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315 lines
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from common import *
class TicketView:
"""Creates a ticket view from the Ticket object ``tik''."""
class TikviewStruct(Struct):
__endian__ = Struct.BE
def __format__(self):
self.view = Struct.uint32
self.ticketid = Struct.uint64
self.devicetype = Struct.uint32
self.titleid = Struct.uint64
self.accessmask = Struct.uint16
self.reserved = Struct.string(0x3C)
self.cidxmask = Struct.string(0x40)
self.padding = Struct.uint16
self.limits = Struct.string(96)
def __init__(self, tik):
self.tikview = self.TikviewStruct()
self.tikview.view = 0
self.tikview.ticketid = tik.tik.tikid
self.tikview.devicetype = tik.tik.console
self.tikview.titleid = tik.getTitleID()
self.tikview.accessmask = 0xFFFF # This needs to be changed, I'm sure...
self.tikview.reserved = "\0" * 0x3C
self.tikview.cidxmask = "\xFF" * 0x40 # This needs to be changed, I'm sure...
self.tikview.padding = 0x0000
self.tikview.limits = "\0" * 96
def __str__(self):
out = ""
out += " Ticket View:\n"
out += " Title ID: %08X-%08X\n" % (self.tikview.titleid >> 32, self.tikview.titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF)
out += " Device type: %08X\n" % self.tikview.devicetype
out += " Ticket ID: %016X\n" % self.tikview.ticketid
out += " Access Mask: %04X\n" % self.tikview.accessmask
return out
class Ticket(WiiObject):
"""Creates a ticket from the filename defined in f. This may take a longer amount of time than expected, as it also decrypts the title key. Now supports Korean tickets (but their title keys stay Korean on dump)."""
class TicketStruct(Struct):
__endian__ = Struct.BE
def __format__(self):
self.rsaexp = Struct.uint32
self.rsamod = Struct.string(256)
self.padding1 = Struct.string(60)
self.rsaid = Struct.string(64)
self.padding2 = Struct.string(63)
self.enctitlekey = Struct.string(16)
self.unk1 = Struct.uint8
self.tikid = Struct.uint64
self.console = Struct.uint32
self.titleid = Struct.uint64
self.unk2 = Struct.uint16
self.dlc = Struct.uint16
self.unk3 = Struct.uint64
self.commonkey_index = Struct.uint8
self.reserved = Struct.string(80)
self.unk3 = Struct.uint16
self.limits = Struct.string(96)
self.unk4 = Struct.uint8
def __init__(self):
self.tik = self.TicketStruct()
self.tik.rsaexp = 0x10001
self.tik.rsamod = "\x00" * 256
self.tik.padding1 = "\x00" * 60
self.tik.rsaid = "\x00" * 64
self.tik.padding2 = "\x00" * 63
self.tik.enctitlekey = "\x00" * 16
self.tik.titleid = 0x0000000100000000
self.tik.reserved = "\x00" * 80
self.tik.limits = "\x00" * 96
commonkey = "\xEB\xE4\x2A\x22\x5E\x85\x93\xE4\x48\xD9\xC5\x45\x73\x81\xAA\xF7"
koreankey = "\x63\xB8\x2B\xB4\xF4\x61\x4E\x2E\x13\xF2\xFE\xFB\xBA\x4C\x9B\x7E"
if(self.tik.commonkey_index == 1): #korean, kekekekek!
commonkey = koreankey
self.titlekey = Crypto().decryptTitleKey(commonkey, self.tik.titleid, self.tik.enctitlekey)
def _load(self, data):
commonkey = "\xEB\xE4\x2A\x22\x5E\x85\x93\xE4\x48\xD9\xC5\x45\x73\x81\xAA\xF7"
koreankey = "\x63\xB8\x2B\xB4\xF4\x61\x4E\x2E\x13\xF2\xFE\xFB\xBA\x4C\x9B\x7E"
if(self.tik.commonkey_index == 1): #korean, kekekekek!
commonkey = koreankey
self.titlekey = Crypto().decryptTitleKey(commonkey, self.tik.titleid, self.tik.enctitlekey)
return self
def getTitleKey(self):
"""Returns a string containing the title key."""
return self.titlekey
def getTitleID(self):
"""Returns a long integer with the title id."""
return self.tik.titleid
def setTitleID(self, titleid):
"""Sets the title id of the ticket from the long integer passed in titleid."""
self.tik.titleid = titleid
commonkey = "\xEB\xE4\x2A\x22\x5E\x85\x93\xE4\x48\xD9\xC5\x45\x73\x81\xAA\xF7"
koreankey = "\x63\xB8\x2B\xB4\xF4\x61\x4E\x2E\x13\xF2\xFE\xFB\xBA\x4C\x9B\x7E"
if(self.tik.commonkey_index == 1): #korean, kekekekek!
commonkey = koreankey
self.titlekey = Crypto().decryptTitleKey(commonkey, self.tik.titleid, self.tik.enctitlekey) #This changes the decrypted title key!
def __str__(self):
out = ""
out += " Ticket:\n"
out += " Title ID: %08x-%08x\n" % (self.getTitleID() >> 32, self.getTitleID() & 0xFFFFFFFF)
out += " Title key IV: "
out += hexdump(struct.pack(">Q", self.getTitleID()) + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")
out += "\n"
out += " Title key (encrypted): "
out += hexdump(self.tik.enctitlekey)
out += "\n"
out += " Title key (decrypted): "
out += hexdump(self.getTitleKey())
out += "\n"
return out
def fakesign(self):
"""Fakesigns (or Trucha signs) and dumps the ticket to either fn, if not empty, or overwriting the source if empty. Returns the output filename."""
self.rsamod = self.rsamod = "\x00" * 256
for i in range(65536):
self.tik.unk2 = i
if(Crypto().createSHAHashHex(self.tik.pack())[:2] == "00"):
if(i == 65535):
raise ValueError("Failed to fakesign. Aborting...")
def _dump(self):
"""Dumps the ticket to either fn, if not empty, or overwriting the source if empty. **Does not fakesign.** Returns the output filename."""
return self.tik.pack()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tik)
class TMD(WiiObject):
"""This class allows you to edit TMDs. TMD (Title Metadata) files are used in many places to hold information about titles. The parameter f to the initialization is the filename to open and create a TMD from."""
class TMDContent(Struct):
__endian__ = Struct.BE
def __format__(self):
self.cid = Struct.uint32
self.index = Struct.uint16
self.type = Struct.uint16
self.size = Struct.uint64
self.hash = Struct.string(20)
class TMDStruct(Struct):
__endian__ = Struct.BE
def __format__(self):
self.rsaexp = Struct.uint32
self.rsamod = Struct.string(256)
self.padding1 = Struct.string(60)
self.rsaid = Struct.string(64)
self.version = Struct.uint8[4]
self.iosversion = Struct.uint64
self.titleid = Struct.uint64
self.title_type = Struct.uint32
self.group_id = Struct.uint16
self.reserved = Struct.string(62)
self.access_rights = Struct.uint32
self.title_version = Struct.uint16
self.numcontents = Struct.uint16
self.boot_index = Struct.uint16
self.padding2 = Struct.uint16
#contents follow this
def _load(self, data):
pos = len(self.tmd)
for i in range(self.tmd.numcontents):
cont = self.TMDContent()
cont.unpack(data[pos:pos + len(cont)])
pos += len(cont)
def __init__(self):
self.tmd = self.TMDStruct()
self.tmd.titleid = 0x0000000100000000
self.contents = []
def getContents(self):
"""Returns a list of contents. Each content is an object with the members "size", the size of the content's decrypted data; "cid", the content id; "type", the type of the content (0x8001 for shared, 0x0001 for standard, more possible), and a 20 byte string called "hash"."""
return self.contents
def setContents(self, contents):
"""This sets the contents in the TMD to the contents you provide in the contents parameter. Also updates the TMD to the appropraite amount of contents."""
self.contents = contents
self.tmd.numcontents = len(contents)
def __str__(self):
out = ""
out += " TMD:\n"
out += " Versions: (todo) %u, CA CRL (todo) %u, Signer CRL (todo) %u, System %u-%u\n" % (0, 0, 0, self.getIOSVersion() >> 32, self.getIOSVersion() & 0xFFFFFFFF)
out += " Title ID: %08x-%08x\n" % (self.getTitleID() >> 32, self.getTitleID() & 0xFFFFFFFF)
out += " Title Type: %u\n" % self.tmd.title_type
out += " Group ID: '%02u'\n" % self.tmd.group_id
out += " Access Rights: 0x%08x\n" % self.tmd.access_rights
out += " Title Version: 0x%04x\n" % self.tmd.title_version
out += " Boot Index: %u\n" % self.getBootIndex()
out += " Contents: \n"
out += " ID Index Type Size Hash\n"
contents = self.getContents()
for i in range(len(contents)):
out += " %08X %-4u 0x%04x %#-12x " % (contents[i].cid, contents[i].index, contents[i].type, contents[i].size)
out += hexdump(contents[i].hash)
out += "\n"
return out
def __len__(self):
contents = self.getContents()
sz = len(self.tmd)
for i in range(len(contents)):
sz += len(contents[i])
return sz
def fakesign(self):
"""Dumps the TMD to the filename specified in fn, if not empty. If that is empty, it overwrites the original. This fakesigns the TMD, but does not update the hashes and the sizes, that is left as a job for you. Returns output filename."""
for i in range(65536):
self.tmd.padding2 = i
data = "" #gotta reset it every time
data += self.tmd.pack()
for i in range(self.tmd.numcontents):
data += self.contents[i].pack()
if(Crypto().createSHAHashHex(data)[:2] == "00"):
if(i == 65535):
raise ValueError("Failed to fakesign! Aborting...")
def _dump(self):
"""Same as the :dump: function, but does not fakesign the TMD. Also returns output filename."""
data = ""
data += self.tmd.pack()
for i in range(self.tmd.numcontents):
data += self.contents[i].pack()
return data
def getTitleID(self):
"""Returns the long integer title id."""
return self.tmd.titleid
def setTitleID(self, titleid):
"""Sets the title id to the long integer specified in the parameter titleid."""
self.tmd.titleid = titleid
def getIOSVersion(self):
"""Returns the IOS version the title will run off of."""
return self.tmd.iosversion
def setIOSVersion(self, version):
"""Sets the IOS version the title will run off of to the arguement version."""
self.tmd.iosverison = version
def getBootIndex(self):
"""Returns the boot index of the TMD."""
return self.tmd.boot_index
def setBootIndex(self, index):
"""Sets the boot index of the TMD to the value of index."""
self.tmd.boot_index = index
class NUS:
"""This class can download titles from NUS, or Nintendo Update Server. The titleid parameter is the long integer version of the title to download. The version parameter is optional and specifies the version to download. If version is not given, it is assumed to be the latest version on NUS."""
def __init__(self, titleid, version = None):
self.titleid = titleid
self.baseurl = "http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/%08x%08x/" % (titleid >> 32, titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF)
self.version = version
def download(self, fn = "", decrypt = True, useidx = True):
"""This will download a title from NUS into a directory either specified by fn (if it is not empty) or a directory created by the title id in hex form. If decrypt is true, it will decrypt the contents, otherwise it will not. A certs file is always created to enable easy WAD Packing. The parameter useidx specifies wheither to use the index or the content id for the file naming (default is index)."""
if(fn == ""):
fn = "%08x%08x" % (self.titleid >> 32, self.titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF)
certs = ""
rawtmd = urllib.urlopen("http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/0000000100000002/tmd.289").read()
rawtik = urllib.urlopen("http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/0000000100000002/cetk").read()
certs += rawtik[0x2A4:0x2A4 + 0x300] #XS
certs += rawtik[0x2A4 + 0x300:] #CA (tik)
certs += rawtmd[0x328:0x328 + 0x300] #CP
if(Crypto().createMD5HashHex(certs) != "7ff50e2733f7a6be1677b6f6c9b625dd"):
raise ValueError("Failed to create certs! MD5 mistatch.")
open("cert", "wb").write(certs)
if(self.version == None):
versionstring = ""
versionstring = ".%u" % self.version
urllib.urlretrieve(self.baseurl + "tmd" + versionstring, "tmd")
tmd = TMD.loadFile("tmd")
tmd.dumpFile("tmd") # strip certs
urllib.urlretrieve(self.baseurl + "cetk", "tik")
tik = Ticket.loadFile("tik")
tik.dumpFile("tik") # strip certs
titlekey = tik.getTitleKey()
contents = tmd.getContents()
for content in contents:
output = content.cid
output = content.index
urllib.urlretrieve(self.baseurl + ("%08x" % content.cid), "%08x.app" % output)
data = open("%08x.app" % output, "rb").read(content.size)
tmpdata = Crypto().decryptContent(titlekey, content.index, data)
if(Crypto().validateSHAHash(tmpdata, content.hash) == 0):
raise ValueError("Decryption failed! SHA1 mismatch.")
open("%08x.app" % output, "wb").write(tmpdata)