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synced 2025-03-12 22:46:46 +01:00
Cleaned up a bit with WADPacker.cs / PackWAD()
This commit is contained in:
@ -1230,16 +1230,17 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
public void PackWAD(string titleid, string tmdfilename, string totaldirectory)
WriteStatus("Beginning WAD Pack...");
// Directory stuff
// Obtain Current Directory
string currentdir = Application.StartupPath;
if (!(currentdir.EndsWith(@"\")) || !(currentdir.EndsWith(@"/")))
currentdir += @"\";
// Create instance of WAD Packing class
WADPacker packer = new WADPacker();
packer.StatusChanged += WriteStatus;
// Create cert file holder
//byte[] certsbuf = FileLocationToByteArray(currentdir + @"\cert.sys");
// Mash together certs into one array.
byte[] certsbuf = new byte[0xA00];
if (!(CertsValid()))
@ -1259,28 +1260,20 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
packer.Certs = certsbuf;
// Create ticket file holder
//byte[] cetkbuf = FileLocationToByteArray(totaldirectory + @"\cetk");
// Read TMD/TIK into Packer.
packer.Ticket = FileLocationToByteArray(totaldirectory + @"\cetk");
// Create tmd file holder
//byte[] tmdbuf = FileLocationToByteArray(totaldirectory + @"\" + tmdfilename);
packer.TMD = FileLocationToByteArray(totaldirectory + @"\" + tmdfilename);
// Get the TMD variables in here instead...
int contentcount = ContentCount(packer.TMD);
//packer.TMDContentCount = ContentCount(packer.TMD);
string[] contentnames = GetContentNames(packer.TMD, contentcount);
//string[] contentsizes =
packer.tmdnames = GetContentNames(packer.TMD, contentcount);
packer.tmdsizes = GetContentSizes(packer.TMD, contentcount);
if (wadnamebox.Text.Contains("[v]") == true)
wadnamebox.Text = wadnamebox.Text.Replace("[v]", "v" + titleversion.Text);
// SaveAs Dialog
string wad_filename = totaldirectory + @"\" + RemoveIllegalCharacters(wadnamebox.Text);
if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(WAD_Saveas_Filename)))
packer.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(WAD_Saveas_Filename);
@ -1288,6 +1281,7 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
string wad_filename = totaldirectory + @"\" + RemoveIllegalCharacters(wadnamebox.Text);
packer.Directory = totaldirectory;
packer.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(wad_filename);
@ -1300,97 +1294,9 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
packer.Contents = contents_array;
// Send operations over to the packer...
// Create wad file
FileStream wadfs = new FileStream(wad_filename, FileMode.Create);
// Add wad stuffs
WADHeader wad = new WADHeader();
wad.HeaderSize = 0x20;
wad.WadType = 0x49730000;
wad.CertChainSize = 0xA00;
// Write cert[] to 0x40.
wadfs.Seek(0x40, SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(certsbuf, 0, certsbuf.Length);
WriteStatus(" - Certs wrote (0x" + Convert.ToString(64, 16) + ")");
// Need 64 byte boundary...
wadfs.Seek(2624, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Write ticket at this point...
wad.TicketSize = 0x2A4;
wadfs.Write(cetkbuf, 0, wad.TicketSize);
WriteStatus(" - Ticket wrote (0x" + Convert.ToString((wadfs.Length - 0x2A4), 16) + ")");
// Need 64 byte boundary...
wadfs.Seek(ByteBoundary(Convert.ToInt32(wadfs.Length)), SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Write TMD at this point...
wad.TMDSize = 484 + (contentcount * 36);
wadfs.Write(tmdbuf, 0, 484 + (contentcount * 36));
WriteStatus(" - TMD wrote (0x" + Convert.ToString((wadfs.Length - (484 + (contentcount * 36))), 16) + ")");
// Preliminary data size of wad file.
wad.DataSize = 0;
// Loop n Add contents
for (int i = 0; i < contentcount; i++)
// Need 64 byte boundary...
wadfs.Seek(ByteBoundary(Convert.ToInt32(wadfs.Length)), SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Create content file holder
byte[] contbuf = FileLocationToByteArray(totaldirectory + @"\" + contentnames[i]);
wadfs.Write(contbuf, 0, contbuf.Length);
WriteStatus(" - " + contentnames[i] + " wrote (0x" + Convert.ToString((wadfs.Length - contbuf.Length), 16) + ")");
HandleMismatch(int.Parse(contentsizes[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), contbuf.Length);
wad.DataSize += contbuf.Length;
// Seek the beginning of the WAD...
wadfs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Write initial part of header
byte[] start = new byte[8] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x49, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00 };
wadfs.Write(start, 0, start.Length);
// Write CertChainLength
wadfs.Seek(0x08, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] chainsize = InttoByteArray(wad.CertChainSize, 4);
wadfs.Write(chainsize, 0, 4);
// Write res
byte[] reserved = new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
wadfs.Seek(0x0C, SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(reserved, 0, 4);
// Write ticketsize
byte[] ticketsize = new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xA4 };
wadfs.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(ticketsize, 0, 4);
// Write tmdsize
int strippedtmd = 484 + (contentcount * 36);
byte[] tmdsize = InttoByteArray(strippedtmd, 4);
wadfs.Seek(0x14, SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(tmdsize, 0, 4);
// Write data size
wadfs.Seek(0x18, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] datasize = InttoByteArray(wad.DataSize, 4);
wadfs.Write(datasize, 0, 4);
// Close filesystem...
// Finished.
WriteStatus("WAD Created: " + wadnamebox.Text);
// Delete contents now...
if (deletecontentsbox.Checked)
@ -1398,9 +1304,7 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
File.Delete(totaldirectory + @"\" + tmdfilename);
File.Delete(totaldirectory + @"\cetk");
for (int a = 0; a < contentnames.Length; a++)
File.Delete(totaldirectory + @"\" + contentnames[a]);
WriteStatus(" - Contents have been deleted.");
string[] leftovers = Directory.GetFiles(totaldirectory);
if (leftovers.Length <= 0)
@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
public byte[] Certs { get { return Certsys;} set { Certsys = value; CertChainSize = Certsys.Length; } }
private byte[] tmd;
public byte[] TMD { get { return tmd; }
set {
tmd = value;
TMDContentCount = ContentCount(TMD);
TMDSize = 484 + (TMDContentCount * 36);
} }
public byte[] Ticket; //{ get { return Ticket; } set { Ticket = value; } }
private int TMDContentCount; //{ get { return TMDContentCount; } set { TMDContentCount = value; } }
public byte[] Ticket;
private int TMDContentCount;
// WAD Contents
private byte[][] TMDContents;
@ -35,19 +36,19 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
} }
// WAD Saving Variables
public string Directory; //{ get { return Directory; } set { Directory = value; } }
public string FileName; //{ get { return FileName; } set { FileName = value; } }
public string Directory;
public string FileName;
// TMD Informations
public string[] tmdnames; //{ get { return tmdnames; } set { tmdnames = value; } }
public string[] tmdsizes; //{ get { return tmdsizes; } set { tmdsizes = value; } }
public string[] tmdnames;
public string[] tmdsizes;
// WAD Header Variables
private const int HeaderSize = 0x20;
private int CertChainSize; //{ get { return CertChainSize; } set { CertChainSize = value; } }
private int CertChainSize;
private const int TicketSize = 0x2A4;
private int TMDSize; //{ get { return TMDSize; } set { TMDSize = value; } }
private int DataSize; //{ get { return DataSize; } set { DataSize = value; } }
private int TMDSize;
private int DataSize;
private byte[] WADMagic = new byte[8] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x49, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00 };
private byte[] RESERVED_CONST = new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
private byte[] TIKSIZE_CONST = new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xA4 };
@ -159,11 +160,11 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
// Write data size
wadfs.Seek(0x18, SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(ConvertInttoByteArray(DataSize, 4), 0, 4);
StatusChanged(" - WAD Header wrote (0x00)");
StatusChanged(" - Header wrote (0x00)");
// Write cert[] to 0x40.
wadfs.Seek(0x40, SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(Certs, 0, Certs.Length);
wadfs.Write(Certsys, 0, Certsys.Length);
StatusChanged(String.Format(" - Certs wrote (0x{0})", Convert.ToString(64, 16)));
// Pad to next 64 byte boundary.
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
wadfs.Seek(PadToMultipleOf(wadfs.Length, 64), SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Write TMD at this point...
wadfs.Write(TMD, 0, TMDSize);
wadfs.Write(tmd, 0, TMDSize);
StatusChanged(String.Format(" - TMD wrote (0x{0})", Convert.ToString((wadfs.Length - TMDSize), 16)));
// Add the individual contents
@ -186,10 +187,10 @@ namespace NUS_Downloader
// Pad to next 64 byte boundary...
wadfs.Seek(PadToMultipleOf(wadfs.Length, 64), SeekOrigin.Begin);
wadfs.Write(Contents[a], 0, Contents[a].Length);
wadfs.Write(TMDContents[a], 0, Contents[a].Length);
StatusChanged(String.Format(" - {0} wrote (0x{1})", tmdnames[a], Convert.ToString((wadfs.Length - Contents[a].Length), 16)));
HandleMismatch(int.Parse(tmdsizes[a], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), Contents[a].Length);
StatusChanged(String.Format(" - {0} wrote (0x{1})", tmdnames[a], Convert.ToString((wadfs.Length - TMDContents[a].Length), 16)));
HandleMismatch(int.Parse(tmdsizes[a], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), TMDContents[a].Length);
// Close filesystem...
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