@echo off setlocal chdir /d "%~dp0" chcp 437>nul set DRIVE= ::check if local if not exist apps goto:skip set DRIVE=%cd% if /i "%DRIVE:~-1%" EQU "\" set DRIVE=%DRIVE:~0,-1% dir "%DRIVE%\apps\*.dol" "%DRIVE%\apps\*.elf" /B /S>%temp%\applist.txt if not errorlevel 1 goto:gotdrive set DRIVE= :skip if not exist Support cd.. ::check for modmii drive setting if not exist Support\settings.bat goto:skip ::remove setting path's with an & symbol and force default if exist Support\sfk.exe Support\sfk filter -spat Support\settings.bat -!"\x26" -write -yes>nul call Support\settings.bat if "%DRIVE%"=="" (goto:skip) if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" set DRIVE=%cd%\%DRIVE% dir "%DRIVE%\apps\*.dol" "%DRIVE%\apps\*.elf" /B /S >%temp%\applist.txt if not errorlevel 1 (move /y %temp%\applist.txt %temp%\applist.txt>nul) & (goto:gotdrive) set DRIVE= :skip ::check for COPY_TO_SD if not exist COPY_TO_SD\apps goto:skip set DRIVE=%cd%\COPY_TO_SD dir "%DRIVE%\apps\*.dol" "%DRIVE%\apps\*.elf" /B /S>%temp%\applist.txt if not errorlevel 1 goto:gotdrive set DRIVE= :skip :noapps echo Exploit App Selector echo by XFlak echo. echo This tool will help you quickly switch the boot.dol\elf app that is saved to the root of your SD Card to be launched by Wii Exploits. echo. echo *If you're seeing this message something went wrong, make sure this file is saved to the root of your SD Card or COPY_TO_SD folder and that it has an apps folder with some Wii apps in it. echo. echo Press any key to exit . . . pause>nul exit :gotdrive cls echo Exploit App Selector echo by XFlak echo. echo This tool will help you quickly switch the boot.dol\elf app that is saved to the root of your SD Card to be launched by Wii Exploits. echo. echo Confirm this your SD Card or COPY_TO_SD folder: %DRIVE% echo *If this isn't right, make sure this file is saved to the root of your SD Card or COPY_TO_SD folder and that it has an apps folder with some Wii apps in it. echo. echo Select the App to start when an exploit is launched on your Wii: echo. ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt set /a line=0 for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%temp%\applist.txt) do call :process %%A goto:quickskip :process set file=%* ::skip any lines ending in bootmini.elf if /i "%file:~-12%" EQU "bootmini.elf" goto:EOF set /a line=%line%+1 echo %line% = %file% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo Notes: * Not all exploits support Dols; however, Elf files work with all exploits. echo * If the app you want to select isn't listed above, save it here and try again: echo %DRIVE%\apps echo. set /p selection= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%selection%" EQU "exit" exit ::check if numeric SET "var="&for /f "delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%selection%") do set var=%%i if defined var goto:badkey if /i %selection% GTR %line% goto:badkey ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt set /a line=0 for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%temp%\applist.txt) do call :process %%A goto:quickskip :process set file=%* ::skip any lines ending in bootmini.elf if /i "%file:~-12%" EQU "bootmini.elf" goto:EOF set /a line=%line%+1 if /i "%line%" EQU "%selection%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip ::make backup if exist "%Drive%\boot.dol" goto:overwriteQ if not exist "%Drive%\boot.elf" goto:skiprename :overwriteQ echo. echo Boot.dol\elf already detected in %DRIVE% echo Overwrite\Delete or Rename? O/R echo. set /p selection= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%selection%" EQU "R" goto:skip if /i "%selection%" NEQ "O" goto:notO if exist "%Drive%\boot.elf" del "%Drive%\boot.elf">nul if exist "%Drive%\boot.dol" del "%Drive%\boot.dol">nul goto:skiprename :notO cls echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul cls goto:overwriteQ :skip echo. if not exist "%Drive%\boot.dol" goto:skip :COPY SET /a COUNT=%COUNT%+1 if exist "%Drive%\boot%COUNT%.dol" goto:COPY rename "%Drive%\boot.dol" "boot%COUNT%.dol" echo Renaming "%Drive%\boot.dol" to "boot%COUNT%.dol" :skip if not exist "%Drive%\boot.elf" goto:skiprename set /a COUNT=0 :COPY2 SET /a COUNT=%COUNT%+1 if exist "%Drive%\boot%COUNT%.elf" goto:COPY2 rename "%Drive%\boot.elf" "boot%COUNT%.elf" echo Renaming "%Drive%\boot.elf" to "boot%COUNT%.elf" :skiprename ::get app name echo set app=%%file:%DRIVE%\apps\=%%>%temp%\app.bat call %temp%\app.bat echo. echo Copying "..\%app%" to "%Drive%\boot.%file:~-3%"... copy /y "%file%" "%Drive%\boot.%file:~-3%">nul if errorlevel 1 goto:fail echo. echo FINISHED! echo. echo Safely remove your SD Card and insert it into your Wii. The next time you launch an exploit it will load a copy of %app%. echo. if /i "%file:~-3%" EQU "dol" (echo WARNING: Not all exploits support Dols; however, Elf files work with all exploits.) & (echo.) echo Press any key to exit . . . pause>nul exit :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:gotdrive :fail echo. echo *If you're seeing this message something went wrong. echo. echo Press any key to exit . . . pause>nul exit