PixelyIon 54908afc44 Texture GMMU Address Resolution + Refactor Maxwell3D::CallMethod
Fixes bugs with the Texture Manager lookup, fixes `RenderTarget` address extraction (`low`/`high` were flipped prior), refactors `Maxwell3D::CallMethod` to utilize a case for the register being modified + preventing redundant method calls when no new value is being written to the register, and fixes the behavior of shadow RAM which was broken previously and would lead to incorrect arguments being utilized for methods.
2021-10-05 01:13:22 +05:30

95 lines
3.6 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include <vk_mem_alloc.h>
#include "fence_cycle.h"
namespace skyline::gpu::memory {
* @brief A view into a CPU mapping of a Vulkan buffer
* @note The mapping **should not** be used after the lifetime of the object has ended
struct StagingBuffer : public span<u8>, public FenceCycleDependency {
VmaAllocator vmaAllocator;
VmaAllocation vmaAllocation;
vk::Buffer vkBuffer;
constexpr StagingBuffer(u8 *pointer, size_t size, VmaAllocator vmaAllocator, vk::Buffer vkBuffer, VmaAllocation vmaAllocation) : vmaAllocator(vmaAllocator), vkBuffer(vkBuffer), vmaAllocation(vmaAllocation), span(pointer, size) {}
StagingBuffer(const StagingBuffer &) = delete;
constexpr StagingBuffer(StagingBuffer &&other) : vmaAllocator(std::exchange(other.vmaAllocator, nullptr)), vmaAllocation(std::exchange(other.vmaAllocation, nullptr)), vkBuffer(std::exchange(other.vkBuffer, {})) {}
StagingBuffer &operator=(const StagingBuffer &) = delete;
StagingBuffer &operator=(StagingBuffer &&) = default;
* @brief A Vulkan image which VMA allocates and manages the backing memory for
* @note Any images created with VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_MAPPED_BIT must not be utilized with this since it'll unconditionally unmap when a pointer is present which is illegal when an image was created with that flag as unmapping will be automatically performed on image deletion
struct Image {
u8 *pointer{};
VmaAllocator vmaAllocator;
VmaAllocation vmaAllocation;
vk::Image vkImage;
constexpr Image(VmaAllocator vmaAllocator, vk::Image vkImage, VmaAllocation vmaAllocation) : vmaAllocator(vmaAllocator), vkImage(vkImage), vmaAllocation(vmaAllocation) {}
constexpr Image(u8 *pointer, VmaAllocator vmaAllocator, vk::Image vkImage, VmaAllocation vmaAllocation) : pointer(pointer), vmaAllocator(vmaAllocator), vkImage(vkImage), vmaAllocation(vmaAllocation) {}
Image(const Image &) = delete;
constexpr Image(Image &&other) : pointer(std::exchange(other.pointer, nullptr)), vmaAllocator(std::exchange(other.vmaAllocator, nullptr)), vmaAllocation(std::exchange(other.vmaAllocation, nullptr)), vkImage(std::exchange(other.vkImage, {})) {}
Image &operator=(const Image &) = delete;
Image &operator=(Image &&) = default;
* @return A pointer to a mapping of the image on the CPU
* @note If the image isn't already mapped on the CPU, this creates a mapping for it
u8 *data();
* @brief An abstraction over memory operations done in Vulkan, it's used for all allocations on the host GPU
class MemoryManager {
const GPU &gpu;
VmaAllocator vmaAllocator{VK_NULL_HANDLE};
MemoryManager(const GPU &gpu);
* @brief Creates a buffer which is optimized for staging (Transfer Source)
std::shared_ptr<StagingBuffer> AllocateStagingBuffer(vk::DeviceSize size);
* @brief Creates an image which is allocated and deallocated using RAII
Image AllocateImage(const vk::ImageCreateInfo &createInfo);
* @brief Creates an image which is allocated and deallocated using RAII and is optimal for being mapped on the CPU
Image AllocateMappedImage(const vk::ImageCreateInfo &createInfo);