Billy Laws 5bcc79ef80 Ensure SVC trampoline is always correctly sized
Despite the trampoline size being hardcoded, it was previously dynamic and could change based off of the value stored in the target register potentially leading to instructions being missed.
2023-04-16 16:31:42 +01:00

763 lines
34 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common/signal.h"
#include "common/trace.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "jvm.h"
#include "kernel/types/KProcess.h"
#include "kernel/svc.h"
#include "nce/guest.h"
#include "nce/instructions.h"
#include "nce.h"
namespace skyline::nce {
NCE::ExitException::ExitException(bool killAllThreads) : killAllThreads(killAllThreads) {}
const char *NCE::ExitException::what() const noexcept {
return killAllThreads ? "ExitProcess" : "ExitThread";
void NCE::SvcHandler(u16 svcId, ThreadContext *ctx) {
const auto &state{*ctx->state};
auto svc{kernel::svc::SvcTable[svcId]};
try {
if (svc) [[likely]] {
TRACE_EVENT("kernel", perfetto::StaticString{});
} else {
throw exception("Unimplemented SVC 0x{:X}", svcId);
while (kernel::Scheduler::YieldPending) [[unlikely]] {
kernel::Scheduler::YieldPending = false;
} catch (const signal::SignalException &e) {
if (e.signal != SIGINT) {
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{} (SVC: {})\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(),, state.loader->GetStackTrace(e.frames));
if (state.thread->id) {
} else {
abi::__cxa_end_catch(); // We call this prior to the longjmp to cause the exception object to be destroyed
std::longjmp(state.thread->originalCtx, true);
} catch (const ExitException &e) {
if (e.killAllThreads && state.thread->id) {
std::longjmp(state.thread->originalCtx, true);
} catch (const exception &e) {
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{}\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(), state.loader->GetStackTrace(e.frames));
if (state.thread->id) {
std::longjmp(state.thread->originalCtx, true);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
if (svc)
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{} (SVC: {})\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(),, state.loader->GetStackTrace());
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{} (SVC: 0x{:X})\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(), svcId, state.loader->GetStackTrace());
if (state.thread->id) {
std::longjmp(state.thread->originalCtx, true);
TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("guest", "Guest");
void NCE::HookHandler(HookId hookId, ThreadContext *ctx) {
const auto &state{*ctx->state};
auto hookedSymbol{state.nce->hookedSymbols[hookId.index]};
try {
[&](const hle::OverrideHook &hook) {
TRACE_EVENT("hook", nullptr, [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
hook(state, hookedSymbol);
[&](const hle::EntryExitHook &hook) {
if (!hookId.isExit) {
TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("hook", nullptr, [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
hook.entry(state, hookedSymbol);
} else {
hook.exit(state, hookedSymbol);
}, hookedSymbol.hook);
while (kernel::Scheduler::YieldPending) [[unlikely]] {
kernel::Scheduler::YieldPending = false;
} catch (const signal::SignalException &e) {
if (e.signal != SIGINT) {
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{} (Hook: {})\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(), hookedSymbol.prettyName, state.loader->GetStackTrace(e.frames));
if (state.thread->id) {
} else {
std::longjmp(state.thread->originalCtx, true);
} catch (const exception &e) {
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{}\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(), state.loader->GetStackTrace(e.frames));
if (state.thread->id) {
std::longjmp(state.thread->originalCtx, true);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
Logger::ErrorNoPrefix("{} (Hook: {})\nStack Trace:{}", e.what(), hookedSymbol.prettyName, state.loader->GetStackTrace());
void NCE::SignalHandler(int signal, siginfo *info, ucontext *ctx, void **tls) {
if (*tls) { // If TLS was restored then this occurred in guest code
auto &mctx{ctx->uc_mcontext};
const auto &state{*reinterpret_cast<ThreadContext *>(*tls)->state};
if (signal == SIGSEGV)
// If we get a guest access violation then we want to handle any accesses that may be from a trapped region
if (state.nce->TrapHandler(reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(info->si_addr), true))
if (signal != SIGINT) {
signal::StackFrame topFrame{.lr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(ctx->uc_mcontext.pc), .next = reinterpret_cast<signal::StackFrame *>(ctx->uc_mcontext.regs[29])};
std::string trace{state.loader->GetStackTrace(&topFrame)};
std::string cpuContext;
if (mctx.fault_address)
cpuContext += fmt::format("\n Fault Address: 0x{:X}", mctx.fault_address);
if (mctx.sp)
cpuContext += fmt::format("\n Stack Pointer: 0x{:X}", mctx.sp);
for (size_t index{}; index < (sizeof(mcontext_t::regs) / sizeof(u64)); index += 2)
cpuContext += fmt::format("\n X{:<2}: 0x{:<16X} X{:<2}: 0x{:X}", index, mctx.regs[index], index + 1, mctx.regs[index + 1]);
Logger::Error("Thread #{} has crashed due to signal: {}\nStack Trace:{}\nCPU Context:{}", state.thread->id, strsignal(signal), trace, cpuContext);
if (state.thread->id) {
mctx.pc = reinterpret_cast<u64>(&std::longjmp);
mctx.regs[0] = reinterpret_cast<u64>(state.thread->originalCtx);
mctx.regs[1] = true;
*tls = nullptr;
} else { // If TLS wasn't restored then this occurred in host code
HostSignalHandler(signal, info, ctx);
static NCE *staticNce{nullptr}; //!< A static instance of NCE for use in the signal handler
void NCE::HostSignalHandler(int signal, siginfo *info, ucontext *ctx) {
if (signal == SIGSEGV) {
if (staticNce && staticNce->TrapHandler(reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(info->si_addr), true))
bool runningUnderDebugger{[]() {
static std::ifstream status("/proc/self/status");
constexpr std::string_view TracerPidTag{"TracerPid:"};
for (std::string line; std::getline(status, line);) {
if (line.starts_with(TracerPidTag)) {
line = line.substr(TracerPidTag.size());
for (char character : line)
if (std::isspace(character))
return character != '0';
return false;
return false;
if (runningUnderDebugger) {
/* Variables for debugger, these are meant to be read and utilized by the debugger to break in user code with all registers intact */
void *pc{reinterpret_cast<void *>(ctx->uc_mcontext.pc)}; // Use 'p pc' to get the value of this and 'breakpoint set -t current -a ${value of pc}' to break in user code
bool shouldReturn{true}; // Set this to false to throw an exception instead of returning
raise(SIGTRAP); // Notify the debugger if we've got a SIGSEGV as the debugger doesn't catch them by default as they might be hooked
if (shouldReturn)
signal::ExceptionalSignalHandler(signal, info, ctx); // Delegate throwing a host exception to the exceptional signal handler
void *NceTlsRestorer() {
ThreadContext *threadCtx;
asm volatile("MRS %x0, TPIDR_EL0":"=r"(threadCtx));
if (threadCtx->magic != constant::SkyTlsMagic)
return nullptr;
asm volatile("MSR TPIDR_EL0, %x0"::"r"(threadCtx->hostTpidrEl0));
return threadCtx;
NCE::NCE(const DeviceState &state) : state(state) {
staticNce = this;
NCE::~NCE() {
staticNce = nullptr;
constexpr size_t TrampolineSize{18}; // Size of the main SVC trampoline function in u32 units
* @brief Writes a trampoline to the given target address that saves the current context and calls the given function
u32 *WriteTrampoline(u32 *code, u64 target) {
/* Hook Trampoline */
/* Store LR in 16B of pre-allocated stack */
*code++ = 0xF90007FE; // STR LR, [SP, #8]
/* Replace Skyline TLS with host TLS */
*code++ = 0xD53BD041; // MRS X1, TPIDR_EL0
*code++ = 0xF9415022; // LDR X2, [X1, #0x2A0] (ThreadContext::hostTpidrEl0)
*code++ = 0xD51BD042; // MSR TPIDR_EL0, X2
/* Replace guest stack with host stack */
*code++ = 0x910003E2; // MOV X2, SP
*code++ = 0xF9415423; // LDR X3, [X1, #0x2A8] (ThreadContext::hostSp)
*code++ = 0x9100007F; // MOV SP, X3
/* Store Skyline TLS + guest SP on stack */
*code++ = 0xA9BF0BE1; // STP X1, X2, [SP, #-16]!
/* Jump to SvcHandler */
for (const auto &mov : instructions::MoveRegister(registers::X2, target)) {
if (mov)
*code++ = mov;
*code++ = 0xD503201F; // NOP
*code++ = 0xD63F0040; // BLR X2
/* Restore Skyline TLS + guest SP */
*code++ = 0xA8C10BE1; // LDP X1, X2, [SP], #16
*code++ = 0xD51BD041; // MSR TPIDR_EL0, X1
*code++ = 0x9100005F; // MOV SP, X2
/* Restore LR and Return */
*code++ = 0xF94007FE; // LDR LR, [SP, #8]
*code++ = 0xD65F03C0; // RET
return code;
constexpr size_t RescaleClockSize{19}; //!< The size of the RescaleClock function in 32-bit ARMv8 instructions
* @brief Writes instructions to rescale the host clock to Tegra X1 levels
* @note Output is on stack with the stack pointer offset 32B from the initial point
u32 *WriteRescaleClock(u32 *code) {
/* Reserve 32B of stack */
/* Save working registers */
*code++ = 0xD10083FF; // SUB SP, SP, #32
*code++ = 0xA90107E0; // STP X0, X1, [SP, #16]
/* Load magic constant */
*code++ = 0xD28F0860; // MOV X0, #30787
*code++ = 0xF2AE3680; // MOVK X0, #29108, LSL #16
*code++ = 0xF2CB5880; // MOVK X0, #23236, LSL #32
*code++ = 0xF2E14F80; // MOVK X0, #2684, LSL #48
/* Load clock frequency value */
for (const auto &mov : instructions::MoveRegister(registers::X1, util::ClockFrequency)) {
if (mov)
*code++ = mov;
*code++ = 0xD503201F; // NOP
/* Multiply clock frequency by magic constant */
*code++ = 0xD345FC21; // LSR X1, X1, #5
*code++ = 0x9BC07C21; // UMULH X1, X1, X0
*code++ = 0xD347FC21; // LSR X1, X1, #7
/* Load counter value */
*code++ = 0xD53BE040; // MRS X0, CNTVCT_EL0
/* Rescale counter value */
*code++ = 0x9AC10801; // UDIV X1, X0, X1
*code++ = 0x8B010421; // ADD X1, X1, X1, LSL #1
*code++ = 0xD37AE420; // LSL X0, X1, #6
/* Store result */
/* Restore registers */
*code++ = 0xF90003E0; // STR X0, [SP, #0]
*code++ = 0xA94107E0; // LDP X0, X1, [SP, #16]
return code;
constexpr u32 TpidrEl0{0x5E82}; // ID of TPIDR_EL0 in MRS
constexpr u32 TpidrroEl0{0x5E83}; // ID of TPIDRRO_EL0 in MRS
constexpr u32 CntfrqEl0{0x5F00}; // ID of CNTFRQ_EL0 in MRS
constexpr u32 CntpctEl0{0x5F01}; // ID of CNTPCT_EL0 in MRS
constexpr u32 CntvctEl0{0x5F02}; // ID of CNTVCT_EL0 in MRS
constexpr u32 TegraX1Freq{19200000}; // The clock frequency of the Tegra X1 (19.2 MHz)
NCE::PatchData NCE::GetPatchData(const std::vector<u8> &text) {
size_t size{guest::SaveCtxSize + guest::LoadCtxSize + TrampolineSize};
std::vector<size_t> offsets;
bool rescaleClock{util::ClockFrequency != TegraX1Freq};
auto start{reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(}, end{reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>( + text.size())};
for (const u32 *instruction{start}; instruction < end; instruction++) {
auto svc{*reinterpret_cast<const instructions::Svc *>(instruction)};
auto mrs{*reinterpret_cast<const instructions::Mrs *>(instruction)};
auto msr{*reinterpret_cast<const instructions::Msr *>(instruction)};
auto instructionOffset{static_cast<size_t>(instruction - start)};
if (svc.Verify()) {
size += 7;
} else if (mrs.Verify()) {
if (mrs.srcReg == TpidrroEl0 || mrs.srcReg == TpidrEl0) {
size += ((mrs.destReg != registers::X0) ? 6 : 3);
} else {
if (rescaleClock) {
if (mrs.srcReg == CntpctEl0) {
size += RescaleClockSize + 3;
} else if (mrs.srcReg == CntfrqEl0) {
size += 3;
} else if (mrs.srcReg == CntpctEl0) {
} else if (msr.Verify() && msr.destReg == TpidrEl0) {
size += 6;
return {util::AlignUp(size * sizeof(u32), constant::PageSize), offsets};
void NCE::PatchCode(std::vector<u8> &text, u32 *patch, size_t patchSize, const std::vector<size_t> &offsets, size_t textOffset) {
u32 *start{patch};
u32 *end{patch + (patchSize / sizeof(u32))};
std::memcpy(patch, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&guest::SaveCtx), guest::SaveCtxSize * sizeof(u32));
patch += guest::SaveCtxSize;
patch = WriteTrampoline(patch, reinterpret_cast<u64>(&NCE::SvcHandler));
std::memcpy(patch, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&guest::LoadCtx), guest::LoadCtxSize * sizeof(u32));
patch += guest::LoadCtxSize;
bool rescaleClock{util::ClockFrequency != TegraX1Freq};
for (auto offset : offsets) {
u32 *instruction{reinterpret_cast<u32 *>( + offset};
auto svc{*reinterpret_cast<instructions::Svc *>(instruction)};
auto mrs{*reinterpret_cast<instructions::Mrs *>(instruction)};
auto msr{*reinterpret_cast<instructions::Msr *>(instruction)};
auto endOffset{[&] { return static_cast<size_t>(end - patch) + (textOffset / sizeof(u32)); }};
auto startOffset{[&] { return static_cast<size_t>(start - patch); }};
if (svc.Verify()) {
/* Per-SVC Trampoline */
/* Rewrite SVC with B to trampoline */
*instruction = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset), true).raw;
/* Save Context */
*patch++ = 0xF81F0FFE; // STR LR, [SP, #-16]!
*patch = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(startOffset())).raw;
/* Jump to main SVC trampoline */
*patch++ = instructions::Movz(registers::W0, static_cast<u16>(svc.value)).raw;
*patch = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(startOffset() + guest::SaveCtxSize)).raw;
/* Restore Context and Return */
*patch = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(startOffset() + guest::SaveCtxSize + TrampolineSize)).raw;
*patch++ = 0xF84107FE; // LDR LR, [SP], #16
*patch = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset + 1)).raw;
} else if (mrs.Verify()) {
if (mrs.srcReg == TpidrroEl0 || mrs.srcReg == TpidrEl0) {
/* Emulated TLS Register Load */
/* Rewrite MRS with B to trampoline */
*instruction = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset), true).raw;
/* Allocate Scratch Register */
if (mrs.destReg != registers::X0)
*patch++ = 0xF81F0FE0; // STR X0, [SP, #-16]!
/* Retrieve emulated TLS register from ThreadContext */
*patch++ = 0xD53BD040; // MRS X0, TPIDR_EL0
if (mrs.srcReg == TpidrroEl0)
*patch++ = 0xF9415800; // LDR X0, [X0, #0x2B0] (ThreadContext::tpidrroEl0)
*patch++ = 0xF9415C00; // LDR X0, [X0, #0x2B8] (ThreadContext::tpidrEl0)
/* Restore Scratch Register and Return */
if (mrs.destReg != registers::X0) {
*patch++ = instructions::Mov(registers::X(mrs.destReg), registers::X0).raw;
*patch++ = 0xF84107E0; // LDR X0, [SP], #16
*patch = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset + 1)).raw;
} else {
if (rescaleClock) {
if (mrs.srcReg == CntpctEl0) {
/* Physical Counter Load Emulation (With Rescaling) */
/* Rewrite MRS with B to trampoline */
*instruction = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset), true).raw;
/* Rescale host clock */
patch = WriteRescaleClock(patch);
/* Load result from stack into destination register */
instructions::Ldr ldr(0xF94003E0); // LDR XOUT, [SP]
ldr.destReg = mrs.destReg;
*patch++ = ldr.raw;
/* Free 32B stack allocation by RescaleClock and Return */
*patch++ = {0x910083FF}; // ADD SP, SP, #32
*patch = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset + 1)).raw;
} else if (mrs.srcReg == CntfrqEl0) {
/* Physical Counter Frequency Load Emulation */
/* Rewrite MRS with B to trampoline */
*instruction = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset), true).raw;
/* Write back Tegra X1 Counter Frequency and Return */
for (const auto &mov : instructions::MoveRegister(registers::X(mrs.destReg), TegraX1Freq))
*patch++ = mov;
*patch = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset + 1)).raw;
} else if (mrs.srcReg == CntpctEl0) {
/* Physical Counter Load Emulation (Without Rescaling) */
// We just convert CNTPCT_EL0 -> CNTVCT_EL0 as Linux doesn't allow access to the physical counter
*instruction = instructions::Mrs(CntvctEl0, registers::X(mrs.destReg)).raw;
} else if (msr.Verify() && msr.destReg == TpidrEl0) {
/* Emulated TLS Register Store */
/* Rewrite MSR with B to trampoline */
*instruction = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset), true).raw;
/* Allocate Scratch Registers */
bool x0x1{mrs.srcReg != registers::X0 && mrs.srcReg != registers::X1};
*patch++ = x0x1 ? 0xA9BF07E0 : 0xA9BF0FE2; // STP X(0/2), X(1/3), [SP, #-16]!
/* Store new TLS value into ThreadContext */
*patch++ = x0x1 ? 0xD53BD040 : 0xD53BD042; // MRS X(0/2), TPIDR_EL0
*patch++ = instructions::Mov(x0x1 ? registers::X1 : registers::X3, registers::X(msr.srcReg)).raw;
*patch++ = x0x1 ? 0xF9015C01 : 0xF9015C03; // STR X(1/3), [X0, #0x4B8] (ThreadContext::tpidrEl0)
/* Restore Scratch Registers and Return */
*patch++ = x0x1 ? 0xA8C107E0 : 0xA8C10FE2; // LDP X(0/2), X(1/3), [SP], #16
*patch = instructions::B(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + offset + 1)).raw;
size_t NCE::GetHookSectionSize(span<HookedSymbolEntry> entries) {
if (entries.empty())
return 0;
size_t size{guest::SaveCtxSize + guest::LoadCtxSize + TrampolineSize};
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
constexpr size_t EmitTrampolineSize{10};
if (std::holds_alternative<hle::OverrideHook>(entry.hook))
size += EmitTrampolineSize + 1;
else if (std::holds_alternative<hle::EntryExitHook>(entry.hook))
size += 4 + EmitTrampolineSize + 1 + EmitTrampolineSize + 4 + 1;
return size * sizeof(u32);
void NCE::WriteHookSection(span<HookedSymbolEntry> entries, span<u32> hookSection) {
u32 *start{};
u32 *end{hookSection.end().base()};
u32 *hook{start};
std::memcpy(hook, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&guest::SaveCtx), guest::SaveCtxSize * sizeof(u32));
hook += guest::SaveCtxSize;
hook = WriteTrampoline(hook, reinterpret_cast<u64>(&NCE::HookHandler));
std::memcpy(hook, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&guest::LoadCtx), guest::LoadCtxSize * sizeof(u32));
hook += guest::LoadCtxSize;
u64 hookIndex{static_cast<u64>(hookedSymbols.size())};
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
auto startOffset{[&] { return static_cast<size_t>(start - hook); }};
auto endOffset{[&] { return static_cast<size_t>(end - hook); }};
auto emitTrampoline{[&](HookId hookId) {
/* Save Context */
*hook++ = 0xF81F0FFE; // STR LR, [SP, #-16]!
*hook = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(startOffset())).raw; // BL SaveCtx
/* Jump to entry trampoline */
for (const auto &mov : instructions::MoveRegister(registers::X0, hookId.raw))
if (mov)
*hook++ = mov;
*hook = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(startOffset() + guest::SaveCtxSize)).raw; // BL HookTrampoline
/* Restore Context */
*hook = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(startOffset() + guest::SaveCtxSize + TrampolineSize)).raw; // BL LoadCtx
*hook++ = 0xF84107FE; // LDR LR, [SP], #16
Elf64_Addr originalOffset{*entry.offset};
*entry.offset = -(endOffset() * sizeof(u32));
if (std::holds_alternative<hle::OverrideHook>(entry.hook)) {
/* Override Hook */
emitTrampoline(HookId{hookIndex, false});
} else if (std::holds_alternative<hle::EntryExitHook>(entry.hook)) {
/* TLS LR Store */
*hook++ = 0xA9BF07E0; // STP X0, X1, [SP, #-16]!
*hook++ = 0xD53BD040; // MRS X0, TPIDR_EL0
*hook++ = 0xF9415401; // LDR X1, [X0, #0x2A8] (ThreadContext::hostSp)
*hook++ = 0xF81F0C3E; // STR LR, [X1, #-16]!
*hook++ = 0xF9015401; // STR X1, [X0, #0x2A8] (ThreadContext::hostSp)
*hook++ = 0xA8C107E0; // LDP X0, X1, [SP], #16
/* Entry Hook */
emitTrampoline(HookId{hookIndex, false});
/* Function Proxy */
*hook++ = instructions::BL(static_cast<i32>(endOffset() + (originalOffset / sizeof(u32)))).raw;
/* Exit Hook */
emitTrampoline(HookId{hookIndex, true});
/* TLS LR Load */
*hook++ = 0xA9BF07E0; // STP X0, X1, [SP, #-16]!
*hook++ = 0xD53BD040; // MRS X0, TPIDR_EL0
*hook++ = 0xF9415401; // LDR X1, [X0, #0x2A8] (ThreadContext::hostSp)
*hook++ = 0xF841043E; // LDR LR, [X1], #16
*hook++ = 0xF9015401; // STR X1, [X0, #0x2A8] (ThreadContext::hostSp)
*hook++ = 0xA8C107E0; // LDP X0, X1, [SP], #16
*hook++ = 0xD65F03C0; // RET
NCE::CallbackEntry::CallbackEntry(TrapProtection protection, LockCallback lockCallback, TrapCallback readCallback, TrapCallback writeCallback) : protection{protection}, lockCallback{std::move(lockCallback)}, readCallback{std::move(readCallback)}, writeCallback{std::move(writeCallback)} {}
void NCE::ReprotectIntervals(const std::vector<TrapMap::Interval> &intervals, TrapProtection protection) {
TRACE_EVENT("host", "NCE::ReprotectIntervals");
auto reprotectIntervalsWithFunction = [&intervals](auto getProtection) {
for (auto region : intervals) {
region = region.Align(constant::PageSize);
mprotect(region.start, region.Size(), getProtection(region));
// We need to determine the lowest protection possible for the given interval
if (protection == TrapProtection::None) {
reprotectIntervalsWithFunction([&](auto region) {
auto entries{trapMap.GetRange(region)};
TrapProtection lowestProtection{TrapProtection::None};
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
auto entryProtection{entry.get().protection};
if (entryProtection > lowestProtection) {
lowestProtection = entryProtection;
if (entryProtection == TrapProtection::ReadWrite)
return PROT_NONE;
switch (lowestProtection) {
case TrapProtection::None:
case TrapProtection::WriteOnly:
case TrapProtection::ReadWrite:
return PROT_NONE;
} else if (protection == TrapProtection::WriteOnly) {
reprotectIntervalsWithFunction([&](auto region) {
auto entries{trapMap.GetRange(region)};
for (const auto &entry : entries)
if (entry.get().protection == TrapProtection::ReadWrite)
return PROT_NONE;
} else if (protection == TrapProtection::ReadWrite) {
reprotectIntervalsWithFunction([&](auto region) {
return PROT_NONE; // No checks are needed as this is already the highest level of protection
bool NCE::TrapHandler(u8 *address, bool write) {
TRACE_EVENT("host", "NCE::TrapHandler");
LockCallback lockCallback{};
while (true) {
if (lockCallback) {
// We want to avoid a deadlock of holding trapMutex while locking the resource inside a callback while another thread holding the resource's mutex waits on trapMutex, we solve this by quitting the loop if a callback would be blocking and attempt to lock the resource externally
lockCallback = {};
std::scoped_lock lock(trapMutex);
// Retrieve any callbacks for the page that was faulted
auto[entries, intervals]{trapMap.GetAlignedRecursiveRange<constant::PageSize>(address)};
if (entries.empty())
return false; // There's no callbacks associated with this page
// Do callbacks for every entry in the intervals
if (write) {
for (auto entryRef : entries) {
auto &entry{entryRef.get()};
if ( == TrapProtection::None)
// We don't need to do the callback if the entry doesn't require any protection already
if (!entry.writeCallback()) {
lockCallback = entry.lockCallback;
} = TrapProtection::None; // We don't need to protect this entry anymore
if (lockCallback)
continue; // We need to retry the loop because a callback was blocking
} else {
bool allNone{true}; // If all entries require no protection, we can protect to allow all accesses
for (auto entryRef : entries) {
auto &entry{entryRef.get()};
if ( < TrapProtection::ReadWrite) {
// We don't need to do the callback if the entry can already handle read accesses
allNone = allNone && == TrapProtection::None;
if (!entry.readCallback()) {
lockCallback = entry.lockCallback;
} = TrapProtection::WriteOnly; // We only need to trap writes to this entry
if (lockCallback)
continue; // We need to retry the loop because a callback was blocking
write = allNone;
int permission{PROT_READ | (write ? PROT_WRITE : 0) | PROT_EXEC};
for (const auto &interval : intervals)
// Reprotect the interval to the lowest protection level that the callbacks performed allow
mprotect(interval.start, interval.Size(), permission);
return true;
constexpr NCE::TrapHandle::TrapHandle(const TrapMap::GroupHandle &handle) : TrapMap::GroupHandle(handle) {}
NCE::TrapHandle NCE::CreateTrap(span<span<u8>> regions, const LockCallback &lockCallback, const TrapCallback &readCallback, const TrapCallback &writeCallback) {
TRACE_EVENT("host", "NCE::CreateTrap");
std::scoped_lock lock{trapMutex};
TrapHandle handle{trapMap.Insert(regions, CallbackEntry{TrapProtection::None, lockCallback, readCallback, writeCallback})};
return handle;
void NCE::TrapRegions(TrapHandle handle, bool writeOnly) {
TRACE_EVENT("host", "NCE::TrapRegions");
std::scoped_lock lock{trapMutex};
auto protection{writeOnly ? TrapProtection::WriteOnly : TrapProtection::ReadWrite};
handle-> = protection;
ReprotectIntervals(handle->intervals, protection);
void NCE::RemoveTrap(TrapHandle handle) {
TRACE_EVENT("host", "NCE::RemoveTrap");
std::scoped_lock lock{trapMutex};
handle-> = TrapProtection::None;
ReprotectIntervals(handle->intervals, TrapProtection::None);
void NCE::DeleteTrap(TrapHandle handle) {
TRACE_EVENT("host", "NCE::DeleteTrap");
std::scoped_lock lock{trapMutex};
handle-> = TrapProtection::None;
ReprotectIntervals(handle->intervals, TrapProtection::None);