#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ module storing a titleid dictionary """ import binascii, re from PyQt4.QtCore import QT_TR_NOOP def sorted_copy(alist): # inspired by Alex Martelli # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52234 indices = map(_generate_index, alist) decorated = zip(indices, alist) decorated.sort() return [ item for index, item in decorated ] def _generate_index(str): """ Splits a string into alpha and numeric elements, which is used as an index for sorting" """ # # the index is built progressively # using the _append function # index = [] def _append(fragment, alist=index): if fragment.isdigit(): fragment = int(fragment) alist.append(fragment) # initialize loop prev_isdigit = str[0].isdigit() current_fragment = '' # group a string into digit and non-digit parts for char in str: curr_isdigit = char.isdigit() if curr_isdigit == prev_isdigit: current_fragment += char else: _append(current_fragment) current_fragment = char prev_isdigit = curr_isdigit _append(current_fragment) return tuple(index) def swap_dic(original_dict): ####################### Swap Keys and Values of a dictionary ###################### return dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in original_dict.iteritems()]) SupportedRegions = [ "JAP", "USA", "PAL" ] TitleDict = { "BC":"0000000100000100", "MIOS":"0000000100000101", "IOS4":"0000000100000004", "IOS9":"0000000100000009", "IOS10":"000000010000000a", "IOS11":"000000010000000b", "IOS12":"000000010000000c", "IOS13":"000000010000000d", "IOS14":"000000010000000e", "IOS15":"000000010000000f", "IOS16":"0000000100000010", "IOS17":"0000000100000011", "IOS20":"0000000100000014", "IOS21":"0000000100000015", "IOS22":"0000000100000016", "IOS28":"000000010000001c", "IOS30":"000000010000001e", "IOS31":"000000010000001f", "IOS33":"0000000100000021", "IOS34":"0000000100000022", "IOS35":"0000000100000023", "IOS36":"0000000100000024", "IOS37":"0000000100000025", "IOS38":"0000000100000026", "IOS40":"0000000100000028", "IOS41":"0000000100000029", "IOS43":"000000010000002b", "IOS45":"000000010000002d", "IOS46":"000000010000002f", "IOS48":"0000000100000030", "IOS50":"0000000100000032", "IOS51":"0000000100000033", "IOS52":"0000000100000034", "IOS53":"0000000100000035", "IOS55":"0000000100000037", "IOS56":"0000000100000038", "IOS57":"0000000100000039", "IOS58":"000000010000003a", "IOS60":"000000010000003c", "IOS61":"000000010000003d", "IOS62":"000000010000003e", "IOS70":"0000000100000046", "IOS80":"0000000100000050", } TitleSwapDict = swap_dic(TitleDict) ChannelCLIDict = { "boot":"BOOT2", "bbciplayer":"BBC iPlayer", "systemmenu":"System Menu", "checkmiiout":"Check Mii Out", "digicamprint":"Digicam Print", "eula":"EULA", "everyonevotes":"Everyone Votes", "jamwiththeband":"Jam With The Band", "japanfoodservice":"Japan Food Service", "kirbytv":"Kirby TV", "lovefilm":"Lovefilm", "mii":"Mii Channel", "news":"News", "nintendo":"Nintendo", "opera":"Opera", "photo":"Photo", "photo11":"Photo 1.1", "photo11b":"Photo 1.1b", "regionselect":"Region Select", "shashin":"Shashin Channel", "skyward":"Skyward Sword Fix", "shop":"Shop", "todaytomorrow":"Today & Tomorrow", "tvfriend":"TV Friend / G-Guide", "weather":"Weather", "wiinoma":"Wii No Ma", "wiispeak":"Wii Speak", "wiiutransfer":"Wii U Transfer Channel", "youtube":"YouTube" } ChannelJAPDict = { "BOOT2":"0000000100000001", "System Menu":"0000000100000002", "Check Mii Out":"000100014841504A", "Digicam Print":"000100014843444A", "EULA":"0001000848414B4A", "Everyone Votes":"0001000148414A4A", "Jam With The Band":"000100014843414A", "Japan Food Service":"000100084843434A", "Kirby TV":"0001000148434D4A", "Mii Channel":"0001000248414341", "News":"0001000248414741", "Nintendo":"000100014841544A", "Opera":"000100014841444A", "Photo":"0001000248414141", "Photo 1.1":"000100024841594A", "Photo 1.1b":"0001000248415A4A", "Region Select":"0001000848414C4A", "Shashin Channel":"000100014843424A", "Shop":"0001000248414241", "Skyward Sword Fix":"000100014843524A", "Today & Tomorrow":"000100014841564A", "TV Friend / G-Guide":"0001000148424E4A", "Weather":"000100024841464A", "Wii No Ma":"000100014843494A", "Wii Speak":"000100014843464A", "Wii U Transfer Channel":"000100014843534A", "YouTube":"000100014843584A" } ChannelJAPVerDict = { "BOOT2":"4", "System Menu":"128 2.0, 192 2.1, 224 3.0, 256 3.1, 288 3.2,\ \n352 3.3, 384 3.4, 416 4.0, 448 4.1, 480 4.2,\n512 4.3", "Check Mii Out":"1, 3, 512\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Digicam Print":"latest", "EULA":"1, 2, 3", "Everyone Votes":"latest\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Japan Food Service":"latest", "Jam With The Band":"latest", "Kirby TV":"latest", "Mii Channel":"2, 3, 4, 5, 6", "News":"3, 6, 7\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Nintendo":"latest\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Opera":"1, 3, 257, 512, 1024", "Photo":"1, 2", "Photo 1.1":"1, 2, 3", "Photo 1.1b":"1", "Region Select":"1, 2", "Shashin Channel":"latest", "Shop":"3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16,\n17, 18, 19, 20, 21", "Skyward Sword Fix":"latest", "Today & Tomorrow":"latest", "TV Friend / G-Guide":"latest", "Weather":"3, 6, 7\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Wii No Ma":"latest", "Wii Speak":"1, 256, 512", "Wii U Transfer Channel":"latest", "YouTube":"7, 512" } ChannelPALDict = { "BOOT2":"0000000100000001", "System Menu":"0000000100000002", "BBC iPlayer":"0001000148434A50", "Check Mii Out":"0001000148415050", "EULA":"0001000848414B50", "Everyone Votes":"0001000148414A50", "Jam With The Band":"0001000148434150", "Kirby TV":"0001000148434D50", "Lovefilm":"0001000148435750", "Mii Channel":"0001000248414341", "News":"0001000248414741", "Nintendo":"0001000148415450", "Opera":"0001000148414450", "Photo":"0001000248414141", "Photo 1.1":"0001000248415950", "Photo 1.1b":"0001000248415A50", "Region Select":"0001000848414C50", "Shop":"0001000248414241", "Skyward Sword Fix":"0001000148435250", "Today & Tomorrow":"0001000148415650", "Weather":"0001000248414650", "Wii Speak":"0001000148434650", "Wii U Transfer Channel":"0001000148435350", "YouTube":"0001000148435850" } ChannelPALVerDict = { "BOOT2":"4", "System Menu":"130 2.0, 162 2.1, 194 2.2, 226 3.0, 257 3.1,\ \n290 3.2, 354 3.3, 386 3.4, 418 4.0, 450 4.1,\n482 4.2, 514 4.3", "BBC iPlayer":"latest", "Check Mii Out":"1, 3, 512\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "EULA":"1, 2, 3", "Everyone Votes":"latest\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Jam With The Band":"latest", "Kirby TV":"2", "Lovefilm":"258", "Mii Channel":"2, 3, 4, 5, 6", "News":"3, 6, 7\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Nintendo":"latest\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Opera":"1, 3, 257, 512, 1024", "Photo":"1, 2", "Photo 1.1":"1, 2, 3", "Photo 1.1b":"1", "Region Select":"1, 2", "Shop":"3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16,\n17, 18, 19, 20, 21", "Skyward Sword Fix":"latest", "Today & Tomorrow":"latest", "Weather":"3, 6, 7\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Wii Speak":"1, 256, 512", "Wii U Transfer Channel":"257", "YouTube":"1, 258, 1281" } ChannelUSADict = { "BOOT2":"0000000100000001", "System Menu":"0000000100000002", "Check Mii Out":"0001000148415045", "EULA":"0001000848414B45", "Everyone Votes":"0001000148414A45", "Jam With The Band":"0001000148434145", "Kirby TV":"0001000148434D45", "Lovefilm":"0001000148435745", "Mii Channel":"0001000248414341", "News":"0001000248414741", "Nintendo":"0001000148415445", "Opera":"0001000148414445", "Photo":"0001000248414141", "Photo 1.1":"0001000248415945", "Photo 1.1b":"0001000248415A45", "Region Select":"0001000848414C45", "Shop":"0001000248414241", "Skyward Sword Fix":"0001000148435245", "Today & Tomorrow":"0001000148415645", "Weather":"0001000248414645", "Wii Speak":"0001000148434645", "Wii U Transfer Channel":"0001000148435345", "YouTube":"0001000148435845" } ChannelUSAVerDict = { "BOOT2":"4", "System Menu":"97 2.0, 193 2.2, 225 3.0, 257 3.1, 289 3.2,\ \n353 3.3, 385 3.4, 417 4.0, 449 4.1, 481 4.2,\n513 4.3", "Check Mii Out":"1, 3, 512\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "EULA":"1, 2, 3", "Everyone Votes":"latest\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Jam With The Band":"latest", "Kirby TV":"latest", "Lovefilm":"latest", "Mii Channel":"2, 3, 4, 5, 6", "News":"3, 6, 7\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Nintendo":"latest\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Opera":"1, 3, 257, 512, 1024", "Photo":"1, 2", "Photo 1.1":"1, 2, 3", "Photo 1.1b":"1", "Region Select":"1, 2", "Shop":"3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16,\n17, 18, 19, 20, 21", "Skyward Sword Fix":"latest", "Today & Tomorrow":"latest", "Weather":"3, 6, 7\n***deactivated since Jun 2013***", "Wii Speak":"1, 256, 512", "Wii U Transfer Channel":"latest", "YouTube":"257, 1280" } IOSdict = { "BC":"2, 4, 5, 6", "MIOS":"4, 5, 8, 9, 10", "IOS4":"65280 (stub)", "IOS9":"520, 521, 778, 1034", "IOS10":"768 (stub)", "IOS11":"10, 256 (stub)", "IOS12":"6, 11, 12, 269, 525, 526", "IOS13":"10, 15, 16, 273, 1031, 1032", "IOS14":"262, 263, 520, 1031, 1032", "IOS15":"257, 258, 259, 260, 265, 266, 523, 1031, 1032", "IOS16":"512 (stub)", "IOS17":"512, 517, 518, 775, 1031, 1032", "IOS20":"12, 256 (stub)", "IOS21":"514, 515, 516, 517, 522, 525, 782, 1038, 1039", "IOS22":"777, 780, 1037, 1293, 1294", "IOS28":"1292, 1293, 1550, 1806, 1807", "IOS30":"1037, 1039, 1040, 2576, 2816 (stub)", "IOS31":"1037, 1039, 1040, 2576, 3088, 3092, 3349,\n3607, 3608", "IOS33":"1040, 2832, 2834, 3091, 3607, 3608", "IOS34":"1039, 3087, 3091, 3348, 3607, 3608", "IOS35":"1040, 3088, 3092, 3349, 3607, 3608", "IOS36":"1042, 3090, 3094, 3351, 3607, 3608", "IOS37":"2070, 3609, 3612, 3869, 5662, 5663", "IOS38":"3610, 3867, 4123, 4124", "IOS40":"3072 (stub)", "IOS41":"2835, 3091, 3348, 3606, 3607", "IOS43":"2835, 3091, 3348, 3606, 3607", "IOS45":"2835, 3091, 3348, 3606, 3607", "IOS46":"2837, 3093, 3350, 3606, 3607", "IOS48":"4123, 4124", "IOS50":"4889, 5120", "IOS51":"4633, 4864", "IOS52":"5661, 5888 (stub)", "IOS53":"4113, 5149, 5406, 5662, 5663", "IOS55":"4633, 5149, 5406, 5662, 5663", "IOS56":"4890, 5405, 5661, 5662", "IOS57":"5404, 5661, 5918, 5919", "IOS58":"6175, 6176", "IOS60":"6174, 6400 (stub)", "IOS61":"4890, 5405, 5661, 5662", "IOS62":"6430", "IOS70":"6687, 6912 (stub)", "IOS80":"6943", } DESCdict = { "BOOT2":"Second level boot", "System Menu [JAP]":"System Menu for japanese Wii", "System Menu [PAL]":"System Menu for european Wii", "System Menu [USA]":"System Menu for american Wii", "System Menu [KOR]":"System Menu for korean Wii", "BC":"GameCube compat", "MIOS":"GameCube IOS", "IOS4":"", "IOS9":"", "IOS10":"", "IOS11":"", "IOS12":"", "IOS13":"", "IOS14":"", "IOS15":"", "IOS16":"", "IOS17":"", "IOS20":"", "IOS21":"", "IOS22":"", "IOS28":"", "IOS30":"", "IOS31":"", "IOS33":"", "IOS34":"", "IOS35":"", "IOS36":"", "IOS37":"", "IOS38":"", "IOS40":"", "IOS41":"", "IOS43":"", "IOS45":"", "IOS46":"", "IOS48":"", "IOS50":"", "IOS51":"", "IOS52":"", "IOS53":"", "IOS55":"", "IOS56":"", "IOS57":"", "IOS58":"", "IOS60":"", "IOS61":"", "IOS70":"", "IOS80":"", } IOSids = {} for ios in IOSdict: IOSids[IOSdict[ios]] = ios def AsciiID(channelname): return binascii.unhexlify(TitleDict[channelname][7:]) if __name__ == "__main__": print TitleDict["System Menu"] print TitleDict["Mii Channel"][7:] print AsciiID("Mii Channel") print idDict["0001000248414741"]