mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 12:56:37 +01:00
923 lines
36 KiB
923 lines
36 KiB
// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: libWiiSharp.WAD
// Assembly: NUS Downloader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// Assembly location: C:\dotpeek\NUS Downloader.exe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace libWiiSharp
public class WAD : IDisposable
private SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
private DateTime creationTimeUTC = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
private bool hasBanner;
private bool lz77CompressBannerAndIcon = true;
private bool lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon;
private bool keepOriginalFooter;
private WAD_Header wadHeader;
private CertificateChain cert = new CertificateChain();
private Ticket tik = new Ticket();
private TMD tmd = new TMD();
private List<byte[]> contents;
private U8 bannerApp = new U8();
private byte[] footer = new byte[0];
private bool isDisposed;
public Region Region
get => this.tmd.Region;
set => this.tmd.Region = value;
public int NumOfContents => (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents;
public byte[][] Contents => this.contents.ToArray();
public bool FakeSign
get => this.tik.FakeSign && this.tmd.FakeSign;
this.tik.FakeSign = value;
this.tmd.FakeSign = value;
public U8 BannerApp
get => this.bannerApp;
set => this.bannerApp = value;
public ulong StartupIOS
get => this.tmd.StartupIOS;
set => this.tmd.StartupIOS = value;
public ulong TitleID
get => this.tik.TitleID;
this.tik.TitleID = value;
this.tmd.TitleID = value;
public string UpperTitleID => this.tik.GetUpperTitleID();
public ushort TitleVersion
get => this.tmd.TitleVersion;
set => this.tmd.TitleVersion = value;
public ushort BootIndex
get => this.tmd.BootIndex;
set => this.tmd.BootIndex = value;
public DateTime CreationTimeUTC => this.creationTimeUTC;
public bool HasBanner => this.hasBanner;
public bool Lz77CompressBannerAndIcon
get => this.lz77CompressBannerAndIcon;
this.lz77CompressBannerAndIcon = value;
if (!value)
this.lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon = false;
public bool Lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon
get => this.lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon;
this.lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon = value;
if (!value)
this.lz77CompressBannerAndIcon = false;
public string NandBlocks => this.tmd.GetNandBlocks();
public string[] ChannelTitles
get => this.hasBanner ? ((Headers.IMET) this.bannerApp.Header).AllTitles : new string[0];
set => this.ChangeChannelTitles(value);
public bool KeepOriginalFooter
get => this.keepOriginalFooter;
set => this.keepOriginalFooter = value;
public TMD_Content[] TmdContents => this.tmd.Contents;
public WAD()
this.cert.Debug += new EventHandler<MessageEventArgs>(this.cert_Debug);
this.tik.Debug += new EventHandler<MessageEventArgs>(this.tik_Debug);
this.tmd.Debug += new EventHandler<MessageEventArgs>(this.tmd_Debug);
this.bannerApp.Debug += new EventHandler<MessageEventArgs>(this.bannerApp_Debug);
this.bannerApp.Warning += new EventHandler<MessageEventArgs>(this.bannerApp_Warning);
~WAD() => this.Dispose(false);
public void Dispose()
GC.SuppressFinalize((object) this);
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && !this.isDisposed)
this.sha = (SHA1) null;
this.wadHeader = (WAD_Header) null;
this.contents = (List<byte[]>) null;
this.footer = (byte[]) null;
this.isDisposed = true;
public static WAD Load(string pathToWad) => WAD.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToWad));
public static WAD Load(byte[] wadFile)
WAD wad = new WAD();
MemoryStream wadFile1 = new MemoryStream(wadFile);
wad.parseWad((Stream) wadFile1);
return wad;
public static WAD Load(Stream wad)
WAD wad1 = new WAD();
return wad1;
public static WAD Create(string contentDir)
string[] files1 = Directory.GetFiles(contentDir, "*cert*");
string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(contentDir, "*tik*");
string[] files3 = Directory.GetFiles(contentDir, "*tmd*");
CertificateChain cert = CertificateChain.Load(files1[0]);
Ticket tik = Ticket.Load(files2[0]);
TMD tmd = TMD.Load(files3[0]);
bool flag = true;
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
flag = false;
if (!flag)
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
throw new Exception("Couldn't find all content files!");
byte[][] contents = new byte[tmd.Contents.Length][];
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
string path = contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (flag ? (object) tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") : (object) tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8")) + ".app";
contents[index] = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
return WAD.Create(cert, tik, tmd, contents);
public static WAD Create(
string pathToCert,
string pathToTik,
string pathToTmd,
string contentDir)
CertificateChain cert = CertificateChain.Load(pathToCert);
Ticket tik = Ticket.Load(pathToTik);
TMD tmd = TMD.Load(pathToTmd);
bool flag = true;
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
flag = false;
if (!flag)
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
throw new Exception("Couldn't find all content files!");
byte[][] contents = new byte[tmd.Contents.Length][];
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
string path = contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (flag ? (object) tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") : (object) tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8")) + ".app";
contents[index] = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
return WAD.Create(cert, tik, tmd, contents);
public static WAD Create(byte[] cert, byte[] tik, byte[] tmd, byte[][] contents) => WAD.Create(CertificateChain.Load(cert), Ticket.Load(tik), TMD.Load(tmd), contents);
public static WAD Create(CertificateChain cert, Ticket tik, TMD tmd, byte[][] contents)
WAD wad = new WAD()
cert = cert,
tik = tik,
tmd = tmd,
contents = new List<byte[]>((IEnumerable<byte[]>) contents),
wadHeader = new WAD_Header()
wad.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + tmd.Contents.Length * 36);
int num1 = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < contents.Length - 1; ++index)
num1 += Shared.AddPadding(contents[index].Length);
int num2 = num1 + contents[contents.Length - 1].Length;
wad.wadHeader.ContentSize = (uint) num2;
for (int index = 0; index < wad.tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (wad.tmd.Contents[index].Index == (ushort) 0)
wad.hasBanner = true;
wad.hasBanner = false;
return wad;
public void LoadFile(string pathToWad) => this.LoadFile(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToWad));
public void LoadFile(byte[] wadFile)
MemoryStream wadFile1 = new MemoryStream(wadFile);
this.parseWad((Stream) wadFile1);
public void LoadFile(Stream wad) => this.parseWad(wad);
public void CreateNew(string contentDir)
string[] files1 = Directory.GetFiles(contentDir, "*cert*");
string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(contentDir, "*tik*");
string[] files3 = Directory.GetFiles(contentDir, "*tmd*");
CertificateChain cert = CertificateChain.Load(files1[0]);
Ticket tik = Ticket.Load(files2[0]);
TMD tmd = TMD.Load(files3[0]);
bool flag = true;
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
flag = false;
if (!flag)
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
throw new Exception("Couldn't find all content files!");
byte[][] contents = new byte[tmd.Contents.Length][];
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
string path = contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (flag ? (object) tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") : (object) tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8")) + ".app";
contents[index] = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
this.CreateNew(cert, tik, tmd, contents);
public void CreateNew(
string pathToCert,
string pathToTik,
string pathToTmd,
string contentDir)
CertificateChain cert = CertificateChain.Load(pathToCert);
Ticket tik = Ticket.Load(pathToTik);
TMD tmd = TMD.Load(pathToTmd);
bool flag = true;
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
flag = false;
if (!flag)
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (!File.Exists(contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8") + ".app"))
throw new Exception("Couldn't find all content files!");
byte[][] contents = new byte[tmd.Contents.Length][];
for (int index = 0; index < tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
string path = contentDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (flag ? (object) tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") : (object) tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8")) + ".app";
contents[index] = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
this.CreateNew(cert, tik, tmd, contents);
public void CreateNew(byte[] cert, byte[] tik, byte[] tmd, byte[][] contents) => this.CreateNew(CertificateChain.Load(cert), Ticket.Load(tik), TMD.Load(tmd), contents);
public void CreateNew(CertificateChain cert, Ticket tik, TMD tmd, byte[][] contents)
this.cert = cert;
this.tik = tik;
this.tmd = tmd;
this.contents = new List<byte[]>((IEnumerable<byte[]>) contents);
this.wadHeader = new WAD_Header();
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + tmd.Contents.Length * 36);
int num = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < contents.Length - 1; ++index)
num += Shared.AddPadding(contents[index].Length);
this.wadHeader.ContentSize = (uint) (num + contents[contents.Length - 1].Length);
for (int index = 0; index < this.tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if (this.tmd.Contents[index].Index == (ushort) 0)
this.hasBanner = true;
this.hasBanner = false;
public void Save(string savePath)
if (File.Exists(savePath))
using (FileStream writeStream = new FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Create))
this.writeToStream((Stream) writeStream);
public MemoryStream ToMemoryStream()
MemoryStream writeStream = new MemoryStream();
this.writeToStream((Stream) writeStream);
return writeStream;
public byte[] ToByteArray()
MemoryStream writeStream = new MemoryStream();
this.writeToStream((Stream) writeStream);
byte[] array = writeStream.ToArray();
return array;
public void ChangeTitleID(LowerTitleID lowerID, string upperID)
uint num1 = upperID.Length == 4 ? BitConverter.ToUInt32(new byte[4]
(byte) upperID[3],
(byte) upperID[2],
(byte) upperID[1],
(byte) upperID[0]
}, 0) : throw new Exception("Upper Title ID must be 4 characters long!");
ulong num2 = (ulong) lowerID << 32 | (ulong) num1;
this.tik.TitleID = num2;
this.tmd.TitleID = num2;
public void ChangeStartupIOS(int newIos) => this.StartupIOS = 4294967296UL | (ulong) (uint) newIos;
public void ChangeTitleKey(string newTitleKey) => this.tik.SetTitleKey(newTitleKey);
public void ChangeTitleKey(char[] newTitleKey) => this.tik.SetTitleKey(newTitleKey);
public void ChangeTitleKey(byte[] newTitleKey) => this.tik.SetTitleKey(newTitleKey);
public byte[] GetContentByIndex(int index)
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents; ++index1)
if ((int) this.tmd.Contents[index1].Index == index)
return this.contents[index1];
throw new Exception(string.Format("Content with index {0} not found!", (object) index));
public byte[] GetContentByID(int contentID)
for (int index = 0; index < (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents; ++index)
if ((int) this.tmd.Contents[index].Index == contentID)
return this.contents[index];
throw new Exception(string.Format("Content with content ID {0} not found!", (object) contentID));
public void ChangeChannelTitles(params string[] newTitles)
if (!this.hasBanner)
((Headers.IMET) this.bannerApp.Header).ChangeTitles(newTitles);
public void AddContent(byte[] newContent, int contentID, int index, ContentType type = ContentType.Normal)
this.tmd.AddContent(new TMD_Content()
ContentID = (uint) contentID,
Index = (ushort) index,
Type = type,
Size = (ulong) newContent.Length,
Hash = this.sha.ComputeHash(newContent)
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents * 36);
public void RemoveContent(int index)
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.tmd.Contents.Length; ++index1)
if ((int) this.tmd.Contents[index1].Index == index)
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents * 36);
throw new Exception(string.Format("Content with index {0} not found!", (object) index));
public void RemoveContentByID(int contentID)
for (int index = 0; index < this.tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
if ((int) this.tmd.Contents[index].Index == contentID)
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents * 36);
throw new Exception(string.Format("Content with content ID {0} not found!", (object) contentID));
public void RemoveAllContents()
if (!this.hasBanner)
this.tmd.Contents = new TMD_Content[0];
this.contents = new List<byte[]>();
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents * 36);
for (int index = 0; index < (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents; ++index)
if (this.tmd.Contents[index].Index == (ushort) 0)
byte[] content1 = this.contents[index];
TMD_Content content2 = this.tmd.Contents[index];
this.tmd.Contents = new TMD_Content[0];
this.contents = new List<byte[]>();
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents * 36);
public void Unpack(string unpackDir, bool nameContentID = false) => this.unpackAll(unpackDir, nameContentID);
public void RemoveFooter()
this.footer = new byte[0];
this.wadHeader.FooterSize = 0U;
this.keepOriginalFooter = true;
public void AddFooter(byte[] footer) => this.ChangeFooter(footer);
public void ChangeFooter(byte[] newFooter)
if (newFooter.Length % 64 != 0)
Array.Resize<byte>(ref newFooter, Shared.AddPadding(newFooter.Length));
this.footer = newFooter;
this.wadHeader.FooterSize = (uint) newFooter.Length;
this.keepOriginalFooter = true;
private void writeToStream(Stream writeStream)
this.fireDebug("Writing Wad...");
if (!this.keepOriginalFooter)
this.fireDebug(" Building Footer Timestamp...");
if (this.hasBanner)
if (this.lz77CompressBannerAndIcon || this.lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon)
for (int index = 0; index < this.bannerApp.Nodes.Count; ++index)
if (this.bannerApp.StringTable[index].ToLower() == "icon.bin" || this.bannerApp.StringTable[index].ToLower() == "banner.bin")
if (!Lz77.IsLz77Compressed(this.bannerApp.Data[index]) && this.lz77CompressBannerAndIcon)
this.fireDebug(" Compressing {0}...", (object) this.bannerApp.StringTable[index]);
byte[] numArray1 = new byte[this.bannerApp.Data[index].Length - 32];
Array.Copy((Array) this.bannerApp.Data[index], 32, (Array) numArray1, 0, numArray1.Length);
byte[] numArray2 = Headers.IMD5.AddHeader(new Lz77().Compress(numArray1));
this.bannerApp.Data[index] = numArray2;
this.bannerApp.Nodes[index].SizeOfData = (uint) numArray2.Length;
else if (Lz77.IsLz77Compressed(this.bannerApp.Data[index]) && this.lz77DecompressBannerAndIcon)
this.fireDebug(" Decompressing {0}...", (object) this.bannerApp.StringTable[index]);
byte[] numArray3 = new byte[this.bannerApp.Data[index].Length - 32];
Array.Copy((Array) this.bannerApp.Data[index], 32, (Array) numArray3, 0, numArray3.Length);
byte[] numArray4 = Headers.IMD5.AddHeader(new Lz77().Decompress(numArray3));
this.bannerApp.Data[index] = numArray4;
this.bannerApp.Nodes[index].SizeOfData = (uint) numArray4.Length;
for (int index = 0; index < this.contents.Count; ++index)
if (this.tmd.Contents[index].Index == (ushort) 0)
this.fireDebug(" Saving Banner App...");
this.contents[index] = this.bannerApp.ToByteArray();
this.fireDebug(" Updating Header...");
int num = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < this.contents.Count - 1; ++index)
num += Shared.AddPadding(this.contents[index].Length);
this.wadHeader.ContentSize = (uint) (num + this.contents[this.contents.Count - 1].Length);
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = (uint) (484 + (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents * 36);
this.fireDebug(" Updating TMD Contents...");
this.fireDebug(" Writing Wad Header... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) writeStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
writeStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
this.fireDebug(" Writing Certificate Chain... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) writeStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
writeStream.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) writeStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] byteArray1 = this.cert.ToByteArray();
writeStream.Write(byteArray1, 0, byteArray1.Length);
this.fireDebug(" Writing Ticket... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) writeStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
writeStream.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) writeStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] byteArray2 = this.tik.ToByteArray();
writeStream.Write(byteArray2, 0, byteArray2.Length);
this.fireDebug(" Writing TMD... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) writeStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
writeStream.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) writeStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] byteArray3 = this.tmd.ToByteArray();
writeStream.Write(byteArray3, 0, byteArray3.Length);
List<ContentIndices> contentIndicesList = new List<ContentIndices>();
for (int index = 0; index < this.tmd.Contents.Length; ++index)
contentIndicesList.Add(new ContentIndices(index, (int) this.tmd.Contents[index].Index));
for (int index = 0; index < contentIndicesList.Count; ++index)
writeStream.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) writeStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
this.fireProgress((index + 1) * 100 / this.contents.Count);
this.fireDebug(" Writing Content #{1} of {2}... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) writeStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper(), (object) (index + 1), (object) this.contents.Count);
this.fireDebug(" -> Content ID: 0x{0}", (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index].ContentID.ToString("x8"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Index: 0x{0}", (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index].Index.ToString("x4"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Type: 0x{0} ({1})", (object) ((ushort) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index].Type).ToString("x4"), (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index].Type.ToString());
this.fireDebug(" -> Size: {0} bytes", (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index].Size);
this.fireDebug(" -> Hash: {0}", (object) Shared.ByteArrayToString(this.tmd.Contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index].Hash));
byte[] buffer = this.encryptContent(this.contents[contentIndicesList[index].Index], contentIndicesList[index].Index);
writeStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (this.wadHeader.FooterSize > 0U)
this.fireDebug(" Writing Footer... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) writeStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
writeStream.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) writeStream.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
writeStream.Write(this.footer, 0, this.footer.Length);
while (writeStream.Position % 64L != 0L)
writeStream.WriteByte((byte) 0);
this.fireDebug("Writing Wad Finished... (Written Bytes: {0})", (object) writeStream.Position);
private void unpackAll(string unpackDir, bool nameContentId)
this.fireDebug("Unpacking Wad to: {0}", (object) unpackDir);
if (!Directory.Exists(unpackDir))
string str = this.tik.TitleID.ToString("x16");
this.fireDebug(" Saving Certificate Chain: {0}.cert", (object) str);
this.cert.Save(unpackDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + str + ".cert");
this.fireDebug(" Saving Ticket: {0}.tik", (object) str);
this.tik.Save(unpackDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + str + ".tik");
this.fireDebug(" Saving TMD: {0}.tmd", (object) str);
this.tmd.Save(unpackDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + str + ".tmd");
for (int index = 0; index < (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents; ++index)
this.fireProgress((index + 1) * 100 / (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents);
this.fireDebug(" Saving Content #{0} of {1}: {2}.app", (object) (index + 1), (object) this.tmd.NumOfContents, nameContentId ? (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") : (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Content ID: 0x{0}", (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Index: 0x{0}", (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x4"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Type: 0x{0} ({1})", (object) ((ushort) this.tmd.Contents[index].Type).ToString("x4"), (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].Type.ToString());
this.fireDebug(" -> Size: {0} bytes", (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].Size);
this.fireDebug(" -> Hash: {0}", (object) Shared.ByteArrayToString(this.tmd.Contents[index].Hash));
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(unpackDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (nameContentId ? (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].ContentID.ToString("x8") : (object) this.tmd.Contents[index].Index.ToString("x8")) + ".app", FileMode.Create))
fileStream.Write(this.contents[index], 0, this.contents[index].Length);
this.fireDebug(" Saving Footer: {0}.footer", (object) str);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(unpackDir + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + str + ".footer", FileMode.Create))
fileStream.Write(this.footer, 0, this.footer.Length);
this.fireDebug("Unpacking Wad Finished...");
private void parseWad(Stream wadFile)
this.fireDebug("Parsing Wad...");
wadFile.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
this.wadHeader = new WAD_Header();
this.contents = new List<byte[]>();
this.fireDebug(" Parsing Header... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) wadFile.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
wadFile.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
if ((int) Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0)) != (int) this.wadHeader.HeaderSize)
throw new Exception("Invalid Headersize!");
wadFile.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
this.wadHeader.WadType = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0));
wadFile.Seek(12L, SeekOrigin.Current);
wadFile.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
this.wadHeader.TmdSize = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0));
wadFile.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
this.wadHeader.ContentSize = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0));
wadFile.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
this.wadHeader.FooterSize = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0));
this.fireDebug(" Parsing Certificate Chain... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) wadFile.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
wadFile.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) wadFile.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] numArray1 = new byte[(IntPtr) this.wadHeader.CertSize];
wadFile.Read(numArray1, 0, numArray1.Length);
this.fireDebug(" Parsing Ticket... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) wadFile.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
wadFile.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) wadFile.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] numArray2 = new byte[(IntPtr) this.wadHeader.TicketSize];
wadFile.Read(numArray2, 0, numArray2.Length);
this.fireDebug(" Parsing TMD... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) wadFile.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
wadFile.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) wadFile.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] numArray3 = new byte[(IntPtr) this.wadHeader.TmdSize];
wadFile.Read(numArray3, 0, numArray3.Length);
if ((long) this.tmd.TitleID != (long) this.tik.TitleID)
this.fireWarning("The Title ID in the Ticket doesn't match the one in the TMD!");
for (int contentIndex = 0; contentIndex < (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents; ++contentIndex)
this.fireProgress((contentIndex + 1) * 100 / (int) this.tmd.NumOfContents);
this.fireDebug(" Reading Content #{0} of {1}... (Offset: 0x{2})", (object) (contentIndex + 1), (object) this.tmd.NumOfContents, (object) wadFile.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
this.fireDebug(" -> Content ID: 0x{0}", (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].ContentID.ToString("x8"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Index: 0x{0}", (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Index.ToString("x4"));
this.fireDebug(" -> Type: 0x{0} ({1})", (object) ((ushort) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Type).ToString("x4"), (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Type.ToString());
this.fireDebug(" -> Size: {0} bytes", (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Size);
this.fireDebug(" -> Hash: {0}", (object) Shared.ByteArrayToString(this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Hash));
wadFile.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) wadFile.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] array = new byte[Shared.AddPadding((int) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Size, 16)];
wadFile.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
array = this.decryptContent(array, contentIndex);
Array.Resize<byte>(ref array, (int) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Size);
if (!Shared.CompareByteArrays(this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Hash, this.sha.ComputeHash(array, 0, (int) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Size)))
this.fireDebug("/!\\ /!\\ /!\\ Hashes do not match /!\\ /!\\ /!\\");
this.fireWarning(string.Format("Content #{0} (Content ID: 0x{1}; Index: 0x{2}): Hashes do not match! The content might be corrupted!", (object) (contentIndex + 1), (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].ContentID.ToString("x8"), (object) this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Index.ToString("x4")));
if (this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Index == (ushort) 0)
this.hasBanner = true;
this.hasBanner = false;
if (this.wadHeader.FooterSize > 0U)
this.fireDebug(" Reading Footer... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) wadFile.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper());
this.footer = new byte[(IntPtr) this.wadHeader.FooterSize];
wadFile.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) wadFile.Position), SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadFile.Read(this.footer, 0, this.footer.Length);
this.fireDebug("Parsing Wad Finished...");
private byte[] decryptContent(byte[] content, int contentIndex)
int length = content.Length;
Array.Resize<byte>(ref content, Shared.AddPadding(content.Length, 16));
byte[] titleKey = this.tik.TitleKey;
byte[] numArray = new byte[16];
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Index);
numArray[0] = bytes[1];
numArray[1] = bytes[0];
RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged = new RijndaelManaged();
rijndaelManaged.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
rijndaelManaged.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
rijndaelManaged.KeySize = 128;
rijndaelManaged.BlockSize = 128;
rijndaelManaged.Key = titleKey;
rijndaelManaged.IV = numArray;
ICryptoTransform decryptor = rijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor();
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(content);
CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream((Stream) memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
cryptoStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return buffer;
private byte[] encryptContent(byte[] content, int contentIndex)
Array.Resize<byte>(ref content, Shared.AddPadding(content.Length, 16));
byte[] titleKey = this.tik.TitleKey;
byte[] numArray = new byte[16];
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this.tmd.Contents[contentIndex].Index);
numArray[0] = bytes[1];
numArray[1] = bytes[0];
RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged = new RijndaelManaged();
rijndaelManaged.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
rijndaelManaged.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
rijndaelManaged.KeySize = 128;
rijndaelManaged.BlockSize = 128;
rijndaelManaged.Key = titleKey;
rijndaelManaged.IV = numArray;
ICryptoTransform encryptor = rijndaelManaged.CreateEncryptor();
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(content);
CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream((Stream) memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
byte[] buffer = new byte[content.Length];
cryptoStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return buffer;
private void createFooterTimestamp()
byte[] bytes = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes("TmStmp" + ((int) (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds).ToString());
Array.Resize<byte>(ref bytes, 64);
this.wadHeader.FooterSize = (uint) bytes.Length;
this.footer = bytes;
private void parseFooterTimestamp()
this.creationTimeUTC = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
if ((this.footer[0] != (byte) 67 || this.footer[1] != (byte) 77 || this.footer[2] != (byte) 105 || this.footer[3] != (byte) 105 || this.footer[4] != (byte) 85 || this.footer[5] != (byte) 84) && (this.footer[0] != (byte) 84 || this.footer[1] != (byte) 109 || this.footer[2] != (byte) 83 || this.footer[3] != (byte) 116 || this.footer[4] != (byte) 109 || this.footer[5] != (byte) 112))
string s = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(this.footer, 6, 10);
int result = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(s, out result))
this.creationTimeUTC = this.creationTimeUTC.AddSeconds((double) result);
public event EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs> Progress;
public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> Warning;
public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> Debug;
private void fireDebug(string debugMessage, params object[] args)
EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> debug = this.Debug;
if (debug == null)
debug(new object(), new MessageEventArgs(string.Format(debugMessage, args)));
private void fireWarning(string warningMessage)
EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> warning = this.Warning;
if (warning == null)
warning(new object(), new MessageEventArgs(warningMessage));
private void fireProgress(int progressPercentage)
EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs> progress = this.Progress;
if (progress == null)
progress(new object(), new ProgressChangedEventArgs(progressPercentage, (object) string.Empty));
private void cert_Debug(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) => this.fireDebug(" Certificate Chain: {0}", (object) e.Message);
private void tik_Debug(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) => this.fireDebug(" Ticket: {0}", (object) e.Message);
private void tmd_Debug(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) => this.fireDebug(" TMD: {0}", (object) e.Message);
private void bannerApp_Debug(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) => this.fireDebug(" BannerApp: {0}", (object) e.Message);
private void bannerApp_Warning(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) => this.fireWarning(e.Message);