from common import * from title import * class WOD: #WiiOpticalDisc class discHeader(Struct): __endian__ = Struct.BE def __format__(self): self.discId = Struct.string(1) self.gameCode = Struct.string(2) self.region = Struct.string(1) self.makerCode = Struct.uint8[2] self.h = Struct.uint8 self.version = Struct.uint8 self.audioStreaming = Struct.uint8 self.streamingBufSize = Struct.uint8 self.unused = Struct.uint8[14] self.magic = Struct.uint32 self.title = Struct.string(64) self.hashVerify = Struct.uint8 self.h3verify = Struct.uint8 def __str__(self): ret = '' ret += '%s [%s%s%s]\n' % (self.title, self.discId, self.gameCode, self.region) if self.region == 'P': ret += 'Region : PAL\n' elif self.region == 'E': ret += 'Region : NTSC\n' elif self.region == 'J': ret += 'Region : JPN\n' ret += 'Version 0x%x Maker %i%i Audio streaming %x\n' % (self.version, self.makerCode[0], self.makerCode[1], self.audioStreaming) ret += 'Hash verify flag 0x%x H3 verify flag : 0x%x\n' % (self.hashVerify, self.h3verify) return ret # Many many thanks to Wiipower class Apploader(Struct): __endian__ = Struct.BE def __format__(self): self.buildDate = Struct.string(16) self.entryPoint = Struct.uint32 self.size = Struct.uint32 self.trailingSize = Struct.uint32 self.padding = Struct.uint8[4] def __str__(self): ret = '' ret += 'Apploader built on %s\n' % self.buildDate ret += 'Entry point 0x%x\n' % self.entryPoint ret += 'Size %i (%i of them are trailing)\n' % (self.size, self.trailingSize) return ret def __str__(self): ret = '' ret += '%s\n' % self.discHdr ret += 'Found %i partitions (table at 0x%x)\n' % (self.partitionCount, self.partsTableOffset) ret += 'Found %i channels (table at 0x%x)\n' % (self.channelsCount, self.chansTableOffset) ret += '\n' ret += 'Partition %i opened (type 0x%x) at 0x%x\n' % (self.partitionOpen, self.partitionType, self.partitionOffset) ret += 'Partition name : %s' % self.partitionHdr ret += 'Partition key : %s\n' % hexdump(self.partitionKey) ret += 'Partition IOS : IOS%i\n' % self.partitionIos ret += 'Partition tmd : 0x%x (%x)\n' % (self.tmdOffset, self.tmdSize) ret += 'Partition main.dol : 0x%x (%x)\n' % (self.dolOffset, self.dolSize) ret += 'Partition FST : 0x%x (%x)\n' % (self.fstSize, self.fstOffset) ret += '%s\n' % (self.appLdr) return ret def __init__(self, f): self.f = f self.fp = open(f, 'rb') self.discHdr = self.discHeader().unpack( if self.discHdr.magic != 0x5D1C9EA3: raise Exception('Wrong disc magic') self.partitionCount = 1 + struct.unpack(">I",[0] self.partsTableOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] << 2 self.channelsCount = struct.unpack(">I",[0] self.chansTableOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] << 2 self.markedBlocks = [] self.partitionOpen = -1 self.partitionOffset = -1 self.partitionType = -1 def markContent(self, offset, size): blockStart = offset / 0x7C00 blockLen = (align(size, 0x7C00)) / 0x7C00 for x in range(blockStart, blockStart + blockLen): try: self.markedBlocks.index(blockStart + x) except: self.markedBlocks.append(blockStart + x) def decryptBlock(self, block): if len(block) != 0x8000: raise Exception('Block size too big/small') blockIV = block[0x3d0:0x3e0] #print 'IV %s (len %i)\n' % (hexdump(blockIV), len(blockIV)) blockData = block[0x0400:0x8000] return Crypto().decryptData(self.partitionKey, blockIV, blockData, True) def readBlock(self, blockNumber): + 0x20000 + (0x8000 * blockNumber)) return self.decryptBlock( def readPartition(self, offset, size): readStart = offset / 0x7C00 readLen = (align(size, 0x7C00)) / 0x7C00 blob = '' #print 'Read at 0x%x (Start on %i block, ends at %i block) for %i bytes' % (offset, readStart, readStart + readLen, size) + 0x20000 + (0x8000 * readStart)) for x in range(readLen + 1): blob += self.decryptBlock( self.markContent(offset, size) #print 'Read from 0x%x to 0x%x' % (offset, offset + size) offset -= readStart * 0x7C00 return blob[offset:offset + size] def readUnencrypted(self, offset, size): if offset + size > 0x20000: raise Exception('This read is on encrypted data') # FIXMII : Needs testing, extracting the tmd cause to have 10 null bytes in the end instead of 10 useful bytes at start :| + 0x2A4 + offset) return class fstObject(object): #TODO: add ability to extract file by path def __init__(self, name, iso=None): ''' do init stuff here ''' self.parent = None self.type = 1 #directory: 1, file:0 = name self.nameOff = 0 self.fileOffset = 0 self.size = 0 self.children = [] self.iso = iso def addChild(self, child): if self.type == 0: raise Exception('I am not a directory.') child.parent = self self.children.append(child) def getISO(self): if(self.parent == None): return self.iso return self.parent.getISO() def getList(self, pad=0): if self.type == 0: return ("\t" * pad) + self.getPath() + "\n" str = "%s[%s]\n" % ("\t" * (pad), self.getPath()) for child in self.children: str += child.getList(pad+1) return str def count(self): if self.type == 0: return 1 i = 0 for child in self.children: i += child.count() return i def getPath(self): if(self.parent == None): return "/" if(self.type == 1): return self.parent.getPath() + + "/" return self.parent.getPath() + def write(self, cwd): if(self.type==0): print cwd + self.getPath() #print self.nameOff open(cwd + self.getPath(), 'w+b').write(self.getISO().readPartition(self.fileOffset, self.size)) if(self.type==1): if(self.parent != None): try: os.makedirs(cwd + self.getPath()) except: j = None for child in self.children: child.write(cwd) def parseFst(self, fst, names, i, fstDir): size = struct.unpack(">I", fst[(12*i + 8):(12*i + 8) + 4])[0] nameOff = struct.unpack(">I", fst[(12*i):(12*i) + 4])[0] & 0x00ffffff fileName = names[nameOff:] fileName = fileName[:fileName.find('\0')] if i == 0: j = 1 while(jI", fst[(12*i + 4):(12*i + 4) + 4])[0] newFile = self.fstObject(fileName) newFile.type = 0 newFile.fileOffset = fileOffset newFile.size = size newFile.nameOff = nameOff fstDir.addChild(newFile) self.markContent(fileOffset, size) return i+1 def openPartition(self, index): if index+1 > self.partitionCount: raise ValueError('Partition index too big') self.partitionOpen = index self.partitionOffset = self.partsTableOffset + (8 * self.partitionOpen) + (8 * self.partitionOpen)) self.partitionOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] << 2 self.partitionType = struct.unpack(">I",[0] self.tikData = self.partitionKey = Ticket(self.tikData).getTitleKey() self.tmdSize = struct.unpack(">I",[0] self.tmdOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] >> 2 self.certsSize = struct.unpack(">I",[0] self.certsOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] >> 2 self.H3TableOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] >> 2 self.dataOffset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] >> 2 self.dataSize = struct.unpack(">I",[0] >> 2 self.fstOffset = 4 * struct.unpack(">I", self.readPartition (0x424, 4))[0] self.fstSize = 4 * struct.unpack(">I", self.readPartition (0x428, 4))[0] self.dolOffset = 4 * struct.unpack(">I", self.readPartition (0x420, 4))[0] self.dolSize = self.fstOffset - self.dolOffset self.appLdr = self.Apploader().unpack(self.readPartition (0x2440, 32)) self.partitionHdr = self.discHeader().unpack(self.readPartition (0x0, 0x400)) self.partitionIos = TMD(self.getPartitionTmd()).getIOSVersion() & 0x0fffffff def getFst(self): fstBuf = self.readPartition(self.fstOffset, self.fstSize) return fstBuf def getIsoBootmode(self): if self.discHdr.discId == 'R' or self.discHdr.discId == '_': return 2 elif self.discHdr.discId == '0': return 1 def getOpenedPartition(self): return self.partitionOpen def getOpenedPartitionOffset(self): return self.partitionOffset def getOpenedPartitionType(self): return self.partitionType def getPartitionsCount(self): return self.partitionCount def getChannelsCount(self): return self.channelsCount def getPartitionCerts(self): return self.readUnencrypted(self.certsOffset, self.certsSize) def getPartitionH3Table(self): return self.readUnencrypted(self.H3TableOffset, 0x18000) def getPartitionTmd(self): return self.readUnencrypted(self.tmdOffset, self.tmdSize) def getPartitionTik(self): return def getPartitionApploader(self): return self.readPartition (0x2440, self.appLdr.size + self.appLdr.trailingSize + 32) def getPartitionMainDol(self): return self.readPartition (self.dolOffset, self.dolSize) def dumpPartition(self, fn): rawPartition = open(fn, 'w+b') print 'Partition useful data %i Mb' % (align(len(self.markedBlocks) * 0x7C00, 1024) / 1024 / 1024) rawPartition.write( # Write teh TIK rawPartition.write(self.readUnencrypted(0, 0x20000 - 0x2A4)) # Write the TMD and other stuff for x in range(len(self.markedBlocks)): rawPartition.write(self.readBlock(self.markedBlocks[x])) # Write each decrypted block class updateInf(): def __init__(self, f): self.buffer = open(f, 'r+b').read() def __str__(self): out = '' self.buildDate = self.buffer[:0x10] self.fileCount = struct.unpack('>L', self.buffer[0x10:0x14])[0] out += 'This update partition was built on %s and has %i files\n\n' % (self.buildDate, self.fileCount) for x in range(self.fileCount): updateEntry = self.buffer[0x20 + x * 0x200:0x20 + (x + 1) * 0x200] titleType = struct.unpack('>L', updateEntry[:0x4])[0] titleAttr = struct.unpack('>L', updateEntry[0x4:0x8])[0] titleUnk1 = struct.unpack('>L', updateEntry[0x8:0xC])[0] titleType2 = struct.unpack('>L', updateEntry[0xC:0x10])[0] titleFile = updateEntry[0x10:0x50] titleFile = titleFile[:titleFile.find('\x00')] titleID = struct.unpack('>Q', updateEntry[0x50:0x58])[0] titleMajor = struct.unpack('>B', updateEntry[0x58:0x59])[0] titleMinor = struct.unpack('>B', updateEntry[0x59:0x5A])[0] titleName = updateEntry[0x60:0xA0] titleName = titleName[:titleName.find('\x00')] titleInfo = updateEntry[0xA0:0xE0] titleInfo = titleInfo[:titleInfo.find('\x00')] out += 'Update type : 0x%x\n' % titleType out += 'Update flag : %i (0 means critical, 1 means need reboot)\n' % titleAttr out += 'Update file : %s\n' % titleFile out += 'Update ID : %lu\n' % titleID out += 'Update version : %i.%i\n' % (titleMajor, titleMinor) out += 'Update name : %s\n' % titleName out += 'Update info : %s\n' % titleInfo out += '\n' return out