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#pragma once
#include "KThread.h"
#include "KPrivateMemory.h"
#include "KSharedMemory.h"
#include "KSession.h"
namespace skyline::kernel::type {
* @brief The KProcess class is responsible for holding the state of a process
class KProcess : public KSyncObject {
* @brief This class holds a single TLS page's status
* @details tls_page_t holds the status of a single TLS page (A page is 4096 bytes on ARMv8).
* Each TLS page has 8 slots, each 0x200 (512) bytes in size.
* The first slot of the first page is reserved for user-mode exception handling.
* Read more about TLS here:
struct TlsPage {
u64 address; //!< The address of the page allocated for TLS
u8 index = 0; //!< The slots are assigned sequentially, this holds the index of the last TLS slot reserved
bool slot[constant::TlsSlots]{0}; //!< An array of booleans denoting which TLS slots are reserved
* @param address The address of the allocated page
TlsPage(u64 address);
* @brief Reserves a single 0x200 byte TLS slot
* @return The address of the reserved slot
u64 ReserveSlot();
* @brief Returns the address of a particular slot
* @param slotNo The number of the slot to be returned
* @return The address of the specified slot
u64 Get(u8 slotNo);
* @brief Returns boolean on if the TLS page has free slots or not
* @return If the whole page is full or not
bool Full();
* @brief Returns a TLS slot from an arbitrary TLS page
* @return The address of a free TLS slot
u64 GetTlsSlot();
int memFd; //!< The file descriptor to the memory of the process
enum class ProcessStatus {
Created, //!< The process was created but the main thread has not started yet
Started, //!< The process has been started
Exiting //!< The process is exiting
} status = ProcessStatus::Created; //!< The state of the process
handle_t handleIndex = constant::BaseHandleIndex; //!< This is used to keep track of what to map as an handle
pid_t mainThread; //!< The PID of the main thread
size_t mainThreadStackSz; //!< The size of the main thread's stack (All other threads map stack themselves so we don't know the size per-se)
std::unordered_map<u64, std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory>> memoryMap; //!< A mapping from every address to a shared pointer of it's corresponding KPrivateMemory, used to keep track of KPrivateMemory instances
std::unordered_map<memory::Region, std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory>> memoryRegionMap; //!< A mapping from every MemoryRegion to a shared pointer of it's corresponding KPrivateMemory
std::unordered_map<handle_t, std::shared_ptr<KObject>> handleTable; //!< A mapping from a handle_t to it's corresponding KObject which is the actual underlying object
std::unordered_map<pid_t, std::shared_ptr<KThread>> threadMap; //!< A mapping from a PID to it's corresponding KThread object
std::unordered_map<u64, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<KThread>>> mutexMap; //!< A map from a mutex's address to a vector of threads waiting on it (Sorted by priority)
std::unordered_map<u64, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<KThread>>> condVarMap; //!< A map from a conditional variable's address to a vector of threads waiting on it (Sorted by priority)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TlsPage>> tlsPages; //!< A vector of all allocated TLS pages
* This is used as the output for functions that return created kernel objects
* @tparam objectClass The class of the kernel object
template<typename objectClass>
struct HandleOut {
std::shared_ptr<objectClass> item;
handle_t handle;
* @brief Creates a KThread object for the main thread and opens the process's memory file
* @param state The state of the device
* @param pid The PID of the main thread
* @param entryPoint The address to start execution at
* @param stackBase The base of the stack
* @param stackSize The size of the stack
KProcess(const DeviceState &state, pid_t pid, u64 entryPoint, u64 stackBase, u64 stackSize);
* Close the file descriptor to the process's memory
* @brief Create a thread in this process
* @param entryPoint The address of the initial function
* @param entryArg An argument to the function
* @param stackTop The top of the stack
* @param priority The priority of the thread
* @return An instance of KThread class for the corresponding thread
std::shared_ptr<KThread> CreateThread(u64 entryPoint, u64 entryArg, u64 stackTop, u8 priority);
* @brief Returns an object from process memory
* @tparam Type The type of the object to be read
* @param address The address of the object
* @return An object of type T with read data
template<typename Type>
Type ReadMemory(u64 address) const {
Type item{};
ReadMemory(&item, address, sizeof(Type));
return item;
* @brief Writes an object to process memory
* @tparam Type The type of the object to be written
* @param item The object to write
* @param address The address of the object
template<typename Type>
void WriteMemory(Type &item, u64 address) const {
WriteMemory(&item, address, sizeof(Type));
* @brief Read data from the process's memory
* @param destination The address to the location where the process memory is written
* @param offset The address to read from in process memory
* @param size The amount of memory to be read
void ReadMemory(void *destination, u64 offset, size_t size) const;
* @brief Write to the process's memory
* @param source The address of where the data to be written is present
* @param offset The address to write to in process memory
* @param size The amount of memory to be written
void WriteMemory(void *source, u64 offset, size_t size) const;
* @brief Returns the FD of the memory for the process
* @return The FD of the memory for the process
int GetMemoryFd() const;
* @brief Map a chunk of process local memory (private memory)
* @param address The address to map to (Can be 0 if address doesn't matter)
* @param size The size of the chunk of memory
* @param perms The permissions of the memory
* @param type The type of the memory
* @param region The specific region this memory is mapped for
* @return The HandleOut of the created KPrivateMemory
HandleOut<KPrivateMemory> MapPrivateRegion(u64 address, size_t size, const memory::Permission perms, const memory::Type type, const memory::Region region);
* @brief Returns the total memory occupied by regions mapped for the process
size_t GetProgramSize();
* @brief Creates a new handle to a KObject and adds it to the process handle_table
* @tparam objectClass The class of the kernel object to create
* @param args The arguments for the kernel object except handle, pid and state
* @return A shared pointer to the corresponding object
template<typename objectClass, typename ...objectArgs>
HandleOut<objectClass> NewHandle(objectArgs... args) {
std::shared_ptr<objectClass> item;
if constexpr (std::is_same<objectClass, KThread>())
item = std::make_shared<objectClass>(state, handleIndex, args...);
item = std::make_shared<objectClass>(state, args...);
handleTable[handleIndex] = std::static_pointer_cast<KObject>(item);
return {item, handleIndex++};
* @brief This inserts an item into the process handle table
* @param item The item to insert
* @return The handle of the corresponding item in the handle table
template<typename objectClass>
handle_t InsertItem(std::shared_ptr<objectClass> item) {
handleTable[handleIndex] = std::static_pointer_cast<KObject>(item);
return handleIndex++;
* @brief Returns the underlying kernel object for a handle
* @tparam objectClass The class of the kernel object present in the handle
* @param handle The handle of the object
* @return A shared pointer to the object
template<typename objectClass>
std::shared_ptr<objectClass> GetHandle(handle_t handle) {
KType objectType;
if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KThread>())
objectType = KType::KThread;
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KProcess>())
objectType = KType::KProcess;
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KSharedMemory>())
objectType = KType::KSharedMemory;
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KPrivateMemory>())
objectType = KType::KPrivateMemory;
else if constexpr(std::is_same<objectClass, KSession>())
objectType = KType::KSession;
throw exception("KProcess::GetHandle couldn't determine object type");
try {
auto item =;
if (item->objectType == objectType)
return std::static_pointer_cast<objectClass>(item);
throw exception(fmt::format("Tried to get kernel object (0x{:X}) with different type: {} when object is {}", handle, objectType, item->objectType));
} catch (std::out_of_range) {
throw exception(fmt::format("GetHandle was called with invalid handle: 0x{:X}", handle));
* @brief This locks the Mutex at the specified address
* @param address The address of the mutex
void MutexLock(u64 address);
* @brief This unlocks the Mutex at the specified address
* @param address The address of the mutex
void MutexUnlock(u64 address);