@echo off setlocal :top set currentversion=5.1.1 set currentversioncopy=%currentversion% set agreedversion= if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat if not exist support cd.. set cygwin=nodosfilewarning set ModMiipath=%cd% set PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32 chcp 437>nul set UPDATENAME=ModMiiSpanishUpdate if exist Updatetemp.bat attrib -h Updatetemp.bat if exist Updatetemp.bat del updatetemp.bat>nul if "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"=="" goto:notfreshinstall if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat attrib -h "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat del "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\Updatetemp.bat>nul if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat attrib -h "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat if exist "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat del "%ModMiiInstallerpath%"\%UPDATENAME%.bat>nul :notfreshinstall ::-------------------CMD LINE SUPPORT---------------------- ::how to pass variables to ModMii via command line ::"ModMii" a b c d e f g h i ::equals ::"ModMii" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 set one=%1 set two=%2 set three=%3 set four=%4 set five=%5 set six=%6 set seven=%7 set eight=%8 set nine=%9 set cmdinput=%* if "%one%"=="" (goto:notcmd) set cmdlinemode=Y if /i "%two%" EQU "Help" goto:specificCMDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "O" goto:cmdlineOPTIONShelp if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "U" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%one%" EQU "L" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".bat" (set one=L) & (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (goto:hardcodedoptions) if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" goto:hardcodedoptions if /i "%cmdinput:~-4%" EQU ".csv" (set one=SU) & (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (goto:hardcodedoptions) if exist "%cmdinput%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd" set DRIVETEMP=%cmdinput% if exist "%cmdinput%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd" (SET MENU1=S) & (set SNEEKSELECT=5) &(set one=EMUMOD) & (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (goto:go) ::drag and drop for file cleanup if exist "%cmdinput%\apps" set DRIVEtemp=%cmdinput% if exist "%cmdinput%\WAD" set DRIVEtemp=%cmdinput% if exist "%cmdinput%\private" set DRIVEtemp=%cmdinput% if not "%DRIVEtemp%"=="" (SET MENU1=FC) & (set cmdlinemodeswitchoff=Y) & (goto:go) :specificCMDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:cmdlinewizardhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" goto:cmdlineRegionChangehelp if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" goto:cmdlineHMhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:cmdlineSNEEKhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:cmdlineEMUNANDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "U" goto:cmdlineUSBhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:cmdlineEMUNANDhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "L" goto:cmdlineDLQUEUEhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" goto:cmdlineSYSCHECKhelp if /i "%one%" EQU "O" goto:cmdlineOPTIONShelp if not "%one%"=="" (goto:cmdlinehelp) :cmdlinehelp title ModMii Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii %currentversion% - by XFlak echo. echo Uso de l\xednea de comandos: ModMii [funci\xf3n] [parámetros] [Opciones] echo. echo Funciones: echo. echo W Asistente echo U Configuraci\xf3n USB-Loader echo HS Soluciones HackMii echo SU Actualizador sysCheck echo RC Cambiar Regi\xf3n echo S Instalaci\xf3n SNEEK echo E Creador NAND Emulada echo SE Instalaci\xf3n SNEEK + Creaci\xf3n NAND Emulada echo L Carga ModMii Cola Descargar echo. echo O Opciones ModMii: Las opciones no pueden ser utilizados por echo ellos mismos, sino que se puede aplicar a otras funciones. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 Guardado\ajustes por defecto se restaurar\xe1n despu\xe9s de cada support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 comando. Si una opci\xf3n no est\xe1 definida salvo\configuraci\xf3n echo por defecto sera utilizado. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 NOTA: ver tambi\xe9n una descripci\xf3n detallada y los par\xe1metros para echo cualquiera de los anteriores, el uso 'ModMii [funci\xf3n] Ayuda' echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit :cmdlineRegionChangehelp title ModMii Region Change Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii Regi\xf3n Cambio expreso modo de uso echo. echo ModMii.exe RC sistema de men\xfa Deseado Opciones Extras echo. echo Sistema de Men\xfa deseado: #.#X echo Donde; "#.#" puede ser "4.1", "4.2" o "4.3" y "X" puede ser "U", "E", "J", "K" echo. echo Extras: echo "Rojo" Tema Rojo [No se puede utilizar a la vez con otros temas] echo "Verde" Tema Verde [No se puede utilizar a la vez con otros temas] echo "Azul" Tema Azul [No se puede utilizar a la vez con otros temas] echo "Naranja" Tema Naranja [No se puede utilizar a la vez con otros temas] echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "Gu\xeda" Generar gu\xeda PERSONALIZADA echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]EJEMPLOS: echo ModMii.exe RC 4.1U echo ModMii.exe RC 4.2E Rojo support\sfk echo ModMii.exe RC 4.3J Naranja gu\xeda echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit :cmdlinewizardhelp title ModMii Wizard Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii Asistente r\xe1pido Modo de uso: echo. echo ModMii.exe W ActualFirm Regi\xf3n DeseadoFirm Opciones Extras echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 3 4 5 Opciones extras echo. echo 1) Asistente "W" echo 2) Firmware actual: "4.3","4.2","4.1","4.0","3.X" [3.0-3.5], "O" [otros ^<2.2] echo 3) Region: "U","E","J","K" echo. Si tu Wii fue cambiada la regi\xf3n, pero sin ser original de Corea, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Seleccione la regi\xf3n que hay actualmente en echo 4) Firmware deseado: (Opcional): "4.1", "4.2", "4.3" support\sfk echo \x20\x20 Nota: Si el firmware deseado no se especifica ModMii utilizar\xe1 echo el Firmware recomendado echo. echo Extras: echo "Rojo" Tema Rojo [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo "Verde" Tema Verde [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo "Azul" Tema Azul [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo "Naranja" Tema Naranja [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo. echo "CH" Todos los Canales Wii [ie. Foto, Tiempo, noticias, etc.] echo "FOTOS" Canal Fotos echo "TIENDA" Canal Tienda [y IOS56] echo "MII" Canal Mii echo "SPEAK" Canal Wii Speak [no aplicable a los nands coreanos] echo "NOTICIAS" Canal Noticias [no aplicable a los nands coreanos] echo "NET" Canal Internet [no aplicable a los nands coreanos] echo "TIEMPO" Canal Tiempo [no aplicable a los nands coreanos] echo. echo "USB" Configurar el USB-loader [elegir solamente uno A, B y C] echo A - "FAT32" Formato HDD como FAT32 [defecto] echo "NTFS" Formato HDD como NTFS echo "FAT32-NTFS" Particion HDD con parte FAT32 y parte NTFS echo "WBFS" HDD ya esta formateado como WBFS echo "WBFS-FAT32" HDD ya tiene particiones, como parte FAT32 y parte WBFS echo B - "CFG" Usar Configurable USB-Loader [defecto] echo "FLOW" Usar WiiFlow echo "CFG-FLOW" Utilizar tanto Configurable USB-Loader y WiiFlow support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 C - "USBConfig" Guardar USB-Loader archivos configuraci\xf3n de USB [defecto] support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "SDConfig" Guardar USB-Loader archivos configuraci\xf3n de Tarjeta SD echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "Min" actualizaci\xf3n m\xednima - Elija una o m\xe1s de las siguientes actualizaciones: echo "HBC" Homebrew Channel y\o BootMii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "REC" cIOSs recomendados (y cMIOS si est\xe1 activada en las opciones) echo "YAWMM" Sin embargo, otro Mod Wad Manager echo "236" IOS236 echo "Pri" Priiloader v0.7 y hacks_hash.ini echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 "Gu\xeda" Generar gu\xeda PERSONALIZADA echo. echo Forzar un exploit basado en disco de 4.3 y ^<2,2 es de Wii echo "SmashStack" Smash Stack (U\E\J\K) echo "IndianaPwns" IndianaPwns (U\E\J) echo "Bathaxx" Bathaxx (U\E\J) echo "ROTJ" Return of the Jodi (U\E\J) echo "YuGiOwned" Yu-Gi Owned (U\E\J) echo "EriHakawai" Eri Hakawai (U\E\J) echo "Twilight" Twilight Hack (^<2.2 U\E\J\K) echo "AllExploits" Todos los exploits basados en discos echo Notas: echo Por defecto de 4.3 para Wii es Letterbomb echo Por defecto para ^nul exit :cmdlineUSBhelp title ModMii USB-Loader Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii USB-Loader Soluciones Express Modo de uso echo. echo ModMii.exe U Opciones Extras echo. echo Extras: echo Elija solo una A, B y C: echo A - "FAT32" Formato HDD como FAT32 [por defecto] echo "NTFS" Formato HDD como NTFS support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "FAT32-NTFS" Partici\xf3n HDD como parte FAT32 y parte NTFS support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "WBFS" HDD ya est\xe1 formateado como WBFS echo "WBFS-FAT32" HDD ya tiene particiones con parte FAT32 y parte WBFS echo B - "CFG" Usar Configurable USB-Loader [por defecto] echo "FLOW" Usar WiiFlow echo "CFG-FLOW" Use ambos "Configurable USB-Loader y WiiFlow" support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 C - "USBConfig" Guardar USB-Loader archivos configuraci\xf3n de USB [defecto] support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "SDConfig" Guardar USB-Loader archivos configuraci\xf3n de targeta SD echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 "Gu\xeda" Generar gu\xeda PERSONALIZADA echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe U echo ModMii.exe U NTFS Flow echo ModMii.exe U FAT32-NTFS CFG-Flow SDConfig echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit :cmdlineHMhelp title ModMii HackMii Solutions Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]Soluciones ModMii HackMii Modo de uso expres echo. echo ModMii.exe HS Firmware Opciones Extras echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 Opciones Extras echo. echo 1) HackMii Soluciones "HS" echo 2) Firmware: "4.3","4.2","4.1","4.0","3.X" [3.0-3.5], "O" [otros ^<2.2] echo. echo Extras: support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "Gu\xeda" Generar Gu\xeda PERSONALIZADA echo. echo Forzar un exploit basado en disco de 4.3 y ^<2,2 es de Wii echo "SmashStack" Smash Stack (U\E\J\K) echo "IndianaPwns" IndianaPwns (U\E\J) echo "Bathaxx" Bathaxx (U\E\J) echo "ROTJ" Return of the Jodi (U\E\J) echo "YuGiOwned" Yu-Gi Owned (U\E\J) echo "EriHakawai" Eri Hakawai (U\E\J) echo "Twilight" Twilight Hack (^<2.2 U\E\J\K) echo "AllExploits" Todos los exploits basados en discos echo NotAs: echo Por defecto de 4.3 para Wii es Letterbomb echo Por defecto para ^nul exit :cmdlineSYSCHECKhelp title ModMii sysCheck Updater Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii actualizador sysCheck Modo de uso expres: echo. echo ModMii.exe SU sysCheck.csv Opciones Extras echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 Opciones Extras echo. echo 1) sysCheck actualizador "SU" echo 2) sysCheck Registro de Ruta\Nombre echo. echo Extras: support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 "Pri" Instalar Priiloader si no puede determinar si ya est\xe1 instalado support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20de lo contrario no se instalar\xe1 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 "Gu\xeda" Generar Gu\xeda PERSONALIZADA echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe SU sysCheck.csv echo ModMii.exe SU X:\New Folder\syscheck.csv support\sfk echo -spat \x20ModMii.exe SU "XFlaks-sysCheck.csv" Gu\xeda Prii echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit :cmdlineSNEEKhelp title ModMii SNEEK Installation Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii Instalaci\xf3n SNEEK Modo de uso r\xe1pido echo. echo ModMii.exe S SNEEK-TYPE Extras Opciones echo. echo SNEEK-TYPE: "S" SNEEK, "U" UNEEK, "SD" SNEEK+DI, "UD" UNEEK+DI echo. echo Extras: support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "Rev:#" Crear una Rev # espec\xedfica de Neek o neek2o echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 Nota: Si una Rev # no se especifica ModMii construir\xe1 la support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 rev actualmente destacados en la p\xe1gina de Google-code support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 (o m\xe1s reciente es la versi\xf3n guardada local si usted support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 est\xe1 fuera de l\xednea) echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe S UD echo ModMii.exe S SD Rev:64 echo. echo Nota: Puede instalar S\UNEEK y al mismo tiempo crear la emulaci\xf3n echo NAND siguiendo las instrucciones creador NAND emulada a continuaci\xf3n. echo. :cmdlineEMUNANDhelp title ModMii Emulated NAND Builder Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii Emulador NAND creador modo de uso Expres echo. echo ModMii.exe E SNEEK-TYPE Firmware Regi\xf3n Opciones Extras echo. echo ModMii.exe 1 2 3 4 Opciones Extras echo. echo 1) Crear NAND Emulada "E" [o "SE" para instalar S\UNEEK Y crear una NAND] echo 2) SNEEK-TYPE: "S" SNEEK, "U" UNEEK, "SD" SNEEK+DI, "UD" UNEEK+DI echo 3) Firmware: "4.1", "4.2", "4.3" echo 4) Regi\xf3n: "U","E","J","K" echo. echo Extras: support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 "Rev:#" Construir un Rev# espec\xedfica de Neek o neek2o echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 Nota: Si una Rev # no est\xe1 especificada ModMii construir\xe1 support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 la rev actualmente recomendada en la p\xe1gina de support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 google-code (o versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente guarda localmente support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 si usted est\xe1 fuera de l\xednea) echo. echo "Rojo" Tema Rojo [No se puede utilizar a la vez con otros temas] echo "Verde" Tema verde [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo "Azul" tema Azul [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo "Naranja" Tema Naranja [No se puede utilizar simultaneamente con otros temas] echo. echo "PLC" Canal Post Loader echo "249" cIOS249 rev14 echo "NMM" Sin tarjetas de memoria [no se puede usar a la vez con DML] echo "DML" Dios Mios Lite [Solo para SNEEK+DI] echo "S2U" Switch2Uneek [Solo para UNEEK o UNEEK+DI cuando neek2o esta desabilitado] echo "Pri" Priiloader (y hacks) echo "Joy" JoyFlow Forwarder and App [Solo para UNEEK o UNEEK+DI] echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20"SN:Numero-Serial" - serial por defecto se utilizar\xe1 si no se especifica echo. echo "CH" All Wii Channels [ie. Photo, Weather, News, etc.] echo "PHOTO" Photo Channel echo "SHOP" Shopping Channel [and IOS56] echo "MII" Mii Channel echo "SPEAK" Wii Speak Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo "NEWS" News Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo "NET" Internet Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo "WEATHER" Weather Channel [not applicable to Korean NANDs] echo. echo "WADdir:Path?" - Optionally specify custom folder of WADs to install. echo Note: do not forget the "?" which marks the end of the path echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe E U 4.3 U echo ModMii.exe SE UD 4.2 U Naranja PLC 249 NMM S2U Pri Joy CH Rev:64 echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit :cmdlineDLQUEUEhelp title ModMii Download Queue Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii Cola Descarga Modo de uso expres echo. echo ModMii.exe L Opciones Cola Descarga echo. echo Nota: Cola de descarga deben existir y ser guardados en temp\DownloadQueues\ echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe L cIOSs echo ModMii.exe L Mi Fav Themes.bat echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit :cmdlineOPTIONShelp title ModMii Options Command Line Help support\sfk echo [Red]Opciones echo. echo Definir las opciones de ModMii usando los siguientes comandos. echo. support\sfk echo \x20Nota: Si una opci\xf3n no est\xe1 definida ModMii utiliz\xe1 guardado\configuraci\xf3n por defecto. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20guardado\configuraci\xf3n por defecto sera restaurado despu\xe9s de cada comando. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Si no est\xe1s seguro de lo que es una opci\xf3n, lea la descripci\xf3n support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20en la p\xe1gina de opciones de ModMii. echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Letra de unidad o configuraci\xf3n de la Ruta de la tarjeta SD echo ModMii.exe [base command] unidad:ruta? echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe [base command] Unidad: carpeta nueva? echo ModMii.exe [base command] Unidad:E:? echo. echo Nota: no olvide el "?" que marca el final de la ruta echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Letra de unidad o configuraci\xf3n de la Ruta de disco duro USB echo ModMii.exe [base command] DriveU:Path? echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Ejemplos: echo ModMii.exe [base command] UnidadU:carpeta nueva? echo ModMii.exe [base command] UnidadU:H:? echo. echo Nota: no se olvide del "?" que marca el final de la ruta echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Programa PC Guarda la ubicaci\xf3n echo ModMii.exe [base command] PC:A echo ModMii.exe [base command] PC:L echo ModMii.exe [base command] PC:P echo. echo Donde; echo A = Auto, L = Local, and P = Portable echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Guardar en la ra\xedz echo ModMii.exe [base command] RS:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] RS:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Efectos Canal echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:NS echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:S echo ModMii.exe [base command] CE:FS echo. echo Donde; echo NS = No Spin, S = Spin and FS = Fast Spin echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]mantener carpeta 00000001 y\o archivo NUS echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:0 echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:1 echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:N echo ModMii.exe [base command] 1:A echo. echo Donde; echo 0 = No mantener, 1 = Mantener 00000001, N = Mantener NUS y A = Mantener Todo echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Actualizar IOSs activos echo ModMii.exe [base command] UIOS:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] UIOS:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Incluir IOS36v3608 en ModMii Asistente Descargas echo ModMii.exe [base command] IOS36:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] IOS36:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Incluir cMIOS en ModMii Asistente Descargas echo ModMii.exe [base command] CMIOS:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] CMIOS:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Incluir USB-Loader Canal Forwarder en ModMii Asistente de Descargas echo ModMii.exe [base command] FWD:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] FWD:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Salida Detallada para el Wget y SNEEK Installer echo ModMii.exe [base command] VERBOSE:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] VERBOSE:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = Activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]neek2o - crear neek2o mod de s\uneek por OverjoY y obcd echo ModMii.exe [base command] n2o:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] n2o:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = Activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]SNEEK y SNEEK+DI acceso SD echo ModMii.exe [base command] SSD:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] SSD:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]SNEEK salida detallada echo ModMii.exe [base command] SNKVERBOSE:E echo ModMii.exe [base command] SNKVERBOSE:D echo. echo Donde; echo E = activado y D = Desactivado echo. support\sfk echo [Cyan]Font.bin color para SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI echo ModMii.exe [base command] Font:B echo ModMii.exe [base command] Font:W echo. echo Donde; echo B = Negro y W = Blanco echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20P\xfalse cualquier tecla para cerrar el men\xfa de ayuda... pause>nul exit ::this will stop the batch file from opening, and keep the cmd box open ::cmd.exe ::----------------------------------- :hardcodedoptions echo %cmdinput%>temp\cmdinput.txt findStr /I ":" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:hardcodedoptionsfinish ::backup current settings (in order to revert after cmd) if not exist support\settings.bat echo ::ModMii Settings >support\settings.bat copy /y support\settings.bat support\settings.bak>nul ::-----------DRIVE: (ie. DRIVE:whatever_ test?)--------------- findStr /I " Drive:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:nodrivecmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) ::check if a ? was entered findStr /I "?" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Por favor, marca el final de la configuraci\xf3n de la unidad con un signo de interrogaci\xf3n "?", int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* DRIVE:"__ -rep _\x3f*__ -write -yes>nul set /p DRIVE= nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :skipcheck ::overwrite option in settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set Drive=" -write -yes>nul echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>>Support\settings.bat ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :nodrivecmd ::-----------DRIVEU: (ie. DRIVEU:whatever_ test?)--------------- findStr /I " DRIVEU:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noDRIVEUcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) ::check if a ? was entered findStr /I "?" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Por favor, marque el final de su configuraci\xf3n discoU con un signo de interrogaci\xf3n "?", int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* DRIVEU:"__ -rep _\x3f*__ -write -yes>nul set /p DRIVEU= nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :skipcheck ::overwrite option in settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set DRIVEU=" -write -yes>nul echo Set DRIVEU=%DRIVEU%>>Support\settings.bat ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :noDRIVEUcmd ::-----------WADdir: (ie. WADdir:whatever_ test?)--------------- findStr /I " WADdir:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noWADdircmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) ::check if a ? was entered findStr /I "?" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Por favor, marque el final de su configuraci\xf3n directorio WAD con un signo de interrogaci\xf3n "?", int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* WADdir:"__ -rep _\x3f*__ -write -yes>nul set /p addwadfolder= nul) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::make sure second char is ":" if /i "%addwadfolder:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (support\sfk echo -spat Introduzca la ruta completa, incluyendo la letra de unidad, por favor, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist "%addwadfolder%\*.wad" (echo No hay WADs en %addwadfolder%, por favor intente otra carpeta...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove hard option from cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul :noWADdircmd ::-----------PC: Option--------------- findStr /I " PC:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noPCcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* PC:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p PCSAVEcmd= nul :noPCcmd ::-----------RS: Option--------------- findStr /I " RS:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noRScmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* RS:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p ROOTSAVEcmd= nul :noRScmd ::-----------CE: Option--------------- findStr /I " CE:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noCEcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* CE:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p effectcmd= nul :noCEcmd ::-----------keep *01 or NUS Folders--------------- findStr /I " 1:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:no1cmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* 1:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p Option1cmd= nul :no1cmd ::-----------UIOS: Option--------------- findStr /I " UIOS:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noUIOScmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* UIOS:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p ACTIVEIOScmd= nul :noUIOScmd ::-----------IOS36: Option--------------- findStr /I " IOS36:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noIOS36cmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* IOS36:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p Option36cmd= nul :noIOS36cmd ::-----------CMIOS: Option--------------- findStr /I " CMIOS:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noCMIOScmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* CMIOS:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p CMIOSOPTIONcmd= nul :noCMIOScmd ::-----------USB-Loader Forwarder: Option--------------- findStr /I " FWD:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noFWDcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* FWD:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p FWDOPTIONcmd= nul :noFWDcmd ::-----------VERBOSE: Option--------------- findStr /I " VERBOSE:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noVERBOSEcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* VERBOSE:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p ModMiiverbosecmd= nul :noVERBOSEcmd ::-----------n2o: Option--------------- findStr /I " n2o:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:non2ocmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* n2o:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p NEEKcmd= nul :non2ocmd ::-----------SSD: Option--------------- findStr /I " SSD:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSSDcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* SSD:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SSDcmd= nul :noSSDcmd ::-----------snkverbose: Option--------------- findStr /I " snkverbose:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:nosnkverbosecmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* snkverbose:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p sneekverbosecmd= nul :nosnkverbosecmd ::-----------Font: Option--------------- findStr /I " Font:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noFontcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Font:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SNKFONTcmd= nul :noFontcmd :hardcodedoptionsfinish ::remove hard options from %cmdinput% to avoid conflict set /p cmdinput= nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%three%" EQU "U" set REGION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "E" set REGION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "J" set REGION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "K" set REGION=%three% if "%region%"=="" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20"%three%" no es una entrada valida, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%four%" EQU "4.3" set FIRM=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "4.2" set FIRM=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "4.1" set FIRM=%four% if not "%firm%"=="" goto:nofirmdefaults set FIRM=4.1 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set FIRM=4.2 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" set FIRM=4.3 :nofirmdefaults ::----EXtras------ ::set defaults set ThemeSelection=N set MIIQ=N set PIC=N set NET=N set WEATHER=N set NEWS=N set SHOP=N set SPEAK=N set USBGUIDE=N findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::----themes---- findStr /I " Red" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=R) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Green" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=G) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Blue" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=BL) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Orange" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=O) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:donecmdthemes :donecmdthemes findStr /I " CH" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set PIC=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SHOP=Y if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NET=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set WEATHER=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NEWS=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SPEAK=Y :nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " PHOTO" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PIC=N) else (set PIC=Y) findStr /I " SHOP" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SHOP=N) else (set SHOP=Y) findStr /I " MII" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " SPEAK" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SPEAK=N) else (set SPEAK=Y) findStr /I " NEWS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NEWS=N) else (set NEWS=Y) findStr /I " NET" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NET=N) else (set NET=Y) findStr /I " WEATHER" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set WEATHER=N) else (set WEATHER=Y) :alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " USB" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noUSBcmd) else (set USBGUIDE=Y) ::FORMAT - FAT32 (or 1) is default findStr /I " FAT32-NTFS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=3) if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:donecmdformat findStr /I " WBFS-FAT32" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=5) if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:donecmdformat findStr /I " NTFS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=2) if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:donecmdformat findStr /I " WBFS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=4) :donecmdformat ::Loader - CFG (or 1) is default findStr /I " CFG-FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=CFG) else (set LOADER=ALL) if /i "%LOADER%" NEQ "CFG" goto:donecmdloader findStr /I " FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=CFG) else (set LOADER=FLOW) :donecmdloader ::USB-Loader Config files (USB is default) findStr /I " SDConfig" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set USBCONFIG=USB) else (set USBCONFIG=SD) :noUSBcmd findStr /I " Min" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:notminupdate) else (set VIRGIN=N) findStr /I " HBC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set HMInstaller=N) else (set HMInstaller=Y) findStr /I " REC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set RECCIOS=N) else (set RECCIOS=Y) findStr /I " YAWMM" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set yawmQ=N) else (set yawmQ=Y) findStr /I " 236" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS236InstallerQ=N) else (set IOS236InstallerQ=Y) findStr /I " Pri" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PRIQ=N) else (set PRIQ=Y) :notminupdate goto:cmdlineExploitCheck ::--------------------------------- :cmdlinehackmiisolutions set MENU1=H if /i "%two%" EQU "4.3" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.2" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.1" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "4.0" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "3.X" set FIRMSTART=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "o" set FIRMSTART=%two% if "%firmstart%"=="" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20"%two%" no es una entrada valida, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::goto:cmdlineExploitCheck :cmdlineExploitCheck if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:cmdlineDiscExploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:cmdlineDiscExploits if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:cmdlineDiscExploits goto:nocmdlineDiscExploits :cmdlineDiscExploits if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:skipnonK findStr /I /C:" IndianaPwns" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=L findStr /I /C:" Bathaxx" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=LB findStr /I /C:" ROTJ" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=LS findStr /I /C:" YuGiOwned" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=Y :skipnonK findStr /I /C:" SmashStack" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=S if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:notwi findStr /I /C:" Twilight" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=T :notwi findStr /I /C:" AllExploits" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set EXPLOIT=? ::apply default exploits if not "%EXPLOIT%"=="" goto:nocmdlineDiscExploits if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "4.3" (set EXPLOIT=BOMB) & (goto:cmdlineBOMB) if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "o" set EXPLOIT=? :nocmdlineDiscExploits goto:go :cmdlineBOMB ::start http://please.hackmii.com cd /d SUPPORT start LetterBombFrames.html cd /d %ModMiipath% cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 ModMii deber\xeda de abrir su navegador en http://please.hackmii.com echo. echo Un videotutorial sobre la manera adecuada de descargar Letterbomb se support\sfk echo \x20\x20 pueden encontrar en el panel al lado de la p\xe1gina web. echo. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 En esta p\xe1gina web, introduzca su regi\xf3n men\xfa de sistema y la direcci\xf3n MAC echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: para encontrar la direcci\xf3n MAC de tu Wii, haga clic en el Boton Wii support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 en la parte inferior izquierda del men\xfa de sistema,haga clic en support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n de Wii, luego Internet, la consola de la Informaci\xf3n. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 Desactive la opci\xf3n paquete HackMii Installer por mi, rellenar el c\xf3digo support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 de la imagen y elija cualquiera de los dos. Que se descarga un archivo ZIP, support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 abrir este archivo, y usted Vera una carpeta de copia privada, y lo support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 pega en la ra\xedz de la tarjeta SD. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 ModMii va a generar una gu\xeda para el supuesto de que hayas hecho esto echo correctamente. echo. echo. echo Espere unos segundos... echo. @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineRegionChange set MENU1=%one% if /i "%two:~0,3%" EQU "4.3" set FIRM=%two:~0,3% if /i "%two:~0,3%" EQU "4.2" set FIRM=%two:~0,3% if /i "%two:~0,3%" EQU "4.1" set FIRM=%two:~0,3% if "%firm%"=="" (support\sfk echo "%two:~0,3%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida, int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "U" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "E" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "J" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if /i "%two:~3,1%" EQU "K" set REGION=%two:~3,1% if "%region%"=="" (support\sfk echo "%two:~3,1%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida, int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::----themes---- findStr /I " Red" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=R) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Green" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=G) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Blue" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=BL) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Orange" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=O) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:donecmdthemes :donecmdthemes goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineUSBLoaderSetup set MENU1=%one% ::FORMAT - FAT32 (or 1) is default findStr /I " FAT32-NTFS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=3) if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:donecmdformat findStr /I " WBFS-FAT32" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=5) if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:donecmdformat findStr /I " NTFS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=2) if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:donecmdformat findStr /I " WBFS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FORMAT=1) else (set FORMAT=4) :donecmdformat ::Loader - CFG (or 1) is default findStr /I " CFG-FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=CFG) else (set LOADER=ALL) if /i "%LOADER%" NEQ "CFG" goto:donecmdloader findStr /I " FLOW" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set LOADER=CFG) else (set LOADER=FLOW) :donecmdloader ::USB-Loader Config files (USB is default) findStr /I " SDConfig" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set USBCONFIG=USB) else (set USBCONFIG=SD) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlinesyscheck set MENU1=SU findStr /I ".csv" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (support\sfk echo Un archivo csv no fue identificado, int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _".csv*"_".csv"_ -write -yes>nul set /p sysCheckName= nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) findStr /I /C:"syscheck" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo This is not a valid syscheck log, try again...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) echo %syscheckname%>temp\cmdinput2.txt ::remove from temp\cmdinput.txt (compensate for _'s by replacing them with \x5f) support\sfk -spat filter temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _\x5f_\x22_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"""_\x5f_ -write -yes ::remove cmdinput.txt set /p removeme= nul del temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul findStr /I " PRI" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PRICMD=) else (set PRICMD=Y) findStr /I " Guide" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cmdguide=) else (set cmdguide=G) if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G ::goto:sysCheckAnalyzer goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineloadqueue set MENU1=L if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" NEQ "Y" goto:notdragged ::dragged findStr /I /C:":endofqueue" "%cmdinput%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (support\sfk echo No es una Cola de descargas v\xe1lida ModMii...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput.txt -rep _*\__ -write -yes>nul set /p two= nul goto:skip :notdragged set two=%cmdinput:~2% :skip if "%two:~-4%" EQU ".bat" set two=%two:~0,-4% if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%two%.bat" set DLQUEUE=%two% if "%DLQUEUE%"=="" (support\sfk echo %two% no existe, int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set CurrentQueue=%DLQUEUE%.bat goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlinesneekinstaller ::if not "%three%"=="" goto:cmdlineemunandbuilder set MENU1=S set SNEEKSELECT=1 if /i "%two%" EQU "S" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "U" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "SD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "UD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if "%SNEEKTYPE%"=="" (support\sfk echo \x20"%two%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set neekrev=1 ::-----------Rev:#--------------- findStr /I " Rev:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noRevcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) set neekrev= support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Rev:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p CurrentRev= nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist "temp\%neekname%" mkdir "temp\%neekname%" move /y "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul :noRevcmd goto:go ::--------------------------------- :cmdlineemunandbuilder set MENU1=S if /i "%one%" EQU "E" set SNEEKSELECT=2 if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" set SNEEKSELECT=3 if /i "%two%" EQU "S" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "U" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "SD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if /i "%two%" EQU "UD" set SNEEKTYPE=%two% if "%SNEEKTYPE%"=="" (support\sfk echo \x20"%two%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) set DITYPE=off if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%three%" EQU "4.3" set SNKVERSION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "4.2" set SNKVERSION=%three% if /i "%three%" EQU "4.1" set SNKVERSION=%three% if "%SNKVERSION%"=="" (support\sfk echo \x20"%three%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if /i "%four%" EQU "U" set REGION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "E" set REGION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "J" set REGION=%four% if /i "%four%" EQU "K" set REGION=%four% if "%region%"=="" (support\sfk echo \x20"%four%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo...) & (if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) ::-----------SN: (ie. SN:LU111111111)--------------- findStr /I " SN:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noSNcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* SN:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p SNKSERIAL= nul ::limit user input to X# of digits if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip ::if "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) :skip if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badsnkkey) ::next page goto:skipSNdefaults :badsnkkey support\sfk echo "%SNKSERIAL%" no es una entrada v\xe1lida, int\xe9ntelo de nuevo... if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul exit :noSNcmd if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SNKSERIAL=LU521175683 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set SNKSERIAL=LEH133789940 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set SNKSERIAL=LJM101175683 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set SNKSERIAL=LJM101175683 :skipSNdefaults set neekrev=1 ::-----------Rev:#--------------- findStr /I " Rev:" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (goto:noRevcmd) else (copy /y temp\cmdinput.txt temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul) set neekrev= support\sfk filter -spat temp\cmdinput2.txt -rep _"* Rev:"__ -rep _\x20*__ -write -yes>nul set /p CurrentRev= nul) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (exit) if not exist "temp\%neekname%" mkdir "temp\%neekname%" move /y "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul :noRevcmd ::----------Other----------- ::set defaults set ThemeSelection=N set SNKPLC=N set SNKCIOS=N set SNKcBC=N set SNKPRI=N set SNKJOY=N set SNKS2U=N set MIIQ=N set PIC=N set NET=N set WEATHER=N set NEWS=N set SHOP=N set SPEAK=N if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:notUorUD findStr /I " S2U" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKS2U=N) else (set SNKS2U=Y) :notUorUD findStr /I " CH" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) ::if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set PIC=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SHOP=Y if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NET=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set WEATHER=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set NEWS=Y if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set SPEAK=Y :nomoreKchannels if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " PHOTO" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set PIC=N) else (set PIC=Y) findStr /I " SHOP" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SHOP=N) else (set SHOP=Y) findStr /I " MII" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set MIIQ=N) else (set MIIQ=Y) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " SPEAK" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SPEAK=N) else (set SPEAK=Y) findStr /I " NEWS" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NEWS=N) else (set NEWS=Y) findStr /I " NET" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set NET=N) else (set NET=Y) findStr /I " WEATHER" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set WEATHER=N) else (set WEATHER=Y) :alreadygotallchannels findStr /I " PLC" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKPLC=N) else (set SNKPLC=Y) findStr /I " 249" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKcIOS=N) else (set SNKcIOS=Y) findStr /I " NMM" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKcBC=N) else (set SNKcBC=NMM) ::DML only if using SNEEK+DI and if NMM is not also selected if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" goto:skipDMLcmd if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "SD" goto:skipDMLcmd findStr /I " DML" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKcBC=N) else (set SNKcBC=DML) :skipDMLcmd findStr /I " Pri" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKPRI=N) else (set SNKPRI=Y) ::joyflow only for uneek or uneek+di if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" NEQ "U" goto:skipjoycmd findStr /I " JOY" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set SNKJOY=N) else (set SNKJOY=Y) :skipjoycmd ::----themes---- findStr /I " Red" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=R) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Green" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=G) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Blue" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=BL) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:donecmdthemes findStr /I " Orange" temp\cmdinput.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set ThemeSelection=N) else (set ThemeSelection=O) if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:donecmdthemes :donecmdthemes goto:go ::--------------------------------- :go ::title ModMii if exist temp\cmdinput.txt del temp\cmdinput.txt>nul if exist temp\cmdinput2.txt del temp\cmdinput2.txt>nul mode con cols=85 lines=54 color 1f goto:defaultsettings :notcmd ::--------------------------------------------------------- ::title ModMii mode con cols=85 lines=54 color 1f ::SET FILENAME=%~nx0 //this returns the name of the batch file running (doesn't work when packaged in an exe) ::SET PATHNAME=%0 //this returns the filename but also with absolute path if exist support\skipscam.txt goto:DefaultSettings if exist support\ipromisetodonate.txt goto:DefaultSettings set warning= echo ModMii echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ESTE SOFTWARE NO ESTA A LA VENTA. echo. if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul echo SI USTED PAGO POR ESTE PROGRAMA O LO RECIBIO COMO PARTE DE UN "PAQUETE" echo USTED A SIDO ESTAFADO Y DEBE RECLAMAR SU DINERO INMEDIATAMENTE echo. echo. if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] USE ESTO BAJO SU PROPIA RESPONSABILIDAD! echo. echo ESTE PAQUETE NO VIENE CON ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTIA. echo SOLAMENTE USTED SERA RESPONSABLE DE CUALQUIER ERROR QUE ESTO PUEDA echo CAUSAR A SU CONSOLA WII DE NINTENDO! echo. echo. if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul echo. echo Por favor teclee la palabra "Yo" seguida por la palabra "acepto" echo dejando un espacio entre ambas palabras y despues echo presione "Enter" para continuar. echo. if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 7 -w 1000> nul echo Si usted no puede seguir esas instrucciones, echo entonces usted no obtedra derecho a modificar su Wii. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%AGREEDVERSION%" NEQ "%CURRENTVERSION%" @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul set /p warning= Escriba aqui su seleccion: if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" echo Ea$ter Egg.>support\skipscam.txt if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" attrib +r +h +s support\skipscam.txt if /i "%warning%" EQU "skipscam" goto:DefaultSettings if /i "%warning%" EQU "ipromisetodonate" echo Ea$ter Egg.>support\ipromisetodonate.txt if /i "%warning%" EQU "ipromisetodonate" attrib +r +h +s support\ipromisetodonate.txt if /i "%warning%" EQU "ipromisetodonate" goto:DefaultSettings if /i "%warning%" EQU "Yo Acepto" goto:skip echo. echo Salir de ModMii... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul Exit :skip ::Save version agreed to if exist Support\settings.bat support\sfk filter -quiet Support\settings.bat -ls!"set AGREEDVERSION=" -write -yes echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat :DefaultSettings ::----LOAD SETTINGS (if exist)---- if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat ::-----default settings (default applies even if a single variable is missing from settings.bat)------ IF "%ROOTSAVE%"=="" set ROOTSAVE=off IF "%effect%"=="" set effect=No-Spin IF "%PCSAVE%"=="" set PCSAVE=Auto IF "%OPTION1%"=="" set OPTION1=off IF "%OPTION36%"=="" set OPTION36=on IF "%CMIOSOPTION%"=="" set CMIOSOPTION=off IF "%FWDOPTION%"=="" set FWDOPTION=on IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB IF "%ACTIVEIOS%"=="" set ACTIVEIOS=on IF "%AUTOUPDATE%"=="" set AUTOUPDATE=on IF "%ModMiiverbose%"=="" set ModMiiverbose=off IF "%sneekverbose%"=="" set sneekverbose=off IF "%neek2o%"=="" set neek2o=on IF "%SSD%"=="" set SSD=off ::IF "%discexverify%"=="" set discexverify=off IF "%SNKFONT%"=="" set SNKFONT=B IF "%overwritecodes%"=="" set overwritecodes=off IF "%cheatregion%"=="" set cheatregion=All IF "%cheatlocation%"=="" set cheatlocation=B IF "%wiicheat%"=="" set wiicheat=ON IF "%WiiWarecheat%"=="" set WiiWarecheat=ON IF "%VCArcadecheat%"=="" set VCArcadecheat=OFF IF "%WiiChannelscheat%"=="" set WiiChannelscheat=ON IF "%Gamecubecheat%"=="" set Gamecubecheat=ON IF "%NEScheat%"=="" set NEScheat=ON IF "%SNEScheat%"=="" set SNEScheat=ON IF "%N64cheat%"=="" set N64cheat=ON IF "%SMScheat%"=="" set SMScheat=ON IF "%Segacheat%"=="" set Segacheat=ON IF "%NeoGeocheat%"=="" set NeoGeocheat=ON IF "%Commodorecheat%"=="" set Commodorecheat=ON IF "%MSXcheat%"=="" set MSXcheat=ON IF "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON IF "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%"=="" set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON ::check if drive folder exists--if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD) :skipcheck ::check if DRIVEU folder exists--if second char is ":" check if DRIVEU exists if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (set DRIVEU=COPY_TO_USB) :skipcheck ::.NET Framework 3.5 check+installation if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation echo ModMii necesita tener instalado .NET Framework 3.5 echo. set FrameworkAttempt=0 :NETFRAMEWORK SET /a FrameworkAttempt=%FrameworkAttempt%+1 if exist "temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe" goto:semiskip echo Descargar el instalador .NET Framework 3.5 echo. start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/0/3/703455ee-a747-4cc8-bd3e-98a615c3aedb/dotNetFx35setup.exe" ::start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait "http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/0/3/703455ee-a747-4cc8-bd3e-98a615c3aedb/dotNetFx35setup.exe" if not exist temp mkdir temp if exist dotNetFx35setup.exe move /y dotNetFx35setup.exe temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe :semiskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20Lanzar el instalador y espere la instalaci\xf3n hasta el final... echo. start /wait temp\dotNetFx35setup.exe if exist "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" goto:skipframeworkinstallation if /i "%FrameworkAttempt%" EQU "3" goto:GiveUpOnFramework support\sfk echo -spat \x20Error en la instalaci\xf3n, volver a intentarlo... echo. echo. goto:NETFRAMEWORK :GiveUpOnFramework echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20.NET Framework 3.5 Error en la instalaci\xf3n varias veces echo Si lo prefiere, puede intentar instalar .NET Framework 3.5 desde Windows Update echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Algunas de las caracter\xedsticas de ModMii puede que no funcionen correctamente sin el. NET Framework 3.5 echo Pulse cualquier tecla para utilizar ModMii al completo pause>nul :skipframeworkinstallation if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=) ::check for supporting apps that AVs are known to remove if not exist support\libWiiSharp.dll (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\patchios.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\wadmii.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\hexalter.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\settings.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\nircmd.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\smw-mod.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\wit.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\fvc.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\sfk.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if not exist support\nusd.exe (support\sfk echo Uno o m\xe1s archivos de soporte ModMii est\xe1n ausentes, recargar...) & (set currentversion=0.0.0) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:UpdateModMii) if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:noupdateincmdlinemode if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "on" goto:UpdateModMii :noupdateincmdlinemode ::......................................................MAIN MENU.............................................. :MENU if exist %UPDATENAME%.bat del %UPDATENAME%.bat>nul if exist %UPDATENAME%.txt del %UPDATENAME%.txt>nul if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul if exist temp\DLgotos-copy.txt del temp\DLgotos-copy.txt>nul ::----restore settings if applicable (download queue and sneek nand builder)---- IF "%MENU1%"=="" goto:NOCLEAR if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "O" goto:Cleartempsettings goto:NOCLEAR :Cleartempsettings Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVETEMP% Set Option1=%Option1TEMP% :NOCLEAR ::---SET TEMP SETTINGS FOR DL QUE--- Set ROOTSAVETEMP=%ROOTSAVE% Set Option1TEMP=%Option1% if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" (set ModMiimin=/min ) else (set ModMiimin=) ::variables that interfere with cmd line wizard ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:MENUafterbadvars SET VIRGIN= set REGIONCHANGE= SET FIRMSTART= set STUB= set PIC= set NET= set WEATHER= set NEWS= set SHOP= set SPEAK= set MIIQ= set REGION= set UpdatesIOSQ= set SNEEKTYPE= set SNEEKSELECT= set USBGUIDE= set UPAGE1= set LOADER= set FORMAT=NONE set cfgfullrelease=NONE SET EXPLOIT=default if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP% set addwadfolder= :MENUafterbadvars mode con cols=85 lines=54 SET lines=54 set MORE= SET DEC= SET HEX= SET VER= SET CONFIRM= set loadorgo=go set SMAPP= ::SET EXPLOIT=default set exploitselection= set COPY= set DLTOTAL=0 set OPTIONS= set DB=N ::set FORMAT=NONE ::set cfgfullrelease=NONE ::if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP% ::set USBGUIDE= ::set UPAGE1= ::set LOADER= ::set SNEEKTYPE= ::set SNEEKSELECT= set patchIOSnum=36 or 236 ::--followup-- IF "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD IF "%DriveU%"=="" set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB set USBCONFIG= ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVE:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_SD :skipcheck ::if second char is ":" check if driveU exists if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if not exist "%DRIVEU:~0,2%" set DRIVE=COPY_TO_USB :skipcheck :CLEAR set basewad=none set basewadb=none set AdvNumber=0 if exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt del temp\DLnamesADV.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotosADV.txt del temp\DLgotosADV.txt>nul set EULAU= set EULAE= set EULAJ= set EULAK= set RSU= set RSE= set RSJ= set RSK= set BC= set SM3.2U= set SM4.1U= set SM4.2U= set SM4.3U= set SM3.2E= set SM4.1E= set SM4.2E= set SM4.3E= set SM3.2J= set SM4.1J= set SM4.2J= set SM4.3J= set SM4.1K= set SM4.2K= set SM4.3K= set SM4.3U-DWR= set SM4.2U-DWR= set SM4.1U-DWR= set SM4.3E-DWR= set SM4.2E-DWR= set SM4.1E-DWR= set SM4.3J-DWR= set SM4.2J-DWR= set SM4.1J-DWR= set SM4.3K-DWR= set SM4.2K-DWR= set SM4.1K-DWR= set SM4.3U-DWG= set SM4.2U-DWG= set SM4.1U-DWG= set SM4.3E-DWG= set SM4.2E-DWG= set SM4.1E-DWG= set SM4.3J-DWG= set SM4.2J-DWG= set SM4.1J-DWG= set SM4.3K-DWG= set SM4.2K-DWG= set SM4.1K-DWG= set SM4.3U-DWB= set SM4.2U-DWB= set SM4.1U-DWB= set SM4.3E-DWB= set SM4.2E-DWB= set SM4.1E-DWB= set SM4.3J-DWB= set SM4.2J-DWB= set SM4.1J-DWB= set SM4.3K-DWB= set SM4.2K-DWB= set SM4.1K-DWB= set SM4.3U-DWO= set SM4.2U-DWO= set SM4.1U-DWO= set SM4.3E-DWO= set SM4.2E-DWO= set SM4.1E-DWO= set SM4.3J-DWO= set SM4.2J-DWO= set SM4.1J-DWO= set SM4.3K-DWO= set SM4.2K-DWO= set SM4.1K-DWO= set IOS30= set IOS30P= set IOS30P60= set IOS40P60= set IOS20P60= set IOS11P60= set IOS50P= set IOS52P= set IOS60= set IOS60P= set IOS70= set IOS70P= set IOS80= set IOS80P= set IOS236= set IOS70K= set IOS80K= set BB1= set BB2= set HM= set IOS236Installer= set SIP= set JOY= set dop= set syscheck= set sysCheckBeta= set locked= set AccioHacks= set MyM= set HBB= set WII64= set WIISX= set bootmiisd= set pwns= set twi= set YUGI= set Bathaxx= set ROTJ= set TOS= set smash= set mmm= set wiimod= set ARC= set yawm= set neogamma= set cfg249= set cfg222= set usbfolder= set WiiMC= set fceugx= set snes9xgx= set vbagx= set SGM= set PL= set WIIX= set cfgr= set flow= set wbm= set CheatCodes= set f32= set WiiGSC= set SMW= set CM= set USBX= set JOYF= set S2U= set nswitch= set PLC= set Pri= set HAX= set CM5= set MP= set MII= set P= set P0= set PK= set S= set SK= set IU= set IE= set IJ= set WU= set WE= set WJ= set NU= set NE= set NJ= set WSU= set WSE= set WSJ= set M10= set IOS9= set IOS12= set IOS13= set IOS14= set IOS15= set IOS17= set IOS21= set IOS22= set IOS28= set IOS31= set IOS33= set IOS34= set IOS35= set IOS36= set IOS36v3608= set IOS37= set IOS38= set IOS41= set IOS48v4124= set IOS43= set IOS45= set IOS46= set IOS53= set IOS55= set IOS56= set IOS57= set IOS58= set IOS61= set A0e= set A0c= set A0e_60= set A0e_70= set A01= set A01_60= set A01_70= set A40= set A42= set A45= set A70= set A72= set A75= set A78= set A7b= set A7e= set A84= set A87= set A8a= set A94= set A97= set A9a= set A81= set A8d= set A9d= set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2= set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5= set DarkWii_Red_4.3U= set DarkWii_Red_4.2U= set DarkWii_Red_4.1U= set DarkWii_Red_4.3E= set DarkWii_Red_4.2E= set DarkWii_Red_4.1E= set DarkWii_Red_4.3J= set DarkWii_Red_4.2J= set DarkWii_Red_4.1J= set DarkWii_Red_4.3K= set DarkWii_Red_4.2K= set DarkWii_Red_4.1K= set DarkWii_Green_4.3U= set DarkWii_Green_4.2U= set DarkWii_Green_4.1U= set DarkWii_Green_4.3E= set DarkWii_Green_4.2E= set DarkWii_Green_4.1E= set DarkWii_Green_4.3J= set DarkWii_Green_4.2J= set DarkWii_Green_4.1J= set DarkWii_Green_4.3K= set DarkWii_Green_4.2K= set DarkWii_Green_4.1K= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J= set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K= set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K= set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K= set darkwii_orange_4.3U= set darkwii_orange_4.2U= set darkwii_orange_4.1U= set darkwii_orange_4.3E= set darkwii_orange_4.2E= set darkwii_orange_4.1E= set darkwii_orange_4.3J= set darkwii_orange_4.2J= set darkwii_orange_4.1J= set darkwii_orange_4.3K= set darkwii_orange_4.2K= set darkwii_orange_4.1K= set cIOS222[38]-v4= set cIOS223[37-38]-v4= set cBC= set DML= set cIOS222[38]-v5= set cIOS223[37]-v5= set cIOS224[57]-v5= set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R= set cIOS222[38]-v5.1R= set cIOS223[37]-v5.1R= set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R= set cIOS249[37]-v19= set cIOS249[38]-v19= set cIOS249[57]-v19= set cIOS249[38]-v20= set cIOS250[38]-v20= set cIOS249[56]-v20= set cIOS250[56]-v20= set cIOS249[57]-v20= set cIOS250[57]-v20= set cIOS249-v17b= set cIOS249-v14= set cIOS250-v14= set cIOS202[37]-v5= set cIOS202[38]-v5= set cIOS250[57]-v19= set cIOS250-v17b= set cIOS250[37]-v19= set cIOS250[38]-v19= set cIOS249[37]-v21= set cIOS250[37]-v21= set cIOS249[38]-v21= set cIOS250[38]-v21= set cIOS249[56]-v21= set cIOS249[53]-v21= set cIOS250[53]-v21= set cIOS249[55]-v21= set cIOS250[55]-v21= set cIOS250[56]-v21= set cIOS249[57]-v21= set cIOS250[57]-v21= set cIOS249[58]-v21= set cIOS250[58]-v21= set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final= set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final= if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall2 set nswitchFound= set BCtype= if /i "%cleardownloadsettings%" EQU "yes" goto:DownloadSettings if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%list%" EQU "C" goto:list if /i "%oldlist%" EQU "C" goto:oldlist if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "C" goto:LIST3 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "C" goto:LIST4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "C" goto:ADVANCED SET COUNT=1 SET COUNT2=1 SET COUNT3=1 SET COUNT4=1 SET COUNT5=1 SET COUNT6=1 SET COUNT7=1 SET COUNT8=1 SET CURRENTDL=0 if not exist temp mkdir temp :Clear simplelog if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:noextravars if /i "%one%" EQU "W" goto:DOWNLOAD if /i "%one%" EQU "RC" goto:DOWNLOAD if /i "%one%" EQU "SU" goto:sysCheckAnalyzer if /i "%one%" EQU "HS" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION if /i "%one%" EQU "L" goto:forcmdlineL if /i "%one%" EQU "U" goto:DLCOUNT if /i "%one%" EQU "EMUMOD" goto:doublecheckNANDPATH if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" set DRIVE=%DRIVEtemp% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:extravars if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:extravars if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:extravars goto:noextravars :extravars ::random vars required for everything to work if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU% if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt (set settingtxtExist=yes) else (set settingtxtExist=no) set nandexist=no if exist "%nandpath%"\title set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\sys set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 set nandexist=yes if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:DOIT if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip :DOIT SET NANDcount=0 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set nandregion=us if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set nandregion=eu if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set nandregion=jp if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set nandregion=kr if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" (set nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%) & goto:quickskip :NANDnamecmd SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" (set nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%) & goto:quickskip goto:NANDnamecmd :quickskip if /i "%one%" EQU "S" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%one%" EQU "SE" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%one%" EQU "E" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER :noextravars ::--------------------------------------- set MENU1= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Elija una actividad: echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [YELLOW]W[def] = Asistente ModMii \x2b Gu\xeda (Comience a modificar su WII aqu\xed!) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [YELLOW]U[def] = Instalaci\xf3n de USB-Loader \x2b Gu\xeda echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [YELLOW]H[def] = Soluciones HackMii (HBC invertido\errores IOS No Vulnerables) \x2b Gu\xeda echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]SU[def] = Actualizaci\xf3n sysCheck (actualizar s\xf3lo los softmods obsoletos) \x2b Gu\xeda echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]RC[def] = Cambiar Regi\xf3n \x2b Gu\xeda echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]S[def] = Instalaci\xf3n SNEEK, Creador NAND, Extractor masivo de Juegos echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]1[def] = P\xe1gina Descargas 1 (Men\xfa de Sistema, IOSs, MIOSs, canales, etc.) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]2[def] = P\xe1gina Descargas 2 (Aplicaciones, Archivos USB-Loader, Trucos, etc.) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]3[def] = P\xe1gina Descargas 3 (Temas para el Men\xfa de sistema) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]4[def] = P\xe1gina Descargas 4 (cIOSs y cMIOSs) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]A[def] = Descargas avanzada y Autocargadores DOL\Creadores ISO echo. if exist temp\DownloadQueues\*.bat support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]L[def] = Cargar cola de descarga if exist temp\DownloadQueues\*.bat echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Crear archivos de configuraci\xf3n para, "Wad Manager" o "Multi-Mod Manager" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]FC[def] = Limpiar archivos: Elimina archivos innecesarios despu\xe9s de la modificaci\xf3n echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]O[def] = Opciones\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]CR[def] = Creditos\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]E[def] = Salir echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 *********M\xc1S INFO********* support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [RED] V = Visite tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow para hacer preguntas, dar su opini\xf3n o voto echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Utilice el Asistente de ModMii de forma autom\xe1tica para la configuraci\xf3n de echo la tarjeta SD con todo lo necesario para modificar completamente tu Wii y/o support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 actualizaci\xf3n/downgrade de tu Wii y mucho m\xe1s. Al utilizar el Asistente support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 ModMii, una gu\xeda personalizada se crea sobre la base de sus respuestas con echo unas simples preguntas. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [RED] Las donaciones son opcionales, pueden hacer por paypal.com XFlak40@hotmail.com echo *************************** echo. set /p MENU1= Escriba aqui su seleccion: if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:LoadWizardSettings if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:sysCheckName if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:RCPAGE1 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:UPAGE1 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE1 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:LIST if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "E" goto:exitnow if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "O" goto:OPTIONS if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" set BACKB4DRIVE=Menu if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "C" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "CR" goto:Credit1 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:skipcred cd /d SUPPORT start Credits.html cd /d %ModMiipath% goto:MENU :skipcred if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "V" goto:openwebpage if not exist temp\DownloadQueues\*.bat goto:noload if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:noload if exist temp\DLnameDV.txt del temp\DLnamesADV.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotosADV.txt del temp\DLgotosADV.txt>nul set BACKB4QUEUE=Menu goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE :noload :EasterEggs if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "Ayuda" echo Google es tu amigo echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MENU :openwebpage start www.tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow goto:MENU :exitnow EXIT ::..................................................Credits......................................................... :Credit1 cls ::mode con cols=85 lines=65 SET CREDIT1= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow]Los no donantes deben ver los cr\xe9ditos antes de ver su registro de descargas) & (echo.) echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 ModMii fue escrito enteramente por m\xed, XFlak, sin embargo, sin la ayuda support\sfk echo -spat \x20 de muchas otras personas con mucho talento ModMii no existir\xeda. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20Algunas personas han contribuido con archivos y programas, otros han support\sfk echo -spat \x20 compartido sus conocimientos, algunos han aportado ideas y support\sfk echo -spat \x20 otras personas han dado su tiempo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Trat\xe9 de hacer un gran esfuerzo para reconocer la labor de todos support\sfk echo -spat \x20 en ModMii del m\xe1s grande al m\xe1s peque\xf1o. Si me olvid\xe9 de alguien support\sfk echo -spat \x20 notifiqueme y les a\xf1adire a los cr\xe9ditos lo m\xe1s pronto posible. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 A lo largo de los cr\xe9ditos se establecer\xe1n v\xednculos para hacer donaciones support\sfk echo -spat \x20 a los desarrolladores. Esto les permitir\xe1 enviar donaciones para apoyar support\sfk echo -spat \x20 a los autores en sus aportaciones. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]ModMii Las donaciones se pueden hacer por PayPal ModMii: \x20 XFlak40@hotmail.com echo. ::support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Cualquiera que done $1 o m\xe1s para ModMii recibir\xe1 un funcional ModMii Easter Egg! support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Si dona $1 o m\xe1s a XFlak40@hotmail.com, como mi forma de decir gracias te respondere support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]por correo electr\xf3nico con un huevo de Pascua funcional garantiza ser \xfatil cada vez support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]que utilice ModMii. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Yo todav\xeda le enviar\xeda a usted un Easter Egg de ModMii si prefiere donar a support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]alguien m\xe1s que aparece en los cr\xe9ditos s\xf3lo si les piden enviar confirmaci\xf3n de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]su donaci\xf3n a XFlak40@hotmail.com. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]$ = Visita la p\xe1gina de donaciones ModMii (paypal) y consiga su Easter Egg! echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT1= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: ::add ^ before problematic chars like & and % if /i "%CREDIT1%" EQU "$" start https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick^&hosted_button_id=DDHSQJPHDDXVW if /i "%CREDIT1%" EQU "$" goto:Credit1 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit2 if /i "%CREDIT1%" EQU "B" goto:menu if /i "%CREDIT1%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit2 cls SET CREDIT2= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Team Twiizers echo ============= support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias al equipo Twiizers por crear el revolucionario instalador HackMii. Sin support\sfk echo -spat \x20 su duro trabajo, la Wii no ser\xeda desbloqueada. Algunos miembros del equipo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Twiizer pasar\xf3n a formar parte de este equipo, un equipo que jug\xf3 un papel support\sfk echo -spat \x20 fundamental en el desbloqueo de la PS3. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 En especial, quiero agradecer a Bushing, quien dio su bendici\xf3n a ModMii echo para descarga y usar el HackMii Installer. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Giantpune echo ========= support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Giantpune en una leyenda en la Scene de Wii y yo lo considero un buen amigo m\xedo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 El cre\xf3 muchas proezas, incluido el exploit Stack para PAL y KOR para Wii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 (que sigu\xe9 siendo el \xfanico m\xe9todo para reparar el brick 003 de la Wii), echo el canal reenviador dol, USB Loader GX, y muchos otros programas de pc para echo reparar o restaurar la Wii. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Ha contribuido con c\xf3digos para proyectos que yo ni siquiera conozco, por lo que support\sfk echo -spat \x20 es imposible para m\xed expresar realmente su impacto en la Scene. Incluso se tom\xf3 echo su tiempo para explicarme algunas cosas sobre ModMii cIOSs cuando aun era NUS support\sfk echo -spat \x20 al principio y todav\xeda se conoce como Auto NUS Downloader. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Puede enviar sus donaciones a trav\xe9s de PayPal Giantpune: giantpune@gmail.com echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Crediar, Daco Taco y Phpgeek echo ============================== echo Esta gente, sobre todo, tuvo certeza en crear Priiloader. Esta fue otra support\sfk echo -spat \x20 herramienta revolucionaria sobre todo porque fue el primero en ofrecer alg\xfan nivel support\sfk echo -spat \x20 de protecci\xf3n a las nuevas Wii donde se puede instalar BootMii en boot2. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Crediar desarroll\xf3 el preloader original, asi como S\UNEEK, NMM, DML, etc. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Puede enviar donaciones a Crediar a trav\xe9s de PayPal: sven.tathoff@t-online.de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Puede enviar donaciones a Daco Taco a trav\xe9s de PayPal: daco_65@hotmail.com echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Comex echo ===== echo Ademas de ser un miembro del equipo Twiizers y contribuir en HackMii Installer, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Comex cre\xf3 el exploit bannerbomb tan utilizado. este exploit permite a la Wii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 con firmwares 3,0-4,2 que se modifiquen con s\xf3lo una tarjeta SD en lugar de tener support\sfk echo -spat \x20 uno de los pocos juegos espec\xedficos de Wii (como sucede con el men\xfa de echo sistema 4.3). echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Usted puede enviar sus donaciones a Comex a trav\xe9s de PayPal: comexk@gmail.com echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT2= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT2%" EQU "B" goto:credit1 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit3 if /i "%CREDIT2%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit3 cls SET CREDIT3= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Waninkoko echo ========= support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Waninkoko fue el primero en dar a conocer p\xfablicamente un cIOS y otras echo aplicaciones excelentes como WAD Manager, Save Game Manager, USB Loader, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 etc. Tambi\xe9n quiero darle las gracias por dar permiso a ModMii para echo recrear sus cIOSs en forma de WAD. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Hermes echo ====== echo Hermes es conocido por su cIOS 222/223/224 y por su usbloader "uloader". support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Durante mucho tiempo sus cIOSs fueron los \xfanicos que trabajan con los juegos support\sfk echo -spat \x20 de tipo RockBand y siguen siendo muy utilizados todav\xeda. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]WiiGator echo ======== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 WiiGator cre\xf3 el cMIOS y Lanzador de Gamecube de copia de seguridad. Fans echo de GameCube debemos un gran agradecimiento a WiiGator por su trabajo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DeadlyFoez echo ========== echo DeadlyFoez es legendario por sus reparaciones y Wii el tutorial INFECTUS. echo Cualquiera que haya roto su Wii puede enviar por correo deadlyfoez@yahoo.com echo para que la arreglen. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 DeadlyFoez desempe\xf1\xf3 un papel clave en la actualizaci\xf3n de ModMii V5.0.0 no support\sfk echo -spat \x20 s\xf3lo ayudando a llegar a la idea de utilizar gu\xedas html, sino tambi\xe9n en la support\sfk echo -spat \x20 creaci\xf3n de la plantilla de gu\xedas personalizadas de ModMii y grabar casi todos support\sfk echo -spat \x20 los videos y las im\xe1genes que se utiliza. Menos de semana y media desde nuestra support\sfk echo -spat \x20 primera conversaci\xf3n hemos sido capaces de colaborar y llevar la idea a la vida support\sfk echo -spat \x20 en tiempo de lanzamiento para Navidad. Trabajar con \xe9l en esto fue una echo experiencia realmente gratificante y divertida. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Qu\xe9 puedo decir acerca de "DeadlyFoez" a nivel personal. El siempre est\xe1 echo metiendome en problemas, pero su amistad vale la pena por cada fiasco! es support\sfk echo -spat \x20 irreal la forma en que se convirti\xf3 en uno de mis mejores amigos. Apenas va support\sfk echo -spat \x20 a demostrar nada todo el que lo conoce en l\xednea est\xe1 totalmente loco, en su echo caso ... un poco loco. Pero en serio, gracias a DeadlyFoez por estar siempre support\sfk echo -spat \x20 ah\xed para intercambiar ideas fuera de ModMii, para acoger las dos primeras support\sfk echo -spat \x20 reuniones del equipo de su mam\xe1 y por presentarme a su familia y amigos support\sfk echo -spat \x20 increibles. No hay nadie m\xe1s Prefiero terminar friki y siempre tendr\xe9 su echo espalda. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT3= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT3%" EQU "B" goto:credit2 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit4 if /i "%CREDIT3%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit4 cls SET CREDIT4= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]cwstjdenobs echo =========== echo cwstjdenobs es una de las pocas personas que he encontrado en scene de la Wii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Me gustar\xeda invitarle a una cerveza. \xc9l fue siempre un gran apoyo para mi y support\sfk echo -spat \x20 me anim\xf3 a hacer tantas preguntas como quisiera. \xc9l es probablemente m\xe1s echo conocido por YAWMM (otro mod Wad Manager), que fue el primer Wad Manager support\sfk echo -spat \x20 para a\xf1adir la protecci\xf3n de brick limitando a los usuarios que hagan una support\sfk echo -spat \x20 tonter\xeda, errores como la desistalaci\xf3n de archivos cr\xedticos. \xc9l tambi\xe9n hizo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 modificaciones espec\xedficamente para aplicaciones de ModMii. Por ejemplo, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 modific\xf3 WadMii por lo que no hay WADS con fecha y hora y tambi\xe9n hizo un echo generador setting.txt para generar NAND para ModMii. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Leathl echo ====== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Leathl es otro desarrollador impresionante que me apoy\xf3 antes de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 convertirme tambi\xe9n conocido por la expansi\xf3n en sus aplicaciones apoyando echo a ModMii. Leathl ha creado muchas aplicaciones para Wii como ShowMiiWads, echo CustomizeMii, libwiisharp, patchios, nusfilegrabber, etc. A pesar de su support\sfk echo -spat \x20 reciente inactividad, sus aplicaciones son todav\xeda muy utilizadas en la echo actualidad... Esto demuestra que nunca un trabajo de calidad se hace support\sfk echo -spat \x20 viejo. Tambi\xe9n quiero dar las gracias a RetroHead por el Mod de ShowMiiWads echo que utiliza ModMii para construir NANDs emulandas sin la necesidad de intervenir echo el usuario. libwiisharp.dll se basa en wii.py, los desarrolladores de wii.py support\sfk echo -spat \x20 son Megazig, Omega, Xuzz, SquidMan, Matt_P and The Lemon Man. Tambi\xe9n gracias support\sfk echo -spat \x20 a Daeken por escribir Struct.py y Marcos por su c\xf3digo de LZ77. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Puede enviar sus donaciones por PayPal Leathl: leathl@gmail.com echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]scooby74029 echo =========== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 M\xe1s tambi\xe9n es conocido por scooby74029 sneeky compilador, que es capaz de echo crear varias versiones diferentes de S\UNEEK. ModMii siempre va a construir support\sfk echo -spat \x20 la \xfaltima versi\xf3n de S\UNEEK disponible en su c\xf3digo sneeky compilador en su support\sfk echo -spat \x20 p\xe1gina web de google. Esto significa que \xe9l tiene el control total sobre qu\xe9 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 versi\xf3n de S\UNEEK ModMii va a utilizar. Tambi\xe9n cre\xf3 las modificaciones de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 libwiisharp.dll de Leathl y patchios.exe sigue apoyando ModMii. Adem\xe1s, ha echo modificado otras aplicaciones como JoyFlow, JoyLoader GX, CFG JoyLoader, etc. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Adem\xe1s de todo eso, es una persona incre\xedble por todo y estoy orgulloso de echo estar en su lista de amigos. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Puede enviar sus donaciones por PayPal scooby74029: scooby74029@yahoo.com echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT4= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT4%" EQU "B" goto:credit3 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit5 if /i "%CREDIT4%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit5 cls SET CREDIT5= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]OverjoY y obcd echo ================ support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Demasiada alegr\xeda cre\xf3 JoyFlow, una modificaci\xf3n de WiiFlow que se ejecuta support\sfk echo -spat \x20 en S\UNEEK A continuaci\xf3n, se asoci\xf3 con obcd para realizar algunas cosas support\sfk echo -spat \x20 incre\xedbles,como la creaci\xf3n de sus m\xf3dulos de S\UNEEK, neek2o, que le echo permite cargar los juegos en formato WBFS y seleccionar entre varias NANDs echo emuladas. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Arikado y el equipo Dop-Mii echo ============================ support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Ellos crearon Dop-Mii, un mont\xf3n de aplicaciones pedi prestado el c\xf3digo de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Dop-Mii, as\xed que incluso si n\xfanca ha utilizado Dop-Mii pero utiliz\xf3 MMM support\sfk echo -spat \x20 o WiiMod entonces \xfasted debemos un agradecimiento a estas personas. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Enviar sus donaciones a trav\xe9s de PayPal Arikado: r0szsoft@gmail.com echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]WiiWu echo ===== echo Hizo Multi-Mod Manager (MMM), que tiene las funciones de diferentes programas support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Wii modifica todas las herramientas en la aplicaci\xf3n de un usuario f\xe1cil. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Enviar sus donaciones a trav\xe9s de PayPal WiiWi: wiiwu2@yahoo.com echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]WB3000 y WiiNinja echo =================== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias a WB3000 por la creaci\xf3n de NUS Downloader y WiiNinja por hacer una support\sfk echo -spat \x20 cmd versi\xf3n en l\xednea de NUS Downloader. NUS Downloader es vital en ModMii echo apoyo de las aplicaciones. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Enviar donaciones a trav\xe9s de WB3000 bitcoin: 16cziXAdmLJwwSvgfKkfk6sSknvGqyf3VU echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]WiiCrazy echo ======== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 WiiCrazy es m\xe1s conocido por "Creador de acceso directo de Wii" (antes support\sfk echo -spat \x20 conocido como "Crap"), Crazy Intro y Crazy Intro Video. Tambi\xe9n contribuy\xf3 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 con usb-loaders sin pasar por cierta seguridad espec\xedficas del juego. echo WiiCrazy es otro persona que siempre ha estado dispuesto a hacer todo lo echo posible por ayudarme, o cualquier otra persona para esa materia. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]oggzee, usptactical, gannon y Dr.Clipper echo ========================================== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Junto a la gente por encima de la composici\xf3n del equipo Configurable support\sfk echo -spat \x20 USB Loader. Este usb-loader siempre ha sido el primero en a\xf1adir nuevas support\sfk echo -spat \x20 funciones y en mi opini\xf3n es el mejor usb-loader que ah\xed. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Enviar sus donaciones a trav\xe9s de PayPal equipo CFG USB-Loader: donate@wiitdb.com echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT5= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT5%" EQU "B" goto:credit4 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit6 if /i "%CREDIT5%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit6 cls SET CREDIT6= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Wiimm echo ===== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias a Wiimm por la creaci\xf3n de herramientas Wiimms ISO, incluyendo echo wit.exe que ModMii utiliza para convertir los juegos de Wii para S/UNEEK support\sfk echo -spat \x20 formato, as\xed como crear forwarder ISOs. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]jskyboo echo ======= support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias a jskyboo por la creaci\xf3n de WiiMod. Su aplicaci\xf3n puede hacer un support\sfk echo -spat \x20 mont\xf3n de cosas diferentes, y fue el primer WAD Manager de AHBPROT activado support\sfk echo -spat \x20 para poder incorporar de davebaol ahbprot correcci\xf3n de errores. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]diddy81 y symular syn del Equipo Tematico Wii echo ============================================= support\sfk echo -spat \x20 El equipo tem\xe1tico Wii ha creado algunos de los mejores temas de Wii echo hechos nunca! Todos los temas que se disponga en ModMii fueron creados por echo ellos. Quiero agradecer a diddy81 en particular, por trabajar conmigo para support\sfk echo -spat \x20 asegurarse de que todos sus temas funcionen a la perfecci\xf3n en todas las echo regiones. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]FIX94, Narolez y el equipo WiiXplorer echo ====================================== echo Gracias a todas estas personas por sus contribuciones en hacer las mejores support\sfk echo -spat \x20 SD\USB forwarder. Quiero agradecer a FIX94 en particular, que pas\xf3 mucho echo tiempo probando el trabajo de ModMii Forwarder... puede ser joven, pero support\sfk echo -spat \x20 es sabio para su edad, imag\xednate lo que sera capaz de hacer cuando sea echo mayor de edad para votar! echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Enviar las donaciones equipo WiiXplorer a trav\xe9s de PayPal: dimok@gmx.de echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Traductores de ModMii echo ==================== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Traducir ModMii es un enorme trabajo. Es muy dif\xedcil para obtener los car\xe1cteres echo especiales para mostrarse correctamente en una ventana de CMD, por no mencionar support\sfk echo -spat \x20 de mantener todo el formato correcto. Pero probablemente lo m\xe1s dif\xedcil de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 traducir ModMii es mantener al d\xeda las actualizaciones. Si utiliza una versi\xf3n echo traducida de ModMii, le animo a que lo traduzca gracias, ya que realmente es echo MUCHO trabajo para hacer. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Traducci\xf3n a Frances: mamule, xav91 y ketufe support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Traducci\xf3n a Holandes: Hielkenator support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Traducci\xf3n a Italiano: Wasabi, Step y Robylin support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Traduccion a Espa\xf1ol: ledebene y Burton echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT6= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT6%" EQU "B" goto:credit5 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit7 if /i "%CREDIT6%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit7 cls SET CREDIT7= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Fig2k4 echo ====== echo Gracias Fig2k4 por WiiBackupManager. Fue un placer hacer pruebas beta para echo usted y compartir mis ideas con usted. Espero verlo por el foro otra vez support\sfk echo -spat \x20 y seguir trabajando en su programa incre\xedble. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green]Enviar donaciones a trav\xe9s de PayPal Fig2k4: Fig2k4@googlemail.com echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]WiiShizzza y pepxl echo ==================== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias a WiiShizzza por la creaci\xf3n del nuevo icono ModMii y a pepxl por support\sfk echo -spat \x20 la creaci\xf3n del icono original ModMii. Quiero agradecer a todo el que cre\xf3 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 un icono de ModMii y lo present\xf3 en la competici\xf3n nuevo icono de ModMii. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Tipo "icono" para abrir su navegador a la p\xe1gina web icono presentaciones y support\sfk echo -spat \x20 cons\xfalte m\xe1s de 30 iconos creados por la gente. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Mis compa\xf1eros autores de gu\xedas echo ======================= echo Gracias a tj_cool, xzxero, burritoboy9984, ChokeD y mauifrog por sus support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gu\xedas impresionantes. En especial, quiero agradecer a tj_cool y xzxero por support\sfk echo -spat \x20 invitarme a que me uniera a "La tripulaci\xf3n" en la Gu\xeda de Softmod support\sfk echo -spat \x20 completa. Nunca olvidar\xe9 que grande me senti al ser relativamente support\sfk echo -spat \x20 nuevo en la Scene y que ser\xe1n invitados a unirse a todos por igual. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]JoostinOnline echo ============= support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias por determinar la mejor configuraci\xf3n para todos los CIOs y sus support\sfk echo -spat \x20 ocurrencias. Nunca me cansar\xe9 de nuestros interminables conversaciones echo "debates". echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DaMysteryMan echo ============ support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias por ayudarme a entender la estructura de un cIOS, as\xed puedo mejorar support\sfk echo -spat \x20 la recreaci\xf3n en forma WAD. Para aquellos de ustedes que no lo conocen, es support\sfk echo -spat \x20 DaMysteryMan m\xe1s conocido por su aplicaci\xf3n siempre controversial - DarkCorp echo (antes cIOSCorp). echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]person66 echo ======== echo Gracias por el intercambio de pedacitos de conocimiento de codificaci\xf3n por support\sfk echo -spat \x20 lotes conmigo. Es genial tener un codificador por lotes para un amigo, echo somos una raza en extinci\xf3n, por lo que continuar al d\xeda el gran trabajo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 con el creador Forwarder Universal y todos los proyectos de unos y otros. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT7= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT7%" EQU "icon" start http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=296772 if /i "%CREDIT7%" EQU "icon" goto:Credit1 if /i "%CREDIT7%" EQU "B" goto:credit6 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit8 if /i "%CREDIT7%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit8 cls SET CREDIT8= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Gannon echo ====== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Gracias a Gannon de bootopera, que fu\xe9 capaz de crear el m\xf3dulo URL echo loader base dol. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Violator echo ======== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \xc9l es mi hermano, mi primo, mi mejor hombre y la raz\xf3n por la que he comprado o support\sfk echo -spat \x20 modificado una Wii. "XFlak" habr\xeda muerto no hace mucho tiempo si no fuera por support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \xe9l. Gracias Violator, por conseguir que me interesara en esta materia, y por support\sfk echo -spat \x20 toda la musica impresionante que he grabado en mis inicios de canales Wii! echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]WiiPower echo ======== echo WiiPower creo Neogamma, sin duda alguna el programa de copias de seguridad echo en disco para la Wii. Tambien modifico cMIOS WiiGators y creo lo que hoy se support\sfk echo -spat \x20 considera el \xfaltimo cMIOS. Ademas ha contribuido en el c\xf3digo de muchos echo otros populares USB-Loaders y lo incorporo al soporte para la recarga echo IOS cIOSs D2X. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Rodries echo ======= echo Gracias a Rodries por mejorar Hermes cIOSs v5.1. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Todos mis Beta Testers! echo ==================== echo Es por ustedes que ModMii es estable como es. Teniendo en cuenta que ModMii se support\sfk echo -spat \x20 desarrolla por completo en el bloc de notas sin ning\xfan tipo de depuraci\xf3n o echo herramientas de desarrollo, que es bastante notable que ModMii siempre ha estado echo libre de errores (aunque con algunas excepciones menores). Gracias por su support\sfk echo -spat \x20 interminable devoci\xf3n de control de calidad! echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Aqu\xed hay una lista del actual grupo de pruebas beta de ModMii (en ning\xfan echo orden particular): scooby74029, DeadlyFoez, redia, Etheboss, JoostinOnline, echo person66, brausm08, geovalley, undeadsquirrel, mauifrog y FIX94. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]Usted! echo ==== support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Sin ustedes, no habr\xeda raz\xf3n para que existiese ModMii. echo Gracias por usar ModMii para todas sus necesidades modificando su Wii! echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) set /p CREDIT8= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para continuar: if /i "%CREDIT8%" EQU "B" goto:credit7 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" goto:credit9 if /i "%CREDIT8%" EQU "M" goto:menu ::------------ :Credit9 cls SET CREDIT9= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo CREDITOS echo =========== echo. echo APLICACIONES DE APOYO echo ------------------- echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 A continuaci\xf3n se muestra una lista de todas las aplicaciones echo con soporte incluidos en ModMii. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca el n\xfamero de una aplicaci\xf3n para abrir su navegador y support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 dirigirse a su p\xe1gina web. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = Ascii2All.bat (freeware) echo 2 = 7za.exe (freeware) echo 3 = d2x cIOS Modules (davebaol, xabby666, XFlak) echo 4 = fvc.exe (freeware) echo 5 = Hermes cIOS v4 mload Module echo 6 = Hermes cIOS v5 mload Module echo 7 = Hermes\Rodries cIOS v5.1R mload Module echo 8 = Hexalter.exe (by kuwanger) echo 9 = ISO template (by spayrosam) echo 10 = jptch.exe (freeware) echo 11 = libWiiSharp.dll (by Leathl, Mod by scooby74029) echo 12 = nircmd.exe (freeware) echo 13 = nusd.exe (by WiiNinja, original GUI code by WB3000) echo 14 = NusFileGrabber.exe (by Leathl, Mod by XFlak) echo 15 = patchIOS.exe (by Leathl, Mod by scooby74029) echo 16 = sfk.exe (freeware) echo 17 = ShowMiiWads_Sneek_Mod.exe (by Leathl, Mod by RetroHead) echo 18 = settings.exe (by cwstjdenobs) echo 19 = WadMii.exe (by cwstjdenobs) echo 20 = Waninkoko's cIOS Modules echo 21 = wget.exe (freeware) echo 22 = wit.exe (by Wiimm) echo 23 = writecbd.exe (by scooby74029) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 All = Paquete de todas las fuentes de la aplicaci\xf3n ModMii echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (echo Espere unos segundos para continuar...) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) ::set /p CREDIT9= Pulse la tecla "ENTER" para volver al menu principal: if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (set /p CREDIT9= Press the "Enter" Key to View Your Download Log: ) else (set /p CREDIT9= Press the "Enter" Key to Return to the Main Menu: ) if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "B" goto:credit8 ::if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "M" goto:menu if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "1" start www.batchlog.pytalhost.com if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "1" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "2" start http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "2" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "3" start http://gbatemp.net/t277659-ciosx-rev21d2x-v2-yet-another-hot-fix if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "3" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "4" start http://sourceforge.net/projects/fileverifier/files/fileverifier/ if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "4" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "5" start http://mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/wii/cios_mload_source_install_3.6.rar if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "5" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "6" start http://mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/wii/cios_mload_source_install_4.0.rar if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "6" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "7" start http://gbatemp.net/t298741-hermes-cios-installer-v5-1-mod-by-rodries if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "7" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "8" start http://goo.gl/XTT2Y if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "8" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "9" start http://goo.gl/0L40U if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "9" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "10" start http://sourceforge.net/projects/jojodiff if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "10" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "11" start http://code.google.com/p/libwiisharp/source/browse if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "11" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "12" start http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "12" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "13" start http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=153341 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "13" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "14" start http://code.google.com/p/libwiisharp/source/browse/#svn/branches/NusFileGrabber if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "14" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "15" start http://code.google.com/p/libwiisharp/source/browse/#svn/branches/patchIOS if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "15" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "16" start http://sourceforge.net/projects/swissfileknife/files/1-swissfileknife if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "16" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "17" (echo Source included with ModMii's Supporting App Sources "All"...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:Credit9) if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "18" (echo Source included with ModMii's Supporting App Sources "All"...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:Credit9) if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "19" start http://www.mediafire.com/?bogjind5oe3 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "19" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "20" start http://github.com/waninkoko if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "20" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "21" start http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/ if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "21" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "22" start http://wit.wiimm.de if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "22" goto:Credit9 if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "23" (echo Source included with ModMii's Supporting App Sources "All"...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:Credit9) if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "All" start http://code.google.com/p/modmii/downloads/list?can=2^&q=rar^&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+ReleaseDate+Size+DownloadCount if /i "%CREDIT9%" EQU "All" goto:Credit9 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "CR" (goto:Finish2) else (goto:menu) ::..................................................OPTIONS.................................................. ....... :OPTIONS Set WLAST= Set Options= set cheatoption= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Escriba la opcion # (o letra) para ON/OFF echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Cambiar la letra de la unidad (valor actual: %Drive%) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]DU[def] = Cambiar la letra de la unidad del USB (valor actual: %DriveU%) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]CC[def] = Opciones C\xf3digos de trucos echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]PC[def] = programas de PC ubicaci\xf3n de almacenamiento (configuraci\xf3n actual: %PCSAVE%) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Programas almacenados en PC %HomeDrive% if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Los enlaces se instalaran en el men\xfa Inicio y escritorio if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * programas PC Portables guardados como uno m\xe1s en la unidad. if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip echo * programas almacenados en %homedrive% accesos directos creados desde ModMii %homedrive% echo * Programas portables guardados se ejecutan desde ModMii %homedrive% :skip echo. if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]RS[def] = Guardar en Ra\xedz: Guarda IOSs\MIOSs en ra\xedz en lugar de la carpeta WAD (ON) if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]RS[def] = Guardar en ra\xedz: Guarda IOSs\MIOSs en ra\xedz en lugar de la carpeta WAD (OFF) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * No afecta al Asistente de descarga y s\xf3lo se aplica a IOSs\MIOSs support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Aplicaciones \xfatiles para Wii que requieren IOSs\MIOSs guardados en la ra\xedz echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]CE[def] = Canales efectos personalizados temas para men\xfa del sistema: %effect% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Elija entre 3 efectos: Sin-efecto, Efecto y Efecto-R\xe1pido echo. if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]1[def] = No mantener 00000001 o carpetas NUS para IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Carpeta necesaria para el uso en l\xednea de algunas Aplicaciones Wii if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]1[def] = Mantener 00000001 en la carpeta IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * \xfatiles para el uso de aplicaciones sin conexion para Wii como Dop-Mii if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]1[def] = Guardar NUS\00000001000000##v# en la carpeta IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * \xfatiles para el uso sin conexi\xf3n de aplicaciones de Wii como d2x\Hermes if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" echo cIOS Installers if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]1[def] = Guardar NUS\00000001000000##v# y 00000001 en la carpeta IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Utiles para el uso sin conexi\xf3n de unas pocas Aplicaciones Wii echo. if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]U[def] = Actualizar IOSs. Asistente para descargar los IOSs activos (OFF) if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]U[def] = Actualizar IOSs. Asistente para descargar los IOSs activos (ON) echo. if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip36 if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]36[def] = Instalar IOS36 cuando actualice todos los IOS Descargados (OFF) if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]36[def] = Instalar IOS36 cuando actualice todos los IOS Descargados (ON) echo * Su IOS36 existente puede parchearse. El IOS36 descargado no se sabe echo. :skip36 if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]CM[def] = cMIOS incluido en el Asistente de Gu\xedas ModMii (OFF) if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]CM[def] = incluido en el Asistente de Gu\xedas ModMii (ON) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * cMIOS no permite chips antigüos de Wii para copias de seguridad GameCube echo. if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20[YELLOW]FWD[def] = Instalar USB-Loader Forwarder en ModMii asistente de gu\xeda (OFF) if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20[YELLOW]FWD[def] = Instalar USB-Loader Forwarder en ModMii asistente de gu\xeda (ON) echo. if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]V[def] = Salida detallad\xedsima cuando se utiliza wget o instalador Sneek (OFF) if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]V[def] = Salida detallad\xedsima cuando se utiliza wget o instalador Sneek (ON) echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20[YELLOW]n2o[def] = neek2o - crear modulos de S\UNEEK en lugar de originales (OFF) if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20[YELLOW]n2o[def] = neek2o - crear modulos de S\UNEEK en lugar de originales (ON) echo. if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20[YELLOW]SSD[def] = SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD (OFF) if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20[YELLOW]SSD[def] = SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD (ON) echo. if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]SV[def] = SNEEK salida detallada (OFF) if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [YELLOW]SV[def] = SNEEK Salida detallada (ON) echo. if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]F[def] = Font.bin Color para SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (BLANCO) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]F[def] = Font.bin Color para SNEEK+DI/UNEEK+DI (NEGRO) echo. if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Crear Custom.md5 archivo para verificar todos los archivos en %DRIVE% if exist Custom.md5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C2[def] = Verificar los archivos desde %DRIVE% con Custom.md5 :nodrivefolder if exist Custom.md5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C3[def] = Borrar Custom.md5 echo. if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]A[def] = Auto-Actualizar ModMii al inicio del programa (OFF) if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]A[def] = Auto-Actualizar ModMii al inicio del programa (ON) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]N[def] = Compruebe si hay nuevas versiones de ModMii ahora echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]S[def] = Guardar configuraci\xf3n \x20 [YELLOW]R[def] = Configuraci\xf3n por defecto \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. set /p OPTIONS= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "RS" goto:ROOTSAVE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "PC" goto:PCSAVE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "1" goto:Option1 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CE" goto:OptionCE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "N" goto:UpdateModMii if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "A" goto:AutoUpdate if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "36" goto:Option36 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CM" goto:CMIOSOPTION if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "FWD" goto:FWDOPTION if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "sv" goto:OptionSneekverbose if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "n2o" goto:Optionneek2o if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "v" goto:OptionModMiiverbose if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "SSD" goto:OptionSSD if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "f" goto:Optionfont if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:nodrivefolder2 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" echo ;;%DRIVE%>Custom.md5 ::if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" support\sfk list "%DRIVE%" wad dol app elf +md5gento="%DRIVE%"\Custom.md5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" support\fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\*.*>>Custom.md5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" support\sfk filter Custom.md5 -unique -write -yes>nul if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C" goto:Options if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" NEQ "C2" goto:nodrivefolder2 support\sfk filter custom.md5 -ls+;; -rep _";;"__ >temp\customMD5path.txt support\sfk filter -spat temp\customMD5path.txt -rep _\x5f_?_ -write -yes>nul set /p customdrive= nul echo %drive% >temp\newMD5path.txt support\sfk filter -spat temp\newMD5path.txt -rep _\x5f_?_ -write -yes>nul set /p newdrive= nul support\sfk filter -spat custom.md5 -rep _\x5f_?_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter custom.md5 -rep _"%customdrive%"_"%newDRIVE%"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat custom.md5 -rep _\x3f_\x5f_ -write -yes>nul Set DB=C goto:Finish :nodrivefolder2 if not exist Custom.md5 goto:nocustomMD5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" del Custom.md5>nul if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "C3" goto:Options :nocustomMD5 if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "D" set BACKB4DRIVE=OPTIONS if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "D" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DU" set BACKB4DRIVEU=OPTIONS if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "DU" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "CC" goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "U" goto:ACTIVEIOS if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:RestoreSettings if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:OPTIONS :RestoreSettings set ROOTSAVE=off set effect=No-Spin set PCSAVE=Auto set OPTION1=off set OPTION36=on set CMIOSOPTION=off set FWDOPTION=on set Drive=COPY_TO_SD set DriveU=COPY_TO_USB set ACTIVEIOS=on set AUTOUPDATE=on Set ModMiiverbose=off Set SSD=off Set sneekverbose=off Set neek2o=on Set SNKFONT=B :defaultcheatsettings set overwritecodes=off set cheatregion=All set cheatlocation=B :selectallcheats set wiicheat=ON set WiiWarecheat=ON set VCArcadecheat=OFF set WiiChannelscheat=ON set Gamecubecheat=ON set NEScheat=ON set SNEScheat=ON set N64cheat=ON set SMScheat=ON set Segacheat=ON set NeoGeocheat=ON set Commodorecheat=ON set MSXcheat=ON set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:cheatcodeoptions goto:savesettingsnow :SaveSettings cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. :savesettingsnow echo ::ModMii Settings > Support\settings.bat echo ::ModMiiv%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set effect=%effect%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set PCSAVE=%PCSAVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set OPTION36=%OPTION36%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set CMIOSOPTION=%CMIOSOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set FWDOPTION=%FWDOPTION%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set overwritecodes=%overwritecodes%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set cheatregion=%cheatregion%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set cheatlocation=%cheatlocation%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ACTIVEIOS=%ACTIVEIOS%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set AUTOUPDATE=%AUTOUPDATE%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set ModMiiverbose=%ModMiiverbose%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SSD=%SSD%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set sneekverbose=%sneekverbose%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set neek2o=%neek2o%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SNKFONT=%SNKFONT%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set wiicheat=%wiicheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set WiiWarecheat=%WiiWarecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set VCArcadecheat=%VCArcadecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set WiiChannelscheat=%WiiChannelscheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Gamecubecheat=%Gamecubecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set NEScheat=%NEScheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SNEScheat=%SNEScheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set N64cheat=%N64cheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set SMScheat=%SMScheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Segacheat=%Segacheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set NeoGeocheat=%NeoGeocheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set Commodorecheat=%Commodorecheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set MSXcheat=%MSXcheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set TurboGraFX-16cheat=%TurboGraFX-16cheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo Set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%>> Support\settings.bat echo set AGREEDVERSION=%currentversion%>> Support\settings.bat if /i "%OPTIONS%" EQU "R" goto:OPTIONS if exist Support\settings.bat echo Ajustes guardados. echo. @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:cheatcodeoptions goto:OPTIONS :ROOTSAVE if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" goto:ROOTSAVEoff Set ROOTSAVE=ON goto:OPTIONS :ROOTSAVEoff Set ROOTSAVE=OFF goto:OPTIONS :PCSAVE if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Auto" (set PCSAVE=Portable) & (goto:options) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" (set PCSAVE=Local) & (goto:options) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set PCSAVE=Auto) & (goto:options) :Option1 if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "off" (set OPTION1=on) & (goto:options) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "on" (set OPTION1=nus) & (goto:options) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "nus" (set OPTION1=all) & (goto:options) if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "all" (set OPTION1=off) & (goto:options) :OptionCE if /i "%effect%" EQU "no-spin" (set effect=Spin) & (goto:options) if /i "%effect%" EQU "spin" (set effect=Fast-Spin) & (goto:options) if /i "%effect%" EQU "fast-spin" (set effect=No-Spin) & (goto:options) :OPTION36 if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "ON" goto:OPTION36off Set OPTION36=ON goto:OPTIONS :OPTION36off Set OPTION36=OFF goto:OPTIONS :CMIOSOPTION if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:CMIOSOPTIONoff Set CMIOSOPTION=ON goto:OPTIONS :CMIOSOPTIONoff Set CMIOSOPTION=OFF goto:OPTIONS :FWDOPTION if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:FWDOPTIONoff Set FWDOPTION=ON goto:OPTIONS :FWDOPTIONoff Set FWDOPTION=OFF goto:OPTIONS :OptionSneekverbose if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionSneekverboseoff Set sneekverbose=on goto:OPTIONS :OptionSneekverboseoff Set sneekverbose=off goto:OPTIONS :Optionneek2o if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:Optionneek2ooff Set neek2o=on goto:OPTIONS :Optionneek2ooff Set neek2o=off goto:OPTIONS :OptionModMiiverbose if /i "%ModMiiverbose%" EQU "on" goto:OptionModMiiverboseoff Set ModMiiverbose=on goto:OPTIONS :OptionModMiiverboseoff Set ModMiiverbose=off goto:OPTIONS :OptionSSD if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" goto:OptionSSDoff Set SSD=on goto:OPTIONS :OptionSSDoff Set SSD=off goto:OPTIONS :Optionfont if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" goto:OptionfontB Set SNKFONT=W goto:OPTIONS :OptionfontB Set SNKFONT=B goto:OPTIONS :ACTIVEIOS if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "ON" goto:ACTIVEIOSoff Set ACTIVEIOS=ON goto:OPTIONS :ACTIVEIOSoff Set ACTIVEIOS=OFF goto:OPTIONS :AUTOUPDATE if /i "%AUTOUPDATE%" EQU "ON" goto:AUTOUPDATEoff Set AUTOUPDATE=ON goto:OPTIONS :AUTOUPDATEoff Set AUTOUPDATE=OFF goto:OPTIONS :cheatcodeoptions set cheatoption= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo OPCIONES CODIGOS DE TRUCOS echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]R[def] = Regi\xf3n para descargar trucos: (%cheatregion%) echo. if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]O[def] = Sobrescribir txtcodes actual (OFF) if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]O[def] = Sobrescribir txtcodes actual (ON) echo. if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]L[def] = Localizaci\xf3n(es) para guardar trucos: (De 1 y 2) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]L[def] = Localizaci\xf3n(es) para guardar trucos: (1: txtcodes) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]L[def] = Localizaci\xf3n(es) para guardar trucos: (2: codes\X\L) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 1: - Utilizado por la mayor\xeda de aplicaciones, incluido echo CFG USB-Loader echo 2: - codes\X\L\: lugar utilizado por Accio Hacks echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]X[def] = Letra ID de la consola (ie. Wii = R) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]L[def] = Primera letra del t\xedtulo del juego ('#' si comienza con un n\xfamero) echo. echo. echo Seleccione o anule las consolas para descargar trucos: echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Las consolas seleccionadas se marcan en [Green]Verde echo. echo. if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]1 = Wii) else (echo 1 = Wii) if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]2 = WiiWare) else (echo 2 = WiiWare) ::if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]3 = VC Arcade) else (echo 3 = VC Arcade) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]3 = VC Arcade (Disabled due to geckocodes.org error) if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]4 = Wii Channels) else (echo 4 = Wii Channels) if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]5 = Gamecube) else (echo 5 = Gamecube) if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]6 = NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 6 = NES/Famicom VC) if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) else (echo 7 = Super NES/Famicom VC) if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]8 = Nintendo 64 VC) else (echo 8 = Nintendo 64 VC) if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green]9 = Sega Master System VC) else (echo 9 = Sega Master System VC) if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) else (echo 10 = Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC) if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 11 = NeoGeo VC) else (echo 11 = NeoGeo VC) if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 12 = Commodore 64 VC) else (echo 12 = Commodore 64 VC) if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 13 = MSX VC) else (echo 13 = MSX VC) if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) else (echo 14 = TurboGraFX-16 VC) if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) else (echo 15 = TurboGraFX-CD VC) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal\x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Todo \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]C[def] = Limpiar echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]D[def] = Configuraci\xf3n por defecto para trucos \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]S[def] = Guardar configuraci\xf3n echo. echo. echo. set /p cheatoption= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "1" goto:wiicheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "2" goto:WiiWarecheat ::if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "3" goto:VCArcadecheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "4" goto:WiiChannelscheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "5" goto:Gamecubecheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "6" goto:NEScheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "7" goto:SNEScheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "8" goto:N64cheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "9" goto:SMScheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "10" goto:Segacheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "11" goto:NeoGeocheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "12" goto:Commodorecheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "13" goto:MSXcheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "14" goto:TurboGraFX-16cheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "15" goto:TurboGraFX-CDcheat if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "A" goto:selectallcheats if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "C" goto:deselectallcheats if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "R" goto:cheatregion if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "l" goto:cheatlocation if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "O" goto:overwritecodes if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:countconsoles if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:countconsoles if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "S" goto:SaveSettings if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "D" goto:defaultcheatsettings echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:cheatcodeoptions :countconsoles set countconsoles=0 if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" SET /a countconsoles=%countconsoles%+1 if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" echo Seleccionar al menos una consola para descargar Trucos if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul if /i "%countconsoles%" EQU "0" goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "B" goto:Options if /i "%cheatoption%" EQU "M" goto:MENU :overwritecodes if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" goto:overwritecodesoff Set overwritecodes=ON goto:cheatcodeoptions :overwritecodesoff Set overwritecodes=OFF goto:cheatcodeoptions :cheatregion if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "all" Set cheatregion=USA&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "USA" Set cheatregion=PAL&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "PAL" Set cheatregion=JAP&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatregion%" EQU "JAP" Set cheatregion=all&&goto:cheatcodeoptions :cheatlocation if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" Set cheatlocation=T&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" Set cheatlocation=C&&goto:cheatcodeoptions if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" Set cheatlocation=B&&goto:cheatcodeoptions :wiicheat if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "OFF" (set wiicheat=ON) else (set wiicheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :WiiWarecheat if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiWarecheat=ON) else (set WiiWarecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :VCArcadecheat if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set VCArcadecheat=ON) else (set VCArcadecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :WiiChannelscheat if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "OFF" (set WiiChannelscheat=ON) else (set WiiChannelscheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :Gamecubecheat if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Gamecubecheat=ON) else (set Gamecubecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :NEScheat if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NEScheat=ON) else (set NEScheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :SNEScheat if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SNEScheat=ON) else (set SNEScheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :N64cheat if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set N64cheat=ON) else (set N64cheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :SMScheat if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "OFF" (set SMScheat=ON) else (set SMScheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :Segacheat if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Segacheat=ON) else (set Segacheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :NeoGeocheat if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "OFF" (set NeoGeocheat=ON) else (set NeoGeocheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :Commodorecheat if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "OFF" (set Commodorecheat=ON) else (set Commodorecheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :MSXcheat if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set MSXcheat=ON) else (set MSXcheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :TurboGraFX-16cheat if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :TurboGraFX-CDcheat if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "OFF" (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=ON) else (set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF) goto:cheatcodeoptions :deselectallcheats set wiicheat=OFF set WiiWarecheat=OFF set VCArcadecheat=OFF set WiiChannelscheat=OFF set Gamecubecheat=OFF set NEScheat=OFF set SNEScheat=OFF set N64cheat=OFF set SMScheat=OFF set Segacheat=OFF set NeoGeocheat=OFF set Commodorecheat=OFF set MSXcheat=OFF set TurboGraFX-16cheat=OFF set TurboGraFX-CDcheat=OFF goto:cheatcodeoptions :DRIVECHANGE set drivetemp=%DRIVE% cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Introducir la letra de la unidad (o ruta) para guardar los archivos de la SD ::the below msg is only for people building a nand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:donotskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (goto:donotskip) else (goto:skip) :donotskip echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: para instalar una NAND emulada como WADS tambi\xe9n se guardaran en esa support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 direcci\xf3n por lo que no sera necesario volver a descargar para crear echo las futuras NANDs :skip echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n actual: %Drive% echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20Notas: * Para continuar con la configuraci\xf3n actual support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 deje en blanco la selecci\xf3n y pulsa ENTER. echo. echo * Usted puede arrastrar y soltar la unidad/carpeta en esta echo ventana para guardar usted tiene que escribirlo manualmente echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Si sigues teniendo errores, intente con la configuraci\xf3n echo predeterminada echo. echo. echo. echo EJEMPLOS echo. echo. echo L: echo. echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_SD echo Nota: %%userprofile%% el acceso directo no funciona en Windows XP echo. echo ModMii\4.2U support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: esto crea la carpeta ModMii\4.2U donde se guardar\xe1 este programa echo. echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = Configuraci\xf3n por defecto: COPY_TO_SD echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 B = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 M = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. set /p Drivetemp= Escriba su seleccion aqui: ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul del temp.txt>nul if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "D" set DRIVETEMP=COPY_TO_SD :doublecheck set fixslash= if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1% if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheck ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVETEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) echo %DRIVETEMP:~0,2% no existe, por favor, intentelo de nuevo... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DRIVECHANGE :skipcheck set DRIVE=%DRIVETEMP% set REALDRIVE=%DRIVE% ::autosave drive setting to settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set Drive=" -write -yes>nul echo Set Drive=%DRIVE%>>Support\settings.bat if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "FC" goto:FileCleanup if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE) else (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE) if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (goto:DRIVEUCHANGE) else (goto:download) :skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVECHANGE) & (goto:download) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" set B4SNKCONFIRM=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4DRIVE% goto:Options :DRIVEUCHANGE set driveUtemp=%DRIVEU% cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Introducir la letra de la unidad (o ruta) para guardar los archivos echo del disco USB echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n actual: %DriveU% echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20Notas: * Para continuar con la configuraci\xf3n actual support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 deje en blanco la selecci\xf3n y pulse ENTER. echo. echo * Usted puede arrastrar y soltar la unidad/carpeta en esta echo ventana para guardar usted tiene que escribirlo manualmente echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Si sigues teniendo errores, intente con la configuraci\xf3n echo predeterminada echo. echo. echo. echo EJEMPLOS echo. echo. echo L: echo. echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\COPY_TO_USB echo. echo Nota: %%userprofile%% el acceso directo no funciona en Windows XP echo. echo ModMii\4.2U support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: esto crea la carpeta ModMii\4.2U donde se guardar\xe1 este programa echo. echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 D = Configuraci\xf3n por defecto: COPY_TO_USB echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 B = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 M = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. set /p DriveUtemp= Escriba su seleccion aqui: ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP%">temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul del temp.txt>nul if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4DRIVEU% if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP%" EQU "D" set DRIVEUTEMP=COPY_TO_USB :doublecheckU set fixslash= if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVEUTEMP=%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,-1% if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckU ::if second char is ":" check if drive exists if /i "%DRIVEUTEMP:~1,1%" NEQ ":" goto:skipcheck if exist "%DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2%" (goto:skipcheck) else (echo.) echo %DRIVEUTEMP:~0,2% no existe, por favor, intentelo de nuevo... @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :skipcheck set DRIVEU=%DRIVEUTEMP% ::autosave drive setting to settings.bat support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set DriveU=" -write -yes>nul echo Set DriveU=%DRIVEU%>>Support\settings.bat if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" set B4SNKCONFIRM=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" set B4SNKPAGE3=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:snkpage3 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:snkpage3 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX2 ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DOWNLOAD if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DownloadQueue :skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4QUEUE=DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:Download goto:Options :UpdateModMii cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Versi\xf3n actual %CurrentVersion% echo. echo Comprobando actualizaciones... echo. if exist list.bat del list.bat>nul start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/nusad/downloads/list?can=3&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+ReleaseDate+Size+DownloadCount" if exist list* (move /y list* list.bat>nul) else (goto:updatefail) support\sfk filter -quiet "list.bat" -+"%UPDATENAME%" -rep _".txt*"__ -rep _"*%UPDATENAME%-"_"set newversion="_ -rep _" *"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter "list.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul call list.bat del list.bat>nul if %currentversion% GTR %newversion:~0,5% (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Esta versi\xf3n es la m\xe1s reciente publicada) & (echo.) & (echo You got some crazy new beta shit!) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) ::before %updatename% is called %newversion% can be more than 5 chars (ie. if %currentversion% EQU %newversion% (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Esta versi\xf3n est\xe1 actualizada) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) ::if %newversion% has exactly 5 chars (#.#.#), get changelog and update if "%newversion:~5%"=="" goto:getchangelog ::only make it this far if newversion is greater than current version (ie. not beta shit) and has >5 chars (ie. #.#.#.#). Now check if DL DB needs to be updated (ie. partial update) set NEWDBUPDATEVERSION=%newversion% set DBUPDATEVERSION=none if exist temp\DBUPDATE%newversion:~0,5%.bat call temp\DBUPDATE%newversion:~0,5%.bat if %NEWDBUPDATEVERSION% EQU %DBUPDATEVERSION% (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Esta versi\xf3n esta actualizada) & (@ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:menu) :getchangelog start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/%UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt if not exist %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt goto:updatefail ren %UPDATENAME%-%newversion%.txt %UPDATENAME%.bat call %UPDATENAME%.bat set newversion=%newversion:~0,5% if %currentversion% GEQ %newversion% (goto:menu) else (exit) :updatefail support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Comprobaci\xf3n de la actualizaci\xf3n fall\xf3, compruebe la conexi\xf3n de Internet y la configuraci\xf3n del firewall. @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul set currentversion=%currentversioncopy% goto:menu ::-------------------------------File Cleanup------------------------------------ :FileCleanup cls ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" EQU "Y" (set cmdlinemode=) & (set one=) & (set two=) set cleanitems=0 if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack USA check set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin set md5=aa93aab9bfdd25883bbd826a62645033 set nextgoto=cleancheck1 goto:markmatch :cleancheck1 set SmashCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::PWNS USA set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlie\data.bin set md5=b94f40d57a4b5577eb2479f63cbe79df set nextgoto=cleancheck2 goto:markmatch :cleancheck2 set PWNSU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::PWNS JAP set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlij\data.bin set md5=1f7e42a30492d2fa116a2fe5ebc685d1 set nextgoto=cleancheck3 goto:markmatch :cleancheck3 set PWNSJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::PWNS EURO set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlip\data.bin set md5=a6b8f03f49baa471228dcd81d3fd623a set nextgoto=cleancheck4 goto:markmatch :cleancheck4 set PWNSE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set PWNSE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT USA set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzde\data.bin set md5=02639bd145730269a98f69a4fd466225 set nextgoto=cleancheck5 goto:markmatch :cleancheck5 set TWIU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT JAP set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdj\data.bin set md5=b51cd6a64bc911cc5c8e41ed5d9fd8ae set nextgoto=cleancheck6 goto:markmatch :cleancheck6 set TWIJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::TWILIGHT EURO set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rzdp\data.bin set md5=704bd625ea5b42d7ac06fc937af74d38 set nextgoto=cleancheck7 goto:markmatch :cleancheck7 set TWIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TWIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI USA set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoe\data.bin set md5=0319cb55ecb1caea34e4504aa56664ab set nextgoto=cleancheck8 goto:markmatch :cleancheck8 set YUGIU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI EURO set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin set md5=8e8aca85b1106932db5ec564ac5c9f0b set nextgoto=cleancheck9 goto:markmatch :cleancheck9 set YUGIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI EURO 50hz set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryop\data.bin set md5=fd15710a20ec01d01324c18bf4bf3921 set nextgoto=cleancheck10 goto:markmatch :cleancheck10 ::set YUGIE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::YUGI JAP set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\ryoj\data.bin set md5=2f7dfe45a01d01cbf7672afd70b252b4 set nextgoto=cleancheck11 goto:markmatch :cleancheck11 set YUGIJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set YUGIJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack JAP check set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin set md5=9a23e5543c65ea2090c5b66a9839216a set nextgoto=cleancheck12 goto:markmatch :cleancheck12 set SmashJCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashJCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Bathaxx USA set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbe\data.bin set md5=5dac3152baabbc6ca17bedfd5b7350c9 set nextgoto=cleancheck13 goto:markmatch :cleancheck13 set BathaxxU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BathaxxU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Bathaxx JAP set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbj\data.bin set md5=8ce86646c463565798dda77ea93118eb set nextgoto=cleancheck14 goto:markmatch :cleancheck14 set BathaxxJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BathaxxJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Bathaxx EURO set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlbp\data.bin set md5=1f44f39d7aad36c7c93a7592e52fa217 set nextgoto=cleancheck15 goto:markmatch :cleancheck15 set BathaxxE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set BathaxxE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::ROTJ USA set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlge\data.bin set md5=448a3e6bfb4b6d9fafd64c45575f9cb4 set nextgoto=cleancheck16 goto:markmatch :cleancheck16 set ROTJU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::ROTJ JAP set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgj\data.bin set md5=b64e489f15dea67b4ab8dd5315064295 set nextgoto=cleancheck17 goto:markmatch :cleancheck17 set ROTJJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::ROTJ EURO set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rlgp\data.bin set md5=6e225b61b74bd8529374086e476487d3 set nextgoto=cleancheck18 goto:markmatch :cleancheck18 set ROTJE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set ROTJE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack PAL check set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab set nextgoto=cleancheck19 goto:markmatch :cleancheck19 set SmashPCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashPCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack PAL - No Save - check set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12 set nextgoto=cleancheck20 goto:markmatch :cleancheck20 set SmashP2Check=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashP2Check=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack KOR check set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin set md5=5ce0563bbdd394d8fd3947a413d234ab set nextgoto=cleancheck21 goto:markmatch :cleancheck21 set SmashKCheck=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashKCheck=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::smash stack KOR - No Save - check set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin set md5=208e1505a426aaa4b341921f271b2b12 set nextgoto=cleancheck22 goto:markmatch :cleancheck22 set SmashK2Check=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set SmashK2Check=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Eri HaKawai USA set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4e\data.bin set md5=4b62b5c6e00ee8943fec265c5d53ad19 set nextgoto=cleancheck23 goto:markmatch :cleancheck23 set TOSU=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSU=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Eri HaKawai PAL set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4p\data.bin set md5=08d01800a4703ec6349c3a8d454bf8e1 set nextgoto=cleancheck24 goto:markmatch :cleancheck24 set TOSE=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSE=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 ::Eri HaKawai JAP set path2clean=%DRIVE%\private\wii\title\rt4j\data.bin set md5=7884370e1b8960ed09ed61395007affd set nextgoto=cleancheck25 goto:markmatch :cleancheck25 set TOSJ=off if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" set TOSJ=on if /i "%match%" EQU "YES" SET /a cleanitems=%cleanitems%+1 goto:nextpage ::----mark matches----- :markmatch set match= if exist "%path2clean%" (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set match=yes ::assume match, if its not, it will change to 'no' further below support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%path2clean%" if errorlevel 1 set match=no :nocheckexisting goto:%nextgoto% :nextpage if /i "%cleanitems%" NEQ "0" goto:FileCleanup2 echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo FILE CLEANUP echo. echo. echo No hay archivos innecesarios en %DRIVE% echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Volver al men\xfa principal... echo. @ping -n 4 -w 1000> nul goto:MENU :FileCleanup2 set clean= echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo LIMPIEZA DE ARCHIVOS echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Despu\xe9s de terminar tu modificaci\xf3n Wii, puede borrar algunos archivos para echo liberar espacio y asegurarse de que no se puede acceder a las aplicaciones echo potencialmente peligrosas en su Wii. echo. echo Nota: En lugar de eliminar aplicaciones, puede moverlas a una carpeta support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 bloqueada en el HBC (descargable a trav\xe9s de la p\xe1gina de descargas 2). echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Te gustar\xeda borrar los siguientes %DRIVE%? echo. if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD echo * Archivo WAD if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 echo * Archivo 00000001 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 echo * Archivo 00010008 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 echo * Archivo 00010002 if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 echo * Archivo 00010001 if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn echo * Bannerbomb if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (USA) if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (JAP) if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (EURO) if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (EURO) - no Guardar if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (KOR) if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" echo * Smash Stack (KOR) - no Guardar if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (USA) if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (EURO) if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" echo * Indiana Pwns (JAP) if /i "%BathaxxU%" EQU "on" echo * Bathaxx (USA) if /i "%BathaxxE%" EQU "on" echo * Bathaxx (EURO) if /i "%BathaxxJ%" EQU "on" echo * Bathaxx (JAP) if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the Jodi (USA) if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the Jodi (EURO) if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" echo * Return of the Jodi (JAP) if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (USA) if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (EURO) if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" echo * Eri HaKawai (JAP) if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (USA) if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (EURO) if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" echo * Twilight Hack (JAP) if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (USA) if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (EURO) if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" echo * YU-GI-OWNED (JAP) if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii echo * apps\DOP-Mii if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM echo * apps\MMM if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMOd echo * apps\WiiMod if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline echo * apps\ARCmod06_Offline if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher echo * apps\MIOSPatcher if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader echo * apps\Priiloader if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM echo * apps\YAWMM if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer echo * apps\HackMii_Installer if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod echo * apps\IOS236-v5-Mod if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP echo * apps\SIP if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer echo * apps\WiiExplorer if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Desde DOL la ra\xedz del dispositivo if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Desde elf la ra\xedz del dispositivo if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Desde Wad la ra\xedz del dispositivo if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Desde Md5 la ra\xedz del dispositivo echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20Nota: Todos los archivos anteriores, con la excepci\xf3n de WADs personalizados, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20pueden ser recuperados m\xe1s tarde con ModMii echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, eliminar los archivos ya support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p clean= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%clean%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow if /i "%clean%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%clean%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%clean%" EQU "M" goto:MENU echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FileCleanup :cleannow set clean2= echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \xbfEst\xe1 seguro que desea eliminar permanentemente los archivos anteriores? (Y/N) echo. echo. set /p clean2= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%clean2%" EQU "Y" goto:cleannow3 if /i "%clean2%" EQU "N" goto:MENU echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FileCleanup :cleannow3 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo LIMPIEZA DE ARCHIVOS... echo. if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.dol del "%DRIVE%"\*.dol> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.elf del "%DRIVE%"\*.elf> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.wad del "%DRIVE%"\*.wad> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\*.md5 del "%DRIVE%"\*.md5> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WAD> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00000001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00000001> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010008 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010008> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010002 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010002> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\00010001 rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\00010001> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\aktn> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\DOP-Mii> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MMM> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiMod> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\ARCmod06_Offline> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\MIOSPatcher> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\Priiloader> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\YAWMM> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\HackMii_Installer> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\IOS236-v5-Mod> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\SIP> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\apps\WiiExplorer> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip del "%DRIVE%"\private\*.zip> nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\RYOP-50hz> nul ::advanced deletions if /i "%SmashCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\rsbe\st\st_080805_0933.bin> nul if /i "%SmashJCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBJ\st\st_smashstackjp.bin> nul if /i "%SmashPCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul if /i "%SmashP2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBP\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul if /i "%SmashKCheck%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\st_smashStackPK.bin> nul if /i "%SmashK2Check%" EQU "on" del "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\app\RSBK\st\_st_smashStackPK_noSave.bin> nul if /i "%PWNSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlie> nul if /i "%PWNSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlij> nul if /i "%PWNSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlip> nul if /i "%BathaxxU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbe> nul if /i "%BathaxxJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbj> nul if /i "%BathaxxE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlbp> nul if /i "%ROTJU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlge> nul if /i "%ROTJJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgj> nul if /i "%ROTJE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rlgp> nul if /i "%TOSU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4e> nul if /i "%TOSE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4p> nul if /i "%TOSJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rt4j> nul if /i "%TWIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzde> nul if /i "%TWIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdp> nul if /i "%TWIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\rzdj> nul if /i "%YUGIU%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoe> nul if /i "%YUGIE%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryop> nul if /i "%YUGIJ%" EQU "on" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\private\wii\title\ryoj> nul echo ARCHIVOS LIMPIOS echo. echo. @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul goto:MENU ::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?............................... :RCPAGE1 set REGIONCHANGE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \xbfEst\xe1 seguro que desea Cambiar su Regi\xf3n Wii? echo. echo. echo Notas Importantes: echo ----------------- echo. echo * Cambiar la regi\xf3n no es necesario para jugar otra regi\xf3n. Por ejemplo, echo usted puede jugar juegos japoneses en un softmodded Wii de EE.UU. sin echo cambiar la regi\xf3n. echo. echo * Una alternativa a los cambios en la regi\xf3n es el uso de SNEEK\UNEEK echo para emular una regi\xf3n de men\xfa de sistema diferente. echo. echo. echo Si usted todav\xeda desea cambiar su regi\xf3n de Wii, lea las siguientes echo advertencias antes de continuar: echo. echo. echo Advertencias: echo ------------ echo. echo * Si utiliza el Canal de Compras Wii, debe iniciar el canal y eliminar su echo cuenta antes de iniciar esta gu\xeda en su Wii. Si no el Canal Tienda Wii echo dara error. echo. echo * Aseg\xfarese de que su televisor es compatible con la visualizaci\xf3n de la support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 regi\xf3n que est\xe1 cambiando. Si su televisor no es compatible con PAL, no echo cambie de regi\xf3n PAL. Lo mismo se aplica a NTSC. Si su televisor no es support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 compatible con la pantalla seleccionada, no podr\xe1 ver la pantalla de Wii support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 m\xe1s. echo. echo * la regi\xf3n de ModMii va a cambiarla con la gu\xeda se supone que su Wii ya support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 estxe1 softmodded con el Homebrew Channel, IOS236 y BootMii. Si falta alguno echo de los que utiliza el Asistente ModMii antes de continuar con esta gu\xeda echo instalelo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p REGIONCHANGE= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%REGIONCHANGE%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE3 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:RCPAGE1 ::--------------------Wizard Settings Detected---------------- :LoadWizardSettings set LoadWizSettings= if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:WPAGE1 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ˇAsistente de configuraci\xf3n de guardado detectado! echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfLe gustar\xeda cargar los ajustes guardados del asistente ahora? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Usted podr\xe1 ver y confirmar la configuraci\xf3n de carga echo antes de iniciar la descarga echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, cargar Wizard_Settings.bat support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, Continuar con el asistente de descarga echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]D[def] = Eliminar Wizard_Settings.bat para dejar de ver esta p\xe1gina echo en adelante continuar con el Asistente de Descarga echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p LoadWizSettings= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip call Wizard_Settings.bat IF "%USBGUIDE%"=="" set USBGUIDE=n if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "Y" set ThemeSelection=r if /i "%Mii%" EQU "Y" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%pri%" EQU "Y" set PRIQ=Y if /i "%H5%" EQU "Y" set RECCIOS=Y if /i "%HM%" EQU "Y" set HMInstaller=Y if /i "%yawmm%" EQU "Y" set yawmq=Y if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "Y" set IOS236InstallerQ=Y goto:WPAGELAST :skip if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" del Wizard_Settings.bat>nul if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE1 if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE1 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:LoadWizardSettings ::...................................Wizard Page1 - Virgin?............................... :WPAGE1 set VIRGIN= set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set RECCIOS= set yawmQ= set PRIQ= set ThemeSelection=N cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfEs esta la primera vez que modifica su Wii? echo --- echo O echo --- echo Desea actualizar todos los mods (conocido como volver a hackear tu Wii) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: Solo usted sabe especificamente lo que usted desea actualizar echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p VIRGIN= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:backtoloadwiz if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:MENU :backtoloadwiz if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "B" goto:LoadWizardSettings if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE1 ::...................................Wizard Page2 - Current Firmware............................... :WPAGE2 set FIRMSTART= set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE2 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Soluciones HackMii if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfCu\xe1l es su versi\xf3n del firmware actual? echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Para un videotutorial sobre la comprobaci\xf3n de su firmware entrar echo en "Ayuda" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Para comprobar esto, en su Wii, haga clic en el bot\xf3n Wii en la support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 parte inferior izquierda del men\xfa del sistema, haga clic en support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n de Wii, entonces ver\xe1 el firmware en la parte echo superior derecha de la pantalla (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:skipnote echo. echo Nota: Si el firmware actual es v2.2 o inferior, es posible que necesite echo utilizar un exploit alternativo [es decir. Twilight Hack (U/E/J), echo Stack Smash (U/J) o Indiana Pwns (U/E)] en lugar de Bannerbomb. echo. :skipnote echo. echo. echo. echo 4.3 = 4.3 echo 4.2 = 4.2 echo 4.1 = 4.1 echo 4.0 = 4.0 echo 3.X = 3.0-3.5 echo O = Otros (Inferior a 2.2) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p FIRMSTART= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "ayuda" goto:nohelp cd /d SUPPORT start SMver.html cd /d %ModMiipath% goto:WPAGE2 :nohelp if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set FIRMSTART=3.X if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIIBACK if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE1 goto:incorrectkey :HACKMIIBACK if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "B" goto:MENU :incorrectkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE2 ::...................................Wizard Page3 - REGION............................... :WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3hard if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3hard if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION :WPAGE3hard set REGION= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 regi\xf3n le gustar\xeda cambiar?) & (goto:skiptext) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfCu\xe1l es su regi\xf3n? echo. echo. echo Para un videotutorial sobre la comprobaci\xf3n de su firmware escribir echo "Ayuda" echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: para comprobar esto, en su Wii, haga clic en el bot\xf3n Wii en la support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 parte inferior izquierda del men\xfa del sistema, haga clic en support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n de Wii, entonces ver\xe1 el firmware en la parte echo superior derecha de la pantalla (ie. 4.2U, 4.1J, 3.2E, etc.) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Si tu Wii fue cambiada la regi\xf3n elegir la zona donde se echo encuentra actualmente echo. echo. echo U = USA echo E = Euro (PAL) echo J = JAP echo K = Coreano echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p REGION= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:RCPAGE1 goto:badkey :notRC if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:WPAGE3C if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE2 if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "Ayuda" goto:nohelp cd /d SUPPORT start SMver.html cd /d %ModMiipath% goto:WPAGE3 :nohelp :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE3 ::...................................Wizard Page3C - Exploit............................... :WPAGE3C SET EXPLOIT=default set exploitselection= if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE3Cnext if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE3Cnext goto:WPAGE4 ::Only virgin 4.3 U/E/J wii's or <2.2 U/E/J Wii's will make it this far :WPAGE3Cnext set backb4HACKMIISOLUTION=WPAGE3c set exploitselection=yes cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Seleccione el Exploit que le gustar\xeda utilizar para modificar su Wii. echo. echo. if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:skipbomb echo ATENCION: Un exploit nuevo llamado Letterbomb ha sido liberado, pero support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ModMii no est\xe1 preparado para usted todav\xeda. Si desea utilizar echo este exploit con poca ayuda ModMii, tipo "BOMB" echo. echo. echo. echo BOMB = LetterBomb echo. echo. echo Los siguientes exploits 4.3 requieren que tenga uno de los echo siguientes juegos: :skipbomb echo. echo S = Super Smash Brothers Brawl if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo L = LEGO Indiana Jones if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LB = LEGO Batman if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo LS = LEGO Star Wars if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo Y = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo TOS = Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo T = Twilight Princess: The Legend of Zelda if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20? = Si no est\xe1s seguro, descarge todo lo anterior y m\xe1s tarde decida echo. echo. echo. if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:skipOmsg support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] Notas importantes: echo. echo Alternativamente, usted puede actualizar su Wii a la version v3.0-4.2 con un echo DISCO (es decir, NSMBW) repita el Asistente de descarga con su nuevo firmware echo para hackear su Wii sin necesidad de uno de los juegos anteriores echo. :skipOmsg echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20B = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20M = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p EXPLOIT= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" goto:twilightnotavailable if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" goto:WPAGE3D :twilightnotavailable ::ALL except KOR if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" goto:WPAGE3D :skip if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE3D if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:notbomb if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "BOMB" goto:bombinfo :notbomb echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE3C :bombinfo ::start http://please.hackmii.com cd /d SUPPORT start LetterBombFrames.html cd /d %ModMiipath% cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ModMii deber\xeda de abrir su navegador en http://please.hackmii.com echo. echo Un videotutorial de la correcta descarga Letterbomb se pueden support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 encontrar en el panel al lado de la p\xe1gina web. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 En esta p\xe1gina web, introducir su regi\xf3n men\xfa de sistema y la direcci\xf3n MAC echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: para encontrar la direcci\xf3n MAC de tu Wii, haga clic en el Bot\xf3n Wii support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 en la parte inferior izquierda del men\xfa de sistema,haga clic en support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n de Wii, luego Internet, la consola de la Informaci\xf3n. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Desactive la opci\xf3n paquete HackMii Installer por mi, rellenar el c\xf3digo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 de la imagen y elej\xedr cualquiera de los dos. Que se descarga un archivo ZIP, echo abrir este archivo, y usted Vera una carpeta de copia privada, y lo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 pega en la ra\xedz de la tarjeta SD. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 ModMii va a generar una gu\xeda para el supuesto de que hayas hecho esto echo correctamente. echo. echo. echo Pulse cualquier tecla cuando este listo para continuar... echo. pause>nul goto:WPAGE3D ::...................................Wizard Page3D - Active IOSs............................... :WPAGE3D if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION SET UpdatesIOSQ= if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" goto:forceQ if /i "%FIRMSTART%" LSS "4.3" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:WPAGE4 ::Only 4.3 Wii's without active IOS "ON" will make it this far :forceQ cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo \xbfDescargar IOSs activos y alguna protecci\xf3n adicional de brick (IOSs parcheado de if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo men\xfa de sistema)? if /i "%Virgin%" NEQ "N" echo \xbfQuieres descargar IOSs activos? echo. echo. echo. echo N = No echo. if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo Si previamente ha usado ModMii para modificar completamente tu Wii ya debe if /i "%Virgin%" EQU "N" echo tener instalado estos. if /i "%FirmStart%" EQU "4.3" support\sfk echo \x20 \x20\x20 Est\xe1s en el men\xfa del sistema 4.3, as\xed que probablemente ya tiene el if /i "%FirmStart%" EQU "4.3" echo \xfaltimo IOSs. Si su Wii nunca ha sido realmente modificada anteriormente, if /i "%FirmStart%" EQU "4.3" echo se puede decir No. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Y = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Si s\xfa Wii tiene DarkCorp/cIOSCorp instalado, se puede decir S\xed echo para sobrescribirlo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Si los discos originales de Wii o WiiWare no est\xe1n funcionando support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 correctamente, decir S\xed para arreglarlo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 B = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 M = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p UpdatesIOSQ= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:backtowpage3 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:backtowpage3 if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3C :backtowpage3 if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE3D ::...................................Wizard Page4 - New Firmware............................... :WPAGE4 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION set FIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Seleccione el nuevo firmware que le gustar\xeda actualizar o rebajar. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" (echo.) & (echo.) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: si el firmware actual = Nuevo firmware, es igual al men\xfa de sistema) if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 no se descargar\xe1) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.3 = 4.3 [RECOMENDADO]) else (echo 4.3 = 4.3) if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.2 = 4.2 [RECOMENDADO]) else (echo 4.2 = 4.2) if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:SkipGreen4.1 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" goto:SkipGreen4.1 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] 4.1 = 4.1 [RECOMENDADO] goto:skipWhite4.1 :SkipGreen4.1 echo 4.1 = 4.1 :skipWhite4.1 echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p FIRM= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE3 :notRC if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:noexploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:wpage3c if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "4.3" goto:wpage3 if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" (goto:wpage3c) else (goto:WPAGE3D) :noexploits if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" (goto:wpage3) else (goto:WPAGE3D) :notback echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE4 ::...................................Wizard Page5 - MORE Channels?............................... :WPAGE5 set MORE= set PIC= set NET= set Weather= set NEWS= set MIIQ= set Shop= set Speak= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Te gustar\xeda instalar cualquiera de los siguientes canales: echo. echo. echo. echo * Fotos if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Internet if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Tiempo if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Noticias echo * Mii echo * Tienda if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" echo * Wii Speak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Todo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Alguno support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p MORE= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%MORE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand if /i "%MORE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE4 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13 :forsneeknand if /i "%MORE%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:WPAGE20 if "%SMTHEMEAPP%"=="" (goto:SNKPAGE4c) else (goto:WPAGE20) :notback if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:WPAGE6 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE6 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE5 ::...................................Wizard Page6 - Photo Channel............................... :WPAGE6 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set PIC=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE7 set PIC= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el Canal Fotos? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p PIC= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE7 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE7 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%PIC%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE6 ::...................................Wizard Page7 - Internet?............................... :WPAGE7 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NET=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE8 set NET= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el Canal Internet? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p NET= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE8 if /i "%NET%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE8 if /i "%NET%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%NET%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE7 ::...................................Wizard Page8 - Weather............................... :WPAGE8 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Weather=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE9 set Weather= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el canal del tiempo? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WEATHER= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE9 if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE9 if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE7 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE8 ::...................................Wizard Page9 - NEWS............................... :WPAGE9 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set NEWS=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE10 set NEWS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el canal noticias? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p NEWS= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE10 if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE8 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE9 ::...................................Wizard Page10 - Mii............................... :WPAGE10 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set MIIQ=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE11 set MIIQ= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el Canal Mii? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Menu Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p MIIQ= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE11 if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE11 if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Koreanbacktophoto if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE9 :Koreanbacktophoto if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE6 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE10 ::...................................Wizard Page11 - Shop............................... :WPAGE11 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Shop=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE12 set Shop= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el canal tienda? if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: IOS56 tambi\xe9n se debe descargar echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SHOP= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE12 if /i "%Shop%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE12 if /i "%Shop%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%Shop%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE10 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE11 ::...................................Wizard Page12 - Speak............................... :WPAGE12 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set Speak=Y if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:WPAGE13 set Speak= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfInstalar el Canal Wii Speak? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p Speak= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%Speak%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%Speak%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%Speak%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE12 ::...................................Wizard Page13 - MORE Advanced Channels?............................... :WPAGE13 if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE12 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" set B4SNKCONFIRM=WPAGE5 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM set Advanced= set HMInstaller= set RECCIOS= set yawmQ= set PRIQ= set ThemeSelection=N cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Quieres instalar y\o actualizar los siguientes: echo. echo. echo. echo * Homebrew Channel y\o BootMii echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (echo * cIOSs y cMIOS Recomendados) else (echo * cIOSs Recomendados) echo. echo * Hay otro Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM) echo. echo * IOS236 echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Priiloader v0.7 (o hacks men\xfa de Sistema) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Tema del Men\xfa de Sistema echo. echo * USB-Loader echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p Advanced= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:BACK2MORE if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:BACK2MORE if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:BACK2WPAGE11 if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 :BACK2MORE if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 :BACK2WPAGE11 if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE13B if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE13 ::...................................Wizard Page13B - HAckMii Installer............................... :WPAGE13B set HMInstaller= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda instalar y\o actualizar el Homebrew Channel y\o BootMii? echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Esto descargar\xe1 el instalador HackMii y IOS58 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Para un v\xeddeotutorial sobre c\xf3mo comprobar la versi\xf3n de HBC escriba echo "Ayuda" echo. echo. ::echo Descargue los siguientes archivos: ::echo --------------------------------------- ::echo. ::echo * HackMii Installer ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Todos los exploits disponibles ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.X" echo * BannerBomb v1 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" echo * BannerBomb v1 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" echo * BannerBomb v1 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" echo * BannerBomb v2 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" echo * Todos los exploits disponibles ::echo * IOS58 ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" (echo.) & (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Exploit Letterbomb disponible aqu\xed - http://please.hackmii.com) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p HMInstaller= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE14 if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE14 if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Ayuda" goto:nohelp cd /d SUPPORT start HBCIOS.html cd /d %ModMiipath% goto:WPAGE13B :nohelp echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE13B ::...................................Wizard Page14 - cIOSs and cMIOSs............................... :WPAGE14 set RECCIOS= set d2x-beta-rev=7-final if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfLe gustar\xeda actualizar los siguientes CIOs y cMIOS recomendados?) else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfLe gustar\xeda actualizar los cIOSs recomendados?) echo. echo. echo. echo *cIOS202[60]-v5.1R.wad echo. echo *cIOS222[38]-v4.wad echo. echo *cIOS223[37-38]-v4.wad echo. echo *cIOS224[57]-v5.1R.wad echo. echo *cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad echo. echo *cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad echo. if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip echo *RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2.wad :quickskip echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p RECCIOS= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE17 if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE17 if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13B echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE14 ::...................................Wizard Page15 and 16 removed............................... ::...................................Wizard Page17 - YAWMM............................... :WPAGE17 set yawmQ= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfDescargar Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)? echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: Otros Wad Managers pueden no ser compatibles con cIOSs con support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 IOS38 como base. Si usted no est\xe1 utilizando YAWMM Wad Manager echo como principal, no sabe lo que se pierde. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p yawmQ= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE18 if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE18 if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE14 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE17 ::...................................Wizard Page18 - IOS236 Installer............................... :WPAGE18 set IOS236InstallerQ= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda instalar IOS236? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: IOS236 se utiliza para instalar otras cosas, como WADs, Priiloader, etc echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p IOS236InstallerQ= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE19 if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE19 if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE17 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE18 ::...................................Wizard Page19 - Priiloader............................... :WPAGE19 set PRIQ= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda instalar y\o actualizar Priiloader (o hacks el men\xfa de sistema)? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p PRIQ= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE18 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE19 ::...................................Wizard Page20 - Theme Selection............................... :WPAGE20 set ThemeSelection= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nocheck if "%SMTHEMEAPP%"=="" goto:WPAGE5 :nocheck cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR SNEEK NAND) else (echo CREADOR SNEEK NAND) echo. echo. :quickskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda instalar un tema personalizado en tu Wii? echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]WWW[def] = Ver todos los temas disponibles en Youtube echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]CE[def] = Canal Efecto para la personalizaci\xf3n de temas para el support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20men\xfa del sistema: %effect% echo. echo * Elegir entre 3 efectos: No-Spin, Spin y Fast-Spin echo. echo. echo. echo R = DarkWii Tema Rojo - %effect% echo. echo G = DarkWii Tema Verde - %effect% echo. echo BL = DarkWii Tema Azul - %effect% echo. echo O = DarkWii Tema Naranja - %effect% echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]N[def] = No, no cambiar el tema) else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]N[def] = No, yo quiero el mismo viejo y aburrido, men\xfa de sistema) echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Tema por defecto (restaurar tema original de la NAND emulada) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p ThemeSelection= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "WWW" goto:novid cd /d SUPPORT start WiiThemes.html cd /d %ModMiipath% goto:WPAGE20 :novid if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "CE" goto:OptionCEwizard if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGE20 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:DriveChange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE4 :notRC if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:forsneeknand if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE21 :forsneeknand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:quickskip if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" goto:quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE5 :quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:miniskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" goto:WPAGE5 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4c :miniskip if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2PRI if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced2 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2MORE2 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "A" goto:Back2MORE2 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:Back2SHOP2 if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2Speak2 :BACK2PRI if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE19 :BACK2ADVANCED2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 :BACK2SPEAK2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 :Back2SHOP2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE11 :BACK2MORE2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE5 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE20 :OptionCEwizard if /i "%effect%" EQU "no-spin" (set effect=Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%effect%" EQU "spin" (set effect=Fast-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Fast-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%effect%" EQU "fast-spin" (set effect=No-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=No-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:WPAGE20) ::...................................Wizard Page21 - Theme Selection............................... :WPAGE21 set USBGUIDE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda crear un USB-Loader ahora? echo. echo. echo Notas echo ===== echo. echo * Un USB-Loader permite a la Wii jugar a juegos desde un disco duro externo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 * Este paso siempre se puede hacer por s\xed mismo m\xe1s tarde desde support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 el men\xfa principal de ModMii. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p USBGUIDE= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE20 if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:UPAGE1 if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "N" goto:WPAGELAST echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGE21 ::...................................Wizard Last Page - Confirmation............................... :WPAGELAST set WLAST= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfSon estos los ajustes correctos? echo. echo. echo. if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar y\o actualizar todos los softmods recomendados if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" echo * Firmware actual es %FIRMSTART%%REGION% if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" echo * Firmware actual es menor que 2.2%REGION% echo * Firmware deseado %FIRM%%REGION% echo. if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el Canal Fotos if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el Canal Internet if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el canal tiempo if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el canal noticias if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el Canal Mii if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el canal Tienda (y IOS56) if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar el Canal Wii Speak echo. if /i "%HMInstaller%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar y\o actualizar el canal Homebrew y BootMii if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20* Instalaci\xf3n y\o actualizaci\xf3n recomendada de cIOSs y cMIOS) else (echo * Instalar y\o actualizar CIOSs recomendados) :smallskip if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Descargar Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM) if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar IOS236 if /i "%PRIQ%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar y\o actualizar Priiloader if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Rojo if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Verde if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Azul if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Naranja ::--------- if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb echo. if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set FORMATNAME=NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set FORMATNAME=WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip echo * Disco duro externo a de tener el formato %FORMATNAME% goto:skip2 :skip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20* Disco duro externo con formato ya est\xe1 como %FORMATNAME% :skip2 if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" echo * Descargar Configurable USB-Loader if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" echo * Descargar WiiFlow if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" echo * Descargar Configurable USB-Loader y WiiFlow if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * USB-Loader Configuraci\xf3n y los archivos de configuraci\xf3n para if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo guardar en el disco duro USB if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * USB-Loader configuraci\xf3n y los archivos de configuraci\xf3n para if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo guardar en la tarjeta SD :skipusb echo. echo. echo. if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Guardar configuraci\xf3n del Asistente para el uso futuro if exist Wizard_Settings.bat support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Wizard_Settings.bat existente ser\xe1 renombrado echo. :skip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WLAST= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%LoadWizSettings%" EQU "Y" goto:skip if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "S" goto:SaveWizardSettings :skip if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGELAST if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "Y" goto:DriveChange ::if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "N" goto:Menu if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "N" goto:Back2Advanced if /i "%Advanced%" EQU "Y" goto:Back2USB if /i "%MORE%" EQU "N" goto:Back2USB if /i "%MORE%" EQU "S" goto:Back2USB if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:backtoUpage2 :BACK2ADVANCED if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE13 :BACK2SPEAK if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE12 :Back2USB if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21 :backtoUpage2 if /i "%WLAST%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGELAST ::-------------Save Wizard Settings:------------------- :SaveWizardSettings cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. set countwiz=0 :renameWIZARDsettings if not exist Wizard_Settings.bat goto:skip SET /a countwiz=%countwiz%+1 if exist Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat goto:renameWIZARDsettings move Wizard_Settings.bat Wizard_Settings%countwiz%.bat :skip echo ::ModMii v%currentversion% - Wizard Settings - %DATE% - %TIME% >> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set VIRGIN=%VIRGIN%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set REGION=%REGION%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set FIRMSTART=%FIRMSTART%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set FIRM=%FIRM%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set PIC=%PIC%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set NET=%NET%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set WEATHER=%WEATHER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set NEWS=%NEWS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set MIIQ=%MIIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set Shop=%Shop%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set Speak=%Speak%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set HMInstaller=%HMInstaller%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set yawmQ=%yawmQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set IOS236InstallerQ=%IOS236InstallerQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set PRIQ=%PRIQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set ThemeSelection=%ThemeSelection%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set EXPLOIT=%EXPLOIT%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set MORE=%MORE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set ADVANCED=%ADVANCED%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set UpdatesIOSQ=%UpdatesIOSQ%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set RECCIOS=%RECCIOS%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set USBGUIDE=%USBGUIDE%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set UPAGE1=%UPAGE1%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set LOADER=%LOADER%>> Wizard_Settings.bat echo set USBCONFIG=%USBCONFIG%>> Wizard_Settings.bat if exist Wizard_Settings.bat support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Asistente de configuraci\xf3n de descarga guardado. @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WPAGELAST ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1 - Format?............................... :UPAGE1 set FORMAT=NONE cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\xbfC\xf3mo le gustar\xeda el formato de su disco duro externo? echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] 1 = FAT32 (RECOMENDADO) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Ventajas:[def] La Wii puede tener acceso a aplicaciones, juegos, car\xe1tulas y support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20m\xfasica almacenados en FAT32 Ideal si no siempre cuentan con una echo tarjeta SD para iniciar el USB-Loader Compatible con echo SNEEK/Triiforce NAND Emulada. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Contras: [def] No se puede almacenar archivos de m\xe1s de 4GBs. El l\xedmite no se echo aplica a los juegos Wii, que puede dividirse en dos partes. Esto support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20probablemente no afecta a menos que la unidad tambi\xe9n se utilize support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20para almacenar videos de alta definici\xf3n echo. echo 2 = NTFS echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Ventajas:[def] Puede almacenar archivos superiores a 4 GB CFG USB-Loader support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20puede acceder a juegos, car\xe1tulas y m\xfasica almacenada en NTFS echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Contras: [def] La Wii no puede acceder a las aplicaciones almacenadas en NTFS, echo necesita una tarjeta SD es necesario para ejecutar el USB-Loader echo (o un Canal SM) Incompatible con SNEEK/Triiforce Nand Emulada. echo. echo 3 = Particionar una parte como FAT32 y otra parte como NTFS echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Nota: Las unidades flash peque\xf1as no se pueden dividir echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Ventajas:[def] Se puede acceder a aplicaciones de Wii en la partici\xf3n FAT32 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20al mismo tiempo es capaz de guardar archivos de m\xe1s de 4GBs en support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20la partici\xf3n NTFS echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Contras: [def] Un poco m\xe1s de trabajo en la configuraci\xf3n que las demas echo. echo. echo 4 = Actualmente el formato de la Unidad es WBFS y no quiero cambiarlo echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Contras: [def] WBFS s\xf3lo puede ser le\xeddo por la Wii y s\xf3lo se utiliza para echo almacenar los juegos de Wii echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 5 = La unidad est\xe1 dividida en dos particiones FAT32/WBFS y no quiero cambiarlo echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Contras: [def] WBFS s\xf3lo puede ser le\xeddo por la Wii y s\xf3lo se utiliza para echo almacenar los juegos de Wii echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. set /p FORMAT= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:skip if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU :skip if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "B" goto:WPAGE21 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=* if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=* if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE1b echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:UPAGE1 ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page1b - Loader?............................... :UPAGE1b set LOADER= set usbfolder= set FLOW= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 USB-Loader te gustar\xeda usar? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Green] 1 = Configurable USB-Loader (RECOMENDADO) echo. echo. echo 2 = WiiFlow echo. echo. echo 3 = Both echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p LOADER= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1 set wbm=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "1" set LOADER=CFG if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "2" set LOADER=FLOW if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "3" set LOADER=ALL if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" goto:nextstep if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" goto:nextstep if /i "%LOADER%" NEQ "ALL" goto:skip :nextstep if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" goto:UPAGE2 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" goto:DriveChange if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" goto:UPAGE2 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE1b if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:DriveChange if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:UPAGE2 :skip echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:UPAGE1b ::...................................USB-Loader Setup Page2 - Config on USB vs SD?............................... :UPAGE2 set USBCONFIG= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\xbfD\xf3nde le gustar\xeda guardar la aplicaci\xf3n de USB-Loader, las car\xe1tulas y support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20los archivos de configuraci\xf3n? echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Green] USB = USB (RECOMENDADO)[def] (guardar los archivos en "COPY_TO_USB") echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Ventajas:[def] La tarjeta SD no es necesaria para poner en marcha USB-Loader support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Los archivos de USB-Loader ocupan un peque\xf1o %% de espacio echo libre en el disco duro USB echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] Contras: [def] Carga un poco m\xe1s l\xe9nto (casi insignificante) echo. echo. echo. echo SD = SD (Guardar los archivos en "%DRIVE%") echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Green] Ventajas:[def] Carga un poco m\xe1s r\xe1pido (casi insignificante) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] Contras: [def] No se puede iniciar el USB-Loader, sin la tarjeta SD echo los archivos USB-Loader pueden ocupar una gran %% de espacio echo libre echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p USBCONFIG= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "B" goto:UPAGE1b if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "M" goto:MENU ::if using wizard+usb-loader setup, set up both drive letters if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "W" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVE=WPAGELAST if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVEU=DRIVECHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:WPAGELAST if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:WPAGELAST :skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVE% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" set BACKB4DRIVEU=UPAGE2 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=UPAGE2 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "SD" goto:DriveChange echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:UPAGE2 ::...................................SNEEK Page1 - SNEEK SELECT............................... :SNKPAGE1 set SNEEKSELECT= set SNKS2U= set PRIIFOUND= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\xbfCu\xe1l de las siguientes acciones SNEEK le gustar\xeda realizar? echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = SNEEK Installation echo. echo 2 = Crear NAND emulada (para SNEEK) echo. echo 3 = Todo lo anterior (Recomendado para los usuarios novatos echo SNEEK) echo. echo. echo 4 = Extractor Juegos a granel (para SNEEK) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Los formatos soportados incl\xfayen ISO, CISO y archivos WBFS echo. echo. echo 5 = Modificar NAND emulada echo * Edita tu NAND emulada echo. echo. echo Requisitos: echo. echo * Tu Wii debe tener BootMii instalado para ejecutar SNEEK. Si echo no lo han instalado, ejecutar el Asistente de descarga de ModMii. echo. echo * Para optimizar la velocidad de su SNEEK o SNEEK+DI NAND emulada, echo la tarjeta SD debe estar formateada de 32 KB por sector. echo. echo * UNEEK y UNEEK+DI requieren el disco duro externo formateado support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 como FAT32 de 32k por cluster o menos. Si usted no sabe c\xf3mo echo formatear el disco duro de esta manera, en ModMii ejecutar echo el instalador USB-Loader. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * SNEEK+DI y UNEEK+DI siempre utiliza la partici\xf3n primera, si se support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 encuentran m\xfaltiples. echo. echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" (set neekURL=tinyurl.com/neeek2o) else (set neekURL=http://code.google.com/p/sneek) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ADVERTENCIA: SNEEK no es directamente compatible con ModMii. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Cualquier problema que tenga con SNEEK que no sea un resultado support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] directo de ModMii debe informarse aqu\xed: %neekURL% echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Este es tambi\xe9n un gran lugar para aprender m\xe1s acerca de SNEEK en general. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Otro gran recurso es la gu\xeda la encontrar\xe1 aqu\xed: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. set /p SNEEKSELECT= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:NEEKrevSelect if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:SNKDISCEX if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR echo You Have Entered an Incorrect Key @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE1 ::...................................SNEEK Page - NEEK rev Selection............................... :NEEKrevSelect if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (set googlecode=custom-di) & (set neekname=neek2o) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "ON" (set googlecode=sneeky-compiler) & (set neekname=neek) echo Comprobaci\xf3n de la versi\xf3n %neekname% alojadas en l\xednea... ::get all list start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/%googlecode%/downloads/list?can=2&q=zip&sort=-releasedate&colspec=Filename%20Summary%20Uploaded%20ReleaseDate%20Size%20DownloadCount" if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi) copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" ++"%googlecode%.googlecode.com/files/" ++"%neekname%-rev" -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _%neekname%-rev__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul ::get featured list support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" ++"%googlecode%.googlecode.com/files/" ++"%neekname%-rev" ++".zip', 'Featured'" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _%neekname%-rev__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul :nowifi ::get local list if not exist "temp\%neekname%\*.zip" goto:nolocallist dir "temp\%neekname%\*.zip" /b /O:-N>>temp\list.txt support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -rep _"%neekname%-rev"__ -rep _".zip"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul :nolocallist ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:getcurrentrev ::------actual page start---------- :NEEKrevSelect2 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET neekTOTAL=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a neekTOTAL=!neekTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i "%neekTOTAL%" EQU "0" (echo No se puede conectar a Internet y no hay versiones %neekname% de ahorro a nivel local) & (@ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:SNKPAGE1) SET /a LINES=%neekTOTAL%+21 if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% :noresize Set neekrev= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Seleccione la versi\xf3n de %neekname% que quiere crear: echo. echo. set RevCount=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processNEEKlist %%A goto:quickskip :processNEEKlist set CurrentRev=%* set /a RevCount=%RevCount%+1 findStr /I /C:"%CurrentRev%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set FeaturedTag=) else (set FeaturedTag= - Destacado) if not exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" echo %RevCount% = %CurrentRev% (alojado en Google Code)%FeaturedTag% if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" echo %RevCount% = %CurrentRev%%FeaturedTag% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. set /p neekrev= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%neekrev%" EQU "M" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%neekrev%" EQU "B" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:SNKPAGE1) if "%neekrev%"=="" goto:badkey if %neekrev% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %neekrev% GTR %RevCount% goto:badkey :getcurrentrev ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:cmdskip if "%neekrev%"=="" goto:quickskip :cmdskip ::----get selected %currentrev%---- set RevCount2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist2 %%A goto:quickskip :processlist2 set CurrentRev=%* set /a RevCount2=%RevCount2%+1 if /i "%RevCount2%" EQU "%neekrev%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:SNEEKINSTALLER mode con cols=85 lines=54 goto:SNKPAGE2 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:NEEKrevSelect2 ::...................................SNEEK Page2 - SNEEK TYPE............................... :SNKPAGE2 set SNEEKTYPE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 tipo de SNEEK quieres instalar? if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfCon SNEEK qu\xe9 tipo de NAND emulada le gustar\xeda crear? echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo Nota: NANDs creadas por cualquier SNEEK con cualquier otra SNEEK. Sin embargo, if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cualquier regi\xf3n puede utilizar cualquier regi\xf3n de NAND emulada if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]UD[def] = UNEEK+DI echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20* Emulador NAND Wii/el disco duro externo est\xe1 en FAT32 echo * Carga juegos de Wii de tu disco duro externo FAT32 echo * carga las aplicaciones desde la tarjeta SD con el Canal Homebrew support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20* DVD-Drive est\xe1 desactivado el acceso a juegos durante la ejecuci\xf3n de echo Uneek+DI pero puede ser utilizado en las aplicaciones (ejem. WiiXplorer) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]SD[def] = SNEEK+DI echo. echo * Emulador Wii NAND/en la memoria de la tarjeta SD echo * Carga juegos de Wii de tu disco duro externo FAT32 echo * Carga juegos de GameCube de tu tarjeta SD usando DML echo * Carga las aplicaciones desde un disco duro FAT32 USB desde Homebrew echo * DVD-Drive desactivado el acceso a juegos cuando se ejecuta con SNEEK+DI echo pero puede ser utilizado en las aplicaciones (ejem. WiiXplorer) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]U[def] = UNEEK echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20* Emular Wii NAND/el disco duro externo est\xe1 en FAT32 echo * No se puede cargar cualquier juego de su disco duro support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20* Carga aplicaciones desde una tarjeta SD a trav\xe9s del Homebrew echo * DVD-Drive acceso habilitado echo * Carga del disco de copia de seguridad requiere DarkCorp instalado echo en emulador NAND (Las nuevas Wii tiene un DVD-Drive que impide Carga del echo disco de copia de seguridad) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = SNEEK echo. echo * Emular Wii NAND/en la memoria de la tarjeta SD ::echo * Puede cargar solo un juego desde tu disco duro externo FAT32 echo * No se puede cargar cualquier juego de su disco duro echo * Cargar las aplicaciones desde un disco duro USB FAT32 con Homebrew echo * DVD-Drive acceso habilitado echo * Carga del disco de copia de seguridad requiere DarkCorp instalado en echo emulador NAND (Las nuevas Wii tiene un DVD-Drive que impide la Carga del echo disco de copia de seguridad) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. set /p SNEEKTYPE= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:NEEKrevSelect2 goto:SNKPAGE1 :notback if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVE=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:DRIVECHANGE ::if only building nand, no need to set drive, only driveU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVECHANGE goto:skip2 :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKPAGE2 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :skip2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE2 ::...................................SNEEK Page3 - SNEEK REGION............................... :SNKPAGE3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU% set DITYPE=off if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" set DITYPE=on if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" set DITYPE=on set REGION= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADA) else (echo CREADOR SNEEK NAND) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfEn qu\xe9 regi\xf3n quieres tu NAND emulada? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Si desea que su wiimotes est\xe9 sincronizado a tu NAND real echo y su NAND emulada al mismo tiempo, entonces usted debe elegir support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 la regi\xf3n real de tu Wii echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:skip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Atenci\xf3n:[def] NANDs JAP y corea espec\xedficamente no tienen hacks Regi\xf3n libre activada por defecto. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Esto s\xf3lo se aplica a WiiWare/VC Juegos (Canales aka), support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20el men\xfa DI/juego todavia puede jugar juegos de Wii de todas las regiones. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Sin embargo, se puede activar hacks regi\xf3n libre con Priiloader. :skip echo. echo. echo U = USA echo E = Euro (PAL) echo J = JAP echo K = coreano echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p REGION= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKPAGE3% if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGION%" EQU "u" set REGION=U if /i "%REGION%" EQU "e" set REGION=E if /i "%REGION%" EQU "j" set REGION=J if /i "%REGION%" EQU "k" set REGION=K if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set defaultserial=LU521175683 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set defaultserial=LEH133789940 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set defaultserial=LJM101175683 set serialdigits=11 or 12 ::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" (set serialdigits=11 or 12) else (set serialdigits=12) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKPAGE4 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKPAGE4 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE3 ::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK VERSION............................... :SNKPAGE4 set SNKVERSION= ::If region is USA and building NAND for DI, force 4.2 and go to next page ::if /i "%DITYPE%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip ::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SNKVERSION=4.2 ::if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE5 :::skip cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADA) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADA) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 \xbfQu\xe9 versi\xf3n de firmware le gustar\xeda que su SNEEK NAND emulada creara? echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Nota: TODAS las regiones Wii pueden utilizar TODAS las regiones support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20NAND emuladas. echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:skip if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Atenci\xf3n:[def] 4.2U y 4.1U especificamente NO hay trucos activados con Region Libre por defecto. if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Esto s\xf3lo se aplica a WiiWare/VC Juegos (Canales aqu\xed), if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20el men\xfa de DI/juego todav\xeda puede jugar a juegos Wii de todas las regiones. if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Sin embargo, se puede activar los trucos con regi\xf3n libre en Priiloader. :skip echo. echo. echo. echo 4.3 = 4.3 echo 4.2 = 4.2 echo 4.1 = 4.1 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKVERSION= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE3 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" goto:SNKPAGE4a echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4 ::...................................SNEEK Page4a - Post Loader Channel............................... :SNKPAGE4a set SNKPLC= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADA) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADA) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQuieres Publicar un Canal Loader Forwarder en su NAND emulada? echo. echo. echo Post Loader pretende sustituir el Canal Homebrew, Forwarders, echo USB-Loader con el apoyo de NAND emulada, etc echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 No es posible instalar la \xfaltima versi\xf3n del Canal Homebrew echo para NANDS emuladas y esta es una gran alternativa. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKPLC= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKPLC%" NEQ "B" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR) else (goto:SNKPAGE4) :miniskip if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4a ::...................................SNEEK Page4a2 - cIOS............................... :SNKPAGE4a2 set SNKCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADA) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADAS) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda instalar cIOS249 rev14 a su NAND emulada? echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Algunas aplicaciones que requieren un cIOS s\xf3lo funcionara con S\UNEEK echo con cIOS rev14. echo Por ejemplo, SaveGame Manager GX funciona en S\UNEEK con cIOS rev14. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKCIOS= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4a2 ::...................................SNEEK Page4a3 - cBC............................... :SNKPAGE4a3 set SNKcBC= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" set sneektype=SD cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADAS) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADAS) echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQuieres DML o NMM en su NAND emulada?) else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\xbfQuieres NMM en su NAND emulada?) echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML (Dios Mios Lite) es una herramienta que le permite ejecutar if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo juegos de Gamecube desde una tarjeta SD. La compatibilidad no if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 es 100% y s\xf3lo funciona con SNEEK+DI. Para obtener los mejores if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 resultados de su tarjeta SD debe estar formateada con tama\xf1os if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo de 64 KB por sector cuando se ejecuta DML. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 NMM (tarjeta de memoria, vac\xeda) redirige todas las memorias echo el acceso de GameCube a la tarjeta SD. Esto permite echo guardar\cargar el juego de GameCube guardado sin una tarjeta echo de memoria GC. echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Nota: NMM y DML no pueden estar instalados al mismo tiempo echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: DML s\xf3lo funciona cuando se utiliza SNEEK+DI echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nowarning if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "BC" goto:nowarning if /i "%BCTYPE%" EQU "NONE" goto:nowarning support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] ADVERTENCIA: Responder algo m\xe1s que %BCtype% se desinstalar\xe1 %BCtype% :nowarning echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo DML = DML if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" (echo NMM = NMM) else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKcBC= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a2 if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4b if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "Y" (set SNKcBC=NMM) & (goto:SNKPAGE4b) :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "SD" goto:skip if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" goto:SNKPAGE4b if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" goto:SNKPAGE4b :skip echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4a3 ::...................................SNEEK Page4b - Priiloader For SNEEK............................... :SNKPAGE4b set SNKPRI= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set sneektype=) else (goto:nocheck) if "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:SNKPAGE4c :nocheck cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADAS) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADAS) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQuieres Priiloader (y hacks) en su NAND emulada? echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hacer esto le permitir\xe1 activar trucos en su men\xfa de sistema NAND emulada. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Tambi\xe9n permitir\xe1 a las aplicaciones autobooting SNEEK con su elecci\xf3n echo (es decir, JoyFlow). echo. echo. echo Nota: para acceder a Priiloader en su NAND emulada, Reiniciar al igual que echo la NAND emulada se esta iniciando. echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:tinyskip if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] ADVERTENCIA: No se eliminara Priiloader de la NAND emulada. if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "yes" echo. :tinyskip echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKPRI= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4a3 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4c echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4b ::...................................SNEEK Page4c - JoyFlow............................... :SNKPAGE4c set SNKJOY= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:tinyskip ::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKJOY=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE4d) :tinyskip cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADAS) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADAS) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQuieres un canal Forwarder JoyFlow en su NAND emulada? echo. echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: JoyFlow Forwarder dol tambi\xe9n se agregara como priiloader de if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 archivo instalado. Configuraci\xf3n Priiloader de autoboot todav\xeda if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo tendra que ser cambiado si desea que su NAND emulada a autoboot if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 el archivo de instalaci\xf3n. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. echo * JoyFlow es USB-Loader para UNEEK+DI que es visualmente atractivo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 alternativa a la carga de los juegos de Wii y canales a trav\xe9s del support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 men\xfa de sistema emulado echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKJOY= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKJOY%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:SNKPAGE4b if "%SMAPP%"=="" (goto:SNKPAGE4a3) else (goto:SNKPAGE4b) :notback if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE4d if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE4d echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4c ::...................................SNEEK Page4d - Switch2UNEEK............................... :SNKPAGE4d set SNKS2U= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) ::skip this page if neek2o is enabled if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) ::skip this page if sneektype not uneek or uneek+di if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" (set SNKS2U=N) & (goto:SNKPAGE5) cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADAS) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADAS) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQuieres usar Switch2Uneek? echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Switch2Uneek es una \xfatilidad para ayudar a cambiar facilmente entre echo la NAND emulada UNEEK y su NAND Real. echo. echo. echo Si su respuesta es "Y", debe acceder a Uneek lanzando switch2uneek echo desde el Homebrew Channel. Alternativamente, puede usarlo para echo instalar el MMM el canal forwarder switch2uneek que se guarda echo en la tarjeta SD. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKS2U= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE4c if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKPAGE5 if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:SNKPAGE5 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE4d ::...................................SNEEK Page4 - SNEEK SERIAL............................... :SNKPAGE5 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set nandexist=no) & (goto:WPAGE20) if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" set nandpath=%DRIVE% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "U" set nandpath=%DRIVEU% if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" goto:DOIT if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip :DOIT SET NANDcount=0 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set nandregion=us if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set nandregion=eu if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set nandregion=jp if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set nandregion=kr if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%" (set nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%) & goto:quickskip :NANDname SET /a NANDcount=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%" (set nandpath=%nandpath%\nands\pl_%nandregion%%NANDcount%) & goto:quickskip goto:NANDname :quickskip set nandexist=no if exist "%nandpath%"\title set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\sys set nandexist=yes if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 set nandexist=yes cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADAS) else (echo CREADOR NAND EMULADAS) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQue n\xfamero de s\xe9rie Le gustar\xeda utilizar para crear setting.txt? echo. echo. if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] setting.txt ya existe en: if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" echo %nandpath% if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red] Deje en blanco la selecci\xf3n para seguir usando este setting.txt echo. echo. echo Escriba su n\xfamero de serie ahora echo. echo Ejemplo: %defaultserial% echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]D[def] = Serial por defecto %defaultserial% echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: Si desea que su NAND emulada tenga acceso echo a Internet debe utilizar el serial para la echo consola Wii (o el setting.txt de su descarga echo NAND) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p SNKSERIAL= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "B" goto:quickskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "S" goto:SNKPAGE4b if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "ON" (goto:SNKPAGE4c) else (goto:SNKPAGE4d) :quickskip if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "D" set SNKSERIAL=%defaultserial% if /i "%settingtxtExist%" EQU "yes" goto:settingsexist IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=9999999999999 goto:skip :settingsexist IF "%SNKSERIAL%"=="" set SNKSERIAL=current if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:WPAGE20 :skip ::limit user input to X# of digits if "%SNKSERIAL:~2%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~4%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~7%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~8%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~9%"=="" (goto:badkey) if "%SNKSERIAL:~10%"=="" (goto:badkey) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:skip ::if "%SNKSERIAL:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey) :skip if not "%SNKSERIAL:~12%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::next page goto:WPAGE20 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKPAGE5 ::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder Confirmation............................... :SNKNANDCONFIRM set SNKNANDCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de hacer los siguientes cambios en su NAND emulada if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:notalsoinstalling if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de instalar SNEEK+DI y crear una %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Nand Emulada if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de instalar UNEEK+DI y crear una %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Nand Emulada if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de instalar SNEEK y crear una %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Nand Emulada if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de instalar UNEEK y crear una %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Nand Emulada echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o Habilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" echo neek2o Desabilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD Habilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" echo SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD Desabilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) goto:skip :notalsoinstalling if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Usted est\xe1 a punto de crear una %SNKVERSION%%REGION% Nand Emulada if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de crear SNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de crear UNEEK+DI Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de crear UNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de crear SNEEK Rev%CurrentRev% echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o Habilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" echo neek2o Desabilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD Habilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" echo SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acces SD Desabilitado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) echo. echo. echo. echo. goto:nonandinstallation :skip if not exist temp\WAD mkdir temp\WAD echo. echo. echo Instalar WADs desde: temp\WAD\ echo En NAND emulada: %nandpath%\ echo. IF not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo Instale Wads de la carpeta personalizada: %addwadfolder%\ IF "%addwadfolder%"=="" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = A\xf1adir carpeta personalizada de WADs) IF "%addwadfolder%"=="" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 para la instalaci\xf3n en la NAND emulada) else (echo R = Eliminar carpeta personalizada de Wads de la NAND emulada) echo. echo. IF "%addwadfolder%"=="" (set emuitems=0) else (set emuitems=1) set emuwadcount=%emuitems% if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" NEQ "current" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * setting.txt se crear\xe1 con este n\xfamero de s\xe9rie: %SNKSERIAL%) else (echo * Setting.txt existentes se mantendran) echo. :skipthis if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "No" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "No" echo * Instalar/Actualizar el Canal nSwitch if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "No" echo. :skipthis if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar canal Post Loader if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar cIOS249 rev14 if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "BC" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NONE" goto:skipthis if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" echo * Desistalar %BCTYPE% if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" echo. :skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NMM" goto:noNMM if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Instalar NMM (No m\xe1s tarjetas de memoria) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" echo. :noNMM if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo * Instalar DML (Dios Mios Lite) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo. :noDML set uninstallprii= if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:not5 if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "YES" (goto:priifound) else (goto:not5) :priifound if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Priiloader ya est\xe1 instalado if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" echo * Desistalar Priiloader if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" echo. if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "N" set uninstallprii=yes goto:miniskip :not5 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar Priiloader if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" echo. :miniskip if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar JoyFlow if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo * Instalar Switch2Uneek if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo. if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Rojo if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Verde if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Azul if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" echo * Instalar Tema Dark Wii Naranja if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" echo * Restaurar original\tema por defecto if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" echo. if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Fotos) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Internet) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Tiempo) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Noticias) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Mii) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Tienda) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" (echo * Instalar Canal Wii Speak) & (SET /a emuitems=%emuitems%+1) & (SET /a emuwadcount=%emuwadcount%+1) echo. if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]ADVERTENCIA: Una NAND emulada ya existe en: if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" echo %nandpath% if /i "%nandexist%" EQU "yes" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]NAND emulada existente ser\xe1 eliminada\Sustituida :nonandinstallation echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skip5 if /i "%emuitems%" NEQ "0" goto:skip5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] No hay cambios en la NAND emulada seleccionada. echo. echo. goto:noyes :skip5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, hacerlo ahora! :noyes ::echo. ::support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p SNKNANDCONFIRM= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:%B4SNKCONFIRM% if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU ::if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:skip if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "A" goto:addwadfolder if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "R" (set addwadfolder=) & (goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM) if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skip5 if /i "%emuitems%" EQU "0" goto:badkey :skip5 if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:skip if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER :skip if /i "%SNKNANDCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SNEEKINSTALLER :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM ::-----------------------------------Add WAD Folder to Install to emunand---------------------------------- :addwadfolder set addwadfolder= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca la ruta completa\carpeta de WADs que le gustar\xeda support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 instalar en su NAND emulada echo. echo. echo * Usted puede arrastrar y soltar la carpeta en esta echo ventana para no tener que escribir manualmente echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p addwadfolder= Escriba su seleccion aqui: ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set addwadfolder=%addwadfolder%">temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul del temp.txt>nul if /i "%addwadfolder%" EQU "M" (set addwadfolder=) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%addwadfolder%" EQU "B" (set addwadfolder=) & (goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM) :doublecheckwad set fixslash= if /i "%addwadfolder:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%addwadfolder:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set addwadfolder=%addwadfolder:~0,-1% if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckwad if not exist "%addwadfolder%" (echo.) & (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %addwadfolder% no existe, por favor, int\xe9ntalo de nuevo...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) ::make sure second char is ":" if /i "%addwadfolder:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (echo.) & (echo Introduzca la ruta completa incluyendo la letra de controlador, por favor vuelva a intentarlo...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) if not exist "%addwadfolder%\*.wad" (echo.) & (echo Wads no encontradas, por favor intente otra carpeta...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:addwadfolder) goto:SNKNANDCONFIRM ::...................................SNEEK Nand Builder............................... :SNKNANDBUILDER ::temporarily force wads to be saved to "root" of "temp" folder ::Set ROOTSAVE=on ::set DRIVE=temp//happens later if not exist "%nandpath%" mkdir "%nandpath%" ::if not exist temp\WAD mkdir temp\WAD if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:quickskip ::backup setting.txt if applicable if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\setting.txt >nul ::delete existing nand if exists if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo. if exist "%nandpath%"\title echo Deleting existing emulated nand... if exist "%nandpath%"\title rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\title if exist "%nandpath%"\ticket rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\ticket if exist "%nandpath%"\sys rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\sys if exist "%nandpath%"\shared1 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared1 ::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder if exist "%nandpath%"\import rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\import if exist "%nandpath%"\meta rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\meta if exist "%nandpath%"\shared2 rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\shared2 if exist "%nandpath%"\tmp rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\tmp if exist "%nandpath%"\wfs rd /s /q "%nandpath%"\wfs if exist "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" del "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt">nul ::if user selects S2U but has emulated nand on root without nandslot.bin, move existing nand to nands folder if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:quickskip SET /a NANDcountPLUS1=%NANDcount%+1 if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\title goto:quickskip echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Mover nand existente para emulaci\xf3n \nands\%NANDcountPLUS1% carpeta... if not exist "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\title move /y "%DRIVEU%"\title "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\title" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\ticket move /y "%DRIVEU%"\ticket "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\ticket" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\sys move /y "%DRIVEU%"\sys "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\sys" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared1 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared1" ::import, meta, shared2, tmp are deleted but will not be recreated by NAND Builder if exist "%DRIVEU%"\import move /y "%DRIVEU%"\import "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\import" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\meta move /y "%DRIVEU%"\meta "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\meta" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 move /y "%DRIVEU%"\shared2 "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\shared2" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\tmp move /y "%DRIVEU%"\tmp "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\tmp" if exist "%DRIVEU%"\wfs move /y "%DRIVEU%"\wfs "%DRIVEU%\nands\nand%NANDcountPLUS1%\wfs" :quickskip ::all if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set MII=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKU if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKE if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKJ if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKK :SNKU if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2U=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1U=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A97=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A87=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A7b=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM ::SMAPP is patched for UNEEK+DI Support if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000098 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000088 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007c if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set P=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=* goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS :SNKE if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2E=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1E=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A9a=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A8a=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A7e=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009b if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008b if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=0000007f if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set P=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=* goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS :SNKJ if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2J=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1J=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A94=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A84=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A78=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=00000095 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=00000085 if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000079 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set P=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=* goto:SNKBUGGEDSMIOS :SNKK if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=* if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:SKIPSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1K=* goto:SKIPSM :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:skip if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set A9d=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set A8d=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set A81=* goto:SKIPSM :skip :SKIPSM if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set SMAPP=0000009e if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set SMAPP=0000008e if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set SMAPP=00000082 if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" (set PK=*) & (set P0=*) if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=* :SNKBUGGEDSMIOS if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70K=* if /i "%SNKVERSION%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80K=* ::activeios set M10=* set IOS9=* set IOS12=* set IOS13=* set IOS14=* set IOS15=* set IOS17=* set IOS21=* set IOS22=* set IOS28=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* set IOS36v3608=* set IOS37=* set IOS38=* set ios41=* set ios43=* set ios45=* set ios46=* set IOS48v4124=* set IOS53=* set IOS55=* set IOS56=* set IOS57=* set IOS58=* set IOS61=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set EULAU=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set EULAE=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set EULAJ=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set EULAK=* :skipthis if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set IOS56=* if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" (set SM4.3U=) & (set SM4.2U=) & (set SM4.1U=) & (set SM4.3E=) & (set SM4.2E=) & (set SM4.1E=) & (set SM4.3J=) & (set SM4.2J=) & (set SM4.1J=) & (set SM4.3K=) & (set SM4.2K=) & (set SM4.1K=) if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" set cBC=* if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" set DML=* if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "N" set BC=* if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipdeselect if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "BC" set BC= if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" set DML= if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NMM" set cBC= :skipdeselect if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249-v14=* if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "Yes" goto:skip1line if /i "%SNKPRI%" EQU "Y" set HAX=* :skip1line if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" set JOYF=* if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" set PLC=* if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" set S2U=* if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" set nSwitch=* if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "Yes" set nSwitch= IF "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:miniskip ::subract 1 from %SMAPP% to get %SMTHEMEAPP% support\sfk dec %SMAPP%>dec.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dec.txt) do call :processdec %%A goto:nextstep :processdec set dec=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del dec.txt>nul SET /a dec=%dec%-1 support\sfk hex %dec% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhex %%A goto:nextstep :processhex ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set SMTHEMEAPP=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del hex.txt>nul ::change caps to lower case for hex numbers if applicable if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "A" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%a if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "B" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%b if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "C" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%c if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "D" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%d if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "E" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%e if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "F" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%f :miniskip goto:DLCOUNT ::..............................Emulated NAND Modifer - SNK NAND Selector.................... :SNKNANDSELECTOR set drivetemp= set NANDPATH= set REGION= set SMAPP= set SMTHEMEAPP= set SNKVERSION= set PRIIFOUND= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo MODIFICADOR DE NAND EMULADA echo. echo. echo. echo Escriba la Ruta de la NAND emulada echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: * Se puede arrastrar y soltar la unidad/carpeta en esta echo ventana para guardar el tener que escribir manualmente echo. echo. echo. echo EJEMPLOS echo. echo. echo L: echo. echo H:\nands\nand1 echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p DRIVETEMP= Escriba su seleccion aqui: ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul del temp.txt>nul if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU :doublecheckNANDPATH ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" EQU "Y" (set cmdlinemode=) & (set one=) & (set two=) set fixslash= if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1% if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckNANDPATH if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" goto:notexist if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title" goto:notexistnand if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\sys" goto:notexistnand if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\ticket" goto:notexistnand if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\shared1" goto:notexistnand ::Get NAND Info if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd" goto:notitle support\sfk hexdump -pure -nofile "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000002\content\title.tmd">temp\hexdump.txt FINDSTR /N . temp\hexdump.txt>temp\hexdump2.txt del temp\hexdump.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\hexdump2.txt" -+"49:" -write -yes set /p SMAPP= nul :notitle if "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:miniskip if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000098" (set REGION=U) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000088" (set REGION=U) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000007c" (set REGION=U) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000009b" (set REGION=E) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000008b" (set REGION=E) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000007f" (set REGION=E) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000095" (set REGION=J) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000085" (set REGION=J) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000079" (set REGION=J) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000009e" (set REGION=K) & (set SNKVERSION=4.3) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "0000008e" (set REGION=K) & (set SNKVERSION=4.2) if /i "%SMAPP%" EQU "00000082" (set REGION=K) & (set SNKVERSION=4.1) :miniskip ::check for priiloader if exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app" (set PRIIFOUND=YES) else (set PRIIFOUND=NO) ::check for current nswitch channel set nSwitchFOUND=NO set nswitchmd5=9f5ee8d0ea57c144c07d685ef0dee4da if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00010001\4e4b324f\content\00000001.app" goto:nonswitchcheck support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %nswitchmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00010001\4e4b324f\content\00000001.app" if not errorlevel 1 set nSwitchFOUND=YES :nonswitchcheck ::check for BC, NMM or DML set BCtype= set BCmd5=eb1b69f3d747145651aa834078c2aacd set DMLmd5=88720d0de8c7db7bf00f5053b76ae66b set NMMmd5=8663c24ab33540af6a818920a3a47c4a if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" (set BCtype=None) & (goto:noBCcheck) support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %BCmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" if not errorlevel 1 set BCtype=BC support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %DMLmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" if not errorlevel 1 set BCtype=DML support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %NMMmd5% "%DRIVETEMP%\title\00000001\00000100\content\00000008.app" if not errorlevel 1 set BCtype=NMM :noBCcheck IF "%SMAPP%"=="" goto:miniskip ::subract 1 from %SMAPP% to get %SMTHEMEAPP% support\sfk dec %SMAPP%>dec.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dec.txt) do call :processdec %%A goto:nextstep :processdec set dec=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del dec.txt>nul SET /a dec=%dec%-1 support\sfk hex %dec% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhexapp %%A goto:nextstep :processhexapp ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set SMTHEMEAPP=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del hex.txt>nul ::change caps to lower case for hex numbers if applicable if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "A" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%a if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "B" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%b if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "C" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%c if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "D" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%d if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "E" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%e if /i "%SMTHEMEAPP:~-1%" EQU "F" set SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP:~0,-1%f :miniskip set NANDPATH=%DRIVETEMP% ::echo NANDPATH=%NANDPATH% ::echo REGION=%REGION% ::echo SMAPP=%SMAPP% ::echo SMTHEMEAPP=%SMTHEMEAPP% ::echo SNKVERSION=%SNKVERSION% ::echo PRIIFOUND=%PRIIFOUND% if "%REGION%"=="" (goto:FOLLOWUPQ) else (goto:SNKPAGE4a) :notexist echo La carpeta que ha seleccionado no existe @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR :notexistnand echo La carpeta seleccionada no contiene ninguna NAND emulada @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR ::-----Unable to determine region, ask user----- ::..............................Emulated NAND Modifer - SNK NAND Selector.................... :FOLLOWUPQ set REGION= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo MODIFICADOR NAND EMULADA echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 ModMii es incapaz de determinar la Regi\xf3n de la NAND. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \xbfQu\xe9 regi\xf3n es tu NAND emulado? echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 Nota: * Tema y modificadores Priiloader est\xe1n inhabilitados echo para NANDs emuladas 4,0 o menos echo. echo. echo. echo U = USA echo E = Euro (PAL) echo J = JAP echo K = coreano echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa principal echo. echo. set /p REGION= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:SNKPAGE4a if /i "%REGION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%REGION%" EQU "B" goto:SNKNANDSELECTOR :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FOLLOWUPQ ::...................................SNEEK SNK DISC EXtractor............................... :SNKDISCEX IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" goto:checkwbfs IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" set ISOFOLDER=%DRIVEU%\WBFS goto:skip :checkwbfs if exist "A:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=A:\WBFS if exist "B:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=B:\WBFS if exist "C:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=C:\WBFS if exist "D:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=D:\WBFS if exist "E:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=E:\WBFS if exist "F:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=F:\WBFS if exist "G:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=G:\WBFS if exist "H:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=H:\WBFS if exist "I:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=I:\WBFS if exist "J:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=J:\WBFS if exist "K:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=K:\WBFS if exist "L:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=L:\WBFS if exist "M:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=M:\WBFS if exist "N:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=N:\WBFS if exist "O:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=O:\WBFS if exist "P:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=P:\WBFS if exist "Q:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Q:\WBFS if exist "R:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=R:\WBFS if exist "S:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=S:\WBFS if exist "T:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=T:\WBFS if exist "U:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=U:\WBFS if exist "V:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=V:\WBFS if exist "W:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=W:\WBFS if exist "X:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=X:\WBFS if exist "Y:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Y:\WBFS if exist "Z:\WBFS" set ISOFOLDER=Z:\WBFS IF "%ISOFOLDER%"=="" set ISOFOLDER=%DRIVEU%\WBFS :skip set drivetemp=%ISOFOLDER% if exist gametotal.txt del gametotal.txt>nul cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo JUEGO EXTRACTOR A GRANEL echo (PARA SNEEK) echo. echo. echo Introduzca la ruta donde Wii o Gamecube se guardan echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Subcarpetas tambi\xe9n se exploran support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Los formatos soportados incl\xfayen ISO, CISO y archivos WBFS echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Configuraci\xf3n actual: echo. echo %ISOFOLDER% echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 Notas: * Para continuar con la configuraci\xf3n actual support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 deje en blanco la selecci\xf3n y pulsar ENTER. echo. echo * Usted puede arrastrar y soltar la unidad/carpeta en esta echo ventana para guardar y no tener que hacerlo manualmente echo. echo. echo. echo EJEMPLOS echo. echo. echo L: echo. echo %%userprofile%%\Desktop\WiiGames echo Nota: %%userprofile%% acceso directo no funciona en Windows XP echo. echo WiiGames\ISOs support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Comprueba el WiiGames\carpeta de ISOs donde est\xe1 guardado echo ModMii echo. echo. echo C:\Users\XFlak\Desktop\New Folder echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p DRIVETEMP= Escriba la seleccion aqui: ::remove quotes from variable (if applicable) echo "set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP%">temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp.bat call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul del temp.txt>nul if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "B" goto:SNKPAGE1 if /i "%DRIVETEMP%" EQU "M" goto:MENU :doublecheckISOFOLDER set fixslash= if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "\" set fixslash=yes if /i "%DRIVETEMP:~-1%" EQU "/" set fixslash=yes if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" set DRIVETEMP=%DRIVETEMP:~0,-1% if /i "%fixslash%" EQU "yes" goto:doublecheckISOFOLDER if not exist "%DRIVETEMP%" goto:notexist ::---get game list------- echo. echo Escanear directorio de Juegos Wii... ::Support\wit list-l --unit GB --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt Support\wit list-l --recurse "%DRIVETEMP%">gametotal.txt copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul support\sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _"Total: "_"set gametotal="_ -rep _" discs*"__ -write -yes>nul call gametotal.bat del gametotal.bat>nul if /i "%gametotal%" EQU "0" goto:notexistiso set ISOFOLDER=%DRIVETEMP% set BACKB4DRIVEU=SNKDISCEX goto:DRIVEUCHANGE :notexist echo La carpeta seleccionada no existe @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKDISCEX :notexistiso del gamelist.txt>nul echo La carpeta seleccionada no contiene los archivos ISO, CISO o WBFS @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SNKDISCEX ::...................................SNK DISC EXtractor2............................... :SNKDISCEX2 echo. echo Comprobando si existe suficiente espacio libre... ::wit beta--> isosize command ::wit isosize --unit bytes -r "%ISOFOLDER%" ::---get required MB------- copy /y gametotal.txt gametotal.bat >nul ::support\sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*"~ "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MB*"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter gametotal.bat -ls+Total -rep _*", "_"set MegaBytesRequired="_ -rep _" MiB*"__ -write -yes>nul call gametotal.bat del gametotal.bat>nul if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ 1000 (set units=GB) else (set units=MB) ::echo Descargar hy.exe if exist temp\hy.exe goto:AlreadyinTemp if not exist hypatia.zip start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://www.milletre.net/software/hypatia/hypatia.zip if exist hypatia.zip support\7za e -aoa hypatia.zip -otemp hy.exe -r if exist hypatia.zip del hypatia.zip>nul :AlreadyinTemp ::---get approx required GB------- cd temp hy %MegaBytesRequired% 1024 />nul ::above command stores output in a "hy" file cd.. move /y temp\hy gigabytesrequired.txt>nul support\sfk filter gigabytesrequired.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gigabytesrequired.txt) do call :process %%A goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set GigaBytesRequired=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del gigabytesrequired.txt>nul ::---check for free space (not 100% accurate-will catch most cases without enough free space)--- if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" dir "%DRIVEU%">freespace.bat support\sfk filter freespace.bat -+"bytes " -+"octets " -+"Directory " -!"Directory of" -!"Directory di" -rep _" byte"*__ -rep _" octets"*__ -rep _,__ -rep _.__ -rep _" "__ -rep _*")"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"dirs"_"set freespace="_ -rep _*"Directory"_"set freespace="_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter freespace.bat -spat -rep _\xff__ -write -yes>nul ::Italian-dir cmd: 14 Directory 546.480.881.664 byte disponibili call freespace.bat del freespace.bat>nul ::Math in batch doesn't work with large numbers ::SET /a freespaceKB=%freespace%/1024 cd temp hy %freespace% 1048576 />nul ::above command stores output in a "hy" file cd.. move /y temp\hy megabytes.txt>nul support\sfk filter megabytes.txt -rep _".*"__ -write -yes>nul ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (megabytes.txt) do call :process %%A goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set freespaceMB=%* goto:EOF :nextstep del megabytes.txt>nul ::echo MegaBytesRequired es %MegaBytesRequired% ::echo GigaBytesRequired es %GigaBytesRequired% ::echo El espacio libre total es de aproximadamente %freespaceMB% MB [%freespace% bytes] ::pause if %MegaBytesRequired% GEQ %freespaceMB% (goto:needmorespace) else (goto:DISCEXCONFIRM) ::-------------------------------------DISCEX NEED MORE SPACE!!!--------------- :needmorespace cls set continue= ::resize window set lines= set gametotal= SET /a LINES=%gametotal%+42 if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo GAME BULK EXTRACTOR echo (FOR SNEEK) echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]ADVERTENCIA: NO TIENE SUFICIENTE ESPACIO LIBRE echo. echo. echo. echo Usted esta tratando de convertir %gametotal% Juegos Wii echo. echo Desde la carpeta origen: %ISOFOLDER% echo A carpeta destino %DRIVEU%\juegos echo. ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in gamelist.txt and turn each line of gamelist.txt into a variable for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process %%A goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop echo %* goto:EOF :nextstep echo. echo. echo. if /i "%units%" EQU "GB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]"%DRIVEU%" requiere aprox. %GigaBytesRequired%GB de espacio libre if /i "%units%" EQU "MB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]"%DRIVEU%" requiere %MegaBytesRequired%MB de espacio libre echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]Crear m\xe1s espacio libre o seleccionar una carpeta de origen m\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]peque\xf1a y vuelva a intentarlo echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOw]C[def] = Continuar de todos modos echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p continue= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%continue%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%continue%" EQU "C" goto:DISCEXCONFIRM echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:needmorespace ::-------------------------------------DISCEX CONFIRM--------------- :DISCEXCONFIRM cls set DISCEXCONFIRM= ::resize window set lines= set gametotal= SET /a LINES=%gametotal%+45 if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo JUEGO EXTRACTOR A GRANEL echo (PARA SNEEK) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Usted est\xe1 a punto de convertir el siguiente %gametotal% Juegos Wii echo. echo Desde la carpeta origen: %ISOFOLDER% echo A carpeta destino: %DRIVEU%\games echo. ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in gamelist.txt and turn each line of gamelist.txt into a variable for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (gametotal.txt) do call :process %%A goto:nextstep :process ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop echo %* goto:EOF :nextstep echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\xbfDesea continuar? echo. echo. ::echo Notas: * Cada juego podra llevar aproximadamente 5-15 minutos para convertir ::echo. ::echo * Asegurese de que tiene suficiente espacio libre en: %DRIVEU% ::support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 de lo contrario la extracci\xf3n producira un error al agotarse echo el espacio libre echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p DISCEXCONFIRM= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" del gametotal.txt>nul if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:DISCEXSTART if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "B" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%DISCEXCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:DRIVEUCHANGE echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DISCEXCONFIRM ::----------------Start WIT DISCEXTRACTION--------------- :DISCEXSTART cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo JUEGO EXTRACTOR A GRANEL echo (PARA SNEEK) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Actualizaci\xf3n de las bases de datos de titulos juegos Wii (titles.txt) echo. echo. ::if exist Support\titles.txt move /y Support\titles.txt Support\titles_old.txt >nul start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 www.wiitdb.com/titles.txt if exist titles.txt move /y titles.txt Support\titles.txt>nul ::rename existing games to new standard if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\games goto:nextstep dir "%DRIVEU%"\games /A:D /b > GameTitleIDs.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processdir %%A goto:nextstep :processdir set CurrentTitleID=%* if /i "%CurrentTitleID:~-8,1%" EQU "[" rename "%DRIVEU%\games\%CurrentTitleID%" "%CurrentTitleID:~-7,6%">nul goto:EOF :nextstep if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txt>nul ::reverse slashes for target folder %DRIVEU%\games which becomes %DRIVEUfix%/games echo set DRIVEUfix=%DRIVEU%>temp.bat support\sfk filter temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes>nul call temp.bat del temp.bat>nul ::IMPORTANT NOTE: destination directory must use "/" and not "\" ::target directory, including "games" folder, is creating automatically with the following wit command ::Support\wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress ::Support\wit x --sneek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%14T [%%I]" --progress Support\wit x --neek --recurse "%ISOFOLDER%" --DEST "%DRIVEUfix%/games/%%I" --progress ::an empty cygdrive folder may be created previous directory, so delete it! ::cd .. if exist cygdrive rd /s /q cygdrive ::cd /d %ModMiipath% ::delete diconfig.bin if found (needs to be reconstructed on next boot to see new games) if exist "%DriveU%\sneek\diconfig.bin" del "%DriveU%\sneek\diconfig.bin" >nul ::-----create csv list of all games in "%DRIVEU%"\games\ ----- echo @echo Off>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo dir games /A:D /b redirect GameTitleIDs.txt >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (GameTitleIDs.txt) do call :processmii @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :processmii>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set CurrentTitleID=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" rename "games\@@CurrentTitleID@@" "@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@"redirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if /i "@@CurrentTitleID:~-8,1@@" EQU "[" set CurrentTitleID=@@CurrentTitleID:~-7,6@@>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectTitleID.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat ::if title ID not in titles.txt just add title ID only echo for /F @@@@A in ("TitleID.txt") do If @@@@~zA equ 0 (echo @@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@redirectredirectGamelist.txt) else (FINDSTR /B /C:"@@CurrentTitleID:~0,6@@" titles.txtredirectredirectGamelist.txt)>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist TitleID.txt del TitleID.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist GameTitleIDs.txt del GameTitleIDs.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist.txt) do call :processmii2 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :processmii2>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo @@Line:~9@@,@@Line:~0,6@@redirectredirectgamelist2.txt>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist.txt del Gamelist.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo sort "Gamelist2.txt" redirect "Gamelist-sorted.txt">>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist2.txt del Gamelist2.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo Number,Title,Title IDredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo ,,redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set countline=0 >>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo for /F "tokens=*" @@@@A in (Gamelist-sorted.txt) do call :processmii3 @@@@A>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :processmii3>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo set Line=@@*>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo SET /a countline=@@countline@@+1>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo echo @@countline@@,@@line@@redirectredirectGame-List[ModMii].csv>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo goto:EOF>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo :nextstep>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo if exist Gamelist-sorted.txt del Gamelist-sorted.txtredirectnul>>"%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat support\sfk filter "%DriveU%"\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat -spat -rep _@@_%%_ -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet support\titles.txt -spat -rep _,_;_ -rep _" "_" "_ >%DriveU%\titles.txt cd /d "%DriveU%\" call "Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat" cd /d %ModMiipath% echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Green]JUEGO DE EXTRACCI\xf3N A GRANEL PARA COMPLETAR SNEEK echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Una lista de sus juegos se pueden encontrar aqu\xed: %DriveU%\Game-List[ModMii].csv echo Para actualizar la lista en cualquier momento, ejecutar %DriveU%\Game-List-Updater[ModMii].bat echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 Pulse cualquier tecla para volver al men\xfa principal. pause>nul goto:MENU ::........................................LIST / BATCH....................................... :LIST Set List= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]P\xc1GINA DESCARGAS 1 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 by XFlak echo. echo Elija agregar/quitar de las descargas (Seleccionadas marcadas con un *) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Descargar seleccionados \x20\x20 [YELLOW]1/2/3/4[def] = P\xe1ginas 1/2/3/4 \x20\x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Borrar Cola descarga \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW](blank)[def] = ciclo de P\xe1ginas \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]DR[def] = Men\xfa Disco echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Elija Grupo: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](U)[def]SA, [Red](E)[def]URO, [Red](J)[def]AP, [Red](K)[def]OR, [Red](I)[def]OSs Activos, Extra [Red](PR)[def]otecci\xf3n echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Red] Men\xfas de Sistema \x20 \x20 \x20 Non-Fakesigned IOSs\MIOS \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Otros WADs echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 %SM3.2U% 3.2U = 3.2U SM \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS9% 9 = IOS9v1034 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 %RSU% RSU = Elija regi\xf3n v2(U) support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 %SM4.1U% 4.1U = 4.1U SM \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS12% 12 = IOS12v526 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 %RSE% RSE = Elija regi\xf3n v2(E) support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 %SM4.2U% 4.2U = 4.2U SM \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS13% 13 = IOS13v1032 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %RSJ% RSJ = Elija regi\xf3n v2(J) support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 %SM4.3U% 4.3U = 4.3U SM \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS14% 14 = IOS14v1032 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %RSK% RSK = Elija regi\xf3n v2(K) echo %SM3.2E% 3.2E = 3.2E SM %IOS15% 15 = IOS15v1032 %EULAU% EU = EULA v3(U) echo %SM4.1E% 4.1E = 4.1E SM %IOS17% 17 = IOS17v1032 %EULAE% EE = EULA v3(E) echo %SM4.2E% 4.2E = 4.2E SM %IOS21% 21 = IOS21v1039 %EULAJ% EJ = EULA v3(J) echo %SM4.3E% 4.3E = 4.3E SM %IOS22% 22 = IOS22v1294 %EULAK% EK = EULA v3(K) echo %SM3.2J% 3.2J = 3.2J SM %IOS28% 28 = IOS28v1807 %BC% BC = BC v6 echo %SM4.1J% 4.1J = 4.1J SM %IOS30% 30NP = IOS30v2576 %cBC% NMM = cBC-NMM echo %SM4.2J% 4.2J = 4.2J SM %IOS31% 31 = IOS31v3608 %DML% DML = cBC-DML echo %SM4.3J% 4.3J = 4.3J SM %IOS33% 33 = IOS33v3608 support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 %SM4.1K% 4.1K = 4.1K SM \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS34% 34 = IOS34v3608\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]Fakesigned IOSs echo %SM4.2K% 4.2K = 4.2K SM %IOS35% 35 = IOS35v3608 %IOS11P60% 11 = IOS11(IOS60P) echo %SM4.3K% 4.3K = 4.3K SM %IOS36% 36a = IOS36v3351 %IOS20P60% 20 = IOS20(IOS60P) echo %IOS36v3608% 36 = IOS36v3608 %IOS30P60% 30 = IOS30(IOS60P) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Canales[def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %IOS37% 37 = IOS37v5663 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20%IOS30P% 30P = IOS30-Patched echo %P0% P0 = Foto (U/E/J/K) %IOS38% 38 = IOS38v4124 %IOS40P60% 40 = IOS40(IOS60P) echo %P% P = Foto 1.1(U/E/J) %IOS41% 41 = IOS41v3607 %IOS50P% 50 = IOS50(IOS60P) echo %PK% PK = Foto 1.1 (KOR) %IOS43% 43 = IOS43v3607 %IOS52P% 52 = IOS52(IOS60P) echo %S% SH = Tienda (U/E/J) %IOS45% 45 = IOS45v3607 %IOS60P% 60 = IOS60-Patched echo %SK% SK = Tienda (KOR) %IOS46% 46 = IOS46v3607 %IOS70K% 70K = IOS70(IOS60P) echo %IU% IU = Internet (USA) %IOS48v4124% 48 = IOS48v4124 %IOS70P% 70 = IOS70-Patched echo %IE% IE = Internet (EUR) %IOS53% 53 = IOS53v5663 %IOS80K% 80K = IOS80(IOS60P) echo %IJ% IJ = Internet (JAP) %IOS55% 55 = IOS55v5663 %IOS80P% 80 = IOS80-Patched echo %WU% WU = Tiempo (USA) %IOS56% 56 = IOS56v5662 %IOS236% 236 = IOS236(IOS36P) echo %WE% WE = Tiempo (EUR) %IOS57% 57 = IOS57v5919 support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 \x20 %WJ% WJ = Tiempo (JAP) \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 %IOS58% 58 = IOS58v6176\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red] (S)NEEK Archivos echo %NU% NU = Noticias (USA) %IOS60% 60NP = IOS60v6174 echo %NE% NE = Noticias (EUR) %IOS61% 61 = IOS61v5662 %A0e% 0e = 0e.app IOS80v6943 echo %NJ% NJ = Noticias (JAP) %IOS70% 70NP = IOS70v6687 %A0e_70% 0e_70 = 0e.app IOS70v6687 echo %WSU% WSU = WiiSpeak(USA) %IOS80% 80NP = IOS80v6944 %A0e_60% 0e_60 = 0e.app IOS60v6174 echo %WSE% WSE = WiiSpeak(EUR) %M10% M10 = MIOSv10 %A01% 01 = 01.app IOS80v6943 echo %WSJ% WSJ = WiiSpeak(JAP) %A01_70% 01_70 = 01.app IOS70v6687 echo %MII% Mii = Mii (RF) %A01_60% 01_60 = 01.app IOS60v6174 echo %A0c% 0c = 0c.app MIOSv10 echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p LIST= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%LIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST if /i "%LIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST if /i "%LIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR if /i "%LIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST if /i "%LIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "ADV" goto:Advanced IF "%LIST%"=="" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%LIST%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll if /i "%LIST%" EQU "U" goto:UALL if /i "%LIST%" EQU "E" goto:EALL if /i "%LIST%" EQU "J" goto:JALL if /i "%LIST%" EQU "K" goto:KALL if /i "%LIST%" EQU "I" goto:IOSACTIVE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PR" goto:PROTECTIONFILES if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:allsneekfiles if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3U" goto:Switch4.3U if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3E" goto:Switch4.3E if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3J" goto:Switch4.3J if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.3K" goto:Switch4.3K if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2U" goto:Switch3.2U if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1U" goto:Switch4.1U if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2U" goto:Switch4.2U if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2E" goto:Switch3.2E if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1E" goto:Switch4.1E if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2E" goto:Switch4.2E if /i "%LIST%" EQU "3.2J" goto:Switch3.2J if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1J" goto:Switch4.1J if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2J" goto:Switch4.2J if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.1K" goto:Switch4.1K if /i "%LIST%" EQU "4.2K" goto:Switch4.2K if /i "%LIST%" EQU "MII" goto:SwitchMII if /i "%LIST%" EQU "P" goto:SwitchP if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PK" goto:SwitchPK if /i "%LIST%" EQU "P0" goto:SwitchP0 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "SH" goto:SwitchS if /i "%LIST%" EQU "SK" goto:SwitchSK if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IU" goto:SwitchIU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IE" goto:SwitchIE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "IJ" goto:SwitchIJ if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WU" goto:SwitchWU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WE" goto:SwitchWE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WJ" goto:SwitchWJ if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NU" goto:SwitchNU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NE" goto:SwitchNE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NJ" goto:SwitchNJ if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSU" goto:SwitchWSU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSE" goto:SwitchWSE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "WSJ" goto:SwitchWSJ if /i "%LIST%" EQU "M10" goto:SwitchM10 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "9" goto:Switch9 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "12" goto:Switch12 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "13" goto:Switch13 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "14" goto:Switch14 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "15" goto:Switch15 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "17" goto:Switch17 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "20" goto:Switch20P60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "11" goto:Switch11P60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "21" goto:Switch21 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "22" goto:Switch22 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "28" goto:Switch28 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30" goto:Switch30P60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30P" goto:Switch30P if /i "%LIST%" EQU "31" goto:Switch31 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "33" goto:Switch33 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "34" goto:Switch34 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "35" goto:Switch35 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "36a" goto:Switch36 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "37" goto:Switch37 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "38" goto:Switch38 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "36" goto:Switch36v3608 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "40" goto:Switch40P60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "41" goto:Switch41 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "43" goto:Switch43 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "45" goto:Switch45 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "46" goto:Switch46 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "50" goto:Switch50P if /i "%LIST%" EQU "52" goto:Switch52P if /i "%LIST%" EQU "53" goto:Switch53 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "55" goto:Switch55 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "56" goto:Switch56 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "57" goto:Switch57 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "58" goto:Switch58 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "60" goto:Switch60P if /i "%LIST%" EQU "61" goto:Switch61 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70" goto:Switch70P if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70K" goto:Switch70K if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80K" goto:Switch80K if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80" goto:Switch80P if /i "%LIST%" EQU "236" goto:SwitchIOS236 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "30NP" goto:SwitchIOS30 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "48" goto:SwitchIOS48v4124 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "60NP" goto:SwitchIOS60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "70NP" goto:SwitchIOS70 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "80NP" goto:SwitchIOS80 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSU" goto:SwitchRSU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSE" goto:SwitchRSE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSJ" goto:SwitchRSJ if /i "%LIST%" EQU "RSK" goto:SwitchRSK if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EU" goto:SwitchEULAU if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EE" goto:SwitchEULAE if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EJ" goto:SwitchEULAJ if /i "%LIST%" EQU "EK" goto:SwitchEULAK if /i "%LIST%" EQU "BC" goto:SwitchBC if /i "%LIST%" EQU "NMM" goto:SwitchcBC if /i "%LIST%" EQU "DML" goto:SwitchDML if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e" goto:SwitchA0e if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01" goto:switchA01 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e_70" goto:SwitchA0e_70 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01_70" goto:switchA01_70 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0e_60" goto:SwitchA0e_60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "01_60" goto:switchA01_60 if /i "%LIST%" EQU "0c" goto:SwitchA0c echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:list :Switch3.2U if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" (set SM3.2U=) else (set SM3.2U=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.1U if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U=) else (set SM4.1U=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.2U if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U=) else (set SM4.2U=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.3U if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U=) else (set SM4.3U=*) goto:LIST :Switch3.2E if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" (set SM3.2E=) else (set SM3.2E=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.1E if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E=) else (set SM4.1E=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.2E if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E=) else (set SM4.2E=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.3E if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E=) else (set SM4.3E=*) goto:LIST :Switch3.2J if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" (set SM3.2J=) else (set SM3.2J=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.1J if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J=) else (set SM4.1J=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.2J if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J=) else (set SM4.2J=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.3J if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J=) else (set SM4.3J=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.1K if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K=) else (set SM4.1K=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.2K if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K=) else (set SM4.2K=*) goto:LIST :Switch4.3K if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K=) else (set SM4.3K=*) goto:LIST :SwitchMii if /i "%Mii%" EQU "*" (set Mii=) else (set Mii=*) goto:LIST :SwitchP if /i "%P%" EQU "*" (set P=) else (set P=*) goto:LIST :SwitchPK if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" (set PK=) else (set PK=*) goto:LIST :SwitchP0 if /i "%P0%" EQU "*" (set P0=) else (set P0=*) goto:LIST :SwitchS if /i "%S%" EQU "*" (set S=) else (set S=*) goto:LIST :SwitchSK if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" (set SK=) else (set SK=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIU if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" (set IU=) else (set IU=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIE if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" (set IE=) else (set IE=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIJ if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" (set IJ=) else (set IJ=*) goto:LIST :SwitchWU if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" (set WU=) else (set WU=*) goto:LIST :SwitchWE if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" (set WE=) else (set WE=*) goto:LIST :SwitchWJ if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" (set WJ=) else (set WJ=*) goto:LIST :SwitchNU if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" (set NU=) else (set NU=*) goto:LIST :SwitchNE if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" (set NE=) else (set NE=*) goto:LIST :SwitchNJ if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" (set NJ=) else (set NJ=*) goto:LIST :SwitchWSU if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" (set WSU=) else (set WSU=*) goto:LIST :SwitchWSE if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" (set WSE=) else (set WSE=*) goto:LIST :SwitchWSJ if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" (set WSJ=) else (set WSJ=*) goto:LIST :SwitchM10 if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" (set M10=) else (set M10=*) goto:LIST :Switch9 if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" (set IOS9=) else (set IOS9=*) goto:LIST :Switch12 if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" (set IOS12=) else (set IOS12=*) goto:LIST :Switch13 if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" (set IOS13=) else (set IOS13=*) goto:LIST :Switch14 if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" (set IOS14=) else (set IOS14=*) goto:LIST :Switch15 if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" (set IOS15=) else (set IOS15=*) goto:LIST :Switch17 if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" (set IOS17=) else (set IOS17=*) goto:LIST :Switch21 if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" (set IOS21=) else (set IOS21=*) goto:LIST :Switch22 if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" (set IOS22=) else (set IOS22=*) goto:LIST :Switch28 if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" (set IOS28=) else (set IOS28=*) goto:LIST :Switch40P60 if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" (set IOS40P60=) else (set IOS40P60=*) goto:LIST :Switch30P60 if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" (set IOS30P60=) else (set IOS30P60=*) goto:LIST :Switch30P if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" (set IOS30P=) else (set IOS30P=*) goto:LIST :Switch31 if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" (set IOS31=) else (set IOS31=*) goto:LIST :Switch33 if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" (set IOS33=) else (set IOS33=*) goto:LIST :Switch34 if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" (set IOS34=) else (set IOS34=*) goto:LIST :Switch35 if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" (set IOS35=) else (set IOS35=*) goto:LIST :Switch36 if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" (set IOS36=) else (set IOS36=*) goto:LIST :Switch37 if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" (set IOS37=) else (set IOS37=*) goto:LIST :Switch38 if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" (set IOS38=) else (set IOS38=*) goto:LIST :Switch41 if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" (set IOS41=) else (set IOS41=*) goto:LIST :Switch43 if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" (set IOS43=) else (set IOS43=*) goto:LIST :Switch45 if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" (set IOS45=) else (set IOS45=*) goto:LIST :Switch46 if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" (set IOS46=) else (set IOS46=*) goto:LIST :Switch50P if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" (set IOS50P=) else (set IOS50P=*) goto:LIST :Switch52P if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" (set IOS52P=) else (set IOS52P=*) goto:LIST :Switch11P60 if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" (set IOS11P60=) else (set IOS11P60=*) goto:LIST :Switch20P60 if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" (set IOS20P60=) else (set IOS20P60=*) goto:LIST :Switch53 if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" (set IOS53=) else (set IOS53=*) goto:LIST :Switch55 if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" (set IOS55=) else (set IOS55=*) goto:LIST :Switch56 if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" (set IOS56=) else (set IOS56=*) goto:LIST :Switch57 if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" (set IOS57=) else (set IOS57=*) goto:LIST :Switch58 if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" (set IOS58=) else (set IOS58=*) goto:LIST :Switch60P if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" (set IOS60P=) else (set IOS60P=*) goto:LIST :Switch61 if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" (set IOS61=) else (set IOS61=*) goto:LIST :Switch70P if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" (set IOS70P=) else (set IOS70P=*) goto:LIST :Switch80P if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" (set IOS80P=) else (set IOS80P=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS236 if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" (set IOS236=) else (set IOS236=*) goto:LIST :Switch70K if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" (set IOS70K=) else (set IOS70K=*) goto:LIST :Switch80K if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" (set IOS80K=) else (set IOS80K=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS30 if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" (set IOS30=) else (set IOS30=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS9 if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" (set IOS9=) else (set IOS9=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS48v4124 if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" (set IOS48v4124=) else (set IOS48v4124=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS60 if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" (set IOS60=) else (set IOS60=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS70 if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" (set IOS70=) else (set IOS70=*) goto:LIST :SwitchIOS80 if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" (set IOS80=) else (set IOS80=*) goto:LIST :Switch36v3608 if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" (set IOS36v3608=) else (set IOS36v3608=*) goto:LIST :SwitchEULAU if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" (set EULAU=) else (set EULAU=*) goto:LIST :SwitchEULAE if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" (set EULAE=) else (set EULAE=*) goto:LIST :SwitchEULAJ if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" (set EULAJ=) else (set EULAJ=*) goto:LIST :SwitchEULAK if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" (set EULAK=) else (set EULAK=*) goto:LIST :SwitchRSU if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" (set RSU=) else (set RSU=*) goto:LIST :SwitchRSE if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" (set RSE=) else (set RSE=*) goto:LIST :SwitchRSJ if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" (set RSJ=) else (set RSJ=*) goto:LIST :SwitchRSK if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" (set RSK=) else (set RSK=*) goto:LIST :SwitchBC if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" (set BC=) else (set BC=*) goto:LIST :SwitchcBC if /i "%cBC%" EQU "*" (set cBC=) else (set cBC=*) goto:LIST :SwitchDML if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (set DML=) else (set DML=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA0e if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" (set A0e=) else (set A0e=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA0e_70 if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" (set A0e_70=) else (set A0e_70=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA0e_60 if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" (set A0e_60=) else (set A0e_60=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA0c if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" (set A0c=) else (set A0c=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA01 if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" (set A01=) else (set A01=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA01_70 if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" (set A01_70=) else (set A01_70=*) goto:LIST :SwitchA01_60 if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" (set A01_60=) else (set A01_60=*) goto:LIST :SELECTALL :PROTECTIONFILES set IOS11P60=* set IOS20P60=* set IOS30P60=* set IOS40P60=* set IOS50P=* set IOS52P=* set IOS60P=* set IOS70K=* set IOS80K=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "PR" goto:list :UALL set MII=* set P=* set P0=* set S=* set IU=* set WU=* set NU=* set WSU=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "U" goto:list :EALL set MII=* set P=* set P0=* set S=* set IE=* set WE=* set NE=* set WSE=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "E" goto:list :JALL set MII=* set P=* set P0=* set S=* set IJ=* set WJ=* set NJ=* set WSJ=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "J" goto:list :KALL set MII=* set P0=* set PK=* set SK=* ::set IOS70K=* set IOS80K=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "K" goto:list :BASEWADS set IOS37=* set IOS38=* set IOS57=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "B" goto:list :IOSACTIVE set M10=* set IOS9=* set IOS12=* set IOS13=* set IOS14=* set IOS15=* set IOS17=* set IOS21=* set IOS22=* set IOS28=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* set IOS36v3608=* set IOS37=* set IOS38=* set IOS53=* set IOS55=* set IOS56=* set IOS57=* set IOS58=* set IOS61=* set IOS80P=* set IOS41=* set IOS43=* set IOS45=* set IOS46=* set IOS48v4124=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "I" goto:list :allsneekfiles set A0e=* set A0c=* set A01=* set A0e_70=* set A01_70=* set A0e_60=* set A01_60=* if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:LIST ::not in any list set SM3.2U=* set SM4.1U=* set SM4.2U=* set SM4.3U=* set SM3.2E=* set SM4.1E=* set SM4.2E=* set SM4.3E=* set SM3.2J=* set SM4.1J=* set SM4.2J=* set SM4.3J=* set SM4.1K=* set SM4.2K=* set SM4.3K=* set IOS236=* set IOS36=* set IOS30P=* set IOS70P=* set ios30=* set ios60=* set ios70=* set ios80=* set IOS36=* set EULAU=* set EULAE=* set EULAJ=* set EULAK=* set RSU=* set RSE=* set RSJ=* set RSK=* set BC=* set cBC=* set DML=* goto:list ::........................................Additional OLDLIST / BATCH....................................... :OLDLIST Set OLDLIST= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]P\xc1GINA DESCARGAS 2 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 by XFlak echo. echo Elija agregar/quitar de las descargar (Seleccionados marcados con un *) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Descargar seleccionados \x20\x20 [YELLOW]1/2/3/4[def] = P\xe1ginas 1/2/3/4 \x20\x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Borrar Cola descarga \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW](blank)[def] = ciclo de P\xe1ginas \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]DR[def] = Men\xfa Disco echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Elija Grupo: [Red](A)[def]ll, [Red](U)[def]SB-Loader, [Red](J)[def]Para diversi\xf3n, [Red](PC)[def] Programas, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red](W)[def]ii Apps, [Red](E)[def]xploits echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Archivos USB-Loader \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Para diversi\xf3n! echo. echo %usbfolder% CFG = CFG-Loader (Full v249) %WiiMC% WMC = WiiMC (Media Player) echo %cfg249% CFG249 = CFG-Loader (Beta v249) %fceugx% NES = FCEUGX (NES Emulator) echo %cfg222% CFG222 = CFG-Loader (Beta v222) %snes9xgx% SNES = SNES9xGX (SNES Emulator) echo %cfgr% CFGR = Configurator-CFG-Loader %vbagx% VBA = VBAGX (GB/GBA Emulator) echo %FLOW% FLOW = WiiFlow %WII64% W64 = Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator) echo %USBX% USBX = USB-Loader Fwdr Chnl %WIISX% WSX = WiiSX beta2.1 (PS1 Emulator) echo %neogamma% NEO = Neogamma Backup Disc Loader %HBB% HBB = Homebrew Browser echo %CheatCodes% CC = %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes %SGM% SGM = SaveGame Manager GX echo %AccioHacks% AH = AccioHacks %WIIX% WX = WiiXplorer echo %locked% LA = Bloqueo carpeta HBC (Pass: UDLRAB) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]Programas PC [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %JOYF% JFF = Joy Flow Forwarder Channel/dol echo %JOY% JF = Joy Flow echo %F32% F32 = FAT32 GUI Formatter %S2U% S2U = Switch2Uneek echo %wbm% WBM = WiiBackupManager %nswitch% NS = nSwitch echo %WiiGSC% WGSC = Wii Game Shortcut Creator echo %SMW% SMW = ShowMiiWads echo %CM% CM = Customize Mii echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Aplicaciones Wii \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Exploits echo. echo %HM% HM = HackMii Installer %BB1% BB1 = Bannerbomb v1 echo %bootmiisd% BSD = BootMii SD Files %BB2% BB2 = Bannerbomb v2 echo %yawm% YAWM = Yet Another Wad Manager Mod %Pwns% PWNS = Indiana Pwns (USA\EUR\JAP) echo %MMM% MMM = Multi-Mod Manager %Smash% SS = Smash Stack (USA\EUR\JAP\KOR) echo %dop% DOP = Dop-Mii %YUGI% YU = YU-GI-OWNED (USA\EUR\JAP) echo %IOS236Installer% 236 = IOS236 Installer %Bathaxx% BH = Bathaxx (USA\EUR\JAP) echo %SIP% SIP = Simple IOS Patcher %ROTJ% RJ = Return of the Jodi (USA\EUR\JAP) echo %Pri% Pri = Priiloader v0.7 (236 Mod) %Twi% Twi = Twilight Hack (USA\EUR\JAP) echo %HAX% HAX = Priiloader Hacks %TOS% EH = Eri HaKawai (USA\EUR\JAP) echo %PLC% PLC = Post Loader Channel BOMB = Letterbomb (4.3 USA\EUR\JAP\KOR) echo %PL% PL = Postloader echo %syscheck% SC = sysCheck echo %sysCheckBeta% SCB = sysCheckBeta echo %WiiMod% WM = WiiMod support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 %ARC% ARC = Cualquier cambiador de la Regi\xf3n (1.1b Mod06 Fuera de l\xednea) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] LEYENDA:[def] \x22=\x22 Actualizaci\xf3n autom\xe1tica de Descargas echo. echo. echo. set /p OLDLIST= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=OLDLIST if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=OLDLIST if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR if /i "%OLDLIST%" NEQ "BOMB" goto:notbomb cd /d SUPPORT start LetterBombFrames.html cd /d %ModMiipath% :notbomb if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAllOLD if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "J" goto:SelectJust4FunOLD if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "U" goto:USBLOADERSELECT if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "E" goto:ExploitsSELECT if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "PC" goto:PCPROGRAMSSELECT if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "W" goto:WIIAPPSELECT if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED IF "%OLDLIST%"=="" goto:LIST3 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "AH" goto:SwitchAccioHacks if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BSD" goto:Switchbootmiisd if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BB1" goto:SwitchBB1 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BB2" goto:SwitchBB2 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HM" goto:SwitchHM if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "LA" goto:Switchlocked if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "dop" goto:Switchdop if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SC" goto:Switchsyscheck if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SCB" goto:SwitchsysCheckBeta if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HBB" goto:SwitchHBB if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "W64" goto:SwitchWII64 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WSX" goto:SwitchWIISX if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "pwns" goto:Switchpwns if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Twi" goto:SwitchTwi if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Yu" goto:SwitchYUGI if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "BH" goto:SwitchBathaxx if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "RJ" goto:SwitchROTJ if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "EH" goto:SwitchTOS if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "ss" goto:Switchsmash if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "mmm" goto:Switchmmm if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WM" goto:SwitchWiiMOd if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "ARC" goto:SwitchARC if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "236" goto:SwitchIOS236Installer if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SIP" goto:SwitchSIP if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "JF" goto:SwitchJOY if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "yawm" goto:Switchyawm if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "neo" goto:Switchneogamma if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg249" goto:Switchcfg249 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg222" goto:Switchcfg222 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfg" goto:Switchusbfolder if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WMC" goto:SwitchWiiMC if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "NES" goto:Switchfceugx if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SNES" goto:Switchsnes9xgx if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "VBA" goto:Switchvbagx if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SGM" goto:SwitchSGM if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "PL" goto:SwitchPL if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WX" goto:SwitchWIIX if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cfgr" goto:Switchcfgr if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "wbm" goto:Switchwbm if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "cc" goto:SwitchCheatCodes if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "WGSC" goto:SwitchWGSC if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "SMW" goto:SwitchSMW if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "CM" goto:SwitchCM if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "f32" goto:Switchf32 if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "FLOW" goto:SwitchFLOW if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "USBX" goto:SwitchUSBX if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "JFF" goto:SwitchJOYF if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "S2U" goto:SwitchS2U if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "NS" goto:SwitchnSwitch if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "PLC" goto:SwitchPLC if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "Pri" goto:SwitchPri if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "HAX" goto:SwitchHAX echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:OLDLIST :SwitchAccioHacks if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" (set AccioHacks=) else (set AccioHacks=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchbootmiisd if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" (set bootmiisd=) else (set bootmiisd=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchBB1 if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" (set BB1=) else (set BB1=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchBB2 if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" (set BB2=) else (set BB2=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchHM if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" (set HM=) else (set HM=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchpwns if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" (set pwns=) else (set pwns=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchTwi if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" (set Twi=) else (set Twi=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchYUGI if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" (set YUGI=) else (set YUGI=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchBathaxx if /i "%Bathaxx%" EQU "*" (set Bathaxx=) else (set Bathaxx=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchROTJ if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" (set ROTJ=) else (set ROTJ=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchTOS if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" (set TOS=) else (set TOS=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchsmash if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" (set smash=) else (set smash=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchdop if /i "%dop%" EQU "*" (set dop=) else (set dop=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchsyscheck if /i "%syscheck%" EQU "*" (set syscheck=) else (set syscheck=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchsysCheckBeta if /i "%sysCheckBeta%" EQU "*" (set sysCheckBeta=) else (set sysCheckBeta=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchlocked if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" (set locked=) else (set locked=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchHBB if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" (set HBB=) else (set HBB=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchWII64 if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" (set WII64=) else (set WII64=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchWIISX if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" (set WIISX=) else (set WIISX=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchmmm if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" (set mmm=) else (set mmm=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchWiiMod if /i "%WiiMod%" EQU "*" (set WiiMod=) else (set WiiMod=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchARC if /i "%ARC%" EQU "*" (set ARC=) else (set ARC=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchIOS236Installer if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (set IOS236Installer=) else (set IOS236Installer=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchSIP if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" (set SIP=) else (set SIP=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchJOY if /i "%JOY%" EQU "*" (set JOY=) else (set JOY=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchyawm if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" (set yawm=) else (set yawm=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchneogamma if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" (set neogamma=) else (set neogamma=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchcfg249 if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" (set cfg249=) else (set cfg249=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchcfg222 if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" (set cfg222=) else (set cfg222=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchcfgr if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" (set cfgr=) else (set cfgr=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchwbm if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" (set wbm=) else (set wbm=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchCheatCodes if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" (set CheatCodes=) else (set CheatCodes=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchF32 if /i "%F32%" EQU "*" (set F32=) else (set F32=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchWGSC if /i "%WiiGSC%" EQU "*" (set WiiGSC=) else (set WiiGSC=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchCM if /i "%CM%" EQU "*" (set CM=) else (set CM=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchSMW if /i "%SMW%" EQU "*" (set SMW=) else (set SMW=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchFLOW if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" (set FLOW=) else (set FLOW=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchUSBX if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" (set USBX=) else (set USBX=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchJOYF if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" (set JOYF=) else (set JOYF=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchS2U if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" (set S2U=) else (set S2U=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchnswitch if /i "%nswitch%" EQU "*" (set nswitch=) else (set nswitch=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchPLC if /i "%PLC%" EQU "*" (set PLC=) else (set PLC=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchusbfolder if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" (set usbfolder=) else (set usbfolder=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchWiiMC if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" (set WiiMC=) else (set WiiMC=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchfceugx if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" (set fceugx=) else (set fceugx=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchsnes9xgx if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" (set snes9xgx=) else (set snes9xgx=*) goto:OLDLIST :Switchvbagx if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" (set vbagx=) else (set vbagx=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchSGM if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" (set SGM=) else (set SGM=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchPL if /i "%PL%" EQU "*" (set PL=) else (set PL=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchWIIX if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" (set WIIX=) else (set WIIX=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchPri if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" (set Pri=) else (set Pri=*) goto:OLDLIST :SwitchHAX if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" (set HAX=) else (set HAX=*) goto:OLDLIST :SELECTALLOLD :USBLOADERSELECT set cfg249=* set cfg222=* set usbfolder=* set cfgr=* set neogamma=* set CheatCodes=* set AccioHacks=* set FLOW=* set USBX=* if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "U" goto:OLDLIST :PCPROGRAMSSELECT set wbm=* set f32=* set SMW=* set CM=* set WiiGSC=* if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "PC" goto:OLDLIST :WiiAppSelect set mmm=* set WiiMod=* set ARC=* set HM=* set dop=* set syscheck=* set sysCheckBeta=* set yawm=* set Pri=* set HAX=* set IOS236Installer=* set SIP=* set PLC=* set bootmiisd=* set PL=* if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "W" goto:OLDLIST :SelectJust4FunOLD set WiiMC=* set fceugx=* set snes9xgx=* set vbagx=* set SGM=* set WIIX=* set HBB=* set WII64=* set WIISX=* set locked=* set JOYF=* set JOY=* set S2U=* set nswitch=* if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "J" goto:OLDLIST :ExploitsSELECT set BB1=* set BB2=* set Twi=* set YUGI=* set Bathaxx=* set ROTJ=* set TOS=* set smash=* set pwns=* if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "E" goto:OLDLIST goto:OLDLIST ::........................................Additional LIST3 / BATCH....................................... :LIST3 Set LIST3= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]P\xc1GINA DESCARGAS 3 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 by XFlak echo. echo Elija agregar/quitar de las descargas (Seleccionados marcados con un *) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Descargar seleccionados \x20\x20 [YELLOW]1/2/3/4[def] = P\xe1ginas 1/2/3/4 \x20\x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Borrar Cola descarga \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW](blank)[def] = ciclo de P\xe1ginas \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]DR[def] = Men\xfa Disco echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[Red]NO INSTALAR TEMAS SIN PROTECCI\xf3N: BOOTMII, PRIILOADER Y RESPALDO NAND support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[Red]SOLO INSTALAR TEMAS PARA SU VERSI\xf3N ESPEC\xedFICA DE TU MEN\xfa DE SISTEMA Y REGI\xf3N! echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Elija Grupo: [Red](A)[def]ll, Temas para [Red](U)[def]SA, [Red](E)[def]uro, [Red](J)[def]ap, [Red](K)[def]orean support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Temas Men\xfa Sistema para [Red](US)[def]A, [Red](EU)[def]ro, [Red](JA)[def]p, [Red](KO)[def]rean echo. echo. if "%selectedtheme%"=="" set selectedtheme=R if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Conectar lista de descargas para ver otro tema: DarkWii Rojo if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Conectar lista de descargas para ver otro tema: DarkWii Verde if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Conectar lista de descargas para ver otro tema: DarkWii Azul if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Conectar lista de descargas para ver otro tema: DarkWii Naranja echo Temas compatibles incluidos: DarkWii Rojo\Verde\Azul\Naranja echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]CE[def] = Canal Efecto que personaliza los temas de los men\xfas: %effect% echo. echo * Elegir entre tres efectos: No-Spin, Spin y Fast-Spin echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 %MyM% [YELLOW]MyM[def] = MyMenuifyMod echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]WWW[def] = Ver todos los temas disponibles en Youtube echo. if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "R" goto:skipred support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DarkWii Rojo CSMs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 DarkWii Men\xfa Sistema Rojo \x20 \x20 Temas Originales Wii echo. echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWR% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = 97.app SM4.3U echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWR% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = 87.app SM4.2U echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWR% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = 7b.app SM4.1U echo %A72% 72 = 72.app SM4.0U echo %A42% 42 = 42.app SM3.2U echo. echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWR% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = 9a.app SM4.3E echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWR% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = 8a.app SM4.2E echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWR% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = 7e.app SM4.1E echo %A75% 75 = 75.app SM4.0E echo %A45% 45 = 45.app SM3.2E echo. echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWR% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = 94.app SM4.3J echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWR% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = 84.app SM4.2J echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWR% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = 78.app SM4.1J echo %A70% 70 = 70.app SM4.0J echo %A40% 40 = 40.app SM3.2J echo. echo %DarkWii_Red_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWR% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = 9d.app SM4.3K echo %DarkWii_Red_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWR% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = 8d.app SM4.2K echo %DarkWii_Red_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWR% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = 81.app SM4.1K :skipred if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "G" goto:skipgreen support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DarkWii Verde CSMs \x20 \x20 \x20 DarkWii Men\xfa Sistema Verde \x20 \x20 Temas Originales Wii echo. echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWG% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = 97.app SM4.3U echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWG% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = 87.app SM4.2U echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWG% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = 7b.app SM4.1U echo %A72% 72 = 72.app SM4.0U echo %A42% 42 = 42.app SM3.2U echo. echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWG% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = 9a.app SM4.3E echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWG% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = 8a.app SM4.2E echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWG% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = 7e.app SM4.1E echo %A75% 75 = 75.app SM4.0E echo %A45% 45 = 45.app SM3.2E echo. echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWG% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = 94.app SM4.3J echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWG% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = 84.app SM4.2J echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWG% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = 78.app SM4.1J echo %A70% 70 = 70.app SM4.0J echo %A40% 40 = 40.app SM3.2J echo. echo %DarkWii_Green_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWG% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = 9d.app SM4.3K echo %DarkWii_Green_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWG% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = 8d.app SM4.2K echo %DarkWii_Green_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWG% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = 81.app SM4.1K :skipgreen if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "B" goto:skipBlue support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DarkWii Azul CSMs \x20 \x20 \x20 DarkWii Men\xfa Sistema Azul \x20 \x20 Temas Originales Wii echo. echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWB% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = 97.app SM4.3U echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWB% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = 87.app SM4.2U echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWB% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = 7b.app SM4.1U echo %A72% 72 = 72.app SM4.0U echo %A42% 42 = 42.app SM3.2U echo. echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWB% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = 9a.app SM4.3E echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWB% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = 8a.app SM4.2E echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWB% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = 7e.app SM4.1E echo %A75% 75 = 75.app SM4.0E echo %A45% 45 = 45.app SM3.2E echo. echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWB% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = 94.app SM4.3J echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWB% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = 84.app SM4.2J echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWB% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = 78.app SM4.1J echo %A70% 70 = 70.app SM4.0J echo %A40% 40 = 40.app SM3.2J echo. echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWB% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = 9d.app SM4.3K echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWB% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = 8d.app SM4.2K echo %DarkWii_Blue_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWB% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = 81.app SM4.1K :skipBlue if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "O" goto:skipOrange support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Red]DarkWii Naranja CSMs \x20 \x20 \x20 DarkWii Men\xfa Sistema Naranja \x20 \x20 Temas Originales Wii echo. echo %darkwii_orange_4.3U% 3U = 4.3U %SM4.3U-DWO% 4.3U = 4.3U %A97% 97 = 97.app SM4.3U echo %darkwii_orange_4.2U% 2U = 4.2U %SM4.2U-DWO% 4.2U = 4.2U %A87% 87 = 87.app SM4.2U echo %darkwii_orange_4.1U% 1U = 4.1U %SM4.1U-DWO% 4.1U = 4.1U %A7b% 7b = 7b.app SM4.1U echo %A72% 72 = 72.app SM4.0U echo %A42% 42 = 42.app SM3.2U echo. echo %darkwii_orange_4.3E% 3E = 4.3E %SM4.3E-DWO% 4.3E = 4.3E %A9a% 9a = 9a.app SM4.3E echo %darkwii_orange_4.2E% 2E = 4.2E %SM4.2E-DWO% 4.2E = 4.2E %A8a% 8a = 8a.app SM4.2E echo %darkwii_orange_4.1E% 1E = 4.1E %SM4.1E-DWO% 4.1E = 4.1E %A7e% 7e = 7e.app SM4.1E echo %A75% 75 = 75.app SM4.0E echo %A45% 45 = 45.app SM3.2E echo. echo %darkwii_orange_4.3J% 3J = 4.3J %SM4.3J-DWO% 4.3J = 4.3J %A94% 94 = 94.app SM4.3J echo %darkwii_orange_4.2J% 2J = 4.2J %SM4.2J-DWO% 4.2J = 4.2J %A84% 84 = 84.app SM4.2J echo %darkwii_orange_4.1J% 1J = 4.1J %SM4.1J-DWO% 4.1J = 4.1J %A78% 78 = 78.app SM4.1J echo %A70% 70 = 70.app SM4.0J echo %A40% 40 = 40.app SM3.2J echo. echo %darkwii_orange_4.3K% 3K = 4.3K %SM4.3K-DWO% 4.3K = 4.3K %A9d% 9d = 9d.app SM4.3K echo %darkwii_orange_4.2K% 2K = 4.2K %SM4.2K-DWO% 4.2K = 4.2K %A8d% 8d = 8d.app SM4.2K echo %darkwii_orange_4.1K% 1K = 4.1K %SM4.1K-DWO% 4.1K = 4.1K %A81% 81 = 81.app SM4.1K :skipOrange echo. echo. set /p LIST3= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST3 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST3 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1" goto:LIST if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED IF "%LIST3%"=="" goto:LIST4 ::common if /i "%LIST3%" NEQ "WWW" goto:novid cd /d SUPPORT start WiiThemes.html cd /d %ModMiipath% goto:LIST3 :novid if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "CE" goto:OptionCEp3 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAll4 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "U" goto:UTHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "E" goto:ETHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "J" goto:JTHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "k" goto:KTHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "US" goto:SMUTHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "EU" goto:SMETHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "JA" goto:SMJTHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "KO" goto:SMKTHEMES if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "MyM" goto:SwitchMyM if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "70" goto:switchA70 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "42" goto:switchA42 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "45" goto:switchA45 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "40" goto:switchA40 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "72" goto:switchA72 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "75" goto:switchA75 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "78" goto:switchA78 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "7b" goto:switchA7b if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "7e" goto:switchA7e if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "84" goto:switchA84 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "87" goto:switchA87 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "8a" goto:switchA8a if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "94" goto:switchA94 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "97" goto:switchA97 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "9a" goto:switchA9a if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "81" goto:switchA81 if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "8d" goto:switchA8d if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "9d" goto:switchA9d ::Red if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "R" goto:skipred if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=G)&&(goto:LIST3) if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWR if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWR :skipred ::Green if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "G" goto:skipgreen if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=B)&&(goto:LIST3) if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "WWW" (start www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0CnTo5kRI)&&(goto:LIST3) if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWG if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWG :skipgreen ::Blue if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "B" goto:skipBlue if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=O)&&(goto:LIST3) if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWB if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWB :skipBlue ::Orange if /i "%selectedtheme%" NEQ "O" goto:skipOrange if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "S" (set selectedtheme=R)&&(goto:LIST3) if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3U" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2U" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1U" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1U if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3E" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2E" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1E" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1E if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3J" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2J" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1J" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1J if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "3K" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "2K" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "1K" goto:Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1K if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3U" goto:SwitchSM4.3U-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2U" goto:SwitchSM4.2U-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1U" goto:SwitchSM4.1U-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3E" goto:SwitchSM4.3E-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2E" goto:SwitchSM4.2E-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1E" goto:SwitchSM4.1E-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3J" goto:SwitchSM4.3J-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2J" goto:SwitchSM4.2J-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1J" goto:SwitchSM4.1J-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.3K" goto:SwitchSM4.3K-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.2K" goto:SwitchSM4.2K-DWO if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "4.1K" goto:SwitchSM4.1K-DWO :skipOrange echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:LIST3 :OptionCEp3 if /i "%effect%" EQU "no-spin" (set effect=Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:list3) if /i "%effect%" EQU "spin" (set effect=Fast-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=Fast-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:list3) if /i "%effect%" EQU "fast-spin" (set effect=No-Spin) & (support\sfk filter Support\settings.bat -!"Set effect=" -write -yes>nul) & (echo Set effect=No-Spin>>Support\settings.bat) & (goto:list3) :SwitchMyM if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" (set MyM=) else (set MyM=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3U if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2U if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1U if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3E if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2E if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1E if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1J if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2J if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3J if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.1K if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.2K if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Red_4.3K if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3U-DWR if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWR=) else (set SM4.3U-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2U-DWR if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWR=) else (set SM4.2U-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1U-DWR if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWR=) else (set SM4.1U-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3E-DWR if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWR=) else (set SM4.3E-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2E-DWR if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWR=) else (set SM4.2E-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1E-DWR if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWR=) else (set SM4.1E-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3J-DWR if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWR=) else (set SM4.3J-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2J-DWR if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWR=) else (set SM4.2J-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1J-DWR if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWR=) else (set SM4.1J-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3K-DWR if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWR=) else (set SM4.3K-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2K-DWR if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWR=) else (set SM4.2K-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1K-DWR if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWR=) else (set SM4.1K-DWR=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3U if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2U if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1U if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3E if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2E if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1E if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1J if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2J if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3J if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.1K if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.2K if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Green_4.3K if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3U-DWG if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWG=) else (set SM4.3U-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2U-DWG if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWG=) else (set SM4.2U-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1U-DWG if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWG=) else (set SM4.1U-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3E-DWG if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWG=) else (set SM4.3E-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2E-DWG if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWG=) else (set SM4.2E-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1E-DWG if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWG=) else (set SM4.1E-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3J-DWG if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWG=) else (set SM4.3J-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2J-DWG if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWG=) else (set SM4.2J-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1J-DWG if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWG=) else (set SM4.1J-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3K-DWG if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWG=) else (set SM4.3K-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2K-DWG if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWG=) else (set SM4.2K-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1K-DWG if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWG=) else (set SM4.1K-DWG=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3U if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2U if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1U if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3E if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2E if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1E if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1J if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2J if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3J if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.1K if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.2K if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchDarkWii_Blue_4.3K if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=) else (set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3U-DWB if /i "%SM4.3U-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWB=) else (set SM4.3U-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2U-DWB if /i "%SM4.2U-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWB=) else (set SM4.2U-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1U-DWB if /i "%SM4.1U-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWB=) else (set SM4.1U-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3E-DWB if /i "%SM4.3E-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWB=) else (set SM4.3E-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2E-DWB if /i "%SM4.2E-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWB=) else (set SM4.2E-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1E-DWB if /i "%SM4.1E-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWB=) else (set SM4.1E-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3J-DWB if /i "%SM4.3J-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWB=) else (set SM4.3J-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2J-DWB if /i "%SM4.2J-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWB=) else (set SM4.2J-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1J-DWB if /i "%SM4.1J-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWB=) else (set SM4.1J-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3K-DWB if /i "%SM4.3K-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWB=) else (set SM4.3K-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2K-DWB if /i "%SM4.2K-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWB=) else (set SM4.2K-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1K-DWB if /i "%SM4.1K-DWB%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWB=) else (set SM4.1K-DWB=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3U if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3U%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.3U=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.3U=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2U if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2U%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.2U=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.2U=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1U if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1U%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.1U=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.1U=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3E if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3E%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.3E=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.3E=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2E if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2E%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.2E=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.2E=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1E if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1E%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.1E=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.1E=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1J if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1J%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.1J=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.1J=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2J if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2J%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.2J=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.2J=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3J if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3J%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.3J=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.3J=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.1K if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1K%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.1K=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.1K=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.2K if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2K%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.2K=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.2K=*) goto:LIST3 :Switchdarkwii_orange_4.3K if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3K%" EQU "*" (set darkwii_orange_4.3K=) else (set darkwii_orange_4.3K=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3U-DWO if /i "%SM4.3U-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3U-DWO=) else (set SM4.3U-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2U-DWO if /i "%SM4.2U-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2U-DWO=) else (set SM4.2U-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1U-DWO if /i "%SM4.1U-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1U-DWO=) else (set SM4.1U-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3E-DWO if /i "%SM4.3E-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3E-DWO=) else (set SM4.3E-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2E-DWO if /i "%SM4.2E-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2E-DWO=) else (set SM4.2E-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1E-DWO if /i "%SM4.1E-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1E-DWO=) else (set SM4.1E-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3J-DWO if /i "%SM4.3J-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3J-DWO=) else (set SM4.3J-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2J-DWO if /i "%SM4.2J-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2J-DWO=) else (set SM4.2J-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1J-DWO if /i "%SM4.1J-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1J-DWO=) else (set SM4.1J-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.3K-DWO if /i "%SM4.3K-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.3K-DWO=) else (set SM4.3K-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.2K-DWO if /i "%SM4.2K-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.2K-DWO=) else (set SM4.2K-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchSM4.1K-DWO if /i "%SM4.1K-DWO%" EQU "*" (set SM4.1K-DWO=) else (set SM4.1K-DWO=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA40 if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" (set A40=) else (set A40=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA42 if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" (set A42=) else (set A42=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA45 if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" (set A45=) else (set A45=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA70 if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" (set A70=) else (set A70=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA72 if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" (set A72=) else (set A72=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA75 if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" (set A75=) else (set A75=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA78 if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" (set A78=) else (set A78=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA7b if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" (set A7b=) else (set A7b=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA7e if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" (set A7e=) else (set A7e=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA84 if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" (set A84=) else (set A84=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA87 if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" (set A87=) else (set A87=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA8a if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" (set A8a=) else (set A8a=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA94 if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" (set A94=) else (set A94=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA97 if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" (set A97=) else (set A97=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA9a if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" (set A9a=) else (set A9a=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA81 if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" (set A81=) else (set A81=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA8d if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" (set A8d=) else (set A8d=*) goto:LIST3 :SwitchA9d if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" (set A9d=) else (set A9d=*) goto:LIST3 :SelectAll4 :UTHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.3U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.2U=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.1U=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "U" goto:LIST3 :ETHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.3E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.2E=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.1E=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "E" goto:LIST3 :JTHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.3J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.2J=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.1J=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "J" goto:LIST3 :KTHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.3K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.2K=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set darkwii_orange_4.1K=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "K" goto:LIST3 :SMUTHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3U-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2U-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1U-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3U-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2U-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1U-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.3U-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.2U-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.1U-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.3U-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.2U-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.1U-DWO=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "US" goto:LIST3 :SMETHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3E-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2E-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1E-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3E-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2E-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1E-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.3E-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.2E-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.1E-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.3E-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.2E-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.1E-DWO=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "EU" goto:LIST3 :SMJTHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3J-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2J-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1J-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3J-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2J-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1J-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.3J-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.2J-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.1J-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.3J-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.2J-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.1J-DWO=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "JA" goto:LIST3 :SMKTHEMES if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.3K-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.2K-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "R" set SM4.1K-DWR=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.3K-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.2K-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "G" set SM4.1K-DWG=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.3K-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.2K-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "B" set SM4.1K-DWB=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.3K-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.2K-DWO=* if /i "%selectedtheme%" EQU "O" set SM4.1K-DWO=* if /i "%LIST3%" EQU "KO" goto:LIST3 ::not in any list set MyM=* :SelectJMyMApps set A40=* set A70=* set A78=* set A84=* set A94=* :SelectUMyMApps set A42=* set A72=* set A7b=* set A87=* set A97=* :SelectKMyMApps set A81=* set A8d=* set A9d=* :SelectEMyMApps set A45=* set A75=* set A7e=* set A8a=* set A9a=* goto:LIST3 ::........................................Additional LIST4 / BATCH....................................... :LIST4 Set LIST4= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]P\xc1GINA DESCARGAS 4 [def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 by XFlak echo. echo Elija agregar/quitar de las descargas (Seleccionados marcados con un *) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Descargar seleccionados \x20\x20 [YELLOW]1/2/3/4[def] = P\xe1ginas 1/2/3/4 \x20\x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Borrar Cola descarga \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW](blank)[def] = ciclo de P\xe1ginas \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]DR[def] = Men\xfa Disco echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20Elegir Grupo: [Red](A)[def]ll, CIOSs [Red](REC)[def]omendados, [Red](cM)[def]IOSs, [Red](v4)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v5)[def] cIOSs support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red](v5.1)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v14)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v17b)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v19)[def] cIOSs, [Red](v20)[def] cIOSs support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red](v21)[def] cIOSs, [Red](d2x)[def] cIOSs echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v14 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hermes v4 cIOSs echo %cIOS249-v14% 24914 = cIOS249-v14 %cIOS223[37-38]-v4% 2234 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4 echo %cIOS250-v14% 25014 = cIOS250-v14 %cIOS222[38]-v4% 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4 echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v17b cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Hermes v5 cIOSs echo %cIOS249-v17b% 24917 = cIOS249-v17b %cIOS222[38]-v5% 2225 = cIOS222[38]-v5 echo %cIOS250-v17b% 25017 = cIOS250-v17b %cIOS223[37]-v5% 2235 = cIOS223[37]-v5 echo %cIOS224[57]-v5% 2245 = cIOS224[57]-v5 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v19 cIOSs support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %cIOS249[37]-v19% 2491937 = cIOS249[37]-v19 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Hermes\Rodries v5.1R cIOSs echo %cIOS250[37]-v19% 2501937 = cIOS250[37]-v19 %cIOS202[60]-v5.1R% 20251 = cIOS202[60]-v5.1R echo %cIOS249[38]-v19% 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19 %cIOS222[38]-v5.1R% 22251 = cIOS222[38]-v5.1R echo %cIOS250[38]-v19% 2501938 = cIOS250[38]-v19 %cIOS223[37]-v5.1R% 22351 = cIOS223[37]-v5.1R echo %cIOS249[57]-v19% 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 %cIOS224[57]-v5.1R% 22451 = cIOS224[57]-v5.1R echo %cIOS250[57]-v19% 2501957 = cIOS250[57]-v19 echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v20 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cMIOSs echo %cIOS249[38]-v20% 2492038 = cIOS249[38]-v20 %RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2% 10 = WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10) echo %cIOS250[38]-v20% 2502038 = cIOS250[38]-v20 %RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2% 0.2 = WiiGator cMIOS-v4 v0.2 echo %cIOS249[56]-v20% 2492056 = cIOS249[56]-v20 %RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5% 5 = Waninkoko cMIOS-v4 rev5 echo %cIOS250[56]-v20% 2502056 = cIOS250[56]-v20 echo %cIOS249[57]-v20% 2492057 = cIOS249[57]-v20 echo %cIOS250[57]-v20% 2502057 = cIOS250[57]-v20 BETA = d2x beta settings echo. set d2x-beta-rev=7-final if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] Waninkoko v21 cIOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 d2x cIOSs echo %cIOS249[37]-v21% 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21 %cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x37 = cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[37]-v21% 2502137 = cIOS250[37]-v21 %cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x37 = cIOS250[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS249[38]-v21% 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21 %cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x38 = cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[38]-v21% 2502138 = cIOS250[38]-v21 %cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x38 = cIOS250[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS249[53]-v21% 2492153 = cIOS249[53]-v21 %cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x53 = cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[53]-v21% 2502153 = cIOS250[53]-v21 %cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x53 = cIOS250[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS249[55]-v21% 2492155 = cIOS249[55]-v21 %cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x55 = cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[55]-v21% 2502155 = cIOS250[55]-v21 %cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x55 = cIOS250[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS249[56]-v21% 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21 %cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x56 = cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[56]-v21% 2502156 = cIOS250[56]-v21 %cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x56 = cIOS250[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS249[57]-v21% 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21 %cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x57 = cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[57]-v21% 2502157 = cIOS250[57]-v21 %cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x57 = cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS249[58]-v21% 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21 %cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final% 249d2x58 = cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo %cIOS250[58]-v21% 2502158 = cIOS250[58]-v21 %cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final% 250d2x58 = cIOS250[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo. set /p LIST4= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=LIST4 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=LIST4 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "A" goto:SelectAllLIST4 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "REC" goto:RECOMMENDEDCIOSS if not exist support\More-cIOSs goto:quickskip if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "BETA" (set backbeforebetaswitch=LIST4) & (goto:betaswitch) :quickskip if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v4" goto:v4cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5" goto:v5cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5.1" goto:v5.1cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v17b" goto:v17bcIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v14" goto:v14cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v19" goto:v19cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v20" goto:v20cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v21" goto:v21cIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "d2x" goto:d2xcIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "cM" goto:cMIOSs if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "1" goto:LIST if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED IF "%LIST4%"=="" goto:LIST if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2225" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2235" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2245" goto:SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "20251" goto:SwitchcIOS202[60]-v5.1R if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22251" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5.1R if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22351" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5.1R if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "22451" goto:SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5.1R if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491937" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v19 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491938" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v19 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492038" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v20 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502038" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v20 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492056" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v20 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502057" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v20 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492057" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v20 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502056" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v20 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2491957" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v19 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501937" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v19 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501938" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v19 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2501957" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v19 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "10" goto:SwitchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "0.2" goto:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "5" goto:SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2224" goto:SwitchcIOS222[38]-v4 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2234" goto:SwitchcIOS223[37-38]-v4 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24917" goto:SwitchcIOS249-v17b if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25017" goto:SwitchcIOS250-v17b if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "24914" goto:SwitchcIOS249-v14 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "25014" goto:SwitchcIOS250-v14 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492137" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502137" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492138" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502138" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492153" goto:SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502153" goto:SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492155" goto:SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502155" goto:SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492156" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502156" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492157" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502157" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2492158" goto:SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "2502158" goto:SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21 if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x37" goto:SwitchcIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x38" goto:SwitchcIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x53" goto:SwitchcIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x55" goto:SwitchcIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x56" goto:SwitchcIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x57" goto:SwitchcIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "249d2x58" goto:SwitchcIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x37" goto:SwitchcIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x38" goto:SwitchcIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x53" goto:SwitchcIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x55" goto:SwitchcIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x56" goto:SwitchcIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x57" goto:SwitchcIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "250d2x58" goto:SwitchcIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5 if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" (set cIOS222[38]-v5=) else (set cIOS222[38]-v5=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5 if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" (set cIOS223[37]-v5=) else (set cIOS223[37]-v5=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5 if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" (set cIOS224[57]-v5=) else (set cIOS224[57]-v5=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[37]-v19 if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-v19=) else (set cIOS249[37]-v19=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[38]-v19 if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-v19=) else (set cIOS249[38]-v19=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[38]-v20 if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-v20=) else (set cIOS249[38]-v20=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[38]-v20 if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-v20=) else (set cIOS250[38]-v20=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[56]-v20 if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-v20=) else (set cIOS249[56]-v20=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[57]-v20 if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-v20=) else (set cIOS249[57]-v20=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[57]-v20 if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-v20=) else (set cIOS250[57]-v20=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[56]-v20 if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-v20=) else (set cIOS250[56]-v20=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[57]-v19 if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-v19=) else (set cIOS249[57]-v19=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[37]-v19 if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-v19=) else (set cIOS250[37]-v19=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[38]-v19 if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-v19=) else (set cIOS250[38]-v19=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[57]-v19 if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-v19=) else (set cIOS250[57]-v19=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2 if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" (set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=) else (set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2 if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" goto:switchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2off set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* goto:LIST4 :switchRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2off set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= goto:LIST4 :SwitchRVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5 if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" (set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=) else (set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS222[38]-v4 if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS222[38]-v4=) else (set cIOS222[38]-v4=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS223[37-38]-v4 if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" (set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=) else (set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249-v17b if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249-v17b=) else (set cIOS249-v17b=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250-v17b if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250-v17b=) else (set cIOS250-v17b=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS202[60]-v5.1R if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=) else (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS222[38]-v5.1R if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set cIOS222[38]-v5.1R=) else (set cIOS222[38]-v5.1R=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS223[37]-v5.1R if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set cIOS223[37]-v5.1R=) else (set cIOS223[37]-v5.1R=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS224[57]-v5.1R if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=) else (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249-v14 if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249-v14=) else (set cIOS249-v14=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250-v14 if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250-v14=) else (set cIOS250-v14=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[37]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[37]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[37]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[37]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[38]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[38]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[38]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[38]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[53]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[53]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[53]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[53]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[53]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[53]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[55]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[55]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[55]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[55]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[55]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[55]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[56]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[56]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[56]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[56]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[57]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[57]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[57]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[57]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[58]-v21 if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[58]-v21=) else (set cIOS249[58]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[58]-v21 if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[58]-v21=) else (set cIOS250[58]-v21=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SwitchcIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final=) else (set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final=*) goto:LIST4 :SELECTALLLIST4 :RECOMMENDEDCIOSS set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=* set cIOS222[38]-v4=* set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=* set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=* set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "REC" goto:LIST4 :v4cIOSs set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* set cIOS222[38]-v4=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v4" goto:LIST4 :v5cIOSs set cIOS222[38]-v5=* set cIOS224[57]-v5=* set cIOS223[37]-v5=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5" goto:LIST4 :v5.1cIOSs set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=* set cIOS222[38]-v5.1R=* set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=* set cIOS223[37]-v5.1R=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v5.1" goto:LIST4 :v17bcIOSs set cIOS249-v17b=* set cIOS250-v17b=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v17b" goto:LIST4 :v14cIOSs set cIOS249-v14=* set cIOS250-v14=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v14" goto:LIST4 :v19cIOSs set cIOS249[37]-v19=* set cIOS249[38]-v19=* set cIOS249[57]-v19=* set cIOS250[37]-v19=* set cIOS250[38]-v19=* set cIOS250[57]-v19=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v19" goto:LIST4 :v20cIOSs set cIOS249[56]-v20=* set cIOS250[57]-v20=* set cIOS249[38]-v20=* set cIOS250[38]-v20=* set cIOS250[56]-v20=* set cIOS249[57]-v20=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v20" goto:LIST4 :v21cIOSs set cIOS249[37]-v21=* set cIOS250[37]-v21=* set cIOS249[38]-v21=* set cIOS250[38]-v21=* set cIOS249[53]-v21=* set cIOS250[53]-v21=* set cIOS249[55]-v21=* set cIOS250[55]-v21=* set cIOS249[56]-v21=* set cIOS250[56]-v21=* set cIOS249[57]-v21=* set cIOS250[57]-v21=* set cIOS249[58]-v21=* set cIOS250[58]-v21=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "v21" goto:LIST4 :d2xcIOSs set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "d2x" goto:LIST4 :cMIOSs set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* set RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2=* set RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5=* if /i "%LIST4%" EQU "cM" goto:LIST4 goto:LIST4 ::........................................Advanced Downloads........................................ :ADVANCED cls set loadorgo=load if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul set ADVPATCH= set ADVSLOT= set ADVVERSION= set wadnameless= ::--- set name= set wadname= set dlname= set ciosslot= set ciosversion= set md5= set md5alt= set basewad=none set basewadb=none set md5base= set md5basealt= set code1= set code2= set version= set md5baseb= set md5basebalt= set code1b= set code2b= set path1= set versionb= set basecios= set diffpath= set code2new= set lastbasemodule= set category= set wadnameless= set patchname= set slotname= set slotcode= set versionname= set versioncode= set DEC= set VERFINAL= set HEX= set VER= set wadfolder= set verfinal= set PATCHCODE= set alreadyexists= set patch= set ADVTYPE= Set ADVLIST= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20[Red]DESCARGAS AVANZADAS[def]\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]D[def] = Descargar seleccionados \x20\x20 [YELLOW]1/2/3/4[def] = P\xe1ginas 1/2/3/4 \x20\x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[YELLOW]C[def] = Borrar Cola descarga \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW](blank)[def] = ciclo de P\xe1ginas \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]DR[def] = Men\xfa Disco echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20Nota: Para volver a esta p\xe1gina desde otras p\xe1ginas de descarga escribir "ADV" echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [YELLOW]U[def] = Definido por el usuario descarga personalizada support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 (Obtener cualquier IOS, MIOS o men\xfa del sistema) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [YELLOW]F[def] = Creador Forwarder DOL\ISO echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] IOSs \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOSs set d2x-beta-rev=7-final if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat echo 9 = IOS9v1034 2224 = cIOS222[38]-v4 echo 12 = IOS12v526 2234 = cIOS223[37-38]-v4 echo 13 = IOS13v1032 2225 = cIOS222[38]-v5 echo 14 = IOS14v1032 2235 = cIOS223[37]-v5 echo 15 = IOS15v1032 2245 = cIOS224[57]-v5 echo 17 = IOS17v1032 echo 21 = IOS21v1039 20251 = cIOS202[60]-v5.1R echo 22 = IOS22v1294 22251 = cIOS222[38]-v5.1R echo 28 = IOS28v1807 22351 = cIOS223[37]-v5.1R echo 30 = IOS30v2576 22451 = cIOS224[57]-v5.1R echo 31 = IOS31v3608 echo 33 = IOS33v3608 24914 = cIOS249-v14 echo 34 = IOS34v3608 24917 = cIOS249-v17b echo 35 = IOS35v3608 echo 36 = IOS36v3608 2491937 = cIOS249[37]-v19 echo 37 = IOS37v5663 2491938 = cIOS249[38]-v19 echo 38 = IOS38v4124 2491957 = cIOS249[57]-v19 echo 41 = IOS41v3607 2492038 = cIOS249[38]-v20 echo 43 = IOS43v3607 2492056 = cIOS249[56]-v20 echo 45 = IOS45v3607 2492057 = cIOS249[57]-v20 echo 46 = IOS46v3607 echo 48 = IOS48v4124 2492137 = cIOS249[37]-v21 echo 53 = IOS53v5663 2492138 = cIOS249[38]-v21 echo 55 = IOS55v5663 2492153 = cIOS249[53]-v21 echo 56 = IOS56v5662 2492155 = cIOS249[55]-v21 echo 57 = IOS57v5919 2492156 = cIOS249[56]-v21 echo 58 = IOS58v6176 2492157 = cIOS249[57]-v21 echo 60 = IOS60v6174 2492158 = cIOS249[58]-v21 echo 61 = IOS61v5662 echo 70 = IOS70v6687 249d2x37 = cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 80 = IOS80v6944 249d2x38 = cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 249d2x53 = cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 249d2x55 = cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 249d2x56 = cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 249d2x57 = cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo 249d2x58 = cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% echo BETA = d2x beta settings echo. echo %AdvNumber% Descargas avanzadas en cola echo. set /p ADVLIST= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "DR" set BACKB4DRIVE=ADVANCED if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "DR" goto:DRIVECHANGE if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:Custom if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "1" goto:LIST if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "3" goto:LIST3 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "4" goto:LIST4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "ADV" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "F" goto:FORWARDERDOLorISO IF "%ADVLIST%"=="" goto:LIST if not exist support\More-cIOSs goto:quickskip if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "BETA" (set backbeforebetaswitch=ADVANCED) & (goto:betaswitch) :quickskip if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" set loadorgo=go if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" set BACKB4QUEUE=ADVANCED if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "D" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "C" goto:CLEAR set ADVTYPE=IOS if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "9" goto:IOS9 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "12" goto:IOS12 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "13" goto:IOS13 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "14" goto:IOS14 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "15" goto:IOS15 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "17" goto:IOS17 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "21" goto:IOS21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22" goto:IOS22 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "28" goto:IOS28 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "30" goto:IOS30 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "31" goto:IOS31 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "33" goto:IOS33 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "34" goto:IOS34 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "35" goto:IOS35 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "36" goto:IOS36v3608 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "37" goto:IOS37 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "38" goto:IOS38 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "41" goto:IOS41 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "43" goto:IOS43 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "45" goto:IOS45 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "46" goto:IOS46 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "48" goto:IOS48v4124 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "53" goto:IOS53 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "55" goto:IOS55 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "56" goto:IOS56 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "57" goto:IOS57 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "58" goto:IOS58 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "60" goto:IOS60 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "61" goto:IOS61 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "70" goto:IOS70 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "80" goto:IOS80 set ADVTYPE=CIOS if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2225" goto:cIOS222[38]-v5 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2235" goto:cIOS223[37]-v5 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2245" goto:cIOS224[57]-v5 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "20251" goto:cIOS202[60]-v5.1R if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22251" goto:cIOS222[38]-v5.1R if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22351" goto:cIOS223[37]-v5.1R if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22451" goto:cIOS224[57]-v5.1R if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491937" goto:cIOS249[37]-v19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" goto:cIOS249[38]-v19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492038" goto:cIOS249[38]-v20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492056" goto:cIOS249[56]-v20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492057" goto:cIOS249[57]-v20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" goto:cIOS249[57]-v19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" goto:cIOS222[38]-v4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2234" goto:cIOS223[37-38]-v4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" goto:cIOS249-v17b if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" goto:cIOS249-v14 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" goto:cIOS249[37]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" goto:cIOS249[38]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" goto:cIOS249[56]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" goto:cIOS249[53]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" goto:cIOS249[55]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" goto:cIOS249[57]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" goto:cIOS249[58]-v21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" goto:cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" goto:cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" goto:cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" goto:cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" goto:cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" goto:cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" goto:cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVANCED ::------------------------ :betaswitch if exist temp\list.txt del temp\list.txt>nul support\sfk echo -spat \x20Comprobaci\xf3n alojada en l\xednea nuevo D2X beta... ::get all list start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -N "http://code.google.com/p/d2x-cios/downloads/list?can=2&q=&sort=-releasedate&colspec=Filename%20Summary%20Uploaded%20ReleaseDate%20Size%20DownloadCount" if exist list* (move /y list* temp\list.txt>nul) else (goto:nowifi) copy /y "temp\list.txt" "temp\list2.txt">nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list.txt" -+"d2x-cios.googlecode.com/files/" -rep _*"/"__ -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul ::get featured list support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"d2x-cios.googlecode.com/files/" -+".zip', 'Featured'" -rep _*"/"__ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -spat "temp\list2.txt" -+"Featured" -rep _".zip*"__ -rep _"*files/"__ -rep _\x2528_\x28_ -rep _\x2529_\x29_ -rep _\x2520_\x20_ -rep _\x253B_\x3B_ -rep _\x252C_\x2C_ -write -yes>nul :nowifi ::get local list dir support\More-cIOSs /a:d /b>>temp\list.txt support\sfk filter "temp\list.txt" -unique -write -yes>nul :betaswitch2 ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET d2xTOTAL=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a d2xTOTAL=!d2xTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET /a LINES=%d2xTOTAL%+21 if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% :noresize Set betacios= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Seleccione la versi\xf3n beta cIOS D2X que quiere crear: echo. echo. if /i "%d2xTOTAL%" EQU "0" (echo No se encuentran D2X-beta en la carpeta modulos\Mas-cIOSs) & (goto:quickskip) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno, crear el cIOSs D2X que viene con ModMii v%currentversion% echo. set MorecIOSsNum=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist %%A goto:quickskip :processlist set CurrentcIOS=%* set /a MorecIOSsNum=%MorecIOSsNum%+1 findStr /I /C:"%CurrentcIOS%" "temp\list2.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set d2xFeatured=) else (set d2xFeatured= - Destacado) if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" echo %MorecIOSsNum% = %CurrentcIOS% (alojado en Google Code)%d2xFeatured% if exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" echo %MorecIOSsNum% = %CurrentcIOS%%d2xFeatured% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]WWW[def] = M\xe1s informaci\xf3n disponible en http://tinyurl.com/d2xcIOS echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p betacios= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%betacios%" EQU "M" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%betacios%" EQU "B" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:%backbeforebetaswitch%) if /i "%betacios%" EQU "WWW" (start http://gbatemp.net/t277659-ciosx-rev21d2x-v2-yet-another-hot-fix) & (goto:betaswitch) if /i "%betacios%" NEQ "N" goto:notN if exist support\d2x-beta rd /s /q support\d2x-beta mode con cols=85 lines=54 goto:d2xfix :notN if "%betacios%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%d2xTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey echo set betacios=%betacios% >temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _.__ -lerep _" "__ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul if %betacios% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %betacios% GTR %MorecIOSsNum% goto:badkey ::----copy folders over---- set MorecIOSsNum2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist2 %%A goto:quickskip :processlist2 set CurrentcIOS=%* ::if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" goto:EOF set /a MorecIOSsNum2=%MorecIOSsNum2%+1 if /i "%MorecIOSsNum2%" EQU "%betacios%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip if exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" goto:nodownload if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" mkdir "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://d2x-cios.googlecode.com/files/%CurrentcIOS%.zip" if not exist "%CurrentcIOS%.zip" goto:badkey support\7za e -aoa "%CurrentcIOS%.zip" -o"support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%" *.* -r del "%CurrentcIOS%.zip">nul if not exist "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\d2x-beta.bat" (rd /s /q "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%") & (goto:badkey) :nodownload if exist support\d2x-beta rd /s /q support\d2x-beta mkdir support\d2x-beta copy /y "support\More-cIOSs\%CurrentcIOS%\*" "support\d2x-beta">nul del temp\list.txt>nul mode con cols=85 lines=54 goto:d2xfix :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:betaswitch2 ::-------------- :d2xfix ::d2x check for changed DL names and md5's for Advanced downloads only if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:%backbeforebetaswitch%) findStr "d2x" temp\DLnamesADV.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:%backbeforebetaswitch%) FINDSTR /N . temp\DLnamesADV.txt>temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt -+d2x -rep _cIOS*[_cIOS249[_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "__ -write -yes set loadorgo=load4switch ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt) do call :processDLCheckswitch %%A goto:quickskip :processDLCheckswitch set advDLCheck=%* echo set advDLcheckNUM=%advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat -rep _:*__ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat del temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat>nul echo %advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheck.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheck.bat -rep _"%advDLcheckNUM%:"_"set advDLcheck="_ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheck.bat del temp\advDLcheck.bat>nul call temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat set oldfullname=%name% set advDLCheck0=%advDLCheck% set d2x-beta-rev=7-final set advDLCheck=%advDLCheck:~0,17%%d2x-beta-rev% if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat set string=%d2x-beta-rev% set d2xVersionLength=0 :loopd2xVersionLength if defined string ( set string=%string:~1% set /A d2xVersionLength += 1 goto:loopd2xVersionLength ) echo set alt-d2x-beta-rev=@advDLcheck0:~17,%d2xVersionLength%@>temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat support\sfk filter temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat del temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "%alt-d2x-beta-rev%" goto:EOF goto:%advDLCheck% :processDLCheck2switch set slotnum=%slotcode:~7% if "%slotnum%"=="" set slotnum=249 set newname=cIOS%slotnum%%basecios:~7,10%%d2x-beta-rev% ::update temp\AdvDL#.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat -rep _"set MD5="*_"set MD5=%MD5%"_ -rep _"set md5alt="*_"set md5alt=%md5alt%"_ -rep _"set ciosversion="*_"set ciosversion=%ciosversion%"_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "*_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -rep _"set wadname="*_"set wadname=%wadname%"_ -rep _"set wadnameless="*_"set wadnameless=%newname%"_ -write -yes ::update temp\DLnamesADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADV.txt -lerep _"%oldfullname%"_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -write -yes goto:EOF :quickskip if exist temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt del temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt>nul ::set loadorgo=go mode con cols=85 lines=54 goto:%backbeforebetaswitch% ::--------------------- ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 2 - PATCH IOS-------------------------------- :ADVPAGE2 set loadorgo=go set ADVPATCH= set patchcode= set patchname= set ADVSLOT= set SLOTCODE= set SLOTNAME= if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip set wadnameless=%wadname% echo BLAH%wadname%>wadnametemp.bat support\sfk filter wadnametemp.bat -rep _BLAH_"set wadnameless="_ -rep _-64-__ -rep _RVL-__ -rep _.wad__ -write -yes>nul call wadnametemp.bat del wadnametemp.bat>nul if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:ADVPAGE3 :skip cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Como le gustar\xeda el parche %wadnameless%? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Los 4 parches disponibles support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ning\xfan parche echo. echo -FS = Parche Falso echo -ES = ES identificar el parche echo -NP = Nand permiso de parche support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x96VP = Versi\xf3n parche echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Seleccione v\xe1rios parches separ\xe1ndolos por un espacio. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Ejemplos de como seleccionar m\xfaltiples parches echo ---------------------------------------------- echo -FS -ES -NP echo -ES -FS echo -NP -VP echo -NP -FS -VP echo -FS -ES -NP -VP echo etc. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVPATCH= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if "%ADVLIST%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED :skip if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "N" (set patchcode=) & (set patchname=) & (goto:ADVPAGE3) if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "A" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP -VP ::if lower case letters entered change to upper if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS" set ADVPATCH=-FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES" set ADVPATCH=-ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP" set ADVPATCH=-NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP" set ADVPATCH=-VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -FS -NP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -ES -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-VP -NP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -FS -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -ES -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS -ES" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -FS -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES -FS" set ADVPATCH=-NP -VP -ES -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -FS -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS -VP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -FS -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -NP -VP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP -FS" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -NP -FS if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS -NP" set ADVPATCH=-ES -VP -FS -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -NP -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -ES -VP -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES -VP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -ES -VP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -NP -VP -ES if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES -NP" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -ES -NP if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP -ES" set ADVPATCH=-FS -VP -NP -ES ::add leading space for patchcode set patchcode= %ADVPATCH% ::remove leading dash and space for patchname echo [%ADVPATCH:~1%]>temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _" "__ -write -yes set /p patchname= nul if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -FS -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -ES -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-VP -NP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -FS -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -ES -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -FS -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-NP -VP -ES -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -FS -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -FS -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -NP -VP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -NP -FS" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-ES -VP -FS -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -NP -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -ES -VP -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -ES -VP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -NP -VP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -ES -NP" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVPATCH%" EQU "-FS -VP -NP -ES" goto:ADVPAGE3 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVPAGE2 ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 3 - SLOT-------------------------------- :ADVPAGE3 set ADVSLOT= set SLOTCODE= set SLOTNAME= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Para cambiar la ranura de IOS # por %wadnameless%%patchname% echo. echo Introduzca una nueva ranura IOS # ahora echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] ADVERTENCIA: Tenga cuidado con la ranura IOS # que elija, si sobrescribe support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]un IOSs crucial PUEDE OBTENER BRICK echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: Debe tener entre 3 y 254 echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, dejar sin cambios la ranura echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVSLOT= Escriba la seleccion aqui: ::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVTYPE%" EQU "CIOS" goto:BACKTOMENUFIRST if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE2 :BACKTOMENUFIRST if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED set SLOTCODE= -slot %ADVSLOT% set SLOTNAME=-slot%ADVSLOT% if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:ADVPAGE4 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%ADVSLOT:~3%"=="" ( :: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers - and reject 1 and 2 (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %ADVSLOT% LSS 3 (goto:badkey) if %ADVSLOT% LEQ 254 goto:ADVPAGE4 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVPAGE3 ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page 4 - Version-------------------------------- :ADVPAGE4 Set ADVVERSION= set VERSIONNAME= set VERSIONCODE= if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" set SLOTCODE= if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" set SLOTNAME= set versionreal=%version% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2224" set versionreal=4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2234" set versionreal=4 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24914" set versionreal=14 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "24917" set versionreal=17 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491937" set versionreal=19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491938" set versionreal=19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2491957" set versionreal=19 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492056" set versionreal=20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492057" set versionreal=20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492038" set versionreal=20 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2225" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2235" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2245" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "20251" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22251" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22351" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "22451" set versionreal=65535 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492137" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492138" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492153" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492155" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492156" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492157" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "2492158" set versionreal=21 if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x37" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x38" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x53" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x55" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x56" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x57" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "249d2x58" set versionreal=%ciosversion% if /i "%ADVTYPE%" NEQ "CIOS" goto:miniskip if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip set wadnameless=cIOS%ADVSLOT%%wadname:~7% set slotname= :miniskip set /a versionplus1=%versionreal%+1 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Quieres cambiar la versi\xf3n # de %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname% echo. echo. echo Nota: MAX es 65535 echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]MAX[def] = MAX (65535) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, dejar sin cambios la versi\xf3n (%versionreal%) if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" echo. if /i "%versionreal%" NEQ "65535" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]V1[def] = Version \x2b 1 (%versionplus1%) :bypass echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVVERSION= Escriba la seleccion aqui: ::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE3 if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "MAX" set ADVVERSION=65535 if /i "%versionreal%" EQU "65535" goto:alreadymaxxed if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:alreadymaxxed if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "v1" set ADVVERSION=%versionplus1% :alreadymaxxed set versioncode= -v %ADVVERSION% set versionname=-[v%ADVVERSION%] if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:ADVCONFIRM :skip if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" goto:CONFIRM ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%ADVVERSION:~5%"=="" ( :: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %ADVVERSION% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if /i "%ADVLIST%" EQU "U" goto:skip if %ADVVERSION% LEQ 65535 goto:ADVCONFIRM :skip if %ADVVERSION% LEQ 65535 goto:CONFIRM :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVPAGE4 ::------------------------------------ADVANCED page CONFIRM - Version-------------------------------- :ADVCONFIRM set ADVCONFIRM= if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONNAME= if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONCODE= set changes= if /i "%wadname:~0,-4%" EQU "%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%" set changes=none cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo DESCARGA AVANZADA PERSONALIZADA echo. echo. if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfSon estos valores correctos? echo. echo. echo. echo Descargar %wadname% y revisar en consecuencia echo. if /i "%ADVTYPE%" NEQ "CIOS" goto:miniskip if /i "%ADVSLOT%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 cIOS[Red]%ADVSLOT%[def]%wadname:~7%[Red]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% goto:yeschanges :miniskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 %wadnameless%[Red]%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% goto:yeschanges :nochanges echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] You have not selected any changes to be made to %wadnameless% echo. echo. echo Si desea descargar %wadnameless% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 puede hacerlo desde el lote/P\xe1ginas adicionales de descarga :yeschanges echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%changes%" NEQ "none" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, colocar en la cola de descarga avanzada echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, volver al Men\xfa de descargas personalizadas echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p ADVCONFIRM= Escriba la seleccion aqui: ::"B" will actually take u to the menu only to clear the download_queue, then it will return to advanced page1 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%changes%" EQU "none" goto:nochanges2 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1 if /i "%ADVCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SaveADVdlSettings :nochanges2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:ADVCONFIRM :SaveADVdlSettings echo "set name=Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadname=%wadname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set ciosslot=%ciosSLOT%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set ciosversion=%ciosVERSION%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5=%md5%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5alt=%md5alt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set basewad=%basewad%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5base=%md5base%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5basealt=%md5basealt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code1=%code1%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code2=%code2%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set version=%version%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set basewadb=%basewadb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5baseb=%md5baseb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set md5basebalt=%md5basebalt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code1b=%code1b%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code2b=%code2b%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versionb=%versionb%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set basecios=%basecios%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set diffpath=%diffpath%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set code2new=%code2new%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set lastbasemodule=%lastbasemodule%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set category=%category%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadnameless=%wadnameless%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set patchname=%patchname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotname=%slotname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotcode=%slotcode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versionname=%versionname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versioncode=%versioncode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set cIOSFamilyName=%cIOSFamilyName%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set cIOSversionNum=%cIOSversionNum%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set PATCHCODE=%PATCHCODE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat ::echo "goto:downloadstart">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "Advanced Download: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes goto:ADVANCED ::...................................Custom- User-Defined Custom Download............................... :CUSTOM set DEC=none set HEX= set countIOS=0 set VERFINAL= set patchname= set slotname= set versionname= set HEX= set VER= set wadfolder= set verfinal= set PATCHCODE= set slotcode= set versioncode= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca el n\xfamero de la IOS que desea descargar ::echo ya sea en decimal (x,xx,xxx; ie. 9,60,249), i en Hex (xx; ie. F9=249) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 o introduzca "SM" o "MIOS" para descargar un men\xfa del sistema o MIOS echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]ADVERTENCIA: Aseg\xfarese de introducir un n\xfamero de IOS existente echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]#[def] = Descargue el n\xfamero de IOS echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]SM[def] = Descarga un men\xfa de sistema echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]MIOS[def] = Descargar un MIOS echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p DEC= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%DEC%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DEC%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%DEC:~3%"=="" ( :: echo. ERROR: Name cannot be more than 8 chars goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %DEC% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if %DEC% LEQ 254 goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CUSTOM :CUSTOMPAGE2 set VER= set ADVPATCH= set patchcode= set patchname= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 versi\xf3n del men\xfa de sistema desea descargar? (ie. XXX) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT1 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 versi\xf3n de MIOS desea descargar? (ie. 4, 5, 8, 10) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT1 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 versi\xf3n de IOS %DEC% desea descargar? :NEXT1 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 [Red] ADVERTENCIAS:[def] - Asegurese de que la versi\xf3n que de entrada existe realmente support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 - La versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente puede desactivarse echo. echo. echo. echo. if /i "%DEC%" NEQ "SM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]*[def] = Descargue la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]*[def] = Descargar el men\xfa del sistema m\xe1s reciente de Corea echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p VER= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%VER%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%VER%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOM set version=%VER% if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:bypass ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%VER:~5%"=="" ( goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %VER% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) :bypass if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:nopatches if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:nopatches ::for IOSs Only if /i "%VER%" NEQ "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-v%VER% if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set wadnameless=IOS%DEC%-64-vNEW if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:ADVPAGE2 if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:ADVPAGE2 :nopatches if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" goto:CONFIRM if /i "%VER%" LSS 65536 goto:CONFIRM :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 :CONFIRM if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONNAME= if /i "%ADVVERSION%" EQU "N" set VERSIONCODE= set VERFINAL=%VER% if /i "%VER%" EQU "*" set VERFINAL=NEW cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Seguro de que desea probar la descarga del men\xfa del sistema v%VER%? if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:NEXT2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" echo Seguro de que desea probar la descarga MIOS v%VER%? if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:NEXT2 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Est\xe1 seguro que desea intentar descargar: echo. echo IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname% :NEXT2 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red]ADVERTENCIA: Esta descarga no funcionar\xe1 si el archivo no existe. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, colocar en la cola de descarga avanzada echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, volver al Men\xfa de descargas personalizadas echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p CONFIRM= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:ADVANCED ::if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "A" goto:CUSTOMDL if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1 if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:SaveADVdlSettings2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skip if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skip if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:ADVPAGE4 :skip if /i "%CONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:CUSTOMPAGE2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CONFIRM :SaveADVdlSettings2 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "set name=Advanced Download: System Menu v%VER%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat) & (echo "Advanced Download: System Menu v%VER%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt) & (goto:miniskip) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "set name=Advanced Download: MIOS v%VER%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat) & (echo "Advanced Download: MIOS v%VER%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt) & (goto:miniskip) echo "set name=Advanced Download: IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "Advanced Download: IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt :miniskip echo "set DEC=%DEC%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set VERFINAL=%VERFINAL%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set patchname=%patchname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotname=%slotname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versionname=%versionname%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set HEX=%HEX%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set VER=%VER%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadfolder=%wadfolder%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set PATCHCODE=%PATCHCODE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set slotcode=%slotcode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set versioncode=%versioncode%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set category=userdefined">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat ::echo "Descarga Avanzada: %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes goto:Advanced ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL or ISO-------------------------------- :FORWARDERDOLorISO set FORWARDERDOLorISO= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 tipo de Forwarder quieres crear? echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]1[def] = DOL echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]2[def] = ISO echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]3[def] = Both echo. echo. echo Nota: ISO Forwarder requiere un cIOS con base 38 para poder trabajar. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Si se utiliza un cIOS D2X, asegurese de recargar IOS est\xe1 echo configurado para "off". echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 Advertencia: Incluso cuando se utiliza la configuraci\xf3n recomendada, no todos echo tienen exito con ISOs Forwarder, los resultados pueden variar. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERDOLorISO= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "B" goto:ADVANCED if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "1" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FORWARDERDOLorISO ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :FORWARDERDOLBUILDER set FORWARDERTYPE= set URLPATH= set path-0= set path-1= set path-2= set path-3= set path-4= set path-5= set path-6= set path-7= set path-8= set path-9= set path-10= set NumberOfPaths=1 set bigt=1 set FORWARDERTITLEID= set DISCID= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 tipo de Forwarder quieres construir? echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]1[def] = SD\USB Forwarder (v11b) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]2[def] = URL Forwarder (Requiere Canal Internet) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]3[def] = Canal Forwarder echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERTYPE= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERDOLorISO if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "1" goto:v10FORWARDERDOL if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "2" goto:INTERNETFORWARDERDOL if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "3" goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :v10FORWARDERDOL set path-0= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if "%path-10%"=="" echo Ruta de entrada forwarder #%NumberOfPaths%: if not "%path-10%"=="" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Red] m\xe1ximo n\xfamero de rutas) & (goto:maxreached) echo. echo. echo Nota: No pueden contener : * ? " < > | & %% echo. echo Ejemplos: echo apps/usbloader_cfg/boot.dol echo apps/HackMii_Installer/boot.elf echo boot.elf echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: La longitud m\xe1xima de la palabra es de 255 car\xe1cteres :maxreached echo. if not "%path-1%"=="" echo Path #1: %path-1% if not "%path-2%"=="" echo Path #2: %path-2% if not "%path-3%"=="" echo Path #3: %path-3% if not "%path-4%"=="" echo Path #4: %path-4% if not "%path-5%"=="" echo Path #5: %path-5% if not "%path-6%"=="" echo Path #6: %path-6% if not "%path-7%"=="" echo Path #7: %path-7% if not "%path-8%"=="" echo Path #8: %path-8% if not "%path-9%"=="" echo Path #9: %path-9% if not "%path-10%"=="" echo Path #10: %path-10% echo. echo. if "%path-1%"=="" (echo.) else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar forwarder con las rutas de arriba para descargar la cola) echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p path-0= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if "%path-0%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%path-0%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%path-0%" NEQ "B" goto:notback if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "1" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "2" set path-1= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "3" set path-2= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "4" set path-3= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "5" set path-4= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "6" set path-5= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "7" set path-6= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "8" set path-7= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "9" set path-8= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "10" set path-9= if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "11" set path-10= set /a NumberOfPaths=%NumberOfPaths%-1 goto:v10FORWARDERDOL :notback if "%path-1%"=="" goto:none if /i "%path-0%" EQU "A" set beforeAddforwardertoQueue=v10FORWARDERDOL if /i "%path-0%" EQU "A" goto:FORWARDERNAME :none if /i "%NumberOfPaths%" EQU "11" goto:badkey ::make sure last 4 chars are .dol or .elf if /i "%path-0:~-4%" EQU ".dol" goto:good if /i "%path-0:~-4%" EQU ".elf" goto:good goto:badkey :good ::make sure path doesn't start with a \ or / :doublecheckF if /i "%path-0:~0,1%" EQU "\" (set path-0=%path-0:~1%) & (goto:doublecheckF) if /i "%path-0:~0,1%" EQU "/" (set path-0=%path-0:~1%) & (goto:doublecheckF) ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%path-0:~255%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::replace : * ? " < > | support\sfk filter -quiet -spat temp\temp.bat -rep _\x3a__ -rep _\x2a__ -rep _\x3f__ -rep _\x3c__ -rep _\x3e__ -rep _\x7c__ -rep _\x22__ -write -yes ::replace all \ with / and set path-# = path-0 (must end with .dol or .elf, so will not end with #) echo set path-%NumberOfPaths%=%path-0%>temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter temp\temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes>nul call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul set /a NumberOfPaths=%NumberOfPaths%+1 goto:v10FORWARDERDOL :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:v10FORWARDERDOL ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER NAME-------------------------------- :FORWARDERNAME set FORWARDERNAME= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" NEQ "1" goto:skip echo Por favor, introduzca un nombre para su forwarder, en las siguientes rutas echo. if not "%path-1%"=="" echo Path #1: %path-1% if not "%path-2%"=="" echo Path #2: %path-2% if not "%path-3%"=="" echo Path #3: %path-3% if not "%path-4%"=="" echo Path #4: %path-4% if not "%path-5%"=="" echo Path #5: %path-5% if not "%path-6%"=="" echo Path #6: %path-6% if not "%path-7%"=="" echo Path #7: %path-7% if not "%path-8%"=="" echo Path #8: %path-8% if not "%path-9%"=="" echo Path #9: %path-9% if not "%path-10%"=="" echo Path #10: %path-10% :skip if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" NEQ "2" goto:skip echo Por favor, introduzca un nombre para su forwarder, con las siguientes rutas echo. echo %URLpath% :skip if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" NEQ "3" goto:skip echo Por favor, introduzca un nombre para su forwarder para support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 el canal t\xedtulo ID siguiente: echo. echo %FORWARDERTITLEID% :skip echo. echo. echo Nota: No puede contener \ / : * ? " < > | & %% echo. if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE%" EQU "2" (echo Ejemplo: Wiibrew) else (echo Ejemplo: usbloader) echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERNAME= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if "%FORWARDERNAME%"=="" goto:badkey echo "set FORWARDERNAME=%FORWARDERNAME%">temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet -spat temp\temp.bat -rep _\x5c__ -rep _\x2f__ -rep _\x3a__ -rep _\x2a__ -rep _\x3f__ -rep _\x3c__ -rep _\x3e__ -rep _\x7c__ -rep _\x22__ -write -yes if /i "%FORWARDERNAME%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERNAME%" EQU "B" goto:%beforeAddforwardertoQueue% call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" NEQ "1" goto:DISCID goto:SaveADVdlSettingsFORWARDER :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FORWARDERNAME :SaveADVdlSettingsFORWARDER set /a AdvNumber=%AdvNumber%+1 if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "1" echo "set name=Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "set name=Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% ISO">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "set name=Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO">temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set wadname=%FORWARDERNAME%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERNAME=%FORWARDERNAME%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-1=%path-1%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-2=%path-2%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-3=%path-3%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-4=%path-4%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-5=%path-5%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-6=%path-6%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-7=%path-7%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-8=%path-8%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-9=%path-9%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set path-10=%path-10%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set URLPATH=%URLPATH%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERTITLEID=%FORWARDERTITLEID%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set bigt=%bigt%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set category=FORWARDER">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERTYPE=%FORWARDERTYPE%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set FORWARDERDOLorISO=%FORWARDERDOLorISO%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat echo "set DISCID=%DISCID%">>temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "1" echo "Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% ISO">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "Advanced Download: Forwarder - %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO">>temp\DLnamesADV.txt echo "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat">>temp\DLgotosADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\AdvDL%AdvNumber%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnamesADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotosADV.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes goto:Advanced ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :INTERNETFORWARDERDOL set URLpath= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Entrada URL del sitio web echo. echo. echo Ejemplo: www.wiibrew.org echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20\x20\x20 Nota: * URL No puede contener \x25, \x26, o \x22 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 * Longitud de la URL m\xe1xima es de 95 car\xe1cteres echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p URLpath= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%URLpath%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%URLpath%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if "%URLpath%"=="" goto:badkey ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%URLpath:~95%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::replace all \ with / echo set URLPATH=%URLpath% >temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.bat -rep _\_/_ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat set URLPATH=%URLPATH:~0,-1% set beforeAddforwardertoQueue=INTERNETFORWARDERDOL goto:FORWARDERNAME :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:INTERNETFORWARDERDOL ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - CHANNEL FORWARDER DOL BUILDER-------------------------------- :CHANNELFORWARDERDOL set FORWARDERTITLEID= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca el ID de t\xedtulo de 4 car\xe1cteres para el canal que desea cargar echo O introduzca el valor hexadecimal del canal, separando cada byte con una coma echo. echo Ejemplos: echo IDCL echo 49,44,43,4c echo. echo. echo Tipo de canal: %bigt% echo. echo O introduzca "1", "2", "4" o "8" cambiar el tipo de canal echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Los ID del siguiente t\xedtulo se vera obligado como el tipo de canal 2 echo. echo HAAA HABA HACA HAFA HAFE HAFJ HAFP HAGA HAGE HAGJ HAGP HAYA echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p FORWARDERTITLEID= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERDOLBUILDER if "%FORWARDERTITLEID%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "1" (set bigt=1) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "2" (set bigt=2) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "4" (set bigt=4) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID%" EQU "8" (set bigt=8) & (goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL) ::minimum number of chars = x+1 (ie. ~5 sets minimum of 6) if "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~3%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~11%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::if more than 4 chars then check if hex if "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~4%"=="" goto:nocheckhex if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~2,1%" NEQ "," goto:badkey if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~5,1%" NEQ "," goto:badkey if /i "%FORWARDERTITLEID:~8,1%" NEQ "," goto:badkey :nocheckhex set beforeAddforwardertoQueue=CHANNELFORWARDERDOL goto:FORWARDERNAME :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CHANNELFORWARDERDOL ::------------------------------------ADVANCED - Forwarder ISO Name-------------------------------- :DISCID set DISCID= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca la ID de 6 car\xe1cteres que desea en la ISO para su uso. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: solo debe contener n\xfameros y\o letras. echo Para obtener los mejores resultados, utilice este formato: D**A00 echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p DISCID= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%DISCID%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DISCID%" EQU "B" goto:FORWARDERNAME ::minimum number of chars = x+1 (ie. ~5 sets minimum of 6) if "%DISCID:~5%"=="" (goto:badkey) ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%DISCID:~6%"=="" (goto:badkey) goto:SaveADVdlSettingsFORWARDER :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DISCID ::...................................CONFIG File Menu............................... :CONFIGFILEMENU set configfile= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfQu\xe9 aplicaci\xf3n Wii quieres configurar? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]BM[def] = BootMii (crear bootmii.ini) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]MMM[def] = Multi-Mod Manager (crear mmmconfig.txt) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]WM[def] = Wad Manager (crear wm_config.txt) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p configfile= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%configfile%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%configfile%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%configfile%" EQU "BM" goto:BMCONFIG if /i "%configfile%" EQU "WM" goto:WMCONFIG if /i "%configfile%" EQU "MMM" goto:MMMCONFIG echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:CONFIGFILEMENU ::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG set BMVIDEO= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Esto crear\xe1 un archivo en bootmii.ini %DRIVE%\bootmii\ echo para determinar como BootMii se pone en marcha. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Ingrese el modo de video que desea que utilize BootMii: echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = NTSC support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 [YELLOW]50[def] = PAL50 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 [YELLOW]60[def] = PAL60 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]P[def] = Progresivo echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMVIDEO= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "N" set BMVIDEO=NTSC if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "50" set BMVIDEO=PAL50 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "60" set BMVIDEO=PAL60 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "P" set BMVIDEO=PROGRESSIVE if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "NTSC" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL50" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PAL60" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMVIDEO%" EQU "PROGRESSIVE" goto:BMCONFIG2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG ::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG2 set BMBOOT= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfTe gustar\xeda BootMii con arranque autom\xe1tico? echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]O[def] = OFF (BootMii) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]H[def] = HBC (Homebrew Channel) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = SYSMENU (Men\xfa Sistema) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMBOOT= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "O" set BMBOOT=OFF if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "H" set BMBOOT=HBC if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "S" set BMBOOT=SYSMENU if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" set BMDELAY=0 if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" goto:BMCONFIG3 if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" goto:BMCONFIG3 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG2 ::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG3 set BMDELAY= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfCuantos segundos debe esperar BootMii para if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "HBC" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 arrancan autom\xe1ticamente el canal homebrew? if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Cuantos segundos debe esperar BootMii para if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "SYSMENU" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 arrancan autom\xe1ticamente el men\xfa del sistema? echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Posibles ajustes: echo. echo 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMDELAY= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "0" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "1" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "2" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "3" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "4" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "5" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "6" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "7" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "8" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "9" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMDELAY%" EQU "10" goto:BMCONFIG4 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG3 ::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR (bootmii.ini)............................... :BMCONFIG4 set BMSD= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfLe gustar\xeda la descarga de BootMii y los archivos a la SD necesarios echo para poner en marcha BootMii? echo. echo. echo. echo Nota: estos son los mismos archivos generados por el HackMii Installer support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 mediante la instalaci\xf3n de BootMii como boot2 o mediante la support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 preparaci\xf3n de una tarjeta SD echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMSD= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:skip if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG3 :skip if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG2 if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:BMCONFIG5 if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "N" goto:BMCONFIG5 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG4 ::...................................BootMii CONFIGURATOR page 5............................... :BMCONFIG5 set BMCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfSon estos valores correctos? echo. echo. echo Modo video ajustado a %BMVIDEO% echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Arranque autom\xe1tico establecido con %BMBOOT% if /i "%BMBOOT%" EQU "OFF" goto:nodelay echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 arranque autom\xe1tico con Retardo se establece en %BMDELAY% segundos :nodelay echo. echo. if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" echo * Descargar Archivos BootMii para la SD para lanzar BootMii echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, crear bootmii.ini con estos ajustes if exist "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo Nota: bootmii.ini existente se sobrescribira echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, llevarme de regreso al men\xfa principal echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p BMCONFIRM= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:BMCONFIG4 if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%BMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDBMCONFIG echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:BMCONFIG5 :BUILDBMCONFIG if not exist "%Drive%"\bootmii mkdir "%Drive%"\bootmii echo # BootMii Config File> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # Created by ModMii>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # Video mode, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # NTSC, PAL50, PAL60, PROGRESSIVE>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo VIDEO=%BMVIDEO%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # Autoboot, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # SYSMENU, HBC, OFF>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo AUTOBOOT=%BMBOOT%>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo #>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # BOOTDELAY, possible settings:>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini echo BOOTDELAY=BLAH>> "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini support\sfk filter "%Drive%"\bootmii\bootmii.ini -rep _BLAH_%BMDELAY%_ -write -yes>nul start notepad "%Drive%\bootmii\bootmii.ini" cls if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set DLTOTAL=1 if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" set bootmiisd=* if /i "%BMSD%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSETTINGS goto:MENU ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR (wmconfig.txt)............................... :WMCONFIG set WMCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Esto creara un archivo wm_config.txt en %DRIVE%\WAD\, y es opcional. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 Usted recibir\xe1 todas las indicaciones si no dispone de este archivo. echo. echo Nota: solo funciona para YAWMM, Wad Manager Multi-Mod y echo Carpetas Mod WAD Manager echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 Introduzca el IOS # que le gustar\xeda en Wad Manager para cargar autom\xe1ticamente echo. echo Nota: MAX es 254 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Las opciones m\xe1s comunes son 36, 249, 250, etc. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Instalaci\xf3n de NAND Emulada s\xf3lo est\xe1 disponible para 249 o 250 echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (Wad Manager le pedira la selecci\xf3n) echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCIOS= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG2 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" ( goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:WMCONFIG2 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 2............................... :WMCONFIG2 set WMDEVICE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca el dispositivo FAT que usted quiere cargar de forma autom\xe1tica. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: puede introducir el n\xfamero o la palabra echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = SD echo 2 = USB echo 3 = USB2 echo 4 = GCSDA echo 5 = GCSDA echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (Wad Manager le pedira la selecci\xf3n) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMDEVICE= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "1" SET WMDEVICE=sd if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=usb2 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "4" SET WMDEVICE=gcsda if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "5" SET WMDEVICE=gcsdb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb2" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "gcsda" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG2 ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 3............................... :WMCONFIG3 :: NAND Emulation installation only available if cIOS249 or cIOS250 selected if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B set WMNAND=N goto:WMCONFIG4 :WMCONFIG3B set WMNAND= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Emulaci\xf3n NAND echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca el dispositivo NAND que le gustar\xeda para seleccionar support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 de forma autom\xe1tica. echo. echo. echo Nota: Las herramientas de PC como ShowMiiWads son mejores para la support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 instalaci\xf3n de WADs de NAND emulada. Por lo que se recomienda support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 dejar la emulaci\xf3n NAND desabilitada echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: puede introducir el n\xfamero o la palabra echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = Deshabilitar echo 2 = USB echo 3 = SD echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (Wad Manager le pedir\xe1 si es cIOS249 o cIOS250 seleccionado) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMNAND= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "3" SET WMNAND=SD if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "2" SET WMNAND=USB if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "1" SET WMNAND=Disable if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "SD" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "USB" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "Disable" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG3 ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 4............................... :WMCONFIG4 set WMPATH= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca la ruta de arranque que le gustar\xeda para la carga inicial. echo. echo Nota: Si usted no tiene un startupPath, el valor por defecto es /WAD echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Asegurese de que la ruta existe, de lo contrario se producir\xe1 echo un error. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Ejemplos: echo /WAD/Forwarders echo /myWad echo / support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: '/' establece el StartupPath a la ra\xedz del dispositivo echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (el valor predeterminado es /WAD) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMPATH= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "N" SET WMPATH=/WAD if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4BACK if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG4 goto:WMCONFIG5 :WMCONFIG4BACK if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:WMCONFIG3B if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:WMCONFIG3B goto:WMCONFIG2 ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 5............................... :WMCONFIG5 set WMPASS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Escriba una contrase\xf1a para acceder al WAD Manager solo con LRUD; donde echo. echo L = Left (Izquierda) echo R = Right (Derecha) echo U = Up (Arriba) echo D = Down (Abajo echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: La contrase\xf1a se introduce en el Wiimote o controlador de GC, support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 un m\xe1ximo de 10 car\xe1cteres echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: Si usted no tiene una contrase\xf1a, el valor predeterminado es echo sin password echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Ejemplos: echo UDLR echo UDLRUDLRUD echo UUUUUUU echo L echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (sin contrase\xf1a) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMPASS= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG4 if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU IF "%WMPASS%"=="" echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta IF "%WMPASS%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul IF "%WMPASS%"=="" goto:WMCONFIG5 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WMPASS:~10%"=="" ( echo. ERROR: Password cannot be more than 10 Digits @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG5 ) ::...................................WAD MANAGER CONFIGURATOR page 6............................... :WMCONFIG6 set WMCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \xbfSon estos valores correctos? echo. echo. if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Sistema de selecci\xf3n de cIOS if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Versi\xf3n-cIOS=%WMCIOS% echo. if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Selecci\xf3n r\xe1pida de dispositivos FAT if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo Dispositivo-Fat=%WMDEVICE% echo. if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "249" goto:nanddevice if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "250" goto:nanddevice goto:skipnanddevice :nanddevice if /i "%WMNAND%" EQU "N" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Sistema Selecci\xf3n del dispositivo NAND if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo Dispositivo-NAND=%WMNAND% echo. :skipnanddevice echo StartupPath=%WMPATH% echo. if /i "%WMPASS%" EQU "N" echo No Password if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS% echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, crear wm_config.txt con estos ajustes if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt echo Nota: wm_config.txt existente se sobrescribe echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, volver al men\xfa principal echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCONFIRM= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:WMCONFIG5 if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDWMCONFIG echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:WMCONFIG6 :BUILDWMCONFIG if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD echo ;wm_config.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo cIOSVersion=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMNAND%" NEQ "N" echo NANDDevice=%WMNAND%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt if /i "%WMPASS%" NEQ "N" echo Password=%WMPASS%>> "%Drive%"\WAD\wm_config.txt start notepad "%Drive%\WAD\wm_config.txt" goto:MENU ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt)............................... :MMMCONFIG set WMCIOS= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Esto creara el archivo mmmconfig.txt en %DRIVE%\, y es opcional. echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 Introduzca el IOS # le gustar\xeda que Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) se cargue support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 autom\xe1ticamente echo. echo Nota: Max es 254 support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 Las opciones m\xe1s comunes son 36, 249, 250, etc. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (No Auto-Recargar IOS) echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCIOS= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "B" goto:CONFIGFILEMENU if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG2 ::limit user input to X# of digits if not "%WMCIOS:~3%"=="" ( goto:badkey ) ::Reject negative numbers (LSS is less than, GTR is greater than) if %WMCIOS% LSS 1 (goto:badkey) if %WMCIOS% LEQ 254 goto:MMMCONFIG2 :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MMMCONFIG ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 2............................... :MMMCONFIG2 set WMDEVICE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca el dispositivo FAT que usted quiere cargar de forma autom\xe1tica. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: puede introducir el n\xfamero o la palabra echo. echo. echo. echo. echo 1 = SD (por defecto si mmmconfig.txt no existe) echo 2 = USB echo 3 = SMB echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (MMM le pedir\xe1 la selecci\xf3n) echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMDEVICE= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "1" SET WMDEVICE=sd if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "2" SET WMDEVICE=usb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "3" SET WMDEVICE=smb if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "sd" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "usb" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "smb" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "M" goto:MENU echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MMMCONFIG2 ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 3............................... :MMMCONFIG3 set WMPATH= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Introduzca la ruta de arranque que le gustar\xeda para la carga inicial. echo. echo Nota: Si usted no tiene un startupPath, el valor por defecto es /WAD echo. echo Nota: Asegurese de que la ruta existe, de lo contrario obtendra un error. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Ejemplos: echo /WAD/Forwarders echo /myWad echo / support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Nota: '/' establece el StartupPath en la ra\xedz del dispositivo echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = Ninguno (por defecto es /WAD) echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMPATH= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "N" SET WMPATH=/WAD if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG2 if /i "%WMPATH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU IF "%WMPATH%"=="" echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta IF "%WMPATH%"=="" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul IF "%WMPATH%"=="" goto:MMMCONFIG3 ::...................................MMM CONFIGURATOR (mmmconfig.txt) page 4............................... :MMMCONFIG4 set WMCONFIRM= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo. echo Son estos valores correctos? echo. echo. if /i "%WMCIOS%" EQU "N" echo No Auto-Recargar el IOS if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Carga-autom\xe1tica=%WMCIOS% echo. if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Selecci\xf3n r\xe1pida de dispositivos FAT echo. if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo Dispositivo-FAT=%WMDEVICE% echo StartupPath=%WMPATH% echo. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, crear mmmconfig.txt con estos ajustes if exist "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 Nota: mmmconfig.txt existente se sobrescribir\xe1 echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]N[def] = No, volver al men\xfa principal echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. echo. set /p WMCONFIRM= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "B" goto:MMMCONFIG3 if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "N" goto:MENU if /i "%WMCONFIRM%" EQU "Y" goto:BUILDMMMCONFIG echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:MMMCONFIG4 :BUILDMMMCONFIG if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" echo ;mmmconfig.txt made by ModMii> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt if /i "%WMCIOS%" NEQ "N" echo AutoLoadIOS=%WMCIOS%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt if /i "%WMDEVICE%" NEQ "N" echo FatDevice=%WMDEVICE%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt if /i "%WMDEVICE%" EQU "N" echo FatDevice=>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt echo StartupPath=%WMPATH%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt start notepad "%Drive%\mmmconfig.txt" goto:MENU ::----------------------------------------sysCheck Selector------------------------------------- :sysCheckName set sysCheckName= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. echo Introduzca la ruta\nombre del registro sysCheck.csv que se desea analizar. echo. echo. echo Usted puede hacer esto arrastrando y soltando el archivo en la ventana echo luego pulsar ENTER. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 Nota: Se puede descargar de la p\xe1gina de descargas 2 de ModMii sysCheck. echo Simplemente guardarla en tu tarjeta SD o disco duro FAT32 y ejecutelo support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 desde el Homebrew Channel. A continuaci\xf3n, guardar el registro support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 \x20 sysCheck.csv en la ra\xedz de su tarjeta SD o disco duro FAT32. echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p sysCheckName= Escriba la seleccion aqui: echo "set sysCheckName=%sysCheckName%">temp\temp.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\temp.txt -rep _""""__>temp\temp.bat call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul del temp\temp.txt>nul if "%sysCheckName%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%sysCheckName%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%sysCheckName%" EQU "B" goto:MENU if /i "%sysCheckName:~-4%" NEQ ".csv" goto:badkey if not exist "%sysCheckName%" goto:badkey findStr /I /C:"syscheck" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo This is not a valid syscheck report) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:sysCheckName) goto:sysCheckAnalyzer :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:sysCheckName ::----------------------------------------sysCheck Analyzer------------------------------------- :sysCheckAnalyzer cls ::get syscheck version copy /y "%sysCheckName%" temp\syscheck.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\syscheck.txt -ls+"sysCheck" -rep _"sysCheck v"__ -rep _" by*"__ -write -yes set /p syscheckversion= nul ::get firmware info (ie. "System Menu 4.3E") copy /y "%sysCheckName%" temp\syscheck.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet temp\syscheck.txt -ls+"System Menu " -rep _"*System Menu "__ -rep _" *"__ -rep _",*"__ -write -yes set /p firmstart= nul set firm=%firmstart% set firmwarechange=no if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "4.0" set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "3.x" set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%firmstart%" EQU "o" set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:noSM set firm=4.1 if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" set SM4.1U=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" set SM4.1E=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" set SM4.1J=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" set SM4.1K=* :noSM ::check if priiloader is installed set pri= if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "yes" (set pri=*) & (goto:skipprianalysis) if /i "%syscheckversion%" EQU "2.0.1" goto:skipprianalysis ::note: Priiloader is spelled wrong in syscheck logs findStr /I /C:"Priilaoder installed" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set pri=*) else (set pri=) :skipprianalysis if /i "%syscheckversion%" NEQ "2.0.1" goto:nopriconfirmation if /i "%pri%" EQU "*" goto:nopriconfirmation :Prisyscheck ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:cmdskip if /i "%PRICMD%" EQU "Y" set pri=* goto:nopriconfirmation :cmdskip set Prisyscheck= cls echo No se puede determinar si se ha instalado con priiloader los echo registros sysCheck v2.0.1 echo. echo \xbfYa tiene priiloader instalado? (Y/N) echo. echo Si usted no sabe, intente acceder a Priiloader apagando la Wii, echo luego encenderla de nuevo mientras se mantiene reset. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Si Priiloader est\xe1 instalado, usted ser\xe1 llevado al men\xfa Priiloader. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Si usted todav\xeda no esta seguro, conteste "N". echo. set /p Prisyscheck= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%Prisyscheck%" EQU "Y" (set pri=) & (cls) & (goto:nopriconfirmation) if /i "%Prisyscheck%" EQU "N" (set pri=*) & (cls) & (goto:nopriconfirmation) echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:Prisyscheck :nopriconfirmation set d2x-beta-rev=7-final set ciosversion=21007 if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat echo "set cIOSversionNum=%d2x-beta-rev%">temp\cIOSrev.bat support\sfk filter -spat temp\cIOSrev.bat -rep _\x22__ -rep _"-*"__ -write -yes>nul call temp\cIOSrev.bat del temp\cIOSrev.bat>nul set string1=%cIOSversionNum% set versionlength=1 ::letter by letter loop :loopy2 if /i "%string1%" EQU "" goto:endloopy2 set string1=%string1:~1% set /A versionlength=%versionlength%+1 goto:loopy2 :endloopy2 echo set cIOSsubversion=@d2x-beta-rev:~%versionlength%,16@>temp\cIOSsubversion.bat support\sfk filter temp\cIOSsubversion.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call temp\cIOSsubversion.bat del temp\cIOSsubversion.bat>nul :tinyjump ::check for recommended cIOSs and HBC if /i "%syscheckversion%" EQU "2.0.1" goto:v2.0.1 findStr /I /C:"Homebrew Channel 1.0.8 running on IOS58" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set HM=*) else (set HM=) ::check for any version of IOS58 if /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:no58check findStr /I /C:"IOS58 " "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS58=*) else (set IOS58=) :no58check findStr /I /C:"IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=*) else (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=) findStr /I /C:"IOS222[38] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS222[38]-v4=*) else (set cIOS222[38]-v4=) findStr /I /C:"IOS223[75] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*) else (set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=) findStr /I /C:"IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=*) else (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=) findStr /I /C:"IOS249[56] (rev %ciosversion%, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=*) else (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=) findStr /I /C:"IOS250[57] (rev %ciosversion%, Info: d2x-v%cIOSversionNum%%cIOSsubversion%" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=*) else (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=) if /i "%syscheckversion%" NEQ "2.0.1" goto:skipv2.0.1 :v2.0.1 findStr /I /C:"runs on IOS58" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set HM=*) else (set HM=) ::check for any version of IOS58 if /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:no58check findStr /I /C:"IOS58 " "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS58=*) else (set IOS58=) :no58check findStr /I /C:"IOS202 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=*) else (set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=) findStr /I /C:"IOS222 (rev 4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS222[38]-v4=*) else (set cIOS222[38]-v4=) findStr /I /C:"IOS223 (rev 4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=*) else (set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=) findStr /I /C:"IOS224 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=*) else (set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=) findStr /I /C:"IOS249 (rev %ciosversion%): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=*) else (set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=) findStr /I /C:"IOS250 (rev %ciosversion%): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=*) else (set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=) :skipv2.0.1 ::bootmii check findStr /I /C:"bootmii" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 set HM=* ::bootmiiSD files if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" set bootmiisd=* ::check for missing active IOSs if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "OFF" goto:skipactivecheck findStr /I /C:"IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS9=*) else (set IOS9=) findStr /I /C:"IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS12=*) else (set IOS12=) findStr /I /C:"IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS13=*) else (set IOS13=) findStr /I /C:"IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS14=*) else (set IOS14=) findStr /I /C:"IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS15=*) else (set IOS15=) findStr /I /C:"IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS17=*) else (set IOS17=) findStr /I /C:"IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS21=*) else (set IOS21=) findStr /I /C:"IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS22=*) else (set IOS22=) findStr /I /C:"IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS28=*) else (set IOS28=) findStr /I /C:"IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS31=*) else (set IOS31=) findStr /I /C:"IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS33=*) else (set IOS33=) findStr /I /C:"IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS34=*) else (set IOS34=) findStr /I /C:"IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS35=*) else (set IOS35=) if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "OFF" goto:no36update findStr /I /C:"IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS36v3608=*) else (set IOS36v3608=) :no36update findStr /I /C:"IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS37=*) else (set IOS37=) findStr /I /C:"IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS38=*) else (set IOS38=) findStr /I /C:"IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS41=*) else (set IOS41=) findStr /I /C:"IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS43=*) else (set IOS43=) findStr /I /C:"IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS45=*) else (set IOS45=) findStr /I /C:"IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS46=*) else (set IOS46=) findStr /I /C:"IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS48v4124=*) else (set IOS48v4124=) findStr /I /C:"IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS53=*) else (set IOS53=) findStr /I /C:"IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS55=*) else (set IOS55=) findStr /I /C:"IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS56=*) else (set IOS56=) findStr /I /C:"IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS57=*) else (set IOS57=) set IOS58=* findStr /I /C:"IOS58 (rev 6176): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS58= findStr /I /C:"IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 set IOS58= findStr /I /C:"IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS61=*) else (set IOS61=) :skipactivecheck ::patched IOS check findStr /I /C:"IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS60P=*) else (set IOS60P=) findStr /I /C:"IOS70 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS70K=*) else (set IOS70K=) findStr /I /C:"IOS80 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS80K=*) else (set IOS80K=) findStr /I /C:"IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS11P60=*) else (set IOS11P60=) findStr /I /C:"IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS20P60=*) else (set IOS20P60=) findStr /I /C:"IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS30P60=*) else (set IOS30P60=) findStr /I /C:"IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS40P60=*) else (set IOS40P60=) findStr /I /C:"IOS50 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS50P=*) else (set IOS50P=) findStr /I /C:"IOS52 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS52P=*) else (set IOS52P=) ::cMIOS if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "OFF" goto:skipcMIOScheck set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2= findStr /I /C:"MIOS v65535" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* :skipcMIOScheck ::MIOSv10 if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "ON" goto:skipMIOScheck findStr /I /C:"MIOS v10" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set M10=*) else (set M10=) :skipMIOScheck ::IOS236 findStr /I /C:"IOS236" "%sysCheckName%" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (set IOS236Installer=*) else (set IOS236Installer=) if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (set SIP=*) else (set SIP=) if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (set IOS36=*) else (set IOS36=) set mmm= set RECCIOS= if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set mmm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" (set mmm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" (set mmm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (set mmm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set mmm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (set mmm=*) & (set RECCIOS=Y) if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" set mmm=* if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" set mmm=* set BACKB4QUEUE=sysCheckName goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::........................................HACKMII SOLUTION....................................... :HACKMIISOLUTION set SETTINGSHM= set BB1= set BB2= set SMASH= set PWNS= set Bathaxx= set ROTJ= set TOS= set TWI= set YUGI= ::set IOS30P60=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* set IOS36v3608=* set IOS58=* set HM=* set bootmiisd=* set mmm=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set TWI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits2 if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* set SMASH=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :notallexploits2 set BACKB4QUEUE=%backb4HACKMIISOLUTION% goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::...................................Download............................... :Download cls set cleardownloadsettings=yes goto:clear :DownloadSettings set cleardownloadsettings= set firmwarechange=yes if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%FIRMSTART%" set firmwarechange=no if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" goto:U if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" goto:E if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" goto:J if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:K :U if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3U-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2U-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1U-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1U=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1U=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2U=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1U=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IU=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WU=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NU=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSU=* goto:BUGGEDSMIOS :E if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3E-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2E-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1E-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1E=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1E=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2E=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1E=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IE=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WE=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NE=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSE=* goto:BUGGEDSMIOS :J if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3J-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2J-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1J-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1J=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1J=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2J=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1J=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set P=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set IJ=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set WJ=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set NJ=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set S=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set WSJ=* goto:BUGGEDSMIOS :K if /i "%firmwarechange%" EQU "no" goto:nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "N" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K=* :skip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWR=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWR=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWG=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWG=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPblueSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWB=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWB=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPblueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPorangeSM if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set SM4.3K-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set SM4.2K-DWO=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set SM4.1K-DWO=* goto:SKIPSM :SKIPorangeSM :nofirmwarechange if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "R" goto:SKIPredSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Red_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Red_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Red_4.1K=* :SKIPredSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "G" goto:SKIPgreenSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Green_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Green_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Green_4.1K=* :SKIPgreenSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "BL" goto:SKIPBlueSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=* :SKIPBlueSM if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "O" goto:SKIPOrangeSM set MyM=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set darkwii_orange_4.3K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set darkwii_orange_4.2K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set darkwii_orange_4.1K=* :SKIPOrangeSM :SKIPSM if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set PK=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set SK=* :BUGGEDSMIOS if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "%Firmstart%" goto:miniskip if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.1" set IOS60P=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.2" set IOS70K=* if /i "%FIRM%" EQU "4.3" set IOS80K=* :miniskip if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:forceSMIOSs if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:skipBuggedSMIOS if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipBuggedSMIOS :forceSMIOSs set IOS11P60=* set IOS20P60=* set IOS30P60=* set IOS40P60=* set IOS50P=* set IOS52P=* set IOS60P=* set IOS70K=* set IOS80K=* :skipBuggedSMIOS ::for region changing guide if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC set mmm=* set ARC=* set pri=* set bootmiisd=* if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" (set EULAU=*) & (set RSU=*) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" (set EULAE=*) & (set RSE=*) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" (set EULAJ=*) & (set RSJ=*) if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" (set EULAK=*) & (set RSK=*) goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE :notRC :COMMONSETTINGS if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set IOS56=* if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" EQU "off" goto:skipactiveios if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipactiveios ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:skipactiveios :ACTIVEIOS set mmm=* set M10=* set IOS9=* set IOS12=* set IOS13=* set IOS14=* set IOS15=* set IOS17=* set IOS21=* set IOS22=* set IOS28=* set IOS31=* set IOS33=* set IOS34=* set IOS35=* if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "on" set IOS36v3608=* set IOS37=* set IOS38=* set ios41=* set ios43=* set ios45=* set ios46=* set IOS48v4124=* set IOS53=* set IOS55=* set IOS56=* set IOS57=* set IOS58=* set IOS61=* :skipactiveios if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" set Mii=* if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "on" (set usbx=*) & (set mmm=*) if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:NoUSBSETUP if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* set wbm=* if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=* if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=* :NoUSBSETUP if /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:notvirgin :virgin set HM=* set bootmiisd=* set IOS58=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "S" set SMASH=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "L" set PWNS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "T" set Twi=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "Y" set YUGI=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LB" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "LS" set ROTJ=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "TOS" set TOS=* if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:notallexploits if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set Twi=* set SMASH=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :notallexploits ::set IOS236=* set IOS236Installer=* set SIP=* set IOS36=* set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=* set cIOS222[38]-v4=* set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=* set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=* set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=* if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" set M10= set pri=* ::set HAX=* set mmm=* goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE :notvirgin ::set mmm=* if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%SHOP%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%SPEAK%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%HMInstaller%" NEQ "Y" goto:noHMInstallerforNonVirgin set HM=* set bootmiisd=* set IOS58=* set mmm=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.1" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.0" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.x" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "3.2" set BB1=* ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.2" set BB2=* if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" goto:gonow if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:gonow goto:skipextra2 :gonow ::if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" set TWI=* ::set SMASH=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set PWNS=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set YUGI=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set Bathaxx=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set ROTJ=* ::if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" set TOS=* :skipextra2 :noHMInstallerforNonVirgin if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" (set IOS236Installer=*) & (set SIP=*) & (set IOS36=*) ::if /i "%IOS236InstallerQ%" EQU "Y" (set IOS236=*) & (set mmm=*) if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set mmm=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS202[60]-v5.1R=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS222[38]-v4=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS223[37-38]-v4=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS224[57]-v5.1R=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final=* if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" goto:quickskip if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2=* if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" set M10= :quickskip if /i "%yawmQ%" EQU "Y" set YAWM=* if /i "%PRIQ%" NEQ "Y" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE set pri=* goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::...................................PICK Download Queue............................... :PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE dir temp\DownloadQueues /a:-d /b>temp\list.txt ::support\sfk filter -quiet temp\list.txt -le+".bat" -rep _".bat"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet temp\list.txt -le+".bat" -write -yes ::count # of folders in advance to set "mode" setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET DLQUEUEtotal=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\list.txt) do set /a DLQUEUEtotal=!DLQUEUEtotal!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET /a LINES=%DLQUEUEtotal%+27 if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% :noresize set DLQUEUE= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 Seleccione la cola de descarga que le gustar\xeda cargar: echo. echo. if /i "%DLQUEUEtotal%" EQU "0" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20\x20 No se encuentra colas de descarga, volviendo al men\xfa principal...) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (goto:MENU) echo. set DLQUEUEnum=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist %%A goto:quickskip :processlist set /a DLQUEUEnum=%DLQUEUEnum%+1 set whatev=%* echo %DLQUEUEnum% = %whatev:~0,-4% goto:EOF :quickskip echo. echo. echo Nota: Las colas de descarga se guardan en "temp\DownloadQueues" echo y pueden ser compartidas entre diferentes usuarios ModMii. echo Si desea eliminar una cola de la lista anterior echo simplemente borre el fichero apropiado de "temp\DownloadQueues" echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. set /p DLQUEUE= Escriba su seleccion aqui: if /i "%DLQUEUE%" EQU "M" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:MENU) if /i "%DLQUEUE%" EQU "B" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:MENU) if "%DLQUEUE%"=="" goto:badkey if %DLQUEUE% LSS 1 goto:badkey if /i %DLQUEUE% GTR %DLQUEUEnum% goto:badkey set DLQUEUEnum2=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist2 %%A goto:quickskip :processlist2 set CurrentQueue=%* set /a DLQUEUEnum2=%DLQUEUEnum2%+1 if not exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" goto:EOF if /i "%DLQUEUEnum2%" EQU "%DLQUEUE%" goto:quickskip goto:EOF :quickskip del temp\list.txt>nul mode con cols=85 lines=54 :forcmdlineL call "temp\DownloadQueues\%CurrentQueue%" goto:DownloadQueue :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:PICKDOWNLOADQUEUE ::...................................Download Queue............................... :DOWNLOADQUEUE set settings= if /i "%cmdguide%" EQU "G" set settings=G set d2x-beta-rev=7-final if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat ::-------------- ::d2x check for changed DL names and md5's for Advanced downloads only if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:DLCOUNT if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:DLCOUNT findStr "d2x" temp\DLnamesADV.txt >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto:DLCOUNT FINDSTR /N . temp\DLnamesADV.txt>temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt -+d2x -rep _cIOS*[_cIOS249[_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "__ -write -yes set loadorgo=load4queue ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt) do call :processDLCheck %%A goto:quickskip :processDLCheck set advDLCheck=%* echo set advDLcheckNUM=%advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat -rep _:*__ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat del temp\advDLcheckNUM.bat>nul echo %advDLCheck%>temp\advDLcheck.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\advDLcheck.bat -rep _"%advDLcheckNUM%:"_"set advDLcheck="_ -write -yes call temp\advDLcheck.bat del temp\advDLcheck.bat>nul call temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat set oldfullname=%name% set advDLCheck0=%advDLCheck% set d2x-beta-rev=7-final set advDLCheck=%advDLCheck:~0,17%%d2x-beta-rev% if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat set string=%d2x-beta-rev% set d2xVersionLength=0 :loopd2xVersionLength if defined string ( set string=%string:~1% set /A d2xVersionLength += 1 goto:loopd2xVersionLength ) echo set alt-d2x-beta-rev=@advDLcheck0:~17,%d2xVersionLength%@>temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat support\sfk filter temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat del temp\d2x-beta-rev.bat>nul if /i "%d2x-beta-rev%" EQU "%alt-d2x-beta-rev%" goto:EOF goto:%advDLCheck% :processDLCheck2 set slotnum=%slotcode:~7% if "%slotnum%"=="" set slotnum=249 set newname=cIOS%slotnum%%basecios:~7,10%%d2x-beta-rev% ::update temp\AdvDL#.bat support\sfk filter -quiet temp\AdvDL%advDLcheckNUM%.bat -rep _"set MD5="*_"set MD5=%MD5%"_ -rep _"set md5alt="*_"set md5alt=%md5alt%"_ -rep _"set ciosversion="*_"set ciosversion=%ciosversion%"_ -rep _"Advanced Download: "*_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -rep _"set wadname="*_"set wadname=%wadname%"_ -rep _"set wadnameless="*_"set wadnameless=%newname%"_ -write -yes ::update temp\DLnamesADV.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLnamesADV.txt -lerep _"%oldfullname% "_"Advanced Download: %newname%%versionname%"_ -write -yes goto:EOF :quickskip if exist temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt del temp\DLnamesADVcheck.txt>nul set loadorgo=go ::--------------------- ::Count how many downloads there are! :DLCOUNT if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%one%" NEQ "U" goto:nocmdlineusbloadersettings if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set usbfolder=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" set FLOW=* if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" set FLOW=* set wbm=* if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set f32=* if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set f32=* :nocmdlineusbloadersettings if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (USA)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAU">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (PAL)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAE">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" (echo "EULA v3 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "EULAK">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" (echo "Regi\xf3n Seleccionada v2 (USA)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSU">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" (echo "Regi\xf3n Seleccionada v2 (PAL)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSE">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Regi\xf3n Seleccionada v2 (JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" (echo "Regi\xf3n Seleccionada v2 (KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RSK">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%BC%" EQU "*" (echo "BC">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cBC%" EQU "*" (echo "NMM">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NMM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DML%" EQU "*" (echo "DML">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DML">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM3.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM3.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM3.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 3.2J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM3.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWR">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Green Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWG">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWB%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Blue Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1U-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1U-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2U-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2U-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3U-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3U-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1E-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1E-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2E-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2E-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3E-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3E-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1J-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1J-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2J-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2J-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3J-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3J-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.1K-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.1K with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.1K-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.2K-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.2K with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.2K-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SM4.3K-DWO%" EQU "*" (echo "System Menu 4.3K with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SM4.3K-DWO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Red_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Red Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Red_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Green Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Green_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Blue Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "DarkWii_Blue_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3U%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3U) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3E%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3E) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3J%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3J) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.1K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.1K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.2K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.2K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3K%" EQU "*" (echo "DarkWii Orange Theme (4.3K) - %effect%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "darkwii_orange_4.3K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS11P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS20P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS30%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v2576">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS30P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS30v12576(IOS30v2576[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS30P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS40P60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS50v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS50P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS52v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS52P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS60%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS60v6174">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS60P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS70%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v6687">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS70P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS70K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS80%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v6944">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS80P%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS80v16944(IOS80v6944[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS80P">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%mmm%" EQU "*" (echo "Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) v13.4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "mmm">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ARC%" EQU "*" (echo "Cualquier cambiador de Regi\xf3n (1.1b Mod06 fuera de l\xednea)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ARC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WiiMod%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiMod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WiiMod">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" (echo "Yet Another Wad Manager Mod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "yawm">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%dop%" EQU "*" (echo "Dop-Mii">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "dopmii">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%syscheck%" EQU "*" (echo "sysCheck">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "sysCheck">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%sysCheckBeta%" EQU "*" (echo "sysCheckBeta">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "sysCheckBeta">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" (echo "HackMii Installer">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HackmiiInstaller">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%bootmiisd%" EQU "*" (echo "BootMii SD Files">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "bootmiisd">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%BB1%" EQU "*" (echo "Bannerbomb v1">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BannerBomb1">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%BB2%" EQU "*" (echo "Bannerbomb v2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "BannerBomb2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%smash%" EQU "*" (echo "Smash Stack (USA, PAL, JAP and KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "smash">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%pwns%" EQU "*" (echo "Indiana Pwns">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "pwns">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Bathaxx%" EQU "*" (echo "Bathaxx (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Bathaxx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%ROTJ%" EQU "*" (echo "Return of the Jodi (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "ROTJ">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%TOS%" EQU "*" (echo "Eri HaKawai (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "TOS">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%YUGI%" EQU "*" (echo "YU-GI-OWNED (USA, PAL and JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "YUGI">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Twi%" EQU "*" (echo "Twilight Hack v0.1 Beta1 (for Wii's 3.3 and below)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Twi">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS236 Installer v5 Mod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS236Installer">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SIP%" EQU "*" (echo "Simple IOS Patcher">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SIP">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%Pri%" EQU "*" (echo "Priiloader v0.7 (236 Mod)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Priiloader">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HAX%" EQU "*" (echo "Priiloader Hacks">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PriiHacks">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%MyM%" EQU "*" (echo "MyMenuifyMod">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "Mym">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WiiGSC%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Game Shortcut Creator">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WiiGSC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:local if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:local :skip if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" (echo "FAT32 GUI Formatter">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "F32">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CM%" EQU "*" (echo "Customize Mii">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SMW%" EQU "*" (echo "ShowMiiWads">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SMW">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Backup Manager">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WBM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) goto:skiplocal :local if /i "%f32%" EQU "*" (echo "FAT32 GUI Formatter (saved with shortcuts to %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "F32">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%wbm%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii Backup Manager (saved with shortcuts to %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WBM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CM%" EQU "*" (echo "Customize Mii (saved with shortcuts to %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SMW%" EQU "*" (echo "ShowMiiWads (saved with shortcuts to %homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SMW">>temp\DLgotos.txt) :skiplocal if /i "%usbfolder%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "usbfolder">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 249 version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cfg249">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 222 version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cfg222">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cfgr%" EQU "*" (echo "Configurator for Configurable USB Loader (Most recent version)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cfgr">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiFlow r304-249">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "FLOW">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%neogamma%" EQU "*" (echo "Neogamma Backup Disc Loader">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "neogamma">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%AccioHacks%" EQU "*" (echo "Accio Hacks">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "AccioHacks">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%CheatCodes%" EQU "*" (echo "%cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes: txtcodes from geckocodes.org">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "CheatCodes">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" (echo "USB-Loader Forwarder Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "USBX">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%JOY%" EQU "*" (echo "JoyFlow">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "JOY">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%JOYF%" EQU "*" (echo "Joy Flow Forwarder Channel\dol">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "JOYF">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%PLC%" EQU "*" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20"Canal Post Loader Forwarder">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PLC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%S2U%" EQU "*" (echo "Switch2Uneek">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "S2U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%nSwitch%" EQU "*" (echo "nSwitch">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "nSwitch">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WiiMC%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiMC - Media Player (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIIMC">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%fceugx%" EQU "*" (echo "FCEUGX - NES Emulator for the Wii (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "fceugx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%snes9xgx%" EQU "*" (echo "SNES9xGX - SNES Emulator for the Wii (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "snes9xgx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%vbagx%" EQU "*" (echo "Visual Boy Advance GX - GB/GBA Emulator for the Wii (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "vbagx">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WII64%" EQU "*" (echo "Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WII64">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WIISX%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiSX beta2.1 (Playstation 1 Emulator)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIISX">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SGM%" EQU "*" (echo "SaveGame Manager GX (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SGM">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%PL%" EQU "*" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20"Postloader (Versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PL">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WIIX%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiXplorer (Most Recent Release)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WIIX">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%HBB%" EQU "*" (echo "Homebrew Browser">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "HBB">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%locked%" EQU "*" (echo "Locked Apps Folder for HBC (PASS=UDLRAB)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "locked">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" (echo "MII Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "MII">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%P0%" EQU "*" (echo "Photo Channel (USA / PAL / JAP /KOR)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO0">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%P%" EQU "*" (echo "Photo Channel 1.1 (USA / PAL / JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" (echo "KOREAN Photo Channel 1.1">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "PHOTO_K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%S%" EQU "*" (echo "Shopping Channel (USA / PAL / JAP)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SHOP">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" (echo "KOREAN Shopping Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SHOP_K">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP Internet Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NET_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP Weather Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "WEATHER_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAl NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP NEWS Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NEWS_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" (echo "USA Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_U">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" (echo "PAL Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_E">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" (echo "JAP Wii Speak Channel">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "SPEAK_J">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" (echo "MIOSv10">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "M10">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS9">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS9">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS12">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS12">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS13">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS13">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS14">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS15">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS15">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS17">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS17">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS22">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS22">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS28">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS28">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS31">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS31">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS33">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS33">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS34">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS34">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS35">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS35">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS36%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS36v3351">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS36">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS36v3608">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS36v3608">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS37">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS37">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS38">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS38">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS41">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS41">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS43">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS43">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS45">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS45">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS46">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS46">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS48">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS48v4124">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS53">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS53">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS55">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS55">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS56">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS56">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS57">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS57">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS58">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS58">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS61">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS61">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0e%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000e.app from IOS80 v6943 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A01%" EQU "*" (echo "00000001.app from IOS80 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0e_70%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000e.app from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e_70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A01_70%" EQU "*" (echo "00000001.app from IOS70 v6687 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01_70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0e_60%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000e.app from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0e_60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A0c%" EQU "*" (echo "0000000c.app from MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER0c">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A01_60%" EQU "*" (echo "00000001.app from IOS60 v6174 (SNEEK)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER01_60">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A40%" EQU "*" (echo "00000040.app from System Menu 3.2J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER40">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A42%" EQU "*" (echo "00000042.app from System Menu 3.2U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER42">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A45%" EQU "*" (echo "00000045.app from System Menu 3.2E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER45">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A70%" EQU "*" (echo "00000070.app from System Menu 4.0J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER70">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A72%" EQU "*" (echo "00000072.app from System Menu 4.0U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER72">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A75%" EQU "*" (echo "00000075.app from System Menu 4.0E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER75">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A78%" EQU "*" (echo "00000078.app from System Menu 4.1J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER78">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A7b%" EQU "*" (echo "0000007b.app from System Menu 4.1U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER7b">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A7e%" EQU "*" (echo "0000007e.app from System Menu 4.1E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER7e">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A81%" EQU "*" (echo "00000081.app from System Menu 4.1K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER81">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A84%" EQU "*" (echo "00000084.app from System Menu 4.2J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER84">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A87%" EQU "*" (echo "00000087.app from System Menu 4.2U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER87">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A8a%" EQU "*" (echo "0000008a.app from System Menu 4.2E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER8a">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A8d%" EQU "*" (echo "0000008d.app from System Menu 4.2K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER8d">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A94%" EQU "*" (echo "00000094.app from System Menu 4.3J (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER94">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A97%" EQU "*" (echo "00000097.app from System Menu 4.3U (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER97">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A9a%" EQU "*" (echo "0000009a.app from System Menu 4.3E (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER9a">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%A9d%" EQU "*" (echo "0000009d.app from System Menu 4.3K (for MyMenuify)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "NUSGRABBER9d">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" (echo "IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP-VP])">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "IOS236">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[53]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[53]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[55]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[55]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[58]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[58]-d2x-v7-final">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v4">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37-38]-v4">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37-38]-v4">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS202[60]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS202[60]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS222[38]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS223[37]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS223[37]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5.1R">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS224[57]-v5.1R">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249-v14%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249-v14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249-v14">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250-v14%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250-v14">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250-v14">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249-v17b%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249-v17b">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249-v17b">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250-v17b%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250-v17b">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250-v17b">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v19%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v19">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v19">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v20%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v20">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v20">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[37]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[37]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[38]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[38]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[53]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[53]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[55]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[55]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[56]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[56]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[57]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[57]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS249[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS249[58]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS249[58]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[37]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[37]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[37]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[38]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[38]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[38]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[53]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[53]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[53]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[55]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[55]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[55]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[56]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[56]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[56]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[57]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[57]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[57]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%cIOS250[58]-v21%" EQU "*" (echo "cIOS250[58]-v21">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "cIOS250[58]-v21">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" (echo "WiiGator+WiiPower cMIOS-v65535(v10)">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS-v4 WiiGator GCBL v0.2">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if /i "%RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5%" EQU "*" (echo "cMIOS-v4 Waninkoko rev5">>temp\DLnames.txt) & (echo "RVL-cmios-v4_Waninkoko_rev5">>temp\DLgotos.txt) if exist temp\DLnames.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLnames.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes if exist temp\DLgotos.txt support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -rep _"""__ -write -yes if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV.txt) do call :processDLGotosADV %%A goto:quickskip :processDLGotosADV echo %*>>temp\DLgotos.txt goto:EOF :quickskip if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADV.txt) do call :processDLnamesADV %%A goto:quickskip :processDLnamesADV echo %*>>temp\DLnames.txt goto:EOF :quickskip if exist "temp\DLgotos.txt" copy /y "temp\DLgotos.txt" "temp\DLgotos-copy.txt">nul if not exist temp\DLnames.txt goto:miniskip setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET DLTOTAL=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\DLnames.txt) do set /a DLTOTAL=!DLTOTAL!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:DLSETTINGS SET /a LINES=%DLTOTAL%+22 if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" SET /a LINES=%LINES%+14 ::sysCheck Updater - handles when no downloads were marked for installation if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" goto:miniskip if /i "%DLTOTAL%" NEQ "0" goto:miniskip echo. echo According to your sysCheck log your Wii's softmods are up to date. echo. @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" exit goto:sysCheckName :miniskip ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemodeswitchoff%" EQU "Y" (set cmdlinemode=) & (set one=) & (set two=) if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:DLSettings if %LINES% LEQ 54 goto:noresize mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% ::Support\nircmd.exe win setsize title "ModMii" 50 50 720 700 :noresize cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo Soluciones HackMii if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" echo. ::-----------DL QUEUE SETTINGS--------- if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:skiploadDLcue if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "%ROOTSAVETEMP%" set matchrs=Green if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" NEQ "%ROOTSAVETEMP%" set matchrs=Red if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "%OPTION1TEMP%" set match1=Green if /i "%OPTION1%" NEQ "%OPTION1TEMP%" set match1=Red echo. echo Cola de descarga Cargada: echo. echo %CurrentQueue:~0,-4% echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 Las opciones de la cola aparecen en [Red]Rojo [def]cuando difieren de la configuraci\xf3n support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 guardada y [Green]Verde [def]si coinciden echo. if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [%matchrs%]Guardar Ra\xedz: Guarda IOSs\MIOSs en la ra\xedz en lugar de la carpeta WAD (ON) if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [%matchrs%]Guarda IOSs\MIOSs en la ra\xedz en lugar de la carpeta WAD (Desabilitado) support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 * Aplicaciones \xfatiles para Wii que requieren IOSs\MIOSs guardar en la ra\xedz echo. if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [%match1%]No mantener la carpeta 00000001 para IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 * Esta carpeta a veces se requiere para el uso en l\xednea de Aplicaciones Wii if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [%match1%]Mantener la carpeta 00000001 para IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 * Utiles para el uso en l\xednea de aplicaciones de Wii como Dop-Mii if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [%match1%]Mantener NUS\00000001000000##v# Carpeta para IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 * \xfatiles para el uso en l\xednea de aplicaciones de Wii como d2x\Hermes cIOS Installers if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 [%match1%]Mantener NUS\00000001000000##v# and 00000001 Carpeta para IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 * \xfatiles para el uso fuera de l\xednea de algunas Aplicaciones Wii echo. echo. :skiploadDLcue if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" echo No hay archivos marcados para su descarga if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:skipall if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" (echo Los siguientes %DLTOTAL% archivos se descargan en "%DRIVE%" o "%DRIVEU%":) else (echo Los siguientes %DLTOTAL% archivos se descargan en "%DRIVE%":) goto:skipall :skip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" (echo De acuerdo a su sysCheck registrar los archivos son necesarios los siguientes) & (echo con el fin de actualizar su softmod.) & (echo.) support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 Los siguientes %DLTOTAL% archivos se descargar\xe1n en "%DRIVE%": :skipall echo. SET DLNUM=0 ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt if not exist temp\DLnames.txt goto:nextstep for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnames.txt) do call :processDLlist %%A goto:nextstep :processDLlist SET /a DLNUM=%DLNUM%+1 echo %DLNUM%) %* goto:EOF :nextstep echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 \xbfEmpezar a descargar ahora? echo. if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:zerodownloads if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:WorUSB support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, comenzar a descargar :WorUSB if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, Generar Gu\xeda y empezar a descargar if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]G[def] = Generar Gu\xeda solo if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, Generar Gu\xeda y empezar a descargar if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]G[def] = Generar Gu\xeda solo if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, Generar Gu\xeda y empezar a descargar if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]G[def] = Generar Gu\xeda solo if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, Generar Gu\xeda y empezar a descargar if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]G[def] = Generar Gu\xeda solo if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]Y[def] = S\xed, Generar Gu\xeda y empezar a descargar if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]G[def] = Generar Gu\xeda solo :zerodownloads if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "1" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar m\xe1s archivos a la l\xedsta de descarga por lotes if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "2" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar m\xe1s archivos a la l\xedsta de descarga por lotes if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "3" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar m\xe1s archivos a la l\xedsta de descarga por lotes if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "4" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar m\xe1s archivos a la l\xedsta de descarga por lotes if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "A" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar m\xe1s archivos a la l\xedsta de descarga por lotes if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "L" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]A[def] = Colocar m\xe1s archivos a la l\xedsta de descarga por lotes echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]S[def] = Guardar Cola de descargas echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. set /p SETTINGS= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "B" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" goto:SaveDownloadQueue if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "L" goto:notbatch if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:LIST if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS) :notbatch if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "1" goto:notbatch if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS) :notbatch if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "2" goto:notoldbatch if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS) :notoldbatch if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "3" goto:NotBatchApp if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS) :NotBatchApp if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "4" goto:NotLIST4 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS) :NotLIST4 if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "A" goto:NotAdv if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" set lines=54 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "A" goto:%BACKB4QUEUE% if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" (mode con cols=85 lines=54) & (goto:DLSETTINGS) :NotAdv if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:badkey if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "Y" goto:COPY if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:generateguideonly if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:generateguideonly goto:badkey :generateguideonly if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:guide :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE ::--------------------------SAVE DOWNLOAD QUEUE----------------------- :SaveDownloadQueue set DLQUEUENAME= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo Por favor, introduzca un nombre para la cola de descarga echo. echo. echo Nota: No puede contener \ / : * ? " < > | & %% echo. echo. echo Nota: Las colas de descarga se guardan en "temp\DownloadQueues" echo y pueden ser compartidas entre diferentes usuarios ModMii echo. echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]B[def] = Atr\xe1s echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Men\xfa Principal echo. echo. echo. set /p DLQUEUENAME= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if "%DLQUEUENAME%"=="" goto:badkey if /i "%DLQUEUENAME%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%DLQUEUENAME%" EQU "B" goto::FINISH echo "set DLQUEUENAME=%DLQUEUENAME%">temp\temp.bat support\sfk filter -quiet -spat temp\temp.bat -rep _\x5c__ -rep _\x2f__ -rep _\x3a__ -rep _\x2a__ -rep _\x3f__ -rep _\x3c__ -rep _\x3e__ -rep _\x7c__ -rep _\x22__ -write -yes call temp\temp.bat del temp\temp.bat>nul if not exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:SaveDownloadQueue2 ::queue with the same name already exists echo. echo En la cola de descarga con este nombre ya existe, sobreescribirlo? (Y/N) echo. set /p overwritequeue= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%overwritequeue%" EQU "Y" (goto:SaveDownloadQueue2) else (goto:SaveDownloadQueue) :badkey echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:SaveDownloadQueue :SaveDownloadQueue2 cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. echo Guardar cola descarga echo. if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues set AdvNumberCOPY=%AdvNumber% if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY=0 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY=0 ::set GetAdvNumberOnly=Y ::if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" call "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" ::set GetAdvNumberOnly= set /a AdvNumberCOPY=%AdvNumberCOPY%+%AdvNumber% set AdvNumberCOPY2=%AdvNumber% if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY2=0 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" set AdvNumberCOPY2=0 set AdvNumberCOPY3=%AdvNumberCOPY2% ::set AdvNumber=0 ::if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -ls!":endofqueue" -write -yes ::if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _\x22_quote_ -write -yes echo. echo ::ModMii v%currentversion% - Cola Descarga - %DATE% - %TIME% > "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo "set AdvNumber=%AdvNumbercopy%">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo "if /i quote@GetAdvNumberOnly@quote EQU quoteYquote goto:endofqueue">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo ::Queue Settings>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo Set ROOTSAVE=%ROOTSAVE%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo Set Option1=%Option1%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo ::Queue>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAU=%EULAU%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" echo SET EULAE=%EULAE%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" echo SET 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"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.2K=%DarkWii_Green_4.2K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Green_4.1K=%DarkWii_Green_4.1K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.3U=%DarkWii_Blue_4.3U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.2U=%DarkWii_Blue_4.2U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.1U=%DarkWii_Blue_4.1U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.3E=%DarkWii_Blue_4.3E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.2E=%DarkWii_Blue_4.2E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.1E=%DarkWii_Blue_4.1E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.3J=%DarkWii_Blue_4.3J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.2J=%DarkWii_Blue_4.2J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.1J=%DarkWii_Blue_4.1J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.3K=%DarkWii_Blue_4.3K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.2K=%DarkWii_Blue_4.2K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%DarkWii_Blue_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET DarkWii_Blue_4.1K=%DarkWii_Blue_4.1K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3U%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.3U=%darkwii_orange_4.3U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2U%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.2U=%darkwii_orange_4.2U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1U%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.1U=%darkwii_orange_4.1U%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3E%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.3E=%darkwii_orange_4.3E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2E%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.2E=%darkwii_orange_4.2E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1E%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.1E=%darkwii_orange_4.1E%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3J%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.3J=%darkwii_orange_4.3J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2J%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.2J=%darkwii_orange_4.2J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1J%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.1J=%darkwii_orange_4.1J%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.3K%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.3K=%darkwii_orange_4.3K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.2K%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.2K=%darkwii_orange_4.2K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" if /i "%darkwii_orange_4.1K%" EQU "*" echo SET darkwii_orange_4.1K=%darkwii_orange_4.1K%>> "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -unique -write -yes>nul if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV.txt) do call :process1 %%A goto:quickskip :process1 set AdvDLX=%* set /a AdvNumberCOPY2=%AdvNumberCOPY2%+1 echo "echo %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY2%.batredirectredirecttemp\DLGotosADV.txt">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:EOF :quickskip if not exist temp\DLnamesADV.txt goto:quickskip ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLnamesADV.txt) do call :process2 %%A goto:quickskip :process2 echo "echo %* redirectredirecttemp\DLnamesADV.txt">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:EOF :quickskip if not exist temp\DLGotosADV.txt goto:quickskip copy /y temp\DLGotosADV.txt temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt>nul ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt :doitagain for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt) do call :process3 %%A goto:quickskip :process3 set AdvDLX=%* set /a AdvNumberCOPY3=%AdvNumberCOPY3%+1 echo "Si existe %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat del %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.batredirectnul">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%AdvDLX%) do call :process4 %%A goto:tinyskip :process4 echo "echo quote%*quoteredirectredirect%AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:EOF :tinyskip support\sfk filter -quiet temp\DLGotosADV-copy.txt -le!"%AdvDLX:~5%" -write -yes echo "support\sfk filter -quiet %AdvDLX:~0,10%%AdvNumberCOPY3%.bat -rep _quotequotequote__ -write -yes">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" goto:doitagain ::goto:EOF :quickskip echo ":endofqueue">>"temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" support\sfk filter "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _"redirect"_">"_ -write -yes>nul support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet -spat "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _quote_\x22_ -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -rep _"set AdvNumber="*_"set AdvNumber=%AdvNumberCOPY%"_ -write -yes ::support\sfk filter "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul if exist "temp\DownloadQueues\%DLQUEUENAME%.bat" echo Download Queue Saved @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul if /i "%LIST%" EQU "S" goto:LIST if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "S+" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:FINISH if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S+" goto:FINISH ::...................................Copy (rename %Drive%\wad if applicable)............................... :COPY if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD goto:DLSettings if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:DLSettings ::if /i "%DRIVE%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" goto:DLSettings Set COPY= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 %Drive%\WAD la Carpeta ya existe, \xbfque te gustar\xeda hacer? echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]M[def] = Combinar con descarga archivo existente %Drive%\WAD. echo Duplicados se omiten. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]R[def] = Cambiar el t\xedtulo de la carpeta %Drive%\WAD para %Drive%\WAD# echo y comenzar la descarga. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]C[def] = Cancelar/Men\xfa Principal echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [YELLOW]E[def] = Salir echo. set /p COPY= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%COPY%" EQU "M" goto:DLSettings if /i "%COPY%" EQU "E" EXIT if /i "%COPY%" EQU "C" goto:MENU if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul if /i "%COPY%" NEQ "R" goto:COPY :COPY2 SET /a COUNT=%COUNT%+1 if exist "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT% goto:COPY2 move "%Drive%"\WAD "%Drive%"\WAD%COUNT%>nul ::rename "%Drive%"\WAD WAD%COUNT% if /i "%LIST%" EQU "R" goto:LIST if /i "%OLDLIST%" EQU "R" goto:OLDLIST if /i "%list3%" EQU "R" goto:LIST3 if /i "%list4%" EQU "R" goto:LIST4 goto:DLSETTINGS ::.................................................ACTUAL DOWNLOAD CODE........................................................................... :DOWNLOADSTART if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2 if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4queue" goto:processDLCheck2 if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load4switch" goto:processDLCheck2switch set retry=1 set attempt=1 ::DBUPDATE.bat check (added in v4.5.0) ::instead of putting out ModMii updates for minor things, the update check can be used to create\download a DBUPDATE.bat file to modify variables like "wadname", "md5", etc. if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" :DOWNLOADSTART2 ::change drive to usb if applicable set DRIVE=%REALDRIVE% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipchange if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% if /i "%WADNAME%" EQU "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% if /i "%PATH1%" EQU "apps\WiiFlow\" set DRIVE=%DRIVEU% :skipchange if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" set DRIVE=temp if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" :actualDL if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" SET /a CURRENTDL=%CURRENTDL%+1 if /i "%CURRENTDL%" NEQ "1" echo. if /i "%retry%" EQU "1" support\sfk echo [Red]Descargar %CURRENTDL% de %DLTOTAL%: %name% if /i "%retry%" NEQ "1" support\sfk echo [Yellow]Volver a descargar %CURRENTDL% de %DLTOTAL%: %name% echo. ::---------Exceptions---------------- if /i "%category%" EQU "cfg" goto:CFGDOWNLOADER if /i "%category%" EQU "cfgr" goto:CFGRDOWNLOADER if /i "%category%" EQU "TANTRIC" goto:TANTRIC if /i "%category%" EQU "GOOGLEUPDATE" goto:GOOGLEUPDATE if /i "%category%" EQU "CHEATS" goto:CHEATS if /i "%category%" EQU "ManualUpdate" goto:MANUALUPDATE if /i "%category%" EQU "fullextract" goto:fullextract if /i "%category%" EQU "themes" goto:THEMES if /i "%basewad%" NEQ "none" goto:CIOSMAKER if /i "%name%" EQU "Hackmii Installer" goto:wget if /i "%category%" EQU "userdefined" goto:CustomDL if /i "%category%" EQU "FORWARDER" goto:FORWARDER if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp if /i "%code1%" EQU "URL" goto:DownloadURL ::--------------------------NUSD.EXE Downloader--------------- :nusd if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- :checkifwadexist if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= set md5altcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pas\xf3 la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y el archivo se volver\xe1 a descargar. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "OFF" goto:no01check if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% goto:nocheckexisting if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:no01check) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul :no01check support\sfk echo [Green]Este archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Saltarse descarga echo. set alreadyexists=yes if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting ::SAVE TO WAD FOLDER ONLY if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp echo Si se encuentra con largos periodos de inactividad, de tipo "C" mientras support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20se mantiene "Ctrl", a continuaci\xf3n, escriba "N", despu\xe9s "Enter" echo (ie. Ctrl+C = N = Enter) echo. support\nusd %code1%%code2% %version% move /y Support\%code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%wadname%>nul if not exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% copy /y support\%code1%%code2% temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version%\ >nul rd /s /q support\%code1%%code2% :AlreadyinTemp if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "S" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% >nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" move /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% >nul if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\%code1%%code2%v%version% >nul :option1notNUS :wadverifyretry ::----comprobar después de la descarga - si no comprobar md5, borrar y volver a descargar---- if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%: [Red]fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= set md5altcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname% if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado. echo. del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul if exist temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% rd /s /q temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. set multiplefail=Y echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%: [Red]Invalido">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descargado con exito echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::-------------------------------cIOS Maker----------------------------------------------------- :CIOSMAKER if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4% ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5check= set md5altcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5alt% "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5altcheck=fail IF "%md5altcheck%"=="" set md5altcheck=pass if /i "%md5altcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo sera borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [Green]Este archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Saltar descarga echo. set alreadyexists=yes if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%.wad: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting ::missing Support folder error message and skip if not exist Support support\sfk echo -spat [Yellow] Falta carpeta "Soporte" - Requerido para hacer cIOSs/cMIOSs if not exist Support support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Volver a descargar de ModMii tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow if not exist Support support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Saltarse descarga if not exist Support @ping -n 5 -w 1000> nul if not exist Support goto:NEXT if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD :downloadbasewad ::download base wad to "%Drive%" echo. echo Descargar Base Wad: %basewad% echo. ::----Check base IOS----------- ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewad%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5basecheck= set md5basealtcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Esta base wad ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del temp\%basewad%.wad>nul goto:downloadbasewad :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] Base Wad ya existe y se ha verificado, continua... echo. goto:basealreadythere :nocheckexisting echo Si se encuentra con largos periodos de inactividad, de tipo "C" mientras support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20se mantiene "Ctrl", a continuaci\xf3n, escriba "N", despu\xe9s "Enter" echo (ie. Ctrl+C = N = Enter) echo. support\nusd %code1%%code2% %version% if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD move /y support\%code1%%code2%\%code1%%code2%.wad temp\%basewad%.wad>nul rd /s /q support\%code1%%code2% ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewad%.wad goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La basewad falta, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewad :checkexisting set md5basecheck= set md5basealtcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basealt% temp\%basewad%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basealtcheck=fail IF "%md5basealtcheck%"=="" set md5basealtcheck=pass if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado echo. del temp\%basewad%.wad>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewad :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Invalido">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat set multiplefail=Y echo. goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] La base Wad se ha descargado correctamente, continuar... echo. :basealreadythere ::----------PATCHIOS Category------------- if /i "%category%" NEQ "patchios" goto:notpatchios if not "%lastbasemodule%"=="" goto:notpatchios copy /y temp\%basewad%.wad "%Drive%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad>nul cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%) else (set DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%) if "%lastbasemodule%"=="" patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad -FS -ES -NP -VP -slot %ciosslot% -v %ciosversion% if not "%lastbasemodule%"=="" patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad -FS -ES -NP -VP cd.. if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" set wadname=%wadname%.wad goto:wadverifyretry :notpatchios ::---------------------------------------- ::unpack base wad echo. echo Desempaquetar Base Wad: %basewad% echo. if exist %basecios% rd /s /q %basecios% mkdir %basecios% support\wadmii -in temp\%basewad%.wad -out %basecios% :downloadbasewadb ::download SECOND base wadB to "%Drive%" (if applicable) if /i "%basewadb%" EQU "none" goto:nobasewadb echo. echo Descargar Base Wad: %basewadb% echo. ::----Check base IOS B----------- ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad (goto:checkexisting) else (goto:nocheckexisting) :checkexisting set md5basebcheck= set md5basebaltcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo echo. del temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul goto:downloadbasewadb :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] La base Wad se ha descargado correctamente, continuar... echo. goto:baseBalreadythere :nocheckexisting echo Si se encuentra con largos periodos de inactividad, de tipo "C" mientras support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 se mantiene "Ctrl", a continuaci\xf3n, escriba "N", despu\xe9s "Enter" echo (ie. Ctrl+C = N = Enter) echo. support\nusd %code1b%%code2b% %versionb% if not exist "%Drive%"\WAD mkdir "%Drive%"\WAD move /y support\%code1b%%code2b%\%code1b%%code2b%.wad temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul rd /s /q support\%code1b%%code2b% ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\%basewadb%.wad goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La basewad falta, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewadb :checkexisting set md5basebcheck= set md5basebaltcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5baseb% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebcheck=fail IF "%md5basebcheck%"=="" set md5basebcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5basebalt% temp\%basewadb%.wad if errorlevel 1 set md5basebaltcheck=fail IF "%md5basebaltcheck%"=="" set md5basebaltcheck=pass if /i "%md5basebaltcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del temp\%basewadb%.wad>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:downloadbasewadb :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Invalido">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. set multiplefail=Y goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] La base Wad se ha descargado correctamente, continuar... echo. :baseBalreadythere ::----unpack base wad echo. echo Unpacking Base Wad: %basewadb% echo. mkdir %basewadb% support\wadmii -in temp\%basewadb%.wad -out %basewadb% if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" EQU "cBC" goto:cbc-stuff ::----specific for cios223v4[37+38] ::move modules that are from 38 and to be patched move /y %basewadb%\00000001.app %basecios%\00000001.app>nul move /y %basewadb%\%lastbasemodule%.app %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app>nul rd /s /q %basewadb% goto:nobasewadb :cbc-stuff ::download NMM\DML-installer if missing if exist "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\FixELF.exe" goto:gotit ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://files.cybergamer.com.au/richard/FIFA Online 2 Full Client v200/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul echo. echo Descargar %dlname% if not exist "%dlname%" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "%URL%" echo. if not exist "%dlname%" (rd /s /q %basewadb%) & (rd /s /q %basecios%) & (echo.) & (support\sfk echo [Magenta] %dlname% No se ha podido descargar correctamente, saltar descarga.) & (echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (echo.) & (goto:NEXT) if not exist "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%" mkdir "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%" temp\unrar.exe x -y %dlname% "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%">nul if exist %dlname% del %dlname%>nul :gotit if exist "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\%wadname:~4,3%.elf" move /y "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\%wadname:~4,3%.elf" "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\%wadname:~4,3%.elf">nul move /y "%basewadb%\00000001.app" "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\MIOS.app">nul rd /s /q %basewadb% cd "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf" if exist 00000001.app del 00000001.app>nul echo. echo Running Crediar's FixELF to patch MIOS.app echo. FixELF MIOS.app %wadname:~4,3%.elf 00000001.app>nul cd.. cd.. cd.. move /y "temp\%dlname:~0,-4%\FixElf\00000001.app" "%basecios%\00000001.app">nul goto:repackwad :nobasewadb ::------for theming system menu's only---------- if /i "%category%" NEQ "SMTHEME" goto:skip goto:mym_download :SMTHEME2 echo. echo Patching System Theme, please wait... echo. rename %basecios%\00000001.app 00000001-original.app ::Portable ModMii Installation fix if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:skipPortableFix if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp" mkdir "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp" if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\TMCL.exe" copy /y "temp\TMCL.exe" "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\TMCL.exe">nul if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ASH.exe" copy /y "temp\ASH.exe" "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ASH.exe">nul if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" copy /y "temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll">nul cd /d %homedrive%\ModMii :skipPortableFix cd /d temp ::TMCL.exe "%mym1%" -A "%ModMiipath%\%basecios%\00000001-original.app" -o temp.csm>nul ::TMCL.exe "%mym2%" -A temp.csm -o "%ModMiipath%\%basecios%\00000001.app">nul TMCL.exe "%ModMiiPath%\temp\%mym1%" -A "%ModMiipath%\%basecios%\00000001-original.app" -o "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%ModMiiPath%\temp\%mym2%" -A "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm" -o "%ModMiipath%\%basecios%\00000001.app">nul if exist "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm" del "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm">nul cd /d %ModMiipath% del %basecios%\00000001-original.app>nul goto:repackwad :skip ::-----cios/cmios stuff------------ ::rename *.cert and *.footer (doesn't need to be patched), rename components that need to be patched (excluding tik and tmd) echo. echo Parchear algunos archivos de componentes de la BaseWad echo. if /i "%code2%" NEQ "%code2new%" ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.cert %code1%%code2new%.cert if /i "%code2%" NEQ "%code2new%" ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.footer %code1%%code2new%.footer if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff ren %basecios%\00000000.app 00000000-original.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff ren %basecios%\00000001.app 00000001-original.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff ren %basecios%\00000002.app 00000002-original.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff ren %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app %lastbasemodule%-original.app ::rename tik & tmd for cMIOSs if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:rename if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:rename goto:notcMIOS :rename ::ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik %code1%%code2new%-original.tik ren %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd %code1%%code2new%-original.tmd :notcMIOS ::-------------diff patch files---------------- if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff support\jptch %basecios%\00000000-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_00.diff %basecios%\00000000.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff support\jptch %basecios%\00000001-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_01.diff %basecios%\00000001.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff support\jptch %basecios%\00000002-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_02.diff %basecios%\00000002.app if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_%lastbasemodule%.diff %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app ::patch tmd and tiks when they've been renamed to *-original.tik\tmd (for cMIOSs) if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:RenamedOriginal if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:RenamedOriginal goto:NotRenamedOriginal :RenamedOriginal ::if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd goto:deletefiles :NotRenamedOriginal if exist support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tmd.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tmd ::use different tik diff files depending on what base wad downloaded if not exist "support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff" goto:notik if /i "%md5basecheck%" EQU "pass" support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik :notik if not exist "support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik2.diff" goto:notik2 if /i "%md5basealtcheck%" EQU "pass" support\jptch %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik support\Diffs\%diffpath%\%diffpath%_tik2.diff %basecios%\%code1%%code2new%.tik :notik2 ::delete un-needed original files that have already been patched :deletefiles if exist %basecios%\00000000-original.app del %basecios%\00000000-original.app>nul if exist %basecios%\00000001-original.app del %basecios%\00000001-original.app>nul if exist %basecios%\00000002-original.app del %basecios%\00000002-original.app>nul if exist %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app del %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%-original.app>nul ::--for cMIOS's that have tiks and tmds renamed to -original if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tik>nul if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%-original.tmd>nul if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" goto:repackwad if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tik>nul if exist %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd del %basecios%\%code1%%code2%.tmd>nul ::Korean Key Patch if /i "%basewad:~3,2%" EQU "38" goto:nokorpatch if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" goto:nokorpatch if /i "%wadname:~0,3%" EQU "cBC" goto:repackwad echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Parche %lastbasemodule%.app para apoyar la clave com\xfan de Corea ::IOS37-64-v3869 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v3869" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD00=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v3869" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x278E0=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS57-64-v5661 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21340=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x28F5C=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::NEXT GEN BASES ::IOS37-64-v5662 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD88=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS37-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x27968=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS53-64-v5662 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS53-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD88=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS53-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x27968=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS55-64-v5662 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS55-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x1FD88=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS55-64-v5662" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x27968=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS56-64-v5661 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS56-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS56-64-v5661" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS57-64-v5918 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5918" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS57-64-v5918" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS58-64-v6175 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS58-64-v6175" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x21424=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS58-64-v6175" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x29078=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E ::IOS60-64-v6174 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS60-64-v6174" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x20678=0xE0 if /i "%basewad%" EQU "IOS60-64-v6174" support\hexalter.exe %basecios%\%lastbasemodule%.app 0x28294=0x63,0xB8,0x2B,0xB4,0xF4,0x61,0x4E,0x2E,0x13,0xF2,0xFE,0xFB,0xBA,0x4C,0x9B,0x7E echo. :nokorpatch ::copy over extra components echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Copiar a trav\xe9s de m\xf3dulos personalizados echo. ::222v4 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v4" copy support\Hermes\mloadv3.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::223v4 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" copy support\Hermes\mloadv3.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::222v5 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v5" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::223v5 base37 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37]-v5" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::224v5 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS224[57]-v5" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.app %basecios%\00000013.app ::202v5.1R base60 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS202[60]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::222v5.1R base38 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS222[38]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::223v5.1R base37 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\0000000f.app ::224v5.1R base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS224[57]-v5.1R" copy support\Hermes\mloadv5.1R.app %basecios%\00000013.app ::249v19 base37 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000014.app ::249v19 base38 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000014.app ::249v20 base38 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app ::249v20 base56 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000012.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app ::249v19 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v19" copy support\W19modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000018.app ::249v20 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v20" copy support\W20modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app ::249v17b if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy support\W17bmodules\0000000f.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy support\W17bmodules\00000010.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v17b" copy support\W17bmodules\00000011.app %basecios%\00000011.app ::249v14 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy support\W14modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\0000000f.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy support\W14modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000010.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249-v14" copy support\W14modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000011.app ::249v21 base 37/38/56 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-v21" goto:yes if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-v21" goto:yes goto:skip :yes copy support\W21modules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app copy support\W21modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app copy support\W21modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app copy support\W21modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app copy support\W21modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app copy support\W21modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app copy support\W21modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app :skip ::249v21 base57 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app ::249v21 base58 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-v21" copy support\W21modules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app ::249 d2x base 37/38/56 if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[37]-d2x-v" goto:yes if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[38]-d2x-v" goto:yes if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[53]-d2x-v" goto:yes if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[55]-d2x-v" goto:yes if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[56]-d2x-v" goto:yes goto:skip :yes if exist support\d2x-beta\mload.app (copy support\d2x-beta\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\mload.app %basecios%\0000000f.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\FAT.app (copy support\d2x-beta\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app) else (copy support\d2xmodules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000010.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\SDHC.app (copy support\d2x-beta\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000011.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\EHCI.app (copy support\d2x-beta\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000012.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\DIPP.app (copy support\d2x-beta\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000013.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\ES.app (copy support\d2x-beta\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app) else (copy support\d2xmodules\ES.app %basecios%\00000014.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\FFSP.app (copy support\d2x-beta\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000015.app) :skip ::249 d2x base 57 if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[57]-d2x-v" goto:yes goto:skip :yes if exist support\d2x-beta\mload.app (copy support\d2x-beta\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\FAT.app (copy support\d2x-beta\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) else (copy support\d2xmodules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\SDHC.app (copy support\d2x-beta\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\EHCI.app (copy support\d2x-beta\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\EHCI.app %basecios%\00000016.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\DIPP.app (copy support\d2x-beta\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\ES.app (copy support\d2x-beta\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) else (copy support\d2xmodules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\FFSP.app (copy support\d2x-beta\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) :skip ::249 d2x base 58 if /i "%basecios:~0,17%" EQU "cIOS249[58]-d2x-v" goto:yes goto:skip :yes if exist support\d2x-beta\mload.app (copy support\d2x-beta\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\mload.app %basecios%\00000013.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\FAT.app (copy support\d2x-beta\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) else (copy support\d2xmodules\FAT.app %basecios%\00000014.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\SDHC.app (copy support\d2x-beta\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\SDHC.app %basecios%\00000015.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\USBS.app (copy support\d2x-beta\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app) else (copy Support\d2xModules\USBS.app %basecios%\00000016.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\DIPP.app (copy support\d2x-beta\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\DIPP.app %basecios%\00000017.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\ES.app (copy support\d2x-beta\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) else (copy support\d2xmodules\ES.app %basecios%\00000018.app) if exist support\d2x-beta\FFSP.app (copy support\d2x-beta\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) else (copy Support\d2xmodules\FFSP.app %basecios%\00000019.app) :skip ::------sign cIOS with details--------- set d2xNumber= set d2xhexNumber= set baseNumber= set basehexNumber= set d2xsubversion= set string= set string1= if /i "%code2%" EQU "00000101" goto:repackwad echo. echo Firma con los detalles cIOS 00000000.app ::----convert some values from dec to hex---- if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:minijump echo "set cIOSversionNum=%d2x-beta-rev%">cIOSrev.bat support\sfk filter -spat cIOSrev.bat -rep _\x22__ -rep _"-*"__ -write -yes>nul call cIOSrev.bat del cIOSrev.bat>nul :minijump support\sfk hex %cIOSversionNum% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::set a file with 1 line as a variable set /p cIOShexNumber= nul ::----- set baseNumber=%basewad:~3,2% ::base # for 37+38=75 if /i "%basecios%" EQU "cIOS223[37-38]-v4" set baseNumber=75 support\sfk hex %baseNumber% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::set a file with 1 line as a variable set /p basehexNumber= nul set cIOSsubversion= ::-----cIOSFamilyName (this part required for d2x betas only)------- if /i "%basecios:~12,3%" NEQ "d2x" goto:tinyjump set cIOSFamilyName=d2x if exist support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat call support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat ::limit cios family name to 16 chars set cIOSFamilyName=%cIOSFamilyName:~0,16% ::-----version string (ie. beta1) (this part required for d2x betas only)------ set string1=%cIOSversionNum% set versionlength=1 ::letter by letter loop :loopy if /i "%string1%" EQU "" goto:endloopy set string1=%string1:~1% set /A versionlength=%versionlength%+1 goto loopy :endloopy echo set cIOSsubversion=@d2x-beta-rev:~%versionlength%,16@>cIOSsubversion.bat support\sfk filter cIOSsubversion.bat -spat -rep _@_%%_ -write -yes>nul call cIOSsubversion.bat del cIOSsubversion.bat>nul :tinyjump ::copy template .app copy /y "support\00000000-template.app" "%basecios%\00000000.app">nul ::hexalter version number and base wad number support\hexalter.exe "%basecios%\00000000.app" 0x8=0x%cIOShexNumber:~0,2%,0x%cIOShexNumber:~2,2%,0x%cIOShexNumber:~4,2%,0x%cIOShexNumber:~6,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~0,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~2,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~4,2%,0x%basehexNumber:~6,2% ::convert %cIOSFamilyName% to hex then hexalter set var=%cIOSFamilyName% call support\Ascii2hex.bat setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION support\sfk filter -quiet "temphex.txt" -rep _,_,0x_ -write -yes set /p cIOSFamilyNamehex= nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [Green]Este archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Saltar descarga echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting ::-------------Download base app---------------------- echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Descarga de aplicaciones en la Base de men\xfa del sistema %wadname:~-4%: 000000%version%.app echo. set dlname=000000%version%_%wadname:~-4%.app ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% goto:nocheckexisting set md5basecheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y se volver\xe1 a descargar echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname%>nul if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] la Base de la aplicaci\xf3n ya existe y ha sido verificada, Continuar... echo. goto:mym_download :nocheckexisting if exist temp\%dlname% goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe %version% if exist 000000%version%.app move /Y 000000%version%.app temp\%dlname%>nul :AlreadyinTemp copy /y temp\%dlname% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% >nul ::----Check base APP----------- ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.csm: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5basecheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5base% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname% if errorlevel 1 set md5basecheck=fail IF "%md5basecheck%"=="" set md5basecheck=pass if /i "%md5basecheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Esta aplicaci\xf3n de base ya existe, pero que no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%dlname%>nul if exist temp\%dlname% del temp\%dlname%>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %wadname%.csm: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] la Base de la aplicaci\xf3n se ha descargado correctamente, Continuar... echo. ::if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %wadname%.csm: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:mym_download ::-------------------mym download to build csm file--------------------- :mym_download set mym0=%mym1% set md5mym0=%md5mym1% set mym2= :mym2_download echo. echo Descargar %mym0% echo. ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "temp\%mym0%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5mymcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5mym0% "temp\%mym0%" if errorlevel 1 set md5mymcheck=fail IF "%md5mymcheck%"=="" set md5mymcheck=pass if /i "%md5mymcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo mym ya existe, pero no pas\xf3 la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "temp\%mym0%">nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] El archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Continuar... echo. ::if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 goto:download_mym2 :nocheckexisting start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/%mym0%" if exist "%mym0%" move /Y "%mym0%" temp>nul ::----Check mym file after downloading----------- ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "temp\%mym0%" goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5mymcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5mym0% "temp\%mym0%" if errorlevel 1 set md5mymcheck=fail IF "%md5mymcheck%"=="" set md5mymcheck=pass if /i "%md5mymcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del "temp\%mym0%">nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] El archivo se ha descargado correctamente, Continuar... echo. ::if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 ::goto:build_csm :download_mym2 if /i "%mym0%" EQU "%mym2%" goto:thememiiDL if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set mym2=optional_non_spinning_outline.mym if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5mym2=9e70e955aa9ba04cb904b350402ed5b3 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set mym2=optional_spinning_outline.mym if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5mym2=b66e0d93eac883651898090236c14306 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set mym2=optional_fast_spinning_outline.mym if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5mym2=1ddddcf02bc7024b7fde393308cdbd5f set mym0=%mym2% set md5mym0=%md5mym2% goto:mym2_download ::---------thememii cmd line download------------- :thememiiDL echo. echo Descargar ThemeMii Cmd Line echo. set ThemeMiiZip=thememii_cmd_3.5NetFramework.zip set md5TMCL=641eadbcbb9970f066d7852286f03133 if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist temp\TMCL.exe goto:nocheckexisting set md5TMCLcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5TMCL% temp\TMCL.exe if errorlevel 1 set md5TMCLcheck=fail IF "%md5TMCLcheck%"=="" set md5TMCLcheck=pass if /i "%md5TMCLcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pas\xf3 la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del temp\TMCL.exe>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] El archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Continuar... echo. goto:build_csm :nocheckexisting start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/%ThemeMiiZip%" if exist %ThemeMiiZip% support\7za e -aoa %ThemeMiiZip% -otemp *.* -r if exist %ThemeMiiZip% del %ThemeMiiZip%>nul ::----Check mym file after downloading----------- ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist temp\TMCL.exe goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5TMCLcheck= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5TMCL% temp\TMCL.exe if errorlevel 1 set md5TMCLcheck=fail IF "%md5TMCLcheck%"=="" set md5TMCLcheck=pass if /i "%md5TMCLcheck%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del temp\TMCL.exe>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Green] El archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Continuar... echo. ::goto:build_csm :build_csm if /i "%category%" EQU "SMTHEME" goto:SMTHEME2 echo. echo Building Theme (%wadname%.csm), please wait... echo. ::Portable ModMii Installation fix if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:skipPortableFix if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp" mkdir "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp" if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\TMCL.exe" copy /y "temp\TMCL.exe" "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\TMCL.exe">nul if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ASH.exe" copy /y "temp\ASH.exe" "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ASH.exe">nul if not exist "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" copy /y "temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" "%homedrive%\ModMii\temp\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll">nul cd /d %homedrive%\ModMii :skipPortableFix cd /d temp ::TMCL.exe "%mym1%" -A "%dlname%" -o temp.csm>nul ::TMCL.exe "%mym2%" -A temp.csm -o "%wadname%.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%ModMiiPath%\temp\%mym1%" -A "%ModMiiPath%\temp\%dlname%" -o "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm">nul TMCL.exe "%ModMiiPath%\temp\%mym2%" -A "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm" -o "%ModMiiPath%\temp\%wadname%.csm">nul if exist "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm" del "%ModMiiPath%\temp\temp.csm">nul cd /d %ModMiipath% if exist "temp\%wadname%.csm" move /y "temp\%wadname%.csm" "%Drive%\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm">nul ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pas\xf3 la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%.csm>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Invalido">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga con exito echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::------------------------------------------CFG USB Loader Downloader-------------------------------------- :CFGDOWNLOADER ::choice=1 for most recent 249 and choice=2 for most recent 222 if /i "%cfg249%" EQU "*" set cfgchoice=1 if /i "%cfg222%" EQU "*" set cfgchoice=2 if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Esta aplicaci\xf3n ya existe... ::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version support\sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20La versi\xf3n actual es %currentcode% echo. echo Comprobar si hay actualizaciones... echo. :doesntexist ::Download updates.txt start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget http://cfg-loader.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/updates.txt if not exist updates.txt goto:missing ::Most Recent Version Download Link support\sfk filter updates.txt -ls+url>cfgurl.txt FINDSTR /N url cfgurl.txt>cfgurl2.txt support\sfk filter cfgurl2.txt -rep _"url = "__>cfgurl.txt del cfgurl2.txt>nul support\sfk filter cfgurl.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgurl="_>cfgDLsettings.bat del cfgurl.txt>nul ::Most Recent Version Release Number support\sfk filter updates.txt -ls+release>cfgrelease.txt FINDSTR /N release cfgrelease.txt>cfgrelease2.txt support\sfk filter cfgrelease2.txt -rep _"release = "__>cfgrelease.txt del cfgrelease2.txt>nul support\sfk filter cfgrelease.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgrelease="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat del cfgrelease.txt>nul ::Most Recent Version Release Date support\sfk filter updates.txt -ls+date>cfgdate.txt FINDSTR /N date cfgdate.txt>cfgdate2.txt support\sfk filter cfgdate2.txt -rep _"date = "__>cfgdate.txt del cfgdate2.txt>nul support\sfk filter cfgdate.txt -ls+"%cfgchoice%:" -ls!"%cfgchoice%%cfgchoice%:" -lsrep _"%cfgchoice%:"_"set cfgdate="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat del cfgdate.txt>nul ::Most Recent FULL Version number, used to download most recent 'usb-loader' folder support\sfk filter updates.txt -ls+"release = " -rep _"release = "__>cfgFullRelease.txt support\sfk filter cfgFullRelease.txt ++release -write -yes>nul FINDSTR /N release cfgFullRelease.txt>cfgFullRelease2.txt ::support\sfk filter cfgFullRelease2.txt -rep _" (release)"__>cfgFullRelease.txt del cfgFullRelease.txt>nul support\sfk filter cfgFullRelease2.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgfullrelease="_>>cfgDLsettings.bat del cfgFullRelease2.txt>nul del updates.txt>nul call cfgDLsettings.bat del cfgDLsettings.bat>nul if /i "%name%" EQU "Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent Full 249 version)" goto:usbloaderFolder if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgrelease%" goto:noupdate echo Actualizaci\xf3n de %currentcode% a %cfgrelease% echo. goto:update :noupdate support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Su version actual de %currentcode% esta actualizada, saltando la descarga if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: versi\xf3n que se encuentra %cfgrelease%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:next ::Download most recent version of cfg loader :doesntalreadyexist Echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente: %cfgrelease% :update start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget %cfgurl% if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg move /Y *.dol "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol> nul :geticon if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\icon.png goto:meta if exist temp\cfgicon.png goto:skip start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget http://code.google.com/p/cfg-loader/logo?cct=1263052802 move /Y "logo@cct=1263052802" temp\cfgicon.png>nul :skip copy /Y temp\cfgicon.png "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\icon.png>nul :meta if exist temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml goto:skip start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget "http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/meta.xml" move /Y meta.xml temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml>nul :skip copy /Y temp\cfgtemplate_meta.xml "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml>nul support\sfk filter "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml -rep _cfgrelease_"%cfgrelease%"_ -rep _cfgdate_"%cfgdate%"_ -write -yes>nul ::----simple version check after downloading---- if exist "%Drive%\%path1%boot.dol" goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. goto:MetaChecker ::goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting ::get current version from meta.xml support\sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\%path1%meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgrelease%" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pudo actualizar correctamente. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Volver a intentar descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente del archivo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y goto:MetaChecker ::goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descargado con exito echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: version encontrada %cfgrelease%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :usbloaderFolder if not exist "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" goto:skip if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgfullrelease%" goto:noupdate support\sfk echo -spat \x20actualizaci\xf3n de %currentcode% a %cfgfullrelease% echo. :skip ::Download most recent full version for USB-Loader Folder support\sfk echo -spat \x20Descarga completa m\xe1s reciente/Oficial Configurable USB Loader: Versi\xf3n %cfgfullrelease% if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" Echo. if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" Echo Nota: Las actuales carpetas USB-Loader se llamaran start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget http://cfg-loader.googlecode.com/files/Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip ::rename exsiting usb-loader folder if applicable :renameusbloader if not exist "%Drive%\usb-loader" goto:extractusbloader SET /a COUNT9=%COUNT9%+1 if exist "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%" goto:renameusbloader move "%Drive%\usb-loader" "%Drive%\usb-loader%COUNT9%">nul :extractusbloader if not exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" mkdir "%DRIVE%\usb-loader" if not exist %Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg mkdir %Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg support\7za e -aoa Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip -o"%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg" Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\apps\USBLoader\* -r support\7za x -aoa Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip -o"%Drive%" Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\usb-loader\* -r ::move all files move /y "%Drive%\Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\usb-loader\*" "%Drive%\usb-loader">nul ::move all folders dir "%Drive%\Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\usb-loader" /a:d /b>temp\list.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\list.txt) do call :processlist %%A goto:quickskipthis :processlist set CurrentDIR=%* move /y "%Drive%\Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%\inSDRoot\usb-loader\%CurrentDIR%" "%Drive%\usb-loader\%CurrentDIR%">nul goto:EOF :quickskipthis rd /s /q "%Drive%\Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%" del Cfg_USB_Loader_%cfgfullrelease:~0,-10%.zip>nul ::------extra for USB-Loader Setup Guide------- if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "NONE" goto:skip ::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the \wbfs folder exists if not exist "%Drive%\wbfs" mkdir "%Drive%\wbfs" if not exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music mkdir "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\music support\sfk echo -spat \x20Guardar la m\xfasica aqu\xed>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\music\Save MP3s Aqu\xed para jugar en el Men\xfa USB-Loader" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20m\xfasica = usb:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" support\sfk echo -spat \x20m\xfasica = sd:/usb-loader/music>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo Desbloquear password = AAAA>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo Desactivar eliminar = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo Deshabilitar formatear = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo Desbloquear admin = BLAHBLAH>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" support\sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _BLAHBLAH_1_> nul :skip if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip echo covers_path = usb:/usb-loader/covers>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_2d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/2d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_3d = usb:/usb-loader/covers/3d>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_disc = usb:/usb-loader/covers/disc>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" echo covers_path_full = usb:/usb-loader/covers/full>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" support\sfk filter -write -yes "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" -rep _usb:_ntfs:_> nul :skip ::partition = auto is now the default value ::Will select first valid from: WBFS1, FAT1, NTFS1 ::FAT or NTFS partition will only be valid if the /wbfs folder exists ::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" support\sfk echo -spat \x20partici\xf3n = FAT1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" ::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" support\sfk echo -spat \x20partici\xf3n = NTFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" ::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" support\sfk echo -spat \x20partici\xf3n = FAT1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" ::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" support\sfk echo -spat \x20partici\xf3n = WBFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" ::if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" support\sfk echo -spat \x20partici\xf3n = WBFS1>>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\config.txt" ::----simple version check after downloading---- if exist "%Drive%"\apps\USBLoader_cfg\boot.dol goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. goto:MetaChecker ::goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting ::get current version from meta.xml support\sfk filter -quiet "%Drive%\apps\USBLoader_cfg\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul if "%currentcode%" EQU "%cfgfullrelease%" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pudo actualizar correctamente. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Volver a intentar descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente del archivo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y goto:MetaChecker ::goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga exitosa echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: versi\xf3n encontrada %cfgfullrelease%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :noupdate support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Su versi\xf3n actual de %currentcode% esta actualizada, saltar descarga if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: version encontrada %cfgfullrelease%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:next ::------------------------------------------CONFIGURATOR FOR CFG USB Loader Downloader-------------------------------------- :CFGRDOWNLOADER ::Download updates.txt start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget "http://gwht.wdfiles.com/local--files/configurable-options/updates.txt" if not exist updates.txt goto:missing ::Most Recent Version Download Link support\sfk filter updates.txt -ls+url>cfgrurl.txt FINDSTR /N url cfgrurl.txt>cfgrurl2.txt support\sfk filter cfgrurl2.txt -rep _"url = "__>cfgrurl.txt del cfgrurl2.txt>nul support\sfk filter cfgrurl.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgrurl="_>cfgrDLsettings.bat del cfgrurl.txt>nul ::Most Recent Version Release Number support\sfk filter updates.txt -ls+release>cfgrrelease.txt FINDSTR /N release cfgrrelease.txt>cfgrrelease2.txt support\sfk filter cfgrrelease2.txt -rep _" "__ -rep _"release="__>cfgrrelease.txt del cfgrrelease2.txt>nul support\sfk filter cfgrrelease.txt -ls+"1:" -ls!"11:" -lsrep _"1:"_"set cfgrrelease="_>>cfgrDLsettings.bat del cfgrrelease.txt>nul del updates.txt>nul call cfgrDLsettings.bat del cfgrDLsettings.bat>nul ::Download most recent version if not exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" goto:skip echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Esta aplicaci\xf3n ya existe... echo. set cfgrreleaseOLD= attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" copy /y "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat">nul attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" call "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat" del "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrev.bat">nul support\sfk echo -spat \x20La versi\xf3n actual es %cfgrreleaseOLD% echo. echo Comprobar actualizaciones... echo. if %cfgrreleaseOLD% GEQ %cfgrrelease% goto:noupdate :skip Echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente: %cfgrrelease% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget %cfgrurl% if not exist "%Drive%"\USB-Loader mkdir "%Drive%"\USB-Loader ::Move most recent usb-loader folder to root of drive support\7za e -aoa CfgLoaderConfiguratorv%cfgrrelease%.zip -o"%Drive%"\usb-loader\ * -r del CfgLoaderConfiguratorv%cfgrrelease%.zip>nul ::----simple version check after downloading---- if exist "%DRIVE%"\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe goto:pass :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga exitosa echo. ::save version info for next time! if exist "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" attrib -r -h -s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" echo set cfgrreleaseOLD=%cfgrrelease%>"%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" attrib +r +h +s "%DRIVE%\usb-loader\cfgrrev.txt" if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: version encontrada %cfgrrelease%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :noupdate support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Su versi\xf3n actual de %cfgrreleaseOLD% est\xe1 actualizada, saltar descarga if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: version encontrada %cfgrrelease%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:next ::--------------------------TANTRIC APPS AUTO-UDPATE------------------------ :TANTRIC if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist echo. echo This app already exists... ::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version support\sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20La versi\xf3n actual es %currentcode% echo. echo Comprobar actualizaciones... echo. :doesntexist start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget "%updateurl%" if not exist update.xml goto:missing support\sfk filter -quiet update.xml -+"app version" -rep _"_""_ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet update.xml -rep _""""__>code.bat del update.xml>nul call code.bat del code.bat>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntalreadyexist if %currentcode% GEQ %newcode% goto:noupdate support\sfk echo -spat \x20actualizaci\xf3n de %currentcode% a %newcode% goto:update :noupdate support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Green] Su versi\xf3n actual de %currentcode% est\xe1 actualizada, saltar descarga if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: version encontrada %newcode%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:next :doesntalreadyexist ::Download most recent version Echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente: %newcode% :update echo. start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget "%code1%%newcode%%code2%" if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1% set wadname="%zip1%%newcode%%zip2%" support\7za x -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%" ::support\7za e -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% *.%version% -r del %wadname%>nul ::----simple version check after downloading---- if exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. goto:MetaChecker ::goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting ::get current version from meta.xml support\sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul if %currentcode% GEQ %newcode% goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pudo actualizar correctamente. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Volver a intentar descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente del archivo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y goto:MetaChecker ::goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga exitosa echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: version encontrada %newcode%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::--------------------------GOOGLE CODE 'MANUAL' AUTO-UDPATE------------------------ :GOOGLEUPDATE if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" goto:doesntexist echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Esta aplicaci\xf3n ya existe... ::get current version if app already exists, skip if its the most recent version support\sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"version" >temp\currentcode.txt if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\postloader\" support\sfk filter -quiet temp\currentcode.txt -!"app version" -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet temp\currentcode.txt -+"version" -!"xml version" -rep _"*rev"__ -rep _"*R"__ -rep _""*__ -write -yes set /p currentcode= nul if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\postloader\" goto:postloaderfilter support\sfk filter -quiet code.bat -+"feature" -!"deprec" -rep _".dol&*"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet code.bat -rep _%code2%*__ -rep _"*files/R"_"set newcode="_ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet code.bat -ls+"set newcode" -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet code.bat -unique -write -yes call code.bat del code.bat>nul goto:skippostloaderfilter :postloaderfilter support\sfk filter -quiet code.bat -+"feature" -!"deprec" -rep _"*postloader.googlecode.com/files/postloader."_"set newcode="_ -rep _".zip*"__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -spat -quiet code.bat -ls+"set newcode" -rep _*\x3d__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet code.bat -unique -write -yes set /p newcode= >temp\ModMii_Log.bat @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:next :doesntalreadyexist ::Download most recent version Echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Descargar la versi\xf3n m\xe1s reciente: %newcodeNoZeros% :update echo. start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget "%code1%%newcode%%code2%" if not exist "%Drive%"\%path1% mkdir "%Drive%"\%path1% if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\postloader\" goto:miniskip if not exist "postloader.%newcode%%code2%" goto:miniskip support\7za X -aoa "postloader.%newcode%%code2%" -o"%Drive%" -r -x!*.txt del "postloader.%newcode%%code2%">nul goto:skip :miniskip ::----move file to new location!---- set wadname="%wadname1%%newcode%%wadname2%" move /y %wadname% "%DRIVE%\%path1%\boot.dol">nul ::----not needed (yet), only applies when downloading zips, not dols--- ::set wadname="%zip1%%newcode%%zip2%" ::support\7za x -aoa %wadname% -o"%Drive%" ::del %wadname% ::geticon if doesn't exist if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png" start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget %iconurl% if exist "icon.png" move /Y "icon.png" "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png">nul if exist "logo*" move /Y "logo*" "%DRIVE%\%path1%\icon.png">nul ::meta start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget %metaurl% if not exist meta.xml goto:skip move /Y meta.xml "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml">nul ::adjust meta.xml and create "%DRIVE%\config\WiiXplorer" folder if downloading WiiXplorer ::correct possibly incorrect meta.xml support\sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%\meta.xml" -+"version" -rep _"*rev"__ -rep _"*R"__ -rep _"temp\currentcode.txt support\sfk filter -quiet temp\currentcode.txt -!"<" -!">" -write -yes support\sfk filter -spat -quiet temp\currentcode.txt -rep _*"=\x22"__ -rep _"\x22>"*__ -write -yes set /p wrongcode= temp\currentcode.txt if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\postloader\" support\sfk filter -quiet temp\currentcode.txt -!"app version" -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet temp\currentcode.txt -+"version" -!"xml version" -rep _"*rev"__ -rep _"*R"__ -rep _""*__ -write -yes set /p currentcode= >temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::--------------------------------------Cheat Codes: txtcodes from geckocodes.org------------------------------ :CHEATS ::set cheatregion=all if exist "codeindex.txt" del "codeindex.txt" >nul if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt">nul echo. echo Downloading %cheatregion% Region Cheat Codes for the following console(s): echo. if /i "%wiicheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * WiiWare if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * VC Arcade if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Wii Channels if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Gamecube if /i "%NEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * NES/Famicom VC if /i "%SNEScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Super NES/Famicom VC if /i "%N64cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Nintendo 64 VC if /i "%SMScheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Sega Master System VC if /i "%Segacheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" EQU "ON" echo * NeoGeo VC if /i "%Commodorecheat%" EQU "ON" echo * Commodore 64 VC if /i "%MSXcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * MSX VC if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" EQU "ON" echo * TurboGraFX-16 VC if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" EQU "ON" echo * TurboGraFX-CD VC echo. if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Localizaci\xf3n(es) para guardar trucos: (txtcodes y codes\X\L) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Localizaci\xf3n(es) para guardar trucos: (txtcodes) if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Localizaci\xf3n(es) para guardar trucos: (codes\X\L) echo. if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "OFF" echo Sobrescribir txtcodes existentes (Desactivado) if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "ON" echo Sobrescribir txtcodes existentes (Activado) echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20Nota: Los ajustes anteriores se pueden personalizar en las opciones de C\xf3digo de trucos echo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20Coger de la l\xedsta actual de trucos de geckocodes.org, echo Por favor espere... echo. ::---get game/iso list and game count------- if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes mkdir "%drive%"\txtcodes :skip ::-----------used to get full list of all games--------------- goto:skipcheatrepeat :cheatrepeat if exist codeindex.txt copy /y codeindex.txt codeindextemp.txt >nul if exist codeindex.txt (copy /y codeindextemp.txt+"index*=all" codeindex.txt >nul) else (move /y "index*=all" "codeindex.txt">nul) if exist "index*=all" del "index*=all" >nul if exist "codeindextemp.txt" del "codeindextemp.txt" >nul goto:%nextcheatlist% :skipcheatrepeat ::--------------ALL REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "all" goto:skipall ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=allwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :allwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=allvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :allVCcheats set nextcheatlist=allwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :allwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=allGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :allGCcheats set nextcheatlist=allNEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :allNEScheats set nextcheatlist=allSNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :allSNEScheats set nextcheatlist=allN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :allN64cheats set nextcheatlist=allSMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :allSMScheats set nextcheatlist=allGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :allGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=allNEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :allNEOcheats set nextcheatlist=allCOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :allCOMcheats set nextcheatlist=allMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :allMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=allT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :allT16cheats set nextcheatlist=allTCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :allTCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipall if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=*&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipall ::--------------USA REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "USA" goto:skipUSA ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=USAwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :USAwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=USAvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :USAVCcheats set nextcheatlist=USAwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :USAwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=USAGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :USAGCcheats set nextcheatlist=USANEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :USANEScheats set nextcheatlist=USASNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :USASNEScheats set nextcheatlist=USAN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :USAN64cheats set nextcheatlist=USASMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :USASMScheats set nextcheatlist=USAGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :USAGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=USANEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :USANEOcheats set nextcheatlist=USACOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :USACOMcheats set nextcheatlist=USAMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :USAMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=USAT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :USAT16cheats set nextcheatlist=USATCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :USATCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipUSA if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=E&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipUSA ::--------------PAL REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "PAL" goto:skipPAL ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=PALwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :PALwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=PALvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :PALVCcheats set nextcheatlist=PALwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :PALwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=PALGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :PALGCcheats set nextcheatlist=PALNEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :PALNEScheats set nextcheatlist=PALSNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :PALSNEScheats set nextcheatlist=PALN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :PALN64cheats set nextcheatlist=PALSMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :PALSMScheats set nextcheatlist=PALGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :PALGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=PALNEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :PALNEOcheats set nextcheatlist=PALCOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :PALCOMcheats set nextcheatlist=PALMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :PALMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=PALT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :PALT16cheats set nextcheatlist=PALTCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :PALTCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipPAL if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=P&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipPAL ::--------------JAP REGION--------------- if /i "%cheatregion%" NEQ "JAP" goto:skipJAP ::-------Wii Games-------- set nextcheatlist=JAPwiiwarecheats if /i "%wiicheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=R&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------WiiWare------ :JAPwiiwarecheats set nextcheatlist=JAPvccheats if /i "%WiiWarecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=W&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------VC Arcade------ :JAPVCcheats set nextcheatlist=JAPwiichannelcheats if /i "%VCArcadecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=D&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Wii Channels------ :JAPwiichannelcheats set nextcheatlist=JAPGCcheats if /i "%WiiChannelscheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=H&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Gamecube------ :JAPGCcheats set nextcheatlist=JAPNEScheats if /i "%Gamecubecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=G&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NES------ :JAPNEScheats set nextcheatlist=JAPSNEScheats if /i "%NEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=F&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SNES------ :JAPSNEScheats set nextcheatlist=JAPN64cheats if /i "%SNEScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=J&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------N64------ :JAPN64cheats set nextcheatlist=JAPSMScheats if /i "%N64cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=N&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------SMS------ :JAPSMScheats set nextcheatlist=JAPGenesischeats if /i "%SMScheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=L&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------Genesis------ :JAPGenesischeats set nextcheatlist=JAPNEOcheats if /i "%Segacheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=M&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------NEO------ :JAPNEOcheats set nextcheatlist=JAPCOMcheats if /i "%NeoGeocheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=E&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------COMMODORE------ :JAPCOMcheats set nextcheatlist=JAPMSXcheats if /i "%Commodorecheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=C&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------MSX------ :JAPMSXcheats set nextcheatlist=JAPT16cheats if /i "%MSXcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=X&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------T16------ :JAPT16cheats set nextcheatlist=JAPTCDcheats if /i "%TurboGraFX-16cheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat ::-------TCD------ :JAPTCDcheats set nextcheatlist=skipJAP if /i "%TurboGraFX-CDcheat%" NEQ "on" goto:%nextcheatlist% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --accept index*l=all "http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=Q&r=J&l=all" goto:cheatrepeat :skipJAP support\sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -+"index.php?c=******" -write -yes goto:nextstep ::----------DISABLED------------ ::-----remove titles that already exist (if applicable)--------- if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:nextstep if not exist "%drive%"\txtcodes\*.txt goto:nextstep ::support\sfk echo -spat \x20Comprobaci\xf3n de los nuevos c\xf3digos de trucos ::support\sfk echo -spat \x20Esto podr\xeda tomar un minuto, por favor espere... ::echo. echo Los siguientes trucos ya existen y se eliminaran de la cola de descarga: echo. dir /b "%drive%"\txtcodes>existingcodes.txt support\sfk filter -quiet existingcodes.txt -+.txt -rep _.txt__ -write -yes ::Loop through the existing list of codes (existingcodes.txt) and remove each existing game from codeindex.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (existingcodes.txt) do call :processthis %%A goto:nextstep :processthis ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set removetitleID=%* echo Saltar %removetitleID%.txt... support\sfk filter -quiet codeindex.txt -!%removetitleID% -write -yes goto:EOF :nextstep if exist existingcodes.txt del existingcodes.txt>nul support\sfk filter codeindex.txt -unique -write -yes>nul FINDSTR /N href codeindex.txt>codeindexfull.txt del codeindex.txt>nul ::totalcodes setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set totalcodes=0 set codenumber=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (codeindexfull.txt) do set /a totalcodes=!totalcodes!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. :processcode copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexfull2.txt>nul if /i "%totalcodes%" EQU "%codenumber%" goto:nextstep set /a codenumber=%codenumber%+1 support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*title='*["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -rep _"set titleid=set titleid="_"set titleid="_ -write -yes ::support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexfull2.txt -ls+"%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -ls!"%codenumber%%codenumber%%codenumber%:<" -rep _"*'Wii ["_"set titleid="_ -rep _"] *"__ -write -yes FINDSTR /N set codeindexfull2.txt>codeindex.bat del codeindexfull2.txt>nul support\sfk filter -quiet codeindex.bat -ls+"1:" -rep _"1:"__ -write -yes call codeindex.bat del codeindex.bat>nul ::now get game name!! copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexTitle.bat>nul ::add in delay so support\sfk has access to codeindexTitle.bat (Foez reported bug) ::@ping -n 1 -w 1500> nul support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*c=%titleid%"_"set titlename="_ -rep _" [%titleid%]*"_"""_ -rep _>__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexTitle.bat -ls+"set titlename=" -write -yes call codeindexTitle.bat del codeindexTitle.bat>nul ::if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skipconsoleinfo ::now get console!! copy /y codeindexfull.txt codeindexConsole.bat>nul support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -+"%titleid%" -rep _"*sysn' title='"_"set console="_ -rep _"'>[*"_"""_ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet codeindexConsole.bat -ls+"set console=" -write -yes call codeindexConsole.bat del codeindexConsole.bat>nul ::get console code set consolecode= if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii" set consolecode=R if /i "%console%" EQU "WiiWare" set consolecode=W if /i "%console%" EQU "VC Arcade" set consolecode=D if /i "%console%" EQU "GameCube" set consolecode=G ::Wii Channels(H)-currently no codes, so unsure of "Wii Channels" if /i "%console%" EQU "Wii Channels" set consolecode=H if /i "%console%" EQU "NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=F if /i "%console%" EQU "Super NES/Famicom VC" set consolecode=J if /i "%console%" EQU "Nintendo 64 VC" set consolecode=N if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Master System VC" set consolecode=L if /i "%console%" EQU "Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VC" set consolecode=M if /i "%console%" EQU "NeoGeo VC" set consolecode=E if /i "%console%" EQU "Commodore 64 VC" set consolecode=C if /i "%console%" EQU "MSX VC" set consolecode=X if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-16 VC" set consolecode=P if /i "%console%" EQU "TurboGraFX-CD VC" set consolecode=Q ::get first letter of titlename (actually second letter cuz first one is ") set letter1=%titlename:~1,1% if /i "%letter1%" EQU "0" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "1" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "2" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "3" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "4" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "5" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "6" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "7" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "8" set letter1=# if /i "%letter1%" EQU "9" set letter1=# :skipconsoleinfo ::echo %titlename% ::echo %titleid% ::echo %console% ::echo %consolecode% ::echo %letter1% echo. echo Descargar trucos %codenumber% de %totalcodes%: %titlename% [%titleid%] if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" mkdir "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%" :skip if /i "%overwritecodes%" EQU "on" goto:overwritecheat ::----copy existing codes to alternate location if missing---- if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Copia desde codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt to txtcodes\%titleid%.txt if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Copia desde txtcodes\%titleid%.txt to codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" copy /y "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if not exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" goto:downloadcheat :skip echo %titleid%.txt ya existe, echo Saltar descarga... echo. goto:processcode :overwritecheat if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip if exist "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt" echo Overwriting %drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt... :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip if exist "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt" echo Overwriting %drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt... :skip :downloadcheat start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget "http://www.geckocodes.org/txt.php?txt=%titleid%" if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" copy /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\txtcodes\%titleid%.txt">nul if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "B" move /y "txt.php@txt=%titleid%" "%drive%\codes\%consolecode%\%letter1%\%titleid%.txt">nul ::for some reason VC downloads fail, and they leave index.html as a trace instead ::if exist index.html del index.html>nul goto:processcode :nextstep del codeindexfull.txt>nul del codeindexfull2.txt>nul ::Simple Check if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "C" goto:skip If exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo "echo Codigos de trucos: Encontrados">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat If not exist "%DRIVE%"\txtcodes\*.txt echo "support\sfk echo C\xf3digos de trucos: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat :skip if /i "%cheatlocation%" EQU "T" goto:skip If exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo "echo Codigos de trucos: Encontrados">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat If not exist "%DRIVE%"\codes echo "support\sfk echo C\xf3digos de trucos: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat :skip goto:NEXT ::------------------------NUS File Grabber Downloader--------------------- :DownloadApp if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:MYMAPP ::SNEEKAPP if not exist "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES mkdir "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES goto:skip :MYMAPP if not exist "%Drive%"\ModThemes mkdir "%Drive%"\ModThemes :skip set filename=%wadname% if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" set path1=SNEEKFILES\ if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" set path1=ModThemes\ set md5alt=%md5% goto:DownloadURL :DownloadApp2 set dlname=%wadname:~0,8%.app if exist temp\%wadname% goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe %version% move /Y "%dlname%" temp\%wadname%>nul :AlreadyinTemp if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\ModThemes\%wadname%>nul if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" copy /Y temp\"%wadname%" "%Drive%"\SNEEKFILES\%wadname%>nul goto:URLverifyretry ::-------------------------Download from URLs------------------------------ :DownloadURL ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [Green]Este archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Saltar descarga echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting if /i "%code1%" EQU "MYMAPP" goto:DownloadApp2 if /i "%code1%" EQU "SNEEKAPP" goto:DownloadApp2 :DownloadURL2 if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget %code2% if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% temp\%wadname% >nul support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\%path1% *.%version% -r ::save identifier for bannerbombs if /i "%code2%" EQU "http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/aads/aad1f_v108.zip" echo Bannerbombv1 >"%Drive%\%path1%Bannerbombv1.txt" if /i "%code2%" EQU "http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/abds/abd6a_v200.zip" echo Bannerbombv2 >"%Drive%\%path1%Bannerbombv2.txt" :URLverifyretry if "%DRIVErestore%"=="" set DRIVErestore=%Drive% ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado echo. del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Invalido">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga con exito echo. set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :fullextract set LocalAbsolute= set DRIVErestore=%Drive% if /i "%wadname%" EQU "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:doit if /i "%wadname%" EQU "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:doit if /i "%filename%" EQU "ShowMiiWads.exe" goto:doit if /i "%filename%" EQU "CustomizeMii.exe" goto:doit if /i "%filename%" EQU "WiiGSC.exe" goto:doit goto:skip :doit if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\) if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DRIVE=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files) & (set LocalAbsolute=%homedrive%\ModMii\Program Files\) :skip if not exist "%Drive%" mkdir "%Drive%" ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%" if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pas\xf3 la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 del "%Drive%\%path1%%filename%">nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [Green]Este archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Saltar descarga echo. set DRIVE=%DRIVErestore% if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :nocheckexisting :fullextract2 if exist "temp\%wadname%" goto:FullExtractZipAlreadyExists if not exist temp\%dlname% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget %code2% if exist %dlname% move /y %dlname% "temp\%wadname%">nul :FullExtractZipAlreadyExists ::extract selected apps differently... if /i "%path1%" NEQ "apps\MyMenuifyMod\" goto:notmym ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Downloading UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://files.cybergamer.com.au/richard/FIFA Online 2 Full Client v200/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul temp\unrar.exe x -y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\apps\" goto:skipnormalextraction :notmym if /i "%wadname:~0,20%" EQU "USBLoader(s)-ahbprot" support\7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/WAD *.%version% -r if /i "%wadname:~0,20%" EQU "USBLoader(s)-ahbprot" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "indiana-pwns.zip" (support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%wadname%" EQU "bathaxx.zip" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "bathaxx.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "return-jodi.zip" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "return-jodi.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "EriHaKawai-USA+PAL.zip" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "EriHaKawai-USA+PAL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%name%" EQU "Neogamma Backup Disc Loader" (support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" apps -r) & (support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" NeoGamma -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\SIP\" (support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" apps -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\sysCheckBeta\" (support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" apps -r) & (support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" config -r) & (goto:skipnormalextraction) if /i "%name%" NEQ "Joy Flow Forwarder Channel\dol" goto:skipjoyflow ::if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" support\7za e -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%"/ *.wad *.dol -r support\7za X -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r goto:skipnormalextraction :skipjoyflow if /i "%name%" NEQ "switch2uneek" goto:skipS2U if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%/WAD"/ %filename% -r if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:skipnormalextraction ::for when MENU1 not equal to "S" support\7za x -aoa temp\%dlname% -o"%Drive%" -r -x!switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v11-S2RL.wad if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt echo NOFILE>"%DRIVEU%"\nandpath.txt if exist "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin goto:skipnormalextraction echo 00000000>dump.txt support\sfk filter dump.txt +hextobin "%DRIVEU%"\nandslot.bin del dump.txt>nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipS2U if /i "%name%" NEQ "nSwitch" goto:skipnSwitch if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipnSwitch if /i "%name%" NEQ "Post Loader Forwarder Channel" goto:skipPLC if not exist "%Drive%\WAD" mkdir "%Drive%\WAD" copy /y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\WAD\%wadname%" >nul goto:skipnormalextraction :skipPLC if /i "%wadname%" NEQ "WiiBackupManager.zip" goto:notWBM if exist "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager rd /s /q "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WiiBackupManager support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%\WiiBackupManager" -r ::rename "%Drive%"\%dlname:~6,-4% WiiBackupManager if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts if exist "%homedrive%\Program Files (x86)" (set OSbit=64) else (set OSbit=32) support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager_Win%OSbit%.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "WiiBackupManager" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\WiiBackupManager_Win%OSbit%.exe" "~$folder.programs$\WiiBackupManager" "WiiBackupManager" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notWBM if /i "%filename%" NEQ "FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" goto:notF32 if not exist "%DRIVE%"\FAT32_GUI_Formatter mkdir "%DRIVE%"\FAT32_GUI_Formatter if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "temp" copy /y temp\%wadname% "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe">nul if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "FAT32 GUI Formatter" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%Drive%\%path1%FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe" "~$folder.programs$\FAT32 GUI Formatter" "FAT32 GUI Formatter" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notF32 if /i "%filename%" NEQ "ShowMiiWads.exe" goto:notSMW if not exist "%DRIVE%"\ShowMiiWads mkdir "%DRIVE%"\ShowMiiWads ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Descargando UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://files.cybergamer.com.au/richard/FIFA Online 2 Full Client v200/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul temp\unrar.exe x -y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\ShowMiiWads" if exist support\common-key.bin goto:commonkeyalreadythere ::silently build common-key.bin echo EBE42A225E8593E448D9C5457381AAF7>support\common-key.txt support\sfk filter support\common-key.txt +hextobin support\common-key.bin>nul del support\common-key.txt>nul :commonkeyalreadythere copy /y support\common-key.bin "%Drive%\ShowMiiWads\common-key.bin">nul if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\ShowMiiWads\ShowMiiWads.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "ShowMiiWads" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\ShowMiiWads\ShowMiiWads.exe" "~$folder.programs$\ShowMiiWads" "ShowMiiWads" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notSMW if /i "%filename%" NEQ "CustomizeMii.exe" goto:notCM if not exist "%DRIVE%"\CustomizeMii mkdir "%DRIVE%"\CustomizeMii ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Descargando UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://files.cybergamer.com.au/richard/FIFA Online 2 Full Client v200/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul temp\unrar.exe x -y "temp\%wadname%" "%Drive%\CustomizeMii" if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\CustomizeMii\CustomizeMii.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "CustomizeMii" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\CustomizeMii\CustomizeMii.exe" "~$folder.programs$\CustomizeMii" "CustomizeMii" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notCM if /i "%filename%" NEQ "WiiGSC.exe" goto:notWiiGSC if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WiiGSC mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WiiGSC support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%\WiiGSC" -r if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Local" goto:createshortcuts if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (goto:createshortcuts) else (goto:skip) :createshortcuts support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiGSC\WiiGSC.exe" "~$folder.desktop$" "WiiGSC" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiGSC\WiiGSC.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Wiidewii" "WiiGSC" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiGSC\CrazyInstaller.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Wiidewii" "CrazyInstaller" support\nircmd.exe shortcut "%DRIVE%\WiiGSC\KeyStego.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Wiidewii" "KeyStego" :skip goto:skipnormalextraction :notWiiGSC if /i "%wadname%" EQU "twilight_hack_v0.1_beta1.zip" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "twilight_hack_v0.1_beta1.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps homebrew_browser -r if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\homebrew_browser\" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%wadname%" EQU "YU-GI-OWNED-ALL.zip" support\7za X -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" private -r if /i "%wadname%" EQU "YU-GI-OWNED-ALL.zip" goto:skipnormalextraction if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"/%path1% -x!*.cfg if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%DOP-Mii" -r >nul if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%DOP-Mii v13" -r >nul if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%config" -r >nul if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" rd /s /q "%Drive%\%path1%apps" -r >nul if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" mkdir "%DRIVE%\config" if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" move /y "%Drive%\%path1%\DOP-Mii.cfg" "%Drive%\config\DOP-Mii.cfg" >nul if /i "%path1%" EQU "apps\DOP-Mii\" goto:skipnormalextraction support\7za x -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" -x!README :skipnormalextraction goto:URLverifyretry ::DONE (will retry if necessary) ::---------------CustomDL-------------------------- :CUSTOMDL echo Tenga en cuenta que las descargas de personalizadas no se verifican, y no necesariamente son seguras. echo Asegurese de saber lo que estas haciendo! Utilice bajo su propio riesgo! echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" set HEX=00000002 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" set HEX=00000101 if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:skiphexcalc if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:skiphexcalc support\sfk hex %DEC% -digits=8 >hex.txt ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in whatever.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (hex.txt) do call :processhexx %%A goto:skiphexcalc :processhexx ::this is repeated for each line of the txt.file ::"%*" (no quotes) is the variable for each line as it passes through the loop set hex=%* goto:EOF :skiphexcalc if exist hex.txt del hex.txt>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD echo Si se encuentra con largos periodos de inactividad, de tipo "C" mientras support\sfk echo -spat \x20\x20 se mantiene "Ctrl", a continuaci\xf3n, escriba "N", despu\xe9s "Enter" echo (ie. Ctrl+C = N = Enter) echo. support\nusd 00000001%HEX% "%VER%" ::if not exist 00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad goto:missing if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" goto:SYSMENU if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" goto:MIOS2 ::IOS if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=) if exist support\00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad move /Y support\00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% if exist support\00000001%HEX% copy /Y support\00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% copy /y support\00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul :option1notNUS if exist support\00000001%HEX% rd /s /q support\00000001%HEX% if /i "IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad" EQU "IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%.wad" goto:nopatching echo. cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%) else (set DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%) if exist "%DRIVEadj%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode%) & (echo.) & (echo Note: Patches are not always successful, read the PatchIOS log above for details) cd.. :nopatching if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadfolder%IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing) :SYSMENU if exist support\00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad move /Y support\00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad>nul if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% if exist support\00000001%HEX% copy /Y support\00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul :option1notNUS if exist support\00000001%HEX% rd /s /q support\00000001%HEX% if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing) :MIOS2 if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "OFF" (set wadfolder=WAD\) else (set wadfolder=) if exist support\00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad move /Y support\00000001%HEX%\00000001%HEX%.wad "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad>nul if /i "%verfinal%" EQU "NEW" goto:option1notNUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ON" goto:option1on if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1on) else (goto:option1noton) :option1on if not exist "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% if exist support\00000001%HEX% copy /Y support\00000001%HEX% "%Drive%"\00000001\%HEX%\v%verfinal% >nul :option1noton if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "NUS" goto:option1NUS if /i "%OPTION1%" EQU "ALL" (goto:option1NUS) else (goto:option1notNUS) :option1NUS if not exist "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% mkdir "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% copy /y temp\%code1%\%code2%\v%version% "%Drive%"\NUS\00000001%HEX%v%verfinal% >nul :option1notNUS if exist support\00000001%HEX% rd /s /q support\00000001%HEX% if exist "%Drive%"\%wadfolder%RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad (goto:there) else (goto:missing) ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Magenta] Lo m\xe1s probable es que el archivo no existe. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 [Magenta] Revise sus valores personalizados. echo. if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "support\sfk echo SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "support\sfk echo %RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) echo "support\sfk echo IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 ::if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga avanzada con exito if /i "%DEC%" EQU "SM" (echo "echo SystemMenu-NUS-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) if /i "%DEC%" EQU "MIOS" (echo "echo RVL-mios-v%VERFINAL%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) echo "echo IOS%DEC%v%VERFINAL%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::---------------HackMii Installer support\wget Download CODE----------------------- :wget ::----if exist and fails md5 check, delete and redownload---- if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:nocheckexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no pas\xf3 la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :pass support\sfk echo [Green]Este archivo ya existe y ha sido verificado, Saltar descarga echo. COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf> nul COPY /Y "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\bootmini.elf "%Drive%"\bootmini.elf> nul if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:alreadyhavehackmii :nocheckexisting if not exist temp\%wadname% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -c -l1 -r -nd --retr-symlinks -t10 -T30 --random-wait --reject "*.html" --reject "%2A" %code2%* if not exist temp\%wadname% move /y get.*.* temp\%wadname%>nul if not exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer mkdir "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer *.%version% *.txt -r support\7za e -aoa temp\%wadname% -o"%Drive%" *.%version% -r ::----check after downloading - if md5 check fails, delete and redownload---- if exist "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf goto:checkexisting :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :checkexisting set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail IF "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:pass :fail if /i "%attempt%" NEQ "1" goto:multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] Este archivo ya existe, pero no paso la verificaci\xf3n MD5. support\sfk echo [Yellow] La versi\xf3n actual del archivo ser\xe1 borrado y descargado de nuevo. echo. del "%Drive%"\apps\HackMii_Installer\boot.elf>nul if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname%>nul SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :multiplefail echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. set multiplefail=Y if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Invalido">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :pass echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga exitosa echo. if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" NEQ "Y" echo "echo %name%: Correcto">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat ::goto:NEXT :alreadyhavehackmii if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:RenameBootToHackMii if /i "%virgin%" EQU "N" goto:next if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" goto:RenameBootToHackMii goto:next ::-----Bannerbomb MMM instead of HackMii installer------ :RenameBootToHackMii if exist "%Drive%"\apps\MMM\MMMv13.4boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\MMM\MMMv13.4boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul ::if exist "%Drive%"\apps\WiiMod\boot.elf copy /Y "%Drive%"\apps\WiiMod\boot.elf "%Drive%"\boot.elf >nul goto:next ::----------------------FORWARDER------------------ :FORWARDER if not exist "%Drive%\DOLS" mkdir "%Drive%\DOLS" if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "1" copy /y support\DOLS\SDUSBFORWARDER_v11b.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "2" copy /y support\DOLS\INTERNETFORWARDER.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERTYPE:~0,1%" EQU "3" copy /y support\DOLS\CHANNELFORWARDER.dol "%Drive%\DOLS\%wadname%.dol">nul ::%s:/ = 0x25,0x73,0x3a,0x2f if "%path-1%"=="" goto:nopath-1 echo Convertir %path-1% a hex set var=%path-1% call support\Ascii2hex.bat setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION support\sfk filter -quiet "temphex.txt" -rep _,_,0x_ -write -yes set /p hex= temphex.txt) & (goto:quickskip) echo Convertir %FORWARDERTITLEID% a hex set var=%FORWARDERTITLEID% call support\Ascii2hex.bat setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :quickskip support\sfk filter -quiet "temphex.txt" -rep _,_,0x_ -write -yes set /p hex= >temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 ::if exist temp\%wadname% del temp\%wadname% goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" NEQ "1" goto:FORWARDERISO echo "echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga avanzada con exito goto:NEXT :FORWARDERISO echo. echo Crear ISO Forwarder... echo. if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" move /y "%Drive%\DOLS\%FORWARDERNAME%.dol" "support\disc-template\sys\main.dol">nul if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" NEQ "2" copy /v /y "%Drive%\DOLS\%FORWARDERNAME%.dol" "support\disc-template\sys\main.dol">nul ::make WBFS folder for forwarder ISO if not exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]" mkdir "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]" if exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" del "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" >nul Support\wit copy -s ./Support/disc-template/ -d "%Drive%/WBFS/%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]/%discid%.iso" --id %discid% --name "%FORWARDERNAME%" -q -C del "support\disc-template\sys\main.dol">nul if exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" echo Forwarder ISO Creada if exist "%Drive%\WBFS\%FORWARDERNAME% [%discid%]\%discid%.iso" (goto:there) else (goto:missing) ::----check after downloading---- :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: [Red]Missing">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "support\sfk echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL: FOUND - %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] The file is missing, retrying download. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "2" echo "echo %FORWARDERNAME% ISO: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%FORWARDERDOLorISO%" EQU "3" echo "echo %FORWARDERNAME% DOL and ISO: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Descarga avanzada con exito goto:NEXT ::----------------MetaChecker---------------- :MetaChecker if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%meta.xml" (echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) if not exist "%DRIVE%\%path1%boot.dol" (echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) & (goto:NEXT) support\sfk filter -quiet "%DRIVE%\%path1%meta.xml" -+"/version" -rep _"*"_"set currentcode="_ -rep _"currentcode.bat call currentcode.bat del currentcode.bat>nul echo "support\sfk echo %name%: [Red]No actualizado[def]: versi\xf3n encontrada %currentcode%">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:NEXT ::----------------------NEXT---------------------- :NEXT ::-----ROOT SAVE OPTION for IOSs (does not apply to wizard)----- if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:miniskip if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:miniskip if /i "%category%" EQU "ios" goto:noskip if /i "%category%" EQU "patchios" (goto:noskip) else (goto:miniskip) :noskip if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" (set movename="%wadname%.wad") else (set movename="%wadname%") if /i "%ROOTSAVE%" EQU "ON" move /Y "%Drive%"\WAD\%movename% "%DRIVE%"\%movename% >nul :miniskip ::-----------Exceptions for DL Wizard and syscheck updater---------- if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:exception if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" goto:skipwizardexceptions :exception if "%wadname:~-4%" NEQ ".wad" (set movename="%wadname%.wad") else (set movename="%wadname%") if /i "%name%" EQU "IOS36" move /Y "%Drive%"\WAD\%movename% "%DRIVE%"\%movename% >nul :skipwizardexceptions ::---------------------------- if /i "%category%" EQU "userdefined" goto:quickskip if /i "%category%" EQU "FORWARDER" goto:quickskip if /i "%AdvancedDownload%" EQU "Y" goto:customcopyandpatch :quickskip support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -le!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes goto:DLSETTINGS3 ::-----------------------------------------cUSTOM COPY AND PATCH (only for advanced downloads)-------------------------------- :customcopyandpatch if /i "%loadorgo%" EQU "load" goto:ADVPAGE2 if "%wadname:~-4%" EQU ".wad" set wadname=%wadname:~0,-4% ::move from WAD folder if "%alreadyexists%" EQU "yes" goto:makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad move /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul goto:nocopy :makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul :nocopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:copyisthere if not exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD mkdir "%DRIVE%"\WAD >nul ::move from root if "%alreadyexists%" EQU "yes" goto:makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad move /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul goto:nocopy :makeacopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad copy /Y "%DRIVE%"\%wadname%.wad "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad>nul :nocopy if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad (goto:copyisthere) else (goto:missing) :copyisthere echo. cd support if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" (set DRIVEadj=%DRIVE%) else (set DRIVEadj=..\%DRIVE%) patchios "%DRIVEadj%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad%PATCHCODE%%slotcode%%versioncode% cd.. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Nota: Los parches no siempre tienen exito, leer el registro PatchIOS arriba para m\xe1s detalles echo. :nopatching if exist "%DRIVE%"\WAD\%wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad goto:there ::----check after Advanced downloading---- :missing if /i "%attempt%" EQU "1" goto:missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Magenta] Este archivo ha fallado varias veces en la descarga correctamente, Saltar descarga. echo. support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -ls!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes echo "support\sfk echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: [Red]Fallo">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:DLSETTINGS3 :missingretry echo. support\sfk echo [Yellow] El archivo no existe, volver a intentar la descarga. echo. SET /a retry=%retry%+1 SET /a attempt=%attempt%+1 goto:DOWNLOADSTART2 :there if /i "%multiplefail%" EQU "Y" (support\sfk echo [Magenta] Hash base Wad se comprobar\xe1 varias veces, descargas avanzadas probablemente corruptas) else (support\sfk echo [Green]Descargas avanzadas con exito) echo. if /i "%multiplefail%" EQU "Y" (echo "support\sfk echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Encontrado, pero potencialmente corruptos">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) else (echo "echo %wadnameless%%patchname%%slotname%%versionname%.wad: Found">>temp\ModMii_Log.bat) :miniskip support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\DLgotos.txt" -ls!"%CurrentDLNAME%" -write -yes goto:DLSETTINGS3 ::---------------------------------------SNEEKINSTALLER---------------------------------- :SNEEKINSTALLER cls if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:checkdriveU if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" (goto:checkdriveU) else (goto:skip) :checkdriveU if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" :skip ::delete all files that may interfere with SNEEK if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin>nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\di.bin>nul if exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul ::Special handling of bootmii\armboot.bin to avoid deleting Bootmii-SD Files if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin goto:skip ::No Bootmii-SD Files if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf del "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\armboot.bin>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii\ppcboot.elf goto:skip ::RENAME Bootmii Booter Folder set countbootmii=0 :renamebootmii SET /a countbootmii=%countbootmii%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii% goto:renamebootmii rename "%DRIVE%"\bootmii bootmii_SDBooter%countbootmii% >nul :skip ::delete sneek files from USB (interfere's with nswitch) if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\kernel.bin>nul if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\di.bin>nul if exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin del "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2obuild if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Crear SNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Crear UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Crear UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Crear SNEEK rev%CurrentRev% goto:skipneek2obuild :neek2obuild if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Crear SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Crear UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Crear UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Crear SNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% :skipneek2obuild echo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" echo neek2o Activado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" echo neek2o Desactivado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) echo. if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" echo SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD Activado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) if /i "%SSD%" NEQ "on" echo SNEEK y SNEEK+DI Acceso SD Desactivado (puede cambiarse en las opciones) ::download unrar if missing if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo. if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe echo Descargar UnRAR if not exist temp\UnRAR.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://files.cybergamer.com.au/richard/FIFA Online 2 Full Client v200/UnRAR.exe" if exist UnRAR.exe move /y UnRAR.exe temp\UnRAR.exe>nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" set NewInstallerRev=99999 if /i "%neek2o%" NEQ "on" set NewInstallerRev=186 if %CurrentRev% GEQ %NewInstallerRev% goto:newinstaller ::old installer set wadname=SNEEKInstallerv0.6c-cred.rar set md5=bcdd0ddb85dc63c1ad7fad0007b6b606 goto:skipnew :newinstaller set wadname=SNEEKInstallerv0.7a-cred.rar set md5=e1c094efd57d19e9a3726bcb8f543660 :skipnew if exist "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" call "temp\DBUPDATE%currentversion%.bat" echo. echo Descargar instalador de Sneek Oficial (%wadname:~14,5%) if not exist temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:nocheck set md5check= support\sfk md5 -quiet -verify %md5% temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\SneekInstaller.exe if errorlevel 1 set md5check=fail if "%md5check%"=="" set md5check=pass if /i "%md5check%" NEQ "fail" goto:AlreadyinTemp :nocheck if exist temp\%wadname:~0,-4% rd /s /q temp\%wadname:~0,-4% mkdir temp\%wadname:~0,-4% start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://sneek.googlecode.com/files/%wadname% if exist %wadname% temp\unrar.exe x -y %wadname% temp\%wadname:~0,-4% if exist %wadname% del %wadname%>nul :AlreadyinTemp if not exist temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\SNEEKInstaller.exe goto:sneekwarning ::create empty sneek installer config file type NUL > temp\%wadname:~0,-4%\sinst.ini echo. echo Descarga Autoit if exist temp\autoit3.exe goto:AlreadyinTemp if not exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getfile.pl?autoit3/autoit-v3-sfx.exe if exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe support\7za e -aoa autoit-v3-sfx.exe -otemp autoit3.exe -r if exist autoit-v3-sfx.exe del autoit-v3-sfx.exe>nul :AlreadyinTemp echo. echo Descargar 0000000e.app de IOS80 if exist temp\0000000e_IOS80.app goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe 0e move /Y 0000000e.app temp\0000000e_IOS80.app>nul :AlreadyinTemp copy /Y temp\0000000e_IOS80.app temp\0000000e.app>nul if not exist temp\0000000e.app goto:sneekwarning echo. if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:DL01 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:DL01 goto:skipDL01 :DL01 echo Descargar 00000001.app de IOS60 if exist temp\00000001_IOS60.app goto:AlreadyinTemp support\NusFileGrabber.exe 01_60 move /Y 00000001.app temp\00000001_IOS60.app>nul :AlreadyinTemp copy /Y temp\00000001_IOS60.app temp\00000001.app>nul if not exist temp\00000001.app goto:sneekwarning echo. :skipDL01 ::FONT.BIN if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" echo Descargar font.bin Negro (esto se puede cambiar de Blanco en las Opciones) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" echo Descargar font.bin Blanco(esto se puede cambiar de Negro en las Opciones) if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "B" set fonturl=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/fontb.bin if /i "%SNKFONT%" EQU "W" set fonturl=http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/fontw.bin if not exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 %fonturl% if exist font%SNKFONT%.bin move /Y font%SNKFONT%.bin temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin>nul :skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:save2DriveU if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul if not exist "%DRIVE%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning echo. goto:GetNEEKfiles :save2DriveU if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK mkdir "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK if exist temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin copy /Y temp\font%SNKFONT%.bin "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin>nul if not exist "%DRIVEU%"\SNEEK\font.bin goto:sneekwarning echo. :GetNEEKfiles echo M\xf3dulos para acoger %neekname% Rev%CurrentRev% echo. if exist "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" goto:Extract start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 "http://%googlecode%.googlecode.com/files/%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" if not exist "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" goto:sneekwarning if not exist "temp\%neekname%" mkdir "temp\%neekname%" move /y "%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul :EXTRACT support\7za e -aoa "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip" -o"temp" *.* -r>temp\7zalog.txt findStr /I /C:"Everything is Ok" "temp\7zalog.txt" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (Corrupted archive detected and deleted, please try again..) & (del temp\7zalog.txt>nul) & (del "temp\%neekname%\%neekname%-rev%CurrentRev%.zip">nul) & (goto:sneekwarning) del temp\7zalog.txt>nul ::Sneek SD Card Access if /i "%SSD%" EQU "on" move /y "temp\esmodule-sdon.elf" "temp\esmodule.elf">nul echo Crear... echo. ::create autoit script echo WinWait ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>custom.au3 echo WinActivate ("SNEEK Installer","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","SNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","UNEEK+DI")>>custom.au3 if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","Verbose output")>>custom.au3 ::ControlSetText vs ControlSend echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]","%ModMiipath%\temp")>>custom.au3 echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:3]","%ModMiipath%\temp")>>custom.au3 set DRIVEabsolute=%ModMiipath%\%DRIVE% if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" EQU ":" set DRIVEabsolute=%DRIVE% echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3 ::how to only change field if empty ::echo $a = ControlGetText ("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")>>custom.au3 ::echo if $a = "" Then ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]","%DRIVEabsolute%")>>custom.au3 if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" goto:skip set DRIVEUabsolute=%ModMiipath%\%DRIVEU% if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" EQU ":" set DRIVEUabsolute=%DRIVEU% echo ControlSetText("SNEEK Installer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:4]","%DRIVEUabsolute%")>>custom.au3 :skip echo ControlClick ("SNEEK Installer","SNEEK setup","install SNEEK")>>custom.au3 cd temp\%wadname:~0,-4% start /I %ModMiimin%SneekInstaller.exe cd.. cd.. echo start /wait temp\AutoIt3.exe custom.au3>run.bat call run.bat del run.bat>nul @ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul taskkill /im SneekInstaller.exe /f >nul del custom.au3>nul if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" goto:noswitch2uneek if exist "%DRIVE%\bootmiiuneek" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\bootmiiuneek" rename "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "bootmiiuneek" :noswitch2uneek if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" goto:norename if exist "%DRIVE%\bootmiineek" rd /s /q "%DRIVE%\bootmiineek" rename "%DRIVE%\bootmii" "bootmiineek" :norename ::save rev information if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2orevinfo if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (con acceso a la SD) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (con acceso a la SD) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt goto:skipsneekverbose :sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (detallado) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (detallado) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (detallado y el acceso a la SD) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (detallado y el acceso a la SD) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (detallado) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (detallado) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (detallado) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (detallado) rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt :skipsneekverbose goto:skipneek2orevinfo :neek2orevinfo if /i "%sneekverbose%" EQU "on" goto:sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (detallado y el acceso a la SD) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (detallado y el acceso a la SD neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt goto:skipsneekverbose :sneekverbose if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (detallado) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (detallado) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt ::neek2o sd access temporarily always disabled goto:miniskip if /i "%SSD%" EQU "off" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo SNEEK+DI (detallado y el acceso a la SD) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo SNEEK (detallado y el acceso a la SD) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt :miniskip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (detallado) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo UNEEK+DI (detallado) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (detallado) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVE%"\sneek\rev.txt if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo UNEEK (detallado) neek2o rev%CurrentRev% >"%DRIVEU%"\sneek\rev.txt :skipsneekverbose :skipneek2orevinfo if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" goto:SNKNANDBUILDER goto:finishsneekinstall3 :sneekwarning ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul support\sfk echo -spat \x20ADVERTENCIA: Algunos archivos necesarios para la instalaci\xf3n de SNEEK faltan. >temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt support\sfk echo -spat \x20Abortar la instalaci\xf3n SNEEK, compruebe la conexi\xf3n a Internet >>temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt support\sfk echo -spat \x20A continuaci\xf3n, repita la instalaci\xf3n SNEEK para intentarlo de nuevo. >>temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt" exit :notcmdfinish echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 [Yellow] ADVERTENCIA: Algunos archivos necesarios para la instalaci\xf3n de SNEEK faltan. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] Abortar la instalaci\xf3n SNEEK, compruebe la conexi\xf3n a Internet support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 [Yellow] A continuacion, repita la instalaci\xf3n SNEEK para intentarlo de nuevo. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20Pulse cualquier tecla para volver al men\xfa principal. pause>nul goto:MENU ::------------------------wad2nand-install wads from temp\wad to emu nand-------------------- :wad2nand if exist support\common-key.bin goto:commonkeyalreadythere ::silently build common-key.bin echo EBE42A225E8593E448D9C5457381AAF7>support\common-key.txt support\sfk filter support\common-key.txt +hextobin support\common-key.bin>nul del support\common-key.txt>nul :commonkeyalreadythere set nandpathadj=..\%nandpath% if /i "%nandpath:~1,1%" EQU ":" set nandpathadj=%nandpath% set line1="" set line2="" set line3=" " set line4=" 1.5" set line5=" English" set line6=" " set line7=" true" set line8=" %nandpathadj%" set line9=" true" set line10=" false" set line11=" False" set line12=" false" set line13=" true" set line14=" false" set line15=" false" set line16=" ShowMiiWads" set line17=" " set line18=" " set line19=" 930" set line20=" 396" set line21=" 50" set line22=" 200" set line23=" Normal" set line24=" " set line25=" " set line26=" ..\temp\WAD" if "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line27=" " if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line27=" %addwadfolder%" set line28=" " set line29=" " set line30=" " if "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line31=" 1" if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line31=" 2" set line32=" ..\temp\WAD" if "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line33= if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" set line33=" %addwadfolder%" set line34=" " set line35="" echo %line1%>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line2%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line3%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line4%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line5%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line6%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line7%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line8%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line9%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line10%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line12%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line13%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line14%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line15%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line16%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line17%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line18%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line19%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line20%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line21%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line22%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line23%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line24%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line25%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line26%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line27%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line28%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line29%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line30%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line31%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line32%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo %line33%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line34%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg echo %line35%>>support\ShowMiiWads.cfg support\sfk filter -quiet "support\ShowMiiWads.cfg" -rep _"""__ -write -yes support\sfk filter -quiet "support\ShowMiiWads.cfg" -rep _"'"_"""_ -write -yes cls if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:tinyskip if /i "%emuwadcount%" EQU "0" goto:skipSMWall :tinyskip echo Cargando ShowMiiWads echo. echo instalando wads de: temp\WAD\ if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo y de: %addwadfolder% if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo. echo a NAND emulada: %nandpath%\ echo. echo Por favor, espera el trabajo de ShowMiiWads para terminar de hacerlo... cd support if not "%addwadfolder%"=="" goto:forceSMW if not exist ..\temp\WAD\*.wad goto:skipSMW :forceSMW SMW-Mod.exe :skipSMW cd.. :skipSMWall ::---delete non-temp files--- if exist temp\WAD\JoyFlowHNv11-HBJF.wad del temp\WAD\JoyFlowHNv11-HBJF.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v11-S2RL.wad del temp\WAD\switch2uneek(emulators)-4EMUNand-v11-S2RL.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\cIOS249-v14.wad del temp\WAD\cIOS249-v14.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\cBC-NMMv0.2a.wad del temp\WAD\cBC-NMMv0.2a.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\cBC-DML.wad del temp\WAD\cBC-DML.wad>nul if exist temp\WAD\*.wad move temp\WAD\*.wad temp\>nul ::restore setting.txt if applicable if not exist "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" mkdir "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\data" if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" move /y "%nandpath%"\setting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt>nul :skipSMW if exist support\ShowMiiWads.cfg del support\ShowMiiWads.cfg>nul ::NANDINFO.TXT if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "2" goto:newnand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "3" (goto:newnand) else (goto:nonewnand) :newnand if exist "%nandpath%\sneek\nandcfg.bin" del "%nandpath%\sneek\nandcfg.bin" >nul echo ================================================== >"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo %SNKVERSION%%REGION% NAND emulada creada por ModMii en %DATE% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo ================================================== >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :nonewnand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:nomoddednand echo ============================================== >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo Emulated NAND Modified by ModMii on %DATE% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo ============================================== >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :nomoddednand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skip ::Build setting.txt if /i "%SNKSERIAL%" EQU "current" goto:skip support\settings %SNKSERIAL% >nul if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" move /y KORsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" move /y USAsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" move /y EURsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" move /y JPNsetting.txt "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt >nul if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" del KORsetting.txt>nul if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "E" del EURsetting.txt>nul if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "J" del JPNsetting.txt>nul if /i "%REGION%" NEQ "U" del USAsetting.txt>nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\setting.txt (echo setting.txt creado usando el serial: %SNKSERIAL% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (echo setting.txt fallo para construirse correctamente >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") :skip if "%ThemeSelection%"=="" goto:quickskip2 if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "N" goto:quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "D" goto:quickskip echo. echo Copiando tema personalizado if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" set themecolour=Red if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" set themecolour=Green if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" set themecolour=Blue if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" set themecolour=Orange if exist "temp\ModThemes\DarkWii_%themecolour%_%effect%_%SNKVERSION%%REGION%.csm" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Tema personalizado Men\xfa de Sistema instalado - Dark Wii %themecolour% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Tema personalizado Men\xfa de Sistema No se pudo instalar correctamente >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") move /y "temp\ModThemes\DarkWii_%themecolour%_%effect%_%SNKVERSION%%REGION%.csm" "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMTHEMEAPP%.app>nul goto:quickskip2 :quickskip if /i "%ThemeSelection%" NEQ "D" goto:quickskip2 echo. echo Restaurar tema original if exist "temp\ModThemes\%SMTHEMEAPP%_%SNKVERSION%%REGION%.app" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Tema original de Men\xfa de Sistema restaurado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20No se pudo restaurar tema original Men\xfa de Sistema >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") move /y "temp\ModThemes\%SMTHEMEAPP%_%SNKVERSION%%REGION%.app" "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMTHEMEAPP%.app>nul :quickskip2 if exist temp\ModThemes rd /s /q temp\ModThemes if exist temp\WAD rd /s /q temp\WAD ::disable wbfs and games folder creation for now goto:notDI if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skip ::---------if building uneek+di or sneek+di add games\wbfs folder to usb--------- if /i "%SNEEKTYPE:~1,1%" NEQ "D" goto:notDI if not exist "%DRIVEU%\games" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\games" >nul if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "off" goto:notDI if not exist "%DRIVEU%\wbfs" mkdir "%DRIVEU%\wbfs" >nul :notDI if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" goto:skip ::---------building cdf.vff---------- echo. echo Crear cdb.vff para acelerar el tiempo necesario para poner en marcha S\UNEEK por primera vez cd support writecbd.exe cd.. if exist support\cdb.vff move /y support\cdb.vff "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\cdb.vff>nul :skip if /i "%PRIIFOUND%" EQU "Yes" goto:skipSNKpri if /i "%SNKPRI%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri echo. echo Descargando Priiloader v0.7 (mod para neek2o) echo. if not exist temp\Priiloader-v0.7neek.app start %ModMiimin%/wait support\wget -t 3 http://custom-di.googlecode.com/files/priiloader.app if exist priiloader.app move /Y priiloader.app temp\Priiloader-v0.7neek.app>nul if exist temp\Priiloader-v0.7neek.app (echo Priiloader v0.7 [mod para neek2o] Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") else (support\sfk echo -spat \x20Instalaci\xf3n fallida de Priiloader v0.7 [mod para neek2o] >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt") move /y "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app" "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app" >nul copy /Y temp\Priiloader-v0.7neek.app "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app>nul if not exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data mkdir "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data >nul move /Y temp\hacks.ini "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini >nul move /Y temp\hacks_hash.ini "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hackshas.ini >nul if /i "%SNKJOY%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipSNKpri echo Agregando dol JoyFlow forwarder de archivo instalado de Priiloader. echo. if exist temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v11.dol move /y temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v11.dol "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin>nul :skipSNKpri if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" echo Canal JoyFlow Forwarder Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%uninstallprii%" NEQ "yes" goto:skippriiuninstall echo. echo Eliminar Priiloader de la NAND emulada echo. move /y "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\1%SMAPP:~1%.app" "%nandpath%\title\00000001\00000002\content\%SMAPP%.app" >nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hacks.ini >nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hackshas.ini del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\hackshas.ini >nul if exist "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin del "%nandpath%"\title\00000001\00000002\data\main.bin >nul echo Priiloader Desistalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :skippriiuninstall ::add extra info to "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%nswitchFound%" NEQ "YES" echo Canal nSwitch Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Post Loader Forwarder Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNKCIOS%" EQU "Y" echo cIOS249 rev14 Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Switch2Uneek Forwarder Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Fotos Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Internet Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Tiempo Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Noticias Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Mii Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Tienda Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" echo Canal Wii Speak Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "5" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "%SNKcBC%" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "BC" goto:skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NONE" goto:skipthis echo %BCTYPE% Uninstalled >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :skipthis if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "NMM" goto:noNMM if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "NMM" support\sfk echo -spat \x20NMM (No m\xe1s targetas de memoria) Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :noNMM if /i "%BCtype%" EQU "DML" goto:noDML if /i "%SNKcBC%" EQU "DML" echo DML (Dios Mios Lite) Instalado >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :noDML IF not "%addwadfolder%"=="" echo Carpeta personalizada de WADs Instalado: %addwadfolder% >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if exist temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v11.dol del temp\JoyFlow(emulators)-v11.dol>nul copy /y temp\ModMii_Log.bat temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat>nul ::small pause @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:finishsneekinstall ::----------------------------------SNEEK INSTALL FINISH------------------------------------ :finishsneekinstall ::RESTORE DRIVE SETTINGS set DRIVE=%REALDRIVE% ::if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:finishsneekinstall3 ::clear download queue set MENUREAL=S goto:CLEAR :finishsneekinstall2 set MENU1=1 ::queue up files that need to TRULY be saved to %Drive% if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" (set nSwitch=*) & (set mmm=*) if /i "%nswitchFound%" EQU "Yes" (set nSwitch=) & (set mmm=) if /i "%SNKJOY%" EQU "Y" (set JOY=*) & (set mmm=*) if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" (set S2U=*) & (set mmm=*) if /i "%SNKPLC%" EQU "Y" (set PL=*) & (set mmm=*) :tinyskip goto:DLCOUNT :finishsneekinstall3 ::check for errors - do not do if ONLY installing sneek if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:nocheck if exist temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat del temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat>nul if not exist "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" (set problematicDLs=0) & (goto:nocounting) support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes ::count # of problematic downloads support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -+"[Red]" -write -yes set problematicDLs=0 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\ModMii_Log.bat) do set /a problematicDLs=!problematicDLs!+1 setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :nocounting if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (set snksuccess= Successfully) else (set snksuccess=) if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (set snkfailure=) else (set snkfailure= but with errors) ::resize window SET /a LINES=%problematicDLs%+54 if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" exit support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"support\sfk echo "__ -rep _"echo "__ -rep _"[Red]"__ -write -yes move /y "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt">nul start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log_Errors.txt" exit :notcmdfinish :nocheck if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" exit set MENUREAL= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. ::both sneek install and nand build if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "3" goto:skip if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2o3report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado SNEEK rev%sneekYREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado UNEEK rev%sneekYREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% goto:skip :neek2o3report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%neek2oREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%neek2oREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado SNEEK neek2o rev%neek2oREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Tiene%snksuccess% instalado UNEEK neek2o rev%neek2oREV% y creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% :skip ::only install sneek if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "1" goto:skip if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" goto:neek2o1report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente SNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente UNEEK+DI rev%sneekYREV% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente UNEEK rev%sneekYREV% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente SNEEK rev%sneekYREV% goto:skip :neek2o1report if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente SNEEK+DI neek2o rev%neek2oREV% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente UNEEK+DI neek2o rev%neek2oREV% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente UNEEK neek2o rev%neek2oREV% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Usted ha instalado satisfactoriamente SNEEK neek2o rev%neek2oREV% :skip ::only build nand if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "SD" echo Tiene%snksuccess% creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" echo Tiene%snksuccess% creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" echo Tiene%snksuccess% creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "S" echo Tiene%snksuccess% creada una %SNKVERSION%NAND Emulada%REGION%%snkfailure% :skip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "5" echo Nand emulada se ha modificado %snkfailure% ::list problematic Download if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:noproblems if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" goto:noproblems echo. echo El siguiente archivo(s) no ha podido descargarse correctamente: call temp\ModMii_Log.bat support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _[Red]__ -rep _"support\sfk echo "__ -rep _"echo "__ >temp\ModMii_Log_temp.txt echo ------ >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo Errors >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" echo ------ >>"%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" if exist "temp\nandinfo.txt" del "temp\nandinfo.txt">nul copy "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt"+"temp\ModMii_Log_temp.txt" "temp\nandinfo.txt">nul move /y "temp\nandinfo.txt" "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt">nul :noproblems echo. if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" NEQ "2" goto:skip if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "U" goto:skipsdmsg if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:skipsdmsg :skip if /i "%Drive%" EQU "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Copiar el contenido de la carpeta COPY_TO_SD a la tarjeta SD if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Asegurar que %DRIVE% es la letra de unidad de la tarjeta SD if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Si %DRIVE% no es tu tarjeta SD con la letra de la unidad, if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo copie el contenido de el %DRIVE% carpeta en su tarjeta SD :skipsdmsg if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" EQU "UD" goto:UDRIVEMSG if /i "%SNEEKTYPE%" NEQ "U" goto:skipUDRIVEMSG :UDRIVEMSG if /i "%DRIVEU%" EQU "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Copiar el contenido de la carpeta COPY_TO_USB en el disco duro FAT32 if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Asegurar que %DRIVEU% es tu USB HDD con la letra de la unidad if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo * Si %DRIVEU% no es tu USB HDD con la letra de la unidad copiar if /i "%DRIVEU%" NEQ "COPY_TO_USB" echo el contenido de el %DRIVEU% carpeta en su disco duro USB :skipUDRIVEMSG echo. echo ALGUNOS CONSEJOS SNEEK RAPIDOS: echo. echo * Si usted tiene problemas con S/UNEEK, copia cert.sys de un volcado echo NAND original a su NAND emulada en la carpeta de sistema. echo. echo * Al poner en marcha cualquier tipo de SNEEK, por primera vez, podria support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20llevar un tiempo para cargar el men\xfa del sistema, pero ser\xe1 mucho m\xe1s support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20r\xe1pido la segunda vez. echo. if /i "%SNKS2U%" EQU "Y" goto:quickskip echo * Instale el canal nSwitch con MMM entonces lanzar el canal a fin de support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 iniciar NEEK. Tambi\xe9n puede utilizar este canal para regresar a su echo NAND real. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 * Si usted tiene BootMii como boot2, SNEEK se iniciar\xe1 de inmediato echo cuando encienda la Wii por renombrar la carpeta de BootMiiNeek echo BootMii en la targeta SD. echo. :quickskip if /i "%SNKS2U%" NEQ "Y" goto:quickskip echo * Acceder UNEEK/UNEEK+DI con el lanzamiento de switch2uneek con echo Homebrew Channel. Alternativamente, puede utilizar para instalar el MMM echo switch2uneek forwarder channel que ModMii guarda en la targeta SD echo. :quickskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20* Cuando se utiliza SNEEK+DI o UNEEK+DI, se puede acceder al Men\xfa Juego/DI echo pulsando la tecla "1" en el WiiMote. Para acceder a otras opciones support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20(incluidas las opciones Regi\xf3n), debe pulsar "+" desde el men\xfa de DI. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20* Para agregar juegos al men\xfa del juego/DI, se puede utilizar para extraer ModMii echo Juegos de Wii a la unidad FAT32 USB duro externo. if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 NEEK2O tambi\xe9n puede cargar juegos desde USB:\WBFS if /i "%neek2o%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20\x20 lo que significa que tambi\xe9n puede utilizar WiiBackupManager. echo. echo * ShowMiiWads puede ser usado para descifrar tu verdadero Wii BootMii volcado echo NAND (nand.bin) para su uso como NAND emulada, y se puede agregar a medida echo canales/WADS a una NAND emulada. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20ShowMiiWads est\xe1 disponible en la p\xe1gina de descargas 2 de ModMii. echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20* Para m\xe1s informaci\xf3n SNEEK, como el formato de un disco duro USB de SNEEK, echo o instalar el HBC a una NAND emulada, visite: tinyurl.com/SNEEK-DI echo. ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul support\sfk echo -spat \x20Despu\xe9s de revisar los consejos - P\xfalse cualquier tecla para salir pause>nul exit :notcmdfinish if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "1" goto:miniskip if /i "%SNEEKSELECT%" EQU "4" goto:miniskip if exist "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" start notepad "%nandpath%\nandinfo.txt" :miniskip support\sfk echo -spat \x20Pulse cualquier tecla para volver al men\xfa principal. pause>nul goto:MENU ::.........................................FINISH / Verify.................................. :FINISH if exist temp\DLnames.txt del temp\DLnames.txt>nul if exist temp\DLgotos.txt del temp\DLgotos.txt>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "S" goto:wad2nand if /i "%MENUREAL%" EQU "S" goto:finishsneekinstall3 ::force non-donators to view credits (but not in cmd line mode) if exist support\skipscam.txt goto:finish2 if exist support\ipromisetodonate.txt goto:finish2 if /i "%cmdlinemode%" EQU "Y" goto:FINISH2 goto:credit1 :FINISH2 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set loglines=0 if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:countcustom if not exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:donecounting support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"""__ -write -yes for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\ModMii_Log.bat) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1 ::count # of problematic downloads copy /y "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" "temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat">nul support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat" -+"[Red]" -write -yes set problematicDLs=0 for /f "delims=" %%i in (temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat) do set /a problematicDLs=!problematicDLs!+1 del "temp\ModMii_Log_Red.bat">nul goto:donecounting :countcustom if exist Custom.md5 for /f "delims=" %%i in (Custom.md5) do set /a loglines=!loglines!+1 :donecounting ::resize window SET /a LINES=%loglines%+25 if %LINES% LEQ 54 set lines=54 mode con cols=85 lines=%LINES% setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::check ACTUAL drive letter ::SD if /i "%DRIVE:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDrive=%ModMiipath:~0,2%) else (set ActualDrive=%DRIVE:~0,2%) if /i "%ActualDrive%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive%) else (set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%ActualDrive% and %ModMiipath:~0,2%) ::USB if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skip if /i "%DRIVEU:~1,1%" NEQ ":" (set ActualDriveU=%ModMiipath:~0,2%) else (set ActualDriveU=%DRIVEU:~0,2%) if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:skip if /i "%ActualDriveU%" EQU "%ActualDrive%" goto:skip set DrivesNeedingFreeSpace=%DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% and %ActualDriveU% :skip Set FINISH= cls echo ModMii v%currentversion% echo by XFlak echo. if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" echo REGISTRO DE DESCARGAS if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" echo REGISTRO DE DESCARGAS - registro personalizado echo. If not exist Custom.md5 goto:SkipCustomCheck if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:SkipCustomCheck support\fvc -x -v Custom.md5 :SkipCustomCheck if /i "%DB%" NEQ "N" goto:miniskip if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat (call temp\ModMii_Log.bat) :miniskip if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:skipcopytoSDmsg echo. if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" (support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[Green]* %DLTOTAL% file\x28s\x29 descargado con exito) & (goto:noproblems) :problems support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20[Red]* %problematicDLs% of %DLTOTAL% file\x28s\x29 no son v\xe1lidos, falta o no se actualizar\xf3n correctamente echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 * Asegurese de tener espacio l\xedbre en: %DrivesNeedingFreeSpace% support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 Compruebe la conexi\xf3n a Internet (pruebe a desactivar el firewall/servidor proxy si es aplicable) echo Se recomienda seleccionar "R" para repetir la descarga. goto:skipcopytoSDmsg :noproblems if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" goto:skipcopytoSDmsg echo. if /i "%Drive%" EQU "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Copiar el contenido de la carpeta COPY_TO_SD a su tarjeta SD if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Asegurar que %DRIVE% es la letra de unidad de la tarjeta SD if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo * Si %DRIVE% no es tu tarjeta SD con la letra de la unidad, if /i "%Drive%" NEQ "COPY_TO_SD" echo copiar el contenido del %DRIVE% carpeta en su tarjeta SD :skipcopytoSDmsg ::Warning message for 2x Bannerbomb DLs if /i "%BB1%" NEQ "*" goto:no2xBB if /i "%BB2%" NEQ "*" goto:no2xBB echo. echo Nota: Bannerbomb v1 guarda en la carpeta "private" y Bannerbomb v2 guardado echo en la carpeta "private2". Para utilizar Bannerbomb v2 en vez de cambiar echo el nombre v1 en carpeta privada. :no2xBB echo. echo. ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" echo * %DLTOTAL% archivo(s) descargado con exito>>temp\ModMii_Log.bat if /i "%problematicDLs%" EQU "0" goto:noproblemscmd support\sfk echo -spat \x20* %problematicDLs% of %DLTOTAL% archivo(s) no son validos, falta o no se actualizar\xf3n correctamente>>temp\ModMii_Log.bat :noproblemscmd support\sfk filter -quiet "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" -rep _"support\sfk echo "__ -rep _"echo "__ -rep _"[Red]"__ -write -yes move /y "temp\ModMii_Log.bat" "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt">nul if /i "%problematicDLs%" NEQ "0" start notepad "temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt" exit :notcmdfinish if exist "%DRIVE%" support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 O = Abrir ubicaci\xf3n de archivo (%Drive%) if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:miniskip if exist custom.md5 echo L = Registro: Ver custom.md5 para ver que archivos fueron revisados :miniskip if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero echo. echo R = Repetir descarga echo S = Guardar Cola de descargas :dltotaliszero echo. if /i "%DB%" EQU "N" goto:miniskip if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 N = Verifique s\xf3lo descargas NUEVAS :miniskip if /i "%DB%" EQU "C" goto:miniskip if exist Custom.md5 echo C = Verificar los archivos con Custom.md5 :miniskip if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:tinyskip if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB (goto:tinyskip) else (goto:nocustoms) :tinyskip echo. if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD echo CC = Copiar el contenido de CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD a %Drive% if exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB echo CCU = Copiar el contenido de CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB a %DriveU% :nocustoms echo. support\sfk echo -spat \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 \x20 M = Men\xfa Principal echo E = Salir echo. set /p FINISH= Escriba la seleccion aqui: if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CC" goto:miniskip if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD goto:miniskip if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD" "%DRIVE%" goto:FINISH :miniskip if /i "%FINISH%" NEQ "CCU" goto:miniskip if not exist CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB goto:miniskip if not exist "%DRIVEU%" mkdir "%DRIVEU%" >nul xcopy /y /e "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB" "%DRIVEU%" goto:FINISH :miniskip if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "M" goto:MENU if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "E" goto:exitnow if not exist "%DRIVE%" goto:drivedoesnotexist2 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" explorer "%DRIVE%" if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "O" goto:Finish :drivedoesnotexist2 if /i "%DB%" NEQ "C" goto:nolog if not exist "custom.md5" goto:nolog if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" start notepad "custom.md5" if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "L" goto:Finish :nolog if not exist Custom.md5 goto:skip if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" SET DB=C if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "C" goto:Finish :skip if not exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat goto:skip if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" SET DB=N if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "N" goto:FINISH :skip if /i "%DLTOTAL%" EQU "0" goto:dltotaliszero2 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" copy /y "temp\DLgotos-copy.txt" "temp\DLgotos.txt">nul if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" mode con cols=85 lines=54 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "R" goto:DLSettings2 if /i "%FINISH%" EQU "S" goto:SaveDownloadQueue :dltotaliszero2 echo Ha introducido una clave incorrecta @ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul goto:FINISH2 ::..........................DOWNLOAD SETTINGS................................ :DLSETTINGS cls set REALDRIVE=%DRIVE% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:guide :DLSETTINGS2 cls if exist temp\ModMii_Log_SNK.bat goto:donotdeletelog if exist temp\ModMii_Log.bat del temp\ModMii_Log.bat>nul :donotdeletelog SET CURRENTDL=0 :DLSETTINGS3 ::clear a bunch of stuff set name= set wadname= set dlname= set ciosslot= set ciosversion= set md5= set md5alt= set basewad=none set basewadb=none set md5base= set md5basealt= set code1= set code2= set version= set md5baseb= set md5basebalt= set code1b= set code2b= set path1= set versionb= set basecios= set diffpath= set code2new= set lastbasemodule= set category= set wadnameless= set patchname= set slotname= set slotcode= set versionname= set versioncode= set DEC= set VERFINAL= set HEX= set VER= set wadfolder= set verfinal= set PATCHCODE= set alreadyexists= set patch= set multiplefail= set AdvancedDownload= if not exist temp\DLgotos.txt goto:FINISH ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\DLgotos.txt) do call :processDLnext %%A goto:Finish :processDLnext set CurrentDLNAME=%* ::if /i "%name:~0,17%" EQU "Advanced Download" set AdvancedDownload=Y if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" set AdvancedDownload=Y if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" call "%CurrentDLNAME%" if /i "%CurrentDLNAME:~-4%" EQU ".bat" goto:downloadstart goto:%CurrentDLNAME% ::goto:EOF cls :EULAU set name=EULA v3 (USA) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414B45 set version=3 set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[U].wad set md5=f30393cd89cb20007c501efab75dab0c set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :EULAE set name=EULA v3 (PAL) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414B50 set version=3 set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[E].wad set md5=e835877a6460beeb0d6756c43a800465 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :EULAJ set name=EULA v3 (JAP) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414B4A set version=3 set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[J].wad set md5=1b73948a1b3729cd29f0939652e856b3 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :EULAK set name=EULA v3 (KOR) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414B4B set version=3 set wadname=EULA-NUS-v3[K].wad set md5=21c48127696cf028a3bc19b3d34aef11 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :RSU set name=Region Select v2 (USA) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414C45 set version=2 set wadname=Region-Select-NUS-v2[U].wad set md5=27950cf84c554a851c42c33688f301c5 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :RSE set name=Region Select v2 (PAL) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414C50 set version=2 set wadname=Region-Select-NUS-v2[E].wad set md5=bac3441c6b6aec07a38b4b2cab103a3d set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :RSJ set name=Region Select v2 (JAP) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414C4A set version=2 set wadname=Region-Select-NUS-v2[J].wad set md5=982d8507a94fbad1e298b073ba90c16d set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :RSK set name=Region Select v2 (KOR) set code1=00010008 set code2=48414C4B set version=2 set wadname=Region-Select-NUS-v2[K].wad set md5=18aee652bc16bc1aa4261400758ac04a set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :BC set name=BC set code1=00000001 set code2=00000100 set version=6 set wadname=BC-NUS-v6.wad set md5=d1593a77e24ecc95af2b393abe5d92f0 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.3U set name=System Menu 4.3U set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=513 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3U_v513.wad set md5=4f5c63e3fd1bf732067fa4c439c68a97 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.2U set name=System Menu 4.2U set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=481 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2U_v481.wad set md5=4ac52b981845473bd3655e4836d7442b set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.1U set name=System Menu 4.1U set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=449 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1U_v449.wad set md5=38a95a9acd257265294be41b796f6239 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM3.2U set name=System Menu 3.2U set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=289 set wadname=SystemMenu_3.2U_v289.wad set md5=7514582f06126aee897fc2b2e9185980 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.3E set name=System Menu 4.3E set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=514 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3E_v514.wad set md5=2ec2e6fbdfc52fe5174749e7032f1bad set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.2E set name=System Menu 4.2E set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=482 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2E_v482.wad set md5=7d77be8b6df5ac893d24652db33d02cd set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.1E set name=System Menu 4.1E set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=450 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1E_v450.wad set md5=688cc78b8eab4e30da04f01a81a3739f set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM3.2E set name=System Menu 3.2E set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=290 set wadname=SystemMenu_3.2E_v290.wad set md5=5f0ff5a2b160f5340ccf74118edc9e33 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.3J set name=System Menu 4.3J set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=512 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3J_v512.wad set md5=df67ed4bd8f8f117741fef7952ee5c17 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.2J set name=System Menu 4.2J set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=480 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2J_v480.wad set md5=0413a9aed208b193fea85db908bbdabf set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.1J set name=System Menu 4.1J set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=448 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1J_v448.wad set md5=6edb4b3f7ca26c643c6bc662d159ec2e set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM3.2J set name=System Menu 3.2J set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=288 set wadname=SystemMenu_3.2J_v288.wad set md5=907e4901a936337bd7188c82d449eae0 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.3K set name=System Menu 4.3K set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=518 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3K_v518.wad set md5=6ed8f9e75b0a54eacfbacce57c20136d set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.2K set name=System Menu 4.2K set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=486 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2K_v486.wad set md5=40c0bf90ea07b02d610edae1d7aea39f set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart :SM4.1K set name=System Menu 4.1K set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set version=454 set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1K_v454.wad set md5=c0e5d5c4914e76e7df7495ccf28ef869 set md5alt=%md5% set category=ios goto:downloadstart ::System Menu wads with embedded Themes :SM4.3U-DWR set name=System Menu 4.3U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=c6406642c6b85a8c5816a7425f72655f if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=bbbbb4f455cc42fa07dca861735075f2 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=8c863a1f5302133287e5b4edcc4d09f3 set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.3U_v513 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=4f5c63e3fd1bf732067fa4c439c68a97 set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=DarkWii_Red_NTSC_4-x_with_wii_theme_team_edits.mym set md5mym1=6e58d6a38a2ea3b7e3c38879320a97a8 set version=513 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.2U-DWR set name=System Menu 4.2U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=f56cf66506359210dc4fd5a00386ed08 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=7405bafb837d7056a2c0041489cd25a9 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=2aa1b0ecd1259fef62a1f23f779a6267 set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.2U_v481 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=4ac52b981845473bd3655e4836d7442b set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=DarkWii_Red_NTSC_4-x_with_wii_theme_team_edits.mym set md5mym1=6e58d6a38a2ea3b7e3c38879320a97a8 set version=481 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.1U-DWR set name=System Menu 4.1U with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=8bf20afa9f046fd3e2c780572e483dac if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=65d5d01b5fbf168043cb9e5ee916cff5 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=48be3c92654d36c60de1e363b3425a70 set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.1U_v449 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=38a95a9acd257265294be41b796f6239 set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=DarkWii_Red_NTSC_4-x_with_wii_theme_team_edits.mym set md5mym1=6e58d6a38a2ea3b7e3c38879320a97a8 set version=449 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.3E-DWR set name=System Menu 4.3E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=be8fa11a36927b0d55870ae760f4dc7f if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=f1ad4b9576cd9d1ec0ab8a1a81d6cd85 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=a7fcb932e22f747be7292d51872f2aba set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.3E_v514 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=2ec2e6fbdfc52fe5174749e7032f1bad set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=DarkWii_Red_PAL_4-x_with_wii_theme_team_edits.mym set md5mym1=43ee96a6c37e341d76fd8dfbb7c729ff set version=514 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.2E-DWR set name=System Menu 4.2E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=0b0fe6cd87ffb67bcd6c52570f451c16 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=0e8637cebc0565d52dee6c6283ae3881 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=6122f703ad2acd5f4d1a576b467d142d set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.2E_v482 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=7d77be8b6df5ac893d24652db33d02cd set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=DarkWii_Red_PAL_4-x_with_wii_theme_team_edits.mym set md5mym1=43ee96a6c37e341d76fd8dfbb7c729ff set version=482 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.1E-DWR set name=System Menu 4.1E with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=1960a9081b138cbb4b44ab391d1beb2d if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=db4dc5ba1885049e6dd9754fb94e6e86 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=551f79a731c9c40ab50e8429579a56e7 set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.1E_v450 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=688cc78b8eab4e30da04f01a81a3739f set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=DarkWii_Red_PAL_4-x_with_wii_theme_team_edits.mym set md5mym1=43ee96a6c37e341d76fd8dfbb7c729ff set version=450 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.3J-DWR set name=System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Red Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiRed_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=f1973ad6e4581e2242fa85432a9eeee3 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=2cf98a18aff926ba348935b42ac585a1 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set 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code2=00000002 set mym1=darkwii_orange_pal.mym set md5mym1=7a12ec9293ed353879b14d089fdc4f94 set version=450 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.3J-DWO set name=System Menu 4.3J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiOrange_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=a512d89c9f6e0197188e1316263b0aa1 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=a88214e21b5189726457a7bb41a338c9 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=834447e2507cba7cc072538f5074f8cc set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.3J_v512 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=df67ed4bd8f8f117741fef7952ee5c17 set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=darkwii_orange_jap.mym set md5mym1=3819f4455aeb151cf3d695be2eb39f8d set version=512 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.2J-DWO set name=System Menu 4.2J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiOrange_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=f78688d354de4d6e6c972efca57df520 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=1a376fcf5ba77616ec660b6d9f01225a if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=5aec6c34f60f1f68daeb8f569e44a269 set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.2J_v480 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=0413a9aed208b193fea85db908bbdabf set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=darkwii_orange_jap.mym set md5mym1=3819f4455aeb151cf3d695be2eb39f8d set version=480 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart :SM4.1J-DWO set name=System Menu 4.1J with Dark Wii Orange Theme - %effect% set wadname=SystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiOrange_%effect% set ciosslot=unchanged if /i "%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=016b3ec82d42c33daae211b4838a19e9 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=32797c1bd305036fa54682330b0d66c1 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set 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"%effect%" EQU "No-Spin" set md5=bff33e9b51e024e9adcc272bc9e461a3 if /i "%effect%" EQU "Spin" set md5=b87e84bbb0a822ae1c75421b0338d62b if /i "%effect%" EQU "Fast-Spin" set md5=e58c092cfa074648e6a9c0397b03f10a set md5alt=%md5% set basewad=SystemMenu_4.1K_v454 set basecios=%basewad% set md5base=c0e5d5c4914e76e7df7495ccf28ef869 set md5basealt=%md5base% set code1=00000001 set code2=00000002 set mym1=darkwii_orange_kor.mym set md5mym1=6ed046f6a4e0463bf09efcef464082d6 set version=454 set lastbasemodule=00000001 set category=SMTHEME goto:downloadstart ::--------------------------------------Custom Guide (for DL Wizard only)------------------------------------- :spoileropeningtag support\sfk echo -spat \x3cdiv style=\x22margin: 5px 10px 10px;\x22\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cdiv class=\x22smallfont\x22 style=\x22margin-bottom: 2px;\x22\x3e\x3cinput value=\x22%spoilername%\x22 style=\x22margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat 200px; font-size: 11px;\x22 onclick=\x22if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat this.value = '%spoilername%'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = '%spoilername%'; }\x22 type=\x22button\x22\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cdiv class=\x22alt2\x22 style=\x22border: 0px inset ; margin: 0px; padding: 2px;\x22\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cdiv style=\x22display: none;\x22\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:%spoilerback% ::---------------------------EXPLOITS GUIDES------------------------------ :EXPLOITS ::title for multiple exploits if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size="4"\x3e\x3cb\x3eLanzar un exploit\x3c/b\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat S\xf3lo es necesario realizar UNO de los siguientes exploits\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::BB1 If /i "%BB1%" NEQ "*" goto:noBB1 if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterBB1spoiler set spoilername=BannerBomb v1 Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterBB1spoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterBB1spoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\BBv1.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noBB1 ::BB2 If /i "%BB2%" NEQ "*" goto:noBB2 if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterBB2spoiler set spoilername=BannerBomb v2 Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterBB2spoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterBB2spoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\BBv2.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noBB2 ::SMASH If /i "%SMASH%" NEQ "*" goto:noSMASH if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterSMASHspoiler set spoilername=Smash Stack Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterSMASHspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterSMASHspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\SmashStack.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noSMASH ::PWNS If /i "%PWNS%" NEQ "*" goto:noPWNS if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterPWNSspoiler set spoilername=Indiana Pwns Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterPWNSspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterPWNSspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\PWNS.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noPWNS ::YUGI If /i "%YUGI%" NEQ "*" goto:noYUGI if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterYUGIspoiler set spoilername=Yu-Gi Owned Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterYUGIspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterYUGIspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\YUGI.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noYUGI ::Bathaxx If /i "%Bathaxx%" NEQ "*" goto:noBathaxx if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterBathaxxspoiler set spoilername=Bathaxx Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterBathaxxspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterBathaxxspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\Bathaxx.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noBathaxx ::ROTJ If /i "%ROTJ%" NEQ "*" goto:noROTJ if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterROTJspoiler set spoilername=Return of the Jodi Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterROTJspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterROTJspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\ROTJ.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noROTJ ::TOS If /i "%TOS%" NEQ "*" goto:noTOS if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterTOSspoiler set spoilername=Eri HaKawai Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterTOSspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterTOSspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\EriHaKawai.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noTOS ::TWI If /i "%TWI%" NEQ "*" goto:noTWI if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterTWIspoiler set spoilername=Twilight Hack Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterTWIspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterTWIspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\Twilight.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noTWI ::BOMB If /i "%Exploit%" NEQ "BOMB" goto:noBOMB if /i "%EXPLOIT%" NEQ "?" goto:afterBOMBspoiler set spoilername=Letterbomb Exploit Instructions set spoilerback=afterBOMBspoiler goto:spoileropeningtag :afterBOMBspoiler copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\letterbomb.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::spoilerclosingtag if /i "%EXPLOIT%" EQU "?" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noBOMB ::If /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMsolution2 goto:%afterexploit% :guide set installwads= :guidestart set guidename=ModMii_Wizard_Guide.html set tabname=ModMii Wizard Guide if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" (set guidename=ModMii_HackMii_Solutions_Guide.html) & (set tabname=ModMii HackMii Solutions Guide) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" (set guidename=ModMii_USBLoader_Setup_Guide.html) & (set tabname=ModMii USB-Loader Setup Guide) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" (set guidename=ModMii_sysCheck_Updater_Guide.html) & (set tabname=ModMii sysCheck Updater Guide) if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" (set guidename=ModMii_Region_Change_Guide.html) & (set tabname=ModMii Region Change Guide) SET COUNT7=1 cls if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" support\sfk echo -spat \x20Generando Gu\xeda, por favor espere. if /i "%SETTINGS%" NEQ "G" support\sfk echo -spat \x20Generando Gu\xeda, por favor espere, su descarga se iniciara en breve. if not exist "%DRIVE%" mkdir "%DRIVE%" >nul if not exist "%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:norename SET /a COUNT6=%COUNT6%+1 if exist "%DRIVE%"\%guidename:~0,-5%%COUNT6%.html goto:guide move /y "%Drive%"\%guidename% "%DRIVE%"\%guidename:~0,-5%%COUNT6%.html >nul :norename ::HTML HEADER support\sfk echo -spat \x3chtml\x3e >"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3chead\x3e >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3ctitle\x3e%tabname%\x3c/title\x3e >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3clink rel=\x22icon\x22 type=\x22image/ico\x22 href=\x22http://nusad.googlecode.com/files/icon.ico\x22\x3e\x3c/link\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cstyle type=\x22text/css\x22\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat body { font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, \x22Century Gothic\x22, sans-serif; }>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/style\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/head\x3e >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cbody style=\x22margin:5px 5px 5px 35px;\x22\x3e >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat Gu\xeda generada by ModMii v%currentversion% en %DATE% - %TIME:~0,-6% \x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e >>"%Drive%"\%guidename% copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\sprint-paramstart.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "RC" goto:notRC support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eEl firmware deseado es %FIRM%%REGION%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Tema Dark Wii Rojo\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Tema Dark Wii Verde\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Tema Dark Wii Azul\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Dark Wii Naranja\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:skipusb :notRC if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" (set USBGUIDE=Y) & (goto:usbparam) if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar y\o actualizar todos los softmods recomendados\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" goto:miniskip if /i "%FIRMSTART%" NEQ "o" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eFirmware actual es %FIRMSTART%%REGION%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "o" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eFirmware actual es menor que 2.2%REGION%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:skipusb support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eFirmware deseado %FIRM%%REGION%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%PIC%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Canal Fotos\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%NET%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Canal Internet\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WEATHER%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Canal del Tiempo\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%NEWS%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Canal Noticias\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MIIQ%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Canal Mii\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%Shop%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar canal de compras (y IOS56)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%Speak%" EQU "Y" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Canal Wii Speak\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :miniskip if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "Y" goto:skipvirginstandard if /i "%HM%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar y \ o actualizar el Homebrew Channel y BootMii\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%RECCIOS%" NEQ "Y" goto:smallskip if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" (support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar cIOSs y cMIOS recomendados\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%) else (support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstall recommended cIOSs\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename%) :smallskip if /i "%yawm%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eDescargar Sin embargo, otro Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS236Installer%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar IOS236 \x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%pri%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar y\o actualizar Priiloader\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skipvirginstandard if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "R" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Dark Wii Tema Rojo\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "G" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Dark Wii Tema Verde\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "BL" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Dark Wii Tema Azul\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ThemeSelection%" EQU "O" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar Dark Wii Tema Naranja\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%ACTIVEIOS%" NEQ "ON" goto:skipupdatelog if /i "%UpdatesIOSQ%" EQU "N" goto:skipupdatelog support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eactualizaci\xf3n de IOSs activos (se puede desactivar en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%OPTION36%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNo actualizar IOS36 (se puede activar en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:skip :skipupdatelog support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNo actualizar IOSs activo (puede ser habilitado en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skip if /i "%RECCIOS%" EQU "Y" goto:semiskip if /i "%VIRGIN%" EQU "N" goto:tinyskip if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar un cMIOS (se puede desactivar en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :semiskip if /i "%CMIOSOPTION%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNo instalar un cMIOS (se puede activar en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :tinyskip if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "off" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNo instale un canal Forwarder USB-Loader (se puede activar en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%FWDOPTION%" EQU "on" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eInstalar un canal Forwarder USB-Loader (se puede desactivar en las opciones)\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::--------- if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipusb :usbparam if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "1" set FORMATNAME=FAT32 if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" set FORMATNAME=NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part NTFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" set FORMATNAME=WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" set FORMATNAME=Part FAT32 and Part WBFS if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skip if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skip support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eDisco duro externo debe estar formateado como %FORMATNAME%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:skip2 :skip support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eDisco duro externo formateado como %FORMATNAME%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skip2 if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "CFG" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eDescargar Configurable USB-Loader\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "FLOW" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eDescargar WiiFlow\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%LOADER%" EQU "ALL" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eDescargar Configurable USB-Loader y WiiFlow\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eConfiguraci\xf3n y los archivos de configuraci\xf3n guardados en disco duro USB\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eUSB-Loader Configuraci\xf3n y los archivos de configuraci\xf3n guardados en la tarjeta SD\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skipusb ::closing tag and linebreak:
support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/ul\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :Important notes title and bullet opening tag support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x226\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3e\x3ca name=\x22Notas\x22\x3eNotas Importantes\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e\x3cul\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\RegionChangenotes.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "U" copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\softmodnotes.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::----USB-Loader Notes---- if /i "%USBGUIDE%" NEQ "Y" goto:skipall if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" goto:skipthis support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS(s) necesario para utilizar USB Loaders, si le falta algun cIOS(s) ejecutar el Asistente ModMii para la funci\xf3n softmod su Wii antes de instalar el USB-Loader y/o disco duro externo.\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS249 rev18 o superior para utilizar discos duros formateados en FAT32 o NTFS (cIOS222\223\224 rev4 o superior tambi\xe9n funciona).\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skipthis support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNo todos los discos duros externos son compatibles con la Wii, para obtener una lista de disco duro USB que son compatibles, consulte esta p\xe1gina web: \x3ca href="http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List" target="_blank"\x3ehttp://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skipall ::------------------------- ::common important note, end bullet tag and line break support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSi tiene alguna pregunta, una gu\xeda m\xe1s detallada se puede encontrar en \x3ca href=\x22http://www.sites.google.com/site/completesg/\x22 taget=\x22_blank\x22\x3ewww.sites.google.com/site/completesg/\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/ul\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "U" goto:USBGUIDESTEP1 ::Start of hacking steps listings. This must be here for the hacking guide copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\softmodheader.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\NANDBACKUP.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:installwads ::-----------------------------------------virgin Korean non-4.3 Wiis----------------------------------- If /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "H" goto:nothackmiisolutions ::launch MMM using an exploit copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\HMSolutions.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul set afterexploit=continueHMsolutions goto:exploits :continueHMsolutions support\sfk echo -spat Esto abrir\xe1 Multi-Mod Manager.\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\WADHMheader.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul goto:wadlist :HMafterwadlist copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\HMSolutions2.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::--------End of hacking steps listings (and line break). This must be here for the hacking guide------------ support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/ol\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% GOTO:supportxflak :nothackmiisolutions ::-----------------------------------------virgin Korean non-4.3 Wiis----------------------------------- If /i "%VIRGIN%" NEQ "Y" goto:nonkorean If /i "%REGION%" NEQ "K" goto:nonkorean If /i "%FIRMSTART%" EQU "4.3" goto:nonkorean ::launch MMM using an exploit support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size="5"\x3e\x3cli\x3eIniciar Multi-Mod Manager\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% set afterexploit=continueKorean goto:exploits :continueKorean copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\KoreanStart.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul goto:nandbackup ::---------------------------virgin NON-Korean Wiis----------------------------------- ::---------------------------------HACKMII INSTALLER----------------------------- :nonkorean If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:TBRGUIDE If /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" goto:miniskip If /i "%IOS236Installer%" NEQ "*" goto:TBRGUIDE :miniskip copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\HBC.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul set afterexploit=continueHBC goto:exploits :continueHBC copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\HBC2.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul :nandbackup copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\NANDBACKUP.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::----------------------------RESTORING THE TRUCHA BUG (using IOS236 Installer)-------------------------- :TBRGUIDE If /i "%IOS236Installer%" NEQ "*" goto:PRIIGUIDE copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\IOS236.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::--------------------------INSTALL PRIILOADER------------------------------- :PRIIGUIDE if /i "%installwads%" EQU "done" goto:skip if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" goto:installwads if /i "%PRI%" NEQ "*" goto:installwads :skip if /i "%PRI%" NEQ "*" goto:reinstallHBC copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\Priiloader.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "RC" goto:ARCGUIDE if /i "%installwads%" EQU "done" goto:reinstallHBC goto:installwads ::----------------------ANY REGION CHANGER (ARC)----------------------------- :ARCGUIDE copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\ARC.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%REGION%" EQU "U" echo cambia la regi\xf3n a USA.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%REGION%" EQU "E" echo cambia la regi\xf3n a Europe.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%REGION%" EQU "J" echo cambia la regi\xf3n a Jap.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%REGION%" EQU "K" echo cambia la regi\xf3n a Coreano.>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\ARC2.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul goto:noMyM ::----------------------Install Wads (MMM)----------------------------- :installwads if /i "%MMM%" NEQ "*" goto:SKIP ::---------CREATE MMMCONFIG To Autoload 236-------- set patchIOSnum=236 if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:skipmmmfly if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" goto:skipmmmfly echo ;MMMCONFIG (By ModMii)> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt echo AutoLoadIOS=%patchIOSnum%>> "%Drive%"\mmmconfig.txt :skipmmmfly copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\WADheader.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul :wadlist if /i "%IOS11P60%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS20P60%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS30P60%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS40P60%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS40v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS50P%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS50v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS52P%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS52v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS60P%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS70K%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS70v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS80K%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS80v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP-VP-DIP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1U%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1U_v449\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2U%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2U_v481\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3U%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3U_v513\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1E%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1E_v450\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2E%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2E_v482\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3E%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3E_v514\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1J%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1J_v448\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2J%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2J_v480\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3J%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3J_v512\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1K%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1K_v454\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2K%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2K_v486\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3K%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3K_v518\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1U-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2U-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3U-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1E-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2E-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3E-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1J-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2J-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3J-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1K-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2K-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3K-DWR%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiRed\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1U-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2U-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3U-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1E-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2E-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3E-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1J-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2J-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3J-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1K-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2K-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3K-DWG%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiGreen\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1U-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2U-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3U-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1E-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2E-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3E-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1J-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2J-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3J-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1K-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2K-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3K-DWB%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiBlue\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1U-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2U-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2U_v481_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3U-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3U_v513_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1E-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1E_v450_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2E-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2E_v482_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3E-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3E_v514_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1J-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1J_v448_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2J-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2J_v480_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3J-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3J_v512_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.1K-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.1K_v454_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.2K-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.2K_v486_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SM4.3K-DWO%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eSystemMenu_4.3K_v518_DarkWiiOrange\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%cIOS202[60]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS202[60]-v5.1R\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%cIOS222[38]-v4%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS222[38]-v4\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%cIOS223[37-38]-v4%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS223[37-38]-v4\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%cIOS224[57]-v5.1R%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS224[57]-v5.1R\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS249[56]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ecIOS250[57]-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eRVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%EULAU%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eEULA-NUS-v3[U]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%RSU%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eRegion-Select-NUS-v2[U]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%EULAE%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eEULA-NUS-v3[E]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%RSE%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eRegion-Select-NUS-v2[E]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%EULAJ%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eEULA-NUS-v3[J]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%RSJ%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eRegion-Select-NUS-v2[J]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%EULAK%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eEULA-NUS-v3[K]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%RSK%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eRegion-Select-NUS-v2[K]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MII%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eMii-Channel-NUS-v6\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%P%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ePhoto-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%PK%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3ePhoto-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3[K]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%S%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eShopping-Channel-NUS-v20\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%SK%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eShopping-Channel-NUS-v20[K]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IU%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eOpera-Internet-Channel-NUS[U]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IE%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eOpera-Internet-Channel-NUS[E]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IJ%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eOpera-Internet-Channel-NUS[J]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WU%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eWeather-Channel-NUS-v7[U]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WE%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eWeather-Channel-NUS-v7[E]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WJ%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eWeather-Channel-NUS-v7[J]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%NU%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[U]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%NE%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[E]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%NJ%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eNEWS-Channel-NUS-v7[J]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WSU%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eWii-Speak-Channel-NUS[U]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WSE%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eWii-Speak-Channel-NUS[E]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%WSJ%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eWii-Speak-Channel-NUS[J]\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%M10%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eRVL-mios-v10\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS9%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS9-64-v1034\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS12%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS12-64-v526\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS13%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS13-64-v1032\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS14%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS14-64-v1032\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS15%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS15-64-v1032\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS17%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS17-64-v1032\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS21%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS21-64-v1039\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS22%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS22-64-v1294\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS28%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS28-64-v1807\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS31%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS31-64-v3608\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS33%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS33-64-v3608\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS34%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS34-64-v3608\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS35%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS35-64-v3608\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS36v3608%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS36-64-v3608\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS37%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS37-64-v5663\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS38%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS38-64-v4124\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS41%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS41-64-v3607\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS43%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS43-64-v3607\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS45%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS45-64-v3607\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS46%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS46-64-v3607\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS48v4124%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS48-64-v4124\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS53%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS53-64-v5663\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS55%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS55-64-v5663\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS56%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS56-64-v5662\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS57%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS57-64-v5919\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS58%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS58-64-v6176\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS61%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS61-64-v5662\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%IOS236%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cli\x3eIOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP-VP])\x3c/li\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::add closing bullet tag and line break if no usbloader if /i "%USBX%" NEQ "*" support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/ul\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBX%" EQU "*" copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\ForwarderWAD.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "H" goto:HMafterwadlist if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cbr\x3e\x3cb\x3eNote:\x3c/b\x3e Siempre que instale un nuevo men\xfa de sistema, Priiloader se desinstala. As\xed que aseg\xfarese de volver a instalarlo despu\xe9s (sobre todo si usted no tiene BootMii como boot2)\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::extra line break support\sfk echo -spat \x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% set installwads=done if /i "%FIRM%" NEQ "%FIRMSTART%" goto:PRIIGUIDE ::------------------------reinstall HBC / Fix Upsidedown homebrew channel---------------------------- :reinstallHBC If /i "%HM%" NEQ "*" goto:MyMGuide if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x225\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eReinstalar el Homebrew Channel (if applicable)\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "SU" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x225\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eReinstalar el Homebrew Channel\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\HBCreinstall.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%MENU1%" NEQ "SU" support\sfk echo -spat Si el HBC no logra cargar el HackMii_Installer (s\xf3lo pantalla negra), en lugar iniciar el Hackmii Installer utilizando el m\xe9todo descrito en el primer paso.\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::------------------------Install Custom Theme Using MyMenuify---------------------------- :MyMGuide If /i "%MyM%" NEQ "*" goto:noMyM support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x225\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eInstalaci\xf3n Wii personalizada tema de men\xfa con MyMenuifyMod (opcional)\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\MyMenuify.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul support\sfk echo -spat Navegue hasta el tema que desea instalar que corresponde a la versi\xf3n espec\xedfica del men\xfa del sistema (%FIRM%%REGION%) y luego presione A para instalarlo.\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat Si alguna vez decide restaurar el tema de men\xfa original Wii, simplemente lanzar MyMenuifyMod otra vez, vaya a 000000XX_%FIRM%%REGION%.app y pulse \x22A\x22 para instalarlo.\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noMyM ::--------End of hacking steps listings (and line break). This must be here for the hacking guide------------ support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/ol\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBGUIDE%" EQU "Y" goto:USBGUIDESTEP1 ::--------------------After Modding----------------------- :AFTERMODDING copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\AfterModding.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::---------------------credits and support XFLAK----------------------- :supportxflak copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\Credits-XFlak-End.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::guide finish, remove carriage returns and open support\sfk filter "%Drive%"\%guidename% -lsrep _.__ -rep _"printbutton {"_".printbutton {"_ -write -yes>nul cd /d "%Drive%" start %guidename% cd /d %ModMiipath% ::---------------CMD LINE MODE------------- if /i "%cmdlinemode%" NEQ "Y" goto:notcmdfinish if /i "%cmdguide%" NEQ "G" goto:notcmdfinish if exist support\settings.bak move /y support\settings.bak support\settings.bat>nul exit :notcmdfinish if /i "%SETTINGS%" EQU "G" goto:DOWNLOADQUEUE if /i "%SETTINGSHM%" EQU "G" goto:HACKMIISOLUTION goto:DLSETTINGS2 ::-------------USB-Loader Setup Steps-------------- :USBGUIDESTEP1 support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x226\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eUSB Loader y configuraci\xf3n del disco duro\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" support\sfk echo -spat El resto de la gu\xeda se realiza en el ordenador con el fin de configurar el USB-Loader\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3col\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::-------------FAT32 + NTFS----------------------- if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "3" goto:skippartition copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\FAT32-NTFS.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableF32 if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableF32 :skip echo Lanzar FAT32 GUI formatter desde el acceso directo en el men\xfa Inicio o el escritorio>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:noportableF32 :portableF32 support\sfk echo -spat Lanzar FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe guardado aqu\xed:\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo %DRIVEU%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo %DRIVE%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noportableF32 copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\FAT32-NTFSend.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul :skippartition ::-------------FAT32--------------- if /i "%FORMAT%" NEQ "1" goto:notfat32 copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\FAT32.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableF32 if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableF32 :skip echo Lanzar FAT32 GUI formatter desde el acceso directo en el men\xfa Inicio o el escritorio>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:noportableF32 :portableF32 if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" echo Lanzar FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe guardado aqu\xed: %DRIVEU%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" echo Lanzar FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe guardado aqu\xed: %DRIVE%\FAT32_GUI_Formatter\FAT32_GUI_Formatter.exe>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noportableF32 copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\FAT32end.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul :notfat32 ::-------------NTFS--------------- if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\NTFS.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul ::------------copy file to usb-------- if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "4" goto:skipcopytousb if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "5" goto:skipcopytousb if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" goto:skipcopytousb support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x225\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eCopiar archivos en el disco duro\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3eCopia todo dentro de %DRIVEU% carpeta ra\xedz de tu disco duro FAT32 o partici\xf3n.\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :skipcopytousb ::-------------WiiBackupManager-------------- support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x225\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eGestionar copias de seguridad Wii con Wii Backup Manager (opcional)\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%PCSAVE%" EQU "Portable" goto:portableWBM if /i "%PCSAVE%" NEQ "Auto" goto:skip if /i "%Homedrive%" NEQ "%ModMiipath:~0,2%" goto:portableWBM :skip support\sfk echo -spat Lanzar WiiBackupManager desde el acceso directo en el men\xfa Inicio o el escritorio\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% goto:noportableWBM :portableWBM if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" support\sfk echo -spat Lanzar WiiBackupManager.exe guardado aqu\xed: %DRIVEU%\WiiBackupManager\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" support\sfk echo -spat Lanzar WiiBackupManager.exe guardado aqu\xed: %DRIVE%\WiiBackupManager\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% :noportableWBM copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\WBM.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul if /i "%USBFOLDER%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat Para copiar \x3cu\x3eoriginal\x3c/u\x3e El disco de Wii, inserte el disco en la Wii y lanzar Configurable USB Loader, y pulsa en el signo m\xe1s \x22\x2b\x22. \x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%FLOW%" EQU "*" support\sfk echo -spat Para copiar \x3cu\x3eoriginal\x3c/u\x3e El disco de Wii, inserte el disco en la Wii y Lanzar WiiFlow, vaya a la p\xe1gina 2 de configuraci\xf3n y seleccionar WiiFlow \x22Instalar\x22, a continuaci\xf3n, seleccione \x22Go\x22.\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% support\sfk echo -spat \x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "2" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cb\x3eWarning\x3c/b\x3e: Ripear a NTFS es \x3cu\x3every\x3c/u\x3e inestable, se recomienda agregar solamente los juegos en un disco duro NTFS usando su computadora.\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%FORMAT%" EQU "3" support\sfk echo -spat \x3cb\x3eWarning\x3c/b\x3e: Ripear a NTFS es \x3cu\x3every\x3c/u\x3e inestable, se recomienda agregar solamente los juegos en un disco duro NTFS usando su computadora.\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% ::-------------CONFIGURE/CUSTOMIZE CONFIGURABLE USB-LOADER (OPTIONAL)------------- if /i "%USBFOLDER%" NEQ "*" goto:skip support\sfk echo -spat \x3cfont size=\x225\x22\x3e\x3cli\x3eConfigurar/Personalizar Configurable USB Loader (opcional)\x3c/li\x3e\x3c/font\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" EQU "USB" support\sfk echo -spat Para configurar/Personaliza tu USB-Loader, utilice el configurador para Configurable USB-Loader disponible aqu\xed: %DRIVEU%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%USBCONFIG%" NEQ "USB" support\sfk echo -spat Para configurar/Personaliza tu USB-Loader, utilice el configurador para Configurable USB-Loader disponible aqu\xed: %DRIVE%\usb-loader\CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% copy /y "%Drive%"\%guidename%+Support\Guide\CustomizeCFG.001 "%Drive%"\%guidename%>nul :skip ::ADD end of ordered list and line break for ALL usb-loader guides (
) support\sfk echo -spat \x3c/ol\x3e\x3cbr\x3e>>"%Drive%"\%guidename% if /i "%MENU1%" EQU "W" goto:AFTERMODDING GOTO:supportxflak