*** General parameters ***
--help						| show this message
--game=<ID/Short Name>				| specify game you want to create
--game="<ID1/Short Name1> <ID2/Short Name2>"	| specify multiple games you want to create
--list-games					| show possible options for --game

*** Wii game parameters ***
--iso=/home/test/RMCP01.iso			| specify path to Wii iso or wbfs image to use
--riivolution=/home/test/MyMod.zip		| specify path to Wii Riivolution archive
--version=EURv1,EURv2,USAv1,USAv2,JPNv1		| specify your game version (New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
--customdid=SMNP02				| specify a custom ID to use for the modified Wii game
--sharesave					| let modified Wii games share savegame with the original game
--download					| download Riivolution or HANS patch archives (if possible)
--soundtrack					| download soundtrack (if available)
--only-soundtrack				| download soundtrack only (if available) and exit
--covers					| download covers (if available)
--only-covers=SMNP02				| download covers only (if available)
--banner=<banner.bnr>				| use a custom banner (Riivolution games)
--download-banner				| download a custom banner (if available)
--override-szs					| override wit and szs in Wiimms Mario Kart Fun distributions
						| [use this if the originals fail due to incompatible library versions]

*** 3DS game parameters ***
--rom=/home/test/0004000000055e00.cxi		| specify path to 3DS ROM to use for building
--hans=/home/test/MyModdedGame.zip		| specify path to 3DS HANS archive

*** Wii U game parameters ***
--xdelta=/home/test/xdelta			| specify path to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE xdelta patches
--cpk=/home/test/cpk				| specify path to original Tokyo Mirage Mirage Sessions #FE files

*** Other game parameters ***
--rom=/home/test/MyGame.rom			| specify path to ROM to use for building
--patch=/home/test/MyModdedGame.ips		| specify path to IPS Patch file