◱ PixelyIon 6a931b95b0 Implement C++ Support for Controller Configuration
This commit adds support to the C++ end of things for controller configuration. It isn't targeting being 1:1 to HOS for controller assignment but is rather based on intuition of how things should be.
2020-08-21 11:48:29 +00:00

292 lines
13 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2020 Skyline Team and Contributors (
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
namespace skyline::input {
// @fmt:off
* @brief This enumerates all of the types of an NPad controller
enum class NpadControllerType : u32 {
None = 0, //!< No Controller
ProController = 0b1, //!< Pro Controller
Handheld = 0b10, //!< Handheld Controllers
JoyconDual = 0b100, //!< Dual Joy-Cons Controller
JoyconLeft = 0b1000, //!< Left Joy-Con Controller
JoyconRight = 0b10000, //!< Right Joy-Con Controller
// @fmt:on
* @brief This enumerates all the possible assignments of the Joy-Con(s)
enum class NpadJoyAssignment : u32 {
Dual = 0, //!< Dual Joy-Cons (Default)
Single = 1, //!< Single Joy-Con
* @brief This enumerates the status codes for reading NPad colors
enum class NpadColorReadStatus : u32 {
Success = 0, //!< The color was read successfully
Invalid = 1, //!< The color read in wasn't valid
Disconnected = 2 //!< The controller isn't connected
* @brief This structure stores the color of a controller
struct NpadColor {
u32 bodyColor; //!< The color of the controller's body
u32 buttonColor; //!< The color of the controller's buttons
static_assert(sizeof(NpadColor) == 0x8);
* @brief The structure of the NPad headers (
struct NpadHeader {
NpadControllerType type; //!< The type of this controller
NpadJoyAssignment assignment; //!< The Joy-Con assignment of this controller
NpadColorReadStatus singleColorStatus; //!< The status of reading color from a single controller (Single Joy-Con or Pro Controller)
NpadColor singleColor; //!< The color of the single controller
NpadColorReadStatus dualColorStatus; //!< The status of reading color from dual controllers (Dual Joy-Cons)
NpadColor rightColor; //!< The color of the right Joy-Con
NpadColor leftColor; //!< The color of the left Joy-Con
static_assert(sizeof(NpadHeader) == 0x28);
* @brief This is a bit-field of all the buttons on an NPad (
union NpadButton {
u64 raw;
struct {
bool a : 1; //!< The A button
bool b : 1; //!< The B button
bool x : 1; //!< The X button
bool y : 1; //!< The Y button
bool leftStick : 1; //!< The Left-Stick button
bool rightStick : 1; //!< The Right-Stick button
bool l : 1; //!< The L trigger
bool r : 1; //!< The R button
bool zl : 1; //!< The ZL trigger
bool zr : 1; //!< The ZR trigger
bool plus : 1; //!< The + button
bool minus : 1; //!< The - button
bool dpadLeft : 1; //!< D-Pad left
bool dpadUp : 1; //!< D-Pad up
bool dpadRight : 1; //!< D-Pad right
bool dpadDown : 1; //!< D-Pad down
bool leftStickLeft : 1; //!< Left stick left
bool leftStickUp : 1; //!< Left stick up
bool leftStickRight : 1; //!< Left stick right
bool leftStickDown : 1; //!< Left stick down
bool rightStickLeft : 1; //!< Right stick left
bool rightStickUp : 1; //!< Right stick up
bool rightStickRight : 1; //!< Right stick right
bool rightStickDown : 1; //!< Right stick down
bool leftSl : 1; //!< Left Joy-Con SL button
bool leftSr : 1; //!< Left Joy-Con SR button
bool rightSl : 1; //!< Right Joy-Con SL button
bool rightSr : 1; //!< Right Joy-Con SR button
static_assert(sizeof(NpadButton) == 0x8);
* @brief This structure holds data about the state of the connection with the controller
union NpadConnectionState {
u64 raw;
struct {
bool connected : 1; //!< If the controller is connected (Not in handheld mode)
bool handheld : 1; //!< If the controller is in handheld mode
bool leftJoyconConnected : 1; //!< If the left Joy-Con is connected (Not in handheld mode)
bool leftJoyconHandheld : 1; //!< If the left Joy-Con is handheld
bool rightJoyconConnected : 1; //!< If the right Joy-Con is connected (Not in handheld mode)
bool rightJoyconHandheld : 1; //!< If the right Joy-Con is handheld
static_assert(sizeof(NpadConnectionState) == 0x8);
* @brief This structure contains data about the controller's current state (
struct NpadControllerState {
u64 globalTimestamp; //!< The global timestamp in samples
u64 localTimestamp; //!< The local timestamp in samples
NpadButton buttons; //!< The state of the buttons
i32 leftX; //!< The left stick X (32768 to -32768)
i32 leftY; //!< The left stick Y (32768 to -32768)
i32 rightX; //!< The right stick X (32768 to -32768)
i32 rightY; //!< The right stick Y (32768 to -32768)
NpadConnectionState status; //!< The connection status of the controller
static_assert(sizeof(NpadControllerState) == 0x30);
* @brief This structure contains the header and entries for the controller input
struct NpadControllerInfo {
CommonHeader header; //!< The header for this controller
std::array<NpadControllerState, constant::HidEntryCount> state; //!< An array of all of the entries
static_assert(sizeof(NpadControllerInfo) == 0x350);
* @brief This structure is used to hold a single sample of 3D data from the IMU
struct SixaxisVector {
float x; //!< The data in the X-axis
float y; //!< The data in the Y-axis
float z; //!< The data in the Z-axis
static_assert(sizeof(SixaxisVector) == 0xC);
* @brief This structure contains data about the state of the controller's IMU (Sixaxis) (
struct NpadSixaxisState {
u64 globalTimestamp; //!< The global timestamp in samples
u64 _unk0_;
u64 localTimestamp; //!< The local timestamp in samples
SixaxisVector accelerometer; //!< The data from the accelerometer
SixaxisVector gyroscope; //!< The data from the gyroscope
SixaxisVector _unk1_; //!< The data from an unknown sensor
std::array<SixaxisVector, 3> orientation; //!< The orientation basis data as a matrix
u64 _unk2_; //!< This is always 1
static_assert(sizeof(NpadSixaxisState) == 0x68);
* @brief This structure contains header and entries for the IMU (Sixaxis) data
struct NpadSixaxisInfo {
CommonHeader header; //!< The header for the controller's IMU data
std::array<NpadSixaxisState, constant::HidEntryCount> state; //!< An array of all of the entries
static_assert(sizeof(NpadSixaxisInfo) == 0x708);
* @brief This is a bit-field of all the device types (
union NpadDeviceType {
u32 raw;
struct {
bool fullKey : 1; //!< Pro/GC controller
bool debugPad : 1; //!< Debug controller
bool handheldLeft : 1; //!< Left Joy-Con controller in handheld mode
bool handheldRight : 1; //!< Right Joy-Con controller in handheld mode
bool joyconLeft : 1; //!< Left Joy-Con controller
bool joyconRight : 1; //!< Right Joy-Con controller
bool palma : 1; //!< Poké Ball Plus controller
bool famicomLeft : 1; //!< Famicom left controller
bool famicomRight : 1;//!< Famicom right controller
bool nesLeft : 1; //!< NES left controller
bool nesRight : 1; //!< NES right controller
bool handheldFamicomLeft : 1; //!< Famicom left controller in handheld mode
bool handheldFamicomRight : 1;//!< Famicom right controller in handheld mode
bool handheldNesLeft : 1; //!< NES left controller in handheld mode
bool handheldNesRight : 1; //!< NES right controller in handheld mode
bool lucia : 1; //!< SNES controller
u32 _unk_ : 15;
bool system : 1; //!< Generic controller
static_assert(sizeof(NpadDeviceType) == 0x4);
* @brief This structure holds the system properties of this NPad (
union NpadSystemProperties {
u64 raw;
struct {
bool singleCharging : 1; //!< If a single unit is charging (Handheld, Pro-Con)
bool leftCharging : 1; //!< If the left Joy-Con is charging
bool rightCharging : 1; //!< If the right Joy-Con is charging
bool singlePowerConnected : 1; //!< If a single unit is connected to a power source (Handheld, Pro-Con)
bool leftPowerConnected : 1; //!< If the left Joy-Con is connected to a power source
bool rightPowerConnected : 1; //!< If the right Joy-Con is connected to a power source
u64 _unk_ : 3;
bool unsupportedButtonPressedSystem : 1; //!< If an unsupported buttons was pressed on system controller
bool unsupportedButtonPressedSystemExt : 1; //!< If an unsupported buttons was pressed on system external controller
bool abxyButtonsOriented : 1; //!< If the ABXY Buttons oriented
bool slSrButtonOriented : 1; //!< If the SL/SR Buttons oriented
bool plusButtonCapability : 1; //!< If the + button exists
bool minusButtonCapability : 1; //!< If the - button exists
bool directionalButtonsSupported : 1; //!< If the controller has a D-Pad
static_assert(sizeof(NpadSystemProperties) == 0x8);
* @brief This structure holds data about the System Buttons (Home, Sleep and Capture) on an NPad (
union NpadSystemButtonProperties {
u32 raw;
struct {
bool unintendedHomeButtonInputProtectionEnabled : 1; //!< If the Unintended Home Button Input Protection is enabled or not
static_assert(sizeof(NpadSystemButtonProperties) == 0x4);
* @brief This enumerates all the possible values for the NPad's battery level
enum class NpadBatteryLevel : u32 {
Empty = 0, //!< The battery is empty
Low = 1, //!< The battery is nearly empty
Medium = 2, //!< The battery is fairly full
High = 3, //!< The battery is almost full
Full = 4, //!< The battery is 100% full
* @brief The structure of the Npad section (
struct NpadSection {
NpadHeader header; //!< The header for this section
NpadControllerInfo fullKeyController; //!< The Pro/GC controller data
NpadControllerInfo handheldController; //!< The Handheld controller data
NpadControllerInfo dualController; //!< The Dual Joy-Con controller data (Only in Dual Mode, no input rotation based on rotation)
NpadControllerInfo leftController; //!< The Left Joy-Con controller data (Only in Single Mode, no input rotation based on rotation)
NpadControllerInfo rightController; //!< The Right Joy-Con controller data (Only in Single Mode, no input rotation based on rotation)
NpadControllerInfo digitalController; //!< The Default Digital controller data (Same as Default but Analog Sticks are converted into 8-directional Digital Sticks)
NpadControllerInfo defaultController; //!< The Default controller data (Inputs are rotated based on orientation and SL/SR are mapped to L/R incase it is a single JC)
NpadSixaxisInfo fullKeySixaxis; //!< The Pro/GC IMU data
NpadSixaxisInfo handheldSixaxis; //!< The Handheld IMU data
NpadSixaxisInfo dualLeftSixaxis; //!< The Left Joy-Con in dual mode IMU data
NpadSixaxisInfo dualRightSixaxis; //!< The Left Joy-Con in dual mode IMU data
NpadSixaxisInfo leftSixaxis; //!< The Left Joy-Con IMU data
NpadSixaxisInfo rightSixaxis; //!< The Right Joy-Con IMU data
NpadDeviceType deviceType; //!< The device type of this controller
u32 _pad0_;
NpadSystemProperties systemProperties; //!< The system properties of this controller
NpadSystemButtonProperties buttonProperties; //!< The system button properties of this controller
NpadBatteryLevel singleBatteryLevel; //!< The battery level of a single unit (Handheld, Pro-Con)
NpadBatteryLevel leftBatteryLevel; //!< The battery level of the left Joy-Con
NpadBatteryLevel rightBatteryLevel; //!< The battery level of the right Joy-Con
u32 _pad1_[0x395];
static_assert(sizeof(NpadSection) == 0x5000);