package emu.skyline import import android.content.Context import import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import import import emu.skyline.loader.AppEntry import emu.skyline.utils.fromFile import emu.skyline.utils.toFile import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import import javax.inject.Inject sealed class MainState { object Loading : MainState() class Loaded(val items : ArrayList) : MainState() class Error(val ex : Exception) : MainState() } @HiltViewModel class MainViewModel @Inject constructor(@ApplicationContext context : Context, private val romProvider : RomProvider) : AndroidViewModel(context as Application) { companion object { private val TAG = } private var state get() = _stateData.value set(value) = _stateData.postValue(value) private val _stateData = MutableLiveData() val stateData : LiveData = _stateData /** * This refreshes the contents of the adapter by either trying to load cached adapter data or searches for them to recreate a list * * @param loadFromFile If this is false then trying to load cached adapter data is skipped entirely */ fun loadRoms(context : Context, loadFromFile : Boolean, searchLocation : Uri, systemLanguage : Int) { if (state == MainState.Loading) return state = MainState.Loading val romsFile = File(getApplication().filesDir.canonicalPath + "/roms.bin") viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { if (loadFromFile && romsFile.exists()) { try { state = MainState.Loaded(fromFile(romsFile)) checkRomHash(searchLocation, systemLanguage) return@launch } catch (e : Exception) { Log.w(TAG, "Ran into exception while loading: ${e.message}") } } state = if (searchLocation.toString().isEmpty()) { MainState.Loaded(ArrayList()) } else { try { KeyReader.importFromLocation(context, searchLocation) val romElements = romProvider.loadRoms(searchLocation, systemLanguage) romElements.toFile(romsFile) MainState.Loaded(romElements) } catch (e : Exception) { Log.w(TAG, "Ran into exception while saving: ${e.message}") MainState.Error(e) } } } } /** * Tracks whether an auto refresh is already in progress */ private var isAutoRefreshingRoms = false /** * This checks if the roms have changed since the last time they were loaded and if so it reloads them */ fun checkRomHash(searchLocation : Uri, systemLanguage : Int) { // Skip if an auto refresh is already in progress or if the state hasn't already loaded if (isAutoRefreshingRoms || state !is MainState.Loaded) return isAutoRefreshingRoms = true viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { val currentHash = when (val currentState = state) { is MainState.Loaded -> currentState.items.hashCode() else -> 0 } val romElements = romProvider.loadRoms(searchLocation, systemLanguage) val newHash = romElements.hashCode() if (newHash != currentHash) state = MainState.Loaded(romElements) isAutoRefreshingRoms = false } } }