PixelyIon a7548c79a0 Android 12 Support + Update Libraries + Include Khronos Validation Layer
* Fix handling `SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS` bit being set in Android 12 `sigaction`
* Fix CMake bug using `CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION_RELEASE` when not supported causing `-fuse-ld=gold` to be emitted as a linker flag
* Support using `VIBRATOR_MANAGER_SERVICE` rather than `VIBRATOR_SERVICE` on Android 12
* Optimize Imports for Kotlin code
* Move away from deprecated APIs in Kotlin or explicitly mark where it's not possible
* Update SDK, NDK and libraries
* Enable Gradle Configuration Cache
2021-10-26 10:46:36 +05:30

39 lines
1.6 KiB

package emu.skyline
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile
import emu.skyline.loader.AppEntry
import emu.skyline.loader.RomFile
import emu.skyline.loader.RomFormat
import emu.skyline.loader.RomFormat.*
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
class RomProvider @Inject constructor(@ApplicationContext private val context : Context) {
* This adds all files in [directory] with [extension] as an entry using [RomFile] to load metadata
private fun addEntries(fileFormats : Map<String, RomFormat>, directory : DocumentFile, entries : HashMap<RomFormat, ArrayList<AppEntry>>, systemLanguage : Int) {
directory.listFiles().forEach { file ->
if (file.isDirectory) {
addEntries(fileFormats, file, entries, systemLanguage)
} else {
fileFormats[".")?.lowercase()]?.let { romFormat->
entries.getOrPut(romFormat, { arrayListOf() }).add(RomFile(context, romFormat, file.uri, systemLanguage).appEntry)
fun loadRoms(searchLocation : Uri, systemLanguage : Int) = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, searchLocation)!!.let { documentFile ->
hashMapOf<RomFormat, ArrayList<AppEntry>>().apply {
addEntries(mapOf("nro" to NRO, "nso" to NSO, "nca" to NCA, "nsp" to NSP, "xci" to XCI), documentFile, this, systemLanguage)