from binascii import * from struct import * from common import * from title import * from formats import * class NAND: """This class performs all NAND related things. It includes functions to copy a title (given the TMD) into the correct structure as the Wii does, and has an entire ES-like system. Parameter f to the initializer is the folder that will be used as the NAND root.""" def __init__(self, f): self.f = f if(not os.path.isdir(f)): os.mkdir(f) self.perms = f + "/permission.txt" if(not os.path.isfile(self.perms)): open(self.perms, "wb").close() self.newDirectory("/sys", "rwrw--", 0) self.newFile("/sys/uid.sys", "rwrw--", 0) self.UID = uidsys(self.f + "/sys/uid.sys") self.newDirectory("/meta", "rwrwrw", 0x0001, 0x0000000100000002) self.newDirectory("/import", "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.newDirectory("/shared1", "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.newDirectory("/shared2", "rwrwrw", 0x0000) self.newFile("/sys/cc.sys", "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.newFile("/sys/cert.sys", "rwrwr-", 0x0000) self.newFile("/sys/space.sys", "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.newDirectory("/ticket", "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.newDirectory("/title", "rwrwr-", 0x0000) self.newDirectory("/tmp", "rwrwrw", 0x0000) self.ES = ESClass(self) self.ISFS = ISFSClass(self) self.ES._setisfs() self.ISFS._setes() self.contentmap = ContentMap(self.f + "/shared1/") def hasPermissionEntry(self, dir): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 return 1 def removePermissionEntry(self, dir): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = -1 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = + 1) data += pfp.close() pfp = open(self.perms, "wb") pfp.write(data) pfp.close() return 1 def _getFilePermissionBase(self, dir, loc): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = 0 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") if(loc > 0): loc *= 2 + 1 + loc) pdata = pfp.close() return pdata def getFilePermissionOwner(self, dir): pdata = self._getFilePermissionBase(dir, 0) pval = 0 if(pdata[0] == "r"): pval += 1 if(pdata[1] == "w"): pval += 2 return pval def getFilePermissionGroup(self, dir): pdata = self._getFilePermissionBase(dir, 1) pval = 0 if(pdata[0] == "r"): pval += 1 if(pdata[1] == "w"): pval += 2 return pval def getFilePermissionOthers(self, dir): pdata = self._getFilePermissionBase(dir, 2) pval = 0 if(pdata[0] == "r"): pval += 1 if(pdata[1] == "w"): pval += 2 return pval def getFilePermissionPerms(self, dir): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = 0 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") + 1) pdata = pfp.close() return pdata def _setFilePermissionBase(self, dir, loc, val): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = 0 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") if(loc > 0): loc *= 2 + 1 + loc) pfp.write(val) pfp.close() def setFilePermissionOwner(self, dir, val): out = "" if(val & 1): out += "r" if(val & 2): out += "w" self._setFilePermissionBase(dir, 0, out) def setFilePermissionGroup(self, dir): out = "" if(val & 1): out += "r" if(val & 2): out += "w" self._setFilePermissionBase(dir, 1, out) def setFilePermissionOthers(self, dir): out = "" if(val & 1): out += "r" if(val & 2): out += "w" self._setFilePermissionBase(dir, 2, out) def isFileDirectory(self, dir): pdata = self._getFilePermissionBase(dir, -1) pval = 0 if(pdata[0] == "d"): pval += 1 return pval def getFilePermissionUID(self, dir): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = -1 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") + 8) uidata = pfp.close() return int(uidata, 16) def getFilePermissionGID(self, dir): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = -1 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") + 13) gidata = pfp.close() return int(gidata, 16) def setFilePermissionUID(self, dir, val): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = -1 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") + 8) uidata = pfp.write("%04X" % val) pfp.close() return int(uidata, 16) def setFilePermissionGID(self, dir, val): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() ret = data.find(dir) if(ret == -1): return 0 newlineloc = -1 for i in range(ret): if(data.startswith("\n", i)): newlineloc = i + 1 endloc = data.find("\n", newlineloc) pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") + 13) gidata = pfp.write("%04X" % val) pfp.close() return int(gidata, 16) def addPermissionEntry(self, uid, permissions, dir, groupid): pfp = open(self.perms, "rb") data = pfp.close() data += "%s " % permissions if(uid == None): print "UID is None!\n" try: data += hexdump(uid, "") data += " " except: try: data += "%04X " % uid except: print "UID type couldn't be confirmed..." return try: data += hexdump(groupid, "") data += " " except: try: data += "%04X " % groupid except: print "GID type couldn't be confirmed..." return data += "%s\n" % dir pfp = open(self.perms, "wb") pfp.write(data) pfp.close() def newDirectory(self, dir, perms, groupid, permtitle = 0): """Creates a new directory in the NAND filesystem and adds a permissions entry.""" if(not self.hasPermissionEntry(dir)): if(permtitle == 0): if(not os.path.isdir(self.f + dir)): os.mkdir(self.f + dir) self.addPermissionEntry(0, "d" + perms, dir, groupid) else: if(not os.path.isdir(self.f + dir)): os.mkdir(self.f + dir) self.addPermissionEntry(self.getUIDForTitleFromUIDSYS(permtitle), "d" + perms, dir, groupid) def newFile(self, fil, perms, groupid, permtitle = 0): """Creates a new file in the NAND filesystem and adds a permissions entry.""" if(not self.hasPermissionEntry(fil)): if(permtitle == 0): if(not os.path.isfile(self.f + fil)): open(self.f + fil, "wb").close() self.addPermissionEntry(0, "-" + perms, fil, groupid) else: if(not os.path.isfile(self.f + fil)): open(self.f + fil, "wb").close() self.addPermissionEntry(self.getUIDForTitleFromUIDSYS(permtitle), "-" + perms, fil, groupid) def removeFile(self, fil): """Deletes a file, and removes the permissions entry.""" os.remove(self.f + fil) self.removePermissionEntry(fil) def getContentByHashFromContentMap(self, hash): """Gets the filename of a shared content with SHA1 hash ``hash''. This includes the NAND prefix.""" return self.f + self.contentmap.contentByHash(hash) def addContentToContentMap(self, contentid, hash): """Adds a content with content ID ``contentid'' and SHA1 hash ``hash'' to the""" return self.contentmap.addContentToMap(contentid, hash) def addHashToContentMap(self, hash): """Adds a content with SHA1 hash ``hash'' to the It returns the content ID used.""" return self.contentmap.addHashToMap(hash) def getContentCountFromContentMap(self): """Returns the number of contents in the""" return self.contentmap.contentCount() def getContentHashesFromContentMap(self, count): """Returns the hashes of ``count'' contents in the""" return self.contentmap.contentHashes(count) def addTitleToUIDSYS(self, title): """Adds the title with title ID ``title'' to the uid.sys file.""" return self.UID.addTitle(title) def getTitleFromUIDSYS(self, uid): """Gets the title ID with UID ``uid'' from the uid.sys file.""" return self.UID.getTitle(uid) def getUIDForTitleFromUIDSYS(self, title): """Gets the UID for title ID ``title'' from the uid.sys file.""" ret = self.UID.getUIDForTitle(title) return ret def addTitleToMenu(self, tid): """Adds a title to the System Menu.""" a = iplsave(self.f + "/title/00000001/00000002/data/iplsave.bin", self) type = 0 if(((tid & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) == 0x0001000248414300) or ((tid & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) == 0x0001000248414200)): type = 1 a.addTitle(0,0, 0, tid, 1, type) def addDiscChannelToMenu(self, x, y, page, movable): """Adds the disc channel to the System Menu.""" a = iplsave(self.f + "/title/00000001/00000002/data/iplsave.bin", self) a.addDisc(x, y, page, movable) def deleteTitleFromMenu(self, tid): """Deletes a title from the System Menu.""" a = iplsave(self.f + "/title/00000001/00000002/data/iplsave.bin", self) a.deleteTitle(tid) def importTitle(self, prefix, tmd, tik, add_to_menu = True, is_decrypted = False, result_decrypted = False): """When passed a prefix (the directory to obtain the .app files from, sorted by content id), a TMD instance, and a Ticket instance, this will add that title to the NAND base folder specified in the constructor. If add_to_menu is True, the title (if neccessary) will be added to the menu. The default is True. Unless is_decrypted is set, the contents are assumed to be encrypted. If result_decrypted is True, then the contents will not end up decrypted.""" self.ES.AddTitleStart(tmd, None, None, is_decrypted, result_decrypted, use_version = True) self.ES.AddTitleTMD(tmd) self.ES.AddTicket(tik) contents = tmd.getContents() for i in range(tmd.tmd.numcontents): self.ES.AddContentStart(tmd.tmd.titleid, contents[i].cid) fp = open(prefix + "/" % contents[i].cid, "rb") data = fp.close() self.ES.AddContentData(contents[i].cid, data) self.ES.AddContentFinish(contents[i].cid) self.ES.AddTitleFinish() if(add_to_menu == True): if(((tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32) != 0x00010008) and ((tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32) != 0x00000001)): self.addTitleToMenu(tmd.tmd.titleid) def createWADFromTitle(self, title, cert, output, version=0): tmdpth = self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd" % (title >> 32, title & 0xFFFFFFFF) if(version != 0): tmdpth += ".%d" % version tmd = TMD.loadFile(tmdpth) if(not os.path.isdir("export")): os.mkdir("export") tmd.fakesign() tmd.dumpFile("export/tmd") tik = Ticket.loadFile(self.f + "/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik" % (title >> 32, title & 0xFFFFFFFF)) tik.fakesign() tik.dumpFile("export/tik") contents = tmd.getContents() for i in range(tmd.tmd.numcontents): path = "" if(contents[i].type == 0x0001): path = self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/content/" % (title >> 32, title & 0xFFFFFFFF, contents[i].cid) elif(contents[i].type == 0x8001): path = self.getContentByHashFromContentMap(contents[i].hash) fp = open(path, "rb") data = fp.close() fp = open("export/" % contents[i].index, "wb") fp.write(data) fp.close() fp = open(cert, "rb") data = fp.close() fp = open("export/cert", "wb") fp.write(data) fp.close() WAD("export").pack(output) for i in range(tmd.tmd.numcontents): os.remove("export/" % contents[i].index) os.remove("export/tmd") os.remove("export/tik") os.remove("export/cert") os.rmdir("export") class ISFSClass: """This class contains an interface to the NAND that simulates the permissions system and all other aspects of the ISFS. The nand argument to the initializer is a NAND object.""" class ISFSFP: def __init__(self, file, mode): self.fp = open(file, mode) self.loc = 0 self.size = len( self.SEEK_SET = 0 self.SEEK_CUR = 1 self.SEEK_END = 2 def seek(self, where, whence = 0): if(whence == self.SEEK_SET): self.loc = where if(whence == self.SEEK_CUR): self.loc += where if(whence == self.SEEK_END): self.loc = self.size - where return self.loc def close(self): self.fp.close() self.loc = 0 self.size = 0 def write(self, data): leng = self.fp.write(data) self.loc += leng return leng def read(self, length=""): if(length == ""): self.loc = self.size return self.loc += length return def __init__(self, nand): self.nand = nand self.f = nand.f self.ES = None def _setes(self): self.ES = self.nand.ES def _checkPerms(self, mode, uid, gid, own, grp, oth): if(uid == self.ES.title): if(own & mode): return 1 elif(gid == if(grp & mode): return 1 elif(oth & mode): return 1 else: return 0 def Open(self, file, mode): if(not os.path.isfile(self.f + file)): return None modev = 0 if(mode.find("r") != -1): modev = 1 elif(mode.find("w") != -1): modev = 2 if(mode.find("+") != -1): modev = 3 uid = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(file) gid = self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(file) own = self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(file) grp = self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(file) oth = self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(file) if(self._checkPerms(modev, uid, gid, own, grp, oth) == 0): return -41 return self.ISFSFP(self.f + file, mode) def Close(self, fp): fp.close() def Delete(self, file): uid = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(file) gid = self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(file) own = self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(file) grp = self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(file) oth = self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(file) if(self._checkPerms(2, uid, gid, own, grp, oth) == 0): return -41 self.nand.removeFile(file) return 0 def CreateFile(self, filename, perms): dirabove = filename uid = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(dirabove) gid = self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(dirabove) own = self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(dirabove) grp = self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(dirabove) oth = self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(dirabove) if(self._checkPerms(2, uid, gid, own, grp, oth) == 0): return -41 self.nand.newFile(filename, perms,, self.ES.title) return 0 def Write(self, fp, data): return fp.write(data) def Read(self, fp, length=""): return def Seek(self, fp, where, whence): return, whence) def CreateDir(self, dirname, perms): dirabove = dirname uid = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(dirabove) gid = self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(dirabove) own = self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(dirabove) grp = self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(dirabove) oth = self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(dirabove) if(self._checkPerms(2, uid, gid, own, grp, oth) == 0): return -41 self.nand.newDirectory(dirname, perms,, self.ES.title) return 0 def GetAttr(self, filename): # Wheeee, stupid haxx to put all the numbers into one return value! ret = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(filename) ret += (self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(filename) << 16) ret += (self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(filename) << 32) ret += (self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(filename) << 34) ret += (self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(filename) << 36) return ret def splitAttrUID(self, attr): return attr & 0xFFFF def splitAttrGID(self, attr): return (attr >> 16) & 0xFFFF def splitAttrOwner(self, attr): return (attr >> 32) & 0xFF def splitAttrGroup(self, attr): return (attr >> 34) & 0xFF def splitAttrOthers(self, attr): return (attr >> 36) & 0xFF def Rename(self, fileold, filenew): uid = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(fileold) gid = self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(fileold) own = self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(fileold) grp = self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(fileold) oth = self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(fileold) if(self._checkPerms(2, uid, gid, own, grp, oth) == 0): return -41 fld = self.nand.isFileDirectory(fileold) if(fld): print "Directory moving is busted ATM. Will fix laterz.\n" return -40 fp = self.Open(fileold, "rb") data = fp.Read() fp.close() perms = "" if(own & 1): perms += "r" else: perms += "-" if(own & 2): perms += "w" else: perms += "-" if(grp & 1): perms += "r" else: perms += "-" if(grp & 2): perms += "w" else: perms += "-" if(oth & 1): perms += "r" else: perms += "-" if(oth & 2): perms += "w" else: perms += "-" self.CreateFile(filenew, perms) fp = self.Open(filenew, "wb") fp.write(data) fp.close() self.Delete(fileold) return 0 def SetAttr(self, filename, uid, gid=0, owner=0, group=0, others=0): uidx = self.nand.getFilePermissionUID(filename) gidx = self.nand.getFilePermissionGID(filename) own = self.nand.getFilePermissionOwner(filename) grp = self.nand.getFilePermissionGroup(filename) oth = self.nand.getFilePermissionOthers(filename) if(self._checkPerms(2, uidx, gidx, own, grp, oth) == 0): return -41 self.nand.setFilePermissionUID(filename, uid) self.nand.setFilePermissionGID(filename, gid) self.nand.setFilePermissionOwner(filename, owner) self.nand.setFilePermissionGroup(filename, group) self.nand.setFilePermissionOthers(filename, others) return 0 class ESClass: """This class performs all services relating to titles installed on the Wii. It is a clone of the libogc ES interface. The nand argument to the initializer is a NAND object.""" def __init__(self, nand): self.title = 0x0000000100000002 = 0x0001 self.ticketadded = 0 self.tmdadded = 0 self.workingcid = 0 self.workingcidcnt = 0 self.nand = nand self.f = nand.f self.ISFS = None def _setisfs(self): self.ISFS = self.nand.ISFS def getContentIndexFromCID(self, tmd, cid): """Gets the content index from the content id cid referenced to in the TMD instance tmd.""" for i in range(tmd.tmd.numcontents): if(cid == tmd.contents[i].cid): return tmd.contents[i].index return None def Identify(self, id, version=0): if(not os.path.isfile(self.f + "/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik" % (id >> 32, id & 0xFFFFFFFF))): return None tik = Ticket.loadFile(self.f + "/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik" % (id >> 32, id & 0xFFFFFFFF)) titleid = tik.titleid path = "/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd" % (titleid >> 32, titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF) if(version): path += ".%d" % version if(not os.path.isfile(self.f + path)): return None tmd = TMD.loadFile(self.f + path) self.title = titleid = tmd.tmd.group_id return self.title def GetTitleID(self): return self.title def GetDataDir(self, titleid): """When passed a titleid, it will get the Titles data directory. If there is no title associated with titleid, it will return None.""" if(not os.path.isdir(self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/data" % (titleid >> 32, titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF))): return None return self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/data" % (titleid >> 32, titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF) def GetStoredTMD(self, titleid, version=0): """Gets the TMD for the specified titleid and version""" path = "/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd" % (titleid >> 32, titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF) if(version): path += ".%d" % version if(not os.path.isfile(self.f + path)): return None return TMD.loadFile(self.f + path) def GetTitleContentsCount(self, titleid, version=0): """Gets the number of contents the title with the specified titleid and version has.""" tmd = self.GetStoredTMD(titleid, version) if(tmd == None): return 0 return tmd.tmd.numcontents def GetTitleContents(self, titleid, count, version=0): """Returns a list of content IDs for title id ``titleid'' and version ``version''. It will return, at maximum, ``count'' entries.""" tmd = self.GetStoredTMD(titleid, version) if(tmd == None): return 0 contents = tmd.getContents() out = "" for z in range(count): out += a2b_hex("%08X" % contents[z].cid) return out def GetNumSharedContents(self): """Gets how many shared contents exist on the NAND""" return self.nand.getContentCountFromContentMap() def GetSharedContents(self, cnt): """Gets cnt amount of shared content hashes""" return self.nand.getContentHashesFromContentMap(cnt) def AddTitleStart(self, tmd, certs, crl, is_decrypted = False, result_decrypted = True, use_version = False): self.nand.addTitleToUIDSYS(tmd.tmd.titleid) self.nand.newDirectory("/title/%08x" % (tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32), "rwrwr-", 0x0000) self.nand.newDirectory("/title/%08x/%08x" % (tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32, tmd.tmd.titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF), "rwrwr-", 0x0000) self.nand.newDirectory("/title/%08x/%08x/content" % (tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32, tmd.tmd.titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF), "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.nand.newDirectory("/title/%08x/%08x/data" % (tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32, tmd.tmd.titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF), "rw----", tmd.tmd.group_id, tmd.tmd.titleid) self.nand.newDirectory("/ticket/%08x" % (tmd.tmd.titleid >> 32), "rwrw--", 0x0000) self.workingcids = array.array('L') self.wtitleid = tmd.tmd.titleid self.is_decrypted = is_decrypted self.result_decrypted = result_decrypted self.use_version = use_version return def AddTicket(self, tik): """Adds ticket to the title being added.""" tik.dumpFile(self.f + "/tmp/title.tik") self.ticketadded = 1 def DeleteTicket(self, tikview): """Deletes the ticket relating to tikview (UNIMPLEMENTED!)""" return def AddTitleTMD(self, tmd): """Adds TMD to the title being added.""" tmd.dumpFile(self.f + "/tmp/title.tmd") self.tmdadded = 1 def AddContentStart(self, titleid, cid): """Starts adding a content with content id cid to the title being added with ID titleid.""" if((self.workingcid != 0) and (self.workingcid != None)): "Trying to start an already existing process" return -41 if(self.tmdadded): a = TMD.loadFile(self.f + "/tmp/title.tmd") else: a = TMD.loadFile(self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd.%d" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF, tmd.tmd.title_version)) x = self.getContentIndexFromCID(a, cid) if(x == None): "Not a valid Content ID" return -43 self.workingcid = cid self.workingfp = open(self.f + "/tmp/" % cid, "wb") return 0 def AddContentData(self, cid, data): """Adds data to the content cid being added.""" if(cid != self.workingcid): "Working on the not current CID" return -40 self.workingfp.write(data); return 0 def AddContentFinish(self, cid): """Finishes the content cid being added.""" if(cid != self.workingcid): "Working on the not current CID" return -40 self.workingfp.close() self.workingcids.append(cid) self.workingcidcnt += 1 self.workingcid = None return 0 def AddTitleCancel(self): """Cancels adding a title (deletes the tmp files and resets status).""" if(self.ticketadded): self.nand.removeFile("/tmp/title.tik") self.ticketadded = 0 if(self.tmdadded): self.nand.removeFile("/tmp/title.tmd") self.tmdadded = 0 for i in range(self.workingcidcnt): self.nand.removeFile("/tmp/" % self.workingcids[i]) self.workingcidcnt = 0 self.workingcid = None def AddTitleFinish(self): """Finishes the adding of a title.""" if(self.ticketadded): tik = Ticket.loadFile(self.f + "/tmp/title.tik") else: tik = Ticket.loadFile(self.f + "/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) if(self.tmdadded): tmd = TMD.loadFile(self.f + "/tmp/title.tmd") contents = tmd.getContents() for i in range(self.workingcidcnt): idx = self.getContentIndexFromCID(tmd, self.workingcids[i]) if(idx == None): print "Content ID doesn't exist!" return -42 fp = open(self.f + "/tmp/" % self.workingcids[i], "rb") if(contents[idx].type == 0x0001): filestr = "/title/%08x/%08x/content/" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF, self.workingcids[i]) elif(contents[idx].type == 0x8001): num = self.nand.addHashToContentMap(contents[idx].hash) filestr = "/shared1/" % num self.nand.newFile(filestr, "rwrw--", 0x0000) outfp = open(self.f + filestr, "wb") data = titlekey = tik.getTitleKey() if(self.is_decrypted): tmpdata = data else: tmpdata = Crypto().decryptContent(titlekey, contents[idx].index, data) if(Crypto().validateSHAHash(tmpdata, contents[idx].hash) == 0): "Decryption failed! SHA1 mismatch." return -44 if(self.result_decrypted != True): if(self.is_decrypted): tmpdata = Crypto().encryptContent(titlekey, contents[idx].index, data) else: tmpdata = data fp.close() outfp.write(tmpdata) outfp.close() if(self.tmdadded and self.use_version): self.nand.newFile("/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd.%d" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF, tmd.tmd.title_version), "rwrw--", 0x0000) tmd.dumpFile(self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd.%d" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF, tmd.tmd.title_version)) elif(self.tmdadded): self.nand.newFile("/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF), "rwrw--", 0x0000) tmd.dumpFile(self.f + "/title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) if(self.ticketadded): self.nand.newFile("/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF), "rwrw--", 0x0000) tik.dumpFile(self.f + "/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik" % (self.wtitleid >> 32, self.wtitleid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) self.AddTitleCancel() return 0