2023-05-05 19:07:01 +02:00

575 lines
24 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#include <asm-generic/unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "memory.h"
#include "types/KProcess.h"
namespace skyline::kernel {
MemoryManager::MemoryManager(const DeviceState &state) noexcept : state{state}, processHeapSize{}, memRefs{} {}
MemoryManager::~MemoryManager() noexcept {
if (base.valid() && !base.empty())
munmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(, base.size());
if (addressSpaceType != memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace39Bit)
if (codeBase36Bit.valid() && !codeBase36Bit.empty())
munmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(, codeBase36Bit.size());
void MemoryManager::MapInternal(const std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &newDesc) {
// The chunk that contains / precedes the new chunk base address
auto firstChunkBase{chunks.lower_bound(newDesc.first)};
if (newDesc.first <= firstChunkBase->first)
// The chunk that contains / follows the end address of the new chunk
auto lastChunkBase{chunks.lower_bound(newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size)};
if ((newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size) < lastChunkBase->first)
ChunkDescriptor firstChunk{firstChunkBase->second};
ChunkDescriptor lastChunk{lastChunkBase->second};
bool needsReprotection{false};
bool isUnmapping{newDesc.second.state == memory::states::Unmapped};
// We cut a hole in a single chunk
if (firstChunkBase->first == lastChunkBase->first) {
if (firstChunk.IsCompatible(newDesc.second)) [[unlikely]]
// No editing necessary
if ((firstChunk.state == memory::states::Unmapped) != isUnmapping)
needsReprotection = true;
// We edit the chunk's first half
firstChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>(newDesc.first - firstChunkBase->first);
chunks[firstChunkBase->first] = firstChunk;
// We create the chunk's second half
lastChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>((lastChunkBase->first + lastChunk.size) - (newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size));
chunks.insert({newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size, lastChunk});
// Insert new chunk in between
} else {
// If there are descriptors between first and last chunk, delete them
if ((firstChunkBase->first + firstChunk.size) != lastChunkBase->first) {
auto tempChunkBase{firstChunkBase};
while (tempChunkBase->first != lastChunkBase->first) {
auto tmp{tempChunkBase++};
if ((tmp->second.state == memory::states::Unmapped) != isUnmapping)
needsReprotection = true;
bool shouldInsert{true};
if (firstChunk.IsCompatible(newDesc.second)) {
shouldInsert = false;
firstChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>((newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size) - firstChunkBase->first);
chunks[firstChunkBase->first] = firstChunk;
} else if ((firstChunkBase->first + firstChunk.size) != newDesc.first) {
firstChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>(newDesc.first - firstChunkBase->first);
chunks[firstChunkBase->first] = firstChunk;
if ((firstChunk.state == memory::states::Unmapped) != isUnmapping)
needsReprotection = true;
if (lastChunk.IsCompatible(newDesc.second)) {
u8 *oldBase{lastChunkBase->first};
if (shouldInsert) {
shouldInsert = false;
lastChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>((lastChunk.size + oldBase) - (newDesc.first));
chunks[newDesc.first] = lastChunk;
} else {
firstChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>((lastChunk.size + oldBase) - firstChunkBase->first);
chunks[firstChunkBase->first] = firstChunk;
} else if ((newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size) != lastChunkBase->first) {
lastChunk.size = static_cast<size_t>((lastChunk.size + lastChunkBase->first) - (newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size));
chunks[newDesc.first + newDesc.second.size] = lastChunk;
if ((lastChunk.state == memory::states::Unmapped) != isUnmapping)
needsReprotection = true;
// Insert if not merged
if (shouldInsert)
if (needsReprotection)
if (mprotect(newDesc.first, newDesc.second.size, !isUnmapping ? PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC : PROT_NONE)) [[unlikely]]
Logger::Warn("Reprotection failed: {}", strerror(errno));
void MemoryManager::ForeachChunkinRange(span<u8> memory, auto editCallback) {
auto chunkBase{chunks.lower_bound(};
if ( < chunkBase->first)
size_t sizeLeft{memory.size()};
if (chunkBase->first < [[unlikely]] {
size_t chunkSize{std::min<size_t>(chunkBase->second.size - (static_cast<size_t>( - chunkBase->first)), memory.size())};
std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> temp{, chunkBase->second};
temp.second.size = chunkSize;
sizeLeft -= chunkSize;
while (sizeLeft) {
if (sizeLeft < chunkBase->second.size) {
std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> temp(*chunkBase);
temp.second.size = sizeLeft;
} else [[likely]] {
std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> temp(*chunkBase);
sizeLeft = sizeLeft - chunkBase->second.size;
constexpr size_t RegionAlignment{1ULL << 21}; //!< The minimum alignment of a HOS memory region
constexpr size_t CodeRegionSize{4ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024}; //!< The assumed maximum size of the code region (4GiB)
static span<u8> AllocateMappedRange(size_t minSize, size_t align, size_t minAddress, size_t maxAddress, bool findLargest) {
span<u8> region{};
size_t size{minSize};
std::ifstream mapsFile("/proc/self/maps");
std::string maps((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(mapsFile)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
size_t line{}, start{minAddress}, alignedStart{minAddress};
do {
auto end{util::HexStringToInt<u64>(std::string_view( + line, sizeof(u64) * 2))};
if (end < start)
if (end - start > size + (alignedStart - start)) { // We don't want to overflow if alignedStart > start
if (findLargest)
size = end - start;
region = span<u8>{reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(alignedStart), size};
if (!findLargest)
start = util::HexStringToInt<u64>(std::string_view( + maps.find_first_of('-', line) + 1, sizeof(u64) * 2));
alignedStart = util::AlignUp(start, align);
if (alignedStart + size > maxAddress) // We don't want to map past the end of the address space
} while ((line = maps.find_first_of('\n', line)) != std::string::npos && line++);
if (!region.valid()) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Allocation failed");
auto result{mmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(, size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED, -1, 0)};
if (result == MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Failed to mmap guest address space: {}", strerror(errno));
return region;
void MemoryManager::InitializeVmm(memory::AddressSpaceType type) {
addressSpaceType = type;
size_t baseSize{};
switch (type) {
case memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace32Bit:
case memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace32BitNoReserved:
throw exception("32-bit address spaces are not supported");
case memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace36Bit: {
addressSpace = span<u8>{reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(0), (1ULL << 36)};
baseSize = 0x180000000 + 0x180000000;
case memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace39Bit: {
addressSpace = span<u8>{reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(0), 1ULL << 39};
baseSize = CodeRegionSize + 0x1000000000 + 0x180000000 + 0x80000000 + 0x1000000000;
throw exception("VMM initialization with unknown address space");
// Qualcomm KGSL (Kernel Graphic Support Layer/Kernel GPU driver) maps below 35-bits, reserving it causes KGSL to go OOM
static constexpr size_t KgslReservedRegionSize{1ULL << 35};
base = AllocateMappedRange(baseSize, RegionAlignment, KgslReservedRegionSize, addressSpace.size(), false);
if (type != memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace36Bit) {
code = base;
} else {
code = codeBase36Bit = AllocateMappedRange(0x78000000, RegionAlignment, 0x8000000, KgslReservedRegionSize, false);
if ((reinterpret_cast<u64>( + baseSize) > (1ULL << 36)) {
Logger::Warn("Couldn't fit regions into 36 bit AS! Resizing AS to 39 bits!");
addressSpace = span<u8>{reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(0), 1ULL << 39};
// Insert a placeholder element at the end of the map to make sure upper_bound/lower_bound never triggers std::map::end() which is broken
chunks = {{,{
.size = addressSpace.size(),
.state = memory::states::Unmapped,
}}, {reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(UINT64_MAX), {
.state = memory::states::Reserved,
void MemoryManager::InitializeRegions(span<u8> codeRegion) {
if (!util::IsAligned(, RegionAlignment)) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Non-aligned code region was used to initialize regions: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X}",, codeRegion.end().base());
switch (addressSpaceType) {
case memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace36Bit: {
// As a workaround if we can't place the code region at the base of the AS we mark it as inaccessible heap so rtld doesn't crash
if ( != reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(0x8000000)) {
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(0x8000000),{
.size = reinterpret_cast<size_t>( - 0x8000000),
.state = memory::states::Heap
// Place code, stack and TLS/IO in the lower 36-bits of the host AS and heap and alias past that
code = span<u8>{, + 0x70000000};
stack = span<u8>{, + 0x78000000};
tlsIo = stack; //!< TLS/IO is shared with Stack on 36-bit
alias = span<u8>{, 0x180000000};
heap = span<u8>{alias.end().base(), 0x180000000};
case memory::AddressSpaceType::AddressSpace39Bit: {
code = span<u8>{, util::AlignUp(codeRegion.size(), RegionAlignment)};
alias = span<u8>{code.end().base(), 0x1000000000};
heap = span<u8>{alias.end().base(), 0x180000000};
stack = span<u8>{heap.end().base(), 0x80000000};
tlsIo = span<u8>{stack.end().base(), 0x1000000000};
u64 newSize{code.size() + alias.size() + stack.size() + heap.size() + tlsIo.size()};
if (newSize > base.size()) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Guest VMM size has exceeded host carveout size: 0x{:X}/0x{:X} (Code: 0x{:X}/0x{:X})", newSize, base.size(), code.size(), CodeRegionSize);
if (newSize != base.size()) [[likely]]
munmap(base.end().base(), newSize - base.size());
throw exception("Regions initialized without VMM initialization");
if (codeRegion.size() > code.size()) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Code region ({}) is smaller than mapped code size ({})", code.size(), codeRegion.size());
Logger::Debug("Region Map:\nVMM Base: 0x{:X}\nCode Region: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (Size: 0x{:X})\nAlias Region: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (Size: 0x{:X})\nHeap Region: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (Size: 0x{:X})\nStack Region: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (Size: 0x{:X})\nTLS/IO Region: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (Size: 0x{:X})",,, code.end().base(), code.size(),, alias.end().base(), alias.size(),, heap.end().base(), heap.size(),, stack.end().base(), stack.size(),, tlsIo.end().base(), tlsIo.size());
span<u8> MemoryManager::CreateMirror(span<u8> mapping) {
if (!base.contains(mapping)) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Mapping is outside of VMM base: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X}",, mapping.end().base());
auto offset{static_cast<size_t>( -};
if (!util::IsPageAligned(offset) || !util::IsPageAligned(mapping.size())) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Mapping is not aligned to a page: 0x{:X}-0x{:X} (0x{:X})",, mapping.end().base(), offset);
auto mirror{mremap(, 0, mapping.size(), MREMAP_MAYMOVE)};
if (mirror == MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Failed to create mirror mapping at 0x{:X}-0x{:X} (0x{:X}): {}",, mapping.end().base(), offset, strerror(errno));
mprotect(mirror, mapping.size(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
return span<u8>{reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(mirror), mapping.size()};
span<u8> MemoryManager::CreateMirrors(const std::vector<span<u8>> &regions) {
size_t totalSize{};
for (const auto &region : regions)
totalSize += region.size();
auto mirrorBase{mmap(nullptr, totalSize, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0)}; // Reserve address space for all mirrors
if (mirrorBase == MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Failed to create mirror base: {} (0x{:X} bytes)", strerror(errno), totalSize);
size_t mirrorOffset{};
for (const auto &region : regions) {
if (!base.contains(region)) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Mapping is outside of VMM base: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X}",, region.end().base());
auto offset{static_cast<size_t>( -};
if (!util::IsPageAligned(offset) || !util::IsPageAligned(region.size())) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Mapping is not aligned to a page: 0x{:X}-0x{:X} (0x{:X})",, region.end().base(), offset);
auto mirror{mremap(, 0, region.size(), MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(mirrorBase) + mirrorOffset)};
if (mirror == MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Failed to create mirror mapping at 0x{:X}-0x{:X} (0x{:X}): {}",, region.end().base(), offset, strerror(errno));
mprotect(mirror, region.size(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
mirrorOffset += region.size();
if (mirrorOffset != totalSize) [[unlikely]]
throw exception("Mirror size mismatch: 0x{:X} != 0x{:X}", mirrorOffset, totalSize);
return span<u8>{reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(mirrorBase), totalSize};
void MemoryManager::SetRegionBorrowed(span<u8> memory, bool value) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
ForeachChunkinRange(memory, [&](std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &desc) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
desc.second.attributes.isBorrowed = value;
void MemoryManager::SetRegionCpuCaching(span<u8> memory, bool value) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
ForeachChunkinRange(memory, [&](std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &desc) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
desc.second.attributes.isUncached = value;
void MemoryManager::SetRegionPermission(span<u8> memory, memory::Permission permission) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
ForeachChunkinRange(memory, [&](std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &desc) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
desc.second.permission = permission;
std::optional<std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>> MemoryManager::GetChunk(u8 *addr) {
std::shared_lock lock{mutex};
if (!addressSpace.contains(addr)) [[unlikely]]
return std::nullopt;
auto chunkBase = chunks.lower_bound(addr);
if (addr < chunkBase->first)
return std::make_optional(*chunkBase);
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapCodeMemory(span<u8> memory, memory::Permission permission) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = permission,
.state = memory::states::Code
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapMutableCodeMemory(span<u8> memory) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = {true, true, false},
.state = memory::states::CodeMutable
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapStackMemory(span<u8> memory) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = {true, true, false},
.state = memory::states::Stack,
.isSrcMergeDisallowed = true
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapHeapMemory(span<u8> memory) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = {true, true, false},
.state = memory::states::Heap
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapSharedMemory(span<u8> memory, memory::Permission permission) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = permission,
.state = memory::states::SharedMemory,
.isSrcMergeDisallowed = true
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapTransferMemory(span<u8> memory, memory::Permission permission) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = permission,
.state = permission.raw ? memory::states::TransferMemory : memory::states::TransferMemoryIsolated,
.isSrcMergeDisallowed = true
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::MapThreadLocalMemory(span<u8> memory) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = {true, true, false},
.state = memory::states::ThreadLocal
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::Reserve(span<u8> memory) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = {false, false, false},
.state = memory::states::Reserved
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::UnmapMemory(span<u8> memory) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
ForeachChunkinRange(memory, [&](const std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &desc) {
if (desc.second.state != memory::states::Unmapped)
FreeMemory(span<u8>(desc.first, desc.second.size));
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = memory.size(),
.permission = {false, false, false},
.state = memory::states::Unmapped
__attribute__((always_inline)) void MemoryManager::FreeMemory(span<u8> memory) {
u8 *alignedStart{util::AlignUp(, constant::PageSize)};
u8 *alignedEnd{util::AlignDown(memory.end().base(), constant::PageSize)};
if (alignedStart < alignedEnd) [[likely]]
if (madvise(alignedStart, static_cast<size_t>(alignedEnd - alignedStart), MADV_REMOVE) == -1) [[unlikely]]
Logger::Error("Failed to free memory: {}", strerror(errno));
void MemoryManager::SvcMapMemory(span<u8> source, span<u8> destination) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
MapInternal(std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor>(,{
.size = destination.size(),
.permission = {true, true, false},
.state = memory::states::Stack,
.isSrcMergeDisallowed = true
std::memcpy(,, source.size());
ForeachChunkinRange(source, [&](std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &desc) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
desc.second.permission = {false, false, false};
desc.second.attributes.isBorrowed = true;
void MemoryManager::SvcUnmapMemory(span<u8> source, span<u8> destination) {
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
auto dstChunk = chunks.lower_bound(;
if ( < dstChunk->first)
while (dstChunk->second.state.value == memory::states::Unmapped)
if (( + destination.size()) > dstChunk->first) [[likely]] {
ForeachChunkinRange(span<u8>{ + (dstChunk->first -, dstChunk->second.size}, [&](std::pair<u8 *, ChunkDescriptor> &desc) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
desc.second.permission = dstChunk->second.permission;
desc.second.attributes.isBorrowed = false;
std::memcpy( + (dstChunk->first -, dstChunk->first, dstChunk->second.size);
void MemoryManager::AddRef(std::shared_ptr<type::KMemory> ptr) {
void MemoryManager::RemoveRef(std::shared_ptr<type::KMemory> ptr) {
auto i = std::find(memRefs.begin(), memRefs.end(), ptr);
if (*i == ptr) [[likely]]
size_t MemoryManager::GetUserMemoryUsage() {
std::shared_lock lock{mutex};
size_t size{};
auto currChunk = chunks.lower_bound(;
while (currChunk->first < heap.end().base()) {
if (currChunk->second.state == memory::states::Heap)
size += currChunk->second.size;
return size + code.size() + state.process->mainThreadStack.size();
size_t MemoryManager::GetSystemResourceUsage() {
std::shared_lock lock{mutex};
constexpr size_t KMemoryBlockSize{0x40};
return std::min(static_cast<size_t>(state.process->npdm.meta.systemResourceSize), util::AlignUp(chunks.size() * KMemoryBlockSize, constant::PageSize));