@echo off setlocal if not exist support cd.. if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues ::build d2xAll queue echo set AdvNumber=0 >temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo if /i '?GetAdvNumberOnly?' EQU 'Y' goto:endofqueue>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set ROOTSAVE=off>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set Option1=off>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[60]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[70]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS249[80]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[60]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[70]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo Set cIOS250[80]-d2x-v7-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat echo :endofqueue>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat support\sfk filter -spat temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat -rep _\x27_\x22_ -rep _\x3f_\x25_ -rep _"AdvNumber=0 "_"AdvNumber=0"_ -write -yes>nul echo d2x cIOS beta MD5 Updater echo ------------------------- echo. echo Building d2x-beta cIOSs... echo. echo The 1st time ModMii runs the cIOSs will be invalid and open a text window echo The 2nd time ModMii runs the cIOSs should be valid and not open a text window echo. ::echo @echo off>d2xAll-Downloader.bat ::echo setlocal>>d2xAll-Downloader.bat ::echo call support\ModMii.bat L d2xALL>>d2xAll-Downloader.bat ::start /wait d2xAll-Downloader.bat ModMii.exe L d2xALL ::del d2xAll-Downloader.bat>nul if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat if "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD if exist d2xALL.md5 del d2xALL.md5>nul support\fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\WAD\*.wad>>d2xALL.md5 if not exist Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat (echo Error: Missing Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo Updating d2x MD5s... call Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat copy /y Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bak>nul set number=0 :top SET /a number=%number%+1 if /i "%number%" EQU "1" set cios=cIOS249[37] if /i "%number%" EQU "2" set cios=cIOS250[37] if /i "%number%" EQU "3" set cios=cIOS249[38] if /i "%number%" EQU "4" set cios=cIOS250[38] if /i "%number%" EQU "5" set cios=cIOS249[53] if /i "%number%" EQU "6" set cios=cIOS250[53] if /i "%number%" EQU "7" set cios=cIOS249[55] if /i "%number%" EQU "8" set cios=cIOS250[55] if /i "%number%" EQU "9" set cios=cIOS249[56] if /i "%number%" EQU "10" set cios=cIOS250[56] if /i "%number%" EQU "11" set cios=cIOS249[57] if /i "%number%" EQU "12" set cios=cIOS250[57] if /i "%number%" EQU "13" set cios=cIOS249[58] if /i "%number%" EQU "14" set cios=cIOS250[58] if /i "%number%" EQU "15" set cios=cIOS249[60] if /i "%number%" EQU "16" set cios=cIOS250[60] if /i "%number%" EQU "17" set cios=cIOS249[70] if /i "%number%" EQU "18" set cios=cIOS250[70] if /i "%number%" EQU "19" set cios=cIOS249[80] if /i "%number%" EQU "20" set cios=cIOS250[80] copy /y d2xALL.md5 temp\d2xALL.txt>nul support\sfk filter -spat temp\d2xALL.txt -+"%cios%-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes>nul set /p ciosmd5= nul ::delete wad: it will be reconstructed and confirmed later del "%DRIVE%\WAD\%cios%-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad">nul if "%number%" NEQ "20" goto:top echo. echo d2x-beta.bat Updated echo. del temp\d2xALL.txt>nul del d2xALL.md5>nul if exist "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%" rd /s /q "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%" mkdir "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%" copy /y Support\d2x-beta\* "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\">nul del "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\d2x-beta.bak">nul if exist "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.zip" del "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.zip">nul cd Support\More-cIOSs ..\7za a -t7z "..\..\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.zip" "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\*.bat" ..\7za a -t7z "..\..\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.zip" "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\*.app" cd "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%" if exist "*.xml" ..\..\7za a -t7z "..\..\..\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.zip" "*.xml" if exist "*.txt" ..\..\7za a -t7z "..\..\..\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.zip" "*.txt" cd ..\..\.. echo. echo ModMii about to verify echo If there are 0 errors this window will close echo. ::call support\ModMii.bat L d2xALL ::start /wait d2xAll-Downloader.bat ::del d2xAll-Downloader.bat>nul ModMii.exe L d2xALL findStr /I /C:"20 file(s) downloaded succcessfully" temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 exit echo. echo d2x-beta.bat not updated successfully pause