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<title>ModMii for Windows</title>
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<b>It's now easier than ever to donate to ModMii using Ko-fi (supports PayPal), Patreon or GitHub Sponsors!</b><br>
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<div class="justify" align="left" style="width:800px;">
<font color="#FF0000" size="5"><b>Introduction: What is ModMii?</b></font><br><br>
ModMii is able to download all the files needed to modify ANY Wii; it can generate custom guides based on your Wii's specifications, and save the files in their appropriate locations for easy offline softmodding. Sample guides for <u>illustrative purposes only</u> are available <a href="sampleguides\index.html"><b>here</b></a>.<br>
It is also capable of performing many other wii hacking functions like setting up a usb-loader and creating an emulated NAND. ModMii was also the very first official installer for the widely adopted d2x cIOS.<br>
Even if your Wii's SD Card reader is broken or you just don't have an SD Card, you can use a Hard Drive formatted as FAT32 in place of an SD Card to complete the majority of ModMii's functions (SD Card notably required for Bootmii and making a NAND backup).<br>
The video below describes some of ModMii's many features:<br>
<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GMz_R18Z5oQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
<font color="#FF0000" size="5"><b>What can ModMii do?</b></font><br>
<ul style=align="left" type="disc">
<li>It can download all the files necessary to Modify, Upgrade & Downgrade your Wii System Menu</li>
<li>Update only your outdated softmods based on a SysCheck log from your Wii</li>
<li>Able to build a custom easy to follow guide to setting up a USB-Loader (including how to format/partition your external hard drive)</li>
<li>Install SNEEK, build emulated NANDs, and Batch Extract Wii/Gamecube Games for use with SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI</li>
<li>Load NEEK on a Wii without softmodding it using the Abstinence Wizard</li>
<li>Region Change Your Wii</li>
<li>Download individual IOS/cIOS files, Official Wii Channels, System Menus, Wii Apps, DML, etc.</li>
<li>Install patched IOSs without a wifi connection on your Wii</li>
<li>Customize Bootmii, Wad Manager and MMM start-up settings using ModMii Configurators to create a custom config files</li>
<li>This is also capable of building many different System Menu Themes (csm's and themed SM Wads)</li>
<li>Provides a solution for the upside-down homebrew channel and the HackMii installer No Vulnerable IOS problems</li>
<li>Advanced Custom Downloads Feature will allow you to easily patch and change the slot/version of IOSs/cIOSs. It can also build 3 different types of forwarder dol's and iso's (only use this feature if you know what you are doing!!)</li>
<li>Drag and Drop \ open various Wii file types to perform various functions (e.g. nand.bin check\clone\defragment, WAD modify\unpack\trasmit, mym & csm theme creation, dol & elf app launcher, zip HBC transfer tool, etc.).</li>
<li>Save\Load custom Download Queues</li>
<li>and much much more!</li>
<font color="#FF0000" size="5"><b>How to Use ModMii</b></font><br>
<ul style=align="left" type="disc">
<li>Download and run the ModMii Installer from the links below</li>
<li>More information on installing and using ModMii can be found in the <a href="usage.html">Usage page</a></li>
<font color="#FF0000" size="5"><b>Download</b></font><br>
<font size="5">Select your language below to download ModMii.<br>
NOTICE: Only English is currently actively supported.<br>
All other languages are so outdated that download links for them have been removed for now.<br>
If your language is not available then consider <a href="https://gbatemp.net/threads/modmii-how-to-contribute-a-translation.625992" target="_blank">contributing a translation</a>.<br>
<p id="download" style="text-align:center">
<div align="center"><a href="https://github.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/releases/latest/download/modmiiinstaller.exe">English<br><img src="Images/us.gif" border="0" alt="English"><br>Installer</a> | <a href="https://github.com/modmii/modmii.github.io/releases/latest/download/modmii.zip">Portable</a></div>
<div align="center"><a href="http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/modmii/ModMii%20Installer%20%28Spanish%29.exe"><img src="Images/spain.gif" border="0" alt="Spanish"><br>Spanish</a></div>
<div align="center"><a href="http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/modmii/ModMii%20Installer%20%28Italian%29.exe"><img src="Images/italy.gif" border="0" alt="Italian"><br>Italian</a></div>
<div align="center"><a href="http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/modmii/ModMii%20Installer%20%28French%29.exe"><img src="Images/france.gif" border="0" alt="French"><br>French</a></div>
<div align="center"><a href="http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/modmii/ModMii%20Installer%20%28Dutch%29.exe"><img src="Images/dutch.gif" border="0" alt="Dutch"><br>Dutch</a></div>
<div class="justify" align="left" style="width:800px;">
WARNING: A small percentage of antivirus software may flag ModMii as dangerous; these are false-positives.<br>
ModMii does NOT contain any viruses.<br>
If for some reason you can't run the ModMii Installer you can download the latest portable zip.<br>
Unzip it anywhere on your PC then just double-click ModMii.exe or ModMiiSkin.exe.<br>
<font color="#FF0000" size="5">PLEASE DO NOT MIRROR MY DOWNLOAD LINKS</font><br>
<font size="6">
ModMii Changelog
<div class="justify" id="changelog" align="left" style="border:2px solid #303030;background:white;color:black;width:800px;height:300px;overflow:auto;padding:5px 15px 5px 0px;">
<!-- Current Changelog -->
<ul style=align="left" type="disc">
<h1>7.0.3 Changelog - 2024:11-04:</h1>
<li>This is likely the last ModMii update that will fully support 32-bit windows or Windows 8 and older. This is a small bug-fix only update so that users unable to use the next BIG update will have something more stable to fall back on.</li>
<li>Reverted the server used by NusFileGrabber back to NUS from RC24's redirect to resolve downloads impacting building themes or sneek.</li>
<li>Updated sourceforge download links to resolve "Some files required for neek installation are missing" issue.</li>
<li>Fixed bug in mym and csm drag and drop theme building operations if the path contained an even number of folders.</li>
<li>Fixed bug where Photo-Channel-1.0-NUS-v2 was not being listed in the Install WADs step of guides for Korean region Wiis.</li>
<li>Fixed harmless "Get-Disk.vbs not found" bug which only impacted ModMii Skin users. This message was safe to ignore as it only indicated that it was unable to detect the format details of connected drives to include in guides saving users the trouble of having to manually check.</li>
<li>Updated broken download links for Bootmii SD files, WiiMC-SS and Customize Mii. Even before this release these issues were being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.</li>
<li>Updated download link for USB Loader GX as the oscwii.org package has problems (for now) with its bundled meta.xml. Even before this release this issue was being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.</li>
<li>Updated Wiimmfi DNS IP. Even before this release this issue was being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.</li>
<li>Stay tuned; I promise the next update will be more exciting!</li>
<h1>7.0.2 Changelog - 2024:01-22:</h1>
<li>Removed prompt to retain patched IOS31 if detected in SysChecks as it is no longer required for RiiConnect24.</li>
<li>SysCheck updater now also checks to make sure BC is v6.</li>
<li>Removed the following whitelisted slots from suggesting they optionally be stubbed in the SysCheck updater wizard (236,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247).</li>
<li>Fix for IOSs that were skipped by SysCheck. Previously if "IOS249: Skipped" (for example) was contained in a SysCheck, ModMii suggested installing both the recommended cIOS249 as well as a stub IOS249, but ModMii appropriately never actually constructed a stub IOS249.</li>
<li>Fixed SysCheck updater MIOS issue where a stock MIOS v10 was not installed when "MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS Lite)" was listed in syschecks (and cMIOS option disabled).</li>
<li>Other minor changes, including references to Fakemote as well as updating wii.guide links to wii.hacks.guide (or archived links where no replacement exists yet).</li>
<h1>7.0.1 Changelog - 2023:08-09:</h1>
<li>SysCheck Updater will now also suggest stubbing\removing IOS 252 and higher if detected (except IOS254 Bootmii). This is to ensure the recommended IOS248-251 are selected by USB Loader GX's Auto IOS setting, which prefers higher IOS slots all else being equal. Users wishing to use unique cIOS configurations should install them to slots 240-247 to avoid being nagged, or simply ignore optional recommendations to stub\remove cIOSs that you want to keep.</li>
<li>SysCheck Updater will now suggest removing Hermes cIOSs (when detected) if the Hermes cIOS option is disabled. If enabled, ModMii will continue to direct users to install Hermes cIOSs if missing.</li>
<li>To avoid redundant recommendations, ModMii's SysCheck Updater will not recommend removing\stubbing IOSs if already stubbed by ModMii (e.g. stub IOS is rev 404).</li>
<li>If the only SysCheck Updater recommendation is to stub\remove some IOSs a custom message is displayed indicating this is optional and all other mods are up to date.</li>
<li>Added check to SysCheck Updater to abort if it detects a Wii Mini System Menu version (v4609 or v4610).</li>
<li>Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash if analyzing a SysCheck log that is in French and also references an older version of the HBC (1.1.0 and lower).</li>
<li>Fixed Bug preventing the selection of alternate d2x cIOS versions and ModMii Skin themes that are hosted online.</li>
<li>Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash if running a Spanish version of Windows and missing NET Framework 3.5 or trying to install neek.</li>
<a href="changelog.html" target="_blank"><font size="5">Click here to view the full changelog</font></a>
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