#!/bin/bash WORKDIR=nsmb.d DOL=${WORKDIR}/sys/main.dol DOWNLOAD_LINK="https://www.dropbox.com/s/rvuwd8ztl44g18y/NSMBW3_The%20final%20levels.zip" RIIVOLUTION_ZIP="NSMBW3_The final levels.zip" RIIVOLUTION_DIR="NSMBW3" GAMENAME="NSMBW3: The Final Levels" XML_SOURCE="${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}" XML_FILE="${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}"/../riivolution/NSMBW3.XML GAME_TYPE=RIIVOLUTION BANNER_LOCATION="" show_notes () { echo -e \ "************************************************ ${GAMENAME} NSMBW Hack featuring a bunch of new levels. Source: http://www.rvlution.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1673 Base Image: New Super Mario Bros. Wii (SMN?01) Supported Versions: EURv1, EURv2, USAv1, USAv2, JPNv1 ************************************************" } check_input_image_special () { if [[ ! ${IMAGE} ]]; then if test -f SMN?01.wbfs; then IMAGE=$(eval echo SMN?01.wbfs) elif test -f SMN?01.iso; then IMAGE=$(eval echo SMN?01.iso) else echo -e "please specify image to use with --iso=" exit 1 fi fi } detect_game_version () { nsmbw_version GAMEID=SFL${REG_LETTER}01 if [[ ${VERSION} != EURv* ]]; then echo -e "Versions other than PAL won't show the correct title-screen." fi } place_files () { NEW_DIRS=( ${WORKDIR}/files/EU/NedEU/{Message,Layout} ) for dir in ${NEW_DIRS[@]}; do mkdir -p ${dir} done case ${VERSION} in EUR* ) LANGDIRS=( EngEU FraEU GerEU ItaEU SpaEU NedEU ) for dir in ${LANGDIRS[@]}; do cp -r "${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}"/EU/EngEU/{Message,Layout} ${WORKDIR}/files/EU/${dir}/ done cp "${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}"/EU/Layout/openingtitle/* ${WORKDIR}/files/EU/Layout/openingTitle/openingTitle.arc ;; USAv* ) LANGDIRS=( FraUS EngUS SpaUS ) for dir in ${LANGDIRS[@]}; do cp -r "${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}"/EU/EngEU/{Message,Layout} ${WORKDIR}/files/EU/${dir}/ done ;; JPNv1 ) cp -r "${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}"/EU/EngEU/{Message,Layout} ${WORKDIR}/files/JP/ ;; esac cp -r "${RIIVOLUTION_DIR}"/Stage/ ${WORKDIR}/files/ } dolpatch() { cp "${XML_FILE}" "${XML_FILE}".new sed -e 's/80001800/803482C0/g' -i "${XML_FILE}".new XML_FILE="${XML_FILE}".new ${WIT} dolpatch ${DOL} xml="${XML_FILE}" -s "${XML_SOURCE}" #\ # "802F148C=53756D6D53756E#7769696D6A3264" \ # "802F118C=53756D6D53756E#7769696D6A3264" \ # "802F0F8C=53756D6D53756E#7769696D6A3264" \ # xml="patches/KoopaCountry-Loader.xml" -q ${WIT} dolpatch ${DOL} xml="patches/NSMBW_AP.xml" -q }