We wanted the color of the modals used by the dialogs to be the same as our regular background color rather than a lighter grey. This has now been enforced with style attributes in the case of `AlertDialog` and `setBackground` in the case of `BottomSheetDialog`.
We inconsistently used `AppCompat`'s `AlertDialog` theme in Settings while using `MaterialComponents`'s theme in Controller Configuration. This has now been fixed by universally using the `MaterialComponents` theme.
* Update licenses for dependent projects
* Add copyright notices (as provided)
* Revamp styling for `LicenseDialog`
* Fix invisible `PreferenceDialog` buttons in Settings
* Consolidating color variables into `colorPrimary`, `backgroundColor` and `backgroundColorVariant`
* Use `com.google.android.flexbox:flexbox:3.0.0` (Google Maven) rather than `com.google.android:flexbox:2.0.1` (Bintray)
* Clean Exiting was improved by implementing a robust system for when to abandon clean exiting and simply restart the process alongside moving clean exiting to the background when the application is quit by using the back button
* Audio is now automatically paused whenever the application is moved to the background and automatically resumed when it's brought to the foreground
* The system language setting had several errors and inconsistencies which have now been fixed, it's been brought more in line with HOS language (Albeit not entirely due to no region setting in Skyline)
* Fix a bug with `ThreadLocal` where the atomic `list` pointer was uninitialized resulting in a `SEGFAULT` during the destructor