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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#include <nce.h>
#include <os.h>
#include <kernel/results.h>
#include "KProcess.h"
namespace skyline::kernel::type {
KProcess::TlsPage::TlsPage(const std::shared_ptr<KPrivateMemory> &memory) : memory(memory) {}
u8 *KProcess::TlsPage::ReserveSlot() {
if (index == constant::TlsSlots)
return nullptr;
return memory->ptr + (constant::TlsSlotSize * index++);
KProcess::KProcess(const DeviceState &state) : memory(state), KSyncObject(state, KType::KProcess) {}
KProcess::~KProcess() {
std::lock_guard guard(threadMutex);
disableThreadCreation = true;
for (const auto &thread : threads)
void KProcess::Kill(bool join, bool all, bool disableCreation) {
std::lock_guard guard(threadMutex);
if (disableCreation)
disableThreadCreation = true;
if (all) {
for (const auto &thread : threads)
} else {
std::shared_ptr<KThread> thread;
try {
thread =;
} catch (const std::out_of_range &) {
void KProcess::InitializeHeapTls() {
constexpr size_t DefaultHeapSize{0x200000};
heap = std::make_shared<KPrivateMemory>(state, reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(state.process->memory.heap.address), DefaultHeapSize, memory::Permission{true, true, false}, memory::states::Heap);
InsertItem(heap); // Insert it into the handle table so GetMemoryObject will contain it
tlsExceptionContext = AllocateTlsSlot();
u8 *KProcess::AllocateTlsSlot() {
std::lock_guard lock(tlsMutex);
u8 *slot;
for (auto &tlsPage: tlsPages)
if ((slot = tlsPage->ReserveSlot()))
return slot;
slot = tlsPages.empty() ? reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(memory.tlsIo.address) : ((*(tlsPages.end() - 1))->memory->ptr + PAGE_SIZE);
auto tlsPage{std::make_shared<TlsPage>(std::make_shared<KPrivateMemory>(state, slot, PAGE_SIZE, memory::Permission(true, true, false), memory::states::ThreadLocal))};
return tlsPage->ReserveSlot();
std::shared_ptr<KThread> KProcess::CreateThread(void *entry, u64 argument, void *stackTop, std::optional<u8> priority, std::optional<u8> idealCore) {
std::lock_guard guard(threadMutex);
if (disableThreadCreation)
return nullptr;
if (!stackTop && threads.empty()) { //!< Main thread stack is created by the kernel and owned by the process
mainThreadStack = std::make_shared<KPrivateMemory>(state, reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(state.process->memory.stack.address), state.process->npdm.meta.mainThreadStackSize, memory::Permission{true, true, false}, memory::states::Stack);
if (mprotect(mainThreadStack->ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_NONE))
throw exception("Failed to create guard page for thread stack at 0x{:X}", mainThreadStack->ptr);
stackTop = mainThreadStack->ptr + mainThreadStack->size;
auto thread{NewHandle<KThread>(this, threads.size(), entry, argument, stackTop, priority ? *priority : state.process->npdm.meta.mainThreadPriority, idealCore ? *idealCore : state.process->npdm.meta.idealCore).item};
return thread;
std::optional<KProcess::HandleOut<KMemory>> KProcess::GetMemoryObject(u8 *ptr) {
std::shared_lock lock(handleMutex);
for (KHandle index{}; index < handles.size(); index++) {
auto &object{handles[index]};
if (object) {
switch (object->objectType) {
case type::KType::KPrivateMemory:
case type::KType::KSharedMemory:
case type::KType::KTransferMemory: {
auto mem{std::static_pointer_cast<type::KMemory>(object)};
if (mem->IsInside(ptr))
return std::make_optional<KProcess::HandleOut<KMemory>>({mem, constant::BaseHandleIndex + index});
return std::nullopt;
constexpr u32 HandleWaitersBit{1UL << 30}; //!< A bit which denotes if a mutex psuedo-handle has waiters or not
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Result KProcess::MutexLock(u32 *mutex, KHandle ownerHandle, KHandle tag) {
std::shared_ptr<KThread> owner;
try {
2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
owner = GetHandle<KThread>(ownerHandle);
} catch (const std::out_of_range &) {
return result::InvalidHandle;
bool isHighestPriority;
std::lock_guard lock(owner->waiterMutex);
u32 value{};
2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n(mutex, &value, tag, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
// We try to do a CAS to get ownership of the mutex in the case that it's unoccupied
return {};
2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
if (value != (ownerHandle | HandleWaitersBit))
// We ensure that the mutex's value is the handle with the waiter bit set
return result::InvalidCurrentMemory;
auto &waiters{owner->waiters};
isHighestPriority = waiters.insert(std::upper_bound(waiters.begin(), waiters.end(), state.thread->priority.load(), KThread::IsHigherPriority), state.thread) == waiters.begin();
state.thread->waitThread = owner;
state.thread->waitKey = mutex;
2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
state.thread->waitTag = tag;
if (isHighestPriority) {
// If we were the highest priority thread then we need to inherit priorities for all threads we're waiting on recursively
do {
u8 priority, ownerPriority;
do {
// Try to CAS the priority of the owner with the current thread
// If the new priority is equivalent to the current priority then we don't need to CAS
ownerPriority = owner->priority.load();
priority = std::min(ownerPriority, state.thread->priority.load());
} while (ownerPriority != priority && owner->priority.compare_exchange_strong(ownerPriority, priority));
if (ownerPriority != priority) {
std::shared_ptr<KThread> waitThread;
std::lock_guard lock(waitThread->waiterMutex);
waitThread = owner->waitThread;
// We need to update the location of the owner thread in the waiter queue of the thread it's waiting on
auto &waiters{waitThread->waiters};
waiters.erase(std::find(waiters.begin(), waiters.end(), waitThread));
waiters.insert(std::upper_bound(waiters.begin(), waiters.end(), state.thread->priority.load(), KThread::IsHigherPriority), owner);
owner = waitThread;
} else {
} while (owner);
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return {};
void KProcess::MutexUnlock(u32 *mutex) {
std::lock_guard lock(state.thread->waiterMutex);
auto &waiters{state.thread->waiters};
auto nextOwnerIt{std::find_if(waiters.begin(), waiters.end(), [mutex](const std::shared_ptr<KThread> &thread) { return thread->waitKey == mutex; })};
if (nextOwnerIt != waiters.end()) {
auto nextOwner{*nextOwnerIt};
std::lock_guard nextLock(nextOwner->waiterMutex);
nextOwner->waitThread = std::shared_ptr<KThread>{nullptr};
nextOwner->waitKey = nullptr;
// Move all threads waiting on this key to the next owner's waiter list
std::shared_ptr<KThread> nextWaiter{};
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for (auto it{waiters.erase(nextOwnerIt)}, nextIt{std::next(it)}; it != waiters.end(); it = nextIt++) {
auto thread{*it};
if (thread->waitKey == mutex) {
nextOwner->waiters.splice(std::upper_bound(nextOwner->waiters.begin(), nextOwner->waiters.end(), (*it)->priority.load(), KThread::IsHigherPriority), waiters, it);
thread->waitThread = nextOwner;
if (!nextWaiter)
2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
nextWaiter = thread;
if (!waiters.empty()) {
// If there are threads still waiting on us then try to inherit their priority
auto highestPriorityThread{waiters.front()};
u8 newPriority, basePriority;
do {
basePriority = state.thread->basePriority.load();
newPriority = std::min(basePriority, highestPriorityThread->priority.load());
} while (basePriority != newPriority && state.thread->priority.compare_exchange_strong(basePriority, newPriority));
} else {
u8 priority, basePriority;
do {
basePriority = state.thread->basePriority.load();
priority = state.thread->priority.load();
} while (priority != basePriority && !state.thread->priority.compare_exchange_strong(priority, basePriority));
if (priority != basePriority)
if (nextWaiter) {
// If there is a waiter on the new owner then try to inherit its priority
u8 priority, ownerPriority;
do {
ownerPriority = nextOwner->priority.load();
priority = std::min(ownerPriority, nextWaiter->priority.load());
} while (ownerPriority != priority && nextOwner->priority.compare_exchange_strong(ownerPriority, priority));
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__atomic_store_n(mutex, nextOwner->waitTag | HandleWaitersBit, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
} else {
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__atomic_store_n(mutex, nextOwner->waitTag, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
// Finally, schedule the next owner accordingly
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} else {
__atomic_store_n(mutex, 0, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
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2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
Result KProcess::ConditionalVariableWait(u32 *key, u32 *mutex, KHandle tag, i64 timeout) {
std::lock_guard lock(syncWaiterMutex);
auto queue{syncWaiters.equal_range(key)};
syncWaiters.insert(std::upper_bound(queue.first, queue.second, state.thread->priority.load(), [](const i8 priority, const SyncWaiters::value_type &it) { return it.second->priority > priority; }), {key, state.thread});
2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
__atomic_store_n(key, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); // We need to notify any userspace threads that there are waiters on this conditional variable by writing back a boolean flag denoting it
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2020-12-20 15:09:36 +01:00
if (timeout > 0 && !state.scheduler->TimedWaitSchedule(std::chrono::nanoseconds(timeout))) {
std::unique_lock lock(syncWaiterMutex);
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auto queue{syncWaiters.equal_range(key)};
auto iterator{std::find(queue.first, queue.second, SyncWaiters::value_type{key, state.thread})};
if (iterator != queue.second)
if (syncWaiters.erase(iterator) == queue.second)
__atomic_store_n(key, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
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return result::TimedOut;
} else {
KHandle value{};
if (!__atomic_compare_exchange_n(mutex, &value, tag, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
while (MutexLock(mutex, value & ~HandleWaitersBit, tag) != Result{})
if ((value = __atomic_or_fetch(mutex, HandleWaitersBit, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) == HandleWaitersBit)
if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n(mutex, &value, tag, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
return {};
void KProcess::ConditionalVariableSignal(u32 *key, i32 amount) {
std::lock_guard lock(syncWaiterMutex);
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auto queue{syncWaiters.equal_range(key)};
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auto it{queue.first};
for (i32 waiterCount{amount}; it != queue.second && (amount <= 0 || waiterCount); it = syncWaiters.erase(it), waiterCount--)
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if (it == queue.second)
__atomic_store_n(key, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); // We need to update the boolean flag denoting that there are no more threads waiting on this conditional variable
Result KProcess::WaitForAddress(u32 *address, u32 value, i64 timeout, bool (*arbitrationFunction)(u32 *, u32)) {
std::lock_guard lock(syncWaiterMutex);
if (!arbitrationFunction(address, value)) [[unlikely]]
return result::InvalidState;
auto queue{syncWaiters.equal_range(address)};
syncWaiters.insert(std::upper_bound(queue.first, queue.second, state.thread->priority.load(), [](const i8 priority, const SyncWaiters::value_type &it) { return it.second->priority > priority; }), {address, state.thread});
if (timeout > 0 && !state.scheduler->TimedWaitSchedule(std::chrono::nanoseconds(timeout))) {
std::lock_guard lock(syncWaiterMutex);
auto queue{syncWaiters.equal_range(address)};
auto iterator{std::find(queue.first, queue.second, SyncWaiters::value_type{address, state.thread})};
if (iterator != queue.second)
if (syncWaiters.erase(iterator) == queue.second)
__atomic_store_n(address, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return result::TimedOut;
} else {
return {};
Result KProcess::SignalToAddress(u32 *address, u32 value, i32 amount, bool(*mutateFunction)(u32 *address, u32 value, u32 waiterCount)) {
std::lock_guard lock(syncWaiterMutex);
auto queue{syncWaiters.equal_range(address)};
if (mutateFunction)
if (!mutateFunction(address, value, (amount <= 0) ? 0 : std::min(static_cast<u32>(std::distance(queue.first, queue.second) - amount), 0U))) [[unlikely]]
return result::InvalidState;
i32 waiterCount{amount};
for (auto it{queue.first}; it != queue.second && (amount <= 0 || waiterCount); it = syncWaiters.erase(it), waiterCount--)
return {};