// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: libWiiSharp.IosPatcher // Assembly: NUS Downloader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: DDAF9FEC-76DE-4BD8-8A6D-D7CAD5827AC6 // Assembly location: C:\dotpeek\NUS Downloader.exe using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text; namespace libWiiSharp { public class IosPatcher { private WAD wadFile; private int esIndex = -1; public void LoadIOS(ref WAD iosWad) { if (iosWad.TitleID >> 32 != 1UL || (iosWad.TitleID & (ulong) uint.MaxValue) < 3UL || (iosWad.TitleID & (ulong) uint.MaxValue) > (ulong) byte.MaxValue) throw new Exception("Only IOS WADs can be patched!"); this.wadFile = iosWad; this.getEsIndex(); } public int PatchFakeSigning() => this.esIndex < 0 ? -1 : this.patchFakeSigning(ref this.wadFile.Contents[this.esIndex]); public int PatchEsIdentify() => this.esIndex < 0 ? -1 : this.patchEsIdentify(ref this.wadFile.Contents[this.esIndex]); public int PatchNandPermissions() => this.esIndex < 0 ? -1 : this.patchNandPermissions(ref this.wadFile.Contents[this.esIndex]); public int PatchAll() => this.esIndex < 0 ? -1 : this.patchAll(ref this.wadFile.Contents[this.esIndex]); public int PatchFakeSigning(ref byte[] esModule) => this.patchFakeSigning(ref esModule); public int PatchEsIdentify(ref byte[] esModule) => this.patchEsIdentify(ref esModule); public int PatchNandPermissions(ref byte[] esModule) => this.patchNandPermissions(ref esModule); public int PatchAll(ref byte[] esModule) => this.patchAll(ref esModule); private int patchFakeSigning(ref byte[] esModule) { this.fireDebug("Patching Fakesigning..."); int num = 0; byte[] second1 = new byte[4] { (byte) 32, (byte) 7, (byte) 35, (byte) 162 }; byte[] second2 = new byte[4] { (byte) 32, (byte) 7, (byte) 75, (byte) 11 }; for (int firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < esModule.Length - 4; ++firstIndex) { this.fireProgress((firstIndex + 1) * 100 / esModule.Length); if (Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second1, 0, 4) || Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second2, 0, 4)) { this.fireDebug(" Patching at Offset: 0x{0}", (object) firstIndex.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); esModule[firstIndex + 1] = (byte) 0; firstIndex += 4; ++num; } } this.fireDebug("Patching Fakesigning Finished... (Patches applied: {0})", (object) num); return num; } private int patchEsIdentify(ref byte[] esModule) { this.fireDebug("Patching ES_Identify..."); int num = 0; byte[] second = new byte[4] { (byte) 40, (byte) 3, (byte) 209, (byte) 35 }; for (int firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < esModule.Length - 4; ++firstIndex) { this.fireProgress((firstIndex + 1) * 100 / esModule.Length); if (Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second, 0, 4)) { this.fireDebug(" Patching at Offset: 0x{0}", (object) firstIndex.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); esModule[firstIndex + 2] = (byte) 0; esModule[firstIndex + 3] = (byte) 0; firstIndex += 4; ++num; } } this.fireDebug("Patching ES_Identify Finished... (Patches applied: {0})", (object) num); return num; } private int patchNandPermissions(ref byte[] esModule) { this.fireDebug("Patching NAND Permissions..."); int num = 0; byte[] second = new byte[6] { (byte) 66, (byte) 139, (byte) 208, (byte) 1, (byte) 37, (byte) 102 }; for (int firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < esModule.Length - 6; ++firstIndex) { this.fireProgress((firstIndex + 1) * 100 / esModule.Length); if (Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second, 0, 6)) { this.fireDebug(" Patching at Offset: 0x{0}", (object) firstIndex.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); esModule[firstIndex + 2] = (byte) 224; firstIndex += 6; ++num; } } this.fireDebug("Patching NAND Permissions Finished... (Patches applied: {0})", (object) num); return num; } private int patchAll(ref byte[] esModule) { this.fireDebug("Patching Fakesigning, ES_Identify and NAND Permissions..."); int num = 0; byte[] second1 = new byte[4] { (byte) 32, (byte) 7, (byte) 35, (byte) 162 }; byte[] second2 = new byte[4] { (byte) 32, (byte) 7, (byte) 75, (byte) 11 }; byte[] second3 = new byte[4] { (byte) 40, (byte) 3, (byte) 209, (byte) 35 }; byte[] second4 = new byte[6] { (byte) 66, (byte) 139, (byte) 208, (byte) 1, (byte) 37, (byte) 102 }; for (int firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < esModule.Length - 6; ++firstIndex) { this.fireProgress((firstIndex + 1) * 100 / esModule.Length); if (Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second1, 0, 4) || Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second2, 0, 4)) { this.fireDebug(" Patching Fakesigning at Offset: 0x{0}", (object) firstIndex.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); esModule[firstIndex + 1] = (byte) 0; firstIndex += 4; ++num; } else if (Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second3, 0, 4)) { this.fireDebug(" Patching ES_Identify at Offset: 0x{0}", (object) firstIndex.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); esModule[firstIndex + 2] = (byte) 0; esModule[firstIndex + 3] = (byte) 0; firstIndex += 4; ++num; } else if (Shared.CompareByteArrays(esModule, firstIndex, second4, 0, 6)) { this.fireDebug(" Patching NAND Permissions at Offset: 0x{0}", (object) firstIndex.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); esModule[firstIndex + 2] = (byte) 224; firstIndex += 6; ++num; } } this.fireDebug("Patching Fakesigning, ES_Identify and NAND Permissions Finished... (Patches applied: {0})", (object) num); return num; } private void getEsIndex() { this.fireDebug("Scanning for ES Module..."); string str = "$IOSVersion:"; for (int index1 = this.wadFile.NumOfContents - 1; index1 >= 0; --index1) { this.fireDebug(" Scanning Content #{0} of {1}...", (object) (index1 + 1), (object) this.wadFile.NumOfContents); this.fireProgress((index1 + 1) * 100 / this.wadFile.NumOfContents); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.wadFile.Contents[index1].Length - 64; ++index2) { if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.wadFile.Contents[index1], index2, 12) == str) { int index3 = index2 + 12; while (this.wadFile.Contents[index1][index3] == (byte) 32) ++index3; if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.wadFile.Contents[index1], index3, 3) == "ES:") { this.fireDebug(" -> ES Module found!"); this.fireDebug("Scanning for ES Module Finished..."); this.esIndex = index1; this.fireProgress(100); return; } } } } this.fireDebug("/!\\/!\\/!\\ ES Module wasn't found! /!\\/!\\/!\\"); throw new Exception("ES module wasn't found!"); } public event EventHandler Progress; public event EventHandler Debug; private void fireDebug(string debugMessage, params object[] args) { EventHandler debug = this.Debug; if (debug == null) return; debug(new object(), new MessageEventArgs(string.Format(debugMessage, args))); } private void fireProgress(int progressPercentage) { EventHandler progress = this.Progress; if (progress == null) return; progress(new object(), new ProgressChangedEventArgs(progressPercentage, (object) string.Empty)); } } }