Source: patchimage
Section: games
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Christopher Roy Bratusek <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), make
Standards-Version: 3.9.4

Package: patchimage
Architecture: all
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, patchimage-tools
Description: Wii, Wii U, 3DS image patcher
 Patchimage is a script that allows to patch riivoluton, ips, ppf, bps or xdelta
 patches into wbfs or iso images of legal game dumps, ROMs or dumped cpk files.
 Features include:
  - downloading riivolution files or patches
  - downloading soundtracks (if available)
  - downloading custom banners for Wii games (if available)
  - downloading covers for Wii games (if available)
  - automatic storing of patched games into desired destination (see README.RC)
  - automatic patching of Wii games, 3DS games, Wii U games
  - replacing characters, fonts and items in Mario Kart Wii
  - replacing characters in New Super Mario Bros. Wii
  - replacing first players Kirby in Kirby's Adventure Wii
  - patch Nintendo WFC compatible games to use WiimmFi server
 Be sure to read the supplied README-files for a full overview.

Package: patchimage-tools-i386
Architecture: i386
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Provides: patchimage-tools
Description: Pre-compiled tools for patchimage
 pre-compiled tools for patchimage:
   - 3dstool		Tool for re-packing 3DS ROMs
   - ctrtool		Tool for un-packing 3DS ROMs
   - applyppf3		Tool for applying PPF patches
   - titledumper	Tool for receiving Wii U game dumps over network
   - uips		Tool for applying IPS patches
   - wit		Tool for managing Wii game dumps
   - wszst		Tool for manipulating Mario Kart Wii files
   - xdelta3		Tool for applying DELTA patches [beta version]
   - overrides for Wiims Mario Kart Fun tools (new versions of wit and wszst
     that allow creating older custom track distributions on newer versions
     of Debian GNU/Linux, which have newer versions of the libraries the
     originally provided wit and wszst were linked against)

Package: patchimage-tools-amd64
Architecture: amd64
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Provides: patchimage-tools
Description: Pre-compiled tools for patchimage
 pre-compiled tools for patchimage:
   - 3dstool		Tool for re-packing 3DS ROMs
   - ctrtool		Tool for un-packing 3DS ROMs
   - applyppf3		Tool for applying PPF patches
   - titledumper	Tool for receiving Wii U game dumps over network
   - uips		Tool for applying IPS patches
   - wit		Tool for managing Wii game dumps
   - wszst		Tool for manipulating Mario Kart Wii files
   - xdelta3		Tool for applying DELTA patches [beta version]
   - overrides for Wiims Mario Kart Fun tools (new versions of wit and wszst
     that allow creating older custom track distributions on newer versions
     of Debian GNU/Linux, which have newer versions of the libraries the
     originally provided wit and wszst were linked against)