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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <kernel/ipc.h>
#define SFUNC(id, Class, Function) std::pair<u32, std::pair<std::function<Result(Class*, type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &)>, std::string_view>>{id, {&Class::Function, #Function}}
#define SFUNC_BASE(id, Class, BaseClass, Function) std::pair<u32, std::pair<std::function<Result(Class*, type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &)>, std::string_view>>{id, {&CallBaseFunction<Class, BaseClass, decltype(&BaseClass::Function), &BaseClass::Function>, #Function}}
#define SERVICE_DECL_AUTO(name, value) decltype(value) name = value
#define SERVICE_DECL(...) \
SERVICE_DECL_AUTO(functions, frz::make_unordered_map({__VA_ARGS__})); \
std::pair<std::function<Result(type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &)>, std::string_view> GetServiceFunction(u32 id) { \
auto& function{}; \
return std::make_pair(std::bind(function.first, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3), function.second); \
#define SRVREG(class, ...) std::make_shared<class>(state, manager, ##__VA_ARGS__)
namespace skyline::kernel::type {
class KSession;
namespace skyline::service {
using namespace kernel;
using ServiceName = u64; //!< Service names are a maximum of 8 bytes so we use a u64 to store them
class ServiceManager;
* @brief The base class for the HOS service interfaces hosted by sysmodules
class BaseService {
std::string name; //!< The name of the service, it is only assigned after GetName is called and shouldn't be used directly
const DeviceState &state;
ServiceManager &manager;
template<typename Class, typename BaseClass, typename BaseFunctionType, BaseFunctionType BaseFunction>
static constexpr Result CallBaseFunction(Class *clazz, type::KSession &session, ipc::IpcRequest &request, ipc::IpcResponse &response) {
return (static_cast<BaseClass *>(clazz)->*BaseFunction)(session, request, response);
BaseService(const DeviceState &state, ServiceManager &manager) : state(state), manager(manager) {}
* @note To be able to extract the name of the underlying class and ensure correct destruction order
virtual ~BaseService() = default;
virtual std::pair<std::function<Result(type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &)>, std::string_view> GetServiceFunction(u32 id) {
throw std::out_of_range("GetServiceFunction not implemented");
* @return The name of the class
* @note The lifetime of the returned string is tied to that of the class
const std::string &GetName();
* @brief Handles an IPC Request to a service
Result HandleRequest(type::KSession &session, ipc::IpcRequest &request, ipc::IpcResponse &response);;