using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace nfs2iso2nfs { class Program { public const int SECTOR_SIZE = 0x8000; public const int HEADER_SIZE = 0x200; public static byte[] WII_COMMON_KEY = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; public const int NFS_SIZE = 0xFA00000; public static bool dec = false; public static bool enc = false; public static bool keepFiles = false; public static bool keepLegit = false; public static bool horiz_wiimote = false; public static bool vert_wiimote = false; public static bool map_shoulder_to_trigger = false; public static bool homebrew = false; public static bool passthrough = false; public static bool instantcc = false; public static bool nocc = false; public static string keyFile = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "code" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "htk.bin"; public static string isoFile = "game.iso"; public static string wiiKeyFile = "wii_common_key.bin"; public static string nfsDir = ""; public static string fw_file = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "code" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "fw.img"; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(); if (checkArgs(args) == -1) return; byte[] key = checkKeyFiles(); if (key == null) return; if (dec) { byte[] header = getHeader(nfsDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_000000.nfs"); combineNFSFiles("hif.nfs"); EnDecryptNFS("hif.nfs", "hif_dec.nfs", key, buildZero(key.Length), false, header); if (!keepFiles) File.Delete("hif.nfs"); unpackNFS("hif_dec.nfs", "hif_unpack.nfs", header); if (!keepFiles) File.Delete("hif_dec.nfs"); manipulateISO("hif_unpack.nfs", "game.iso", true); if (!keepFiles) File.Delete("hif_unpack.nfs"); } else if (enc) { if (!keepLegit || horiz_wiimote || vert_wiimote || map_shoulder_to_trigger) DoThePatching(fw_file); long[] size = manipulateISO(isoFile, "hif_unpack.nfs", false); byte[] header = packNFS("hif_unpack.nfs", "hif_dec.nfs", size); if (!keepFiles) File.Delete("hif_unpack.nfs"); EnDecryptNFS("hif_dec.nfs", "hif.nfs", key, buildZero(key.Length), true, header); if (!keepFiles) File.Delete("hif_dec.nfs"); splitNFSFile("hif.nfs"); if (!keepFiles) File.Delete("hif.nfs"); } } public static int checkArgs(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) switch (args[i]) { case "-dec": dec = true; break; case "-enc": enc = true; break; case "-keep": keepFiles = true; break; case "-legit": keepLegit = true; break; case "-key": if (i == args.Length) return -1; keyFile = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-wiikey": if (i == args.Length) return -1; wiiKeyFile = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-iso": if (i == args.Length) return -1; isoFile = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-nfs": if (i == args.Length) return -1; nfsDir = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-fwimg": if (i == args.Length) return -1; fw_file = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-lrpatch": map_shoulder_to_trigger = true; break; case "-wiimote": vert_wiimote = true; break; case "-horizontal": horiz_wiimote = true; break; case "-homebrew": homebrew = true; break; case "-passthrough": passthrough = true; break; case "-instantcc": instantcc = true; break; case "-nocc": nocc = true; break; case "-help": Console.WriteLine("+++++ NFS2ISO2NFS v0.5.7 +++++"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-dec Decrypt .nfs files to an .iso file."); Console.WriteLine("-enc Encrypt an .iso file to .nfs file(s)"); Console.WriteLine("-key Location of AES key file. DEFAULT: code" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "htk.bin."); Console.WriteLine("-wiikey Location of Wii Common key file. DEFAULT: wii_common_key.bin."); Console.WriteLine("-iso Location of .iso file. DEFAULT: game.iso."); Console.WriteLine("-nfs Location of .nfs files. DEFAULT: current Directory."); Console.WriteLine("-fwimg Location of fw.img. DEFAULT: code" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "fw.img."); Console.WriteLine("-keep Don't delete the files produced in intermediate steps."); Console.WriteLine("-legit Don't patch fw.img to allow fakesigned content"); Console.WriteLine("-lrpatch Map emulated Classic Controller's L & R to Gamepad's ZL & ZR"); Console.WriteLine("-wiimote Emulate a Wii Remote instead of the Classic Controller"); Console.WriteLine("-horizontal Remap Wii Remote d-pad for horizontal usage (implies -wiimote)"); Console.WriteLine("-homebrew Various patches to enable proper homebrew functionality"); Console.WriteLine("-passthrough Allow homebrew to keep using normal wiimotes with gamepad enabled"); Console.WriteLine("-instantcc Report emulated Classic Controller at the very first check"); Console.WriteLine("-nocc Report that no Classic Controller is connected"); Console.WriteLine("-help Print this text."); return -1; default: break; } string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(keyFile)) keyFile = dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + keyFile; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(isoFile)) isoFile = dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + isoFile; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(wiiKeyFile)) wiiKeyFile = dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + wiiKeyFile; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(nfsDir)) nfsDir = dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + nfsDir; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fw_file)) fw_file = dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fw_file; if (map_shoulder_to_trigger && horiz_wiimote || map_shoulder_to_trigger && vert_wiimote) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Please don't mix patches for Classic Controller and Wii Remote."); return -1; } if (dec || ((!dec && !enc) && File.Exists(nfsDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_000000.nfs"))) { Console.WriteLine("+++++ NFS2ISO +++++"); Console.WriteLine(); if (dec && !enc && !File.Exists(nfsDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_000000.nfs")) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: .nfs files not found! Exiting..."); return -1; } else if ((!dec && !enc) && File.Exists(nfsDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_000000.nfs")) { Console.WriteLine("You haven't specified if you want to use nfs2iso or iso2nfs"); Console.WriteLine("Found .nfs files! Assuming you want to use nfs2iso..."); dec = true; enc = false; } } else if (enc || (((!dec && !enc) || (!dec && !enc)) && File.Exists(isoFile))) { Console.WriteLine("+++++ ISO2NFS +++++"); Console.WriteLine(); if (!dec && enc && !File.Exists(isoFile)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: .iso file not found! Exiting..."); return -1; } if (!dec && enc && !File.Exists(fw_file)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: fw.img not found! Exiting..."); return -1; } else if (((dec && enc) || (!dec && !enc)) && File.Exists(isoFile)) { Console.WriteLine("You haven't specified if you want to use nfs2iso or iso2nfs"); Console.WriteLine("Found .iso file! Assuming you want to use iso2nfs..."); dec = false; enc = true; } } else { Console.WriteLine("You haven't specified if you want to use nfs2iso or iso2nfs"); Console.WriteLine("Found neither .iso nor .nfs files! Check -help for usage of this program."); return -1; } return 0; } public static byte[] checkKeyFiles() { Console.WriteLine("Searching for AES key file..."); if (!File.Exists(keyFile)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Could not find AES key file! Exiting..."); return null; } byte[] key = getKey(keyFile); if (key == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: AES key file has wrong file size! Exiting..."); return null; } Console.WriteLine("AES key file found!"); if (WII_COMMON_KEY[0] != 0xeb) { Console.WriteLine("Wii common key not found in source code. Looking for file..."); if (!File.Exists(wiiKeyFile)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Could not find Wii common key file! Exiting..."); return null; } WII_COMMON_KEY = getKey(wiiKeyFile); if (WII_COMMON_KEY == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Wii common key file has wrong file size! Exiting..."); return null; } Console.WriteLine("Wii Common Key file found!"); } else Console.WriteLine("Wii common key found in source code!"); Console.WriteLine(); return key; } public static byte[] getKey(string keyDir) { using (var keyFile = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(keyDir))) { long keySize = keyFile.BaseStream.Length; if (keySize != 16) return null; return keyFile.ReadBytes(0x10); } } public static byte[] buildZero(int size) { byte[] iv = new byte[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) iv[i] = 0; return iv; } public static void combineNFSFiles(string outFile) { using (var nfs = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(outFile))) { Console.WriteLine("Looking for .nfs files..."); int nfsNo = -1; while (File.Exists(nfsDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_" + String.Format("{0:D6}", nfsNo + 1) + ".nfs")) nfsNo++; Console.WriteLine((nfsNo + 1) + " .nfs files found!"); Console.WriteLine("Joining .nfs files..."); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i <= nfsNo; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Processing hif_" + String.Format("{0:D6}", i) + ".nfs..."); var nfsTemp = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(nfsDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_" + String.Format("{0:D6}", i) + ".nfs")); if (i == 0) { nfsTemp.ReadBytes(HEADER_SIZE); nfs.Write(nfsTemp.ReadBytes((int)nfsTemp.BaseStream.Length - HEADER_SIZE)); } else nfs.Write(nfsTemp.ReadBytes((int)nfsTemp.BaseStream.Length)); } } } public static void splitNFSFile(string inFile) { using (var nfs = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(inFile))) { Console.WriteLine(); long size = nfs.BaseStream.Length; int i = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Building hif_" + String.Format("{0:D6}", i) + ".nfs..."); var nfsTemp = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hif_" + String.Format("{0:D6}", i) + ".nfs")); nfsTemp.Write(nfs.ReadBytes(size > NFS_SIZE ? NFS_SIZE : (int)size)); size -= NFS_SIZE; i++; } while (size > 0); } } public static byte[] getHeader(string inFile) { using (var file = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(inFile))) { return file.ReadBytes(0x200); } } public static long[] manipulateISO(string InFile, string OutFile, bool enc) { using (var er = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(InFile))) using (var ew = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(OutFile))) { long[] sizeInfo = new long[2]; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Read partition table..."); Console.WriteLine(); ew.Write(er.ReadBytes(0x40000)); byte[] partitionTable = er.ReadBytes(0x20); ew.Write(partitionTable); int[,] partitionInfo = new int[2, 4]; //first coorfinate number of partitions, second offset of partition table for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { partitionInfo[0, i] = partitionTable[0x0 + 0x8 * i] * 0x1000000 + partitionTable[0x1 + 0x8 * i] * 0x10000 + partitionTable[0x2 + 0x8 * i] * 0x100 + partitionTable[0x3 + 0x8 * i]; Console.WriteLine("Number of " + (i + 1) + ". partitions: " + partitionInfo[0, i]); if (partitionInfo[0, i] == 0) partitionInfo[1, i] = 0; else partitionInfo[1, i] = (partitionTable[0x4 + 0x8 * i] * 0x1000000 + partitionTable[0x5 + 0x8 * i] * 0x10000 + partitionTable[0x6 + 0x8 * i] * 0x100 + partitionTable[0x7 + 0x8 * i]) * 0x4; Console.WriteLine("Partition info table offset: 0x" + Convert.ToString(partitionInfo[1, i], 16)); } Console.WriteLine(); partitionInfo = sort(partitionInfo, 4); byte[][] partitionInfoTable = new byte[4][]; List partitionOffsetList = new List(); long curPos = 0x40020; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (partitionInfo[0, i] != 0) { ew.Write(er.ReadBytes((int)(partitionInfo[1, i] - curPos))); curPos += (partitionInfo[1, i] - curPos); partitionInfoTable[i] = er.ReadBytes(0x8 * partitionInfo[0, i]); curPos += (0x8 * partitionInfo[0, i]); for (int j = 0; j < partitionInfo[0, i]; j++) if (partitionInfoTable[i][0x7 + 0x8 * j] == 0) //check if game partition { partitionOffsetList.Add((partitionInfoTable[i][0x0 + 0x8 * j] * 0x1000000 + partitionInfoTable[i][0x1 + 0x8 * j] * 0x10000 + partitionInfoTable[i][0x2 + 0x8 * j] * 0x100 + partitionInfoTable[i][0x3 + 0x8 * j]) * 0x4); Console.WriteLine("Data partition at offset: 0x" + Convert.ToString(partitionOffsetList[k], 16)); k++; } ew.Write(partitionInfoTable[i]); } } Console.WriteLine(); int[] partitionOffsets = partitionOffsetList.ToArray(); partitionOffsets = sort(partitionOffsets, partitionOffsets.Length); sizeInfo[0] = partitionOffsets[0]; byte[] IV = new byte[0x10]; byte[] decHashTable = new byte[0x400]; byte[] encHashTable = new byte[0x400]; int timer = 0; int l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < partitionOffsets.Length; i++) { ew.Write(er.ReadBytes((int)(partitionOffsets[i] - curPos))); curPos += (partitionOffsets[i] - curPos); ew.Write(er.ReadBytes(0x1BF)); //Write start of partiton byte[] enc_titlekey = er.ReadBytes(0x10); //read encrypted titlekey ew.Write(enc_titlekey); //Write encrypted titlekey ew.Write(er.ReadBytes(0xD)); //Write bytes till titleID byte[] titleID = er.ReadBytes(0x8); //read titleID ew.Write(titleID); for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) //build IV if (j < 8) IV[j] = titleID[j]; else IV[j] = 0x0; ew.Write(er.ReadBytes(0xC0)); //Write bytes till end of ticket byte[] partitionHeader = er.ReadBytes(0x1FD5C); long partitionSize = (long)0x4 * (partitionHeader[0x18] * 0x1000000 + partitionHeader[0x19] * 0x10000 + partitionHeader[0x1A] * 0x100 + partitionHeader[0x1B]); Console.WriteLine("Partition size: 0x" + Convert.ToString(partitionSize, 16)); ew.Write(partitionHeader); //Write bytes till start of partition data curPos += 0x20000; curPos += partitionSize; byte[] titlekey = aes_128_cbc(WII_COMMON_KEY, IV, enc_titlekey, false); Console.WriteLine("Write game partition " + i + "..."); byte[] Sector = new byte[SECTOR_SIZE]; while (partitionSize >= SECTOR_SIZE) { if (timer == 8000) { timer = 0; l++; Console.WriteLine((l * 256) + " MB processed..."); } timer++; // NFS to ISO if (enc) { Array.Clear(IV, 0, 0x10); // clear IV for encrypting hash table decHashTable = er.ReadBytes(0x400); // read raw hash table from nfs encHashTable = aes_128_cbc(titlekey, IV, decHashTable, true); // encrypt table ew.Write(encHashTable); // write encrypted hash table to iso //quit the loop if already at the end of input file or beyond (avoid the crash) if (er.BaseStream.Position >= er.BaseStream.Length) { break; } Array.Copy(encHashTable, 0x3D0, IV, 0, 0x10); // get IV for encrypting the rest Sector = er.ReadBytes(SECTOR_SIZE - 0x400); Sector = aes_128_cbc(titlekey, IV, Sector, enc); // encrypt the remaining bytes } // ISO to NFS else { Array.Clear(IV, 0, 0x10); // clear IV for decrypting hash table encHashTable = er.ReadBytes(0x400); // read encrypted hash table from iso decHashTable = aes_128_cbc(titlekey, IV, encHashTable, false); // decrypt table ew.Write(decHashTable); // write decrypted hash table to nfs //quit the loop if already at the end of input file or beyond (avoid the crash) if (er.BaseStream.Position >= er.BaseStream.Length) { break; } Array.Copy(encHashTable, 0x3D0, IV, 0, 0x10); // IV for decrypting the remaining data Sector = er.ReadBytes(SECTOR_SIZE - 0x400); Sector = aes_128_cbc(titlekey, IV, Sector, false); // decrypt the remaining bytes } ew.Write(Sector); partitionSize -= SECTOR_SIZE; } sizeInfo[1] = curPos - sizeInfo[0]; if (partitionSize != 0) Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Last cluster was not complete. This may be a problem."); } if (enc) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Writing zeros..."); long rest; if (curPos > 0x118240000) rest = 0x1FB4E0000 - curPos; else rest = 0x118240000 - curPos; l = 0; timer = 0; while (rest > 0) { if (timer == 8000) { timer = 0; l++; Console.WriteLine((l * 256) + " MB processed..."); } timer++; ew.Write(buildZero(rest > SECTOR_SIZE ? SECTOR_SIZE : (int)rest)); rest -= SECTOR_SIZE; } return null; } else return sizeInfo; } } public static void unpackNFS(string InFile, string OutFile, byte[] header) { using (var er = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(InFile))) using (var ew = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(OutFile))) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Unpacking nfs..."); Console.WriteLine(); int numberOfParts = 0x1000000 * header[0x10] + 0x10000 * header[0x11] + 0x100 * header[0x12] + header[0x13]; Console.WriteLine(numberOfParts + " parts found..."); long start, length; long pos = 0x0; long j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParts; i++) { start = (long)SECTOR_SIZE * ((long)0x1000000 * (long)header[0x14 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x10000 * (long)header[0x15 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x100 * (long)header[0x16 + i * 0x8] + (long)header[0x17 + i * 0x8]); length = (long)SECTOR_SIZE * ((long)0x1000000 * (long)header[0x18 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x10000 * (long)header[0x19 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x100 * (long)header[0x1A + i * 0x8] + (long)header[0x1B + i * 0x8]); j = start - pos; Console.WriteLine("Writing zero segment " + i + " of size 0x" + Convert.ToString(j, 16)); while (j > 0) { ew.Write(buildZero(SECTOR_SIZE)); j -= SECTOR_SIZE; } Console.WriteLine("Writing data segment " + i + " of size 0x" + Convert.ToString(length, 16)); j = length; while (j > 0) { ew.Write(er.ReadBytes(SECTOR_SIZE)); j -= SECTOR_SIZE; } pos = start + length; } } } public static byte[] packNFS(string InFile, string OutFile, long[] sizeInfo) { using (var er = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(InFile))) using (var ew = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(OutFile))) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Generating EGGS header..."); byte[] header = new byte[0x200]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x200; i++) header[i] = 0xff; header[0x0] = 0x45; header[0x1] = 0x47; header[0x2] = 0x47; header[0x3] = 0x53; header[0x4] = 0x00; header[0x5] = 0x01; header[0x6] = 0x10; header[0x7] = 0x11; header[0x8] = 0x00; header[0x9] = 0x00; header[0xA] = 0x00; header[0xB] = 0x00; header[0xC] = 0x00; header[0xD] = 0x00; header[0xE] = 0x00; header[0xF] = 0x00; header[0x10] = 0x00; header[0x11] = 0x00; header[0x12] = 0x00; header[0x13] = 0x03; header[0x14] = 0x00; header[0x15] = 0x00; header[0x16] = 0x00; header[0x17] = 0x00; header[0x18] = 0x00; header[0x19] = 0x00; header[0x1A] = 0x00; header[0x1B] = 0x01; header[0x1C] = 0x00; header[0x1D] = 0x00; header[0x1E] = 0x00; header[0x1F] = 0x08; header[0x20] = 0x00; header[0x21] = 0x00; header[0x22] = 0x00; header[0x23] = 0x02; header[0x24] = (byte)((sizeInfo[0] / 0x8000) / 0x1000000); header[0x25] = (byte)(((sizeInfo[0] / 0x8000) / 0x10000) % 0x100); header[0x26] = (byte)(((sizeInfo[0] / 0x8000) / 0x100) % 0x10000); header[0x27] = (byte)((sizeInfo[0] / 0x8000) % 0x1000000); header[0x28] = (byte)((sizeInfo[1] / 0x8000) / 0x1000000); header[0x29] = (byte)(((sizeInfo[1] / 0x8000) / 0x10000) % 0x100); header[0x2A] = (byte)(((sizeInfo[1] / 0x8000) / 0x100) % 0x10000); header[0x2B] = (byte)((sizeInfo[1] / 0x8000) % 0x1000000); header[0x1FC] = 0x53; header[0x1FD] = 0x47; header[0x1FE] = 0x47; header[0x1FF] = 0x45; Console.WriteLine("Packing nfs..."); int numberOfParts = 0x1000000 * header[0x10] + 0x10000 * header[0x11] + 0x100 * header[0x12] + header[0x13]; Console.WriteLine("Packing " + numberOfParts + " parts..."); long start, length; long pos = 0x0; long j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParts; i++) { start = (long)SECTOR_SIZE * ((long)0x1000000 * (long)header[0x14 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x10000 * (long)header[0x15 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x100 * (long)header[0x16 + i * 0x8] + (long)header[0x17 + i * 0x8]); length = (long)SECTOR_SIZE * ((long)0x1000000 * (long)header[0x18 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x10000 * (long)header[0x19 + i * 0x8] + (long)0x100 * (long)header[0x1A + i * 0x8] + (long)header[0x1B + i * 0x8]); j = start - pos; Console.WriteLine("Delete zero segment " + i + " of size 0x" + Convert.ToString(j, 16)); while (j > 0) { er.ReadBytes(SECTOR_SIZE); j -= SECTOR_SIZE; } Console.WriteLine("Writing data segment " + i + " of size 0x" + Convert.ToString(length, 16)); j = length; while (j > 0) { ew.Write(er.ReadBytes(SECTOR_SIZE)); j -= SECTOR_SIZE; } pos = start + length; } return header; } } public static void EnDecryptNFS(string InFile, string OutFile, byte[] key, byte[] iv, bool enc, byte[] header) { using (var er = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(InFile))) using (var ew = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(OutFile))) { Console.WriteLine(); if (enc) { Console.WriteLine("Writing EGGS header..."); ew.Write(header); Console.WriteLine("Encrypting hif.nfs..."); } else Console.WriteLine("Decrypting hif.nfs..."); Console.WriteLine(); byte[] block_iv = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00 }; byte[] Sector = new byte[SECTOR_SIZE]; int timer = 0; int i = 0; //init size long leftSize = er.BaseStream.Length; do { if (timer == 8000) { timer = 0; i++; Console.WriteLine((i * 256) + " MB processed..."); } timer++; Sector = er.ReadBytes(leftSize > SECTOR_SIZE ? SECTOR_SIZE : (int)leftSize); if (ew.BaseStream.Position >= 0x18000) //use the different IVs if writing game partition data { iv = block_iv; } // ENCRYPTION if (enc && ew.BaseStream.Position < 0x18000) // if encrypting and not game partition { Sector = aes_128_cbc(key, iv, Sector, true); // use zero IV } if (enc && ew.BaseStream.Position >= 0x18000) // if encrypting game partition { Sector = aes_128_cbc(key, block_iv, Sector, true); // use different IV for each block block_iv[15]++; // increment the value after writing if (block_iv[15] == 0) // and go further if necessary { block_iv[14]++; if (block_iv[14] == 0) { block_iv[13]++; if (block_iv[13] == 0) { block_iv[12]++; // I suppose it's a 4 byte value...? } // it won't ever happen anyway } } } // DECRYPTION if (!enc && ew.BaseStream.Position < 0x18000) // if decrypting and not game partition { Sector = aes_128_cbc(key, iv, Sector, false); } if (!enc && ew.BaseStream.Position >= 0x18000) // if decrypting game partition { Sector = aes_128_cbc(key, iv, Sector, false); // use different IV for each block block_iv[15]++; // increment the value after writing if (block_iv[15] == 0) // and go further if necessary { block_iv[14]++; if (block_iv[14] == 0) { block_iv[13]++; if (block_iv[13] == 0) { block_iv[12]++; // I suppose it's a 4 byte value...? } // it won't ever happen anyway } } } //write it to outfile ew.Write(Sector); //decrease remaining size leftSize -= SECTOR_SIZE; //loop till end of file } while (leftSize > 0); } } public static byte[] aes_128_cbc(byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] data, bool enc) { byte[] result = new byte[data.Length]; try { System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged rm = new System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged(); rm.Mode = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.CBC; rm.Padding = System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode.None; rm.KeySize = 128; rm.BlockSize = 128; rm.Key = key; rm.IV = iv; if (enc) using (System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform itc = rm.CreateEncryptor()) { result = itc.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length); } else using (System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform itc = rm.CreateDecryptor()) { result = itc.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length); } rm.Clear(); return result; } catch (System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException e) { Console.WriteLine("A Cryptographic error occurred: {0}", e.Message); return null; } } public static int[,] sort(int[,] list, int size) { int max = 0; int maxIndex = 0; int temp; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < size - j; i++) if (list[1, i] > max) { max = list[1, i]; maxIndex = i; } temp = list[0, size - j - 1]; list[0, size - j - 1] = list[0, maxIndex]; list[0, maxIndex] = temp; temp = list[1, size - j - 1]; list[1, size - j - 1] = list[1, maxIndex]; list[1, maxIndex] = temp; } return list; } public static int[] sort(int[] list, int size) { int max = 0; int maxIndex = 0; int temp; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < size - j; i++) if (list[i] > max) { max = list[i]; maxIndex = i; } temp = list[size - j - 1]; list[size - j - 1] = list[maxIndex]; list[maxIndex] = temp; } return list; } static bool ByteArrayCompare(byte[] b1, byte[] b2) { return b1.SequenceEqual(b2); } public static void DoThePatching(string fw_file) { var input_ios = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(fw_file)); //copy fw.img into a memory stream Console.WriteLine("Checking fw.img's revision number..."); byte[] buffer_rev = new byte[4]; byte[] rev_pattern = { 0x73, 0x76, 0x6E, 0x2D }; // search for "svn-" string revision = ""; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 4; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_rev, 0, 4); // because we read 4 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_rev, rev_pattern)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Read(buffer_rev, 0, 4); revision = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer_rev, 0, buffer_rev.Length); break; } } if (revision == "r590") { Console.WriteLine("OK, revision 590 detected."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Warning: {0} detected. These patches are designed for revision 590 only.", revision); } Console.WriteLine(); byte[] buffer_4 = new byte[4]; // buffer for 4-byte arrays byte[] buffer_8 = new byte[8]; // buffer for 8-byte arrays Console.WriteLine("Patching fw.img."); if (!keepLegit) { Array.Clear(buffer_4, 0, 4); int patchCount = 0; byte[] oldHashCheck = { 0x20, 0x07, 0x23, 0xA2 }; byte[] newHashCheck = { 0x20, 0x07, 0x4B, 0x0B }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 4; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_4, 0, 4); // because we read 4 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, oldHashCheck) || ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, newHashCheck)) // see if it matches one of the patterns { input_ios.Seek(offset + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin); // if it does, advance on byte further in input_ios.WriteByte(0x00); // the output and write a zero patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Fakesign patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("Fakesigning patching finished... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } //map classic controller's L & R to the gamepad's ZL & ZR if (map_shoulder_to_trigger) { Array.Clear(buffer_4, 0, 4); int patchCount = 0; byte[] pattern1 = { 0x40, 0x05, 0x46, 0xA9 }; byte[] patch1 = { 0x26, 0x80, 0x40, 0x06 }; byte[] pattern2 = { 0x1C, 0x05, 0x40, 0x35 }; byte[] patch2 = { 0x25, 0x40, 0x40, 0x05 }; byte[] pattern3 = { 0x23, 0x7F, 0x1C, 0x02 }; byte[] patch3 = { 0x46, 0xB1, 0x23, 0x20, 0x40, 0x03 }; byte[] pattern4 = { 0x46, 0x53, 0x42, 0x18 }; byte[] patch4 = { 0x23, 0x10, 0x40, 0x03 }; byte[] pattern5 = { 0x1C, 0x05, 0x80, 0x22 }; byte[] patch5 = { 0x25, 0x40, 0x80, 0x22, 0x40, 0x05 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 4; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_4, 0, 4); // because we read 4 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern1)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch1, 0, 4); // and then patch patchCount++; } if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern2)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch2, 0, 4); // and then patch patchCount++; } if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern3)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch3, 0, 6); // and then patch patchCount++; } if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern4)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch4, 0, 4); // and then patch patchCount++; } if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern5)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch5, 0, 6); // and then patch patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("LR to ZLZR patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("LR to ZLZR patching finished. (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } //enable wii remote emulation if (horiz_wiimote || vert_wiimote) { Array.Clear(buffer_8, 0, 8); int patchCount = 0; byte[] pattern = { 0x16, 0x13, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x40, 0x9A, 0x1C, 0x13 }; byte[] patch = { 0x23, 0x00 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 6; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch, 0, 2); // and then patch patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Wii Remote emulation patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("Wii Remote emulation enabled... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } //enable horizontal wii remote emulation (remap dpad and ab12) if (horiz_wiimote) { Array.Clear(buffer_8, 0, 8); int patchCount = 0; byte[] pattern = { 0x4A, 0x71, 0x42, 0x13, 0xD0, 0xD2, 0x9B, 0x00 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x07, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x02); // dpad left -> down patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x0F, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x03); // dpad right -> up patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x1D, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x01); // dpad down -> right patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x2B, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x00); // dpad up -> left patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x65, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x07); // B -> 2 patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x75, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x06); // A -> 1 patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x85, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x04); // 1 -> B patchCount++; input_ios.Seek(offset + 0x95, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.WriteByte(0x05); // 2 -> A patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Horizontal Wii Remote patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("Horizontal Wii Remote emulation enabled... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } // enable proper input support in homebrew if (homebrew) { Console.WriteLine("Homebrew-related patches:"); Array.Clear(buffer_4, 0, 4); Array.Clear(buffer_8, 0, 8); int patchCount = 0; // disable AHBPROT byte[] pattern_ahbprot = { 0xD0, 0x0B, 0x23, 0x08, 0x43, 0x13, 0x60, 0x0B }; byte[] patch_ahbprot = { 0x46, 0xC0 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern_ahbprot)) // see if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Disabling AHBPROT..."); input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_ahbprot, 0, 2); // and then patch patchCount++; } } //disable MEMPROT byte[] pattern_memprot = { 0x01, 0x94, 0xB5, 0x00, 0x4B, 0x08, 0x22, 0x01 }; byte[] patch_memprot = { 0x22, 0x00 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern_memprot)) // see if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Disabling MEMPROT..."); input_ios.Seek(offset + 6, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_memprot, 0, 2); // and then patch patchCount++; } } // nintendont 1 byte[] pattern_nintendont_1 = { 0xB0, 0xBA, 0x1C, 0x0F }; byte[] patch_nintendont_1 = { 0xE5, 0x9F, 0x10, 0x04, 0xE5, 0x91, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x12, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 4; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_4, 0, 4); // because we read 4 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern_nintendont_1)) // if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Nintendont patch 1..."); input_ios.Seek(offset - 12, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_nintendont_1, 0, 16); // and then patch patchCount++; } } //nintendont 2 byte[] pattern_nintendont_2 = { 0x68, 0x4B, 0x2B, 0x06 }; byte[] patch_nintendont_2 = { 0x49, 0x01, 0x47, 0x88, 0x46, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x01, 0x12, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x23, 0x01, 0x46, 0xC0, 0x46, 0xC0 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 4; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_4, 0, 4); // because we read 4 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern_nintendont_2)) // if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Nintendont patch 2..."); input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_nintendont_2, 0, 20); // and then patch patchCount++; } } //nintendont 3 byte[] pattern1_nintendont_3 = { 0x0D, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 }; byte[] pattern2_nintendont_3 = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02 }; byte[] patch_nintendont_3 = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern1_nintendont_3)) // if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset+0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); input_ios.Read(buffer_4, 0, 4); if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern2_nintendont_3)) // if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Nintendont patch 3..."); input_ios.Seek(offset+0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_nintendont_3, 0, 4); // and then patch patchCount++; } } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Homebrew patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("Homebrew patching finished... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } // for homebrew: allow wiimote passthrough if (passthrough) { Console.WriteLine("Wiimote Passthrough patching:"); Array.Clear(buffer_4, 0, 4); Array.Clear(buffer_8, 0, 8); int patchCount = 0; //wiimote passthrough byte[] pattern_passthrough = { 0x20, 0x4B, 0x01, 0x68, 0x18, 0x47, 0x70, 0x00 }; byte[] patch_passthrough = { 0x20, 0x00 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern_passthrough)) // if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Enabling Wii Remote passthrough..."); input_ios.Seek(offset + 3, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_passthrough, 0, 2); // and then patch patchCount++; } } // the custom function byte[] pattern_custom_func = { 0x28, 0x00, 0xD0, 0x03, 0x49, 0x02, 0x22, 0x09 }; byte[] patch_custom_func = { 0xF0, 0x04, 0xFF, 0x21, 0x48, 0x02, 0x21, 0x09, 0xF0, 0x04, 0xFE, 0xF9 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern_custom_func)) // if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Writing custom function..."); input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_custom_func, 0, 12); // and then patch patchCount++; } } // call custom function byte[] pattern_custom_call = { 0xF0, 0x01, 0xFA, 0xB9 }; byte[] patch_custom_call = { 0xF7, 0xFC, 0xFB, 0x95 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 4; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_4, 0, 4); // because we read 4 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_4, pattern_custom_call)) // if it matches { Console.WriteLine("* Writing call to the custom function..."); input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to offset input_ios.Write(patch_custom_call, 0, 4); // and then patch patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Wiimote Passthrough patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("Wiimote Passthrough patching finished... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } //for titles that dont immediately detect CC if (instantcc) { Array.Clear(buffer_8, 0, 8); int patchCount = 0; byte[] pattern = { 0x78, 0x93, 0x21, 0x10, 0x2B, 0x02, 0xD1, 0xB7 }; byte[] patch = { 0x78, 0x93, 0x21, 0x10, 0x2B, 0x02, 0x46, 0xC0 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch, 0, 8); patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Instant Classic Controller report patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("Instant Classic Controller report patched... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } //for titles that dont want CC connected if (nocc) { Array.Clear(buffer_8, 0, 8); int patchCount = 0; byte[] pattern = { 0x78, 0x93, 0x21, 0x10, 0x2B, 0x02, 0xD1, 0xB7 }; byte[] patch = { 0x78, 0x93, 0x21, 0x10, 0x2B, 0x02, 0xE0, 0xB7 }; for (int offset = 0; offset < input_ios.Length - 8; offset++) { input_ios.Position = offset; // set position to advance byte by byte input_ios.Read(buffer_8, 0, 8); // because we read 8 bytes at once if (ByteArrayCompare(buffer_8, pattern)) // see if it matches { input_ios.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek input_ios.Write(patch, 0, 8); patchCount++; } } if (patchCount == 0) Console.WriteLine("No Classic Controller report patching: Nothing to patch."); else Console.WriteLine("No Classic Controller report patched... (Patches applied: {0})", patchCount); Console.WriteLine(); } // write to disk //FileStream patched_file = File.OpenWrite("newfw.img"); // for testing FileStream patched_file = File.OpenWrite(fw_file); // open file input_ios.WriteTo(patched_file); // write patched_file.Close(); input_ios.Close(); } } }