb.
- Changed how System Menu Theme youtube videos are previewed.
- Added drag and drop support for ModMii's sysCheck Updater. Now when users drag and drop their sysCheck logs onto ModMii.exe (or shortcut) ModMii will immediately analyze the log and display a list of required downloads in order to update the softmod.
- Fixed d2x cIOS v7-final detection when using ModMii's sysCheck Updater feature.
- Relaxed serial number length restrictions in emulated NAND builder so US users can use their real serial even if it's only 11 digits when building non-US NANDs.
- Updated md5 for re-uploaded nSwitch channel (v4.8.2.1 partial update).
- ModMii: Now so sexy you'll need a fresh pair of pants.
- Other minor changes.
4.8.2 Changelog:
- Synced ModMii's internal version of d2x v7-final with the revised v7-final on the google code page. No major changes, just "Tagged as d2x-v7".
- I think he is a she, and she is changelog.
4.8.1 Changelog:
- Added a lot more info to NAND\nandinfo.txt when building\modifying emulated NANDs. Also, now after building\modifying emulated NANDs ModMii will open nandinfo.txt using notepad.
- Updated nswitch channel to v1.0 - old versions will be detected and updated by ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier. With this version of the channel installed it is possible to launch UNEEK and UNEEK+DI without an SD Card.
- Updated Priiloader v0.4 to v0.7 neek2o mod in ModMii's emulated NAND builder\Modifier. This version of Priiloader will not freeze when installed to emulated NANDs.
- Updated Priiloader Hacks (Download Page 2) to include both hacks.ini and hacks_hash.ini. Both files are copied to emulated NANDs when installing Priiloader.
- Enhanced ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier region\firmware detection by having it read from NAND\content\title.tmd. As a result the Emulated NAND modifier is now able to install\remove Priiloader to\from all firmwares (instead of just 4.1-4.3). However, system menu theme installations are still limited to 4.1-4.3.
- Replaced the Homebrew Filter Channel with Postloader when building emulated NANDs. There are now two Postloader downloads on ModMii's Download Page 2, a forwarder channel and an autoupdating download for the app itself.
- Changed default NAND folder naming when building new emulated NANDs so that they are also compatible with Postloader. Instead of /nands/nand# now they will be named /nands/pl_eu for euro/pal NANDs, /nands/pl_us for USA NANDs, /nands/pl_jp for JAP NANDs and /nands/pl_kr for Korean NANDS.
- Users are once again asked to provide a serial number when building emulated NANDs instead of always using the default serial number. This change was reversed after discovering that if on the first boot of an emulated NAND the serial number is not the same as the real NAND it MAY prevent establishing an internet connection.
- d2x cIOSs updated from v6 to v7. The d2x v7 final changelog can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/d2x-cios/source/browse/tags/d2x-v7/data/Changelog.txt Thanks davebaol for all your hard work on this!
- Enhanced d2x beta support. Now when accessing the d2x beta menu it will list all the d2x versions hosted on the d2x-google code page as well as identify which are featured at that point in time. These are listed in addition to any 'offline' beta d2x cIOSs you may have manually saved to ModMii's Support\More-cIOSs\ folder.
- Added d2x-beta-md5-updater.bat to ModMii's Support folder. This will mainly be used by davebaol to facilitate his construction of d2x beta zip archives that are compatible with both ModMii and the d2x cIOS Installer. With this change all future d2x beta cIOSs will be released simultaneously for both installation methods. On a personal note, it was a pleasure collaborating with davebaol on this.
- Reverted back to using MMM, IOS236 Installer and Priiloader v0.7 (236 Mod) instead of WiiMod (with ahbprot) and Priiloader v0.7 (with davebaol's ahbprot bug-fix). This was due to WiiMod harmlessly failing to load in certain uncommon situations. I have prepared an alternate version of ModMii v4.8.1 that still uses WiiMod so anyone interested in helping jskyboo beta test WiiMod please get in touch with jskyboo or myself. WiiMod is still available for download on ModMii's Download Page 2.
- Updated Wii Backup Manager to Wii Backup Manager 0.4.5 build 78.
- Fixed bug where an older version of SaveGame Manager GX was being downloaded instead of the latest version (this was due to a change in how the files were being hosted on its google code page).
- Adjustments made to Syscheck Updater to support additional acceptable SysCheck logs (i.e. MIOS v10, cIOS222 and cIOS223). It will now also check if d2x-beta cIOSs are installed when a d2x beta cIOS is activated (instead of always checking for the d2x version included with ModMii).
- Some optimizations when running ModMii in command line mode. Added a command to install an extra folder of WADs to an emulated nand. I don't think anyone is using this feature anyways so this isn't big news.
- Celebrities may walk on the red carpet, but ModMii walks on toilet paper because it's the SH*T!
- Other minor changes
4.8.0 Changelog:
- New Feature: Emulated NAND Modifer (See ModMii's SNEEK Menu) You can now use ModMii to modify your existing Emulated NANDs. Add your choice of the following to your Emulated NANDs: Homebrew Filter Channel, cIOS249v14, DML, NMM, Priiloader, JoyFlow, Themes, Wii Channels and a custom folder of WADs. The Emulated NAND Modifer is also able to detect and uninstall Priiloader, DML and NMM. It's also able to restore the original Wii Theme to Emulated NANDs. If the neek2o option is disabled you can choose to install switch2uneek to Emulated NANDs. When switch2uneek is not selected ModMii will install the nswitch channel if it's missing from the Emulated NAND. Currently there is not cmd-line mode support for this feature.
- SD access option now available for neek2o as well as for the original s\uneek.
- nswitch channel installed to all emulated nands except when building the original s\uneek and users have also opted to install switch2uneek.
- ModMii now uses a different installer for Priiloader v0.7 which instead of IOS236 uses davebaol's solution to the ahbprot connection issue.
- WiiMod is now used instead of MMM in ModMii Guides. MMM is still available via ModMii's Download Page 2.
- Removed a step from the softmod process. IOS236 is now installed as part of the Install WADs Step instead of having its own step.
- Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.4.4 build 73. Shortcuts to the 64-bit version will be made on 64-bit PCs.
- Updated JoyFlow to v2.3 which supports the original version of neek AND neek2o.
- Further modification of Ascii2hex.bat to enhance multi-language support. Thanks to geovalley for his solution to this problem.
- Lifted region\firmware restrictions for building emunands with s\uneek+di.
- Fixed sysCheck Updater to install a clean IOS58 if it's patched.
- Added WiiMod and nswitch channel to Download Page 2.
- In Soviet Russia, ModMii programs you!
- Other minor changes
4.7.6 Changelog:
- Added ONEEK support. ONEEK is a mod of S\UNEEK by OverjoY and his team with many added features including support for wbfs games, multiple emulated nands and more. By default ModMii will build ONEEK but it continues to support the original S\UNEEK and can be activated in ModMii's Options. Note that Switch2Uneek is not an option when building ONEEK as the two apps are not compatible.
- Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.8 build 69 and also updated MyMenuifyMod to v1.4.
- Fixed harmless bug where a System Menu was not downloaded under uncommon scenarios.
- Slightly modified Ascii2hex.bat to support rare cases where the old version would cause ModMii to close unexpectedly. Thanks to geovalley for reporting and solving this problem.
- No more stupid changelog jokes... the keyword being "stupid".
4.7.5 Changelog:
- Updated wit.exe to support converting gamecube games to s\uneek format.
- Fixed bug when loading download queues.
- No more stupid changelog jokes.
4.7.4 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where advanced download IOS patches were not applied.
- Enhanced syscheck updater to be compatible with sysCheck v2.1.0b14.
- Updated Advanced Forwarder builder to build v11b instead of v11 forwarders.
- Updated usbloader forwarder channel from v11 to v11b.
- ModMii is running out of changelog jokes. Submit your joke to xflak40@hotmail.com and if your joke is selected you will receive ModMii's easter egg. Only tasteful jokes please, see other recent changelog's for examples.
4.7.3 Changelog:
- Added a sysCheck Updater feature. You can supply ModMii with your unique sysCheck.csv log and ModMii will analyze it then notify you which specific softmods you're missing. It will download only the files required to update your softmod as well as build a custom guide for you to follow.
- Replaced sysCheckGX on Download Page 2 with sysCheck v2.1.0 b13.
- Added dip patch the IOS60's patches. The patched IOS60 is now installed to all system menu slots to protect against 003 bricks. As a result, the ModMii Wizard no longer needs to ask if the Wii has been region changed.
- Removed Extra Brick Protection option. Instead extra brick protection is now always installed. This includes installing a patched IOS60 to all system menu IOS slots as well as installing a USB-Loader Forwarder Channel. Also added an option to exclude the USB-Loader Forwarder Channel from the ModMii Wizard.
- Added feature to install a secondary custom folder of wads when building emulated NANDs.
- When building an emulated NAND ModMii no longer asks users to provide a serial number; instead the default serial number is always used. This change was implemented after discovering that using different serial numbers has no impact on functionality.
- Fixed bug where the Photo Channel was not being fully installed to emulated NANDs. Now the initial version of the Photo Channel as well as v1.1 are installed to emulated NANDs. The initial version of the Photo Channel was added to Download Page 1; however it shouldn't be required for anything other than emulated NANDs.
- Stopped using IOSkpatch to patch emulated NANDs as it is no longer necessary.
- ModMii: now updated more frequently than your wife's wardrobe.
- Other minor changes.
4.7.2 Changelog:
- Added Command Line Support to ModMii. Now you can send arguments to ModMii via a cmd window (or batch file) to perform a wide variety of functions. For information on using ModMii via cmd line, open a command window where ModMii is saved and type "ModMii Help"; alternatively, you can save that text in a new text document where ModMii is saved (rename it from .txt to .bat) then run it.
- When building an emulated NAND if a file is missing or invalid it will now be reported on the final summary page.
- Entering nothing on the Download Log page no longer sends non-donators to the credits page again.
- Update to ModMii Shortcute-er (by person66) to always run ModMii using cmd.exe even if a different file association is set.
- Fixed bug when extracting the full version of configurable usb-loader where all the files in the usb-loader folder were not saved to the appropriate subfolders.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the recommended cIOS222; v4 is now recommended on all pages\guides.
- Fixed bug where orange themes were not being downloaded.
- Fixed bug where ModMii would crash when building s\uneek if the drive setting(s) contained brackets.
- ModMii; now writing it's own jokes.
- Other minor changes.
4.7.1 Changelog:
- Stopped converting ModMii.bat into an executable; this should prevent false-positive virus detections.
- Changed ModMii's folder structure; everything is now organized in a "Support" folder. Additionally, ModMii's NAND builder now loads wads from "temp\wad" instead of "temp\install2sneek".
- Added an option to build SNEEK and SNEEK+DI with SD access enabled. The default setting is disabled.
- ModMii now uses writecdb.exe by scooby74029 to construct cdb.vff when building emulated NANDs. This reduces the amount of time it takes to boot an emulated NAND for the first time.
- Added support to save\load multiple download queues.
- Added support for the DarkWii Blue and DarkWii Orange System Menu themes.
- Updated the "create custom.md5" feature in ModMii's Options page. Now all files are checksummed instead of just wad\dol\elf\app files. Custom.md5's are also updated with the current "Drive" setting. This is great for advanced users to debug things. For example, DeadlyFoez can now create a custom.md5 using "Copy_to_SD" as his "Drive" setting, then share it with Violator who has "C:" as his "Drive" setting. This will allow Violator to verify he has the exact same set of files as DeadlyFoez.
- Instead of bundling Unfreezemii.bat with ModMii, users are instructed to type Ctrl+C then "N" then "Enter" when they encounter long periods of inactivity.
- Fixed bug where URL Forwarders were not using the first 4 characters of the URL (ie. "www.hotmail.com" would load "hotmail.com"). Thanks to Winhacker for reporting this problem.
- Fixed bug where System Menu themes were not being installed to emulated NANDs.
- Fixed bug causing the Dop-Mii download to fail.
- Code clean-up and other minor changes.
- ModMii, now popping more cherries than Hugh Hefner.
4.7.0 Changelog:
- Added Letterbomb support.
- Changed how System Menu themes are constructed. It now uses scooby74029's cmd line version of Leathl's Theme Mii. This allows themes to be created more quickly and without having to download as much. Also added an option to change the "Channel Effect" of themes; you can choose from No-Spin, Spin and Fast-Spin.
- Updated MyMenuify to MyMenuifyMod v1.3 (by IceFire and scooby74029) and System Menu themes are now saved to "ModThemes" instead of "MyMenuify_Themes".
- DarkWii Green Korean themes updated with a cosmetic fix to the disc channel.
- Added Dios Mios Lite (DML) and No More Memory (NMM) support when building an emulated nand for SNEEK+DI. cBC WADs for both can be found on Download Page 1.
- Updated Wiimm's Wit.exe to support gamecube game bulk extraction in addition to Wii games.
- hy.exe and unrar.exe are no longer bundled with ModMii due to a licensing conflict.
- Updated to libwiisharp and patchios by scooby74029 to address false-positive virus detection. He also added Version Patch support to patchios.
- All patched IOSs now include the Version Patch (including IOS236). The Version patch has been added as an option to the Advanced Downloads section for applicable IOSs.
- Added Forwarder DOL\ISO builder to the Advanced Downloads Page. ModMii is able to created SD\USB Forwarders, URL Forwarders and Channel Forwarders.
- Added WADs for Hermes cIOS v5.1 Mod by Rodries to Download Page 4 and Advanced Downloads.
- Removed cIOS202[57]-v5, cIOS223[57]-v5 and cIOS224[37]-v5 from Download Page 4. These cIOSs can still be constructed using ModMii's Advanced Downloads feature.
- Changed recommended cIOS 202/222/224 from 202[57]-v5, 222[38]-v5 and 224[57]-v5 to 202[60]-v5.1R, 222[38]-v4 and 224[57]-v5.1R.
- Rewrote how cIOSs are signed and patched with the Korean Common Key. The output is the same as before but the new method is a lot faster.
- Removed the "Hexedit" option since the new method of signing\patching cIOSs should not be problematic for anyone.
- Updated ModMii's Download Log; it now displays a download summary and any problematic downloads can easily be identified by red text.
- Updated the usbloader, switch2uneek and Joyflow forwarders from v9 to v11.
- Added WiiGSC (aka. Crap), ShowMiiWads, Customize Mii, syscheck and syscheckgx to Download Page 2.
- Removed cIOS and cMIOS Installers from Download Page 2.
- When downloading both BannerBombv1 and BannerBombv2, BannerBombv2 will now be saved to a "private2" folder instead of overwriting BannerBombv1.
- Common-Key.bin is now created automatically if missing when building an emulated nand instead of requiring the user to manually enter "45e".
- Updated the wording in the ModMii Wizard to be more clear.
- The ModMii Wizard will now also download the "BootMii" folder so users do not need to use the Hackmii Installer to "prepare an SD Card".
- Updated Credits section.
- Other minor changes and code clean-up.
- Now pleasing your Wii more than you ever could.
4.6.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where under specific circumstances non-d2x cIOSs were sometimes
signed with d2x-beta details.
- Warning: May result in tears of joy.
4.6.0 Changelog:
- ModMii and the ModMii Installer have new icons by WiiShizzza. Thanks to
everyone who submitted a ModMii icon\logo candidate.
- d2x cIOSs updated to d2x v6 - "IOS Reload Block: The Ultimate Solution".
- Added support for multiple d2x-beta's. New modules and the d2x-beta.bat
file should now be saved here in order for ModMii v4.6.0+ to use it:
modules\More-cIOSs\{ANY FOLDER NAME}\. Inside the "More-cIOSs" folder u can
save as many d2x-beta folders as you like (ie. "d2x v7 final", "d2x v8
beta1", etc.). Switch between different d2x cIOS beta's by typing "beta" on
download pages containing cIOSs. It will load a menu asking the user to
decide which d2x beta folder to use. The old method of saving new modules
and the d2x-beta.bat file to modules\d2x-beta\ is still supported.
- The Korean Key patch was added to ALL the cIOSs ModMii builds that do
not use IOS38 as base. This will allow non-Korean Wii's to load Korean
- All cIOSs ModMii builds are now signed with cIOS details (previously
only d2x cIOSs were signed). Note to developers: merged base IOS37+38 is
signed as base IOS75 (37+38).
- Advanced Custom Downloads now support batch downloads instead of being
limited to one advanced download at a time. Advanced downloads can be saved
to download queues. When loading download queue's containing d2x cIOSs,
ModMii will update the queue with the d2x cIOS version information ModMii is
currently set up to construct. For example, if you load a download queue
containing cIOS248[56]-d2x-v6-[v65535], but you have since configured ModMii
to construct d2x v7-beta1 cIOSs, ModMii will automatically update the
download queue to construct cIOS248[56]-d2x-v7-beta1-[v65535]. This means
you can create a download queue containing d2x cIOSs, and re-use the same
download queue even as the d2x cIOSs get updated.
- Changed the naming convention for new slot numbers when building
Advanced Custom cIOS Downloads. For example, if the slot was changed to 248,
the WAD will be named cIOS248x instead of cIOS249x-slot248.
- Added option to disable hex editing signatures and the Korean Key patch
when building cIOSs. Default setting is enabled, and it should only be
changed in rare cases when a PC cannot Hex Edit cIOSs properly even after
performing windows updates. Warning, if disabled ModMii will not validate
cIOSs but they should still work except loaders will be unable to detect the
version of the installed cIOS and the default option "Block IOS Reload =
AUTO" won't work with Configurable USB-Loader and USB-Loader GX.
Additionally Non-Korean Wii's will not be able to load Korean games.
- Added two new settings to option "1"; the four settings are now as
follows: A) Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
(default) B) Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc (Useful for offline
usage of Wii Apps like Dop-Mii) C) Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# Folder for
IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc (Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like d2x\Hermes
cIOS Installers) D) Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# and 00000001 Folder for
IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc
- Improved the update check for ModMii and the ModMii Installer. There
should no longer be any lag between the time an update is released and
ModMii detects it.
- Priiloader has been updated from v0.4 - 236 Mod to v0.7 - 236 Mod. Note,
Priiloader v0.4 is still the version that is installed to emulated nands for
- Updated the JAP version of the Tales of Symphonia Eri Hakawai Exploit.
It now has 2 game saves to support each of the different versions of the JAP
game and the ModMii guides have been updated accordingly. Thanks giantpune!
- Code clean up, optimization and other minor changes.
- ModMii is now compatible with the WiiU.
4.5.7 Changelog:
- Autoit is no longer bundled with ModMii, instead it will downloaded and
saved to the temp folder in order to build s/uneek.
4.5.6 Changelog:
- All d2x cIOSs (even beta cIOSs) are now signed with descriptive info so
loaders can more efficiently detect what cIOSs are installed.
- ModMii now builds s/uneek using the latest compiled modules on the
sneeky-compiler google code webpage.
- Modmii can now beat the games you have trouble with! Just sit back and
relax with Modmii's new superior gaming skills. Currently only supports Dora
the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess.
- Other minor changes.
4.5.5 Changelog:
- Updated d2x cIOSs from v3 to v4. Warning: WiiFlow currently needs to be
updated in order to use v4 d2x cIOSs to download covers. However, the v4 d2x
cIOSs are already perfectly compatible with Configurable USB-Loader.
- After verifying downloads, if a "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD" or a
"CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB" folder is detected where ModMii.exe is saved, users
will have the option to copy the contents of the folder to its respective
device. This is useful for more advanced users who want to customize and
automate how ModMii configures their devices by quickly copying over
additional apps, wads, or other files.
- Laughing gas available upon special request.
4.5.4 Changelog:
- ModMii's NAND builder can now install cIOS rev 14 to emulated NANDs. This is
the only cIOS confirmed working on s/uneek with SaveGameManagerGX. cIOS
rev14 was also added to Download Page 4.
- Support added for base IOS53 and base IOS55 for d2x cIOSs and rev 21
- Added cMIOS v65535 (v10) by WiiGator and WiiPower to Download Page 4. It
is ModMii's new recommended cMIOS.
- Added an option to enable\disable the ModMii Wizard's cMIOS installion.
The default setting is disabled.
- If .NET Framework 3.5 is not installed, ModMii will now download it and
launch the installer before loading ModMii's Main Menu.
- Fixed bug where building cMIOS-v4 Waninkoko rev5 would either fail or
build cMIOS-v4 WiiGator GCBL v0.2 by mistake.
- ModMii's s/uneek installer now uses v0.6c of the official Sneek
Installer. Also added a way to update the official Sneek installer without
requiring a full ModMii update.
- Warning: Not for human consumption.
- Other minor changes.
4.5.3 Changelog:
- Added switch2uneek and multiple emulated Nand support when building emulated
Nands for uneek/uneek+di.
- switch2uneek r7 (by Conanac) updated to r7 Mod1 (Mod by XFlak). It now
loads bootmii @ IOS (IOS254) when launching uneek instead of resetting the
Wii. This allows even Wii's without bootmii @ boot2 to launch directly into
uneek. It was also compiled using newer libraries for greater USB
compatability and stability.
- Added option when building emulated nands for uneek/uneek+di to download
JoyFlow and install a JoyFlow forwarder channel to the emulated Nand (and
Priiloader forwarder dol if applicable).
- Added option to install the Homebrew Filter channel to emulated Nands.
- Added some downloads to download page 2 to support the above functions.
- Optimized time spent installing system menu themes to emulated Nands.
- Drive settings are now checked each time you load the Main Menu. If the
drive has been removed then default drive settings are loaded instead.
- Brewery updated to version 2.0; it now supports Pilsner.
- Other minor changes.
4.5.2 Changelog:
- ModMii's emulated NAND builder now gives users the option to install
Priiloader (and hacks.ini) to the emulated NAND.
- In order to support JoyFlow naming conventions, ModMii's Sneek Game Bulk
Extractor now extracts games to folders according to their "TITLEID" instead
of TITLE+[TITLEID]. It will automatically rename folders previously saved
under ModMii's old naming convention to the new naming convention. It also
generates a csv file with a numbered list of your games with columns for
Title and Title ID. It also creates a batch file on the root of the hard
drive that users can run by itself at any time to update the list. This will
come in handy to update the game list when copying pre
- converted games
from one drive to another.
- Added a new setting in ModMii's options to set the "PC" Programs Save
Location. Currently only two downloads are effected by this option:
WiiBackupManager and FAT32 GUI Formatter. If this option is set to "Local",
PC apps will be saved to your homedrive (ie. C:) and shortcuts on the Start
Menu and Desktop will be made. If set to "Portable", they will be saved to
portably according to Drive settings. The default setting is "Auto", which
will use "Local" settings if ModMii is installed to the homedrive and
"Portable" settings otherwise.
- Added Eri HaKawai Exploit for "Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New
World" for USA\PAL\JAP Wiis.
- Fixed bug when using the Bootmii config builder; if opted to download
the bootmii folder ModMii would exit after building the config file but
before downloading the "bootmii" folder. The "bootmii" folder was and still
is also available on download page 2.
- ModMii is now able to occupy your girl so you have more free time to
play Wii.
- Other minor changes.
4.5.1 Changelog:
- Added Dark Wii Green System Menu Themes for 4.1/4.2/4.3 firmwares of all
regions (available in wad and csm forms).
- Completely changed how ModMii constructs s/uneek. It now uses the
official sneek installer and should work for everyone.
- ModMii's Sneek Game Bulk Extractor now only gives a warning if it
detects there isn't enough free space on the target drive. Now users with
uncommon language settings can utilize the Sneek Game Bulk Extractor even if
it incorrectly identifies that the drive doesn't have enough free space.
- Updated DarkWii Red KOR system menu themes to their new and more stable
- Updated Homebrew Browser to v0.3.9c.
- d2x v3 cIOSs version numbers changed to 21003 (ModMii v4.5.0.1 Database
- WiiFlow updated to r304 (ModMii v4.5.0.1 Database Update).
- ModMii can now order you pizza and beer.
- Other minor changes.
4.5.0 Changelog:
- Added Smash Stack exploit for PAL and Korean Wii's. Thanks to everyone who
contributed to this exploit, especially giantpune.
- JAP users can now also choose to use the Return of the JODI exploit as
it has been recently re-released to work properly.
- ModMii's HackMii Solutions now instruct users to install IOS30-IOS36 in
addition to IOS58 in order to prevent the HackMii Installer from freezing
under certain conditions.
- d2x cIOSs have been updated to v3 and now also support base IOS58.
- Added d2x beta cIOS support. Constructing beta d2x cIOSs will be a lot
easier going forward.
- Added a means for ModMii to partially update its download database
without requiring an entirely new version of ModMii to be released.
- Simple IOS Patcher updated to v1.12 and other minor changes.
4.4.9 Changelog:
- Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash when building guides including the Return
of the JODI exploit.
4.4.8 Changelog:
- Updated d2x cIOSs to v2.
- Added Return of the JODI exploit for USA and EURO Wii's. Exploit for JAP
Wii's is included in the download but in it's current form it doesn't work.
- Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.8 build 60.
- Other minor changes.
4.4.7 Changelog:
- Added cIOS249[XX]-v21d2x for IOSs with bases 37/38/56/57. cIOS249[56]-v21d2x
and cIOS250[57]-v21d2x are the new ModMii recommended cIOS 249 and 250.
Thanks to davebaol and xabby666 for working with me to create these cIOSs.
- Added BATHAXX exploit for LEGO Batman, big thanks to Team Twiizer and
- Corrected oversight in Wizard, now Japanese users can also select the
Indiana PWNS as an exploit to hack 4.3 Wiis.
- Fixed bug in Advanced downloads where some files were not being
4.4.5 Changelog:
- The ModMii Wizard now includes the USB-Loader setup guide so users don't
need to run ModMii twice. Users can choose not to set up a USB-Loader via
the Wizard and instead do so at a later time using the USB-Loader setup
guide option from the Main Menu.
- WiiBackupManager is no longer recommended for formatting hard drives.
Instead FAT32 GUI Formatter is used to format hard drives as FAT32 and
Windows Disk Management to format hard drives as NTFS.
- cIOSs/cMIOSs moved from Download Page 2 to Download Page 4.
- WADs for cIOS 249/250 rev21 base 37/38/56/57/58 added to Download Page
- Drive settings automatically saved for future use.
- NAND builder optimized, it will now perform much quicker than before.
- USB-Loader forwarder channel updated to v8.
- Fixed bug where IOS236-v5-Mod folder was not deleted when using ModMii's
File Cleanup Feature.
- Fixed bug where non-virgin wii's running the ModMii Wizard were unable
to download the IOS236 Installer or Simple IOS Patcher.
- Fixed bug where non-virgin wii's running the ModMii Wizard were unable
to download a new System Menu if they chose to skip individual prompts to
download extra apps.
- Other minor changes.
4.4.4 Changelog:
- Fixed bug causing ModMii to sometimes freeze after successfully patching
- IOS60 is no longer downloaded repeatedly when getting Extra Brick
Protection IOSs.
4.4.3 Changelog:
- Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash after successfully downloading NeoGamma.
4.4.2 Changelog:
- Priiloader is now launched using a forwarder to automatically reload IOS236
as opposed to having to use MMM to launch using IOS236
- IOS236 updated to v5 MOD to install IOS236 quicker and without prompts
- Renamed System Menu WADs to begin with an "S" instead of a "#" so they
will always be bulk installed after its System Menu IOS. Existing files in
"temp" will be renamed during updates.
- Updated USB Loader Forwarder Channel to v3. It can now launch apps with
meta.xml arguments and also off of a Hard Drive formatted as NTFS
- Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.6 build43
- Fixed bug in NAND Builder where themed System Menu's were sometimes not
being installed to the emulated nand.
- Fixed bug when installing SNEEK without building a NAND where it would
fail if a "temp" folder did not already exist.
4.4.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where *.app files for MyMenuify were not being copied to
- Fixed bug where NANDs built without the Dark Wii Red Theme did not
include a system menu at all.
- Fixed bug where configurator for configurable usb-loader was not being
extracted properly. This error resulted from a change to the configurator
update file hosted by the configurable team.
4.4.0 Changelog:
- ModMii is able to create Custom System Menu Themes (*.csm files) which can
be installed using MyMenuify. Alternatively, ModMii can bundle themes into
System Menu WADs for easy installation using a WAD Manager. The Dark Wii
Red Theme by the Wii Theme Team is the only supported theme on 4.1/4.2/4.3
firmwares of all regions. When using the ModMii Wizard or the NAND Builder,
users will be asked if they want to install a theme or not.
- Added offline support to ModMii. A temp folder saves a copy of all
downloads (except Auto-Updating Downloads) so that ModMii will never need to
download the same file twice. The Save Zip option has been replaced by
ModMii's offline support.
- ModMii Wizard now recommends users beginning on a 4.3 System Menu remain
on 4.3. ModMii Guides now instruct users to install a patched IOS236 using
either IOS236 Installer or Simple IOS Patcher. Recommended cIOSs now include
cIOS250v20[57] instead of cIOS250v20[38].
- The USB-Loader Set Up guide offers Users the choice to download
Configurable USB-Loader, WiiFlow or both. The latest Official/Full release
of Configurable USB-Loader is now downloaded instead of the latest beta
release. WiiBackupManager is now used to format drives instead of FAT32 GUI
- NAND Builder now includes IOS41,43,45,46,48, BC and a Dark Wii Red Theme
- "ModMii Updater 1.0" updated to "ModMii Installer v2.0" Can perform
local installations (including shortcuts on desktop\start menu) and it still
offers the traditional portable installation option. This will be the only
download link listed on the ModMii webpage from now on.
- Updated NusFileGrabber to v1.3 in order to download various files listed
New Downloads cIOS249/250v20[57] Simple IOS Patcher v1.11 WiiFlow 2.2beta
(249) MyMenuify 000000**.app MyMenuify files for 4.3U/E/J/K, 4.2K and 4.1K
0000000c.app for people who want to build their own DIOS MIOS enabled SNEEK
WiiBackupManager (WBM) updated to 0.3.6 beta 1 Removed FAT32 GUI Formatter
since WBM can format drives as FAT32/NTFS and WBFS
4.3.5 Changelog:
- Further fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor only effecting some users
with non-English language settings causing ModMii to ALWAYS tell you that
you don`t have enough free space to continue.
- Updated the USB Loader Forwarder Channel to v2, which offers much faster
loading times (requires IOS58).
- Other minor changes.
4.3.4 Changelog:
- Fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor only effecting users with non-English
language settings causing ModMii to ALWAYS tell you that you don`t have
enough free space to continue.
4.3.3 Changelog:
- Fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor causing ModMii to crash when the
target directory had a space in it.
- Fixed bug introduced in v4.3.2 where the Download Wizard did not
download a handful of files if the user specified their Wii is NOT a virgin.
- Drive-letter/Folder settings now accept inputs with or without quotes.
Previously ModMii would crash if the user inputted setting with quotes. It
also performs a check to make sure the Drive-letter exists.
- The ModMii Wizard will now ask users currently on 4.3 if they would like
to download active IOSs. Most 4.3 Wii's should not need to update its IOSs
as they should already be up to date. However, if a 4.3 Wii has DarkCorp
installed or has problems playing original games via the Wii System Menu, it
will now be able to update its active IOSs using the ModMii Wizard.
- ModMii is now also available in French. The French version will receive
its own unique French updates. French updates will probably lag slightly
behind English updates. Thanks to xav91 and ketufe for doing the majority of
ModMii's French translation.
- Removed Unrar.exe from ModMii as it has not been used since v4.2.8.
4.3.2 Changelog:
- Fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor causing ModMii to crash.
4.3.1 Changelog:
- Fixed bug in HackMii Solutions feature where the Hackmii Installer's
boot.elf was being saved to the root of the SD Card instead of MMM's
- WiiXplorer is now saved to apps\WiiExplorer instead of apps\WiiXplorer
to be more compatible with the Homebrew Browser. Downloading WiiXplorer now
also creates an empty folder ("config\WiiXplorer") in order to allow
WiiXplorer to save user settings.
- Other minor Changes.
4.3.0 Changelog:
- Can now build wads for Wanin's cIOS rev20 with IOS56 and IOS38 bases.
Recommended cIOS249/250 changed from cIOS249[57]-v19 and cIOS250[37]-v19 to
cIOS249[56]-v20 and cIOS250[38]-v20.
- SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor now checks if enough free space exists in the
destination folder before beginning the extraction process.
- Updated Pros and Cons of USB-Loader Options.
- Removed cIOS202[38]-v5 and cIOS202[37]-v5 from Download Page 2. These
files can still be downloaded/created by selecting their cIOS222/223
counterparts from the advanced download page and changing their slots to
- Other minor Changes.
4.2.9 Changelog:
- SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor was rewritten to use WIT instead of discex. Now
supports ISO, CISO and WBFS files instead of only ISO files. Also reports
detailed info on games such as title, size and progress indicator. Instead
of naming game folders by their 6-digit title ID, they are now named in the
following format: "Title [titleid]" (Maximum of 23 characters)
- Added two more options to the USB-Loader Setup Guide (option #4 and #5):
4) Drive is currently formatted as WBFS and I don't want to change 5) Drive
is currently partitioned as FAT32/WBFS and I don't want to change
- Updated Multi-Mod Manager download from v13.3 to v13.4.
AHBPROT/no_ios_reload is disabled in the meta.xml by default.
- Updated MD5 of Accio Hacks to version 1.0.
- Other minor Changes.
4.2.8 Changelog:
- The ModMii Wizard Guides will now install Priiloader as early as possible.
If a system menu is NOT being installed, the "Priiloader Installation" step
occurs before the "Install Wads" step as opposed to directly after it.
- Changed the IOS236 Installer instructions in the guides to increase its
success rate for offline users.
- SmashStack for JAP Wii's is now supported.
- Replaced the need for Loadmii with an elf version of Multi-Mod Manager
(MMM). Now ModMii's "HackMii Solutions" Guides launch MMM directly via an
exploit (or the HBC) instead of requiring to use Loadmii as an
- Changed version numbers of patched IOSs. Instead of being the stub
version +1, its now the original IOS version +10,000. ie.
IOS60v6401(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) becomes IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).
This will help sys check reports make more sense in the future.
- Added IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP]).wad to the download database.
- Updated Multi-Mod Manager download from v13.2 to v13.3.
- Other minor Changes.
4.2.7 Changelog:
- Support for Nintendo's new alternate versions of the same IOS.
- Improved verbose output of 'error reduction technology'.
- Added YU-GI-OWNED PAL exploit (by ichfly).
- Removed Global Log. Download/Custom Logs are still available.
- Other minor Changes to ModMii and to its guides.
4.2.6 Changelog:
- Updated Active IOSs to their "4.3B" versions.
- Shopping channel v20 is now downloaded with IOS56 instead of IOS61.
- Other Minor Changes.
4.2.5 Changelog:
- Updated IOS236 Installer from v3 to v4 (and slightly modified guide
- Restored Priiloader to v0.4 from v0.5 (as v0.5 had a bug)
- Other Minor Changes.
4.2.4 Changelog:
- Updated IOS236 Installer from v1 to v3 (and slightly modified guide
- Updated Priiloader from v0.4 to v0.5 (and slightly modified guide
- Updated HomeBrew Browser from v0.3.8 to v0.3.9
- Modified Drive Selection options to discard trailing backslashes. This
will prevent accidentally entering some invalid entries.
- Default options changed to include IOS36 when updating active IOSs.
4.2.3 Changelog:
- Name Change from NUS Auto Downloader to ModMii
- Added YU-GI-VAH Exploits for USA and JAP Wii's, Allowing even virgin 4.3
JAP Wii's to be softmodded (by WiiCrazy and ichfly)
- Replaced all methods of installing a patched IOS36/236 with using IOS236
Installer by Dr. Clipper. This is especially easier than the 4.3 modding
method of installing IOS41. This app requires to be launched via the
HomeBrew Channel v1.0.7+ in order to work properly.
- Some changes to guides according to the above.
- Change to disclaimer, now you only have to wait the first time you start
(or update) ModMii before being allowing to type "I AGREE".
- Fixed bug in SNEEK Nand Builder where Mii Channel wasn't being
downloaded or installed
- Added choice in Wizards to download All Wii Channels, Some, or None. You
will only be asked about each Channel individually if you choose "Some".
- Added\Removed the following files to the Download Database: - IOS236
Installer (this replaced Trucha Bug Restorer v1.13) - Removed Waninkoko's
cIOS249rev17 Installer (v17b Wad install is better)
4.2.2 Changelog:
- Cheat Code Downloader now gets cheats for ALL consoles (not only Wii games)
In NUSAD's options you can select which consoles to download cheats for. You
can also choose where to save cheats: 1) to txtcodes folder, 2) to location
expected by Accio Hacks, or 3) to both.
- Improved download verification for Auto-Updating Downloads. These
downloads will now be verified by checking versions numbers (found in
meta.xml) are up to date. Version information is also reported in the
download logs.
- Added\Updated the following files to the Download Database: - Locked
apps Folder for HBC (Categorii). Just move apps you want to lock to the
'apps_locked' foler, then access 'Locked Apps' folder in your HBC.
Default password is "UDLRAB" on wiimote, change it by editing its
eta.xml) - Accio Hacks (replaced Cheat Manager v0.3) - WiiXplorer
(Auto-Updating Download) - SaveGame Manager GX (Auto-Updating Download) -
Removed Ocarina App (NeoGamma is better)
- Minor changes to guide.
4.2.1 Changelog:
- Updated hash for the new HackMii Installer (v0.8) to avoid false 'Invalid'
errors Altered the Download Wizard and HackMii Solutions to install the HBC
to IOS58.
- Added the option to select what region of cheat codes to download. You
can choose from: all, USA, PAL and JAP (all is the default). Previously,
only USA codes were downloaded.
- Added\Updated the following files to the Download Database: - Ocarina
(an alternative to NeoGamma to launch discs with cheats) Ocarina comes with
a Cheat Code Manager for Windows - Cheat Manager v0.3 (Wii alternative to
CFG Loader to create GCT cheat files) - Dop-Mii Updated from v12 to v13
4.2.0 Changelog:
- Added SNEEK Installer and SNEEK NAND Builder for all 4 forms of SNEEK. Added
option to build SNEEK with verbose output and choose alternate font.bin.
- Fixed bug in Sneek Game/ISO Bulk Extracter when an ISO had a space in
the title. Updated DiscEX Download and Usage to v0.5. Added options to
enable verbose output
- Added Cheat Code Bulk Downloader to Batch Download Page 2. Added option
to overwrite codes instead of only downloading missing files.
- Improved duplicate detection when downloading auto-updating files (ie.
WiiMC, CFG USB-Loader). They're now set to download its most recent release,
NUSAD will now determine what version is already installed (if any), and
skip downloading it if you already have the latest version.
- Added NUSAD verbose option to start wget and discex maximized when in
- Added the following files to the Download Database: - Neogamma Backup
Disc Loader - Most recent release - WiiMC (Media Player) - Most recent
release - FCEUGX (NES Emulator) - Most recent release - SNES9xGX (SNES
Emulator) - Most recent release - VBAGX (GB/GBA Emulator) - Most recent
release - Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator) - WiiSX beta2.1 (PS1 Emulator) -
Homebrew Browser v0.3.8 - Cheat Codes-txtcodes (more info in bullets
- Renamed cMIOSs so their names are more descriptive and consistent with
- Other minor changes.
4.1.9 Changelog:
- Download Wizard now supports upgrading to 4.3 (but still not recommended).
- Download Wizard now supports non-virgin Jap and Korean 4.3 Wii's (Virgin
4.3 Jap and Korean Wii's are still unsoftmoddable)
- Added 'HackMii Solutions' support for 4.3 Wii's of all regions.
- Added a SNEEK Game/ISO Bulk Extractor to facilitate transferring an
entire folder of Games/ISOs to your SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI enabled FAT32 Hard
- File Cleanup feature added to assist those wanting to delete un-needed
files after mod completion.
- Bootmii.ini builder/configurator added. It can build/customize the
bootmii.ini file, as well as download the ppcboot.elf and armboot.bin, all
of which are required to launch bootmii (these files are also saved to the
SD Card when bootmii is manually installed).
- Added the ability to save your Wizard Settings for future use or
redistribution. When starting the Download Wizard, if Wizard_Settings is
detected, it will ask you if you want to load the saved settings or continue
with the Download Wizard like normal.
- All IOSs/MIOSs are now ONLY saved to the WAD folder unless you enable
the new 'Root Save' Option to Save IOSs\MIOSs to root instead of the WAD
Folder (does NOT affect Download Wizard and only applies to IOSs\MIOSs).
This is useful for Wii Apps that require IOSs\MIOSs saved to Root (also
useful in combination with the option to save the 00000001 folder, as some
Wii apps also require IOSs/MIOSs saved to the 00000001 folder).
- When saving Download Queue's, 3 settings now also will be saved to the
queue (Root Save, Keep 00000001 Folder and Save Zip). When this Queue is
loaded, it will use the settings saved in the queue (and notify the user
what they are and if they differ from your overall settings).
- Active IOSs have been updated to their most recent releases (post 4.3
update versions). Stub IOSs have been removed entirely.
- Reorganized the 3 Batch Download Pages and also made them directly
accessible from one page to the next, allowing you to add files from
multiple pages to a single Download Queue.
- Added more error-reduction checks when building a cIOS. Now the base
wads will also be verified and deleted/re-downloaded if corrupt somehow.
- Updates checks now download a *.txt file instead of a *.bat file, which
should fix the update error one user reported having.
- Multiple enhancements to the custom generated guides (especially for 4.3
- Other minor changes.
4.1.8 Changelog:
- fixed bug where IOS15v1031 was saved only to the wad folder instead of the
wad folder AND the root of the SD Card
4.1.7 Changelog:
- fixed bug where IOS15v527 was downloaded instead of v1031 when modding a
virgin 4.3 Wii
4.1.6 Changelog:
- Added Support to Modify Virgin 4.3U and 4.3E Wii's (Virgin 4.3J/K Wii's
cannot yet be modified)
- Added "Advanced Custom Downloads" feature (and moved User-Defined Custom
Downloads from the main menu to this page). This is for more advanced users,
and is capable of patching IOSs, and changing the version/slot numbers of
cIOSs/IOSs. Improved a lot upon "User-Defined Custom Downloads".
- Added Support to Modify Wii's under System Menu Version 2.2
- Added a USB-Loader Forwarder Channel to extra brick protection (this
will allow you to launch homebrew without using an exploit in the event of
accidental update)
- Removed the option to download Stub IOSs from the download wizard
- Fixed bug in the download wizard where IOS30 was not downloaded when
installing System Menu 3.2
- Fixed bug in MMM Configurator, now it writes "AutoloadIOS=" (instead of
"ciosversion=", which is the term used in the Wad Manager config file)
- Due to popular demand, I've set up a PayPal account. If you want, you
can send donations via PayPal to xflak40@hotmail.com (just think of what I
could do if I had something better than notepad to program with!). If you do
make a donation, PM me on gbatemp or send me an email (at the same email
address), and as a way of saying thanks, I will reveal one of NUSAD's
functional Easter Eggs to you.
- Added the following files to the Download Database: - Wii Backup
Manager v0.3.5 beta1 - Twilight Hack - Smash Stack - Indiana Pwns -
LoadMii v0.3 (Twilight Version) - Trucha Bug Restorer v1.13 - USB-Loader
Forwarder Channel - IOS41v3091 (on archived downloads page) - Added a new
Priiloader hacks.ini (to replace the previous 3) that has ALL the
Priiloader hacks in it for all System Menu's
- Other minor changes.
4.1.5 Changelog:
- Added "USB-Loader Setup" Feature, which will generate a custom guide and
download all the files needed to set-up your hard-drive, customize your
usb-loader (configurable USB-Loader) and manage games (using Wii Backup
Manager). Based on your answers, it will add some custom lines to the
config.txt file used by configurable USB-Loader.
- Added 'on-the-fly error reduction technology'. Files are verified after
they are downloaded, if files are missing or fail MD5 Hash checks, the file
will be deleted (if applicable) and Re-Downloaded. Existing files are now
only Skipped if they are successfully verified, otherwise, they too will be
deleted and Re-Downloaded. Note, that each file will only attempt to be
downloaded 2 times, if it fails MD5 hash checks twice, it will move on to
the next file in the cue (this is to prevent never ending loops in the event
of real changes to files).
- Files that used to be hosted on myfail.net (ie. Priiloader hacks.ini)
are now hosted elsewhere. This will solve the 'Priiloader Hacks Missing'
- Updated MD5 hash database (since many files changed after the 4.3
update), this will stop false-positive errors from occurring.
- Updated diff files for cIOS creation (for 4.3 NUS hosted file change)
- fvc is now used instead of %folder%sfk to verify downloads (%folder%sfk
was not listing errors when NUSAD is in exe form)
- On the Verify/Download Log page, the window size will increase
automatically to fit all the text (removed the +/- options to increase and
decrease window size). Also on this page, added an option to (R)epeat
Download (this is useful to fix any errors that may have occurred in the
- When changing the Drive Letter, to Continue using Current Settings,
leave the selection blank and type enter (instead of old method of having to
type 'C')
- Replaced lines consisting only of a single period '.' with a real blank
line in the Custom Generated Guides.
- Renamed "Support" Folder to "modules" (modules folder required for
- Added/Updated the following files to the Download Database: - Wii
Backup Manager v0.3.5 beta1 - FAT32 GUI Formatter - Configurable USB
Loader (Most recent 249 version) - Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 222
version) -'USB-Loader' Folder (Most recent version for Configurable
USB-Loader) - Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent
version) - Shop Channel's updated to version 19 (latest version) -
IOS58v6175 (this was not available on NUS prior to the 4.3 update) -
IOS61v5661 (IOS61 updated to latest version - required to use shop
hannel) - IOS70v6913(IOS70v6687 Patched) (increased version number to
survive updates) - IOS80 (4.3 SM IOS) - IOS80 patched (4.3 patched SM
OS) - IOS80v54321(IOS60Patched) (4.3 patched SM IOS that will protect
Region Changed formerly Korean Wii's from 003 errors in the event of an
official update) - STUB IOS70 (patched and non-fakesigned IOS70's still
available for download) - STUB IOS254 updated from version 260 to version
- Other minor changes.
4.1.4 Changelog:
- Added an optional "Extra Brick Protection" feature which will protect Wii's
from accidentally changing to a system menu without having the IOS for that
system menu already installed. NUSAD can grab many non-stubbed SM IOSs for
the following system menu IOS slots (11,20,30,40,50,52,60). For system menu
IOSs slots below 40, IOS60v6174-patched is installed in order to protect
LU64+ wii's from using older incompatible IOSs. All of these IOSs have a
version number that is equal to the Stub's version number plus 1 (so they
will survive an official update). The normal IOS30-patched is still
available for download in the batch download page.
- Fixed IOS70v54321(IOS60v6174-patched).wad for Korean Wii's, it used to
download IOS70 instead of IOS60v6174, but now it grabs the right IOS.
- Removed option to patch system menu IOSs. Now they are always patched
when using the wizard function. Non-patched IOS30, 60 and 70 are now instead
available for download in the "Archived Downloads" page.
- Proper handing of stub IOSs in the Download Wizard. Now it will only
download stub IOSs that should be present on your wii's specific firmware
and region (ie. If I am installing SM4.1, it will not download any of the
stubs that were released with v4.2). Stub IOSs for slots 200 and up will not
be downloaded if your wii is either a virgin or you've selected to download
recommended cIOSs. Stubbed System Menu IOSs will not be downloaded if you
answered Yes to Extra Brick Protection.
- Fixed Hash check when MMM's boot.dol is saved to the root of the Drive
(ie. "COPY_TO_SD"). This only affected the HackMii Solutions and the
Download Wizard but only for Korean Virgin Wii's (or any Korean Wii
installing the HBC).
- Some other minor changes.
4.1.3 Changelog:
- Replaced fvc with %folder%sfk to support 32bit systems again (hash checks in
v4.1.2 only worked on 64 bit systems). Also, now if you get errors, the text
will be in red
- Fixed Hash for the Euro News Channel
- Renamed "modules" Folder back to "Support" (modules folder no longer
required since fvc.exe was removed)
4.1.2 Changelog:
- Replaced FSUM with fvc in order to comply with GPL (edit: this broke hash
check support in 32bit systems)
- Renamed "Support Folder" to "modules" (modules folder required for
- Source code of supporting apps/files now available for download in one
- Added more people to credits who were previously accidentally overlooked
4.1.1 Changelog:
- Fixed Hash Check bug causing the check to fail when the USA Weather Channel
was downloaded
- Uses a newer version of WadMii (cwstjdenobs' 2nd WadMiiIsh mod), it
works exactly the same at the last one, but with some code cleaned up and no
verbose output
4.1.0 Changelog:
- Added the ability to create cIOSs and cMIOSs in wad form for easy batch
installation via a wad manager.
Note: that this is done legally, any copyrighted nintendo files are
downloaded from their servers directly. The custom cIOS (or cMIOS) modules
bundled with NUSAD (made by Waninkoko, Hermes and WiiGator) are open source
and legal to share under GPL. The diff files bundled with NUSAD do not
contain any nintendo code, but instead they only store the differences
between the unencrypted base wad modules and the unencrypted cIOS modules
(so it only stores/applies the same changes the cIOS/cMIOS installers make
to the base wad in the first place). All credit for these cIOSs/cMIOSs go to
Waninkoko, Hermes and WiiGator, all I did was reverse engineer their work
and repack it into a wad (which still wasn't easy). Also note that these
cIOS/cMIOS wads work exactly the same as if you were to install the cIOSs
using an official installer -- it has been tested extensively. FYI, I spoke
with Waninkoko and he gave me his consent to do all of this.
- Download Wizard and Guide now install cIOSs/cMIOSs using wads, not the
installers. Note that the installers and base wads are still available for
download in batch download page and archived download page.
- IOS61 now always downloaded when getting the HackMii Installer via the
- The guides now use Multi Manager Mod v13.2 (MMM) instead of YAWMM and
Dop-Mii. Some other optimizations to the guide.
- Changed the entire "hackmii solution" option from the main menu, now it
downloads bannerbomb (v1 or v2), the HackMii Installer, MMM, IOS34 and
IOS61, and it will print out a GUIDE for fixing the upside-down homebrew
channel or no vulnerable IOS problems (including methods to fix it if
missing the HBC).
- Added the ability to select common groups of files to the batch download
- Download confirmation page now automatically extends to fit the amount
of text on screen (so if you have a massive download list, you wont need to
press + or - to expand or shrink the window anymore).
- Download Cues can no longer be saved/loaded on the batch download page.
Instead, they can be saved on the download confirmation and download
verification pages (before and after executing a batch download), and they
can be loaded from the main menu (note, the option to load a download_cue
only appears if a download_cue has been saved)
- Added the ability to not only save the download_cue (S), but also to add
the new cue to an existing download cue (S+) -- this could come in handy
especially now that I have 3 different download pages.
- Added an Archived/Outdated Downloads page to download outdated files
(all Stub IOSs can be downloaded from here)
- Hackmii Installer now also saved to SD:/apps/HackMii_Installer/boot.elf
in addition to SD:/boot.elf
- Added mmmconfig configurator (for Multi-Manager Mod)
- Changed color scheme (modeled after the ever-nostalgic BSOD, lol)
- Added scam warning/disclaimer at program start-up (hopefully this will
prevent people from reselling this free application)
- Added another functional Easter egg, now there are two functional Easter
Eggs. Don't ask me what they are.
- other minor changes
4.0.1 Changelog:
- Added an auto-update feature (this can be disabled in the options menu, if
you disable it, I strongly recommend regularly checking for updates manually
on the options page, or this webpage [tinyurl.com/nusauto]). Note that I
will be updating this program with updates for IOSs/apps/cios
installers/guides/etc. as they are released.
- Added more download options to the download wizard if you answer your
wii is NOT a virgin (ie. hackmii installer and bannerbomb)
If in the download wizard you answer your wii is NOT a virgin but you want
to download a cIOS Installer, all the base wads will also be downloaded and
saved in the right place (previously only the installer was downloaded--but
it always downloaded base wads in the past if you answered your wii is a
- Some other minor changes
4.0 (aka 3.3beta) Changelog:
- added Download wizard with custom guide generator. It can now download apps,
including the hackmii installer using wget. Zip files are extracted using a
command line version of 7zip (7za)
- added Wad Manager Configurator (builds custom wm_config.txt files)
- No longer uses Enfis_SFV check, instead an md5 hash check is performed
using FSUM
- Now included NusFileGrabber 1.1 by Leathl, which now gets 0000000e.app
from IOS70v6687 and 00000001.app from IOS60 v6174 for use with SNEEK. It
also no longer requires the common-key (so makekeybin has been removed from
the supporting exe's)
- uses the original version of Leathl's libwiisharp.dll again (new
patchios.exe does not timestamp patched wads, so modified libwiisharp.dll is
no longer needed - this allows for consistent hash checks of the patched
system menu IOSs)
- patchios upgraded to v1.1 by Leathl, which does not time-stamp wads
(making consistent hash checks possible), it also is capable of changing the
IOS slot and version number of a wad
- Supports upgrading Region Changed Korean Wii's (downloads IOS60, and on
the fly it patches it, changes its slot to 70 and its version to 54321 -
this will prevent 003 errors)
- Batch mode, added ability to deselect individual files, select all and
deselect all
- Added ability to save and load custom download cues (I got this idea
when gameking66 suggested loading download cue's from the download log)
- Added credits page
- A lot of other minor changes (I think I covered everything major)
3.2 Changelog:
- system menu IOSs are patched on the fly, this can be disabled in the options
(having a patched system menu IOS has many uses/benefits)
- includes a modified version of Leathl's libwiisharp.dll that does not
timestamp patched wads (this allows for consistent hash checks of the
patched system menu IOSs)
- settings are loaded differently, now the app will not crash while
loading previously saved settings if the filename has been changed (from
"NUS Auto Downloader.exe")
- added a functional Easter egg (don't ask me what it is!)
3.1 Changelog:
- fixed bug in batch mode ("S" was the command to mark the Shopping Channel
for install and it was also the command to Start downloading, now the
command for the shopping channel is "SH")
- French translation of v3.1 by Corenting is now available
3.0 Changelog:
- I basically rewrote the whole thing in v3, the source code is finally
organized, so it will be easy for me to update when/if new files become
available in the future.
- Most noticeable changes include the Options page and a new activity
which downloads the required files to use the Fakesign Restorer (or trucha
bug restorer).
- v3.0 has a lot of new features and I'm not going to explain them all,
check out the pics or play with the program for a better idea of what's new.
I am not going to make a new youtube video as the general usage between v2
and v3 has not changed much.
- German translation by MechMK1 should also be available soon