# re3-wiiu re3 logo This is a port of GTA III to the Nintendo Wii U. ## Instructions For instructions take a look at the GBATemp thread here: https://gbatemp.net/threads/re3-wiiu-gta-iii-wii-u-port.579827/ ## Building To build this project make sure you install the requried packages: `(dkp-)pacman -S ppc-mpg123 wiiu-sdl2 wut` You also need to build [libsndfile](https://github.com/libsndfile/libsndfile). To configure libsndfile for the Wii U take a look at this gist: https://gist.github.com/GaryOderNichts/475edaf03ff08ba100840608f92eade8 Then clone this repo using `git clone --recursive https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/re3` and build using `make`. To build the channel edit `CHANNEL_BUILD := 0` to `CHANNEL_BUILD := 1` in the `Makefile`. # Original README [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Factions-badge.atrox.dev%2FGTAmodding%2Fre3%2Fbadge%3Fref%3Dmaster&style=flat)](https://actions-badge.atrox.dev/GTAmodding/re3/goto?ref=master) ## Intro The aim of this project is to reverse GTA III for PC by replacing parts of the game [one by one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus) such that we have a working game at all times. ## How can I try it? - re3 requires game assets to work, so you **must** own [a copy of GTA III](https://store.steampowered.com/app/12100/Grand_Theft_Auto_III/). - Build re3 or download [the latest nightly build](https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/actions) (You must be logged in.) - (Optional) If you want to use optional features like Russian language or menu map, copy the files in /gamefiles folder to your game root folder. - Move re3.exe to GTA 3 directory and run it. ## Building from Source If you gonna use premake, then before starting you may want to point GTA_III_RE_DIR environment variable to GTA3 root folder, if you want executable to be moved there via post-build script.
Linux Premake For Linux using premake, proceed: [Building on Linux](https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/wiki/Building-on-Linux)
Linux Conan Obtain source code. ``` git clone https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3.git cd re3 git submodule init git submodule update --recursive ``` Install python and conan, and then run build. ``` conan export vendor/librw librw/master@ mkdir build cd build conan install .. re3/master@ -if build -o re3:audio=openal -o librw:platform=gl3 -o librw:gl3_gfxlib=glfw --build missing -s re3:build_type=RelWithDebInfo -s librw:build_type=RelWithDebInfo conan build .. -if build -bf build -pf package ```
FreeBSD For FreeBSD using premake, proceed: [Building on FreeBSD](https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/wiki/Building-on-FreeBSD)
Windows Assuming you have Visual Studio: - Clone the repo using the argument `--recursive`. - Run one of the `premake-vsXXXX.cmd` variants on root folder. - Open the project via Visual Studio **If you use 64-bit D3D9**: We don't ship 64-bit Dx9 SDK. You need to download it from Microsoft if you don't have it(although it should come pre-installed after some Windows version) **If you choose OpenAL on Windows** You must read [Running OpenAL build on Windows](https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/wiki/Running-OpenAL-build-on-Windows).
> :information_source: There are various settings at the very bottom of [config.h](https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/tree/master/src/core/config.h), you may want to take a look there. i.e. FIX_BUGS define fixes the bugs we've come across. > :information_source: **Did you notice librw?** re3 uses completely homebrew RenderWare-replacement rendering engine; [librw](https://github.com/aap/librw/). librw comes as submodule of re3, but you also can use LIBRW enviorenment variable to specify path to your own librw. ## Contributing Please read the [Coding Style](https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3/blob/master/CODING_STYLE.md) Document ### Unreversed / incomplete classes (at least the ones we know) The following classes have only unused or practically unused code left: ``` NameGrid.cpp - only on mobile (a player name grid, either a very early player name code ala GTA1 or a multiplayer leftover) PedDebug.cpp - only on mobile (debug code) HandlingMgr.cpp - debug functions from mobile CFormationInfo - unused PedAI class that could be found on mobile CVehicle::ProcessBikeWheel - early bike code (only on mobile) CAutomobile::DebugCode - debug function from mobile CBoat::DebugCode - debug function from mobile CBoat::ModifyHandlingValue - debug function from mobile CBoat::DisplayHandlingData - debug function from mobile CStreaming::PrintRequestList - debug function from mobile d3d8raster.c - only on PC (slight RW modification that we don't actually need) ```