mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 23:34:53 +01:00
got rid of upper case types
This commit is contained in:
@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ since `4` will be used in other places and you can't easily see where else the e
* Use the right types. In particular:
* use the lower case types! (unless you're Fire_Head)
* don't use types like `__int16`, we have `int16` for that
* don't use `unsigned`, we have typedefs for that
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
const float DefaultFOV = 80.0f; // actually 70.0f
CCamera &TheCamera = *(CCamera*)0x6FACF8;
Bool &CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson = *(Bool *)0x5F03D8;
bool &CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson = *(bool *)0x5F03D8;
WRAPPER void CCamera::DrawBordersForWideScreen(void) { EAXJMP(0x46B430); }
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ int m_iModeObbeCamIsInForCar;
uint32 m_uiFadeTimeStarted;
uint32 m_uiFadeTimeStartedMusic;
static Bool &m_bUseMouse3rdPerson;
static bool &m_bUseMouse3rdPerson;
CMatrix &GetCameraMatrix(void) { return m_cameraMatrix; }
CVector &GetGameCamPosition(void) { return m_vecGameCamPos; }
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include "Stats.h"
Bool &gbFastTime = *(Bool*)0x95CDBB;
bool &gbFastTime = *(bool*)0x95CDBB;
uint8 &CClock::ms_nGameClockHours = *(uint8*)0x95CDA6;
uint8 &CClock::ms_nGameClockMinutes = *(uint8*)0x95CDC8;
@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::AffectControllerStateOn_ButtonUp(int butt
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::MakeControllerActionsBlank() { EAXJMP(0x58B7A0); }
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::InitDefaultControlConfiguration() { EAXJMP(0x58B930); }
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::InitDefaultControlConfigMouse(CMouseControllerState const &mousestate) { EAXJMP(0x58BD00); }
WRAPPER Int32 CControllerConfigManager::GetJoyButtonJustDown() { EAXJMP(0x58B7D0); }
WRAPPER int32 CControllerConfigManager::GetJoyButtonJustDown() { EAXJMP(0x58B7D0); }
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::InitDefaultControlConfigJoyPad(unsigned int buttons) { EAXJMP(0x58BD90); }
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::ClearSimButtonPressCheckers() { EAXJMP(0x58D220); }
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::AffectPadFromKeyBoard() { EAXJMP(0x58D0C0); }
WRAPPER void CControllerConfigManager::AffectPadFromMouse() { EAXJMP(0x58D1A0); }
void CControllerConfigManager::LoadSettings(Int32 file)
void CControllerConfigManager::LoadSettings(int32 file)
Bool bValid = true;
bool bValid = true;
if ( file )
Char buff[29];
char buff[29];
CFileMgr::Read(file, buff, sizeof(buff));
if ( !strncmp(buff, "THIS FILE IS NOT VALID YET", sizeof(buff) - 3) )
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void CControllerConfigManager::LoadSettings(Int32 file)
for ( int j = 0; j < 41; j++ )
CFileMgr::Read(file, (Char *)&ControlsManager.m_aSettings[j][i], sizeof(tControllerConfigBind));
CFileMgr::Read(file, (char *)&ControlsManager.m_aSettings[j][i], sizeof(tControllerConfigBind));
@ -19,19 +19,19 @@ public:
struct tControllerConfigBind
RsKeyCodes m_Key;
Int32 m_ContSetOrder;
int32 m_ContSetOrder;
Bool field_0;
bool field_0;
char _pad0[3];
WChar m_aActionNames[41][40];
Bool m_aButtonStates[17];
wchar m_aActionNames[41][40];
bool m_aButtonStates[17];
char _pad1[3];
tControllerConfigBind m_aSettings[41][4];
UInt8 m_aSimCheckers[4][4];
Bool m_bMouseAssociated;
uint8 m_aSimCheckers[4][4];
bool m_bMouseAssociated;
char _pad2[3];
void UpdateJoyButtonState(int padnumber);
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ public:
void UpdateJoyInConfigMenus_ButtonUp(int button, int padnumber);
void AffectControllerStateOn_ButtonUp(int button, int padnumber);
Int32 GetJoyButtonJustDown();
void LoadSettings(Int32 file);
int32 GetJoyButtonJustDown();
void LoadSettings(int32 file);
void MakeControllerActionsBlank();
void InitDefaultControlConfiguration();
void InitDefaultControlConfigMouse(CMouseControllerState const &mousestate);
@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ int8 &CMenuManager::m_ControlMethod = *(int8*)0x8F5F7C;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsDMA = *(int8*)0x5F2F74;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsLanguage = *(int8*)0x941238;
Bool &CMenuManager::m_PrefsAllowNastyGame = *(Bool*)0x5F2E64;
Bool &CMenuManager::m_bStartUpFrontEndRequested = *(Bool*)0x95CCF4;
bool &CMenuManager::m_PrefsAllowNastyGame = *(bool*)0x5F2E64;
bool &CMenuManager::m_bStartUpFrontEndRequested = *(bool*)0x95CCF4;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsUseWideScreen = *(int8*)0x95CD23;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsRadioStation = *(int8*)0x95CDA4;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_bDisableMouseSteering = *(int8*)0x60252C;
int32 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsBrightness = *(int32*)0x5F2E50;
Float &CMenuManager::m_PrefsLOD = *(Float*)0x8F42C4;
float &CMenuManager::m_PrefsLOD = *(float*)0x8F42C4;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt = *(int8*)0x628CFC;
int32 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsMusicVolume = *(int32*)0x5F2E4C;
int32 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsSfxVolume = *(int32*)0x5F2E48;
@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ public:
static int8 &m_PrefsLanguage;
static int8 &m_bDisableMouseSteering;
static int32 &m_PrefsBrightness;
static Float &m_PrefsLOD;
static float &m_PrefsLOD;
static int8 &m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt;
static int32 &m_PrefsMusicVolume;
static int32 &m_PrefsSfxVolume;
static Bool &m_PrefsAllowNastyGame;
static Bool &m_bStartUpFrontEndRequested;
static bool &m_PrefsAllowNastyGame;
static bool &m_bStartUpFrontEndRequested;
void Process(void);
void DrawFrontEnd(void);
@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ bool &CGame::noProstitutes = *(bool*)0x95CDCF;
bool &CGame::playingIntro = *(bool*)0x95CDC2;
WRAPPER void CGame::Process(void) { EAXJMP(0x48C850); }
WRAPPER Bool CGame::InitialiseOnceBeforeRW(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BB80); }
WRAPPER Bool CGame::InitialiseRenderWare(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BBA0); }
WRAPPER bool CGame::InitialiseOnceBeforeRW(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BB80); }
WRAPPER bool CGame::InitialiseRenderWare(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BBA0); }
WRAPPER void CGame::ShutdownRenderWare(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BCB0); }
WRAPPER void CGame::FinalShutdown(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BEC0); }
WRAPPER void CGame::ShutDown(void) { EAXJMP(0x48C3A0); }
WRAPPER void CGame::ShutDownForRestart(void) { EAXJMP(0x48C6B0); }
WRAPPER void CGame::InitialiseWhenRestarting(void) { EAXJMP(0x48C740); }
WRAPPER Bool CGame::InitialiseOnceAfterRW(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BD50); }
WRAPPER bool CGame::InitialiseOnceAfterRW(void) { EAXJMP(0x48BD50); }
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ public:
static bool &playingIntro;
static void Process(void);
static Bool InitialiseOnceBeforeRW(void);
static Bool InitialiseRenderWare(void);
static bool InitialiseOnceBeforeRW(void);
static bool InitialiseRenderWare(void);
static void ShutdownRenderWare(void);
static void FinalShutdown(void);
static void ShutDown(void);
static void ShutDownForRestart(void);
static void InitialiseWhenRestarting(void);
static Bool InitialiseOnceAfterRW(void);
static bool InitialiseOnceAfterRW(void);
@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ public:
static float GetRandomNumberInRange(float low, float high)
{ return low + (high - low)*(GetRandomNumber()/float(MYRAND_MAX + 1)); }
static Int32 GetRandomNumberInRange(Int32 low, Int32 high)
static int32 GetRandomNumberInRange(int32 low, int32 high)
{ return low + (high - low)*(GetRandomNumber()/float(MYRAND_MAX + 1)); }
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
#include "Frontend.h"
#include "PCSave.h"
WRAPPER void C_PcSave::SetSaveDirectory(const Char *path) { EAXJMP(0x591EA0); }
WRAPPER void C_PcSave::SetSaveDirectory(const char *path) { EAXJMP(0x591EA0); }
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
class C_PcSave
static void SetSaveDirectory(const Char *path);
static void SetSaveDirectory(const char *path);
@ -28,22 +28,22 @@
CPad *Pads = (CPad*)0x6F0360; // [2]
CMousePointerStateHelper &MousePointerStateHelper = *(CMousePointerStateHelper*)0x95CC8C;
Bool &CPad::bDisplayNoControllerMessage = *(Bool *)0x95CD52;
Bool &CPad::bObsoleteControllerMessage = *(Bool *)0x95CDB8;
Bool &CPad::m_bMapPadOneToPadTwo = *(Bool *)0x95CD48;
bool &CPad::bDisplayNoControllerMessage = *(bool *)0x95CD52;
bool &CPad::bObsoleteControllerMessage = *(bool *)0x95CDB8;
bool &CPad::m_bMapPadOneToPadTwo = *(bool *)0x95CD48;
CKeyboardState &CPad::OldKeyState = *(CKeyboardState*)0x6F1E70;
CKeyboardState &CPad::NewKeyState = *(CKeyboardState*)0x6E60D0;
CKeyboardState &CPad::TempKeyState = *(CKeyboardState*)0x774DE8;
Char CPad::KeyBoardCheatString[18];
char CPad::KeyBoardCheatString[18];
CMouseControllerState &CPad::OldMouseControllerState = *(CMouseControllerState*)0x8472A0;
CMouseControllerState &CPad::NewMouseControllerState = *(CMouseControllerState*)0x8809F0;
CMouseControllerState &CPad::PCTempMouseControllerState = *(CMouseControllerState*)0x6F1E60;
extern Bool &gbFastTime;
extern bool &gbFastTime;
WRAPPER void WeaponCheat() { EAXJMP(0x490D90); }
WRAPPER void HealthCheat() { EAXJMP(0x490E70); }
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ CControllerState::Clear(void)
void CKeyboardState::Clear()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
F[i] = 0;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
VK_KEYS[i] = 0;
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void CKeyboardState::Clear()
void CPad::Clear(Bool bResetPlayerControls)
void CPad::Clear(bool bResetPlayerControls)
@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ void CPad::Clear(Bool bResetPlayerControls)
bApplyBrakes = false;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(5); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(5); i++ )
bHornHistory[i] = false;
iCurrHornHistory = 0;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(12); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(12); i++ )
_unk[i] = ' ';
LastTimeTouched = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ void CPad::UpdateMouse()
if ( PSGLOBAL(mouse) != NULL && SUCCEEDED(_InputGetMouseState(&state)) )
Int32 signX = 1;
Int32 signy = 1;
int32 signX = 1;
int32 signy = 1;
if ( !FrontEndMenuManager.m_bMenuActive )
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ void CPad::UpdateMouse()
PCTempMouseControllerState.x = (Float)(signX * state.lX);
PCTempMouseControllerState.y = (Float)(signy * state.lY);
PCTempMouseControllerState.x = (float)(signX * state.lX);
PCTempMouseControllerState.y = (float)(signy * state.lY);
PCTempMouseControllerState.LMB = state.rgbButtons[0] & 128;
PCTempMouseControllerState.RMB = state.rgbButtons[1] & 128;
PCTempMouseControllerState.MMB = state.rgbButtons[2] & 128;
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ CControllerState CPad::ReconcileTwoControllersInput(CControllerState const &Stat
void CPad::StartShake(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq)
void CPad::StartShake(int16 nDur, uint8 nFreq)
if ( !CMenuManager::m_PrefsUseVibration )
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void CPad::StartShake(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq)
void CPad::StartShake_Distance(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq, Float fX, Float fY, Float fZ)
void CPad::StartShake_Distance(int16 nDur, uint8 nFreq, float fX, float fY, float fZ)
if ( !CMenuManager::m_PrefsUseVibration )
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ void CPad::StartShake_Distance(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq, Float fX, Float fY, Floa
if ( CCutsceneMgr::IsRunning() || CGame::playingIntro )
Float fDist = ( TheCamera.GetPosition() - CVector(fX, fY, fZ) ).Magnitude();
float fDist = ( TheCamera.GetPosition() - CVector(fX, fY, fZ) ).Magnitude();
if ( fDist < 70.0f )
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void CPad::StartShake_Distance(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq, Float fX, Float fY, Floa
void CPad::StartShake_Train(Float fX, Float fY)
void CPad::StartShake_Train(float fX, float fY)
if ( !CMenuManager::m_PrefsUseVibration )
@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ void CPad::StartShake_Train(Float fX, Float fY)
if (FindPlayerVehicle() != NULL && FindPlayerVehicle()->IsTrain() )
Float fDist = ( TheCamera.GetPosition() - CVector(fX, fY, 0.0f) ).Magnitude2D();
float fDist = ( TheCamera.GetPosition() - CVector(fX, fY, 0.0f) ).Magnitude2D();
if ( fDist < 70.0f )
Int32 freq = (Int32)((70.0f - fDist) * 70.0f / 70.0f + 30.0f);
int32 freq = (int32)((70.0f - fDist) * 70.0f / 70.0f + 30.0f);
if ( ShakeDur < 100 )
@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ void CPad::StartShake_Train(Float fX, Float fY)
void CPad::AddToPCCheatString(Char c)
void CPad::AddToPCCheatString(char c)
for ( Int32 i = ARRAY_SIZE(KeyBoardCheatString); i >= 0; i-- )
for ( int32 i = ARRAY_SIZE(KeyBoardCheatString); i >= 0; i-- )
KeyBoardCheatString[i + 1] = KeyBoardCheatString[i];
KeyBoardCheatString[0] = c;
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ void CPad::AddToPCCheatString(Char c)
void CPad::UpdatePads(void)
Bool bUpdate = true;
bool bUpdate = true;
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ void CPad::ProcessPCSpecificStuff(void)
void CPad::Update(Int16 unk)
void CPad::Update(int16 unk)
OldState = NewState;
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ void CPad::DoCheats(void)
void CPad::DoCheats(Int16 unk)
void CPad::DoCheats(int16 unk)
#ifdef PS2
if ( GetTriangleJustDown() )
@ -619,17 +619,17 @@ void CPad::StopPadsShaking(void)
void CPad::StopShaking(Int16 unk)
void CPad::StopShaking(int16 unk)
CPad *CPad::GetPad(Int32 pad)
CPad *CPad::GetPad(int32 pad)
return &Pads[pad];
Int16 CPad::GetSteeringLeftRight(void)
int16 CPad::GetSteeringLeftRight(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -639,8 +639,8 @@ Int16 CPad::GetSteeringLeftRight(void)
case 0:
case 2:
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickX;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadRight - NewState.DPadLeft) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickX;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadRight - NewState.DPadLeft) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetSteeringLeftRight(void)
return 0;
Int16 CPad::GetSteeringUpDown(void)
int16 CPad::GetSteeringUpDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -672,8 +672,8 @@ Int16 CPad::GetSteeringUpDown(void)
case 0:
case 2:
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadUp - NewState.DPadDown) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadUp - NewState.DPadDown) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetSteeringUpDown(void)
return 0;
Int16 CPad::GetCarGunUpDown(void)
int16 CPad::GetCarGunUpDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetCarGunUpDown(void)
return 0;
Int16 CPad::GetCarGunLeftRight(void)
int16 CPad::GetCarGunLeftRight(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetCarGunLeftRight(void)
return 0;
Int16 CPad::GetPedWalkLeftRight(void)
int16 CPad::GetPedWalkLeftRight(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ Int16 CPad::GetPedWalkLeftRight(void)
case 0:
case 2:
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickX;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadRight - NewState.DPadLeft) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickX;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadRight - NewState.DPadLeft) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetPedWalkLeftRight(void)
Int16 CPad::GetPedWalkUpDown(void)
int16 CPad::GetPedWalkUpDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -793,8 +793,8 @@ Int16 CPad::GetPedWalkUpDown(void)
case 0:
case 2:
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadDown - NewState.DPadUp) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadDown - NewState.DPadUp) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -816,15 +816,15 @@ Int16 CPad::GetPedWalkUpDown(void)
return 0;
Int16 CPad::GetAnalogueUpDown(void)
int16 CPad::GetAnalogueUpDown(void)
switch ( Mode )
case 0:
case 2:
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadDown - NewState.DPadUp) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadDown - NewState.DPadUp) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetAnalogueUpDown(void)
return 0;
Bool CPad::GetLookLeft(void)
bool CPad::GetLookLeft(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetLookLeft(void)
return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder2 && !NewState.RightShoulder2);
Bool CPad::GetLookRight(void)
bool CPad::GetLookRight(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetLookRight(void)
Bool CPad::GetLookBehindForCar(void)
bool CPad::GetLookBehindForCar(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetLookBehindForCar(void)
return !!(NewState.RightShoulder2 && NewState.LeftShoulder2);
Bool CPad::GetLookBehindForPed(void)
bool CPad::GetLookBehindForPed(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetLookBehindForPed(void)
return !!NewState.RightShock;
Bool CPad::GetHorn(void)
bool CPad::GetHorn(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetHorn(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::HornJustDown(void)
bool CPad::HornJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ Bool CPad::HornJustDown(void)
Bool CPad::GetCarGunFired(void)
bool CPad::GetCarGunFired(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetCarGunFired(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::CarGunJustDown(void)
bool CPad::CarGunJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ Bool CPad::CarGunJustDown(void)
return false;
Int16 CPad::GetHandBrake(void)
int16 CPad::GetHandBrake(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetHandBrake(void)
return 0;
Int16 CPad::GetBrake(void)
int16 CPad::GetBrake(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetBrake(void)
case 3:
Int16 axis = 2 * NewState.RightStickY;
int16 axis = 2 * NewState.RightStickY;
if ( axis < 0 )
return 0;
@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetBrake(void)
return 0;
Bool CPad::GetExitVehicle(void)
bool CPad::GetExitVehicle(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetExitVehicle(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::ExitVehicleJustDown(void)
bool CPad::ExitVehicleJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ Bool CPad::ExitVehicleJustDown(void)
return false;
Int32 CPad::GetWeapon(void)
int32 CPad::GetWeapon(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ Int32 CPad::GetWeapon(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::WeaponJustDown(void)
bool CPad::WeaponJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ Bool CPad::WeaponJustDown(void)
return false;
Int16 CPad::GetAccelerate(void)
int16 CPad::GetAccelerate(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return 0;
@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetAccelerate(void)
case 3:
Int16 axis = -2 * NewState.RightStickY;
int16 axis = -2 * NewState.RightStickY;
if ( axis < 0 )
return 0;
@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ Int16 CPad::GetAccelerate(void)
return 0;
Bool CPad::CycleCameraModeUpJustDown(void)
bool CPad::CycleCameraModeUpJustDown(void)
switch ( Mode )
@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ Bool CPad::CycleCameraModeUpJustDown(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::CycleCameraModeDownJustDown(void)
bool CPad::CycleCameraModeDownJustDown(void)
switch ( Mode )
@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ Bool CPad::CycleCameraModeDownJustDown(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::ChangeStationJustDown(void)
bool CPad::ChangeStationJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ Bool CPad::ChangeStationJustDown(void)
Bool CPad::CycleWeaponLeftJustDown(void)
bool CPad::CycleWeaponLeftJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ Bool CPad::CycleWeaponLeftJustDown(void)
return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder2 && !OldState.LeftShoulder2);
Bool CPad::CycleWeaponRightJustDown(void)
bool CPad::CycleWeaponRightJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ Bool CPad::CycleWeaponRightJustDown(void)
return !!(NewState.RightShoulder2 && !OldState.RightShoulder2);
Bool CPad::GetTarget(void)
bool CPad::GetTarget(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetTarget(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::TargetJustDown(void)
bool CPad::TargetJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ Bool CPad::TargetJustDown(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::JumpJustDown(void)
bool CPad::JumpJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ Bool CPad::JumpJustDown(void)
return !!(NewState.Square && !OldState.Square);
Bool CPad::GetSprint(void)
bool CPad::GetSprint(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetSprint(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::ShiftTargetLeftJustDown(void)
bool CPad::ShiftTargetLeftJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ Bool CPad::ShiftTargetLeftJustDown(void)
return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder2 && !OldState.LeftShoulder2);
Bool CPad::ShiftTargetRightJustDown(void)
bool CPad::ShiftTargetRightJustDown(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1450,11 +1450,11 @@ Bool CPad::ShiftTargetRightJustDown(void)
return !!(NewState.RightShoulder2 && !OldState.RightShoulder2);
Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadUp(void)
bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadUp(void)
static Int16 oldfStickY = 0;
static int16 oldfStickY = 0;
Int16 Y = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetAnalogueUpDown();
int16 Y = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetAnalogueUpDown();
if ( Y < 0 && oldfStickY >= 0 )
@ -1468,11 +1468,11 @@ Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadUp(void)
Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadDown(void)
bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadDown(void)
static Int16 oldfStickY = 0;
static int16 oldfStickY = 0;
Int16 Y = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetAnalogueUpDown();
int16 Y = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetAnalogueUpDown();
if ( Y > 0 && oldfStickY <= 0 )
@ -1486,11 +1486,11 @@ Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadDown(void)
Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadLeft(void)
bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadLeft(void)
static Int16 oldfStickX = 0;
static int16 oldfStickX = 0;
Int16 X = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
int16 X = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
if ( X < 0 && oldfStickX >= 0 )
@ -1504,11 +1504,11 @@ Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadLeft(void)
Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadRight(void)
bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadRight(void)
static Int16 oldfStickX = 0;
static int16 oldfStickX = 0;
Int16 X = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
int16 X = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
if ( X > 0 && oldfStickX <= 0 )
@ -1522,11 +1522,11 @@ Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadRight(void)
Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadLeftJustUp(void)
bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadLeftJustUp(void)
static Int16 oldfStickX = 0;
static int16 oldfStickX = 0;
Int16 X = GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
int16 X = GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
if ( X == 0 && oldfStickX < 0 )
@ -1542,11 +1542,11 @@ Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadLeftJustUp(void)
Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadRightJustUp(void)
bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadRightJustUp(void)
static Int16 oldfStickX = 0;
static int16 oldfStickX = 0;
Int16 X = GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
int16 X = GetPad(0)->GetPedWalkLeftRight();
if ( X == 0 && oldfStickX > 0 )
@ -1562,7 +1562,7 @@ Bool CPad::GetAnaloguePadRightJustUp(void)
Bool CPad::ForceCameraBehindPlayer(void)
bool CPad::ForceCameraBehindPlayer(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@ Bool CPad::ForceCameraBehindPlayer(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::SniperZoomIn(void)
bool CPad::SniperZoomIn(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ Bool CPad::SniperZoomIn(void)
return false;
Bool CPad::SniperZoomOut(void)
bool CPad::SniperZoomOut(void)
if ( DisablePlayerControls )
return false;
@ -1650,10 +1650,10 @@ Bool CPad::SniperZoomOut(void)
Int16 CPad::SniperModeLookLeftRight(void)
int16 CPad::SniperModeLookLeftRight(void)
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickX;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadRight - NewState.DPadLeft) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickX;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadRight - NewState.DPadLeft) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -1661,10 +1661,10 @@ Int16 CPad::SniperModeLookLeftRight(void)
return dpad;
Int16 CPad::SniperModeLookUpDown(void)
int16 CPad::SniperModeLookUpDown(void)
Int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
Int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadUp - NewState.DPadDown) / 2;
int16 axis = NewState.LeftStickY;
int16 dpad = (NewState.DPadUp - NewState.DPadDown) / 2;
if ( abs(axis) > abs(dpad) )
return axis;
@ -1672,31 +1672,31 @@ Int16 CPad::SniperModeLookUpDown(void)
return dpad;
Int16 CPad::LookAroundLeftRight(void)
int16 CPad::LookAroundLeftRight(void)
Float axis = GetPad(0)->NewState.RightStickX;
float axis = GetPad(0)->NewState.RightStickX;
if ( fabs(axis) > 85 && !GetLookBehindForPed() )
return (Int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -85 : 85)
return (int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -85 : 85)
* (127.0f / 32.0f) ); // 3.96875f
else if ( TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() && fabs(axis) > 10 )
return (Int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -10 : 10)
return (int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -10 : 10)
* (127.0f / 64.0f) ); // 1.984375f
return 0;
Int16 CPad::LookAroundUpDown(void)
int16 CPad::LookAroundUpDown(void)
Int16 axis = GetPad(0)->NewState.RightStickY;
int16 axis = GetPad(0)->NewState.RightStickY;
if ( abs(axis) > 85 && !GetLookBehindForPed() )
return (Int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -85 : 85)
return (int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -85 : 85)
* (127.0f / 32.0f) ); // 3.96875f
else if ( TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() && abs(axis) > 40 )
return (Int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -40 : 40)
return (int16) ( (axis + ( axis > 0 ) ? -40 : 40)
* (127.0f / 64.0f) ); // 1.984375f
return 0;
@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ void CPad::PrintErrorMessage(void)
void LittleTest(void)
static Int32 Cunt = 0;
static int32 Cunt = 0;
Cunt++; // ???
@ -1775,12 +1775,12 @@ void CPad::ResetCheats(void)
Char *CPad::EditString(Char *pStr, Int32 nSize)
char *CPad::EditString(char *pStr, int32 nSize)
Int32 pos = strlen(pStr);
int32 pos = strlen(pStr);
// letters
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < ('Z' - 'A' + 1); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < ('Z' - 'A' + 1); i++ )
if ( GetPad(0)->GetCharJustDown(i + 'A') && pos < nSize - 1 )
@ -1796,7 +1796,7 @@ Char *CPad::EditString(Char *pStr, Int32 nSize)
// numbers
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < ('0' - '9' + 1); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < ('0' - '9' + 1); i++ )
if ( GetPad(0)->GetCharJustDown(i + '0') && pos < nSize - 1 )
@ -1827,17 +1827,17 @@ Char *CPad::EditString(Char *pStr, Int32 nSize)
return pStr;
Int32 *CPad::EditCodesForControls(Int32 *pRsKeys, Int32 nSize)
int32 *CPad::EditCodesForControls(int32 *pRsKeys, int32 nSize)
*pRsKeys = rsNULL;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < 255; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < 255; i++ )
if ( GetPad(0)->GetCharJustDown(i) )
*pRsKeys = i;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < 255; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < 255; i++ )
if ( GetPad(0)->GetFJustDown(i) )
*pRsKeys = i + rsF1;
@ -1996,7 +1996,7 @@ STARTPATCHES
InjectHook(0x492C60, &CPad::ProcessPCSpecificStuff, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492C70, &CPad::Update, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492F00, (void (*)())CPad::DoCheats, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492F20, (void (CPad::*)(Int16))&CPad::DoCheats, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492F20, (void (CPad::*)(int16))&CPad::DoCheats, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492F30, CPad::StopPadsShaking, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492F50, &CPad::StopShaking, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x492F60, CPad::GetPad, PATCH_JUMP);
@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ class CMouseControllerState
//uint32 btns; // bit 0-2 button 1-3
Bool LMB;
Bool RMB;
Bool MMB;
Bool MXB1;
Bool MXB2;
bool LMB;
bool RMB;
bool MMB;
bool MXB1;
bool MXB2;
char _pad0;
Float x, y;
float x, y;
void Clear();
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ VALIDATE_SIZE(CMouseControllerState, 0x10);
class CMousePointerStateHelper
Bool bInvertHorizontally;
Bool bInvertVertically;
bool bInvertHorizontally;
bool bInvertVertically;
CMouseControllerState GetMouseSetUp();
@ -112,52 +112,52 @@ extern CMousePointerStateHelper &MousePointerStateHelper;
class CKeyboardState
Int16 F[12];
Int16 VK_KEYS[256];
Int16 ESC;
Int16 INS;
Int16 DEL;
Int16 HOME;
Int16 END;
Int16 PGUP;
Int16 PGDN;
Int16 UP;
Int16 DOWN;
Int16 LEFT;
Int16 RIGHT;
Int16 PAUSE;
Int16 DIV;
Int16 MUL;
Int16 SUB;
Int16 ADD;
Int16 ENTER;
Int16 NUM1;
Int16 NUM2;
Int16 NUM3;
Int16 NUM4;
Int16 NUM5;
Int16 NUM6;
Int16 NUM7;
Int16 NUM8;
Int16 NUM9;
Int16 NUM0;
Int16 TAB;
Int16 SHIFT;
Int16 LCTRL;
Int16 RCTRL;
Int16 LALT;
Int16 RALT;
Int16 LWIN;
Int16 RWIN;
Int16 APPS;
int16 F[12];
int16 VK_KEYS[256];
int16 ESC;
int16 INS;
int16 DEL;
int16 HOME;
int16 END;
int16 PGUP;
int16 PGDN;
int16 UP;
int16 DOWN;
int16 LEFT;
int16 RIGHT;
int16 PAUSE;
int16 NUMLOCK;
int16 DIV;
int16 MUL;
int16 SUB;
int16 ADD;
int16 ENTER;
int16 DECIMAL;
int16 NUM1;
int16 NUM2;
int16 NUM3;
int16 NUM4;
int16 NUM5;
int16 NUM6;
int16 NUM7;
int16 NUM8;
int16 NUM9;
int16 NUM0;
int16 BACKSP;
int16 TAB;
int16 LSHIFT;
int16 RSHIFT;
int16 SHIFT;
int16 LCTRL;
int16 RCTRL;
int16 LALT;
int16 RALT;
int16 LWIN;
int16 RWIN;
int16 APPS;
void Clear();
@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ public:
int16 Phase;
int16 Mode;
int16 ShakeDur;
UInt8 ShakeFreq;
uint8 ShakeFreq;
int8 bHornHistory[5];
UInt8 iCurrHornHistory;
Bool DisablePlayerControls;
uint8 iCurrHornHistory;
bool DisablePlayerControls;
int8 bApplyBrakes;
Char _unk[12]; //int32 unk[3];
char _unk[12]; //int32 unk[3];
char _pad0[3];
int32 LastTimeTouched;
int32 AverageWeapon;
@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ public:
CPad() { }
~CPad() { }
static Bool &bDisplayNoControllerMessage;
static Bool &bObsoleteControllerMessage;
static Bool &m_bMapPadOneToPadTwo;
static bool &bDisplayNoControllerMessage;
static bool &bObsoleteControllerMessage;
static bool &m_bMapPadOneToPadTwo;
static CKeyboardState &OldKeyState;
static CKeyboardState &NewKeyState;
static CKeyboardState &TempKeyState;
static Char KeyBoardCheatString[18];
static char KeyBoardCheatString[18];
static CMouseControllerState &OldMouseControllerState;
static CMouseControllerState &NewMouseControllerState;
static CMouseControllerState &PCTempMouseControllerState;
@ -214,150 +214,150 @@ public:
void Clear(Bool bResetPlayerControls);
void Clear(bool bResetPlayerControls);
void ClearMouseHistory();
void UpdateMouse();
CControllerState ReconcileTwoControllersInput(CControllerState const &State1, CControllerState const &State2);
void StartShake(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq);
void StartShake_Distance(Int16 nDur, UInt8 nFreq, Float fX, Float fY, Float fz);
void StartShake_Train(Float fX, Float fY);
void AddToPCCheatString(Char c);
void StartShake(int16 nDur, uint8 nFreq);
void StartShake_Distance(int16 nDur, uint8 nFreq, float fX, float fY, float fz);
void StartShake_Train(float fX, float fY);
void AddToPCCheatString(char c);
static void UpdatePads(void);
void ProcessPCSpecificStuff(void);
void Update(Int16 unk);
void Update(int16 unk);
static void DoCheats(void);
void DoCheats(Int16 unk);
void DoCheats(int16 unk);
static void StopPadsShaking(void);
void StopShaking(Int16 unk);
void StopShaking(int16 unk);
static CPad *GetPad(Int32 pad);
static CPad *GetPad(int32 pad);
Int16 GetSteeringLeftRight(void);
Int16 GetSteeringUpDown(void);
Int16 GetCarGunUpDown(void);
Int16 GetCarGunLeftRight(void);
Int16 GetPedWalkLeftRight(void);
Int16 GetPedWalkUpDown(void);
Int16 GetAnalogueUpDown(void);
Bool GetLookLeft(void);
Bool GetLookRight(void);
Bool GetLookBehindForCar(void);
Bool GetLookBehindForPed(void);
Bool GetHorn(void);
Bool HornJustDown(void);
Bool GetCarGunFired(void);
Bool CarGunJustDown(void);
Int16 GetHandBrake(void);
Int16 GetBrake(void);
Bool GetExitVehicle(void);
Bool ExitVehicleJustDown(void);
Int32 GetWeapon(void);
Bool WeaponJustDown(void);
Int16 GetAccelerate(void);
Bool CycleCameraModeUpJustDown(void);
Bool CycleCameraModeDownJustDown(void);
Bool ChangeStationJustDown(void);
Bool CycleWeaponLeftJustDown(void);
Bool CycleWeaponRightJustDown(void);
Bool GetTarget(void);
Bool TargetJustDown(void);
Bool JumpJustDown(void);
Bool GetSprint(void);
Bool ShiftTargetLeftJustDown(void);
Bool ShiftTargetRightJustDown(void);
Bool GetAnaloguePadUp(void);
Bool GetAnaloguePadDown(void);
Bool GetAnaloguePadLeft(void);
Bool GetAnaloguePadRight(void);
Bool GetAnaloguePadLeftJustUp(void);
Bool GetAnaloguePadRightJustUp(void);
Bool ForceCameraBehindPlayer(void);
Bool SniperZoomIn(void);
Bool SniperZoomOut(void);
Int16 SniperModeLookLeftRight(void);
Int16 SniperModeLookUpDown(void);
Int16 LookAroundLeftRight(void);
Int16 LookAroundUpDown(void);
int16 GetSteeringLeftRight(void);
int16 GetSteeringUpDown(void);
int16 GetCarGunUpDown(void);
int16 GetCarGunLeftRight(void);
int16 GetPedWalkLeftRight(void);
int16 GetPedWalkUpDown(void);
int16 GetAnalogueUpDown(void);
bool GetLookLeft(void);
bool GetLookRight(void);
bool GetLookBehindForCar(void);
bool GetLookBehindForPed(void);
bool GetHorn(void);
bool HornJustDown(void);
bool GetCarGunFired(void);
bool CarGunJustDown(void);
int16 GetHandBrake(void);
int16 GetBrake(void);
bool GetExitVehicle(void);
bool ExitVehicleJustDown(void);
int32 GetWeapon(void);
bool WeaponJustDown(void);
int16 GetAccelerate(void);
bool CycleCameraModeUpJustDown(void);
bool CycleCameraModeDownJustDown(void);
bool ChangeStationJustDown(void);
bool CycleWeaponLeftJustDown(void);
bool CycleWeaponRightJustDown(void);
bool GetTarget(void);
bool TargetJustDown(void);
bool JumpJustDown(void);
bool GetSprint(void);
bool ShiftTargetLeftJustDown(void);
bool ShiftTargetRightJustDown(void);
bool GetAnaloguePadUp(void);
bool GetAnaloguePadDown(void);
bool GetAnaloguePadLeft(void);
bool GetAnaloguePadRight(void);
bool GetAnaloguePadLeftJustUp(void);
bool GetAnaloguePadRightJustUp(void);
bool ForceCameraBehindPlayer(void);
bool SniperZoomIn(void);
bool SniperZoomOut(void);
int16 SniperModeLookLeftRight(void);
int16 SniperModeLookUpDown(void);
int16 LookAroundLeftRight(void);
int16 LookAroundUpDown(void);
void ResetAverageWeapon(void);
static void PrintErrorMessage(void);
static void ResetCheats(void);
static Char *EditString(Char *pStr, Int32 nSize);
static Int32 *EditCodesForControls(Int32 *pRsKeys, Int32 nSize);
static char *EditString(char *pStr, int32 nSize);
static int32 *EditCodesForControls(int32 *pRsKeys, int32 nSize);
// mouse
inline Bool GetLeftMouseJustDown() { return !!(NewMouseControllerState.LMB && !OldMouseControllerState.LMB); }
inline bool GetLeftMouseJustDown() { return !!(NewMouseControllerState.LMB && !OldMouseControllerState.LMB); }
// keyboard
inline Bool GetCharJustDown(Char c) { return !!(NewKeyState.VK_KEYS[c] && !OldKeyState.VK_KEYS[c]); }
inline Bool GetFJustDown(Int32 n) { return !!(NewKeyState.F[n] && !OldKeyState.F[n]); }
inline Bool GetEscapeJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.ESC && !OldKeyState.ESC); }
inline Bool GetInsertJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.INS && !OldKeyState.INS); }
inline Bool GetDeleteJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DEL && !OldKeyState.DEL); }
inline Bool GetHomeJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.HOME && !OldKeyState.HOME); }
inline Bool GetEndJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.END && !OldKeyState.END); }
inline Bool GetPageUpJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.PGUP && !OldKeyState.PGUP); }
inline Bool GetPageDownJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.PGDN && !OldKeyState.PGDN); }
inline Bool GetUpJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.UP && !OldKeyState.UP); }
inline Bool GetDownJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DOWN && !OldKeyState.DOWN); }
inline Bool GetLeftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LEFT && !OldKeyState.LEFT); }
inline Bool GetRightJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RIGHT && !OldKeyState.RIGHT); }
inline Bool GetScrollLockJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.SCROLLLOCK && !OldKeyState.SCROLLLOCK); }
inline Bool GetPauseJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.PAUSE && !OldKeyState.PAUSE); }
inline Bool GetNumLockJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUMLOCK && !OldKeyState.NUMLOCK); }
inline Bool GetDivideJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DIV && !OldKeyState.DIV); }
inline Bool GetTimesJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.MUL && !OldKeyState.MUL); }
inline Bool GetMinusJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.SUB && !OldKeyState.SUB); }
inline Bool GetPlusJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.ADD && !OldKeyState.ADD); }
inline Bool GetPadEnterJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.ENTER && !OldKeyState.ENTER); } // GetEnterJustDown
inline Bool GetPadDelJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DECIMAL && !OldKeyState.DECIMAL); }
inline Bool GetPad1JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM1 && !OldKeyState.NUM1); }
inline Bool GetPad2JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM2 && !OldKeyState.NUM2); }
inline Bool GetPad3JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM3 && !OldKeyState.NUM3); }
inline Bool GetPad4JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM4 && !OldKeyState.NUM4); }
inline Bool GetPad5JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM5 && !OldKeyState.NUM5); }
inline Bool GetPad6JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM6 && !OldKeyState.NUM6); }
inline Bool GetPad7JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM7 && !OldKeyState.NUM7); }
inline Bool GetPad8JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM8 && !OldKeyState.NUM8); }
inline Bool GetPad9JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM9 && !OldKeyState.NUM9); }
inline Bool GetPad0JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM0 && !OldKeyState.NUM0); }
inline Bool GetBackspaceJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.BACKSP && !OldKeyState.BACKSP); }
inline Bool GetTabJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.TAB && !OldKeyState.TAB); }
inline Bool GetCapsLockJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.CAPSLOCK && !OldKeyState.CAPSLOCK); }
inline Bool GetEnterJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.EXTENTER && !OldKeyState.EXTENTER); }
inline Bool GetLeftShiftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LSHIFT && !OldKeyState.LSHIFT); }
inline Bool GetShiftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.SHIFT && !OldKeyState.SHIFT); }
inline Bool GetRightShiftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RSHIFT && !OldKeyState.RSHIFT); }
inline Bool GetLeftCtrlJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LCTRL && !OldKeyState.LCTRL); }
inline Bool GetRightCtrlJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RCTRL && !OldKeyState.RCTRL); }
inline Bool GetLeftAltJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LALT && !OldKeyState.LALT); }
inline Bool GetRightAltJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RALT && !OldKeyState.RALT); }
inline Bool GetLeftWinJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LWIN && !OldKeyState.LWIN); }
inline Bool GetRightWinJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RWIN && !OldKeyState.RWIN); }
inline Bool GetAppsJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.APPS && !OldKeyState.APPS); }
inline bool GetCharJustDown(char c) { return !!(NewKeyState.VK_KEYS[c] && !OldKeyState.VK_KEYS[c]); }
inline bool GetFJustDown(int32 n) { return !!(NewKeyState.F[n] && !OldKeyState.F[n]); }
inline bool GetEscapeJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.ESC && !OldKeyState.ESC); }
inline bool GetInsertJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.INS && !OldKeyState.INS); }
inline bool GetDeleteJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DEL && !OldKeyState.DEL); }
inline bool GetHomeJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.HOME && !OldKeyState.HOME); }
inline bool GetEndJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.END && !OldKeyState.END); }
inline bool GetPageUpJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.PGUP && !OldKeyState.PGUP); }
inline bool GetPageDownJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.PGDN && !OldKeyState.PGDN); }
inline bool GetUpJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.UP && !OldKeyState.UP); }
inline bool GetDownJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DOWN && !OldKeyState.DOWN); }
inline bool GetLeftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LEFT && !OldKeyState.LEFT); }
inline bool GetRightJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RIGHT && !OldKeyState.RIGHT); }
inline bool GetScrollLockJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.SCROLLLOCK && !OldKeyState.SCROLLLOCK); }
inline bool GetPauseJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.PAUSE && !OldKeyState.PAUSE); }
inline bool GetNumLockJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUMLOCK && !OldKeyState.NUMLOCK); }
inline bool GetDivideJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DIV && !OldKeyState.DIV); }
inline bool GetTimesJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.MUL && !OldKeyState.MUL); }
inline bool GetMinusJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.SUB && !OldKeyState.SUB); }
inline bool GetPlusJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.ADD && !OldKeyState.ADD); }
inline bool GetPadEnterJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.ENTER && !OldKeyState.ENTER); } // GetEnterJustDown
inline bool GetPadDelJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.DECIMAL && !OldKeyState.DECIMAL); }
inline bool GetPad1JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM1 && !OldKeyState.NUM1); }
inline bool GetPad2JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM2 && !OldKeyState.NUM2); }
inline bool GetPad3JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM3 && !OldKeyState.NUM3); }
inline bool GetPad4JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM4 && !OldKeyState.NUM4); }
inline bool GetPad5JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM5 && !OldKeyState.NUM5); }
inline bool GetPad6JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM6 && !OldKeyState.NUM6); }
inline bool GetPad7JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM7 && !OldKeyState.NUM7); }
inline bool GetPad8JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM8 && !OldKeyState.NUM8); }
inline bool GetPad9JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM9 && !OldKeyState.NUM9); }
inline bool GetPad0JustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.NUM0 && !OldKeyState.NUM0); }
inline bool GetBackspaceJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.BACKSP && !OldKeyState.BACKSP); }
inline bool GetTabJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.TAB && !OldKeyState.TAB); }
inline bool GetCapsLockJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.CAPSLOCK && !OldKeyState.CAPSLOCK); }
inline bool GetEnterJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.EXTENTER && !OldKeyState.EXTENTER); }
inline bool GetLeftShiftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LSHIFT && !OldKeyState.LSHIFT); }
inline bool GetShiftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.SHIFT && !OldKeyState.SHIFT); }
inline bool GetRightShiftJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RSHIFT && !OldKeyState.RSHIFT); }
inline bool GetLeftCtrlJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LCTRL && !OldKeyState.LCTRL); }
inline bool GetRightCtrlJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RCTRL && !OldKeyState.RCTRL); }
inline bool GetLeftAltJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LALT && !OldKeyState.LALT); }
inline bool GetRightAltJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RALT && !OldKeyState.RALT); }
inline bool GetLeftWinJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.LWIN && !OldKeyState.LWIN); }
inline bool GetRightWinJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.RWIN && !OldKeyState.RWIN); }
inline bool GetAppsJustDown() { return !!(NewKeyState.APPS && !OldKeyState.APPS); }
// pad
inline Bool GetTriangleJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Triangle && !OldState.Triangle); }
inline Bool GetCircleJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Circle && !OldState.Circle); }
inline Bool GetCrossJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Cross && !OldState.Cross); }
inline Bool GetSquareJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Square && !OldState.Square); }
inline Bool GetDPadUpJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadUp && !OldState.DPadUp); }
inline Bool GetDPadDownJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadDown && !OldState.DPadDown); }
inline Bool GetDPadLeftJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadLeft && !OldState.DPadLeft); }
inline Bool GetDPadRightJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadRight && !OldState.DPadRight); }
inline Bool GetLeftShoulder1JustDown() { return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder1 && !OldState.LeftShoulder1); }
inline Bool GetLeftShoulder2JustDown() { return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder2 && !OldState.LeftShoulder2); }
inline Bool GetRightShoulder1JustDown() { return !!(NewState.RightShoulder1 && !OldState.RightShoulder1); }
inline Bool GetRightShoulder2JustDown() { return !!(NewState.RightShoulder2 && !OldState.RightShoulder2); }
inline bool GetTriangleJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Triangle && !OldState.Triangle); }
inline bool GetCircleJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Circle && !OldState.Circle); }
inline bool GetCrossJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Cross && !OldState.Cross); }
inline bool GetSquareJustDown() { return !!(NewState.Square && !OldState.Square); }
inline bool GetDPadUpJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadUp && !OldState.DPadUp); }
inline bool GetDPadDownJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadDown && !OldState.DPadDown); }
inline bool GetDPadLeftJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadLeft && !OldState.DPadLeft); }
inline bool GetDPadRightJustDown() { return !!(NewState.DPadRight && !OldState.DPadRight); }
inline bool GetLeftShoulder1JustDown() { return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder1 && !OldState.LeftShoulder1); }
inline bool GetLeftShoulder2JustDown() { return !!(NewState.LeftShoulder2 && !OldState.LeftShoulder2); }
inline bool GetRightShoulder1JustDown() { return !!(NewState.RightShoulder1 && !OldState.RightShoulder1); }
inline bool GetRightShoulder2JustDown() { return !!(NewState.RightShoulder2 && !OldState.RightShoulder2); }
inline Int32 GetLeftShoulder1(void) { return NewState.LeftShoulder1; }
inline Int32 GetLeftShoulder2(void) { return NewState.LeftShoulder2; }
inline Int32 GetRightShoulder1(void) { return NewState.RightShoulder1; }
inline Int32 GetRightShoulder2(void) { return NewState.RightShoulder2; }
inline int32 GetLeftShoulder1(void) { return NewState.LeftShoulder1; }
inline int32 GetLeftShoulder2(void) { return NewState.LeftShoulder2; }
inline int32 GetRightShoulder1(void) { return NewState.RightShoulder1; }
inline int32 GetRightShoulder2(void) { return NewState.RightShoulder2; }
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ WRAPPER void CRadar::Draw3dMarkers() { EAXJMP(0x4A4C70); }
WRAPPER void CRadar::DrawBlips() { EAXJMP(0x4A42F0); }
WRAPPER void CRadar::DrawRadarMap() { EAXJMP(0x4A6C20); }
Float &CRadar::m_RadarRange = *(Float*)0x8E281C;
float &CRadar::m_RadarRange = *(float*)0x8E281C;
CVector2D &CRadar::vec2DRadarOrigin = *(CVector2D*)0x6299B8;
void CRadar::DrawMap() {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ enum eBlipType
class CRadar
static Float &m_RadarRange;
static float &m_RadarRange;
static CVector2D &vec2DRadarOrigin;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "Stats.h"
Int32 &CStats::DaysPassed = *(Int32*)0x8F2BB8;
Int32 &CStats::HeadShots = *(Int32*)0x8F647C;
int32 &CStats::DaysPassed = *(int32*)0x8F2BB8;
int32 &CStats::HeadShots = *(int32*)0x8F647C;
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
class CStats
static Int32 &DaysPassed;
static Int32 &HeadShots;
static int32 &DaysPassed;
static int32 &HeadShots;
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ bool &CTimer::m_UserPause = *(bool*)0x95CD7C;
bool &CTimer::m_CodePause = *(bool*)0x95CDB1;
//UInt32 oldPcTimer;
UInt32 &oldPcTimer = *(UInt32*)0x9434F4;
uint32 &oldPcTimer = *(uint32*)0x9434F4;
//UInt32 suspendPcTimer;
UInt32 &suspendPcTimer = *(UInt32*)0x62A308;
uint32 &suspendPcTimer = *(uint32*)0x62A308;
//UInt32 _nCyclesPerMS = 1;
UInt32 &_nCyclesPerMS = *(UInt32*)0x5F7610;
uint32 &_nCyclesPerMS = *(uint32*)0x5F7610;
//LARGE_INTEGER _oldPerfCounter;
LARGE_INTEGER &_oldPerfCounter = *(LARGE_INTEGER*)0x62A310;
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ LARGE_INTEGER &_oldPerfCounter = *(LARGE_INTEGER*)0x62A310;
LARGE_INTEGER &perfSuspendCounter = *(LARGE_INTEGER*)0x62A318;
//UInt32 suspendDepth;
UInt32 &suspendDepth = *(UInt32*)0x62A320;
uint32 &suspendDepth = *(uint32*)0x62A320;
void CTimer::Initialise(void)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void CTimer::Initialise(void)
if ( QueryPerformanceFrequency(&perfFreq) )
OutputDebugString("Performance counter available\n");
_nCyclesPerMS = UInt32(perfFreq.QuadPart / 1000);
_nCyclesPerMS = uint32(perfFreq.QuadPart / 1000);
@ -82,18 +82,18 @@ void CTimer::Update(void)
m_snPreviousTimeInMilliseconds = m_snTimeInMilliseconds;
if ( (Double)_nCyclesPerMS != 0.0 )
if ( (double)_nCyclesPerMS != 0.0 )
Int32 updInCycles = (pc.LowPart - _oldPerfCounter.LowPart) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int32 updInCycles = (pc.LowPart - _oldPerfCounter.LowPart) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
_oldPerfCounter = pc;
Double updInCyclesScaled = (Double)updInCycles * ms_fTimeScale;
double updInCyclesScaled = (double)updInCycles * ms_fTimeScale;
Double upd = updInCyclesScaled / (Double)_nCyclesPerMS;
double upd = updInCyclesScaled / (double)_nCyclesPerMS;
m_snTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode = (Int64)(m_snTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode + upd);
@ -103,16 +103,16 @@ void CTimer::Update(void)
m_snTimeInMilliseconds = (Int64)(m_snTimeInMilliseconds + upd);
m_snTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped = (Int64)(m_snTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped + upd);
ms_fTimeStep = updInCyclesScaled / (Double)_nCyclesPerMS / 20.0;
ms_fTimeStep = updInCyclesScaled / (double)_nCyclesPerMS / 20.0;
UInt32 timer = RsTimer();
uint32 timer = RsTimer();
UInt32 updInMs = timer - oldPcTimer;
uint32 updInMs = timer - oldPcTimer;
Double upd = (Double)updInMs * ms_fTimeScale;
double upd = (double)updInMs * ms_fTimeScale;
oldPcTimer = timer;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void CTimer::Suspend(void)
if ( ++suspendDepth > 1 )
if ( (Double)_nCyclesPerMS != 0.0 )
if ( (double)_nCyclesPerMS != 0.0 )
suspendPcTimer = RsTimer();
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void CTimer::Resume(void)
if ( --suspendDepth != 0 )
if ( (Double)_nCyclesPerMS != 0.0 )
if ( (double)_nCyclesPerMS != 0.0 )
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void CTimer::Resume(void)
oldPcTimer += RsTimer() - suspendPcTimer;
UInt32 CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(void)
uint32 CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(void)
if (_nCyclesPerMS != 0)
return _nCyclesPerMS;
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ UInt32 CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(void)
return 1;
UInt32 CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles(void)
uint32 CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles(void)
if ( _nCyclesPerMS != 0 )
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ UInt32 CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles(void)
return RsTimer() - oldPcTimer;
Bool CTimer::GetIsSlowMotionActive(void)
bool CTimer::GetIsSlowMotionActive(void)
return ms_fTimeScale < 1.0f;
@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ public:
static uint32 GetFrameCounter(void) { return m_FrameCounter; }
static uint32 GetTimeInMilliseconds(void) { return m_snTimeInMilliseconds; }
static inline Bool GetIsPaused() { return m_UserPause || m_CodePause; }
static inline Bool GetIsUserPaused() { return m_UserPause; }
static inline void SetTimeScale(Float ts) { ms_fTimeScale = ts; }
static inline bool GetIsPaused() { return m_UserPause || m_CodePause; }
static inline bool GetIsUserPaused() { return m_UserPause; }
static inline void SetTimeScale(float ts) { ms_fTimeScale = ts; }
static void Initialise(void);
static void Shutdown(void);
static void Update(void);
static void Suspend(void);
static void Resume(void);
static UInt32 GetCyclesPerMillisecond(void);
static UInt32 GetCurrentTimeInCycles(void);
static Bool GetIsSlowMotionActive(void);
static uint32 GetCyclesPerMillisecond(void);
static uint32 GetCurrentTimeInCycles(void);
static bool GetIsSlowMotionActive(void);
static void Stop(void);
static void StartUserPause(void);
static void EndUserPause(void);
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
int16 m_wRoadblockNode;
int8 field_1342;
int8 field_1343;
Float m_fDistanceToTarget;
float m_fDistanceToTarget;
int8 m_bIsInPursuit;
int8 m_bIsDisabledCop;
int8 field_1350;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
int32 m_nChaos;
int32 m_nLastUpdateTime;
int32 m_nLastWantedLevelChange;
Float m_fCrimeSensitivity;
float m_fCrimeSensitivity;
uint8 m_bCurrentCops;
uint8 m_bMaxCops;
uint8 m_bMaximumLawEnforcerVehicles;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "AudioScriptObject.h"
void PlayOneShotScriptObject(UInt8 id, CVector const &pos)
void PlayOneShotScriptObject(uint8 id, CVector const &pos)
((void (__cdecl *)(UInt8, CVector const &))0x57C5F0)(id, pos);
((void (__cdecl *)(uint8, CVector const &))0x57C5F0)(id, pos);
@ -128,4 +128,4 @@ enum /*eSounds*/
extern void PlayOneShotScriptObject(UInt8 id, CVector const &pos);
extern void PlayOneShotScriptObject(uint8 id, CVector const &pos);
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ WRAPPER void cDMAudio::ReacquireDigitalHandle(void) { EAXJMP(0x57CA30); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::Service(void) { EAXJMP(0x57C7A0); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::ReportCollision(CEntity *A, CEntity *B, uint8 surfA, uint8 surfB, float impulse, float speed) { EAXJMP(0x57CBE0); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::ResetTimers(UInt32 timerval) { EAXJMP(0x57CCD0); }
WRAPPER Bool cDMAudio::IsAudioInitialised() { EAXJMP(0x57CAB0); }
WRAPPER Char cDMAudio::GetCDAudioDriveLetter() { EAXJMP(0x57CA90); }
WRAPPER Bool cDMAudio::CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD() { EAXJMP(0x57CA70); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::ChangeMusicMode(UInt8 mode) { EAXJMP(0x57CCF0); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::ResetTimers(uint32 timerval) { EAXJMP(0x57CCD0); }
WRAPPER bool cDMAudio::IsAudioInitialised() { EAXJMP(0x57CAB0); }
WRAPPER char cDMAudio::GetCDAudioDriveLetter() { EAXJMP(0x57CA90); }
WRAPPER bool cDMAudio::CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD() { EAXJMP(0x57CA70); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::ChangeMusicMode(uint8 mode) { EAXJMP(0x57CCF0); }
WRAPPER void cDMAudio::PlayFrontEndSound(uint32, uint32) { EAXJMP(0x57CC20); }
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ public:
void ReacquireDigitalHandle(void);
void Service(void);
void ReportCollision(CEntity* A, CEntity* B, uint8 surfA, uint8 surfB, float impulse, float speed);
void ResetTimers(UInt32 timerval);
Bool IsAudioInitialised(void);
Char GetCDAudioDriveLetter(void);
Bool CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD(void);
void ChangeMusicMode(UInt8 mode);
void ResetTimers(uint32 timerval);
bool IsAudioInitialised(void);
char GetCDAudioDriveLetter(void);
bool CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD(void);
void ChangeMusicMode(uint8 mode);
void PlayFrontEndSound(uint32, uint32);
extern cDMAudio &DMAudio;
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public:
class cMusicManager
Bool m_bIsInitialised;
bool m_bIsInitialised;
uint8 field_1;
uint8 m_nMusicMode;
uint8 m_nCurrentStreamedSound;
@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ public:
uint8 field_5;
uint8 field_6;
uint8 field_7;
Bool m_bAnnouncement;
Bool m_bPreviousPlayerInCar;
Bool m_bPlayerInCar;
Bool m_bAnnouncementInProgress;
bool m_bAnnouncement;
bool m_bPreviousPlayerInCar;
bool m_bPlayerInCar;
bool m_bAnnouncementInProgress;
tMP3Sample m_asMP3Samples[196];
uint8 field_2364;
uint8 field_2365;
@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ public:
uint8 field_2380;
uint8 field_2381;
uint8 field_2382;
Bool m_bRadioSetByScript;
bool m_bRadioSetByScript;
uint8 m_nRadioStation;
uint8 field_2385;
uint8 field_2386;
uint8 field_2387;
uint32 m_nRadioPosition;
Bool m_bRadioInCar;
bool m_bRadioInCar;
uint8 field_2393;
uint8 field_2394;
uint8 field_2395;
@ -31,22 +31,17 @@
#undef near
typedef uint8_t uint8, UInt8;
typedef int8_t int8, Int8;
typedef uint16_t uint16, UInt16;
typedef int16_t int16, Int16;
typedef uint32_t uint32, UInt32;
typedef int32_t int32, Int32;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef uintptr_t uintptr;
typedef uint64_t uint64, UInt64;
typedef int64_t int64, Int64;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef int64_t int64;
// hardcode ucs-2
typedef uint16_t wchar, WChar;
typedef float Float;
typedef double Double;
typedef bool Bool;
typedef char Char;
typedef uint16_t wchar;
#define nil NULL
@ -68,13 +63,13 @@ extern void **rwengine;
#define SCREEN_WIDTH Float(RsGlobal.width)
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT Float(RsGlobal.height)
#define SCREEN_WIDTH float(RsGlobal.width)
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT float(RsGlobal.height)
@ -163,6 +158,6 @@ void re3_assert(const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, con
#define VALIDATE_SIZE(struc, size) static_assert(sizeof(struc) == size, "Invalid structure size of " #struc)
#define VALIDATE_OFFSET(struc, member, offset) static_assert(offsetof(struc, member) == offset, "The offset of " #member " in " #struc " is not " #offset "...")
#define PERCENT(x, p) ((Float(x) * (Float(p) / 100.0f)))
#define PERCENT(x, p) ((float(x) * (float(p) / 100.0f)))
#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
#define BIT(num) (1<<(num))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "Population.h"
Bool &CPopulation::ms_bGivePedsWeapons = *(Bool*)0x95CCF6;
bool &CPopulation::ms_bGivePedsWeapons = *(bool*)0x95CCF6;
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
class CPopulation
static Bool &ms_bGivePedsWeapons;
static bool &ms_bGivePedsWeapons;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "Record.h"
UInt16 &CRecordDataForGame::RecordingState = *(UInt16*)0x95CC24;
uint16 &CRecordDataForGame::RecordingState = *(uint16*)0x95CC24;
UInt8 &CRecordDataForChase::Status = *(UInt8*)0x95CDCE;
uint8 &CRecordDataForChase::Status = *(uint8*)0x95CDCE;
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
class CRecordDataForGame
static UInt16 &RecordingState;
static uint16 &RecordingState;
class CRecordDataForChase
static UInt8 &Status;
static uint8 &Status;
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
#include "Replay.h"
uint8 &CReplay::Mode = *(uint8*)0x95CD5B;
Bool &CReplay::bPlayingBackFromFile = *(Bool*)0x95CD58;
bool &CReplay::bPlayingBackFromFile = *(bool*)0x95CD58;
WRAPPER void CReplay::Display(void) { EAXJMP(0x595EE0); }
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public:
static uint8 &Mode;
static Bool &bPlayingBackFromFile;
static bool &bPlayingBackFromFile;
static void Display(void);
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
struct CScriptRectangle
Bool m_bIsUsed;
Bool m_bIsAntialiased;
bool m_bIsUsed;
bool m_bIsAntialiased;
uint16 m_wTextureId;
CRect m_sRect;
CRGBA m_sColor;
@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ struct CScriptRectangle
struct CTextLine
Float m_fScaleX;
Float m_fScaleY;
float m_fScaleX;
float m_fScaleY;
CRGBA m_sColor;
Bool m_bJustify;
Bool m_bCentered;
Bool m_bBackground;
Bool m_bBackgroundOnly;
Float m_fWrapX;
Float m_fCenterSize;
bool m_bJustify;
bool m_bCentered;
bool m_bBackground;
bool m_bBackgroundOnly;
float m_fWrapX;
float m_fCenterSize;
CRGBA m_sBackgroundColor;
Bool m_bTextProportional;
bool m_bTextProportional;
int32 field_29;
Bool m_bRightJustify;
bool m_bRightJustify;
int32 field_31;
int32 m_nFont;
Float field_36;
Float field_40;
float field_36;
float field_40;
wchar m_awText[500];
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
#include "DMaudio.h"
#include "Ped.h"
Bool &CPed::bNastyLimbsCheat = *(Bool*)0x95CD44;
Bool &CPed::bPedCheat2 = *(Bool*)0x95CD5A;
Bool &CPed::bPedCheat3 = *(Bool*)0x95CD59;
bool &CPed::bNastyLimbsCheat = *(bool*)0x95CD44;
bool &CPed::bPedCheat2 = *(bool*)0x95CD5A;
bool &CPed::bPedCheat3 = *(bool*)0x95CD59;
void *CPed::operator new(size_t sz) { return CPools::GetPedPool()->New(); }
void CPed::operator delete(void *p, size_t sz) { CPools::GetPedPool()->Delete((CPed*)p); }
@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ private:
CPathNode *m_pNextPathNode;
CPathNode *m_pLastPathNode;
Float m_fHealth;
Float m_fArmour;
float m_fHealth;
float m_fArmour;
uint8 stuff2[34];
CEntity *m_pCurrentPhysSurface;
CVector m_vecOffsetFromPhysSurface;
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public:
uint8 stuff3[12];
CPed* m_pSeekTarget;
CVehicle *m_pMyVehicle;
Bool bInVehicle;
bool bInVehicle;
uint8 stuff4[23];
int32 m_nPedType;
PedStat *m_pedStats;
@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ public:
CWeapon *GetWeapon(void) { return &m_weapons[m_currentWeapon]; }
RwFrame *GetNodeFrame(int nodeId) { return m_pFrames[nodeId]->frame; }
static Bool &bNastyLimbsCheat;
static Bool &bPedCheat2;
static Bool &bPedCheat3;
static bool &bNastyLimbsCheat;
static bool &bPedCheat2;
static bool &bPedCheat3;
static_assert(offsetof(CPed, m_nPedState) == 0x224, "CPed: error");
static_assert(offsetof(CPed, m_pCurSurface) == 0x2FC, "CPed: error");
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public:
int32 m_nTotalPackages;
int32 field_188;
int32 m_nSwitchTaxiTime;
Bool m_bSwitchTaxi;
bool m_bSwitchTaxi;
int8 field_197;
int8 field_198;
int8 field_199;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
int8 field_218;
int8 field_219;
int32 m_nWBTime;
Bool m_bInRemoteMode;
bool m_bInRemoteMode;
int8 field_225;
int8 field_226;
int8 field_227;
@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ public:
int16 m_nTrafficMultiplier;
int8 field_254;
int8 field_255;
Float m_fRoadDensity;
float m_fRoadDensity;
int32 m_nPreviousTimeRewardedForExplosion;
int32 m_nExplosionsSinceLastReward;
int32 field_268;
int32 field_272;
Bool m_bInfiniteSprint;
Bool m_bFastReload;
Bool m_bGetOutOfJailFree;
Bool m_bGetOutOfHospitalFree;
bool m_bInfiniteSprint;
bool m_bFastReload;
bool m_bGetOutOfJailFree;
bool m_bGetOutOfHospitalFree;
uint8 m_aSkinName[32];
RwTexture *m_pSkinTexture;
@ -7,36 +7,36 @@ class CPlayerPed : public CPed {
CWanted *m_pWanted;
CCopPed *m_pArrestingCop;
Float m_fMoveSpeed;
Float m_fCurrentStamina;
Float m_fMaxStamina;
Float m_fStaminaProgress;
Bool m_bWeaponSlot;
Bool m_bSpeedTimerFlag;
Bool m_bShouldEvade;
float m_fMoveSpeed;
float m_fCurrentStamina;
float m_fMaxStamina;
float m_fStaminaProgress;
bool m_bWeaponSlot;
bool m_bSpeedTimerFlag;
bool m_bShouldEvade;
int8 field_1367;
int32 m_nSpeedTimer;
int32 m_nShotDelay;
Float field_1376;
float field_1376;
int8 field_1380;
int8 field_1381;
int8 field_1382;
int8 field_1383;
CEntity *m_pEvadingFrom;
int32 m_nTargettableObjects[4];
Bool m_bAdrenalineActive;
Bool m_bHasLockOnTarget;
bool m_bAdrenalineActive;
bool m_bHasLockOnTarget;
int8 field_1406;
int8 field_1407;
Bool m_bAdrenalineTime;
Bool m_bCanBeDamaged;
bool m_bAdrenalineTime;
bool m_bCanBeDamaged;
int8 field_1413;
int8 field_1414;
int8 field_1415;
CVector field_1416[6];
int32 field_1488[6];
Float field_1512;
Float m_fFPSMoveHeading;
float field_1512;
float m_fFPSMoveHeading;
static_assert(sizeof(CPlayerPed) == 0x5F0, "CPlayerPed: error");
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "Pools.h"
Bool &CVehicle::bWheelsOnlyCheat = *(Bool *)0x95CD78;
Bool &CVehicle::bAllDodosCheat = *(Bool *)0x95CD75;
Bool &CVehicle::bCheat3 = *(Bool *)0x95CD66;
Bool &CVehicle::bCheat4 = *(Bool *)0x95CD65;
Bool &CVehicle::bCheat5 = *(Bool *)0x95CD64;
bool &CVehicle::bWheelsOnlyCheat = *(bool *)0x95CD78;
bool &CVehicle::bAllDodosCheat = *(bool *)0x95CD75;
bool &CVehicle::bCheat3 = *(bool *)0x95CD66;
bool &CVehicle::bCheat4 = *(bool *)0x95CD65;
bool &CVehicle::bCheat5 = *(bool *)0x95CD64;
void *CVehicle::operator new(size_t sz) { return CPools::GetVehiclePool()->New(); }
void CVehicle::operator delete(void *p, size_t sz) { CPools::GetVehiclePool()->Delete((CVehicle*)p); }
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ uint8 m_extra2;
bool IsHeli(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI; }
bool IsPlane(void) { return m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE; }
static Bool &bWheelsOnlyCheat;
static Bool &bAllDodosCheat;
static Bool &bCheat3;
static Bool &bCheat4;
static Bool &bCheat5;
static bool &bWheelsOnlyCheat;
static bool &bAllDodosCheat;
static bool &bCheat3;
static bool &bCheat4;
static bool &bCheat5;
static_assert(sizeof(CVehicle) == 0x288, "CVehicle: error");
static_assert(offsetof(CVehicle, m_pCurSurface) == 0x1E0, "CVehicle: error");
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ int32 &CHud::m_HelpMessageState = *(int32*)0x880E1C;
int32 &CHud::m_HelpMessageTimer = *(int32*)0x880FA4;
int32 &CHud::m_HelpMessageFadeTimer = *(int32*)0x8F6258;
wchar *CHud::m_HelpMessageToPrint = (wchar*)0x664480;
Float &CHud::m_HelpMessageDisplayTime = *(Float*)0x8E2C28;
Float &CHud::m_fTextBoxNumLines = *(Float*)0x8E2C28;
Float &CHud::m_fHelpMessageTime = *(Float *)0x8E2C28;
Bool &CHud::m_bHelpMessageQuick = *(Bool *)0x95CCF7;
float &CHud::m_HelpMessageDisplayTime = *(float*)0x8E2C28;
float &CHud::m_fTextBoxNumLines = *(float*)0x8E2C28;
float &CHud::m_fHelpMessageTime = *(float *)0x8E2C28;
bool &CHud::m_bHelpMessageQuick = *(bool *)0x95CCF7;
int32 CHud::m_ZoneState = *(int32*)0x8F29AC;
int32 CHud::m_ZoneFadeTimer;
int32 CHud::m_ZoneNameTimer = *(int32*)0x8F1A50;
@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ wchar* CHud::m_pLastVehicleName = *(wchar **)0x8E2DD8;
wchar* CHud::m_pVehicleNameToPrint;
wchar* CHud::m_Message = (wchar*)0x72E318;
wchar* CHud::m_PagerMessage = (wchar*)0x878840;
Bool &CHud::m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud = *(Bool*)0x95CD89;
Bool &CHud::m_Wants_To_Draw_3dMarkers = *(Bool*)0x95CD62;
bool &CHud::m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud = *(bool*)0x95CD89;
bool &CHud::m_Wants_To_Draw_3dMarkers = *(bool*)0x95CD62;
wchar(*CHud::m_BigMessage)[128] = (wchar(*)[128])0x664CE0;
Float *CHud::BigMessageInUse = (Float*)0x862140;
Float *CHud::BigMessageAlpha = (Float*)0x862108;
Float *CHud::BigMessageX = (Float*)0x773248;
float *CHud::BigMessageInUse = (float*)0x862140;
float *CHud::BigMessageAlpha = (float*)0x862108;
float *CHud::BigMessageX = (float*)0x773248;
Float &CHud::OddJob2OffTimer = *(Float*)0x942FA0;
float &CHud::OddJob2OffTimer = *(float*)0x942FA0;
int8 &CHud::CounterOnLastFrame = *(int8*)0x95CD67;
Float &CHud::OddJob2XOffset = *(Float*)0x8F1B5C;
float &CHud::OddJob2XOffset = *(float*)0x8F1B5C;
int16 &CHud::CounterFlashTimer = *(int16*)0x95CC20;
int16 &CHud::OddJob2Timer = *(int16*)0x95CC52;
int8 &CHud::TimerOnLastFrame = *(int8*)0x95CDA7;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ int16 &CHud::OddJob2On = *(int16*)0x95CC78;
int16 &CHud::TimerFlashTimer = *(int16*)0x95CC6C;
int16 &CHud::PagerSoundPlayed = *(int16*)0x95CC4A;
int32 &CHud::SpriteBrightness = *(int32*)0x95CC54;
Float &CHud::PagerXOffset = *(Float*)0x941590;
float &CHud::PagerXOffset = *(float*)0x941590;
int32 CHud::m_ItemToFlash = *(int32*)0x95CC82;
int16 &CHud::PagerTimer = *(int16*)0x95CC3A;
int16 &CHud::PagerOn = *(int16*)0x95CCA0;
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
if (CReplay::Mode != 1) {
if (m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud && !TheCamera.m_WideScreenOn) {
Bool Mode_RunAround = 0;
Bool Mode_FirstPerson = 0;
bool Mode_RunAround = 0;
bool Mode_FirstPerson = 0;
int32 WeaponType = CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pPed->m_weapons[CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pPed->m_currentWeapon].m_eWeaponType;
int32 Mode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode;
@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
Float fStep = sin((CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() & 1023) * 0.0061328127);
Float fMultBright = CHud::SpriteBrightness * 0.033333335f * (0.25f * fStep + 0.75f);
float fStep = sin((CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() & 1023) * 0.0061328127);
float fMultBright = CHud::SpriteBrightness * 0.033333335f * (0.25f * fStep + 0.75f);
CRect rect;
float fWidescreenOffset[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
if (Mode_RunAround && TheCamera.Cams->Using3rdPersonMouseCam()) {
Float f3rdX = SCREENW * TheCamera.m_f3rdPersonCHairMultX + fWidescreenOffset[0];
Float f3rdY = SCREENH * TheCamera.m_f3rdPersonCHairMultY - fWidescreenOffset[1];
float f3rdX = SCREENW * TheCamera.m_f3rdPersonCHairMultX + fWidescreenOffset[0];
float f3rdY = SCREENH * TheCamera.m_f3rdPersonCHairMultY - fWidescreenOffset[1];
if (CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pPed && WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_M16) {
rect.left = f3rdX - HUD_STRETCH_X(32.0f * 0.6f);
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
if (CHud::m_pZoneName) {
Float fZoneAlpha = 0.0f;
float fZoneAlpha = 0.0f;
if (CHud::m_pZoneName != CHud::m_pLastZoneName) {
switch (CHud::m_ZoneState) {
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
if (CHud::m_pVehicleName) {
Float fVehicleAlpha = 0.0f;
float fVehicleAlpha = 0.0f;
if (CHud::m_pVehicleName != CHud::m_pLastVehicleName) {
switch (CHud::m_VehicleState) {
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
if (PagerOn == 1) {
if (PagerXOffset > 0.0f) {
Float fStep = PagerXOffset * 0.05f;
float fStep = PagerXOffset * 0.05f;
if (fStep > 10.0f)
fStep = 10.0f;
PagerXOffset -= fStep * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
else if (PagerOn == 2) {
Float fStep = PagerXOffset * 0.05f;
float fStep = PagerXOffset * 0.05f;
if (fStep < 2.0f)
fStep = 2.0f;
PagerXOffset += fStep * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ void CHud::Draw() {
else {
Float fStep = (CTimer::GetTimeStep()
float fStep = (CTimer::GetTimeStep()
* 0.02f
* 1000.0f)
* 0.30000001f;
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ public:
static int32 &m_HelpMessageTimer;
static int32 &m_HelpMessageFadeTimer;
static wchar *m_HelpMessageToPrint;
static Float &m_HelpMessageDisplayTime;
static Float &m_fTextBoxNumLines;
static Float &m_fHelpMessageTime;
static Bool &m_bHelpMessageQuick;
static float &m_HelpMessageDisplayTime;
static float &m_fTextBoxNumLines;
static float &m_fHelpMessageTime;
static bool &m_bHelpMessageQuick;
static int32 m_ZoneState;
static int32 m_ZoneFadeTimer;
static int32 m_ZoneNameTimer;
@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ public:
static int32 m_VehicleNameTimer;
static wchar* m_Message;
static wchar* m_PagerMessage;
static Bool &m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud;
static Bool &m_Wants_To_Draw_3dMarkers;
static bool &m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud;
static bool &m_Wants_To_Draw_3dMarkers;
static wchar(*m_BigMessage)[128];
static Float* BigMessageInUse;
static Float* BigMessageAlpha;
static Float* BigMessageX;
static Float &OddJob2OffTimer;
static float* BigMessageInUse;
static float* BigMessageAlpha;
static float* BigMessageX;
static float &OddJob2OffTimer;
static int8 &CounterOnLastFrame;
static Float &OddJob2XOffset;
static float &OddJob2XOffset;
static int16 &CounterFlashTimer;
static int16 &OddJob2Timer;
static int8 &TimerOnLastFrame;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public:
static int16 &TimerFlashTimer;
static int16 &PagerSoundPlayed;
static int32 &SpriteBrightness;
static Float &PagerXOffset;
static float &PagerXOffset;
static int32 m_ItemToFlash;
static int16 &PagerTimer;
static int16 &PagerOn;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
const Char SmokeFiles[][6+1] =
const char SmokeFiles[][6+1] =
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ const Char SmokeFiles[][6+1] =
const Char Smoke2Files[][9+1] =
const char Smoke2Files[][9+1] =
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ const Char Smoke2Files[][9+1] =
const Char RubberFiles[][7+1] =
const char RubberFiles[][7+1] =
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ const Char RubberFiles[][7+1] =
const Char RainSplashFiles[][7+1] =
const char RainSplashFiles[][7+1] =
@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ const Char RainSplashFiles[][7+1] =
const Char WatersprayFiles[][11+1] =
const char WatersprayFiles[][11+1] =
const Char ExplosionMediumFiles[][7+1] =
const char ExplosionMediumFiles[][7+1] =
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ const Char ExplosionMediumFiles[][7+1] =
const Char GunFlashFiles[][9+1] =
const char GunFlashFiles[][9+1] =
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ const Char GunFlashFiles[][9+1] =
const Char RaindropFiles[][9+1] =
const char RaindropFiles[][9+1] =
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ const Char RaindropFiles[][9+1] =
const Char RainSplashupFiles[][10+1] =
const char RainSplashupFiles[][10+1] =
const Char BirdfrontFiles[][8+1] =
const char BirdfrontFiles[][8+1] =
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ const Char BirdfrontFiles[][8+1] =
const Char CardebrisFiles[][12+1] =
const char CardebrisFiles[][12+1] =
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ const Char CardebrisFiles[][12+1] =
const Char CarsplashFiles[][12+1] =
const char CarsplashFiles[][12+1] =
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ RwTexture * (&gpRainDropTex)[MAX_RAINDROP_FILES] = *(RwTexture * (*)[MAX_RA
RwRaster *gpRainDropRaster[MAX_RAINDROP_FILES];
//Float CParticle::ms_afRandTable[CParticle::RAND_TABLE_SIZE]; //
Float (&CParticle::ms_afRandTable)[CParticle::RAND_TABLE_SIZE] = *(Float (*)[CParticle::RAND_TABLE_SIZE])*(int *)0x6E98C8;
float (&CParticle::ms_afRandTable)[CParticle::RAND_TABLE_SIZE] = *(float (*)[CParticle::RAND_TABLE_SIZE])*(int *)0x6E98C8;
CParticle *CParticle::m_pUnusedListHead;
@ -218,13 +218,13 @@ CParticle *CParticle::m_pUnusedListHead;
//Float CParticle::m_SinTable[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE]; //
//Float CParticle::m_CosTable[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE]; /
Float (&CParticle::m_SinTable)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE] = *(Float (*)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE])*(int *)0x877358;
Float (&CParticle::m_CosTable)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE] = *(Float (*)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE])*(int *)0x70DA18;
float (&CParticle::m_SinTable)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE] = *(float (*)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE])*(int *)0x877358;
float (&CParticle::m_CosTable)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE] = *(float (*)[CParticle::SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE])*(int *)0x70DA18;
Int32 Randomizer;
int32 Randomizer;
Int32 nParticleCreationInterval = 1;
Float fParticleScaleLimit = 0.5f;
int32 nParticleCreationInterval = 1;
float fParticleScaleLimit = 0.5f;
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ void CParticle::ReloadConfig()
m_pUnusedListHead = gParticleArray;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES_ON_SCREEN; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES_ON_SCREEN; i++ )
gParticleArray[i].m_pNext = NULL;
@ -292,93 +292,93 @@ void CParticle::Initialise()
Float randVal = -1.0f;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < RAND_TABLE_SIZE; i++ )
float randVal = -1.0f;
for ( int32 i = 0; i < RAND_TABLE_SIZE; i++ )
ms_afRandTable[i] = randVal;
randVal += 0.1f;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE; i++ )
Float angle = DEGTORAD(Float(i) * Float(360.0f / SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE));
float angle = DEGTORAD(float(i) * float(360.0f / SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE));
m_SinTable[i] = sin(angle);
m_CosTable[i] = cos(angle);
Int32 slot = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("particle");
int32 slot = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("particle");
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_FILES; i++ )
gpSmokeTex[i] = RwTextureRead(SmokeFiles[i], NULL);
gpSmokeRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpSmokeTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE2_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE2_FILES; i++ )
gpSmoke2Tex[i] = RwTextureRead(Smoke2Files[i], NULL);
gpSmoke2Raster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpSmoke2Tex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RUBBER_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RUBBER_FILES; i++ )
gpRubberTex[i] = RwTextureRead(RubberFiles[i], NULL);
gpRubberRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpRubberTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
gpRainSplashTex[i] = RwTextureRead(RainSplashFiles[i], NULL);
gpRainSplashRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpRainSplashTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_WATERSPRAY_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_WATERSPRAY_FILES; i++ )
gpWatersprayTex[i] = RwTextureRead(WatersprayFiles[i], NULL);
gpWatersprayRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpWatersprayTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_EXPLOSIONMEDIUM_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_EXPLOSIONMEDIUM_FILES; i++ )
gpExplosionMediumTex[i] = RwTextureRead(ExplosionMediumFiles[i], NULL);
gpExplosionMediumRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpExplosionMediumTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_GUNFLASH_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_GUNFLASH_FILES; i++ )
gpGunFlashTex[i] = RwTextureRead(GunFlashFiles[i], NULL);
gpGunFlashRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpGunFlashTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINDROP_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINDROP_FILES; i++ )
gpRainDropTex[i] = RwTextureRead(RaindropFiles[i], NULL);
gpRainDropRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpRainDropTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASHUP_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASHUP_FILES; i++ )
gpRainSplashupTex[i] = RwTextureRead(RainSplashupFiles[i], NULL);
gpRainSplashupRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpRainSplashupTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_BIRDFRONT_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_BIRDFRONT_FILES; i++ )
gpBirdfrontTex[i] = RwTextureRead(BirdfrontFiles[i], NULL);
gpBirdfrontRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpBirdfrontTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARDEBRIS_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARDEBRIS_FILES; i++ )
gpCarDebrisTex[i] = RwTextureRead(CardebrisFiles[i], NULL);
gpCarDebrisRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpCarDebrisTex[i]);
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
gpCarSplashTex[i] = RwTextureRead(CarsplashFiles[i], NULL);
gpCarSplashRaster[i] = RwTextureGetRaster(gpCarSplashTex[i]);
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ void CParticle::Initialise()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
tParticleSystemData *entry = &mod_ParticleSystemManager.m_aParticles[i];
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
debug("Shutting down CParticle...");
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE2_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE2_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RUBBER_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RUBBER_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_WATERSPRAY_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_WATERSPRAY_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_EXPLOSIONMEDIUM_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_EXPLOSIONMEDIUM_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_GUNFLASH_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_GUNFLASH_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINDROP_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINDROP_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASHUP_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_RAINSPLASHUP_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_BIRDFRONT_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_BIRDFRONT_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARDEBRIS_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARDEBRIS_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CARSPLASH_FILES; i++ )
#ifdef GTA3_1_1_PATCH
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
gpPointlightTex = NULL;
Int32 slot;
int32 slot;
slot = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("particle");
@ -758,13 +758,13 @@ void CParticle::Shutdown()
debug("CParticle shut down");
CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity, Float fSize, Int32 nRotationSpeed, Int32 nRotation, Int32 nCurFrame, Int32 nLifeSpan)
CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity, float fSize, int32 nRotationSpeed, int32 nRotation, int32 nCurFrame, int32 nLifeSpan)
CRGBA color(0, 0, 0, 0);
return AddParticle(type, vecPos, vecDir, pEntity, fSize, color, nRotationSpeed, nRotation, nCurFrame, nLifeSpan);
CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity, Float fSize, RwRGBA const &color, Int32 nRotationSpeed, Int32 nRotation, Int32 nCurFrame, Int32 nLifeSpan)
CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity, float fSize, RwRGBA const &color, int32 nRotationSpeed, int32 nRotation, int32 nCurFrame, int32 nLifeSpan)
if ( CTimer::GetIsPaused() )
return NULL;
@ -833,8 +833,8 @@ CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVe
if ( psystem->m_InitialColorVariation != 0 )
Int32 ColorVariation = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-psystem->m_InitialColorVariation, psystem->m_InitialColorVariation);
//Float ColorVariation = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange((Float)-psystem->m_InitialColorVariation, (Float)psystem->m_InitialColorVariation);
int32 ColorVariation = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(-psystem->m_InitialColorVariation, psystem->m_InitialColorVariation);
//Float ColorVariation = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange((float)-psystem->m_InitialColorVariation, (float)psystem->m_InitialColorVariation);
pParticle->m_Color.red = clamp(pParticle->m_Color.red +
PERCENT(pParticle->m_Color.red, ColorVariation),
@ -893,18 +893,18 @@ CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVe
if ( psystem->m_nLifeSpanErrorShape != 0 )
Float randVal = ms_afRandTable[CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % RAND_TABLE_SIZE];
float randVal = ms_afRandTable[CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % RAND_TABLE_SIZE];
if ( randVal > 0.0f )
pParticle->m_nTimeWhenWillBeDestroyed += Int32(Float(psystem->m_nLifeSpan) * randVal * Float(psystem->m_nLifeSpanErrorShape));
pParticle->m_nTimeWhenWillBeDestroyed += int32(float(psystem->m_nLifeSpan) * randVal * float(psystem->m_nLifeSpanErrorShape));
pParticle->m_nTimeWhenWillBeDestroyed += Int32(Float(psystem->m_nLifeSpan) * randVal / Float(psystem->m_nLifeSpanErrorShape));
pParticle->m_nTimeWhenWillBeDestroyed += int32(float(psystem->m_nLifeSpan) * randVal / float(psystem->m_nLifeSpanErrorShape));
if ( psystem->Flags & ZCHECK_FIRST )
static Bool bValidGroundFound = false;
static bool bValidGroundFound = false;
static CVector LastTestCoors;
static Float LastTestGroundZ;
static float LastTestGroundZ;
if ( bValidGroundFound
&& vecPos.x == LastTestCoors.x
@ -939,11 +939,11 @@ CParticle *CParticle::AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVe
if ( psystem->Flags & ZCHECK_BUMP )
static Float Z_Ground = 0.0f;
static float Z_Ground = 0.0f;
if ( psystem->Flags & ZCHECK_BUMP_FIRST )
Bool bZFound = false;
bool bZFound = false;
Z_Ground = CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(vecPos.x, vecPos.y, vecPos.z, (bool *)&bZFound);
@ -1000,21 +1000,21 @@ void CParticle::Update()
CRGBA color(0, 0, 0, 0);
Float fFricDeccel50 = pow(0.50f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
Float fFricDeccel80 = pow(0.80f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
Float fFricDeccel90 = pow(0.90f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
Float fFricDeccel95 = pow(0.95f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
Float fFricDeccel96 = pow(0.96f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
Float fFricDeccel99 = pow(0.99f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float fFricDeccel50 = pow(0.50f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float fFricDeccel80 = pow(0.80f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float fFricDeccel90 = pow(0.90f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float fFricDeccel95 = pow(0.95f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float fFricDeccel96 = pow(0.96f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float fFricDeccel99 = pow(0.99f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
tParticleSystemData *psystem = &mod_ParticleSystemManager.m_aParticles[i];
CParticle *particle = psystem->m_pParticles;
CParticle *prevParticle = NULL;
Bool bRemoveParticle;
bool bRemoveParticle;
if ( particle == NULL )
@ -1035,18 +1035,18 @@ void CParticle::Update()
if ( particle->m_nTimeWhenColorWillBeChanged > CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() )
Float colorMul = 1.0f - Float(particle->m_nTimeWhenColorWillBeChanged - CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds()) / Float(psystem->m_ColorFadeTime);
float colorMul = 1.0f - float(particle->m_nTimeWhenColorWillBeChanged - CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds()) / float(psystem->m_ColorFadeTime);
particle->m_Color.red = clamp(
psystem->m_RenderColouring.red + Int32(Float(psystem->m_FadeDestinationColor.red - psystem->m_RenderColouring.red) * colorMul),
psystem->m_RenderColouring.red + int32(float(psystem->m_FadeDestinationColor.red - psystem->m_RenderColouring.red) * colorMul),
0, 255);
particle->m_Color.green = clamp(
psystem->m_RenderColouring.green + Int32(Float(psystem->m_FadeDestinationColor.green - psystem->m_RenderColouring.green) * colorMul),
psystem->m_RenderColouring.green + int32(float(psystem->m_FadeDestinationColor.green - psystem->m_RenderColouring.green) * colorMul),
0, 255);
particle->m_Color.blue = clamp(
psystem->m_RenderColouring.blue + Int32(Float(psystem->m_FadeDestinationColor.blue - psystem->m_RenderColouring.blue) * colorMul),
psystem->m_RenderColouring.blue + int32(float(psystem->m_FadeDestinationColor.blue - psystem->m_RenderColouring.blue) * colorMul),
0, 255);
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ void CParticle::Update()
Float size = particle->m_fSize + particle->m_fExpansionRate;
float size = particle->m_fSize + particle->m_fExpansionRate;
if ( size < 0.0f )
@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ void CParticle::Update()
bRemoveParticle = true;
Int32 randVal = Int32(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber());
int32 randVal = int32(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber());
if ( randVal & 1 )
@ -1188,11 +1188,11 @@ void CParticle::Update()
vecPosn.z += 1.0f;
Int32 randVal = Int32(Randomizer & 7);
int32 randVal = int32(Randomizer & 7);
if ( randVal == 5 )
Int32 randTime = Int32(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber());
int32 randTime = int32(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber());
CShadows::AddPermanentShadow(1, gpBloodPoolTex, &vecPosn,
0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.1f,
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ void CParticle::Update()
else if ( randVal == 2 )
Int32 randTime = Int32(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber());
int32 randTime = int32(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber());
CShadows::AddPermanentShadow(1, gpBloodPoolTex, &vecPosn,
0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.2f,
@ -1414,12 +1414,12 @@ void CParticle::Update()
if ( particle->m_fCurrentZRadius != 0.0f )
Int32 nSinCosIndex = particle->m_nCurrentZRotation % (SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1);
int32 nSinCosIndex = particle->m_nCurrentZRotation % (SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1);
Float fX = (m_CosTable[nSinCosIndex] - m_SinTable[nSinCosIndex])
float fX = (m_CosTable[nSinCosIndex] - m_SinTable[nSinCosIndex])
* particle->m_fCurrentZRadius;
Float fY = (m_SinTable[nSinCosIndex] + m_CosTable[nSinCosIndex])
float fY = (m_SinTable[nSinCosIndex] + m_CosTable[nSinCosIndex])
* particle->m_fCurrentZRadius;
moveStep -= particle->m_vecParticleMovementOffset;
@ -1446,15 +1446,15 @@ void CParticle::Render()
UInt32 flags = DRAW_OPAQUE;
uint32 flags = DRAW_OPAQUE;
RwRaster *prevFrame = NULL;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
tParticleSystemData *psystem = &mod_ParticleSystemManager.m_aParticles[i];
Bool particleBanned = false;
bool particleBanned = false;
CParticle *particle = psystem->m_pParticles;
@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ void CParticle::Render()
while ( particle != NULL )
Bool canDraw = true;
bool canDraw = true;
if ( particle->m_nAlpha == 0 )
canDraw = false;
@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ void CParticle::Render()
particle->m_fSize * 63.0f,
@ -1561,8 +1561,8 @@ void CParticle::Render()
if ( canDraw )
CVector coors;
Float w;
Float h;
float w;
float h;
if ( CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(particle->m_vecPosition, coors, &w, &h, true) )
@ -1578,13 +1578,13 @@ void CParticle::Render()
1.0f / coors.z,
else if ( psystem->Flags & SCREEN_TRAIL )
Float fRotation;
Float fTrailLength;
float fRotation;
float fTrailLength;
if ( particle->m_vecScreenPosition.x == 0.0f )
@ -1599,12 +1599,12 @@ void CParticle::Render()
coors.y - particle->m_vecScreenPosition.y
Float fDist = vecDist.Magnitude();
float fDist = vecDist.Magnitude();
fTrailLength = fDist;
//Float fRot = atan2( vecDist.x / fDist, sqrtf(1.0f - vecDist.x / fDist * (vecDist.x / fDist)) );
Float fRot = asinf(vecDist.x / fDist);
float fRot = asinf(vecDist.x / fDist);
fRotation = fRot;
@ -1616,9 +1616,9 @@ void CParticle::Render()
if ( fRotation < 0.0f )
fRotation += 360.0f;
Float fSpeed = particle->m_vecVelocity.Magnitude();
float fSpeed = particle->m_vecVelocity.Magnitude();
Float fNewTrailLength = fSpeed * CTimer::GetTimeStep() * w * 2.0f;
float fNewTrailLength = fSpeed * CTimer::GetTimeStep() * w * 2.0f;
if ( fDist > fNewTrailLength )
fTrailLength = fNewTrailLength;
@ -1640,8 +1640,8 @@ void CParticle::Render()
else if ( psystem->Flags & SPEED_TRAIL )
CVector vecPrevPos = particle->m_vecPosition - particle->m_vecVelocity;
Float fRotation;
Float fTrailLength;
float fRotation;
float fTrailLength;
if ( CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(vecPrevPos, particle->m_vecScreenPosition, &fTrailLength, &fRotation, true) )
@ -1651,12 +1651,12 @@ void CParticle::Render()
coors.y - particle->m_vecScreenPosition.y
Float fDist = vecDist.Magnitude();
float fDist = vecDist.Magnitude();
fTrailLength = fDist;
//Float fRot = atan2(vecDist.x / fDist, sqrt(1.0f - vecDist.x / fDist * (vecDist.x / fDist)));
Float fRot = asinf(vecDist.x / fDist);
float fRot = asinf(vecDist.x / fDist);
fRotation = fRot;
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ void CParticle::Render()
else if ( psystem->Flags & VERT_TRAIL )
Float fTrailLength = fabsf(particle->m_vecVelocity.z * 10.0f);
float fTrailLength = fabsf(particle->m_vecVelocity.z * 10.0f);
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite(coors.x, coors.y, coors.z,
particle->m_fSize * w,
@ -1772,7 +1772,7 @@ void CParticle::RemoveParticle(CParticle *pParticle, CParticle *pPrevParticle, t
m_pUnusedListHead = pParticle;
void CParticle::AddJetExplosion(CVector const &vecPos, Float fPower, Float fSize)
void CParticle::AddJetExplosion(CVector const &vecPos, float fPower, float fSize)
CRGBA color(240, 240, 240, 255);
@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@ void CParticle::AddJetExplosion(CVector const &vecPos, Float fPower, Float fSize
CVector vecStepPos = vecPos;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < Int32(fPower * 4.0f); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < int32(fPower * 4.0f); i++ )
@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ void CParticle::AddYardieDoorSmoke(CVector const &vecPos, CMatrix const &matMatr
CVector vecBasePos = matMatrix * (invMat * vecPos + CVector(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f));
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
CVector pos = vecBasePos;
@ -16,25 +16,25 @@ public:
CVector m_vecPosition;
CVector m_vecVelocity;
CVector m_vecScreenPosition;
UInt32 m_nTimeWhenWillBeDestroyed;
UInt32 m_nTimeWhenColorWillBeChanged;
Float m_fZGround;
uint32 m_nTimeWhenWillBeDestroyed;
uint32 m_nTimeWhenColorWillBeChanged;
float m_fZGround;
CVector m_vecParticleMovementOffset;
Int16 m_nCurrentZRotation;
UInt16 m_nZRotationTimer;
Float m_fCurrentZRadius;
UInt16 m_nZRadiusTimer;
int16 m_nCurrentZRotation;
uint16 m_nZRotationTimer;
float m_fCurrentZRadius;
uint16 m_nZRadiusTimer;
char _pad0[2];
Float m_fSize;
Float m_fExpansionRate;
UInt16 m_nFadeToBlackTimer;
UInt16 m_nFadeAlphaTimer;
UInt8 m_nColorIntensity;
UInt8 m_nAlpha;
UInt16 m_nCurrentFrame;
Int16 m_nAnimationSpeedTimer;
Int16 m_nRotationStep;
Int16 m_nRotation;
float m_fSize;
float m_fExpansionRate;
uint16 m_nFadeToBlackTimer;
uint16 m_nFadeAlphaTimer;
uint8 m_nColorIntensity;
uint8 m_nAlpha;
uint16 m_nCurrentFrame;
int16 m_nAnimationSpeedTimer;
int16 m_nRotationStep;
int16 m_nRotation;
RwRGBA m_Color;
char _pad1[2];
CParticle *m_pNext;
@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ public:
//static Float ms_afRandTable[RAND_TABLE_SIZE];
static Float (&ms_afRandTable)[RAND_TABLE_SIZE];
//static float ms_afRandTable[RAND_TABLE_SIZE];
static float (&ms_afRandTable)[RAND_TABLE_SIZE];
static CParticle *m_pUnusedListHead;
static Float m_SinTable[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static Float m_CosTable[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static float m_SinTable[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static float m_CosTable[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static Float (&m_SinTable)[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static Float (&m_CosTable)[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static float (&m_SinTable)[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static float (&m_CosTable)[SIN_COS_TABLE_SIZE];
static void ReloadConfig();
static void Initialise();
static void Shutdown();
static CParticle *AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity = NULL, Float fSize = 0.0f, Int32 nRotationSpeed = 0, Int32 nRotation = 0, Int32 nCurFrame = 0, Int32 nLifeSpan = 0);
static CParticle *AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity, Float fSize, RwRGBA const &color, Int32 nRotationSpeed = 0, Int32 nRotation = 0, Int32 nCurFrame = 0, Int32 nLifeSpan = 0);
static CParticle *AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity = NULL, float fSize = 0.0f, int32 nRotationSpeed = 0, int32 nRotation = 0, int32 nCurFrame = 0, int32 nLifeSpan = 0);
static CParticle *AddParticle(tParticleType type, CVector const &vecPos, CVector const &vecDir, CEntity *pEntity, float fSize, RwRGBA const &color, int32 nRotationSpeed = 0, int32 nRotation = 0, int32 nCurFrame = 0, int32 nLifeSpan = 0);
static void Update();
static void Render();
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
static void RemovePSystem(tParticleType type);
static void RemoveParticle(CParticle *pParticle, CParticle *pPrevParticle, tParticleSystemData *pPSystemData);
static inline void _Next(CParticle *&pParticle, CParticle *&pPrevParticle, tParticleSystemData *pPSystemData, Bool bRemoveParticle)
static inline void _Next(CParticle *&pParticle, CParticle *&pPrevParticle, tParticleSystemData *pPSystemData, bool bRemoveParticle)
if ( bRemoveParticle )
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public:
static void AddJetExplosion(CVector const &vecPos, Float fPower, Float fSize);
static void AddJetExplosion(CVector const &vecPos, float fPower, float fSize);
static void AddYardieDoorSmoke(CVector const &vecPos, CMatrix const &matMatrix);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
cParticleSystemMgr mod_ParticleSystemManager;
const Char *ParticleFilename = "PARTICLE.CFG";
const char *ParticleFilename = "PARTICLE.CFG";
void cParticleSystemMgr::ctor()
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ void cParticleSystemMgr::Initialise()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
m_aParticles[i].m_pParticles = NULL;
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ void cParticleSystemMgr::LoadParticleData()
tParticleSystemData *entry = NULL;
Int32 type = PARTICLE_FIRST;
int32 type = PARTICLE_FIRST;
Char *lineStart = (Char *)work_buff;
Char *lineEnd = lineStart + 1;
char *lineStart = (char *)work_buff;
char *lineEnd = lineStart + 1;
Char line[500];
Char delims[4];
char line[500];
char delims[4];
while ( true )
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void cParticleSystemMgr::LoadParticleData()
while ( *lineEnd != '\n' )
Int32 lineLength = lineEnd - lineStart;
int32 lineLength = lineEnd - lineStart;
ASSERT(lineLength < 500);
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ void cParticleSystemMgr::LoadParticleData()
if ( *line != ';' )
Int32 param = CFG_PARAM_FIRST;
int32 param = CFG_PARAM_FIRST;
strcpy(delims, " \t");
Char *value = strtok(line, delims);
char *value = strtok(line, delims);
ASSERT(value != NULL);
@ -100,42 +100,42 @@ enum
struct tParticleSystemData
tParticleType m_Type;
Char m_aName[20];
Float m_fCreateRange;
Float m_fDefaultInitialRadius;
Float m_fExpansionRate;
UInt16 m_nZRotationInitialAngle;
Int16 m_nZRotationAngleChangeAmount;
UInt16 m_nZRotationChangeTime;
UInt16 m_nZRadiusChangeTime;
Float m_fInitialZRadius;
Float m_fZRadiusChangeAmount;
UInt16 m_nFadeToBlackTime;
Int16 m_nFadeToBlackAmount;
UInt8 m_nFadeToBlackInitialIntensity;
UInt8 m_nFadeAlphaInitialIntensity;
UInt16 m_nFadeAlphaTime;
Int16 m_nFadeAlphaAmount;
UInt16 m_nStartAnimationFrame;
UInt16 m_nFinalAnimationFrame;
UInt16 m_nAnimationSpeed;
UInt16 m_nRotationSpeed;
char m_aName[20];
float m_fCreateRange;
float m_fDefaultInitialRadius;
float m_fExpansionRate;
uint16 m_nZRotationInitialAngle;
int16 m_nZRotationAngleChangeAmount;
uint16 m_nZRotationChangeTime;
uint16 m_nZRadiusChangeTime;
float m_fInitialZRadius;
float m_fZRadiusChangeAmount;
uint16 m_nFadeToBlackTime;
int16 m_nFadeToBlackAmount;
uint8 m_nFadeToBlackInitialIntensity;
uint8 m_nFadeAlphaInitialIntensity;
uint16 m_nFadeAlphaTime;
int16 m_nFadeAlphaAmount;
uint16 m_nStartAnimationFrame;
uint16 m_nFinalAnimationFrame;
uint16 m_nAnimationSpeed;
uint16 m_nRotationSpeed;
char _pad1[2];
Float m_fGravitationalAcceleration;
Int32 m_nFrictionDecceleration;
Int32 m_nLifeSpan;
Float m_fPositionRandomError;
Float m_fVelocityRandomError;
Float m_fExpansionRateError;
Int32 m_nRotationRateError;
UInt32 m_nLifeSpanErrorShape;
Float m_fTrailLengthMultiplier;
UInt32 Flags;
float m_fGravitationalAcceleration;
int32 m_nFrictionDecceleration;
int32 m_nLifeSpan;
float m_fPositionRandomError;
float m_fVelocityRandomError;
float m_fExpansionRateError;
int32 m_nRotationRateError;
uint32 m_nLifeSpanErrorShape;
float m_fTrailLengthMultiplier;
uint32 Flags;
RwRGBA m_RenderColouring;
UInt8 m_InitialColorVariation;
uint8 m_InitialColorVariation;
RwRGBA m_FadeDestinationColor;
char _pad2[3];
UInt32 m_ColorFadeTime;
uint32 m_ColorFadeTime;
RwRaster **m_ppRaster;
CParticle *m_pParticles;
@ -726,8 +726,8 @@ KeyboardHandler(RsEvent event, void *param)
static RsEventStatus
HandlePadButtonDown(RsPadButtonStatus *padButtonStatus)
Bool bPadTwo = false;
Int32 padNumber = padButtonStatus->padID;
bool bPadTwo = false;
int32 padNumber = padButtonStatus->padID;
CPad *pad = CPad::GetPad(padNumber);
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ HandlePadButtonDown(RsPadButtonStatus *padButtonStatus)
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(16); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(16); i++ )
RsPadButtons btn = rsPADNULL;
if ( ControlsManager.m_aButtonStates[i] == TRUE )
@ -761,8 +761,8 @@ HandlePadButtonDown(RsPadButtonStatus *padButtonStatus)
static RsEventStatus
HandlePadButtonUp(RsPadButtonStatus *padButtonStatus)
Bool bPadTwo = false;
Int32 padNumber = padButtonStatus->padID;
bool bPadTwo = false;
int32 padNumber = padButtonStatus->padID;
CPad *pad = CPad::GetPad(padNumber);
@ -772,14 +772,14 @@ HandlePadButtonUp(RsPadButtonStatus *padButtonStatus)
if ( padNumber == 1 )
bPadTwo = true;
Bool bCam = false;
Int16 mode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode;
bool bCam = false;
int16 mode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode;
if ( mode == CCam::MODE_FLYBY || mode == CCam::MODE_FIXED )
Bool bCam = true;
bool bCam = true;
for ( Int32 i = 1; i < _TODOCONST(16); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 1; i < _TODOCONST(16); i++ )
RsPadButtons btn = rsPADNULL;
if ( ControlsManager.m_aButtonStates[i] == FALSE )
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ DWORD _dwMemAvailVideo;
DWORD &_dwOperatingSystemVersion = *(DWORD*)0x70F290;
RwUInt32 &gGameState = *(RwUInt32*)0x8F5838;
WRAPPER Bool InitialiseGame(void) { EAXJMP(0x48E7E0); }
WRAPPER bool InitialiseGame(void) { EAXJMP(0x48E7E0); }
WRAPPER const Char *GetLevelSplashScreen(Int32 number) { EAXJMP(0x48D750); }
WRAPPER const char *GetLevelSplashScreen(int32 number) { EAXJMP(0x48D750); }
void LoadingScreen(char const *msg1, char const *msg2, char const *screen);
@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ enum eJoypadState
struct tJoy
eJoypadState m_State;
Bool m_bInitialised;
Bool m_bHasAxisZ;
Bool m_bHasAxisR;
bool m_bInitialised;
bool m_bHasAxisZ;
bool m_bHasAxisR;
char _pad0;
Int32 m_nVendorID;
Int32 m_nProductID;
int32 m_nVendorID;
int32 m_nProductID;
class CJoySticks
@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ MainWndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if ( pVol->dbcv_flags & DBTF_MEDIA )
Char c = DMAudio.GetCDAudioDriveLetter();
char c = DMAudio.GetCDAudioDriveLetter();
if ( c >= 'A' && pVol->dbcv_unitmask & (1 << (c - 'A')) )
@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ void InitialiseLanguage()
|| subLayout == SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS )
CGame::noProstitutes = true;
Int32 lang;
int32 lang;
switch ( primSystemLCID )
@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@ _WinMain(HINSTANCE instance,
Int32 gta3set = CFileMgr::OpenFile("gta3.set", "r");
int32 gta3set = CFileMgr::OpenFile("gta3.set", "r");
if ( gta3set )
@ -2112,10 +2112,10 @@ _WinMain(HINSTANCE instance,
Float ms = (Float)CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / (Float)CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond();
float ms = (float)CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / (float)CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond();
if ( RwInitialised )
if (!CMenuManager::m_PrefsFrameLimiter || (1000.0f / (Float)RsGlobal.maxFPS) < ms)
if (!CMenuManager::m_PrefsFrameLimiter || (1000.0f / (float)RsGlobal.maxFPS) < ms)
RsEventHandler(rsIDLE, (void *)TRUE);
@ -2335,16 +2335,16 @@ HRESULT CapturePad(RwInt32 padID)
RsPadEventHandler(rsPADBUTTONUP, (void *)&bs);
Bool deviceAvailable = pPad != NULL;
bool deviceAvailable = pPad != NULL;
if ( deviceAvailable )
leftStickPos.x = (Float)js.lX / (Float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
leftStickPos.y = (Float)js.lY / (Float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
leftStickPos.x = (float)js.lX / (float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
leftStickPos.y = (float)js.lY / (float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
if (LOWORD(js.rgdwPOV[0]) != -1)
Float angle = DEGTORAD((Float)js.rgdwPOV[0] / 100.0f);
float angle = DEGTORAD((float)js.rgdwPOV[0] / 100.0f);
leftStickPos.x = sin(angle);
leftStickPos.y = -cos(angle);
@ -2352,8 +2352,8 @@ HRESULT CapturePad(RwInt32 padID)
if ( AllValidWinJoys.m_aJoys[bs.padID].m_bHasAxisR && AllValidWinJoys.m_aJoys[bs.padID].m_bHasAxisZ )
rightStickPos.x = (Float)js.lZ / (Float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
rightStickPos.y = (Float)js.lRz / (Float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
rightStickPos.x = (float)js.lZ / (float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
rightStickPos.y = (float)js.lRz / (float)((DEVICE_AXIS_MAX - DEVICE_AXIS_MIN) / 2);
@ -2372,16 +2372,16 @@ HRESULT CapturePad(RwInt32 padID)
CPad *pad = CPad::GetPad(bs.padID);
if ( fabs(leftStickPos.x) > 0.3f )
pad->PCTempJoyState.LeftStickX = (Int32)(leftStickPos.x * 128.0f);
pad->PCTempJoyState.LeftStickX = (int32)(leftStickPos.x * 128.0f);
if ( fabs(leftStickPos.y) > 0.3f )
pad->PCTempJoyState.LeftStickY = (Int32)(leftStickPos.y * 128.0f);
pad->PCTempJoyState.LeftStickY = (int32)(leftStickPos.y * 128.0f);
if ( fabs(rightStickPos.x) > 0.3f )
pad->PCTempJoyState.RightStickX = (Int32)(rightStickPos.x * 128.0f);
pad->PCTempJoyState.RightStickX = (int32)(rightStickPos.x * 128.0f);
if ( fabs(rightStickPos.y) > 0.3f )
pad->PCTempJoyState.RightStickY = (Int32)(rightStickPos.y * 128.0f);
pad->PCTempJoyState.RightStickY = (int32)(rightStickPos.y * 128.0f);
return S_OK;
@ -2392,7 +2392,7 @@ void _InputInitialiseJoys()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(2); i++ )
for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(2); i++ )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user