PixelyIon 54908afc44 Texture GMMU Address Resolution + Refactor Maxwell3D::CallMethod
Fixes bugs with the Texture Manager lookup, fixes `RenderTarget` address extraction (`low`/`high` were flipped prior), refactors `Maxwell3D::CallMethod` to utilize a case for the register being modified + preventing redundant method calls when no new value is being written to the register, and fixes the behavior of shadow RAM which was broken previously and would lead to incorrect arguments being utilized for methods.
2021-10-05 01:13:22 +05:30

725 lines
27 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <span>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <span>
#include <fstream>
#include <mutex>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
#include <compare>
#include <variant>
#include <random>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <frozen/unordered_map.h>
#include <frozen/string.h>
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#include <jni.h>
#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
namespace fmt {
* @brief A std::bitset formatter for {fmt}
template<size_t N>
struct formatter<std::bitset<N>> : formatter<std::string> {
template<typename FormatContext>
constexpr auto format(const std::bitset<N> &s, FormatContext &ctx) {
return formatter<std::string>::format(s.to_string(), ctx);
namespace skyline {
using u128 = __uint128_t; //!< Unsigned 128-bit integer
using u64 = __uint64_t; //!< Unsigned 64-bit integer
using u32 = __uint32_t; //!< Unsigned 32-bit integer
using u16 = __uint16_t; //!< Unsigned 16-bit integer
using u8 = __uint8_t; //!< Unsigned 8-bit integer
using i128 = __int128_t; //!< Signed 128-bit integer
using i64 = __int64_t; //!< Signed 64-bit integer
using i32 = __int32_t; //!< Signed 32-bit integer
using i16 = __int16_t; //!< Signed 16-bit integer
using i8 = __int8_t; //!< Signed 8-bit integer
using KHandle = u32; //!< The type of a kernel handle
namespace frz = frozen;
* @brief The result of an operation in HOS
* @url
union Result {
u32 raw{};
struct __attribute__((packed)) {
u16 module : 9;
u16 id : 12;
* @note Success is 0, it's the only result that's not specific to a module
constexpr Result() = default;
constexpr explicit Result(u16 module, u16 id) : module(module), id(id) {}
constexpr operator u32() const {
return raw;
* @brief A wrapper around std::optional that also stores a HOS result code
template<typename ValueType, typename ResultType = Result>
class ResultValue {
static_assert(!std::is_same<ValueType, ResultType>::value);
std::optional<ValueType> value;
ResultType result{};
constexpr ResultValue(ValueType value) : value(value) {};
constexpr ResultValue(ResultType result) : result(result) {};
template<typename U>
constexpr ResultValue(ResultValue<U> result) : result(result) {};
constexpr operator ResultType() const {
return result;
explicit constexpr operator bool() const {
return value.has_value();
constexpr ValueType& operator*() {
return *value;
constexpr ValueType* operator->() {
return &*value;
namespace constant {
// Time
constexpr u64 NsInMicrosecond{1000}; //!< The amount of nanoseconds in a microsecond
constexpr u64 NsInSecond{1000000000}; //!< The amount of nanoseconds in a second
constexpr u64 NsInMillisecond{1000000}; //!< The amount of nanoseconds in a millisecond
constexpr u64 NsInDay{86400000000000UL}; //!< The amount of nanoseconds in a day
namespace util {
* @brief A way to implicitly cast all pointers to uintptr_t, this is used for {fmt} as we use 0x{:X} to print pointers
* @note There's the exception of signed char pointers as they represent C Strings
* @note This does not cover std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr and those will have to be explicitly casted to uintptr_t or passed through fmt::ptr
template<typename T>
constexpr auto FmtCast(T object) {
if constexpr (std::is_pointer<T>::value)
if constexpr (std::is_same<char, typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::type>::value)
return reinterpret_cast<typename std::common_type<char *, T>::type>(object);
return reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t>(object);
return object;
* @brief {fmt}::format but with FmtCast built into it
template<typename S, typename... Args>
auto Format(S formatString, Args &&... args) {
return fmt::format(formatString, FmtCast(args)...);
* @brief A wrapper over std::runtime_error with {fmt} formatting
class exception : public std::runtime_error {
template<typename S, typename... Args>
exception(const S &formatStr, Args &&... args) : runtime_error(fmt::format(formatStr, util::FmtCast(args)...)) {}
namespace util {
* @brief Returns the current time in nanoseconds
* @return The current time in nanoseconds
inline u64 GetTimeNs() {
u64 frequency;
asm("MRS %0, CNTFRQ_EL0" : "=r"(frequency));
u64 ticks;
asm("MRS %0, CNTVCT_EL0" : "=r"(ticks));
return ((ticks / frequency) * constant::NsInSecond) + (((ticks % frequency) * constant::NsInSecond + (frequency / 2)) / frequency);
* @brief Returns the current time in arbitrary ticks
* @return The current time in ticks
inline u64 GetTimeTicks() {
u64 ticks;
asm("MRS %0, CNTVCT_EL0" : "=r"(ticks));
return ticks;
* @brief A way to implicitly convert a pointer to uintptr_t and leave it unaffected if it isn't a pointer
template<typename T>
constexpr T PointerValue(T item) {
return item;
template<typename T>
uintptr_t PointerValue(T *item) {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(item);
* @brief A way to implicitly convert an integral to a pointer, if the return type is a pointer
template<typename Return, typename T>
constexpr Return ValuePointer(T item) {
if constexpr (std::is_pointer<Return>::value)
return reinterpret_cast<Return>(item);
return item;
* @return The value aligned up to the next multiple
* @note The multiple needs to be a power of 2
template<typename TypeVal, typename TypeMul>
constexpr TypeVal AlignUp(TypeVal value, TypeMul multiple) {
return ValuePointer<TypeVal>((PointerValue(value) + multiple) & ~(multiple));
* @return The value aligned down to the previous multiple
* @note The multiple needs to be a power of 2
template<typename TypeVal, typename TypeMul>
constexpr TypeVal AlignDown(TypeVal value, TypeMul multiple) {
return ValuePointer<TypeVal>(PointerValue(value) & ~(multiple - 1));
* @return If the address is aligned with the multiple
template<typename TypeVal, typename TypeMul>
constexpr bool IsAligned(TypeVal value, TypeMul multiple) {
if ((multiple & (multiple - 1)) == 0)
return !(PointerValue(value) & (multiple - 1U));
return (PointerValue(value) % multiple) == 0;
* @return If the value is page aligned
template<typename TypeVal>
constexpr bool PageAligned(TypeVal value) {
return IsAligned(value, PAGE_SIZE);
* @return If the value is word aligned
template<typename TypeVal>
constexpr bool WordAligned(TypeVal value) {
return IsAligned(value, WORD_BIT / 8);
* @param string The string to create a magic from
* @return The magic of the supplied string
template<typename Type>
constexpr Type MakeMagic(std::string_view string) {
Type object{};
size_t offset{};
for (auto &character : string) {
object |= static_cast<Type>(character) << offset;
offset += sizeof(character) * 8;
return object;
constexpr u8 HexDigitToNibble(char digit) {
if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '9')
return digit - '0';
else if (digit >= 'a' && digit <= 'f')
return digit - 'a' + 10;
else if (digit >= 'A' && digit <= 'F')
return digit - 'A' + 10;
throw exception("Invalid hex character: '{}'", digit);
template<size_t Size>
constexpr std::array<u8, Size> HexStringToArray(std::string_view string) {
if (string.size() != Size * 2)
throw exception("String size: {} (Expected {})", string.size(), Size);
std::array<u8, Size> result;
for (size_t i{}; i < Size; i++) {
size_t index{i * 2};
result[i] = (HexDigitToNibble(string[index]) << 4) | HexDigitToNibble(string[index + 1]);
return result;
template<typename Type>
constexpr Type HexStringToInt(std::string_view string) {
if (string.size() > sizeof(Type) * 2)
throw exception("String size larger than type: {} (sizeof(Type): {})", string.size(), sizeof(Type));
Type result{};
size_t offset{(sizeof(Type) * 8) - 4};
for (size_t index{}; index < string.size(); index++, offset -= 4) {
char digit{string[index]};
if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '9')
result |= static_cast<Type>(digit - '0') << offset;
else if (digit >= 'a' && digit <= 'f')
result |= static_cast<Type>(digit - 'a' + 10) << offset;
else if (digit >= 'A' && digit <= 'F')
result |= static_cast<Type>(digit - 'A' + 10) << offset;
return result >> (offset + 4);
template<size_t N>
constexpr std::array<u8, N> SwapEndianness(std::array<u8, N> in) {
std::reverse(in.begin(), in.end());
return in;
constexpr u64 SwapEndianness(u64 in) {
return __builtin_bswap64(in);
constexpr u32 SwapEndianness(u32 in) {
return __builtin_bswap32(in);
constexpr u16 SwapEndianness(u16 in) {
return __builtin_bswap16(in);
* @brief A compile-time hash function as std::hash isn't constexpr
constexpr std::size_t Hash(std::string_view view) {
return frz::elsa<frz::string>{}(frz::string(, view.size()), 0);
* @brief Selects the largest possible integer type for representing an object alongside providing the size of the object in terms of the underlying type
template<class T>
struct IntegerFor {
using type = std::conditional_t<sizeof(T) % sizeof(u64) == 0, u64,
std::conditional_t<sizeof(T) % sizeof(u32) == 0, u32,
std::conditional_t<sizeof(T) % sizeof(u16) == 0, u16, u8>
static constexpr size_t count{sizeof(T) / sizeof(type)};
namespace detail {
static thread_local std::mt19937_64 generator{GetTimeTicks()};
* @brief Fills an array with random data from a Mersenne Twister pseudo-random generator
* @note The generator is seeded with the the current time in ticks
template<typename T> requires (std::is_integral_v<T>)
void FillRandomBytes(std::span<T> in) {
std::independent_bits_engine<std::mt19937_64, std::numeric_limits<T>::digits, T> gen(detail::generator);
std::generate(in.begin(), in.end(), gen);
template<class T> requires (!std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<T>)
void FillRandomBytes(T &object) {
FillRandomBytes(std::span(reinterpret_cast<typename IntegerFor<T>::type *>(&object), IntegerFor<T>::count));
* @brief A temporary shim for C++ 20's bit_cast to make transitioning to it easier
template<typename To, typename From>
To BitCast(const From& from) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const To*>(&from);
* @brief A custom wrapper over span that adds several useful methods to it
* @note This class is completely transparent, it implicitly converts from and to span
template<typename T, size_t Extent = std::dynamic_extent>
class span : public std::span<T, Extent> {
using std::span<T, Extent>::span;
using std::span<T, Extent>::operator=;
typedef typename std::span<T, Extent>::element_type element_type;
typedef typename std::span<T, Extent>::size_type size_type;
constexpr span(const std::span<T, Extent> &spn) : std::span<T, Extent>(spn) {}
* @brief We want to support implicitly casting from std::string_view -> span as it's just a specialization of a data view which span is a generic form of, the opposite doesn't hold true as not all data held by a span is string data therefore the conversion isn't implicit there
template<typename Traits>
constexpr span(const std::basic_string_view<T, Traits> &string) : std::span<T, Extent>(const_cast<T *>(, string.size()) {}
template<typename Out>
constexpr Out &as() {
if constexpr (Extent != std::dynamic_extent && sizeof(T) * Extent >= sizeof(Out))
return *reinterpret_cast<Out *>(span::data());
if (span::size_bytes() >= sizeof(Out))
return *reinterpret_cast<Out *>(span::data());
throw exception("Span size is less than Out type size (0x{:X}/0x{:X})", span::size_bytes(), sizeof(Out));
* @param nullTerminated If true and the string is null-terminated, a view of it will be returned (not including the null terminator itself), otherwise the entire span will be returned as a string view
constexpr std::string_view as_string(bool nullTerminated = false) {
return std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(span::data()), nullTerminated ? (std::find(span::begin(), span::end(), 0) - span::begin()) : span::size_bytes());
template<typename Out, size_t OutExtent = std::dynamic_extent>
constexpr span<Out> cast() {
if (util::IsAligned(span::size_bytes(), sizeof(Out)))
return span<Out, OutExtent>(reinterpret_cast<Out *>(span::data()), span::size_bytes() / sizeof(Out));
throw exception("Span size not aligned with Out type size (0x{:X}/0x{:X})", span::size_bytes(), sizeof(Out));
* @brief Copies data from the supplied span into this one
* @param amount The amount of elements that need to be copied (in terms of the supplied span), 0 will try to copy the entirety of the other span
template<typename In, size_t InExtent>
constexpr void copy_from(const span<In, InExtent> spn, size_type amount = 0) {
auto size{amount ? amount * sizeof(In) : spn.size_bytes()};
if (span::size_bytes() < size)
throw exception("Data being copied is larger than this span");
std::memmove(span::data(),, size);
* @brief Implicit type conversion for copy_from, this allows passing in std::vector/std::array in directly is automatically passed by reference which is important for any containers
template<typename In>
constexpr void copy_from(const In &in, size_type amount = 0) {
copy_from(span<typename std::add_const<typename In::value_type>::type>(in), amount);
* @return If a supplied span is located entirely inside this span and is effectively a subspan
constexpr bool contains(const span<T, Extent>& other) const {
return this->begin() <= other.begin() && this->end() >= other.end();
/** Comparision operators for equality and binary searches **/
constexpr bool operator==(const span<T, Extent>& other) const {
return this->data() == && this->size() == other.size();
constexpr bool operator<(const span<T, Extent> &other) const {
return this->data() <;
constexpr bool operator<(T* pointer) const {
return this->data() < pointer;
constexpr bool operator<(typename std::span<T, Extent>::const_iterator it) const {
return this->begin() < it;
/** Base Class Functions that return an instance of it, we upcast them **/
template<size_t Count>
constexpr span<T, Count> first() const noexcept {
return std::span<T, Extent>::template first<Count>();
template<size_t Count>
constexpr span<T, Count> last() const noexcept {
return std::span<T, Extent>::template last<Count>();
constexpr span<element_type, std::dynamic_extent> first(size_type count) const noexcept {
return std::span<T, Extent>::first(count);
constexpr span<element_type, std::dynamic_extent> last(size_type count) const noexcept {
return std::span<T, Extent>::last(count);
template<size_t Offset, size_t Count = std::dynamic_extent>
constexpr auto subspan() const noexcept -> span<T, Count != std::dynamic_extent ? Count : Extent - Offset> {
return std::span<T, Extent>::template subspan<Offset, Count>();
constexpr span<T, std::dynamic_extent> subspan(size_type offset, size_type count = std::dynamic_extent) const noexcept {
return std::span<T, Extent>::subspan(offset, count);
* @brief Deduction guides required for arguments to span, CTAD will fail for iterators, arrays and containers without this
template<typename It, typename End, size_t Extent = std::dynamic_extent>
span(It, End) -> span<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type, Extent>;
template<typename T, size_t Size>
span(T (&)[Size]) -> span<T, Size>;
template<typename T, size_t Size>
span(std::array<T, Size> &) -> span<T, Size>;
template<typename T, size_t Size>
span(const std::array<T, Size> &) -> span<const T, Size>;
template<typename Container>
span(Container &) -> span<typename Container::value_type>;
template<typename Container>
span(const Container &) -> span<const typename Container::value_type>;
* @brief A deduction guide for overloads required for std::visit with std::variant
template<class... Ts>
struct VariantVisitor : Ts ... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> VariantVisitor(Ts...) -> VariantVisitor<Ts...>;
* @brief A wrapper around writing logs into a log file and logcat using Android Log APIs
class Logger {
std::mutex mutex; //!< Synchronizes all output I/O to ensure there are no races
std::ofstream logFile; //!< An output stream to the log file
u64 start; //!< A timestamp in milliseconds for when the logger was started, this is used as the base for all log timestamps
enum class LogLevel {
LogLevel configLevel; //!< The minimum level of logs to write
* @param path The path of the log file
* @param configLevel The minimum level of logs to write
Logger(const std::string &path, LogLevel configLevel);
* @brief Writes the termination message to the log file
* @brief Update the tag in log messages with a new thread name
static void UpdateTag();
void Write(LogLevel level, const std::string &str);
* @brief A wrapper around a string which captures the calling function using Clang source location builtins
* @note A function needs to be declared for every argument template specialization as CTAD cannot work with implicit casting
* @url
template<typename S>
struct FunctionString {
S string;
const char *function;
FunctionString(S string, const char *function = __builtin_FUNCTION()) : string(std::move(string)), function(function) {}
std::string operator*() {
return std::string(function) + ": " + std::string(string);
template<typename... Args>
void Error(FunctionString<const char*> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Error <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Error, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Error(FunctionString<std::string> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Error <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Error, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename S, typename... Args>
void ErrorNoPrefix(S formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Error <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Error, fmt::format(formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Warn(FunctionString<const char*> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Warn <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Warn, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Warn(FunctionString<std::string> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Warn <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Warn, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename S, typename... Args>
void WarnNoPrefix(S formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Warn <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Warn, fmt::format(formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Info(FunctionString<const char*> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Info <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Info, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Info(FunctionString<std::string> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Info <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Info, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename S, typename... Args>
void InfoNoPrefix(S formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Info <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Info, fmt::format(formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Debug(FunctionString<const char*> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Debug <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Debug, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Debug(FunctionString<std::string> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Debug <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Debug, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename S, typename... Args>
void DebugNoPrefix(S formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Debug <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Debug, fmt::format(formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Verbose(FunctionString<const char*> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Verbose <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Verbose, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename... Args>
void Verbose(FunctionString<std::string> formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Verbose <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Verbose, fmt::format(*formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
template<typename S, typename... Args>
void VerboseNoPrefix(S formatString, Args &&... args) {
if (LogLevel::Verbose <= configLevel)
Write(LogLevel::Verbose, fmt::format(formatString, util::FmtCast(args)...));
class Settings;
namespace nce {
class NCE;
struct ThreadContext;
class JvmManager;
namespace gpu {
class GPU;
namespace soc {
class SOC;
namespace kernel {
namespace type {
class KProcess;
class KThread;
class Scheduler;
class OS;
namespace audio {
class Audio;
namespace input {
class Input;
namespace loader {
class Loader;
* @brief The state of the entire emulator is contained within this class, all objects related to emulation are tied into it
struct DeviceState {
DeviceState(kernel::OS *os, std::shared_ptr<JvmManager> jvmManager, std::shared_ptr<Settings> settings, std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger);
kernel::OS *os;
std::shared_ptr<JvmManager> jvm;
std::shared_ptr<Settings> settings;
std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
std::shared_ptr<loader::Loader> loader;
std::shared_ptr<gpu::GPU> gpu;
std::shared_ptr<soc::SOC> soc;
std::shared_ptr<audio::Audio> audio;
std::shared_ptr<nce::NCE> nce;
std::shared_ptr<kernel::Scheduler> scheduler;
std::shared_ptr<kernel::type::KProcess> process;
static thread_local inline std::shared_ptr<kernel::type::KThread> thread{}; //!< The KThread of the thread which accesses this object
static thread_local inline nce::ThreadContext *ctx{}; //!< The context of the guest thread for the corresponding host thread
std::shared_ptr<input::Input> input;