@echo off setlocal :top ::chdir /d "%~dp0" pushd "%~dp0" cls if not exist support cd.. set cygwin=nodosfilewarning set ModMiiDrive=%cd:~0,2% set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%\system32\wbem;%SystemRoot%;%homedrive%\ModMii\temp;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0" ::65001 was used to fix paths with special characters like é for Sneek Installer, but caused rare slowdowns for some users so reverted back to 437. Other downloads may still fail if a special character exists in the path, but work fine if using the default COPY_TO_SD relative path. chcp 437>nul ::chcp 65001>nul ::chcp 850>nul ::chcp 1252>nul ::PUSHD "%cd%" ::::PUSHD "%~dp0" ::POPD set currentversion=7.0.3 set currentversioncopy=%currentversion% set agreedversion= ::let's make this easy set redtext=Red set bluetext=Blue set yellowtext=Yellow set greentext=Green set magentatext=Magenta set cyantext=Cyan set backgroundcolor=1 set whitetext=f ::-------------------CMD LINE SUPPORT---------------------- ::getting args sent to ModMii, if applicable ::"ModMii" a b c d e f g h i ::equals ::"ModMii" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 set "one=%~1" if not "%one%"=="" set cmdlinemode=Y set "two=%~2" set "three=%~3" set "four=%~4" set "five=%~5" set "six=%~6" set "seven=%~7" set "eight=%~8" set "nine=%~9" setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set "cmdinput=!cmdcmdline!" ::if ONE is a function and not a dropped file, then revert to secondary method [set cmdinput=%*] primary method only works if calling the exe, not the bat if /i "%one%" EQU "help" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "O" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "D" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "W" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "S" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "U" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "E" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "AW" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "L" set cmdinput=%* if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" set cmdinput=%* ::slash is wrong direction when launched via exe, correct it here: set "cmdinput=!cmdinput:/Support/ModMii.bat=\Support\ModMii.bat!" ::remove bat name from cmdinput, appears sometimes depending how it's launched set "cmdinput=!cmdinput:*%~f0=!" ::remove first term "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" ::set "cmdinput=!cmdinput:* =!" ::remove 2nd term "/c" ::set "cmdinput=!cmdinput:* =!" ::strip out unnecessary chars at start set "cmdinput=!cmdinput:*" =!" ::remove quotes set "cmdinput=!cmdinput:"=!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::in some cases above method will yield "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe", for these fall back on secondary method if /i "%cmdinput%" NEQ "%homedrive%\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" goto:skipfix set cmdinput=%* set "cmdinput=%cmdinput:"=%" :skipfix ::echo cmdinput: "%cmdinput%" ::echo one: "%one%" ::pause ::multidrop stuff done later! ::check for write access if exist "temp\test" goto:skip mkdir "temp\test" if not exist "temp\test" (goto:WriteError) else (goto:donecheck) :skip if not exist temp\test\test.txt goto:skip del temp\test\test.txt>nul if exist temp\test\test.txt (goto:WriteError) else (goto:donecheck) :skip echo test>temp\test\test.txt if exist temp\test\test.txt goto:donecheck :WriteError ::for skin mode, force screen to be visible ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" 255 cls echo ModMii needs to be run as an Administrator if saved to this directory. echo Please either run ModMii from somewhere else like C:\ModMii or run as admin echo. echo Press any key to update shortcuts and run ModMii as administrator... pause>nul if not "%cmdinput%"=="" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMii.exe" "%temp%" "ModMii" "%cmdinput%" if "%cmdinput%"=="" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMii.exe" "%temp%" "ModMii" support\hexalter.exe "%temp%\ModMii.lnk" 0x15=0x20>nul if exist "%userprofile%\Desktop\ModMii.lnk" support\hexalter.exe "%userprofile%\Desktop\ModMii.lnk" 0x15=0x20>nul if exist "%userprofile%\Desktop\ModMii Skin.lnk" support\hexalter.exe "%userprofile%\Desktop\ModMii Skin.lnk" 0x15=0x20>nul if exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii.lnk" support\hexalter.exe "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii.lnk" 0x15=0x20>nul if exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii Skin.lnk" support\hexalter.exe "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii Skin.lnk" 0x15=0x20>nul if exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Uninstall.lnk" support\hexalter.exe "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Uninstall.lnk" 0x15=0x20>nul cd "%temp%" start ModMii.lnk exit :donecheck if exist "temp\test" rd /s /q "temp\test"> nul IF "%AudioOption%"=="" set AudioOption=on if "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off if "%skin%"=="" set skin=Default if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat if exist "Support\Skins\%skin%\Success.mp3" (set "Success.mp3=Support\Skins\%skin%\Success.mp3") else (set "Success.mp3=Support\Skins\Default\Success.mp3") if exist "Support\Skins\%skin%\Fail.mp3" (set "Fail.mp3=Support\Skins\%skin%\Fail.mp3") else (set "Fail.mp3=Support\Skins\Default\Fail.mp3") set CurrentDLNAME= call "Support\subscripts\DB.bat" if "%DRIVE%"=="" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD ::check if drive folder exists--if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if /i "%DRIVE%" EQU "%cd%\COPY_TO_SD" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD if exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD) support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set*Drive=" -write -yes>nul echo Set "Drive=%DRIVE%">>Support\settings.bat :skipcheck if "%DRIVEU%"=="" set DRIVEU=COPY_TO_USB ::check if DRIVEU folder exists--if second char is ":" check if DRIVEU exists if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if /i "%DRIVEU%" EQU "%cd%\COPY_TO_USB" set DRIVEU=COPY_TO_USB if exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVEU=COPY_TO_USB) support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set*DriveU=" -write -yes>nul echo Set "DriveU=%DRIVEU%">>Support\settings.bat :skipcheck set d2x-beta-rev=11-beta1 if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat ::.NET Framework 3.5 check+installation if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation echo ModMii requires .NET Framework 3.5 be installed echo. ::get different framework installer if running windows 7 or lower ver>temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\temp.txt" -rep _*" "__ -rep _"."*__ -rep _"]"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\temp.txt" -no-empty-lines -no-blank-lines -write -yes set /p winver= nul if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation if /i "%FrameworkAttempt%" EQU "3" goto:GiveUpOnFramework :retryframework echo Installation Failed, retrying... echo. echo. if /i "%FrameworkAttempt%" EQU "3" goto:GiveUpOnFramework goto:NETFRAMEWORK :GiveUpOnFramework echo. echo. echo. echo .NET Framework 3.5 Installation Failed Multiple Times echo Alternatively, you can try installing .NET Framework 3.5 by performing a Windows Update echo. echo Some ModMii features may not work properly without .NET Framework 3.5 installed echo Hit any key to use ModMii anyways pause>nul :skipframeworkinstallation ::if not exist temp mkdir temp if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues if exist Support\DownloadQueues\* move /y Support\DownloadQueues\* temp\DownloadQueues>nul if exist Support\DownloadQueues rd /s /q "Support\DownloadQueues">nul if not exist Support\More-cIOSs mkdir Support\More-cIOSs ::check for InstallForge Uninstall.exe, uninstall.dat and uninstall_l.ifl then move\rename to Support folder if not exist uninstall.dat goto:skip if exist uninstall.dat move /y uninstall.dat Support\uninstall.dat>nul if exist uninstall_l.ifl move /y uninstall_l.ifl Support\uninstall_l.ifl>nul if exist Uninstall.exe move /y Uninstall.exe Support\Uninstall2.exe>nul :skip if exist "support\subscripts\Uninstaller.exe" move /y "support\subscripts\Uninstaller.exe" Uninstall.exe>nul if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\" goto:skip if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMii.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "ModMii" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii Skin.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMiiSkin.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "ModMii Skin" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Uninstall.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\Uninstall.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Uninstall" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Website & Help.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "https://modmii.github.io" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Website & Help" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Open ModMii Folder.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%windir%\explorer.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Open ModMii Folder" "%cd%\" :skip set UPDATENAME=ModMii ::set UPDATENAME=ModMii_IT_ if /i "%debug%" EQU "on" goto:skip if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat if exist Updatetemp.bat del Updatetemp.bat>nul :skip ::set to Y to keep some invalid files for debug purposes set KeepInvalidOverride=N ::cmd line stuff if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmd if /i "%two%" EQU "Help" goto:specificCMDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "O" goto:cmdlineOPTIONShelp if /i "%one%" EQU "D" goto:cmdlineDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "U" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "AW" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "L" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" goto:hardcodedoptions ::---pure drag and drop stuff below--- ::multidrop support, insert line breaks to split different dragged files arguments ::add check for multiple files by searching for more 2 or more colons ":" set "string=%cmdinput%" set /a filecount=0 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if defined string (set ^"strtmp=!string::=^ %= empty string =% !^") else set "strtmp=" for /F %%C in ('cmd /V /C echo(^^!strtmp^^!^| find /C /V ""') do set /A "filecount=%%C-1" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo "!string!" contains %filecount% files if %filecount% LSS 2 goto:notMulti echo "%cmdinput%">temp\MultiDrop.txt support\sfk -spat filter temp\MultiDrop.txt -rep _\x22__ -rep _" A:"_"\nA:"_ -rep _" B:"_"\nB:"_ -rep _" C:"_"\nC:"_ -rep _" D:"_"\nD:"_ -rep _" E:"_"\nE:"_ -rep _" F:"_"\nF:"_ -rep _" G:"_"\nG:"_ -rep _" H:"_"\nH:"_ -rep _" I:"_"\nI:"_ -rep _" J:"_"\nJ:"_ -rep _" K:"_"\nK:"_ -rep _" L:"_"\nL:"_ -rep _" M:"_"\nM:"_ -rep _" N:"_"\nN:"_ -rep _" O:"_"\nO:"_ -rep _" P:"_"\nP:"_ -rep _" Q:"_"\nQ:"_ -rep _" R:"_"\nR:"_ -rep _" S:"_"\nS:"_ -rep _" T:"_"\nT:"_ -rep _" U:"_"\nU:"_ -rep _" V:"_"\nV:"_ -rep _" W:"_"\nW:"_ -rep _" X:"_"\nX:"_ -rep _" Y:"_"\nY:"_ -rep _" Z:"_"\nZ:"_ -rep _"^^"_"^"_ -write -yes>nul set /p testme= nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (set one=WL) & (set LoadWizSettings=Y) & (goto:go) ::check for download queue findStr /I /C:":endofqueue" "%cmdinput%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:notbat set one=L set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y goto:hardcodedoptions :notbat ::---------------ModMii nand.bin tools--------------- if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".bin" goto:notbin if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:notbin if exist "%cmdinput%\" goto:notbin title ModMii nand.bin tools :binDrop set binAction= cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% nand.bin tools echo. echo What would you like to do with this nand.bin file? echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]*If this isn't a Wii nand.bin backup, you should close this window now! echo. echo E = Extract it to use as an Emulated nand echo C = Check it using nandBinCheck echo CAB = Clone A to B; use this Wii's nand.bin ("A") to build a nand for a different "B" Wii; i.e. "A" is donor echo CBA = Clone B to A; build new nand for this Wii ("A") cloned from a different "B" Wii nand.bin; i.e. "A" is recipient echo D = DefragMii; speed up your nand by defragmenting it; can also update old nand backups to avoid new bad blocks echo. set /p binAction= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%binAction%" EQU "E" goto:nandextract if /i "%binAction%" EQU "C" goto:nandBinCheck if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CAB" goto:Punetwiin if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CBA" goto:Punetwiin if /i "%binAction%" EQU "D" goto:DefragMii echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:binDrop :nandextract cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% nand.bin tools if not exist temp\nand-tools\nand-aes-dump.exe goto:DL if not exist temp\nand-tools\NAND-bin2raw.exe goto:DL if not exist temp\nand-tools\zestig.exe goto:DL goto:skipDL :DL echo. echo Downloading nand-tools... ::https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/attachment.php?aid=1383 start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/nand-tools.zip" -O temp\nand-tools.zip if exist temp\nand-tools.zip support\7za x -aoa "temp\nand-tools.zip" -o"temp\nand-tools" -r if exist temp\nand-tools.zip del temp\nand-tools.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\nand-tools\nand-aes-dump.exe (echo nand-tools failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\nand-tools\NAND-bin2raw.exe (echo nand-tools failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\nand-tools\zestig.exe (echo nand-tools failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo. echo Extracting "%cmdinput%": echo. echo Please be patient, this may take a minute... echo. ::get nandfile and nandfolder names set "nandfile=%cmdinput:*\=%" set "nandfolder=%cmdinput%" :stripnandfile set "nandfile=%nandfile:*\=%" echo "%nandfile%">temp\temp.txt findStr \\ temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:stripnandfile echo set "nandfolder=%%nandfolder:\%nandfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat ::echo nandfile: %nandfile% ::echo nandfolder: %nandfolder% set "ModMiiDir=%cd%" if /i "%binAction%" NEQ "D" goto:notDefragmii if /i "%nand1%" EQU "%nand2%" set "nandfile1=%nandfile%" if /i "%nand1%" EQU "%nand2%" set "nandfolder1=%nandfolder%" if /i "%nand1%" EQU "%nand2%" goto:skipkeys :notDefragmii cd /d "%nandfolder%" if /i "%nandfile%" EQU "nand.bin" goto:skip if exist nand.bin move /y nand.bin nand.bin.modmii.bak>nul if exist nand-key.bin move /y nand-key.bin nand-key.bin.modmii.bak>nul move /y "%nandfile%" nand.bin>nul :skip echo @echo Off>"%ModMiiDir%\temp\temp.bat" echo title nand-aes-dump-cmd>>"%ModMiiDir%\temp\temp.bat" echo cd /d "%nandfolder%">>"%ModMiiDir%\temp\temp.bat" echo "%ModMiiDir%\temp\nand-tools\nand-aes-dump.exe">>"%ModMiiDir%\temp\temp.bat" cd "%ModMiiDir%\temp" start /min temp.bat cd /d "%nandfolder%" if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul if not exist nand-key.bin @ping -n 1 -w 1000> nul @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul ::nand-aes-dump.exe doesn't exit when done! if exist nand-key.bin taskkill /F /IM "nand-aes-dump.exe" /T >nul if exist nand-key.bin taskkill /F /FI "WindowTitle eq nand-aes-dump-cmd" /T >nul if exist nand-key.bin taskkill /F /FI "WindowTitle eq Administrator: nand-aes-dump-cmd" /T >nul move /y nand.bin "%nandfile%">nul if exist nand.bin.modmii.bak move /y nand.bin.modmii.bak nand.bin>nul if not exist nand-key.bin (echo unable to retrieve nand-key.bin, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%binAction%" EQU "D" goto:%afterkeys% "%ModMiiDir%\temp\nand-tools\NAND-bin2raw.exe" "%nandfile%" "%nandfile:~0,-4%_dec.bin" "%ModMiiDir%\temp\nand-tools\zestig.exe" nand-key.bin "%nandfile:~0,-4%_dec.bin" "%nandfile:~0,-4%" if exist "%nandfile:~0,-4%_dec.bin" del /f /q "%nandfile:~0,-4%_dec.bin" if exist "nand-key.bin" del /f /q "nand-key.bin" if exist "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin.modmii.bak" move /y "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin.modmii.bak" "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin">nul echo. cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if exist "%nandfolder%\%nandfile:~0,-4%" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound if not exist "%nandfolder%\%nandfile:~0,-4%" (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause> nul) & (exit) "%ModMiiDir%\support\sfk.exe" echo [%greentext%]FINISHED! echo. echo "%nandfolder%\%nandfile%" has been extracted to: echo "%nandfolder%\%nandfile:~0,-4%" echo. "%ModMiiDir%\support\sfk.exe" echo You can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%nandfolder%\%nandfile:~0,-4%" explorer "%nandfolder%\%nandfile:~0,-4%" exit :nandBinCheck if exist temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe goto:skipDL echo. echo Downloading nandBinCheck to check "%cmdinput%" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/nandBinCheck.zip" if exist nandBinCheck.zip support\7za x -aoa "nandBinCheck.zip" -o"temp\nandBinCheck" -r if exist nandBinCheck.zip del nandBinCheck.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe (echo nandBinCheck failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo @echo Off>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo title ModMii: Checking "%cmdinput%">>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo cd /d "%cd%\Support" >>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo sfk echo [%bluetext%]Checking "%cmdinput%">>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" echo "%cd%\temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe" "%cmdinput%" -all>>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "off" echo "%cd%\temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe" "%cmdinput%" -all -v>>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo sfk echo [%greentext%]Finished checking "%cmdinput%">>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo echo When finished reviewing checks, press any key to exit. >>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" echo start nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3:~8%">>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo pause^>nul >>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat echo exit >>temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat start temp\nandBinCheck\script.bat exit :Punetwiin set nandfolder2= cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% nand.bin tools echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]CloneMii echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]WARNING:[def] Using CloneMii\Punetwiin has some risks if the target console does not have bootmii boot2. echo Generally this is not something that should be done frequently. echo Make sure the target console's nand was dumped recently so Punetwiin is aware of all the latest bad blocks. echo. if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CAB" echo This is the selected donor Wii's nand.bin: if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CBA" echo This is the recipient\target Wii's nand.bin: echo "%cmdinput%" echo. if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CAB" support\sfk echo [%bluetext%] Drag and drop the recipient\target Wii's nand.bin onto this window then hit Enter if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CBA" support\sfk echo [%bluetext%] Drag and drop the donor Wii's nand.bin onto this window then hit Enter echo. echo B = Back echo. set nandfolder2=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p nandfolder2= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "nandfolder2=!nandfolder2:"=!" set "nandfolder2=!nandfolder2:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if "%nandfolder2%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%nandfolder2%" NEQ "%cmdinput%" goto:notduplicate echo You cannot use the same nand @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:Punetwiin :notduplicate if /i "%nandfolder2%" EQU "B" goto:binDrop if /i "%nandfolder2:~-4%" NEQ ".bin" goto:badkey if not exist "%nandfolder2%" goto:badkey goto:PunetwiinConfirm :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:Punetwiin :PunetwiinConfirm set PunetwiinConfirm= cls ::Add age check of nand2.bin? if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CAB" set "nand2=%nandfolder2%" if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CBA" set "nand2=%cmdinput%" dir /T:W "%nand2%">temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt ++".bin" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes set /p nanddate= nul goto:PunetwiinConfirm :RunPunetwiin cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% nand.bin tools if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CAB" set "nand1=%cmdinput%" if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CAB" set "nand2=%nandfolder2%" if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CBA" set "nand1=%nandfolder2%" if /i "%binAction%" EQU "CBA" set "nand2=%cmdinput%" if exist temp\Punetwiin\punetwiin.exe goto:skipDL echo. echo Downloading Punetwiin... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/Punetwiin.zip" -O temp\Punetwiin.zip if exist temp\Punetwiin.zip support\7za x -aoa "temp\Punetwiin.zip" -o"temp\Punetwiin" -r if exist temp\Punetwiin.zip del temp\Punetwiin.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\Punetwiin\punetwiin.exe (echo Punetwiin failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if exist temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe goto:skipDL echo. echo Downloading nandBinCheck... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/nandBinCheck.zip" if exist nandBinCheck.zip support\7za x -aoa "nandBinCheck.zip" -o"temp\nandBinCheck" -r if exist nandBinCheck.zip del nandBinCheck.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe (echo nandBinCheck failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo. echo Making preparations to run Punetwiin and clone the nand... echo Built: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin">"%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin_Info.txt" echo From Donor: "%nand1%">>"%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin_Info.txt" echo For Target: "%nand2%">>"%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin_Info.txt" echo @echo Off>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo title ModMii: Cloning "%nand1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Building: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo From Donor: "%nand1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo For Target: "%nand2%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat ::save a copy of nand2 so it doesn't overwrite the original echo echo Saving a copy of "%nand2%" to avoid overwriting the original...>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo copy /y /v "%nand2%" "%nand1:~0,-4%_incomplete.bin"^>nul>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Running Punetwiin...>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo "%cd%\temp\Punetwiin\punetwiin.exe" "%nand1%" "%nand1:~0,-4%_incomplete.bin" -force>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo move /y "%nand1:~0,-4%_incomplete.bin" "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin"^>nul>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Checking "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin" with nandBinCheck>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" echo "%cd%\temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe" "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin" -all>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "off" echo "%cd%\temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe" "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin" -all -v>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo cd /d "%cd%\Support" >>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%bluetext%]FINISHED CLONING >>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Built and checked: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin.bin">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo From Donor: "%nand1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo For Target: "%nand2%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Build info saved here: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Punetwiin_Info.txt">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%yellowtext%]YOU SHOULD REVIEW THE ABOVE OUTPUT FROM PUNETWIIN AND NANDBINCHECK BEFORE RESTORING>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%yellowtext%]And remember that restoring this nand has some risks if the target console does not have bootmii boot2.>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Generally this is not something that should be done frequently.>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Press any key to exit.>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" echo start nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3:~8%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo pause^>nul>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo exit>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat start temp\Punetwiin\script.bat exit :DefragMii ::get date of nand dir /T:W "%cmdinput%">temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt ++".bin" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes set /p nand0date= nul goto:Punetwiin :DefragMii2 cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% nand.bin tools set "nand1=%cmdinput%" set "nand2=%nandfolder2%" ::confirm keys are the same if using 2 different nands if /i "%nand1%" NEQ "%nand2%" goto:getkeys ::get nandfile and nandfolder names set "nandfile=%nand1:*\=%" set "nandfolder=%nand1%" goto:stripnandfile :getkeys if not exist temp\nand-tools\nand-aes-dump.exe goto:DL if not exist temp\nand-tools\NAND-bin2raw.exe goto:DL if not exist temp\nand-tools\zestig.exe goto:DL goto:skipDL :DL echo. echo Downloading nand-tools... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/nand-tools.zip" -O temp\nand-tools.zip if exist temp\nand-tools.zip support\7za x -aoa "temp\nand-tools.zip" -o"temp\nand-tools" -r if exist temp\nand-tools.zip del temp\nand-tools.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\nand-tools\nand-aes-dump.exe (echo nand-tools failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\nand-tools\NAND-bin2raw.exe (echo nand-tools failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\nand-tools\zestig.exe (echo nand-tools failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo. echo Confirming nands are for the same console... echo. ::get nandfile and nandfolder names set "nandfile=%nand1:*\=%" set "nandfolder=%nand1%" set afterkeys=stripnandfile2 goto:stripnandfile :stripnandfile2 set "nandfile1=%nandfile%" set "nandfolder1=%nandfolder%" move /y nand-key.bin "%ModMiiDir%\temp\nand-key1.bin">nul if exist "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin.modmii.bak" move /y "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin.modmii.bak" "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin">nul cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" set "nandfile=%nand2:*\=%" set "nandfolder=%nand2%" set afterkeys=comparekeys goto:stripnandfile :comparekeys set "nandfile2=%nandfile%" set "nandfolder2=%nandfolder%" move /y nand-key.bin "%ModMiiDir%\temp\nand-key2.bin">nul if exist "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin.modmii.bak" move /y "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin.modmii.bak" "%nandfolder%\nand-key.bin">nul cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" support\sfk md5 -quiet "temp\nand-key1.bin" "temp\nand-key2.bin" if not errorlevel 1 (echo Confirmed!) & (goto:skipkeys) echo Nands are for different Wii's, try cloning the Nand instead. Exiting... @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :skipkeys cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" if exist temp\nand-key1.bin del temp\nand-key1.bin >nul if exist temp\nand-key2.bin del temp\nand-key2.bin >nul if exist temp\Punetwiin\punetwiin.exe goto:skipDL echo. echo Downloading Punetwiin... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/Punetwiin.zip" -O temp\Punetwiin.zip if exist temp\Punetwiin.zip support\7za x -aoa "temp\Punetwiin.zip" -o"temp\Punetwiin" -r if exist temp\Punetwiin.zip del temp\Punetwiin.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\Punetwiin\punetwiin.exe (echo Punetwiin failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if exist temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe goto:skipDL echo. echo Downloading nandBinCheck... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/nandBinCheck.zip" if exist nandBinCheck.zip support\7za x -aoa "nandBinCheck.zip" -o"temp\nandBinCheck" -r if exist nandBinCheck.zip del nandBinCheck.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe (echo nandBinCheck failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo. echo Making preparations to run Punetwiin and defragment the nand... ::echo Built: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin">"%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged_Info.txt" ::echo From Donor: "%nand1%">>"%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged_Info.txt" ::echo For Target: "%nand2%">>"%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged_Info.txt" echo @echo Off>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo title ModMii: Defragmenting "%nand1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Building: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%nand1%" NEQ "%nand2%" echo echo Source: "%nand1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%nand1%" NEQ "%nand2%" echo echo Avoiding Bad Blocks from: "%nand2%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat ::save a copy of nand2 so it doesn't overwrite the original echo echo Saving a copy of "%nand2%" to avoid overwriting the original...>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo copy /y /v "%nand2%" "%nand1:~0,-4%_incomplete.bin"^>nul>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Running Punetwiin...>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo "%cd%\temp\Punetwiin\punetwiin.exe" "%nand1%" "%nand1:~0,-4%_incomplete.bin" -force>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo move /y "%nand1:~0,-4%_incomplete.bin" "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin"^>nul>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Checking "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin" with nandBinCheck>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" echo "%cd%\temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe" "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin" -all>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "off" echo "%cd%\temp\nandBinCheck\nandBinCheck.exe" "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin" -all -v>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo cd /d "%cd%\Support" >>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%bluetext%]FINISHED DEFRAGGING >>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo Built and checked: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged.bin">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo From Donor: "%nand1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo For Target: "%nand2%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat ::echo echo Build info saved here: "%nand1:~0,-4%_Defragged_Info.txt">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%yellowtext%]YOU SHOULD REVIEW THE ABOVE OUTPUT FROM PUNETWIIN AND NANDBINCHECK BEFORE RESTORING>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%yellowtext%]And remember that restoring this nand has some risks if the target console does not have bootmii boot2.>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Generally this is not something that should be done frequently.>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo echo ------------------>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo sfk echo You can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]press any key to exit and open the output folder.>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" echo start nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3:~8%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo pause^>nul>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo explorer "%nandfolder1%">>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat echo exit>>temp\Punetwiin\script.bat start temp\Punetwiin\script.bat exit :notbin ::----------wiiload drag and drop--------------- if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".elf" goto:WiiloadDragged if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".dol" goto:notWiiload ::support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% :WiiloadDragged if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:notWiiload if exist "%cmdinput%\" goto:notWiiload ::pass, get folder to open when any key is pressed ::get binary and mympath names, i.e. get filename and get folder full path not including filename set "binary=%cmdinput:*\=%" set "binarypath=%cmdinput%" :stripbinary set "binary=%binary:*\=%" echo "%binary%">temp\temp.txt findStr \\ temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:stripbinary echo set "binarypath=%%binarypath:%binary%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat set "binarypath=%binarypath:~0,-1%" ::echo binary: "%binary%" ::echo binarypath: "%binarypath%" if not exist "%binarypath%\meta.xml" goto:nometa ::remove comments from a copy of the meta copy /y "%binarypath%\meta.xml" "temp\temp.xml">nul support\sfk filter temp\temp.xml -cut "" -write -yes>nul ::get metaname support\sfk filter temp\temp.xml -nocheck -inc "" to "" ++"" -rep _*""_" "_ -rep _""*__ -join>"temp\temp.txt" set MetaName= set /p MetaName= <"temp\temp.txt" ::echo "%AppName%" set wiiloadArg= findStr /I "" "temp\temp.xml" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set "wiiloadArg= ahb_access" findStr /I "" "temp\temp.xml" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set "wiiloadArg=%wiiloadArg% no_ios_reload" support\sfk filter temp\temp.xml -nocheck -inc "" to "" ++"" -rep _*""_" "_ -rep _""*__ -join>"temp\temp.txt" set MoreWiiloadArgs= set /p MoreWiiloadArgs= <"temp\temp.txt" if "%MoreWiiloadArgs%"=="" goto:nometa set "wiiloadArg=%wiiloadArg%%MoreWiiloadArgs%" :nometa set WiiIP= if exist temp\WiiIP.txt set /p WiiIP= temp\temp.txt findStr /C:" " temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:striplastarg echo "%wiiloadArg%">temp\temp.txt set "lastarg=%lastarg:_=\x5f%" ::echo %lastarg% support\sfk filter -spat temp\temp.txt -lsrep _"\x22"__ -lerep _" %lastarg%\x22"__ -write -yes>nul set /p wiiloadArg= NUL && goto:badkey ::check for 3 periods set "string=%WiiLoadPrompt%" set /a dotcount=0 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if defined string (set ^"strtmp=!string:.=^ %= empty string =% !^") else set "strtmp=" for /F %%C in ('cmd /V /C echo(^^!strtmp^^!^| find /C /V ""') do set /A "dotcount=%%C-1" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo "!string!" contains %dotcount% periods. if /i "%dotcount%" EQU "3" goto:pingme :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:nometa :AddArgument echo. echo Include ONE space in-between arguments to add multiple arguments at the same time. echo. set AddArgument=? ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p AddArgument= Add argument(s): ::remove quotes set AddArgument=%AddArgument:"=% ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%AddArgument%" EQU "?" goto:nometa ::echo %AddArgument% if "%AddArgument%"=="" goto:nometa ::check for insane argument with 2 spaces echo "%AddArgument%"|findstr /I /C:" ">nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Too many spaces in between arguments...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:nometa) if /i "%AddArgument:~0,1%" EQU " " set "AddArgument=%AddArgument:~1%" if /i "%AddArgument:~-1%" EQU " " set "AddArgument=%AddArgument:~0,-1%" set "wiiloadArg=%wiiloadArg% %AddArgument%" goto:nometa :pingme ::check if Wii is reachable ::echo. ::echo Pinging Wii to see if reachable... ping -n 1 "%WiiLoadPrompt%"|findstr /I /C:"ms">nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:Pinged support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Unable to reach IP %WiiLoadPrompt%, check your settings and try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:nometa :Pinged cls set "WiiIP=%WiiLoadPrompt%" > "temp\WiiIP.txt" ECHO %WiiIP% support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% App Launcher echo. if not "%MetaName%"=="" support\sfk echo Launching app: [%bluetext%]"%MetaName%" if "%MetaName%"=="" support\sfk echo Launching app: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk echo To IP Address: [%bluetext%]"%WiiIP%" echo. echo If you have issues make sure you have the HBC open but that you are not inside its Home Menu, echo Double check the Wii IP address and make sure both this device and the Wii are on the same network. if exist temp\wiiload.exe goto:skip if exist index.html del index.html>nul ::if not exist temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t2 -T30 --random-wait --reject "*.html" --reject "index.html.tmp" --reject "%2A" --reject "get.php@file=hackmii_installer_v1.0*" "https://bootmii.org/download/" if not exist temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t2 -T30 --random-wait --reject html,tmp --accept-regex ".*hackmii_installer_v1\.2.*" "https://bootmii.org/download/" if not exist temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip move /y "get.php@file=hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip*" temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip>nul if exist get.* del /f /q get.* support\7za e -aoa temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip -o"temp" wiiload.exe -r if exist temp\wiiload.exe goto:skip if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%" echo Unable to download wiiload, press any key to exit... pause>nul exit :skip set "WIILOAD=tcp:%WiiIP%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo Sending command: [%cyantext%]wiiload.exe \x22"%cmdinput%"\x22%wiiloadArg% echo. temp\wiiload.exe "%cmdinput%"%wiiloadArg% echo. echo exiting... @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul exit :notWiiload ::----------wiiload zip drag and drop--------------- if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".zip" goto:Wiiloadzip if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".rar" goto:Wiiloadzip if /i "%cmdinput:~-3%" EQU ".7z" goto:Wiiloadzip goto:notWiiloadzip :Wiiloadzip set cmdinputrar= ::support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:notWiiloadzip ::pass, get folder to open when any key is pressed ::get binary and mympath and zip names, i.e. get filename and get folder full path not including filename set "binary=%cmdinput:*\=%" set "binarypath=%cmdinput%" :stripbinary2 set "binary=%binary:*\=%" echo "%binary%">temp\temp.txt findStr \\ temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:stripbinary2 echo set "binarypath=%%binarypath:%binary%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat set "binarypath=%binarypath:~0,-1%" ::echo binary: "%binary%" ::echo binarypath: "%binarypath%" :nometazip set WiiIP= if exist temp\WiiIP.txt set /p WiiIP= NUL && goto:badkey ::check for 3 periods set "string=%WiiLoadPrompt%" set /a dotcount=0 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if defined string (set ^"strtmp=!string:.=^ %= empty string =% !^") else set "strtmp=" for /F %%C in ('cmd /V /C echo(^^!strtmp^^!^| find /C /V ""') do set /A "dotcount=%%C-1" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo "!string!" contains %dotcount% periods. if /i "%dotcount%" EQU "3" goto:pingme :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:nometazip :pingme ::check if Wii is reachable ::echo. ::echo Pinging Wii to see if reachable... ping -n 1 "%WiiLoadPrompt%"|findstr /I /C:"ms">nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:Pinged support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Unable to reach IP %WiiLoadPrompt%, check your settings and try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:nometazip :Pinged cls set "WiiIP=%WiiLoadPrompt%" > "temp\WiiIP.txt" ECHO %WiiIP% support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% HBC Transfer Tool echo. ::echo Checking archive is not too large to transmit... setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::check if over 25MB (I think limit is actually 20MB), check fails with some special characters so set to 1 if nul echo set "GetFileSize=%%~z1" > %temp%\GetFileSize.bat call %temp%\GetFileSize "!cmdinput!" if "%GetFileSize%"=="" set GetFileSize=1 if %GetFileSize% LEQ 26214400 goto:not2big support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]"%cmdinput%" is too large to send over WiFi echo. echo exiting... @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul exit :not2big setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".rar" goto:notrar ::download unrar if missing ::if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://sourceforge.net/projects/menuui/files/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul echo The HBC only accepts ZIPs, ModMii will extract the RAR contents and save a temporary ZIP copy for transmission... if exist "temp\rar" rd /s /q "temp\rar"> nul mkdir temp\rar temp\unrar.exe x -y "%cmdinput%" "temp\rar" echo. ::change cmdinput to zip, but flag original set "cmdinputrar=%cmdinput%" set "cmdinput=%cmdinput:~0,-4%.zip" cd temp\rar ..\..\support\7za a "%cmdinput%" * >nul cd ..\.. if exist "temp\rar" rd /s /q "temp\rar"> nul :notrar set "HBC_Transfer=%cmdinput%" set password= set passwordcmd= ::check zip structure if "%cmdinputrar%"=="" echo If this window immediately freezes after this line the archive requires a password, press any key to continue if "%cmdinputrar%"=="" echo. support\7za l "%cmdinput%" > "%temp%\zip.txt" support\sfk filter -quiet "%temp%\zip.txt" -ls!"Listing archive:" -ls!"Path = " -write -yes ::check for password, check only works if file names are encrypted findStr /I /B "Enter password" "%temp%\zip.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:nopassword1 ::get password from user for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%p in (`powershell -Command "$pword = read-host 'Enter Password' -AsSecureString ; $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)"`) do set password=%%p echo. ::echo "%password%" set "passwordcmd= -p"%password%"" ::echo %passwordcmd% support\7za l "%cmdinput%"%passwordcmd% > "%temp%\zip.txt" support\sfk filter -quiet "%temp%\zip.txt" -ls!"Listing archive:" -ls!"Path = " -write -yes :nopassword1 findStr /I /E "boot.dol" "%temp%\zip.txt" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:foundbin findStr /I /E "boot.elf" "%temp%\zip.txt" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:foundbin support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]"%cmdinput%" does not contain a dol or an elf file echo. echo exiting... @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul exit :foundbin ::check2 for password, this check is when filenames aren't protected but extraction is if not "%password%"=="" goto:nopassword2 if exist temp\boot.dol del temp\boot.dol>nul if exist temp\boot.elf del temp\boot.elf>nul support\7za e -aoa "%cmdinput%" -o"temp" boot.dol boot.elf -r >nul if exist temp\boot.dol for /F %%A in ("temp\boot.dol") do If %%~zA equ 0 del "temp\boot.dol" if exist temp\boot.elf for /F %%A in ("temp\boot.elf") do If %%~zA equ 0 del "temp\boot.elf" if exist temp\boot.dol goto:nopassword2 if exist temp\boot.elf goto:nopassword2 ::get password from user for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%p in (`powershell -Command "$pword = read-host 'Enter Password' -AsSecureString ; $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)"`) do set password=%%p echo. ::echo "%password%" set "passwordcmd= -p"%password%"" ::echo %passwordcmd% ::support\7za l "%cmdinput%"%passwordcmd% > "%temp%\zip.txt" ::support\sfk filter -quiet "%temp%\zip.txt" -ls!"Listing archive:" -ls!"Path = " -write -yes :nopassword2 if exist temp\boot.dol del temp\boot.dol>nul if exist temp\boot.elf del temp\boot.elf>nul findStr /I apps\ "%temp%\zip.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:noAppsDir ::support\sfk -spat echo [%yellowtext%]"%cmdinput%" echo The selected archive file includes an "apps" directory and is not transferable in it's current state if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".zip" echo ModMii will create a temporary usable copy of the ZIP for transmission... if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".zip" echo The HBC only accepts ZIPs, ModMii will create a temporary usable ZIP copy of the %cmdinput:~-3% if exist "temp\HBC_Transfer.zip" del "temp\HBC_Transfer.zip">nul if exist "temp\zip" rd /s /q "temp\zip"> nul if not exist "temp\zip" mkdir "temp\zip" support\7za x -aoa "%cmdinput%"%passwordcmd% -o"temp\zip"> nul cd temp\zip\apps del /f /q *.* ..\..\..\support\7za a "..\..\HBC_Transfer.zip" * cd ..\..\.. ::"%cmdinput%" echo. set "HBC_Transfer=%cd%\temp\HBC_Transfer.zip" ::---check for folders outside of apps folder and display yellow warning if exist rd /s /q "temp\zip\apps"> nul ::anything left in temp\zip is not getting sent, check if zip folder is empty... ::empty folder check, if not empty goto something, if empty delete it dir /A /B "temp\zip" | findstr /R ".">NUL && goto:notempty ::empty goto:letsgo :notempty ::not empty, show warning support\sfk -spat echo [%yellowtext%]Warning: this archive contains the following items that are outside of the apps folder that will NOT get transferred. support\sfk -spat echo [%yellowtext%]Files outside of /apps need to be transferred manually, the HBC won't touch those. dir /b temp\zip if exist "temp\zip" rd /s /q "temp\zip"> nul echo. goto:letsgo :noAppsDir ::need to repack without password if it has a password (and not already repacked to correct apps folder) if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".zip" goto:forceRepack if "%password%"=="" goto:letsgo :forceRepack ::support\sfk -spat echo [%yellowtext%]"%cmdinput%" echo A copy of the archive without a password is needed to transfer for the HBC if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".zip" echo ModMii will create a temporary usable copy of the ZIP for transmission... if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".zip" echo The HBC only accepts ZIPs, ModMii will create a temporary usable ZIP copy of the %cmdinput:~-3% for transmission... if exist "temp\HBC_Transfer.zip" del "temp\HBC_Transfer.zip">nul if exist "temp\zip" rd /s /q "temp\zip"> nul if not exist "temp\zip" mkdir "temp\zip" support\7za x -aoa "%cmdinput%"%passwordcmd% -o"temp\zip"> nul cd temp\zip ..\..\support\7za a "..\HBC_Transfer.zip" * cd ..\.. ::"%cmdinput%" echo. set "HBC_Transfer=%cd%\temp\HBC_Transfer.zip" :letsgo support\sfk echo Uploading app from archive: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk echo To IP Address: [%bluetext%]"%WiiIP%" echo. echo If you have issues make sure you have the HBC open but that you are not inside its Home Menu, echo Double check the Wii IP address and make sure both this device and the Wii are on the same network. if exist temp\wiiload.exe goto:skip if exist index.html del index.html>nul ::if not exist temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t2 -T30 --random-wait --reject "*.html" --reject "index.html.tmp" --reject "%2A" --reject "get.php@file=hackmii_installer_v1.0*" "https://bootmii.org/download/" if not exist temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t2 -T30 --random-wait --reject html,tmp --accept-regex ".*hackmii_installer_v1\.2.*" "https://bootmii.org/download/" if not exist temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip move /y "get.php@file=hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip*" temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip>nul if exist get.* del /f /q get.* support\7za e -aoa temp\hackmii_installer_v1.2.zip -o"temp" wiiload.exe -r if exist temp\wiiload.exe goto:skip if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%" echo Unable to download wiiload, press any key to exit... pause>nul exit :skip set "WIILOAD=tcp:%WiiIP%" echo. support\sfk echo Sending command: [%cyantext%]wiiload.exe \""%HBC_Transfer%"\" echo. temp\wiiload.exe "%HBC_Transfer%" echo. echo exiting... @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul ::delete copy if applicable if exist "temp\HBC_Transfer.zip" del "temp\HBC_Transfer.zip">nul ::if cmdinputrar is not nul, cmdinput is a zip copy of the original rar and should be deleted if not "%cmdinputrar%"=="" del "%cmdinput%">nul @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul exit :notWiiloadzip ::----------Wad drag and drop (single files) unpack and send to wii--------------- if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" goto:notwad if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:notwad if exist "%cmdinput%\" goto:notwad :WADdrop title ModMii WAD tools set WiiIP= if exist temp\WiiIP.txt set /p WiiIP= NUL && goto:skip support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%cmdinput%" set wadtype=channel echo. :skip if not "%WiiIP%"=="" support\sfk.exe -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Send WAD to Homebrew Channel using [%bluetext%]Saved IP address: %WiiIP% echo [IP] = Send WAD to Homebrew Channel with IP entered; e.g echo HELP = Instructional video on checking your Wii's IP Address If /i "%wadtype%" EQU "channel" echo M = Modify Channel WAD Attributes (Title, Title ID, IOS, DOL, Fakesign) If /i "%wadtype%" EQU "system" echo M = Modify IOS WAD Attributes (Patches, Slot, Version) ::If /i "%wadtype%" EQU "system" echo Note: if WAD is not an IOS modifications will fail echo U = Unpack WAD echo O = Unpack WAD and Open Output Directory echo E = Exit echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]Notes on Sending WADs to HBC: echo. echo Start the Homebrew Channel before trying to send a WAD to your Wii. echo WADs larger than 8MB cannot be sent to the Wii over WiFi. echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Installing the wrong WAD to your Wii can cause brick, choose wisely and make sure you have Priiloader and Bootmii. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Use the ModMii Wizard or SysCheck Updater Wizard for brick protection! echo. echo To check your Wii IP address press home while in the HBC, but remember to exit the Home Menu before continuing. echo If you see 'Network Not Initialized' you must first connect the console to WiFi. Enter 'Help' if you need it. echo. set SendWAD=? ::if not "%WiiIP%"=="" set SendWAD=S ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p SendWAD= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "SendWAD=%SendWAD:"=%" ::set "SendWAD=!SendWAD:^^=^!" ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "?" goto:badkey if /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "help" (start https://www.youtube.com/embed/JSyIDx35TVo) & (goto:WADdrop) if /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "U" goto:unpackwad if /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "O" goto:unpackwad if /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "M" goto:modifywad if /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "E" exit if "%WiiIP%"=="" goto:skip If /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "S" set "SendWAD=%WiiIP%" :skip ::check valid IP powershell -nologo -noprofile -Command "[ipaddress]::TryParse('%SendWAD%',[ref][ipaddress]::Loopback)" | findstr "False">NUL && goto:badkey ::check for 3 periods set "string=%SendWAD%" set /a dotcount=0 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if defined string (set ^"strtmp=!string:.=^ %= empty string =% !^") else set "strtmp=" for /F %%C in ('cmd /V /C echo(^^!strtmp^^!^| find /C /V ""') do set /A "dotcount=%%C-1" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo "!string!" contains %dotcount% periods. if /i "%dotcount%" EQU "3" goto:pingme :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WADdrop :pingme ::check if Wii is reachable ::echo. ::echo Pinging Wii to see if reachable... ping -n 1 "%SendWAD%"|findstr /I /C:"ms">nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:Pinged support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Unable to reach IP %SendWAD%, check your settings and try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WADdrop :Pinged cls set "WiiIP=%SendWAD%" > "temp\WiiIP.txt" ECHO %WiiIP% support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Sending Wad: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk echo To IP Address: [%bluetext%]"%WiiIP%" echo. echo If you have issues make sure you have the HBC open but that you are not inside its Home Menu, echo Double check the Wii IP address and make sure both this device and the Wii are on the same network. echo. support\sfk -spat echo "Sending command: [%cyantext%]sharpii.exe SendWad -ip "%WiiIP%" -wad \x22"%cmdinput%"\x22 -ahb" echo. support\sharpii.exe SendWad -ip %WiiIP% -wad "%cmdinput%" -ahb echo. echo exiting... @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :unpackwad if not exist "%cmdinput:~0,-4%" mkdir "%cmdinput:~0,-4%" support\wadmii -in "%cmdinput%" -out "%cmdinput:~0,-4%" if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if exist "%cmdinput:~0,-4%\*.tmd" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound if not exist "%cmdinput:~0,-4%\*.tmd" goto:UnpackFail echo. echo WAD unpacked to folder: "%cmdinput:~0,-4%" echo. echo exiting... if /i "%SendWAD%" EQU "O" explorer "%cmdinput:~0,-4%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :UnpackFail ::empty folder check, if not empty goto something, if empty delete it dir /A /B "%cmdinput:~0,-4%" | findstr /R ".">NUL && goto:notempty rd /s /q "%cmdinput:~0,-4%"> nul :notempty echo. (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause>nul) & (exit) :modifywad If /i "%wadtype%" NEQ "channel" goto:modifyIOSwad cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify Channel WAD: [%cyantext%]Title[def], Title ID, IOS, DOL, Fakesign echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input : [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" :FirstRandom if not "%RandomNum%"=="" goto:notFirstRandom set "RandomNum=%random%" set "WADcopy=%cmdinput:~0,-4%-Mod%RandomNum%.wad" if exist "%WADcopy%" (set RandomNum=) & (goto:FirstRandom) :notFirstRandom support\sfk.exe echo Output: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput:~0,-4%[%redtext%]-Mod%RandomNum%[%bluetext%].wad" echo. set "WADinfo=%cmdinput%" if exist "%WADcopy%" set "WADinfo=%WADcopy%" support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%WADinfo%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Modify Channel Title echo. echo If you would like to change the Title, enter a new Title now (max length is 20 chars). echo. echo To leave the Title unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter. echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set WADtitle=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p WADtitle= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "WADtitle=%WADtitle:"=%" set "WADtitle=!WADtitle:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%WADtitle%" EQU "?" goto:modifyID if /i "%WADtitle%" EQU "B" goto:WADdrop if /i "%WADtitle%" EQU "E" exit ::title 20 chars length check if /i "%WADtitle:~20,1%" NEQ "" goto:badkey ::save copy and apply change if not exist "%WADcopy%" copy /y "%cmdinput%" "%WADcopy%">nul support\sharpii.exe Wad -e "%WADcopy%" "%WADcopy%" -title "%WADtitle%" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyID :badkey echo Title is greater than 20 character maximum... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifywad :modifyID cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify Channel WAD: Title, [%cyantext%]Title ID[def], IOS, DOL, Fakesign echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input : [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk.exe echo Output: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput:~0,-4%[%redtext%]-Mod%RandomNum%[%bluetext%].wad" echo. set "WADinfo=%cmdinput%" if exist "%WADcopy%" set "WADinfo=%WADcopy%" support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%WADinfo%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Modify Channel Title ID echo. echo If you would like to change the Title ID, enter a new 4-character Title ID now. ::echo Note: letters and numbers only; cannot contain spaces or special characters. echo. echo To leave the Title ID unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter. echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set WADtitleID=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p WADtitleID= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "WADtitleID=%WADtitleID:"=%" set "WADtitleID=!WADtitleID:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%WADtitleID%" EQU "?" goto:modifyIOS if /i "%WADtitleID%" EQU "B" goto:modifywad if /i "%WADtitleID%" EQU "E" exit ::title 4 chars length check if /i "%WADtitleID:~4,1%" NEQ "" goto:badkey if /i "%WADtitleID:~3,1%" EQU "" goto:badkey ::space check ::if /i "%WADtitleID:~0,1%" EQU " " goto:badkey ::if /i "%WADtitleID:~1,1%" EQU " " goto:badkey ::if /i "%WADtitleID:~2,1%" EQU " " goto:badkey ::if /i "%WADtitleID:~3,1%" EQU " " goto:badkey ::save copy and apply change if not exist "%WADcopy%" copy /y "%cmdinput%" "%WADcopy%">nul support\sharpii.exe Wad -e "%WADcopy%" "%WADcopy%" -id "%WADtitleID%" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyIOS :badkey echo Title ID must be 4 characters... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyID :modifyIOS cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify Channel WAD: Title, Title ID, [%cyantext%]IOS[def], DOL, Fakesign echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input : [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk.exe echo Output: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput:~0,-4%[%redtext%]-Mod%RandomNum%[%bluetext%].wad" echo. set "WADinfo=%cmdinput%" if exist "%WADcopy%" set "WADinfo=%WADcopy%" support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%WADinfo%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Modify Channel IOS echo. echo If you would like to change the IOS used by the channel, enter it now (must be between 3-254). echo Note: The selected IOS should be installed on the Wii and capable of launching this title. echo. echo To leave the IOS unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter. echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set WADios=? ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p WADios= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "WADios=%WADios:"=%" ::set "WADios=!WADios:^^=^!" ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%WADios%" EQU "?" goto:modifyDOL if /i "%WADios%" EQU "B" goto:modifyID if /i "%WADios%" EQU "E" exit ::IOS 3-254 check ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WADios:~3%"=="" goto:badkey if %WADios% LSS 3 goto:badkey if %WADios% GTR 254 goto:badkey ::save copy and apply change if not exist "%WADcopy%" copy /y "%cmdinput%" "%WADcopy%">nul support\sharpii.exe Wad -e "%WADcopy%" "%WADcopy%" -ios "%WADios%" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyDOL :badkey echo IOS must be between 3-254, try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyIOS :modifyDOL cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify Channel WAD: Title, Title ID, IOS, [%cyantext%]DOL[def], Fakesign echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input : [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk.exe echo Output: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput:~0,-4%[%redtext%]-Mod%RandomNum%[%bluetext%].wad" echo. set "WADinfo=%cmdinput%" if exist "%WADcopy%" set "WADinfo=%WADcopy%" support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%WADinfo%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Modify Channel DOL echo. echo If you would like to change the DOL used by the channel, enter a new DOL or WAD to use instead. echo Note: You can drag and drop the new DOL or WAD onto this window instead of manually typing it. echo. echo To leave the DOL unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter. echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set WADdol=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p WADdol= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "WADdol=%WADdol:"=%" set "WADdol=!WADdol:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%WADdol%" EQU "?" goto:modifyFakesign if /i "%WADdol%" EQU "B" goto:modifyIOS if /i "%WADdol%" EQU "E" exit if not exist "%WADdol%" goto:badkey if /i "%WADdol:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" goto:skipWADcheck ::reject system wads support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%WADdol%" | findstr "An unknown error occured">NUL && (echo This is a system WAD and cannot be used for this purpose, try again...) && (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) && (goto:modifyDOL) goto:skip :skipWADcheck if /i "%WADdol:~-4%" NEQ ".dol" goto:badkey :skip ::save copy and apply change if not exist "%WADcopy%" copy /y "%cmdinput%" "%WADcopy%">nul support\sharpii.exe Wad -e "%WADcopy%" "%WADcopy%" -dol "%WADdol%" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyFakesign :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyDOL :modifyFakesign cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify Channel WAD: Title, Title ID, IOS, DOL, [%cyantext%]Fakesign echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input : [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" support\sfk.exe echo Output: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput:~0,-4%[%redtext%]-Mod%RandomNum%[%bluetext%].wad" echo. set "WADinfo=%cmdinput%" if exist "%WADcopy%" set "WADinfo=%WADcopy%" support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "%WADinfo%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Fakesign Channel echo. echo Would you like to Fakesign the WAD? echo. echo To leave the WAD unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter to exit. echo. echo Y = Yes, fakesign it and exit echo N = No, don't fakesign it and exit echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set WADfake=? ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p WADfake= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "WADfake=%WADfake:"=%" ::set "WADfake=!WADfake:^^=^!" ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%WADfake%" EQU "?" goto:modifyFin If /i "%WADfake%" EQU "N" goto:modifyFin if /i "%WADfake%" EQU "B" goto:modifyDOL if /i "%WADfake%" EQU "E" exit if /i "%WADfake%" NEQ "Y" goto:badkey ::save copy and apply change if not exist "%WADcopy%" copy /y "%cmdinput%" "%WADcopy%">nul support\sharpii.exe Wad -e "%WADcopy%" "%WADcopy%" -f :modifyFin echo. echo Channel modifications finished, exiting... @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyFakesign :modifyIOSwad cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify IOS WAD: [%cyantext%]Patches[def], Slot, Version, Confirmation echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" echo Note : Changes will be applied to a copy of the original WAD echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Apply Patches to IOS echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Warning:[def] If this WAD is not an IOS modifications will fail echo. echo A = All 4 available patches echo N = No Patches (or leave the selection blank) echo -FS = FakeSigning Patch echo -ES = ES Identify Patch echo -NP = Nand Permission Patch echo -VP = Version Patch echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. echo Select multiple patches by separating them by a space, e.g. echo ----------------------------------------------------------- echo -FS -ES -NP echo -NP -FS echo -FS -ES -NP -VP echo etc. echo. set ADVPATCH=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p ADVPATCH= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "ADVPATCH=%ADVPATCH:"=%" set "ADVPATCH=!ADVPATCH:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "?" (set ADVPATCH=) & (goto:modifySlot) If /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" (set ADVPATCH=) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:WADdrop if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "E" exit if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) ::if lower case letters entered change to upper if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS" (set ADVPATCH=-FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES" (set ADVPATCH=-ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP" (set ADVPATCH=-NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP" (set ADVPATCH=-VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -ES -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -NP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -FS -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -NP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -FS -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -ES -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -ES -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -VP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -FS -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -VP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -FS -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -ES -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -NP -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -VP -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -FS -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -VP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP -FS" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -NP -FS) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -FS -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -VP -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES -VP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -ES -VP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -VP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES -NP" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -ES -NP) & (goto:modifySlot) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP -ES" (set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -NP -ES) & (goto:modifySlot) :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyIOSwad :modifySlot cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify IOS WAD: Patches, [%cyantext%]Slot[def], Version, Confirmation echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" echo Note : Changes will be applied to a copy of the original WAD echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Change IOS Slot echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Warning:[def] Be careful what IOS slot you choose, if it overwrites a crucial IOS it can brick your Wii support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Warning:[def] If this WAD is not an IOS modifications will fail echo. echo If you would like to change the IOS slot enter it now (must be between 3-254). echo. echo To leave the IOS slot unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter. echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set WADios=? ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p WADios= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "WADios=%WADios:"=%" ::set "WADios=!WADios:^^=^!" ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%WADios%" EQU "?" goto:modifyVersion if /i "%WADios%" EQU "B" goto:modifyIOSwad if /i "%WADios%" EQU "E" exit ::IOS 3-254 check ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WADios:~3%"=="" goto:badkey if %WADios% LSS 3 goto:badkey if %WADios% GTR 254 goto:badkey goto:modifyVersion :badkey echo IOS must be between 3-254, try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifySlot :modifyVersion cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify IOS WAD: Patches, Slot, [%cyantext%]Version[def], Confirmation echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" echo Note : Changes will be applied to a copy of the original WAD echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Change Version Number echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Warning:[def] If this WAD is not an IOS modifications will fail echo. echo If you would like to change the Version number enter it now (must be between 0-65535). echo. echo To leave the Version number unchanged, leave the selection blank and press Enter. echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set ADVVERSION=? ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p ADVVERSION= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "ADVVERSION=%ADVVERSION:"=%" ::set "ADVVERSION=!ADVVERSION:^^=^!" ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "?" goto:IOSwadConfirm if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:modifySlot if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "E" exit ::IOS 0-65535 check ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%ADVVERSION:~5%"=="" goto:badkey if %ADVVERSION% LSS 0 goto:badkey if %ADVVERSION% GTR 65535 goto:badkey goto:IOSwadConfirm :badkey echo Version must be between 0-65535, try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:modifyVersion :IOSwadConfirm cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. support\sfk echo Modify IOS WAD: Patches, Slot, Version, [%cyantext%]Confirmation echo. support\sfk.exe echo Input : [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" ::check for changes... if not "%ADVPATCH%"=="" goto:skip If /i "%WADios%" NEQ "?" goto:skip If /i "%ADVVERSION%" NEQ "?" goto:skip ::no changes echo. echo You have not selected any changes to be made to %wadnameless% echo. echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set ADVCONFIRM=? set /p ADVCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: set "ADVCONFIRM=%ADVCONFIRM:"=%" if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:modifyVersion if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "E" exit echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:IOSwadConfirm :skip ::get new name set patchcode= set patchname= set SLOTCODE= set SLOTNAME= set versioncode= set versionname= if "%ADVPATCH%"=="" goto:skip ::add leading space for patchcode set patchcode= %ADVPATCH% ::remove leading dash and space for patchname echo [%ADVPATCH:~1%]>temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _" "__ -write -yes set /p patchname= nul :skip If /i "%WADios%" EQU "?" goto:skip set SLOTCODE= -slot %WADios% set SLOTNAME=-slot%WADios% :skip If /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "?" goto:skip set versioncode= -v %ADVVERSION% set versionname=-[v%ADVVERSION%] :skip set "WADcopy=%cmdinput:~0,-4%%patchname%%SLOTNAME%%versionname%.wad" support\sfk.exe echo Output: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput:~0,-4%[%redtext%]%patchname%%SLOTNAME%%versionname%[%bluetext%].wad" echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%cyantext%]Confirmation echo. echo Proceed with the changes highlighted in red above? echo. echo Y = Yes, save a copy, apply changes, and exit echo B = Back echo E = Exit echo. set ADVCONFIRM=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p ADVCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "ADVCONFIRM=%ADVCONFIRM:"=%" set "ADVCONFIRM=!ADVCONFIRM:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:modifyVersion if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "E" exit if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" NEQ "Y" goto:badkey ::save copy and apply change copy /y "%cmdinput%" "%WADcopy%">nul cd support ::echo patchios "%WADcopy%"%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode% patchios "%WADcopy%"%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode% cd.. echo Exiting... @ping -n 10 -w 1000> nul exit :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:IOSwadConfirm :notwad ::----------mym2csm converter--------------- if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".mym" goto:notmym2csm if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:notmym2csm if exist "%cmdinput%\" goto:notmym2csm :mym2csm cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% Theme Builder echo. if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" echo Folder of mym themes loaded: "%cmdinput%" if /i "%droptype%" NEQ "folder" echo Loaded theme: "%cmdinput%" echo. echo Enter the System Menu version you would like to create a csm theme for echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Installing themes for the wrong System Menu version can cause brick, make sure you have Priiloader and Bootmii. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Use the ModMii Wizard or SysCheck Updater Wizard for brick protection before applying themes! echo. echo Install themes for YOUR System Menu version using MyMenuifyMod from ModMii's Download Page 3. echo More themes available at wiithemer.org and wii.hacks.guide/themes echo. echo Note: to check your System Menu version, turn on your wii, click the Wii button in the echo bottom left of the main system menu, click Wii Settings, echo then you should see the System Menu in the top right of the screen echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) echo. echo Options: 4.1-4.3 UEJK echo. echo Examples: 4.3U echo 4.2E echo 4.1J, etc. echo. echo Or enter "Help" for an instructional video on checking your System Menu Version. echo. set /p mym2csm= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.1J" (set appfile=78) & (set A78=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.1K" (set appfile=81) & (set A81=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.1U" (set appfile=7b) & (set A7b=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.1E" (set appfile=7e) & (set A7e=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.2J" (set appfile=84) & (set A84=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.2U" (set appfile=87) & (set A87=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.2E" (set appfile=8a) & (set A8a=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.2K" (set appfile=8d) & (set A8d=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.3J" (set appfile=94) & (set A94=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.3U" (set appfile=97) & (set A97=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.3E" (set appfile=9a) & (set A9a=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) If /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "4.3K" (set appfile=9d) & (set A9d=*) & (goto:mym2csm2) if /i "%mym2csm%" EQU "help" (start https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Z2MtFcllTY) & (goto:mym2csm) echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:mym2csm :mym2csm2 cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% Theme Builder echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Installing themes for the wrong System Menu version can cause brick, make sure you have Priiloader and Bootmii. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Use the ModMii Wizard or SysCheck Updater Wizard for brick protection before applying themes! echo. echo Install themes for YOUR System Menu version using MyMenuifyMod from ModMii's Download Page 3. echo More themes available at wiithemer.org and wii.hacks.guide/themes echo. if not exist temp\TMCL.exe goto:downloadit if not exist temp\ASH.exe goto:downloadit if not exist temp\themewii.exe goto:downloadit if not exist temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (goto:downloadit) else (goto:skipDL) :downloadit echo. echo Downloading ThemeMii Cmd Line... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip" -O temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip if exist temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip support\7za x -aoa "temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip" -o"temp" -r if exist temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip del temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\TMCL.exe (echo ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\ASH.exe (echo ASH.exe for ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\themewii.exe (echo themewii.exe for ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (echo ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll for ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set loadorgo=load4mym2csm set CurrentDLNAME=NUSGRABBER%appfile% call "Support\subscripts\DB.bat" :load4mym2csm ::make sure caps, cuz OCD (i.e. 4.3u turns into 4.3U) set "mym2csm=%wadname:~9,4%" set "dlname=%wadname:~0,8%.app" ::echo cmdinput: "%cmdinput%" ::echo dlname: "%dlname%" ::echo mym2csm: %mym2csm% ::echo name: %name% ::echo wadname: %wadname% ::echo code1: %code1% ::echo code1: %version% ::echo md5: %md5% ::check md5 if exists already if not exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "temp\%wadname%" if not errorlevel 1 (echo %wadname% for constructing %mym2csm% themes already downloaded and verified, continuing...) & (echo.) & (goto:gotbase) support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]%wadname% already exists but failed MD5 verification, redownloading... del "temp\%wadname%">nul :skip cd /d temp echo Downloading %wadname% for constructing %mym2csm% themes ... echo. ..\support\NusFileGrabber.exe %version% http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download echo. if not exist "%dlname%" (support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]Failed to download %wadname%, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) move /Y "%dlname%" "%wadname%">nul ::check md5 ..\support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%wadname%" if errorlevel 1 (support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]%wadname% failed MD5 verification, exiting...) & (del "%wadname%">nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) cd.. :gotbase ::base app verified if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" goto:mymfolder set "outputcsm=%cmdinput:~0,-4%-%mym2csm%.csm" set "inputmym=%cmdinput%" ::pass, get folder to open when any key is pressed ::get mymfile and mympath names, i.e. get filename and get folder full path not including filename :mymgetfolder set "mymfile=%cmdinput:*\=%" set "mympath=%cmdinput%" :stripmymfile set "mymfile=%mymfile:*\=%" echo "%mymfile%">temp\temp.txt findStr \\ temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:stripmymfile echo set "mympath=%%mympath:%mymfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" goto:skip set "mympath=%mympath:~0,-1%" set "mymfile=%mympath:*\=%" set droptype=folder set "cmdinput=%mympath%" goto:stripmymfile :skip set "mympath=%cmdinput%" echo set "mympathback=%%mympath:\%mymfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat ::echo mymfile: "%mymfile%" ::echo mympath: "%mympath%" ::echo mympathback: "%mympathback%" support\sfk.exe echo Building [%cyantext%]"%outputcsm%"... echo. call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix.bat cd /d temp TMCL.exe "%inputmym%" "%ModMiiDir%\temp\%wadname%" "%outputcsm%">nul if exist "temp.csm" del "temp.csm">nul if exist "tmp" rd /s /q "tmp"> nul cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if exist "%outputcsm%" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound if not exist "%outputcsm%" (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause>nul) & (exit) :mymfinish support\sfk.exe echo CSM created, you can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output folder and exit, or leave selection blank to just exit echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]If this theme needs more myms to complete, drag the next mym here and press enter echo. set multimym=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p multimym= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "multimym=!multimym:"=!" set "multimym=!multimym:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo multimym "%multimym%" ::echo mympath "%mympath%" if "%multimym%"=="" exit If /i "%multimym%" EQU "?" exit If /i "%multimym%" EQU "O" (explorer "%mympath%") & (exit) if not exist "%multimym%" (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause>nul) & (exit) If /i "%multimym:~-4%" NEQ ".mym" (echo That isn't a mym file, exiting...) & (@ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::apply second mym cd /d temp echo. ..\support\sfk.exe echo Applying [%cyantext%]"%multimym%"... echo. move /y "%outputcsm%" "%outputcsm:~0,-4%.app">nul TMCL.exe "%multimym%" "%outputcsm:~0,-4%.app" "%outputcsm%">nul if exist "%outputcsm%" del "%outputcsm:~0,-4%.app">nul cd /d .. call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if exist "%outputcsm%" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound if not exist "%outputcsm%" (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause>nul) & (exit) set multimym=? goto:mymfinish :notmym2csm ::-------------------------------- ::----------csm2csm converter--------------- if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" NEQ ".csm" goto:notcsm2csm if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:notcsm2csm if exist "%cmdinput%\" goto:notcsm2csm :csm2csm cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% Theme Builder echo. if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" echo Folder of csm themes loaded: "%cmdinput%" if /i "%droptype%" NEQ "folder" echo Loaded theme: "%cmdinput%" echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]If the csm doesn't match your System Menu version, convert it to mym with ThemeMii Mod from ModMii's Download Page 2. echo. echo Some themes may come with additional\optional myms to apply different effects (e.g. spinning channel effect) echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]To apply an additional mym to the loaded theme(s), drag it here and press enter echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Installing themes for the wrong System Menu version can cause brick, make sure you have Priiloader and Bootmii. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Use the ModMii Wizard or SysCheck Updater Wizard for brick protection before applying themes! echo. echo Install themes for YOUR System Menu version using MyMenuifyMod from ModMii's Download Page 3. echo More themes available at wiithemer.org and wii.hacks.guide/themes echo. set multimym=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p multimym= Drag mym here: ::remove quotes set "multimym=!multimym:"=!" set "multimym=!multimym:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo multimym "%multimym%" ::echo mympath "%mympath%" if "%multimym%"=="" goto:badkey If /i "%multimym%" EQU "?" goto:badkey if not exist "%multimym%" goto:badkey If /i "%multimym:~-4%" NEQ ".mym" goto:badkey if not exist temp\TMCL.exe goto:downloadit if not exist temp\ASH.exe goto:downloadit if not exist temp\themewii.exe goto:downloadit if not exist temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (goto:downloadit) else (goto:skipDL) :downloadit echo. echo Downloading ThemeMii Cmd Line... start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip" -O temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip if exist temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip support\7za x -aoa "temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip" -o"temp" -r if exist temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip del temp\thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\TMCL.exe (echo ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\ASH.exe (echo ASH.exe for ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\themewii.exe (echo themewii.exe for ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (echo ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll for ThemeMii failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::apply second mym if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" goto:csmfolder echo. support\sfk.exe echo Applying [%cyantext%]"%multimym%"... echo. call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix.bat cd /d temp move /y "%cmdinput%" "%cmdinput:~0,-4%_original.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%multimym%" "%cmdinput:~0,-4%_original.csm" "%cmdinput%">nul if exist "temp.csm" del "temp.csm">nul if exist "tmp" rd /s /q "tmp"> nul cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if exist "%cmdinput%" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound if not exist "%cmdinput%" (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause>nul) & (exit) ::success set multimym=? set "outputcsm=%cmdinput%" goto:csmgetfolder :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:csm2csm ::pass, get folder to open when any key is pressed ::get mymfile and mympath names, i.e. get filename and get folder full path not including filename :csmgetfolder set "mymfile=%cmdinput:*\=%" set "mympath=%cmdinput%" :stripmymfile2 set "mymfile=%mymfile:*\=%" echo "%mymfile%">temp\temp.txt findStr \\ temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:stripmymfile2 echo set "mympath=%%mympath:%mymfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" goto:skip set "mympath=%mympath:~0,-1%" set "mymfile=%mympath:*\=%" set droptype=folder set "cmdinput=%mympath%" goto:stripmymfile2 :skip set "mympath=%cmdinput%" echo set "mympathback=%%mympath:\%mymfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat ::echo mymfile: "%mymfile%" ::echo mympath: "%mympath%" ::echo mympathback: "%mympathback%" goto:mymfinish :notcsm2csm ::-------------------------------- ::emunand modifier drag and drop if exist "%cmdinput%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd" set "DRIVETEMP=%cmdinput%" if exist "%cmdinput%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd" (SET MENU1=S) & (set SNEEKSELECT=5) &(set one=EMUMOD) & (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (goto:go) ::drag and drop for file cleanup and app updater, and other dropped items not piped already :fixitnow set fixslash= if /i "%cmdinput:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%cmdinput:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set "cmdinput=%cmdinput:~0,-1%" if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:fixitnow if exist "%cmdinput%\apps\" set "DRIVEtemp=%cmdinput%" if exist "%cmdinput%\WAD\" set "DRIVEtemp=%cmdinput%" if exist "%cmdinput%\private\" set "DRIVEtemp=%cmdinput%" if not "%DRIVEtemp%"=="" (SET MENU1=FC) & (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (goto:go) ::----------Folder drag and drop (Wad Packer, wad unpacker entry, mym folder, etc)--------------- ::keep near the bottom of cmd line stuff for reasons, just in case ::check if file or folder if exist "%cmdinput%" (dir "%cmdinput%" | findstr /I /R /C:"">NUL) else (goto:notwadfolder) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set droptype=file) else (set droptype=folder) if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" goto:skip if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".app" goto:skip if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".tik" goto:skip if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".tmd" goto:skip if /i "%cmdinput:~-5%" EQU ".cert" goto:skip if /i "%cmdinput:~-7%" EQU ".footer" goto:skip goto:noRepack :skip ::get wadfile and wadpath names, i.e. get filename and get folder full path not including filename set "wadfile=%cmdinput:*\=%" set "wadpath=%cmdinput%" :stripwadfile set "wadfile=%wadfile:*\=%" echo "%wadfile%">temp\temp.txt findStr \\ temp\temp.txt>nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:stripwadfile echo set "wadpath=%%wadpath:%wadfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat if /i "%droptype%" EQU "folder" goto:skip set "wadpath=%wadpath:~0,-1%" set "wadfile=%wadpath:*\=%" set droptype=folder set "cmdinput=%wadpath%" goto:stripwadfile :skip set "wadpath=%cmdinput%" echo set "wadpathback=%%wadpath:\%wadfile%=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat ::echo wadfile: "%wadfile%" ::echo wadpath: "%wadpath%" ::echo wadpathback: "%wadpathback%" ::wad packer for folder wads redirect if exist "%wadpath%\*.wad" goto:wadfolder if exist "%wadpath%\*.mym" goto:mym2csm if exist "%wadpath%\*.csm" goto:csm2csm if not exist "%wadpath%\*.app" goto:noRepack if not exist "%wadpath%\*.tik" goto:noRepack if not exist "%wadpath%\*.tmd" goto:noRepack if not exist "%wadpath%\*.cert" goto:noRepack ::if not exist "%wadpath%*.footer" goto:noRepack ::footer unnecessary when packing wads support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. echo Repacking: "%wadpath%" echo To WAD: "%wadpath%.wad" echo. if exist "%wadpath%.wad" (support\sfk.exe echo [%yellowtext%]This WAD already exists, press any key to send it to the recycling bin and continue, or close this window to abort) & (pause> nul) if exist "%wadpath%.wad" echo. ::RECYCLING POWERSHELL CODE, works for directories too if exist "%wadpath%.wad" powershell -nologo -noprofile -Command "& {Add-Type -AssemblyName 'Microsoft.VisualBasic'; Get-ChildItem -Path '"%wadpath%.wad"' | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::DeleteDirectory($_.FullName,'OnlyErrorDialogs','SendToRecycleBin') } else { [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::DeleteFile($_.FullName,'OnlyErrorDialogs','SendToRecycleBin') } } }" support\wadmii -in "%wadpath%" -out "%wadpath%.wad" if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if exist "%wadpath%.wad" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound if not exist "%wadpath%.wad" (echo Something went wrong, press any key to exit...) & (pause> nul) & (exit) support\sfk.exe echo Wad repacked, you can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%wadpathback%" explorer "%wadpathback%" exit :noRepack ::-------------------------------------------------------- goto:notwadfolder :wadfolder set WiiIP= if exist temp\WiiIP.txt set /p WiiIP= temp\temp.txt ::copy /y temp\temp.txt temp\wad2folder.txt>nul support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. echo What would you like to do with this folder of WADs? echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]"%wadpath%" ::list wads set wad2count=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\temp.txt) do call :wad2count "%%A" goto:skipwad2count :wad2count set CurrentWAD=%* set "CurrentWAD=!CurrentWAD:^^=^!" set "CurrentWAD=!CurrentWAD:~1,-1!" set /a wad2count=%wad2count%+1 echo %wad2count%: "!CurrentWAD!" goto:EOF :skipwad2count setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set "wadtotal=%wad2count%" echo. support\sfk -spat echo [%bluetext%]Start the Homebrew Channel before trying to send WADs to your Wii! echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Installing the wrong WAD to your Wii can cause brick, choose wisely and make sure you have Priiloader and Bootmii. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Use the ModMii Wizard or SysCheck Updater Wizard for brick protection! echo. echo U = Unpack WADs; each will be unpacked into a folder of the same name in the same directory. if not "%WiiIP%"=="" support\sfk.exe -spat echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 S = Send WADs to Homebrew Channel using [%bluetext%]Saved IP address: %WiiIP% echo [IP] = Send WADs to Homebrew Channel with IP entered; e.g echo HELP = Instructional video on checking your Wii's IP Address echo N = Nothing, get me out of here! echo. echo To check your Wii IP address press home while in the HBC, but remember to exit the Home Menu before continuing. echo If you see 'Network Not Initialized' you must first connect the console to WiFi. echo. echo Notes: - WADs larger than 8MB cannot be sent to the Wii over WiFi echo - When sending WADs you will have the option to skip or approve sending each individual WAD echo. set SendWADs=? ::if not "%WiiIP%"=="" set SendWADs=S setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p SendWADs= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "SendWADs=!SendWADs:"=!" set "SendWADs=!SendWADs:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION If /i "%SendWADs%" EQU "?" goto:badkey if /i "%SendWADs%" EQU "help" (start https://www.youtube.com/embed/JSyIDx35TVo) & (goto:wadfolder) if /i "%SendWADs%" EQU "N" exit if /i "%SendWADs%" EQU "U" goto:BulkWADUnpacker if "%WiiIP%"=="" goto:skip If /i "%SendWADs%" EQU "S" set "SendWADs=%WiiIP%" :skip ::check valid IP powershell -nologo -noprofile -Command "[ipaddress]::TryParse('%SendWADs%',[ref][ipaddress]::Loopback)" | findstr "False">NUL && goto:badkey ::check for 3 periods set "string=%SendWADs%" set /a dotcount=0 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if defined string (set ^"strtmp=!string:.=^ %= empty string =% !^") else set "strtmp=" for /F %%C in ('cmd /V /C echo(^^!strtmp^^!^| find /C /V ""') do set /A "dotcount=%%C-1" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo "!string!" contains %dotcount% periods. if /i "%dotcount%" EQU "3" goto:pingme :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:wadfolder :pingme ::check if Wii is reachable ::echo. ::echo Pinging Wii to see if reachable... ping -n 1 "%SendWADs%"|findstr /I /C:"ms">nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:Pinged support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Unable to reach IP %SendWADs%, check your settings and try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:wadfolder :Pinged cls set "WiiIP=%SendWADs%" > "temp\WiiIP.txt" ECHO %WiiIP% support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% WAD tools echo. ::echo wad2folder: "%wad2folder%" ::echo wadpath: "%wadpath%" ::echo wadpathback: "%wadpathback%" support\sfk -spat echo [%bluetext%]Start the Homebrew Channel before trying to send WADs to your Wii. echo. echo If you have issues make sure you have the HBC open but that you are not inside its Home Menu, echo Double check the Wii IP address and make sure both this device and the Wii are on the same network. echo. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Installing the wrong WAD to your Wii can cause brick, choose wisely and make sure you have Priiloader and Bootmii. support\sfk -spat echo \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Use the ModMii Wizard or SysCheck Updater Wizard for brick protection! echo. support\sfk.exe -spat echo [%bluetext%]Sending WADs to Homebrew Channel using IP address: %WiiIP% set wads2count=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\temp.txt) do call :wads2count2 "%%A" goto:skipwads2count :wads2count2 set CurrentWAD=%* set "CurrentWAD=!CurrentWAD:^^=^!" set "CurrentWAD=!CurrentWAD:~1,-1!" set /a wads2count=%wads2count%+1 echo. support\sfk -spat echo [%redtext%]Sending %wads2count% of %wad2count%: "!CurrentWAD!" echo. ::check if over 8MB, check fails with some special characters so set to 1 if nul echo set "GetFileSize=%%~z1" > %temp%\GetFileSize.bat call %temp%\GetFileSize "!CurrentWAD!" if "%GetFileSize%"=="" set GetFileSize=1 if %GetFileSize% LEQ 8388608 goto:not2big support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]WAD is too large to send over WiFi, skipping... goto:EOF :not2big ::display WAD info, if sane support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "!CurrentWAD!" | findstr "An unknown error occured">NUL && goto:skip support\sharpii.exe Wad -i "!CurrentWAD!" echo. :skip :confirmsend if /i "%wads2count%" GEQ "2" (echo Wait until you are back in the homebrew channel before sending the next WAD) & (echo.) :confirmsend2 set confirmsend=? set /p confirmsend= Send WAD to Wii now? (Y/N): if /i "%confirmsend%" EQU "N" goto:EOF if /i "%confirmsend%" EQU "Y" goto:skip echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key echo. goto:confirmsend2 :skip ::send wad and loop! ::check if back in the HBC ping -n 1 "%WiiIP%"|findstr /I /C:"ms">nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Unable to reach IP %SendWADs%, wait until you're back in the Homebrew Channel...) & (goto:confirmsend) echo. echo To cancel in the middle of sending a WAD, type Ctrl+C, then N, then Enter support\sfk -spat echo "Sending command: [%cyantext%]sharpii.exe SendWad -ip "%WiiIP%" -wad \x22"!CurrentWAD!"\x22 -ahb" support\sharpii.exe SendWad -ip %WiiIP% -wad "!CurrentWAD!" -ahb goto:EOF :skipwads2count ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "on" start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%" echo. echo Finished Sending WADs from folder: support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]"%wadpath%" echo. echo Press any key to exit pause>nul exit :BulkWADUnpacker cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% Bulk WAD Unpacker ::echo wad2folder: "%wad2folder%" ::echo wadpath: "%wadpath%" ::echo wadpathback: "%wadpathback%" set wads2error=0 set wads2count=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\temp.txt) do call :wads2count "%%A" goto:skipwads2count :wads2count set CurrentWAD=%* set "CurrentWAD=!CurrentWAD:^^=^!" set "CurrentWAD=!CurrentWAD:~1,-1!" set /a wads2count=%wads2count%+1 echo. echo Unpacking %wads2count% of %wad2count%: "!CurrentWAD!" if not exist "!CurrentWAD:~0,-4!" mkdir "!CurrentWAD:~0,-4!" support\wadmii -in "!CurrentWAD!" -out "!CurrentWAD:~0,-4!" ::success if exist "!CurrentWAD:~0,-4!\*.tmd" (echo WAD Unpacked) & (goto:EOF) ::fail support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]Error Unpacking "!CurrentWAD!" echo %DATE%-%TIME:~0,-6% - Error Unpacking "!CurrentWAD!">>"%wadpath%\WadUnpackerError.log" set /a wads2error=%wads2error%+1 ::empty folder check, if not empty goto:EOF, if empty delete it dir /A /B "!CurrentWAD:~0,-4!" | findstr /R ".">NUL && goto:EOF rd /s /q "!CurrentWAD:~0,-4!"> nul goto:EOF :skipwads2count ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if /i "%wads2error%" EQU "0" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound echo. echo Finished processing WADs saved here: support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]"%wadpath%" echo. if /i "%wads2error%" NEQ "0" goto:fail support\sfk.exe echo %wad2count% WADs unpacked, you can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%wadpath%" explorer "%wadpath%" exit :fail support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]%wads2error% of %wad2count% WADs failed to unpack, see above for more information. echo %wads2error% error(s) logged to: "%wadpath%\WadUnpackerError.log" echo. support\sfk.exe echo Close this window when you're ready, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%wadpath%" explorer "%wadpath%" exit :notwadfolder ::--------------------------------------- goto:notmymfolder :mymfolder ::cls set "Folder=%wadfile%" set "FullPath=%wadpath%" set "FullPathback=%wadpathback%" support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]Building %mym2csm% csms from myms saved here: "%FullPath%" ::echo Folder: "%Folder%" ::echo FullPath: "%FullPath%" ::echo FullPathback: "%FullPathback%" dir /s /b /a-d "%FullPath%\*.mym">temp\temp.txt ::copy /y temp\temp.txt temp\Folder.txt>nul ::set "TotalFiles=%filecount%" ::line count set /a TotalFiles=0 for /f %%a in (temp\temp.txt) do set /a TotalFiles+=1 set /a counter=0 set /a Files2error=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\temp.txt) do call :mymfolderprocess "%%A" goto:skipcounter :mymfolderprocess set CurrentFile=%* set "CurrentFile=!CurrentFile:^^=^!" set "CurrentFile=!CurrentFile:~1,-1!" set /a counter=%counter%+1 echo set "filenameX=!!CurrentFile:%FullPath%\=!!">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat ::echo filenameX: "!filenameX!" ::if not exist "%FullPath%\csm" mkdir "%FullPath%\csm" ::set "outputcsm=%FullPath%\csm\!filenameX:~0,-4!-%mym2csm%.csm" set "outputcsm=!CurrentFile:~0,-4!-%mym2csm%.csm" echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%cyantext%]Theming %counter% of %TotalFiles%: "%filenameX:~0,-4%-%mym2csm%.csm" ::echo cmdinput: "%cmdinput%" ::echo dlname: "%dlname%" ::echo mym2csm: %mym2csm% ::echo name: %name% ::echo wadname: %wadname% ::echo code1: %code1% ::echo code1: %version% ::echo md5: %md5% cd /d temp TMCL.exe "%CurrentFile%" "%wadname%" "%outputcsm%">nul cd /d .. ::success if exist "%outputcsm%" (support\sfk.exe echo [%greentext%]CSM Created) & (goto:EOF) ::fail support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]Error Creating CSM echo %DATE%-%TIME:~0,-6% - Error Creating CSM "%outputcsm%">>"%FullPath%\ModMii.log" set /a Files2error=%Files2error%+1 goto:EOF :skipcounter ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat ::empty folder check, if not empty goto:EOF, if empty delete it ::dir /A /B "%FullPath%\csm" | findstr /R ".">NUL ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 rd /s /q "%FullPath%\csm"> nul if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if /i "%Files2error%" EQU "0" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound echo. echo Finished building csms from myms saved here: support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]"%FullPath%" echo. if /i "%Files2error%" NEQ "0" goto:fail support\sfk.exe echo %TotalFiles% CSMs were created, you can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%FullPath%" explorer "%FullPath%" exit :fail support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]Failed to construct %Files2error% of %TotalFiles% CSMs, see above for more information. echo %Files2error% error(s) logged to: "%FullPath%\ModMii.log" echo. support\sfk.exe echo Close this window when you're ready, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%FullPath%" explorer "%FullPath%" exit :notmymfolder ::--------------------------------------- goto:notcsmfolder :csmfolder ::cls set "Folder=%wadfile%" set "FullPath=%wadpath%" set "FullPathback=%wadpathback%" echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]Updating csms saved here: "%FullPath%" ::echo Folder: "%Folder%" ::echo FullPath: "%FullPath%" ::echo FullPathback: "%FullPathback%" ::echo multimym: "%multimym%" ::echo cmdinput: "%cmdinput%" ::echo mym2csm: %mym2csm% dir /s /b /a-d "%FullPath%\*.csm">temp\temp.txt ::copy /y temp\temp.txt temp\Folder.txt>nul ::set "TotalFiles=%filecount%" ::line count set /a TotalFiles=0 for /f %%a in (temp\temp.txt) do set /a TotalFiles+=1 set /a counter=0 set /a Files2error=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\temp.txt) do call :csmfolderprocess "%%A" goto:skipcounter :csmfolderprocess set CurrentFile=%* set "CurrentFile=!CurrentFile:^^=^!" set "CurrentFile=!CurrentFile:~1,-1!" set /a counter=%counter%+1 echo set "filenameX=%%CurrentFile:%FullPath%\=%%">temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat ::echo filenameX: "%filenameX%" set "outputcsm=%FullPath%\%filenameX%" echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%cyantext%]Theming %counter% of %TotalFiles%: "%filenameX%" cd /d temp move /y "%outputcsm%" "%FullPath%\%filenameX:~0,-4%_original.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%multimym%" "%FullPath%\%filenameX:~0,-4%_original.csm" "%outputcsm%">nul cd /d .. ::success if exist "%outputcsm%" (support\sfk.exe echo [%greentext%]CSM Created) & (goto:EOF) ::fail support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]Error Creating CSM echo %DATE%-%TIME:~0,-6% - Error Creating CSM "%outputcsm%">>"%FullPath%\ModMii.log" set /a Files2error=%Files2error%+1 goto:EOF :skipcounter ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat ::empty folder check, if not empty goto:EOF, if empty delete it ::dir /A /B "%FullPath%\csm" | findstr /R ".">NUL ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 rd /s /q "%FullPath%\csm"> nul if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:nosound if /i "%Files2error%" EQU "0" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :nosound echo. echo Finished building csms from myms saved here: support\sfk.exe echo [%bluetext%]"%FullPath%" echo. if /i "%Files2error%" NEQ "0" goto:fail support\sfk.exe echo %TotalFiles% CSMs were updated, you can close this window now, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%FullPath%" explorer "%FullPath%" exit :fail support\sfk.exe echo [%redtext%]Failed to updated %Files2error% of %TotalFiles% CSMs, see above for more information. echo %Files2error% error(s) logged to: "%FullPath%\ModMii.log" echo. support\sfk.exe echo Close this window when you're ready, or [%bluetext%]enter O to open output directory and exit, or anything else to just exit echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" NEQ "O" exit if exist "%FullPath%" explorer "%FullPath%" exit :notcsmfolder ::--------------------------------------- ::-----------HashMyFiles----------------- if not exist "%cmdinput%" goto:donthash cls support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% echo. support\sfk.exe echo Dropped item: [%bluetext%]"%cmdinput%" echo. echo I don't have a function for this, do you want to calculate hashes with HashMyFiles? echo. support\sfk.exe echo [%cyantext%]Enter E to exit or anything else to calculate hashes echo. echo Pro tips! Add HashMyFiles to your right-click by choosing the 'Enable Explorer Context Menu' from its Options menu! echo And to hash files in subfolders, copy ^& paste or drag and drop files into the HashMyFiles window. echo. set promptO=? set /p promptO= Enter Selection Here: If /i "%promptO%" EQU "E" exit if exist "%homedrive%\Program Files (x86)" (set code2=hashmyfiles-x64) else (set code2=hashmyfiles) if exist temp\%code2%\hashmyfiles.exe goto:skipDL echo. echo Downloading %code2% to check "%cmdinput%" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/%code2%.zip" if exist %code2%.zip support\7za x -aoa "%code2%.zip" -o"temp\%code2%" -r if exist %code2%.zip move /y %code2%.zip temp\%code2%.zip>nul :skipDL if not exist temp\%code2%\hashmyfiles.exe (echo %code2% failed to download, exiting...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::using the folder command successfully searches subdirectories, but it opens a new instance of the app each time ::if exist "%cmdinput%\" start temp\%code2%\hashmyfiles.exe /folder "%cmdinput%" ::if not exist "%cmdinput%\" start temp\%code2%\hashmyfiles.exe /file "%cmdinput%" start temp\%code2%\hashmyfiles.exe /file "%cmdinput%" exit :donthash :specificCMDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:cmdlinewizardhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" goto:cmdlineRegionChangehelp if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" goto:cmdlineHMhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:cmdlineSNEEKhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:cmdlineEMUNANDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "U" goto:cmdlineUSBhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:cmdlineEMUNANDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "L" goto:cmdlineDLQUEUEhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" goto:cmdlineSYSCHECKhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "O" goto:cmdlineOPTIONShelp if /i "%one%" EQU "AW" goto:cmdlineAWhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "D" goto:cmdlineDhelp if not "%one%"=="" (goto:cmdlinehelp) :cmdlinehelp title ModMii Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii v%currentversion% echo. echo Command Line Usage: ModMii [function] [parameters] [Options] echo. echo Functions: echo. echo W Wizard echo AW Abstinence Wizard echo U USB-Loader Set-up echo HS HackMii Solutions echo SU SysCheck Updater echo RC Region Change echo S SNEEK Installation echo E Emulated NAND Builder echo SE SNEEK Installation + Emulated NAND Builder echo L Load ModMii Download Queue echo. echo O ModMii Options: Options cannot be used by themselves echo but they can be applied to other functions. Saved\default echo settings will be restored after each command. If an echo option is not defined saved\default settings are used. echo. echo D Drag and Drop Help and Info on supported files\folders echo. echo NOTE: Too see detailed descriptions and parameters for any of the above, echo use 'ModMii [function] Help' echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineRegionChangehelp title ModMii Region Change Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii Region Change Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe RC DesiredSystemMenu Extras Options echo. echo DesiredSystemMenu: #.#X echo where; "#.#" can be "4.1", "4.2" or "4.3" and "X" can be "U", "E", "J", "K" echo. echo Extras: echo "Red" Red Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Green" Green Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Blue" Blue Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Orange" Orange Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo. echo "Guide" Generate Guide ONLY echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe RC 4.1U echo ModMii.exe RC 4.2E Red echo ModMii.exe RC 4.3J Orange Guide echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlinewizardhelp title ModMii Wizard Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii Wizard Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe W CurrentFirm Region DesiredFirm Extras Options echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 3 4 5 Extras Options echo. echo 1) Wizard "W" echo 2) CurrentSystemMenu: "4.3","4.2","4.1","4.0","3.X" [3.0-3.5], "O" [other ^<2.2] echo 3) Region: "U","E","J","K" echo. If your Wii was Region Changed but not originally Korean, echo select the Region you are currently on echo 4) DesiredSystemMenu (Optional): "4.1", "4.2", "4.3" echo Note: If DesiredSystemMenu not specified ModMii uses recommended SystemMenu echo. echo Extras: echo "Red" Red Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Green" Green Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Blue" Blue Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Orange" Orange Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo. echo "CH" All Wii Channels [ie. Photo, Mii, etc.] echo "PHOTO" Photo Channel echo "SHOP" Shopping Channel [and IOS56] echo "MII" Mii Channel ::echo "SPEAK" Wii Speak Channel [not applicable to Korean Wiis] ::echo "NEWS" News Channel [not applicable to Korean Wiis] echo "NET" Internet Channel [not applicable to Korean Wiis] ::echo "WEATHER" Weather Channel [not applicable to Korean Wiis] echo. echo "USB" Set-up a USB-loader [choose no more than one of each A and B] echo A - "CFG" Use Configurable USB-Loader echo "FLOW" Use WiiFlow echo "GX" Use USB-Loader GX [default] echo "CFG-FLOW-GX" Use Configurable USB-Loader, WiiFlow and USB-Loader GX echo B - "USBConfig" Save USB-Loader Config files to USB [default] echo "SDConfig" Save USB-Loader Config files to SD Card echo. echo "Min" Minimal Update - Choose one or more of the following updates: echo "HBC" Homebrew Channel and\or Bootmii echo "REC" Recommended cIOSs (and cMIOS if enabled in options) echo "Pri" Priiloader and hacks_hash.ini echo. echo "Guide" Generate Guide ONLY echo. echo "str2hax" to use str2hax echo "MAC:aabbccddeeff" to use Wilbrand 4.3 exploit echo "LetterBomb" to use LetterBomb 4.3 exploit echo. echo Force a disc based exploit for 4.3 and ^<2.2 Wii's echo "SmashStack" Smash Stack (U\E\J\K) echo "IndianaPwns" IndianaPwns (U\E\J) echo "Bathaxx" Bathaxx (U\E\J) echo "ROTJ" Return of the Jodi (U\E\J) echo "YuGiOwned" Yu-Gi Owned (U\E\J) echo "EriHakawai" Eri Hakawai (U\E\J) echo "Twilight" Twilight Hack (^<2.2 U\E\J\K) echo "AllExploits" All Exploits echo. echo Notes: echo Default for 4.3 Wii's is "AllExploits" echo Default for ^<2.2 Wii's is "AllExploits" echo Guides for 3.0-4.2 Wii's always use Bannerbomb as primary echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe W 3.X U 4.1 echo ModMii.exe W 4.2 U 4.2 Blue CH USB echo ModMii.exe W 4.1 J 4.1 Green USB Flow SDConfig echo ModMii.exe W 4.3 E 4.3 MII PHOTO Min REC Green echo ModMii.exe W o U AllExploits echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineAWhelp title ModMii Abstinence Wizard Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii Abstinence Wizard Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe AW SystemMenu SNEEK-TYPE SNKSystemMenu SNKRegion Extras Options echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 3 4 5 Extras Options echo. echo 1) Abstinence Wizard "AW" echo 2) SystemMenu: "4.3","4.2","4.1","4.0","3.X" [3.0-3.5], "O" [other ^<2.2] echo 3) SNEEK-TYPE: "S" SNEEK, "U" UNEEK, "SD" SNEEK+DI, "UD" UNEEK+DI echo 4) SNKSystemMenu: "4.1", "4.2", "4.3" echo 5) SNKRegion: "U","E","J","K" echo. echo Extras: echo "Guide" Generate Guide ONLY echo. echo "str2hax" to use str2hax echo "MAC:aabbccddeeff" to use Wilbrand 4.3 exploit echo "LetterBomb" to use LetterBomb 4.3 exploit echo. echo Force a disc based exploit for 4.3 and ^<2.2 Wii's echo "SmashStack" Smash Stack (U\E\J\K) echo "IndianaPwns" IndianaPwns (U\E\J) echo "Bathaxx" Bathaxx (U\E\J) echo "ROTJ" Return of the Jodi (U\E\J) echo "YuGiOwned" Yu-Gi Owned (U\E\J) echo "EriHakawai" Eri Hakawai (U\E\J) echo "Twilight" Twilight Hack (^<2.2 U\E\J\K) echo "AllExploits" All Exploits echo. echo Notes: echo Default for 4.3 Wii's is "AllExploits" echo Default for ^<2.2 Wii's is "AllExploits" echo Guides for 3.0-4.2 Wii's always use Bannerbomb as primary echo. echo "Rev:#" Build a Specific Rev # of neek or neek2o echo. echo Note: If a Rev # is not specified ModMii will build the echo rev currently Featured on the google-code page echo (or newest version saved locally if you are offline). echo If using this, you should also use the n2o argument. echo. echo "Red" Red Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Green" Green Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Blue" Blue Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Orange" Orange Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo. echo "OHBC" Open Homebrew Channel (LULZ) echo "PLC" postLoader Channel echo "249" cIOS249 rev14 echo "Pri" Priiloader (and hacks) echo "FLOW" WiiFlow Forwarder and App echo. echo "SN:Serial-Number" - default serial will be used if not specified echo. echo "CH" All Wii Channels [ie. Photo, Mii, etc.] echo "PHOTO" Photo Channel echo "SHOP" Shopping Channel echo "MII" Mii Channel ::echo "SPEAK" Wii Speak Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] ::echo "NEWS" News Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo "NET" Internet Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] ::echo "WEATHER" Weather Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo. echo "WADdir:Path?" - Optionally specify custom folder of WADs to install. echo Note: do not forget the "?" which marks the end of the path echo. echo "n2o:E" Optional: force override settings to enable neek2o echo "n2o:D" Optional: force override settings to disable neek2o echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe AW 4.2 SD 4.3 U echo ModMii.exe AW o SD 4.3 J SmashStack echo ModMii.exe AW 4.1 UD 4.2 E Orange PLC 249 Pri FLOW CH Rev:64 n2o:E echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineUSBhelp title ModMii USB-Loader Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii USB-Loader Set-up Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe U Extras Options echo. echo Extras: echo Choose no more than one of each A and B: echo A - "CFG" Use Configurable USB-Loader echo "FLOW" Use WiiFlow echo "GX" Use USB-Loader GX [default] echo "CFG-FLOW-GX" Use Configurable USB-Loader, WiiFlow and USB-Loader GX echo B - "USBConfig" Save USB-Loader Config files to USB [default] echo "SDConfig" Save USB-Loader Config files to SD Card echo. echo "Guide" Generate Guide ONLY echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe U echo ModMii.exe U Flow echo ModMii.exe U CFG-Flow SDConfig echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineHMhelp title ModMii HackMii Solutions Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii HackMii Solutions Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe HS SystemMenu Extras Options echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 Extras Options echo. echo 1) HackMii Solutions "HS" echo 2) SystemMenu: "4.3","4.2","4.1","4.0","3.X" [3.0-3.5], "O" [other ^<2.2] echo. echo Extras: echo "Guide" Generate Guide ONLY echo. echo "str2hax" to use str2hax echo "MAC:aabbccddeeff" to use Wilbrand 4.3 exploit echo "LetterBomb" to use LetterBomb 4.3 exploit echo. echo Force a disc based exploit for 4.3 and ^<2.2 Wii's echo "SmashStack" Smash Stack (U\E\J\K) echo "IndianaPwns" IndianaPwns (U\E\J) echo "Bathaxx" Bathaxx (U\E\J) echo "ROTJ" Return of the Jodi (U\E\J) echo "YuGiOwned" Yu-Gi Owned (U\E\J) echo "EriHakawai" Eri Hakawai (U\E\J) echo "Twilight" Twilight Hack (^<2.2 U\E\J\K) echo "AllExploits" All Exploits echo. echo Notes: echo Default for 4.3 Wii's is "AllExploits" echo Default for ^<2.2 Wii's is "AllExploits" echo Guides for 3.0-4.2 Wii's always use Bannerbomb as primary echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe HS 4.3 echo ModMii.exe HS 4.1 echo ModMii.exe HS 3.X echo ModMii.exe HS o SmashStack echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineSYSCHECKhelp title ModMii SysCheck Updater Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii SysCheck Updater Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe SU SysCheck.csv Extras Options echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 Extras Options echo. echo 1) SysCheck Updater "SU" echo 2) SysCheck Log Path\Name echo. echo Extras: echo "Guide" Generate Guide ONLY echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe SU SysCheck.csv echo ModMii.exe SU X:\New Folder\SysCheck.csv echo ModMii.exe SU "XFlaks-SysCheck.csv" Guide echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineSNEEKhelp title ModMii SNEEK Installation Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii SNEEK Installation Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe S SNEEK-TYPE Extras Options echo. echo SNEEK-TYPE: "S" SNEEK, "U" UNEEK, "SD" SNEEK+DI, "UD" UNEEK+DI echo. echo Extras: echo "Rev:#" Build a Specific Rev # of neek or neek2o echo. echo Note: If a Rev # is not specified ModMii will build the echo rev currently Featured on the google-code page echo (or newest version saved locally if you are offline). echo If using this, you should also use the n2o argument. echo. echo "n2o:E" Optional: force override settings to enable neek2o echo "n2o:D" Optional: force override settings to disable neek2o echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Example: echo ModMii.exe S UD echo ModMii.exe S SD Rev:64 n2o:E echo. echo Note: You can install S\UNEEK and simultaneously build an emulated echo NAND using the Emulated NAND builder instructions below. echo. :cmdlineEMUNANDhelp title ModMii Emulated NAND Builder Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii Emulated NAND Builder Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe E SNEEK-TYPE SystemMenu Region Extras Options echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 3 4 Extras Options echo. echo 1) Emulated NAND Builder "E" [or "SE" to install S\UNEEK AND build a NAND] echo 2) SNEEK-TYPE: "S" SNEEK, "U" UNEEK, "SD" SNEEK+DI, "UD" UNEEK+DI echo 3) SystemMenu: "4.1", "4.2", "4.3" echo 4) Region: "U","E","J","K" echo. echo Extras: echo "Rev:#" Build a Specific Rev # of neek or neek2o echo. echo Note: If a Rev # is not specified ModMii will build the echo rev currently Featured on the google-code page echo (or newest version saved locally if you are offline). echo If using this, you should also use the n2o argument. echo. echo "Red" Red Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Green" Green Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Blue" Blue Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo "Orange" Orange Theme [cannot be used simultaneously with other themes] echo. echo "OHBC" Open Homebrew Channel (LULZ) echo "PLC" postLoader Channel echo "249" cIOS249 rev14 echo "S2U" Switch2Uneek [only for UNEEK or UNEEK+DI when neek2o disabled] echo "Pri" Priiloader (and hacks) echo "FLOW" WiiFlow Forwarder and App echo "NMM" No More Memory Cards [cannot be used simultaneously with DML] echo "DML" Dios Mios Lite [only for SNEEK+DI] echo. echo "SN:Serial-Number" - default serial will be used if not specified echo. echo "CH" All Wii Channels [ie. Photo, Mii, etc.] echo "PHOTO" Photo Channel echo "SHOP" Shopping Channel echo "MII" Mii Channel ::echo "SPEAK" Wii Speak Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] ::echo "NEWS" News Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo "NET" Internet Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] ::echo "WEATHER" Weather Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo. echo "WADdir:Path?" - Optionally specify custom folder of WADs to install. echo Note: do not forget the "?" which marks the end of the path echo. echo "n2o:E" Optional: force override settings to enable neek2o echo "n2o:D" Optional: force override settings to disable neek2o echo. echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe E U 4.3 U echo ModMii.exe SE UD 4.2 U Orange PLC 249 NMM S2U Pri FLOW CH Rev:64 n2o:E echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineDLQUEUEhelp title ModMii Download Queue Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii Download Queue Express Mode Usage echo. echo ModMii.exe L DownloadQueue Options echo. echo Note: Download Queue must exist and be saved in temp\DownloadQueues\ echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe L cIOSs echo ModMii.exe L My Fav Themes.bat echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit :cmdlineOPTIONShelp title ModMii Options Command Line Help support\sfk echo [%redtext%]Options echo. echo Define ModMii's options using the following commands. echo. echo Note: If an option is not defined ModMii will use saved\default settings. echo Saved\default settings will be restored after each command. echo If you're unsure of what an option does, read the description echo in ModMii's options page. echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Drive Letter or Path setting for SD Card echo ModMii.exe [base command] Drive:Path? echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe [base command] Drive:new folder? echo ModMii.exe [base command] Drive:E:? echo. echo Note: do not forget the "?" which marks the end of the path echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Drive Letter or Path setting for USB Hard Drive echo ModMii.exe [base command] DriveU:Path? echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Examples: echo ModMii.exe [base command] DriveU:new folder? echo ModMii.exe [base command] DriveU:H:? echo. echo Note: do not forget the "?" which marks the end of the path echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]PC Program Save Location echo ModMii.exe [base command] PC:A echo ModMii.exe [base command] PC:L echo ModMii.exe [base command] PC:P echo. echo Where; echo A = Auto, L = Local, and P = Portable echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Root Save echo ModMii.exe [base command] RS:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] RS:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Channel Effect echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:NS echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:S echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:FS echo. echo Where; echo NS = No Spin, S = Spin and FS = Fast Spin echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Keep 00000001 Folder and\or NUS Folder echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:0 echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:1 echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:N echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:A echo. echo Where; echo 0 = do not keep, 1 = keep 00000001, N = keep NUS and A = keep All echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Update Active IOSs echo ModMii.exe [base command] UIOS:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] UIOS:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached echo ModMii.exe [base command] AUSKIP:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] AUSKIP:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Include cMIOS in ModMii Wizard Downloads echo ModMii.exe [base command] CMIOS:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] CMIOS:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Include hermes cIOSs in ModMii's Recommended cIOSs echo ModMii.exe [base command] hermes:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] hermes:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Play Sound at Finish echo ModMii.exe [base command] SOUND:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] SOUND:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Include USB-Loader Forwarder Channel in ModMii Wizard Downloads echo ModMii.exe [base command] FWD:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] FWD:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Verbose Output for ModMii and SNEEK Installer echo ModMii.exe [base command] VERBOSE:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] VERBOSE:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]neek2o - build neek2o mod of s\uneek by OverjoY and obcd echo ModMii.exe [base command] n2o:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] n2o:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access echo ModMii.exe [base command] SSD:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] SSD:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]SNEEK Verbose Output echo ModMii.exe [base command] SNKVERBOSE:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] SNKVERBOSE:D echo. echo Where; echo E = Enabled and D = Disabled echo. support\sfk echo [%cyantext%]Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK echo ModMii.exe [base command] Font:B echo ModMii.exe [base command] Font:W echo ModMii.exe [base command] Font:R echo. echo Where; echo B = Black and W = White and R = Red echo. echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit ::this will stop the batch file from opening, and keep the cmd box open ::cmd.exe :cmdlineDhelp title ModMii Drag and Drop Help and Info support\sfk echo [%redtext%]ModMii Drag and Drop Help and Info echo. echo Individual or multiple items can be dragged and dropped onto ModMii echo or a ModMii shortcut; check out the ModMii Toolbar for quicklaunch access! echo. echo You can also right-click an item and choose to open it with ModMii. echo. echo Note: If dragging a folder launches into a "wrong" activity, check that there aren't echo other file types saved in the same folder; i.e. if trying to load a folder of echo myms, make sure there aren't any WADs saved to the same folder or subfolders. echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]nand.bin tools [%cyantext%](nand.bin)[def]; Extract, Check, Clone or Defragment a Wii nand.bin file echo Examples: nand.bin, anything.bin echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]HBC Transfer Tool [%cyantext%](zip, 7z, rar)[def]; wirelessly transfer apps to the device selected in the Homebrew Channnel (e.g.SD,USB) echo Examples: usbloader_gx.7z, yawmME.zip, anything.rar echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]App Launcher [%cyantext%](dol, elf)[def]; launch apps from your PC to your Wii via WiFi, no SD\USB required echo Examples: boot.dol, boot.elf, anything.dol, anything.elf echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]WAD Sender [%cyantext%](WAD, folder of WADs)[def]; install WADs ^<8MB from your PC to your Wii via WiFi, no SD\USB required echo Examples: anything.wad, or any folder containing WADs echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]WAD Modifier [%cyantext%](WAD)[def]; Modify Channel attributes (Title,ID,IOS,DOL,Fakesign) or IOSs attributes (Patches,Slot,Version) echo Examples: anything.wad echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]WAD Unpacker [%cyantext%](WAD, folder of WADs)[def]; unpack WADs echo Examples: anything.wad, or any folder containing WADs echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]WAD Packer [%cyantext%](unpacked WAD folder or component file - app, cert, footer, tik, tmd)[def]; repack WAD echo Examples: Any_Unpacked_WAD_Folder, or any file inside an unpacked WAD folder (e.g. 00000000.app, cert, footer, tik, tmd) echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]CSM Theme Builder [%cyantext%](mym, csm, folder of myms, folder of csms)[def]; Create csm files to install Wii themes using MyMenuify echo Examples: DarkWii_Purple.mym, Random_Theme_4.1U.csm, MYM_Folder, CSM_Folder echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]SysCheck Updater [%cyantext%](SysCheck.csv)[def]; update only your outdated softmods echo Examples: SysCheck.csv, or any csv that was created by SysCheck and renamed echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]App Updater ^& File Cleanup [%cyantext%](SD\USB Drives or Folders)[def]; Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files echo Examples: W:, X:, COPY_TO_SD, COPY_TO_USB echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Emulated Nand Modifer [%cyantext%](EmuNand Folder)[def]; Edit an Emulated NAND echo Examples: pl_us, or any folder containing an Emulated NAND System Menu; i.e. \title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Load Download Queue [%cyantext%](ModMii_Download_Queue.bat)[def]; Load a ModMii Download Queue echo Examples: ModMii_Download_Queue.bat, or any download queue that was created by ModMii echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Load Wizard Settings [%cyantext%](Wizard_Settings.bat)[def]; Load Saved ModMii Wizard Settings from previous session echo Examples: Wizard_Settings.bat, or any Wizard_Settings.bat that was created by ModMii and renamed echo. support\sfk echo [%bluetext%]Calculate Hashes [%cyantext%](everything else)[def]; Calculate file hashes using HashMyFiles echo Examples: anything.doc, *.*, New_Folder, any file or folder not mentioned above echo. echo Press Any Key to Close the Help Menu... pause>nul exit ::----------------------------------- :hardcodedoptions echo "%cmdinput%">temp\cmdinput.txt support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput.txt -lsrep _\x22__ -lerep _\x22__ -write -yes>nul findStr /I ":" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:nohardcodedoptions ::backup current settings (in order to revert after cmd) if not exist support\settings.bat echo ::ModMii Settings >support\settings.bat copy /y support\settings.bat support\settings.bak>nul ::-----------DRIVE: (ie. DRIVE:whatever_ test?)--------------- findStr /I " Drive:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:nodrivecmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) ::check if a ? was entered findStr /I "?" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Please mark the end of your Drive setting using a question mark "?", try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* DRIVE:"__ -rep _\x3f*__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"^"_"^^"_ -rep _"&"_"^&"_ -rep _"("_"^("_ -rep _")"_"^)"_ -write -yes>nul set /p DRIVE= nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :skipcheck ::overwrite option in settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set*Drive=" -write -yes>nul echo Set "Drive=%DRIVE%">>Support\settings.bat ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :nodrivecmd ::-----------DRIVEU: (ie. DRIVEU:whatever_ test?)--------------- findStr /I " DRIVEU:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noDRIVEUcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) ::check if a ? was entered findStr /I "?" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Please mark the end of your DriveU setting using a question mark "?", try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* DRIVEU:"__ -rep _\x3f*__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"^"_"^^"_ -rep _"&"_"^&"_ -rep _"("_"^("_ -rep _")"_"^)"_ -write -yes>nul set /p DRIVEU= nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :skipcheck ::overwrite option in settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set*DRIVEU=" -write -yes>nul echo Set "DRIVEU=%DRIVEU%">>Support\settings.bat ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :noDRIVEUcmd ::-----------WADdir: (ie. WADdir:whatever_ test?)--------------- findStr /I " WADdir:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noWADdircmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) ::check if a ? was entered findStr /I "?" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Please mark the end of your WADdir setting using a question mark "?", try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* WADdir:"__ -rep _\x3f*__ -write -yes>nul set /p addwadfolder= nul) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::make sure second char is ":" if /i "%addwadfolder:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (echo Enter the full path including the drive letter, please try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist "%addwadfolder%\*.wad" (echo No Wads found in %addwadfolder%, please try a different folder...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :noWADdircmd ::-----------PC: Option--------------- findStr /I " PC:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noPCcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* PC:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p PCSAVEcmd= nul :noPCcmd ::-----------RS: Option--------------- findStr /I " RS:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noRScmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* RS:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p ROOTSAVEcmd= nul :noRScmd ::-----------CE: Option--------------- findStr /I " CE:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noCEcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* CE:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p effectcmd= nul :noCEcmd ::-----------keep *01 or NUS Folders--------------- findStr /I " 1:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:no1cmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* 1:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p Option1cmd= nul :no1cmd ::-----------UIOS: Option--------------- findStr /I " UIOS:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noUIOScmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* UIOS:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p ACTIVEIOScmd= nul :noUIOScmd ::-----------AUSKIP: Option--------------- findStr /I " AUSKIP:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noAUSKIPcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* AUSKIP:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p AUSKIPcmd= nul :noAUSKIPcmd ::-----------SOUND: Option--------------- findStr /I " SOUND:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSOUNDcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* SOUND:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p AudioOptioncmd= nul :noSOUNDcmd ::-----------CMIOS: Option--------------- findStr /I " CMIOS:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noCMIOScmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* CMIOS:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p CMIOSOPTIONcmd= nul :noCMIOScmd ::-----------hermes: Option--------------- findStr /I " hermes:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:nohermescmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* hermes:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p hermesOPTIONcmd= nul :nohermescmd ::-----------USB-Loader Forwarder: Option--------------- findStr /I " FWD:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noFWDcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* FWD:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p FWDOPTIONcmd= nul :noFWDcmd ::-----------VERBOSE: Option--------------- findStr /I " VERBOSE:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noVERBOSEcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* VERBOSE:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p ModMiiverbosecmd= nul :noVERBOSEcmd ::-----------n2o: Option--------------- findStr /I " n2o:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:non2ocmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* n2o:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p NEEKcmd= nul :non2ocmd ::-----------SSD: Option--------------- findStr /I " SSD:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSSDcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* SSD:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SSDcmd= nul :noSSDcmd ::-----------snkverbose: Option--------------- findStr /I " snkverbose:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:nosnkverbosecmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* snkverbose:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p sneekverbosecmd= nul :nosnkverbosecmd ::-----------Font: Option--------------- findStr /I " Font:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noFontcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Font:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SNKFONTcmd= nul :noFontcmd ::-----------GUI: Option--------------- findStr /I " GUI:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noGUIcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* GUI:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p GUIModecmd= nul ::GUI mode mostly the same as Skin Mode except no "wizapp PB OPEN" command goto:noSkincmd :noGUIcmd ::-----------Skin: Option--------------- findStr /I " Skin:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSkincmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Skin:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SkinModecmd= nul ::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=2000 ::ver | findstr /i "5\.1\." > nul ::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=XP ::ver | findstr /i "5\.2\." > nul ::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=2003 ::::ver | findstr /i "6\.0\." > nul ::::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=VISTA ::::ver | findstr /i "6\.1\." > nul ::::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=SEVEN ::if not "%OSYS%"=="" title ModMii :noprogress ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :noSkincmd ::remove hard options from %cmdinput% to avoid conflict set /p cmdinput= nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%three%" EQU "U" set REGION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "E" set REGION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "J" set REGION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "K" set REGION=%three% if "%region%"=="" (echo "%three%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%four%" EQU "4.3" set FIRM=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "4.2" set FIRM=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "4.1" set FIRM=%four% if not "%firm%"=="" goto:nofirmdefaults set FIRM=4.1 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set FIRM=4.2 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set FIRM=4.3 :nofirmdefaults ::----EXtras------ ::set defaults set ThemeSelection=N set MIIQ=N set PIC=N set NET=N set WEATHER=N set NEWS=N set SHOP=N set SPEAK=N set USBGUIDE=N findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::----themes---- findStr /I " Red" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=R) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Green" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=G) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Blue" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=BL) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Orange" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=O) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:donecmdthemes :donecmdthemes findStr /I " CH" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set PIC=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SHOP=Y if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NET=Y ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set WEATHER=Y ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NEWS=Y ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SPEAK=Y :nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " PHOTO" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PIC=N) else (set PIC=Y) findStr /I " SHOP" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SHOP=N) else (set SHOP=Y) findStr /I " MII" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:alreadygotallchannels ::findStr /I " SPEAK" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SPEAK=N) else (set SPEAK=Y) ::findStr /I " NEWS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NEWS=N) else (set NEWS=Y) findStr /I " NET" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NET=N) else (set NET=Y) ::findStr /I " WEATHER" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set WEATHER=N) else (set WEATHER=Y) :alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " USB" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noUSBcmd) else (set USBGUIDE=Y) ::Loader - GX (or 1) is default set LOADER=GX findStr /I " CFG-FLOW-GX" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set (LOADER=ALL) & (goto:donecmdloader) findStr /I " CFG" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=CFG) & (goto:donecmdloader) findStr /I " FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set LOADER=FLOW :donecmdloader ::USB-Loader Config files (USB is default) findStr /I " SDConfig" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set USBCONFIG=USB) else (set USBCONFIG=SD) :noUSBcmd findStr /I " Min" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:notminupdate) else (set VIRGIN=N) findStr /I " HBC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set HMInstaller=N) else (set HMInstaller=Y) findStr /I " REC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set RECCIOS=N) else (set RECCIOS=Y) findStr /I " Pri" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PRIQ=N) else (set PRIQ=Y) :notminupdate goto:cmdlineExploitCheck ::--------------------------------- :cmdlinehackmiisolutions set MENU1=H if /i "%two%" EQU "4.3" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.2" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.1" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.0" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "3.X" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "o" set FIRMSTART=%two% if "%firmstart%"=="" (echo "%two%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G :cmdlineExploitCheck if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:cmdline4.3Exploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:cmdlineDiscExploits goto:nocmdlineDiscExploits ::-----------MAC:*--------------- :cmdline4.3Exploits findStr /I " MAC:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noMACcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) set EXPLOIT=W support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* MAC:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -rep _"-"__ -rep _":"__ -write -yes>nul set /p macaddress= nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :noMACcmd :cmdlineDiscExploits findStr /I /C:" LetterBomb" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set EXPLOIT=W) & (set macaddress=S) :cmdlineDiscExploits findStr /I /C:" IndianaPwns" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=L findStr /I /C:" Bathaxx" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=LB findStr /I /C:" ROTJ" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=LS findStr /I /C:" YuGiOwned" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=Y findStr /I /C:" SmashStack" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=S if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:notwi findStr /I /C:" Twilight" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=T :notwi findStr /I /C:" AllExploits" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=? ::apply default exploits if not "%EXPLOIT%"=="" goto:nocmdlineDiscExploits if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "4.3" set EXPLOIT=? if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "o" set EXPLOIT=? :nocmdlineDiscExploits ::set macaddress to (S)kip for letterbomb if no MAC provided and all exploits selected if not "%macaddress%"=="" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:skip if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "4.3" set macaddress=S :skip goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineRegionChange set MENU1=%one% set FIRMSTART= if /i "%two:~0,3%" EQU "4.3" set FIRM=%two:~0,3% if /i "%two:~0,3%" EQU "4.2" set FIRM=%two:~0,3% if /i "%two:~0,3%" EQU "4.1" set FIRM=%two:~0,3% if "%firm%"=="" (echo "%two:~0,3%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "U" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "E" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "J" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "K" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if "%region%"=="" (echo "%two:~3,1%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::----themes---- findStr /I " Red" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=R) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Green" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=G) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Blue" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=BL) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Orange" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=O) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:donecmdthemes :donecmdthemes goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineUSBLoaderSetup set MENU1=%one% ::Loader - GX (or 1) is default set LOADER=GX findStr /I " CFG-FLOW-GX" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=ALL) & (goto:donecmdloader) findStr /I " CFG" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=CFG) & (goto:donecmdloader) findStr /I " FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set LOADER=FLOW :donecmdloader ::USB-Loader Config files (USB is default) findStr /I " SDConfig" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set USBCONFIG=USB) else (set USBCONFIG=SD) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlinesyscheck set MENU1=SU findStr /I ".csv" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo A csv file was not identified, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _".csv*"_".csv"_ -write -yes>nul set /p sysCheckName= nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I /C:"syscheck" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo This is not a valid SysCheck log, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo "%syscheckname%">temp\cmdinput2.txt ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -lsrep _\x22__ -lerep _\x22__ -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul del temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::goto:sysCheckAnalyzer goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineloadqueue set MENU1=L if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" NEQ "Y" goto:notdragged ::dragged findStr /I /C:":endofqueue" "%cmdinput%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Not a valid ModMii Download Queue...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _*\__ -write -yes>nul set /p two= nul goto:skip :notdragged set "two=%cmdinput:~2%" :skip if "%two:~-4%" EQU ".bat" set "two=%two:~0,-4%" if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%two%.bat" set "DLQUEUE=%two%" if "%DLQUEUE%"=="" (echo "%two%" does not exist, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set "CurrentQueue=%DLQUEUE%.bat" goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineabstinenceWizard set MENU1=S set AbstinenceWiz=Y set SNEEKSELECT=3 if /i "%two%" EQU "4.3" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.2" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.1" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.0" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "3.X" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "o" set FIRMSTART=%two% if "%firmstart%"=="" (echo "%two%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%three%" EQU "S" set SNEEKTYPE=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "U" set SNEEKTYPE=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "SD" set SNEEKTYPE=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "UD" set SNEEKTYPE=%three% if "%SNEEKTYPE%"=="" (echo "%three%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set DITYPE=off if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%four%" EQU "4.3" set SNKVERSION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "4.2" set SNKVERSION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "4.1" set SNKVERSION=%four% if "%SNKVERSION%"=="" (echo "%four%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%five%" EQU "U" set SNKREGION=%five% if /i "%five%" EQU "E" set SNKREGION=%five% if /i "%five%" EQU "J" set SNKREGION=%five% if /i "%five%" EQU "K" set SNKREGION=%five% if "%SNKREGION%"=="" (echo "%five%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::parse other variables from other sections goto:SNKserialCMD ::then after goto:cmdlineExploitCheck ::--------------------------------- :cmdlinesneekinstaller ::if not "%three%"=="" goto:cmdlineemunandbuilder set MENU1=S set SNEEKSELECT=1 if /i "%two%" EQU "S" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "U" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "SD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "UD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if "%SNEEKTYPE%"=="" (echo "%two%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::-----------Rev:#--------------- set neekrev=1 findStr /I " Rev:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noRevcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) set neekrev= support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Rev:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p CurrentRev= nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (set googlecode=neek2o) & (set neekname=neek2o) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "ON" (set googlecode=sneeky-compiler-modmii) & (set neekname=neek) if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" goto:noRevcmd start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/%googlecode%/%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" if not exist "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" (echo "%CurrentRev%" is not a valid input, using latest version instead...) & (echo check this URL for available versions: https://sourceforge.net/projects/%googlecode%/files/?source=navbar) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (set neekrev=1) & (set CurrentRev=) & (goto:noRevcmd) if not exist "temp\%neekname%" mkdir "temp\%neekname%" move /y "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul :noRevcmd goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineemunandbuilder set MENU1=S if /i "%one%" EQU "E" set SNEEKSELECT=2 if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" set SNEEKSELECT=3 if /i "%two%" EQU "S" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "U" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "SD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "UD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if "%SNEEKTYPE%"=="" (echo "%two%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set DITYPE=off if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%three%" EQU "4.3" set SNKVERSION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "4.2" set SNKVERSION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "4.1" set SNKVERSION=%three% if "%SNKVERSION%"=="" (echo "%three%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%four%" EQU "U" set SNKREGION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "E" set SNKREGION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "J" set SNKREGION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "K" set SNKREGION=%four% if "%SNKREGION%"=="" (echo "%four%" is not a valid input, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) :SNKserialCMD ::-----------SN: (ie. SN:LU111111111)--------------- findStr /I " SN:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSNcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* SN:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SNKSERIAL= nul ::limit user input to X# of digits if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip ::if "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) :skip if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) ::next page goto:skipSNdefaults :badsnkkey echo "%SNKSERIAL%" is not a valid input, try again... if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :noSNcmd if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set SNKSERIAL=LU521175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set SNKSERIAL=LEH133789940 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set SNKSERIAL=LJM101175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set SNKSERIAL=LJM101175683 :skipSNdefaults ::-----------Rev:#--------------- set neekrev=1 findStr /I " Rev:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noRevcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) set neekrev= support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Rev:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p CurrentRev= nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (set googlecode=neek2o) & (set neekname=neek2o) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "ON" (set googlecode=sneeky-compiler-modmii) & (set neekname=neek) ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" goto:noRevcmd if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" goto:noRevcmd start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/%googlecode%/%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" if not exist "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" (echo "%CurrentRev%" is not a valid input, using latest version instead...) & (echo check this URL for available versions: https://sourceforge.net/projects/%googlecode%/files/?source=navbar) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (set neekrev=1) & (set CurrentRev=) & (goto:noRevcmd) if not exist "temp\%neekname%" mkdir "temp\%neekname%" move /y "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul :noRevcmd ::----------Other----------- ::set defaults set ThemeSelection=N set SNKPLC=N set SNKOHBC=N set SNKCIOS=N set SNKcBC=N set SNKPRI=N set SNKFLOW=N set SNKS2U=N set MIIQ=N set PIC=N set NET=N set WEATHER=N set NEWS=N set SHOP=N set SPEAK=N if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:notUorUD findStr /I " S2U" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKS2U=N) else (set SNKS2U=Y) :notUorUD findStr /I " CH" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set PIC=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SHOP=Y if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" goto:nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NET=Y ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set WEATHER=Y ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NEWS=Y ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SPEAK=Y :nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " PHOTO" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PIC=N) else (set PIC=Y) findStr /I " SHOP" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SHOP=N) else (set SHOP=Y) findStr /I " MII" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" goto:alreadygotallchannels ::findStr /I " SPEAK" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SPEAK=N) else (set SPEAK=Y) ::findStr /I " NEWS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NEWS=N) else (set NEWS=Y) findStr /I " NET" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NET=N) else (set NET=Y) ::findStr /I " WEATHER" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set WEATHER=N) else (set WEATHER=Y) :alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " PLC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKPLC=N) else (set SNKPLC=Y) findStr /I " OHBC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKOHBC=N) else (set SNKOHBC=Y) findStr /I " 249" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKcIOS=N) else (set SNKcIOS=Y) findStr /I " NMM" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKcBC=N) else (set SNKcBC=NMM) ::DML only if using SNEEK+DI and if NMM is not also selected if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" goto:skipDMLcmd if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "SD" goto:skipDMLcmd findStr /I " DML" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKcBC=N) else (set SNKcBC=DML) :skipDMLcmd findStr /I " Pri" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKPRI=N) else (set SNKPRI=Y) findStr /I " FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKFLOW=N) else (set SNKFLOW=Y) ::----themes---- findStr /I " Red" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=R) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Green" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=G) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Blue" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=BL) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Orange" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=O) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:donecmdthemes :donecmdthemes if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:cmdlineExploitCheck goto:go ::--------------------------------- :go title ModMii... if exist temp\cmdinput.txt del temp\cmdinput.txt>nul if exist temp\cmdinput2.txt del temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul ::mode con cols=85 lines=54 support\nircmd.exe win setsize ititle "ModMii..." 0 0 705 820 ::support\nircmd.exe win setsize title "Administrator: ModMii..." 0 0 705 820 title ModMii ::support\cmdow.exe ModMii /siz 650 820 color %backgroundcolor%%whitetext% goto:defaultsettings :notcmd ::--------------------------------------------------------- title ModMii... ::mode con cols=85 lines=54 support\nircmd.exe win setsize ititle "ModMii..." 0 0 705 820 ::support\nircmd.exe win setsize title "Administrator: ModMii..." 0 0 705 820 title ModMii ::support\cmdow.exe ModMii /siz 650 820 color %backgroundcolor%%whitetext% ::SET FILENAME=%~nx0 //this returns the name of the batch file running (doesn't work when packaged in an exe) ::SET PATHNAME=%0 //this returns the filename but also with absolute path if exist support\skipscam.txt (set /p skipversion= Support\skipscam.txt attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt goto:skip :dontdoit echo. echo Exiting ModMii... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul Exit :skip ::Save version agreed to if exist Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -ls!"set AGREEDVERSION=" -write -yes echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat :DefaultSettings ::----LOAD SETTINGS (if exist)---- if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat call "Support\subscripts\DB.bat" ::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------ IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off IF "%effect%"=="" set effect=No-Spin IF "%PCSAVE%"=="" set PCSAVE=Auto IF "%OPTION1%"=="" set OPTION1=off IF "%AudioOption%"=="" set AudioOption=on IF "%hermesOPTION%"=="" set hermesOPTION=off IF "%CMIOSOPTION%"=="" set CMIOSOPTION=off IF "%FWDOPTION%"=="" set FWDOPTION=on IF "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%"=="" set ExtraProtectionOPTION=on IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB IF "%ACTIVEIOS%"=="" set ACTIVEIOS=on IF "%AUSKIP%"=="" set AUSKIP=off IF "%AUTOUPDATE%"=="" set AUTOUPDATE=on IF "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off IF "%sneekverbose%"=="" set sneekverbose=off IF "%neek2o%"=="" set neek2o=on IF "%SSD%"=="" set SSD=off ::IF "%discexverify%"=="" set discexverify=off IF "%SNKFONT%"=="" set SNKFONT=B IF "%skin%"=="" set skin=Default if exist "Support\Skins\%skin%\Success.mp3" (set "Success.mp3=Support\Skins\%skin%\Success.mp3") else (set "Success.mp3=Support\Skins\Default\Success.mp3") if exist "Support\Skins\%skin%\Fail.mp3" (set "Fail.mp3=Support\Skins\%skin%\Fail.mp3") else (set "Fail.mp3=Support\Skins\Default\Fail.mp3") ::IF "%overwritecodes%"=="" set overwritecodes=off ::IF "%cheatregion%"=="" set cheatregion=All ::IF "%cheatlocation%"=="" set cheatlocation=B ::IF "%wiicheat%"=="" set wiicheat=ON ::IF "%WiiWarecheat%"=="" set WiiWarecheat=ON ::IF "%VCArcadecheat%"=="" set VCArcadecheat=OFF ::IF "%WiiChannelscheat%"=="" set WiiChannelscheat=ON ::IF "%Gamecubecheat%"=="" set Gamecubecheat=ON ::IF "%NEScheat%"=="" set NEScheat=ON ::IF "%SNEScheat%"=="" set SNEScheat=ON ::IF "%N64cheat%"=="" set N64cheat=ON ::IF "%SMScheat%"=="" set SMScheat=ON ::IF "%Segacheat%"=="" set Segacheat=ON ::IF "%NeoGeocheat%"=="" set NeoGeocheat=ON ::IF "%Commodorecheat%"=="" set Commodorecheat=ON ::IF "%MSXcheat%"=="" set MSXcheat=ON ::IF "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON ::IF "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON ::check for supporting apps that AVs are known to remove if not exist support\libWiiSharp.dll (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\patchios.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\wadmii.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\hexalter.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\settings.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\nircmd.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\smw-mod.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\wit.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) ::if not exist support\fvc.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\sfk.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\nusd.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\NUSDownloader.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\Sharpii.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\WadInstaller.dll (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\NusFileGrabber.exe (echo One or more of ModMii's supporting files are missing, redownloading...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) ::Special update ::if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" GEQ "6.3.2" goto:nospecialupdate :::nospecialupdate if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:noupdateincmdlinemode if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" goto:UpdateModMii :noupdateincmdlinemode ::......................................................MAIN MENU.............................................. :MENU color %backgroundcolor%%whitetext% if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul if exist temp\DLgotos-copy.txt del temp\DLgotos-copy.txt>nul ::----restore settings if applicable (download queue and sneek nand builder)---- IF "%MENU1%"=="" goto:NOCLEAR if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "O" goto:Cleartempsettings goto:NOCLEAR :Cleartempsettings Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVETEMP% Set Option1=%Option1TEMP% if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat :NOCLEAR ::---SET TEMP SETTINGS FOR DL QUE--- Set ROOTSAVETEMP=%ROOTSAVE% Set Option1TEMP=%Option1% ::variables that interfere with cmd line wizard ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:MENUafterbadvars SET VIRGIN= set REGIONCHANGE= SET FIRMSTART= set macaddress= set PIC= set NET= set WEATHER= set NEWS= set SHOP= set SPEAK= set MIIQ= set REGION= set SNKREGION= set UpdatesIOSQ= set SNEEKTYPE= set SNEEKSELECT= set USBGUIDE= set LOADER= set cfgfullrelease=NONE SET EXPLOIT=default if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set "DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP%" set addwadfolder= set AbstinenceWiz= :MENUafterbadvars set MORE= SET DEC= SET HEX= SET VER= SET CONFIRM= set loadorgo=go set SMAPP= set customSMfix= set secondmmmrun= ::SET EXPLOIT=default set exploitselection= set COPY= set DLTOTAL=0 set OPTIONS= set DB=N ::set cfgfullrelease=NONE ::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set "DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP%" ::set USBGUIDE= ::set LOADER= ::set SNEEKTYPE= ::set SNEEKSELECT= ::set patchIOSnum=36 or 236 ::--followup-- IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" set USBCONFIG= ::set USBCONFIG= ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD :skipcheck ::if second char is ":" check if driveU exists if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_USB :skipcheck :CLEAR set basewad=none set basewadb=none set CurrentDLNAME= set AdvNumber=0 if exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt del temp\DLnamesADV.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotosADV.txt del temp\DLgotosADV.txt>nul set EULAU= set EULAE= set EULAJ= set EULAK= set RSU= set RSE= set RSJ= set RSK= set BC= set SM3.2U= set SM4.1U= set SM4.2U= set SM4.3U= set SM3.2E= set SM4.1E= set SM4.2E= set SM4.3E= set SM3.2J= set SM4.1J= set SM4.2J= set SM4.3J= set SM4.1K= set SM4.2K= set SM4.3K= set SM4.3U-DWR= set SM4.2U-DWR= set SM4.1U-DWR= set SM4.3E-DWR= set SM4.2E-DWR= set SM4.1E-DWR= set SM4.3J-DWR= set SM4.2J-DWR= set SM4.1J-DWR= set SM4.3K-DWR= set SM4.2K-DWR= set SM4.1K-DWR= set SM4.3U-DWG= set SM4.2U-DWG= set SM4.1U-DWG= set SM4.3E-DWG= set SM4.2E-DWG= set SM4.1E-DWG= set SM4.3J-DWG= set SM4.2J-DWG= set SM4.1J-DWG= set SM4.3K-DWG= set SM4.2K-DWG= set SM4.1K-DWG= set SM4.3U-DWB= set SM4.2U-DWB= set SM4.1U-DWB= set SM4.3E-DWB= set SM4.2E-DWB= set SM4.1E-DWB= set SM4.3J-DWB= set SM4.2J-DWB= set SM4.1J-DWB= set SM4.3K-DWB= set SM4.2K-DWB= set SM4.1K-DWB= set SM4.3U-DWO= set SM4.2U-DWO= set SM4.1U-DWO= set SM4.3E-DWO= set SM4.2E-DWO= set SM4.1E-DWO= set SM4.3J-DWO= set SM4.2J-DWO= set SM4.1J-DWO= set SM4.3K-DWO= set SM4.2K-DWO= set SM4.1K-DWO= set IOS30= set IOS30P= set IOS30P60= set IOS40P60= set IOS20P60= set IOS11P60= set IOS50P= set IOS52P= set IOS60= set IOS60P= set IOS70= set IOS70P= set IOS80= set IOS80P= set IOS236= set IOS70K= set IOS80K= set BB1= set BB2= set HM= set IOS236Installer= set SIP= set DumpMii= set casper= set Wilbrand= set syscheck= set locked= set AccioHacks= set usbgx= set nintendont= set MyM= set HBB= set WII64= set Not64= set Dolphin= set FILEZILLA= set hxd= set Diskitude= set Nkit= set RC24= set SDTEST= set HashMF= set ThemeMiiMod= set GCBM= set ftpii= set CheatZip= set OSC= set WIISX= set bootmiisd= set pwns= set twi= set twi2= set YUGI= set Bathaxx= set ROTJ= set TOS= set smash= set mmm= set CleanRip= set ARC= set KK= set yawm= set neogamma= set usbfolder= set WiiMC= set fceugx= set snes9xgx= set STUBS= set vbagx= set SGM= set PL= set WIIX= set flow= set wbm= set CheatCodes= set f32= set WiiGSC= set ohnes= set SMW= set CM= set USBX= set FLOWF= set S2U= set nswitch= set PLC= set OHBC= set Pri= set HAX= set CM5= set MP= set MII= set P= set P0= set S= set SK= set IU= set IE= set IJ= set WU= set WE= set WJ= set NU= set NE= set NJ= set WSU= set WSE= set WSJ= set M10= set IOS9= set IOS12= set IOS13= set IOS14= set IOS15= set IOS17= set IOS21= set IOS22= set IOS28= set IOS31= set IOS33= set IOS34= set IOS35= set IOS36= set IOS36v3608= set IOS37= set IOS38= set IOS41= set IOS48v4124= set IOS43= set IOS45= set IOS46= set IOS53= set IOS55= set IOS56= set IOS57= set IOS58= set IOS59= set IOS61= set IOS62= set A0e= set A0c= set A0e_60= set A0e_70= set A01= set A01_60= set A01_70= set A40= set A42= set A45= set A70= set A72= set A75= set A78= set A7b= set A7e= set A84= set A87= set A8a= set A94= set A97= set A9a= set A81= set A8d= set A9d= set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2= set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5= set DarkWii_Red_4.3U= set DarkWii_Red_4.2U= set DarkWii_Red_4.1U= set DarkWii_Red_4.3E= set DarkWii_Red_4.2E= set DarkWii_Red_4.1E= set DarkWii_Red_4.3J= set DarkWii_Red_4.2J= set DarkWii_Red_4.1J= set DarkWii_Red_4.3K= set DarkWii_Red_4.2K= set DarkWii_Red_4.1K= set DarkWii_Green_4.3U= set DarkWii_Green_4.2U= set DarkWii_Green_4.1U= set DarkWii_Green_4.3E= set DarkWii_Green_4.2E= set DarkWii_Green_4.1E= set DarkWii_Green_4.3J= set DarkWii_Green_4.2J= set DarkWii_Green_4.1J= set DarkWii_Green_4.3K= set DarkWii_Green_4.2K= set DarkWii_Green_4.1K= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K= set darkwii_orange_4.3U= set darkwii_orange_4.2U= set darkwii_orange_4.1U= set darkwii_orange_4.3E= set darkwii_orange_4.2E= set darkwii_orange_4.1E= set darkwii_orange_4.3J= set darkwii_orange_4.2J= set darkwii_orange_4.1J= set darkwii_orange_4.3K= set darkwii_orange_4.2K= set darkwii_orange_4.1K= set cIOS222[38]-v4= set cIOS223[37-38]-v4= set cBC= set DML= set cIOS222[38]-v5= set cIOS223[37]-v5= set cIOS224[57]-v5= set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R= set cIOS222[38]-v5.1R= set cIOS223[37]-v5.1R= set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R= set cIOS249[37]-v19= set cIOS249[38]-v19= set cIOS249[57]-v19= set cIOS249[38]-v20= set cIOS250[38]-v20= set cIOS249[56]-v20= set cIOS250[56]-v20= set cIOS249[57]-v20= set cIOS250[57]-v20= set cIOS249-v17b= set cIOS249-v14= set cIOS250-v14= set cIOS202[37]-v5= set cIOS202[38]-v5= set cIOS250[57]-v19= set cIOS250-v17b= set cIOS250[37]-v19= set cIOS250[38]-v19= set cIOS249[37]-v21= set cIOS250[37]-v21= set cIOS249[38]-v21= set cIOS250[38]-v21= set cIOS249[56]-v21= set cIOS249[53]-v21= set cIOS250[53]-v21= set cIOS249[55]-v21= set cIOS250[55]-v21= set cIOS250[56]-v21= set cIOS249[57]-v21= set cIOS250[57]-v21= set cIOS249[58]-v21= set cIOS250[58]-v21= set cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[60]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[70]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS249[80]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[60]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[70]-d2x-v10-beta52= set cIOS250[80]-d2x-v10-beta52= if /i "%secondrun%" NEQ "Y" goto:miniskip if /i "%cleardownloadsettings%" NEQ "yes" goto:miniskip set nswitchFound= set BCtype= goto:DownloadSettings :miniskip if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall2 set nswitchFound= set BCtype= if /i "%cleardownloadsettings%" EQU "yes" goto:DownloadSettings if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "C" goto:ADVANCED ::if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "C" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE SET COUNT=1 SET COUNT2=1 SET COUNT3=1 SET COUNT4=1 SET COUNT5=1 SET COUNT6=1 SET COUNT7=1 SET COUNT8=1 SET CURRENTDL=0 :Clear simplelog if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:noextravars if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:DOWNLOAD if /i "%one%" EQU "WL" goto:LoadWizardSettings2 if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" goto:DOWNLOAD if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" goto:sysCheckAnalyzer if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION if /i "%one%" EQU "L" goto:forcmdlineL if /i "%one%" EQU "U" goto:DLCOUNT if /i "%one%" EQU "EMUMOD" goto:doublecheckNANDPATH if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEtemp%" if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:extravars if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:extravars if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:extravars if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:extravars goto:noextravars :extravars ::random vars required for everything to work if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set "nandpath=%DRIVE%" if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set "nandpath=%DRIVEU%" set nandexist=no ::if exist "%nandpath%"\title set nandexist=yes ::if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket set nandexist=yes ::if exist "%nandpath%"\sys set nandexist=yes ::if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 set nandexist=yes ::if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt (set settingtxtExist=yes) else (set settingtxtExist=no) if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:DOIT if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip :DOIT SET NANDcount=0 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set nandregion=us if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set nandregion=eu if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set nandregion=jp if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set nandregion=kr if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" set "nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" goto:quickskip :NANDnamecmd SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" set "nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" goto:quickskip goto:NANDnamecmd :quickskip if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER :noextravars ::--------------------------------------- set MENU1= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak %DBversion% echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Choose an Activity: echo. echo W = ModMii Wizard ^<-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! echo. echo SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) echo. echo U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard echo. echo H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) echo. echo AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) echo. echo RC = Region Change Wizard echo. echo S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor echo. echo F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! echo. echo 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) echo 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) echo 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) echo 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) echo. echo A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = Load Download Queue:[%yellowtext%] Nintendo could possibly shut down their servers! support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]Download from NUS while you still can! After ModMii's downloaded support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]files to its temp folder for future use you can delete 'COPY_TO_SD' echo. echo C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager echo. echo FC = File Cleanup ^& App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files echo. echo O = Options CR = Credits E = Exit echo. echo M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! echo. echo *********MORE INFO********* support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] WWW = Visit modmii.github.io for more info, support, vote or to donate! echo. echo Start with the ModMii Wizard to softmod your Wii or up/downgrade it and more! echo All Wizard activities will build a custom guide for you based on your answers echo to a few simple questions. echo *************************** echo. set /p MENU1= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:LoadWizardSettings if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:sysCheckName if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:RCPAGE1 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "F" goto:NotSoHidden if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE1 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%MENU1%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%MENU1%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%MENU1%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%MENU1%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "E" EXIT if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:OPTIONS if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" set BACKB4DRIVE=Menu if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "C" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "M" (start ModMiiSKin.exe) & (exit) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "AW" (set MENU1=S) & (set SNEEKSELECT=3) & (set AbstinenceWiz=Y) & (goto:WPAGE2) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "CR" (start https://modmii.github.io/credits.html) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "WWW" (start https://modmii.github.io) & (goto:MENU) ::eggz if /i "%MENU1:~0,4%" EQU "red2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set redtext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2aqua" (set redtext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2cyan" (set redtext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2red" (set redtext=Red) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2yellow" (set redtext=Yellow) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2blue" (set redtext=Blue) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2green" (set redtext=Green) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2purple" (set redtext=Magenta) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "red2def" (set redtext=def) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,6%" EQU "green2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set greentext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2aqua" (set greentext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2cyan" (set greentext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2red" (set greentext=Red) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2yellow" (set greentext=Yellow) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2blue" (set greentext=Blue) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2green" (set greentext=Green) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2purple" (set greentext=Magenta) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "green2def" (set greentext=def) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,5%" EQU "blue2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set bluetext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2aqua" (set bluetext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2cyan" (set bluetext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2red" (set bluetext=Red) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2yellow" (set bluetext=Yellow) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2blue" (set bluetext=Blue) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2green" (set bluetext=Green) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2purple" (set bluetext=Magenta) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "blue2def" (set bluetext=def) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,8%" EQU "magenta2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set magentatext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2aqua" (set magentatext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2cyan" (set magentatext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2red" (set magentatext=Red) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2yellow" (set magentatext=Yellow) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2blue" (set magentatext=Blue) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2green" (set magentatext=Green) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2purple" (set magentatext=Magenta) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "magenta2def" (set magentatext=def) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,7%" EQU "purple2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set magentatext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2aqua" (set magentatext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2cyan" (set magentatext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2red" (set magentatext=Red) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2yellow" (set magentatext=Yellow) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2blue" (set magentatext=Blue) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2green" (set magentatext=Green) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2purple" (set magentatext=Magenta) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "purple2def" (set magentatext=def) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,7%" EQU "yellow2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set yellowtext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2aqua" (set yellowtext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2cyan" (set yellowtext=Cyan) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2red" (set yellowtext=Red) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2yellow" (set yellowtext=Yellow) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2blue" (set yellowtext=Blue) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2green" (set yellowtext=Green) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2purple" (set yellowtext=Magenta) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "yellow2def" (set yellowtext=def) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,5%" EQU "back2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set backgroundcolor=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2black" (set backgroundcolor=0) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2blue" (set backgroundcolor=1) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2green" (set backgroundcolor=2) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2cyan" (set backgroundcolor=3) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2aqua" (set backgroundcolor=3) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2red" (set backgroundcolor=4) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2purple" (set backgroundcolor=5) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2yellow" (set backgroundcolor=6) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2white" (set backgroundcolor=7) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2gray" (set backgroundcolor=8) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2grey" (set backgroundcolor=8) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2blue2" (set backgroundcolor=9) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2green2" (set backgroundcolor=A) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2cyan2" (set backgroundcolor=B) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2aqua2" (set backgroundcolor=B) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2red2" (set backgroundcolor=C) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2purple2" (set backgroundcolor=D) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2yellow2" (set backgroundcolor=E) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "back2white2" (set backgroundcolor=F) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1:~0,6%" EQU "white2" support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -ls!"set whitetext=" -write -yes>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2black" (set whitetext=0) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2blue2" (set whitetext=1) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2green2" (set whitetext=2) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2cyan2" (set whitetext=3) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2aqua2" (set whitetext=3) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2red2" (set whitetext=4) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2purple2" (set whitetext=5) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2yellow2" (set whitetext=6) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2white2" (set whitetext=7) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2gray" (set whitetext=8) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2grey" (set whitetext=8) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2blue" (set whitetext=9) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2green" (set whitetext=A) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2cyan" (set whitetext=B) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2aqua" (set whitetext=B) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2red" (set whitetext=C) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2purple" (set whitetext=D) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2yellow" (set whitetext=E) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "white2white" (set whitetext=F) & (echo Cheat code activated!) & (@ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "patchmii" goto:skip ::lets fix some bad installations missing files due to false positive AV activities. set patchmiinew= if exist patchmii.txt (set /p patchmii= nul :gotit echo. echo Downloading patch files, please be patient... echo. echo "%patchmii%" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate "%patchmii%" -O patchmii.7z if exist patchmii.7z (support\7za x -aoa patchmii.7z -o"%cd%" -r -x!"READ ME.txt" -x!7za.exe) & (echo.) & (echo Done! Restarting ModMii...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (Start ModMii.exe) & (exit) :skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "help" echo Google is your friend echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MENU :DLPAGES ::Set List= cls set "effectbak=%effect%" if "%DLTOTAL%"=="" set DLTOTAL=0 ::extra check just in case, probably not needed if not exist "Support\subscripts\%nextpage%" set "nextpage=DLPAGE1.hta" copy /y "Support\subscripts\%nextpage%" "temp\">nul ::edit\replace with DLfolder support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\%nextpage%" -rep _"DLFOLDER"_"%Drive:_=\x5f%"_ -write -yes set replacements= ::-----------DLPAGE1 Markup------------ ::modify\update HTA with marked downloads if /i "%nextpage%" NEQ "DLPAGE1.hta" goto:notDL1 ::individually takes too long ::if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\%nextpage%" -rep _"\x22SM32U\x22"_"\x22SM32U\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ -write -yes ::if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:HTAstuff if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM32U\x22"_"\x22SM32U\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM41U\x22"_"\x22SM41U\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM42U\x22"_"\x22SM42U\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM43U\x22"_"\x22SM43U\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM32E\x22"_"\x22SM32E\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM41E\x22"_"\x22SM41E\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM42E\x22"_"\x22SM42E\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM43E\x22"_"\x22SM43E\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM32J\x22"_"\x22SM32J\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM41J\x22"_"\x22SM41J\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM42J\x22"_"\x22SM42J\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM43J\x22"_"\x22SM43J\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM41K\x22"_"\x22SM41K\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM42K\x22"_"\x22SM42K\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SM43K\x22"_"\x22SM43K\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%Mii%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22Mii\x22"_"\x22Mii\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22P\x22"_"\x22P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%P0%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22P0\x22"_"\x22P0\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%S%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22S\x22"_"\x22S\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22SK\x22"_"\x22SK\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IU\x22"_"\x22IU\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IE\x22"_"\x22IE\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IJ\x22"_"\x22IJ\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22WU\x22"_"\x22WU\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22WE\x22"_"\x22WE\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22WJ\x22"_"\x22WJ\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22NU\x22"_"\x22NU\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22NE\x22"_"\x22NE\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22NJ\x22"_"\x22NJ\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22WSU\x22"_"\x22WSU\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22WSE\x22"_"\x22WSE\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22WSJ\x22"_"\x22WSJ\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22M10\x22"_"\x22M10\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS9\x22"_"\x22IOS9\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS12\x22"_"\x22IOS12\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS13\x22"_"\x22IOS13\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS14\x22"_"\x22IOS14\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS15\x22"_"\x22IOS15\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS17\x22"_"\x22IOS17\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS21\x22"_"\x22IOS21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS22\x22"_"\x22IOS22\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS28\x22"_"\x22IOS28\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS40P60\x22"_"\x22IOS40P60\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS30P60\x22"_"\x22IOS30P60\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS30P\x22"_"\x22IOS30P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS31\x22"_"\x22IOS31\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS33\x22"_"\x22IOS33\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS34\x22"_"\x22IOS34\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS35\x22"_"\x22IOS35\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS36\x22"_"\x22IOS36\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS37\x22"_"\x22IOS37\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS38\x22"_"\x22IOS38\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS41\x22"_"\x22IOS41\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS43\x22"_"\x22IOS43\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS45\x22"_"\x22IOS45\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS46\x22"_"\x22IOS46\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS50P\x22"_"\x22IOS50P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS52P\x22"_"\x22IOS52P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS11P60\x22"_"\x22IOS11P60\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS20P60\x22"_"\x22IOS20P60\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS53\x22"_"\x22IOS53\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS55\x22"_"\x22IOS55\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS56\x22"_"\x22IOS56\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS57\x22"_"\x22IOS57\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS58\x22"_"\x22IOS58\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS59%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS59\x22"_"\x22IOS59\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS60P\x22"_"\x22IOS60P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS61\x22"_"\x22IOS61\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS62%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS62\x22"_"\x22IOS62\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS70P\x22"_"\x22IOS70P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS80P\x22"_"\x22IOS80P\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS236\x22"_"\x22IOS236\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS70K\x22"_"\x22IOS70K\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS80K\x22"_"\x22IOS80K\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS30\x22"_"\x22IOS30\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS48v4124\x22"_"\x22IOS48v4124\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS60\x22"_"\x22IOS60\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS70\x22"_"\x22IOS70\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS80\x22"_"\x22IOS80\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22IOS36v3608\x22"_"\x22IOS36v3608\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22EULAU\x22"_"\x22EULAU\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22EULAE\x22"_"\x22EULAE\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22EULAJ\x22"_"\x22EULAJ\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22EULAK\x22"_"\x22EULAK\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep 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_"\x22c224\x5f57\x5fv5\x22"_"\x22c224\x5f57\x5fv5\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c223\x5f37\x5fv5\x22"_"\x22c223\x5f37\x5fv5\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c202\x5f60\x5fv51R\x22"_"\x22c202\x5f60\x5fv51R\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c222\x5f38\x5fv51R\x22"_"\x22c222\x5f38\x5fv51R\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c224\x5f57\x5fv51R\x22"_"\x22c224\x5f57\x5fv51R\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c223\x5f37\x5fv51R\x22"_"\x22c223\x5f37\x5fv51R\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5fv17b\x22"_"\x22c249\x5fv17b\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5fv17b\x22"_"\x22c250\x5fv17b\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5fv14\x22"_"\x22c249\x5fv14\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5fv14\x22"_"\x22c250\x5fv14\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f37\x5fv19\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f37\x5fv19\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fv19\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fv19\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fv19\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fv19\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f37\x5fv19\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f37\x5fv19\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fv19\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fv19\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fv19\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fv19\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f56\x5fv20\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f56\x5fv20\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fv20\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fv20\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fv20\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fv20\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fv20\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fv20\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f56\x5fv20\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f56\x5fv20\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fv20\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fv20\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f37\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f37\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f37\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f37\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f53\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f53\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f53\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f53\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f55\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f55\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f55\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f55\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f56\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f56\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f56\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f56\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f58\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f58\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f58\x5fv21\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f58\x5fv21\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c248\x5f38\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c248\x5f38\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c251\x5f58\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c251\x5f58\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f37\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f37\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f38\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f53\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f53\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f55\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f55\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f56\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f56\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f57\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f58\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f58\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[60]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f60\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f60\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[70]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f70\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f70\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS249[80]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c249\x5f80\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c249\x5f80\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f37\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f37\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f38\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f53\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f53\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f55\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f55\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f56\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f56\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f57\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f58\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f58\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[60]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f60\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f60\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[70]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f70\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f70\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%cIOS250[80]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22c250\x5f80\x5fd2x\x22"_"\x22c250\x5f80\x5fd2x\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22cMIOS\x5fWiiPower\x22"_"\x22cMIOS\x5fWiiPower\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22cmios\x5fWiiGator\x22"_"\x22cmios\x5fWiiGator\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22cmios\x5fWanin\x22"_"\x22cmios\x5fWanin\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" set "replacements=%replacements%-rep _"\x22DML\x22"_"\x22DML\x22 checked=\x22true\x22"_ " :notDL4 :HTAstuff ::edit DLPAGE with saved checkmarks support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\%nextpage%" %replacements%-write -yes ::make window transparent and hidden title ModMiiDownloadMode support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" 0 support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" ::-----------This is where the magic happens------------------ if exist "temp\tempcheck.bat" del /f /q "temp\tempcheck.bat" start /wait temp\%nextpage% if not exist "temp\tempcheck.bat" goto:err set nextgoto= ::set nextpage= call temp\tempcheck.bat ::if exist "temp\tempcheck.bat" del /f /q "temp\tempcheck.bat" if /i "%effect%" EQU "%effectbak%" goto:noCEchange support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul echo Set effect=%effect%>>Support\settings.bat :noCEchange ::make window visible, focused and activated if /i "%nextgoto%" EQU "DLPAGES" goto:stayhidden start /wait support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" 255 start /wait support\nircmd.exe win focus ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" start /wait support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" title ModMii :stayhidden ::if not "%nextpage%"=="" goto:HTAstuff set BACKB4DRIVE=DLPAGES set backbeforebetaswitch=DLPAGES if not "%nextgoto%"=="" goto:%nextgoto% set BACKB4QUEUE=DLPAGES set loadorgo=go if /i "%Wilbrand%" NEQ "*" goto:nowilbrand if "%macaddress%"=="" goto:macaddress :nowilbrand goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE :err start /wait support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" 255 start /wait support\nircmd.exe win focus ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" start /wait support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiDownloadMode" title ModMii echo. echo ERROR: temp\tempcheck.txt not found! pause cls goto:MENU ::-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::------------------------------Not So Hidden---------------------- :NotSoHidden cls set cmdlinemodeswitchoff= Set NotSoHidden=? echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Drag and drop a file or folder here and press Enter to open it with ModMii! echo. echo. echo Multi-item drag and drop is only supported when items are dropped onto ModMii or echo a ModMii shortcut; check out the ModMii Launchpad Toolbar for quicklaunch access! echo. echo You can also right-click an item ^& choose "Open with" and browse for ModMii.exe. echo Or use the Context Menu Installer to add "Open with ModMii" to your right-click. echo. echo If dragging a folder launches into a "wrong" activity, check that there aren't echo other file types saved in the same folder; e.g. if trying to load a folder of echo myms, make sure there aren't any WADs saved to the same folder or subfolders. echo. echo. echo. echo H = Help and Info on supported file\folder types echo. echo L = Launchpad Toolbar Installer\Uninstaller echo. echo C = Context Menu Installer\Uninstaller echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p NotSoHidden= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "NotSoHidden=!NotSoHidden:"=!" set "NotSoHidden=!NotSoHidden:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::echo "%NotSoHidden%" if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "M" goto:noextravars if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "B" goto:noextravars if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "H" start ModMii.exe D if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "H" goto:NotSoHidden if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "L" goto:LaunchpadCheck if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "C" goto:ContextCheck if /i "%NotSoHidden%" EQU "?" goto:badkey if exist "%NotSoHidden%" start ModMii.exe "%NotSoHidden%" if exist "%NotSoHidden%" exit :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:NotSoHidden :LaunchpadCheck set one= set two= ::echo Checking if the ModMii Launchpad Toolbar is already installed... ::make a backup of original toolbar, and hexsearch it for ModMii Launcher set "cleandate=%date:\=-%" set "cleandate=%cleandate:/=-%" set "ToolbarNewBackup=%temp%\Toolbar_backup_%computername%_%cleandate: =-%.reg" ::echo %ToolbarNewBackup% START /MIN /WAIT REG EXPORT HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop "%ToolbarNewBackup%" /Y cmd /a /c type "%ToolbarNewBackup%">"temp\Toolbars_Check2.txt" support\sfk filter "temp\Toolbars_Check2.txt" -rep _"*]"__ -rep _,__ -rep _\__ -rep _" "__ -join>"temp\Toolbars_Check.txt" DEL "temp\Toolbars_Check2.txt">nul ::@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul ::M o d M i i L a u n c h p a d ::4D006F0064004D006900690020004C00610075006E00630068007000610064 if not exist "%cd%\temp\Toolbar_backup" mkdir "%cd%\temp\Toolbar_backup" findStr /I "4D006F0064004D006900690020004C00610075006E00630068007000610064" temp\Toolbars_Check.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (move /y "%ToolbarNewBackup%" "%cd%\temp\Toolbar_backup">nul) & (DEL "temp\Toolbars_Check.txt">nul) & (goto:LaunchpadConfirm) DEL "temp\Toolbars_Check.txt">nul DEL "%ToolbarNewBackup%">nul goto:LaunchpadUninstaller :LaunchpadConfirm Set LaunchpadConfirm= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to install the ModMii Launchpad to your Toolbar? echo. echo The ModMii Launchpad adds a quicklaunch-like toolbar to your taskbar. echo This will give you easy access to ModMii's many drag and drop functions. echo. echo Warning: This will replace existing toolbars you might have installed, echo but ModMii will allow you to restore your old settings at any time. echo. echo This will also close any folders you might currently have open echo in order to refresh and restart your taskbar. echo. echo Note: Having ModMii 'pinned' to the taskbar does not permit drag and drop. echo. echo Launchpad shortcuts go here: C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, Install the ModMii Launchpad (Reversible) echo. echo N = No, take me (B)ack! echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p LaunchpadConfirm= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%LaunchpadConfirm%" EQU "Y" goto:skipprompt if /i "%LaunchpadConfirm%" EQU "M" goto:noextravars if /i "%LaunchpadConfirm%" EQU "N" goto:NotSoHidden if /i "%LaunchpadConfirm%" EQU "B" goto:NotSoHidden echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:LaunchpadConfirm :skipprompt ::install launchpad now ::creating Toolbar C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad if not exist "C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad" mkdir "C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad" ::Shortcuts will appear in alphabetical order support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMii.exe" "C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad" "ModMii" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMiiSkin.exe" "C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad" "ModMiiSkin" > "%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop] >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "TaskbarWinXP"=hex:0c,00,00,00,08,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,aa,4f,28,68,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 48,6a,d0,11,8c,78,00,c0,4f,d9,18,b4,a2,05,00,00,c0,0c,00,00,00,00,00,00,32,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,32,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,01,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,b0,e2,2b,d8,64,57,d0,11,a9,6e,00,c0,4f,d7,05,a2,22,00,1c,00,0a,10,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,01,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,4c,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 01,14,02,00,00,00,00,00,c0,00,00,00,00,00,00,46,81,01,00,00,10,00,00,00,c3,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 59,6d,b9,ba,47,d8,01,78,a9,d0,48,7a,48,d8,01,2e,0c,da,76,bb,47,d8,01,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,3b,01,14,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,1f,50,e0,4f,d0,20,ea,3a,69,10,a2,d8,08,00,2b,30,30,9d,19,00,2f,43,3a,5c,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,54,00,31,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,84,54,22,ba,10,00,4d,6f,64,4d,69,69,00,00,3e,00,09,00,04,00,ef,be,84,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 54,64,03,84,54,22,ba,2e,00,00,00,49,21,02,00,00,00,17,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,1e,52,44,00,4d,00,6f,00,64,00,4d,00,69,00,69,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,16,00,4e,00,31,00,00,00,00,00,84,54,22,ba,10,00,74,65,6d,70,00,00,3a,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 09,00,04,00,ef,be,84,54,20,ba,84,54,22,ba,2e,00,00,00,32,8b,01,00,00,00,0d,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,1e,52,44,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 70,00,00,00,14,00,6a,00,31,00,00,00,00,00,84,54,0f,04,10,00,4d,4f,44,4d,49,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 49,7e,31,00,00,52,00,09,00,04,00,ef,be,84,54,66,03,84,54,19,ba,2e,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 57,21,02,00,00,00,2e,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,d2,56,d7,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,4d,00,6f,00,64,00,4d,00,69,00,69,00,20,00,4c,00,61,00,75,00,6e,00,63,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 68,00,70,00,61,00,64,00,00,00,18,00,00,00,60,00,00,00,03,00,00,a0,58,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,b8,8f,8a,53,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 1e,dd,fe,4d,b7,4e,ac,2a,b4,50,fa,18,28,9e,12,f0,4e,b3,ec,11,b0,c6,00,68,eb,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 3e,52,07,b8,8f,8a,53,1e,dd,fe,4d,b7,4e,ac,2a,b4,50,fa,18,28,9e,12,f0,4e,b3,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO ec,11,b0,c6,00,68,eb,3e,52,07,45,00,00,00,09,00,00,a0,39,00,00,00,31,53,50,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 53,b1,16,6d,44,ad,8d,70,48,a7,48,40,2e,a4,3d,78,8c,1d,00,00,00,68,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,48,00,00,00,d7,be,ba,d3,5e,11,ea,11,ad,c2,04,ed,33,c4,ae,a4,00,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,c0,06,00,00,00,00,00,00,36,00,00,00,00,\ >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,36,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00 >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::for some reason [START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG] isn't working when launched via modmii.exe, powershell is a workaround https://stackoverflow.com/a/52226150 ::to make verbose, remove this part: *>&1 | Out-Null ::"Invoke-Command {reg import \\server\share\test.reg *>&1 | Out-Null}" powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG"' *>&1 | Out-Null}" DEL "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG">nul goto:restartexplorer :LaunchpadUninstaller ::check for backups matching computer name dir /T:C /O-d "%cd%\temp\Toolbar_backup\Toolbar_backup_%computername%_*.reg">temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt ++".reg" -rep _"* "__ -write -yes set /p ToolbarOldBackup= nul goto:LaunchpadUninstaller2 :RestoreToolbar ::echo Restoring "%ToolbarOldBackup%" ::must use full path to reg files ::START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%ToolbarOldBackup%" powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%cd%\temp\Toolbar_backup\%ToolbarOldBackup%"' *>&1 | Out-Null}" DEL "%cd%\temp\Toolbar_backup\%ToolbarOldBackup%">nul goto:clearlaunchpad :ClearToolbar > "%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop] >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG" powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG"' *>&1 | Out-Null}" DEL "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG">nul goto:clearlaunchpad :clearlaunchpad if exist "C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad" rd /s /q "C:\ModMii\temp\ModMii Launchpad"> nul if not exist "C:\ModMii\temp" goto:restartexplorer dir /A /B "C:\ModMii\temp" | findstr /R ".">NUL && goto:restartexplorer rd /s /q "C:\ModMii\temp"> nul if not exist "C:\ModMii" goto:restartexplorer dir /A /B "C:\ModMii" | findstr /R ".">NUL && goto:restartexplorer rd /s /q "C:\ModMii"> nul :restartexplorer echo. echo Your folders are about to close, don't worry that's normal. echo. @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul taskkill /f /im explorer.exe >nul set "ModMiiDir=%cd%" cd /d %WINDIR%\system32 start %WINDIR%\explorer.exe cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" goto:NotSoHidden :ContextCheck ::echo Checking if the ModMii Context Menu is already installed... if exist "temp\shellcheck.txt" del "temp\shellcheck.txt">nul START /MIN /WAIT REG EXPORT "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii" "temp\shellcheck.txt" /Y if exist "temp\shellcheck.txt" goto:ContextUninstall Set ContextConfirm= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to add "Open with ModMii" to your right-click context menu? echo. echo This can be removed later if you change your mind. echo. echo. echo Warning: Opening multiple files simultaneously from the right-click context echo menu may lead to conficting instances of ModMii and unexpected results. echo. echo Multi-item drag and drop is only supported when items are dropped onto ModMii or echo a ModMii shortcut; check out the ModMii Launchpad Toolbar for quicklaunch access! echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, Install the ModMii Context Menu (Reversible) echo. echo S = Shift-click install only (Reversible) echo. echo. echo N = No, take me (B)ack! echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p ContextConfirm= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "Y" goto:installcontext if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" goto:installcontext if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "M" goto:noextravars if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "N" goto:NotSoHidden if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "B" goto:NotSoHidden echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ContextConfirm :installcontext > "%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::Context menu for any file: >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii] >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Icon"="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Extended"="" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii\command] >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO @="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe \"%%1\"" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::Context menu for right click on folders in left panel of Windows Explorer or on BACKGROUND of a directory in right panel (no Args): ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\Background\shell\Open ModMii] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Icon"="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" ::if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Extended"="" ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\Background\shell\Open ModMii\command] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO @="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::Context menu for right click on folders in right panel of Windows Explorer: >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\shell\Open with ModMii] >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Icon"="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Extended"="" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\shell\Open with ModMii\command] >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO @="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe \"%%1\"" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::for some reason [START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG] isn't working when launched via modmii.exe, powershell is a workaround https://stackoverflow.com/a/52226150 ::to make verbose, remove this part: *>&1 | Out-Null ::"Invoke-Command {reg import \\server\share\test.reg *>&1 | Out-Null}" echo. powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG"'}" ::powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG"' *>&1 | Out-Null}" DEL "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG">nul ::if exist "temp\shellcheck.txt" del "temp\shellcheck.txt">nul ::START /MIN /WAIT REG EXPORT "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii" "temp\shellcheck.txt" /Y ::echo. ::if exist "temp\shellcheck.txt" (echo Installation Successful) else (echo Installation Failed) @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:NotSoHidden :ContextUninstall Set ContextConfirm= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to remove "Open with ModMii" from your right-click context menu? echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, uninstall the ModMii Context Menu echo. echo N = No, take me (B)ack! echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p ContextConfirm= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "Y" goto:uninstallcontext if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "M" goto:noextravars if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "N" goto:NotSoHidden if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "B" goto:NotSoHidden echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ContextUninstall :uninstallcontext > "%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::Context menu for any file: >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Icon"="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" ::if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Extended"="" ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii\command] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO @="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe \"%%1\"" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::Context menu for right click on folders in left panel of Windows Explorer or on BACKGROUND of a directory in right panel (no Args): ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\Background\shell\Open ModMii] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Icon"="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" ::if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Extended"="" ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\Background\shell\Open ModMii\command] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO @="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::Context menu for right click on folders in right panel of Windows Explorer: >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\shell\Open with ModMii] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Icon"="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe" ::if /i "%ContextConfirm%" EQU "S" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO "Extended"="" ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\directory\shell\Open with ModMii\command] ::>>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO @="%cd:\=\\%\\ModMii.exe \"%%1\"" >>"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG" ECHO. ::for some reason [START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG] isn't working when launched via modmii.exe, powershell is a workaround https://stackoverflow.com/a/52226150 ::to make verbose, remove this part: *>&1 | Out-Null ::"Invoke-Command {reg import \\server\share\test.reg *>&1 | Out-Null}" echo. powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG"'}" ::powershell "Invoke-Command {reg import '"%TEMP%.\TEMP.REG"' *>&1 | Out-Null}" DEL "%TEMP%\TEMP.REG">nul ::if exist "temp\shellcheck.txt" del "temp\shellcheck.txt">nul ::START /MIN /WAIT REG EXPORT "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with ModMii" "temp\shellcheck.txt" /Y ::echo. ::if not exist "temp\shellcheck.txt" (echo Uninstallation Successful) else (echo Uninstallation Failed) @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:NotSoHidden ::..................................................OPTIONS.................................................. ....... :OPTIONS Set WLAST= Set Options= set cheatoption= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%]Enter the option # (or letter) to enable/disable it echo. ::replace \ with itself using "\x5c" so sfk -spat doesn't misinterprate \t or similar as commands support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = Change Drive letter: Current Setting: [%cyantext%]"%Drive:\=\x5c%" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20DU = Change Drive letter for USB: Current Setting: [%cyantext%]"%DriveU:\=\x5c%" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: Current Setting: [%cyantext%]v%d2x-beta-rev% echo. if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 H = Hermes cIOSs (202 ^& 222-224) will also be recommended [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 H = Hermes cIOSs (202 ^& 222-224) will also be recommended [%greentext%](Enabled) echo * Generally no longer necessary but may still be useful in some cases echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs [%greentext%](Enabled) echo * A cMIOS allows older non-chipped Wii's to play GameCube backup discs echo. if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides [%greentext%](Enabled) echo * When enabled, a patched IOS60 will be installed to other system menu echo IOS slots to prevent bricks from users manually up\downgrading Wii's echo. if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20PC = PC Programs Save Location: Current Setting: [%cyantext%]%PCSAVE% if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" echo * PC Programs saved to %HomeDrive% if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" echo * Shortcuts will be installed to Start Menu and Desktop if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" echo * PC programs saved portably to one of the above Drive Settings if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip echo * PC programs saved to %homedrive% with shortcuts if running ModMii from %homedrive% echo * PC programs saved portably if not running ModMii from %homedrive% :skip ::echo. ::echo CC = Cheat Code Options echo. if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder [%greentext%](Enabled) if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder [%redtext%](Disabled) echo * Does NOT affect ModMii Wizard and only applies to IOSs\MIOSs echo * Useful for Wii Apps that require IOSs\MIOSs saved to Root ::echo. ::echo CE = Channel Effect for custom system menu themes: %effect% ::echo * Choose from 3 effects: No-Spin, Spin and Fast-Spin ::echo. if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc [%cyantext%](Default) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" echo * Folder sometimes required for offline usage of a few Wii Apps if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc [%cyantext%](Option 2) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like Dop-Mii if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Keep NUS Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc [%cyantext%](Option 3: NUS) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like d2x\Hermes cIOS Installers if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1 = Keep NUS and 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc [%cyantext%](Option 4: ALL) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" echo * Useful for offline usage of a handful of Wii Apps echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original [%greentext%](Enabled) ::echo. if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access [%greentext%](Enabled) ::echo. if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK [%cyantext%](Black text on White background) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK [%cyantext%](White text on Black background) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "R" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK [%cyantext%](Red text on Black background) ::echo. if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20SV = SNEEK Verbose Output [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20SV = SNEEK Verbose Output [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 V = Verbose for ModMii Skin ^& nandBinCheck [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 V = Verbose for ModMii Skin ^& nandBinCheck [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20SO = Play sound at Finish [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20SO = Play sound at Finish [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. ::if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder ::echo C = Create Custom.md5 file to verify all files in "%DRIVE%" ::if exist Custom.md5 echo C2 = Verify files in "%DRIVE%" against Custom.md5 :::nodrivefolder ::if exist Custom.md5 echo C3 = Delete Custom.md5 ::echo. if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start [%greentext%](Enabled) ::echo. echo N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now echo. echo S = Save Settings R = Restore Default Settings M = Main Menu echo. set /p OPTIONS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "d2x" (set backbeforebetaswitch=OPTIONS) & (goto:betaswitch) if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "RS" goto:ROOTSAVE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "PC" goto:PCSAVE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "1" goto:Option1 ::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CE" goto:OptionCE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "N" goto:UpdateModMii if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "A" goto:AutoUpdate if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "SO" goto:AudioOption if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "H" goto:hermesOPTION if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CM" goto:CMIOSOPTION if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "FWD" goto:FWDOPTION if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "E" goto:ExtraProtectionOPTION if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "sv" goto:OptionSneekverbose if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "n2o" goto:Optionneek2o if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "v" goto:OptionModMiiverbose if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "SSD" goto:OptionSSD if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "f" goto:Optionfont ::disable md5 stuff goto:nocustomMD5 if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder2 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" echo ;;%DRIVE%>Custom.md5 ::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" support\sfk list "%DRIVE%" wad dol app elf +md5gento="%DRIVE%"\Custom.md5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" support\fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.*>>Custom.md5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" support\sfk filter Custom.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" goto:Options if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" NEQ "C2" goto:nodrivefolder2 support\sfk filter custom.md5 -ls+;; -rep _";;"__ >temp\customMD5path.txt support\sfk filter -spat temp\customMD5path.txt -rep _\x5f_?_ -write -yes>nul set /p customdrive= nul echo %drive% >temp\newMD5path.txt support\sfk filter -spat temp\newMD5path.txt -rep _\x5f_?_ -write -yes>nul set /p newdrive= nul support\sfk filter -spat custom.md5 -rep _\x5f_?_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter custom.md5 -rep _"%customdrive%"_"%newDRIVE%"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat custom.md5 -rep _\x3f_\x5f_ -write -yes>nul Set DB=C goto:Finish :nodrivefolder2 if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" del Custom.md5>nul if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" goto:Options :nocustomMD5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "D" set BACKB4DRIVE=OPTIONS if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "D" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DU" set BACKB4DRIVEU=OPTIONS if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DU" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE ::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CC" goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "U" goto:ACTIVEIOS if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "AU" goto:AUSKIP if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:RestoreSettings if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "B" goto:MENU echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:OPTIONS :RestoreSettings if exist support\d2x-beta (rd /s /q support\d2x-beta) & (set backbeforebetaswitch=RestoreSettings) & (goto:d2xfix) set d2x-beta-rev=10-beta52 set ROOTSAVE=off set effect=No-Spin set PCSAVE=Auto set OPTION1=off set AudioOption=on set hermesOPTION=off set CMIOSOPTION=off set FWDOPTION=on set ExtraProtectionOPTION=on set Drive=COPY_TO_SD set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB set ACTIVEIOS=on set AUSKIP=off set AUTOUPDATE=on Set ModMiiverbose=off Set SSD=off Set sneekverbose=off Set neek2o=on Set SNKFONT=B set redtext=Red set bluetext=Blue set yellowtext=Yellow set greentext=Green set magentatext=Magenta set cyantext=Cyan set backgroundcolor=1 set whitetext=f set skin=Default color %backgroundcolor%%whitetext% goto:savesettingsnow ::note: set d2x-beta-rev=x does not need to be saved, just edit replace to update it ::skipped :defaultcheatsettings set overwritecodes=off set cheatregion=All set cheatlocation=B :selectallcheats set wiicheat=ON set WiiWarecheat=ON set VCArcadecheat=OFF set WiiChannelscheat=ON set Gamecubecheat=ON set NEScheat=ON set SNEScheat=ON set N64cheat=ON set SMScheat=ON set Segacheat=ON set NeoGeocheat=ON set Commodorecheat=ON set MSXcheat=ON set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:cheatcodeoptions goto:savesettingsnow ::note: set d2x-beta-rev=x does not need to be saved, just edit replace to update it :SaveSettings cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. :savesettingsnow echo ::ModMii Settings > Support\settings.bat echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set effect=%effect%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set AudioOption=%AudioOption%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set hermesOPTION=%hermesOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set CMIOSOPTION=%CMIOSOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set FWDOPTION=%FWDOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ExtraProtectionOPTION=%ExtraProtectionOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set "Drive=%DRIVE%">> Support\settings.bat echo Set "DriveU=%DRIVEU%">> Support\settings.bat echo Set ACTIVEIOS=%ACTIVEIOS%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set AUSKIP=%AUSKIP%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set AUTOUPDATE=%AUTOUPDATE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ModMiiverbose=%ModMiiverbose%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SSD=%SSD%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set sneekverbose=%sneekverbose%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set neek2o=%neek2o%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SNKFONT=%SNKFONT%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set skin=%skin%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set overwritecodes=%overwritecodes%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set cheatregion=%cheatregion%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set cheatlocation=%cheatlocation%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set wiicheat=%wiicheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set WiiWarecheat=%WiiWarecheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set VCArcadecheat=%VCArcadecheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set WiiChannelscheat=%WiiChannelscheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set Gamecubecheat=%Gamecubecheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set NEScheat=%NEScheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set SNEScheat=%SNEScheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set N64cheat=%N64cheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set SMScheat=%SMScheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set Segacheat=%Segacheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set NeoGeocheat=%NeoGeocheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set Commodorecheat=%Commodorecheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set MSXcheat=%MSXcheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set TurboGraFX-16cheat=%TurboGraFX-16cheat%>> Support\settings.bat ::echo Set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat if /i "%redtext%" NEQ "Red" echo set "redtext=%redtext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%bluetext%" NEQ "Blue" echo set "bluetext=%bluetext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%yellowtext%" NEQ "Yellow" echo set "yellowtext=%yellowtext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%Greentext%" NEQ "Green" echo set "greentext=%greentext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%Magentatext%" NEQ "Magenta" echo set "magentatext=%magentatext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%cyantext%" NEQ "Cyan" echo set "cyantext=%cyantext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%backgroundcolor%" NEQ "1" echo set "backgroundcolor=%backgroundcolor%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%whitetext%" NEQ "f" echo set "whitetext=%whitetext%">> Support\settings.bat if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:OPTIONS if exist Support\settings.bat echo Settings Saved. echo. @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul ::if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:cheatcodeoptions goto:OPTIONS :ROOTSAVE if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" goto:ROOTSAVEoff Set ROOTSAVE=ON goto:OPTIONS :ROOTSAVEoff Set ROOTSAVE=OFF goto:OPTIONS :PCSAVE if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Auto" (set PCSAVE=Portable) & (goto:options) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" (set PCSAVE=Local) & (goto:options) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set PCSAVE=Auto) & (goto:options) :Option1 if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "off" (set OPTION1=on) & (goto:options) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "on" (set OPTION1=nus) & (goto:options) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "nus" (set OPTION1=all) & (goto:options) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "all" (set OPTION1=off) & (goto:options) :OptionCE if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" (set effect=Spin) & (goto:options) if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" (set effect=Fast-Spin) & (goto:options) if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" (set effect=No-Spin) & (goto:options) :AudioOption if /i "%AudioOption%" EQU "ON" (set AudioOption=OFF) else (set AudioOption=ON) goto:options :CMIOSOPTION if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:CMIOSOPTIONoff Set CMIOSOPTION=ON goto:OPTIONS :CMIOSOPTIONoff Set CMIOSOPTION=OFF goto:OPTIONS :hermesOPTION if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:hermesOPTIONoff Set hermesOPTION=ON goto:OPTIONS :hermesOPTIONoff Set hermesOPTION=OFF goto:OPTIONS :FWDOPTION if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:FWDOPTIONoff Set FWDOPTION=ON goto:OPTIONS :FWDOPTIONoff Set FWDOPTION=OFF goto:OPTIONS :ExtraProtectionOPTION if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "ON" (Set ExtraProtectionOPTION=OFF) else (set ExtraProtectionOPTION=ON) goto:OPTIONS :OptionSneekverbose if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionSneekverboseoff Set sneekverbose=on goto:OPTIONS :OptionSneekverboseoff Set sneekverbose=off goto:OPTIONS :Optionneek2o if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:Optionneek2ooff Set neek2o=on goto:OPTIONS :Optionneek2ooff Set neek2o=off goto:OPTIONS :OptionModMiiverbose if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionModMiiverboseoff Set ModMiiverbose=on goto:OPTIONS :OptionModMiiverboseoff Set ModMiiverbose=off goto:OPTIONS :OptionSSD if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" goto:OptionSSDoff Set SSD=on goto:OPTIONS :OptionSSDoff Set SSD=off goto:OPTIONS :Optionfont if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" (Set SNKFONT=B) & (goto:OPTIONS) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" (Set SNKFONT=R) & (goto:OPTIONS) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "R" (Set SNKFONT=W) & (goto:OPTIONS) :ACTIVEIOS if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" (Set ACTIVEIOS=OFF) else (Set ACTIVEIOS=ON) goto:OPTIONS :AUSKIP if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "ON" (Set AUSKIP=OFF) else (Set AUSKIP=ON) goto:OPTIONS :AUTOUPDATE if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" goto:AUTOUPDATEoff Set AUTOUPDATE=ON goto:OPTIONS :AUTOUPDATEoff Set AUTOUPDATE=OFF goto:OPTIONS :cheatcodeoptions set cheatoption= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo CHEAT CODE OPTIONS echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 R = Region to download cheats for: [%cyantext%](%cheatregion%) echo. if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 O = Overwrite existing txtcodes [%redtext%](Disabled) if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 O = Overwrite existing txtcodes [%greentext%](Enabled) echo. if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = Location(s) to save cheats: [%cyantext%](Both 1 and 2) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = Location(s) to save cheats: [%cyantext%](1: txtcodes) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 L = Location(s) to save cheats: [%cyantext%](2: codes\X\L) echo 1: - txtcodes: location used by most apps, including CFG USB-Loader echo 2: - codes\X\L\: location used by Accio Hacks echo X = Console ID Letter (ie. Wii = R) echo L = 1st letter of game title ('#' if it starts with a number) echo. echo. echo Select or deselect consoles to download cheats for: echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Selected consoles are marked in [%greentext%]Green echo. echo. if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]1 = Wii) else (echo 1 = Wii) if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]2 = WiiWare) else (echo 2 = WiiWare) ::if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]3 = VC Arcade) else (echo 3 = VC Arcade) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%]3 = VC Arcade (Disabled due to codes.rc24.xyz error) if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]4 = Wii Channels) else (echo 4 = Wii Channels) if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]5 = Gamecube) else (echo 5 = Gamecube) if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]6 = NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 6 = NES/Famicom VC) if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]8 = Nintendo 64 VC) else (echo 8 = Nintendo 64 VC) if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%]9 = Sega Master System VC) else (echo 9 = Sega Master System VC) if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) else (echo 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 11 = NeoGeo VC) else (echo 11 = NeoGeo VC) if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 12 = Commodore 64 VC) else (echo 12 = Commodore 64 VC) if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 13 = MSX VC) else (echo 13 = MSX VC) if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) else (echo 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) else (echo 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) echo. echo. echo A = All echo C = Clear echo. echo S = Save Settings echo D = Default Cheat Settings echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p cheatoption= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "1" goto:wiicheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "2" goto:WiiWarecheat ::if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "3" goto:VCArcadecheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "4" goto:WiiChannelscheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "5" goto:Gamecubecheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "6" goto:NEScheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "7" goto:SNEScheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "8" goto:N64cheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "9" goto:SMScheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "10" goto:Segacheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "11" goto:NeoGeocheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "12" goto:Commodorecheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "13" goto:MSXcheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "14" goto:TurboGraFX-16cheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "15" goto:TurboGraFX-CDcheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:selectallcheats if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "C" goto:deselectallcheats if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "R" goto:cheatregion if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "l" goto:cheatlocation if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "O" goto:overwritecodes if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:countconsoles if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:countconsoles if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:defaultcheatsettings echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:cheatcodeoptions :countconsoles set countconsoles=0 if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" echo Select at least one console to download cheats for if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%cheatoption%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "O" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE2.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) goto:Options :notback :overwritecodes if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" goto:overwritecodesoff Set overwritecodes=ON goto:cheatcodeoptions :overwritecodesoff Set overwritecodes=OFF goto:cheatcodeoptions :cheatregion if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "all" Set cheatregion=USA&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "USA" Set cheatregion=PAL&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "PAL" Set cheatregion=JPN&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "JPN" Set cheatregion=all&&goto:cheatcodeoptions :cheatlocation if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" Set cheatlocation=T&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" Set cheatlocation=C&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" Set cheatlocation=B&&goto:cheatcodeoptions :wiicheat if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "OFF" (set wiicheat=ON) else (set wiicheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :WiiWarecheat if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiWarecheat=ON) else (set WiiWarecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :VCArcadecheat if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set VCArcadecheat=ON) else (set VCArcadecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :WiiChannelscheat if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiChannelscheat=ON) else (set WiiChannelscheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :Gamecubecheat if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Gamecubecheat=ON) else (set Gamecubecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :NEScheat if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NEScheat=ON) else (set NEScheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :SNEScheat if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SNEScheat=ON) else (set SNEScheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :N64cheat if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set N64cheat=ON) else (set N64cheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :SMScheat if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SMScheat=ON) else (set SMScheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :Segacheat if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Segacheat=ON) else (set Segacheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :NeoGeocheat if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NeoGeocheat=ON) else (set NeoGeocheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :Commodorecheat if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Commodorecheat=ON) else (set Commodorecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :MSXcheat if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set MSXcheat=ON) else (set MSXcheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :TurboGraFX-16cheat if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :TurboGraFX-CDcheat if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :deselectallcheats set wiicheat=OFF set WiiWarecheat=OFF set VCArcadecheat=OFF set WiiChannelscheat=OFF set Gamecubecheat=OFF set NEScheat=OFF set SNEScheat=OFF set N64cheat=OFF set SMScheat=OFF set Segacheat=OFF set NeoGeocheat=OFF set Commodorecheat=OFF set MSXcheat=OFF set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF goto:cheatcodeoptions :DRIVECHANGE set "drivetemp=%DRIVE%" cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Enter the drive letter (or Path) to save files for your SD Card echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Current Setting: [%cyantext%]"%Drive:\=\x5c%" echo. echo Notes: * To continue using Current Settings echo leave the selection blank and hit enter. echo. echo * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder onto this echo window to save yourself having to manually type it. echo. echo * If you experience errors, try using default settings. echo. echo * If your SD Card is not already formatted as FAT32 (or if echo you are unsure), it may save some time by using default settings. echo. echo * If your Wii's SD Card reader is broken, you can use a Hard Drive echo formatted as FAT32 in place of an SD Card to complete most things echo (SD notably required for Bootmii, NAND backup ^& SNEEK). echo. echo * If you don't have an SD Card or Hard Drive, you can launch apps echo and install WADs over WiFi to your Wii from your PC. Just open echo dols, elfs, or WADs with ModMii. Note that some apps may not work echo properly or support all features if they require an SD or HDD. echo. echo EXAMPLES echo. echo L: echo. echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_SD echo Note: %%userprofile%% shortcut doesn't work on Windows XP echo. echo ModMii\4.2U echo Note: this creates ModMii\4.2U folders where this program is Saved echo. echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder echo. echo. echo D = Default Setting: COPY_TO_SD echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p Drivetemp= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "Drivetemp=!Drivetemp:"=!" set "Drivetemp=!Drivetemp:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "D" set DRIVETEMP=COPY_TO_SD :doublecheck set fixslash= if "%DRIVETEMP%"=="" (echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set "DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1%" if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheck :skip ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVETEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) echo "%DRIVETEMP:~0,2%" doesn't exist, please try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DRIVECHANGE :skipcheck ::try making directory, and if fails, don't use this setting if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" mkdir "%DRIVETEMP%" if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" (echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key or need Admin rights for this location) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) ::check for write access if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt" goto:skip del "%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt">nul if exist "%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt" (goto:WriteError) else (goto:donecheck) :skip echo test>"%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt" if exist "%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt" goto:donecheck :WriteError echo You need Admin rights to use this location @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DRIVECHANGE :donecheck if exist "%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt" del "%DRIVETEMP%\test.txt">nul set "DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP%" set "REALDRIVE=%DRIVE%" ::autosave drive setting to settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set*Drive=" -write -yes>nul echo Set "Drive=%DRIVE%">>Support\settings.bat if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE) else (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE) if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) else (goto:download) :skip ::if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:download) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" (set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" (set B4SNKCONFIRM=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:Options goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% :DRIVEUCHANGE set "driveUtemp=%DRIVEU%" cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the drive letter (or Path) to save files for your USB Hard Drive echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Current Setting: [%cyantext%]"%DriveU:\=\x5c%" echo. echo Notes: * To continue using Current Settings echo leave the selection blank and hit enter. echo. echo * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder onto this echo window to save yourself having to manually type it. echo. echo * If you experience errors, try using default settings. echo. echo * If your Hard Drive is not already formatted properly (or if echo you are unsure), it may save some time by using default settings. echo. echo * If you don't have an SD Card or Hard Drive, you can launch apps echo and install WADs over WiFi to your Wii from your PC. Just open echo dols, elfs, or WADs with ModMii. Note that some apps may not work echo properly or support all features if they require an SD or HDD. echo. echo EXAMPLES echo. echo L: echo. echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_USB echo Note: %%userprofile%% shortcut doesn't work on Windows XP echo. echo ModMii\4.2U echo Note: this creates ModMii\4.2U folders where this program is Saved echo. echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder echo. echo. echo D = Default Setting: COPY_TO_USB echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p DriveUtemp= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) set DriveUtemp=!DriveUtemp:"=! set "DriveUtemp=!DriveUtemp:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVEU% if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "D" set DRIVEUTEMP=COPY_TO_USB :doublecheckU set fixslash= if "%DRIVEUTEMP%"=="" (echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set "DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,-1%" if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckU ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) echo "%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2%" doesn't exist, please try again... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :skipcheck ::try making directory, and if fails, don't use this setting if not exist "%DRIVEUTEMP%" mkdir "%DRIVEUTEMP%" if not exist "%DRIVEUTEMP%" (echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key or need Admin rights for this location) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) ::check for write access if not exist "%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt" goto:skip del "%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt">nul if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt" (goto:WriteError) else (goto:donecheck) :skip echo test>"%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt" if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt" goto:donecheck :WriteError echo You need Admin rights to use this location @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :donecheck if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt" del "%DRIVEUTEMP%\test.txt">nul set "DRIVEU=%DRIVEUTEMP%" ::autosave drive setting to settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set*DriveU=" -write -yes>nul echo Set "DriveU=%DRIVEU%">>Support\settings.bat if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" set B4SNKCONFIRM=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX2 ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DOWNLOAD if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DownloadQueue :skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:Download goto:Options :UpdateModMii cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Current Version is %CurrentVersion% echo. echo Checking for updates... echo. ::only if temp\currentversion.txt exists updater.bat will start updating when called or started, otherwise will just get info and return to loader ::echo %currentversion%>temp\currentversion.txt if exist "temp\currentversion.txt" del "temp\currentversion.txt">nul if exist "temp\currentversionInfo.txt" del "temp\currentversionInfo.txt">nul ::comment these for local Updatetemp.bat for testing... (updater.bat is renamed to Updatetemp.bat for legacy purposes) if /i "%debug%" EQU "on" goto:skip if exist Updatetemp.bat del Updatetemp.bat>nul start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/updater.bat" -O Updatetemp.bat if not exist Updatetemp.bat goto:altlink ::DELETE IF NULL for %%R in (Updatetemp.bat) do if %%~zR lss 1 del "Updatetemp.bat">nul :altlink if not exist "Updatetemp.bat" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate "http://tiny.cc/modmiiupdater" -O Updatetemp.bat if not exist Updatetemp.bat goto:updatefail ::DELETE IF NULL for %%R in (Updatetemp.bat) do if %%~zR lss 1 del "Updatetemp.bat">nul :skip ::Call to get new version info and changelogURL if exist Updatetemp.bat (call Updatetemp.bat) else (goto:updatefail) if "%newversion%"=="" goto:updatefail if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:skip if %currentversion% GTR %newversion% (echo This version is newer than the latest public release) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (del Updatetemp.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (echo This version is up to date) & (del Updatetemp.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) :skip if %currentversion% GTR %newversion% (echo This version is newer than the latest public release) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (del Updatetemp.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:OPTIONS) if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (echo This version is up to date) & (del Updatetemp.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:OPTIONS) ::if you made it this far, there's an update! ::openchangelog start %changelogURL% :updateconfirm set updatenow= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] An Update is available, would you like to update to v%newversion% now? echo. echo. echo. echo It is recommended you read the changelog that just opened in your browser. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Y = Yes - Perform Update Now! (RECOMMENDED) echo. echo N = No, do not update echo. echo. echo. set /p updatenow= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%updatenow%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%debug%" EQU "on" goto:debugskip if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat if exist Updatetemp.bat del Updatetemp.bat>nul :debugskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU) :skip if /i "%updatenow%" EQU "Y" goto:updatenow :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:updateconfirm :updatenow ::launch updater with temp\currentversion.txt to do the update ::only if temp\currentversion.txt exists updater will do start updating when called or started ::updater runs in skin mode if temp\skin.txt detected echo %currentversion%>temp\currentversion.txt echo %currentversion%>temp\currentversionInfo.txt if exist temp\skin.txt del temp\skin.txt>nul start Updatetemp.bat exit :updatefail echo Update check has failed, check your internet connection and firewall settings. @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul set currentversion=%currentversioncopy% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:menu) ::-------------------------------File Cleanup------------------------------------ :FileCleanup cls ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" EQU "Y" (set cmdlinemode=) & (set one=) & (set two=) set cleanitems=0 if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\homebrew_browser SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiModLite SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiXplorer SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\homebrew_browser SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCME SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\KoreanKii SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader_launcher SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmME SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\ModMii*.html SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack USA check set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin" set md5=aa93aab9bfdd25883bbd826a62645033 set nextgoto=cleancheck1 goto:markmatch :cleancheck1 set SmashCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::PWNS USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlie\data.bin" set md5=b94f40d57a4b5577eb2479f63cbe79df set nextgoto=cleancheck2 goto:markmatch :cleancheck2 set PWNSU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::PWNS JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlij\data.bin" set md5=1f7e42a30492d2fa116a2fe5ebc685d1 set nextgoto=cleancheck3 goto:markmatch :cleancheck3 set PWNSJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::PWNS EURO set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlip\data.bin" set md5=a6b8f03f49baa471228dcd81d3fd623a set nextgoto=cleancheck4 goto:markmatch :cleancheck4 set PWNSE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin" set md5=02639bd145730269a98f69a4fd466225 set nextgoto=cleancheck5 goto:markmatch :cleancheck5 set TWIU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin" set md5=b51cd6a64bc911cc5c8e41ed5d9fd8ae set nextgoto=cleancheck6 goto:markmatch :cleancheck6 set TWIJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT EURO set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin" set md5=704bd625ea5b42d7ac06fc937af74d38 set nextgoto=cleancheck7 goto:markmatch :cleancheck7 set TWIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoe\data.bin" set md5=0319cb55ecb1caea34e4504aa56664ab set nextgoto=cleancheck8 goto:markmatch :cleancheck8 set YUGIU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI EURO set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin" set md5=8e8aca85b1106932db5ec564ac5c9f0b set nextgoto=cleancheck9 goto:markmatch :cleancheck9 set YUGIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI EURO 50hz set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin" set md5=fd15710a20ec01d01324c18bf4bf3921 set nextgoto=cleancheck10 goto:markmatch :cleancheck10 ::set YUGIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoj\data.bin" set md5=2f7dfe45a01d01cbf7672afd70b252b4 set nextgoto=cleancheck11 goto:markmatch :cleancheck11 set YUGIJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack JPN check set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin" set md5=9a23e5543c65ea2090c5b66a9839216a set nextgoto=cleancheck12 goto:markmatch :cleancheck12 set SmashJCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashJCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Bathaxx USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbe\data.bin" set md5=5dac3152baabbc6ca17bedfd5b7350c9 set nextgoto=cleancheck13 goto:markmatch :cleancheck13 set BathaxxU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BathaxxU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Bathaxx JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbj\data.bin" set md5=8ce86646c463565798dda77ea93118eb set nextgoto=cleancheck14 goto:markmatch :cleancheck14 set BathaxxJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BathaxxJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Bathaxx EURO set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbp\data.bin" set md5=1f44f39d7aad36c7c93a7592e52fa217 set nextgoto=cleancheck15 goto:markmatch :cleancheck15 set BathaxxE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BathaxxE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::ROTJ USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlge\data.bin" set md5=448a3e6bfb4b6d9fafd64c45575f9cb4 set nextgoto=cleancheck16 goto:markmatch :cleancheck16 set ROTJU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::ROTJ JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgj\data.bin" set md5=cd7037de03166d12caccffba972ef18c set nextgoto=cleancheck17 goto:markmatch :cleancheck17 set ROTJJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::ROTJ EURO set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgp\data.bin" set md5=6e225b61b74bd8529374086e476487d3 set nextgoto=cleancheck18 goto:markmatch :cleancheck18 set ROTJE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack PAL check set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin" set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab set nextgoto=cleancheck19 goto:markmatch :cleancheck19 set SmashPCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashPCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack PAL - No Save - check set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin" set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12 set nextgoto=cleancheck20 goto:markmatch :cleancheck20 set SmashP2Check=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashP2Check=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack KOR check set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin" set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab set nextgoto=cleancheck21 goto:markmatch :cleancheck21 set SmashKCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashKCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack KOR - No Save - check set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin" set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12 set nextgoto=cleancheck22 goto:markmatch :cleancheck22 set SmashK2Check=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashK2Check=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Eri HaKawai USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4e\data.bin" set md5=4b62b5c6e00ee8943fec265c5d53ad19 set nextgoto=cleancheck23 goto:markmatch :cleancheck23 set TOSU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Eri HaKawai PAL set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4p\data.bin" set md5=08d01800a4703ec6349c3a8d454bf8e1 set nextgoto=cleancheck24 goto:markmatch :cleancheck24 set TOSE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Eri HaKawai JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4j\data.bin" set md5=7884370e1b8960ed09ed61395007affd set nextgoto=cleancheck25 goto:markmatch :cleancheck25 set TOSJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT2 USA set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin" set md5=225c218815eda839b2fa03729ebe067b set nextgoto=cleancheck26 goto:markmatch :cleancheck26 ::TWIU already set to on or off when checking for v1 ::set TWIU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT2 JPN set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin" set md5=abae916201ba444c0da951627e3071ce set nextgoto=cleancheck27 goto:markmatch :cleancheck27 ::TWIJ already set to on or off when checking for v1 ::set TWIJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT2 EURO set "path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin" set md5=7d0ac865218738364da4c67466ed59fb set nextgoto=cleancheck28 goto:markmatch :cleancheck28 ::TWIE already set to on or off when checking for v1 ::set TWIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::--------------------check for apps to update------------------ set updateitems=0 if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\usbloader_gx\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set usbgx=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\Nintendont\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set Nintendont=*) if exist "%DRIVE%apps\usbloader_cfg\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set usbfolder=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\wiiflow\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set FLOW=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\wiimc-ss\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set WIIMC=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\fceugx\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set fceugx=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\snes9xgx\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set snes9xgx=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\vbagx\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set vbagx=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\SaveGame_Manager_GX\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set SGM=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\wii64\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set WII64=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\not64\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set Not64=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\WiiSXRX\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set WIISX=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\txtcodes\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set CheatZip=*) ::these should only be updated if not also doing filecleanup if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\wiixplorer\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set WIIX=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\homebrew_browser\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set HBB=*) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\Priiloader\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set Pri=*) ::PC Apps... disabled for now goto:skip ::::::::: set "DrivePC=%Drive%" if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" set DrivePC=Program Files if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" set DrivePC=Program Files :skip ::if exist "%DrivePC%\OpenShopChannel\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set OSC=*) ::if exist "%DrivePC%\Dolphin-x64\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%+1) & (set Dolphin=*) goto:nextpage ::----mark matches----- :markmatch set match= if exist "%path2clean%" (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set match=yes ::assume match, if its not, it will change to 'no' further below support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%path2clean%" if errorlevel 1 set match=no :nocheckexisting goto:%nextgoto% :nextpage if /i "%cleanitems%" NEQ "0" goto:FileCleanup2 if /i "%updateitems%" NEQ "0" goto:FileCleanup2 echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo FILE CLEANUP and APP UPDATER echo. echo. echo No Files to Update or to Clean Found in "%DRIVE%" echo. echo. echo. echo Returning to Main Menu... echo. @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul goto:MENU :FileCleanup2 cls set clean= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo FILE CLEANUP and APP UPDATER echo. echo Inspected files saved to: "%DRIVE%" echo. if /i "%updateitems%" EQU "0" (echo No Apps to Update Found) & (echo.) & (goto:noupdates) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Update Check the following detected Auto-Updating Downloads? echo. ::if /i "%Dolphin%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Dolphin (Wii Emulator) if /i "%CheatZip%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Cheat Codes (txtcodes) if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]FCEUGX (NES Emulator) ::this should only be updated if not also doing filecleanup if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Homebrew Browser (*won't update if also being cleaned) if /i "%nintendont%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Nintendont if /i "%Not64%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Not64 (N64 Emulator) ::if /i "%OSC%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Open Shop Channel ::this should only be updated if not also doing filecleanup if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Priiloader (*won't update if also being cleaned) if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]SaveGame Manager GX if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]SNES9xGX (SNES Emulator) if /i "%usbgx%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]USB Loader GX if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Visual Boy Advance GX (GB/GBA Emulator) if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]Wii64 (N64 Emulator) if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]WiiFlow if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]WiiMC-SS (Media Player) if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]WiiSXRX (Playstation 1 Emulator) ::this should only be updated if not also doing filecleanup if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] \x2b [def]WiiXplorer (*won't update if also being cleaned) echo. :noupdates if /i "%cleanitems%" EQU "0" (echo No Files to Clean Found) & (echo.) & (goto:noFileCleanup) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] File Cleanup; delete the following items? echo. echo After you are finished modding your Wii you can delete certain files to free echo up space and ensure no one can access potentially dangerous apps on your Wii. echo. echo Note: Instead of deleting apps, you can move them to a Locked Folder echo in the HBC (downloadable via ModMii's Download Page 2). echo. if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]WAD Folder if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]00000001 Folder if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]00010008 Folder if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]00010002 Folder if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]00010001 Folder if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Bannerbomb if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Smash Stack (USA) if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Smash Stack (JPN) if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Smash Stack (EURO) if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Smash Stack (EURO) - No Save version if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Smash Stack (KOR) if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Smash Stack (KOR) - No Save version if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Indiana Pwns (USA) if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Indiana Pwns (EURO) if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Indiana Pwns (JPN) if /i "%BathaxxU%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Bathaxx (USA) if /i "%BathaxxE%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Bathaxx (EURO) if /i "%BathaxxJ%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Bathaxx (JPN) if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Return of the Jodi (USA) if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Return of the Jodi (EURO) if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Return of the Jodi (JPN) if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Eri HaKawai (USA) if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Eri HaKawai (EURO) if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Eri HaKawai (JPN) if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Twilight Hack (USA) if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Twilight Hack (EURO) if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]Twilight Hack (JPN) if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]YU-GI-OWNED (USA) if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]YU-GI-OWNED (EURO) if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]YU-GI-OWNED (JPN) if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\DOP-Mii if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\MMM if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\WiiMod if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiModLite support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\WiiModLite if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\ARCmod06_Offline if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCME support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\ARCME if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\KoreanKii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\KoreanKii if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\MIOSPatcher if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\Priiloader if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader_launcher support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\Priiloader_launcher if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\YAWMM if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmME support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\yawmME if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\HackMii_Installer if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\homebrew_browser support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\homebrew_browser if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\IOS236-v5-Mod if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\SIP if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\WiiExplorer if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiXplorer support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]apps\WiiXplorer if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]dol's from root of device if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]elf's from root of device if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]wad's from root of device if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]md5's from root of device if exist "%DRIVE%"\ModMii*.html support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] - [def]ModMii html guides from root of device echo. echo Note: All the above files, with the exception of custom WADs, echo can be retrieved again later using ModMii or other sources if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii echo. if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii echo * bootmii folder will be renamed bootmii_off during cleanup; To access if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii echo bootmii in the future make sure it is named "bootmii" and on your SD Card :noFileCleanup echo. if /i "%updateitems%" NEQ "0" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] U = Update Check; [def]grab latest version of detected Auto-Updating Downloads if /i "%cleanitems%" EQU "0" goto:skip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%]FC = File Cleanup; [def]Remove un-needed files after Modding if /i "%updateitems%" NEQ "0" echo B = Both; Update Check and File Cleanup :skip echo M = Main Menu echo. set /p clean= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%clean%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%cleanitems%" EQU "0" goto:skip if /i "%clean%" EQU "FC" goto:cleannow :skip if /i "%updateitems%" EQU "0" goto:skip if /i "%clean%" EQU "U" (set AUSKIP=OFF) & (set BACKB4QUEUE=FileCleanup2) & (goto:DLCOUNT) if /i "%cleanitems%" EQU "0" goto:skip if /i "%clean%" NEQ "B" goto:skip ::both set AUSKIP=OFF if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\wiixplorer\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%-1) & (set WIIX=) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\homebrew_browser\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%-1) & (set HBB=) if exist "%DRIVE%\apps\Priiloader\" (SET /a updateitems=%updateitems%-1) & (set Pri=) if /i "%updateitems%" EQU "0" set clean=FC goto:cleannow :skip echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FileCleanup2 :cleannow set clean2= ::B, both clean and update check echo. if /i "%clean%" EQU "B" echo Note: Update Checks will be done after File Cleanup operations :skip echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Are you sure you want to [%redtext%]permanently delete File Cleanup files? (Y^/N) echo. set /p clean2= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%clean2%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow3 if /i "%clean2%" EQU "N" goto:MENU echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FileCleanup2 :cleannow3 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo CLEANING FILES... echo. if exist "%DRIVE%"\ModMii*.html del "%DRIVE%"\ModMii*.html> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol del "%DRIVE%"\*.dol> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf del "%DRIVE%"\*.elf> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad del "%DRIVE%"\*.wad> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 del "%DRIVE%"\*.md5> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WAD> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00000001> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010008> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010002> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010001> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiModLite rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiModLite> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCME rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCME> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\KoreanKii rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\KoreanKii> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader_launcher rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader_launcher> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmME rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\yawmME> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\homebrew_browser rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\homebrew_browser> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiXplorer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiXplorer> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip del "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz> nul if exist "%DRIVE%\bootmii" move /y "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "%DRIVE%\bootmii_off"> nul ::advanced deletions if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin> nul if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin> nul if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlie> nul if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlij> nul if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlip> nul if /i "%BathaxxU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbe> nul if /i "%BathaxxJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbj> nul if /i "%BathaxxE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbp> nul if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlge> nul if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgj> nul if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgp> nul if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4e> nul if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4p> nul if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4j> nul if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzde> nul if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdp> nul if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdj> nul if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoe> nul if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryop> nul if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoj> nul echo FILES CLEANED echo. echo. @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul if /i "%clean%" EQU "B" (set BACKB4QUEUE=FileCleanup2) & (goto:DLCOUNT) goto:MENU ::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?............................... :RCPAGE1 set REGIONCHANGE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Are you sure you want to Region Change your Wii? echo. echo. echo Important Notes: echo ---------------- echo. echo * Region Changing is not necessary to play other region games. echo For example, you can play JPN games on a softmodded US Wii without echo region changing. echo. echo * An alternative to region changing is to use SNEEK\UNEEK to emulate a echo different region System Menu. echo. echo. echo If you still want to region change your Wii, read the following echo warnings before continuing: echo. echo. echo Warnings: echo --------- echo. echo * If you use the Wii Shopping Channel, you must start the channel and echo delete your account before starting this guide on your Wii. echo If you don't the Wii Shop Channel will error. echo. echo * ModMii's Region Change guide assumes your Wii has already been softmodded echo and SD Card ^(or USB^) properly formatted by following the ModMii Wizard echo or SysCheck Updater Wizard. If this is not the case please do so before echo going any further. Do not attempt to region change your Wii without echo either an SD card or USB. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p REGIONCHANGE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE3 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:RCPAGE1 ::--------------------Wizard Settings Detected---------------- :LoadWizardSettings set LoadWizSettings= if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:WPAGE1 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Wizard Saved Settings Detected! echo. echo. echo Would you like to load the Wizard's Saved Settings now? echo. echo. echo. echo Note: You will be able to view and confirm the loaded settings echo before starting your download echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, Load Wizard_Settings.bat echo N = No, Continue with the Wizard echo. echo D = Delete Wizard_Settings.bat to stop seeing this page echo in the future then continue with the Wizard echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p LoadWizSettings= Enter Selection Here: :LoadWizardSettings2 if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip if /i "%one%" NEQ "WL" call Wizard_Settings.bat if /i "%one%" EQU "WL" call "%cmdinput%" if /i "%one%" EQU "WL" (set MENU1=W) & (set one=) IF "%USBGUIDE%"=="" set USBGUIDE=n if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "Y" set ThemeSelection=r if /i "%Mii%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%pri%" EQU "Y" set PRIQ=Y if /i "%H5%" EQU "Y" set RECCIOS=Y if /i "%HM%" EQU "Y" set HMInstaller=Y goto:WPAGELAST :skip if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" del Wizard_Settings.bat>nul if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE1 if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE1 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:LoadWizardSettings ::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?............................... :WPAGE1 set VIRGIN= set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set RECCIOS= set PRIQ= set ThemeSelection=N cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Is this your first time softmodding your Wii? echo -- echo OR echo -- echo Would you like to update ALL your existing softmods (aka re-hack your Wii)? echo. echo. echo. echo Note: Only answer No if you know specifically what you want to update. echo. echo Alternatively, you can check if there are any recommended changes to the echo mods already installed on your Wii using ModMii's SysCheck Updater Wizard. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p VIRGIN= Enter Selection Here: if exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:backtoloadwiz if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:MENU :backtoloadwiz if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:LoadWizardSettings if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE1 ::...................................Wizard Page2 - Current SystemMenu............................... :WPAGE2 set FIRMSTART= set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE2 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" (echo HackMii Solutions) & (echo.) if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:notabstinence echo Abstinence Wizard echo. echo. echo This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii echo without installing any unofficial content (ie. should not void warranty) echo. echo An SD CARD is REQUIRED for this wizard to work. echo. echo. :notabstinence echo What is your current System Menu Version? echo. echo. echo Enter "Help" for an instructional video on checking your System Menu Version. echo. echo Note: to check this, turn on your wii, click the Wii button in the echo bottom left of the main system menu, click Wii Settings, echo then you should see the System Menu in the top right of the screen echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 4.3 = 4.3 echo 4.2 = 4.2 echo 4.1 = 4.1 echo 4.0 = 4.0 echo 3.X = 3.0-3.5 echo O = Other (under 2.2) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p FIRMSTART= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "Help" goto:nohelp start https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Z2MtFcllTY goto:WPAGE2 :nohelp if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set FIRMSTART=3.X if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" goto:NEEKrevSelect :NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "B" goto:incorrectkey if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:MENU if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:MENU goto:WPAGE1 :incorrectkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE2 ::...................................Wizard Page3 - REGION............................... :WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3hard if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3hard if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION :WPAGE3hard set REGION= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (echo What Region would you like to change to?) & (goto:skiptext) echo What is your Region? echo. echo. echo Enter "Help" for an instructional video on checking your System Menu. echo. echo Note: to check this, turn on your wii, click the Wii button in the echo bottom left of the main system menu, click Wii Settings, echo then you should see the System Menu in the top right of the screen echo (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) echo. echo Note: If your Wii was Region Changed choose the region you are currently on :skiptext echo. echo. echo U = USA echo E = Euro (PAL) echo J = JPN echo K = Korean echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p REGION= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:RCPAGE1 goto:badkey :notRC ::download page redirect for Wilbrand if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:Wilbrand if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:Wilbrand if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:Wilbrand if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:Wilbrand if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:Wilbrand goto:notWilbrand :Wilbrand if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:macaddress if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE :notWilbrand if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "Help" goto:nohelp start https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Z2MtFcllTY goto:WPAGE3 :nohelp :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE3 ::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit............................... :WPAGE3C SET EXPLOIT=default set exploitselection= if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3Cnext if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3Cnext goto:WPAGE4 ::Only virgin 4.3 U/E/J wii's or <2.2 U/E/J Wii's will make it this far :WPAGE3Cnext set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE3c set exploitselection=yes cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Select the Exploit you would like to use on your Wii. echo. echo. echo X = str2hax: no disc or SD card needed, but requires WiFi on Wii if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:skipbomb echo W = Wilbrand\LetterBomb: no disc needed, but requires SD card echo. echo. echo The exploits below require you own one of the following games: :skipbomb echo. echo S = Super Smash Brothers Brawl if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo L = LEGO Indiana Jones if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LB = LEGO Batman if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LS = LEGO Star Wars if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo Y = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo TOS = Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo T = Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo. echo ? = If you're not sure, download all of the above and decide later echo. echo. echo. if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:skipOmsg support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[%redtext%] Important Notes: echo. echo Alternatively, you can update your Wii to v3.0-4.3 then repeat the echo Wizard using your new System Menu in order to hack your echo Wii without requiring a games or WiFi on your Wii echo. :skipOmsg support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[%redtext%] NOTE IF YOU ARE MISSING AN SD CARD echo Using str2hax you can install the HBC even if you don't have an SD card, echo or if your SD card reader is broken. But without an sd card you will echo not be able to install bootmii and make a NAND backup. echo You can still proceed with the remaining steps of your custom ModMii guide echo using a FAT32 formatted USB hard drive in place of an SD card. echo More help on formatting your HDD if you use ModMii to set up a USB Loader. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p EXPLOIT= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:twilightnotavailable if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" goto:WPAGE3D :twilightnotavailable ::ALL except KOR if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" goto:WPAGE3D :skip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:notbomb if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "W" goto:macaddress if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" goto:macaddress :notbomb if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "X" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE3D echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE3C ::----------------------------------------MAC ADDRESS--------------------------------- :macaddress ::start http://please.hackmii.com ::start /D SUPPORT LetterBombFrames.html set macaddress= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Enter your Wii's MAC address (required for Wilbrand\LetterBomb exploit) echo. echo Examples: echo AABBCCDDEEFF echo AA BB CC DD EE FF echo AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF echo 11-22-33-44-55-66 echo. echo. echo. echo Note: to find your Wii's MAC address, turn on your Wii, click the echo Wii button in the bottom left of the main system menu, echo then click Wii Settings, then Internet, then Console Information. echo. echo. echo. echo Enter "Help" for an instructional video on checking your Wii's MAC address. echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" (echo B = Back out and skip this download) & (goto:skip) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" (echo B = Back out and skip this download) & (goto:skip) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" (echo B = Back out and skip this download) & (goto:skip) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" (echo B = Back out and skip this download) & (goto:skip) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" (echo B = Back out and skip this download) & (goto:skip) echo S = Skip this for now and enter it later if you're not near your Wii echo B = Back :skip echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p macaddress= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%macaddress%" NEQ "B" goto:notback set Wilbrand= if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE goto:WPAGE3C :notback if /i "%macaddress%" NEQ "Help" goto:nohelp start https://www.youtube.com/embed/V52piPXM1tE goto:macaddress :nohelp ::don't allow skipping for manual downloads if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:skip if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE3D :skip echo %macaddress% >temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter "temp\temp.txt" -rep _" "__ -rep _"-"__ -rep _":"__ -write -yes>nul set /p macaddress= nul goto:macaddress ::...................................Wizard Page3D - Active IOSs............................... :WPAGE3D if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION SET UpdatesIOSQ= if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" goto:forceQ if /i "%FIRMSTART%" LSS "4.3" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE4 ::Only 4.3 Wii's without active IOS "ON" will make it this far :forceQ cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo Download active IOSs and some extra brick protection (patched System Menu IOSs)? if /i "%Virgin%" NEQ "N" echo Would you like to download active IOSs? echo. echo. echo. echo N = No echo. if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo If you previously used ModMii to fully softmod your Wii you should already if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo have these installed. if /i "%FirmStart%" EQU "4.3" echo You're on System Menu 4.3, so you likely already have the latest IOSs. if /i "%FirmStart%" EQU "4.3" echo If your Wii has truly never been modified before, you can say No. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo If your Wii has DarkCorp/cIOSCorp installed, you can say Yes to overwrite it. echo If original Wii discs or WiiWare are not working properly, say Yes to fix it. echo. echo If unsure, there is no harm in saying yes, it just may take a bit longer. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p UpdatesIOSQ= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:backtowpage3 ::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:backtowpage3 if /i "%exploit%" EQU "W" goto:backtomacaddress if /i "%exploit%" EQU "?" goto:backtomacaddress goto:backtowpage3c :backtomacaddress if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:macaddress :backtowpage3 if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 :backtowpage3c if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3c echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE3D ::...................................Wizard Page4 - New System Menu............................... :WPAGE4 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION set FIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Select the new System Menu you would like to upgrade/downgrade to. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" (echo.) & (echo.) & (echo.) & (echo Note: if current system menu = new system menu, a system menu is not downloaded) echo. echo. echo. if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" goto:SkipGreen4.3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:SkipGreen4.3 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 4.3 = 4.3 [RECOMMENDED] goto:skipWhite4.3 :SkipGreen4.3 echo 4.3 = 4.3 :skipWhite4.3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 4.2 = 4.2 [RECOMMENDED]) else (echo 4.2 = 4.2) if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 4.1 = 4.1 [RECOMMENDED]) else (echo 4.1 = 4.1) echo. echo. echo ModMii recommends against unnecessarily changing system menus if already on 4.1 echo or higher. 4.2 and 4.3 add nothing except failed attempts to prevent homebrew. echo Even RiiConnect24 fully works on lower firmwares using ModMii's System Menu IOSs. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p FIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 :notRC if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:noexploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:wpage3c if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:wpage3 if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" (goto:wpage3c) else (goto:WPAGE3D) :noexploits if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" (goto:wpage3) else (goto:WPAGE3D) :notback echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE4 ::...................................Wizard Page5 - MORE Channels?............................... :WPAGE5 set MORE= set PIC= set NET= set Weather= set NEWS= set MIIQ= set Shop= set Speak= if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" (set REGIONTEMP=%SNKREGION%) else (set REGIONTEMP=%REGION%) cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to install any of the following channels: echo. echo. echo. echo * Photo if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" NEQ "K" echo * Internet ::if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" NEQ "K" echo * Weather^^ ::if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" NEQ "K" echo * News^^ ::if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" NEQ "K" echo * Wii Speak^^^^ echo * Mii echo * Shopping (can only re-download content you have already purchased) echo. echo. ::if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" goto:notk ::echo ^^marked channels require RiiConnect24 to work ::echo ^^^^Wii Speak Channel requires RiiConnect24 and Wiimmfi to work. ::echo Check these out after finishing with ModMii at https://rc24.xyz :::notk echo Note: since Nintendo has shut down WiiConnect24 other channels like News, echo Wii Speak, etc. require RiiConnect24. These can be installed later echo using the RiiConnect24 Patcher from ModMii's Download Page 2 echo or from https://rc24.xyz echo. echo A = All echo S = Some echo N = None echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p MORE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%MORE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand if /i "%MORE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13 :forsneeknand if /i "%MORE%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:WPAGE20 if "%SMTHEMEAPP%"=="" (goto:SNKPAGE4c) else (goto:WPAGE20) :notback if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE6 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE6 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE5 ::...................................Wizard Page6 - Photo Channel............................... :WPAGE6 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set PIC=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE7 set PIC= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the Photo Channel? echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p PIC= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE7 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE7 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%PIC%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE6 ::...................................Wizard Page7 - Internet?............................... :WPAGE7 if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NET=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE8 set NET= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the Internet Channel? echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p NET= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE8 if /i "%NET%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE8 if /i "%NET%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%NET%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE7 ::...................................Wizard Page8 - Weather............................... :WPAGE8 ::disabled... goto:WPAGE9 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Weather=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE9 set Weather= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the Weather Channel? echo. echo. echo Note: requires RiiConnect24 to work echo Check it out after finishing with ModMii at https://rc24.xyz echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WEATHER= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE9 if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE9 if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE7 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE8 ::...................................Wizard Page9 - NEWS............................... :WPAGE9 ::disabled... goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NEWS=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE10 set NEWS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the News Channel? echo. echo. echo Note: requires RiiConnect24 to work echo Check it out after finishing with ModMii at https://rc24.xyz echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p NEWS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE8 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE9 ::...................................Wizard Page10 - Mii............................... :WPAGE10 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE11 set MIIQ= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the Mii Channel? echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p MIIQ= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE11 if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE11 if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" goto:Koreanbacktophoto ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE9 if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE7 :Koreanbacktophoto if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE10 ::...................................Wizard Page11 - Shop............................... :WPAGE11 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Shop=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE12 set Shop= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the Shopping Channel? if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo Note: IOS56 will also be downloaded echo. echo. echo Note: this can only re-download content you have already purchased echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SHOP= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE12 if /i "%Shop%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE12 if /i "%Shop%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%Shop%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE10 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE11 ::...................................Wizard Page12 - Speak............................... :WPAGE12 ::disabled... goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Speak=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE13 set Speak= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Install the Wii Speak Channel? echo. echo. echo Note: requires RiiConnect24 and Wiimmfi to work echo Check them out after finishing with ModMii at https://rc24.xyz echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p Speak= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%Speak%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%Speak%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%Speak%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE12 ::...................................Wizard Page13 - MORE Advanced Channels?............................... :WPAGE13 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE12 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE11 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set RECCIOS= set PRIQ= set ThemeSelection=N cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to install and\or update any of the following: echo. echo. echo. echo * Homebrew Channel and\or Bootmii echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo * Recommended cIOSs and cMIOS) else (echo * Recommended cIOSs) echo. echo * Priiloader (or system menu hacks) echo. echo * A System Menu Theme echo. echo * USB-Loader echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p Advanced= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:BACK2MORE if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:BACK2MORE if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" goto:BACK2WPAGE11 if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 :BACK2MORE if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 :BACK2WPAGE11 if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13B if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE13 ::...................................Wizard Page13B - HAckMii Installer............................... :WPAGE13B set HMInstaller= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to install and\or update the Homebrew Channel and\or Bootmii? echo. echo Note: This will download the HackMii Installer and IOS58 echo. echo. echo. echo Enter "Help" for an instructional video on checking your HBC version. echo. echo. ::echo This will download the following files: ::echo --------------------------------------- ::echo. ::echo * HackMii Installer ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * All available exploits ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo * Bannerbomb v1 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo * Bannerbomb v1 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo * Bannerbomb v1 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo * Bannerbomb v2 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo * All available exploits ::echo * IOS58 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" (echo.) & (echo Note: Letterbomb exploit available here - http://please.hackmii.com) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p HMInstaller= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE14 if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE14 if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Help" goto:nohelp start https://www.youtube.com/embed/EaoCGT2pOx0 goto:WPAGE13B :nohelp echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE13B ::...................................Wizard Page14 - cIOSs and cMIOSs............................... :WPAGE14 set RECCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo Would you like to update to the following recommended cIOSs and cMIOS?) else (echo Would you like to update to the following recommended cIOSs?) echo. echo. echo. if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:smallskip echo *cIOS202[60]-v5.1R.wad echo. echo *cIOS222[38]-v4.wad echo. echo *cIOS223[37-38]-v4.wad echo. echo *cIOS224[57]-v5.1R.wad echo. :smallskip echo *cIOS248[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad echo. echo *cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad echo. echo *cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad echo. echo *cIOS251[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip echo *RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2.wad :quickskip echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p RECCIOS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19 if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE19 if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13B echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE14 ::...................................Wizard Pages 15-18 removed............................... ::...................................Wizard Page19 - Priiloader............................... :WPAGE19 set PRIQ= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to install and\or update Priiloader (or system menu hacks)? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p PRIQ= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE14 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE19 ::...................................Wizard Page20 - Theme Selection............................... :WPAGE20 set ThemeSelection= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nocheck if "%SMTHEMEAPP%"=="" goto:WPAGE5 :nocheck cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. :quickskip echo Would you like to install a custom Theme on your Wii? echo. echo. echo WWW = View All Available Themes on Youtube echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20CE = Channel Effect* for custom system menu themes: [%cyantext%]%effect% echo * Choose from 3 effects: No-Spin, Spin and Fast-Spin echo. echo. echo. echo R = DarkWii Red Theme - %effect% echo. echo G = DarkWii Green Theme - %effect% echo. echo BL = DarkWii Blue Theme - %effect% echo. echo O = DarkWii Orange Theme - %effect% echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo N = No, do not change the theme) else (echo N = No, I want the same old boring, boring System Menu) echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo D = Default Theme (restore original theme to the Emulated NAND) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p ThemeSelection= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "WWW" goto:novid start https://modmii.github.io/WiiThemes.html goto:WPAGE20 :novid if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "CE" goto:OptionCEwizard if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE20 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE4 :notRC if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE21 :forsneeknand ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:quickskip if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE5 :quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:miniskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4c :miniskip if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2PRI if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced2 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2MORE2 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:Back2MORE2 if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" goto:Back2SHOP2 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2Speak2 :BACK2PRI if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE19 :BACK2ADVANCED2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 :BACK2SPEAK2 ::if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 :Back2SHOP2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 :BACK2MORE2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE20 :OptionCEwizard if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" (set effect=Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" (set effect=Fast-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Fast-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" (set effect=No-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=No-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) ::...................................Wizard Page21 - USB Loader Setup Q............................... :WPAGE21 set USBGUIDE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Would you like to set up a USB-Loader now? echo. echo. echo Notes echo ===== echo. echo * USB-Loaders allow the Wii to play games off a USB Hard Drive or SD Card. echo. echo * This step can always be done by itself later on from ModMii's Main Menu. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo N = No echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p USBGUIDE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE21 ::...................................Wizard Last Page - Confirmation............................... :WPAGELAST set WLAST= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Are these settings correct? echo. echo. echo. if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" echo * Install and\or update all recommended softmods if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Current System Menu is %FIRMSTART%%REGION% if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Current System Menu is less than 2.2%REGION% echo * Desired System Menu is %FIRM%%REGION% if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if not "%macaddress%"=="" (echo.) & (echo * MAC Address: %macaddress%) :skip echo. if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the Photo Channel if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the Internet Channel if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the Weather Channel if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the News Channel if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the Mii Channel if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the Shopping Channel (and IOS56) if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo * Install the Wii Speak Channel echo. if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" echo * Install and\or update the Homebrew Channel and Bootmii if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo * Install and\or update recommended cIOSs and cMIOS) else (echo * Install and\or update recommended cIOSs) :smallskip if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Install and\or update Priiloader if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Install Dark Wii Red Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Install Dark Wii Green Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" echo * Install Dark Wii Blue Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" echo * Install Dark Wii Orange Theme ::--------- if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb echo. if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" echo * Download Configurable USB-Loader if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" echo * Download WiiFlow if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "GX" echo * Download USB-Loader GX if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" echo * Download all USB-Loaders available in ModMii if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to USB Hard Drive if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo * USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to SD Card :skipusb echo. echo. echo. ::if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip echo S = Save Wizard Settings For Future Use if exist Wizard_Settings.bat echo Existing Wizard_Settings.bat will be renamed echo. :::skip echo Y = Yes ::echo N = No \ Main Menu echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WLAST= Enter Selection Here: ::if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "S" goto:SaveWizardSettings :::skip if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGELAST if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DriveChange ::if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "N" goto:Menu if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2USB if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2USB if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2USB if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:backtoUpage2 :BACK2ADVANCED if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 :BACK2SPEAK if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 :Back2USB if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21 :backtoUpage2 if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGELAST ::-------------Save Wizard Settings:------------------- :SaveWizardSettings cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. set countwiz=0 :renameWIZARDsettings if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:skip SET /a countwiz=%countwiz%+1 if exist Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat goto:renameWIZARDsettings move Wizard_Settings.bat Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat :skip echo ::ModMii v%currentversion% - Wizard Settings - %DATE% - %TIME% >> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set VIRGIN=%VIRGIN%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set REGION=%REGION%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set FIRMSTART=%FIRMSTART%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set FIRM=%FIRM%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set PIC=%PIC%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set NET=%NET%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set WEATHER=%WEATHER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set NEWS=%NEWS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set MIIQ=%MIIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set Shop=%Shop%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set Speak=%Speak%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set HMInstaller=%HMInstaller%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set PRIQ=%PRIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set ThemeSelection=%ThemeSelection%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set EXPLOIT=%EXPLOIT%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set MORE=%MORE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set ADVANCED=%ADVANCED%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set UpdatesIOSQ=%UpdatesIOSQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set RECCIOS=%RECCIOS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set USBGUIDE=%USBGUIDE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set LOADER=%LOADER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set USBCONFIG=%USBCONFIG%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set macaddress=%macaddress%>> Wizard_Settings.bat if exist Wizard_Settings.bat echo Wizard Settings Saved. @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGELAST ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1b - Loader?............................... :UPAGE1b set LOADER= set usbfolder= set FLOW= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo What USB-Loader would you like to use? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] 1 = USB-Loader GX (RECOMMENDED) echo. echo 2 = Configurable USB-Loader echo. echo 3 = WiiFlow echo. echo 4 = All of the above echo. echo. echo Note: The "Nintendont" Gamecube plugin is supported by all of these echo loaders and will also be downloaded. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p LOADER= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skip if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "B" goto:MENU :skip if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21 set f32=* set wbm=* set nintendont=* set CleanRip=* set GCBM=* set Nkit=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "1" (set LOADER=GX) & (set usbgx=*) & (goto:UPAGE2) if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "2" (set LOADER=CFG) & (set usbfolder=*) & (goto:UPAGE2) if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "3" (set LOADER=FLOW) & (set FLOW=*) & (goto:UPAGE2) if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "4" (set LOADER=ALL) & (set usbgx=*) & (set FLOW=*) & (set usbfolder=*) & (goto:UPAGE2) echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:UPAGE1b ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page2 - Config on USB vs SD?............................... :UPAGE2 set USBCONFIG= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Where would you like to save your USB-Loader app, games and covers? echo. echo. echo USB = USB (Files saved to "%DRIVEU%") echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Pros:[def] *SD Card not required to launch USB-Loader echo *USB-Loader files and games can take up a relatively small echo amount of larger USB Hard Drives echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Cons:[def] *Cannot launch the USB-Loader without USB Hard Drive echo *Slightly slower loading time (almost negligible) echo. echo. echo. echo SD = SD (Files saved to "%DRIVE%") echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Pros:[def] *USB Hard Drive not required to launch USB-Loader echo *Slightly faster loading time (almost negligible) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Cons:[def] *Cannot launch the USB-Loader without SD Card echo *USB-Loader files and games can take up a relatively large echo amount of smaller SD Cards echo. echo. echo Note: USB-Loaders can detect games on SD and USB if you want to use both echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p USBCONFIG= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "M" goto:MENU ::if using wizard+usb-loader setup, set up both drive letters if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGELAST if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:WPAGELAST if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:WPAGELAST :skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set "DRIVETEMP=%DRIVE%" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVEU=UPAGE2 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:DriveChange echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:UPAGE2 ::...................................SNEEK Page1 - SNEEK SELECT............................... :SNKPAGE1 set SNEEKSELECT= set SNKS2U= set PRIIFOUND= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Which of the following SNEEK Actions would you like to perform? echo. echo. echo 1 = SNEEK Installation echo. echo 2 = Emulated NAND Builder (for SNEEK) echo. echo 3 = All the above (Recommended for first time SNEEK users) echo. echo. echo 4 = Game Bulk Extractor (for SNEEK) echo * Supported formats include ISO, CISO and WBFS files echo. echo 5 = Emulated NAND Modifier echo * Edit your existing Emulated NAND echo Requirements: echo. echo * If you don't have Bootmii installed in order to run SNEEK you will echo have to first use the ModMii Wizard or the Abstinence Wizard. echo. echo * To optimize the speed of your SNEEK or SNEEK+DI emulated nand, echo your SD card should be formatted using 32KB sector sizes. echo. echo * UNEEK and UNEEK+DI require the External Hard Drive be formatted echo as FAT32 using cluster sizes 32KB or lower. If you don't know how to echo format your drive this way, run ModMii's USB-Loader Setup. echo. echo * SNEEK+DI and UNEEK+DI always use the 1st partition if multiple are found. echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" (set neekURL=http://tiny.cc/neek2o) else (set neekURL=http://code.google.com/p/sneek) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] WARNING: SNEEK is not directly supported by ModMii. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Any problems you have with SNEEK that are not a direct result support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] of ModMii should be reported here: %neekURL% echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] This is also a great place to learn more about SNEEK in general. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Another great resource is the guide here: tiny.cc/SNEEK-DI echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. set /p SNEEKSELECT= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE1 ::...................................SNEEK Page - NEEK rev Selection............................... :NEEKrevSelect if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (set googlecode=neek2o) & (set neekname=neek2o) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "ON" (set googlecode=sneeky-compiler-modmii) & (set neekname=neek) ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" goto:quickskip2 echo Checking which %neekname% versions are hosted online... ::get all list start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -N "https://sourceforge.net/projects/%googlecode%/files/?source=navbar" if exist index.html@* (move /y index.html@* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi) ::copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"/download\x22" ++"%neekname%-rev" -rep _"/download\x22"__ -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _%neekname%-rev__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" -!"\x22" -!"n" -unique -no-empty-lines -no-blank-lines -write -yes>nul :nowifi ::get local list if not exist "temp\%neekname%\*.zip" goto:nolocallist dir "temp\%neekname%\*.zip" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"%neekname%-rev"__ -rep _".zip"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul :nolocallist ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:getcurrentrev ::------actual page start---------- :NEEKrevSelect2 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET neekTOTAL=0 if exist temp\list.txt for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a neekTOTAL=!neekTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%neekTOTAL%" EQU "0" (echo Unable to connect to the internet and no %neekname% versions saved locally) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (set neekrev=B) & (goto:back) Set neekrev= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Select the version of %neekname% you would like to build: echo. echo. set RevCount=0 set FeaturedTag= ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processNEEKlist %%A goto:quickskip :processNEEKlist set CurrentRev=%* set /a RevCount=%RevCount%+1 if not exist temp\list2.txt goto:nofeaturedcheck findStr /I /C:"%CurrentRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Featured) :nofeaturedcheck if not exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" echo %RevCount% = %CurrentRev% (hosted online)%FeaturedTag% if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" echo %RevCount% = %CurrentRev%%FeaturedTag% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p neekrev= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%neekrev%" EQU "M" goto:MENU :back if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%neekrev%" NEQ "B" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3C goto:WPAGE2 :NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%neekrev%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 if "%neekrev%"=="" goto:badkey if %neekrev% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %neekrev% GTR %RevCount% goto:badkey :getcurrentrev ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:cmdskip if "%neekrev%"=="" goto:quickskip2 :cmdskip ::----get selected %currentrev%---- set RevCount2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist2 %%A goto:quickskip2 :processlist2 set CurrentRev=%* set /a RevCount2=%RevCount2%+1 if /i "%RevCount2%" EQU "%neekrev%" goto:quickskip2 goto:EOF :quickskip2 ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:cmdskip if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:DOWNLOAD goto:SNEEKINSTALLER :cmdskip goto:SNKPAGE2 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:NEEKrevSelect2 ::...................................SNEEK Page - DML rev Selection............................... :CurrentDMLRevSelect ::DISABLED goto:%AfterDMLRevSelect% if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul ::set googlecode=diosmioslite ::echo Checking which DML versions are hosted online... ::get all list ::start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -N "http://code.google.com/p/diosmioslite/downloads/list?can=1" ::if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi) ::copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul ::support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/" ++"diosmioslitesv" ++".wad" -!zip -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".wad*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _diosmioslitesv__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul ::get featured list ::support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"diosmioslite.googlecode.com/files/" ++"diosmioslitesv" ++".wad', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul ::support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.wad -rep _".wad*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _diosmioslitesv__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul :nowifi ::get local list if not exist "temp\DML\*.wad" goto:nolocallist dir "temp\DML\*.wad" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt ::support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"diosmioslitesv"__ -rep _".wad"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _".wad"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul :nolocallist ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:getCurrentDMLRev ::------actual page start---------- :CurrentDMLRevSelect2 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET DMLTOTAL=0 if exist temp\list.txt for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a DMLTOTAL=!DMLTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::if /i "%DMLTOTAL%" EQU "0" (echo No DML versions saved locally) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:%B4DMLRevSelect%) Set DMLrev= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Select the version of DML (or Dios Mios) you would like to install: echo. echo To add versions to the below list, download them from here: echo http://code.google.com/p/diosmios/wiki/Downloads echo Then save them to ModMii's "temp\DML" folder if not exist temp\DML mkdir temp\DML echo. echo. echo * DML requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+ echo. ::echo * DML Debug Mode saves logs to the SD Card. echo * USB Gecko debug can only be enabled by compiling the source manually. echo. set RevCount=0 if not exist temp\list.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processDMLlist %%A goto:quickskip :processDMLlist set CurrentDMLRev=%* set /a RevCount=%RevCount%+1 ::if not exist temp\list2.txt goto:nofeaturedcheck ::findStr /I /C:"%CurrentDMLRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Featured) :nofeaturedcheck ::if not exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" echo %RevCount% = diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev% (hosted on google code)%FeaturedTag% ::if exist "temp\DML\diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%.wad" echo %RevCount% = diosmioslitesv%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag% echo %RevCount% = %CurrentDMLRev% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p DMLrev= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%DMLrev%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DMLrev%" EQU "B" (set DML=) & (set CurrentDMLRev=) & (goto:%B4DMLRevSelect%) if "%DMLrev%"=="" goto:badkey if %DMLrev% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %DMLrev% GTR %RevCount% goto:badkey :getCurrentDMLRev ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:cmdskip if "%DMLrev%"=="" goto:quickskip :cmdskip ::----get selected %CurrentDMLRev%---- set RevCount2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist3 %%A goto:quickskip :processlist3 set CurrentDMLRev=%* set /a RevCount2=%RevCount2%+1 if /i "%RevCount2%" EQU "%DMLrev%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:skipDMLcmd goto:%AfterDMLRevSelect% :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CurrentDMLRevSelect2 ::...................................SNEEK Page2 - SNEEK TYPE............................... :SNKPAGE2 set SNEEKTYPE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" echo What type of SNEEK would you like to install? if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" echo What type of SNEEK would you like to build an emulated NAND for? echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo Note: NANDs built for any type of SNEEK work with any other type of SNEEK. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo Also, ANY region Wii can use ANY region emulated NAND if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo. echo. echo UD = UNEEK+DI echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on FAT32 External Hard Drive echo * Load Wii games off your FAT32 External Hard Drive echo * You can load apps off an SD Card via the Homebrew Channel echo * DVD-Drive access is disabled for games while running UNEEK+DI echo but can be used in apps (ie. WiiXplorer) echo. echo SD = SNEEK+DI echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on SD Card echo * Load Wii games off your FAT32 External Hard Drive echo * Load GameCube games off your SD Card using DML echo * You can load apps off a FAT32 USB HDD via the Homebrew Channel echo * DVD-Drive access is disabled for games while running SNEEK+DI echo but can be used in apps (ie. WiiXplorer) echo. echo U = UNEEK echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on FAT32 External Hard Drive echo * You cannot load any games off your Hard Drive echo * You can load apps off an SD Card via the Homebrew Channel echo * DVD-Drive access is enabled echo * Backup disc loading requires DarkCorp installed on emulated nand echo (Newer Wii's have a DVD-Drive that prevents backup disc loading) echo. echo S = SNEEK echo * Emulated Wii nand/memory is on SD Card ::echo * You can load ONE game at a time off your FAT32 External Hard Drive echo * You cannot load any games off your Hard Drive echo * You can load apps off a FAT32 USB HDD via the Homebrew Channel echo * DVD-Drive access is enabled echo * Backup disc loading requires DarkCorp installed on emulated nand echo (Newer Wii's have a DVD-Drive that prevents backup disc loading) echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p SNEEKTYPE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 goto:SNKPAGE1 :notback if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2) & (goto:DriveChange) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" (set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2) & (goto:DriveChange) :NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:DRIVECHANGE ::if only building nand, no need to set drive, only driveU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVECHANGE goto:skip2 :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :skip2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE2 ::...................................SNEEK Page3 - SNEEK REGION............................... :SNKPAGE3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set "nandpath=%DRIVE%" if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set "nandpath=%DRIVEU%" set DITYPE=off if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on set SNKREGION= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo What Region would you like to make your emulated NAND? echo. echo. echo. echo Note: If you want your wiimotes be synced up to your real NAND echo and your emulated NAND simultaneously, then you must choose echo the real region of your Wii echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:skip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Warning:[def] JPN\Korean NANDs specifically do NOT have Region Free hacks echo enabled by default. This only applies to WiiWare/VC Games, echo the DI/Game Menu can still play Wii Games of All Regions. echo However, you can still enable region free hacks using Priiloader. :skip echo. echo. echo U = USA echo E = Euro (PAL) echo J = JPN echo K = Korean echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKREGION= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKPAGE3% if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "u" set SNKREGION=U if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "e" set SNKREGION=E if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "j" set SNKREGION=J if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "k" set SNKREGION=K if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set defaultserial=LU521175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set defaultserial=LEH133789940 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 set serialdigits=11 or 12 ::if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" (set serialdigits=11 or 12) else (set serialdigits=12) if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKPAGE4 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKPAGE4 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKPAGE4 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE3 ::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK VERSION............................... :SNKPAGE4 set SNKVERSION= ::If region is USA and building NAND for DI, force 4.2 and go to next page ::if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip ::if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set SNKVERSION=4.2 ::if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE5 :::skip cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo What System Menu Version would you like your SNEEK emulated NAND to be? echo. echo. echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:skip if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Warning:[def] 4.2U/4.1U specifically do NOT have Region Free hacks enabled by if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" echo default. This only applies to WiiWare/VC Games (aka Channels), if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" echo the DI/Game Menu can still play Wii Games of All Regions. if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" echo However, you can still enable region free hacks using Priiloader. :skip echo. echo. echo. echo 4.3 = 4.3 echo 4.2 = 4.2 echo 4.1 = 4.1 echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKVERSION= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE3 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" goto:SNKPAGE4a echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4 ::...................................SNEEK Page4a - postLoader Channel............................... :SNKPAGE4a set SNKPLC= set SNKOHBC=N cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo Would you like the Open Homebrew Channel and a postLoader Forwarder echo Channel on your emulated NAND? echo. echo. echo postLoader aims to replace the Homebrew Channel, Forwarders, echo USB-Loaders with emulated NAND support, etc. echo. echo It used to be impossible to install the latest Homebrew Channel echo to emulated nands so this gained much popularity as an alternative. echo. echo Today you can use the Open Homebrew Channel by FIX94 on your EmuNAND. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, install both echo O = Open Homebrew Channel only echo P = postLoader Forwarder Channel only echo. echo N = None echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKPLC= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKPLC%" NEQ "B" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR) else (goto:SNKPAGE4) :miniskip if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" (set SNKOHBC=Y) & (goto:SNKPAGE4a2) if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "P" (set SNKPLC=Y) & (goto:SNKPAGE4a2) if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "O" (set SNKOHBC=Y) & (set SNKPLC=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE4a2) echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4a ::...................................SNEEK Page4a2 - cIOS............................... :SNKPAGE4a2 set SNKCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo Would you like to install cIOS249 rev14 to your emulated NAND? echo. echo. echo Some apps that require a cIOS will only work on s\uneek with cIOS rev14. echo For example, SaveGame Manager GX will work on s\uneek with cIOS rev14. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKCIOS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4a2 ::...................................SNEEK Page4a3 - cBC............................... :SNKPAGE4a3 set SNKcBC= if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4b if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" set sneektype=SD cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" (echo Would you like DML or NMM on your emulated NAND?) else (echo Would you like NMM on your emulated NAND?) echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML is installed to real NAND and accessed via an emulated NAND. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML (Dios Mios Lite) is a tool which allows you to run Gamecube games if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo from an SD Card. Compatability is not 100% and it only works with if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (for now). For best results your SD card should be formatted if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo using 64KB sector sizes when running DML. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML requires either Sneek+DI r157+ or NeoGamma R9 beta 55+ if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. echo NMM (No More Memory-Cards) redirects all GameCube Memory Card access echo to the SD card. This allow saving\loading GameCube game saves echo without a GC Memory Card. echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Note: NMM and DML cannot both be installed at the same time echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo Note: DML currently only works when using SNEEK+DI echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nowarning if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "BC" goto:nowarning if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "NONE" goto:nowarning if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "NMM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] WARNING: Answering anything other than %BCtype% will uninstall %BCtype% if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "DML" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] Outdated DML will be uninstalled from the Emulated NAND if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "DML" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] as newer versions need to be installed to the real NAND :nowarning echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML = DML if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" (echo NMM = NMM) else (echo Y = Yes) echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p SNKcBC= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4b if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "Y" (set SNKcBC=NMM) & (goto:SNKPAGE4b) :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "SD" goto:skip if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" goto:SNKPAGE4b if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" (set B4DMLRevSelect=SNKPAGE4a3) & (set AfterDMLRevSelect=SNKPAGE4b) & (goto:CurrentDMLRevSelect) ::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" goto:SNKPAGE4b :skip echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4a3 ::...................................SNEEK Page4b - Priiloader For SNEEK............................... :SNKPAGE4b set SNKPRI= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set sneektype=) else (goto:nocheck) if "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE4c :nocheck cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo Would you like Priiloader (and System Menu Hacks) on your emulated NAND? echo. echo Doing this will allow you to enable system menu hacks on your emulated NAND. echo It will also permit autobooting sneek to apps of your choice (ie. WiiFlow). echo. echo. echo Note: neek2o rev93-96 will bypass Priiloader if detected on EmuNAND. echo. echo Note: to access Priiloader on your emulated NAND, hold reset just as echo your emulated NAND is booting up. echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:tinyskip if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%]WARNING: Priiloader was detected on your EmuNAND. Answering No will remove it. if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Answering Yes will retain your CURRENT Priiloader installation. echo. if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 To update your Priiloader installation, answer No to remove Priiloader, if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 then repeat this process a second time and answer Yes to add it back. :tinyskip echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKPRI= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKPRI%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 goto:SNKPAGE4a3 :notback if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4c echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4b ::...................................SNEEK Page4c - WiiFlow............................... :SNKPAGE4c set SNKFLOW= ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:tinyskip ::::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di ::if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKFLOW=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE4d) :::tinyskip cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo Would you like a WiiFlow Forwarder Channel on your emulated NAND? echo. echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo Note: WiiFlow Forwarder dol will also be added as Priiloader's if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo installed file. Priiloader's autoboot settings will still need if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo to be changed if you would like your emulated nand to autoboot if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo the installed file. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. echo *WiiFlow is USB-Loader NEEK that is a visually appealing alternative echo to loading Wii games\channels via the emulated System Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKFLOW= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKFLOW%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:SNKPAGE4b if "%SMAPP%"=="" (goto:SNKPAGE4a3) else (goto:SNKPAGE4b) :notback if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4d if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4d echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4c ::...................................SNEEK Page4d - Switch2UNEEK............................... :SNKPAGE4d set SNKS2U= if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) ::skip this page if neek2o is enabled if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) ::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo Would you like to use Switch2Uneek? echo. echo. echo Switch2Uneek is a utility to help you easily switch between echo your Emulated Uneek Nand and your Real Nand. echo. echo. echo If you answer "Y", you must access UNEEK by launching switch2uneek echo from the Homebrew Channel. Alternatively, can use YAWM ModMii Edition echo to install the switch2uneek forwarder channel that will be saved to echo your SD card. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKS2U= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE5 if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE5 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4d ::...................................SNEEK Page5 - SNEEK SERIAL............................... :SNKPAGE5 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nocheck set SNKSERIAL= if "%SMAPP%"=="" (goto:WPAGE20) else (goto:nonandcheck) :nocheck if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set "nandpath=%DRIVE%" if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set "nandpath=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:DOIT if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip :DOIT SET NANDcount=0 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set nandregion=us if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set nandregion=eu if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set nandregion=jp if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set nandregion=kr if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" (set "nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%") & (goto:quickskip) :NANDname SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" (set "nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%") & (goto:quickskip) goto:NANDname :quickskip set nandexist=no if exist "%nandpath%"\title set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\sys set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 set nandexist=yes :nonandcheck if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set settingtxtExist=yes) else (set settingtxtExist=no) cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER) else (echo EMULATED NAND BUILDER) echo. echo. echo What Serial Number Would you like to use to create setting.txt? echo. echo. if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [%redtext%] setting.txt already exists in: if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" echo "%nandpath%" if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [%redtext%] Leave the selection blank to keep using this setting.txt echo. echo. echo Enter your serial number now echo. echo Example: %defaultserial% echo. echo. echo. echo D = Default Serial %defaultserial% echo. echo. echo Note: You can change this later using ModMii's EmuNAND Modifer echo. echo. echo Note: If you want your emulated NAND to have internet access echo you should use the serial for your Wii echo (or use the setting.txt from your NAND Dump) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKSERIAL= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "B" goto:quickskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (goto:SNKPAGE4c) else (goto:SNKPAGE4d) :quickskip if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "D" set SNKSERIAL=%defaultserial% if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" goto:settingsexist IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=9999999999999 goto:skip :settingsexist IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=current if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:WPAGE20 :skip ::limit user input to X# of digits if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badkey) if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip ::if "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey) :skip if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::next page goto:WPAGE20 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE5 ::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder Confirmation............................... :SNKNANDCONFIRM set SNKNANDCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:notabstinence if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo Abstinence Wizard for %FIRMSTART%%REGION% if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Abstinence Wizard for ^<2.2%REGION% echo. :notabstinence if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo You are about to make the following changes to your Emulated NAND if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:notalsoinstalling if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You are about to install %neekname%: SNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% and build a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You are about to install %neekname%: UNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% and build a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You are about to install %neekname%: SNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% and build a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You are about to install %neekname%: UNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% and build a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o Enabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" echo neek2o Disabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access Enabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" echo SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access Disabled (can be changed in options) goto:skip :notalsoinstalling if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" echo You are about to build a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo You are about to build SNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo You are about to build UNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo You are about to build UNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo You are about to build SNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o Enabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" echo neek2o Disabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access Enabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" echo SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access Disabled (can be changed in options) echo. echo. echo. echo. goto:nonandinstallation :skip if not exist temp\WAD mkdir temp\WAD echo. echo. echo Install WADs from: "temp\WAD\" echo to Emulated Nand: "%nandpath%\" echo. IF not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo Install wads from custom folder: "%addwadfolder%\" IF "%addwadfolder%"=="" (echo A = Add custom folder of wads to install to the emulated NAND) else (echo R = Remove custom folder of wads from emulated NAND) echo. echo. IF "%addwadfolder%"=="" (set emuitems=0) else (set emuitems=1) set emuwadcount=%emuitems% ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "current" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "current" (echo * setting.txt will be created using this serial number: %SNKSERIAL%) else (echo * Existing setting.txt will be kept) echo. :skipthis if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "No" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "No" echo * Install/Update nSwitch Channel if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "No" echo. :skipthis if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" echo * Install postLoader Channel if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKOHBC%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKOHBC%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Homebrew Channel if /i "%SNKOHBC%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo * Install cIOS249 rev14 if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "BC" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NONE" goto:skipthis if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" echo * Uninstall %BCTYPE% if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" echo. :skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NMM" goto:noNMM if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo * Install NMM (No More Memory-Cards) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo. :noNMM if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 ::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo * Install DML (Dios Mios Lite) v1.3 to Real NAND if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo. :noDML set uninstallprii= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:not5 if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" (goto:priifound) else (goto:not5) :priifound if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo * Priiloader already Installed if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" echo * Uninstall Priiloader if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" set uninstallprii=yes goto:miniskip :not5 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Priiloader if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. :miniskip if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" echo * Install WiiFlow if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo * Install Switch2Uneek if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Install Dark Wii Red Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Install Dark Wii Green Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" echo * Install Dark Wii Blue Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" echo * Install Dark Wii Orange Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" echo * Restore Original\Default Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" echo. if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install Photo Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install Internet Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install Weather Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install News Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install Mii Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install Shopping Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" (echo * Install Wii Speak Channel) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) echo. if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%]WARNING: An emulated nand already exists in: if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" echo "%nandpath%" if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%]Existing emulated nand will be Deleted\Replaced :nonandinstallation echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skip5 if /i "%emuitems%" NEQ "0" goto:skip5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] No changes to the Emulated NAND have been selected. echo. echo. goto:noyes :skip5 if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" (echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading) else (echo Y = Yes, do it now!) if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" echo G = Generate Guide Only :noyes ::echo. ::echo N = No echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p SNKNANDCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKCONFIRM% if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU ::if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "G" (set secondrun=) & (set SETTINGS=G) & (goto:Download) if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" (set secondrun=) & (set SETTINGS=) & (goto:creditcheck) :NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:skip5 if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "A" goto:addwadfolder if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "R" (set addwadfolder=) & (goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skip5 if /i "%emuitems%" EQU "0" goto:badkey :skip5 if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM :creditcheck ::credit check removed, enjoy! if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:Download if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNEEKINSTALLER if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNEEKINSTALLER if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER goto:DLSETTINGS ::-----------------------------------Add WAD Folder to Install to emunand---------------------------------- :addwadfolder set addwadfolder=empty cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the full path\folder of WADs you'd like to install to your emulated NAND echo. echo. echo * You can drag and drop the folder onto this echo window to save yourself having to manually type it echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. IF "%addwadfolder%"=="" set addwadfolder=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p addwadfolder= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set addwadfolder=!addwadfolder:"=! set "addwadfolder=!addwadfolder:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%addwadfolder%" EQU "M" (set addwadfolder=) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%addwadfolder%" EQU "B" (set addwadfolder=) & (goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM) :doublecheckwad set fixslash= if "%addwadfolder%"=="" (echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) if /i "%addwadfolder:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%addwadfolder:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set "addwadfolder=%addwadfolder:~0,-1%" if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckwad if not exist "%addwadfolder%" (echo.) & (echo "%addwadfolder%" doesn't exist, please try again...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) ::make sure second char is ":" if /i "%addwadfolder:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (echo.) & (echo Enter the full path including the drive letter, please try again...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) if not exist "%addwadfolder%\*.wad" (echo.) & (echo No Wads found, please try a different folder...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM ::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder............................... :SNKNANDBUILDER ::temporarily force wads to be saved to "root" of "temp" folder ::Set ROOTSAVE=on ::set DRIVE=temp//happens later if not exist "%nandpath%" mkdir "%nandpath%" ::if not exist temp\WAD mkdir temp\WAD if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:quickskip ::backup setting.txt if applicable if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\setting.txt >nul ::delete existing nand if exists if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo. if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo Deleting existing emulated nand... if exist "%nandpath%"\title rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\title if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\ticket if exist "%nandpath%"\sys rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\sys if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared1 ::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder if exist "%nandpath%"\import rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\import if exist "%nandpath%"\meta rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\meta if exist "%nandpath%"\shared2 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared2 if exist "%nandpath%"\tmp rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\tmp if exist "%nandpath%"\wfs rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\wfs if exist "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" del "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt">nul ::if user selects S2U but has emulated nand on root without nandslot.bin, move existing nand to nands folder if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:quickskip SET /a NANDcountPLUS1=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\title goto:quickskip echo. echo Moving existing emulated nand to \nands\%NANDcountPLUS1% folder... if not exist "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\title move /y "%DRIVEU%"\title "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\title" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\ticket move /y "%DRIVEU%"\ticket "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\ticket" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\sys move /y "%DRIVEU%"\sys "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\sys" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared1" ::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder if exist "%DRIVEU%"\import move /y "%DRIVEU%"\import "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\import" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\meta move /y "%DRIVEU%"\meta "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\meta" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared2" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\tmp move /y "%DRIVEU%"\tmp "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\tmp" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\wfs move /y "%DRIVEU%"\wfs "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\wfs" :quickskip ::all if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MII=* if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKU if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKE if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKJ if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKK :SNKU if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A97=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A87=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A7b=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM ::SMAPP is patched for UNEEK+DI Support if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000098 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000088 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007c if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set P=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=* goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS :SNKE if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A9a=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A8a=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A7e=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009b if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008b if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007f if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set P=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=* goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS :SNKJ if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A94=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A84=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A78=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000095 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000085 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000079 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set P=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=* goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS :SNKK if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A9d=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A8d=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A81=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009e if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008e if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000082 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P0=* ::quick and dirty disabling of the Korean Shop channel installation from emunand as it throws errors with SMW and doesn't install anyway set SHOP=N if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=* :SNKBUGGEDSMIOS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80K=* ::activeios set M10=* set IOS9=* set IOS12=* set IOS13=* set IOS14=* set IOS15=* set IOS17=* set IOS21=* set IOS22=* set IOS28=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* set IOS36v3608=* set IOS37=* set IOS38=* set ios41=* set ios43=* set ios45=* set ios46=* set IOS48v4124=* set IOS53=* set IOS55=* set IOS56=* set IOS57=* set IOS58=* ::IOS59 is a J exclusive if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set IOS59=* set IOS61=* set IOS62=* if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set EULAU=* if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set EULAE=* if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set EULAJ=* if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set EULAK=* :skipthis if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set IOS56=* if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set SM4.3U=) & (set SM4.2U=) & (set SM4.1U=) & (set SM4.3E=) & (set SM4.2E=) & (set SM4.1E=) & (set SM4.3J=) & (set SM4.2J=) & (set SM4.1J=) & (set SM4.3K=) & (set SM4.2K=) & (set SM4.1K=) set BC=* ::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" set cBC=* ::::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set DML=* ::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set BC=* ::if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" set BC=* if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipdeselect if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "BC" set BC= if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" set DML= if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NMM" set cBC= :skipdeselect if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249-v14=* if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "Yes" goto:skip1line ::if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set HAX=* :skip1line if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" set FLOWF=* if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" set PLC=* if /i "%SNKOHBC%" EQU "Y" set OHBC=* if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set S2U=* if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" set nSwitch=* if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "Yes" set nSwitch= IF "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:miniskip ::subract 1 from %SMAPP% to get %SMTHEMEAPP% support\sfk dec %SMAPP%>dec.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dec.txt) do call :processdec %%A goto:nextstep :processdec set dec=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del dec.txt>nul SET /a dec=%dec%-1 support\sfk hex %dec% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhex %%A goto:nextstep :processhex ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set SMTHEMEAPP=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del hex.txt>nul ::change caps to lower case for hex numbers if applicable if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "A" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%a if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "B" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%b if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "C" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%c if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "D" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%d if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "E" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%e if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "F" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%f :miniskip if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" set nswitch=* goto:DLCOUNT ::..............................Emulated NAND Modifer - SNK NAND Selector.................... :SNKNANDSELECTOR set drivetemp= set NANDPATH= set SNKREGION= set SMAPP= set SMTHEMEAPP= set SNKVERSION= set PRIIFOUND= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the Path of your Emulated NAND echo. echo. echo Note: * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder onto this echo window to save yourself having to manually type it echo. echo * In the future you can drag your Emulated NAND folder echo onto ModMii.exe or ModMiiSkin.exe, or a shortcut to either, echo to quickly start ModMii's Emulated NAND Modifier echo. echo. echo EXAMPLES echo. echo. echo L: echo. echo H:\nands\nand1 echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. IF "%Drivetemp%"=="" set Drivetemp=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p Drivetemp= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "Drivetemp=!Drivetemp:"=!" set "Drivetemp=!Drivetemp:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU :doublecheckNANDPATH ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" EQU "Y" (set cmdlinemode=) & (set one=) & (set two=) set fixslash= if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set "DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1%" if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckNANDPATH if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" goto:notexist if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title" goto:notexistnand if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\sys" goto:notexistnand if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\ticket" goto:notexistnand if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\shared1" goto:notexistnand ::Get NAND Info if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd" goto:notitle support\sfk hexdump -pure -nofile "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd">temp\hexdump.txt FINDSTR /N . temp\hexdump.txt>temp\hexdump2.txt del temp\hexdump.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\hexdump2.txt" -+"49:" -write -yes set /p SMAPP= nul :notitle if "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:miniskip if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000098" (set SNKREGION=U) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000088" (set SNKREGION=U) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000007c" (set SNKREGION=U) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000009b" (set SNKREGION=E) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000008b" (set SNKREGION=E) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000007f" (set SNKREGION=E) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000095" (set SNKREGION=J) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000085" (set SNKREGION=J) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000079" (set SNKREGION=J) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000009e" (set SNKREGION=K) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000008e" (set SNKREGION=K) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000082" (set SNKREGION=K) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set defaultserial=LU521175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set defaultserial=LEH133789940 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 :miniskip ::check for Priiloader if exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app" (set PRIIFOUND=YES) else (set PRIIFOUND=NO) ::check for current nswitch channel set nSwitchFOUND=NO set nswitchmd5=5ded98a0c458a2c8d0fe140e85542884 ::if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00010001\4e4b324f\content\00000001.app" goto:nonswitchcheck support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %nswitchmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00010001\4e4b324f\content\00000001.app" if not errorlevel 1 set nSwitchFOUND=YES :nonswitchcheck ::check for BC, NMM or DML set BCtype= set BCmd5=eb1b69f3d747145651aa834078c2aacd set DMLmd5=88720d0de8c7db7bf00f5053b76ae66b set NMMmd5=8663c24ab33540af6a818920a3a47c4a ::if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" (set BCtype=None) & (goto:noBCcheck) support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %BCmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" if not errorlevel 1 set BCtype=BC IF "%BCtype%"=="" set BCtype=DML support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %NMMmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" if not errorlevel 1 set BCtype=NMM :noBCcheck IF "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:miniskip ::subract 1 from %SMAPP% to get %SMTHEMEAPP% support\sfk dec %SMAPP%>dec.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dec.txt) do call :processdec %%A goto:nextstep :processdec set dec=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del dec.txt>nul SET /a dec=%dec%-1 support\sfk hex %dec% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhexapp %%A goto:nextstep :processhexapp ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set SMTHEMEAPP=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del hex.txt>nul ::change caps to lower case for hex numbers if applicable if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "A" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%a if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "B" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%b if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "C" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%c if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "D" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%d if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "E" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%e if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "F" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%f :miniskip set "NANDPATH=%DRIVETEMP%" ::echo NANDPATH=%NANDPATH% ::echo SNKREGION=%SNKREGION% ::echo SMAPP=%SMAPP% ::echo SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP% ::echo SNKVERSION=%SNKVERSION% ::echo PRIIFOUND=%PRIIFOUND% if "%SNKREGION%"=="" (goto:FOLLOWUPQ) else (goto:SNKPAGE4a) :notexist echo The folder you selected does not exist @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR :notexistnand echo The folder you selected does not contain an Emulated NAND @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR ::-----Unable to determine region, ask user----- ::..............................Emulated NAND Modifer - SNK NAND Selector.................... :FOLLOWUPQ set SNKREGION= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo EMULATED NAND MODIFIER echo. echo. echo. echo ModMii is unable to determine the Region of your NAND. echo. echo What Region is your Emulated NAND? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Note: Theme modifiers are disabled for Emulated NANDs 4.0 or less echo. echo. echo. echo U = USA echo E = Euro (PAL) echo J = JPN echo K = Korean echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p SNKREGION= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "B" goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FOLLOWUPQ ::...................................SNEEK SNK DISC EXtractor............................... :SNKDISCEX IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" goto:checkwbfs IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" set "ISOFOLDER=%DRIVEU%\WBFS" goto:skip :checkwbfs if exist "A:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=A:\WBFS if exist "B:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=B:\WBFS if exist "C:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=C:\WBFS if exist "D:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=D:\WBFS if exist "E:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=E:\WBFS if exist "F:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=F:\WBFS if exist "G:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=G:\WBFS if exist "H:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=H:\WBFS if exist "I:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=I:\WBFS if exist "J:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=J:\WBFS if exist "K:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=K:\WBFS if exist "L:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=L:\WBFS if exist "M:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=M:\WBFS if exist "N:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=N:\WBFS if exist "O:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=O:\WBFS if exist "P:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=P:\WBFS if exist "Q:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Q:\WBFS if exist "R:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=R:\WBFS if exist "S:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=S:\WBFS if exist "T:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=T:\WBFS if exist "U:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=U:\WBFS if exist "V:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=V:\WBFS if exist "W:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=W:\WBFS if exist "X:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=X:\WBFS if exist "Y:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Y:\WBFS if exist "Z:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Z:\WBFS IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" set "ISOFOLDER=%DRIVEU%\WBFS" :skip set "drivetemp=%ISOFOLDER%" if exist gametotal.txt del gametotal.txt>nul cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo GAME BULK EXTRACTOR echo (FOR SNEEK) echo. echo. echo Enter the Path where your Wii or Gamecube Games are saved echo. echo * Subfolders are also scanned echo * Supported formats include ISO, CISO and WBFS files echo. echo. echo Current Setting: echo. echo "%ISOFOLDER%" echo. echo. echo Notes: * To continue using Current Settings echo leave the selection blank and hit enter. echo. echo * You can drag and drop the Drive/folder onto this echo window to save yourself having to manually type it echo. echo. echo. echo EXAMPLES echo. echo. echo L: echo. echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\WiiGames echo Note: %%userprofile%% shortcut doesn't work on Windows XP echo. echo WiiGames\ISOs echo Note: this checks the WiiGames\ISOs folder where ModMii is saved echo. echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. IF "%Drivetemp%"=="" set Drivetemp=? setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p Drivetemp= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "Drivetemp=!Drivetemp:"=!" set "Drivetemp=!Drivetemp:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU :doublecheckISOFOLDER set fixslash= if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set "DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1%" if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckISOFOLDER if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" goto:notexist ::---get game list------- echo. echo Scanning directory for Wii Games... ::Support\wit list-l --unit GB --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt Support\wit list-l --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul support\sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _"Total: "_"set gametotal="_ -rep _" discs*"__ -write -yes>nul call gametotal.bat del gametotal.bat>nul if /i "%gametotal%" EQU "0" goto:notexistiso set "ISOFOLDER=%DRIVETEMP%" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKDISCEX goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :notexist echo The folder you selected does not exist @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKDISCEX :notexistiso del gamelist.txt>nul echo The folder you selected does not contain any ISO, CISO or WBFS Files @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKDISCEX ::...................................SNK DISC EXtractor2............................... :SNKDISCEX2 echo. echo Checking if enough free space exists... ::wit beta--> isosize command ::wit isosize --unit bytes -r "%ISOFOLDER%" ::---get required MB------- copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul ::support\sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*"~ "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MB*"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*", "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MiB*"__ -write -yes>nul call gametotal.bat del gametotal.bat>nul if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ 1000 (set units=GB) else (set units=MB) ::echo Downloading hy.exe if exist temp\hy.exe goto:AlreadyinTemp if not exist hypatia.zip start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 http://dunyazad-library.net/software/hypatia/hypatia.zip if exist hypatia.zip support\7za e -aoa hypatia.zip -otemp hy.exe -r if exist hypatia.zip del hypatia.zip>nul :AlreadyinTemp ::---get approx required GB------- cd temp hy %MegaBytesRequired% 1024 />nul ::above command stores output in a "hy" file cd.. move /y temp\hy gigabytesrequired.txt>nul support\sfk filter gigabytesrequired.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gigabytesrequired.txt) do call :process %%A goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set GigaBytesRequired=%* goto:EOF :nextstep set /a GigaBytesRequired=%GigaBytesRequired%+1 del gigabytesrequired.txt>nul ::---check for free space (not 100% accurate-will catch most cases without enough free space)--- if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" ::dir "%DRIVEU%">temp\freespace.bat ::support\sfk filter "temp\freespace.bat" -+"bytes " -+"octets " -+"Directory " -!"Directory of" -!"Directory di" -rep _" byte"*__ -rep _" octets"*__ -rep _,__ -rep _.__ -rep _" "__ -rep _*")"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"dirs"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"Directory"_"set freespace="_ -write -yes>nul ::support\sfk filter "temp\freespace.bat" -spat -rep _\xff__ -write -yes>nul if exist del temp\freespace.bat>nul if exist del temp\freespace.txt>nul if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set "DriveUCheck=%DRIVEU:~0,1%") else (set "DriveUCheck=%cd:~0,1%") wmic LogicalDisk where DeviceID='%DriveUCheck%:' Get FreeSpace /value>temp\freespace.txt cmd /a /c type "temp\freespace.txt">"temp\freespace.bat" support\sfk filter "temp\freespace.bat" -rep _"FreeSpace="_"set freespace="_ -write -yes>nul call temp\freespace.bat del temp\freespace.bat>nul del temp\freespace.txt>nul ::Math in batch doesn't work with large numbers ::SET /a freespaceKB=%freespace%/1024 cd temp hy %freespace% 1048576 />nul ::above command stores output in a "hy" file cd.. move /y temp\hy megabytes.txt>nul support\sfk filter megabytes.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (megabytes.txt) do call :process %%A goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set freespaceMB=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del megabytes.txt>nul ::echo MegaBytesRequired is %MegaBytesRequired% ::echo GigaBytesRequired is %GigaBytesRequired% ::echo Total Free Space is approximately %freespaceMB% MB [%freespace% bytes] ::pause if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ %freespaceMB% (goto:needmorespace) else (goto:DISCEXCONFIRM) ::-------------------------------------DISCEX NEED MORE SPACE!!!--------------- :needmorespace cls set continue= ::set gametotal= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo GAME BULK EXTRACTOR echo (FOR SNEEK) echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[%redtext%]WARNING: YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FREE SPACE echo. echo. echo. echo You are attempting to convert %gametotal% echo. echo From Source Folder: "%ISOFOLDER%" echo To Target Folder: "%DRIVEU%\games" echo. ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process "%%A" goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop echo %* goto:EOF :nextstep setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. echo. echo. if /i "%units%" EQU "GB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[%redtext%]"%DRIVEU%" requires approx. %GigaBytesRequired%GB of free space if /i "%units%" EQU "MB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[%redtext%]"%DRIVEU%" requires %MegaBytesRequired%MB of free space echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[%redtext%]Create more free space or select a smaller source folder and try again echo. echo. echo. echo C = Continue anyways echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p continue= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%continue%" EQU "C" goto:DISCEXCONFIRM echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:needmorespace ::-------------------------------------DISCEX CONFIRM--------------- :DISCEXCONFIRM cls set DISCEXCONFIRM= ::set gametotal= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo GAME BULK EXTRACTOR echo (FOR SNEEK) echo. echo You are about to convert %gametotal% echo. echo From Source Folder: "%ISOFOLDER%" echo To Target Folder: "%DRIVEU%\games" echo. ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process "%%A" goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop echo %* goto:EOF :nextstep setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. echo. echo Would you like to proceed? echo. echo. ::echo Notes: * Each game could take approximately 5-15 minutes to convert ::echo. ::echo * Make sure you have enough free space here: %DRIVEU% ::echo otherwise extraction will fail when free space is depleted echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p DISCEXCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:DISCEXSTART if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DISCEXCONFIRM ::----------------Start WIT DISCEXTRACTION--------------- :DISCEXSTART cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo GAME BULK EXTRACTOR echo (FOR SNEEK) echo. echo. echo Updating Wii Game Title Database (titles.txt) echo. echo. ::if exist Support\titles.txt move /y Support\titles.txt Support\titles_old.txt >nul start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 www.wiitdb.com/titles.txt if exist titles.txt move /y titles.txt Support\titles.txt>nul ::rename existing games to new standard if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\games goto:nextstep dir "%DRIVEU%"\games /A:D /b > GameTitleIDs.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processdir %%A goto:nextstep :processdir set CurrentTitleID=%* if /i "%CurrentTitleID:~-8,1%" EQU "[" rename "%DRIVEU%\games\%CurrentTitleID%" "%CurrentTitleID:~-7,6%">nul goto:EOF :nextstep if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txt>nul ::reverse slashes for target folder %DRIVEU%\games which becomes %DRIVEUfix%/games echo set "DRIVEUfix=%DRIVEU%">temp.bat support\sfk filter temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes>nul call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul ::IMPORTANT NOTE: destination directory must use "/" and not "\" ::target directory, including "games" folder, is creating automatically with the following wit command ::Support\wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress ::Support\wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress Support\wit x --neek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%"/games/%%I --progress ::an empty cygdrive folder may be created previous directory, so delete it! if exist cygdrive rd /s /q cygdrive ::delete diconfig.bin if found (needs to be reconstructed on next boot to see new games) if exist "%DriveU%\sneek\diconfig.bin" del "%DriveU%\sneek\diconfig.bin" >nul ::-----create csv list of all games in "%DRIVEU%"\games\ ----- echo @echo Off>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo dir games /A:D /b redirect GameTitleIDs.txt >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processmii @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :processmii>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set CurrentTitleID=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" rename "games\@@CurrentTitleID@@" "@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@"redirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" set CurrentTitleID=@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectTitleID.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat ::if title ID not in titles.txt just add title ID only echo for /F @@@@A in ("TitleID.txt") do If @@@@~zA equ 0 (echo @@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@redirectredirectGamelist.txt) else (FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectredirectGamelist.txt)>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist.txt) do call :processmii2 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :processmii2>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo @@Line:~9@@,@@Line:~0,6@@redirectredirectgamelist2.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo sort "Gamelist2.txt" redirect "Gamelist-sorted.txt">>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo Number,Title,Title IDredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo ,,redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set countline=0 >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist-sorted.txt) do call :processmii3 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :processmii3>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo SET /a countline=@@countline@@+1>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo @@countline@@,@@line@@redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat support\sfk filter "%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat -spat -rep _@@_%%_ -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet support\titles.txt -spat -rep _,_;_ -rep _" "_" "_ >"%DriveU%\titles.txt" start /wait /D "%DriveU%" Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[%greentext%]GAME BULK EXTRACTION FOR SNEEK COMPLETE echo. echo A list of your games can be found here: "%DriveU%\Game-List[ModMii].csv" echo To update this list at any time, run "%DriveU%\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat" echo. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu. pause>nul goto:MENU ::........................................Advanced Downloads........................................ :ADVANCED cls set loadorgo=load if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul set ADVPATCH= set ADVSLOT= set ADVVERSION= set wadnameless= ::--- set name= set wadname= set dlname= set ciosslot= set ciosversion= set md5= set md5alt= set basewad=none set basewadb=none set md5base= set md5basealt= set code1= set code2= set version= set md5baseb= set md5basebalt= set code1b= set code2b= set path1= set versionb= set basecios= set diffpath= set code2new= set lastbasemodule= set category= set wadnameless= set patchname= set slotname= set slotcode= set versionname= set versioncode= set DEC= set VERFINAL= set HEX= set VER= set wadfolder= set verfinal= set PATCHCODE= set alreadyexists= set patch= set ADVTYPE= Set ADVLIST= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[%redtext%]ADVANCED DOWNLOADS[def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20[%yellowtext%] WARNING: using these files MAY CAUSE BRICK if you do NOT know what you are doing! echo D = Download Selected Files 1/2/3/4 = Page 1/2/3/4 M = Main Menu echo C = Clear Download Queue DR = Drive Menu echo. echo Note: You can return to this page to add more Advanced Downloads to a queue by echo entering "ADV" instead of just "A" when asked to begin downloading echo. echo U = User-Defined Custom Download F = Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder echo (Get any IOS, MIOS or System Menu) BETA = d2x beta settings echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] IOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOSs echo 9 = IOS9v1034 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4 echo 12 = IOS12v526 2234 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4 echo 13 = IOS13v1032 2225 = cIOS222[38]-v5 echo 14 = IOS14v1032 2235 = cIOS223[37]-v5 echo 15 = IOS15v1032 2245 = cIOS224[57]-v5 echo 17 = IOS17v1032 20251 = cIOS202[60]-v5.1R echo 21 = IOS21v1039 22251 = cIOS222[38]-v5.1R echo 22 = IOS22v1294 22351 = cIOS223[37]-v5.1R echo 28 = IOS28v1807 22451 = cIOS224[57]-v5.1R echo 30 = IOS30v2576 24914 = cIOS249-v14 echo 31 = IOS31v3608 24917 = cIOS249-v17b echo 33 = IOS33v3608 2491937 = cIOS249[37]-v19 echo 34 = IOS34v3608 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19 echo 35 = IOS35v3608 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 echo 36 = IOS36v3608 2492038 = cIOS249[38]-v20 echo 37 = IOS37v5663 2492056 = cIOS249[56]-v20 echo 38 = IOS38v4124 2492057 = cIOS249[57]-v20 echo 41 = IOS41v3607 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21 echo 43 = IOS43v3607 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21 echo 45 = IOS45v3607 2492153 = cIOS249[53]-v21 echo 46 = IOS46v3607 2492155 = cIOS249[55]-v21 echo 48 = IOS48v4124 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21 echo 53 = IOS53v5663 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21 echo 55 = IOS55v5663 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21 echo 56 = IOS56v5662 60P = IOS60-Patched echo 57 = IOS57v5919 24937 = cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 58 = IOS58v6176 24938 = cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 59 = IOS59v9249 24953 = cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 60 = IOS60v6174 24955 = cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 61 = IOS61v5662 24956 = cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 62 = IOS62v6430 24957 = cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 70 = IOS70v6687 24958 = cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 80 = IOS80v6944 24960 = cIOS249[60]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 24970 = cIOS249[70]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %AdvNumber% Advanced Downloads in Queue 24980 = cIOS249[80]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo. set /p ADVLIST= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=ADVANCED if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:Custom if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "1" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%ADVLIST%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%ADVLIST%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "3" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%ADVLIST%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "4" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%ADVLIST%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "F" goto:FORWARDERDOLorISO ::IF "%ADVLIST%"=="" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE%ADVLIST%.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if not exist support\More-cIOSs goto:quickskip if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETA" (set backbeforebetaswitch=ADVANCED) & (goto:betaswitch) :quickskip if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=ADVANCED if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR set CurrentDLNAME= if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "9" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS9) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "12" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS12) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "13" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS13) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "14" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS14) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "15" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS15) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "17" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS17) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "21" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS22) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "28" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS28) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "30" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS30) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "31" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS31) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "33" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS33) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "34" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS34) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "35" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS35) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "36" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS36v3608) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "37" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS37) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "38" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS38) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "41" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS41) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "43" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS43) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "45" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS45) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "46" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS46) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "48" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS48v4124) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "53" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS53) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "55" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS55) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "56" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS56) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "57" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS57) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "58" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS58) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "59" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS59) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS60) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60P" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS60P) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "61" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS61) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "62" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS62) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "70" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS70) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "80" (set ADVTYPE=IOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=IOS80) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2225" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS222[38]-v5) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2235" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS223[37]-v5) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2245" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS224[57]-v5) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "20251" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS202[60]-v5.1R) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22251" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS222[38]-v5.1R) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22351" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS223[37]-v5.1R) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22451" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS224[57]-v5.1R) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491937" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[37]-v19) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[38]-v19) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492038" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[38]-v20) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492056" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[56]-v20) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492057" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[57]-v20) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[57]-v19) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS222[38]-v4) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2234" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS223[37-38]-v4) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249-v17b) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249-v14) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[37]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[38]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[56]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[53]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[55]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[57]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[58]-v21) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24937" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[37]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24938" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[38]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24953" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[53]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24955" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[55]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24956" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24957" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[57]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24958" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[58]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24960" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[60]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24970" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[70]-d2x-v10-beta52) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24980" (set ADVTYPE=CIOS) & (set CurrentDLNAME=cIOS249[80]-d2x-v10-beta52) if not "%CurrentDLNAME%"=="" call "Support\subscripts\DB.bat" if not "%CurrentDLNAME%"=="" (set CurrentDLNAME=) & (goto:downloadstart) echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVANCED ::------------------------ :betaswitch if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul echo Checking for new d2x beta's hosted online... ::get all list start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -N "https://github.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/tree/master/temp/d2x" -O "temp\list.txt" if exist not exist temp\list.txt goto:nowifi ::copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" -rep _\x22path\x22_\x0d\x0a_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++".7z" ++"d2x/" -rep _"*temp/d2x/"__ -rep _".7z*"__ -write -yes>nul copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"*/"__ -write -yes>nul :nowifi ::get local list dir support\More-cIOSs /a:d /b>>temp\list.txt support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul :betaswitch2 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET d2xTOTAL=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a d2xTOTAL=!d2xTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION Set betacios= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Select the d2x cIOS version you would like to build: echo. echo Current Setting: v%d2x-beta-rev% echo. echo Notes: * d2x-v8-final is nearly identical to v10-beta52 and v11-beta1 echo * d2x-v10-beta53 is not recommended unless you are bug testing echo * Versions older than v8 beta42 do not support bases 60/70/80 echo. echo. if /i "%d2xTOTAL%" EQU "0" (echo No d2x-betas were found in the support\More-cIOSs Folder) & (goto:quickskip) echo D = Default that came with ModMii v%currentversion% echo. set MorecIOSsNum=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist %%A goto:quickskip :processlist set CurrentcIOS=%* set /a MorecIOSsNum=%MorecIOSsNum%+1 ::findStr /I /C:"%CurrentcIOS%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set d2xFeatured=) else (set d2xFeatured= - Featured) if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" echo %MorecIOSsNum% = %CurrentcIOS% (Online)%d2xFeatured% if exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" echo %MorecIOSsNum% = %CurrentcIOS% (Local)%d2xFeatured% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo WWW = More Information Available at github.com/davebaol/d2x-cios echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p betacios= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%betacios%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%betacios%" EQU "B" goto:%backbeforebetaswitch% if /i "%betacios%" EQU "WWW" (start https://github.com/davebaol/d2x-cios/releases) & (goto:betaswitch) if /i "%betacios%" NEQ "D" goto:notD if exist support\d2x-beta rd /s /q support\d2x-beta set d2x-beta-rev=11-beta1 goto:d2xfix :notD if "%betacios%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%d2xTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey echo set betacios=%betacios% >temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _.__ -lerep _" "__ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul if %betacios% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %betacios% GTR %MorecIOSsNum% goto:badkey ::----copy folders over---- set MorecIOSsNum2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist4 %%A goto:quickskip :processlist4 set CurrentcIOS=%* ::if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" goto:EOF set /a MorecIOSsNum2=%MorecIOSsNum2%+1 if /i "%MorecIOSsNum2%" EQU "%betacios%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip support\sfk filter "temp\list2.txt" ++"%CurrentcIOS%" -write -yes>nul set /p DLcIOS= <"temp\list2.txt" ::set DLcIOS=%CurrentcIOS% ::set CurrentcIOS=%CurrentcIOS:*/=% if exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" goto:nodownload if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" mkdir "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" start /min /wait support\wget --output-document %CurrentcIOS%.zip --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://github.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/blob/master/temp/d2x/%DLcIOS%.7z?raw=true" if not exist "%CurrentcIOS%.zip" goto:badkey support\7za e -aoa "%CurrentcIOS%.zip" -o"support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" *.* -r del "%CurrentcIOS%.zip">nul if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" (rd /s /q "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%") & (goto:badkey) :nodownload if exist support\d2x-beta rd /s /q support\d2x-beta mkdir support\d2x-beta copy /y "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\*" "support\d2x-beta">nul if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat del temp\list.txt>nul del temp\list2.txt>nul goto:d2xfix :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:betaswitch2 ::-------------- :d2xfix ::d2x check for changed DL names and md5's for Advanced downloads only if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:%backbeforebetaswitch% findStr "d2x" temp\DLnamesADV.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:%backbeforebetaswitch% FINDSTR /N . temp\DLnamesADV.txt>temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt -+d2x -rep _cIOS*[_cIOS249[_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "__ -write -yes set loadorgo=load4switch ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt) do call :processDLCheckswitch %%A goto:quickskip :processDLCheckswitch set advDLCheck=%* echo set advDLcheckNUM=%advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat -rep _:*__ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat del temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat>nul echo %advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheck.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheck.bat -rep _"%advDLcheckNUM%:"_"set advDLcheck="_ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheck.bat del temp\advDLcheck.bat>nul call temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat set oldfullname=%name% set advDLCheck0=%advDLCheck% set d2x-beta-rev=11-beta1 set advDLCheck=%advDLCheck:~0,17%%d2x-beta-rev% if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat set string=%d2x-beta-rev% set d2xVersionLength=0 :loopd2xVersionLength if defined string ( set string=%string:~1% set /A d2xVersionLength += 1 goto:loopd2xVersionLength ) echo set alt-d2x-beta-rev=@advDLcheck0:~17,%d2xVersionLength%@>temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat support\sfk filter temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat del temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "%alt-d2x-beta-rev%" goto:EOF goto:%advDLCheck% :processDLCheck2switch set slotnum=%slotcode:~7% if "%slotnum%"=="" set slotnum=249 set newname=cIOS%slotnum%%basecios:~7,10%%d2x-beta-rev% ::update temp\AdvDL#.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat -rep _"set MD5="*_"set MD5=%MD5%"_ -rep _"set md5alt="*_"set md5alt=%md5alt%"_ -rep _"set ciosversion="*_"set ciosversion=%ciosversion%"_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "*_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -rep _"set wadname="*_"set wadname=%wadname%"_ -rep _"set wadnameless="*_"set wadnameless=%newname%"_ -write -yes ::update temp\DLnamesADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADV.txt -lerep _"%oldfullname%"_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -write -yes goto:EOF :quickskip if exist temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt del temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt>nul ::set loadorgo=go goto:%backbeforebetaswitch% ::--------------------- ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 2 - PATCH IOS-------------------------------- :ADVPAGE2 set loadorgo=go set ADVPATCH= set patchcode= set patchname= set ADVSLOT= set SLOTCODE= set SLOTNAME= if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip set wadnameless=%wadname% echo BLAH%wadname%>wadnametemp.bat support\sfk filter wadnametemp.bat -rep _BLAH_"set wadnameless="_ -rep _RVL-__ -rep _.wad__ -write -yes>nul ::-rep _-64-__ call wadnametemp.bat del wadnametemp.bat>nul if /i "%wadname%" EQU "IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:ADVPAGE3 :skip cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo How would you like to patch %wadnameless%? echo. echo. echo. echo A = All 4 available patches echo N = No Patches echo. echo -FS = FakeSigning Patch echo -ES = ES Identify Patch echo -NP = Nand Permission Patch echo -VP = Version Patch echo. echo. echo. echo Select multiple patches by separating them by a space. echo. echo. echo Examples of how to select multiple patches echo ------------------------------------------ echo -FS -ES -NP echo -ES -FS echo -NP -VP echo -NP -FS -VP echo -FS -ES -NP -VP echo etc. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVPATCH= Enter Selection Here: if "%ADVLIST%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED :skip if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" (set patchcode=) & (set patchname=) & (goto:ADVPAGE3) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP -VP ::if lower case letters entered change to upper if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS" set ADVPATCH=-FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES" set ADVPATCH=-ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP" set ADVPATCH=-NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP" set ADVPATCH=-VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -NP -ES ::add leading space for patchcode set patchcode= %ADVPATCH% ::remove leading dash and space for patchname echo [%ADVPATCH:~1%]>temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _" "__ -write -yes set /p patchname= nul if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVPAGE2 ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 3 - SLOT-------------------------------- :ADVPAGE3 set ADVSLOT= set SLOTCODE= set SLOTNAME= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo To change the IOS slot # for %wadnameless%%patchname% echo. echo Enter a new IOS slot # now echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [%redtext%] WARNING: Be careful what IOS slot # you choose, if it overwrites a crucial IOS support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] YOU MAY BRICK echo. echo. echo. echo Note: Must be between 3 and 254 echo. echo. echo N = No, leave slot unchanged echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVSLOT= Enter Selection Here: ::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%wadname%" EQU "IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])" goto:BACKTOMENUFIRST if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:BACKTOMENUFIRST if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE2 :BACKTOMENUFIRST if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVSLOT%" NEQ "N" goto:notnone if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" (set ADVSLOT=%wadname:~4,3%) & (goto:ADVPAGE4) if /i "%wadname%" EQU "IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])" (set ADVSLOT=60) & (goto:ADVPAGE4) :notnone if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:ADVPAGE4 set SLOTCODE= -slot %ADVSLOT% set SLOTNAME=-slot%ADVSLOT% ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%ADVSLOT:~3%"=="" ( :: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers - and reject 1 and 2 (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %ADVSLOT% LSS 3 (goto:badkey) if %ADVSLOT% LEQ 254 goto:ADVPAGE4 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVPAGE3 ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 4 - Version-------------------------------- :ADVPAGE4 Set ADVVERSION= set VERSIONNAME= set VERSIONCODE= set versionreal=%version% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" set versionreal=4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2234" set versionreal=4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" set versionreal=14 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" set versionreal=17 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491937" set versionreal=19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" set versionreal=19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" set versionreal=19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492056" set versionreal=20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492057" set versionreal=20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492038" set versionreal=20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2225" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2235" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2245" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "20251" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22251" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22351" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22451" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24937" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24938" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24953" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24955" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24956" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24957" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24958" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24960" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24970" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24980" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60P" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVTYPE%" NEQ "CIOS" goto:miniskip if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "%wadname:~4,3%" set SLOTCODE= if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "%wadname:~4,3%" set SLOTNAME= ::if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip set wadnameless=cIOS%ADVSLOT%%wadname:~7% set slotname= :miniskip set /a versionplus1=%versionreal%+1 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Would you like to change the version # of this WAD: echo. echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname% echo. echo. echo Note: MAX is 65535 echo. echo. echo. echo MAX = MAX (65535) echo. echo N = No, leave version unchanged (%versionreal%) if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo. if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo V1 = Version + 1 (%versionplus1%) :bypass echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVVERSION= Enter Selection Here: ::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "MAX" set ADVVERSION=65535 if /i "%versionreal%" EQU "65535" goto:alreadymaxxed if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:alreadymaxxed if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "v1" set ADVVERSION=%versionplus1% :alreadymaxxed set versioncode= -v %ADVVERSION% set versionname=-[v%ADVVERSION%] if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:ADVCONFIRM :skip if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:CONFIRM ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%ADVVERSION:~5%"=="" ( :: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %ADVVERSION% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip if %ADVVERSION% LEQ 65535 goto:ADVCONFIRM :skip if %ADVVERSION% LEQ 65535 goto:CONFIRM :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVPAGE4 ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page CONFIRM - Version-------------------------------- :ADVCONFIRM set ADVCONFIRM= if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONNAME= if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONCODE= set changes= if /i "%wadname:~0,-4%" EQU "%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%" set changes=none cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo ADVANCED CUSTOM DOWNLOADS echo. echo. if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges echo Are these settings correct? echo. echo. echo. echo Download %wadname% and Patch it accordingly echo. if /i "%ADVTYPE%" NEQ "CIOS" goto:miniskip if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "%wadname:~4,3%" goto:miniskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOS[%redtext%]%ADVSLOT%[def]%wadname:~7%[%redtext%]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% goto:yeschanges :miniskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %wadnameless%[%redtext%]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% goto:yeschanges :nochanges echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] You have not selected any changes to be made to %wadnameless% echo. echo. echo If you want to download %wadnameless% echo you can do so from the Batch/Additional Download Pages :yeschanges echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%changes%" NEQ "none" echo Y = Yes, add Advanced Download to Queue echo. echo N = No, go back to Advanced Custom Downloads Menu echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: ::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges2 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SaveADVdlSettings :nochanges2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVCONFIRM :SaveADVdlSettings echo. echo Adding Advanced Download to queue, this may take a few seconds... echo. echo "set name=Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadname=%wadname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set ciosslot=%ciosSLOT%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set ciosversion=%ciosVERSION%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5=%md5%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5alt=%md5alt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set basewad=%basewad%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5base=%md5base%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5basealt=%md5basealt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code1=%code1%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code2=%code2%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set version=%version%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set basewadb=%basewadb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5baseb=%md5baseb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5basebalt=%md5basebalt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code1b=%code1b%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code2b=%code2b%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versionb=%versionb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set basecios=%basecios%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set diffpath=%diffpath%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code2new=%code2new%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set lastbasemodule=%lastbasemodule%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set category=%category%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadnameless=%wadnameless%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set patchname=%patchname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotname=%slotname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotcode=%slotcode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versionname=%versionname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versioncode=%versioncode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set cIOSFamilyName=%cIOSFamilyName%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set cIOSversionNum=%cIOSversionNum%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set PATCHCODE=%PATCHCODE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat ::echo "goto:downloadstart">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes goto:ADVANCED ::...................................Custom- User-Defined Custom Download............................... :CUSTOM set DEC=none set HEX= set countIOS=0 set VERFINAL= set patchname= set slotname= set versionname= set HEX= set VER= set wadfolder= set verfinal= set PATCHCODE= set slotcode= set versioncode= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Enter the Number of the IOS you would like to download ::echo either in Decimal (x,xx,xxx; ie. 9,60,249), or in Hex (xx; ie. F9=249) echo or enter "SM" or "MIOS" to download a System Menu or MIOS echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] WARNING: Make sure the IOS number you input actually exists echo. echo. echo. echo. echo # = Download the IOS number echo. echo SM = Download a System Menu echo. echo MIOS = Download an MIOS echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p DEC= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%DEC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DEC%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%DEC:~3%"=="" ( :: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %DEC% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if %DEC% LEQ 254 goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CUSTOM :CUSTOMPAGE2 set VER= set ADVPATCH= set patchcode= set patchname= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" echo What Version of the System Menu would like to download? (ie. XXX) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT1 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" echo What Version of MIOS would like to download? (ie. 4, 5, 8, 10) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT1 echo What Version of IOS %DEC% would like to download? :NEXT1 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] WARNINGS:[def] - Make sure the version you input actually exists echo - Most recent version may be stubbed echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%DEC%" NEQ "SM" echo * = Download the most recent version if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" echo * = Download the most recent Korean System Menu echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p VER= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%VER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%VER%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOM set version=%VER% if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%VER:~5%"=="" ( goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %VER% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) :bypass if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:nopatches if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:nopatches ::for IOSs Only if /i "%VER%" NEQ "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-v%VER% if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-vNEW if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:ADVPAGE2 if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:ADVPAGE2 :nopatches if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:CONFIRM if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:CONFIRM :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 :CONFIRM if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONNAME= if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONCODE= set VERFINAL=%VER% if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set VERFINAL=NEW cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" echo Are you sure you want to try downloading System Menu v%VER%? if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" echo Are you sure you want to try downloading MIOS v%VER%? if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT2 echo Are you sure you want to try downloading: echo. echo IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% :NEXT2 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] WARNING: this download will fail if the file does not exist. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, add Advanced Download to Queue echo. echo N = No, go back to Advanced Custom Downloads Menu echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p CONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:ADVANCED ::if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "A" goto:CUSTOMDL if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1 if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SaveADVdlSettings2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skip if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skip if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4 :skip if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CONFIRM :SaveADVdlSettings2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "set name=Advanced Download: System Menu v%VER%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat) & (echo "Advanced Download: System Menu v%VER%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt) & (goto:miniskip) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "set name=Advanced Download: MIOS v%VER%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat) & (echo "Advanced Download: MIOS v%VER%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt) & (goto:miniskip) echo "set name=Advanced Download: IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "Advanced Download: IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt :miniskip echo "set DEC=%DEC%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set VERFINAL=%VERFINAL%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set patchname=%patchname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotname=%slotname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versionname=%versionname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set HEX=%HEX%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set VER=%VER%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadfolder=%wadfolder%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set PATCHCODE=%PATCHCODE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotcode=%slotcode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versioncode=%versioncode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set category=userdefined">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat ::echo "Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes goto:Advanced ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL or ISO-------------------------------- :FORWARDERDOLorISO set FORWARDERDOLorISO= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo What type of Forwarder would you like to build? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = DOL echo. echo 2 = ISO echo. echo 3 = Both echo. echo. echo Note: You can build a customized forwarder channel\WAD by opening echo your base WAD using ModMii or Customize Mii from ModMii's echo Download Page 2 and injecting your newly constructed DOL. echo. echo Note: Forwarder ISOs require a cIOS with base 38 in order to work. echo If using a d2x cIOS, make sure IOS reload is set to "off". echo. echo Warning: Even when using the recommended settings, not everyone has echo had success with custom Forwarder ISOs, results may vary. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERDOLorISO= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "1" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FORWARDERDOLorISO ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :FORWARDERDOLBUILDER set FORWARDERTYPE= set URLPATH= set path-0= set path-1= set path-2= set path-3= set path-4= set path-5= set path-6= set path-7= set path-8= set path-9= set path-10= set NumberOfPaths=1 set bigt=1 set FORWARDERTITLEID= set DISCID= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo What type of Forwarder would you like to build? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = SD\USB Forwarder (v14) echo 1B = SD\USB Forwarder (v12), use if you experience issues with v14 echo. echo 2 = URL Forwarder (Requires Internet Channel) echo. echo 3 = Channel Forwarder echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERTYPE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERDOLorISO if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "1" goto:v10FORWARDERDOL if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "1B" goto:v10FORWARDERDOL if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "2" goto:INTERNETFORWARDERDOL if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "3" goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :v10FORWARDERDOL set path-0= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if "%path-10%"=="" echo Input forwarder path #%NumberOfPaths%: if not "%path-10%"=="" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Maximum Number of paths have been reached) & (goto:maxreached) echo. echo. echo Note: Cannot contain : * ? " < > | & %% echo. echo Examples: echo apps/usbloader_cfg/boot.dol echo apps/HackMii_Installer/boot.elf echo boot.elf echo. echo Note: Maximum path length is 255 characters :maxreached echo. if not "%path-1%"=="" echo Path #1: %path-1% if not "%path-2%"=="" echo Path #2: %path-2% if not "%path-3%"=="" echo Path #3: %path-3% if not "%path-4%"=="" echo Path #4: %path-4% if not "%path-5%"=="" echo Path #5: %path-5% if not "%path-6%"=="" echo Path #6: %path-6% if not "%path-7%"=="" echo Path #7: %path-7% if not "%path-8%"=="" echo Path #8: %path-8% if not "%path-9%"=="" echo Path #9: %path-9% if not "%path-10%"=="" echo Path #10: %path-10% echo. echo. if "%path-1%"=="" (echo.) else (echo A = Add forwarder with the above paths to download queue) echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p path-0= Enter Selection Here: if "%path-0%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%path-0%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%path-0%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "1" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "2" set path-1= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "3" set path-2= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "4" set path-3= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "5" set path-4= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "6" set path-5= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "7" set path-6= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "8" set path-7= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "9" set path-8= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "10" set path-9= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "11" set path-10= set /a NumberOfPaths=%NumberOfPaths%-1 goto:v10FORWARDERDOL :notback if "%path-1%"=="" goto:none if /i "%path-0%" EQU "A" set beforeAddforwardertoQueue=v10FORWARDERDOL if /i "%path-0%" EQU "A" goto:FORWARDERNAME :none if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "11" goto:badkey ::make sure last 4 chars are .dol or .elf if /i "%path-0:~-4%" EQU ".dol" goto:good if /i "%path-0:~-4%" EQU ".elf" goto:good goto:badkey :good ::make sure path doesn't start with a \ or / :doublecheckF if /i "%path-0:~0,1%" EQU "\" (set path-0=%path-0:~1%) & (goto:doublecheckF) if /i "%path-0:~0,1%" EQU "/" (set path-0=%path-0:~1%) & (goto:doublecheckF) ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%path-0:~255%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::replace : * ? " < > | support\sfk filter -quiet -spat temp\temp.bat -rep _\x3a__ -rep _\x2a__ -rep _\x3f__ -rep _\x3c__ -rep _\x3e__ -rep _\x7c__ -rep _\x22__ -write -yes ::replace all \ with / and set path-# = path-0 (must end with .dol or .elf, so will not end with #) echo set path-%NumberOfPaths%=%path-0%>temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter temp\temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes>nul call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul set /a NumberOfPaths=%NumberOfPaths%+1 goto:v10FORWARDERDOL :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:v10FORWARDERDOL ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER NAME-------------------------------- :FORWARDERNAME set FORWARDERNAME= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" NEQ "1" goto:skip echo Please enter a name for your forwarder with the following paths echo. if not "%path-1%"=="" echo Path #1: %path-1% if not "%path-2%"=="" echo Path #2: %path-2% if not "%path-3%"=="" echo Path #3: %path-3% if not "%path-4%"=="" echo Path #4: %path-4% if not "%path-5%"=="" echo Path #5: %path-5% if not "%path-6%"=="" echo Path #6: %path-6% if not "%path-7%"=="" echo Path #7: %path-7% if not "%path-8%"=="" echo Path #8: %path-8% if not "%path-9%"=="" echo Path #9: %path-9% if not "%path-10%"=="" echo Path #10: %path-10% :skip if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" NEQ "2" goto:skip echo Please enter a name for your forwarder for the following URL echo. echo %URLpath% :skip if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" NEQ "3" goto:skip echo Please enter a name for your forwarder for the following channel Title ID: echo. echo %FORWARDERTITLEID% :skip echo. echo. echo Note: Cannot contain \ / : * ? " < > | & %% echo. if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "2" (echo Example: Wiibrew) else (echo Example: usbloader) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERNAME= Enter Selection Here: if "%FORWARDERNAME%"=="" goto:badkey echo "set FORWARDERNAME=%FORWARDERNAME%">temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet -spat temp\temp.bat -rep _\x5c__ -rep _\x2f__ -rep _\x3a__ -rep _\x2a__ -rep _\x3f__ -rep _\x3c__ -rep _\x3e__ -rep _\x7c__ -rep _\x22__ -write -yes if /i "%FORWARDERNAME%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERNAME%" EQU "B" goto:%beforeAddforwardertoQueue% call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" NEQ "1" goto:DISCID goto:SaveADVdlSettingsFORWARDER :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FORWARDERNAME :SaveADVdlSettingsFORWARDER set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1 if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "1" echo "set name=Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "set name=Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% ISO">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "set name=Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadname=%FORWARDERNAME%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERNAME=%FORWARDERNAME%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-1=%path-1%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-2=%path-2%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-3=%path-3%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-4=%path-4%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-5=%path-5%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-6=%path-6%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-7=%path-7%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-8=%path-8%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-9=%path-9%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-10=%path-10%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set URLPATH=%URLPATH%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERTITLEID=%FORWARDERTITLEID%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set bigt=%bigt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set category=FORWARDER">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERTYPE=%FORWARDERTYPE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERDOLorISO=%FORWARDERDOLorISO%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set DISCID=%DISCID%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "1" echo "Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% ISO">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes goto:Advanced ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :INTERNETFORWARDERDOL set URLpath= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Input website URL echo. echo. echo Example: www.wiibrew.org echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20\x20\x20 Note: * URL Cannot contain \x25, \x26, or \x22 echo * Maximum URL length is 95 characters echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p URLpath= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%URLpath%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%URLpath%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if "%URLpath%"=="" goto:badkey ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%URLpath:~95%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::replace all \ with / echo set URLPATH=%URLpath% >temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat set URLPATH=%URLPATH:~0,-1% set beforeAddforwardertoQueue=INTERNETFORWARDERDOL goto:FORWARDERNAME :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:INTERNETFORWARDERDOL ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - CHANNEL FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :CHANNELFORWARDERDOL set FORWARDERTITLEID= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Enter the 4 character title ID for the channel that you want to load echo Or enter the hex value of the channel, seperating each byte with a comma echo. echo Examples: echo IDCL echo 49,44,43,4c echo. echo. echo Channel Type: %bigt% echo. echo Or enter "1", "2", "4" or "8" to change channel type echo. echo Note: The following title IDs will be forced as channel type 2 echo HAAA HABA HACA HAFA HAFE HAFJ HAFP HAGA HAGE HAGJ HAGP HAYA echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERTITLEID= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if "%FORWARDERTITLEID%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "1" (set bigt=1) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "2" (set bigt=2) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "4" (set bigt=4) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "8" (set bigt=8) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) ::minimum number of chars = x+1 (ie. ~5 sets minimum of 6) if "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::if more than 4 chars then check if hex if "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~4%"=="" goto:nocheckhex if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~2,1%" NEQ "," goto:badkey if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~5,1%" NEQ "," goto:badkey if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~8,1%" NEQ "," goto:badkey :nocheckhex set beforeAddforwardertoQueue=CHANNELFORWARDERDOL goto:FORWARDERNAME :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - Forwarder ISO Name-------------------------------- :DISCID set DISCID= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Enter the 6 character ID that you want to the ISO to use. echo. echo. echo Note: Should only contain numbers and\or letters. echo For best results use this format: D**A00 echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p DISCID= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%DISCID%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DISCID%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERNAME ::minimum number of chars = x+1 (ie. ~5 sets minimum of 6) if "%DISCID:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%DISCID:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey) goto:SaveADVdlSettingsFORWARDER :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DISCID ::...................................CONFIG File Menu............................... :CONFIGFILEMENU set configfile= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Which Wii App would you like to configure? echo. echo. echo. echo BM = Bootmii (create bootmii.ini) echo. echo MMM = Multi-Mod Manager (create mmmconfig.txt) echo. echo WM = Wad Manager (create wm_config.txt) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p configfile= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%configfile%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%configfile%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%configfile%" EQU "BM" goto:BMCONFIG if /i "%configfile%" EQU "WM" goto:WMCONFIG if /i "%configfile%" EQU "MMM" goto:MMMCONFIG echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CONFIGFILEMENU ::...................................Bootmii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG set BMVIDEO= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo This will create a bootmii.ini file in "%DRIVE%\bootmii\" echo to determine how Bootmii is launched. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the Video Mode you would like Bootmii to use: echo. echo. echo. echo N = NTSC echo 50 = PAL50 echo 60 = PAL60 echo P = Progressive echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMVIDEO= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "N" set BMVIDEO=NTSC if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "50" set BMVIDEO=PAL50 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "60" set BMVIDEO=PAL60 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "P" set BMVIDEO=PROGRESSIVE if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "NTSC" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL50" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL60" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PROGRESSIVE" goto:BMCONFIG2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG ::...................................Bootmii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG2 set BMBOOT= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo What would you like Bootmii to AutoBoot? echo. echo. echo. echo O = OFF (Bootmii) echo H = HBC (Homebrew Channel) echo S = SYSMENU (System Menu) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMBOOT= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "O" set BMBOOT=OFF if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "H" set BMBOOT=HBC if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "S" set BMBOOT=SYSMENU if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" set BMDELAY=0 if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" goto:BMCONFIG3 if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" goto:BMCONFIG3 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG2 ::...................................Bootmii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG3 set BMDELAY= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" echo How many seconds should Bootmii to wait to autoboot the HomeBrew Channel? if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" echo How many seconds should Bootmii to wait to autoboot the System Menu? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Possible Settings: echo. echo 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMDELAY= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "0" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "1" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "2" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "3" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "4" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "5" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "6" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "7" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "8" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "9" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "10" goto:BMCONFIG4 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG3 ::...................................Bootmii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG4 set BMSD= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Would you also like to download Bootmii SD Files required to launch Bootmii? echo. echo. echo. echo Note: these are the same files generated by the HackMii Installer echo by installing Bootmii as boot2 or by Preparing an SD Card echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes echo. echo N = No echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMSD= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG3 :skip if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:BMCONFIG5 if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "N" goto:BMCONFIG5 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG4 ::...................................Bootmii CONFIGURATOR page 5............................... :BMCONFIG5 set BMCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Are these settings correct? echo. echo. echo Video Mode is set to %BMVIDEO% echo. echo AutoBoot is set to %BMBOOT% if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:nodelay echo. echo AutoBoot Delay is set to %BMDELAY% seconds :nodelay echo. if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" echo * Download Bootmii SD Files to Launch Bootmii echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, Create bootmii.ini with these settings if exist "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo Note: existing bootmii.ini will be overwritten echo. echo N = No, take me back to the Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDBMCONFIG echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG5 :BUILDBMCONFIG if not exist "%Drive%"\bootmii mkdir "%Drive%"\bootmii echo # Bootmii Config File> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # Created by ModMii>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # Video mode, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # NTSC, PAL50, PAL60, PROGRESSIVE>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo VIDEO=%BMVIDEO%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # Autoboot, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # SYSMENU, HBC, OFF>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo AUTOBOOT=%BMBOOT%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # BOOTDELAY, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo BOOTDELAY=BLAH>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini support\sfk filter "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini -rep _BLAH_%BMDELAY%_ -write -yes>nul start notepad "%Drive%\bootmii\bootmii.ini" cls if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set DLTOTAL=1 if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set bootmiisd=* if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE goto:MENU ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR (wmconfig.txt)............................... :WMCONFIG set WMCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo This will create an optional wm_config.txt file in "%DRIVE%\WAD\" echo You will get all the prompts if you don't have this file. echo. echo Note: works with YAWMM, yawmME, Wad Manager Multi-Mod, etc. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the IOS # you would like Wad Manager to load automatically echo. echo Note: MAX is 254 echo Common choices are 36, 249, 250, etc. echo NAND Emulation installation only available for 249 or 250 echo. echo. echo. echo N = None (Wad Manager will prompt you for selection) echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCIOS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG2 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" ( goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:WMCONFIG2 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 2............................... :WMCONFIG2 set WMDEVICE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the FAT device you would like to load automatically. echo. echo Note: you can enter either the number or the word echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = SD echo 2 = USB echo 3 = USB2 echo 4 = GCSDA echo 5 = GCSDA echo. echo N = None (Wad Manager will prompt you for selection) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMDEVICE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "1" SET WMDEVICE=sd if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=usb2 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "4" SET WMDEVICE=gcsda if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "5" SET WMDEVICE=gcsdb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb2" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG2 ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 3............................... :WMCONFIG3 :: NAND Emulation installation only available if cIOS249 or cIOS250 selected if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B set WMNAND=N goto:WMCONFIG4 :WMCONFIG3B set WMNAND= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo NAND Emulation echo. echo Enter the NAND device you would like to select automatically. echo. echo. echo Note: PC tools like ShowMiiWads are better at installing wads to echo emulated nand. So I recommend leaving NAND Emulation Disabled echo. echo Note: you can enter either the number or the word echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = Disable echo 2 = USB echo 3 = SD echo. echo N = None (Wad Manager will prompt selection if cIOS249 or cIOS250 selected) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMNAND= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "3" SET WMNAND=SD if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "2" SET WMNAND=USB if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "1" SET WMNAND=Disable if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "SD" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "USB" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "Disable" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG3 ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 4............................... :WMCONFIG4 set WMPATH= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the Start-up Path you would like to load initially. echo. echo Note: If you don't have a startupPath, the default is /WAD echo. echo Note: Be sure that the path exists, else you will get an error. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Examples: echo /WAD/Forwarders echo /myWad echo / echo Note: '/' sets the StartupPath to the root of the device echo. echo. echo N = None (the default is /WAD) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMPATH= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "N" SET WMPATH=/WAD if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4BACK if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG4 goto:WMCONFIG5 :WMCONFIG4BACK if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B goto:WMCONFIG2 ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 5............................... :WMCONFIG5 set WMPASS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter a Password to access Wad Manager ONLY using LRUD; where echo. echo L = Left echo R = Right echo U = Up echo D = Down echo. echo Note: Password is entered on the Wiimote or GC Controller, max 10 characters echo. echo Note: If you don't have a password, the default is no password echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Examples: echo UDLR echo UDLRUDLRUD echo UUUUUUU echo L echo. echo. echo N = None (No Password) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMPASS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU IF "%WMPASS%"=="" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key IF "%WMPASS%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul IF "%WMPASS%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG5 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WMPASS:~10%"=="" ( echo. ERROR: Password cannot be more than 10 Digits @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG5 ) ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 6............................... :WMCONFIG6 set WMCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Are these settings correct? echo. echo. if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo Prompt cIOS Selection if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo cIOSVersion=%WMCIOS% echo. if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo Prompt FAT Device Selection if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE% echo. if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:nanddevice if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:nanddevice goto:skipnanddevice :nanddevice if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" echo Prompt NAND Device Selection if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo NANDDevice=%WMNAND% echo. :skipnanddevice echo StartupPath=%WMPATH% echo. if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "N" echo No Password if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS% echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, Create wm_config.txt with these settings if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt echo Note: existing wm_config.txt will be overwritten echo. echo N = No, take me back to the main menu echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG5 if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDWMCONFIG echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG6 :BUILDWMCONFIG if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD echo ;wm_config.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo cIOSVersion=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo NANDDevice=%WMNAND%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt start notepad "%Drive%\WAD\wm_config.txt" goto:MENU ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt)............................... :MMMCONFIG set WMCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo This will create an optional mmmconfig.txt file in "%DRIVE%\" echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the IOS # you would like Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) to load automatically echo. echo Note: Max is 254 echo Common choices are 36, 249, 250, etc. echo. echo. echo. echo N = None (Do Not Auto-Reload IOS) echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCIOS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG2 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" ( goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:MMMCONFIG2 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MMMCONFIG ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 2............................... :MMMCONFIG2 set WMDEVICE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the FAT device you would like to load automatically. echo. echo Note: you can enter either the number or the word echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = SD (default if mmmconfig.txt does not exist) echo 2 = USB echo 3 = SMB echo. echo N = None (MMM will prompt you for selection) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMDEVICE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "1" SET WMDEVICE=sd if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=smb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "smb" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MMMCONFIG2 ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 3............................... :MMMCONFIG3 set WMPATH= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Enter the Start-up Path you would like to load initially. echo. echo Note: If you don't have a startupPath, the default is /WAD echo. echo Note: Be sure that the path exists, else you will get an error. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Examples: echo /WAD/Forwarders echo /myWad echo / echo Note: '/' sets the StartupPath to the root of the device echo. echo. echo N = None (the default is /WAD) echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMPATH= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "N" SET WMPATH=/WAD if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG2 if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:MMMCONFIG3 ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 4............................... :MMMCONFIG4 set WMCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Are these settings correct? echo. echo. if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo Do Not Auto-Reload IOS if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo AutoLoadIOS=%WMCIOS% echo. if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo Prompt FAT Device Selection echo. if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE% echo StartupPath=%WMPATH% echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Y = Yes, Create mmmconfig.txt with these settings if exist "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt echo Note: existing mmmconfig.txt will be overwritten echo. echo N = No, take me back to the main menu echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCONFIRM= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDMMMCONFIG echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MMMCONFIG4 :BUILDMMMCONFIG if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" echo ;mmmconfig.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo AutoLoadIOS=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo FatDevice=>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt start notepad "%Drive%\mmmconfig.txt" goto:MENU ::----------------------------------------sysCheck Selector------------------------------------- :sysCheckName ::force out of cmd line mode set cmdlinemode= set sysCheckName=empty cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo SysCheck Updater: update only your outdated softmods echo. echo Enter the path\name of your SysCheck.csv log that you want to analyze. echo. echo You can do this by dragging and dropping your SysCheck.csv log onto echo this window then hitting Enter. echo. echo. echo Notes: echo. echo * In the future you can drag and drop your SysCheck.csv echo onto ModMii.exe or ModMiiSkin.exe, or a shortcut to either, echo to quickly start analyzing your SysCheck. echo. echo * Download SysCheck ModMii Edition from ModMii's Download Page 2. echo Save it to an SD card or USB and run it from the Homebrew Channel. echo It will then save a SysCheck.csv log to the root of your device. echo. echo * If you do not have a Hard Drive or SD Card, open SysCheck's boot.dol echo using ModMii to launch it on your Wii via WiFi. After the SysCheck is echo completed ignore the error and press A to view the report, then A echo again to upload it. Access your SysCheck using the onscreen link, echo select all (Ctrl^+A), copy (Ctrl^+C) then paste (Ctrl^+V) into a new echo text document, then rename the file extension from txt to csv. echo This csv file can now be opened and analyzed using ModMii. echo. echo * SysCheck HacksDen Edition (HDE) logs are also supported. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /p sysCheckName= Enter Selection Here: ::remove quotes set "sysCheckName=!sysCheckName:"=!" set "sysCheckName=!sysCheckName:^^=^!" setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if "%sysCheckName%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%sysCheckName%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%sysCheckName%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%sysCheckName:~-4%" NEQ ".csv" goto:badkey if not exist "%sysCheckName%" goto:badkey findStr /I /C:"syscheck" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo This is not a valid SysCheck report) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:sysCheckName) goto:sysCheckAnalyzer :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:sysCheckName ::----------------------------------------sysCheck Analyzer------------------------------------- :sysCheckAnalyzer cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo Analyzing SysCheck: "%sysCheckName%" echo. echo Please wait... echo. ::save a copy and translate keywords to english prior to analysis set sysCheckCopy=temp\syscheck_.csv copy /y "%sysCheckName%" "%sysCheckCopy%">nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Chaine Homebrew"_"Homebrew Channel"_ -rep _"Chaine Channel"_"Homebrew Channel"_ -rep _"Canale Homebrew"_"Homebrew Channel"_ -rep _"Canal Homebrew"_"Homebrew Channel"_ -rep _"Homebrewkanal"_"Homebrew Channel"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"utilise"_"running on"_ -rep _"appoggiato all'"_"running on "_ -rep _"ejecutandose en"_"running on"_ -rep _"benutzt"_"running on"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Systemmenue"_"System Menu"_ -rep _"Menu Systeme"_"System Menu"_ -rep _"Menu di sistema"_"System Menu"_ -rep _"Menu de Sistema"_"System Menu"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Pas de patches"_"No Patches"_ -rep _"Non patchato"_"No Patches"_ -rep _"Sin Parches"_"No Patches"_ -rep _"Keine Patches"_"No Patches"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Bug Trucha"_"Trucha Bug"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Acces NAND"_"NAND Access"_ -rep _"Accesso NAND"_"NAND Access"_ -rep _"Acceso NAND"_"NAND Access"_ -rep _"NAND Zugriff"_"NAND Access"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Identificazione ES"_"ES Identify"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Type de Console"_"Console Type"_ -rep _"Tipo Console"_"Console Type"_ -rep _"Tipo de consola"_"Console Type"_ -rep _"Konsolentyp"_"Console Type"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"Regione"_"Region"_ -write -yes>nul ::adjust "original region" to ignore it when parsing region later support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _"original region"_"originally"_ -rep _"region d'origine"_"originally"_ -rep _"regione originale"_"originally"_ -rep _"region de origen"_"originally"_ -write -yes>nul ::edit replace "d2x-v10beta52" with "d2x-v8final" (since they're the same), and vice versa (also accept d2x-v11beta1). However, if d2x-v11beta1 is selected, it will not accept anything less even though improvements are relatively minor if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "10-beta52" support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _d2x-v8final_d2x-v10beta52_ -write -yes>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "10-beta52" support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _d2x-v11beta1_d2x-v10beta52_ -write -yes>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "8-final" support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _d2x-v10beta52_d2x-v8final_ -write -yes>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "8-final" support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _d2x-v11beta1_d2x-v8final_ -write -yes>nul ::remove any lines ending in ": Skipped" and assume outdated, this will also prevent stubs from being listed like 249 (even though they won't be constructed) support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -le!": Skipped" -write -yes>nul ::if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "11-beta1" support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _d2x-v8final_d2x-v11beta1_ -write -yes>nul ::if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "11-beta1" support\sfk filter "%sysCheckCopy%" -rep _d2x-v10beta52_d2x-v11beta1_ -write -yes>nul ::confirm SysCheck ME or SysCheck HDE findStr /I /B /C:"SysCheck HDE" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:allgood findStr /I /B /C:"SysCheck ME" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:allgood echo Please use SysCheck ModMii Edition (ME) or SysCheck Hacksden Edition (HDE) and try again... echo. @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul goto:sysCheckName :allgood ::check for vWii copy /y "%sysCheckCopy%" temp\syscheck.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\syscheck.txt -ls+"Console Type: " -rep _"Console Type: "__ -write -yes set /p consoletype= nul if /i "%consoletype%" NEQ "vWii" goto:NOTvWii echo This SysCheck is for a vWii and is not currently supported, aborting analysis... echo. @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul goto:sysCheckName :NOTvWii ::get HBC version (ie. "Homebrew Channel 1.1.2 running on IOS58") set HBCversion=0.0.1 copy /y "%sysCheckCopy%" temp\syscheck.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\syscheck.txt -ls+"Homebrew Channel " -rep _"Homebrew Channel "__ -rep _" *"__ -write -yes set /p HBCversion= nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\syscheck.txt -ls+"System Menu " -rep _"*System Menu "__ -rep _" *"__ -rep _",*"__ -write -yes set /p firmstart= nul set SMregion=%firmstart:~-1% set firmstart=%firmstart:~0,-1% if /i "%firmstart:~0,1%" EQU "3" set firmstart=3.X if /i "%firmstart:~0,1%" EQU "2" set firmstart=o if /i "%firmstart:~0,1%" EQU "1" set firmstart=o set firm=%firmstart% findStr /I /B /C:"Region: NTSC-U" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set Region=U findStr /I /B /C:"Region: PAL" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set Region=E findStr /I /B /C:"Region: JAP" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set Region=J findStr /I /B /C:"Region: NTSC-J" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set Region=J findStr /I /B /C:"Region: KOR" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set Region=K if /i "%SMregion%" EQU "%Region%" goto:NoMismatch cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo WARNING! Incomplete region change detected! echo. echo You should first complete ModMii's Region Change Wizard to fully install echo your desired region and System Menu, then generate a new SysCheck.csv echo before continuing the SysCheck Updater Wizard. echo. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu. echo. pause>nul set MENU1= set cmdlinemode= set one= set two= goto:MENU :NoMismatch ::check if SM version is greater than 518 (4.3K), if cSM detected reinstall stock SM copy /y "%sysCheckCopy%" temp\syscheck.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\syscheck.txt -ls+"System Menu " -rep _"*(v"__ -rep _" *"__ -rep _",*"__ -rep _")*"__ -write -yes set firmversion= set /p firmversion= nul if /i "%firmversion%" EQU "4609" goto:wiimini if /i "%firmversion%" NEQ "4610" goto:skipwiimini :wiimini echo This SysCheck is for a Wii Mini and is not currently supported, aborting analysis... echo. @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul goto:sysCheckName :skipwiimini set customSMfix= if /i "%firmversion%" LEQ "518" goto:noCSM set firmwarechange=yes set customSMfix=yes if /i "%firmstart%" NEQ "4.2" goto:not42 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SM4.2U=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set SM4.2E=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set SM4.2J=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set SM4.2K=* goto:noSM :not42 if /i "%firmstart%" NEQ "4.1" goto:not41 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SM4.1U=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set SM4.1E=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set SM4.1J=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set SM4.1K=* goto:noSM :not41 set firm=4.3 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SM4.3U=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set SM4.3E=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set SM4.3J=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set SM4.3K=* goto:noSM :noCSM set firmwarechange=no if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "4.0" set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "3.x" set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "o" set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:noSM set firm=4.3 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SM4.3U=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set SM4.3E=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set SM4.3J=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set SM4.3K=* :noSM ::check if Priiloader is installed set pri=* ::since yawmME can retain priloader, no need to reinstall even if a new SM is installed ::if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "yes" (set pri=*) & (goto:skipprianalysis) findStr /I /B /C:"Priiloader" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set pri= :skipprianalysis set d2x-beta-rev=11-beta1 set ciosversion=65535 if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat echo "set cIOSversionNum=%d2x-beta-rev%">temp\cIOSrev.bat support\sfk filter -spat temp\cIOSrev.bat -rep _\x22__ -rep _"-*"__ -write -yes>nul call temp\cIOSrev.bat del temp\cIOSrev.bat>nul set string1=%cIOSversionNum% set versionlength=1 ::letter by letter loop :loopy2 if /i "%string1%" EQU "" goto:endloopy2 set string1=%string1:~1% set /A versionlength=%versionlength%+1 goto:loopy2 :endloopy2 echo set cIOSsubversion=@d2x-beta-rev:~%versionlength%,16@>temp\cIOSsubversion.bat support\sfk filter temp\cIOSsubversion.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call temp\cIOSsubversion.bat del temp\cIOSsubversion.bat>nul :tinyjump ::check for recommended cIOSs and HBC set HM=* findStr /I /B /R /C:"Homebrew Channel 1.1.[2-9] running on IOS58" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set HM=) & (goto:no58check) if /i %HBCversion% GEQ 1.0.7 (set OHBC=*) & (set HM=) ::check for any version of IOS58 if /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:no58check findStr /I /B /C:"IOS58 " "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS58=*) else (set IOS58=) :no58check if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "OFF" goto:skipHERMEScheck findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS202\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermesrodries-v6" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=*) else (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=) findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS202\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermesrodries-v5.1" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS202\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermesrodries-5.1" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS202\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermes-v5.1" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS222\[38\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermes-v4" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS222[38]-v4=*) else (set cIOS222[38]-v4=) set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS223\[38+37\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermes-v4" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS223[37-38]-v4= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS224\[57\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermesrodries-v6" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=*) else (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=) findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS224\[57\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermesrodries-v5.1" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS224\[57\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermesrodries-5.1" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS224\[57\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: hermes-v5.1" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R= :skipHERMEScheck ::set IOS236=* ::findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS236\[36\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: rev 3351" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS236= ::findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS236 (rev [0-9]*): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS236= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS248\[38\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52=*) else (set cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52=) findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS249\[56\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52=*) else (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52=) findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS250\[57\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52=*) else (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52=) findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS251\[58\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52=*) else (set cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52=) ::also accept 249/250 reversed - DISABLED ::findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS250\[56\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:skip ::findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS249\[57\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:skip ::::found both 249[56] and 250[57] ::set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52= ::set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52= :::skip ::bootmii check set bootmii_missing= ::findStr /I /C:"bootmii" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS254 (rev [0-9]*): BootMii" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 set bootmii_missing=Y ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set HM=*) & (set bootmiisd=*) if /i "%bootmii_missing%" EQU "Y" set HM=* ::check for missing active IOSs if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" goto:skipactivecheck findStr /I /B /C:"IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS9=*) else (set IOS9=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS12=*) else (set IOS12=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS13=*) else (set IOS13=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS14=*) else (set IOS14=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS15=*) else (set IOS15=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS17=*) else (set IOS17=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS21=*) else (set IOS21=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS22=*) else (set IOS22=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS28=*) else (set IOS28=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS31=*) else (set IOS31=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS33=*) else (set IOS33=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS34=*) else (set IOS34=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS35=*) else (set IOS35=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS36v3608=*) else (set IOS36v3608=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS37=*) else (set IOS37=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS38=*) else (set IOS38=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS41=*) else (set IOS41=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS43=*) else (set IOS43=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS45=*) else (set IOS45=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS46=*) else (set IOS46=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS48v4124=*) else (set IOS48v4124=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS53=*) else (set IOS53=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS55=*) else (set IOS55=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS56=*) else (set IOS56=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS57=*) else (set IOS57=) set IOS58=* findStr /I /B /C:"IOS58 (rev 6176): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS58= findStr /I /B /C:"IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS58= ::IOS59 is a J exclusive if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "J" goto:skipIOS59 findStr /I /B /C:"IOS59 (rev 9249): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS59=*) else (set IOS59=) :skipIOS59 findStr /I /B /C:"IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS61=*) else (set IOS61=) findStr /I /B /C:"IOS62 (rev 6430): No Patches" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS62=*) else (set IOS62=) findStr /I /B /C:"BC v6" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set BC=*) else (set BC=) :skipactivecheck ::if HBC is <1.0.7 AND IOS58 is already installed, no need to download OHBC wad, will be running hackmii installer anyway if /i %HBCversion% GTR 1.0.6 goto:skip if not "%IOS58%"=="" (set OHBC=*) & (set HM=*) if "%IOS58%"=="" (set OHBC=) & (set HM=*) :skip ::if IOS58 is already installed and will be running the HackMii installer to update bootmii anyway, no need to download OHBC wad if /i "%bootmii_missing%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip if "%IOS58%"=="" (set OHBC=) & (set HM=*) :skip ::patched IOS check if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:forcecheck if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:smallskip :forcecheck set IOS60P=* findStr /I /B /C:"IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS60P= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS60 (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS60P= :smallskip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:forcecheck if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:smallskip :forcecheck set IOS70K=* findStr /I /B /C:"IOS70 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS70K= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS70\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS70K= :smallskip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:forcecheck if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:smallskip :forcecheck set IOS80K=* findStr /I /B /C:"IOS80 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS80K= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS80\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS80K= :smallskip if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:smallskip set IOS11P60=* set IOS20P60=* set IOS30P60=* set IOS40P60=* set IOS50P=* set IOS52P=* findStr /I /B /C:"IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS11P60= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS11\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS11P60= findStr /I /B /C:"IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS20P60= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS20\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS20P60= findStr /I /B /C:"IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS30P60= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS30\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS30P60= findStr /I /B /C:"IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS40P60= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS40\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS40P60= findStr /I /B /C:"IOS50 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS50P= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS50\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS50P= findStr /I /B /C:"IOS52 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS52P= findStr /I /B /R /C:"IOS52\[60\] (rev [0-9]*, Info: ModMii-IOS60-v6174)" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS52P= :smallskip ::cMIOS if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "OFF" goto:skipcMIOScheck set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= findStr /I /B /E /C:"MIOS v65535" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* :skipcMIOScheck ::MIOSv10 if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:skipMIOScheck findStr /I /B /E /C:"MIOS v10" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set M10=*) else (set M10=) :skipMIOScheck ::removed IOS236 effective 6.5.2 ::::IOS236 ::findStr /I /B /C:"IOS236" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS236Installer=*) else (set IOS236Installer=) ::if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (set SIP=*) else (set SIP=) ::if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (set IOS36=*) else (set IOS36=) ::stubs! set STUBS= copy /y "%sysCheckCopy%" temp\stubs.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\stubs.txt -!"(rev 404): Stub" -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet temp\stubs.txt -ls+IOS -rep _IOS_a_ -rep _"["*_z_ -rep _" "*_z_ -write -yes ::filter out good stuff, intentionally skipping stubbed SM IOSs, etc. support\sfk filter -quiet temp\stubs.txt -!a9z -!a11z -!a12z -!a13z -!a14z -!a15z -!a17z -!a20z -!a21z -!a22z -!a28z -!a30z -!a31z -!a33z -!a34z -!a35z -!a36z -!a37z -!a38z -!a40z -!a41z -!a43z -!a45z -!a46z -!a48z -!a50z -!a52z -!a53z -!a55z -!a56z -!a57z -!a58z -!a60z -!a61z -!a62z -!a70z -!a80z -!a248z -!a249z -!a250z -!a251z -!a254z -write -yes ::removed the following whitelisted slots from suggesting they optionally be stubbed in the syscheck updater wizard ::-!a236z -!a240z -!a241z -!a242z -!a243z -!a244z -!a245z -!a246z -!a247z if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "on" support\sfk filter -quiet temp\stubs.txt -!a202z -!a222z -!a223z -!a224z -write -yes ::filter out IOS59 only for J region if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" support\sfk filter -quiet temp\stubs.txt -!a59z -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet temp\stubs.txt -rep _a__ -rep _z__ -write -yes ::delete temp stubs if file is empty >nul findstr "^" "temp\stubs.txt" || del "temp\stubs.txt" if not exist temp\stubs.txt goto:nostubs set STUBS=* set STUBSlist= ::get stubs list ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\stubs.txt) do call :processSTUBSlist %%A goto:quickskip :processSTUBSlist set STUBSlist=%STUBSlist%%*, goto:EOF :quickskip set "STUBSlist=%STUBSlist:~0,-1%" ::echo (%STUBSlist%) :nostubs ::disable RiiConnect24 check as it no longer requires a patched IOS31 or system menu IOS goto:NoRiiConnect24Check ::check for RiiConnect24 IOS31 and IOS80 set RiiConnect24Detected= if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" goto:RiiConnect24Check if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" goto:RiiConnect24Check goto:NoRiiConnect24Check :RiiConnect24Check cls findStr /I /B /C:"IOS31 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set RiiConnect24Detected=Y ::ModMii's IOS80 is compatible with RiiConnect24, so only check for RC24's IOS31 ::findStr /I /B /C:"IOS80 (rev 6944): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set RiiConnect24Detected=Y if /i "%RiiConnect24Detected%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoRiiConnect24Check cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo ModMii's SysCheck Updater has detected RiiConnect24 in IOS31. echo Would you like to remove\overwrite it? echo. echo Y = Yes, remove\overwrite RiiConnect24 echo N = No, keep RiiConnect24 echo. set /p RiiConnect24Check= Enter Selection Here: if "%RiiConnect24Check%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%RiiConnect24Check%" EQU "Y" goto:NoRiiConnect24Check if /i "%RiiConnect24Check%" EQU "N" goto:KeepRiiConnect24 :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:RiiConnect24Check :KeepRiiConnect24 findStr /I /B /C:"IOS31 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS31= ::findStr /I /B /C:"IOS80 (rev 6944): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckCopy%" >nul ::IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS80K= :NoRiiConnect24Check set yawm= set RECCIOS= if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (set yawm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS59%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS62%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%OHBC%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%STUBS%" EQU "*" set yawm=* if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" set yawm=* set BACKB4QUEUE=sysCheckName goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::........................................HACKMII SOLUTION....................................... :HACKMIISOLUTION set SETTINGSHM= set BB1= set BB2= set SMASH= set PWNS= set Bathaxx= set ROTJ= set TOS= set TWI= set YUGI= ::set IOS30P60=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* set IOS36v3608=* set IOS58=* set F32=* set HM=* set bootmiisd=* ::set mmm=* set yawm=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "W" set Wilbrand=* :skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set TWI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits2 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set Wilbrand=* :skip set SMASH=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :notallexploits2 set BACKB4QUEUE=%backb4HACKMIISOLUTION% goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::...................................Download............................... :Download cls set cleardownloadsettings=yes goto:clear :DownloadSettings set cleardownloadsettings= ::Abstinence Logic if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceLogic set casper=* if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" set FLOW=* if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" set PL=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "W" set Wilbrand=* :skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set Twi=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set Wilbrand=* :skip if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :notallexploits ::IOS53 and mmm if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:smallskip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:smallskip set IOS53=* ::set mmm=* set yawm=* :smallskip set f32=* if /i "%secondrun%" EQU "Y" goto:DLCOUNT set secondrun=Y goto:guide :NotAbstinenceLogic set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" set firmwarechange=no if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:U if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:E if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:J if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:K :U if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1U=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=* goto:BUGGEDSMIOS :E if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1E=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=* goto:BUGGEDSMIOS :J if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1J=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=* goto:BUGGEDSMIOS :K if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1K=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P0=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=* :BUGGEDSMIOS if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%Firmstart%" goto:miniskip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80K=* :miniskip if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "Y" goto:forceSMIOSs if /i "%ExtraProtectionOPTION%" EQU "OFF" goto:skipBuggedSMIOS if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:forceSMIOSs :forceSMIOSs set IOS11P60=* set IOS20P60=* set IOS30P60=* set IOS40P60=* set IOS50P=* set IOS52P=* set IOS60P=* set IOS70K=* set IOS80K=* :skipBuggedSMIOS ::for region changing guide if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC ::set mmm=* set yawm=* set ARC=* set pri=* set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52=* set bootmiisd=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" (set EULAU=*) & (set RSU=*) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" (set EULAE=*) & (set RSE=*) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" (set EULAJ=*) & (set RSJ=*) & (set IOS59=*) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" (set EULAK=*) & (set RSK=*) set KK=* goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE :notRC :COMMONSETTINGS if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set IOS56=* if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:skipactiveios if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipactiveios ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:skipactiveios :ACTIVEIOS set yawm=* set M10=* set IOS9=* set IOS12=* set IOS13=* set IOS14=* set IOS15=* set IOS17=* set IOS21=* set IOS22=* set IOS28=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* set IOS36v3608=* set IOS37=* set IOS38=* set ios41=* set ios43=* set ios45=* set ios46=* set IOS48v4124=* set IOS53=* set IOS55=* set IOS56=* set IOS57=* set IOS58=* ::IOS59 is a J exclusive if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set IOS59=* set IOS61=* set IOS62=* :skipactiveios if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set Mii=* if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "on" (set usbx=*) & (set yawm=*) if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoUSBSETUP if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "GX" set usbgx=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbgx=* set nintendont=* set CleanRip=* set wbm=* set GCBM=* set Nkit=* set f32=* :NoUSBSETUP if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:notvirgin :virgin set F32=* set HM=* set OHBC=* set bootmiisd=* set IOS58=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "W" set Wilbrand=* :skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set Twi=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* if /i "%macaddress%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set Wilbrand=* :skip set SMASH=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :notallexploits ::removed IOS236 Installer and 236 all together effective 6.5.2 ::set IOS236=* ::set IOS236Installer=* ::set SIP=* ::set IOS36=* if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "on" set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=* if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "on" set cIOS222[38]-v4=* if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "on" set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "on" set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=* set cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52=* set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52=* set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52=* set cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52=* if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set M10= set pri=* ::set HAX=* set yawm=* If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:nonkorean If /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:nonkorean ::set mmm=* set yawm=* :nonkorean goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE :notvirgin ::set yawm=* if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Y" goto:noHMInstallerforNonVirgin set F32=* set HM=* set bootmiisd=* set IOS58=* set yawm=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:gonow if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:gonow goto:skipextra2 :gonow ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set TWI=* ::set SMASH=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :skipextra2 :noHMInstallerforNonVirgin if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" set yawm=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set yawm=* if /i "%hermesOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:skipHermes if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS222[38]-v4=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=* :skipHermes if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52=* if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set M10= :quickskip if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" set YAWM=* if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" set pri=* if /i "%PRIQ%" NEQ "Y" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE set pri=* goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::...................................PICK Download Queue............................... :PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE if exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt del temp\DLnamesADV.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotosADV.txt del temp\DLgotosADV.txt>nul dir temp\DownloadQueues /a:-d /b>temp\list.txt ::support\sfk filter -quiet temp\list.txt -le+".bat" -rep _".bat"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet temp\list.txt -le+".bat" -write -yes ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET DLQUEUEtotal=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a DLQUEUEtotal=!DLQUEUEtotal!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues set DLQUEUE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Select the Download Queue you would like to load: echo. echo. if /i "%DLQUEUEtotal%" NEQ "0" goto:notzero echo No Download Queues Found echo. echo Before you can load a queue you have to save one using ModMii echo Or if loading a queue a friend has shared with you, just drag echo and drop it onto ModMii.exe or a shortcut to ModMii. echo. echo. echo Note: Download Queues are saved to "temp\DownloadQueues" echo and can be shared amongst different ModMii users. echo. echo You can drag and drop a download queue onto ModMii.exe echo to load it and save a copy to "temp\DownloadQueues" echo for future use. echo. echo. echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu. echo. pause>nul goto:MENU :notzero echo. set DLQUEUEnum=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist6 "%%A" goto:quickskip :processlist6 set /a DLQUEUEnum=%DLQUEUEnum%+1 set whatev=%* set "whatev=!whatev:^^=^!" set "whatev=!whatev:~1,-1!" echo %DLQUEUEnum% = "!whatev:~0,-4!" goto:EOF :quickskip setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. echo. echo Note: Download Queues are saved to "temp\DownloadQueues" echo and can be shared amongst different ModMii users. echo. echo You can drag and drop a download queue onto ModMii.exe echo to load it and save a copy to "temp\DownloadQueues" echo for future use. echo. echo To delete a queue enter - before its number (e.g. -1) echo or manually delete the file from "temp\DownloadQueues" echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. set /p DLQUEUE= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%DLQUEUE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DLQUEUE%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if "%DLQUEUE%"=="" goto:badkey set delqueue= if "%DLQUEUE:~0,1%" EQU "-" set delqueue=y if "%DLQUEUE:~0,1%" EQU "-" set "DLQUEUE=%DLQUEUE:~1%" if %DLQUEUE% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %DLQUEUE% GTR %DLQUEUEnum% goto:badkey set DLQUEUEnum2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist5 "%%A" goto:quickskip :processlist5 set CurrentQueue=%* set "CurrentQueue=!CurrentQueue:^^=^!" set "CurrentQueue=!CurrentQueue:~1,-1!" set /a DLQUEUEnum2=%DLQUEUEnum2%+1 if not exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" goto:EOF if /i "%DLQUEUEnum2%" EQU "%DLQUEUE%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip del temp\list.txt>nul setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION findStr /I /B /C:":endofqueue" "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Not a valid download queue...) & (goto:badkey) if /i "%delqueue%" EQU "y" del "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" if /i "%delqueue%" EQU "y" goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE :forcmdlineL call "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" set BACKB4QUEUE=PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE goto:DownloadQueue :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE ::...................................Download Queue............................... :DOWNLOADQUEUE set settings= if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G set d2x-beta-rev=11-beta1 if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat ::-------------- ::d2x check for changed DL names and md5's for Advanced downloads only if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:DLCOUNT if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:DLCOUNT findStr "d2x" temp\DLnamesADV.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:DLCOUNT ::split out default d2x cIOSs and force "8-final" (ie. set d2x-beta-rev=10-beta52) support\sfk filter -spat "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" -ls+"SET cIOS" -le+"\x3d\x2a">temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -spat temp\temp.bat ++"-d2x-v" -rep _"-d2x-"*_"-d2x-v10-beta52\x3d\x2a"_ -write -yes>nul call temp\temp.bat FINDSTR /N . temp\DLnamesADV.txt>temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt -+d2x -rep _cIOS*[_cIOS249[_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "__ -write -yes set loadorgo=load4queue ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt) do call :processDLCheck %%A goto:quickskip :processDLCheck set advDLCheck=%* echo set advDLcheckNUM=%advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat -rep _:*__ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat del temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat>nul echo %advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheck.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheck.bat -rep _"%advDLcheckNUM%:"_"set advDLcheck="_ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheck.bat del temp\advDLcheck.bat>nul call temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat set oldfullname=%name% set advDLCheck0=%advDLCheck% set d2x-beta-rev=11-beta1 set advDLCheck=%advDLCheck:~0,17%%d2x-beta-rev% if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat set string=%d2x-beta-rev% set d2xVersionLength=0 :loopd2xVersionLength if defined string ( set string=%string:~1% set /A d2xVersionLength += 1 goto:loopd2xVersionLength ) echo set alt-d2x-beta-rev=@advDLcheck0:~17,%d2xVersionLength%@>temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat support\sfk filter temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat del temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "%alt-d2x-beta-rev%" goto:EOF goto:%advDLCheck% :processDLCheck2 set slotnum=%slotcode:~7% if "%slotnum%"=="" set slotnum=249 set newname=cIOS%slotnum%%basecios:~7,10%%d2x-beta-rev% ::update temp\AdvDL#.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat -rep _"set MD5="*_"set MD5=%MD5%"_ -rep _"set md5alt="*_"set md5alt=%md5alt%"_ -rep _"set ciosversion="*_"set ciosversion=%ciosversion%"_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "*_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -rep _"set wadname="*_"set wadname=%wadname%"_ -rep _"set wadnameless="*_"set wadnameless=%newname%"_ -write -yes ::update temp\DLnamesADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADV.txt -lerep _"%oldfullname% "_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -write -yes goto:EOF :quickskip if exist temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt del temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt>nul set loadorgo=go ::--------------------- ::Count how many downloads there are! :DLCOUNT if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%one%" NEQ "U" goto:nocmdlineusbloadersettings if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "GX" set usbgx=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbgx=* set nintendont=* set CleanRip=* set wbm=* set GCBM=* set Nkit=* set f32=* :nocmdlineusbloadersettings ::get PCconfig for PC Apps set PCconfig=(Portable installation) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" set PCconfig=(Local installation with shortcuts) if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" set PCconfig=(Local installation with shortcuts) :skip if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" (echo "00000001.app from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01_60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" (echo "00000001.app from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01_70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" (echo "00000001.app from IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000c.app from MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0c">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000e.app from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e_60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000e.app from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e_70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000e.app from IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" (echo "00000040.app from System Menu 3.2J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER40">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" (echo "00000042.app from System Menu 3.2U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER42">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" (echo "00000045.app from System Menu 3.2E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER45">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" (echo "00000070.app from System Menu 4.0J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" (echo "00000072.app from System Menu 4.0U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER72">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" (echo "00000075.app from System Menu 4.0E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER75">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" (echo "00000078.app from System Menu 4.1J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER78">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" (echo "0000007b.app from System Menu 4.1U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER7b">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" (echo "0000007e.app from System Menu 4.1E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER7e">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" (echo "00000081.app from System Menu 4.1K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER81">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" (echo "00000084.app from System Menu 4.2J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER84">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" (echo "00000087.app from System Menu 4.2U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER87">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" (echo "0000008a.app from System Menu 4.2E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER8a">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" (echo "0000008d.app from System Menu 4.2K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER8d">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" (echo "00000094.app from System Menu 4.3J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER94">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" (echo "00000097.app from System Menu 4.3U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER97">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" (echo "0000009a.app from System Menu 4.3E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER9a">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" (echo "0000009d.app from System Menu 4.3K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER9d">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" (echo "Accio Hacks">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "AccioHacks">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ARC%" EQU "*" (echo "Any Region Changer ModMii Edition">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ARC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" (echo "Bannerbomb v1">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Bannerbomb1">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" (echo "Bannerbomb v2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Bannerbomb2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Bathaxx%" EQU "*" (echo "Bathaxx (USA, PAL and JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Bathaxx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" (echo "BC">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BCNUS">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" (echo "Bootmii SD Files">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "bootmiisd">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Casper%" EQU "*" (echo "Casper">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Casper">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CheatZip%" EQU "*" (echo "Cheat Codes (txtcodes)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CheatZip">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" (echo "Cheat Codes for %cheatregion% Region: txtcodes from codes.rc24.xyz">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CheatCodes">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS202[60]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS202[60]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v4">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37-38]-v4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37-38]-v4">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS248[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS248[38]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[53]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[53]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[55]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[55]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[58]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[58]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[60]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[60]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[60]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[70]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[70]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[70]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[80]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[80]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[80]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249-v14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249-v14">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249-v17b">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249-v17b">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[53]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[53]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[53]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[55]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[55]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[55]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[58]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[58]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[58]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[60]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[60]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[60]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[70]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[70]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[70]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[80]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[80]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[80]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250-v14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250-v14">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250-v17b">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250-v17b">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS251[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS251[58]-d2x-v10-beta52">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CleanRip%" EQU "*" (echo "CleanRip">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CleanRip">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS-v4 Waninkoko rev5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS-v4 WiiGator GCBL v0.2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB-Loader">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "usbfolder">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CM%" EQU "*" (echo "Customize Mii %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CustomizeMii">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Diskitude%" EQU "*" (echo "Diskitude %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Diskitude">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (echo "DML">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DML">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Dolphin%" EQU "*" (echo "Dolphin (Wii Emulator) %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Dolphin">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DumpMii%" EQU "*" (echo "Dump Mii NAND">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DumpMii">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" (echo "Eri HaKawai (USA, PAL and JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "TOS">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAK">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (PAL)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAE">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (USA)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAU">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" (echo "FAT32 GUI Formatter %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "F32">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" (echo "FCEUGX (NES Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "fceugx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%FILEZILLA%" EQU "*" (echo "FileZilla %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "FILEZILLA">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ftpii%" EQU "*" (echo "ftpii">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ftpii">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%GCBM%" EQU "*" (echo "GameCube Backup Manager %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "GCBM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SDTEST%" EQU "*" (echo "H2testw (SD Card and USB Test Tool) %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SDTEST">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" (echo "HackMii Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HackmiiInstaller">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HashMF%" EQU "*" (echo "HashMyFiles %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HashMF">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" (echo "Homebrew Browser">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HBB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%hxd%" EQU "*" (echo "HxD Hex Editor %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "hxd">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" (echo "Indiana Pwns">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "pwns">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS9 v1034">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS9">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS11v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS11P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS12 v526">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS12">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS13 v1032">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS13">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS14 v1032">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS14">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS15 v1032">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS15">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS17 v1032">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS17">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS20v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS20P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS21 v1039">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS22 v1294">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS22">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS28 v1807">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS28">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v12576(IOS30v2576[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30 v2576">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS31 v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS31">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS33 v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS33">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS34 v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS34">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS35 v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS35">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS36 v3351">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS36">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS36 v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS36v3608">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS37 v5663">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS37">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS38 v4124">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS38">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS40v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS40P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS41 v3607">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS41">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS43 v3607">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS43">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS45 v3607">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS45">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS46 v3607">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS46">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS48 v4124">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS48v4124">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS50v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS50P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS52v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS52P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS53 v5663">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS53">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS55 v5663">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS55">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS56 v5662">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS56">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS57 v5919">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS57">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS58 v6176">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS58">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS59%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS59 v9249">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS59">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS60 v6174">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS60P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS61 v5662">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS61">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS62%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS62 v6430">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS62">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70 v6687">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v16944(IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80 v6944">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS236">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS236 Installer v5 Mod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS236Installer">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JPN Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JPN NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JPN Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JPN Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) ::if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" (echo "KOREAN Photo Channel 1.1">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO_K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%KK%" EQU "*" (echo "KoreanKii">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "KK">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" (echo "Locked Apps Folder for HBC (PASS=UDLRAB)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "locked">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" (echo "MII Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "MII">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" (echo "MIOS v10">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "M10">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" (echo "Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) v13.4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "mmm">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" (echo "MyMenuifyMod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Mym">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" (echo "Neogamma Backup Disc Loader">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "neogamma">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%nintendont%" EQU "*" (echo "Nintendont">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Nintendont">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Nkit%" EQU "*" (echo "NKit Processing App %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Nkit">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cBC%" EQU "*" (echo "NMM">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NMM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Not64%" EQU "*" (echo "Not64 (N64 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Not64">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%nSwitch%" EQU "*" (echo "nSwitch">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "nSwitch">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ohnes%" EQU "*" (echo "ohneschwanzenegger NUS NANDBuilder %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ohnes">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%OHBC%" EQU "*" (echo "Open Homebrew Channel WAD (LULZ)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "OHBC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%OSC%" EQU "*" (echo "Open Shop Channel %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "OSC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAl NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%P0%" EQU "*" (echo "Photo Channel (USA / PAL / JPN /KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO0">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%P%" EQU "*" (echo "Photo Channel 1.1 (USA / PAL / JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%PLC%" EQU "*" (echo "postLoader Forwarder Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PLChannel">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%PL%" EQU "*" (echo "postLoader">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "postLoader">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" (echo "Priiloader Hacks">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PriiHacks">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" (echo "Priiloader">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Priiloader">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSK">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (PAL)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSE">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" (echo "Region Select v2 (USA)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSU">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Return of the Jodi (USA, PAL and JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ROTJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RC24%" EQU "*" (echo "RiiConnect24 Patcher %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RC24">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" (echo "SaveGame Manager GX">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SGM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" (echo "Shopping Channel (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SHOP_K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%S%" EQU "*" (echo "Shopping Channel (USA / PAL / JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SHOP">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SMW%" EQU "*" (echo "ShowMiiWads %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SMW">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" (echo "Simple IOS Patcher">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SIP">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" (echo "Smash Stack (USA, PAL, JPN and KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "smash">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" (echo "SNES9xGX (SNES Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "snes9xgx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%STUBS%" EQU "*" (echo "Some Stub IOSs (%STUBSlist%) - Optional">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SomeStubIOSs">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" (echo "Switch2Uneek">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "S2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%syscheck%" EQU "*" (echo "SysCheck ModMii Edition">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "sysCheck">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ThemeMiiMod%" EQU "*" (echo "ThemeMii Mod %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ThemeMiiMod">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Twi2%" EQU "*" (echo "Twilight Hack v0.1 Beta2 (3.4: USA, PAL and JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Twi2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" (echo "Twilight Hack v0.1 Beta1 (under 3.4: USA, PAL and JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Twi">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%usbgx%" EQU "*" (echo "USB Loader GX">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "usbgx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" (echo "USB-Loader Forwarder Channel\dol">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "USBX">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" (echo "Visual Boy Advance GX (GB/GBA Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "vbagx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Backup Manager %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WBM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WiiGSC%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Game Shortcut Creator %PCconfig%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WiiGSC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii64 (N64 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WII64">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiFlow">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "FLOW">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%FLOWF%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiFlow Forwarder Channel\dol">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "FLOWF">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiMC-SS (Media Player)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIIMC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiSXRX (Playstation 1 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIISX">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiXplorer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIIX">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Wilbrand%" EQU "*" (echo "Wilbrand - 4.3%REGION% - MAC:%macaddress%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Wilbrand">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" (echo "Yet Another Wad Manager ModMii Edition">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "yawm">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" (echo "YU-GI-OWNED (USA, PAL and JPN)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "YUGI">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if exist temp\DLnames.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnames.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes if exist temp\DLgotos.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV.txt) do call :processDLGotosADV %%A goto:quickskip :processDLGotosADV echo %*>>temp\DLgotos.txt goto:EOF :quickskip if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADV.txt) do call :processDLnamesADV %%A goto:quickskip :processDLnamesADV echo %*>>temp\DLnames.txt goto:EOF :quickskip if exist "temp\DLgotos.txt" copy /y "temp\DLgotos.txt" "temp\DLgotos-copy.txt">nul SET DLTOTAL=0 if not exist temp\DLnames.txt goto:miniskip setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\DLnames.txt) do set /a DLTOTAL=!DLTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:DLSETTINGS ::SysCheck Updater - handles when no downloads were marked for installation if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" goto:miniskip if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" goto:miniskip echo. echo According to your SysCheck log your Wii's softmods are up to date. echo. @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" exit goto:sysCheckName :miniskip ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" EQU "Y" (set cmdlinemode=) & (set one=) & (set two=) if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSettings cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo HackMii Solutions if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo. ::-----------DL QUEUE SETTINGS--------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:skiploadDLcue findStr /I /C:"Set ROOTSAVE=off" "support\settings.bat" >nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ROOTSAVEREAL=off) else (set ROOTSAVEREAL=on) findStr /I /C:"Set OPTION1=off" "support\settings.bat" >nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set OPTION1REAL=off) else (set OPTION1REAL=on) if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "%ROOTSAVEREAL%" (set matchrs=Green) else (set matchrs=Red) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "%OPTION1REAL%" (set match1=Green) else (set match1=Red) echo. echo Download Queue Loaded: echo. echo %CurrentQueue:~0,-4% echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Queue Options appear [%redtext%]Red [def]when they differ from support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 your saved settings and [%greentext%]Green [def]if they match echo. if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%matchrs%]Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder (Enabled) if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%matchrs%]Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder (Disabled) echo * Useful for Wii Apps that require IOSs\MIOSs saved to Root echo. if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Do not Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" echo * Folder sometimes required for offline usage of a few Wii Apps if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Keep 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like Dop-Mii if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" echo * Useful for offline usage of Wii Apps like d2x\Hermes cIOS Installers if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%match1%]Keep NUS\00000001000000##v# and 00000001 Folder for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" echo * Useful for offline usage of a handful of Wii Apps echo. echo. :skiploadDLcue if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" echo No files were marked for download if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:skipall if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (echo The following %DLTOTAL% files will be downloaded to "%DRIVE%" or "%DRIVEU%":) else (echo The following %DLTOTAL% files will be downloaded to "%DRIVE%":) goto:skipall :skip if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" goto:skipSU if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "2" goto:skipStubMsg if /i "%STUBS%" NEQ "*" goto:skipStubMsg echo According to your SysCheck log your mods are up to date. echo However, you have some unnecessary IOSs that can optionally be removed or stubbed echo. goto:skipSU :skipStubMsg echo According to your SysCheck log the following files are required echo in order to update your softmod. echo. :skipSU echo The following %DLTOTAL% files will be downloaded to "%DRIVE%": :skipall echo. SET DLNUM=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt if not exist temp\DLnames.txt goto:nextstep for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnames.txt) do call :processDLlist %%A goto:nextstep :processDLlist SET /a DLNUM=%DLNUM%+1 echo %DLNUM%) %* goto:EOF :nextstep echo. echo Begin Downloading now? echo. if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:zerodownloads if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:WorUSB echo Y = Yes, Begin Downloading :WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" echo G = Generate Guide Only if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" echo G = Generate Guide Only if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo G = Generate Guide Only if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" echo G = Generate Guide Only if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" echo Y = Yes, Generate Guide and Begin Downloading if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" echo G = Generate Guide Only :zerodownloads if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" echo A = Add or remove files to download queue if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" echo A = Add or remove files to download queue if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" echo A = Add or remove files to download queue if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" echo A = Add or remove files to download queue if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" echo A = Add or remove files to download queue if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" echo A = Add or remove files to download queue echo. echo S = Save As New Download Queue if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" echo D = Delete Download Queue and go to Main Menu ::if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" echo C = Clear Download Queue echo. echo B = Back echo M = Main Menu echo. set /p SETTINGS= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED ::if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:skip ::if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR :::skip if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" (set beforesave=DOWNLOADQUEUE) & (goto:SaveDownloadQueue) if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:notbatch if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "D" del "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%">nul if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "D" goto:MENU if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" (set "nextpage=DLPAGE1.hta") & (goto:DLPAGES) if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :notbatch if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "1" goto:notbatch if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :notbatch if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "2" goto:notoldbatch if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :notoldbatch if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "3" goto:NotBatchApp if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :NotBatchApp if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "4" goto:NotLIST4 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :NotLIST4 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "A" goto:NotAdv if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:creditcheck :NotAdv if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:COPY if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:generateguideonly goto:badkey :generateguideonly if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:guide :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::--------------------------SAVE DOWNLOAD QUEUE----------------------- :SaveDownloadQueue set DLQUEUENAME= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo Please enter a name for your Download Queue echo. echo. echo Note: Cannot contain \ / : * ? " < > | & %% echo. echo. echo Note: Download Queues are saved to "temp\DownloadQueues" echo and can be shared amongst different ModMii users echo. echo. echo. echo B = Back echo. echo M = Main Menu echo. echo. echo. set /p DLQUEUENAME= Enter Selection Here: if "%DLQUEUENAME%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%DLQUEUENAME%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DLQUEUENAME%" EQU "B" goto:%beforesave% echo "set DLQUEUENAME=%DLQUEUENAME%">temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet -spat temp\temp.bat -rep _\x5c__ -rep _\x2f__ -rep _\x3a__ -rep _\x2a__ -rep _\x3f__ -rep _\x3c__ -rep _\x3e__ -rep _\x7c__ -rep _\x22__ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul if not exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:SaveDownloadQueue2 ::queue with the same name already exists echo. echo A Download Queue with this name already exists, overwrite it? (Y/N) echo. set /p overwritequeue= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%overwritequeue%" EQU "Y" (goto:SaveDownloadQueue2) else (goto:SaveDownloadQueue) :badkey echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SaveDownloadQueue :SaveDownloadQueue2 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo Saving Download Queue echo. if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues set AdvNumberCOPY=%AdvNumber% if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY=0 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY=0 ::set GetAdvNumberOnly=Y ::if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" call "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" ::set GetAdvNumberOnly= set /a AdvNumberCOPY=%AdvNumberCOPY%+%AdvNumber% set AdvNumberCOPY2=%AdvNumber% if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY2=0 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY2=0 set AdvNumberCOPY3=%AdvNumberCOPY2% ::set AdvNumber=0 ::if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -ls!":endofqueue" -write -yes ::if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _\x22_quote_ -write -yes echo. echo ::ModMii v%currentversion% - Download Queue - %DATE% - %TIME% > "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo "set AdvNumber=%AdvNumbercopy%">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo "if /i quote@GetAdvNumberOnly@quote EQU quoteYquote goto:endofqueue">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo ::Queue Settings>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo ::Queue>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAU=%EULAU%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAE=%EULAE%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAJ=%EULAJ%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAK=%EULAK%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" echo SET RSU=%RSU%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" echo SET RSE=%RSE%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" echo SET RSJ=%RSJ%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" echo SET RSK=%RSK%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" echo SET BC=%BC%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM3.2U=%SM3.2U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1U=%SM4.1U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2U=%SM4.2U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3U=%SM4.3U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM3.2E=%SM3.2E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1E=%SM4.1E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2E=%SM4.2E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3E=%SM4.3E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET SM3.2J=%SM3.2J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1J=%SM4.1J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2J=%SM4.2J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3J=%SM4.3J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1K=%SM4.1K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2K=%SM4.2K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3K=%SM4.3K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3U-DWR=%SM4.3U-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2U-DWR=%SM4.2U-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1U-DWR=%SM4.1U-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3E-DWR=%SM4.3E-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2E-DWR=%SM4.2E-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1E-DWR=%SM4.1E-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3J-DWR=%SM4.3J-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2J-DWR=%SM4.2J-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1J-DWR=%SM4.1J-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3K-DWR=%SM4.3K-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2K-DWR=%SM4.2K-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1K-DWR=%SM4.1K-DWR%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3U-DWG=%SM4.3U-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2U-DWG=%SM4.2U-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1U-DWG=%SM4.1U-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3E-DWG=%SM4.3E-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2E-DWG=%SM4.2E-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1E-DWG=%SM4.1E-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3J-DWG=%SM4.3J-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2J-DWG=%SM4.2J-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1J-DWG=%SM4.1J-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3K-DWG=%SM4.3K-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2K-DWG=%SM4.2K-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1K-DWG=%SM4.1K-DWG%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3U-DWB%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3U-DWB=%SM4.3U-DWB%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2U-DWB%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2U-DWB=%SM4.2U-DWB%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.1U-DWB%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.1U-DWB=%SM4.1U-DWB%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.3E-DWB%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.3E-DWB=%SM4.3E-DWB%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SM4.2E-DWB%" EQU "*" echo SET SM4.2E-DWB=%SM4.2E-DWB%>> 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%AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat del %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.batredirectnul">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%AdvDLX%) do call :process4 %%A goto:tinyskip :process4 echo "echo quote%*quoteredirectredirect%AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:EOF :tinyskip support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt -le!"%AdvDLX:~5%" -write -yes echo "support\sfk filter -quiet %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat -rep _quotequotequote__ -write -yes">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:doitagain ::goto:EOF :quickskip echo ":endofqueue">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _quote_\x22_ -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _"set AdvNumber="*_"set AdvNumber=%AdvNumberCOPY%"_ -write -yes ::support\sfk filter "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo Download Queue Saved @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" set "CurrentQueue=%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:FINISH ::if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:FINISH ::...................................Copy (rename %Drive%\wad if applicable)............................... :COPY if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD goto:creditcheck if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:creditcheck if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:creditcheck if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "AW" goto:creditcheck ::if /i "%DRIVE%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" goto:creditcheck Set COPY= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo "%Drive%\WAD" Folder already exists, what would you like to do? echo. echo M = Merge downloads with existing "%Drive%\WAD" Folder. echo Duplicates will be skipped. echo. echo R = Rename the existing WAD Folder to WAD# echo and begin downloading. echo. echo C = Cancel/Main Menu echo. echo E = Exit echo. set /p COPY= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%COPY%" EQU "M" goto:creditcheck if /i "%COPY%" EQU "E" EXIT if /i "%COPY%" EQU "C" goto:MENU if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" goto:COPY :COPY2 SET /a COUNT=%COUNT%+1 if exist "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT% goto:COPY2 ::move "%Drive%"\WAD "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT%>nul rename "%Drive%"\WAD WAD%COUNT% goto:creditcheck ::.................................................ACTUAL DOWNLOAD CODE........................................................................... :DOWNLOADSTART if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2 if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4queue" goto:processDLCheck2 if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4switch" goto:processDLCheck2switch if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4mym2csm" goto:load4mym2csm set retry=1 set attempt=1 ::DBUPDATE.bat check (added in v4.5.0) ::instead of putting out ModMii updates for minor things, the update check can be used to create\download a DBUPDATE.bat file to modify variables like "wadname", "md5", etc. ::if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" :DOWNLOADSTART2 ::change drive to usb if applicable set "DRIVE=%REALDRIVE%" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipchange if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "apps\usbloader_cfg\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "apps\usbloader_gx\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "apps\wiiflow\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "Program Files\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "Program Files\NKit\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "Program Files\GamecubeISOTool\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" :skipchange if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set DRIVE=temp if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" ::if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "FAT32_GUI_Formatter\" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" ::USBGUIDE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:makewbfsfolder if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip :makewbfsfolder set "wbfsdir=%Drive%\WBFS" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set "wbfsdir=%DriveU%\WBFS" if not exist "%wbfsdir%" mkdir "%wbfsdir%" :skip :actualDL if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" SET /a CURRENTDL=%CURRENTDL%+1 if /i "%CURRENTDL%" NEQ "1" echo. if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" support\sfk echo [%redtext%]Downloading %CURRENTDL% of %DLTOTAL%: %name% if /i "%retry%" NEQ "1" support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%]Re-Downloading %CURRENTDL% of %DLTOTAL%: %name% echo. ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notskin if /i "%CURRENTDL%" EQU "1" set percent=0 ::if "%percent%"=="" set percent=0 set percentlast=%percent% set /a percent=%CURRENTDL%00/%DLTOTAL% if %percent% LSS %percentlast% set percent=%percentlast% start support\wizapp PB UPDATE %percent% :notskin ::---------Exceptions---------------- if /i "%category%" EQU "CHEATS" goto:CHEATS if /i "%category%" EQU "ManualUpdate" goto:MANUALUPDATE if /i "%category%" EQU "fullextract" goto:fullextract if /i "%category%" EQU "auto" goto:fullextract if /i "%category%" EQU "themes" goto:THEMES if /i "%category%" EQU "STUBS" goto:STUBS if /i "%basewad%" NEQ "none" goto:CIOSMAKER if /i "%name%" EQU "Hackmii Installer" goto:wget if /i "%category%" EQU "userdefined" goto:CustomDL if /i "%category%" EQU "FORWARDER" goto:FORWARDER if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp if /i "%code1%" EQU "URL" goto:DownloadURL ::if /i "%category%" EQU "IOS" goto:nusd ::--------------------------NUSD.EXE Downloader--------------- :nusd if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- :checkifwadexist if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= set md5altcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" goto:no01check if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:nocheckexisting if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:no01check) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul :no01check support\sfk echo [%greentext%]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download echo. set alreadyexists=yes if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting ::SAVE TO WAD FOLDER ONLY if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity, type "C" while holding "Ctrl", echo then type "N", then "Enter" (i.e. Ctrl+C, N, Enter) echo. cd temp ..\support\nusd.exe %code1%%code2% %version% cd.. if exist temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version%\%code1%%code2%-NUS-v%version%.wad move /y temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version%\%code1%%code2%-NUS-v%version%.wad temp\%wadname%>nul if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% if exist temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version% copy /y temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles :AlreadyinTemp if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% >nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" move /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% >nul if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul :option1notNUS :wadverifyretry ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= set md5altcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. set multiplefail=Y echo. if /i "%KeepInvalidOverride%" NEQ "Y" (if exist "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" del "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%">nul) & (if exist "%Drive%\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%") if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::--------------------------STUBS Downloader--------------- :STUBS ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- :checkifwadexist if not exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "temp\%wadname%" if not errorlevel 1 (set md5check=pass) & (goto:STUBSTUFF) set md5check=fail :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :nocheckexisting ::SAVE TO temp FOLDER ONLY (for now) echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity, type "C" while holding "Ctrl", echo then type "N", then "Enter" (i.e. Ctrl+C, N, Enter) echo. cd temp ..\support\nusd.exe %code1%%code2% %version% cd.. if exist temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version%\%code1%%code2%-NUS-v%version%.wad move /y temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version%\%code1%%code2%-NUS-v%version%.wad temp\%wadname%>nul ::no point in saving STUB contents ::if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% ::if exist temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version% copy /y temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "temp\%wadname%" if not errorlevel 1 (set md5check=pass) & (goto:STUBSTUFF) set md5check=fail :fail echo. if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. set multiplefail=Y echo. if /i "%KeepInvalidOverride%" NEQ "Y" (if exist "temp\%wadname%" del "temp\%wadname%">nul) & (if exist "%Drive%\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%") echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :STUBSTUFF ::COPY TO WAD\STUBS FOLDER and change slot and version number (v404 not found, lol) if not exist "%Drive%\WAD\STUBS" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD\STUBS" if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set "DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%") else (set "DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%") ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\stubs.txt) do call :processstubs %%A goto:quickskip :processstubs set stubnum=%* set wadname2=STUB-IOS%stubnum%-64-v404.wad echo Creating %wadname2%... ::copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\STUBS\%wadname2%">nul cd support patchios "..\temp\%wadname%" -slot %stubnum% -v 404 -O "%DRIVEadj%\WAD\STUBS\%wadname2%">nul cd.. goto:EOF :quickskip echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::-------------------------------cIOS Maker----------------------------------------------------- :CIOSMAKER if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4% ::no md5 check for dml if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" EQU "DML" goto:nocheckexisting ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5check= set md5altcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [%greentext%]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download echo. set alreadyexists=yes if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%.wad: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting ::missing Support folder error message and skip if not exist Support support\sfk echo -spat [%yellowtext%] Missing "Support" folder - Required to make cIOSs/cMIOSs if not exist Support support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] Redownload ModMii from https://modmii.github.io if not exist Support support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] Skipping download if not exist Support @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul if not exist Support goto:NEXT if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD :downloadbasewad ::download base wad to "%Drive%" echo. echo Downloading Base Wad: %basewad% echo. ::----Check base IOS----------- ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewad%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5basecheck= set md5basealtcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This base wad already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del temp\%basewad%.wad>nul goto:downloadbasewad :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Base Wad already exists and has been verified, Continuing... echo. goto:basealreadythere :nocheckexisting echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity, type "C" while holding "Ctrl", echo then type "N", then "Enter" (i.e. Ctrl+C, N, Enter) echo. if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD cd temp ..\support\nusd.exe %code1%%code2% %version% cd.. if exist temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version%\%code1%%code2%-NUS-v%version%.wad move /y temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version%\%code1%%code2%-NUS-v%version%.wad temp\%basewad%.wad>nul if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% if exist temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version% copy /y temp\titles\%code1%%code2%\%version% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewad%.wad goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The basewad is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewad :checkexisting set md5basecheck= set md5basealtcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del temp\%basewad%.wad>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewad :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat set multiplefail=Y echo. goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Base Wad has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing... echo. :basealreadythere ::----------PATCHIOS Category------------- if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:notpatchios if not "%lastbasemodule%"=="" goto:notpatchios copy /y temp\%basewad%.wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad>nul cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set "DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%") else (set "DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%") if "%lastbasemodule%"=="" patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad -FS -ES -NP -VP -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% if not "%lastbasemodule%"=="" patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad -FS -ES -NP -VP cd.. if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" set wadname=%wadname%.wad goto:wadverifyretry :notpatchios ::---------------------------------------- ::unpack base wad echo. echo Unpacking Base Wad: %basewad% echo. if exist %basecios% rd /s /q %basecios% mkdir %basecios% support\wadmii -in temp\%basewad%.wad -out %basecios% ::-----------DML Stuff------------ :DML-stuff if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" NEQ "DML" goto:SkipDML-stuff ::download DML currentrev if missing echo. echo Downloading %dlname% echo. if exist "temp\DML\%dlname%" goto:getfixelf if not exist "%dlname%" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "%URL%" if not exist "%dlname%" (rd /s /q %basewad%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] %dlname% Failed to Download properly, Skipping download.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT) if not exist "temp\DML" mkdir "temp\DML" move /y "%dlname%" "temp\DML\%dlname%">nul :getfixelf echo. echo Downloading FixELF echo. if exist "temp\DML\FixELF.exe" goto:gotfixelf if not exist "FixELF.zip" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://tiny.cc/fixelfmirror" if not exist "FixELF.zip" (rd /s /q %basewad%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] %dlname% Failed to Download properly, Skipping download.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT) support\7za e -aoa "FixELF.zip" -o"temp\DML" *.* -r>nul if not exist "temp\DML\FixELF.exe" (Corrupted archive detected and deleted...) & (del "temp\DML\FixELF.zip">nul) & (goto:NEXT) del FixELF.zip>nul :gotfixelf move /y "%basecios%\00000001.app" "temp\DML\MIOS.app">nul cd "temp\DML" if exist 00000001.app del 00000001.app>nul echo. echo Running Crediar's FixELF to patch MIOS.app echo. FixELF MIOS.app "DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" 00000001.app>nul cd.. cd.. move /y "temp\DML\00000001.app" "%basecios%\00000001.app">nul goto:repackwad :SkipDML-stuff ::--------------------base wad B------------------------ :downloadbasewadb ::download SECOND base wadB to "%Drive%" (if applicable) if /i "%basewadb%" EQU "none" goto:nobasewadb echo. echo Downloading Base Wad: %basewadb% echo. ::----Check base IOS B----------- ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5basebcheck= set md5basebaltcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This base wad already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul goto:downloadbasewadb :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Base Wad already exists and has been verified, Continuing... echo. goto:baseBalreadythere :nocheckexisting echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity, type "C" while holding "Ctrl", echo then type "N", then "Enter" (i.e. Ctrl+C, N, Enter) echo. cd temp ..\support\nusd.exe %code1b%%code2b% %versionb% cd.. if exist temp\titles\%code1b%%code2b%\%versionb%\%code1b%%code2b%-NUS-v%versionb%.wad move /y temp\titles\%code1b%%code2b%\%versionb%\%code1b%%code2b%-NUS-v%versionb%.wad temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul if not exist temp\%code1b%\%code2b%\v%versionb% mkdir temp\%code1b%\%code2b%\v%versionb% if exist temp\titles\%code1b%%code2b%\%versionb% copy /y temp\titles\%code1b%%code2b%\%versionb% temp\%code1b%\%code2b%\v%versionb%\ >nul if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The basewad is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewadb :checkexisting set md5basebcheck= set md5basebaltcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewadb :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. set multiplefail=Y goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Base Wad has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing... echo. :baseBalreadythere ::----unpack base wad echo. echo Unpacking Base Wad: %basewadb% echo. mkdir %basewadb% support\wadmii -in temp\%basewadb%.wad -out %basewadb% if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" EQU "cBC" goto:cbc-stuff ::----specific for cios223v4[37+38] ::move modules that are from 38 and to be patched move /y %basewadb%\00000001.app %basecios%\00000001.app>nul move /y %basewadb%\%lastbasemodule%.app %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app>nul rd /s /q %basewadb% goto:nobasewadb :cbc-stuff ::download NMM\DML-installer if missing if exist "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\FixELF.exe" goto:gotit ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://sourceforge.net/projects/menuui/files/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul echo. echo Downloading %dlname% if not exist "%dlname%" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "%URL%" echo. if not exist "%dlname%" (rd /s /q %basewadb%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] %dlname% Failed to Download properly, Skipping download.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT) if not exist "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%" mkdir "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%" temp\unrar.exe x -y %dlname% "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%">nul if exist %dlname% del %dlname%>nul :gotit if exist "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\%wadname:~4,3%.elf" move /y "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\%wadname:~4,3%.elf" "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\%wadname:~4,3%.elf">nul move /y "%basewadb%\00000001.app" "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\MIOS.app">nul rd /s /q %basewadb% cd "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf" if exist 00000001.app del 00000001.app>nul echo. echo Running Crediar's FixELF to patch MIOS.app echo. FixELF MIOS.app %wadname:~4,3%.elf 00000001.app>nul cd.. cd.. cd.. move /y "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\00000001.app" "%basecios%\00000001.app">nul goto:repackwad :nobasewadb ::------for theming system Menus only---------- if /i "%category%" NEQ "SMTHEME" goto:skip goto:mym_download :SMTHEME2 echo. echo Patching System Theme, please wait... echo. rename %basecios%\00000001.app 00000001-original.app call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix.bat cd /d temp TMCL.exe "%ModMiiDir%\temp\%mym1%" "%ModMiiDir%\%basecios%\00000001-original.app" "temp.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%ModMiiDir%\temp\%mym2%" "temp.csm" "%ModMiiDir%\%basecios%\00000001.app">nul if exist "temp.csm" del "temp.csm">nul if exist "tmp" rd /s /q "tmp"> nul cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" del %basecios%\00000001-original.app>nul call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat goto:repackwad :skip ::-----cios/cmios stuff------------ ::rename *.cert and *.footer (doesn't need to be patched), rename components that need to be patched (excluding tik and tmd) echo. echo Patching A handful of BaseWad Component Files echo. if /i "%code2%" NEQ "%code2new%" ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.cert %code1%%code2new%.cert if /i "%code2%" NEQ "%code2new%" ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.footer %code1%%code2new%.footer ::skip for non d2x cIOSs set usetmdedit= if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:notd2x if %ciosversion% GEQ 21009 set usetmdedit=Y ::if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "9-beta(r47)" set usetmdedit= ::if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "10-beta52" set usetmdedit= ::if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "10-beta53-alt" set usetmdedit= ::::force on (testing only) ::set usetmdedit=Y ::::force off (testing only) ::set usetmdedit= if /i "%usetmdedit%" EQU "Y" (goto:NotRenamedOriginal2) else (goto:NotRenamedOriginal) :notd2x if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff ren %basecios%\00000000.app 00000000-original.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff ren %basecios%\00000001.app 00000001-original.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff ren %basecios%\00000002.app 00000002-original.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff ren %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app %lastbasemodule%-original.app ::rename tik & tmd for cMIOSs if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:rename if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:rename goto:notcMIOS :rename ::ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik %code1%%code2new%-original.tik ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd %code1%%code2new%-original.tmd :notcMIOS ::-------------diff patch files---------------- if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff support\jptch %basecios%\00000000-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff %basecios%\00000000.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff support\jptch %basecios%\00000001-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff %basecios%\00000001.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff support\jptch %basecios%\00000002-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff %basecios%\00000002.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app ::patch tmd and tiks when they've been renamed to *-original.tik\tmd (for cMIOSs) if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:RenamedOriginal if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:RenamedOriginal goto:NotRenamedOriginal :RenamedOriginal ::if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd goto:deletefiles :NotRenamedOriginal if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd ::use different tik diff files depending on what base wad downloaded :NotRenamedOriginal2 if not exist "support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff" goto:notik if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik :notik if not exist "support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik2.diff" goto:notik2 if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik2.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik :notik2 ::delete un-needed original files that have already been patched :deletefiles if exist %basecios%\00000000-original.app del %basecios%\00000000-original.app>nul if exist %basecios%\00000001-original.app del %basecios%\00000001-original.app>nul if exist %basecios%\00000002-original.app del %basecios%\00000002-original.app>nul if exist %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app del %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app>nul ::--for cMIOS's that have tiks and tmds renamed to -original if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik>nul if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd>nul ::override for IOS60 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24])" goto:signcios if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:repackwad if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik>nul ::don't delete base tmd if usetmdedit=Y if /i "%usetmdedit%" NEQ "Y" if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd>nul ::---------------Korean Key Patch--------------- ::skip korean key patch and copying of custom modules for d2x cIOSs (will be done later) if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" EQU "d2x" goto:signcios if /i "%basewad:~3,2%" EQU "38" goto:nokorpatch if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" goto:nokorpatch if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" EQU "cBC" goto:repackwad if /i "%basecios%" EQU "IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP-VP])" goto:repackwad echo. echo Patching %lastbasemodule%.app to support the Korean Common Key ::IOS37-64-v3869 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v3869" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD00=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v3869" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x278E0=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS57-64-v5661 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21340=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x28F5C=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::NEXT GEN BASES ::IOS37-64-v5662 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD88=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x27968=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS53-64-v5662 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS53-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD88=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS53-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x27968=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS55-64-v5662 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS55-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD88=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS55-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x27968=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS56-64-v5661 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS56-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS56-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS57-64-v5918 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5918" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5918" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS58-64-v6175 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS58-64-v6175" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS58-64-v6175" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS60-64-v6174 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS60-64-v6174" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x20678=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS60-64-v6174" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x28294=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS70-64-v6687 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS70-64-v6687" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21340=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS70-64-v6687" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x28f5c=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS80-64-v6943 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS80-64-v6943" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS80-64-v6943" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E echo. :nokorpatch ::copy over extra components echo. echo Copying over Custom Modules echo. ::222v4 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v4" copy support\Hermes\mloadv3.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::223v4 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" copy support\Hermes\mloadv3.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::222v5 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v5" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::223v5 base37 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37]-v5" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::224v5 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS224[57]-v5" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\00000013.app ::202v5.1R base60 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS202[60]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::222v5.1R base38 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::223v5.1R base37 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::224v5.1R base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS224[57]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\00000013.app ::249v19 base37 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000014.app ::249v19 base38 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000014.app ::249v20 base38 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app ::249v20 base56 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app ::249v19 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000018.app ::249v20 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app ::249v17b if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy support\W17bmodules\0000000f.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy support\W17bmodules\00000010.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy support\W17bmodules\00000011.app %basecios%\00000011.app ::249v14 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy support\W14modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy support\W14modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy support\W14modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app ::249v21 base 37/38/56 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v21" goto:yes goto:skip :yes copy support\W21modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app copy support\W21modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app copy support\W21modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app copy support\W21modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app copy support\W21modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app copy support\W21modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app copy support\W21modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app :skip ::249v21 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app ::249v21 base58 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app ::------sign cIOS with details--------- :signcios set d2xNumber= set d2xhexNumber= set baseNumber= set basehexNumber= set d2xsubversion= set string= set string1= set cIOSsubversion= if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad echo. echo Tagging 00000000.app with cIOS details echo. ::----convert some values from dec to hex---- if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:minijump echo "set cIOSversionNum=%d2x-beta-rev%">temp\cIOSrev.bat support\sfk filter -spat temp\cIOSrev.bat -rep _\x22__ -rep _"-*"__ -write -yes>nul call temp\cIOSrev.bat del temp\cIOSrev.bat>nul :minijump support\sfk hex %cIOSversionNum% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::set a file with 1 line as a variable set /p cIOShexNumber= nul ::----- set baseNumber=%basewad:~3,2% ::base # for 37+38=75 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" set baseNumber=75 support\sfk hex %baseNumber% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::set a file with 1 line as a variable set /p basehexNumber= nul ::-----cIOSFamilyName (this part required for d2x betas only)------- if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:tinyjump set cIOSsubversion= set cIOSFamilyName=d2x if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat ::limit cios family name to 16 chars set cIOSFamilyName=%cIOSFamilyName:~0,16% ::-----version string (ie. beta1) (this part required for d2x betas only)------ set string1=%cIOSversionNum% set versionlength=1 ::letter by letter loop :loopy if /i "%string1%" EQU "" goto:endloopy set string1=%string1:~1% set /A versionlength=%versionlength%+1 goto loopy :endloopy echo set cIOSsubversion=@d2x-beta-rev:~%versionlength%,16@>cIOSsubversion.bat support\sfk filter cIOSsubversion.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call cIOSsubversion.bat del cIOSsubversion.bat>nul :tinyjump ::copy template .app copy /y "support\00000000-template.app" "%basecios%\00000000.app">nul ::hexalter version number and base wad number support\hexalter.exe "%basecios%\00000000.app" 0x8=0x%cIOShexNumber:~0,2%,0x%cIOShexNumber:~2,2%,0x%cIOShexNumber:~4,2%,0x%cIOShexNumber:~6,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~0,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~2,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~4,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~6,2% ::convert %cIOSFamilyName% to hex then hexalter set var=%cIOSFamilyName% call support\subscripts\Ascii2hex.bat setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION support\sfk filter -quiet "temphex.txt" -rep _,_,0x_ -write -yes set /p cIOSFamilyNamehex= nul) else (copy /y Support\d2xModules\ciosmaps.xml temp\ciosmaps.xml>nul) ::get base IOS section support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -inc "base ios\x3d\x22%basewad:~3,2%" to "\x2fbase" -nocheck -write -yes>nul ::rename comments and redirects support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -rep _"\x3c\x21\x2d\x2d"_commentstart_ -rep _"\x2d\x2d\x3e"_commentend_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -rep _"\x3c"__ -rep _"\x2f\x3e"_LineEnd_ -rep _"\x3e"_LineEnd_ -write -yes>nul ::remove quotes, equal signs, and trailing spaces\slashes support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -rep _"\x3d"__ -rep _"\x22"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -lerep _"\x2f"__ -lerep _"\x20"__ -write -yes>nul ::remove blank lines support\sfk filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -no-empty-lines -no-blank-lines -write -yes>nul ::force remove IRQ4 patch for d2x v8 base 58 (harmless but included by davebaol by accident) if /i "%basewad:~3,2%" NEQ "58" goto:no58fix if /i "%ciosversion%" NEQ "21008" goto:no58fix support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -!"patch offset0x28530 size4 originalbytes0xFF,0xFF,0x5D,0x52 newbytes0xFF,0xFF,0x5D,0x5C" -write -yes>nul :no58fix ::get contentscount\basemodules\modulescount --> basemodules=lastbasemodules+1 (includes 00000000.app) set /p topline= temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter temp\temp.txt -rep _*contentscount__ -rep _" "*__ -write -yes>nul set /p contentscount= temp\temp.txt set /p basemodules= nul ::remove 00000000.app patches (done later) support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -cut "*" to "\x2fcontent" -nocheck -write -yes>nul ::remove /content and /base support\sfk -spat filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -!"\x2fcontent" -!"\x2fbase" -write -yes>nul ::split to temp\ciosmodules.xml support\sfk filter temp\ciosmaps.xml ++"module" -!"commentstart" -!"commentend" -!"\x2fbase">temp\ciosmodules.xml support\sfk filter temp\ciosmaps.xml -!"module" -!"\x2fbase" -write -yes>nul set contentid=0 set xmlcomment= set newbytes= set newbytestemp= set getnewbytes= ::-----------------------:process ciosmaps.xml: loop though xml--------------------------- ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\ciosmaps.xml) do call :processciosmaps %%A goto:quickskip :processciosmaps ::set xmlLine=%* echo %*>temp\temp.txt findStr /I /C:"commentend" "temp\temp.txt" >nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set xmlcomment=) & (goto:EOF) if /i "%xmlcomment%" EQU "on" goto:EOF findStr /I /C:"commentstart" "temp\temp.txt" >nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set xmlcomment=on) & (goto:EOF) findStr /I /C:"content id" "temp\temp.txt" >nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set /a contentid=%contentid%+1) & (goto:EOF) ::----patching...---- ::get current contendid support\sfk hex %contentid% -digits=8 >temp\hex.txt set /p contentidhex= nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:skip support\sfk -spat filter temp\temp.txt -rep _*"patch offset"__ -rep _" "*__ -rep _"LineEnd"*__ -write -yes>nul set /p patchoffset= temp\temp.txt findStr /I /C:"newbytes" "temp\temp.txt" >nul if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set getnewbytes=on if /i "%getnewbytes%" NEQ "on" goto:skip ::filter for newbytes support\sfk -spat filter temp\temp.txt -rep _*"newbytes"__ -rep _\x20\x20__ -lsrep _\x20__ -rep _"LineEnd"*__ -rep _" "*__ -write -yes>nul set newbytestemp= set /p newbytestemp= temp\temp.txt findStr /I /C:"LineEnd" "temp\temp.txt" >nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:EOF if "%newbytes%"=="" goto:EOF if "%patchoffset%"=="" goto:EOF ::::verbose ::echo support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%contentidhex%.app %patchoffset%=%newbytes% support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%contentidhex%.app %patchoffset%=%newbytes% set patchoffset= set newbytes= set newbytestemp= set getnewbytes= goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo Copying over Custom Modules echo. ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\ciosmodules.xml) do call :processciosmodules %%A goto:quickskip :processciosmodules set /a contentid=%contentid%+1 support\sfk hex %contentid% -digits=8 >temp\hex.txt set /p contentidhex= temp\temp.txt ::get module support\sfk -spat filter temp\temp.txt -rep _*" module"__ -rep _" "*__ -write -yes>nul set /p module= support\sfk -spat filter "%xml%" ++"ciosgroup name" ++"version" ++"basescount" -rep _*version\x3d\x22__ -rep _\x22*__ >temp\d2xversion.xml set /p tmdversion= nul support\TMDedit.exe -b "%basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd" -xml %xml% -group d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% %tmdversion% -base %basewad:~3,2% %version% -folder "%basecios%" -basefile %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd -outIOS 249 del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd>nul ::---------pack files into cIOS wad--------- :repackwad echo. echo Repacking Wad echo. support\wadmii -in "%basecios%" -out "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%.wad" ::delete unpacked files rd /s /q %basecios% ::Change version number and slot number (using patchios) only if required :patchios if /i "%ciosslot%" EQU "unchanged" goto:skip echo. echo Changing version number and/or slot number echo. cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set "DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%") else (set "DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%") patchios "%Driveadj%\WAD\%wadname%.wad" -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% cd.. echo. :skip if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" set wadname=%wadname%.wad if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" EQU "DML" goto:simpleDMLcheck goto:wadverifyretry :simpleDMLcheck if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:missing :pass echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 ::----------------------------------------THEMES------------------------------------- :THEMES if not exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes mkdir "%Drive%"\ModThemes ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [%greentext%]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting ::-------------Download base app---------------------- echo. echo Downloading Base app from System Menu %wadname:~-4%: 000000%version%.app echo. set dlname=000000%version%_%wadname:~-4%.app ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% goto:nocheckexisting set md5basecheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This base app already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname%>nul if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Base App already exists and has been verified, Continuing... echo. goto:mym_download :nocheckexisting if exist temp\%dlname% goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe %version% http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download if exist 000000%version%.app move /Y 000000%version%.app temp\%dlname%>nul :AlreadyinTemp copy /y temp\%dlname% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% >nul ::----Check base APP----------- ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.csm: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5basecheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This base app already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname%>nul if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname%>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.csm: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] Base App has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing... echo. ::if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%.csm: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:mym_download ::-------------------mym download to build csm file--------------------- :mym_download set mym0=%mym1% set md5mym0=%md5mym1% set mym2= :mym2_download echo. echo Downloading %mym0% echo. ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "temp\%mym0%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5mymcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5mym0% "temp\%mym0%" if errorlevel 1 set md5mymcheck=fail IF "%md5mymcheck%"=="" set md5mymcheck=pass if /i "%md5mymcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This mym file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "temp\%mym0%">nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] File already exists and has been verified, Continuing... echo. ::if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 goto:download_mym2 :nocheckexisting start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/%mym0%" if exist "%mym0%" move /Y "%mym0%" temp>nul ::----Check mym file after downloading----------- ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "temp\%mym0%" goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5mymcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5mym0% "temp\%mym0%" if errorlevel 1 set md5mymcheck=fail IF "%md5mymcheck%"=="" set md5mymcheck=pass if /i "%md5mymcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This File already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "temp\%mym0%">nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] File has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing... echo. ::if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 ::goto:build_csm :download_mym2 if /i "%mym0%" EQU "%mym2%" goto:thememiiDL if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set mym2=optional_non_spinning_outline.mym if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5mym2=9e70e955aa9ba04cb904b350402ed5b3 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set mym2=optional_spinning_outline.mym if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5mym2=b66e0d93eac883651898090236c14306 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set mym2=optional_fast_spinning_outline.mym if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5mym2=1ddddcf02bc7024b7fde393308cdbd5f set mym0=%mym2% set md5mym0=%md5mym2% goto:mym2_download ::---------thememii cmd line download------------- :thememiiDL echo. echo Downloading ThemeMii Cmd Line echo. set ThemeMiiZip=thememii_cmd.v1.1_3.5NetFramework.zip set md5themewii=e80cd96a5691705ff323f480d873418d ::if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist temp\themewii.exe goto:nocheckexisting set md5themewiicheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5themewii% temp\themewii.exe if errorlevel 1 set md5themewiicheck=fail IF "%md5themewiicheck%"=="" set md5themewiicheck=pass if /i "%md5themewiicheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del temp\themewii.exe>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] File already exists and has been verified, Continuing... echo. goto:build_csm :nocheckexisting start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/%ThemeMiiZip%" if exist %ThemeMiiZip% support\7za e -aoa %ThemeMiiZip% -otemp *.* -r if exist %ThemeMiiZip% del %ThemeMiiZip%>nul ::----Check mym file after downloading----------- ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\themewii.exe goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5themewiicheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5themewii% temp\themewii.exe if errorlevel 1 set md5themewiicheck=fail IF "%md5themewiicheck%"=="" set md5themewiicheck=pass if /i "%md5themewiicheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del temp\themewii.exe>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] File has been Downloaded Successfully, Continuing... echo. ::goto:build_csm :build_csm if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 echo. echo Building Theme (%wadname%.csm), please wait... echo. call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix.bat cd /d temp TMCL.exe "%ModMiiDir%\temp\%mym1%" "%ModMiiDir%\temp\%dlname%" "temp.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%ModMiiDir%\temp\%mym2%" "temp.csm" "%wadname%.csm">nul if exist "temp.csm" del "temp.csm">nul if exist "tmp" rd /s /q "tmp"> nul ::sign csm using themewii.exe (aka modmiithemesigner) to avoid warning prompts after MyMenuifyMod's 2023 update if exist "%wadname%.csm" themewii.exe "%wadname%.csm" "%wadname%.csm" if not exist "%wadname%.csm" goto:skip if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (move /y "%wadname%.csm" "%Drive%\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm">nul) else (move /y "%wadname%.csm" "%ModMiiDir%\%Drive%\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm">nul) :skip cd /d "%ModMiiDir%" ::del %basecios%\00000001-original.app>nul call support\subscripts\TMCL_Portable_Fix_Reversal.bat ::if exist "temp\%wadname%.csm" move /y "temp\%wadname%.csm" "%Drive%\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm">nul ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%KeepInvalidOverride%" NEQ "Y" (if exist "%Drive%\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm" del "%Drive%\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm">nul) if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::--------------------------------------Cheat Codes: txtcodes from codes.rc24.xyz------------------------------ :CHEATS ::set cheatregion=all if exist "codeindex.txt" del "codeindex.txt" >nul if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt">nul echo. echo Downloading %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes for the following console(s): echo. if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * WiiWare if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Arcade if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii Channels if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Gamecube if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * NES/Famicom VC if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Super NES/Famicom VC if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Nintendo 64 VC if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Sega Master System VC if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" echo * NeoGeo VC if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Commodore 64 VC if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * MSX VC if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * TurboGraFX-16 VC if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * TurboGraFX-CD VC echo. if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" echo Location(s) to save cheats: (txtcodes and codes\X\L) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" echo Location(s) to save cheats: (txtcodes) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" echo Location(s) to save cheats: (codes\X\L) echo. if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" echo Overwrite existing txtcodes (Disabled) if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" echo Overwrite existing txtcodes (Enabled) echo. echo Note: The above settings can be customized in the Cheat Code Options echo. echo. echo Grabbing current list of cheats from codes.rc24.xyz, echo Please wait... echo. ::---get game/iso list and game count------- if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes mkdir "%drive%"\txtcodes :skip ::-----------used to get full list of all games--------------- goto:skipcheatrepeat :cheatrepeat if exist codeindex.txt copy /y codeindex.txt codeindextemp.txt >nul if exist codeindex.txt (copy /y codeindextemp.txt+"index*=all" codeindex.txt >nul) else (move /y "index*=all" "codeindex.txt">nul) if exist "index*=all" del "index*=all" >nul if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt" >nul goto:%nextcheatlist% :skipcheatrepeat ::--------------ALL REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "all" goto:skipall ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=allwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=R&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :allwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=allvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=W&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :allVCcheats set nextcheatlist=allwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=D&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :allwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=allGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=H&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :allGCcheats set nextcheatlist=allNEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=G&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :allNEScheats set nextcheatlist=allSNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=F&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :allSNEScheats set nextcheatlist=allN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=J&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :allN64cheats set nextcheatlist=allSMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=N&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :allSMScheats set nextcheatlist=allGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=L&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :allGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=allNEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=M&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :allNEOcheats set nextcheatlist=allCOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=E&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :allCOMcheats set nextcheatlist=allMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=C&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :allMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=allT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=X&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :allT16cheats set nextcheatlist=allTCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=P&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :allTCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipall if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=Q&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipall ::--------------USA REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "USA" goto:skipUSA ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=USAwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=R&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :USAwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=USAvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=W&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :USAVCcheats set nextcheatlist=USAwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=D&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :USAwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=USAGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=H&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :USAGCcheats set nextcheatlist=USANEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=G&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :USANEScheats set nextcheatlist=USASNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=F&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :USASNEScheats set nextcheatlist=USAN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=J&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :USAN64cheats set nextcheatlist=USASMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=N&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :USASMScheats set nextcheatlist=USAGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=L&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :USAGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=USANEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=M&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :USANEOcheats set nextcheatlist=USACOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=E&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :USACOMcheats set nextcheatlist=USAMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=C&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :USAMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=USAT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=X&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :USAT16cheats set nextcheatlist=USATCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=P&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :USATCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipUSA if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=Q&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipUSA ::--------------PAL REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "PAL" goto:skipPAL ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=PALwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=R&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :PALwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=PALvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=W&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :PALVCcheats set nextcheatlist=PALwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=D&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :PALwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=PALGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=H&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :PALGCcheats set nextcheatlist=PALNEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=G&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :PALNEScheats set nextcheatlist=PALSNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=F&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :PALSNEScheats set nextcheatlist=PALN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=J&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :PALN64cheats set nextcheatlist=PALSMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=N&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :PALSMScheats set nextcheatlist=PALGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=L&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :PALGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=PALNEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=M&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :PALNEOcheats set nextcheatlist=PALCOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=E&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :PALCOMcheats set nextcheatlist=PALMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=C&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :PALMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=PALT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=X&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :PALT16cheats set nextcheatlist=PALTCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=P&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :PALTCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipPAL if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=Q&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipPAL ::--------------JPN REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "JPN" goto:skipJPN ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=JPNwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=R&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :JPNwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=JPNvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=W&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :JPNVCcheats set nextcheatlist=JPNwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=D&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :JPNwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=JPNGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=H&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :JPNGCcheats set nextcheatlist=JPNNEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=G&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :JPNNEScheats set nextcheatlist=JPNSNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=F&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :JPNSNEScheats set nextcheatlist=JPNN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=J&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :JPNN64cheats set nextcheatlist=JPNSMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=N&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :JPNSMScheats set nextcheatlist=JPNGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=L&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :JPNGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=JPNNEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=M&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :JPNNEOcheats set nextcheatlist=JPNCOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=E&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :JPNCOMcheats set nextcheatlist=JPNMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=C&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :JPNMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=JPNT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=X&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :JPNT16cheats set nextcheatlist=JPNTCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=P&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :JPNTCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipJPN if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "https://codes.rc24.xyz/index.php?chid=Q&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipJPN support\sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -+"index.php?c=******" -write -yes goto:nextstep ::----------DISABLED------------ ::-----remove titles that already exist (if applicable)--------- if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:nextstep if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes\*.txt goto:nextstep ::echo Checking for new cheat codes ::echo This could take a minute, please wait... ::echo. echo The following cheats already exist and will be removed from the download queue: echo. dir /b "%drive%"\txtcodes>existingcodes.txt support\sfk filter -quiet existingcodes.txt -+.txt -rep _.txt__ -write -yes ::Loop through the existing list of codes (existingcodes.txt) and remove each existing game from codeindex.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (existingcodes.txt) do call :processthis %%A goto:nextstep :processthis ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set removetitleID=%* echo Skipping %removetitleID%.txt... support\sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -!%removetitleID% -write -yes goto:EOF :nextstep if exist existingcodes.txt del existingcodes.txt>nul support\sfk filter codeindex.txt -unique -write -yes>nul FINDSTR /N href codeindex.txt>codeindexfull.txt del codeindex.txt>nul ::totalcodes setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set totalcodes=0 set codenumber=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (codeindexfull.txt) do set /a totalcodes=!totalcodes!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. :processcode copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexfull2.txt>nul if /i "%totalcodes%" EQU "%codenumber%" goto:nextstep set /a codenumber=%codenumber%+1 support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*title='*["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -rep _"set titleid=set titleid="_"set titleid="_ -write -yes ::support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*'Wii ["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -write -yes FINDSTR /N set codeindexfull2.txt>codeindex.bat del codeindexfull2.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet codeindex.bat -ls+"1:" -rep _"1:"__ -write -yes call codeindex.bat del codeindex.bat>nul ::now get game name!! copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexTitle.bat>nul ::add in delay so support\sfk has access to codeindexTitle.bat (Foez reported bug) ::@ping -n 1 -w 1500> nul support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*c=%titleid%"_"set titlename="_ -rep _" [%titleid%]*"_"""_ -rep _>__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -ls+"set titlename=" -write -yes call codeindexTitle.bat del codeindexTitle.bat>nul ::if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skipconsoleinfo ::now get console!! copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexConsole.bat>nul support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*sysn' title='"_"set console="_ -rep _"'>[*"_"""_ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -ls+"set console=" -write -yes call codeindexConsole.bat del codeindexConsole.bat>nul ::get console code set consolecode= if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii" set consolecode=R if /i "%console%" EQU "WiiWare" set consolecode=W if /i "%console%" EQU "VC Arcade" set consolecode=D if /i "%console%" EQU "GameCube" set consolecode=G ::Wii Channels(H)-currently no codes, so unsure of "Wii Channels" if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii Channels" set consolecode=H if /i "%console%" EQU "NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=F if /i "%console%" EQU "Super NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=J if /i "%console%" EQU "Nintendo 64 VC" set consolecode=N if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Master System VC" set consolecode=L if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC" set consolecode=M if /i "%console%" EQU "NeoGeo VC" set consolecode=E if /i "%console%" EQU "Commodore 64 VC" set consolecode=C if /i "%console%" EQU "MSX VC" set consolecode=X if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-16 VC" set consolecode=P if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-CD VC" set consolecode=Q ::get first letter of titlename (actually second letter cuz first one is ") set letter1=%titlename:~1,1% if /i "%letter1%" EQU "0" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "1" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "2" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "3" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "4" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "5" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "6" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "7" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "8" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "9" set letter1=# :skipconsoleinfo ::echo %titlename% ::echo %titleid% ::echo %console% ::echo %consolecode% ::echo %letter1% echo. echo Downloading Cheat %codenumber% of %totalcodes%: %titlename% [%titleid%] if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" mkdir "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" :skip if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:overwritecheat ::----copy existing codes to alternate location if missing---- if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Copying from codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt to txtcodes\%titleid%.txt if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Copying from txtcodes\%titleid%.txt to codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat :skip echo %titleid%.txt already exists, echo Skipping download... echo. goto:processcode :overwritecheat if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Overwriting %drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt... :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Overwriting %drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt... :skip :downloadcheat start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate "https://codes.rc24.xyz/txt.php?txt=%titleid%" if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" copy /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul ::for some reason VC downloads fail, and they leave index.html as a trace instead if exist index.html del index.html>nul goto:processcode :nextstep del codeindexfull.txt>nul del codeindexfull2.txt>nul ::Simple Check if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip If exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo "echo Cheat Codes: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat If not exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo "support\sfk echo Cheat Codes: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" goto:skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip If exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo "echo Cheat Codes: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat If not exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo "support\sfk echo Cheat Codes: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat :skip goto:NEXT ::------------------------NUS File Grabber Downloader--------------------- :DownloadApp if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:MYMAPP ::SNEEKAPP if not exist "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES mkdir "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES goto:skip :MYMAPP if not exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes mkdir "%Drive%"\ModThemes :skip set filename=%wadname% if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" set path1=SNEEKFILES\ if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" set path1=ModThemes\ set md5alt=%md5% goto:DownloadURL :DownloadApp2 set dlname=%wadname:~0,8%.app if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe %version% http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download move /Y "%dlname%" temp\%wadname%>nul :AlreadyinTemp if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%>nul if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES\%wadname%>nul goto:URLverifyretry ::-------------------------Download from URLs------------------------------ :DownloadURL ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [%greentext%]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:rootYAWMcheck :nocheckexisting if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp2 if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp2 :DownloadURL2 if not exist temp\%wadname% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate %code2% if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% temp\%wadname% >nul support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\%path1% *.%version% -r ::save identifier for bannerbombs if /i "%dlname%" EQU "aad1f_v108.zip" echo Bannerbombv1 >"%Drive%\%path1%Bannerbomb_v1.txt" if /i "%dlname%" EQU "abd6a_v200.zip" echo Bannerbombv2 >"%Drive%\%path1%Bannerbomb_v2.txt" :URLverifyretry if "%DRIVErestore%"=="" set "DRIVErestore=%Drive%" ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:checkexisting :missing :missingauto if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" if /i "%category%" EQU "auto" goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting if /i "%category%" EQU "auto" goto:autopass set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" set multiplefail=Y if /i "%KeepInvalidOverride%" NEQ "Y" (if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul) if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :autopass echo. if exist "temp\%wadname%" (support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful) else (support\sfk echo [%redtext%]Download Failed [%yellowtext%]but Already Exists on Drive) echo. set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" if exist "temp\%wadname%" (echo "echo %name%: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) else (echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%yellowtext%]Found [%redtext%]but not updated">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) goto:rootYAWMcheck :pass echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful echo. set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat ::save YAWM's elf and dol to root when applicable :rootYAWMcheck if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "yawmME.zip" goto:next if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:rootYAWM if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:rootYAWM if /i "%virgin%" EQU "N" goto:next If /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:next if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:rootYAWM goto:next ::-----Bannerbomb yawmME instead of HackMii installer------ :rootYAWM if exist "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\yawmME_boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\yawmME_boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul if exist "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\boot.dol copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\boot.dol "%Drive%"\boot.dol >nul if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" copy /Y "Support\ExploitAppSelector.bat" "%Drive%\ExploitAppSelector.bat" >nul goto:NEXT ::---------------------------------------- :fullextract set "DRIVErestore=%Drive%" if /i "%wadname%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:doit if /i "%name%" EQU "ShowMiiWads" goto:doit if /i "%filename%" EQU "CustomizeMii.exe" goto:doit if /i "%filename%" EQU "WiiGSC.exe" goto:doit if /i "%CODE1%" EQU "PC" goto:doit goto:skip :doit if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" set "DRIVE=%cd%" if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" set "DRIVE=%cd%" :skip if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" ::no md5 check for dml ::if /i "%name%" NEQ "%CurrentDMLRev%" goto:notdios ::if exist "temp\DML\%wadname%" (goto:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :::notdios ::---------no md5 check for AUTO category------------------ if /i "%category%" NEQ "auto" goto:notauto if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate %code2% if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:skip if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "OFF" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate %code2% if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip :jumpAUSKIP ::Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached on first attempt only if exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:fullextract2 start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate %code2% :skip if exist %dlname% (move /y %dlname% "temp\%wadname%">nul) & (goto:fullextract2) if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingauto if exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:fullextract2 goto:URLverifyretry :notauto ::skip checks for Twilight beta1 and beta2 if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "twilight_hack_v0.1_beta1.zip" goto:fullextract2 if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "Twilight-hack-v0.1-beta2.zip" goto:fullextract2 ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "bootmii_sd_files.zip" goto:notbootmiisd set md5check=fail support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if not errorlevel 1 set md5check=pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if not errorlevel 1 set md5check=pass set md5alt= :notbootmiisd IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [%greentext%]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download echo. set "DRIVE=%DRIVErestore%" if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting :fullextract2 if exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists if not exist "temp\%dlname%" (start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate %code2%) else (move /y "temp\%dlname%" "temp\%wadname%">nul) if exist "%dlname%" move /y "%dlname%" "temp\%wadname%">nul :FullExtractZipAlreadyExists ::extract selected apps differently... if /i "%CODE1%" EQU "PC" goto:PC if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\MyMenuifyMod\" goto:notmym support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\%path1% *.%version% -r goto:skipnormalextraction :notmym if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\usbloader_gx\" goto:notGX support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" ::---!!!DISABLED BUILDING CONFIG!!!---:: goto:skipnormalextraction ::create config file only if doesn't exist already to return to IDCL forwarder, but only if the forwarder is also being downloaded if exist "%Drive%\%path1%GXGlobal.cfg" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%USBX%" NEQ "*" goto:skipnormalextraction echo # USB Loader GX R1272 - Main settings file>"%Drive%\%path1%GXGlobal.cfg" echo # Note: This file is automatically generated by ModMii to set returnTo IDCL>>"%Drive%\%path1%GXGlobal.cfg" echo returnTo = 4944434c>>"%Drive%\%path1%GXGlobal.cfg" goto:skipnormalextraction :notGX if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\wiiflow\" goto:notFLOW support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!wfl*changes.txt ::---!!!DISABLED BUILDING CONFIG!!!---:: goto:skipnormalextraction ::create config file only if doesn't exist already to return to IDCL forwarder, but only if the forwarder is also being downloaded, and not downloading GX with has boot sequence priority if exist "%Drive%\%path1%wiiflow_lite.ini" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%USBX%" NEQ "*" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%usbgx%" EQU "*" goto:skipnormalextraction if exist "%Drive%\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.dol" goto:skipnormalextraction echo [GENERAL]>"%Drive%\%path1%wiiflow_lite.ini" echo returnto=IDCL>>"%Drive%\%path1%wiiflow_lite.ini" goto:skipnormalextraction :notFLOW if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\Priiloader\" (support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%wadname%" EQU "USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v14-IDCL.zip" support\7za x -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v14-IDCL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "indiana-pwns.zip" (support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" private -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%wadname%" EQU "bathaxx.zip" support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "bathaxx.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "return-jodi.zip" support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "return-jodi.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "EriHaKawai-USA+PAL.zip" support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "EriHaKawai-USA+PAL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction ::if /i "%name%" EQU "Neogamma Backup Disc Loader" (support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" apps -r) & (support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" NeoGamma -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\SIP\" (support\7za X -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%" apps -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%name%" NEQ "WiiFlow Forwarder Channel\dol" goto:skipFLOWF ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" support\7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/ *.wad *.dol -r support\7za X -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r goto:skipnormalextraction :skipFLOWF if /i "%name%" NEQ "switch2uneek" goto:skipS2U if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%/WAD"/ %filename% -r if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:skipnormalextraction ::for when MENU1 not equal to "S" support\7za x -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r -x!switch2uneek-4EMUNand-v12-S2RL.wad if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt echo NOFILE>"%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:skipnormalextraction echo 00000000>dump.txt support\sfk filter dump.txt +hextobin "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin del dump.txt>nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipS2U if /i "%name%" NEQ "Casper" goto:skipcasper if not exist "%Drive%\apps\Casper" mkdir "%Drive%\apps\Casper" support\7za e -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -otemp *.* -r support\7za e -aoa "temp\%wadname:~0,-3%" -o"%Drive%\apps\Casper" *.* -r move /y "%Drive%\apps\Casper\casper_0.3.elf" "%Drive%\apps\Casper\boot.elf">nul copy /y "%Drive%\apps\Casper\boot.elf" "%Drive%\boot.elf">nul ::erase boot.dol on root if exists as some cases will prioritize it over boot.elf if exist "%Drive%\boot.dol" del "%Drive%\boot.dol"> nul ::abstinence wizard only - boot exploit-mmm instead of casper if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:skipnormalextraction if exist "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\yawmME_boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\yawmME_boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul if exist "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\boot.dol copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\boot.dol "%Drive%"\boot.dol >nul ::copy /Y "Support\ExploitAppSelector.bat" "%Drive%\ExploitAppSelector.bat" >nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipcasper if /i "%name%" NEQ "Wilbrand" goto:skipWilbrand echo Wilbrand by giantpune echo. echo MAC:%macaddress% echo 4.3%REGION% echo. ::get yesterday's date set CurDate= if exist date.vbs del /f /q date.vbs >date.vbs echo wscript.echo Right(String(2,"0") ^& Month(date), 2) ^& "/" ^& Right(String(2,"0") ^& Day(date), 2) ^& "/" ^& Year(date) for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('cscript//nologo date.vbs') do set CurDate=%%a if exist date.vbs del /f /q date.vbs Set Day=%CurDate:~3,2% Set Month=%CurDate:~0,2% Set Year=%CurDate:~-4% if /i "%day%" NEQ "01" (set /a day=%day%-1) & (goto:yesterday) ::jan to dec if /i "%month%" EQU "01" (set /a year=%year%-1) & (set day=31) & (set month=12) & (goto:yesterday) set /a month=%month%-1 if "%month:~1%"=="" set month=0%month% if /i "%month%" EQU "01" set day=31 if /i "%month%" EQU "02" set day=28 if /i "%month%" EQU "03" set day=31 if /i "%month%" EQU "04" set day=30 if /i "%month%" EQU "05" set day=31 if /i "%month%" EQU "06" set day=30 if /i "%month%" EQU "07" set day=31 if /i "%month%" EQU "08" set day=31 if /i "%month%" EQU "09" set day=30 if /i "%month%" EQU "10" set day=31 if /i "%month%" EQU "11" set day=30 ::if /i "%month%" EQU "12" set day=31 :yesterday ::echo yesterday ::echo mm/dd/yyyy ::echo %Month%/%day%/%year% if exist temp\temp.txt del temp\temp.txt>nul temp\wilbrand.exe %macaddress% %Month%/%day%/%year% 4.3%REGION% "%Drive%">temp\temp.txt findStr /I /C:"Wrote to:" "temp\temp.txt" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo "echo %name% - 4.3%REGION% - MAC:%macaddress%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT) goto:skipnormalextraction :skipWilbrand if /i "%name%" NEQ "nSwitch" goto:skipnSwitch if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipnSwitch if /i "%name%" NEQ "postLoader Forwarder Channel" goto:skipPLC if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipPLC if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "Open_HBC_1.1.5_LULZ.wad" goto:skipOHBC if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipOHBC if /i "%name%" NEQ "DML" goto:skipdios ::if not exist "temp\DML" mkdir "temp\DML" if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" ::if exist "temp\%wadname%" move /y "temp\%wadname%" "temp\DML\%wadname%" >nul copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul goto:simpleDMLcheck :skipdios if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:notWBM if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" (set shortcuts=n) else (set shortcuts=y) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%" mkdir "%Drive%\%path1%" ::support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%\WiiBackupManager" -r support\7za x -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%\%path1%" -r if /i "%shortcuts%" EQU "n" goto:skip if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts if exist "%homedrive%\Program Files (x86)" (set OSbit=64) else (set OSbit=32) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%WiiBackupManager_Win%OSbit%.exe" goto:skip support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%WiiBackupManager_Win%OSbit%.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "WiiBackupManager" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%WiiBackupManager_Win%OSbit%.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "WiiBackupManager" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notWBM if /i "%name%" NEQ "ShowMiiWads" goto:notSMW if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" (set shortcuts=n) else (set shortcuts=y) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%" mkdir "%Drive%\%path1%" support\7za x -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%\%path1%" -r if exist support\common-key.bin goto:commonkeyalreadythere ::silently build common-key.bin echo EBE42A225E8593E448D9C5457381AAF7>support\common-key.txt support\sfk filter support\common-key.txt +hextobin support\common-key.bin>nul del support\common-key.txt>nul :commonkeyalreadythere copy /y support\common-key.bin "%Drive%\%path1%common-key.bin">nul if /i "%shortcuts%" EQU "n" goto:skip if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts if exist "%homedrive%\Program Files (x86)" (set OSbit=64) else (set OSbit=32) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%ShowMiiWads_Win%OSbit%.exe" goto:skip support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%ShowMiiWads_Win%OSbit%.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "ShowMiiWads" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%ShowMiiWads_Win%OSbit%.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "ShowMiiWads" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notSMW if /i "%filename%" NEQ "CustomizeMii.exe" goto:notCM if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" (set shortcuts=n) else (set shortcuts=y) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%" mkdir "%Drive%\%path1%" ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://sourceforge.net/projects/menuui/files/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul temp\unrar.exe x -y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\%path1%" if /i "%shortcuts%" EQU "n" goto:skip if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%CustomizeMii.exe" goto:skip support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%CustomizeMii.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "CustomizeMii" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%CustomizeMii.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "CustomizeMii" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notCM if /i "%filename%" NEQ "WiiGSC.exe" goto:notWiiGSC if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" (set shortcuts=n) else (set shortcuts=y) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%" mkdir "%Drive%\%path1%" support\7za x -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%\%path1%" -r if /i "%shortcuts%" EQU "n" goto:skip if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts if exist "%Drive%\%path1%WiiGSC.exe" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%WiiGSC.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "Wii Game Shortcut Creator" if exist "%Drive%\%path1%WiiGSC.exe" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%WiiGSC.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Wii Game Shortcut Creator" if exist "%Drive%\%path1%CrazyInstaller.exe" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%CrazyInstaller.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Crazy Installer" ::if exist "%Drive%\%path1%KeyStego.exe" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%KeyStego.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "KeyStego" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notWiiGSC if /i "%CODE1%" NEQ "PC" goto:notPC :PC if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" (set shortcuts=n) else (set shortcuts=y) if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%" mkdir "%Drive%\%path1%" if /i "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".zip" goto:archive if /i "%wadname:~-3%" EQU ".7z" goto:archive if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\%path1%%wadname%">nul goto:afterarchive :archive if /i "%version%" NEQ "2" support\7za x -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%\%path1%" -r if /i "%version%" EQU "2" support\7za x -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"%Drive%\Program Files\" -r ::also save HashMyFiles for drag and drop if /i "%name%" EQU "HashMyFiles" support\7za x -aoa "temp\%wadname%" -o"temp\%dlname:~0,-4%" -r :afterarchive if /i "%shortcuts%" EQU "n" goto:skip if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiiDrive%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" "~$folder.desktop$" "%name%" if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "%name%" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notPC if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\usbloader_cfg\" goto:skipusbloadercfg ::rename existing usb-loader folder if applicable - DISABLED, instead apps folder will be updated, and usb-loader folder will skip files if already found ::set COUNT9=0 :::renameusbloader ::if not exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" goto:extractusbloader ::SET /a COUNT9=%COUNT9%+1 ::if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%" goto:renameusbloader ::move "%Drive%\usb-loader" "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%">nul :extractusbloader ::-aoa Overwrite All existing files without prompt for app folder ONLY support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!usb-loader ::-aos Skip extracting of existing files support\7za x -aos temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!apps ::---!!!DISABLED BUILDING CONFIG!!!---:: goto:noIDCL ::only set return to IDCL if config doesn't exist, and if the forwarder is also being downloaded, and not downloading GX & Flow which have boot sequence priority if exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" goto:noIDCL if /i "%USBX%" NEQ "*" goto:noIDCL if /i "%usbgx%" EQU "*" goto:noIDCL if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" goto:noIDCL if exist "%Drive%\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.dol" goto:noIDCL if exist "%Drive%\apps\wiiflow\boot.dol" goto:noIDCL echo return_to_channel = IDCL>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" :noIDCL ::------extra for USB-Loader Setup Guide------- ::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the \wbfs folder exists if not exist "%Drive%\WBFS" mkdir "%Drive%\WBFS" ::---!!!DISABLED BUILDING CONFIG!!!---:: goto:skipnormalextraction if not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music mkdir "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music echo Save music Here>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\music\Save MP3s Here To Play at USB-Loader Menu" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo music = usb:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo music = sd:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo unlock_password = AAAA>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo disable_remove = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo disable_format = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo admin_unlock = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" support\sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _BLAHBLAH_1_> nul :skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip echo covers_path = usb:/usb-loader/covers>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_2d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/2d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_3d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/3d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_disc = usb:/usb-loader/covers/disc>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_full = usb:/usb-loader/covers/full>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" ::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" support\sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _usb:_ntfs:_> nul :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :skipusbloadercfg if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "twilight_hack_v0.1_beta1.zip" goto:skipTWI ::add logic for 2nd private folder if v2 detected ::TWILIGHT2 USA if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta2\data.bin" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify 225c218815eda839b2fa03729ebe067b "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin" if not errorlevel 1 move /y "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde" "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta2"> nul :skip ::TWILIGHT2 JPN if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta2\data.bin" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify abae916201ba444c0da951627e3071ce "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin" if not errorlevel 1 move /y "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj" "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta2"> nul :skip ::TWILIGHT2 EURO if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta2\data.bin" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify 7d0ac865218738364da4c67466ed59fb "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin" if not errorlevel 1 move /y "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp" "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta2"> nul :skip support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta1" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta1" if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta1" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta1" if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta1" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta1" goto:skipnormalextraction :skipTWI if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "Twilight-hack-v0.1-beta2.zip" goto:skipTWI2 ::add logic for 2nd private folder if v1 detected ::TWILIGHT USA if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta1\data.bin" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify 02639bd145730269a98f69a4fd466225 "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin" if not errorlevel 1 move /y "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde" "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta1"> nul :skip ::TWILIGHT JPN if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta1\data.bin" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify b51cd6a64bc911cc5c8e41ed5d9fd8ae "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin" if not errorlevel 1 move /y "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj" "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta1"> nul :skip ::TWILIGHT EURO if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta1\data.bin" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin" goto:skip support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify 704bd625ea5b42d7ac06fc937af74d38 "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin" if not errorlevel 1 move /y "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp" "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta1"> nul :skip support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta2" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde_twilight_beta2" if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta2" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj_twilight_beta2" if exist "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta2" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp_twilight_beta2" goto:skipnormalextraction :skipTWI2 if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps homebrew_browser -r if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "YU-GI-OWNED-ALL.zip" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "YU-GI-OWNED-ALL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if exist temp\%wadname% support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!README :skipnormalextraction goto:URLverifyretry ::DONE (will retry if necessary) ::---------------CustomDL-------------------------- :CUSTOMDL echo Note that custom downloads are not verified, and are not necessarily safe. echo Make sure you know what you're doing! Use at your own risk! echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" set HEX=00000002 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" set HEX=00000101 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skiphexcalc if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skiphexcalc support\sfk hex %DEC% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhexx %%A goto:skiphexcalc :processhexx ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set hex=%* goto:EOF :skiphexcalc if exist hex.txt del hex.txt>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD echo If you encounter long periods of inactivity, type "C" while holding "Ctrl", echo then type "N", then "Enter" (i.e. Ctrl+C, N, Enter) echo. cd temp ..\support\nusd.exe 00000001%HEX% "%VER%" cd.. ::get version # if * is entered if /i "%verfinal%" NEQ "NEW" goto:SkipGettingV dir /b "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%">"%temp%\ver.txt" set /p VER= <"%temp%\ver.txt" set VERFINAL=%VER% ::echo %VER% :SkipGettingV ::if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad goto:missing if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:SYSMENU if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:MIOS2 ::IOS if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%\00000001%HEX%-NUS-v%VER%.wad" move /y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%\00000001%HEX%-NUS-v%VER%.wad" "%Drive%\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad">nul ::if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal%" mkdir "%Drive%\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal%" if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" copy /y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" "%Drive%\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal%" >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal%" mkdir "%Drive%\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal%" if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" copy /y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" "%Drive%\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal%" >nul :option1notNUS if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles if /i "IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" EQU "IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%.wad" goto:nopatching echo. cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set "DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%") else (set "DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%") if exist "%DRIVEadj%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode%) & (echo.) & (echo Note: Patches are not always successful, read the PatchIOS log above for details) cd.. :nopatching if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing) :SYSMENU if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%\00000001%HEX%-NUS-v%VER%.wad" move /Y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%\00000001%HEX%-NUS-v%VER%.wad" "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad>nul ::if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" copy /Y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% copy /y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul :option1notNUS if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing) :MIOS2 if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=) if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%\00000001%HEX%-NUS-v%VER%.wad" move /Y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%\00000001%HEX%-NUS-v%VER%.wad" "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad>nul ::if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% if exist "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" copy /Y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% copy /y "temp\titles\00000001%HEX%\%VER%" "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul :option1notNUS if exist temp\titles rd /s /q temp\titles if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing) ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%magentatext%] Most likely reason is that the file does not exist. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [%magentatext%] Double check your custom values. echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "support\sfk echo SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "support\sfk echo %RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) echo "support\sfk echo IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 ::if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Advanced Download Successful if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "echo SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "echo RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) echo "echo IOS%DEC%-64-v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::---------------HackMii Installer support\wget --no-check-certificate Download CODE----------------------- :wget ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [%greentext%]This file already exists and has been verified, Skipping download echo. COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf> nul ::erase boot.dol on root if exists as some cases will prioritize it over boot.elf if exist "%Drive%\boot.dol" del "%Drive%\boot.dol"> nul COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\bootmini.elf "%Drive%"\bootmini.elf> nul if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:alreadyhavehackmii :nocheckexisting if exist index.html del index.html>nul ::if not exist temp\%wadname% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t2 -T30 --random-wait --reject "*.html" --reject "index.html.tmp" --reject "%2A" --reject "get.php@file=hackmii_installer_v1.0*" %code2% if not exist temp\%wadname% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t2 -T30 --random-wait --reject html,tmp --accept-regex ".*hackmii_installer_v1\.2.*" %code2% if not exist temp\%wadname% move /y "get.php@file=%wadname%*" temp\%wadname%>nul if exist get.* del /f /q get.* if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer *.%version% *.txt -r support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"temp" wiiload.exe -r ::get custom icon and meta.xml if not exist temp\%zipname% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate %code3% if exist %zipname% move /y %zipname% "temp\%zipname%">nul if exist temp\%zipname% support\7za e -aoa temp\%zipname% -o"%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\ * -r ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] This file already exists but it failed MD5 verification. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The current version of the file will be deleted and the file will be re-downloaded. echo. del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf>nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%KeepInvalidOverride%" NEQ "Y" (if exist "%Drive%\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf" del "%Drive%\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf">nul) if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Invalid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Download Successful echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Valid">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat ::goto:NEXT :alreadyhavehackmii if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:RenameBootToHackMii if /i "%virgin%" EQU "N" goto:next If /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:next if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:RenameBootToHackMii goto:next ::-----Bannerbomb yawmME instead of HackMii installer------ :RenameBootToHackMii if exist "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\yawmME_boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\yawmME_boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul if exist "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\boot.dol copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\yawmME\boot.dol "%Drive%"\boot.dol >nul ::copy /Y "Support\ExploitAppSelector.bat" "%Drive%\ExploitAppSelector.bat" >nul goto:next ::----------------------FORWARDER------------------ :FORWARDER if not exist "%Drive%\DOLS" mkdir "%Drive%\DOLS" if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "1" copy /y support\DOLS\SDUSBFORWARDER_v14.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "1b" copy /y support\DOLS\SDUSBFORWARDER_v12.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "2" copy /y support\DOLS\INTERNETFORWARDER.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "3" copy /y support\DOLS\CHANNELFORWARDER.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul ::%s:/ = 0x25,0x73,0x3a,0x2f if "%path-1%"=="" goto:nopath-1 echo Patching %wadname%.dol with path #1: %path-1% set var=%path-1:~0,204% call support\subscripts\Ascii2hex.bat setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION support\sfk filter -quiet "temphex.txt" -rep _,_,0x_ -write -yes set /p hex= temphex.txt) & (goto:quickskip) echo Converting %FORWARDERTITLEID% to hex set var=%FORWARDERTITLEID% call support\subscripts\Ascii2hex.bat setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :quickskip support\sfk filter -quiet "temphex.txt" -rep _,_,0x_ -write -yes set /p hex= >temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 ::if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" NEQ "1" goto:FORWARDERISO echo "echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Advanced Download Successful goto:NEXT :FORWARDERISO echo. echo Creating Forwarder ISO... echo. if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" move /y "%Drive%\DOLS\%FORWARDERNAME%.dol" "support\disc-template\sys\main.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" NEQ "2" copy /v /y "%Drive%\DOLS\%FORWARDERNAME%.dol" "support\disc-template\sys\main.dol">nul ::make WBFS folder for forwarder ISO if not exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]" mkdir "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]" if exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" del "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" >nul Support\wit copy -s ./Support/disc-template/ -d "%Drive%/WBFS/%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]/%discid%.iso" --id %discid% --name "%FORWARDERNAME%" -q -C del "support\disc-template\sys\main.dol">nul if exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" echo Forwarder ISO Created if exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" (goto:there) else (goto:missing) ::----check after downloading---- :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL: FOUND - %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "echo %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Advanced Download Successful goto:NEXT ::----------------MetaChecker---------------- :MetaChecker if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%meta.xml" (echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%boot.dol" (echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) support\sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [%redtext%]Not Updated[def]: Found Version %currentcode%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::----------------------NEXT---------------------- :NEXT ::-----ROOT SAVE OPTION for IOSs (does not apply to wizard)----- if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:miniskip if /i "%category%" EQU "ios" goto:noskip if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" (goto:noskip) else (goto:miniskip) :noskip if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" (set movename="%wadname%.wad") else (set movename="%wadname%") if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" move /Y "%Drive%"\WAD\%movename% "%DRIVE%"\%movename% >nul :miniskip ::-----------Exceptions for DL Wizard and syscheck updater---------- if /i "%name%" NEQ "IOS36" goto:skipwizardexceptions if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:exception if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" goto:skipwizardexceptions :exception if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" (set movename="%wadname%.wad") else (set movename="%wadname%") move /Y "%Drive%"\WAD\%movename% "%DRIVE%"\%movename% >nul :skipwizardexceptions ::---------------------------- if /i "%category%" EQU "userdefined" goto:quickskip if /i "%category%" EQU "FORWARDER" goto:quickskip if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" EQU "Y" goto:customcopyandpatch :quickskip support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -le!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes goto:DLSETTINGS3 ::-----------------------------------------cUSTOM COPY AND PATCH (only for advanced downloads)-------------------------------- :customcopyandpatch if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2 if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4% ::move from WAD folder if "%alreadyexists%" EQU "yes" goto:makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad move /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul goto:nocopy :makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul :nocopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:copyisthere if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD >nul ::move from root if "%alreadyexists%" EQU "yes" goto:makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad move /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul goto:nocopy :makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul :nocopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (goto:copyisthere) else (goto:missing) :copyisthere echo. cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set "DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%") else (set "DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%") patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode% cd.. echo. echo Note: Patches are not always successful, read the PatchIOS log above for details echo. :nopatching if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:there ::----check after Advanced downloading---- :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] This file has failed to download properly multiple times, Skipping download. echo. support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -ls!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes echo "support\sfk echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: [%redtext%]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:DLSETTINGS3 :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [%yellowtext%] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there if /i "%multiplefail%" EQU "Y" (support\sfk echo [%magentatext%] Base wad failed hash check multiple times, Advanced download probably corrupted) else (support\sfk echo [%greentext%]Advanced Download Successful) echo. if /i "%multiplefail%" EQU "Y" (echo "support\sfk echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found but potentially corrupt">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) else (echo "echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) :miniskip support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -ls!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes goto:DLSETTINGS3 ::---------------------------------------SNEEKINSTALLER---------------------------------- :SNEEKINSTALLER cls if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:checkdriveU if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (goto:checkdriveU) else (goto:skip) :checkdriveU if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" :skip ::if running uneek or uneek+di, check for sneek installations on SD, replace is default set SNEEKreplace=R if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\kernel.bin" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" goto:prompt ::prompt if SNEEK found, otherwise skipcheck and overwrite\update findStr /I "SNEEK" "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:skipcheck :prompt if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" support\sfk echo [%redtext%]SNEEK (SD Version) detected[def] in "%DRIVE%\sneek" if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" support\sfk echo [%redtext%]SD:\sneek\ folder detected[def], but unable to determine what version echo If you want to launch UNEEK using Bootmii, Nswitch or Switch2Uneek, echo you need to replace SD:\sneek\kernel.bin with UNEEK's kernel.bin (USB version). echo. echo If you launch UNEEK using USB-Loader GX, it loads USB:\sneek\ directly so you echo can skip it to keep SNEEK (SD version) on your SD card. echo. if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" echo Note: If you know that the detected folder is for UNEEK or UNEEK+DI, then you should choose to replace. if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" echo. echo Replace or Skip? R/S echo. :SNEEKreplace set SNEEKreplace= set /p SNEEKreplace= Enter Selection Here: echo. if /i "%SNEEKreplace%" EQU "S" goto:skipcheck if /i "%SNEEKreplace%" NEQ "R" goto:notreplace ::check for and delete di.bin (kernel.bin will be overwritten even if only building neek without di) if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\di.bin" del "%DRIVE%\sneek\di.bin">nul ::if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\font.bin" del "%DRIVE%\sneek\font.bin">nul goto:skipcheck :notreplace echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key goto:SNEEKreplace :skipcheck ::if running sneek or sneek+di, check for uneek installations on SD, replace is default set UNEEKreplace=R if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "S" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\kernel.bin" goto:skipcheck ::if di.bin found then this install is for SNEEK+DI and we will overwrite it if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\di.bin" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" goto:prompt ::prompt if UNEEK found, otherwise skipcheck and overwrite\update findStr /I "UNEEK" "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:skipcheck :prompt if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" support\sfk echo [%redtext%]UNEEK (USB version) detected[def] in "%DRIVE%\sneek" if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" support\sfk echo [%redtext%]SD:\sneek\ folder detected[def], but unable to determine what version echo If you want to launch UNEEK using Bootmii, Nswitch or Switch2Uneek, echo SD:\sneek\kernel.bin with UNEEK's kernel.bin (USB version) is needed. echo. echo If you launch UNEEK using USB-Loader GX, it loads USB:\sneek\ directly so you echo can replace it with SNEEK (SD version) on your SD card. echo. if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" echo Note: If you know that the detected folder is for SNEEK or SNEEK+DI, then you should choose to replace. if not exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\rev.txt" echo. echo Replace or Abort? R/A echo. :UNEEKreplace set UNEEKreplace= set /p UNEEKreplace= Enter Selection Here: echo. if /i "%UNEEKreplace%" NEQ "A" goto:notabort ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:MENU echo User aborted %neekname% installation due to conflict with UNEEK >temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt if /i "%SKINmode%" NEQ "Y" start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt" if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB CLOSE exit :notabort if /i "%UNEEKreplace%" NEQ "R" goto:notreplace ::check for and delete di.bin (kernel.bin will be overwritten even if only building neek without di) if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\di.bin" del "%DRIVE%\sneek\di.bin">nul ::if exist "%DRIVE%\sneek\font.bin" del "%DRIVE%\sneek\font.bin" goto:skipcheck :notreplace echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key goto:UNEEKreplace :skipcheck ::delete DI files from USB if detected if building UNEEK (kernel will be replaced) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "U" goto:skip ::if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin>nul if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin>nul ::if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul :skip ::delete DI files from SD if detected if building SNEEK (kernel will be replaced) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "S" goto:skip ::if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin>nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin>nul ::if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul :skip ::Special handling of bootmii\armboot.bin to avoid deleting Bootmii-SD Files if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin goto:skip ::No Bootmii-SD Files if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf del "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf goto:skip ::RENAME Bootmii Booter Folder set countbootmii=0 :renamebootmii SET /a countbootmii=%countbootmii%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii% goto:renamebootmii rename "%DRIVE%"\bootmii bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii% >nul :skip if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2obuild if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Building SNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Building UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Building UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Building SNEEK rev%CurrentRev% goto:skipneek2obuild :neek2obuild if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Building SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Building UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Building UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Building SNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% :skipneek2obuild echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o Enabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" echo neek2o Disabled (can be changed in options) echo. if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access Enabled (can be changed in options) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" echo SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access Disabled (can be changed in options) ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://sourceforge.net/projects/menuui/files/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" set NewInstallerRev=70 if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" set NewInstallerRev=186 if %CurrentRev% GEQ %NewInstallerRev% goto:newinstaller ::old installer set wadname=SNEEKInstallerv0.6c-cred.rar set md5=bcdd0ddb85dc63c1ad7fad0007b6b606 goto:skipnew :newinstaller set wadname=SNEEKInstallerv0.7a-cred.rar set md5=e1c094efd57d19e9a3726bcb8f543660 :skipnew ::if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" echo. echo Downloading Official Sneek Installer (%wadname:~14,5%) if not exist temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:nocheck set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\SneekInstaller.exe if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail if "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:AlreadyinTemp :nocheck if exist temp\%wadname:~0,-4% rd /s /q temp\%wadname:~0,-4% mkdir temp\%wadname:~0,-4% start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sneek-modmii/%wadname% if exist %wadname% temp\unrar.exe x -y %wadname% temp\%wadname:~0,-4% if exist %wadname% del %wadname%>nul :AlreadyinTemp if not exist temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:sneekwarning ::create empty sneek installer config file type NUL > temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\sinst.ini echo. ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 15 echo Downloading Autoit if exist temp\autoit3.exe goto:AlreadyinTemp if not exist autoit-v3.zip start /min /wait support\wget --content-disposition --no-check-certificate -t 3 https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/archive/autoit/autoit-v3.3.16.0.zip -O autoit-v3.zip if exist autoit-v3.zip support\7za e -aoa autoit-v3.zip -otemp autoit3.exe -r if exist autoit-v3.zip del autoit-v3.zip>nul if not exist temp\autoit3.exe goto:sneekwarning :AlreadyinTemp echo. ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 30 echo Downloading 0000000e.app from IOS80 if exist temp\0000000e_IOS80.app goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe 0e http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download move /Y 0000000e.app temp\0000000e_IOS80.app>nul :AlreadyinTemp copy /Y temp\0000000e_IOS80.app temp\0000000e.app>nul if not exist temp\0000000e.app goto:sneekwarning echo. ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 45 ::only old installer uses 0x1.app for neek+di if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "SNEEKInstallerv0.6c-cred.rar" goto:skipDL01 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DL01 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DL01 goto:skipDL01 :DL01 echo Downloading 00000001.app from IOS60 if exist temp\00000001_IOS60.app goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe 01_60 http://ccs.shop.wii.com/ccs/download move /Y 00000001.app temp\00000001_IOS60.app>nul :AlreadyinTemp copy /Y temp\00000001_IOS60.app temp\00000001.app>nul if not exist temp\00000001.app goto:sneekwarning echo. :skipDL01 ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60 ::FONT.BIN if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" echo Downloading Black font.bin (this can be changed in Options) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "R" echo Downloading Red font.bin (this can be changed in Options) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" echo Downloading White font.bin (this can be changed in Options) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" set fonturl=raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/fontb.bin if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" set fonturl=raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/fontw.bin if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "R" set fonturl=raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/fontr.bin if not exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 %fonturl% if exist font%SNKFONT%.bin move /Y font%SNKFONT%.bin temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin>nul :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "S" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:skip if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning :skip echo. echo Grabbing Modules for %neekname% Rev%CurrentRev% echo. if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" goto:Extract start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/%googlecode%/%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" if not exist "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" goto:sneekwarning if not exist "temp\%neekname%" mkdir "temp\%neekname%" move /y "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul if exist "temp\dimodule-sd.elf" del "temp\dimodule-sd.elf">nul if exist "temp\dimodule-usb.elf" del "temp\dimodule-usb.elf">nul :EXTRACT support\7za e -aoa "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" -o"temp" *.* -r>temp\7zalog.txt findStr /I /C:"Everything is Ok" "temp\7zalog.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (Corrupted archive detected and deleted, please try again..) & (del temp\7zalog.txt>nul) & (del "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul) & (goto:sneekwarning) del temp\7zalog.txt>nul ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 75 ::Sneek SD Card Access if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" move /y "temp\esmodule-sdon.elf" "temp\esmodule.elf">nul if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "S" goto:noSDdi if exist "temp\dimodule-sd.elf" move /y "temp\dimodule-sd.elf" "temp\dimodule.elf">nul :noSDdi if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:noUSBdi if exist "temp\dimodule-usb.elf" move /y "temp\dimodule-usb.elf" "temp\dimodule.elf">nul :noUSBdi echo Building... echo. ::create autoit script echo WinWait ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>custom.au3 echo WinActivate ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3 if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","Verbose output")>>custom.au3 ::ControlSetText vs ControlSend ::support for unicode (only if on windows 10, as it may not work on older versions), restored back to 437 later ver>temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\temp.txt" -rep _*" "__ -rep _"."*__ -rep _"]"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\temp.txt" -no-empty-lines -no-blank-lines -write -yes set /p winver= nul ::old simple method:: ver | findstr "10.0">NUL && chcp 65001>nul echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]","%cd%\temp")>>custom.au3 echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:3]","%cd%\temp")>>custom.au3 set "DRIVEabsolute=%cd%\%DRIVE%" if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" set "DRIVEabsolute=%DRIVE%" ::SNEEKreplace "S" skip requires override if /i "%SNEEKreplace%" NEQ "S" goto:next if not exist temp\neektemp mkdir temp\neektemp set "DRIVEabsolute=%cd%\temp\neektemp" :next echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3 :afteroverride ::how to only change field if empty ::echo $a = ControlGetText ("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")>>custom.au3 ::echo if $a = "" Then ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVE%")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip set "DRIVEUabsolute=%cd%\%DRIVEU%" if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" EQU ":" set "DRIVEUabsolute=%DRIVEU%" echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:4]","%DRIVEUabsolute%")>>custom.au3 :skip echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3 cd temp\%wadname:~0,-4% start /I /min SneekInstaller.exe cd.. cd.. echo start /wait temp\AutoIt3.exe custom.au3>run.bat call run.bat del run.bat>nul ::restore 437 codepage chcp 437>nul @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul taskkill /im SneekInstaller.exe /f >nul del custom.au3>nul ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" copy /y "%DRIVE%\bootmii\armboot.bin" "%DRIVE%\bootmii_ios.bin">nul ::if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\bootmii" if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:norename if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" goto:noswitch2uneek if exist "%DRIVE%\bootmiiuneek" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\bootmiiuneek" rename "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "bootmiiuneek" :noswitch2uneek ::if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" goto:norename if exist "%DRIVE%\bootmiineek" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\bootmiineek" rename "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "bootmiineek" :norename ::save rev information if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2orevinfo if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (with SD Access On) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (with SD Access On) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt goto:skipsneekverbose :sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose and SD Access On) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose and SD Access On) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt :skipsneekverbose goto:skipneek2orevinfo :neek2orevinfo if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (with SD Access On) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (with SD Access On) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt goto:skipsneekverbose :sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt ::neek2o sd access temporarily always disabled goto:miniskip if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (verbose and SD Access On) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (verbose and SD Access On) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (verbose) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (verbose) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEUabsolute%"\sneek\rev.txt :skipsneekverbose :skipneek2orevinfo if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER goto:finishsneekinstall3 :sneekwarning ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish echo Some files required for %neekname% installation >temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt echo are missing. Aborting %neekname% installation, >>temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt echo check your internet connection then try again. >>temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt if /i "%SKINmode%" NEQ "Y" start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt" if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB CLOSE exit :notcmdfinish echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [%yellowtext%] WARNING: Some files Required for the %neekname% install are missing. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] Aborting %neekname% Installation, check your internet connection support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [%yellowtext%] Then repeat the Installation to try again. echo. if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" goto:noaudio if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:noaudio start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%" :noaudio echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu. pause>nul goto:MENU ::------------------------wad2nand-install wads from temp\wad to emu nand-------------------- :wad2nand if exist support\common-key.bin goto:commonkeyalreadythere ::silently build common-key.bin echo EBE42A225E8593E448D9C5457381AAF7>support\common-key.txt support\sfk filter support\common-key.txt +hextobin support\common-key.bin>nul del support\common-key.txt>nul :commonkeyalreadythere set "nandpathadj=..\%nandpath%" if /i "%nandpath:~1,1%" EQU ":" set "nandpathadj=%nandpath%" set line1="" set line2="" set line3=" " set line4=" 1.5" set line5=" English" set line6=" " set line7=" true" set line8=" %nandpathadj%" set line9=" true" set line10=" false" set line11=" False" set line12=" false" set line13=" true" set line14=" false" set line15=" false" set line16=" ShowMiiWads" set line17=" " set line18=" " set line19=" 930" set line20=" 396" set line21=" 50" set line22=" 200" set line23=" Normal" set line24=" " set line25=" " set line26=" ..\temp\WAD" if "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line27=" " if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line27=" %addwadfolder%" set line28=" " set line29=" " set line30=" " if "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line31=" 1" if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line31=" 2" set line32=" ..\temp\WAD" if "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line33= if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line33=" %addwadfolder%" set line34=" " set line35="" echo %line1%>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line2%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line3%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line4%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line5%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line6%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line7%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line8%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line9%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line10%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line12%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line13%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line14%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line15%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line16%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line17%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line18%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line19%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line20%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line21%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line22%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line23%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line24%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line25%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line26%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line27%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line28%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line29%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line30%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line31%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line32%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo %line33%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line34%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line35%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg support\sfk filter -quiet "support\ShowMiiWads.cfg" -lsrep _"""__ -lerep _"""__ -rep _"&"_"&"_ -rep _"'"_"'"_ -write -yes cls if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:tinyskip if /i "%emuwadcount%" EQU "0" goto:skipSMWall :tinyskip ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 10 echo Loading ShowMiiWads echo. echo installing wads from "temp\WAD\" if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo and from "%addwadfolder%" if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo. echo to emulated nand: "%nandpath%\" echo. echo Please wait for ShowMiiWads to finish doing its job... cd support if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" goto:forceSMW if not exist ..\temp\WAD\*.wad goto:skipSMW :forceSMW SMW-Mod.exe :skipSMW cd.. :skipSMWall ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 50 ::---delete non-temp files--- if exist temp\WAD\WiiFlow_ModMii_v14b_forwarder_DWFA.wad del temp\WAD\WiiFlow_ModMii_v14b_forwarder_DWFA.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\switch2uneek-4EMUNand-v12-S2RL.wad del temp\WAD\switch2uneek-4EMUNand-v12-S2RL.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\cIOS249-v14.wad del temp\WAD\cIOS249-v14.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\cBC-NMMv0.2a.wad del temp\WAD\cBC-NMMv0.2a.wad>nul ::if exist temp\WAD\cBC-DML.wad del temp\WAD\cBC-DML.wad>nul if exist "temp\WAD\IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24]).wad" del "temp\WAD\IOS60v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24]).wad">nul if exist "temp\WAD\IOS70v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24]).wad" del "temp\WAD\IOS70v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24]).wad">nul if exist "temp\WAD\IOS80v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24]).wad" del "temp\WAD\IOS80v65535(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP-RC24]).wad">nul if exist temp\WAD\*.wad move temp\WAD\*.wad temp\>nul ::restore setting.txt if applicable if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skipSMW if not exist "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" mkdir "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt>nul :skipSMW if exist support\ShowMiiWads.cfg del support\ShowMiiWads.cfg>nul ::NANDINFO.TXT if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:newnand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (goto:newnand) else (goto:nonewnand) :newnand if exist "%nandpath%\sneek\nandcfg.bin" del "%nandpath%\sneek\nandcfg.bin" >nul echo ================================================== >"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated NAND created by ModMii on %DATE% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo ================================================== >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :nonewnand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nomoddednand echo ============================================== >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo Emulated NAND Modified by ModMii on %DATE% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo ============================================== >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :nomoddednand ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skip ::Build setting.txt if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:skip echo. echo Building setting.txt using serial number: %SNKSERIAL% support\settings %SNKSERIAL% >nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" move /y KORsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" move /y USAsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" move /y EURsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" move /y JPNsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" NEQ "K" del KORsetting.txt>nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" NEQ "E" del EURsetting.txt>nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" NEQ "J" del JPNsetting.txt>nul if /i "%SNKREGION%" NEQ "U" del USAsetting.txt>nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt (echo setting.txt built using this serial: %SNKSERIAL% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (echo setting.txt failed to build properly >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") :skip ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60 if "%ThemeSelection%"=="" goto:quickskip2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" goto:quickskip echo. echo Copying over Custom Theme if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set themecolour=Red if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set themecolour=Green if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set themecolour=Blue if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set themecolour=Orange if exist "temp\ModThemes\DarkWii_%themecolour%_%effect%_%SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION%.csm" (echo Custom System Menu Theme Installed - Dark Wii %themecolour% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (echo Custom System Menu Theme Failed to Install Properly >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") move /y "temp\ModThemes\DarkWii_%themecolour%_%effect%_%SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION%.csm" "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMTHEMEAPP%.app>nul goto:quickskip2 :quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:quickskip2 echo. echo Restoring Original Theme if exist "temp\ModThemes\%SMTHEMEAPP%_%SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION%.app" (echo Original System Menu Theme Restored >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (echo Failed to Restore Original System Menu Theme >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") move /y "temp\ModThemes\%SMTHEMEAPP%_%SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION%.app" "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMTHEMEAPP%.app>nul :quickskip2 if exist temp\ModThemes rd /s /q temp\ModThemes if exist temp\WAD rd /s /q temp\WAD ::disable wbfs and games folder creation for now goto:notDI if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skip ::---------if building uneek+di or sneek+di add games\wbfs folder to usb--------- if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~1,1%" NEQ "D" goto:notDI if not exist "%DRIVEU%\games" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\games" >nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" goto:notDI if not exist "%DRIVEU%\WBFS" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\WBFS" >nul :notDI ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 70 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skip ::---------building cdf.vff---------- echo. echo Building cdb.vff to speed up the time required to launch s\uneek the first time cd support writecbd.exe cd.. if exist support\cdb.vff move /y support\cdb.vff "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\cdb.vff>nul :skip ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 80 if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "Yes" goto:skipSNKpri if /i "%SNKPRI%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri echo. echo Downloading Priiloader for Emulated NANDs echo. if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "OFF" start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/EmuPriiloader.zip" if /i "%AUSKIP%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip if not exist temp\EmuPriiloader.zip start /min /wait support\wget --no-check-certificate -t 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/master/temp/EmuPriiloader.zip" ::Priiloader-v0.7neek.app is a mirror of: https://sourceforge.net/projects/neek2o/files/priiloader.app/download?use_mirror=master&download=&failedmirror=master.dl.sourceforge.net :skip if exist EmuPriiloader.zip move /Y EmuPriiloader.zip temp\EmuPriiloader.zip>nul if not exist temp\EmuPriiloader.zip (echo Failed to Install Priiloader >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") & (goto:skipSNKpri) echo Priiloader Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" support\7za x -aoa "temp\EmuPriiloader.zip" -o"%nandpath%" -r move /y "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app" "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app" >nul move /Y "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\000000Priiloader.app" "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app" >nul ::if not exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data mkdir "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data >nul ::move /Y temp\hacks.ini "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini >nul ::move /Y temp\hacks_hash.ini "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hackshas.ini >nul if /i "%SNKFLOW%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri echo Adding WiiFlow forwarder dol to Priiloader's installed file. echo. if exist temp\Priiloader-Forwader-Loader-DWFA.dol move /y temp\Priiloader-Forwader-Loader-DWFA.dol "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin>nul :skipSNKpri if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" echo WiiFlow Forwarder Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%uninstallprii%" NEQ "yes" goto:skippriiuninstall echo. echo Removing Priiloader from emulated NAND echo. move /y "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app" "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app" >nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini >nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hackshas.ini del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hackshas.ini >nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin >nul echo Priiloader Uninstalled >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :skippriiuninstall ::add extra info to "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if not exist "%nandpath%\title\00010001\4e4b324f\content\00000001.app" goto:skip if /i "%nswitchFound%" NEQ "YES" echo nSwitch Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :skip if /i "%SNKOHBC%" EQU "Y" echo Homebrew Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" echo postLoader Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo cIOS249 rev14 Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo Switch2Uneek Forwarder Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo Photo Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo Internet Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo Weather Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo News Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo Mii Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo Shopping Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo Wii Speak Channel Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "BC" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NONE" goto:skipthis ::Old DML is uninstalled when detected if /i "%SNKcBC%" NEQ "DML" goto:continue if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" echo Outdated DML uninstalled from Emulated NAND >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:skipthis :continue if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "%SNKcBC%" goto:skipthis echo %BCTYPE% Uninstalled >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NMM" goto:noNMM if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo NMM (No More Memory-Cards) Installed >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :noNMM if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo DML WAD (install to real NAND) >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :noDML IF not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo Custom Folder of WADs Installed: "%addwadfolder%" >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if exist temp\Priiloader-Forwader-Loader-DWFA.dol del temp\Priiloader-Forwader-Loader-DWFA.dol>nul copy /y temp\ModMii_Log.bat temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat>nul ::---------------SKIN MODE------------- if /i "%SkinMode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 ::small pause ::@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:finishsneekinstall ::----------------------------------SNEEK INSTALL FINISH------------------------------------ :finishsneekinstall ::RESTORE DRIVE SETTINGS set "DRIVE=%REALDRIVE%" ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:finishsneekinstall3 ::clear download queue set MENUREAL=S goto:CLEAR :finishsneekinstall2 set MENU1=1 ::queue up files that need to TRULY be saved to %Drive% if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" (set nSwitch=*) & (set yawm=*) if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "Yes" (set nSwitch=) & (set yawm=) if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" (set S2U=*) & (set yawm=*) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" (set DML=*) & (set yawm=*) if /i "%SNKFLOW%" EQU "Y" set FLOW=* if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" set PL=* if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" (set nSwitch=) & (set yawm=) & (goto:Download) :tinyskip goto:DLCOUNT :finishsneekinstall3 ::check for errors - do not do if ONLY installing sneek if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:nocheck if exist temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat del temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat>nul if not exist "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" (set problematicDLs=0) & (goto:nocounting) support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes ::count # of problematic downloads support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -+"[%redtext%]" -write -yes set problematicDLs=0 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\ModMii_Log.bat) do set /a problematicDLs=!problematicDLs!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :nocounting if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (set snksuccess=Successfully) else (set snksuccess=) if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (set snkfailure=) else (set snkfailure= but with errors) if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" goto:noaudio if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:noaudio if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") :noaudio :nocheck if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" goto:noaudio if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:noaudio if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:noaudio start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%" :noaudio if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:problemlog set MENUREAL= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:notabstinence if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo Abstinence Wizard for %FIRMSTART%%REGION% if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo Abstinence Wizard for ^<2.2%REGION% echo. :notabstinence ::both sneek install and nand build if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:skip if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2o3report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo %snksuccess% installed SNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo %snksuccess% installed UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo %snksuccess% installed SNEEK rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo %snksuccess% installed UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% goto:skip :neek2o3report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo %snksuccess% installed SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo %snksuccess% installed UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo %snksuccess% installed SNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo %snksuccess% installed UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% and built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% :skip ::only install sneek if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2o1report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Successfully installed SNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Successfully installed UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Successfully installed UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Successfully installed SNEEK rev%CurrentRev% goto:skip :neek2o1report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Successfully installed SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Successfully installed UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Successfully installed UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Successfully installed SNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% :skip ::only build nand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo %snksuccess% Built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo %snksuccess% Built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo %snksuccess% Built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo %snksuccess% Built a %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% Emulated Nand%snkfailure% :skip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo Emulated Nand has been modified %snkfailure% :problemlog ::list problematic Download if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:noproblems if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" goto:noproblems if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" echo. if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" echo The following file(s) failed to download properly: if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" call temp\ModMii_Log.bat support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _[%redtext%]__ -rep _[def]__ -rep _"support\sfk echo "__ -rep _"echo "__ >temp\ModMii_Log_temp.txt echo ------ >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo Errors >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo ------ >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if exist "temp\nandinfo.txt" del "temp\nandinfo.txt">nul copy "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt"+"temp\ModMii_Log_temp.txt" "temp\nandinfo.txt">nul move /y "temp\nandinfo.txt" "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt">nul :noproblems ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" exit support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"support\sfk echo "__ -rep _"echo "__ -rep _"[%redtext%]"__ -rep _"[%yellowtext%]"__ -write -yes move /y "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt">nul if /i "%SKINmode%" NEQ "Y" start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt" if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" start support\wizapp PB CLOSE exit :notcmdfinish echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:skipsdmsg if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:skipsdmsg :skip echo * Make sure the contents of "%DRIVE%" is saved to your FAT32 SD Card :skipsdmsg if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:UDRIVEMSG if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "U" goto:skipUDRIVEMSG :UDRIVEMSG echo * Make sure the contents of "%DRIVEU%" is saved to your FAT32 Hard Drive :skipUDRIVEMSG echo. echo CUSTOMIZED NOTES FOR YOUR BUILD OF NEEK: echo. echo * When launching any form of SNEEK for the first time, it could take a long time echo to load the System Menu, but it will be much quicker the second time around. echo. echo * If you experience issues make sure your device is formatted as FAT32, echo MBR (not GPT) and the drive is set to primary (not logical). echo ModMii's USB-Loader Setup Wizard can help with FAT32 and MBR. echo. echo * If you have problems loading your Emulated NAND, copy cert.sys echo from an original nand dump to your emulated nand's sys folder. echo. echo * You can manually override Bootmii to launch neek by renaming echo your BootmiiNeek folder to SD:\Bootmii and launching "Bootmii" echo. echo * You can launch uneek (or uneek+DI) without requiring an SD Card echo using USB-Loader GX. USB-Loader GX also has an option to copy echo a console's SYSCONF into your current emuNAND (channel) path, echo so if you add new controllers or a balance board to your NAND, echo use the copy SYSCONF feature also add it to neek's emuNAND. echo. echo * SD:\Bootmii is not required to launch neek from USB-Loader GX. echo If you use USB-Loader GX's EmuNAND neek feature, you can have both SNEEK and echo UNEEK at the same time (with or without DI). ModMii will detect SNEEK when echo installing UNEEK and vice versa and ask if you want to overwrite SD files. echo For dual boot you will want only SNEEK files on SD and only UNEEK files on USB. echo The version of NEEK that will be loaded is based on your EmuNAND echo location in USB-Loader GX's settings: Sneek if on SD, and Uneek if on USB. echo. if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:quickskip echo * Install the neek2o (nSwitch) WAD\channel then launch the channel in order to echo start NEEK. You can also use this channel to return to your real NAND. echo. :quickskip if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" goto:quickskip echo * Access UNEEK/UNEEK+DI by launching switch2uneek from the HBC. echo Alternatively, can use YAWM ModMii Edition to install the echo switch2uneek forwarder channel that ModMii saved to your SD card. echo. :quickskip if /i "%SNKcBC%" NEQ "DML" goto:skipDMLmsg echo * Install the DML WAD using YAWM ModMii Edition to your REAL NAND echo in order for your Emulated NAND to use DML. DML currently echo requires SNEEK+DI r157 or higher and neek2o has yet to support DML. echo. :skipDMLmsg if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skipDIComments if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:skipDIComments if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:skipDiscexWarning echo * Warning: you have disabled ModMii's neek2o option and have built a DI echo version of the original neek instead. At least 1 game must be saved to echo your usb:/games folder in extracted neek format or DI freezes and echo neek+di will not boot. echo. :skipDiscexWarning echo * To add Games to the Game/DI Menu, you can use ModMii, WiiBackupManager echo or wit.exe to extract Games in neek format to your FAT32 USB Hard Drive. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o is also able to load standard game file formats from USB:\WBFS. echo. echo * When using SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI, you can access the Game/DI Menu echo by pressing "1" on the Wiimote. To access other settings echo (including Region Options), you must press "+" from within the DI Menu. echo. :skipDIComments echo * Access neek settings by pressing "2" on the Wiimote while in echo the emulated system menu. echo. echo * Both ModMii and ShowMiiWads can be used to decrypt your real echo Wii's Bootmii NAND dump (nand.bin) to use as an emulated NAND, echo and they can add custom channels/WADs to an emulated NAND. echo ShowMiiWads is available on ModMii Classic's Download Page 2. echo. echo * For more SNEEK info, like formatting a USB Hard Drive for SNEEK, echo you can visit: tiny.cc/SNEEK-DI echo. ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul echo After Reviewing Your Tips - Press Any Key to Exit pause>nul exit :notcmdfinish if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:miniskip if exist "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" start notepad "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :miniskip echo Press any key to return to the Main Menu. pause>nul echo. echo Are you sure^? Make sure you have read or copied these notes^! echo Press any key again to return to the Main Menu. pause>nul goto:MENU ::.........................................FINISH / Verify.................................. :FINISH if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul set played= if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:wad2nand :FINISH2 if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall3 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set loglines=0 if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:countcustom if not exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:donecounting support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\ModMii_Log.bat) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1 ::count # of problematic downloads copy /y "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" "temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat">nul support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat" -+"[%redtext%]" -write -yes set problematicDLs=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat) do set /a problematicDLs=!problematicDLs!+1 del "temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat">nul goto:donecounting :countcustom if exist Custom.md5 for /f "delims=" %%i in (Custom.md5) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1 :donecounting setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::check ACTUAL drive letter ::SD if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDrive=%cd:~0,2%) else (set ActualDrive=%DRIVE:~0,2%) if /i "%ActualDrive%" EQU "%cd:~0,2%" (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive%) else (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive% and %cd:~0,2%) ::USB if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDriveU=%cd:~0,2%) else (set ActualDriveU=%DRIVEU:~0,2%) if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%cd:~0,2%" goto:skip if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ActualDrive%" goto:skip set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% and %ActualDriveU% :skip if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:noaudio if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" goto:noaudio if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:noaudio if /i "%played%" EQU "yes" goto:noaudio if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Success.mp3%") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "%Fail.mp3%") set played=yes :noaudio if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\" goto:skip if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMii.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "ModMii" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\ModMii Skin.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\ModMiiSkin.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "ModMii Skin" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Uninstall.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%cd%\Uninstall.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Uninstall" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Website & Help.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "https://modmii.github.io" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Website & Help" if not exist "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ModMii\Open ModMii Folder.lnk" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%windir%\explorer.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ModMii" "Open ModMii Folder" "%cd%\" :skip ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" echo * %DLTOTAL% file(s) downloaded succcessfully>>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" goto:noproblemscmd echo * %problematicDLs% of %DLTOTAL% file(s) are Invalid, Missing or were Not Updated properly>>temp\ModMii_Log.bat :noproblemscmd support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"support\sfk echo "__ -rep _"echo "__ -rep _"[%redtext%]"__ -rep _"[%yellowtext%]"__ -write -yes move /y "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt">nul if /i "%SKINmode%" EQU "Y" (start support\wizapp PB CLOSE) & (exit) if /i "%problematicDLs%" NEQ "0" start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt" exit :notcmdfinish Set FINISH= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" echo DOWNLOAD LOG if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" echo DOWNLOAD LOG - Custom Log echo. ::disable md5 stuff goto:SkipCustomCheck If not exist Custom.md5 goto:SkipCustomCheck if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:SkipCustomCheck support\fvc -x -v Custom.md5 :SkipCustomCheck if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" goto:miniskip if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat (call temp\ModMii_Log.bat) :miniskip if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:skipcopytoSDmsg echo. if /i "%problematicDLs%" NEQ "0" goto:problems support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[%greentext%]* %DLTOTAL% file\x28s\x29 downloaded succcessfully if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:showme if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:showme if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:showme if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:showme if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:showme if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:showme goto:dontshow :showme support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%greentext%] You should now follow your custom generated ModMii guide. :dontshow goto:noproblems :problems support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[%redtext%]* %problematicDLs% of %DLTOTAL% file\x28s\x29 are Invalid, Missing or were Not Updated properly echo. echo * Make sure you have free space here: %DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% echo Check internet connection (try disabling firewall/bypasing proxy if applicable) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [%redtext%] Enter \x22R\x22 to repeat download before proceeding with your ModMii guide. goto:skipcopytoSDmsg :noproblems if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:skipcopytoSDmsg echo. echo * Make sure the contents of "%DRIVE%" is saved to your FAT32 SD Card echo. echo * Most homebrew (except Bootmii ^& Sneek) also work if copied echo to a FAT32 Hard Drive and plugged into USB Port0 (the one nearest the edge) echo. echo * If you don't have an SD Card or a Hard Drive you can still load apps echo (dol\elf files) or install WADs to your Wii via WiFi by opening them echo with ModMii or via drag and drop :skipcopytoSDmsg ::Warning message for 2x Bannerbomb DLs if /i "%BB1%" NEQ "*" goto:no2xBB if /i "%BB2%" NEQ "*" goto:no2xBB echo. echo Note: Bannerbomb v1 saved to "private" folder and Bannerbomb v2 saved to echo "private2" folder. To use Bannerbomb v2 instead of v1 swap the echo private folder names. :no2xBB echo. if exist "%DRIVE%" echo O = Open File Location "%Drive%" if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:miniskip if exist custom.md5 echo L = Log: View custom.md5 to see which files were checked :miniskip if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero echo. echo R = Repeat Download echo S = Save Download Queue :dltotaliszero echo. if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo N = Verify NEW Downloads only :miniskip if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:miniskip if exist Custom.md5 echo C = Verify Files against Custom.md5 :miniskip if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:tinyskip if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB (goto:tinyskip) else (goto:nocustoms) :tinyskip echo. if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD echo CC = Copy Contents of CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD to "%Drive%" if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB echo CCU = Copy Contents of CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB to "%DriveU%" :nocustoms echo. echo M = Main Menu echo E = Exit echo. set /p FINISH= Enter Selection Here: if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CC" goto:miniskip if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:miniskip if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD" "%DRIVE%" goto:FINISH2 :miniskip if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CCU" goto:miniskip if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB goto:miniskip if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" >nul xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB" "%DRIVEU%" goto:FINISH2 :miniskip if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "E" EXIT if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:drivedoesnotexist2 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" explorer "%DRIVE%" if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" goto:Finish2 :drivedoesnotexist2 if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:nolog if not exist "custom.md5" goto:nolog if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" start notepad "custom.md5" if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" goto:Finish2 :nolog if not exist Custom.md5 goto:skip if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" SET DB=C if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" goto:Finish2 :skip if not exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:skip if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" SET DB=N if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" goto:FINISH2 :skip if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero2 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" copy /y "temp\DLgotos-copy.txt" "temp\DLgotos.txt">nul if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" goto:DLSettings2 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" (set beforesave=FINISH) & (goto:SaveDownloadQueue) :dltotaliszero2 echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FINISH2 ::..........................DOWNLOAD SETTINGS................................ :DLSETTINGS cls set "REALDRIVE=%DRIVE%" if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:miniskip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set "DRIVE=%DRIVEU%" goto:guide :miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:guide if /i "%secondrun%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS2 if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:guide :DLSETTINGS2 cls if exist temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat goto:donotdeletelog if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul :donotdeletelog SET CURRENTDL=0 :DLSETTINGS3 ::clear a bunch of stuff set name= set wadname= set dlname= set ciosslot= set ciosversion= set md5= set md5alt= set basewad=none set basewadb=none set md5base= set md5basealt= set code1= set code2= set version= set md5baseb= set md5basebalt= set code1b= set code2b= set path1= set versionb= set basecios= set diffpath= set code2new= set lastbasemodule= set category= set wadnameless= set patchname= set slotname= set slotcode= set versionname= set versioncode= set DEC= set VERFINAL= set HEX= set VER= set wadfolder= set verfinal= set PATCHCODE= set alreadyexists= set patch= set multiplefail= set AdvancedDownload= if not exist temp\DLgotos.txt goto:FINISH ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLgotos.txt) do call :processDLnext %%A goto:Finish :processDLnext set CurrentDLNAME=%* ::if /i "%name:~0,17%" EQU "Advanced Download" set AdvancedDownload=Y if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" set AdvancedDownload=Y if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" call "%CurrentDLNAME%" if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" goto:downloadstart call "Support\subscripts\DB.bat" ::goto:EOF ::cls goto:downloadstart ::---------------------------EXPLOITS GUIDES------------------------------ :EXPLOITS ::check if only 1 exploit (since str2hax is always a secondary option, only happens if str2hax explicity selected. Unless on 4.3 then we'll make LetterBomb Secondary if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "X" (copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\str2hax.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul) & (goto:%afterexploit%) :skip if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" (echo You only need to perform ONE of the these exploits to complete this guide.^^ >>"%Drive%"\%guidename%) & (goto:skipthispart) ::title for multiple exploits echo ^^Launch an Exploit^<^/b^>^<^/font^>^>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% If /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:startYawmME ::not hackmii solutions If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:skip If /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:startYawmME ::not hackmii solutions and not korean start :skip echo You only need to perform ONE of the these exploits to complete this guide.^^Note that if you're missing an SD Card or your SD Card reader is broken, you can use the str2hax exploit to install the HBC and skip installing Bootmii and making a nand backup for now until you get an SD Card.^^>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:skipthispart ::korean start and Hackmii solutions :startYawmME echo You only need to perform ONE of the these exploits to complete this guide.^^Note that if you're missing an SD Card or your SD Card reader is broken, you cannot readily use the str2hax exploit to launch YAWM ModMii Edition.^^>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skipthispart echo ^
>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::For 3.0-4.2 make Bannerbomb primary, str2hax secondary, copy script, and goto after if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" (echo ^