// File: VPType.h
// Desc: This file includes all the data structures defined for the IVPConfig
//       interface.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2001, Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

#ifndef __IVPType__
#define __IVPType__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    // enum to specify the criterion, which the vpmixer is supposed to use
    // in order to select the video format
    typedef enum _AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY

    // enum to specify the various mode
    typedef enum _AMVP_MODE
    } AMVP_MODE;

    // struct to specify the width and height. The context could be anything
    // such as scaling cropping etc.
    typedef struct _AMVPSIZE
        DWORD           dwWidth;                // the width
        DWORD           dwHeight;               // the height

    // struct to specify the dimensional characteristics of the input stream
    typedef struct _AMVPDIMINFO
        DWORD           dwFieldWidth;           // Field height of the data
        DWORD           dwFieldHeight;          // Field width of the data
        DWORD           dwVBIWidth;             // Width of the VBI data
        DWORD           dwVBIHeight;            // Height of the VBI data
        RECT            rcValidRegion;          // The vaild rectangle, used for cropping

    // struct to specify the various data specific characteristics of the input stream
    typedef struct _AMVPDATAINFO
        DWORD           dwSize;                 // Size of the struct
        DWORD           dwMicrosecondsPerField; // Time taken by each field
        AMVPDIMINFO     amvpDimInfo;            // Dimensional Information 
        DWORD           dwPictAspectRatioX;     // X dimension of Picture Aspect Ratio
        DWORD           dwPictAspectRatioY;     // Y dimension of Picture Aspect Ratio
        BOOL            bEnableDoubleClock;     // Videoport should enable double clocking
        BOOL            bEnableVACT;            // Videoport should use an external VACT signal
        BOOL            bDataIsInterlaced;      // Indicates that the signal is interlaced
        LONG            lHalfLinesOdd;          // number of halflines in the odd field
        BOOL            bFieldPolarityInverted; // Device inverts the polarity by default
        DWORD           dwNumLinesInVREF;       // Number of lines of data in VREF 
        LONG            lHalfLinesEven;         // number of halflines in the even field
        DWORD           dwReserved1;            // Reserved for future use

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // __IVPType__