@echo off setlocal chdir /d "%~dp0" if not exist support cd.. set PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%\system32\wbem;%SystemRoot%;%homedrive%\ModMii\temp chcp 437>nul ::remove setting path's with an & symbol and force default if exist Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -spat Support\settings.bat -!"\x26" -write -yes>nul if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat if "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues echo set AdvNumber=0 >temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat echo if /i '?GetAdvNumberOnly?' EQU 'Y' goto:endofqueue>>temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat echo Set ROOTSAVE=off>>temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat echo Set Option1=off>>temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat echo Set casper=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat echo Set bootmiisd=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat echo :endofqueue>>temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat support\sfk filter -spat temp\DownloadQueues\CasperBootMiiSD.bat -rep _\x27_\x22_ -rep _\x3f_\x25_ -rep _"AdvNumber=0 "_"AdvNumber=0"_ -write -yes>nul echo Casper2BootMii echo -------------- echo. echo Downloading Casper and BootMii SD Card files using ModMii... echo. echo In addition to the above files you will need an exploit echo saved to your SD Card. This will allow you to access echo BootMii even on non-modified Wiis. echo. ModMii.exe L CasperBootMiiSD findStr /I /C:"2 file(s) downloaded succcessfully" temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:success echo. echo Downloads Failed, press any key to exit pause>nul exit :success copy /y "%DRIVE%\apps\Casper\boot.elf" "%DRIVE%\boot.elf">nul copy /y "%DRIVE%\bootmii\armboot.bin" "%DRIVE%\bootmii_ios.bin">nul echo. echo SUCCESS! echo. echo Press any key to close this window pause>nul