While the script executes you will see some status codes, below you will find the meaning: phase code meaning *** 1) 0 no <GAMEID>.iso/.wbfs found (or required if *** 1) exited with 1 or 2) 1 <GAMEID>.iso found in ${PWD} 2 <GAMEID>.wbfs found in ${PWD} 3 <GAMEID>.iso found in ${PATCHIMAGE_WBFS_DIR} 4 <GAMEID>.wbfs found in ${PATCHIMAGE_WBFS_DIR} 5 no <MASK>.cxi found (3DS ROM) 6 <MASK>.cxi found in ${PWD} 7 <MASK>.cxi found in ${PATCHIMAGE_3DS_DIR} 8 xdelta/cpk found based on interactive user-input 9 xdelta/cpk found based on non-interactive user-input *** 2) 0 no riivolution files found unpacked in ${PWD} 1 riivolution files/archive not found in ${PWD} 2 riivolution archive found in ${PWD} 3 riivolution archive found in ${PATCHIMAGE_RIIVOLUTION_DIR} 4 patchimage was told to download riivolution archive, but no link is available 5 patchimage is downloading riivolution archive 6 patchimage was told to download riivolution archive, but manual download is required [for websites like mediafire, mega that don't work (well) with wget]