PixelyIon 54908afc44 Texture GMMU Address Resolution + Refactor Maxwell3D::CallMethod
Fixes bugs with the Texture Manager lookup, fixes `RenderTarget` address extraction (`low`/`high` were flipped prior), refactors `Maxwell3D::CallMethod` to utilize a case for the register being modified + preventing redundant method calls when no new value is being written to the register, and fixes the behavior of shadow RAM which was broken previously and would lead to incorrect arguments being utilized for methods.
2021-10-05 01:13:22 +05:30

88 lines
5.7 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#include "texture_manager.h"
namespace skyline::gpu {
TextureManager::TextureManager(GPU &gpu) : gpu(gpu) {}
TextureView TextureManager::FindOrCreate(const GuestTexture &guestTexture) {
auto guestMapping{guestTexture.mappings.front()};
// Iterate over all textures that overlap with the first mapping of the guest texture and compare the mappings:
// 1) All mappings match up perfectly, we check that the rest of the supplied mappings correspond to mappings in the texture
// 1.1) If they match as well, we check for format/dimensions/tiling config matching the texture and return or move onto (3)
// 2) Only a contiguous range of mappings match, we check for if the overlap is meaningful with layout math, it can go two ways:
// 2.1) If there is a meaningful overlap, we check for format/dimensions/tiling config compatibility and return or move onto (3)
// 2.2) If there isn't, we move onto (3)
// 3) If there's another overlap we go back to (1) with it else we go to (4)
// 4) We check all the overlapping texture for if they're in the texture pool:
// 4.1) If they are, we do nothing to them
// 4.2) If they aren't, we delete them from the map
// 5) Create a new texture and insert it in the map then return it
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
std::shared_ptr<Texture> match{};
auto mappingEnd{std::upper_bound(textures.begin(), textures.end(), guestMapping)}, hostMapping{mappingEnd};
while (hostMapping != textures.begin() && (--hostMapping)->end() > guestMapping.begin()) {
auto &hostMappings{hostMapping->texture->guest->mappings};
if (!hostMapping->contains(guestMapping))
// We need to check that all corresponding mappings in the candidate texture and the guest texture match up
// Only the start of the first matched mapping and the end of the last mapping can not match up as this is the case for views
auto firstHostMapping{hostMapping->iterator};
auto lastGuestMapping{guestTexture.mappings.back()};
auto lastHostMapping{std::find_if(firstHostMapping, hostMappings.end(), [&lastGuestMapping](const span<u8> &it) {
return lastGuestMapping.begin() > it.begin() && lastGuestMapping.end() > it.end();
})}; //!< A past-the-end iterator for the last host mapping, the final valid mapping is prior to this iterator
bool mappingMatch{std::equal(firstHostMapping, lastHostMapping, guestTexture.mappings.begin(), guestTexture.mappings.end(), [](const span<u8> &lhs, const span<u8> &rhs) {
return lhs.end() == rhs.end(); // We check end() here to implicitly ignore any offset from the first mapping
if (firstHostMapping == hostMappings.begin() && firstHostMapping->begin() == guestMapping.begin() && mappingMatch && lastHostMapping == hostMappings.end() && lastGuestMapping.end() == std::prev(lastHostMapping)->end()) {
// We've gotten a perfect 1:1 match for *all* mappings from the start to end, we just need to check for compatibility aside from this
auto &matchGuestTexture{*hostMapping->texture->guest};
if (matchGuestTexture.format->IsCompatible(*guestTexture.format) && matchGuestTexture.dimensions == guestTexture.dimensions && matchGuestTexture.tileConfig == guestTexture.tileConfig) {
auto &texture{hostMapping->texture};
return TextureView(texture, static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
.aspectMask = guestTexture.format->vkAspect,
.levelCount = texture->mipLevels,
.layerCount = texture->layerCount,
}, guestTexture.format);
} else if (mappingMatch) {
// We've gotten a partial match with a certain subset of contiguous mappings matching, we need to check if this is a meaningful overlap
if (false) {
// TODO: Layout Checks + Check match against Base Layer in TIC
auto &texture{hostMapping->texture};
return TextureView(texture, static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
.aspectMask = guestTexture.format->vkAspect,
.levelCount = texture->mipLevels,
.layerCount = texture->layerCount,
}, guestTexture.format);
// Create a texture as we cannot find one that matches
auto texture{std::make_shared<Texture>(gpu, guestTexture)};
auto it{texture->guest->mappings.begin()};
textures.emplace(mappingEnd, TextureMapping{texture, it, guestMapping});
while ((++it) != texture->guest->mappings.end()) {
guestMapping = *it;
mappingEnd = hostMapping = std::upper_bound(textures.begin(), textures.end(), guestMapping);
while (hostMapping != textures.begin() && std::prev(hostMapping)->end() > guestMapping.begin()) {
// TODO: Delete textures not in texture pool
textures.emplace(mappingEnd, TextureMapping{texture, it, guestMapping});
return TextureView(texture, static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
.aspectMask = guestTexture.format->vkAspect,
.levelCount = texture->mipLevels,
.layerCount = texture->layerCount,
}, guestTexture.format);