@echo off setlocal chdir /d "%~dp0" if not exist support cd.. ::PUSHD "%cd%" ::::PUSHD "%~dp0" ::POPD title ModMiiSkinCMD ::make cmd window transparent and hidden support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" 0 support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::-------------------CMD LINE SUPPORT---------------------- ::pass all arguments to modmii classic set one=%~1 if "%one%"=="" (goto:notcmd) set cmdinput=%* set cmdinput=%cmdinput:"=% ::ModMii.exe %cmdinput% start ModMii.exe %cmdinput% Exit :notcmd ::---------------------------------------------------------- set currentversion=6.0.7 set currentversioncopy=%currentversion% set agreedversion= set SkinMode=Y set PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%\system32\wbem;%SystemRoot% chcp 437>nul ::chcp 1252>nul if not exist temp mkdir temp set UPDATENAME=ModMii_SP_ ::set UPDATENAME=ModMii_IT_ if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul ::------Check for old Windows Versions------- ::ver | findstr /i "5\.0\." > nul ::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=2000 ::ver | findstr /i "5\.1\." > nul ::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=XP ::ver | findstr /i "5\.2\." > nul ::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=2003 ::::ver | findstr /i "6\.0\." > nul ::::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=VISTA ::::ver | findstr /i "6\.1\." > nul ::::IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set OSYS=SEVEN :DefaultSettings ::----LOAD SETTINGS (if exist)---- if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat ::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------ IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off IF "%GUIDEOnly%"=="" set GUIDEOnly=off IF "%effect%"=="" set effect=No-Spin IF "%PCSAVE%"=="" set PCSAVE=Auto IF "%OPTION1%"=="" set OPTION1=off IF "%OPTION36%"=="" set OPTION36=on IF "%AudioOption%"=="" set AudioOption=on IF "%CMIOSOPTION%"=="" set CMIOSOPTION=off IF "%FWDOPTION%"=="" set FWDOPTION=on IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB IF "%ACTIVEIOS%"=="" set ACTIVEIOS=on IF "%AUTOUPDATE%"=="" set AUTOUPDATE=on IF "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off IF "%sneekverbose%"=="" set sneekverbose=off IF "%neek2o%"=="" set neek2o=on IF "%SSD%"=="" set SSD=off ::IF "%discexverify%"=="" set discexverify=off IF "%SNKFONT%"=="" set SNKFONT=B IF "%overwritecodes%"=="" set overwritecodes=off IF "%cheatregion%"=="" set cheatregion=All IF "%cheatlocation%"=="" set cheatlocation=B IF "%wiicheat%"=="" set wiicheat=ON IF "%WiiWarecheat%"=="" set WiiWarecheat=ON IF "%VCArcadecheat%"=="" set VCArcadecheat=OFF IF "%WiiChannelscheat%"=="" set WiiChannelscheat=ON IF "%Gamecubecheat%"=="" set Gamecubecheat=ON IF "%NEScheat%"=="" set NEScheat=ON IF "%SNEScheat%"=="" set SNEScheat=ON IF "%N64cheat%"=="" set N64cheat=ON IF "%SMScheat%"=="" set SMScheat=ON IF "%Segacheat%"=="" set Segacheat=ON IF "%NeoGeocheat%"=="" set NeoGeocheat=ON IF "%Commodorecheat%"=="" set Commodorecheat=ON IF "%MSXcheat%"=="" set MSXcheat=ON IF "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON IF "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON ::check if drive folder exists--if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVE%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" goto:skip set DRIVE="%cd%\COPY_TO_SD" set DRIVE=%DRIVE:&=^&% set DRIVE=%DRIVE:~1,-1% :skip if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" goto:skip set DRIVE="%cd%\%DRIVE%" set DRIVE=%DRIVE:&=^&% set DRIVE=%DRIVE:~1,-1% :skip ::check if DRIVEU folder exists--if second char is ":" check if DRIVEU exists if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" goto:skip set DRIVEU="%cd%\COPY_TO_USB" set DRIVEU=%DRIVEU:&=^&% set DRIVEU=%DRIVEU:~1,-1% :skip if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" EQU ":" goto:skip set DRIVEU="%cd%\%DRIVEU%" set DRIVEU=%DRIVEU:&=^&% set DRIVEU=%DRIVEU:~1,-1% :skip if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" 255 if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=) set watitle=ModMii Skin set waico=support\icon.ico set temp=temp set wabat=%TEMP%\wabat.bat set wasig=ModMii v%currentversion% by XFlak ::side bar - 150x300 pixels set wabmp=support\bmp\default.bmp if not exist support\skipscam.txt goto:nocheck findStr /I /C:"%USERPROFILE%" "support\skipscam.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set Trigger=) else (set Trigger=1) if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:skip :nocheck ::Splash Screen for Scam Warning ::if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" EQU "%CURRENTVERSION%" goto:nosplash ::Splash Screen - 440x340 pixel bmp set wabmp=support\bmp\ModMiiSplash.bmp support\wizapp SPLASH OPEN if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 support\nircmd.exe wait 2000 support\wizapp SPLASH CLOSE :nosplash ::side bar - 150x300 pixels set wabmp=support\bmp\TERMS.bmp set waoutput= set watext=~Por favor, escriba la palabra "yo", seguido de la palabra "acepto" con un espacio entre esas dos palabras y, a continuacion, haga clic en Siguiente para continuar.~~Si no puede seguir estas instrucciones, entonces no tiene sentido seguir modificando. start /w support\wizapp NOBACK EB if errorlevel 2 Exit call "%wabat%" if /i "%waoutput%" EQU "yo Acepto" goto:skip if /i "%waoutput%" NEQ "skipscam" goto:miniskip if exist support\skipscam.txt attrib -r -h -s support\skipscam.txt echo "%USERPROFILE%">support\skipscam.txt attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt set Trigger=1 goto:skip :miniskip set watext=~~~~~Ha introducido una clave incorrecta, saliendo de ModMii... ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp FINISH NOBACK NOCANCEL TB Exit :skip ::Save version agreed to if exist Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -ls!"set AGREEDVERSION=" -write -yes echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat ::.NET Framework 3.5 check+installation if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation ::side bar - 150x300 pixels set wabmp=support\bmp\default.bmp set watext=~ModMii Requiere .NET Framework 3.5...~~ModMii se descargara e iniciara el instalador para que, cuando haya terminado de instalar. NET Framework 3.5 ModMii continuara. start support\wizapp PB OPEN set FrameworkAttempt=0 :NETFRAMEWORK start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 10 SET /a FrameworkAttempt=%FrameworkAttempt%+1 if exist "temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe" goto:semiskip start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/0/3/703455ee-a747-4cc8-bd3e-98a615c3aedb/dotNetFx35setup.exe" if exist dotNetFx35setup.exe move /y dotNetFx35setup.exe temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe :semiskip start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 50 start /wait temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" (start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100) & (start support\wizapp PB CLOSE) & (goto:skipframeworkinstallation) if /i "%FrameworkAttempt%" EQU "3" goto:GiveUpOnFramework goto:NETFRAMEWORK :GiveUpOnFramework set watext=~~.NET Framework 3.5 Fallo en la Instalacion varias veces~~Si lo prefiere, puede intentar instalar. NET Framework 3.5 realizando una actualizacion de Windows~~Algunas de las caracteristicas de ModMii puede no funcionen correctamente sin ella. NET Framework 3.5 instalado~~Haga clic en "Siguiente", para usar de todos modos ModMii. start support\wizapp PB CLOSE start /w support\wizapp TB if errorlevel 2 EXIT :skipframeworkinstallation if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" goto:UpdateModMii ::-----------------------------Main Menu--------------------------------- :MENU set MENU1= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set wabmp=support\bmp\MAIN.bmp set wafile= set SNEEKTYPE= set SNEEKSELECT= set USBCONFIG= SET UpdatesIOSQ= set FORMAT=NONE if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=) set VIRGIN= set AbstinenceWiz= set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set RECCIOS= set yawmQ= set PRIQ= set IOS236InstallerQ= set ThemeSelection=N set MORE= set PIC= set NET= set Weather= set NEWS= set MIIQ= set Shop= set Speak= set USBGUIDE= set LOADER= set EXPLOIT= set REGIONCHANGE= set SNEEKSELECT= set SNKS2U= set PRIIFOUND= set SNKSERIAL= set addwadfolder= set ChannelsMarked= set SNKMarked= set AdvancedMarked= set virginMarked= set FIRMSTARTMarked= set SNKVERSIONMarked= set REGIONMarked= set SNKREGIONMarked= set EXPLOITMarked= set FIRMMarked= set ThemeSelectionMarked= set USBGUIDEMarked= set FORMATMarked= set LOADERMarked= set USBCONFIGMarked= set SNEEKSELECTMarked= set SNEEKTYPEMarked= set SNKcBCMarked= set watext=~~ Elija una actividad:~~La mayoria de las actividades de ModMii crearan una guia personalizada para usted basada en sus respuestas en unas preguntas simples. set wainput= Asistente ^&ModMii+Guia (Comenzar a modificar su Wii); ^&Asistente abstinencia+Guia (Use Casper sin mod); ^&Instalador USB-Loader+Guia; ^&Soluciones HackMii+Guia; C^&ambio Region+Guia; ^&Cargar cola Descarga; ^&Instalacion SNEEK y Creador NAND; ^&Opciones; Credi^&tos; ^&ModMii modo clasico para mas actividades start /w support\wizapp NOBACK RB if errorlevel 2 exit call "%wabat%" if "%waoutnum%"=="" goto:MENU if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" (set Menu1=W) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\WIZARD.bmp) & (goto:WPAGE1) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" (set Menu1=S) & (set SNEEKSELECT=3) & (set AbstinenceWiz=Y) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\ABSTINENCE.bmp) & (goto:WPAGE2) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" (set Menu1=U) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\USB.bmp) & (goto:UPAGE1) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" (set Menu1=H) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\HackMii.bmp) & (goto:WPAGE2) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" (set Menu1=RC) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\RegionChange.bmp) & (goto:RCPAGE1) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "5" (set Menu1=L) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\DLQUEUE.bmp) & (goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "6" (set Menu1=S) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\SNEEK.bmp) & (goto:SNKPAGE1) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "7" (set Menu1=O) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\OPTIONS.bmp) & (goto:OPTIONS) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "8" (start http://modmii.zzl.org/credits.html) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "9" (start ModMii.exe) & (exit) ::...................................PICK Download Queue............................... :PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE set DLQUEUE= set waoutnum= ::set waoutput= if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues set waoutput=%cd:&=^&%\temp\DownloadQueues\YourQueueHere.bat set watext=Seleccione la cola de descarga que desea descargar.~~Nota, al hacer clic en Finish ModMii iniciara la descarga inmediatamente. Para ver el contenido de la cola antes de descargar utilice ModMii clasico para cargarla.~~Para crear colas de descarga personalizadas utilizar ModMii clasico. set wainput=ModMii Cola Descarga (*.bat) ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp FINISH FB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:MENU call "%wabat%" set DLQUEUE=%waoutput:&=^&% if not exist "%DLQUEUE%" goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE findStr /I /C:":endofqueue" "%DLQUEUE%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE copy /y "%DLQUEUE%" temp\DownloadQueues >nul ::get file name without path or extension echo %DLQUEUE:&=^&% >temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _*\__ -rep _.bat*__ -write -yes set /p DLQUEUE= Support\settings.bat echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set effect=%effect%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set OPTION36=%OPTION36%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set AudioOption=%AudioOption%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set CMIOSOPTION=%CMIOSOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set FWDOPTION=%FWDOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Drive=%DRIVE:&=^&%>>Support\settings.bat echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU:&=^&%>>Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -spat -quiet Support\settings.bat -rep _\x5e\x26_\x26_ -rep _\x26_\x5e\x26_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat -quiet Support\settings.bat -rep _\x5e\x26_\x26_ -rep _\x26_\x5e\x26_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -lerep _\__ -lerep _/__ -write -yes>nul echo Set overwritecodes=%overwritecodes%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set cheatregion=%cheatregion%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set cheatlocation=%cheatlocation%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ACTIVEIOS=%ACTIVEIOS%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set AUTOUPDATE=%AUTOUPDATE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ModMiiverbose=%ModMiiverbose%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SSD=%SSD%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set sneekverbose=%sneekverbose%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set neek2o=%neek2o%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SNKFONT=%SNKFONT%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set wiicheat=%wiicheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set WiiWarecheat=%WiiWarecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set VCArcadecheat=%VCArcadecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set WiiChannelscheat=%WiiChannelscheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Gamecubecheat=%Gamecubecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set NEScheat=%NEScheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SNEScheat=%SNEScheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set N64cheat=%N64cheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SMScheat=%SMScheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Segacheat=%Segacheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set NeoGeocheat=%NeoGeocheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Commodorecheat=%Commodorecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set MSXcheat=%MSXcheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set TurboGraFX-16cheat=%TurboGraFX-16cheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat echo set GuideOnly=%GuideOnly%>> Support\settings.bat ::show\hide ModMiiSkinCMD if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" 255 if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win trans ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" 0 if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" goto:MENU ::..................................................PC SAVE.................................................. ....... :PCSAVE ::Set PCSAVE= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set watext=~~ Ubicacion de guardado para Programas de PC~~Si se Autoselecciona guardado local de programas de PC en %homedrive% con accesos directos si se ejecuta desde ModMii %homedrive% y guardado en programas de PC portable si no se ejecuta desde ModMii %homedrive% set wainput= ^&Auto; ^&Local; ^&Portable ::check current setting if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Auto" set waoutnum=0 if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" set waoutnum=1 if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" set waoutnum=2 ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU ::if errorlevel 1 goto:OPTIONS call "%wabat%" if "%waoutnum%"=="" goto:PCSAVE if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set PCSAVE=Auto if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set PCSAVE=Local if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set PCSAVE=Portable goto:Options ::..................................................OtherOptions.................................................. ....... :OtherOptions set waoutnum= set waoutput= set watext=~~~~ Otras Opciones varias set wainput= ^&Auto-Actualizar ModMii al iniciar el programa; c^&MIOS incluido en Asistente-SysCheck; USB-Loader ^&Forwarder incluido en Asistente; ^&Actualizar IOSs activos en Asistente-SysCheck; Incluir IOS3^&6 en actualizaciones de IOS Activos; IOSs guardado en ^&Raiz en lugar de la carpeta WAD; ^&Salida Detallada para ModMiiSkin\wget y Sneek; Guardar carpeta 0000000^&1 de IOSs\SMs\etc; Guardar carpeta ^&NUS\00000001x de IOSs\SMs\etc; ^&Generar Guia unica (solo para funciones con guias) ::check correct boxes set waoutput= if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #Auto-actualizacion ModMii al iniciar el programa if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; c#MIOS includido en Asistente/Actualizador-sysCheck if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; USB-Loader #Forwarder incluido en Asistente if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #Actualizar IOSs activos en Asistente/Actualizador-sysCheck if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Incluir IOS3#6 Actualizacion en los IOS activos if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; IOSs Guardado en #Raiz en lugar de la carpeta WAD if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #Salida Detallada para ModMiiSkin\wget\Instalador Sneek if /i "%Option1%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Guardar carpeta 0000000#1 para IOSs\SMs\etc if /i "%Option1%" EQU "all" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Guardar carpeta 0000000#1 para IOSs\SMs\etc if /i "%Option1%" EQU "nus" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Guardar carpeta #NUS\00000001x para IOSs\SMs\etc if /i "%Option1%" EQU "all" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Guardar carpeta #NUS\00000001x para IOSs\SMs\etc if /i "%GuideOnly%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #Generar Guia Personalizada (solo para funciones con guias) echo set waoutput=%waoutput%>temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _"#"_"^&"_ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp CL if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU ::if errorlevel 1 goto:OPTIONS call "%wabat%" ::if "%waoutnum%"=="" goto:skipcheck echo %waoutnum% >"%wabat%" findStr /I /C:"0" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set AutoUpdate=on) else (set AutoUpdate=off) findStr /I /C:"1" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set CMIOSOPTION=on) else (set CMIOSOPTION=off) findStr /I /C:"2" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FWDOPTION=on) else (set FWDOPTION=off) findStr /I /C:"3" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ACTIVEIOS=on) else (set ACTIVEIOS=off) findStr /I /C:"4" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set OPTION36=on) else (set OPTION36=off) findStr /I /C:"5" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ROOTSAVE=on) else (set ROOTSAVE=off) findStr /I /C:"6" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ModMiiverbose=on) else (set ModMiiverbose=off) findStr /I /C:"9" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set GuideOnly=on) else (set GuideOnly=off) ::turn 2 options into 1 findStr /I /C:"7" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set Option1=on) else (set Option1=off) findStr /I /C:"8" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set Option1temp=nus) else (set Option1temp=) if /i "%Option1%" NEQ "on" goto:skip if /i "%Option1temp%" EQU "nus" (set Option1=all) else (set Option1=on) goto:skipcheck :skip if /i "%Option1temp%" EQU "nus" (set Option1=nus) else (set Option1=off) :skipcheck goto:Options ::..................................................SNEEKOptions.................................................. ....... :SNEEKOptions set waoutnum= set waoutput= set watext=~~~~ Opciones SNEEK set wainput= Crear ^&neek2o lugar de NEEK original; ^&Acceso tarjeta SD habilitado para Sneek\Sneek+DI; SNEEK ^&salida detallada; ^&Modo Depuracion DML; ^&Font.bin de S\UNEEK+DI Blanco (en lugar de Negro) ::check correct boxes set waoutput= if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; Crear #neek2o en lugar de NEEK original if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #Acceso a tarjeta SD habilitado para SNEEK\SNEEK+DI if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" set waoutput=%waoutput%; SNEEK #salida detallada if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" set waoutput=%waoutput%; #Font.bin blanco para S\UNEEK+DI (en lugar de Negro) echo set waoutput=%waoutput%>temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _"#"_"^&"_ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp CL if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU ::if errorlevel 1 goto:OPTIONS call "%wabat%" echo %waoutnum% >"%wabat%" findStr /I /C:"0" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set neek2o=on) else (set neek2o=off) findStr /I /C:"1" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SSD=on) else (set SSD=off) findStr /I /C:"2" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set sneekverbose=on) else (set sneekverbose=off) findStr /I /C:"3" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKFONT=W) else (set SNKFONT=B) goto:Options ::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?............................... :WPAGE1 set waoutnum= set waoutput= set VIRGIN= set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set RECCIOS= set yawmQ= set PRIQ= set ThemeSelection=N set IOS236InstallerQ= ::recall checked items if not "%VIRGINMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%VIRGINMarked% set watext= Es esta su primera vez que modifica su Wii?~ -o-~ Le gustaria actualizar todos los los softmods existentes~ (tambien conocido como rejackear)~~Nota: Solo se responde No, si usted sabe que desea~ actualizar set wainput= ^&Si; ^&No ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:MENU call "%wabat%" set VIRGINMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set Virgin=Y if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set Virgin=N if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE2 if "%Virgin%"=="" goto:WPAGE1 ::...................................Wizard Page2 - Current System Menu............................... :WPAGE2 set FIRMSTART= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%FIRMSTARTMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%FIRMSTARTMarked% set watext= Cual es su version actual menu de sistema?~~Nota: para comprobarlo, encienda su consola Wii, haz clic en el boton Wii en la parte inferior izquierda del menu principal del sistema, haga clic en Configuracion de Wii, entonces usted debe ver el menu del sistema en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla (es decir, 4.2U, 4,1 J, 3.2E, etc) set wainput= 4.^&3; 4.^&2; 4.^&1; 4.^&0; 3.^&x (3.0 - 3.5); ^&Otros (^<2.2); ^&Videotutorial para ver la version menu de sistema ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:MENU goto:WPAGE1 :notback call "%wabat%" set FIRMSTARTMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" (set FIRMSTART=4.3) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" (set FIRMSTART=4.2) & (goto:NEEKrevSelect) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" (set FIRMSTART=4.1) & (goto:NEEKrevSelect) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" (set FIRMSTART=4.0) & (goto:NEEKrevSelect) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" (set FIRMSTART=3.X) & (goto:NEEKrevSelect) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "5" (set FIRMSTART=O) & (goto:WPAGE3) :NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" (set FIRMSTART=4.3) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" (set FIRMSTART=4.2) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" (set FIRMSTART=4.1) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" (set FIRMSTART=4.0) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" (set FIRMSTART=3.X) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "5" (set FIRMSTART=O) & (goto:WPAGE3) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "6" set FIRMSTART=HELP if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "Help" goto:nohelp start /D SUPPORT SMver.html goto:WPAGE2 :nohelp if "%FIRMSTART%"=="" goto:WPAGE2 ::...................................Wizard Page3 - REGION............................... :WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3hard if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3hard if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" (set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE2) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) :WPAGE3hard set REGION= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%REGIONMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%REGIONMarked% set watext= Cual es su Region de menu del sistema?~~Nota: para comprobarlo, encienda su consola Wii, haz clic en el boton Wii en la parte inferior izquierda del menu principal del sistema, haga clic en Configuracion de Wii, entonces usted debe ver el menu del sistema en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla (es decir, 4.2U, 4,1 J, 3.2E, etc) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" set watext=~~~~ A que Region le gustaria cambiar? set wainput= ^&U (USA); ^&E (Euro\PAL); ^&J (JAP); ^&K (Corea); ^&Videotutorial para ver la version menu de sistema if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" set wainput= ^&U (USA); ^&E (Euro\PAL); ^&J (JAP); ^&K (Corea) ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (goto:RCPAGE1) else (goto:WPAGE2) :notback call "%wabat%" set REGIONMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set REGION=U if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set REGION=E if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set REGION=J if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" set REGION=K if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" set REGION=HELP if "%REGION%"=="" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE4 :notRC if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "Help" goto:nohelp start /D SUPPORT SMver.html goto:WPAGE3 :nohelp ::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit............................... :WPAGE3C set waoutnum= set waoutput= SET EXPLOIT=default set exploitselection= if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3Cnext if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3Cnext goto:WPAGE4 :WPAGE3Cnext ::recall checked items if not "%EXPLOITMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%EXPLOITMarked% ::set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE3c set exploitselection=yes if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set watext=~~Seleccione el exploit que le gustaria utilizar para modificar su Wii.~~~Nota: El exploit Letterbomb es solo para las versiones 4,3 de Wii. if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set watext=~~Seleccione el juego que desea utilizar para modificar su Wii.~~~Nota: Puede modificar su Wii sin uno de los siguientes juegos si se actualiza al menu del sistema 3.0 o superior. set wainput= if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:list4.3 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set wainput= ^&Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda; ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl; ^&Todos los exploits de arriba if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set wainput= ^&Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda; ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl; LEGO ^&Indiana Jones; LEGO ^&Batman; LEGO Star ^&Wars; ^&Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's; Tales of Symphonia: ^&Dawn of the New World; ^&Todos los exploits de arriba goto:skip4.3 :list4.3 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set wainput= ^&LetterBomb (Discless); ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set wainput= ^&LetterBomb (Discless); ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl; LEGO ^&Indiana Jones; LEGO ^&Batman; LEGO Star ^&Wars; ^&Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's; ^&Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World; ^&Todos los exploits de arriba basados en disco (sin Letterbomb) :skip4.3 ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:WPAGE3 call "%wabat%" set EXPLOITMarked=%waoutnum% if "%waoutnum%"=="" goto:WPAGE3c if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:list4.3 if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:KOR ::set wainput= ^&Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda; ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl; ^&Todos los exploits de arriba if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set EXPLOIT=T if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set EXPLOIT=S if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set EXPLOIT=? goto:gotexploit :KOR ::set wainput= ^&Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda; ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl; ^&LEGO Indiana Jones; ^&LEGO Batman; ^&LEGO Star Wars; ^&Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's; ^&Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World; ^&Todos los exploits de arriba if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set EXPLOIT=T if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set EXPLOIT=S if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set EXPLOIT=L if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" set EXPLOIT=LB if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" set EXPLOIT=LS if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "5" set EXPLOIT=Y if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "6" set EXPLOIT=TOS if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "7" set EXPLOIT=? goto:gotexploit :list4.3 if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:KOR4.3 ::set wainput= ^&LetterBomb (Discless); ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set EXPLOIT=BOMB if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set EXPLOIT=S goto:gotexploit :KOR4.3 ::set wainput= ^&LetterBomb (Discless); ^&Super Smash Brothers Brawl; ^&LEGO Indiana Jones; ^&LEGO Batman; ^&LEGO Star Wars; ^&Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's; ^&Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World; ^&Todos los exploits de arriba basados en disco (sin Letterbomb) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set EXPLOIT=BOMB if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set EXPLOIT=S if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set EXPLOIT=L if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" set EXPLOIT=LB if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" set EXPLOIT=LS if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "5" set EXPLOIT=Y if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "6" set EXPLOIT=TOS if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "7" set EXPLOIT=? goto:gotexploit :gotexploit if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "BOMB" (set beforebomb=WPAGE3C) & (goto:bombinfo) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" (set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE3C) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:NEEKrevSelect goto:WPAGE4 ::------------------letterbomb info---------------- :bombinfo start /D SUPPORT LetterBombFrames.html set watext=~desde ModMii deberia de abrir su navegador en http://please.hackmii.com~~Un videotutorial sobre la manera adecuada de descargar Letterbomb se puede encontrar en el panel lateral de la pagina web.~En esta pagina web, introduzca su region menu del sistema y la direccion MAC. Para encontrar la direccion MAC de tu Wii, encender la Wii, haga clic en el boton Wii en la parte inferior izquierda del menu principal del sistema, a continuacion, haga clic en Configuracion de Wii, a continuacion, en Internet, a continuacion, la consola de Informacion.~Desactive la opcion "Paquete del instalador HackMii para mi", rellenar el captcha y cortar cualquiera de los cables. Se descargara un archivo ZIP pequeño, abrir este archivo, y usted vera una carpeta de copia privada, y pegarlo en la raiz de la tarjeta SD.~desde ModMii va a generar una guia para el supuesto de que hayas hecho esto correctamente.~Haga clic en "Next" cuando este listo para continuar... ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp TB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:%beforebomb% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" (set BACKB4DRIVE=bombinfo) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:NEEKrevSelect goto:WPAGE4 ::...................................Wizard Page3D - Active IOSs............................... ::change WPAGE3D with WPAGE4 ::...................................Wizard Page4 - New System Menu............................... :WPAGE4 set FIRM= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set watext=~~ Seleccione el menu de sistema que desea~ para actualizar/degradar. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" set watext=%watext%~~Nota: si el menu del sistema actual elije un Menu ~ de sistema no se descargara set wainput= 4.^&3; 4.^&2; 4.^&1 (Recomendado) ::set default set waoutnum=2 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:miniskip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set wainput= 4.^&3 (Recomendado); 4.^&2; 4.^&1 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set waoutnum=0 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set wainput= 4.^&3; 4.^&2 (Recomendado); 4.^&1 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set waoutnum=1 :miniskip ::recall checked items if not "%FIRMMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%FIRMMarked% ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:wpage3c if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:wpage3c goto:wpage3 :notback call "%wabat%" set FIRMMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set FIRM=4.3 if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set FIRM=4.2 if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set FIRM=4.1 if "%FIRM%"=="" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (goto:WPAGE20) else (goto:WPAGE5) ::...................................Wizard Page5 - MORE Channels?............................... :WPAGE5 set MORE= set PIC= set NET= set Weather= set NEWS= set MIIQ= set Shop= set Speak= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%ChannelsMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%ChannelsMarked% set watext=~~~ Elija cual de los siguientes canales desea instalar set wainput= ^&Fotos; ^&Mii; ^&Tienda (con IOS56); ^&Internet; ^&Tiempo; ^&Noticias; ^&Wii Speak if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" (set REGIONTEMP=%SNKREGION%) else (set REGIONTEMP=%REGION%) if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" set wainput= ^&Fotos; ^&Mii; ^&Tienda (con IOS56) if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS set wainput= ^&Fotos; ^&Mii; ^&Tienda; ^&Internet; ^&Tiempo; ^&Noticias; ^&Wii Speak if /i "%REGIONTEMP%" EQU "K" set wainput= ^&Fotos; ^&Mii; ^&Tienda :notS ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp CL if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:WPAGE4 ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:WPAGE20 ::if "%SMTHEMEAPP%"=="" (goto:SNKPAGE4c) else (goto:WPAGE20) goto:SNKPAGE5 :notback call "%wabat%" set ChannelsMarked=%waoutnum% if "%waoutnum%"=="" goto:skipcheck echo %waoutnum% >"%wabat%" findStr /I /C:"0" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set PIC=Y findStr /I /C:"1" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set MIIQ=Y findStr /I /C:"2" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Shop=Y findStr /I /C:"3" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set NET=Y findStr /I /C:"4" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Weather=Y findStr /I /C:"5" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set NEWS=Y findStr /I /C:"6" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set Speak=Y :skipcheck if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS if /i "%THEMEQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%THEMEQ%" NEQ "Y" (set backB4wpageLast=WPAGE5) & (goto:WPAGELAST) :notS if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" (goto:WPAGE20) else (goto:WPAGE13) ::...................................Wizard Page13 - MORE Advanced Channels?............................... :WPAGE13 ::set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set IOS236InstallerQ= set RECCIOS= set PRIQ= set yawmQ= set THEMEQ= set USBGUIDE= SET UpdatesIOSQ=N ::set ThemeSelection=N set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%AdvancedMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%AdvancedMarked% set watext=~~~~ Elija alguno de los siguientes para instalar o actualizar if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set wainput= ^&Homebrew Channel y\o BootMii; ^&IOS236; ^&CIOSs y cMIOS Recomendados; ^&Priiloader v0.7 (y hacks menu del sistema); ^&El nuevo Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM); Tema Menu ^&Sistema; ^&USB-Loader; ^&IOSs Activos y IOSs parcheados menu del sistema if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" NEQ "on" set wainput= ^&Homebrew Channel y\o BootMii; ^&IOS236; ^&CIOSs Recomendados; ^&Priiloader v0.7 (y hacks menu del sistema); ^&El nuevo Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM); Tema Menu ^&Sistema; ^&USB-Loader; ^&IOSs Activos y IOSs parcheados menu del sistema ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp CL if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:WPAGE5 call "%wabat%" if "%waoutnum%"=="" (set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE13) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) set AdvancedMarked=%waoutnum% echo %waoutnum% >"%wabat%" findStr /I /C:"0" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set HMInstaller=Y findStr /I /C:"1" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS236InstallerQ=Y findStr /I /C:"2" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set RECCIOS=Y findStr /I /C:"3" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set PRIQ=Y findStr /I /C:"4" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set yawmQ=Y findStr /I /C:"5" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set THEMEQ=Y findStr /I /C:"6" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set USBGUIDE=Y findStr /I /C:"7" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set UpdatesIOSQ=Y) else (set UpdatesIOSQ=N) if /i "%THEMEQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:UPAGE1 set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE13 goto:DRIVECHANGE ::...................................Wizard Page20 - Theme Selection............................... :WPAGE20 set ThemeSelection= set waoutnum= set waoutput= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nocheck if "%SMTHEMEAPP%"=="" goto:WPAGE5 :nocheck ::recall checked items if not "%ThemeSelectionMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%ThemeSelectionMarked% set watext=~~~Te gustaria instalar un tema personalizado en tu Wii?~~ Elija entre 3 efectos: No-Spin, Spin y Fast-Spin set wainput= Ver los temas disponibles en ^&Youtube; Cambiar Efecto ^&Canal - Efecto actual: %effect%; Tema DarkWii ^&Rojo - %effect%; Tema DarkWii ^&Verde - %effect%; Tema DarkWii ^&Azul - %effect%; Tema DarkWii ^&Naranja - %effect%; ^&No, quiero el mismo viejo menu de sistema aburrido ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:WPAGE4 ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:quickskip ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE5 :::quickskip ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" (goto:WPAGE5) else (goto:WPAGE13) :notback call "%wabat%" ::if blank, check "NO" if "%waoutnum%"=="" set waoutnum=6 set ThemeSelectionMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set ThemeSelection=WWW if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set ThemeSelection=CE if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set ThemeSelection=R if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" set ThemeSelection=G if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" set ThemeSelection=BL if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "5" set ThemeSelection=O if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "6" set ThemeSelection=N if "%ThemeSelection%"=="" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "WWW" goto:novid start /D SUPPORT WiiThemes.html goto:WPAGE20 :novid if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "CE" goto:SkipOptionCEwizard if /i "%effect%" EQU "no-spin" (set effect=Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%effect%" EQU "spin" (set effect=Fast-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Fast-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%effect%" EQU "fast-spin" (set effect=No-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=No-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) :SkipOptionCEwizard ::next if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:miniskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE5 :miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE20) & (goto:DriveChange) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" (set backB4wpageLast=WPAGE20) & (goto:WPAGELAST) ::Wizard if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" (goto:UPAGE1) else (goto:DRIVECHANGE) ::...................................Wizard Page21 - USB Loader Setup Q............................... :WPAGE21 set USBGUIDE= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%USBGUIDEMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%USBGUIDEMarked% set watext=~Quieres configurar un USB-Loader ahora?~~Notas:~Un USB-Loader permite a la Wii jugar juegos desde un disco duro externo. Este paso siempre se puede hacer por si mismo mas adelante desde Menu Principal de ModMii. set wainput= ^&Si;~~ ^&No ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:WPAGE20 call "%wabat%" ::if blank, check "NO" if "%waoutnum%"=="" set waoutnum=1 set USBGUIDEMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" (set USBGUIDE=Y) & (goto:UPAGE1) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" (set USBGUIDE=N) & (set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE21) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) if "%USBGUIDE%"=="" goto:WPAGE21 ::...................................SD Card Location............................... :DriveChange set drivetemp=%DRIVE:&=^&% set waoutnum= set waoutput=%DRIVE:&=^&% set wabmplast=%wabmp% set wabmp=support\bmp\SDCARD.bmp ::makedrive if not exist ::if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" set watext=~~~Seleccionar donde guardar los archivos en su tarjeta SD start /w support\wizapp FB DIR if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback set wabmp=%wabmplast% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:notback goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% :notback call "%wabat%" set DRIVETEMP=%waoutput:&=^&% ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -spat -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _\x26_\x5e\x26_ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul del temp\temp.txt>nul ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVETEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) goto:DRIVECHANGE :skipcheck set DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP:&=^&% set REALDRIVE=%DRIVE:&=^&% ::autosave drive setting to settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set Drive=" -write -yes>nul echo Set Drive=%DRIVE:&=^&%>>Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -spat -quiet Support\settings.bat -rep _\x5e\x26_\x26_ -rep _\x26_\x5e\x26_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -lerep _\__ -lerep _/__ -write -yes>nul ::goto: set wabmp=%wabmplast% ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:options if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" (set backB4wpageLast=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:WPAGELAST) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:noskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:noskip goto:skip :noskip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set backB4DRIVEU=DRIVEUCHANGE) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" (set backB4wpageLast=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:WPAGELAST) :skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (set backB4wpageLast=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:WPAGELAST) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" (set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" (set backB4wpageLast=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:WPAGELAST) ::...................................USB Hard Drive Location............................... :DriveUChange set driveUtemp=%DRIVEU:&=^&% set waoutnum= set waoutput=%DRIVEU:&=^&% set wabmplast=%wabmp% set wabmp=support\bmp\USBDIR.bmp ::makedrive if not exist ::if not exist "%DRIVE:&=^&%" mkdir "%DRIVE:&=^&%" set watext=~~~Seleccionar donde guardar los archivos en su disco duro USB ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp FB DIR if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback set wabmp=%wabmplast% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:notback goto:%BACKB4DRIVEU% :notback call "%wabat%" set DRIVEUTEMP=%waoutput:&=^&% ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP%">temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -spat -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _\x26_\x5e\x26_ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul del temp\temp.txt>nul ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2%" goto:skipcheck goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :skipcheck set DRIVEU=%DRIVEUTEMP:&=^&% ::autosave drive setting to settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set DriveU=" -write -yes>nul echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU:&=^&%>>Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -spat -quiet Support\settings.bat -rep _\x5e\x26_\x26_ -rep _\x26_\x5e\x26_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -lerep _\__ -lerep _/__ -write -yes>nul ::goto: set wabmp=%wabmplast% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:options if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:noskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:noskip goto:skip :noskip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4WPAGELAST=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:WPAGELAST :skip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" (set BACKB4WPAGELAST=DRIVEUCHANGE) & (goto:WPAGELAST) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE) & (goto:snkpage3) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX2 ::...................................Check For Updates............................... :UpdateModMii set wabmplast=%wabmp% set wabmp=support\bmp\UPDATECHECK.bmp set watext=~~Comprobando actualizaciones...~~Version actual %currentversion% start support\wizapp PB OPEN start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20 if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/modmii/downloads/list?can=3&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+ReleaseDate+Size+DownloadCount" if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:updatefail) start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 70 support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\list.txt" ++"ModMii" ++"zip" ++"modmii.googlecode.com/files/" -rep _*"files/ModMii"__ -rep _".zip"*__ -write -yes if /i "%UPDATENAME%" NEQ "ModMii" support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\list.txt" ++"%UPDATENAME:~-3%" -write -yes if /i "%UPDATENAME%" EQU "ModMii" support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\list.txt" -!"_" -write -yes support\sfk filter -spat -quiet "temp\list.txt" -rep _*"\x5f"__ -write -yes set /p newversion= nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 start support\wizapp PB CLOSE if %currentversion% LSS %newversion% goto:openchangelog ::----------disable Splash for now------------ ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (set wabmp=%wabmplast%) & (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU) if %currentversion% GTR %newversion% set watext=~Esta version es mas reciente que la ultima version publica~~You got some crazy new beta shit! if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% set watext=~Esta version esta actualizada start support\wizapp PB OPEN start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 support\nircmd.exe wait 2000 start support\wizapp PB CLOSE set wabmp=%wabmplast% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU) :openchangelog if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" (start http://modmii.zzl.org/changelog.html) else (start http://5dca4ce5.miniurls.co/) :updateconfirm ::set updatenow= set watext=~Una actualizacion esta disponible, le gustaria actualizar a v%newversion% ahora?~~Se recomienda leer la lista de cambios que acaba de abrir en su navegador.~~Haga clic en "Siguiente" para actualizar ahora de lo contrario haga clic en "Cancelar". start /w support\wizapp NOBACK TB if not errorlevel 2 goto:notcancel set wabmp=%wabmplast% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU) :notcancel :updatenow set wabmp=support\bmp\UPDATING.bmp set watext=~Actualizar de v%currentversion% a v%newversion%~~Por favor espere... start support\wizapp PB OPEN start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20 ::Kill ModMiiSkin.exe process so it can be updated taskkill /im ModMiiSkin.exe /f >nul if not exist "%UPDATENAME%%newversion%.zip" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://modmii.googlecode.com/files/%UPDATENAME%%newversion%.zip if not exist "%UPDATENAME%%newversion%.zip" goto:updatefail start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60 copy /y support\7za.exe support\7za2.exe>nul echo @echo off>Updatetemp.bat echo if exist "support\ModMii.bat" ren "support\ModMii.bat" "ModMii-v%currentversion%.bat">>Updatetemp.bat echo if exist "support\ModMiiSkin.bat" ren "support\ModMiiSkin.bat" "ModMiiSkin-v%currentversion%.bat">>Updatetemp.bat echo support\7za2 x %UPDATENAME%%newversion%.zip -aoa>>Updatetemp.bat echo start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 >>Updatetemp.bat echo del %UPDATENAME%%newversion%.zip^>nul>>Updatetemp.bat echo del support\7za2.exe^>nul>>Updatetemp.bat echo start support\wizapp PB CLOSE>>Updatetemp.bat echo Start ModMiiSkin.exe>>Updatetemp.bat echo exit>>Updatetemp.bat start Updatetemp.bat exit :updatefail start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 start support\wizapp PB CLOSE set watext=~~Actualizacion de verificacion ha fallado, compruebe su conexion a Internet y la configuracion del firewall start /w support\wizapp NOBACK TB set wabmp=%wabmplast% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" (goto:OPTIONS) else (goto:MENU) ::...................................Wizard Last Page - Confirmation............................... :WPAGELAST set WLAST= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set wainput= set watext=Confirme los ajustes si son correctos, haga clic en "Finish" if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:notwizard if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&%~y en: %DriveU:&=^&% :notwizard if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:notusb if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %DriveU:&=^&% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&% :notusb if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:not2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "S" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %DriveU:&=^&% goto:notS :not2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "S" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&%~y en: %DriveU:&=^&% :notS if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" set watext=%watext%~~Guardar archivos en: %Drive:&=^&% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" set wainput=%wainput% Guia Soluciones HackMii~ if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "w" set wainput=%wainput% Asistente ModMii~ if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" set wainput=%wainput% ModMii USB Loader Guia de instalacion~ if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" set wainput=%wainput% Guia Cambio Region~ if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" set wainput=%wainput% Intalacion SNEEK~ if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set wainput=%wainput% Creacion NAND Emulada~ if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput% Asistente Abstinencia~ if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:notS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set wainput=%wainput% Intalacion SNEEK y Creacion NAND Emulada~ :notS if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:guideavailable if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:guideNOTavailable :guideavailable if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" set wainput=%wainput%~* Generar Guia Personalizada Opcion Habilitada~ :guideNOTavailable if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:notabstinence if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" set wainput=%wainput%~* Menu de sistema actual %FIRMSTART%%REGION%~ if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set wainput=%wainput%~* Menu de sistema actual es menor que 2.2%REGION%~ :notabstinence if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:noSSDcomment if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set wainput=%wainput%~* Crear %neekname%: SNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set wainput=%wainput%~* Crear %neekname%: UNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" set wainput=%wainput%~* Crear %neekname%: SNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set wainput=%wainput%~* Crear %neekname%: UNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" set wainput=%wainput%~* neek2o Habilitado (se puede cambiar en opciones) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" set wainput=%wainput%~* neek2o Desabilitado (se puede cambiar en opciones) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "S" goto:noSSDcomment if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" set wainput=%wainput%~* Acceso SD Habilitado (se puede cambiar en opciones) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" set wainput=%wainput%~* Acceso SD Desabilitado (se puede cambiar en opciones) :noSSDcomment if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set wainput=%wainput%~ if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" set wainput=%wainput%~* Crear una %SNKVERSION%%SNKREGION% NAND Emulada if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" set wainput=%wainput%~* setting.txt creado usando el serial #: %SNKSERIAL% if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Canal Post Loader if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar cIOS249 rev14 if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar NMM (No Mas Targetas de Memoria) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar DML-r%CurrentDMLRev% a la NAND Real if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Priiloader if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar JoyFlow IF not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar wads desde la carpeta personalizada:~ %addwadfolder% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Dark Wii Tema Rojo - %effect% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Dark Wii Tema Verde - %effect% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Dark Wii Tema Azul - %effect% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Dark Wii Tema Naranja - %effect% set wainput=%wainput%~ if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Fotos if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Internet if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Tiempo if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Noticias if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Mii if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal tienda if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Wii Speak set wainput=%wainput%~ goto:skipusb :notS if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" set wainput=%wainput%~* Menu de sistema actual %FIRMSTART%%REGION% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:skipusb if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:skipwizstuff if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar\Actualizar todos los softmods recomendados~ if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:skipcurrentSM if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" set wainput=%wainput%~* Menu de sistema actual %FIRMSTART%%REGION% if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set wainput=%wainput%~* Menu de sistema actual menor que 2.2%REGION% :skipcurrentSM set wainput=%wainput%~* Menu de sistema deseado %FIRM%%REGION% set wainput=%wainput%~ if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Fotos if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Internet if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Tiempo if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Noticias if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Mii if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal tienda yIOS56 if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar el Canal Wii Speak set wainput=%wainput%~ if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar\Actualizar el Homebrew Channel y BootMii if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar\Actualizar cIOSs y cMIOS recomendados) else (set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar\Actualizar CIOSs recomendados) :smallskip if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Descargar un nuevo Wad Manager Mod if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar IOS236 if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar\Actualizar Priiloader if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Tema Dark Wii Rojo - %effect% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Tema Dark Wii Verde - %effect% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Tema Dark Wii Azul - %effect% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set wainput=%wainput%~* Instalar Tema Dark Wii Naranja - %effect% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:skipusb ::--------- :skipwizstuff if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" set USBGUIDE=Y if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" set wainput=%wainput%~ if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set FORMATNAME=NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set FORMATNAME=WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" set wainput=%wainput%~* Disco duro externo formato como %FORMATNAME% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" set wainput=%wainput%~* Disco duro externo formato como %FORMATNAME% goto:skip2 :skip set wainput=%wainput%~* Disco duro externo ya esta formateado como %FORMATNAME% :skip2 if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set wainput=%wainput%~* Descargar Configurable USB-Loader if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set wainput=%wainput%~* Descargar WiiFlow-Mod if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set wainput=%wainput%~* Descargar Configurable USB-Loader y WiiFlow-Mod if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set wainput=%wainput%~* USB-Loader configuracion\configurar archivos guardados en USB if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" set wainput=%wainput%~* USB-Loader configuracion\configurar archivos guardados en targeta SD :skipusb ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp FINISH FT if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:%BACKB4WPAGELAST% set WLAST=Y goto:StartModMiiClassic ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1 - Format?............................... :UPAGE1 set FORMAT=NONE set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items or set default if not "%FORMATMarked%"=="" (set waoutnum=%FORMATMarked%) else (set waoutnum=0) set watext=~~~ Como le gustaria su disco duro externo formateado? if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" set wainput= ^&FAT32; ^&NTFS; ^&Particion en parte como FAT32 y otra parte en NTFS; HDD ya esta ^&WBFS + No quiero cambiar; ^&HDD ya esta FAT32/WBFS + No quiero cambiar if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" set wainput= ^&FAT32 (Recomendado); ^&Particion en parte como FAT32 y otra parte en NTFS ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE2 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:MENU goto:WPAGE21 :notback call "%wabat%" set FORMATMarked=%waoutnum% SET /a FORMAT=%waoutnum%+1 if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" (set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1) & (goto:DriveChange) if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" (set FORMAT=3) & (set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1) & (goto:DriveChange) :NotAbstinenceWiz goto:UPAGE1b ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1b - Loader?............................... :UPAGE1b set LOADER= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items or set default if not "%LOADERMarked%"=="" (set waoutnum=%LOADERMarked%) else (set waoutnum=0) set watext=~~~~ Que USB-Loader te gustaria usar? set wainput= ^&Configurable USB-Loader (Recomendado); ^&WiiFlow-Mod; ^&Ambos Configurable USB-Loader y WiiFlow-Mod ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:UPAGE1 call "%wabat%" set LOADERMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set LOADER=CFG if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set LOADER=FLOW if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set LOADER=ALL if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE2 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE2 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE2 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" (set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b) & (goto:DriveChange) if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" (set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b) & (goto:DriveChange) ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page2 - Config on USB vs SD?............................... :UPAGE2 set USBCONFIG= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items or set default if not "%USBCONFIGMarked%"=="" (set waoutnum=%USBCONFIGMarked%) else (set waoutnum=0) set watext=~~~Donde le gustaria guardar su aplicacion USB-Loader, caratulas y los archivos de configuracion? set wainput= ^&USB (Recomendado); ^&Targeta SD ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:UPAGE1b call "%wabat%" set USBCONFIGMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set USBCONFIG=USB if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set USBCONFIG=SD ::--goto-- ::if using wizard+usb-loader setup, set up both drive letters if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" (set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2) & (set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set BACKB4DRIVEU=UPAGE2) & (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" (set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2) & (goto:DRIVECHANGE) ::...................................SNEEK Page1 - SNEEK SELECT............................... :SNKPAGE1 set SNEEKSELECT= set SNKS2U= set PRIIFOUND= if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" (set neekURL=tinyurl.com/neeek2o) else (set neekURL=http://code.google.com/p/sneek) set waoutnum= set waoutput= set wafile= ::recall checked items if not "%SNEEKSELECTMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%VIRGINMarked% set watext=~~Cual de las siguientes acciones SNEEK le gustaria realizar?~~Nota: El modificador NAND Emulada y Extractor de juegos a granel de SNEEK en la actualidad solo esta disponible en ModMii Clasico set wainput= ^&Instalacion SNEEK; ^&Creador NAND Emulada (para SNEEK); ^&Todos los de arriba (Recomendado para novatos) ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:MENU call "%wabat%" if "%waoutnum%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE1 set SNEEKSELECTMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" (set SNEEKSELECT=1) & (goto:NEEKrevSelect) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" (set SNEEKSELECT=2) & (goto:SNKPAGE2) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" (set SNEEKSELECT=3) & (goto:NEEKrevSelect) ::...................................SNEEK Page - NEEK rev Selection............................... :NEEKrevSelect if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (set googlecode=custom-di) & (set neekname=neek2o) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "ON" (set googlecode=sneeky-compiler) & (set neekname=neek) ::echo Checking which %neekname% versions are hosted online... set watext=~~~Comprobar que versiones %neekname% se alojan en linea... ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start support\wizapp PB OPEN ::get all list start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/%googlecode%/downloads/list?can=2&q=zip&sort=-releasedate&colspec=Filename%20Summary%20Uploaded%20ReleaseDate%20Size%20DownloadCount" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20 if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi) copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"%googlecode%.googlecode.com/files/" ++"%neekname%-rev" -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _%neekname%-rev__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 40 ::get featured list support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"%googlecode%.googlecode.com/files/" ++"%neekname%-rev" ++".zip', 'Featured'" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _%neekname%-rev__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60 :nowifi ::get local list if not exist "temp\%neekname%\*.zip" goto:nolocallist dir "temp\%neekname%\*.zip" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"%neekname%-rev"__ -rep _".zip"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 80 :nolocallist ::------actual page start---------- :NEEKrevSelect2 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET neekTOTAL=0 if exist temp\list.txt for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a neekTOTAL=!neekTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION start support\wizapp PB CLOSE ::Error if no revs found if /i "%neekTOTAL%" NEQ "0" goto:neekrevsfound set watext=~~~~No se puede conectar a Internet y no hay versiones %neekname% guardadas localmente ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp TB ::set neekrev=B goto:back ::------------------- :neekrevsfound Set neekrev= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set wafile= set wainput= Set watext=~~~ Seleccione la version de %neekname% que le gustaria construir: set FeaturedTag= ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processNEEKlist %%A goto:quickskip :processNEEKlist set CurrentRev=%* if not exist temp\list2.txt goto:nofeaturedcheck findStr /I /C:"%CurrentRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Destacado) :nofeaturedcheck if not exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentRev% (hospedado en google code)%FeaturedTag%; if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentRev%%FeaturedTag%; goto:EOF :quickskip ::remove last ; to delete empty selection set wainput=%wainput:~0,-1% ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp LB SINGLE if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback :back if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz ::if /i "%neekrev%" NEQ "B" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3C goto:WPAGE2 :NotAbstinenceWiz goto:SNKPAGE1 :notback ::remove featured\hosted tags before retrieving selection support\sfk filter "%wabat%" -rep _" (hosted on google code)"__ -rep _" - Featured"__ -write -yes>nul call "%wabat%" if "%waoutput%"=="" goto:neekrevsfound set CurrentRev=%waoutput% goto:SNKPAGE2 ::...................................SNEEK Page - DML rev Selection............................... :CurrentDMLRevSelect if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul if exist temp\list2.txt del temp\list2.txt>nul ::set googlecode=dios-mios-lite-source-project ::echo Checking which DML versions are hosted online... set watext=~~~~ Comprobar que las versiones de DML se alojan en linea... ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start support\wizapp PB OPEN ::get all list start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/dios-mios-lite-source-project/downloads/list" start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20 if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi) copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 40 ::get featured list support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"dios-mios-lite-source-project.googlecode.com/files/" ++"DMLr" ++".elf', 'Featured" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -!zip -!DMLST.elf -rep _".elf*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _DMLr__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60 :nowifi ::get local list if not exist "temp\DML\*.elf" goto:nolocallist dir "temp\DML\*.elf" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -ls!"DML.elf" -ls!"DMLdebug.elf" -ls!"._DML.elf" -rep _"DMLr"__ -rep _".elf"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 80 :nolocallist ::------actual page start---------- :CurrentDMLRevSelect2 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET DMLTOTAL=0 if exist temp\list.txt for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a DMLTOTAL=!DMLTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION start support\wizapp PB CLOSE ::Error if no revs found if /i "%DMLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" goto:DMLrevsfound set watext=~~~~No se puede conectar a Internet y no hay versiones DML guardadas localmente start /w support\wizapp TB set DML= set CurrentDMLRev= goto:SNKPAGE4a3 ::------------------- :DMLrevsfound Set DMLrev= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set wafile= set wainput= Set watext=~~ Seleccione la version de DML que quiere construir:~~DML r12+ requiere ya sea Sneek+DI r157+ o NeoGamma R9 beta 55+ ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processDMLlist %%A goto:quickskip :processDMLlist set CurrentDMLRev=%* if not exist temp\list2.txt goto:nofeaturedcheck findStr /I /C:"%CurrentDMLRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Destacado) :nofeaturedcheck if not exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev% (hospedado en google code)%FeaturedTag%; if exist "temp\DML\DMLr%CurrentDMLRev%.elf" set wainput=%wainput%%CurrentDMLRev%%FeaturedTag%; goto:EOF :quickskip ::remove last ; to delete empty selection set wainput=%wainput:~0,-1% start /w support\wizapp LB SINGLE if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback set DML= set CurrentDMLRev= goto:SNKPAGE4a3 :notback ::remove featured\hosted tags before retrieving selection support\sfk filter "%wabat%" -rep _" (hosted on google code)"__ -rep _" - Featured"__ -write -yes>nul call "%wabat%" if "%waoutput%"=="" goto:DMLrevsfound set CurrentDMLRev=%waoutput% goto:SNKPAGE5 ::...................................SNEEK Page2 - SNEEK TYPE............................... :SNKPAGE2 set SNEEKTYPE= set FORMAT= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items or set default if not "%SNEEKTYPEMarked%"=="" (set waoutnum=%SNEEKTYPEMarked%) else (set waoutnum=4) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" set watext=~~ Que tipo de Sneek quieres instalar? if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set watext=~~Que tipo de Sneek le gustaria construir una memoria NAND emular en? if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" set watext=%watext%~~Nota: NAND construidas para cualquier tipo de trabajo SNEEK con cualquier otro tipo de SNEEK y CUALQUIER region Wii puede utilizar cualquier region NAND emulada. set wainput= UNEEK+^&DI; SNEEK+^&DI; ^&UNEEK; ^&SNEEK; ^&Informacion sobre estos tipos de NEEK ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 goto:SNKPAGE1 :notback call "%wabat%" set SNEEKTYPEMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set SNEEKTYPE=UD if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set SNEEKTYPE=SD if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set SNEEKTYPE=U if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" set SNEEKTYPE=S if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "4" goto:neekinfo if "%SNEEKTYPE%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE2 ::goto if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:UPAGE1 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:UPAGE1 :NotAbstinenceWiz if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:DRIVECHANGE ::if only building nand, no need to set drive, only driveU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVECHANGE :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE ::------------------neek type info---------------- :neekinfo set watext=~---UNEEK+DI---~* Wii NAND Emulada/HDD externo esta en FAT32~* Carga juegos Wii de tu disco duro externo FAT32~* Puede cargar aplicaciones de una tarjeta SD~* Lectora DVD deshabilitada para juegos, pero no para aplicaciones~---SNEEK+DI---~* Wii NAND Emulada/de memoria esta en la tarjeta SD~* Cargar juegos Wii de tu disco duro externo FAT32~* Cargar juegos GameCube desde SD usando DML~* Carga aplicaciones fuera de un disco duro USB FAT32~* Lectora DVD deshabilitada para juegos pero no para aplicaciones~---UNEEK---~* Igual que UNEEK+DI pero la Lectora DVD esta habilitada y no carga juegos fuera de un disco duro FAT32~---SNEEK---~* Igual que SNEEK+DI pero la Lectora DVD esta habilitada y no carga juegos fuera de un disco duro FAT32 ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp TB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU goto:SNKPAGE2 ::...................................SNEEK Page3 - SNEEK REGION............................... :SNKPAGE3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE:&=^&% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU:&=^&% set DITYPE=off if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on set SNKREGION= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%SNKREGIONMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%SNKREGIONMarked% set watext=~~~ Que region le gustaria para su NAND emulada? set wainput= ^&U (USA); ^&E (Euro\PAL); ^&J (JAP); ^&K (Corea) ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:%B4SNKPAGE3% call "%wabat%" set SNKREGIONMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set SNKREGION=U if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set SNKREGION=E if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set SNKREGION=J if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "3" set SNKREGION=K if "%SNKREGION%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE3 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set defaultserial=LU521175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set defaultserial=LEH133789940 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 goto:SNKPAGE4 ::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK VERSION............................... :SNKPAGE4 set SNKVERSION= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%SNKVERSIONMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%SNKVERSIONMarked% set watext=~~~Que version del sistema del menu le gustaria que fuese su NAND emulada? set wainput= 4.^&3; 4.^&2; 4.^&1 ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:SNKPAGE3 call "%wabat%" set SNKVERSIONMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" set SNKVERSION=4.3 if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set SNKVERSION=4.2 if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "2" set SNKVERSION=4.1 if "%SNKVERSION%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE4 goto:SNKPAGE4a ::...................................SNEEK Page4a - Post Loader Channel............................... ::many modmii classic pages turned into one :SNKPAGE4a set THEMEQ= set SNKPLC= set SNKCIOS= set SNKPRI= set SNKcBC= set SNKJOY= ::set addwadfolder= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%SNKMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%SNKMarked% set watext=~~Elija cual de los siguientes hay que instalar a su NAND emulada? ::use question marks instead of ^&, will be replaced later set wainput= Tema Menu ?Sistema; Post?Loader (Aplicacion\USB Loader); cIOS?249 rev14 (necesario para algunas aplicaciones); ?Priiloader (y Hacks Menu Sistema); Carpeta personalizada de ?WADs if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:noNMMDML if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set wainput=%wainput%; ?Dios Mios Lite -O- No mas Targetas de Memoria if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "SD" set wainput=%wainput%; No ?Mas Targetas de Memoria (NMM) :noNMMDML if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:notUneek set wainput=%wainput%; ?JoyFlow (USB-Loader) if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:notUneek if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" set wainput=%wainput%; ?Switch2Uneek (lanzar diferentes NANDs) :notUneek echo %wainput%>temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -spat temp\temp.txt -rep _"\x3f"_"\x5e\x26"_ -write -yes>nul set /p wainput= "%wabat%" findStr /I /C:"Post^&Loader" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKPLC=Y findStr /I /C:"cIOS^&249 rev14" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKCIOS=Y findStr /I /C:"Priiloader" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKPRI=Y findStr /I /C:"System Menu ^&Theme" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set THEMEQ=Y findStr /I /C:"No ^&More Memory-Cards (NMM)" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKcBC=NMM findStr /I /C:"^&JoyFlow" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKJOY=Y findStr /I /C:"Switch2Uneek" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKS2U=Y findStr /I /C:"^&Dios Mios Lite -OR- No More Memory-Cards" "%wabat%" >nul ::IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:SNKPAGE4a3 IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set SNKcBC=choose findStr /I /C:"Custom folder of ^&WADs" "%wabat%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:addwadfolder) else (set addwadfolder=) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "choose" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 :skipcheck goto:SNKPAGE5 ::-----------------------------------Add WAD Folder to Install to emunand---------------------------------- :addwadfolder ::set addwadfolder= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set waoutput=%addwadfolder% set watext=~~~Seleccione la carpeta de WADs que le gustaria instalar en su NAND emulada ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp FB DIR if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:SNKPAGE4a call "%wabat%" if not exist "%waoutput%\*.wad" goto:noWADserror set addwadfolder=%waoutput% ::goto if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "choose" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 goto:SNKPAGE5 ::Error if no WADs found :noWADserror set watext=~~~~No que se encuentran WADs en la carpeta especificada, por favor intente otra carpeta. ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp TB goto:addwadfolder ::...................................SNEEK Page4a3 - cBC............................... :SNKPAGE4a3 set SNKcBC= set waoutnum= set waoutput= ::recall checked items if not "%SNKcBCMarked%"=="" set waoutnum=%SNKcBCMarked% set watext= Te gustaria usar DML o NMM?~~DML r12+ se instala en NAND real y acceder a traves de una NAND emulada (o NeoGamma) que le permite jugar juegos GameCube de una tarjeta SD.~~NMM le permite guardar la carga\partidas guardadas GameCube se utiliza una tarjeta SD en lugar de una tarjeta de memoria de GC. set wainput= ^&Dios Mios Lite (DML); ^&No Mas Targetas de Memoria (NMM) ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp RB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if "%addwadfolder%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE4a goto:addwadfolder :notback call "%wabat%" set SNKcBCMarked=%waoutnum% if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "0" (set SNKcBC=DML) & (goto:CurrentDMLRevSelect) if /i "%waoutnum%" EQU "1" set SNKcBC=NMM if "%SNKcBC%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 goto:SNKPAGE5 ::...................................SNEEK Page5 - SNEEK SERIAL............................... :SNKPAGE5 set waoutnum= set waoutput= if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE:&=^&% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU:&=^&% if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:DOIT if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip :DOIT SET NANDcount=0 if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "U" set nandregion=us if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "E" set nandregion=eu if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "J" set nandregion=jp if /i "%SNKREGION%" EQU "K" set nandregion=kr if not exist "%nandpath:&=^&%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" set nandpath=%nandpath:&=^&%\nands\pl_%nandregion% if not exist "%nandpath:&=^&%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" goto:quickskip :NANDname SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%nandpath:&=^&%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" set nandpath=%nandpath:&=^&%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount% if not exist "%nandpath:&=^&%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" goto:quickskip goto:NANDname :quickskip set watext=~~Introduzca los 11 o 12 digitos numero de serie que te gustaria utilizar para crear el setting.txt para su NAND emulada, o utilice el numero predeterminado que se proporciona a continuacion. set waoutput=%defaultserial% ::recall checked items if not "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set waoutput=%SNKSERIAL% ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp EB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if not errorlevel 1 goto:notback if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "SD" goto:SNKPAGE4a if "%SNKcBC%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" goto:CurrentDMLRevSelect if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 goto:SNKPAGE4a :notback call "%wabat%" set SNKSERIAL=%waoutput% IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=9999999999999 ::limit user input to X# of digits if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badkey) if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::next page goto:WPAGE5 :badkey set SNKSERIAL= goto:SNKPAGE5 ::------------------REGION CHANGE WARNING---------------- :RCPAGE1 set REGIONCHANGE= set watext=Seguro que quiere Cambiar la Region su Wii?~~Notas Importantes:~~* No es necesario El cambio de region para jugar a otros juegos de otra region. Por ejemplo, se puede jugar a un juego japo en una Wii modificada de EE.UU. sin cambiar la region.~* se puede jugar a un juego japo en una Wii modificada de EE.UU. sin cambiar la region.~~Advertencias:~~* Si utiliza el Canal de Compras en una Wii, debe iniciar el canal y eliminar su cuenta antes de iniciar esta guía en su Wii. Si no el Canal Tienda Wii da error.~* ModMii esta cambiando la region la guia asume que su Wii ya esta modificada con el Homebrew Channel, IOS236 y BootMii. Si falta alguno de los que utilizan el Asistente para ModMii antes de continuar con esta guia.~~Haga clic en "Siguiente" si usted decide seguir... ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start /w support\wizapp TB if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU if errorlevel 1 goto:MENU goto:WPAGE3 ::----------------------Start ModMii Classic---------------------- :StartModMiiClassic ::set watext=~~~ModMii Trabajo Clasico... ::::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::start support\wizapp PB OPEN if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" goto:sendcmd ::---------ModMii Wizard------------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:notwizard set classicCMD=W %FIRMSTART% %REGION% %FIRM% ::THEMES if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Red if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Green if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Blue if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Orange ::Wii CHANNELS if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% PHOTO if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% MII if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SHOP if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NET if /i "%Weather%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WEATHER if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NEWS if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SPEAK ::------USB-Loader Check--------- if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:nousb set classicCMD=%classicCMD% USB if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% FAT32 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% FAT32-NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WBFS-FAT32 if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% CFG if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% FLOW if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% CFG-FLOW if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% USBConfig if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SDConfig :nousb ::---------EXPLOITCHECK----------- if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:exploitcheck if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:exploitcheck goto:skipexploitcheck :exploitcheck if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Twilight if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SmashStack if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% IndianaPwns if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Bathaxx if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% ROTJ if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% YuGiOwned if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% EriHakawai if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% AllExploits ::if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "BOMB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% :skipexploitcheck if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Guide ::Non Virgin Minimal Update if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:sendCMD set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Min if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% HBC if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% 236 if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% REC if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Pri if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% YAWMM if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% UIOS:E if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% UIOS:D goto:sendCMD :notwizard ::---------USB-Loader Setup Guide------------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:notusb set classicCMD=U if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% FAT32 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% FAT32-NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WBFS-FAT32 if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% CFG if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% FLOW if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% CFG-FLOW if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% USBConfig if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SDConfig if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Guide goto:sendCMD :notusb ::-----------HackMii Solutions Wizard---------------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "H" goto:nothackmiisolutions set classicCMD=HS %FIRMSTART% ::---------EXPLOITCHECK----------- if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:exploitcheck if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:exploitcheck goto:skipexploitcheck :exploitcheck if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Twilight if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SmashStack if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% IndianaPwns if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Bathaxx if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% ROTJ if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% YuGiOwned if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% EriHakawai if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% AllExploits ::if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "BOMB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% :skipexploitcheck if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Guide goto:sendCMD :nothackmiisolutions ::-----------SNEEK FUNCTIONS---------------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" (set classicCMD=S %SNEEKTYPE% REV:%CurrentRev%) & (goto:sendCMD) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set classicCMD=E %SNEEKTYPE% %SNKVERSION% %SNKREGION% REV:%CurrentRev% SN:%SNKSERIAL% if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set classicCMD=SE %SNEEKTYPE% %SNKVERSION% %SNKREGION% REV:%CurrentRev% SN:%SNKSERIAL% ::------Abstinence only stuff------ if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" NEQ "Y" goto:notAW set classicCMD=AW %FIRMSTART% %SNEEKTYPE% %SNKVERSION% %SNKREGION% REV:%CurrentRev% SN:%SNKSERIAL% ::---------EXPLOITCHECK----------- if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:exploitcheck if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:exploitcheck goto:skipexploitcheck :exploitcheck if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Twilight if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SmashStack if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% IndianaPwns if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Bathaxx if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% ROTJ if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% YuGiOwned if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% EriHakawai if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% AllExploits ::if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "BOMB" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% :skipexploitcheck if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Guide ::goto:sendCMD :notAW ::common for abstinence and emunand builder ::THEMES if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Red if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Green if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Blue if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Orange ::Wii CHANNELS if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% PHOTO if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% MII if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SHOP if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NET if /i "%Weather%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WEATHER if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NEWS if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% SPEAK if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% WADdir:%addwadfolder%? if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% PLC if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% 249 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Pri if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Joy if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% NMM if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% DML DMLRev:%CurrentDMLRev% goto:sendCMD :notS ::-----------Region Change Wizard---------------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notregionchange set classicCMD=RC %FIRMSTART%%REGION% ::THEMES if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Red if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Green if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Blue if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Orange if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" set classicCMD=%classicCMD% Guide goto:sendCMD :notregionchange ::--------------------------Send CMD to ModMii Classic------------------------------- :sendCMD if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul if exist temp\ModMii_Log_temp.txt del temp\ModMii_Log_temp.txt>nul if exist temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt del temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt>nul if exist temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt del temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt>nul if exist temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt del temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt>nul ::credits for some if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" NEQ "on" goto:creditcheck if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skipcred if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:skipcred if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:skipcred if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:skipcred if /i "%AbstinenceWiz%" EQU "Y" goto:skipcred :creditcheck if /i "%Trigger%" EQU "1" goto:skipcred start http://99acb462.miniurls.co set watext=~~~No-Donantes deben ver los creditos antes de descargar~~60 segundos de espera... ::support\nircmd.exe win activate ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" ::if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" NEQ "on" support\nircmd.exe win hide ititle "ModMiiSkinCMD" start support\wizapp PB OPEN support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 10 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 20 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 30 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 40 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 50 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 60 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 70 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 80 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 90 support\nircmd.exe wait 6000 start support\wizapp PB UPDATE 100 start support\wizapp PB CLOSE :skipcred ::if "%OSYS%"=="" (goto:skipforcewait) ::echo @echo off>temp\temp.bat ::echo setlocal>>temp\temp.bat ::echo call support\ModMii.bat %classicCMD% Skin:E>>temp\temp.bat ::start /wait temp\temp.bat ::start support\wizapp PB CLOSE ::goto:FINISH :::skipforcewait ModMii.exe %classicCMD:&=^&% Skin:E start support\wizapp PB CLOSE goto:FINISH ::--------------------------FINISH------------------------------- :FINISH if /i "%GUIDEONLY%" EQU "on" goto:MENU set FINISH= set waoutnum= set waoutput= set wainput= if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:notS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:not1 if exist temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt (set problematicDLs=1) else (set problematicDLs=0) if not exist temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt echo %neekname% rev%CurrentRev% installed successfully>temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt set wafile=temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt goto:skip :not1 copy /y "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" "temp\nandinfotemp.txt">nul set wafile=temp\nandinfotemp.txt findStr /I /C:"Errors " "%wafile%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 (set problematicDLs=1) else (set problematicDLs=0) if not exist temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_NEEK_Errors.txt goto:skip set problematicDLs=1 echo.>>temp\nandinfotemp.txt echo %neekname% rev%currentrev% not installed properly>>temp\nandinfotemp.txt goto:skip :notS set wafile=temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt findStr /I /C:"downloaded succcessfully" "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set problematicDLs=1) else (set problematicDLs=0) :skip if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (set watext=~Descargar Log~~Todas las descargas se han completado correctamente) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\SUCCESS.bmp) if /i "%problematicDLs%" NEQ "0" (set watext=~Descargar Log~~Algunas descargas no son validas, faltan o no se actualizaron correctamente~~Haga clic en Siguiente para reintentar) & (set wabmp=support\bmp\FAIL.bmp) if /i "%AudioOption%" NEQ "on" goto:noaudio if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Success.mp3") else (start support\nircmd.exe mediaplay 3000 "support\Fail.mp3") :noaudio if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" start /w support\wizapp NOBACK FINISH FT if /i "%problematicDLs%" NEQ "0" start /w support\wizapp NOBACK FT if errorlevel 2 goto:MENU ::if errorlevel 1 goto:%BACKB4WPAGELAST% if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" goto:MENU goto:sendCMD