mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 04:23:26 +01:00
346 lines
12 KiB
346 lines
12 KiB
patchimage v${PATCHIMAGE_VERSION}"
SUPPORTED_GAMES_NSMB="<<<<<< New Super Mario Bros. Wii >>>>>>
NSMB2 NewerSummerSun Newer Summer Sun
NSMB3 AnotherSMB AnotherSMB
NSMB4 HolidaySpecial Newer: Holiday Special
NSMB5 Cannon Cannon Super Mario Bros.
NSMB6 BowserWorld Epic Super Bowser World
NSMB7 KoopaCountry Koopa Country
NSMB8 NewSuperMarioBros4 New Super Mario Bros. 4
NSMB9 RetroRemix New Super Mario Bros. Wii Retro Remix
NSMB10 WinterMoon Super Mario: Mushroom Adventure PLUS - Winter Moon
NSMB11 NSMBW3 NSMBW3: The Final Levels
NSMB12 Vacation Super Mario Vacation
NSMB13 Frozen Super Mario Bros. Frozen Editon
NSMB14 Sykland Super Mario Skyland
NSMB15 RVLution RVLution Wii (NewSMB Mod)
NSMB16 Midi Midi's Super Mario Wii (Just A Little Adventure)
NSMB17 DarkUmbra DarkUmbra SMB Anniversary Edition
NSMB18 NewerApocalypse Newer Apocalypse
NSMB19 LuigisSuperYoshiBros Luigi's Super Yoshi Bros.
NSMB20 NewerFallingLeaf Newer: Falling Leaf
NSMB21 DevilMarioWinterSpecial Devil Mario Winter Special
NSMB22 NewSMBWOtherWorld New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Other World
NSMB23 TheLegendOfYoshi The Legend of Yoshi
NSMB24 RemixedSuperMarioBros Remixed Super Mario Bros. Wii
NSMB25 GhostlySuperGhostBoos Ghostly Super Ghost Boos. Wii
NSMB26 RevisedSuperMarioBros Revised Super Mario Bros. Wii
NSMB27 MLGSuperLuigi MLG Super Luigi Bros. Wii
NSMB28 Cliff Cliff Super Mario Bros. Wii
NSMB29 Virtual Challenging Super Mario Bros. Wii: Virtual Special
NSMB99 NSMBWCharacters Customize Characters
NSMB_ALL All Mods of New Super Mario Bros. Wii
SUPPORTED_GAMES_MKWIIMMFI="<<<<<< Mario Kart Wii / Wiimmfi >>>>>>
MKW1 Wiimmfi Wiimfi Patcher. Patch Mario Kart to use Wiimm's server
MKW2 Wiimmpatch Wiimfi Patcher. Patch WFC games to use Wiimm's server (exp)
MKW3 Mkwiimm Mario Kart Wiimm. Custom Mario Kart Distribution
MKW4 MkwiimmItems Custom Items. Replace items in the game
MKW5 MkwiimmFonts Custom Font. Replace font in the game
MKW6 MkwiimmKarts Custom Karts. Replace characters in the game
SUPPORTED_GAMES_KIRBY="<<<<<< Kirby's Adventure Wii >>>>>>
KAW1 Kirby Change first player's character
TMS1 TokyoMirageSessions Uncensor US/EUR version
SUPPORTED_GAMES_POKEMON="<<<<<< Pokemon >>>>>>
PKMN1 NeoX Pokemon Neo X
PKMN2 NeoY Pokemon Neo Y
PKMN3 RutileRuby Pokemon Rutile Ruby
PKMN4 StarSapphire Pokemon Star Sapphire
PKMN5 EternalX Pokemon Eternal X
PKMN6 WiltingY Pokemon Wilting Y
PKMN7 RisingRuby Pokemon Rising Ruby
PKMN8 SinkingSapphire Pokemon Sinking Sapphire
PKMN9 DeltaEmeraldAS Pokemon Delta Emerald (Alpha Sapphire)
PKMN10 RedRuby Pokemon Red Ruby
PKMN_ALL All Mods of Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruy, Alpha Sapphire
PKMN_X All Mods of Pokemon X
PKMN_Y All Mods of Pokemon Y
PKMN_OR All Mods of Pokemon Omega Ruby
PKMN_AS All Mods of Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
BSECU BravelySecondUncensored Bravely Second Uncensored
ZEL1 ParallelWorlds The Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds
REQUIREMENTS_NSMB="<<<<<< New Super Mario Bros. Wii >>>>>>
Required Image:
SMN[+]01.iso or SMN[+]01.wbfs
where [+] is:
E for US version
P for EU/Ozeania version
J for JP version
NSMB1 NewerSMB Newer_Mario_Wii.zip
NSMB2 NewerSummerSun Newer_Summer_Sun.zip
NSMB3 AnotherSMB Another_Super_Mario_Brothers_Wii_2.0.zip
NSMB4 HolidaySpecial Newer_Super_Mario_Bros._Wii_HS.zip
NSMB5 Cannon Cannon_Super_Mario_Bros._Wii_v1.1.zip
NSMB6 BowserWorld Epic_Super_Bowser_World_v1.00.zip
NSMB7 KoopaCountry Koopa country.rar
NSMB8 NewSuperMarioBros4 New Super Mario Bros. Wii 4 made by Orange-Yoshi3.3.zip
NSMB9 RetroRemix Retro Remix.rar
NSMB10 WinterMoon WinterMoon.rar
NSMB11 NSMBW3 NSMBW3_The final levels.zip
NSMB12 Vacation Super_Mario_Vacation_v1.00.zip
NSMB13 Frozen SMBFrozenEdition.rar
NSMB14 Sykland Skyland.zip
NSMB15 RVLution RVLution Wii.zip
NSMB16 Midi MSMBWii.zip
NSMB17 DarkUmbra DUSMBAE Riivo Release Pack rev1.rar
NSMB18 NewerApocalypse NewerApocalypse 1.0.zip
NSMB19 LuigisSuperYoshiBros Luigis Super Yoshi Bros.zip
NSMB20 NewerFallingLeaf Newer_FALLING_LEAF.zip
NSMB21 DevilMarioWinterSpecial Devil Mario Winter Special collabo Frozen.zip
NSMB22 NewSMBWOtherWorld Riivolution Other WorldR v1.02.zip
NSMB23 TheLegendOfYoshi The Legend Of Yoshi.zip
NSMB24 RemixedSuperMarioBros Remixed v1.5.zip
NSMB25 GhostlySuperGhostBoos GSGBW v1.0.2.zip
NSMB26 RevisedSuperMarioBros RSMBW Version 1.1.zip
NSMB27 MLGSuperLuigi MLGLuigiWii.zip
NSMB28 Cliff Cliff_Super_Mario_Brothers_Wiiv1.1.1.zip
NSMB29 Virtual ChaSMBW_VrS_v0.2.zip
NSMB99 NSMBWCharacters Alternative Character Files are supplied
REQUIREMENTS_MKWIIMMFI="<<<<<< Mario Kart Wii / Wiimmfi >>>>>>
Required Image:
RMC[+]01.iso or RMC[+]01.wbfs
where [+] is:
E for US version
P for EU/Ozeania version
J for JP version
MKW1 Wiimmfi Any iso or wbfs image of a Nintendo WFC game
MKW2 Wiimmpatch Any iso or wbfs image of Wiimm's Mario Kart Wii
MKW3 Mkwiimm Any Wiimm's Mario Kart Wii Distribution archive
MKW4 MkwiimmItems Alternative Item Files are supplied
MKW5 MkwiimmFonts Alternative Font Files are supplied
MKW6 MkwiimmKarts Alternative Kart Files are supplied
Required files dumped with ddd in subfolder
<dumpfolder>/vol/content/Pack :
- pack_000_map.cpk
- pack_010_character.cpk
- pack_030_etc.cpk
- pack_031_message.cpk
- pack_050_movie.cpk
- pack_999_etc_om.cpk
- pack_999_lua.cpk
Required patch files:
- patch_000_map.xdelta
- patch_010_character.xdelta
- patch_030_etc.xdelta
- patch_031_message.xdelta
- patch_050_movie.xdelta
- patch_999_etc_om.xdelta
- patch_999_lua.xdelta
REQUIREMENTS_KIRBY="<<<<<< Kirby's Adventure Wii >>>>>>
KAW1 Kirby Character files are in-game
REQUIREMENTS_POKEMON="<<<<<< Pokemon X >>>>>>
required cxi ROM:
PKMN1 NeoX Neo X and Y Files.rar
PKMN5 EternalX Eternal X V1.3.zip
<<<<<< Pokemon Y >>>>>>
required cxi ROM:
PKMN2 NeoY Neo X and Y Files.rar
PKMN6 WiltingY Wilting Y V1.3.zip
<<<<<< Pokemon Omega Ruby >>>>>>
required cxi ROM:
PKMN3 RutileRuby Rutile Ruby 2.1 - Distribution.zip
PKMN7 RisingRuby RRSSFiles 18-11-2015.zip
PKMN10 RedRuby Pokemon Red Ruby.rar
<<<<<< Pokemon Alpha Sapphire >>>>>>
required cxi ROM:
PKMN4 StarSapphire Star Sapphire 2.1 - Distribution.zip
PKMN8 SinkingSapphire RRSSFiles 18-11-2015.zip
PKMN9 DeltaEmeraldAS Pokemon Delta Emerald.zip
REQUIREMENTS_3DS="<<<<<< 3DS ROMs >>>>>>
required cxi ROM:
000400000017BA00.cxi US Version
000400000017BB00.cxi EU Version
BSECU BravelySecondUncensored
US Version: Bravely_Second_Uncensored_USA_MINI_Asia81.rar
EU Version: Bravely_Second_Uncensored_EUR_MINI_Asia81.rar
required smc ROM:
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past.smc US Version
ZEL1 ParallelWorlds lozpw110.rar
REQUIREMENTS_FOOTER="Download Links can be obtained using:
patchimage --game=\"<ID1> <ID2> ...\" --show-download
Files not hosted on Mediafire, Mega or the like can be
auto-downloaded for the build using:
patchimage --game=\"<ID1> <ID2> ...\" --download
if the file can not automatically be downloaded the link will
be shown and you'll be told to download on your own.
(c) 2013-2016 Christopher Roy Bratusek <nano@jpberlin.de>
patchimage creates wbfs images from riivolution patches.
*** General parameters ***
--help | show this message
--game=<ID/Short Name> | specify game you want to create
--game=\"<ID1/Short Name1> <ID2/Short Name2>\" | specify multiple games you want to create
--show-download | only show download link for required files
*** List games ***
--list-games | show possible options for --game
--list-games-nsmb | show possible New Super Mario Bros. Wii options for --game
--list-games-mkwiimmfi | show possible Mario Kart Wii / Wiimmfi options for --game
--list-games-tokyo | show possible Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE options for --game
--list-games-kirby | show possible for Kirby's Adventure Wii options for --game
--list-games-pokemon | show possible Pokemon options for --game
--list-games-3ds | show possible 3DS options for --game
--list-games-other | show possible other options for --game
*** List requirements ***
--list-requirements | show required image and patch files all games
--list-requirements-nsmb | show required image and patch files for New Super Mario Bros. Wii
--list-requirements-mkwiimmfi | show required image and patch files for Mario Kart Wii / Wiimmfi
--list-requirements-tokyo | show required files and patches for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
--list-requirements-kirby | show required image and patch files for Kirby's Adventure Wii
--list-requirements-pokemon | show required image and patch files for Pokemon games
--list-requirements-3ds | show required image and patch files for other 3DS games
--list-requirements-other | show required image and patch files for other games
*** Wii game parameters ***
--iso=/home/test/RMCP01.iso | specify path to Wii iso or wbfs image to use
--riivolution=/home/test/MyMod.zip | specify path to Wii Riivolution archive
--version=EURv1,EURv2,USAv1,USAv2,JPNv1 | specify your game version (New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
--customdid=SMNP02 | specify a custom ID to use for the modified Wii game
--sharesave | let modified Wii games share savegame with the original game
--download | download Riivolution or HANS patch archives (if possible)
--soundtrack | download soundtrack (if available)
--only-soundtrack | download soundtrack only (if available) and exit
--covers | download covers (if available)
--only-covers=SMNP02 | download covers only (if available)
--banner=<banner.bnr> | use a custom banner (Riivolution games)
--download-banner | download a custom banner (if available)
--override-szs | override wit and szs in Wiimms Mario Kart Fun distributions
| [use this if the originals fail due to incompatible library versions]
*** 3DS game parameters ***
--rom=/home/test/0004000000055e00.cxi | specify path to 3DS ROM to use for building
--hans=/home/test/MyModdedGame.zip | specify path to 3DS HANS archive
*** Wii U game parameters ***
--xdelta=/home/test/xdelta | specify path to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE xdelta patches
--cpk=/home/test/cpk | specify path to original Tokyo Mirage Mirage Sessions #FE files
*** Other game parameters ***
--rom=/home/test/MyGame.rom | specify path to ROM to use for building
--patch=/home/test/MyModdedGame.ips | specify path to IPS Patch file
*** Batch-Building shortcuts ***
--game=NSMB_ALL | build all mods of New Super Mario Bros. Wii
--game=PKMN_ALL | build all mods of Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire
--game=PKMN_X | build all mods of Pokemon X
--game=PKMN_Y | build all mods of Pokemon Y
--game=PKMN_OR | build all mods of Pokemon Omega Ruby
--game=PKMN_AS | build all mods of Pokemon Alpha Sapphire