// File: VPConfig.h
// Desc: An interface exposed by the decoder to help it and the filter
//       configuring the videoport to communicate.
// Copyright (c) 1992-2001, Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

#ifndef __IVPConfig__
#define __IVPConfig__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// IVPBaseConfig

    // gets the various connection information structures (guid, portwidth)
    // in an array of structures. If the pointer to the array is NULL, first 
    // parameter returns the total number of formats supported.
    STDMETHOD (GetConnectInfo)(THIS_
                   IN OUT LPDWORD pdwNumConnectInfo,
                   IN OUT LPDDVIDEOPORTCONNECT pddVPConnectInfo
                  ) PURE;

    // sets the connection entry chosen (0, 1, .. ,(dwNumProposedEntries-1))
    STDMETHOD (SetConnectInfo)(THIS_
                   IN DWORD dwChosenEntry
                  ) PURE;

    // gets various data parameters, includes dimensionnal info
                   IN OUT LPAMVPDATAINFO pamvpDataInfo
                  ) PURE;

    // retrives maximum pixels per second rate expected for a given 
    // format and a given scaling factor. If decoder does not support 
    // those scaling factors, then it gives the rate and the nearest 
    // scaling factors.
    STDMETHOD (GetMaxPixelRate)(THIS_
                    IN OUT LPAMVPSIZE pamvpSize,
                    OUT LPDWORD pdwMaxPixelsPerSecond
                  ) PURE;

    // informs the callee of the videoformats supported by the videoport
    STDMETHOD (InformVPInputFormats)(THIS_
                    IN DWORD dwNumFormats,
                    IN LPDDPIXELFORMAT pDDPixelFormats
                  ) PURE;

    // gets the various formats supported by the decoder in an array
    // of structures. If the pointer to the array is NULL, first parameter
    // returns the total number of formats supported.
    STDMETHOD (GetVideoFormats)(THIS_
                    IN OUT LPDWORD pdwNumFormats,
                    IN OUT LPDDPIXELFORMAT pddPixelFormats
                   ) PURE;

    // sets the format entry chosen (0, 1, .. ,(dwNumProposedEntries-1))
    STDMETHOD (SetVideoFormat)(THIS_
                   IN DWORD dwChosenEntry
                  ) PURE;

    // asks the decoder to treat even fields like odd fields and visa versa
    STDMETHOD (SetInvertPolarity)(THIS_
                  ) PURE;

    // the mixer uses this function to determine if the callee wants
    // the vpmixer to use its overlay surface and if so to get a pointer to it
    STDMETHOD (GetOverlaySurface)(THIS_
                   OUT LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE* ppddOverlaySurface
                  ) PURE;

    // sets the direct draw kernel handle
    STDMETHOD (SetDirectDrawKernelHandle)(THIS_
                   IN ULONG_PTR dwDDKernelHandle
                  ) PURE;

    // sets the video port id
    STDMETHOD (SetVideoPortID)(THIS_
                   IN DWORD dwVideoPortID
                  ) PURE;

    // sets the direct draw surface kernel handle
    STDMETHOD (SetDDSurfaceKernelHandles)(THIS_
                   IN DWORD cHandles,
                   IN ULONG_PTR *rgDDKernelHandles
                  ) PURE;

    // Tells driver about surface created on its behalf by ovmixer/vbisurf and 
    // returned from videoport/ddraw. Should always return NOERROR or E_NOIMPL. 
    // dwPitch is the pitch of the surface (distance in pixels between the start 
    // pixels of two consecutive lines of the surface). (dwXOrigin, dwYOrigin) 
    // are the (X, Y) coordinates of the pixel at which valid data starts.  
    STDMETHOD (SetSurfaceParameters)(THIS_
                   IN DWORD dwPitch,
                   IN DWORD dwXOrigin,
                   IN DWORD dwYOrigin
                  ) PURE;

// IVPConfig
    // the mixer uses this function to determine if the callee wants
    // the mixer to decimate VIDEO data at its own descrition
    STDMETHOD (IsVPDecimationAllowed)(THIS_
                   OUT LPBOOL pbIsDecimationAllowed
                  ) PURE;

    // sets the scaling factors. If decoder does not support these,
    // then it sets the values to the nearest factors it can support
    STDMETHOD (SetScalingFactors)(THIS_
                   IN LPAMVPSIZE pamvpSize
                  ) PURE;

// IVPVBIConfig

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // __IVPConfig__