@echo off setlocal title ModMii MultiDrop ::chdir /d "%~dp0" pushd "%~dp0" cls cd ../.. if not exist ModMii.exe exit if not exist temp\MultiDrop.txt exit support\sfk echo [Red]ModMii MultiDrop echo. echo To interrupt sending dropped files to ModMii, close this window. echo. echo If you manually close ModMii but want to continue sending dropped files, enter N when asked to terminate batch job echo. ::for /f %%a in (temp\MultiDrop.txt) do (set /a TotalItems+=1) support\sfk echo [Blue]MultiDrop Queue ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /a TotalItems=0 for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\MultiDrop.txt) do call :process "%%A" goto:skip :process set command=%* set "command=!command:^^=^!" set "command=!command:~1,-1!" set /a TotalItems=%TotalItems%+1 echo %TotalItems%: "!command!" goto:EOF :skip ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. support\sfk echo [Blue]Sending ModMii Commands ::Loop through the the following once for EACH line in *.txt, but respecting & ^ using !! ::setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /a Item=0 for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp\MultiDrop.txt) do call :processMultilist "%%A" goto:quickskip :processMultilist set command=%* set "command=!command:^^=^!" set "command=!command:~1,-1!" set /a Item=%Item%+1 echo %Item% of %TotalItems%: "!command!" start /WAIT ModMii.exe "!command!" goto:EOF :quickskip ::setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. support\sfk echo [Green]Finished, press any key to exit pause>nul exit