xflak40 6750f727c8 6.0.5 Changelog:
d2x v8-final is now bundled with ModMii instead of v7-final.

Updated ModMii Skin Launcher (by person66). It now includes a 10ms sleep in order to maintain 0 CPU usage even on older computers. This issue was not present for most users, but person66 personally experienced the old ModMiiSkin.exe process using 20%-40% of his CPU.

Updated ModMii's Syscheck Updater to consider homebrew channel installations of v1.0.0 (in addition to v1.1.0) as up to date when running off of IOS58. This change is to compensate for the latest version of syscheck which incorrectly labels HBC v1.1.0 and v1.0.0.

Now when updating ModMii using ModMii Skin the ModMiiSkin process is killed in order to permit updates to ModMiiSkin.exe itself (if applicable).

Fixed bug where ModMii Skin would not operate properly if the drive settings ended with a forward slash or back slash.

Fixed bug where the back button on the SD Card Drive selection page sometimes crashed ModMii Skin.

Other Minor Changes.
2012-03-07 02:00:30 +00:00

155 lines
5.6 KiB

@echo off
if not exist support cd..
if not exist temp\DownloadQueues mkdir temp\DownloadQueues
::build d2xAll queue
echo set AdvNumber=0 >temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo if /i '?GetAdvNumberOnly?' EQU 'Y' goto:endofqueue>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set ROOTSAVE=off>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set Option1=off>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[37]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[38]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[56]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[53]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[55]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[57]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[58]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[60]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[70]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS249[80]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[37]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[38]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[53]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[55]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[56]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[57]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[58]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[60]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[70]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo Set cIOS250[80]-d2x-v8-final=*>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
echo :endofqueue>>temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat
support\sfk filter -spat temp\DownloadQueues\d2xAll.bat -rep _\x27_\x22_ -rep _\x3f_\x25_ -rep _"AdvNumber=0 "_"AdvNumber=0"_ -write -yes>nul
echo d2x cIOS beta MD5 Updater
echo -------------------------
echo Building d2x-beta cIOSs...
echo The 1st time ModMii runs the cIOSs will be invalid and open a text window
echo The 2nd time ModMii runs the cIOSs should be valid and not open a text window
::echo @echo off>d2xAll-Downloader.bat
::echo setlocal>>d2xAll-Downloader.bat
::echo call support\ModMii.bat L d2xALL>>d2xAll-Downloader.bat
::start /wait d2xAll-Downloader.bat
ModMii.exe L d2xALL
::del d2xAll-Downloader.bat>nul
if exist Support\settings.bat call Support\settings.bat
if "%Drive%"=="" set Drive=COPY_TO_SD
if exist d2xALL.md5 del d2xALL.md5>nul
support\fvc -c -a MD5 -r "%DRIVE%"\WAD\*.wad>>d2xALL.md5
if not exist Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat (echo Error: Missing Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat) & (@ping -n 2 -w 1000> nul) & (exit)
echo Updating d2x MD5s...
call Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat
copy /y Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bak>nul
set number=0
SET /a number=%number%+1
if /i "%number%" EQU "1" set cios=cIOS249[37]
if /i "%number%" EQU "2" set cios=cIOS250[37]
if /i "%number%" EQU "3" set cios=cIOS249[38]
if /i "%number%" EQU "4" set cios=cIOS250[38]
if /i "%number%" EQU "5" set cios=cIOS249[53]
if /i "%number%" EQU "6" set cios=cIOS250[53]
if /i "%number%" EQU "7" set cios=cIOS249[55]
if /i "%number%" EQU "8" set cios=cIOS250[55]
if /i "%number%" EQU "9" set cios=cIOS249[56]
if /i "%number%" EQU "10" set cios=cIOS250[56]
if /i "%number%" EQU "11" set cios=cIOS249[57]
if /i "%number%" EQU "12" set cios=cIOS250[57]
if /i "%number%" EQU "13" set cios=cIOS249[58]
if /i "%number%" EQU "14" set cios=cIOS250[58]
if /i "%number%" EQU "15" set cios=cIOS249[60]
if /i "%number%" EQU "16" set cios=cIOS250[60]
if /i "%number%" EQU "17" set cios=cIOS249[70]
if /i "%number%" EQU "18" set cios=cIOS250[70]
if /i "%number%" EQU "19" set cios=cIOS249[80]
if /i "%number%" EQU "20" set cios=cIOS250[80]
copy /y d2xALL.md5 temp\d2xALL.txt>nul
support\sfk filter -spat temp\d2xALL.txt -+"%cios%-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad" -rep _" *"__ -write -yes>nul
set /p ciosmd5= <temp\d2xALL.txt
::echo %cios%-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev% MD5 = %ciosmd5%
support\sfk filter -spat Support\d2x-beta\d2x-beta.bat -rep _"%cios%-d2x-v\x22 set md5="*_"%cios%-d2x-v\x22 set md5=%ciosmd5%"_ -write -yes>nul
::delete wad: it will be reconstructed and confirmed later
del "%DRIVE%\WAD\%cios%-d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%.wad">nul
if "%number%" NEQ "20" goto:top
echo d2x-beta.bat Updated
del temp\d2xALL.txt>nul
del d2xALL.md5>nul
if exist "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%" rd /s /q "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%"
mkdir "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%"
copy /y Support\d2x-beta\* "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\">nul
del "Support\More-cIOSs\d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\d2x-beta.bak">nul
if exist "" del "">nul
cd Support\More-cIOSs
..\7za a -t7z "..\..\" "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\*.bat"
..\7za a -t7z "..\..\" "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%\*.app"
cd "d2x-v%d2x-beta-rev%"
if exist "*.xml" ..\..\7za a -t7z "..\..\..\" "*.xml"
if exist "*.txt" ..\..\7za a -t7z "..\..\..\" "*.txt"
cd ..\..\..
echo ModMii about to verify
echo If there are 0 errors this window will close
::call support\ModMii.bat L d2xALL
::start /wait d2xAll-Downloader.bat
::del d2xAll-Downloader.bat>nul
ModMii.exe L d2xALL
findStr /I /C:"20 file(s) downloaded succcessfully" temp\ModMii_CMD_LINE_Log.txt >nul
IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 exit
echo d2x-beta.bat not updated successfully