This will launch Multi-Mod Manager.

  • Install IOS58 using Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)

  • Note: MMM, is not compatible with Wii Motion+ remotes, try using an older wiimote without motion+ built in or a gamecube controller. If you don't have a compatible controller, double-click SD:\ExploitAppSelector.bat and select "..\YAWMM\boot.elf" to help you quickly switch the boot.dol\elf app that is launched by your exploit; or manually save a copy of YAWMM's boot.elf to the SD root (ie. SD:\boot.elf). Then repeat the exploit described above to launch Some YAWMM Mod instead of MMM to install IOS58.

    1. On your Wii, in Multi-Mod Manager's main menu, go down to select "WAD Manager".
    2. Install IOS58-64-v6176.
    3. After successfully installing IOS58, press any button to continue.
    4. Then press the B button to go back to MMM's main menu.
    5. Choose "App Manager" then press A.
    6. Launch "HackMii_Installer" by navigating to it and pressing the A button.

    If you used YAWMM instead of MMM because of lack of Wii Motion+ controller support, double-click SD:\ExploitAppSelector.bat and select "..\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf" to help you quickly switch the boot.dol\elf app that is launched by your exploit; or manually save a copy of the HackMii Installer's boot.elf to the SD root (ie. SD:\boot.elf). Then repeat the exploit described above to launch the HackMii Installer.