from common import * class IMD5(WiiHeader): """This class can add and remove IMD5 headers to files. The parameter f is the file to use for the addition or removal of the header. IMD5 headers are found in banner.bin, icon.bin, and sound.bin.""" class IMD5Header(Struct): __endian__ = Struct.BE def __format__(self): self.tag = Struct.string(4) self.size = Struct.uint32 self.zeroes = Struct.uint8[8] self.crypto = Struct.string(16) def add(self): data = imd5 = self.IMD5Header() imd5.tag = "IMD5" imd5.size = len(data) for i in range(8): imd5.zeroes[i] = 0x00 imd5.crypto = str(Crypto().createMD5Hash(data)) data = imd5.pack() + data return data def remove(self): """This will remove an IMD5 header from the file specified in f, if one exists. If there is no IMD5 header, it will output the file as it is. It will output in the parameter fn if available, otherwise it will overwrite the source. Returns the output filename.""" data = imd5 = self.IMD5Header() if(data[:4] != "IMD5"): if(fn != ""): open(fn, "wb").write(data) return fn else: return self.f data = data[len(imd5):] return data class IMET(WiiHeader): """IMET headers are found in Opening.bnr and files. They contain the channel titles and more metadata about channels. They are in two different formats with different amounts of padding before the start of the IMET header. This class suports both. The parameter f is used to specify the input file name.""" class IMETHeader(Struct): __endian__ = Struct.BE def __format__(self): self.zeroes = Struct.uint8[128] self.tag = Struct.string(4) self.unk = Struct.uint64 self.sizes = Struct.uint32[3] #icon, banner, sound self.unk2 = Struct.uint32 self.names = Struct.string(84, encoding = "utf-16-be", stripNulls = True)[7] self.zeroes2 = Struct.uint8[840] self.hash = Struct.string(16) def add(self, iconsz, bannersz, soundsz, name = "", langs = [], fn = ""): """This function adds an IMET header to the file specified with f in the initializer. The file will be output to fn if it is not empty, otherwise it will overwrite the input file. You must specify the size of banner.bin in bannersz, and respectivly for iconsz and soundsz. langs is an optional arguement that is a list of different langauge channel titles. name is the english name that is copied everywhere in langs that there is an empty string. Returns the output filename.""" data = imet = self.IMETHeader() for i in imet.zeroes: imet.zeroes[i] = 0x00 imet.tag = "IMET" imet.unk = 0x0000060000000003 imet.sizes[0] = iconsz imet.sizes[1] = bannersz imet.sizes[2] = soundsz imet.unk2 = 0 for i in range(len(imet.names)): if(len(langs) > 0 and langs[i] != ""): imet.names[i] = langs[i] else: imet.names[i] = name for i in imet.zeroes2: imet.zeroes2[i] = 0x00 imet.hash = "\x00" * 16 tmp = imet.pack() imet.hash = Crypto().createMD5Hash(tmp[0x40:0x640]) #0x00 or 0x40? data = imet.pack() + data return data def remove(self): data = if(data[0x80:0x84] == "IMET"): data = data[0x640:] elif(data[0x40:0x44] == "IMET"): data = data[0x640:] return data def getTitle(self): imet = self.IMETHeader() data = if(data[0x40:0x44] == "IMET"): pass elif(data[0x80:0x84] == "IMET"): data = data[0x40:] else: raise ValueError("No IMET header found!") imet.unpack(data[:len(imet)]) name = imet.names[1] topop = [] for i in range(len(name)): if(name[i] == "\x00"): topop.append(i) name = list(name) popped = 0 #don't ask me why I did this for pop in topop: name.pop(pop - popped) popped += 1 name = ''.join(name) return name